diff options
authorGunnar Wrobel <>2005-09-04 09:02:56 +0000
committerGunnar Wrobel <>2005-09-04 09:02:56 +0000
commit1c6ef0af939eb5764b667747a94df13f2e0093a4 (patch)
treed491caf59149c2b8832f55566bef6c4fbaabaa16 /www-apps/pyblosxom-plugins/files
parentFixed digests (diff)
Added comment plugin
svn path=/; revision=337
Diffstat (limited to 'www-apps/pyblosxom-plugins/files')
1 files changed, 641 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/www-apps/pyblosxom-plugins/files/ b/www-apps/pyblosxom-plugins/files/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f843ef9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www-apps/pyblosxom-plugins/files/
@@ -0,0 +1,641 @@
+This module contains an extension to Blosxom file entries to support
+Ted Leung
+Will Guaraldi
+Wari Wahab
+Robert Wall
+Bill Mill
+Roberto De Almeida
+If you make any changes to this plugin, please a send a patch with your
+changes to so that we can incorporate your changes.
+This plugin requires the pyXML module.
+This module supports the following config parameters (they are not
+ comment_dir - the directory we're going to store all our comments in.
+ this defaults to datadir + "comments".
+ comment_ext - the file extension used to denote a comment file.
+ this defaults to "cmt".
+ comment_draft_ext - the file extension used for new comments that have
+ not been manually approved by you. this defaults
+ to comment_ext (i.e. there is no draft stage)
+ comment_smtp_server - the smtp server to send comments notifications
+ through.
+ comment_smtp_from - the person comment notifications will be from.
+ If you omit this, the from address will be the
+ e-mail address as input in the comment form
+ comment_smtp_to - the person to send comment notifications to.
+ comment_rejected_words - the list of words that will cause automatic
+ rejection of the comment--this is a very
+ poor man's spam reducer.
+ comment_nofollow - set this to 1 to add rel="nofollow" attributes to
+ links in the description -- these attributes are embedded
+ in the stored representation.
+Comments are stored 1 per file in a parallel hierarchy to the datadir
+hierarchy. The filename of the comment is the filename of the blog
+entry, plus the creation time of the comment as a float, plus the
+comment extension. The contents of the comment file is an RSS 2.0
+formatted item.
+Comments now follow the blog_encoding variable specified in
+Each entry has to have the following properties in order to work with
+ 1. absolute_path - the category of the entry. ex. "dev/pyblosxom"
+ 2. fn - the filename of the entry without the file extension and without
+ the directory. ex. "staticrendering"
+ 3. file_path - the absolute_path plus the fn. ex. "dev/pyblosxom/staticrendering"
+Also, for any entry that you don't want to have comments, just add
+"nocomments" to the properties of the entry.
+If you would like comment previews, you need to do 2 things.
+ 1) Add a preview button to comment-form.html like this:
+ <input name="preview" type="submit" value="Preview" />
+ You may change the contents of the value attribute, but the name of
+ the input must be "preview".
+ 2) Still in your comment-form.html template, you need to use the comment
+ values to fill in the values of your input fields like so:
+ <input name="author" type="text" value="$cmt_author">
+ <input name="email" type="text" value="$cmt_email">
+ <input name="url" type="text" value="$cmt_link">
+ <textarea name="body">$cmt_description</textarea>
+ If there is no preview available, these variables will be stripped
+ from the text and cause no problem.
+ 3) Copy comment.html to a template called comment-preview.html. All of
+ the available variables from the comment template are available for
+ this template.
+This plugin implements Google's nofollow support for links in the body of the
+comment. If you display the link of the comment poster in your HTML template
+then you must add the rel="nofollow" attribute to your template as well
+import cgi, glob, os.path, re, time, cPickle, os, codecs
+from xml.sax.saxutils import escape
+from Pyblosxom import tools
+from Pyblosxom.entries.base import EntryBase
+def cb_start(args):
+ request = args["request"]
+ config = request.getConfiguration()
+ logdir = config.get("logdir", "/tmp/")
+ logfile = os.path.normpath(logdir + os.sep + "comments.log")
+ tools.make_logger(logfile)
+ if not config.has_key('comment_dir'):
+ config['comment_dir'] = os.path.join(config['datadir'],'comments')
+ if not config.has_key('comment_ext'):
+ config['comment_ext'] = 'cmt'
+ if not config.has_key('comment_draft_ext'):
+ config['comment_draft_ext'] = config['comment_ext']
+ if not config.has_key('comment_nofollow'):
+ config['comment_nofollow'] = 0
+def verify_installation(request):
+ config = request.getConfiguration()
+ retval = 1
+ if config.has_key('comment_dir') and not os.path.isdir(config['comment_dir']):
+ print 'The "comment_dir" property in the config file must refer to a directory'
+ retval = 0
+ smtp_keys_defined = []
+ smtp_keys=['comment_smtp_server', 'comment_smtp_from', 'comment_smtp_to']
+ for k in smtp_keys:
+ if config.has_key(k):
+ smtp_keys_defined.append(k)
+ if smtp_keys_defined:
+ for i in smtp_keys:
+ if i not in smtp_keys_defined:
+ print("Missing comment SMTP property: '%s'" % i)
+ retval = 0
+ optional_keys = ['comment_dir', 'comment_ext', 'comment_draft_ext']
+ for i in optional_keys:
+ if not config.has_key(i):
+ print("missing optional property: '%s'" % i)
+ return retval
+def createhtmlmail (html, headers):
+ """Create a mime-message that will render HTML in popular
+ MUAs, text in better ones
+ Based on:"""
+ import MimeWriter
+ import mimetools
+ import cStringIO
+ out = cStringIO.StringIO() # output buffer for our message
+ htmlin = cStringIO.StringIO(html)
+ text = re.sub('<.*?>', '', html)
+ txtin = cStringIO.StringIO(text)
+ writer = MimeWriter.MimeWriter(out)
+ for header,value in headers:
+ writer.addheader(header, value)
+ writer.addheader("MIME-Version", "1.0")
+ writer.startmultipartbody("alternative")
+ writer.flushheaders()
+ subpart = writer.nextpart()
+ subpart.addheader("Content-Transfer-Encoding", "quoted-printable")
+ pout = subpart.startbody("text/plain", [("charset", 'us-ascii')])
+ mimetools.encode(txtin, pout, 'quoted-printable')
+ txtin.close()
+ subpart = writer.nextpart()
+ subpart.addheader("Content-Transfer-Encoding", "quoted-printable")
+ pout = subpart.startbody("text/html", [("charset", 'us-ascii')])
+ mimetools.encode(htmlin, pout, 'quoted-printable')
+ htmlin.close()
+ writer.lastpart()
+ msg = out.getvalue()
+ out.close()
+ return msg
+def readComments(entry, config):
+ """
+ @param: a file entry
+ @type: dict
+ @returns: a list of comment dicts
+ """
+ encoding = config['blog_encoding']
+ filelist = glob.glob(cmtExpr(entry, config))
+ if not entry.has_key('num_comments'):
+ entry['num_comments'] = len(filelist)
+ comments = [readComment(f, encoding) for f in filelist]
+ comments = [(cmt['cmt_time'], cmt) for cmt in comments]
+ comments.sort()
+ return [c[1] for c in comments]
+def getCommentCount(entry, config):
+ """
+ @param: a file entry
+ @type: dict
+ @returns: the number of comments for the entry
+ """
+ if entry['absolute_path'] == None: return 0
+ filelist = glob.glob(cmtExpr(entry,config))
+ if filelist is not None:
+ return len(filelist)
+ return 0
+def cmtExpr(entry, config):
+ """
+ Return a string containing the regular expression for comment entries
+ @param: a file entry
+ @type: dict
+ @returns: a string with the directory path for the comment
+ @param: configuratioin dictionary
+ @type: dict
+ @returns: a string containing the regular expression for comment entries
+ """
+ cmtDir = os.path.join(config['comment_dir'], entry['absolute_path'])
+ cmtExpr = os.path.join(cmtDir,entry['fn']+'-*.'+config['comment_ext'])
+ return cmtExpr
+def readComment(filename, encoding):
+ """
+ Read a comment from filename
+ @param filename: filename containing a comment
+ @type filename: string
+ @param encoding: encoding of comment files
+ @type encoding: string
+ @returns: a comment dict
+ """
+ from xml.sax import make_parser, SAXException
+ from xml.sax.handler import feature_namespaces, ContentHandler
+ class cmtHandler(ContentHandler):
+ def __init__(self, cmt):
+ self._data = ""
+ self.cmt = cmt
+ def startElement(self, name, atts):
+ self._data = ""
+ def endElement(self, name):
+ self.cmt['cmt_'+name] = self._data
+ def characters(self, content):
+ self._data += content
+ cmt = {}
+ try:
+ parser = make_parser()
+ parser.setFeature(feature_namespaces, 0)
+ handler = cmtHandler(cmt)
+ parser.setContentHandler(handler)
+ parser.parse(filename)
+ cmt['cmt_time'] = float(cmt['cmt_pubDate']) #time.time()
+ cmt['cmt_pubDate'] = time.ctime(float(cmt['cmt_pubDate'])) #pretty time
+ return cmt
+ except: #don't error out on a bad comment
+ tools.log('bad comment file: %s' % filename)
+def writeComment(request, config, data, comment, encoding):
+ """
+ Write a comment
+ @param config: dict containing pyblosxom config info
+ @type config: dict
+ @param data: dict containing entry info
+ @type data: dict
+ @param comment: dict containing comment info
+ @type comment: dict
+ @return: The success or failure of creating the comment.
+ @rtype: string
+ """
+ entry = data['entry_list'][0]
+ cdir = os.path.join(config['comment_dir'],entry['absolute_path'])
+ cdir = os.path.normpath(cdir)
+ if not os.path.isdir(cdir):
+ os.makedirs(cdir)
+ cfn = os.path.join(cdir,entry['fn']+"-"+comment['pubDate']+"."+config['comment_ext'])
+ argdict = { "request": request, "comment": comment }
+ reject = tools.run_callback("comment_reject",
+ argdict,
+ donefunc=lambda x:x)
+ if reject == 1:
+ return "Comment rejected."
+ try :
+ cfile =, "w", encoding)
+ except IOError:
+ tools.log("Couldn't open comment file %s for writing" % cfn)
+ return
+ def makeXMLField(name, field):
+ return "<"+name+">"+cgi.escape(field[name])+"</"+name+">\n";
+ cfile.write('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="%s"?>\n' % encoding)
+ cfile.write("<item>\n")
+ cfile.write(makeXMLField('title',comment))
+ cfile.write(makeXMLField('author',comment))
+ cfile.write(makeXMLField('link',comment))
+ cfile.write(makeXMLField('source',comment))
+ cfile.write(makeXMLField('pubDate',comment))
+ cfile.write(makeXMLField('description',comment))
+ cfile.write("</item>\n")
+ cfile.close()
+ #write latest pickle
+ latest = None
+ latestFilename = os.path.join(config['comment_dir'],'LATEST.cmt')
+ try:
+ latest = open(latestFilename,"w")
+ except IOError:
+ tools.log("Couldn't open latest comment pickle for writing")
+ return
+ else:
+ modTime = float(comment['pubDate'])
+ try:
+ cPickle.dump(modTime,latest)
+ latest.close()
+ except IOError:
+ # should log or e-mail
+ if latest:
+ latest.close()
+ return
+ if config.has_key('comment_smtp_server') and \
+ config.has_key('comment_smtp_to'):
+ send_email(config, entry, comment, cdir, cfn)
+def send_email(config, entry, comment, comment_dir, comment_filename):
+ """Send an email to the blog owner on a new comment
+ @param config: configuration as parsed by Pyblosxom
+ @type config: dictionary
+ @param entry: a file entry
+ @type config: dictionary
+ @param comment: comment as generated by readComment
+ @type comment: dictionary
+ @param comment_dir: the comment directory
+ @type comment_dir: string
+ @param comment_filename: file name of current comment
+ @type comment_filename: string
+ """
+ import smtplib
+ # import the formatdate function which is in a different
+ # place in Python 2.3 and up.
+ try:
+ from email.Utils import formatdate
+ except ImportError:
+ from rfc822 import formatdate
+ author = escape_SMTP_commands(clean_author(comment['author']))
+ description = escape_SMTP_commands(comment['description'])
+ if comment.has_key('email'):
+ email = comment['email']
+ else:
+ email = config['comment_smtp_from']
+ try:
+ server = smtplib.SMTP(config['comment_smtp_server'])
+ curl = config['base_url']+'/'+entry['file_path']
+ comment_dir = os.path.join(config['comment_dir'], entry['absolute_path'])
+ comment_filename = os.path.join(comment_dir,entry['fn']+"-"+comment['pubDate']+"."+config['comment_draft_ext'])
+ message = []
+ message.append("From: %s" % email)
+ message.append("To: %s" % config["comment_smtp_to"])
+ message.append("Date: %s" % formatdate(float(comment['pubDate'])))
+ message.append("Subject: write back by %s" % author)
+ message.append("")
+ message.append("%s\n%s\n%s\n" % (description, comment_filename, curl))
+ server.sendmail(from_addr=email,
+ to_addrs=config['comment_smtp_to'],
+ msg="\n".join(message))
+ server.quit()
+ except Exception, e:
+ tools.log("Error sending mail: %s" % e)
+def clean_author(s):
+ """
+ Guard against blasterattacko style attacks that embedd SMTP commands in
+ author field.
+ If author field is more than one line, reduce to one line
+ @param the string to be checked
+ @type string
+ @returns the sanitized string
+ """
+ return s.splitlines()[0]
+def escape_SMTP_commands(s):
+ """
+ Guard against blasterattacko style attacks that embed SMTP commands by
+ using an HTML span to make the command syntactically invalid to SMTP but
+ renderable by HTML
+ @param the string to be checked
+ @type string
+ @returns the sanitized string
+ """
+ def repl_fn(mo):
+ return '<span>''</span>'
+ s = re.sub('([Tt]o:.*)',repl_fn,s)
+ s = re.sub('([Ff]rom:.*)',repl_fn,s)
+ s = re.sub('([Ss]ubject:.*)',repl_fn,s)
+ return s
+def sanitize(body):
+ """
+ This code shamelessly lifted from Sam Ruby's mombo/
+ """
+ body=re.sub(r'\s+$','',body)
+ body=re.sub('\r\n?','\n', body)
+ # naked urls become hypertext links
+ body=re.sub('(^|[\\s.:;?\\-\\]<])' +
+ '(http://[-\\w;/?:@&=+$.!~*\'()%,#]+[\\w/])' +
+ '(?=$|[\\s.:;?\\-\\[\\]>])',
+ '\\1<a href="\\2">\\2</a>',body)
+ # html characters used in text become escaped
+ body=escape(body)
+ # passthru <a href>, <em>, <i>, <b>, <blockquote>, <br/>, <p>,
+ # <abbr>, <acronym>, <big>, <cite>, <code>, <dfn>, <kbd>, <pre>, <small>
+ # <strong>, <sub>, <sup>, <tt>, <var>
+ body=re.sub('&lt;a href="([^"]*)"&gt;([^&]*)&lt;/a&gt;',
+ '<a href="\\1">\\2</a>', body)
+ body=re.sub('&lt;a href=\'([^\']*)\'&gt;([^&]*)&lt;/a&gt;',
+ '<a href="\\1">\\2</a>', body)
+ body=re.sub('&lt;em&gt;([^&]*)&lt;/em&gt;', '<em>\\1</em>', body)
+ body=re.sub('&lt;i&gt;([^&]*)&lt;/i&gt;', '<i>\\1</i>', body)
+ body=re.sub('&lt;b&gt;([^&]*)&lt;/b&gt;', '<b>\\1</b>', body)
+ body=re.sub('&lt;blockquote&gt;([^&]*)&lt;/blockquote&gt;',
+ '<blockquote>\\1</blockquote>', body)
+ body=re.sub('&lt;br\s*/?&gt;\n?','\n',body)
+ body=re.sub('&lt;abbr&gt;([^&]*)&lt;/abbr&gt;', '<abbr>\\1</abbr>', body)
+ body=re.sub('&lt;acronym&gt;([^&]*)&lt;/acronym&gt;', '<acronym>\\1</acronym>', body)
+ body=re.sub('&lt;big&gt;([^&]*)&lt;/big&gt;', '<big>\\1</big>', body)
+ body=re.sub('&lt;cite&gt;([^&]*)&lt;/cite&gt;', '<cite>\\1</cite>', body)
+ body=re.sub('&lt;code&gt;([^&]*)&lt;/code&gt;', '<code>\\1</code>', body)
+ body=re.sub('&lt;dfn&gt;([^&]*)&lt;/dfn&gt;', '<dfn>\\1</dfn>', body)
+ body=re.sub('&lt;kbd&gt;([^&]*)&lt;/kbd&gt;', '<kbd>\\1</kbd>', body)
+ body=re.sub('&lt;pre&gt;([^&]*)&lt;/pre&gt;', '<pre>\\1</pre>', body)
+ body=re.sub('&lt;small&gt;([^&]*)&lt;/small&gt;', '<small>\\1</small>', body)
+ body=re.sub('&lt;strong&gt;([^&]*)&lt;/strong&gt;', '<strong>\\1</strong>', body)
+ body=re.sub('&lt;sub&gt;([^&]*)&lt;/sub&gt;', '<sub>\\1</sub>', body)
+ body=re.sub('&lt;sup&gt;([^&]*)&lt;/sup&gt;', '<sup>\\1</sup>', body)
+ body=re.sub('&lt;tt&gt;([^&]*)&lt;/tt&gt;', '<tt>\\1</tt>', body)
+ body=re.sub('&lt;var&gt;([^&]*)&lt;/var&gt;', '<var>\\1</var>', body)
+ body=re.sub('&lt;/?p&gt;','\n\n',body).strip()
+ # wiki like support: _em_, *b*, [url title]
+ body=re.sub(r'\b_(\w.*?)_\b', r'<em>\1</em>', body)
+ body=re.sub(r'\*(\w.*?)\*', r'<b>\1</b>', body)
+ body=re.sub(r'\[(\w+:\S+\.gif) (.*?)\]', r'<img src="\1" alt="\2" />', body)
+ body=re.sub(r'\[(\w+:\S+\.jpg) (.*?)\]', r'<img src="\1" alt="\2" />', body)
+ body=re.sub(r'\[(\w+:\S+\.png) (.*?)\]', r'<img src="\1" alt="\2" />', body)
+ body=re.sub(r'\[(\w+:\S+) (.*?)\]', r'<a href="\1">\2</a>', body).strip()
+ # unordered lists: consecutive lines starting with spaces and an asterisk
+ chunk=re.compile(r'^( *\*.*(?:\n *\*.*)+)',re.M).split(body)
+ for i in range(1, len(chunk), 2):
+ (html,stack)=('', [''])
+ for indent,line in re.findall(r'( +)\* +(.*)', chunk[i]) + [('','')]:
+ if indent>stack[-1]: (stack,html)=(stack+[indent],html+'<ul>\r')
+ while indent<stack[-1]: (stack,html)=(stack[:-1],html+'</ul>\r')
+ if line: html += '<li>'+line+'</li>\r'
+ chunk[i]=html
+ # white space
+ chunk=re.split('\n\n+', ''.join(chunk))
+# if len(chunk)>1: body='<p>' + '</p>\r<p>'.join(chunk) + '</p>\r'
+ body=re.sub('\n','<br />\n', body)
+ body=re.compile('<p>(<ul>.*?</ul>)\r</p>?',re.M).sub(r'\1',body)
+ body=re.compile('<p>(<blockquote>.*?</blockquote>)</p>?',re.M).sub(r'\1',body)
+ body=re.sub('\r', '\n', body)
+ body=re.sub(' +', '&nbsp; ', body)
+ return body
+def dont_follow(mo):
+ return '<a rel="nofollow" ''>'
+def add_dont_follow(s, config):
+ url_pat_str = '<a ([^>]+)>'
+ url_pat = re.compile(url_pat_str)
+ if config['comment_nofollow'] == 1:
+ return url_pat.sub(dont_follow, s)
+ else:
+ return s
+def cb_prepare(args):
+ """
+ Handle comment related HTTP POST's.
+ @param request: pyblosxom request object
+ @type request: a Pyblosxom request object
+ """
+ request = args["request"]
+ form = request.getHttp()['form']
+ config = request.getConfiguration()
+ data = request.getData()
+ if form.has_key("title") and form.has_key("author") and \
+ form.has_key("body") and not form.has_key("preview"):
+ encoding = config['blog_encoding']
+ decode_form(form, encoding)
+ body = form['body'].value
+ body = sanitize(body)
+ # Check if the form has a URL
+ url = (form.has_key('url') and [form['url'].value] or [''])[0]
+ #it doesn't make sense to add nofollow to link here, but we should
+ #escape it. If you don't like the link escaping, I'm not attached to it.
+ cdict = {'title': form['title'].value, \
+ 'author' : form['author'].value, \
+ 'pubDate' : str(time.time()), \
+ 'link' : escape_link(url), \
+ 'source' : '', \
+ 'description' : add_dont_follow(body, config) }
+ if form.has_key('email'):
+ cdict['email'] = form['email'].value
+ data["comment_message"] = writeComment(request, config, data, \
+ cdict, encoding)
+def escape_link(linkstring):
+ """Don't allow html in the link string"""
+ for c in "<>'\"":
+ linkstring = linkstring.replace(c, '')
+ return linkstring
+def decode_form(d, encoding):
+ for key in d:
+ d[key].value = d[key].value.decode(encoding)
+def cb_head(args):
+ renderer = args['renderer']
+ template = args['template']
+ newtemplate = renderer.flavour.get('comment-head','')
+ if not newtemplate == '' and len(renderer.getContent()) == 1:
+ args['template'] = newtemplate
+ # expand all of entry vars for expansion
+ entry = args['entry']
+ single_entry = entry['entry_list'][0]
+ single_entry['title'] # force lazy evaluation
+ entry.update(single_entry)
+ args['entry'] = entry
+ return template
+def cb_story(args):
+ renderer = args['renderer']
+ entry = args['entry']
+ template = args['template']
+ request = args["request"]
+ config = request.getConfiguration()
+ if len(renderer.getContent()) == 1 \
+ and renderer.flavour.has_key('comment-story') \
+ and not entry.has_key("nocomments"):
+ template = renderer.flavour.get('comment-story','')
+ args['template'] = args['template'] + template
+ entry['num_comments'] = getCommentCount(entry, config)
+ return template
+def build_preview_comment(form, entry):
+ """Build a prevew comment by brute force
+ @param form: cgi form object (or compatible)
+ @type form: Dictionary of objects with a .value propery
+ @param entry: pyblosxom entry object
+ @type entry: pyblosxom entry object
+ """
+ c = {}
+ #required fields
+ try:
+ c['cmt_time'] = str(time.time())
+ c['cmt_author'] = form['author'].value
+ c['cmt_title'] = form['title'].value
+ c['cmt_item'] = sanitize(form['body'].value)
+ c['cmt_pubDate'] = time.ctime(time.time())
+ c['cmt_description'] = sanitize(form['body'].value)
+ except KeyError, e:
+ c['cmt_error'] = 'Missing value: %s' % e
+ #optional fields
+ if 'url' in form:
+ c['cmt_link'] = form['url'].value
+ if 'email' in form:
+ c['cmt_email'] = form['email'].value
+ for key in c: entry[key] = c[key]
+ return c
+def cb_story_end(args):
+ renderer = args['renderer']
+ entry = args['entry']
+ template = args['template']
+ request = args["request"]
+ form = request.getHttp()['form']
+ config = request.getConfiguration()
+ if len(renderer.getContent()) == 1 \
+ and renderer.flavour.has_key('comment-story') \
+ and not entry.has_key("nocomments"):
+ output = []
+ entry['comments'] = readComments(entry, config)
+ if entry.has_key('comments'):
+ for comment in entry['comments']:
+ renderer.outputTemplate(output, comment, 'comment')
+ if form.has_key('preview')\
+ and renderer.flavour.has_key('comment-preview'):
+ com = build_preview_comment(form, entry)
+ renderer.outputTemplate(output, com, 'comment-preview')
+ renderer.outputTemplate(output, entry, 'comment-form')
+ args['template'] = template +u"".join(output)
+ entry['num_comments'] = getCommentCount(entry, config)
+ return template