diff options
authorThilo Bangert <>2008-02-29 15:39:21 +0000
committerThilo Bangert <>2008-02-29 15:39:21 +0000
commit02c8f6d958264e836443f02ac15b2713aece1d9e (patch)
parentthe remotes sample config file used an outdated syntax - install a newer one ... (diff)
1.04 is in portage proper
svn path=/ebuilds/; revision=63
15 files changed, 97 insertions, 472 deletions
diff --git a/dev-php5/cake/ChangeLog b/dev-php5/cake/ChangeLog
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..42f0fe1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-php5/cake/ChangeLog
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# ChangeLog for dev-php5/cake
+# Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
+# $Header: $
+ 02 Jul 2007; Thilo Bangert <> +metadata.xml,
+ +cake-
+ initial release - this is the work of Paul Sumner and Antonino Catinello on
+ bug 141618
diff --git a/dev-php5/cake/Manifest b/dev-php5/cake/Manifest
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6c21d9e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-php5/cake/Manifest
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+AUX postinstall-en.txt 477 RMD160 c449d2fa26494663df17a723f2be1d1fbd1cb14e SHA1 1b075e29c0e88ae67e8b666bb66ab28455120ef7 SHA256 a04c2d569178e46a21d38dcdc281543eb9b037e06d40a6d4ba30086276e22c15
+MD5 02153120b0217cf57ef21534a490a11c files/postinstall-en.txt 477
+RMD160 c449d2fa26494663df17a723f2be1d1fbd1cb14e files/postinstall-en.txt 477
+SHA256 a04c2d569178e46a21d38dcdc281543eb9b037e06d40a6d4ba30086276e22c15 files/postinstall-en.txt 477
+DIST cake_1.1.13.4450.tar.bz2 148538 RMD160 265c2ab78cfaaff2c2f9243e4d99294cafb75712 SHA1 f94d5e70340569f5e16892c95e8daa7b29254d56 SHA256 614a63e501490d4735b955ccca1194fc330c8b65cb64441ad3de2ea8ebd301c1
+EBUILD cake- 1095 RMD160 db530ba7bc53ba01729b5dbed207e96928de5b4a SHA1 d9be0e7e8451e53aae24bf94ad2d714c8b79d41f SHA256 b947fa36900047843ef1c49eb44c4c7d856cfab2663709383e8c1290ed5d1064
+MD5 c27a36fd56085d55e80e43002fcddea7 cake- 1095
+RMD160 db530ba7bc53ba01729b5dbed207e96928de5b4a cake- 1095
+SHA256 b947fa36900047843ef1c49eb44c4c7d856cfab2663709383e8c1290ed5d1064 cake- 1095
+MISC ChangeLog 299 RMD160 828ffe20132fa06a2f79478b66977c0d5591e09f SHA1 728a0ce7065017e10f1ede1124e269ceb571a68f SHA256 39e3daa2a87340520863ee08540c217c756c6bda9c8f4257d0a8c9646d735bcd
+MD5 63b45e7bc6a046ba0b3b153207840c49 ChangeLog 299
+RMD160 828ffe20132fa06a2f79478b66977c0d5591e09f ChangeLog 299
+SHA256 39e3daa2a87340520863ee08540c217c756c6bda9c8f4257d0a8c9646d735bcd ChangeLog 299
+MISC metadata.xml 259 RMD160 0bee682819bd01fc86e34b410ef6c5c2275e7749 SHA1 b2eef2e2a610e47234d31d4f014b9f3359d0a358 SHA256 cd438c241f1e74fb5c4e703b6b6800fb1342d7cf9cc23448aa66e6c9cfa274cd
+MD5 04132924e6bdfe6d48212e59bbb06eda metadata.xml 259
+RMD160 0bee682819bd01fc86e34b410ef6c5c2275e7749 metadata.xml 259
+SHA256 cd438c241f1e74fb5c4e703b6b6800fb1342d7cf9cc23448aa66e6c9cfa274cd metadata.xml 259
+MD5 e986e5aab5bb5882c96521cd676f0723 files/digest-cake- 253
+RMD160 9e3ad41fecf6cb5c45b51e95732d3265d7be9d28 files/digest-cake- 253
+SHA256 8e71ae3350caf535ed38cfd2240c650c7be707dac978f65d78e5e7c8f1c1deb4 files/digest-cake- 253
diff --git a/dev-php5/cake/cake- b/dev-php5/cake/cake-
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9920633
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-php5/cake/cake-
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: $
+inherit webapp depend.php
+DESCRIPTION="Cake is a rapid development framework for PHP"
+# Ugly hack until the source is provided w/o going through the donation
+# interstitial and to handle the underscore...
+KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
+IUSE="postgres mysql"
+ mysql? ( dev-db/mysql )
+ postgres? ( dev-db/postgresql )
+ >=dev-lang/php-4.3.2"
+pkg_setup () {
+ webapp_pkg_setup
+ require_php_with_use xml session
+ use mysql && require_php_with_use mysql
+ use postgres && require_php_with_use postgres
+src_install() {
+ webapp_src_preinst
+ # Note: the tarball is cake_$VERSION but $MY_P is cakephp_$VERSION
+ # thus the next line is a bit hack.
+ cp -r ${WORKDIR}/cake_${PV}/* ${D}/${MY_HTDOCSDIR} || die
+ webapp_src_install
+ webapp_postinst_txt en ${FILESDIR}/postinstall-en.txt
diff --git a/dev-php5/cake/files/digest-cake- b/dev-php5/cake/files/digest-cake-
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dec9cae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-php5/cake/files/digest-cake-
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+MD5 9b39849608a8d9881adb8d65f75a14d8 cake_1.1.13.4450.tar.bz2 148538
+RMD160 265c2ab78cfaaff2c2f9243e4d99294cafb75712 cake_1.1.13.4450.tar.bz2 148538
+SHA256 614a63e501490d4735b955ccca1194fc330c8b65cb64441ad3de2ea8ebd301c1 cake_1.1.13.4450.tar.bz2 148538
diff --git a/dev-php5/cake/files/postinstall-en.txt b/dev-php5/cake/files/postinstall-en.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..188df65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-php5/cake/files/postinstall-en.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+Please read
+It is generally necessary to create a postgres or mysql database and then:
+cp \
+/var/www/ \
+Followed by editing the connection settings:
+vim /var/www/
+You may also need to modify your apache configuration or vhost file to allow
+overides and do rewrites.
diff --git a/dev-php5/cake/metadata.xml b/dev-php5/cake/metadata.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..def0c69
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-php5/cake/metadata.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "">
+ <email></email>
diff --git a/mail-mta/nullmailer/ChangeLog b/mail-mta/nullmailer/ChangeLog
deleted file mode 100644
index ab6e781..0000000
--- a/mail-mta/nullmailer/ChangeLog
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,194 +0,0 @@
-# ChangeLog for mail-mta/nullmailer
-# Copyright 2000-2008 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/mail-mta/nullmailer/ChangeLog,v 1.27 2007/10/28 14:05:21 phreak Exp $
- 27 Feb 2008; Thilo Bangert <> ChangeLog:
- fix sample config file to reflect 1.04 syntax changes
- 27 Feb 2008; Thilo Bangert <> ChangeLog:
- fix homedir of nullmail user
- 27 Feb 2008; Thilo Bangert <> ChangeLog:
- implement suggestions by robbat2
- 26 Feb 2008; Thilo Bangert <> ChangeLog:
- remove mailwrapper support - minor fixes
- 22 Feb 2008; Thilo Bangert <> ChangeLog:
- version bump
- 28 Oct 2007; Christian Heim <> nullmailer-1.00.ebuild,
- nullmailer-1.00-r2.ebuild, nullmailer-1.02.ebuild,
- nullmailer-1.02-r1.ebuild, nullmailer-1.02-r2.ebuild:
- Include virtual/logger in RDEPEND, as the initscript already specifies 'need
- logger'.
- 01 Oct 2007; Sven Wegener <> nullmailer-1.00.ebuild,
- nullmailer-1.00-r2.ebuild, nullmailer-1.02.ebuild,
- nullmailer-1.02-r1.ebuild, nullmailer-1.02-r2.ebuild:
- QA: Include ${CATEGORY} in emerge --config call. There's no need to dodir
- before *into.
- 18 Mar 2007; Marius Mauch <> nullmailer-1.00.ebuild,
- nullmailer-1.00-r2.ebuild, nullmailer-1.02.ebuild,
- nullmailer-1.02-r1.ebuild, nullmailer-1.02-r2.ebuild:
- Replacing einfo with elog
- 22 Feb 2007; Piotr Jaroszyński <> ChangeLog:
- Transition to Manifest2.
- 27 Apr 2006; Marien Zwart <> Manifest:
- Fixing SHA256 digest, pass four
-*nullmailer-1.02-r2 (11 Feb 2006)
-*nullmailer-1.02-r1 (11 Feb 2006)
-*nullmailer-1.00-r2 (11 Feb 2006)
- 11 Feb 2006; Robin H. Johnson <> files/mailer.conf,
- nullmailer-1.00.ebuild, +nullmailer-1.00-r2.ebuild,
- nullmailer-1.02.ebuild, +nullmailer-1.02-r1.ebuild,
- +nullmailer-1.02-r2.ebuild:
- Fix bugs raised by #121587 - Numerous issues, fixed in >=1.02-r1. 1.00-r2
- and 1.02-r2 implement the new mailer-config system, and are in package.mask.
- 30 Jan 2006; Robin H. Johnson <>
- -nullmailer-1.00_rc7.ebuild, -nullmailer-1.00_rc7-r1.ebuild,
- -nullmailer-1.00_rc7-r2.ebuild, -nullmailer-1.00_rc7-r4.ebuild,
- -nullmailer-1.00_rc7-r5.ebuild:
- Remove old versions.
-*nullmailer-1.02 (30 Jan 2006)
- 30 Jan 2006; Robin H. Johnson <>
- +files/init.d-nullmailer, +nullmailer-1.02.ebuild:
- Bug #112163 - Version bump. Bug #118043 - init.d script. Bug #118826 -
- ~amd64 keyword.
- 31 Dec 2005; Diego Pettenò <>
- nullmailer-1.00_rc7.ebuild, nullmailer-1.00_rc7-r1.ebuild,
- nullmailer-1.00_rc7-r2.ebuild, nullmailer-1.00_rc7-r4.ebuild,
- nullmailer-1.00_rc7-r5.ebuild, nullmailer-1.00.ebuild:
- Use -1 instead of /bin/false as default shell.
- 25 Dec 2005; Diego Pettenò <> nullmailer-1.00.ebuild:
- Actually change last version, not the one before.
- 25 Dec 2005; Diego Pettenò <>
- nullmailer-1.00_rc7-r5.ebuild:
- Use bindnow-flags function instead of -Wl,-z,now.
- 29 Nov 2005; Robin H. Johnson <> nullmailer-1.00.ebuild:
- Move 1.00 to stable x86.
- 29 Nov 2005; Robin H. Johnson <> nullmailer-1.00.ebuild:
- Fix bug #95292 for mailwrapper sandbox violation.
-*nullmailer-1.00 (02 Jun 2005)
- 02 Jun 2005; Robin H. Johnson <>
- +files/nullmailer-1.00-gcc34-fix.patch,
- +files/nullmailer-1.00-smtp-auth.patch,
- +files/nullmailer-1.00-syslog.patch, files/remotes.sample,
- +nullmailer-1.00.ebuild:
- Bug #74903 and #83574, bump version, and make nullmailer compile with GCC3.4
- (including under FreeBSD).
- 03 Mar 2005; Ciaran McCreesh <>
- nullmailer-1.00_rc7-r1.ebuild, nullmailer-1.00_rc7-r2.ebuild,
- nullmailer-1.00_rc7-r4.ebuild, nullmailer-1.00_rc7-r5.ebuild,
- nullmailer-1.00_rc7.ebuild:
- Move sys-apps/daemontools -> sys-process/daemontools
- 03 Mar 2005; Ciaran McCreesh <>
- nullmailer-1.00_rc7-r4.ebuild:
- Dependency update: sys-apps/supervise-scripts -> sys-process/supervise-scripts.
- 03 Mar 2005; Ciaran McCreesh <>
- nullmailer-1.00_rc7-r2.ebuild:
- Dependency update: sys-apps/supervise-scripts -> sys-process/supervise-scripts.
- 03 Mar 2005; Ciaran McCreesh <>
- nullmailer-1.00_rc7-r1.ebuild:
- Dependency update: sys-apps/supervise-scripts -> sys-process/supervise-scripts.
- 03 Mar 2005; Ciaran McCreesh <>
- nullmailer-1.00_rc7-r5.ebuild:
- Dependency update: sys-apps/supervise-scripts -> sys-process/supervise-scripts.
- 03 Mar 2005; Ciaran McCreesh <>
- nullmailer-1.00_rc7.ebuild:
- Dependency update: sys-apps/supervise-scripts -> sys-process/supervise-scripts.
-*nullmailer-1.00_rc7-r5 (16 Nov 2004)
- 16 Nov 2004; Robin H. Johnson <>
- +nullmailer-1.00_rc7-r5.ebuild:
- new version, includes debian fixes.
- 01 Jul 2004; Jeremy Huddleston <>
- nullmailer-1.00_rc7-r1.ebuild, nullmailer-1.00_rc7-r2.ebuild,
- nullmailer-1.00_rc7-r4.ebuild, nullmailer-1.00_rc7.ebuild:
- virtual/glibc -> virtual/libc
-*nullmailer-1.00_rc7-r4 (31 May 2004)
- 31 May 2004; Grant Goodyear <> files/mailer.conf,
- -nullmailer-1.00_rc7-r3.ebuild, +nullmailer-1.00_rc7-r4.ebuild:
- Fixes to make mailwrapper an optional dep.
- Removed -r3 because the dodir for services/run was broken, and I
- incorporated all other changes into -r4.
-*nullmailer-1.00_rc7-r3 (30 May 2004)
- 30 May 2004; Robin H. Johnson <>
- nullmailer-1.00_rc7-r3.ebuild, files/mailer.conf:
- make sure the mailwrapper changes are in place.
-*nullmailer-1.00_rc7-r2 (30 May 2004)
- 30 May 2004; Robin H. Johnson <> metadata.xml,
- nullmailer-1.00_rc7-r1.ebuild, nullmailer-1.00_rc7-r2.ebuild,
- nullmailer-1.00_rc7.ebuild, files/mailer.conf, files/remotes.sample:
- Moved from net-mail/nullmailer to mail-mta/nullmailer.
- 28 May 2004; Robin H. Johnson <> metadata.xml:
- Update metadata.xml.
- 27 Apr 2004; Aron Griffis <>
- nullmailer-1.00_rc7-r1.ebuild, nullmailer-1.00_rc7-r2.ebuild,
- nullmailer-1.00_rc7.ebuild:
- Add inherit eutils
- 20 Apr 2004; David Holm <> nullmailer-1.00_rc7-r2.ebuild:
- Added to ~ppc.
-*nullmailer-1.00_rc7-r2 (19 Apr 2004)
- 19 Apr 2004; Robin H. Johnson <>
- nullmailer-1.00_rc7-r2.ebuild, files/mailer.conf:
- add in urgent support for mailwrapper
- 06 Nov 2003; Robin H. Johnson <>
- nullmailer-1.00_rc7-r1.ebuild, nullmailer-1.00_rc7.ebuild:
- : instead of . for chown
- 25 Oct 2003; Robin H. Johnson <> metadata.xml:
- add metadata.xml
-*nullmailer-1.00_rc7-r1 (06 Aug 2003)
- 06 Aug 2003; Robin H. Johnson <>
- nullmailer-1.00_rc7-r1.ebuild:
- Fix minor permissions bug and commit to stable.
- 03 Aug 2003; Robin H. Johnson <>
- nullmailer-1.00_rc7.ebuild:
- Fix /usr/lib/sendmail glitch
-*nullmailer-1.00_rc7 (01 Aug 2003)
- 01 Aug 2003; Robin H. Johnson <>
- nullmailer-1.00_rc7.ebuild, files/remotes.sample:
- Initial Commit.
diff --git a/mail-mta/nullmailer/Manifest b/mail-mta/nullmailer/Manifest
deleted file mode 100644
index 6cd1ec6..0000000
--- a/mail-mta/nullmailer/Manifest
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-AUX init.d-nullmailer 1221 RMD160 9e793a57acc9f2123c75e5a27f4b6123ce1d171a SHA1 154b3c92512151d6d4f9dc63125536c44e207f1e SHA256 279dd0519b62b57b4f5f6a7bcbfcd8337dd3d5e6e785de1d443f2005def64d72
-AUX mailer.conf 1564 RMD160 e0f712940ee2d15981793cceabf9da7b1a4aa2fc SHA1 3d14fc27ce89ec0d3b0ff898927760fa383828c8 SHA256 011da5dc334c36df2dc951864f11fa0eb6379f854e37c58ccba8595aa83bc52d
-AUX remotes.sample 444 RMD160 00d2f8ccade03f6ba9cca2f3f0a157f42e3b8b98 SHA1 1cc94a1191f4bf20e1bd437fda70b5d40c127f8e SHA256 c3c6b0efc100142ecbe65b9af3e20900f9b21449619f35ef3ba2334dd0888b1f
-AUX remotes.sample-1.04 540 RMD160 41a6f50c7d0cd0423be8d2e485e07148504316f7 SHA1 8aecf00f27f705a28e9c45c2e9807a3a4f4f309a SHA256 d9f756d9a2b21e7f7166c1b29a34c4dda1eb1ab0c57168ded3d0ed225cf692ee
-DIST nullmailer-1.04.tar.gz 176867 RMD160 13deaf37a392dfd7b57ac61b50d496dfdb9c362f SHA1 f3815fec726a776be050a6be59b91e696779f5a9 SHA256 364b7888720469d1494c6084a8de7cd39cfc8f841f3be02dfc417e111572fe8b
-DIST nullmailer_1.04-1.diff.gz 47284 RMD160 0f6ba5985d6b47678f35b090a635630646dbbd14 SHA1 61525c2b5d9297c2a976c7107e1d16dab43d2259 SHA256 daa2a9388e8fa2a93401b9ee060a7f56f2f8e820af57aeba82a8abde838fcd75
-EBUILD nullmailer-1.04.ebuild 3635 RMD160 60c1a83ba0712aa0a1e97392437fa8531cae3ba8 SHA1 20d48492dc5b83f861c8d9372920430b9fa3f00d SHA256 1298ca1108c1877973900c96fc626504db9105b436b945bf56cd4431d3eb32f3
-MISC ChangeLog 7271 RMD160 bbb3ed6ca9a4c820c21c7932538536c43761d02a SHA1 82481af0b3f317f6f5b7f70a94e9858dbe48c9b6 SHA256 34025e61d10f3107e530e94727c00fd0666df04ceac8ed5092ba56ea21e84d3a
-MISC metadata.xml 280 RMD160 9f5cd4ae71c9c7e45161110dd38d67f6604cd7b8 SHA1 4b9a055d510dca2f97d61f7df74fcefbc0cc0a2c SHA256 1e7cf6dbb378d12f4d6569350ba23c49aa55a855240b78b5487532028b0ff540
diff --git a/mail-mta/nullmailer/files/digest-nullmailer-1.04 b/mail-mta/nullmailer/files/digest-nullmailer-1.04
deleted file mode 100644
index 37df5e7..0000000
--- a/mail-mta/nullmailer/files/digest-nullmailer-1.04
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-MD5 f4d7a0dc8694be909644f68f1ebb5394 nullmailer-1.04.tar.gz 176867
-RMD160 13deaf37a392dfd7b57ac61b50d496dfdb9c362f nullmailer-1.04.tar.gz 176867
-SHA256 364b7888720469d1494c6084a8de7cd39cfc8f841f3be02dfc417e111572fe8b nullmailer-1.04.tar.gz 176867
-MD5 0fecd6979c47776251553d1fb256bccb nullmailer_1.04-1.diff.gz 47284
-RMD160 0f6ba5985d6b47678f35b090a635630646dbbd14 nullmailer_1.04-1.diff.gz 47284
-SHA256 daa2a9388e8fa2a93401b9ee060a7f56f2f8e820af57aeba82a8abde838fcd75 nullmailer_1.04-1.diff.gz 47284
diff --git a/mail-mta/nullmailer/files/init.d-nullmailer b/mail-mta/nullmailer/files/init.d-nullmailer
deleted file mode 100644
index 070c573..0000000
--- a/mail-mta/nullmailer/files/init.d-nullmailer
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2006 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License, v2 or later
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/mail-mta/nullmailer/files/init.d-nullmailer,v 1.1 2006/01/30 03:50:34 robbat2 Exp $
-depend() {
- need net logger
-checkconfig() {
- local error=0
- local f=/etc/nullmailer/me
- if [ ! -s ${f} ]; then
- eerror "${f} does not exist"
- error=1
- fi
- f=/etc/nullmailer/defaultdomain
- if [ ! -s ${f} ]; then
- eerror "${f} does not exist"
- error=1
- fi
- if [ ${error} -eq 1 ]; then
- einfo "You need to run 'emerge --config nullmailer'!"
- fi
- if [ -e /service/nullmailer ]; then
- eerror "Nullmailer is already running under svscan!"
- error=2
- fi
- if [ ${error} -ne 0 ]; then
- return 1
- else
- return 0
- fi
-start() {
- checkconfig
- ebegin "Starting nullmailer"
- cd /var/nullmailer
- start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --chuid ${USER}:${GROUP} \
- --exec ${DAEMON} -- ${ARGS}
- eend $?
-stop() {
- checkconfig # to avoid init.d stopping svscan instance
- ebegin "Stopping nullmailer"
- cd /var/nullmailer
- start-stop-daemon --stop --user ${USER} --exec ${DAEMON}
- eend $?
diff --git a/mail-mta/nullmailer/files/mailer.conf b/mail-mta/nullmailer/files/mailer.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 5e8f474..0000000
--- a/mail-mta/nullmailer/files/mailer.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/mail-mta/nullmailer/files/mailer.conf,v 1.5 2006/02/11 10:35:51 robbat2 Exp $
-# $OpenBSD: mailer.conf,v 1.3 2000/04/06 18:24:19 millert Exp $
-# Execute the "real" sendmail program from nullmailer
-# named /usr/sbin/sendmail.nullmailer
-sendmail /usr/sbin/sendmail.nullmailer
-send-mail /usr/sbin/sendmail.nullmailer
-mailq /usr/bin/mailq.nullmailer
-newaliases /bin/true
-# Execute the "real" sendmail program from exim,
-# named /usr/sbin/exim
-#sendmail /usr/sbin/exim
-#send-mail /usr/sbin/exim
-#mailq /usr/sbin/exim
-#newaliases /usr/sbin/exim
-#rsmtp /usr/sbin/exim
-#rmail /usr/sbin/exim
-#mail /usr/sbin/exim
-# Execute the "real" sendmail program from nullmailer
-# named /usr/sbin/sendmail.nullmailer
-#sendmail /usr/sbin/sendmail.nullmailer
-#mailq /usr/bin/mailq.nullmailer
-# Execute the "real" sendmail program from postfix,
-# named /usr/sbin/sendmail.postfix
-#sendmail /usr/sbin/sendmail.postfix
-#send-mail /usr/sbin/sendmail.postfix
-#mailq /usr/sbin/sendmail.postfix
-#newaliases /usr/sbin/sendmail.postfix
-# Execute the "real" sendmail program from ssmtp,
-# named /usr/sbin/ssmtp
-#sendmail /usr/sbin/ssmtp
-#send-mail /usr/sbin/ssmtp
-#mailq /usr/sbin/ssmtp
-#newaliases /usr/sbin/ssmtp
-# Execute the "real" sendmail program, named /usr/sbin/sendmail
-#sendmail /usr/sbin/sendmail.sendmail
-#send-mail /usr/sbin/sendmail.sendmail
-#mailq /usr/sbin/sendmail.sendmail
-#newaliases /usr/sbin/sendmail.sendmail
-#hoststat /usr/sbin/sendmail.sendmail
-#purgestat /usr/sbin/sendmail.sendmail
diff --git a/mail-mta/nullmailer/files/remotes.sample b/mail-mta/nullmailer/files/remotes.sample
deleted file mode 100644
index ebcf5dc..0000000
--- a/mail-mta/nullmailer/files/remotes.sample
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-# HOST = IP or DNS
-# PROTOCOL = smtp | qmtp
-# OPTIONS = [--port=NUMBER] [--auth=user,pass]
-# Examples:
-# A standard SMTP server:
-# smtp
-# A qmail server with QMQP setup:
-# qmqp
-# A nonstandard SMTP server setup:
-# smtp --port=2525
-# As of 1.00, nullmailer also supports SMTP AUTH
-# mailserver smtp --auth=user,pass
diff --git a/mail-mta/nullmailer/files/remotes.sample-1.04 b/mail-mta/nullmailer/files/remotes.sample-1.04
deleted file mode 100644
index 3a6f449..0000000
--- a/mail-mta/nullmailer/files/remotes.sample-1.04
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-# HOST = IP or DNS
-# PROTOCOL = smtp | qmtp
-# OPTIONS = [--port=NUMBER] [--auth=user,pass]
-# Examples:
-# A standard SMTP server:
-# smtp
-# A qmail server with QMQP setup:
-# qmqp
-# A nonstandard SMTP server setup:
-# smtp --port=2525
-# SMTP server supporting AUTH PLAIN
-# mailserver smtp --user=<user> --pass=<pass>
-# SMTP server supporting AUTH LOGIN
-# mailserver smtp --user=<user> --pass=<pass> --auth-login
diff --git a/mail-mta/nullmailer/metadata.xml b/mail-mta/nullmailer/metadata.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 89dcd74..0000000
--- a/mail-mta/nullmailer/metadata.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "">
- <herd>net-mail</herd>
- <maintainer>
- <email></email>
- <name>Robin H. Johnson</name>
- </maintainer>
diff --git a/mail-mta/nullmailer/nullmailer-1.04.ebuild b/mail-mta/nullmailer/nullmailer-1.04.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index af3177b..0000000
--- a/mail-mta/nullmailer/nullmailer-1.04.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2008 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: $
-inherit eutils flag-o-matic mailer
-DESCRIPTION="Simple relay-only local mail transport agent"
- mirror://debian/pool/main/n/${PN}/${DEBIAN_SRC}"
-KEYWORDS="~x86 ~ppc ~amd64"
- sys-apps/groff"
- sys-apps/shadow
- virtual/logger
- !virtual/mta"
-src_unpack() {
- unpack ${MY_P}.tar.gz
- EPATCH_OPTS="-d ${S} -p1" \
- epatch "${DISTDIR}"/${DEBIAN_SRC}
- EPATCH_OPTS="-d ${S} -p1" \
- epatch "${S}"/debian/patches/02_ipv6.diff || die "IPV6 patch failed"
- EPATCH_OPTS="-d ${S} -p1" \
- epatch "${S}"/debian/patches/03_syslog.diff || die "daemon/syslog patch failed"
- # this fixes the debian daemon/syslog to actually compile
- sed -i.orig \
- -e '/^nullmailer_send_LDADD/s, =, = ../lib/cli++/libcli++.a,' \
- "${S}"/src/ || die "Sed failed"
-pkg_setup() {
- enewgroup nullmail 88
- enewuser nullmail 88 -1 /var/nullmailer nullmail
-src_compile() {
- # Note that we pass a different directory below due to bugs in the makefile!
- econf --localstatedir=/var || die "econf failed"
- emake || die "emake failed"
-src_install () {
- einstall localstatedir="${D}"/var/nullmailer || die "einstall failed"
- # A small bit of sample config
- insinto /etc/nullmailer
- newins "${FILESDIR}"/remotes.sample-1.04 remotes
- # daemontools stuff
- dodir /var/nullmailer/service{,/log}
- insinto /var/nullmailer/service
- newins scripts/ run
- fperms 700 /var/nullmailer/service/run
- insinto /var/nullmailer/service/log
- newins scripts/ run
- fperms 700 /var/nullmailer/service/log/run
- # usablity
- dodir /usr/lib
- dosym /usr/sbin/sendmail usr/lib/sendmail
- # permissions stuff
- keepdir /var/log/nullmailer /var/nullmailer/{tmp,queue}
- fperms 770 /var/log/nullmailer /var/nullmailer/{tmp,queue}
- fowners nullmail:nullmail /usr/sbin/nullmailer-queue /usr/bin/mailq
- fperms 4711 /usr/sbin/nullmailer-queue /usr/bin/mailq
- fowners nullmail:nullmail /var/log/nullmailer /var/nullmailer/{tmp,queue,trigger}
- fperms 660 /var/nullmailer/trigger
- newinitd "${FILESDIR}"/init.d-nullmailer nullmailer
-pkg_postinst() {
- [ ! -e "${ROOT}"/var/nullmailer/trigger ] && mkfifo "${ROOT}"/var/nullmailer/trigger
- chown nullmail:nullmail "${ROOT}"/var/log/nullmailer "${ROOT}"/var/nullmailer/{tmp,queue,trigger}
- chmod 770 "${ROOT}"/var/log/nullmailer "${ROOT}"/var/nullmailer/{tmp,queue}
- chmod 660 "${ROOT}"/var/nullmailer/trigger
- elog "To create an initial setup, please do:"
- elog "emerge --config =${CATEGORY}/${PF}"
- echo
- elog "To start nullmailer at boot you may use either the nullmailer init.d"
- elog "script, or emerge sys-process/supervise-scripts, enable the"
- elog "svscan init.d script and create the following link:"
- elog "ln -fs /var/nullmailer/service /service/nullmailer"
- echo
- ewarn "${PF} introduces a new configuration syntax for SMTP AUTH."
- ewarn "Please adjust your configuration accordingly."
-pkg_config() {
- if [ ! -s "${ROOT}"/etc/nullmailer/me ]; then
- einfo "Setting /etc/nullmailer/me"
- /bin/hostname --fqdn > "${ROOT}"/etc/nullmailer/me
- fi
- if [ ! -s "${ROOT}"/etc/nullmailer/defaultdomain ]; then
- einfo "Setting /etc/nullmailer/defaultdomain"
- /bin/hostname --domain > "${ROOT}"/etc/nullmailer/defaultdomain
- fi