diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'sci-biology/ncbi-tools/ncbi-tools-20070826.ebuild')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 200 deletions
diff --git a/sci-biology/ncbi-tools/ncbi-tools-20070826.ebuild b/sci-biology/ncbi-tools/ncbi-tools-20070826.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index e60875c..0000000
--- a/sci-biology/ncbi-tools/ncbi-tools-20070826.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,200 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: $
-inherit flag-o-matic toolchain-funcs eutils autotools
-DESCRIPTION="Development toolkit and applications for computational biology"
- doc? ( mirror://gentoo/${PN}-sdk-doc.tar.bz2 )
- mpi? ( mirror://gentoo/mpiblast-20060625.tar.gz )"
-KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~ppc ~ppc64 ~sparc ~x86"
-IUSE="doc mpi X"
- dev-lang/perl
- media-libs/libpng
- sys-devel/pmake
- mpi? ( virtual/mpi )
- X? ( virtual/motif )"
-EXTRA_VIB="asn2all asn2asn"
-pkg_setup() {
- echo
- ewarn 'Please note that the NCBI toolkit (and especially the X'
- ewarn 'applications) are known to have compilation and run-time'
- ewarn 'problems when compiled with agressive compilation flags. The'
- ewarn '"-O3" flag is filtered by the ebuild on the x86 architecture if'
- ewarn 'X support is enabled.'
- echo
-src_unpack() {
- unpack ${A}
- cd "${S}"
- epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-extra_vib.patch
- if use ppc64; then
- epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-lop.patch
- fi
- if use mpi; then
- cd "${WORKDIR}"
- epatch "${WORKDIR}"/mpiblast/ncbi_Dec2005_evalue.patch
- fi
- if ! use X; then
- cd "${S}"/make
- sed -e "s:\#set HAVE_OGL=0:set HAVE_OGL=0:" \
- -e "s:\#set HAVE_MOTIF=0:set HAVE_MOTIF=0:" \
- -i makedis.csh || die
- else
- if use x86; then
- # X applications segfault on startup on x86 with -O3.
- replace-flags '-O3' '-O2'
- fi
- fi
- # Apply user C flags...
- cd "${S}"/platform
- # ... on x86...
- sed -e "s/NCBI_CFLAGS1 = -c/NCBI_CFLAGS1 = -c ${CFLAGS}/" \
- -e "s/NCBI_LDFLAGS1 = -O3 -mcpu=pentium4/NCBI_LDFLAGS1 = ${CFLAGS}/" \
- -e "s/NCBI_OPTFLAG = -O3 -mcpu=pentium4/NCBI_OPTFLAG = ${CFLAGS}/" \
- -i || die
- # ... on alpha...
- sed -e "s/NCBI_CFLAGS1 = -c/NCBI_CFLAGS1 = -c ${CFLAGS}/" \
- -e "s/NCBI_LDFLAGS1 = -O3 -mieee/NCBI_LDFLAGS1 = -mieee ${CFLAGS}/" \
- -e "s/NCBI_OPTFLAG = -O3 -mieee/NCBI_OPTFLAG = -mieee ${CFLAGS}/" \
- -i || die
- # ... on hppa...
- sed -e "s/NCBI_CFLAGS1 = -c/NCBI_CFLAGS1 = -c ${CFLAGS}/" \
- -i || die
- # ... on ppc...
- sed -e "s/NCBI_CFLAGS1 = -c/NCBI_CFLAGS1 = -c ${CFLAGS}/" \
- -i || die
- # ... on generic Linux.
- sed -e "s/NCBI_CFLAGS1 = -c/NCBI_CFLAGS1 = -c ${CFLAGS}/" \
- -i || die
- # Put in our MAKEOPTS (doesn't work).
- # sed -e "s:make \$MFLG:make ${MAKEOPTS}:" -i ncbi/make/makedis.csh
- # Set C compiler...
- # ... on x86...
- sed -i -e "s/NCBI_CC = gcc/NCBI_CC = $(tc-getCC)/" || die
- # ... on alpha...
- sed -i -e "s/NCBI_CC = gcc/NCBI_CC = $(tc-getCC)/" || die
- # ... on hppa...
- sed -i -e "s/NCBI_CC = gcc/NCBI_CC = $(tc-getCC)/" || die
- # ... on ppc...
- sed -i -e "s/NCBI_CC = gcc/NCBI_CC = $(tc-getCC)/" || die
- # ... on generic Linux.
- sed -i -e "s/NCBI_CC = gcc/NCBI_CC = $(tc-getCC)/" || die
- # GNU make 3.81 is confused by those nightmarish Makefiles, so we use pmake
- # instead. The right solution would be to fix the Makefiles. (Be my guest.)
- cd "${S}"/make
- sed -i -e "s%CMD='make%CMD='/usr/bin/pmake%" makedis.csh || die \
- "Failed to replace make by pmake."
-src_compile() {
- export EXTRA_VIB
- cd "${WORKDIR}"
- ncbi/make/makedis.csh || die
- mkdir "${S}"/cgi
- mkdir "${S}"/real
- mv "${S}"/bin/*.cgi "${S}"/cgi || die
- mv "${S}"/bin/*.REAL "${S}"/real || die
- if use mpi; then
- cd "${WORKDIR}"/mpiblast
- AM_OPT="-a"
- eautoreconf
- econf --with-ncbi="${WORKDIR}"/ncbi --with-mpi=/usr || die
- emake || die
- fi
-src_install() {
- dobin "${S}"/bin/* || die "Failed to install binaries."
- for i in ${EXTRA_VIB}; do
- dobin "${S}"/build/${i} || die "Failed to install binaries."
- done
- dolib "${S}"/lib/* || die "Failed to install libraries."
- mkdir -p "${D}"/usr/include/ncbi
- cp -RL "${S}"/include/* "${D}"/usr/include/ncbi || \
- die "Failed to install headers."
- if use mpi; then
- cd "${WORKDIR}"/mpiblast
- make install DESTDIR="${D}" || die "Failed to install MPI blast."
- fi
- # TODO: Web apps
- #insinto /usr/share/ncbi/lib/cgi
- #doins ${S}/cgi/*
- #insinto /usr/share/ncbi/lib/real
- #doins ${S}/real/*
- # TODO: Add support for wwwblast.
- # Basic documentation
- dodoc "${S}"/{README,VERSION,doc/{*.txt,README.asn2xml}} || \
- die "Failed to install basic documentation."
- newdoc "${S}"/doc/fa2htgs/README README.fa2htgs || \
- die "Failed renaming fa2htgs documentation."
- newdoc "${S}"/config/README README.config || \
- die "Failed renaming config documentation."
- newdoc "${S}"/network/encrypt/README README.encrypt || \
- die "Failed renaming encrypt documentation."
- newdoc "${S}"/network/nsclilib/readme README.nsclilib || \
- die "Failed renaming nsclilib documentation."
- newdoc "${S}"/sequin/README README.sequin || \
- die "Failed renaming sequin documentation."
- doman "${S}"/doc/man/* || \
- die "Failed to install man pages."
- # Hypertext user documentation
- dohtml "${S}"/{README.htm,doc/{*.html,*.gif}} || \
- die "Failed to install HTML documentation."
- insinto /usr/share/doc/${PF}/html/blast
- doins "${S}"/doc/blast/* || die "Failed to install blast HTML documentation."
- # Developer documentation
- if use doc; then
- # Hypertext SDK documentation
- insinto /usr/share/doc/${PF}/html/sdk
- doins "${WORKDIR}"/${PN}-sdk-doc/* || die
- # Demo programs
- mkdir "${D}"/usr/share/ncbi
- mv "${S}"/demo "${D}"/usr/share/ncbi/demo || die
- fi
- # Shared data (similarity matrices and such) and database directory.
- insinto /usr/share/ncbi/data
- doins "${S}"/data/* || die "Failed to install shared data."
- dodir /usr/share/ncbi/formatdb || die
- # Default config file to set the path for shared data.
- insinto /etc/ncbi
- newins "${FILESDIR}"/ncbirc .ncbirc || die "Failed to install config file."
- # Env file to set the location of the config file and BLAST databases.
- newenvd "${FILESDIR}"/21ncbi-r1 21ncbi || die "Failed to install env file."