version: '3.2' # p.g.o consists nominally of: # A service to sync the tree to $TREE_DIR && update the index. # The index updater simply submits work items into sidekiq. # ElasticSearch to managed updates and serve documents. # SideKiq requires redis. # # To this end we define 4 containers. # - HTTP Serving: Serves the site, and the /sidekiq endpoing. # - Elasticsearch: runs the elasticsearch service. # - Redis: Run Redis for Sidekiq. # - Refresher: Syncs the package tree and pushes updates into sidekiq. # # For further information about usage during development / production # please refer to docker-compose.override.yml # services: http-serving: # Build from Dockerfile in . image: gentoo/gpackages:latest build: . ports: - 5000 volumes: - type: volume source: portage target: /var/db/repos/gentoo - type: volume source: portage-git target: /mnt/packages-tree environment: # "Redis:port" and "elasticsearch:port" refer to sibling containers. - REDIS_PROVIDER=REDIS_URL - REDIS_URL=redis://redis:6379 - ELASTICSEARCH_URL=elasticsearch:9200 - RAILS_SERVE_STATIC_FILES=1 - RAILS_ENV=production - MEMCACHE_URL="memcache:11211" - SECRET_KEY_BASE=6c9710aeb74dd88ff1d1b8f4bd6d7d8e0f340905d0974400fffd7246714aa703cf7bf4a98c0bc90317a3b803b82c0f9371e18ada19fc4eed9d6118077a249f50 depends_on: - redis - elasticsearch command: bash -c "/var/www/ production" sidekiq: image: gentoo/gpackages:latest build: . volumes: - type: volume source: portage target: /var/db/repos/gentoo - type: volume source: portage-git target: /mnt/packages-tree environment: - RAILS_ENV=production - RAILS_SERVE_STATIC_FILES=1 - REDIS_URL=redis://redis:6379 - MEMCACHE_URL="memcache:11211" - ELASTICSEARCH_URL=elasticsearch:9200 - SECRET_KEY_BASE=6c9710aeb74dd88ff1d1b8f4bd6d7d8e0f340905d0974400fffd7246714aa703cf7bf4a98c0bc90317a3b803b82c0f9371e18ada19fc4eed9d6118077a249f50 depends_on: - redis - elasticsearch command: bundle exec sidekiq -c 5 memcache: image: memcached:latest ports: - 11211 elasticsearch: # TODO(antarus): We should build a docker image for this based on gentoo. image: # Run in single-node config. environment: - discovery.type=single-node ports: - 9200 redis: image: redis:4.0.6 ports: - 6379 volumes: portage: portage-git: