diff options
authorJeffrey Gardner <>2007-07-27 17:59:10 +0000
committerJeffrey Gardner <>2007-07-27 17:59:10 +0000
commita38b269d2fe69a9d81eaa6e693e6798989ce13ec (patch)
tree9fda698aae7fe0780696105a81961df76895743f /sys-kernel/mactel-linux-sources
parentManifest fix (diff)
Replacing tarball with individual patches.
svn path=/; revision=4
Diffstat (limited to 'sys-kernel/mactel-linux-sources')
-rw-r--r--sys-kernel/mactel-linux-sources/files/mactel-patches-2.6.22.tar.bz2bin9996 -> 0 bytes
10 files changed, 1317 insertions, 9 deletions
diff --git a/sys-kernel/mactel-linux-sources/Manifest b/sys-kernel/mactel-linux-sources/Manifest
index 60e3369..7d7b025 100644
--- a/sys-kernel/mactel-linux-sources/Manifest
+++ b/sys-kernel/mactel-linux-sources/Manifest
@@ -1,14 +1,38 @@
-AUX mactel-patches-2.6.22.tar.bz2 9996 RMD160 32391ae186150bc077c1dc7e43ab05b2dc3d24c6 SHA1 ead17e8914ea5632ffeec53ebe059a17c3e8083a SHA256 c2e8fbea30e4fd0f77df324163d4e78f459af990500223543e4751d6aa8b88bf
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-RMD160 32391ae186150bc077c1dc7e43ab05b2dc3d24c6 files/mactel-patches-2.6.22.tar.bz2 9996
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+AUX mactel-patches-r138/appleir-undo-hid-blacklist.patch 1243 RMD160 9cab09367c6aa4d4d77a4c7c3a04879e6ae6d24c SHA1 781ebfa912ab0cade15a2db978ec4bc0824e7211 SHA256 cbb945e2691f71f58baff171156778b99d59e31b89c10c604a2adf67cd29fa7e
+MD5 6cafb3260807e7a4e8fe6ed7efa90d7c files/mactel-patches-r138/appleir-undo-hid-blacklist.patch 1243
+RMD160 9cab09367c6aa4d4d77a4c7c3a04879e6ae6d24c files/mactel-patches-r138/appleir-undo-hid-blacklist.patch 1243
+SHA256 cbb945e2691f71f58baff171156778b99d59e31b89c10c604a2adf67cd29fa7e files/mactel-patches-r138/appleir-undo-hid-blacklist.patch 1243
+AUX mactel-patches-r138/applesmc-add-macbook-temperature-keys.patch 1608 RMD160 55c9ee3672d26328eae98013d4bd1170d7980ada SHA1 9b545fe0aec185d4d074935b2e7bff68211892ba SHA256 8598fe0a787d14c48da1fa364bbfe4e38a21d1ef05d504adfb2c347e5a4faf37
+MD5 986dc5fce1439bd828bb0b1dd58f256c files/mactel-patches-r138/applesmc-add-macbook-temperature-keys.patch 1608
+RMD160 55c9ee3672d26328eae98013d4bd1170d7980ada files/mactel-patches-r138/applesmc-add-macbook-temperature-keys.patch 1608
+SHA256 8598fe0a787d14c48da1fa364bbfe4e38a21d1ef05d504adfb2c347e5a4faf37 files/mactel-patches-r138/applesmc-add-macbook-temperature-keys.patch 1608
+AUX mactel-patches-r138/applesmc-use-input-polldev.patch 6730 RMD160 4bb41be03d0cac7cc363607308be747aa963b7a0 SHA1 b70322552e936ccb1359f28a0368c67ac873f417 SHA256 3db966ce685b0a580bd71ef3d8ee14e0fa6ba1fd9c1740515e88b15e8b6e79a4
+MD5 ee2e79dbfac67279a47fed5e19ad55b9 files/mactel-patches-r138/applesmc-use-input-polldev.patch 6730
+RMD160 4bb41be03d0cac7cc363607308be747aa963b7a0 files/mactel-patches-r138/applesmc-use-input-polldev.patch 6730
+SHA256 3db966ce685b0a580bd71ef3d8ee14e0fa6ba1fd9c1740515e88b15e8b6e79a4 files/mactel-patches-r138/applesmc-use-input-polldev.patch 6730
+AUX mactel-patches-r138/applesmc_int.patch 11196 RMD160 f1aab1302478373644ee6372ee7d56ac3d267e8e SHA1 bd477fbd19992d331d93450ee979a015a0992f5a SHA256 344c50897e4105c79b327587ad8eabd87466309b6e90be63fe3aa2018049efa0
+MD5 6729cbb7d47277c64bac2d509b7dc6ff files/mactel-patches-r138/applesmc_int.patch 11196
+RMD160 f1aab1302478373644ee6372ee7d56ac3d267e8e files/mactel-patches-r138/applesmc_int.patch 11196
+SHA256 344c50897e4105c79b327587ad8eabd87466309b6e90be63fe3aa2018049efa0 files/mactel-patches-r138/applesmc_int.patch 11196
+AUX mactel-patches-r138/appletouch-shut-up-when-it-has-nothing-to-say.patch 6532 RMD160 692a4f4cd1b35691ca5627a7887ad8e3ca277d46 SHA1 f474eb6bbf9a77d228510879b90b7ab494694916 SHA256 c3ebafd0dc2db7905561e19321bfde3547638d88b29ecc60e19c67d02c30de11
+MD5 3c49f9f552f9a0a5ffdf5aaed030cf96 files/mactel-patches-r138/appletouch-shut-up-when-it-has-nothing-to-say.patch 6532
+RMD160 692a4f4cd1b35691ca5627a7887ad8e3ca277d46 files/mactel-patches-r138/appletouch-shut-up-when-it-has-nothing-to-say.patch 6532
+SHA256 c3ebafd0dc2db7905561e19321bfde3547638d88b29ecc60e19c67d02c30de11 files/mactel-patches-r138/appletouch-shut-up-when-it-has-nothing-to-say.patch 6532
+AUX mactel-patches-r138/appletouch.patch 673 RMD160 a999e0be735e8773aa8de7e1c46eb065c344ad93 SHA1 bd923cabc3a07382c698f9fdd571bbf92c79c4d8 SHA256 e32bd2088ebeb99f03e7bf52301b047b0ff5b595565af0b70df71ba1e5a7a604
+MD5 4753986b03c066d8a9b916ef8a15a36b files/mactel-patches-r138/appletouch.patch 673
+RMD160 a999e0be735e8773aa8de7e1c46eb065c344ad93 files/mactel-patches-r138/appletouch.patch 673
+SHA256 e32bd2088ebeb99f03e7bf52301b047b0ff5b595565af0b70df71ba1e5a7a604 files/mactel-patches-r138/appletouch.patch 673
+AUX mactel-patches-r138/sigmatel-backport-2.6.23.patch 11073 RMD160 da1596221d9235dc367c38562d710606d088a010 SHA1 d6e7972cb462853b8951efb8f31303a6b6acfd5d SHA256 001bf670cfdb292a3c28ba9cbf09066f07fc373b469fbb6f41d3e115cbb74c77
+MD5 776192d1e332bfbc7008815d20dc57ea files/mactel-patches-r138/sigmatel-backport-2.6.23.patch 11073
+RMD160 da1596221d9235dc367c38562d710606d088a010 files/mactel-patches-r138/sigmatel-backport-2.6.23.patch 11073
+SHA256 001bf670cfdb292a3c28ba9cbf09066f07fc373b469fbb6f41d3e115cbb74c77 files/mactel-patches-r138/sigmatel-backport-2.6.23.patch 11073
DIST genpatches-2.6.22-2.base.tar.bz2 2742 RMD160 2bfb0c05acd2eb01f785d58d9785fc2f9a14d606 SHA1 78883f122d349940fc012d472eea64fec8cf179b SHA256 056838c82c8b6ef028afbe2b654882f375dedfe85eb8fec28b3919dd52048b6e
DIST genpatches-2.6.22-2.extras.tar.bz2 63706 RMD160 42f3ec0477edb3751068f6fc815aab3f0065d619 SHA1 4715440b92f04466e2fc6f2d5d451b9eb084d62d SHA256 2c1bd61ab9c1c52748f1d70a967efc75d88d41c8f8864a0864754632b32538a8
DIST linux-2.6.22.tar.bz2 45119878 RMD160 c4b2ca5ee8e71c0f8f1c95f3c9c5f261f2785912 SHA1 39401f195a618f397312d6d84ff9aebe28d99381 SHA256 73c10604c53f1a6ee65ef805293d23903696f8cef864f42d7de9506f0d2ba4c7
-EBUILD mactel-linux-sources-2.6.22-r1.ebuild 576 RMD160 a64d34b9d4cf74b1a8377bb58ef73438b8be1c8e SHA1 4204f09e0bee18c35e12281b8bbe4b97a26ef0a9 SHA256 5e56eae8ce6805e3380bcce371289ea44bd61d2187e659ccb02f24a534154a6f
-MD5 02a53826196d7d2218eb74b419156fc8 mactel-linux-sources-2.6.22-r1.ebuild 576
-RMD160 a64d34b9d4cf74b1a8377bb58ef73438b8be1c8e mactel-linux-sources-2.6.22-r1.ebuild 576
-SHA256 5e56eae8ce6805e3380bcce371289ea44bd61d2187e659ccb02f24a534154a6f mactel-linux-sources-2.6.22-r1.ebuild 576
+EBUILD mactel-linux-sources-2.6.22-r1.ebuild 1015 RMD160 22bd8b202d28859ff8edb96af0b93b0c558265b0 SHA1 cb307f63b24e02185fdd25128edca03fc0abb1bb SHA256 0e8be879af694f1e2f6d48e43559396fbb68f1c687ee3f12c8ea3806e504a4cf
+MD5 558333d842184412aa7827e234a2d896 mactel-linux-sources-2.6.22-r1.ebuild 1015
+RMD160 22bd8b202d28859ff8edb96af0b93b0c558265b0 mactel-linux-sources-2.6.22-r1.ebuild 1015
+SHA256 0e8be879af694f1e2f6d48e43559396fbb68f1c687ee3f12c8ea3806e504a4cf mactel-linux-sources-2.6.22-r1.ebuild 1015
MD5 5335397db700b8b205539d4b2d9ad1d6 files/digest-mactel-linux-sources-2.6.22-r1 798
RMD160 04cc66d11fe7c2c1224587e0d3bf3863cd6f94a3 files/digest-mactel-linux-sources-2.6.22-r1 798
SHA256 722a780105853083e13b722a2a41247f412a0964b29997f7d2a5ba3d03019aad files/digest-mactel-linux-sources-2.6.22-r1 798
diff --git a/sys-kernel/mactel-linux-sources/files/mactel-patches-2.6.22.tar.bz2 b/sys-kernel/mactel-linux-sources/files/mactel-patches-2.6.22.tar.bz2
deleted file mode 100644
index f79c140..0000000
--- a/sys-kernel/mactel-linux-sources/files/mactel-patches-2.6.22.tar.bz2
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/sys-kernel/mactel-linux-sources/files/mactel-patches-r138/appleir-undo-hid-blacklist.patch b/sys-kernel/mactel-linux-sources/files/mactel-patches-r138/appleir-undo-hid-blacklist.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6d4e94d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys-kernel/mactel-linux-sources/files/mactel-patches-r138/appleir-undo-hid-blacklist.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+Undo USB HID blacklisting of Apple IR, as it is support by lirc now.
+From: Nicolas Boichat <>
+ drivers/hid/usbhid/hid-quirks.c | 2 --
+ 1 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/drivers/hid/usbhid/hid-quirks.c b/drivers/hid/usbhid/hid-quirks.c
+index f6c4145..3e64d56 100644
+--- a/drivers/hid/usbhid/hid-quirks.c
++++ b/drivers/hid/usbhid/hid-quirks.c
+@@ -61,7 +61,6 @@
+-#define USB_DEVICE_ID_APPLE_IR 0x8240
+ #define USB_VENDOR_ID_ATEN 0x0557
+ #define USB_DEVICE_ID_ATEN_UC100KM 0x2004
+@@ -300,7 +299,6 @@ static const struct hid_blacklist {
diff --git a/sys-kernel/mactel-linux-sources/files/mactel-patches-r138/applesmc-add-macbook-temperature-keys.patch b/sys-kernel/mactel-linux-sources/files/mactel-patches-r138/applesmc-add-macbook-temperature-keys.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6f7caf4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys-kernel/mactel-linux-sources/files/mactel-patches-r138/applesmc-add-macbook-temperature-keys.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+Fix AppleSMC registers on non-pro Macbooks.
+From: Martin Szulecki <>
+ drivers/hwmon/applesmc.c | 14 +++++++++-----
+ 1 files changed, 9 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/drivers/hwmon/applesmc.c b/drivers/hwmon/applesmc.c
+index eb81a64..cea8d78 100644
+--- a/drivers/hwmon/applesmc.c
++++ b/drivers/hwmon/applesmc.c
+@@ -79,11 +79,15 @@
+ /*
+ * Temperature sensors keys (sp78 - 2 bytes).
+- * First set for Macbook(Pro), second for Macmini.
+ */
+ static const char* temperature_sensors_sets[][13] = {
++/* Set 0: Macbook Pro */
+ { "TA0P", "TB0T", "TC0D", "TC0P", "TG0H", "TG0P", "TG0T", "Th0H",
+ "Th1H", "Tm0P", "Ts0P", "Ts1P", NULL },
++/* Set 1: Macbook set */
++ { "TB0T", "TC0D", "TC0P", "TM0P", "TN0P", "TN1P", "Th0H", "Th0S",
++ "Th1H", "Ts0P", NULL },
++/* Set 2: Macmini set */
+ { "TC0D", "TC0P", NULL }
+ };
+@@ -1129,10 +1133,10 @@ static void applesmc_release_accelerometer(void)
+ static __initdata struct dmi_match_data applesmc_dmi_data[] = {
+ /* MacBook Pro: accelerometer, backlight and temperature set 0 */
+ { .accelerometer = 1, .light = 1, .temperature_set = 0 },
+-/* MacBook: accelerometer and temperature set 0 */
+- { .accelerometer = 1, .light = 0, .temperature_set = 0 },
+-/* MacBook: temperature set 1 */
+- { .accelerometer = 0, .light = 0, .temperature_set = 1 }
++/* MacBook: accelerometer and temperature set 1 */
++ { .accelerometer = 1, .light = 0, .temperature_set = 1 },
++/* MacMini: temperature set 2 */
++ { .accelerometer = 0, .light = 0, .temperature_set = 2 },
+ };
+ /* Note that DMI_MATCH(...,"MacBook") will match "MacBookPro1,1".
diff --git a/sys-kernel/mactel-linux-sources/files/mactel-patches-r138/applesmc-use-input-polldev.patch b/sys-kernel/mactel-linux-sources/files/mactel-patches-r138/applesmc-use-input-polldev.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a01777c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys-kernel/mactel-linux-sources/files/mactel-patches-r138/applesmc-use-input-polldev.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
+HWMON: applesmc - convert to use input-polldev.
+From: Nicolas Boichat <>
+Switch to using input-polldev skeleton instead of implementing
+polling loop by itself. This also fixes problem with trylock
+on a mutex in atomic context.
+Signed-off-by: Dmitry Torokhov <>
+ drivers/hwmon/Kconfig | 1 +
+ drivers/hwmon/applesmc.c | 83 +++++++++++++++++-----------------------------
+ 2 files changed, 31 insertions(+), 53 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/drivers/hwmon/Kconfig b/drivers/hwmon/Kconfig
+index 13eea47..f0ab2ac 100644
+--- a/drivers/hwmon/Kconfig
++++ b/drivers/hwmon/Kconfig
+@@ -623,6 +623,7 @@ config SENSORS_APPLESMC
+ depends on INPUT && X86
+ select NEW_LEDS
+ select LEDS_CLASS
+ default n
+ help
+ This driver provides support for the Apple System Management
+diff --git a/drivers/hwmon/applesmc.c b/drivers/hwmon/applesmc.c
+index fd1281f..eb81a64 100644
+--- a/drivers/hwmon/applesmc.c
++++ b/drivers/hwmon/applesmc.c
+@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
+ #include <linux/delay.h>
+ #include <linux/platform_device.h>
+-#include <linux/input.h>
++#include <linux/input-polldev.h>
+ #include <linux/kernel.h>
+ #include <linux/module.h>
+ #include <linux/timer.h>
+@@ -59,9 +59,9 @@
+ #define LIGHT_SENSOR_LEFT_KEY "ALV0" /* r-o {alv (6 bytes) */
+ #define LIGHT_SENSOR_RIGHT_KEY "ALV1" /* r-o {alv (6 bytes) */
+-#define BACKLIGHT_KEY "LKSB" /* w-o {lkb (2 bytes) */
++#define BACKLIGHT_KEY "LKSB" /* w-o {lkb (2 bytes) */
+-#define CLAMSHELL_KEY "MSLD" /* r-o ui8 (unused) */
++#define CLAMSHELL_KEY "MSLD" /* r-o ui8 (unused) */
+ #define MOTION_SENSOR_X_KEY "MO_X" /* r-o sp78 (2 bytes) */
+ #define MOTION_SENSOR_Y_KEY "MO_Y" /* r-o sp78 (2 bytes) */
+@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ static const char* fan_speed_keys[] = {
+ #define INIT_TIMEOUT_MSECS 5000 /* wait up to 5s for device init ... */
+ #define INIT_WAIT_MSECS 50 /* ... in 50ms increments */
+-#define APPLESMC_POLL_PERIOD (HZ/20) /* poll for input every 1/20s */
++#define APPLESMC_POLL_INTERVAL 50 /* msecs */
+ #define APPLESMC_INPUT_FUZZ 4 /* input event threshold */
+@@ -121,8 +121,7 @@ static const int debug;
+ static struct platform_device *pdev;
+ static s16 rest_x;
+ static s16 rest_y;
+-static struct timer_list applesmc_timer;
+-static struct input_dev *applesmc_idev;
++static struct input_polled_dev *applesmc_idev;
+ static struct class_device *hwmon_class_dev;
+ /* Indicates whether this computer has an accelerometer. */
+@@ -134,7 +133,7 @@ static unsigned int applesmc_light;
+ /* Indicates which temperature sensors set to use. */
+ static unsigned int applesmc_temperature_set;
+-static struct mutex applesmc_lock;
++static DEFINE_MUTEX(applesmc_lock);
+ /*
+ * Last index written to key_at_index sysfs file, and value to use for all other
+@@ -451,27 +450,12 @@ static void applesmc_calibrate(void)
+ rest_x = -rest_x;
+ }
+-static int applesmc_idev_open(struct input_dev *dev)
+- add_timer(&applesmc_timer);
+- return 0;
+-static void applesmc_idev_close(struct input_dev *dev)
+- del_timer_sync(&applesmc_timer);
+-static void applesmc_idev_poll(unsigned long unused)
++static void applesmc_idev_poll(struct input_polled_dev *dev)
+ {
++ struct input_dev *idev = dev->input;
+ s16 x, y;
+- /* Cannot sleep. Try nonblockingly. If we fail, try again later. */
+- if (!mutex_trylock(&applesmc_lock)) {
+- mod_timer(&applesmc_timer, jiffies + APPLESMC_POLL_PERIOD);
+- return;
+- }
++ mutex_lock(&applesmc_lock);
+ if (applesmc_read_motion_sensor(SENSOR_X, &x))
+ goto out;
+@@ -479,13 +463,11 @@ static void applesmc_idev_poll(unsigned long unused)
+ goto out;
+ x = -x;
+- input_report_abs(applesmc_idev, ABS_X, x - rest_x);
+- input_report_abs(applesmc_idev, ABS_Y, y - rest_y);
+- input_sync(applesmc_idev);
++ input_report_abs(idev, ABS_X, x - rest_x);
++ input_report_abs(idev, ABS_Y, y - rest_y);
++ input_sync(idev);
+ out:
+- mod_timer(&applesmc_timer, jiffies + APPLESMC_POLL_PERIOD);
+ mutex_unlock(&applesmc_lock);
+ }
+@@ -817,8 +799,7 @@ static ssize_t applesmc_key_at_index_read_show(struct device *dev,
+ if (!ret) {
+ return info[0];
+- }
+- else {
++ } else {
+ return ret;
+ }
+ }
+@@ -1089,6 +1070,7 @@ static int applesmc_dmi_match(struct dmi_system_id *id)
+ /* Create accelerometer ressources */
+ static int applesmc_create_accelerometer(void)
+ {
++ struct input_dev *idev;
+ int ret;
+ ret = sysfs_create_group(&pdev->dev.kobj,
+@@ -1096,40 +1078,37 @@ static int applesmc_create_accelerometer(void)
+ if (ret)
+ goto out;
+- applesmc_idev = input_allocate_device();
++ applesmc_idev = input_allocate_polled_device();
+ if (!applesmc_idev) {
+ ret = -ENOMEM;
+ goto out_sysfs;
+ }
++ applesmc_idev->poll = applesmc_idev_poll;
++ applesmc_idev->poll_interval = APPLESMC_POLL_INTERVAL;
+ /* initial calibrate for the input device */
+ applesmc_calibrate();
+- /* initialize the input class */
+- applesmc_idev->name = "applesmc";
+- applesmc_idev->id.bustype = BUS_HOST;
+- applesmc_idev->dev.parent = &pdev->dev;
+- applesmc_idev->evbit[0] = BIT(EV_ABS);
+- applesmc_idev->open = applesmc_idev_open;
+- applesmc_idev->close = applesmc_idev_close;
+- input_set_abs_params(applesmc_idev, ABS_X,
++ /* initialize the input device */
++ idev = applesmc_idev->input;
++ idev->name = "applesmc";
++ idev->id.bustype = BUS_HOST;
++ idev->dev.parent = &pdev->dev;
++ idev->evbit[0] = BIT(EV_ABS);
++ input_set_abs_params(idev, ABS_X,
+- input_set_abs_params(applesmc_idev, ABS_Y,
++ input_set_abs_params(idev, ABS_Y,
+- ret = input_register_device(applesmc_idev);
++ ret = input_register_polled_device(applesmc_idev);
+ if (ret)
+ goto out_idev;
+- /* start up our timer for the input device */
+- init_timer(&applesmc_timer);
+- applesmc_timer.function = applesmc_idev_poll;
+- applesmc_timer.expires = jiffies + APPLESMC_POLL_PERIOD;
+ return 0;
+ out_idev:
+- input_free_device(applesmc_idev);
++ input_free_polled_device(applesmc_idev);
+ out_sysfs:
+ sysfs_remove_group(&pdev->dev.kobj, &accelerometer_attributes_group);
+@@ -1142,8 +1121,8 @@ out:
+ /* Release all ressources used by the accelerometer */
+ static void applesmc_release_accelerometer(void)
+ {
+- del_timer_sync(&applesmc_timer);
+- input_unregister_device(applesmc_idev);
++ input_unregister_polled_device(applesmc_idev);
++ input_free_polled_device(applesmc_idev);
+ sysfs_remove_group(&pdev->dev.kobj, &accelerometer_attributes_group);
+ }
+@@ -1180,8 +1159,6 @@ static int __init applesmc_init(void)
+ int count;
+ int i;
+- mutex_init(&applesmc_lock);
+ if (!dmi_check_system(applesmc_whitelist)) {
+ printk(KERN_WARNING "applesmc: supported laptop not found!\n");
+ ret = -ENODEV;
diff --git a/sys-kernel/mactel-linux-sources/files/mactel-patches-r138/applesmc_int.patch b/sys-kernel/mactel-linux-sources/files/mactel-patches-r138/applesmc_int.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7cab258
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys-kernel/mactel-linux-sources/files/mactel-patches-r138/applesmc_int.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,415 @@
+Add interrupt support for the accelerometer. A message is printed in dmesg when an interrupt occurs, but no further handling is done.
+From: Nicolas Boichat <>
+ drivers/hwmon/applesmc.c | 321 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---
+ 1 files changed, 298 insertions(+), 23 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/drivers/hwmon/applesmc.c b/drivers/hwmon/applesmc.c
+index cea8d78..5d184a1 100644
+--- a/drivers/hwmon/applesmc.c
++++ b/drivers/hwmon/applesmc.c
+@@ -39,14 +39,20 @@
+ #include <linux/leds.h>
+ #include <linux/hwmon.h>
+ #include <linux/workqueue.h>
++#include <linux/interrupt.h>
+ /* data port used by Apple SMC */
+ #define APPLESMC_DATA_PORT 0x300
+ /* command/status port used by Apple SMC */
+ #define APPLESMC_CMD_PORT 0x304
++/* status port used by Apple SMC to get which interrupt type just happened */
++#define APPLESMC_INT_PORT 0x31f
+ #define APPLESMC_NR_PORTS 32 /* 0x300-0x31f */
++/* Defined in ACPI DSDT table, should we read it from there? */
++#define APPLESMC_IRQ 6
+@@ -57,6 +63,8 @@
+ #define KEY_COUNT_KEY "#KEY" /* r-o ui32 */
++#define INTERRUPT_OK_KEY "NTOK" /* w-o ui8 */
+ #define LIGHT_SENSOR_LEFT_KEY "ALV0" /* r-o {alv (6 bytes) */
+ #define LIGHT_SENSOR_RIGHT_KEY "ALV1" /* r-o {alv (6 bytes) */
+ #define BACKLIGHT_KEY "LKSB" /* w-o {lkb (2 bytes) */
+@@ -68,6 +76,19 @@
+ #define MOTION_SENSOR_Z_KEY "MO_Z" /* r-o sp78 (2 bytes) */
+ #define MOTION_SENSOR_KEY "MOCN" /* r/w ui16 */
++ * Interrupt controls.
++ * If the norm of the position (sqrt(MO_X^2+MO_Y^2+MO_Z^2)) is smaller than
++ * MOLT (free fall), or bigger than MOHT (high acceleration) for longer than the
++ * value of MOLD (or MOHD), SMC will trigger an interrupt.
++ */
++#define MOTION_LOW_NORM "MOLT" /* r/w sp78 (2 bytes) */
++#define MOTION_HIGH_NORM "MOHT" /* r/w sp78 (2 bytes) */
++#define MOTION_LOW_NORM_INTERVAL "MOLD" /* r/w ui8 */
++#define MOTION_HIGH_NORM_INTERVAL "MOHD" /* r/w ui8 */
++#define MSDW_KEY "MSDW" /* r/w flag (1 byte) */
+ #define FANS_COUNT "FNum" /* r-o ui8 */
+ #define FANS_MANUAL "FS! " /* r-w ui16 */
+ #define FAN_ACTUAL_SPEED "F0Ac" /* r-o fpe2 (2 bytes) */
+@@ -351,12 +372,83 @@ static int applesmc_read_motion_sensor(int index, s16* value)
+ }
+ /*
++ * applesmc_init_check_key_value - checks if a given key contains the bytes in
++ * buffer, if not, writes these bytes.
++ * In case of failure retry every INIT_WAIT_MSECS msec, and timeout if it
++ * waited more than INIT_TIMEOUT_MSECS in total.
++ * Returns zero on success or a negative error on failure. Callers must
++ * hold applesmc_lock.
++ */
++static int applesmc_init_check_key_value(const char *key, u8 *buffer, u8 len)
++ int total, ret, i, compare;
++ printk(KERN_ERR "applesmc_init_check_key_value: cannot "
++ "read/write more than %d bytes",
++ return -EINVAL;
++ }
++ for (total = INIT_TIMEOUT_MSECS; total > 0; total -= INIT_WAIT_MSECS) {
++ ret = applesmc_read_key(key, rdbuffer, len);
++ if (!ret) {
++ compare = 1;
++ for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
++ if (rdbuffer[i] != buffer[i]) {
++ compare = 0;
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ if (compare) {
++ return 0;
++ }
++ }
++ ret = applesmc_write_key(key, buffer, len);
++ msleep(INIT_WAIT_MSECS);
++ }
++ if (ret)
++ return ret;
++ else
++ return -EIO;
++irqreturn_t applesmc_irq_handler(int irq, void *dev_id)
++ u8 int_type = inb(APPLESMC_INT_PORT);
++ switch (int_type) {
++ case 0x60:
++ printk(KERN_INFO "applesmc: received a free fall interrupt\n");
++ break;
++ case 0x6f:
++ printk(KERN_INFO
++ "applesmc: received a high acceleration interrupt\n");
++ break;
++ case 0x80:
++ printk(KERN_INFO "applesmc: received a shock interrupt\n");
++ break;
++ default:
++ printk(KERN_INFO
++ "applesmc: received an unknown interrupt %x\n",
++ int_type);
++ }
++ return IRQ_HANDLED;
+ * applesmc_device_init - initialize the accelerometer. Returns zero on success
+ * and negative error code on failure. Can sleep.
+ */
+ static int applesmc_device_init(void)
+ {
+- int total, ret = -ENXIO;
++ int total;
++ int ret = -ENXIO;
++ int ret1, ret2;
+ u8 buffer[2];
+ if (!applesmc_accelerometer)
+@@ -364,32 +456,79 @@ static int applesmc_device_init(void)
+ mutex_lock(&applesmc_lock);
++ /* Accept interrupts */
++ buffer[0] = 0x01;
+ for (total = INIT_TIMEOUT_MSECS; total > 0; total -= INIT_WAIT_MSECS) {
+- if (debug)
+- printk(KERN_DEBUG "applesmc try %d\n", total);
+- if (!applesmc_read_key(MOTION_SENSOR_KEY, buffer, 2) &&
+- (buffer[0] != 0x00 || buffer[1] != 0x00)) {
+- if (total == INIT_TIMEOUT_MSECS) {
+- printk(KERN_DEBUG "applesmc: device has"
+- " already been initialized"
+- " (0x%02x, 0x%02x).\n",
+- buffer[0], buffer[1]);
+- } else {
+- printk(KERN_DEBUG "applesmc: device"
+- " successfully initialized"
+- " (0x%02x, 0x%02x).\n",
+- buffer[0], buffer[1]);
+- }
+- ret = 0;
+- goto out;
+- }
+- buffer[0] = 0xe0;
+- buffer[1] = 0x00;
+- applesmc_write_key(MOTION_SENSOR_KEY, buffer, 2);
++ ret1 = applesmc_write_key(INTERRUPT_OK_KEY, buffer, 1);
+ msleep(INIT_WAIT_MSECS);
++ if (!ret1)
++ break;
++ }
++ if (ret1)
++ printk(KERN_WARNING "applesmc: Cannot set NTOK key, "
++ "will not receive interrupts.\n");
++ /* Setup interrupt controls. */
++ buffer[0] = 20; /* 20 msecs */
++ ret1 = applesmc_init_check_key_value(MOTION_LOW_NORM_INTERVAL,
++ buffer, 1);
++ buffer[0] = 20; /* 20 msecs */
++ ret2 = applesmc_init_check_key_value(MOTION_HIGH_NORM_INTERVAL,
++ buffer, 1);
++ if (ret1 || ret2) {
++ printk(KERN_WARNING "applesmc: Cannot set motion sensor "
++ "interrupt interval, might not receive "
++ "some interrupts.");
+ }
+- printk(KERN_WARNING "applesmc: failed to init the device\n");
++ buffer[0] = 0x00;
++ buffer[1] = 0x60;
++ ret1 = applesmc_init_check_key_value(MOTION_LOW_NORM, buffer, 2);
++ buffer[0] = 0x01;
++ buffer[1] = 0xc0;
++ ret2 = applesmc_init_check_key_value(MOTION_HIGH_NORM, buffer, 2);
++ if (ret1 || ret2) {
++ printk(KERN_WARNING "applesmc: Cannot set motion sensor "
++ "min/max norm parameters, "
++ "might not receive some interrupts.");
++ }
++ /* Mysterious key. */
++ buffer[0] = 0x01;
++ for (total = INIT_TIMEOUT_MSECS; total > 0; total -= INIT_WAIT_MSECS) {
++ ret1 = applesmc_write_key(MSDW_KEY, buffer, 1);
++ msleep(INIT_WAIT_MSECS);
++ if (!ret1)
++ break;
++ }
++ if (ret1)
++ printk(KERN_WARNING "applesmc: Cannot set MSDW key\n");
++ /* Initialize the device. */
++ buffer[0] = 0xe0;
++ buffer[1] = 0xf8;
++ if (applesmc_init_check_key_value(MOTION_SENSOR_KEY, buffer, 2)) {
++ printk(KERN_WARNING "applesmc: failed to init "
++ "the accelerometer\n");
++ goto out;
++ }
++ ret1 = request_irq(APPLESMC_IRQ, applesmc_irq_handler, IRQF_DISABLED,
++ "applesmc_irq_handler", NULL);
++ if (ret1) {
++ printk(KERN_WARNING "applesmc: cannot setup irq handler\n");
++ }
++ printk(KERN_DEBUG "applesmc: accelerometer "
++ "successfully initialized.\n");
++ ret = 0;
+ out:
+ mutex_unlock(&applesmc_lock);
+@@ -434,9 +573,16 @@ static int applesmc_resume(struct platform_device *dev)
+ return applesmc_device_init();
+ }
++static int applesmc_remove(struct platform_device *dev)
++ free_irq(APPLESMC_IRQ, NULL);
++ return 0;
+ static struct platform_driver applesmc_driver = {
+ .probe = applesmc_probe,
+ .resume = applesmc_resume,
++ .remove = applesmc_remove,
+ .driver = {
+ .name = "applesmc",
+ .owner = THIS_MODULE,
+@@ -898,6 +1044,123 @@ static ssize_t applesmc_key_at_index_store(struct device *dev,
+ return count;
+ }
++static ssize_t applesmc_accelerometer_show(struct device *dev,
++ struct device_attribute *attr, char *sysfsbuf)
++ int ret;
++ unsigned int value = 0;
++ u8 buffer[2];
++ char *key;
++ int length;
++ struct sensor_device_attribute_2 *sensor_attr =
++ to_sensor_dev_attr_2(attr);
++ switch (sensor_attr->index) {
++ case 0:
++ length = 1;
++ break;
++ case 1:
++ length = 1;
++ break;
++ case 2:
++ length = 2;
++ break;
++ case 3:
++ length = 2;
++ break;
++ default:
++ printk(KERN_ERR
++ "Invalid index for applesmc_accelerometer_show");
++ return -EINVAL;
++ }
++ mutex_lock(&applesmc_lock);
++ ret = applesmc_read_key(key, buffer, length);
++ if (length == 2)
++ value = ((unsigned int)buffer[0] << 8) | buffer[1];
++ else if (length == 1)
++ value = buffer[0];
++ else {
++ printk("Invalid length for applesmc_param_show");
++ ret = -EINVAL;
++ }
++ mutex_unlock(&applesmc_lock);
++ if (ret)
++ return ret;
++ else
++ return snprintf(sysfsbuf, PAGE_SIZE, "%u\n", value);
++static ssize_t applesmc_accelerometer_store(struct device *dev,
++ struct device_attribute *attr,
++ const char *sysfsbuf, size_t count)
++ int ret;
++ u32 value;
++ u8 buffer[2];
++ char *key;
++ int length;
++ struct sensor_device_attribute_2 *sensor_attr =
++ to_sensor_dev_attr_2(attr);
++ switch (sensor_attr->index) {
++ case 0:
++ length = 1;
++ break;
++ case 1:
++ length = 1;
++ break;
++ case 2:
++ length = 2;
++ break;
++ case 3:
++ length = 2;
++ break;
++ default:
++ printk("Invalid index for applesmc_accelerometer_show");
++ return -EINVAL;
++ }
++ value = simple_strtoul(sysfsbuf, NULL, 10);
++ if (length == 2) {
++ if (value > 0xffff)
++ return -EINVAL;
++ buffer[0] = (value >> 8) & 0xff;
++ buffer[1] = value & 0xff;
++ } else if (length == 1) {
++ if (value > 0xff)
++ return -EINVAL;
++ buffer[0] = value & 0xff;
++ } else {
++ printk("Invalid length for applesmc_param_store");
++ return -EINVAL;
++ }
++ mutex_lock(&applesmc_lock);
++ ret = applesmc_write_key(key, buffer, length);
++ mutex_unlock(&applesmc_lock);
++ if (ret)
++ return ret;
++ else
++ return count;
+ static struct led_classdev applesmc_backlight = {
+ .name = "smc:kbd_backlight",
+ .default_trigger = "nand-disk",
+@@ -909,10 +1172,22 @@ static DEVICE_ATTR(name, 0444, applesmc_name_show, NULL);
+ static DEVICE_ATTR(position, 0444, applesmc_position_show, NULL);
+ static DEVICE_ATTR(calibrate, 0644,
+ applesmc_calibrate_show, applesmc_calibrate_store);
++static SENSOR_DEVICE_ATTR(low_norm_trigger_interval, 0644,
++ applesmc_accelerometer_show, applesmc_accelerometer_store, 0);
++static SENSOR_DEVICE_ATTR(high_norm_trigger_interval, 0644,
++ applesmc_accelerometer_show, applesmc_accelerometer_store, 1);
++static SENSOR_DEVICE_ATTR(low_norm_trigger, 0644,
++ applesmc_accelerometer_show, applesmc_accelerometer_store, 2);
++static SENSOR_DEVICE_ATTR(high_norm_trigger, 0644,
++ applesmc_accelerometer_show, applesmc_accelerometer_store, 3);
+ static struct attribute *accelerometer_attributes[] = {
+ &dev_attr_position.attr,
+ &dev_attr_calibrate.attr,
++ &sensor_dev_attr_low_norm_trigger.dev_attr.attr,
++ &sensor_dev_attr_high_norm_trigger.dev_attr.attr,
++ &sensor_dev_attr_low_norm_trigger_interval.dev_attr.attr,
++ &sensor_dev_attr_high_norm_trigger_interval.dev_attr.attr,
+ };
diff --git a/sys-kernel/mactel-linux-sources/files/mactel-patches-r138/appletouch-shut-up-when-it-has-nothing-to-say.patch b/sys-kernel/mactel-linux-sources/files/mactel-patches-r138/appletouch-shut-up-when-it-has-nothing-to-say.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7faa546
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys-kernel/mactel-linux-sources/files/mactel-patches-r138/appletouch-shut-up-when-it-has-nothing-to-say.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
+The attached minimally intrusive patch is based on Matthew Garret's
+From: Soeren Sonnenburg <>
+patch 'Make appletouch shut up when it has nothing to say' patches (e.g.
+ Matthews description follows /
+second paragraph lists my additional changes.
+The appletouch geyser3 devices found in the Intel Macs (and possibly some later
+PPC ones?) send a constant stream of packets after the first touch. This
+results in the kernel waking up around once every couple of milliseconds
+to process them, making it almost impossible to spend any significant
+period of time in C3 state on a dynamic HZ kernel. Sending the mode
+initialization code makes the device shut up until it's touched again.
+This patch does so after receiving 10 packets with no interesting
+In addition it now empties the work queue via cancel_work_sync on module
+exit, keeps all error checking and only reports BTN_LEFT presses if bit
+1 in the status byte (last byte in packet) is set. This fixes the random
+left clicks issue. Furthermore it invalidates touchpad data before the
+mode switch, which fixes the touchpad runs amok issue.
+Sven Anders found out that one should only check for bit 1 for BTN_LEFT.
+Matthew Garrett did the initial 'Make appletouch shut up when it has
+nothing to say' so I am adding him to the signed-off lines (hope that is
+the correct way).
+Patch follows inline and attached.
+Signed-off-by: Soeren Sonnenburg <>
+Signed-off-by: Matthew Garrett <>
+ drivers/input/mouse/appletouch.c | 112 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------
+ 1 files changed, 77 insertions(+), 35 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/drivers/input/mouse/appletouch.c b/drivers/input/mouse/appletouch.c
+index c26af96..22182a7 100644
+--- a/drivers/input/mouse/appletouch.c
++++ b/drivers/input/mouse/appletouch.c
+@@ -155,6 +155,8 @@ struct atp {
+ int overflowwarn; /* overflow warning printed? */
+ int datalen; /* size of an USB urb transfer */
++ int idlecount; /* number of empty packets */
++ struct work_struct work;
+ };
+ #define dbg_dump(msg, tab) \
+@@ -208,6 +210,63 @@ static inline int atp_is_geyser_3(struct atp *dev)
+ (productId == GEYSER4_JIS_PRODUCT_ID);
+ }
++ * By default Geyser 3 device sends standard USB HID mouse
++ * packets (Report ID 2). This code changes device mode, so it
++ * sends raw sensor reports (Report ID 5).
++ */
++static int atp_geyser3_init(struct usb_device *udev)
++ char data[8];
++ int size;
++ int i;
++ size = usb_control_msg(udev, usb_rcvctrlpipe(udev, 0),
++ ATP_GEYSER3_MODE_REQUEST_INDEX, &data, 8, 5000);
++ if (size != 8) {
++ printk("appletouch atp_geyser3_init READ error\n");
++ for (i=0; i<8; i++)
++ printk("appletouch[%d]: %d\n", i, (int) data[i]);
++ err("Could not do mode read request from device"
++ " (Geyser 3 mode)");
++ return -EIO;
++ }
++ /* Apply the mode switch */
++ size = usb_control_msg(udev, usb_sndctrlpipe(udev, 0),
++ ATP_GEYSER3_MODE_REQUEST_INDEX, &data, 8, 5000);
++ if (size != 8) {
++ printk("appletouch atp_geyser3_init WRITE error\n");
++ for (i=0; i<8; i++)
++ printk("appletouch[%d]: %d\n", i, (int) data[i]);
++ err("Could not do mode write request to device"
++ " (Geyser 3 mode)");
++ return -EIO;
++ }
++ return 0;
++/* Reinitialise the device if it's a geyser 3 */
++static void atp_reinit(struct work_struct *work)
++ struct atp *dev = container_of(work, struct atp, work);
++ struct usb_device *udev = dev->udev;
++ dev->idlecount = 0;
++ atp_geyser3_init(udev);
+ static int atp_calculate_abs(int *xy_sensors, int nb_sensors, int fact,
+ int *z, int *fingers)
+ {
+@@ -449,11 +508,21 @@ static void atp_complete(struct urb* urb)
+ /* reset the accumulator on release */
+ memset(dev->xy_acc, 0, sizeof(dev->xy_acc));
+- }
+- input_report_key(dev->input, BTN_LEFT,
+- !!dev->data[dev->datalen - 1]);
++ /* Geyser 3 will continue to send packets continually after
++ the first touch unless reinitialised. Do so if it's been
++ idle for a while in order to avoid waking the kernel up
++ several hundred times a second */
++ if (atp_is_geyser_3(dev)) {
++ dev->idlecount++;
++ if (dev->idlecount == 10) {
++ dev->valid=0;
++ schedule_work (&dev->work);
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ input_report_key(dev->input, BTN_LEFT, dev->data[dev->datalen-1] & 1);
+ input_sync(dev->input);
+ exit:
+@@ -480,6 +549,7 @@ static void atp_close(struct input_dev *input)
+ struct atp *dev = input_get_drvdata(input);
+ usb_kill_urb(dev->urb);
++ cancel_work_sync(&dev->work);
+ dev->open = 0;
+ }
+@@ -528,40 +598,10 @@ static int atp_probe(struct usb_interface *iface, const struct usb_device_id *id
+ dev->datalen = 81;
+ if (atp_is_geyser_3(dev)) {
+- /*
+- * By default Geyser 3 device sends standard USB HID mouse
+- * packets (Report ID 2). This code changes device mode, so it
+- * sends raw sensor reports (Report ID 5).
+- */
+- char data[8];
+- int size;
+- size = usb_control_msg(udev, usb_rcvctrlpipe(udev, 0),
+- ATP_GEYSER3_MODE_REQUEST_INDEX, &data, 8, 5000);
+- if (size != 8) {
+- err("Could not do mode read request from device"
+- " (Geyser 3 mode)");
++ /* switch to raw sensor mode */
++ if (atp_geyser3_init(udev))
+ goto err_free_devs;
+- }
+- /* Apply the mode switch */
+- size = usb_control_msg(udev, usb_sndctrlpipe(udev, 0),
+- ATP_GEYSER3_MODE_REQUEST_INDEX, &data, 8, 5000);
+- if (size != 8) {
+- err("Could not do mode write request to device"
+- " (Geyser 3 mode)");
+- goto err_free_devs;
+- }
+ printk("appletouch Geyser 3 inited.\n");
+ }
+@@ -636,6 +676,8 @@ static int atp_probe(struct usb_interface *iface, const struct usb_device_id *id
+ /* save our data pointer in this interface device */
+ usb_set_intfdata(iface, dev);
++ INIT_WORK(&dev->work, atp_reinit);
+ return 0;
+ err_free_buffer:
diff --git a/sys-kernel/mactel-linux-sources/files/mactel-patches-r138/appletouch.patch b/sys-kernel/mactel-linux-sources/files/mactel-patches-r138/appletouch.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..194f980
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys-kernel/mactel-linux-sources/files/mactel-patches-r138/appletouch.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+Appletouch driver ATP_THRESHOLD fix.
+From: Ortwin Glück <>
+ drivers/input/mouse/appletouch.c | 2 +-
+ 1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/drivers/input/mouse/appletouch.c b/drivers/input/mouse/appletouch.c
+index e321526..c26af96 100644
+--- a/drivers/input/mouse/appletouch.c
++++ b/drivers/input/mouse/appletouch.c
+@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE (usb, atp_table);
+ * Threshold for the touchpad sensors. Any change less than ATP_THRESHOLD is
+ * ignored.
+ */
+-#define ATP_THRESHOLD 5
++#define ATP_THRESHOLD 3
+ /* MacBook Pro (Geyser 3 & 4) initialization constants */
diff --git a/sys-kernel/mactel-linux-sources/files/mactel-patches-r138/sigmatel-backport-2.6.23.patch b/sys-kernel/mactel-linux-sources/files/mactel-patches-r138/sigmatel-backport-2.6.23.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0685db1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys-kernel/mactel-linux-sources/files/mactel-patches-r138/sigmatel-backport-2.6.23.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,341 @@
+Backport ALSA sigmatel pins from 2.6.23 for testing.
+From: Nicolas Boichat <>
+ sound/pci/hda/patch_sigmatel.c | 203 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------
+ 1 files changed, 152 insertions(+), 51 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/sound/pci/hda/patch_sigmatel.c b/sound/pci/hda/patch_sigmatel.c
+index e3964fc..329f4c0 100644
+--- a/sound/pci/hda/patch_sigmatel.c
++++ b/sound/pci/hda/patch_sigmatel.c
+@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ enum {
+ enum {
+ STAC_9205_REF,
+ };
+ enum {
+@@ -59,11 +59,20 @@ enum {
+ STAC_D945_REF,
+ STAC_D945GTP3,
+ STAC_D945GTP5,
++ STAC_922X_DELL,
++ /* for backward compitability */
+ };
+@@ -549,44 +558,79 @@ static unsigned int d945gtp5_pin_configs[10] = {
+ 0x02a19320, 0x40000100,
+ };
+-static unsigned int macbook_pro_v1_pin_configs[10] = {
+- 0x0321e230, 0x03a1e020, 0x9017e110, 0x01014010,
+- 0x01a19021, 0x0381e021, 0x1345e240, 0x13c5e22e,
+- 0x02a19320, 0x400000fb
++static unsigned int intel_mac_v1_pin_configs[10] = {
++ 0x0121e21f, 0x400000ff, 0x9017e110, 0x400000fd,
++ 0x400000fe, 0x0181e020, 0x1145e030, 0x11c5e240,
++ 0x400000fc, 0x400000fb,
++static unsigned int intel_mac_v2_pin_configs[10] = {
++ 0x0121e21f, 0x90a7012e, 0x9017e110, 0x400000fd,
++ 0x400000fe, 0x0181e020, 0x1145e230, 0x500000fa,
++ 0x400000fc, 0x400000fb,
+ };
+-static unsigned int macbook_pro_v2_pin_configs[10] = {
+- 0x0221401f, 0x90a70120, 0x01813024, 0x01014010,
+- 0x400000fd, 0x01016011, 0x1345e240, 0x13c5e22e,
++static unsigned int intel_mac_v3_pin_configs[10] = {
++ 0x0121e21f, 0x90a7012e, 0x9017e110, 0x400000fd,
++ 0x400000fe, 0x0181e020, 0x1145e230, 0x11c5e240,
+ 0x400000fc, 0x400000fb,
+ };
+-static unsigned int imac_intel_pin_configs[10] = {
+- 0x0121e230, 0x90a70120, 0x9017e110, 0x400000fe,
+- 0x400000fd, 0x0181e021, 0x1145e040, 0x400000fa,
++static unsigned int intel_mac_v4_pin_configs[10] = {
++ 0x0321e21f, 0x03a1e02e, 0x9017e110, 0x9017e11f,
++ 0x400000fe, 0x0381e020, 0x1345e230, 0x13c5e240,
+ 0x400000fc, 0x400000fb,
+ };
++static unsigned int intel_mac_v5_pin_configs[10] = {
++ 0x0321e21f, 0x03a1e02e, 0x9017e110, 0x9017e11f,
++ 0x400000fe, 0x0381e020, 0x1345e230, 0x13c5e240,
++ 0x400000fc, 0x400000fb,
++static unsigned int stac922x_dell_pin_configs[10] = {
++ 0x0221121e, 0x408103ff, 0x02a1123e, 0x90100310,
++ 0x408003f1, 0x0221122f, 0x03451340, 0x40c003f2,
++ 0x50a003f3, 0x405003f4
+ static unsigned int *stac922x_brd_tbl[STAC_922X_MODELS] = {
+ [STAC_D945_REF] = ref922x_pin_configs,
+ [STAC_D945GTP3] = d945gtp3_pin_configs,
+ [STAC_D945GTP5] = d945gtp5_pin_configs,
+- [STAC_MACMINI] = macbook_pro_v1_pin_configs,
+- [STAC_MACBOOK] = macbook_pro_v1_pin_configs,
+- [STAC_MACBOOK_PRO_V1] = macbook_pro_v1_pin_configs,
+- [STAC_MACBOOK_PRO_V2] = macbook_pro_v2_pin_configs,
+- [STAC_IMAC_INTEL] = imac_intel_pin_configs,
++ [STAC_922X_DELL] = stac922x_dell_pin_configs,
++ [STAC_INTEL_MAC_V1] = intel_mac_v1_pin_configs,
++ [STAC_INTEL_MAC_V2] = intel_mac_v2_pin_configs,
++ [STAC_INTEL_MAC_V3] = intel_mac_v3_pin_configs,
++ [STAC_INTEL_MAC_V4] = intel_mac_v4_pin_configs,
++ [STAC_INTEL_MAC_V5] = intel_mac_v5_pin_configs,
++ /* for backward compitability */
++ [STAC_MACMINI] = intel_mac_v3_pin_configs,
++ [STAC_MACBOOK] = intel_mac_v5_pin_configs,
++ [STAC_MACBOOK_PRO_V1] = intel_mac_v3_pin_configs,
++ [STAC_MACBOOK_PRO_V2] = intel_mac_v3_pin_configs,
++ [STAC_IMAC_INTEL] = intel_mac_v2_pin_configs,
++ [STAC_IMAC_INTEL_20] = intel_mac_v3_pin_configs,
+ };
+ static const char *stac922x_models[STAC_922X_MODELS] = {
+ [STAC_D945_REF] = "ref",
+ [STAC_D945GTP5] = "5stack",
+ [STAC_D945GTP3] = "3stack",
++ [STAC_922X_DELL] = "dell",
++ [STAC_INTEL_MAC_V1] = "intel-mac-v1",
++ [STAC_INTEL_MAC_V2] = "intel-mac-v2",
++ [STAC_INTEL_MAC_V3] = "intel-mac-v3",
++ [STAC_INTEL_MAC_V4] = "intel-mac-v4",
++ [STAC_INTEL_MAC_V5] = "intel-mac-v5",
++ /* for backward compitability */
+ [STAC_MACMINI] = "macmini",
+ [STAC_MACBOOK] = "macbook",
++ [STAC_MACBOOK_V2] = "macbook-v2",
+ [STAC_MACBOOK_PRO_V1] = "macbook-pro-v1",
+ [STAC_MACBOOK_PRO_V2] = "macbook-pro",
+ [STAC_IMAC_INTEL] = "imac-intel",
++ [STAC_IMAC_INTEL_20] = "imac-intel-20",
+ };
+ static struct snd_pci_quirk stac922x_cfg_tbl[] = {
+@@ -649,7 +693,7 @@ static struct snd_pci_quirk stac922x_cfg_tbl[] = {
+ /* other systems */
+ /* Apple Mac Mini (early 2006) */
+ SND_PCI_QUIRK(0x8384, 0x7680,
+- "Mac Mini", STAC_MACMINI),
++ "Mac Mini", STAC_INTEL_MAC_V3),
+ {} /* terminator */
+ };
+@@ -770,33 +814,56 @@ static int stac92xx_save_bios_config_regs(struct hda_codec *codec)
+ return 0;
+ }
++static void stac92xx_set_config_reg(struct hda_codec *codec,
++ hda_nid_t pin_nid, unsigned int pin_config)
++ int i;
++ snd_hda_codec_write(codec, pin_nid, 0,
++ pin_config & 0x000000ff);
++ snd_hda_codec_write(codec, pin_nid, 0,
++ (pin_config & 0x0000ff00) >> 8);
++ snd_hda_codec_write(codec, pin_nid, 0,
++ (pin_config & 0x00ff0000) >> 16);
++ snd_hda_codec_write(codec, pin_nid, 0,
++ pin_config >> 24);
++ i = snd_hda_codec_read(codec, pin_nid, 0,
++ 0x00);
++ snd_printdd(KERN_INFO "hda_codec: pin nid %2.2x pin config %8.8x\n",
++ pin_nid, i);
+ static void stac92xx_set_config_regs(struct hda_codec *codec)
+ {
+ int i;
+ struct sigmatel_spec *spec = codec->spec;
+- unsigned int pin_cfg;
+- if (! spec->pin_nids || ! spec->pin_configs)
+- return;
++ if (!spec->pin_configs)
++ return;
+- for (i = 0; i < spec->num_pins; i++) {
+- snd_hda_codec_write(codec, spec->pin_nids[i], 0,
+- spec->pin_configs[i] & 0x000000ff);
+- snd_hda_codec_write(codec, spec->pin_nids[i], 0,
+- (spec->pin_configs[i] & 0x0000ff00) >> 8);
+- snd_hda_codec_write(codec, spec->pin_nids[i], 0,
+- (spec->pin_configs[i] & 0x00ff0000) >> 16);
+- snd_hda_codec_write(codec, spec->pin_nids[i], 0,
+- spec->pin_configs[i] >> 24);
+- pin_cfg = snd_hda_codec_read(codec, spec->pin_nids[i], 0,
+- 0x00);
+- snd_printdd(KERN_INFO "hda_codec: pin nid %2.2x pin config %8.8x\n", spec->pin_nids[i], pin_cfg);
+- }
++ for (i = 0; i < spec->num_pins; i++)
++ stac92xx_set_config_reg(codec, spec->pin_nids[i],
++ spec->pin_configs[i]);
++static void stac92xx_enable_gpio_mask(struct hda_codec *codec,
++ int gpio_mask, int gpio_data)
++ /* Configure GPIOx as output */
++ snd_hda_codec_write(codec, codec->afg, 0,
++ /* Configure GPIOx as CMOS */
++ snd_hda_codec_write(codec, codec->afg, 0, 0x7e7, 0x00000000);
++ /* Assert GPIOx */
++ snd_hda_codec_write(codec, codec->afg, 0,
++ AC_VERB_SET_GPIO_DATA, gpio_data);
++ /* Enable GPIOx */
++ snd_hda_codec_write(codec, codec->afg, 0,
++ AC_VERB_SET_GPIO_MASK, gpio_mask);
+ }
+ /*
+@@ -1168,7 +1235,7 @@ static int is_in_dac_nids(struct sigmatel_spec *spec, hda_nid_t nid)
+ * and 9202/925x. For those, dac_nids[] must be hard-coded.
+ */
+ static int stac92xx_auto_fill_dac_nids(struct hda_codec *codec,
+- const struct auto_pin_cfg *cfg)
++ struct auto_pin_cfg *cfg)
+ {
+ struct sigmatel_spec *spec = codec->spec;
+ int i, j, conn_len = 0;
+@@ -1193,6 +1260,13 @@ static int stac92xx_auto_fill_dac_nids(struct hda_codec *codec,
+ }
+ if (j == conn_len) {
++ if (spec->multiout.num_dacs > 0) {
++ /* we have already working output pins,
++ * so let's drop the broken ones again
++ */
++ cfg->line_outs = spec->multiout.num_dacs;
++ break;
++ }
+ /* error out, no available DAC found */
+ snd_printk(KERN_ERR
+ "%s: No available DAC for pin 0x%x\n",
+@@ -1334,7 +1408,15 @@ static int stac92xx_auto_create_hp_ctls(struct hda_codec *codec,
+ continue;
+ add_spec_dacs(spec, nid);
+ }
++ for (i = 0; i < cfg->line_outs; i++) {
++ nid = snd_hda_codec_read(codec, cfg->line_out_pins[i], 0,
++ if (check_in_dac_nids(spec, nid))
++ nid = 0;
++ if (! nid)
++ continue;
++ add_spec_dacs(spec, nid);
++ }
+ for (i = old_num_dacs; i < spec->multiout.num_dacs; i++) {
+ static const char *pfxs[] = {
+ "Speaker", "External Speaker", "Speaker2",
+@@ -1891,7 +1973,7 @@ static int patch_stac9200(struct hda_codec *codec)
+ return -ENOMEM;
+ codec->spec = spec;
+- spec->num_pins = 8;
++ spec->num_pins = ARRAY_SIZE(stac9200_pin_nids);
+ spec->pin_nids = stac9200_pin_nids;
+ spec->board_config = snd_hda_check_board_config(codec, STAC_9200_MODELS,
+ stac9200_models,
+@@ -2013,29 +2095,41 @@ static int patch_stac922x(struct hda_codec *codec)
+ return -ENOMEM;
+ codec->spec = spec;
+- spec->num_pins = 10;
++ spec->num_pins = ARRAY_SIZE(stac922x_pin_nids);
+ spec->pin_nids = stac922x_pin_nids;
+ spec->board_config = snd_hda_check_board_config(codec, STAC_922X_MODELS,
+ stac922x_models,
+ stac922x_cfg_tbl);
+- if (spec->board_config == STAC_MACMINI) {
++ if (spec->board_config == STAC_INTEL_MAC_V3) {
+ spec->gpio_mute = 1;
+ /* Intel Macs have all same PCI SSID, so we need to check
+ * codec SSID to distinguish the exact models
+ */
+ printk(KERN_INFO "hda_codec: STAC922x, Apple subsys_id=%x\n", codec->subsystem_id);
+ switch (codec->subsystem_id) {
+- case 0x106b0a00: /* MacBook First generatoin */
+- spec->board_config = STAC_MACBOOK;
++ case 0x106b0800:
++ spec->board_config = STAC_INTEL_MAC_V1;
++ break;
++ case 0x106b0600:
++ case 0x106b0700:
++ spec->board_config = STAC_INTEL_MAC_V2;
+ break;
+- case 0x106b0200: /* MacBook Pro first generation */
+- spec->board_config = STAC_MACBOOK_PRO_V1;
++ case 0x106b0e00:
++ case 0x106b0f00:
++ case 0x106b1600:
++ case 0x106b1700:
++ case 0x106b0200:
++ case 0x106b1e00:
++ spec->board_config = STAC_INTEL_MAC_V3;
+ break;
+- case 0x106b1e00: /* MacBook Pro second generation */
+- spec->board_config = STAC_MACBOOK_PRO_V2;
++ case 0x106b1a00:
++ case 0x00000100:
++ spec->board_config = STAC_INTEL_MAC_V4;
+ break;
+- case 0x106b0700: /* Intel-based iMac */
+- spec->board_config = STAC_IMAC_INTEL;
++ case 0x106b0a00:
++ case 0x106b2200:
++ spec->board_config = STAC_INTEL_MAC_V5;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+@@ -2082,6 +2176,13 @@ static int patch_stac922x(struct hda_codec *codec)
+ codec->patch_ops = stac92xx_patch_ops;
++ /* Fix Mux capture level; max to 2 */
++ snd_hda_override_amp_caps(codec, 0x12, HDA_OUTPUT,
+ return 0;
+ }
diff --git a/sys-kernel/mactel-linux-sources/mactel-linux-sources-2.6.22-r1.ebuild b/sys-kernel/mactel-linux-sources/mactel-linux-sources-2.6.22-r1.ebuild
index eb9f4dd..f21c56f 100644
--- a/sys-kernel/mactel-linux-sources/mactel-linux-sources-2.6.22-r1.ebuild
+++ b/sys-kernel/mactel-linux-sources/mactel-linux-sources-2.6.22-r1.ebuild
@@ -16,4 +16,10 @@ HOMEPAGE=""
KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
+# UNIPATCH_LIST="${FILESDIR}/mactel-patches-${PV}.tar.bz2"
+# MACTEL_SVN="mactel-patches-r138"
+UNIPATCH_LIST="${PATCHDIR}/applesmc-use-input-polldev.patch ${PATCHDIR}/applesmc-add-macbook-temperature-keys.patch \
+${PATCHDIR}/sigmatel-backport-2.6.23.patch ${PATCHDIR}/applesmc_int.patch ${PATCHDIR}/appletouch.patch \
+${PATCHDIR}/appleir-undo-hid-blacklist.patch ${PATCHDIR}/appletouch-shut-up-when-it-has-nothing-to-say.patch"