diff options
authorUltrabug <>2016-06-01 08:41:03 +0200
committerUltrabug <>2016-06-01 08:41:03 +0200
commit10547a21006ad786ea3d365764056871d43508d2 (patch)
tree4680224510778e7d7793fea9e38175378a7fcc2b /licenses/NXLOG-1
parentimproved rethinkdb ebuild with enhanced config from bgo overlay (diff)
app-admin/nxlog-ce: new ebuild
Diffstat (limited to 'licenses/NXLOG-1')
1 files changed, 92 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/licenses/NXLOG-1 b/licenses/NXLOG-1
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eb0b245
--- /dev/null
+++ b/licenses/NXLOG-1
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+“License” shall mean version 1.0 of the NXLOG PUBLIC LICENSE, i.e. the
+terms and conditions set forth in this document;
+“Software” shall mean the source code and object code form, all associated
+media, printed materials, and "online" or electronic documentation. All
+such software and materials are referred to herein as the "Software" and
+are copyrighted by Licensor;
+“Licensor” refers to the copyright holder of the Software, i.e.
+Licensor hereby grants you the following rights, provided that you comply
+with all of the restrictions set forth in this License and provided,
+further, that you distribute an unmodified copy of this License with the
+i. You may copy and distribute verbatim (i.e. unmodified) copies of the
+Software as you receive it, in any medium;
+ii. You may modify the Software, create works based on the Software and
+distribute copies of such, in any medium.
+By downloading, using, modifying and copying the Software (or any work
+based on the Software), you indicate your acceptance of this license to
+do so, and all its terms and conditions for using, copying, distributing
+and modifying the Software or works based on it. Nothing other than this
+license grants you permission to modify, distribute the program or its
+derivative works. If you do not accept these terms and conditions, do not
+use, modify or distribute the Software.
+The Software may be copied and distributed with or without modifications
+in source code and object code form and may be used for commercial and
+non-commercial purposes provided that the following restrictions are met:
+i. Distribution of the Software is prohibited if any payment is made in
+connection with such distribution. You may only charge a reasonable fee
+to cover the costs of copying and redistribution;
+ii. Bundling the Software with a commercial product or using it to
+provide commercial services is prohibited if your product or service
+explicitly depends on the Software to be able to operate or function.
+You may use the Software without modifications to provide commercial
+services or to bundle it with your product provided that your service or
+product can also operate or function without the Software.
+A commercial license is available if you wish to incorporate the Software
+into your product or service which explicitly depends on the Software to
+be able to operate or function.
+The Software may be modified and derivative works may be distributed only
+under the terms of this license with the following restrictions:
+i. Any modifications and enhancements to the Software, including any newly
+developed scripts, libraries, modules that depend on the Software, are
+considered derivative works (“Derivative Work”).
+ii. If you have modified the Software or created Derivative Work, you
+must cause the work to carry prominent notices stating that you have
+modified the Software's files and the date of any change. In each source
+file that you have modified, you must include a prominent notice that you
+have modified the file, including your name, your e-mail address (if
+any), and the date and purpose of the change;
+iii. All Derivative Works must be made public in source code form by
+making it accessible for download over the internet. You must also notify
+Licensor about the Derivative Work in e-mail;
+iv. All Derivative works must be distributed with an unmodified copy of
+this License;
+v. By creating a Derivative Work, you assign all copyrights relating to
+the modifications to Licensor. You acknowledge that Licensor will own all
+copyrights and Licensor may use and distribute the Derivative Work to
+third parties under different terms from that of this License.
+The Software is provided “AS IS” and Licensor makes no warranty as to its
+use, performance, or otherwise. To the maximum extent permitted by
+applicable law, Licensor disclaims all other representations, warranties,
+and conditions, express, implied, statutory, or otherwise, including, but
+not limited to, implied warranties or conditions of merchantability,
+satisfactory quality, fitness for a particular purpose, title, and
+non-infringement. The entire risk arising out of use or performance of
+the Software remains with you.
+This limitation of liability is to the maximum extent permitted by
+applicable law. In no event shall Licensor be liable for any costs of
+substitute products or services, or for any special, incidental,
+indirect, or consequential damages whatsoever (including, without
+limitation, damages for loss of business profits, business interruption,
+or loss of business information) arising out of the use or inability to
+use the Software, even if Licensor has been advised of the possibility of
+such damages. In any case, Licensor's entire liability arising out of
+this Agreement shall be limited to the greater of the amount actually
+paid for the Software; provided, however, that if you have entered into a
+Technical Services Support Agreement, Licensor's entire liability
+regarding support services shall be governed by the terms of that