diff options
authorJeffrey Gardner <>2007-08-09 09:40:46 +0000
committerJeffrey Gardner <>2007-08-09 09:40:46 +0000
commit161a506c7a157ffcb54c8415ece8ee87ddb8de05 (patch)
parentAdd die commands (diff)
Moving cluster to science overlay, importing new projects.
svn path=/; revision=27
9 files changed, 464 insertions, 120 deletions
diff --git a/sci-biology/cluster/Manifest b/sci-biology/cluster/Manifest
deleted file mode 100644
index 1afd573..0000000
--- a/sci-biology/cluster/Manifest
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-AUX cluster-1.36-helpmenu-fix.patch 1287 RMD160 825d60b78925cc1c1d914bb0cea1a9953080f0c5 SHA1 45c42fe412ad428359f773e99382546ab2cfc2f9 SHA256 a90c835dd2d4a8196bffa67737c5755a5c5bed1be62772a76fcf0229ffaf47d4
-MD5 65a6e7833e5a0a489c7b017464b7fedc files/cluster-1.36-helpmenu-fix.patch 1287
-RMD160 825d60b78925cc1c1d914bb0cea1a9953080f0c5 files/cluster-1.36-helpmenu-fix.patch 1287
-SHA256 a90c835dd2d4a8196bffa67737c5755a5c5bed1be62772a76fcf0229ffaf47d4 files/cluster-1.36-helpmenu-fix.patch 1287
-DIST cluster-1.36.tar.gz 971192 RMD160 72dea711c915074bca8d6186af285f8640bdfd43 SHA1 69bb0de8e5fb9d6bf5ab29b53d65b21ab97cc4ce SHA256 76f73740a2c8725e704780643cfac11875c957ba85254114946dccf3326caccf
-EBUILD cluster-1.36.ebuild 1570 RMD160 bd912a8b586f03c1044ede796e532e4afce0611c SHA1 9c8b3b238abb7569e178744123a559b02ec283de SHA256 a0b01b1330d327f9d66a225903d1cf09a9885e056cce3492d96351e8fed1d794
-MD5 e4e8f1204d74f052d53cce5724a392f7 cluster-1.36.ebuild 1570
-RMD160 bd912a8b586f03c1044ede796e532e4afce0611c cluster-1.36.ebuild 1570
-SHA256 a0b01b1330d327f9d66a225903d1cf09a9885e056cce3492d96351e8fed1d794 cluster-1.36.ebuild 1570
-MISC metadata.xml 380 RMD160 a1c3ba6e6674088b1f06f1d8554b0457d5a95154 SHA1 eaf44b343cd9b336365d6a5858e41cf62dadd39b SHA256 4893d94442ec3c749ddb0fef6e62257e98b435e1709d4e71fc0f6c4ceea52dc2
-MD5 95aa0e81b9a24708648671ec7f94d3a6 metadata.xml 380
-RMD160 a1c3ba6e6674088b1f06f1d8554b0457d5a95154 metadata.xml 380
-SHA256 4893d94442ec3c749ddb0fef6e62257e98b435e1709d4e71fc0f6c4ceea52dc2 metadata.xml 380
-MD5 16e58679fbea16fbaf0e00d97797b449 files/digest-cluster-1.36 238
-RMD160 2d7b7d05ffc8e775ce7ffc7ffd6dfcb8f824edc5 files/digest-cluster-1.36 238
-SHA256 d611e29bd0456213c139ed17e12d1faaf0912da5140f82b2daa0903eee4c241f files/digest-cluster-1.36 238
diff --git a/sci-biology/cluster/cluster-1.36.ebuild b/sci-biology/cluster/cluster-1.36.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index abb6d8b..0000000
--- a/sci-biology/cluster/cluster-1.36.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: $
-inherit autotools
-DESCRIPTION="Clustering software for microarrays analisys"
-LICENSE="as Python Licence"
-KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
-DEPEND="X? ( virtual/motif )"
-RDEPEND="X? ( x11-misc/xdg-utils app-text/xpdf )"
-pkg_nofetch() {
- einfo "Please obtain ${P}.tar.gz from ${HOMEPAGE} and place it in ${DISTDIR}"
-src_unpack() {
- unpack "${A}"
- cd "${S}"
- sed -i \
- -e 's:^docdir = $(prefix)/cluster/doc:docdir = @docdir@:' \
- -e 's:^htmldir = $(prefix)/cluster/html:htmldir = @htmldir@:' \
- -e 's:^imagedir = $(prefix)/cluster/html/images:imagedir = @htmldir@/images:' \
- -e 's:^fileformatdir = $(prefix)/cluster:fileformatdir = @docdir@:' \
- X11/ || die "sed failed"
- epatch "${FILESDIR}/${P}-helpmenu-fix.patch" || die "failed to patch helpmenu"
-src_compile() {
- econf $(use_with X x) \
- --docdir="/usr/share/doc/${P}" \
- --htmldir="/usr/share/doc/${P}/html" \
- || die "econf failed"
- emake || die "emake failed"
-src_install() {
- cd ${S}
- emake DESTDIR="${D}" install || die "Install failed"
- dodoc README COPYING AUTHORS ChangeLog NEWS TODO || die "failed to install docs"
- insinto /usr/share/doc/${P}/examples
- doins example/example.c example/README || die "failed to install docs"
- insinto /usr/share/doc/${P}
- doins doc/cluster.pdf || die "failed to install docs"
diff --git a/sci-biology/cluster/files/cluster-1.36-helpmenu-fix.patch b/sci-biology/cluster/files/cluster-1.36-helpmenu-fix.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 69f3a96..0000000
--- a/sci-biology/cluster/files/cluster-1.36-helpmenu-fix.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
---- X11/gui.c 2007-05-05 00:21:30.000000000 -0500
-+++ X11/gui.c-new 2007-08-09 04:25:53.000000000 -0500
-@@ -1786,15 +1786,15 @@
- { int item_no = (int) client_data;
- switch (item_no)
-- { system("netscape "PREFIX"/cluster/html/index.html &");
-+ { system("xdg-open "PREFIX"/share/doc/cluster-1.36/html/index.html &");
- break;
- }
-- { system("acroread "PREFIX"/cluster/doc/cluster3.pdf &");
-+ { system("xpdf "PREFIX"/share/doc/cluster-1.36/cluster3.pdf &");
- break;
- }
-- { system("netscape &");
-+ { system("xdg-open &");
- break;
- }
-@@ -1852,7 +1852,7 @@
- XtManageChild(widget);
- free(helptext);
- n = 0;
-- pixmap = XmGetPixmap(XtScreen(dialog),PREFIX"/cluster/format.xpm",0,0);
-+ pixmap = XmGetPixmap(XtScreen(dialog),PREFIX"/share/doc/cluster-1.36/format.xpm",0,0);
- XtSetArg(args[n], XmNx, 10); n++;
- XtSetArg(args[n], XmNy, 410); n++;
- XtSetArg(args[n],XmNlabelType, XmPIXMAP); n++;
diff --git a/sci-biology/cluster/files/digest-cluster-1.36 b/sci-biology/cluster/files/digest-cluster-1.36
deleted file mode 100644
index 4611127..0000000
--- a/sci-biology/cluster/files/digest-cluster-1.36
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-MD5 9333963ab3217bb3b51de5c491078563 cluster-1.36.tar.gz 971192
-RMD160 72dea711c915074bca8d6186af285f8640bdfd43 cluster-1.36.tar.gz 971192
-SHA256 76f73740a2c8725e704780643cfac11875c957ba85254114946dccf3326caccf cluster-1.36.tar.gz 971192
diff --git a/sci-biology/cluster/metadata.xml b/sci-biology/cluster/metadata.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 2971c5b..0000000
--- a/sci-biology/cluster/metadata.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "">
-<name>Jeff Gardner</name>
-<longdescription lang="en">
-Cluster provides an interface to access methods of gene expression data
diff --git a/sci-libs/szip/Manifest b/sci-libs/szip/Manifest
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d1cec27
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sci-libs/szip/Manifest
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+DIST szip-2.0.tar.gz 368913 RMD160 4ab7780bc00efa39d071ac2ef92580dcd02dae6e SHA1 6d811c3a75b86e3dded2b849058a1f368aebd60e SHA256 7e89f7960f012e9bdbd79d55e324bd7991b6ab17515ce802881c9d695337be25
+EBUILD szip-2.0.ebuild 771 RMD160 f0eb5be00de0b6aeb3a4b60e577a4633fe5d7ec5 SHA1 c00789aa90ba79c56e6792b1ad4de4b1cb431ea4 SHA256 c850edd2a6b1f88cb018dd5cf83a249e61acfcc86e67c0af565f40a7762a663c
+MD5 bbbab7ee2015efed0b6dbd84ebe35902 szip-2.0.ebuild 771
+RMD160 f0eb5be00de0b6aeb3a4b60e577a4633fe5d7ec5 szip-2.0.ebuild 771
+SHA256 c850edd2a6b1f88cb018dd5cf83a249e61acfcc86e67c0af565f40a7762a663c szip-2.0.ebuild 771
+MISC .szip-2.0.ebuild.swp 12288 RMD160 37a230c9ad85dff5596de7fbddec5eabe745b365 SHA1 86fdb1721ca1c838f9cc40e9eaa91b3e68d27571 SHA256 34d8b51bf1d4efc37485a7f606b284a100c8c2c2b6da63ded253609bb0dc0271
+MD5 688a8d0fbecc2484755398d1e97aa9ef .szip-2.0.ebuild.swp 12288
+RMD160 37a230c9ad85dff5596de7fbddec5eabe745b365 .szip-2.0.ebuild.swp 12288
+SHA256 34d8b51bf1d4efc37485a7f606b284a100c8c2c2b6da63ded253609bb0dc0271 .szip-2.0.ebuild.swp 12288
+MD5 630c149c21bca0c8872b7d03cbdef49a files/digest-szip-2.0 226
+RMD160 b0fc9699e9dc2f37cb2a8208acabe453a70e4f0e files/digest-szip-2.0 226
+SHA256 78fb4b577f69913dee891e090117cc16c877b3dd7536515a0e1f487809e084e2 files/digest-szip-2.0 226
diff --git a/sci-libs/szip/files/digest-szip-2.0 b/sci-libs/szip/files/digest-szip-2.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9073e93
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sci-libs/szip/files/digest-szip-2.0
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+MD5 21383e286267021cbe93cbb2698bf8b9 szip-2.0.tar.gz 368913
+RMD160 4ab7780bc00efa39d071ac2ef92580dcd02dae6e szip-2.0.tar.gz 368913
+SHA256 7e89f7960f012e9bdbd79d55e324bd7991b6ab17515ce802881c9d695337be25 szip-2.0.tar.gz 368913
diff --git a/sci-libs/szip/szip-2.0.ebuild b/sci-libs/szip/szip-2.0.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..afafd5f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sci-libs/szip/szip-2.0.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: $
+inherit flag-o-matic multilib autotools
+DESCRIPTION="Szip is an implementation of the extended-Rice lossless compression algorithm"
+KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~ppc ~ppc64 ~sparc ~x86"
+src_compile() {
+ append-flags -DHAVE_UNISTD_H
+ append-ldflags -lm
+ eautoreconf
+ econf --with-gnu-ld || die "econf failed"
+ emake || die "emake failed"
+#src_install() {
+# dodir /usr/include
+# dodir /usr/$(get_libdir)
+# make DESTDIR="" prefix=/usr install || die "make install failed"
diff --git a/x11-drivers/ati-drivers/ati-drivers-8.40.4.ebuild b/x11-drivers/ati-drivers/ati-drivers-8.40.4.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..568f127
--- /dev/null
+++ b/x11-drivers/ati-drivers/ati-drivers-8.40.4.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,417 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/x11-drivers/ati-drivers/ati-drivers-8.37.6-r1.ebuild,v 1.1 2007/06/05 18:49:04 marienz Exp $
+IUSE="acpi multilib"
+inherit eutils multilib linux-mod toolchain-funcs versionator
+DESCRIPTION="Ati precompiled drivers for recent chipsets"
+LICENSE="AMD GPL-2 QPL-1.0 as-is"
+KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
+# The portage dep is for COLON_SEPARATED support in env-update.
+# The eselect dep (>=1.0.9) is for COLON_SEPARATED in eselect env update.
+ !x11-apps/ati-drivers-extra
+ >=app-admin/eselect-1.0.9
+ app-admin/eselect-opengl
+ =virtual/libstdc++-3.3*
+ amd64? ( multilib? ( app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-compat ) )
+ acpi? (
+ x11-apps/xauth
+ sys-power/acpid
+ )
+ >=sys-apps/portage-2.1.1-r1"
+ x11-proto/xf86miscproto
+ x11-proto/xf86vidmodeproto"
+# Ignore QA warnings about multilib-pkg-force not existing:
+# multilib.eclass uses it (without it we do not install the 32 bit
+# libraries on amd64) --marienz
+ usr/lib/opengl/ati/lib/
+ opt/bin/amdcccle"
+ usr/lib32/dri/
+ usr/lib64/opengl/ati/lib/
+ usr/lib32/opengl/ati/lib/
+ opt/bin/amdcccle"
+ usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/
+ usr/lib/opengl/ati/lib/"
+ usr/lib64/opengl/ati/lib/
+ usr/lib32/opengl/ati/lib/
+ usr/lib64/dri/
+ usr/lib32/dri/"
+pkg_setup() {
+ #check kernel and sets up KV_OBJ
+ MODULE_NAMES="fglrx(video:${S}/common/lib/modules/fglrx/build_mod/2.6.x)"
+ BUILD_TARGETS="kmod_build"
+ linux-mod_pkg_setup
+ BUILD_PARAMS="GCC_VER_MAJ=$(gcc-major-version) KVER=${KV_FULL} KDIR=${KV_DIR}"
+ if ! kernel_is 2 6; then
+ eerror "Need a 2.6 kernel to compile against!"
+ die "Need a 2.6 kernel to compile against!"
+ fi
+ if ! linux_chkconfig_present MTRR; then
+ ewarn "You don't have MTRR support enabled, the direct rendering will not work."
+ fi
+ if linux_chkconfig_builtin DRM; then
+ ewarn "You have DRM support enabled builtin, the direct rendering will not work."
+ fi
+ if ! linux_chkconfig_present AGP && \
+ ! linux_chkconfig_present PCIEPORTBUS; then
+ ewarn "You need AGP and/or PCI Express support for direct rendering to work."
+ fi
+ if linux_chkconfig_present PARAVIRT; then
+ eerror "The current ati-drivers don't compile when having"
+ eerror "paravirtualization active due to GPL symbol export"
+ eerror "restrictions."
+ eerror "Please disable it:"
+ eerror " CONFIG_PARAVIRT=n"
+ eerror "in /usr/src/linux/.config or"
+ eerror " Processor type and features -->"
+ eerror " [ ] Paravirtualization support (EXPERIMENTAL)"
+ eerror "in 'menuconfig'"
+ die "CONFIG_PARAVIRT enabled"
+ fi
+ # xorg-server 1.1 and its prereleases correspond to xorg 7.1.
+ if has_version ">=x11-base/xorg-server-1.0.99"; then
+ BASE_DIR="${S}/x710"
+ else
+ BASE_DIR="${S}/x690"
+ fi
+ if use amd64 ; then
+ BASE_DIR="${BASE_DIR}_64a"
+ # This is used like $(get_libdir) for paths in ati's package.
+ PKG_LIBDIR=lib64
+ ARCH_DIR="${S}/arch/x86_64"
+ else
+ ARCH_DIR="${S}/arch/x86"
+ fi
+src_unpack() {
+ local src="${DISTDIR}/${A}"
+ # This is apparently a nonstandard makeself archive, so extract
+ # the offset by hand.
+ local offset=$(grep -am1 SKIP "${src}" | sed -e 's/SKIP="\([0-9]\+\)"/\1/')
+ # It is off by one because of an (unused) checksum field.
+ #Switching to a standard way to extract the files since otherwise no signature file
+ #would be creted
+ "${src}" --extract "${S}" 2&>1 /dev/null
+ gunzip common/usr/share/man/man8/atieventsd.8 || die "manpage unzip failed"
+ # These are the userspace utilities that we also have source for.
+ # We rebuild those in ati-drivers-extra.
+ rm \
+ "${ARCH_DIR}"/usr/X11R6/bin/{fgl_glxgears,fglrx_xgamma} \
+ "${ARCH_DIR}"/usr/X11R6/${PKG_LIBDIR}/libfglrx_gamma* \
+ || die "bin rm failed"
+ if use acpi; then
+ sed -i \
+ -e "s:/var/lib/xdm/authdir/:/etc/X11/xdm/authdir/:" \
+ -e "s:/var/lib/gdm/:/var/gdm/:" \
+ -e "s/#ffff#/#ffff##:.*MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE/" \
+ "${S}/common/etc/ati/" \
+ || die "sed failed."
+ # Adjust paths in the script from /usr/X11R6/bin/ to /opt/bin/
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}"/ati-powermode-opt-path.patch
+ fi
+ pushd common/lib/modules/fglrx/build_mod >/dev/null
+ ln -s "${ARCH_DIR}"/lib/modules/fglrx/build_mod/libfglrx_ip.a.GCC$(gcc-major-version) \
+ || die "symlinking precompiled core failed"
+ convert_to_m 2.6.x/Makefile || die "convert_to_m failed"
+ # When built with ati's it defines a bunch of macros if
+ # certain .config values are set, falling back to less reliable
+ # detection methods if linux/autoconf.h is not available. We
+ # simply use the linux/autoconf.h settings directly, bypassing the
+ # detection script.
+ sed -i -e 's/__SMP__/CONFIG_SMP/' *.c *h || die "SMP sed failed"
+ sed -i -e 's/ifdef MODVERSIONS/ifdef CONFIG_MODVERSIONS/' *.c *.h \
+ || die "MODVERSIONS sed failed"
+ popd >/dev/null
+ mkdir extra || die "mkdir failed"
+ cd extra
+ unpack ./../common/usr/src/ati/fglrx_sample_source.tgz
+ sed -i -e 's:include/extensions/extutil.h:X11/extensions/extutil.h:' \
+ lib/fglrx_gamma/fglrx_gamma.c || die "include fixup failed"
+ # Add a category.
+ mv programs/fglrx_gamma/fglrx_xgamma.{man,1} || die "man mv failed"
+ cd ..
+src_compile() {
+ linux-mod_src_compile
+ einfo "Building fgl_glxgears"
+ cd "${S}"/extra/fgl_glxgears
+ # These extra libs/utils either have an Imakefile that does not
+ # work very well without tweaking or a Makefile ignoring CFLAGS
+ # and the like. We bypass those.
+ # The -DUSE_GLU is needed to compile using nvidia headers
+ # according to a comment in ati-drivers-extra-8.33.6.ebuild.
+ "$(tc-getCC)" -o fgl_fglxgears ${CFLAGS} ${LDFLAGS} -DUSE_GLU \
+ -I"${S}"/common/usr/include fgl_glxgears.c \
+ -lGL -lGLU -lX11 -lm || die "fgl_glxgears build failed"
+ einfo "Building fglrx_gamma lib"
+ cd "${S}"/extra/lib/fglrx_gamma
+ "$(tc-getCC)" -shared -fpic -o ${CFLAGS} ${LDFLAGS} \
+ -DXF86MISC -Wl,-soname, fglrx_gamma.c \
+ -lXext || die "fglrx_gamma lib build failed"
+ ln -s || die "ln failed"
+ ln -s || die "ln failed"
+ einfo "Building fglrx_gamma util"
+ cd "${S}"/extra/programs/fglrx_gamma
+ "$(tc-getCC)" -o fglrx_xgamma ${CFLAGS} ${LDFLAGS} \
+ -I../../../common/usr/X11R6/include -L../../lib/fglrx_gamma \
+ fglrx_xgamma.c -lm -lfglrx_gamma -lX11 \
+ || die "fglrx_gamma util build failed"
+src_install() {
+ linux-mod_src_install
+ # We can do two things here, and neither of them is very nice.
+ # For direct rendering libGL has to be able to load one or more
+ # dri modules (files ending in, like
+ # Gentoo's mesa looks for these files in the location specified by
+ # LIBGL_DRIVERS_PATH or LIBGL_DRIVERS_DIR, then in the hardcoded
+ # location /usr/$(get_libdir)/dri. Ati's libGL does the same
+ # thing, but the hardcoded location is /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/dri
+ # on x86 and amd64 32bit, /usr/X11R6/lib64/modules/dri on amd64
+ # 64bit. So we can either put the .so files in that (unusual,
+ # compared to "normal" mesa libGL) location or set
+ # LIBGL_DRIVERS_PATH. We currently do the latter. See also bug
+ # 101539.
+ # The problem with this approach is that LIBGL_DRIVERS_PATH
+ # *overrides* the default hardcoded location, it does not extend
+ # it. So if ati-drivers is merged but a non-ati libGL is selected
+ # and its hardcoded path does not match our LIBGL_DRIVERS_PATH
+ # (because it changed in a newer mesa or because it was compiled
+ # for a different set of multilib abis than we are) stuff breaks.
+ # We create one file per ABI to work with "native" multilib, see
+ # below.
+ echo "COLON_SEPARATED=LIBGL_DRIVERS_PATH" > "${T}/03ati-colon-sep"
+ doenvd "${T}/03ati-colon-sep"
+ # All libraries that we have a 32 bit and 64 bit version of on
+ # amd64 are installed in src_install-libs. Everything else
+ # (including libraries only available in native 64bit on amd64)
+ # goes in here.
+ # There used to be some code here that tried to detect running
+ # under a "native multilib" portage ((precursor of)
+ # I removed that, it
+ # should just work (only doing some duplicate work). --marienz
+ if has_multilib_profile; then
+ local OABI=${ABI}
+ for ABI in $(get_install_abis); do
+ src_install-libs
+ done
+ unset OABI
+ else
+ src_install-libs
+ fi
+ # This is sorted by the order the files occur in the source tree.
+ # X modules.
+ exeinto /usr/$(get_libdir)/xorg/modules/drivers
+ doexe "${BASE_DIR}"/usr/X11R6/${PKG_LIBDIR}/modules/drivers/
+ exeinto /usr/$(get_libdir)/xorg/modules/linux
+ doexe "${BASE_DIR}"/usr/X11R6/${PKG_LIBDIR}/modules/linux/
+ exeinto /usr/$(get_libdir)/xorg/modules
+ doexe "${BASE_DIR}"/usr/X11R6/${PKG_LIBDIR}/modules/{esut.a,}
+ # Arch-specific files.
+ # (s)bin.
+ into /opt
+ if use acpi; then
+ dosbin "${ARCH_DIR}"/usr/sbin/atieventsd
+ fi
+ # We cleaned out the compilable stuff in src_unpack
+ dobin "${ARCH_DIR}"/usr/X11R6/bin/*
+ # lib.
+ exeinto /usr/$(get_libdir)
+ # Everything except for the installed in src_install-libs.
+ doexe $(find "${ARCH_DIR}"/usr/X11R6/${PKG_LIBDIR} \
+ -maxdepth 1 -type f -name '*.so*' -not -name '*')
+ insinto /usr/$(get_libdir)
+ doins $(find "${ARCH_DIR}"/usr/X11R6/${PKG_LIBDIR} \
+ -maxdepth 1 -type f -not -name '*.so*')
+ # Common files.
+ # etc.
+ insinto /etc/ati
+ # Everything except for the script.
+ doins common/etc/ati/{fglrxprofiles.csv,fglrxrc,logo*,control,atiogl.xml,signature}
+ if use acpi; then
+ doins common/etc/ati/
+ fi
+ # include.
+ insinto /usr
+ doins -r common/usr/include
+ insinto /usr/include/X11/extensions
+ doins common/usr/X11R6/include/X11/extensions/fglrx_gamma.h
+ # Just the script.
+ into /usr
+ dosbin common/usr/sbin/*
+ # data files for the control panel.
+ insinto /usr/share
+ doins -r common/usr/share/ati
+ insinto /usr/share/pixmaps
+ doins common/usr/share/icons/ccc_{large,small}.xpm
+ make_desktop_entry amdcccle 'ATI Catalyst Control Center' \
+ ccc_large.xpm System
+ # doc.
+ dohtml -r common/usr/share/doc/fglrx
+ if use acpi; then
+ doman common/usr/share/man/man8/atieventsd.8
+ pushd common/usr/share/doc/fglrx/examples/etc/acpi >/dev/null
+ exeinto /etc/acpi
+ doexe
+ insinto /etc/acpi/events
+ doins events/*
+ popd >/dev/null
+ fi
+ # Done with the "source" tree. Install tools we rebuilt:
+ dobin extra/fgl_glxgears/fgl_fglxgears
+ newdoc extra/fgl_glxgears/README README.fgl_glxgears
+ dolib extra/lib/fglrx_gamma/*so*
+ newdoc extra/lib/fglrx_gamma/README README.libfglrx_gamma
+ dobin extra/programs/fglrx_gamma/fglrx_xgamma
+ doman extra/programs/fglrx_gamma/fglrx_xgamma.1
+ newdoc extra/programs/fglrx_gamma/README README.fglrx_gamma
+ # Gentoo-specific stuff:
+ if use acpi; then
+ newinitd "${FILESDIR}"/atieventsd.init atieventsd
+ echo 'ATIEVENTSDOPTS=""' > "${T}"/atieventsd.conf
+ newconfd "${T}"/atieventsd.conf atieventsd
+ fi
+src_install-libs() {
+ if [[ "${ABI}" == "amd64" ]]; then
+ local pkglibdir=lib64
+ else
+ local pkglibdir=lib
+ fi
+ einfo "ati tree '${pkglibdir}' -> '$(get_libdir)' on system"
+ local ATI_ROOT=/usr/$(get_libdir)/opengl/ati
+ # To make sure we do not miss a spot when these change.
+ local libmajor=1 libminor=2
+ local libver=${libmajor}.${libminor}
+ # The GLX libraries
+ # (yes, this really is "lib" even on amd64/multilib --marienz)
+ exeinto ${ATI_ROOT}/lib
+ doexe "${ARCH_DIR}"/usr/X11R6/${pkglibdir}/${libver}
+ dosym${libver} ${ATI_ROOT}/lib/${libmajor}
+ dosym${libver} ${ATI_ROOT}/lib/
+ # Same as the xorg implementation (eselect opengl does not fall
+ # back to xorg-x11 if we omit this symlink, meaning no glx).
+ dosym ../xorg-x11/extensions ${ATI_ROOT}/extensions
+ # DRI modules, installed into the path used by recent versions of mesa.
+ exeinto /usr/$(get_libdir)/dri
+ doexe "${ARCH_DIR}"/usr/X11R6/${pkglibdir}/modules/dri/
+ # Make up a Ati does not provide one, but mesa does. If
+ # a (libtool-based) libfoo is built with present a
+ # reference to it is put into, and compiling
+ # (libtool-based) things that link too will complain if
+ # disappears. So if we do not make up a
+ # switching between mesa and ati becomes painful.
+ #
+ # According to the libtool manual the "revision" should be updated
+ # whenever the code changes. We construct this from the version
+ # (8.37.6 becomes 83706).
+ local revision=$(printf '%d%02d%02d' $(get_version_components))
+ sed -e "s:\${libmajor}:${libmajor}:g" \
+ -e "s:\${libminor}:${libminor}:g" \
+ -e "s:\${libdir}:$(get_libdir):g" \
+ -e "s:\${revision}:${revision}:g" \
+ "${FILESDIR}"/ > "${D}"/${ATI_ROOT}/lib/
+ local envname="${T}"/04ati-dri-path
+ if [[ -n ${ABI} ]]; then
+ envname="${envname}-${ABI}"
+ fi
+ echo "LIBGL_DRIVERS_PATH=/usr/$(get_libdir)/dri" > "${envname}"
+ doenvd "${envname}"
+pkg_postinst() {
+ /usr/bin/eselect opengl set --use-old ati
+ elog "To switch to ATI OpenGL, run \"eselect opengl set ati\""
+ elog "To change your xorg.conf you can use the bundled \"aticonfig\""
+ elog
+ elog "If you experience unexplained segmentation faults and kernel crashes"
+ elog "with this driver and multi-threaded applications such as wine,"
+ elog "set UseFastTLS in xorg.conf to either 0 or 1, but not 2."
+ elog
+ # (to get the LIBGL_DRIVERS_PATH)
+ elog "You will have to source /etc/profile (or logout and back in) for dri"
+ elog "to work, unless you previously had ati-drivers installed."
+ # DRM module
+ linux-mod_pkg_postinst
+pkg_postrm() {
+ linux-mod_pkg_postrm
+ /usr/bin/eselect opengl set --use-old xorg-x11