diff options
-rw-r--r--python-fuse/Manifest (renamed from dev-python/python-fuse/Manifest)0
-rw-r--r--python-fuse/files/digest-python-fuse-2.3 (renamed from dev-python/python-fuse/files/digest-python-fuse-2.3)0
-rw-r--r--python-fuse/python-fuse-2.3.ebuild (renamed from dev-python/python-fuse/python-fuse-2.3.ebuild)0
47 files changed, 0 insertions, 2183 deletions
diff --git a/app-emacs/smtpmail/Manifest b/app-emacs/smtpmail/Manifest
deleted file mode 100644
index bc73d01..0000000
--- a/app-emacs/smtpmail/Manifest
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-MD5 eda332bf7b071adfe1fb3f6fe7266a7a smtpmail-1.77.ebuild 421
-MD5 d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e files/digest-smtpmail-1.77 0
-MD5 47f9486e657339167867814bcaa71241 files/50smtpmail.el 75
-MD5 34dc501944ab5d9e5b155da7c4337057 files/smtpmail.el 34191
-MD5 04eb8f78500b9404e954eb9b11b993dc files/netrc.el 3938
diff --git a/app-emacs/smtpmail/files/50smtpmail.el b/app-emacs/smtpmail/files/50smtpmail.el
deleted file mode 100644
index 4c4d39a..0000000
--- a/app-emacs/smtpmail/files/50smtpmail.el
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-;;; ssh-mode site-lisp configuration
-(require 'netrc)
-(require 'smtpmail)
diff --git a/app-emacs/smtpmail/files/digest-smtpmail-1.77 b/app-emacs/smtpmail/files/digest-smtpmail-1.77
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
--- a/app-emacs/smtpmail/files/digest-smtpmail-1.77
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/app-emacs/smtpmail/files/netrc.el b/app-emacs/smtpmail/files/netrc.el
deleted file mode 100644
index 228e02b..0000000
--- a/app-emacs/smtpmail/files/netrc.el
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,129 +0,0 @@
-;;; netrc.el --- .netrc parsing functionality
-;; Copyright (C) 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004,
-;; 2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-;; Author: Lars Magne Ingebrigtsen <>
-;; Keywords: news
-;; Modularized by Ted Zlatanov <>
-;; when it was part of Gnus.
-;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
-;; GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-;; any later version.
-;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-;; GNU General Public License for more details.
-;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
-;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
-;; Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
-;;; Commentary:
-;; Just the .netrc parsing functionality, abstracted so other packages
-;; besides Gnus can use it.
-;;; Code:
-;;; .netrc and .authinforc parsing
-(defalias 'netrc-point-at-eol
- (if (fboundp 'point-at-eol)
- 'point-at-eol
- 'line-end-position))
-(defun netrc-parse (file)
- "Parse FILE and return a list of all entries in the file."
- (when (file-exists-p file)
- (with-temp-buffer
- (let ((tokens '("machine" "default" "login"
- "password" "account" "macdef" "force"
- "port"))
- alist elem result pair)
- (insert-file-contents file)
- (goto-char (point-min))
- ;; Go through the file, line by line.
- (while (not (eobp))
- (narrow-to-region (point) (netrc-point-at-eol))
- ;; For each line, get the tokens and values.
- (while (not (eobp))
- (skip-chars-forward "\t ")
- ;; Skip lines that begin with a "#".
- (if (eq (char-after) ?#)
- (goto-char (point-max))
- (unless (eobp)
- (setq elem
- (if (= (following-char) ?\")
- (read (current-buffer))
- (buffer-substring
- (point) (progn (skip-chars-forward "^\t ")
- (point)))))
- (cond
- ((equal elem "macdef")
- ;; We skip past the macro definition.
- (widen)
- (while (and (zerop (forward-line 1))
- (looking-at "$")))
- (narrow-to-region (point) (point)))
- ((member elem tokens)
- ;; Tokens that don't have a following value are ignored,
- ;; except "default".
- (when (and pair (or (cdr pair)
- (equal (car pair) "default")))
- (push pair alist))
- (setq pair (list elem)))
- (t
- ;; Values that haven't got a preceding token are ignored.
- (when pair
- (setcdr pair elem)
- (push pair alist)
- (setq pair nil)))))))
- (when alist
- (push (nreverse alist) result))
- (setq alist nil
- pair nil)
- (widen)
- (forward-line 1))
- (nreverse result)))))
-(defun netrc-machine (list machine &optional port defaultport)
- "Return the netrc values from LIST for MACHINE or for the default entry.
-If PORT specified, only return entries with matching port tokens.
-Entries without port tokens default to DEFAULTPORT."
- (let ((rest list)
- result)
- (while list
- (when (equal (cdr (assoc "machine" (car list))) machine)
- (push (car list) result))
- (pop list))
- (unless result
- ;; No machine name matches, so we look for default entries.
- (while rest
- (when (assoc "default" (car rest))
- (push (car rest) result))
- (pop rest)))
- (when result
- (setq result (nreverse result))
- (while (and result
- (not (equal (or port defaultport "nntp")
- (or (netrc-get (car result) "port")
- defaultport "nntp"))))
- (pop result))
- (car result))))
-(defun netrc-get (alist type)
- "Return the value of token TYPE from ALIST."
- (cdr (assoc type alist)))
-(provide 'netrc)
-;;; arch-tag: af9929cc-2d12-482f-936e-eb4366f9fa55
-;;; netrc.el ends here
diff --git a/app-emacs/smtpmail/files/smtpmail.el b/app-emacs/smtpmail/files/smtpmail.el
deleted file mode 100644
index 55a4d06..0000000
--- a/app-emacs/smtpmail/files/smtpmail.el
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,978 +0,0 @@
-;;; smtpmail.el --- simple SMTP protocol (RFC 821) for sending mail
-;; Copyright (C) 1995, 1996, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005
-;; Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-;; Author: Tomoji Kagatani <>
-;; Maintainer: Simon Josefsson <>
-;; w32 Maintainer: Brian D. Carlstrom <>
-;; ESMTP support: Simon Leinen <>
-;; Hacked by Mike Taylor, 11th October 1999 to add support for
-;; automatically appending a domain to RCPT TO: addresses.
-;; AUTH=LOGIN support: Stephen Cranefield <>
-;; Keywords: mail
-;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
-;; GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-;; any later version.
-;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-;; GNU General Public License for more details.
-;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
-;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
-;; Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
-;;; Commentary:
-;; Send Mail to smtp host from smtpmail temp buffer.
-;; Please add these lines in your .emacs(_emacs) or use customize.
-;;(setq send-mail-function 'smtpmail-send-it) ; if you use `mail'
-;;(setq message-send-mail-function 'smtpmail-send-it) ; if you use message/Gnus
-;;(setq smtpmail-default-smtp-server "YOUR SMTP HOST")
-;;(setq smtpmail-local-domain "YOUR DOMAIN NAME")
-;;(setq smtpmail-sendto-domain "YOUR DOMAIN NAME")
-;;(setq smtpmail-debug-info t) ; only to debug problems
-;;(setq smtpmail-auth-credentials ; or use ~/.authinfo
-;; '(("YOUR SMTP HOST" 25 "username" "password")))
-;;(setq smtpmail-starttls-credentials
-;; '(("YOUR SMTP HOST" 25 "~/.my_smtp_tls.key" "~/.my_smtp_tls.cert")))
-;; Where the 25 equals the value of `smtpmail-smtp-service', it can be an
-;; integer or a string, just as long as they match (eq).
-;; To queue mail, set smtpmail-queue-mail to t and use
-;; smtpmail-send-queued-mail to send.
-;; Modified by Stephen Cranefield <>,
-;; 22/6/99, to support SMTP Authentication by the AUTH=LOGIN mechanism.
-;; See
-;; Rewritten by Simon Josefsson to use same credential variable as AUTH
-;; support below.
-;; Modified by Simon Josefsson <>, 22/2/99, to support SMTP
-;; Authentication by the AUTH mechanism.
-;; See
-;; Modified by Simon Josefsson <>, 2000-10-07, to support
-;; STARTTLS. Requires external program
-;; See,
-;;; Code:
-(require 'sendmail)
-(autoload 'starttls-open-stream "starttls")
-(autoload 'starttls-negotiate "starttls")
-(autoload 'mail-strip-quoted-names "mail-utils")
-(autoload 'message-make-date "message")
-(autoload 'message-make-message-id "message")
-(autoload 'rfc2104-hash "rfc2104")
-(autoload 'netrc-parse "netrc")
-(autoload 'netrc-machine "netrc")
-(autoload 'netrc-get "netrc")
-(defgroup smtpmail nil
- "SMTP protocol for sending mail."
- :group 'mail)
-(defcustom smtpmail-default-smtp-server nil
- "*Specify default SMTP server.
-This only has effect if you specify it before loading the smtpmail library."
- :type '(choice (const nil) string)
- :group 'smtpmail)
-(defcustom smtpmail-smtp-server
- (or (getenv "SMTPSERVER") smtpmail-default-smtp-server)
- "*The name of the host running SMTP server."
- :type '(choice (const nil) string)
- :group 'smtpmail)
-(defcustom smtpmail-smtp-service 25
- "*SMTP service port number.
-The default value would be \"smtp\" or 25 ."
- :type '(choice (integer :tag "Port") (string :tag "Service"))
- :group 'smtpmail)
-(defcustom smtpmail-local-domain nil
- "*Local domain name without a host name.
-If the function (system-name) returns the full internet address,
-don't define this value."
- :type '(choice (const nil) string)
- :group 'smtpmail)
-(defcustom smtpmail-sendto-domain nil
- "*Local domain name without a host name.
-This is appended (with an @-sign) to any specified recipients which do
-not include an @-sign, so that each RCPT TO address is fully qualified.
-\(Some configurations of sendmail require this.)
-Don't bother to set this unless you have get an error like:
- Sending failed; SMTP protocol error
-when sending mail, and the *trace of SMTP session to <somewhere>*
-buffer includes an exchange like:
- RCPT TO: <someone>
- 501 <someone>: recipient address must contain a domain
- :type '(choice (const nil) string)
- :group 'smtpmail)
-(defcustom smtpmail-debug-info nil
- "Whether to print info in buffer *trace of SMTP session to <somewhere>*.
-See also `smtpmail-debug-verb' which determines if the SMTP protocol should
-be verbose as well."
- :type 'boolean
- :group 'smtpmail)
-(defcustom smtpmail-debug-verb nil
- "Whether this library sends the SMTP VERB command or not.
-The commands enables verbose information from the SMTP server."
- :type 'boolean
- :group 'smtpmail)
-(defcustom smtpmail-code-conv-from nil ;; *junet*
- "*smtpmail code convert from this code to *internal*..for tiny-mime.."
- :type 'boolean
- :group 'smtpmail)
-(defcustom smtpmail-queue-mail nil
- "*Specify if mail is queued (if t) or sent immediately (if nil).
-If queued, it is stored in the directory `smtpmail-queue-dir'
-and sent with `smtpmail-send-queued-mail'."
- :type 'boolean
- :group 'smtpmail)
-(defcustom smtpmail-queue-dir "~/Mail/queued-mail/"
- "*Directory where `smtpmail.el' stores queued mail."
- :type 'directory
- :group 'smtpmail)
-(defcustom smtpmail-auth-credentials "~/.authinfo"
- "Specify username and password for servers, directly or via .netrc file.
-This variable can either be a filename pointing to a file in netrc(5)
-format, or list of four-element lists that contain, in order,
-`servername' (a string), `port' (an integer), `user' (a string) and
-`password' (a string, or nil to query the user when needed). If you
-need to enter a `realm' too, add it to the user string, so that it
-looks like `user@realm'."
- :type '(choice file
- (repeat (list (string :tag "Server")
- (integer :tag "Port")
- (string :tag "Username")
- (choice (const :tag "Query when needed" nil)
- (string :tag "Password")))))
- :version "22.1"
- :group 'smtpmail)
-(defcustom smtpmail-starttls-credentials '(("" 25 "" ""))
- "Specify STARTTLS keys and certificates for servers.
-This is a list of four-element list with `servername' (a string),
-`port' (an integer), `key' (a filename) and `certificate' (a filename)."
- :type '(repeat (list (string :tag "Server")
- (integer :tag "Port")
- (file :tag "Key")
- (file :tag "Certificate")))
- :version "21.1"
- :group 'smtpmail)
-(defcustom smtpmail-warn-about-unknown-extensions nil
- "*If set, print warnings about unknown SMTP extensions.
-This is mainly useful for development purposes, to learn about
-new SMTP extensions that might be useful to support."
- :type 'boolean
- :version "21.1"
- :group 'smtpmail)
-(defvar smtpmail-queue-index-file "index"
- "File name of queued mail index,
-This is relative to `smtpmail-queue-dir'.")
-(defvar smtpmail-address-buffer)
-(defvar smtpmail-recipient-address-list)
-(defvar smtpmail-queue-counter 0)
-;; Buffer-local variable.
-(defvar smtpmail-read-point)
-(defvar smtpmail-queue-index (concat smtpmail-queue-dir
- smtpmail-queue-index-file))
-(defconst smtpmail-auth-supported '(cram-md5 plain login)
- "List of supported SMTP AUTH mechanisms.")
-(defvar smtpmail-mail-address nil
- "Value to use for envelope-from address for mail from ambient buffer.")
-(defun smtpmail-send-it ()
- (let ((errbuf (if mail-interactive
- (generate-new-buffer " smtpmail errors")
- 0))
- (tembuf (generate-new-buffer " smtpmail temp"))
- (case-fold-search nil)
- delimline
- (mailbuf (current-buffer))
- ;; Examine this variable now, so that
- ;; local binding in the mail buffer will take effect.
- (smtpmail-mail-address
- (or (and mail-specify-envelope-from (mail-envelope-from))
- user-mail-address))
- (smtpmail-code-conv-from
- (if enable-multibyte-characters
- (let ((sendmail-coding-system smtpmail-code-conv-from))
- (select-message-coding-system)))))
- (unwind-protect
- (save-excursion
- (set-buffer tembuf)
- (erase-buffer)
- (insert-buffer-substring mailbuf)
- (goto-char (point-max))
- ;; require one newline at the end.
- (or (= (preceding-char) ?\n)
- (insert ?\n))
- ;; Change header-delimiter to be what sendmail expects.
- (mail-sendmail-undelimit-header)
- (setq delimline (point-marker))
-;; (sendmail-synch-aliases)
- (if mail-aliases
- (expand-mail-aliases (point-min) delimline))
- (goto-char (point-min))
- ;; ignore any blank lines in the header
- (while (and (re-search-forward "\n\n\n*" delimline t)
- (< (point) delimline))
- (replace-match "\n"))
- (let ((case-fold-search t))
- ;; We used to process Resent-... headers here,
- ;; but it was not done properly, and the job
- ;; is done correctly in smtpmail-deduce-address-list.
- ;; Don't send out a blank subject line
- (goto-char (point-min))
- (if (re-search-forward "^Subject:\\([ \t]*\n\\)+\\b" delimline t)
- (replace-match "")
- ;; This one matches a Subject just before the header delimiter.
- (if (and (re-search-forward "^Subject:\\([ \t]*\n\\)+" delimline t)
- (= (match-end 0) delimline))
- (replace-match "")))
- ;; Put the "From:" field in unless for some odd reason
- ;; they put one in themselves.
- (goto-char (point-min))
- (if (not (re-search-forward "^From:" delimline t))
- (let* ((login smtpmail-mail-address)
- (fullname (user-full-name)))
- (cond ((eq mail-from-style 'angles)
- (insert "From: " fullname)
- (let ((fullname-start (+ (point-min) 6))
- (fullname-end (point-marker)))
- (goto-char fullname-start)
- ;; Look for a character that cannot appear unquoted
- ;; according to RFC 822.
- (if (re-search-forward "[^- !#-'*+/-9=?A-Z^-~]"
- fullname-end 1)
- (progn
- ;; Quote fullname, escaping specials.
- (goto-char fullname-start)
- (insert "\"")
- (while (re-search-forward "[\"\\]"
- fullname-end 1)
- (replace-match "\\\\\\&" t))
- (insert "\""))))
- (insert " <" login ">\n"))
- ((eq mail-from-style 'parens)
- (insert "From: " login " (")
- (let ((fullname-start (point)))
- (insert fullname)
- (let ((fullname-end (point-marker)))
- (goto-char fullname-start)
- ;; RFC 822 says \ and nonmatching parentheses
- ;; must be escaped in comments.
- ;; Escape every instance of ()\ ...
- (while (re-search-forward "[()\\]" fullname-end 1)
- (replace-match "\\\\\\&" t))
- ;; ... then undo escaping of matching parentheses,
- ;; including matching nested parentheses.
- (goto-char fullname-start)
- (while (re-search-forward
- "\\(\\=\\|[^\\]\\(\\\\\\\\\\)*\\)\\\\(\\(\\([^\\]\\|\\\\\\\\\\)*\\)\\\\)"
- fullname-end 1)
- (replace-match "\\1(\\3)" t)
- (goto-char fullname-start))))
- (insert ")\n"))
- ((null mail-from-style)
- (insert "From: " login "\n")))))
- ;; Insert a `Message-Id:' field if there isn't one yet.
- (goto-char (point-min))
- (unless (re-search-forward "^Message-Id:" delimline t)
- (insert "Message-Id: " (message-make-message-id) "\n"))
- ;; Insert a `Date:' field if there isn't one yet.
- (goto-char (point-min))
- (unless (re-search-forward "^Date:" delimline t)
- (insert "Date: " (message-make-date) "\n"))
- ;; Insert an extra newline if we need it to work around
- ;; Sun's bug that swallows newlines.
- (goto-char (1+ delimline))
- (if (eval mail-mailer-swallows-blank-line)
- (newline))
- ;; Find and handle any FCC fields.
- (goto-char (point-min))
- (if (re-search-forward "^FCC:" delimline t)
- (mail-do-fcc delimline))
- (if mail-interactive
- (with-current-buffer errbuf
- (erase-buffer))))
- ;;
- ;;
- ;;
- (setq smtpmail-address-buffer (generate-new-buffer "*smtp-mail*"))
- (setq smtpmail-recipient-address-list
- (smtpmail-deduce-address-list tembuf (point-min) delimline))
- (kill-buffer smtpmail-address-buffer)
- (smtpmail-do-bcc delimline)
- ; Send or queue
- (if (not smtpmail-queue-mail)
- (if (not (null smtpmail-recipient-address-list))
- (if (not (smtpmail-via-smtp
- smtpmail-recipient-address-list tembuf))
- (error "Sending failed; SMTP protocol error"))
- (error "Sending failed; no recipients"))
- (let* ((file-data
- (expand-file-name
- (format "%s_%i"
- (format-time-string "%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S")
- (setq smtpmail-queue-counter
- (1+ smtpmail-queue-counter)))
- smtpmail-queue-dir))
- (file-data (convert-standard-filename file-data))
- (file-elisp (concat file-data ".el"))
- (buffer-data (create-file-buffer file-data))
- (buffer-elisp (create-file-buffer file-elisp))
- (buffer-scratch "*queue-mail*"))
- (unless (file-exists-p smtpmail-queue-dir)
- (make-directory smtpmail-queue-dir t))
- (with-current-buffer buffer-data
- (erase-buffer)
- (insert-buffer tembuf)
- (write-file file-data)
- (set-buffer buffer-elisp)
- (erase-buffer)
- (insert (concat
- "(setq smtpmail-recipient-address-list '"
- (prin1-to-string smtpmail-recipient-address-list)
- ")\n"))
- (write-file file-elisp)
- (set-buffer (generate-new-buffer buffer-scratch))
- (insert (concat file-data "\n"))
- (append-to-file (point-min)
- (point-max)
- smtpmail-queue-index)
- )
- (kill-buffer buffer-scratch)
- (kill-buffer buffer-data)
- (kill-buffer buffer-elisp))))
- (kill-buffer tembuf)
- (if (bufferp errbuf)
- (kill-buffer errbuf)))))
-(defun smtpmail-send-queued-mail ()
- "Send mail that was queued as a result of setting `smtpmail-queue-mail'."
- (interactive)
- (with-temp-buffer
- ;;; Get index, get first mail, send it, update index, get second
- ;;; mail, send it, etc...
- (let ((file-msg ""))
- (insert-file-contents smtpmail-queue-index)
- (goto-char (point-min))
- (while (not (eobp))
- (setq file-msg (buffer-substring (point) (line-end-position)))
- (load file-msg)
- ;; Insert the message literally: it is already encoded as per
- ;; the MIME headers, and code conversions might guess the
- ;; encoding wrongly.
- (with-temp-buffer
- (let ((coding-system-for-read 'no-conversion))
- (insert-file-contents file-msg))
- (let ((smtpmail-mail-address
- (or (and mail-specify-envelope-from (mail-envelope-from))
- user-mail-address)))
- (if (not (null smtpmail-recipient-address-list))
- (if (not (smtpmail-via-smtp smtpmail-recipient-address-list
- (current-buffer)))
- (error "Sending failed; SMTP protocol error"))
- (error "Sending failed; no recipients"))))
- (delete-file file-msg)
- (delete-file (concat file-msg ".el"))
- (delete-region (point-at-bol) (point-at-bol 2)))
- (write-region (point-min) (point-max) smtpmail-queue-index))))
-;(defun smtpmail-via-smtp (host,port,sender,destination,smtpmail-text-buffer)
-(defun smtpmail-fqdn ()
- (if smtpmail-local-domain
- (concat (system-name) "." smtpmail-local-domain)
- (system-name)))
-(defsubst smtpmail-cred-server (cred)
- (nth 0 cred))
-(defsubst smtpmail-cred-port (cred)
- (nth 1 cred))
-(defsubst smtpmail-cred-key (cred)
- (nth 2 cred))
-(defsubst smtpmail-cred-user (cred)
- (nth 2 cred))
-(defsubst smtpmail-cred-cert (cred)
- (nth 3 cred))
-(defsubst smtpmail-cred-passwd (cred)
- (nth 3 cred))
-(defun smtpmail-find-credentials (cred server port)
- (catch 'done
- (let ((l cred) el)
- (while (setq el (pop l))
- (when (and (equal server (smtpmail-cred-server el))
- (equal port (smtpmail-cred-port el)))
- (throw 'done el))))))
-(defun smtpmail-maybe-append-domain (recipient)
- (if (or (not smtpmail-sendto-domain)
- (string-match "@" recipient))
- recipient
- (concat recipient "@" smtpmail-sendto-domain)))
-(defun smtpmail-intersection (list1 list2)
- (let ((result nil))
- (dolist (el2 list2)
- (when (memq el2 list1)
- (push el2 result)))
- (nreverse result)))
-(defvar starttls-extra-args)
-(defvar starttls-extra-arguments)
-(defun smtpmail-open-stream (process-buffer host port)
- (let ((cred (smtpmail-find-credentials
- smtpmail-starttls-credentials host port)))
- (if (null (and cred (condition-case ()
- (with-no-warnings
- (require 'starttls)
- (call-process (if starttls-use-gnutls
- starttls-gnutls-program
- starttls-program)))
- (error nil))))
- ;; The normal case.
- (open-network-stream "SMTP" process-buffer host port)
- (let* ((cred-key (smtpmail-cred-key cred))
- (cred-cert (smtpmail-cred-cert cred))
- (starttls-extra-args
- (append
- starttls-extra-args
- (when (and (stringp cred-key) (stringp cred-cert)
- (file-regular-p
- (setq cred-key (expand-file-name cred-key)))
- (file-regular-p
- (setq cred-cert (expand-file-name cred-cert))))
- (list "--key-file" cred-key "--cert-file" cred-cert))))
- (starttls-extra-arguments
- (append
- starttls-extra-arguments
- (when (and (stringp cred-key) (stringp cred-cert)
- (file-regular-p
- (setq cred-key (expand-file-name cred-key)))
- (file-regular-p
- (setq cred-cert (expand-file-name cred-cert))))
- (list "--x509keyfile" cred-key "--x509certfile" cred-cert)))))
- (starttls-open-stream "SMTP" process-buffer host port)))))
-(defun smtpmail-try-auth-methods (process supported-extensions host port)
- (let* ((mechs (cdr-safe (assoc 'auth supported-extensions)))
- (mech (car (smtpmail-intersection smtpmail-auth-supported mechs)))
- (cred (if (stringp smtpmail-auth-credentials)
- (let* ((netrc (netrc-parse smtpmail-auth-credentials))
- (port-name (format "%s" (or port "smtp")))
- (hostentry (netrc-machine netrc host port-name
- port-name)))
- (when hostentry
- (list host port
- (netrc-get hostentry "login")
- (netrc-get hostentry "password"))))
- (smtpmail-find-credentials
- smtpmail-auth-credentials host port)))
- (passwd (when cred
- (or (smtpmail-cred-passwd cred)
- (read-passwd
- (format "SMTP password for %s:%s: "
- (smtpmail-cred-server cred)
- (smtpmail-cred-port cred))))))
- ret)
- (when (and cred mech)
- (cond
- ((eq mech 'cram-md5)
- (smtpmail-send-command process (upcase (format "AUTH %s" mech)))
- (if (or (null (car (setq ret (smtpmail-read-response process))))
- (not (integerp (car ret)))
- (>= (car ret) 400))
- (throw 'done nil))
- (when (eq (car ret) 334)
- (let* ((challenge (substring (cadr ret) 4))
- (decoded (base64-decode-string challenge))
- (hash (rfc2104-hash 'md5 64 16 passwd decoded))
- (response (concat (smtpmail-cred-user cred) " " hash))
- (encoded (base64-encode-string response)))
- (smtpmail-send-command process (format "%s" encoded))
- (if (or (null (car (setq ret (smtpmail-read-response process))))
- (not (integerp (car ret)))
- (>= (car ret) 400))
- (throw 'done nil)))))
- ((eq mech 'login)
- (smtpmail-send-command process "AUTH LOGIN")
- (if (or (null (car (setq ret (smtpmail-read-response process))))
- (not (integerp (car ret)))
- (>= (car ret) 400))
- (throw 'done nil))
- (smtpmail-send-command
- process (base64-encode-string (smtpmail-cred-user cred)))
- (if (or (null (car (setq ret (smtpmail-read-response process))))
- (not (integerp (car ret)))
- (>= (car ret) 400))
- (throw 'done nil))
- (smtpmail-send-command process (base64-encode-string passwd))
- (if (or (null (car (setq ret (smtpmail-read-response process))))
- (not (integerp (car ret)))
- (>= (car ret) 400))
- (throw 'done nil)))
- ((eq mech 'plain)
- (smtpmail-send-command process "AUTH PLAIN")
- (if (or (null (car (setq ret (smtpmail-read-response process))))
- (not (integerp (car ret)))
- (not (equal (car ret) 334)))
- (throw 'done nil))
- (smtpmail-send-command process (base64-encode-string
- (concat "\0"
- (smtpmail-cred-user cred)
- "\0"
- (smtpmail-cred-passwd cred))))
- (if (or (null (car (setq ret (smtpmail-read-response process))))
- (not (integerp (car ret)))
- (not (equal (car ret) 235)))
- (throw 'done nil)))
- (t
- (error "Mechanism %s not implemented" mech)))
- ;; Remember the password.
- (when (and (not (stringp smtpmail-auth-credentials))
- (null (smtpmail-cred-passwd cred)))
- (setcar (cdr (cdr (cdr cred))) passwd)))))
-(defun smtpmail-via-smtp (recipient smtpmail-text-buffer)
- (let ((process nil)
- (host (or smtpmail-smtp-server
- (error "`smtpmail-smtp-server' not defined")))
- (port smtpmail-smtp-service)
- ;; smtpmail-mail-address should be set to the appropriate
- ;; buffer-local value by the caller, but in case not:
- (envelope-from (or smtpmail-mail-address
- (and mail-specify-envelope-from
- (mail-envelope-from))
- user-mail-address))
- response-code
- greeting
- process-buffer
- (supported-extensions '()))
- (unwind-protect
- (catch 'done
- ;; get or create the trace buffer
- (setq process-buffer
- (get-buffer-create (format "*trace of SMTP session to %s*" host)))
- ;; clear the trace buffer of old output
- (with-current-buffer process-buffer
- (erase-buffer))
- ;; open the connection to the server
- (setq process (smtpmail-open-stream process-buffer host port))
- (and (null process) (throw 'done nil))
- ;; set the send-filter
- (set-process-filter process 'smtpmail-process-filter)
- (with-current-buffer process-buffer
- (set-buffer-process-coding-system 'raw-text-unix 'raw-text-unix)
- (make-local-variable 'smtpmail-read-point)
- (setq smtpmail-read-point (point-min))
- (if (or (null (car (setq greeting (smtpmail-read-response process))))
- (not (integerp (car greeting)))
- (>= (car greeting) 400))
- (throw 'done nil)
- )
- (let ((do-ehlo t)
- (do-starttls t))
- (while do-ehlo
- ;; EHLO
- (smtpmail-send-command process (format "EHLO %s" (smtpmail-fqdn)))
- (if (or (null (car (setq response-code
- (smtpmail-read-response process))))
- (not (integerp (car response-code)))
- (>= (car response-code) 400))
- (progn
- ;; HELO
- (smtpmail-send-command
- process (format "HELO %s" (smtpmail-fqdn)))
- (if (or (null (car (setq response-code
- (smtpmail-read-response process))))
- (not (integerp (car response-code)))
- (>= (car response-code) 400))
- (throw 'done nil)))
- (dolist (line (cdr (cdr response-code)))
- (let ((name (mapcar (lambda (s) (intern (downcase s)))
- (split-string (substring line 4) "[ ]"))))
- (and (eq (length name) 1)
- (setq name (car name)))
- (and name
- (cond ((memq (if (consp name) (car name) name)
- '(verb xvrb 8bitmime onex xone
- expn size dsn etrn
- enhancedstatuscodes
- help xusr
- auth=login auth starttls))
- (setq supported-extensions
- (cons name supported-extensions)))
- (smtpmail-warn-about-unknown-extensions
- (message "Unknown extension %s" name)))))))
- (if (and do-starttls
- (smtpmail-find-credentials smtpmail-starttls-credentials host port)
- (member 'starttls supported-extensions)
- (numberp (process-id process)))
- (progn
- (smtpmail-send-command process (format "STARTTLS"))
- (if (or (null (car (setq response-code (smtpmail-read-response process))))
- (not (integerp (car response-code)))
- (>= (car response-code) 400))
- (throw 'done nil))
- (starttls-negotiate process)
- (setq do-starttls nil))
- (setq do-ehlo nil))))
- (smtpmail-try-auth-methods process supported-extensions host port)
- (if (or (member 'onex supported-extensions)
- (member 'xone supported-extensions))
- (progn
- (smtpmail-send-command process (format "ONEX"))
- (if (or (null (car (setq response-code (smtpmail-read-response process))))
- (not (integerp (car response-code)))
- (>= (car response-code) 400))
- (throw 'done nil))))
- (if (and smtpmail-debug-verb
- (or (member 'verb supported-extensions)
- (member 'xvrb supported-extensions)))
- (progn
- (smtpmail-send-command process (format "VERB"))
- (if (or (null (car (setq response-code (smtpmail-read-response process))))
- (not (integerp (car response-code)))
- (>= (car response-code) 400))
- (throw 'done nil))))
- (if (member 'xusr supported-extensions)
- (progn
- (smtpmail-send-command process (format "XUSR"))
- (if (or (null (car (setq response-code (smtpmail-read-response process))))
- (not (integerp (car response-code)))
- (>= (car response-code) 400))
- (throw 'done nil))))
- ;; MAIL FROM:<sender>
- (let ((size-part
- (if (or (member 'size supported-extensions)
- (assoc 'size supported-extensions))
- (format " SIZE=%d"
- (with-current-buffer smtpmail-text-buffer
- ;; size estimate:
- (+ (- (point-max) (point-min))
- ;; Add one byte for each change-of-line
- ;; because of CR-LF representation:
- (count-lines (point-min) (point-max)))))
- ""))
- (body-part
- (if (member '8bitmime supported-extensions)
- ;; FIXME:
- ;; Code should be added here that transforms
- ;; the contents of the message buffer into
- ;; something the receiving SMTP can handle.
- ;; For a receiver that supports 8BITMIME, this
- ;; may mean converting BINARY to BASE64, or
- ;; adding Content-Transfer-Encoding and the
- ;; other MIME headers. The code should also
- ;; return an indication of what encoding the
- ;; message buffer is now, i.e. ASCII or
- ;; 8BITMIME.
- (if nil
- "")
- "")))
-; (smtpmail-send-command process (format "MAIL FROM:%s@%s" (user-login-name) (smtpmail-fqdn)))
- (smtpmail-send-command process (format "MAIL FROM:<%s>%s%s"
- envelope-from
- size-part
- body-part))
- (if (or (null (car (setq response-code (smtpmail-read-response process))))
- (not (integerp (car response-code)))
- (>= (car response-code) 400))
- (throw 'done nil)
- ))
- ;; RCPT TO:<recipient>
- (let ((n 0))
- (while (not (null (nth n recipient)))
- (smtpmail-send-command process (format "RCPT TO:<%s>" (smtpmail-maybe-append-domain (nth n recipient))))
- (setq n (1+ n))
- (setq response-code (smtpmail-read-response process))
- (if (or (null (car response-code))
- (not (integerp (car response-code)))
- (>= (car response-code) 400))
- (throw 'done nil)
- )
- ))
- ;; DATA
- (smtpmail-send-command process "DATA")
- (if (or (null (car (setq response-code (smtpmail-read-response process))))
- (not (integerp (car response-code)))
- (>= (car response-code) 400))
- (throw 'done nil)
- )
- ;; Mail contents
- (smtpmail-send-data process smtpmail-text-buffer)
- ;;DATA end "."
- (smtpmail-send-command process ".")
- (if (or (null (car (setq response-code (smtpmail-read-response process))))
- (not (integerp (car response-code)))
- (>= (car response-code) 400))
- (throw 'done nil)
- )
- ;;QUIT
-; (smtpmail-send-command process "QUIT")
-; (and (null (car (smtpmail-read-response process)))
-; (throw 'done nil))
- t ))
- (if process
- (with-current-buffer (process-buffer process)
- (smtpmail-send-command process "QUIT")
- (smtpmail-read-response process)
-; (if (or (null (car (setq response-code (smtpmail-read-response process))))
-; (not (integerp (car response-code)))
-; (>= (car response-code) 400))
-; (throw 'done nil)
-; )
- (delete-process process)
- (unless smtpmail-debug-info
- (kill-buffer process-buffer)))))))
-(defun smtpmail-process-filter (process output)
- (with-current-buffer (process-buffer process)
- (goto-char (point-max))
- (insert output)))
-(defun smtpmail-read-response (process)
- (let ((case-fold-search nil)
- (response-strings nil)
- (response-continue t)
- (return-value '(nil ()))
- match-end)
- (catch 'done
- (while response-continue
- (goto-char smtpmail-read-point)
- (while (not (search-forward "\r\n" nil t))
- (unless (memq (process-status process) '(open run))
- (throw 'done nil))
- (accept-process-output process)
- (goto-char smtpmail-read-point))
- (setq match-end (point))
- (setq response-strings
- (cons (buffer-substring smtpmail-read-point (- match-end 2))
- response-strings))
- (goto-char smtpmail-read-point)
- (if (looking-at "[0-9]+ ")
- (let ((begin (match-beginning 0))
- (end (match-end 0)))
- (if smtpmail-debug-info
- (message "%s" (car response-strings)))
- (setq smtpmail-read-point match-end)
- ;; ignore lines that start with "0"
- (if (looking-at "0[0-9]+ ")
- nil
- (setq response-continue nil)
- (setq return-value
- (cons (string-to-number
- (buffer-substring begin end))
- (nreverse response-strings)))))
- (if (looking-at "[0-9]+-")
- (progn (if smtpmail-debug-info
- (message "%s" (car response-strings)))
- (setq smtpmail-read-point match-end)
- (setq response-continue t))
- (progn
- (setq smtpmail-read-point match-end)
- (setq response-continue nil)
- (setq return-value
- (cons nil (nreverse response-strings)))))))
- (setq smtpmail-read-point match-end))
- return-value))
-(defun smtpmail-send-command (process command)
- (goto-char (point-max))
- (if (= (aref command 0) ?P)
- (insert "PASS <omitted>\r\n")
- (insert command "\r\n"))
- (setq smtpmail-read-point (point))
- (process-send-string process command)
- (process-send-string process "\r\n"))
-(defun smtpmail-send-data-1 (process data)
- (goto-char (point-max))
- (if (and (multibyte-string-p data)
- smtpmail-code-conv-from)
- (setq data (string-as-multibyte
- (encode-coding-string data smtpmail-code-conv-from))))
- (if smtpmail-debug-info
- (insert data "\r\n"))
- (setq smtpmail-read-point (point))
- ;; Escape "." at start of a line
- (if (eq (string-to-char data) ?.)
- (process-send-string process "."))
- (process-send-string process data)
- (process-send-string process "\r\n")
- )
-(defun smtpmail-send-data (process buffer)
- (let ((data-continue t) sending-data)
- (with-current-buffer buffer
- (goto-char (point-min)))
- (while data-continue
- (with-current-buffer buffer
- (setq sending-data (buffer-substring (point-at-bol) (point-at-eol)))
- (end-of-line 2)
- (setq data-continue (not (eobp))))
- (smtpmail-send-data-1 process sending-data))))
-(defun smtpmail-deduce-address-list (smtpmail-text-buffer header-start header-end)
- "Get address list suitable for smtp RCPT TO: <address>."
- (unwind-protect
- (with-current-buffer smtpmail-address-buffer
- (erase-buffer)
- (let
- ((case-fold-search t)
- (simple-address-list "")
- this-line
- this-line-end
- addr-regexp)
- (insert-buffer-substring smtpmail-text-buffer header-start header-end)
- (goto-char (point-min))
- ;; RESENT-* fields should stop processing of regular fields.
- (save-excursion
- (setq addr-regexp
- (if (re-search-forward "^Resent-\\(to\\|cc\\|bcc\\):"
- header-end t)
- "^Resent-\\(to\\|cc\\|bcc\\):"
- "^\\(To:\\|Cc:\\|Bcc:\\)")))
- (while (re-search-forward addr-regexp header-end t)
- (replace-match "")
- (setq this-line (match-beginning 0))
- (forward-line 1)
- ;; get any continuation lines
- (while (and (looking-at "^[ \t]+") (< (point) header-end))
- (forward-line 1))
- (setq this-line-end (point-marker))
- (setq simple-address-list
- (concat simple-address-list " "
- (mail-strip-quoted-names (buffer-substring this-line this-line-end))))
- )
- (erase-buffer)
- (insert " " simple-address-list "\n")
- (subst-char-in-region (point-min) (point-max) 10 ? t);; newline --> blank
- (subst-char-in-region (point-min) (point-max) ?, ? t);; comma --> blank
- (subst-char-in-region (point-min) (point-max) 9 ? t);; tab --> blank
- (goto-char (point-min))
- ;; tidyness in case hook is not robust when it looks at this
- (while (re-search-forward "[ \t]+" header-end t) (replace-match " "))
- (goto-char (point-min))
- (let (recipient-address-list)
- (while (re-search-forward " \\([^ ]+\\) " (point-max) t)
- (backward-char 1)
- (setq recipient-address-list (cons (buffer-substring (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1))
- recipient-address-list))
- )
- (setq smtpmail-recipient-address-list recipient-address-list))
- )
- )
- )
- )
-(defun smtpmail-do-bcc (header-end)
- "Delete [Resent-]BCC: and their continuation lines from the header area.
-There may be multiple BCC: lines, and each may have arbitrarily
-many continuation lines."
- (let ((case-fold-search t))
- (save-excursion
- (goto-char (point-min))
- ;; iterate over all BCC: lines
- (while (re-search-forward "^\\(RESENT-\\)?BCC:" header-end t)
- (delete-region (match-beginning 0)
- (progn (forward-line 1) (point)))
- ;; get rid of any continuation lines
- (while (and (looking-at "^[ \t].*\n") (< (point) header-end))
- (replace-match ""))))))
-(provide 'smtpmail)
-;;; arch-tag: a76992df-6d71-43b7-9e72-4bacc6c05466
-;;; smtpmail.el ends here
diff --git a/app-emacs/smtpmail/smtpmail-1.77.ebuild b/app-emacs/smtpmail/smtpmail-1.77.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 7ef23da..0000000
--- a/app-emacs/smtpmail/smtpmail-1.77.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2004 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-inherit elisp
-DESCRIPTION="CVS version of the smtp library for emaces"
-src_unpack() {
- cd ${S}
- cp ${FILESDIR}/{smtpmail,netrc}.el .
diff --git a/app-office/ledger/Manifest b/app-office/ledger/Manifest
deleted file mode 100644
index 8df133c..0000000
--- a/app-office/ledger/Manifest
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-MD5 c7ef8c838b593e5435aaf8f86a46a1e3 ledger-2.3.ebuild 2280
-MD5 29cc9841ad4d0e711bedb604364823fc ledger-2.4.ebuild 2288
-MD5 2019acb77e1c481bd6fa966922f5c250 files/digest-ledger-2.4 62
-MD5 2b2538d5be3a1ca5dcf433cdcd95220e files/50ledger-mode-gentoo.el 140
-MD5 38c282cf2774644648d968492358d02a files/digest-ledger-2.3 62
-MD5 8557591a894b881a8958188f7197eff8 files/gentoo-expat.patch 3208
diff --git a/app-office/ledger/files/50ledger-mode-gentoo.el b/app-office/ledger/files/50ledger-mode-gentoo.el
deleted file mode 100644
index ca3f2b6..0000000
--- a/app-office/ledger/files/50ledger-mode-gentoo.el
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-;;; ledger site-lisp configuration
-(require 'ledger) ; load ledger mode
-(require 'timeclock) ; helper functions for time management
diff --git a/app-office/ledger/files/digest-ledger-2.3 b/app-office/ledger/files/digest-ledger-2.3
deleted file mode 100644
index cfa0aae..0000000
--- a/app-office/ledger/files/digest-ledger-2.3
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-MD5 9adca9883f62db33f57961d0ac6f13cf ledger-2.3.tar.gz 611562
diff --git a/app-office/ledger/files/digest-ledger-2.4 b/app-office/ledger/files/digest-ledger-2.4
deleted file mode 100644
index f16f882..0000000
--- a/app-office/ledger/files/digest-ledger-2.4
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-MD5 57301ad52cfcbe9070aad4e6354e6f12 ledger-2.4.tar.gz 617278
diff --git a/app-office/ledger/files/gentoo-expat.patch b/app-office/ledger/files/gentoo-expat.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index f77c4d5..0000000
--- a/app-office/ledger/files/gentoo-expat.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
-diff -Naur ledger-2.3.orig/ ledger-2.3/
---- ledger-2.3.orig/ 2005-08-02 10:26:19.000000000 +0200
-+++ ledger-2.3/ 2005-08-02 16:19:27.000000000 +0200
-@@ -114,12 +114,12 @@
- [if libxmlparse is available],
- [libxmlparse_avail],
- [libxmlparse_save_libs=$LIBS
-- LIBS="-lxmlparse -lxmltok $LIBS"
-+ LIBS="-lexpat $LIBS"
- [#include <stdio.h>
- extern "C" {
-- #include <xmlparse.h> // expat XML parser
-+ #include <expat.h> // expat XML parser
- }],
- [XML_Parser parser = XML_ParserCreate(NULL);
- return parser != NULL;],
-@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@
- LIBS="-lofx $LIBS"
-- [#include <libofx.h>],
-+ [#include <libofx/libofx.h>],
- [ LibofxContextPtr libofx_context = libofx_get_new_context();],
- [libofx_avail=true],
- [libofx_avail=false])
-diff -Naur ledger-2.3.orig/ ledger-2.3/
---- ledger-2.3.orig/ 2005-08-02 10:26:19.000000000 +0200
-+++ ledger-2.3/ 2005-08-02 16:19:27.000000000 +0200
-@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
- #include <cstring>
- extern "C" {
--#include <xmlparse.h> // expat XML parser
-+#include <expat.h> // expat XML parser
- }
- namespace ledger {
-diff -Naur ledger-2.3.orig/ ledger-2.3/
---- ledger-2.3.orig/ 2005-08-02 10:26:19.000000000 +0200
-+++ ledger-2.3/ 2005-08-02 16:19:27.000000000 +0200
-@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@
- endif
--ledger_LDADD += -lxmlparse -lxmltok
-+ledger_LDADD += -lexpat
- endif
-diff -Naur ledger-2.3.orig/ ledger-2.3/
---- ledger-2.3.orig/ 2005-08-02 10:26:19.000000000 +0200
-+++ ledger-2.3/ 2005-08-02 16:19:27.000000000 +0200
-@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@
- endif
--ledger_LDADD += -lxmlparse -lxmltok
-+ledger_LDADD += -lexpat
- endif
-diff -Naur ledger-2.3.orig/ ledger-2.3/
---- ledger-2.3.orig/ 2005-08-02 10:26:19.000000000 +0200
-+++ ledger-2.3/ 2005-08-02 16:19:27.000000000 +0200
-@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
- #include "debug.h"
- #include "util.h"
--#include <libofx.h>
-+#include <libofx/libofx.h>
- namespace ledger {
-diff -Naur ledger-2.3.orig/ ledger-2.3/
---- ledger-2.3.orig/ 2005-08-02 10:26:19.000000000 +0200
-+++ ledger-2.3/ 2005-08-02 16:17:30.000000000 +0200
-@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
- if os.environ.has_key ("HAVE_XMLPARSE") and\
- os.environ["HAVE_XMLPARSE"] == "true":
-- libs.extend (["xmlparse", "xmltok"])
-+ libs.extend (["expat"])
- if os.environ.has_key ("HAVE_LIBOFX") and\
- os.environ["HAVE_LIBOFX"] == "true":
-diff -Naur ledger-2.3.orig/ ledger-2.3/
---- ledger-2.3.orig/ 2005-08-02 10:26:19.000000000 +0200
-+++ ledger-2.3/ 2005-08-02 16:19:27.000000000 +0200
-@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
- #include <cstring>
- extern "C" {
--#include <xmlparse.h> // expat XML parser
-+#include <expat.h> // expat XML parser
- }
- namespace ledger {
diff --git a/app-office/ledger/ledger-2.3.ebuild b/app-office/ledger/ledger-2.3.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 59d79b7..0000000
--- a/app-office/ledger/ledger-2.3.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2005 Gentoo Technologies, Inc.
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: $
-inherit eutils distutils elisp
-DESCRIPTION="Ledger is an command-line accounting tool that provides double-entry accounting with a minimum of frills, and yet with a maximum of expressiveness and flexibility."
-IUSE="emacs debug gnuplot ofx python "
-DEPEND=" dev-libs/gmp
- dev-libs/libpcre
- ofx? (>=dev-libs/libofx-0.7
- dev-libs/expat
- )
- python? (dev-lang/python
- dev-libs/boost
- )
- emacs? (app-editors/emacs
- )
- gnuplot?(media-gfx/gnuplot
- )"
-src_unpack() {
- unpack ${A} && cd ${S}
- if use ofx; then
- ## Make configure recognize expat as xml parser
- epatch ${FILESDIR}/gentoo-expat.patch
- ## Somehow missing from source package
- autoconf || die "Autoconf failed to rebuild configure!"
- fi
-src_compile() {
- local myconf
- use ofx && myconf="${myconf} --enable-xml"
- use ofx && myconf="${myconf} --enable-ofx"
- use python && myconf="${myconf} --enable-python"
- use debug && myconf="${myconf} --enable-debug"
- distutils_python_version
- CPPFLAGS="-I /usr/include/python${PYVER}" econf ${myconf} || die "Configure failed!"
- emake || die "Make failed!"
- use emacs && elisp_src_compile
- use python && distutils_src_compile
-src_install() {
- dodoc sample.dat README ledger.pdf
- mv scripts/bal ledger-bal
- mv scripts/bal-huquq ledger-bal-huquq
- dobin bal bal-huquq
- ## One script uses vi, the outher the Finance perl module
- ## Did not want to add more use flags
- insinto /usr/share/${P}
- doins scripts/entry scripts/getquote
- if use emacs; then
- elisp_src_install
- fi
- einstall || die "Installation failed!"
- if use gnuplot; then
- mv scripts/report ledger-report
- dobin ledger-report
- fi
- if use python; then
- distutils_src_install
- mv scripts/trend ledger-trend
- dobin ledger-trend
- dobin timeclock
- dobin scripts/to scripts/ti scripts/tc
- fi
diff --git a/app-office/ledger/ledger-2.4.ebuild b/app-office/ledger/ledger-2.4.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 542c22e..0000000
--- a/app-office/ledger/ledger-2.4.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2005 Gentoo Technologies, Inc.
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: $
-inherit eutils distutils elisp
-DESCRIPTION="Ledger is an command-line accounting tool that provides double-entry accounting with a minimum of frills, and yet with a maximum of expressiveness and flexibility."
-IUSE="emacs debug gnuplot ofx python "
-DEPEND=" dev-libs/gmp
- dev-libs/libpcre
- ofx? (>=dev-libs/libofx-0.7
- dev-libs/expat
- )
- python? (dev-lang/python
- dev-libs/boost
- )
- emacs? (app-editors/emacs
- )
- gnuplot?(media-gfx/gnuplot
- )"
-#src_unpack() {
-# unpack ${A} && cd ${S}
-# if use ofx; then
- ## Make configure recognize expat as xml parser
- #epatch ${FILESDIR}/gentoo-expat.patch
- ## Somehow missing from source package
-# autoconf || die "Autoconf failed to rebuild configure!"
-# fi
-src_compile() {
- local myconf
- use ofx && myconf="${myconf} --enable-xml"
- use ofx && myconf="${myconf} --enable-ofx"
- use python && myconf="${myconf} --enable-python"
- use debug && myconf="${myconf} --enable-debug"
- distutils_python_version
- CPPFLAGS="-I /usr/include/python${PYVER}" econf ${myconf} || die "Configure failed!"
- emake || die "Make failed!"
- use emacs && elisp_src_compile
- use python && distutils_src_compile
-src_install() {
- dodoc sample.dat README ledger.pdf
- mv scripts/bal ledger-bal
- mv scripts/bal-huquq ledger-bal-huquq
- dobin bal bal-huquq
- ## One script uses vi, the outher the Finance perl module
- ## Did not want to add more use flags
- insinto /usr/share/${P}
- doins scripts/entry scripts/getquote
- if use emacs; then
- elisp_src_install
- fi
- einstall || die "Installation failed!"
- if use gnuplot; then
- mv scripts/report ledger-report
- dobin ledger-report
- fi
- if use python; then
- distutils_src_install
- mv scripts/trend ledger-trend
- dobin ledger-trend
- dobin timeclock
- dobin scripts/to scripts/ti scripts/tc
- fi
diff --git a/dev-java/jdbm/Manifest b/dev-java/jdbm/Manifest
deleted file mode 100644
index f272e97..0000000
--- a/dev-java/jdbm/Manifest
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-MD5 155294fe8bedeae313e3be7956259f08 jdbm-1.0.ebuild 1152
-MD5 a6ec7d7724fbd068ffb39b5be56134ed metadata.xml 157
-MD5 1e5fa50165b09cca70ecec09d371efde files/jdbm-1.0-buildfile.patch 2282
-MD5 cdc880fb1002d9e6832ae598f4398b16 files/digest-jdbm-0.12 62
-MD5 f4833fd50727ec9e51f3372c0f963ed8 files/digest-jdbm-1.0 61
-MD5 05e6cb1009ca10279b6991417778254b files/jdbm-0.12-buildfile.patch 2260
diff --git a/dev-java/jdbm/files/digest-jdbm-0.12 b/dev-java/jdbm/files/digest-jdbm-0.12
deleted file mode 100644
index 307eddb..0000000
--- a/dev-java/jdbm/files/digest-jdbm-0.12
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-MD5 361029bc721dd063cc12a8ebee1c5c6f 969490
diff --git a/dev-java/jdbm/files/digest-jdbm-1.0 b/dev-java/jdbm/files/digest-jdbm-1.0
deleted file mode 100644
index 7cdb609..0000000
--- a/dev-java/jdbm/files/digest-jdbm-1.0
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-MD5 de9e2db66cc6c17952a1141a6fb27c83 906604
diff --git a/dev-java/jdbm/files/jdbm-0.12-buildfile.patch b/dev-java/jdbm/files/jdbm-0.12-buildfile.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 23957e1..0000000
--- a/dev-java/jdbm/files/jdbm-0.12-buildfile.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
---- build.xml.orig 2005-02-05 23:34:43.000000000 +0100
-+++ build.xml 2005-02-06 00:02:39.392389088 +0100
-@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
--<project name="JDBM" default="main" basedir=".">
-+<project name="JDBM" default="main" basedir="..">
- <target name="init">
- <property name="project" value="jdbm" />
- <property name="source" value="./src" />
-- <property name="main" value="${source}/main" />
-+ <property name="main.src" value="${source}/main" />
- <property name="etc" value="${source}/etc" />
- <property name="build" value="build" />
- <property name="classes" value="${build}/classes" />
-@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
- <property name="build.compiler" value="classic" />
- <property name="deprecation" value="true" />
- <property file="VERSION" />
-- <property name="archive" value="${project}-${version}" />
-+ <property name="archive" value="${project}" />
- </target>
-@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
- <!-- Prepare target directories -->
-- <target name="prepare">
-+ <target name="prepare" depends="init">
- <mkdir dir="${build}"/>
- <mkdir dir="${classes}"/>
- <mkdir dir="${dist}"/>
-@@ -61,8 +61,9 @@
- <!-- Build all the sources with debug and deprecation -->
- <target name="main" depends="prepare">
-- <javac srcdir="${main}" destdir="${classes}" excludes="**/package.html"
-- classpath="${classpath}" debug="on" deprecation="${deprecation}" />
-+ <javac srcdir="${source}/main" destdir="${classes}" excludes="**/package.html"
-+ classpath="${classpath}" debug="on" deprecation="${deprecation}"
-+ target="1.3" source="1.3" />
- </target>
- <!-- Same as main, but also cleans and additional targets -->
-@@ -131,7 +132,7 @@
- <mkdir dir="${build}/doc/javadoc" />
- <property name="copyright"
- value="Cees de Groot (C) 2000-2001. All rights reserved" />
-- <javadoc sourcepath="${main}" destdir="${build}/doc/javadoc" dir="."
-+ <javadoc sourcepath="${source}/main" destdir="${build}/doc/javadoc"
- doctitle="JDBM JavaDoc" windowtitle="JDBM JavaDoc" bottom="${copyright}"
- package="true" author="true" version="true" noindex="true"
- packagenames="jdbm.*" />
diff --git a/dev-java/jdbm/files/jdbm-1.0-buildfile.patch b/dev-java/jdbm/files/jdbm-1.0-buildfile.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 6852ca8..0000000
--- a/dev-java/jdbm/files/jdbm-1.0-buildfile.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
---- build.xml.orig 2005-09-18 10:15:07.000000000 +0200
-+++ build.xml 2005-09-18 10:19:47.000000000 +0200
-@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
- <target name="init">
- <property name="project" value="jdbm" />
- <property name="source" value="./src" />
-- <property name="main" value="${source}/main" />
-+ <property name="main.src" value="${source}/main" />
- <property name="etc" value="${source}/etc" />
- <property name="build" value="build" />
- <property name="classes" value="${build}/classes" />
-@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
- <property name="deprecation" value="true" />
- <property file="VERSION" />
- <property name="version" value="unspecified" description="default value; should never happen"/>
-- <property name="archive" value="${project}-${version}" />
-+ <property name="archive" value="${project}" />
- </target>
-@@ -68,8 +68,9 @@
- <!-- Build all the sources with debug and deprecation -->
- <target name="main" depends="prepare">
-- <javac srcdir="${main}" destdir="${classes}" excludes="**/package.html"
-- classpath="${classpath}" debug="on" deprecation="${deprecation}" source="1.3" target="1.3"/>
-+ <javac srcdir="${source}/main" destdir="${classes}" excludes="**/package.html"
-+ classpath="${classpath}" debug="on" deprecation="${deprecation}"
-+ target="1.3" source="1.3" />
- </target>
- <!-- Same as main, but also cleans and additional targets -->
-@@ -135,10 +136,10 @@
- <mkdir dir="${build}/doc/javadoc" />
- <property name="copyright"
- value="Cees de Groot (C) 2000-2001. All rights reserved" />
-- <javadoc sourcepath="${main}" destdir="${build}/doc/javadoc"
-- doctitle="JDBM JavaDoc" windowtitle="JDBM JavaDoc" bottom="${copyright}"
-- package="true" author="true" version="true" noindex="true"
-- packagenames="jdbm.*">
-+ <javadoc sourcepath="${source}/main" destdir="${build}/doc/javadoc"
-+ doctitle="JDBM JavaDoc" windowtitle="JDBM JavaDoc" bottom="${copyright}"
-+ package="true" author="true" version="true" noindex="true"
-+ packagenames="jdbm.*">
- <link href=""/>
- <link href=""/>
- </javadoc>
diff --git a/dev-java/jdbm/jdbm-1.0.ebuild b/dev-java/jdbm/jdbm-1.0.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index f26232d..0000000
--- a/dev-java/jdbm/jdbm-1.0.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2005 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-java/jdbm/jdbm-0.12.ebuild,v 1.6 2005/07/18 14:16:09 gustavoz Exp $
-inherit eutils java-pkg
-DESCRIPTION="Jdbm aims to be for Java what GDBM is for Perl, Python, C, ..."
-KEYWORDS="amd64 ~ppc sparc x86"
-IUSE="doc jikes source"
- dev-java/jta
- =dev-java/xerces-1.3*"
- dev-java/ant-core
- app-arch/unzip
- jikes? ( dev-java/jikes )"
-src_unpack() {
- unpack ${A}
- cd ${S}/src
- epatch ${FILESDIR}/${P}-buildfile.patch
- cd ${S}/lib
- rm *.jar
- java-pkg_jar-from jta
- java-pkg_jar-from xerces-2
-src_compile() {
- cd ${S}/src
- local antflags="jar"
- use doc && antflags="${antflags} javadoc"
- use jikes && antflags="${antflags} -Dbuild.compiler=jikes"
- ant ${antflags} || die "ant failed"
-src_install() {
- java-pkg_dojar dist/${PN}.jar
- use doc && java-pkg_dohtml -r build/doc/javadoc/*
- use source && java-pkg_dosrc src/main/*
diff --git a/dev-java/jdbm/metadata.xml b/dev-java/jdbm/metadata.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 838c00a..0000000
--- a/dev-java/jdbm/metadata.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "">
diff --git a/dev-lang/R/Manifest b/dev-lang/R/Manifest
deleted file mode 100644
index 76c5365..0000000
--- a/dev-lang/R/Manifest
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-MD5 c702c191f207d51ca64c156de0dfbc67 R-2.999.ebuild 2676
-MD5 7466cd1a2032f34898f591f942ccd971 files/digest-R-2.999 62
diff --git a/dev-lang/R/R-2.999.ebuild b/dev-lang/R/R-2.999.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 206dec4..0000000
--- a/dev-lang/R/R-2.999.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2005 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-lang/R/R-2.1.1.ebuild,v 1.3 2005/08/22 21:53:01 gustavoz Exp $
-inherit fortran toolchain-funcs
-IUSE="blas jpeg nls png readline tcltk X"
-DESCRIPTION="R is GNU S - A language and environment for statistical computing and graphics."
-#There are daily release patches, don't know how to utilize these
- >=dev-lang/perl-5.6.1-r3
- readline? ( >=sys-libs/readline-4.1-r3 )
- jpeg? ( >=media-libs/jpeg-6b-r2 )
- png? ( >=media-libs/libpng-1.2.1 )
- blas? ( virtual/blas )
- X? ( virtual/x11 )
- tcltk? ( dev-lang/tk )"
-pkg_setup() {
- # Test for a 64 bit architecture - f2c won't work on 64 bit archs with R.
- # Thanks to vapier for providing the test.
- echo 'int main(){}' > test.c
- $(tc-getCC) -c test.c -o test.o
- if file test.o | grep -qs 64-bit ; then
- einfo "64 bit architecture detected, using g77."
- FORTRAN="g77"
- else
- FORTRAN="g77 f2c"
- fi
- fortran_pkg_setup
-src_compile() {
- local myconf="--enable-R-profiling --enable-R-shlib --enable-linux-lfs"
- if use tcltk; then
- #configure needs to find the files and
- myconf="${myconf} --with-tcltk --with-tcl-config=/usr/lib/ --with-tk-config=/usr/lib/"
- else
- myconf="${myconf} --without-tcltk"
- fi
- econf \
- $(use_enable nls) \
- $(use_with blas) \
- $(use_with jpeg jpeglib) \
- $(use_with png libpng) \
- $(use_with readline) \
- $(use_with X x) \
- ${myconf} || die "econf failed"
- emake || die "emake failed"
-src_install() {
- make \
- prefix=${D}/usr \
- mandir=${D}/usr/share/man \
- infodir=${D}/usr/share/info \
- rhome=${D}/usr/$(get_libdir)/R \
- install || die "Installation Failed"
- #fix the R wrapper script to have the correct R_HOME_DIR
- #sed regexp borrowed from included debian rules
- sed \
- -e "#^R_\(HOME|SHARE|INCLUDE|DOC\)_DIR=${D}#R_\1_DIR=#" \
- -i ${D}/usr/$(get_libdir)/R/bin/R \
- || die "sed failed"
- #R installs two identical wrappers under /usr/bin and /usr/lib/R/bin/
- #the 2nd one is corrected by above sed, for the 1st
- #I'll just symlink it into /usr/bin
- cd ${D}/usr/bin/
- rm R
- dosym ../$(get_libdir)/R/bin/R /usr/bin/R
- dodir /etc/env.d
- echo > ${D}/etc/env.d/99R "LDPATH=/usr/$(get_libdir)/R/lib"
- cd ${S}
diff --git a/dev-lang/R/files/digest-R-2.999 b/dev-lang/R/files/digest-R-2.999
deleted file mode 100644
index 13bd415..0000000
--- a/dev-lang/R/files/digest-R-2.999
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-MD5 0a724ff3adbe18c91ec8d5f750bbd146 R-devel.tar.bz2 11708371
diff --git a/net-misc/inputpipe/Manifest b/net-misc/inputpipe/Manifest
deleted file mode 100644
index a0c9466..0000000
--- a/net-misc/inputpipe/Manifest
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-MD5 a2d17bb57bff21c6f834874a3f806ce5 inputpipe-0.5.ebuild 574
-MD5 6694dadd59b0752e7091505befa4b71d files/digest-inputpipe-0.5 64
diff --git a/net-misc/inputpipe/files/digest-inputpipe-0.5 b/net-misc/inputpipe/files/digest-inputpipe-0.5
deleted file mode 100644
index 1565357..0000000
--- a/net-misc/inputpipe/files/digest-inputpipe-0.5
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-MD5 b2e54c7b201230df96bc4d9f230f3090 inputpipe-0.5.tar.gz 38204
diff --git a/net-misc/inputpipe/inputpipe-0.5.ebuild b/net-misc/inputpipe/inputpipe-0.5.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 110b43b..0000000
--- a/net-misc/inputpipe/inputpipe-0.5.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2005 Gentoo Technologies, Inc.
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header$
-DESCRIPTION="A client-server application that allows forwarding of input events over the net"
-## FIXME: real home
-##FIXME: probably needs kernel-2.6
-src_compile() {
- emake || die
-src_install() {
- cd ${S}
- dodoc README
- dodoc conf/xinetd.conf.sample
- dobin inputpipe-client
- dobin inputpipe-server
diff --git a/net-news/nntprss/Manifest b/net-news/nntprss/Manifest
deleted file mode 100644
index 5ee3923..0000000
--- a/net-news/nntprss/Manifest
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-MD5 a095f4c5ac2a8ef005860a504024ddc1 nntprss-0.5.2_beta.ebuild 2544
-MD5 0182cbbacefedba39c66dc277a762ed3 files/nntprss-init 363
-MD5 af5b28e4c85592adbb1d94bb554fb175 files/nntprss 507
-MD5 d25e2bd80d0c064185cbf3bbbc60b932 files/digest-nntprss-0.5.1_beta 74
-MD5 c302376bca1c667dcfd730d13f884237 files/ 846
-MD5 f2894b747dada8411d9946cf0ef902f7 files/nntprss-sanitize.patch 4982
-MD5 3afcf486cce66f80043ce3ac10e0f6b0 files/nntprss-config.xml 1484
-MD5 4cd5de6720ce60cc0dce8afb417e575a files/digest-nntprss-0.5.2_beta 74
diff --git a/net-news/nntprss/files/digest-nntprss-0.5.1_beta b/net-news/nntprss/files/digest-nntprss-0.5.1_beta
deleted file mode 100644
index d42196d..0000000
--- a/net-news/nntprss/files/digest-nntprss-0.5.1_beta
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-MD5 2b899fb12ca5daa76252b61ccdb06699 nntprss-src-0.5-beta-1.tar.gz 120469
diff --git a/net-news/nntprss/files/digest-nntprss-0.5.2_beta b/net-news/nntprss/files/digest-nntprss-0.5.2_beta
deleted file mode 100644
index a654e78..0000000
--- a/net-news/nntprss/files/digest-nntprss-0.5.2_beta
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-MD5 1eacbad2f73df643f37aeca807f12f24 nntprss-src-0.5-beta-2.tar.gz 119381
diff --git a/net-news/nntprss/files/ b/net-news/nntprss/files/
deleted file mode 100644
index b9401d8..0000000
--- a/net-news/nntprss/files/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-# Set root logger level to DEBUG and its only appender to CONSOLE.
-log4j.rootLogger=DEBUG, CONSOLE, FILE
-# Only log INFO and higher for wire class
-# Both CONSOLE and FILE use PatternLayout.
-log4j.appender.CONSOLE.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{HH:mm:ss,SSS} [%t] %-5p %c{1} - %m%n
-log4j.appender.FILE.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{HH:mm:ss,SSS} [%t] %-5p %c{1} - %m%n
diff --git a/net-news/nntprss/files/nntprss b/net-news/nntprss/files/nntprss
deleted file mode 100755
index 3dda6d4..0000000
--- a/net-news/nntprss/files/nntprss
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-for lib in ${LIBS}
- do
- for jar in ${lib}/lib/*.jar
- do
- CLASSES="${CLASSES}:${jar}"
- done
-java -cp "$CLASSES" org.methodize.nntprss.Main
diff --git a/net-news/nntprss/files/nntprss-config.xml b/net-news/nntprss/files/nntprss-config.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index c013149..0000000
--- a/net-news/nntprss/files/nntprss-config.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
-<!-- nntp//rss bootstrap configuration -->
-<!-- -->
-<!-- MySQL -->
- <db connect='jdbc:mysql://;password=w0rldn3ws&amp;autoReconnect=true' driverClass='com.mysql.jdbc.Driver' daoClass='org.methodize.nntprss.feed.db.MySQLChannelDAO'/>
-<!-- Listener port for NNTP server -->
- <nntp port='9119'/>
-<!-- Listener port for web admin interface -->
- <admin port='7810'/>
-<!-- Poller configuration - number of threads -->
- <poller threads='5'/>
-<!-- Subscription listeners -->
- <subscribe name='AmphetaDesk' port='8888' path='/index.html' param='add_url' />
- <subscribe name='Radio Userland' port='5335' path='/system/pages/subscriptions' param='url' />
- <subscribe name='Awasu' port='2604' path='/subscribe' param='url' />
- <subscribe name='BottomFeeder' port='8666' path='/btf' param='rss' />
- <subscribe name='Headline Viewer' port='8900' path='/add_provider' param='url' />
- <subscribe name='Wildgrape NewsDesk' port='8888' path='NewsDesk.html' param='add_url' />
-<!-- Initial channel list -->
-<!-- These are the channels defined during a fresh installation of nntp//rss -->
- <channels>
- <channel name='org.slashdot' url='' historical='true'/>
- <channel name='org.methodize' url='' historical='true'/>
- </channels>
diff --git a/net-news/nntprss/files/nntprss-init b/net-news/nntprss/files/nntprss-init
deleted file mode 100755
index 2d1d90b..0000000
--- a/net-news/nntprss/files/nntprss-init
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2003 Gentoo Technologies, Inc.
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License, v2
-start() {
- ebegin "Starting nntp//rss"
- start-stop-daemon --start --background --quiet --exec /usr/sbin/nntprss
- eend $?
-stop() {
- ebegin "Stopping nntp//rss"
- start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --exec /usr/sbin/nntprss
- eend $?
diff --git a/net-news/nntprss/files/nntprss-sanitize.patch b/net-news/nntprss/files/nntprss-sanitize.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index f5775dc..0000000
--- a/net-news/nntprss/files/nntprss-sanitize.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,141 +0,0 @@
-Index: build.xml
-RCS file: /cvsroot/nntprss/nntprss/build.xml,v
-retrieving revision 1.7
-diff -r1.7 build.xml
-< <property name="nntprss-start.jar" value="${basedir}/nntprss-start.jar"/>
-< <fileset dir="${ext}\lib">
-> <fileset dir="/opt/jetty/lib">
-> <include name="*.jar"/>
-> </fileset>
-> <fileset dir="/opt/jetty/extra/lib/">
-> <include name="*.jar"/>
-> </fileset>
-> <fileset dir="/usr/share/hsqldb/lib/">
-> <include name="*.jar"/>
-> </fileset>
-> <fileset dir="/usr/share/log4j/lib/">
-> <include name="*.jar"/>
-> </fileset>
-> <fileset dir="/usr/share/crimson-1/lib">
-> <include name="*.jar"/>
-> </fileset>
-> <fileset dir="/usr/share/commons-httpclient/lib">
-> <include name="*.jar"/>
-> </fileset>
-> <fileset dir="/usr/share/xmlrpc/lib">
-> <include name="*.jar"/>
-> </fileset>
-> <fileset dir="/opt/sun-j2ee-1.3.1/lib/">
-> <include name="*.jar"/>
-> </fileset>
-> <fileset dir="/usr/share/commons-dbcp/lib">
-> <include name="*.jar"/>
-> </fileset>
-> <fileset dir="/usr/share/commons-pool/lib">
-> <include name="*.jar"/>
-> </fileset>
-> <fileset dir="/usr/share/jdbm-1/lib/">
-< <delete file="${nntprss-start.jar}" quiet="true"/>
-< <target name="nntprss-start.jar" depends="classes">
-< <jar jarfile="${nntprss-start.jar}" basedir="${bin}"
-< manifest="${etc}/MANIFEST.MF" >
-< <include name="org/methodize/nntprss/Startup.class" />
-< </jar>
-< </target>
-< <!-- ==================================================================== -->
-< <exclude name="org/methodize/nntprss/Startup.class" />
-< <include name="xml/**" />
-< <target name="jars" depends="nntprss-start.jar,nntprss.jar"
-> <target name="jars" depends="nntprss.jar"
-< <zip destfile="${basedir}/../nntprss-${version}.zip">
-< <zipfileset dir="ext/lib" includes="*" prefix="nntprss/ext/lib" />
-< <zipfileset dir="src/xml" includes="*" prefix="nntprss/xml" />
-< <zipfileset dir="." prefix="nntprss">
-< <include name="CHANGELOG"/>
-< <include name="LICENSE.TXT"/>
-< <include name=""/>
-< <include name="nntprss.exe"/>
-< <include name="nntprss.jar"/>
-< <include name="nntprss-config.xml"/>
-< <include name="nntprss-start.jar"/>
-< <include name="README.TXT"/>
-< <include name=""/>
-< <include name="WINDOWS-SERVICE.TXT"/>
-< <include name="nntprss.ico"/>
-< <include name="systray4j.dll"/>
-< </zipfileset>
-< </zip>
-< <tarfileset dir="ext/lib" includes="*" prefix="nntprss/ext/lib" />
-< <include name="nntprss-start.jar"/>
-< <include name="WINDOWS-SERVICE.TXT"/>
-< <include name="systray4j.dll"/>
-< <zip destfile="${basedir}/../nntprss-src-${version}.zip">
-< <zipfileset dir="src" includes="**/*.java" prefix="nntprss/src"/>
-< <zipfileset dir="etc" includes="MANIFEST.MF" prefix="nntprss/etc" />
-< <zipfileset dir="src/xml" includes="*" prefix="nntprss/src/xml" />
-< <zipfileset dir="." prefix="nntprss">
-< <include name="build.xml"/>
-< <include name=""/>
-< <include name="CHANGELOG"/>
-< <include name="LICENSE.TXT"/>
-< <include name="README.TXT"/>
-< </zipfileset>
-< </zip>
-Index: etc/MANIFEST.MF
-RCS file: /cvsroot/nntprss/nntprss/etc/MANIFEST.MF,v
-retrieving revision
-diff -r1.1.1.1 MANIFEST.MF
-< Main-Class: org.methodize.nntprss.Startup
-> Main-Class: org.methodize.nntprss.Main
-< Name: org.methodize.nntprss.Startup.class
-> Name: org.methodize.nntprss.Main.class
-Index: src/org/methodize/nntprss/
-RCS file: /cvsroot/nntprss/nntprss/src/org/methodize/nntprss/,v
-retrieving revision 1.11
-diff -r1.11
-< private WindowsSysTray windowsSysTray = null;
-< if (windowsSysTray != null) {
-< windowsSysTray.shutdown();
-< }
-< if (System
-< .getProperty("")
-< .toLowerCase()
-< .startsWith("windows")) {
-< windowsSysTray = new WindowsSysTray();
-< }
-< if (windowsSysTray != null) {
-< windowsSysTray.setAdminURL(
-< "" + adminServer.getPort() + "/");
-< windowsSysTray.setChannelManager(channelManager);
-< windowsSysTray.showStarted();
-< }
diff --git a/net-news/nntprss/nntprss-0.5.2_beta.ebuild b/net-news/nntprss/nntprss-0.5.2_beta.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 7ff1f70..0000000
--- a/net-news/nntprss/nntprss-0.5.2_beta.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2005 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: $
-inherit eutils java-pkg
-DESCRIPTION="nntp//rss is a Java-based bridge between RSS feeds and NNTP clients, enabling you to read your favorite RSS syndicated content within your existing NNTP newsreader"
-src_unpack() {
- unpack ${A}
- cd ${S}
- cd src/org/methodize/nntprss/
- ## Windows Systray? Be gone...
- rm
- ## No derby in Gentoo yet. Have to stick to MySQL.
- rm feed/db/
- cd ../../../../
- ## Fixes for removed systray and gentoo
- ## java package structure
- epatch ${FILESDIR}/nntprss-sanitize.patch
-src_compile() {
- local antflags="all"
- ant ${antflags} || die "Compilation failed!"
-src_install() {
- java-pkg_dojar ${S}/nntprss.jar
- XMLDIR=${shareroot}/xml
- ETCDIR=/etc/${PN}
- INIDIR=/etc/init.d
- dodir ${XMLDIR}
- insinto ${XMLDIR}
- doins ${S}/src/xml/publish-config.xml
- cd ${FILESDIR}
- dodir ${ETCDIR}
- insinto ${ETCDIR}
- doins nntprss-config.xml
- doins
- insinto ${INIDIR}
- newins nntprss-init nntprss
- dobin nntprss
-pkg_postinst() {
- einfo "You need to create a mysql database for your"
- einfo "nntprss installation and correct the settings"
- einfo "in ${ETCDIR}/nntprss-config.xml"
- einfo ""
- einfo "> mysql -u root -p -e \"CREATE DATABASE nntprss;"
- einfo " GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON nntprss.* TO 'nntprss'@'localhost' "
- einfo " IDENTIFIED BY 'w0rldn3ws';"
- einfo " FLUSH PRIVILEGES;\""
- einfo ""
- einfo "Then you can start nntprss using the init"
- einfo "script. The application can be controlled"
- einfo "by a web frontend that is configured to "
- einfo "listen on port 7810."
- einfo ""
- einfo "The default port for the news server has been"
- einfo "set to 9119. You can change it to 119 (the"
- einfo "default news port) in case you have no other"
- einfo "news server running."
diff --git a/net-zope/contentprovider/Manifest b/net-zope/contentprovider/Manifest
deleted file mode 100644
index f28326f..0000000
--- a/net-zope/contentprovider/Manifest
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-MD5 8831968fa52024fcabdc8e0f95988cfb contentprovider-20051102.ebuild 420
-MD5 4f343367d3b419bfb5a9804b29076751 files/digest-contentprovider-20051102 77
diff --git a/net-zope/contentprovider/contentprovider-20051102.ebuild b/net-zope/contentprovider/contentprovider-20051102.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index b25c7d8..0000000
--- a/net-zope/contentprovider/contentprovider-20051102.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2005 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: $
-inherit zpkg
-DESCRIPTION="The Zope contentprovider module allows pluggable web pages."
diff --git a/net-zope/contentprovider/files/digest-contentprovider-20051102 b/net-zope/contentprovider/files/digest-contentprovider-20051102
deleted file mode 100644
index 7465684..0000000
--- a/net-zope/contentprovider/files/digest-contentprovider-20051102
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-MD5 ece10b3909d6bd31854ee5fcacf21d0a zope.contentprovider-20051102.tgz 76855
diff --git a/net-zope/viewlet/Manifest b/net-zope/viewlet/Manifest
deleted file mode 100644
index 48f42e0..0000000
--- a/net-zope/viewlet/Manifest
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-MD5 5dca9c6268e31361c930949ca8a052b8 viewlet-20051102.ebuild 436
-MD5 fba64d8cf176690179063b26fe34570f files/digest-viewlet-20051102 69
diff --git a/net-zope/viewlet/files/digest-viewlet-20051102 b/net-zope/viewlet/files/digest-viewlet-20051102
deleted file mode 100644
index 3166c2b..0000000
--- a/net-zope/viewlet/files/digest-viewlet-20051102
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-MD5 25de4388a94263ac6b3d5674995a5f4a zope.viewlet-20051102.tgz 83878
diff --git a/net-zope/viewlet/viewlet-20051102.ebuild b/net-zope/viewlet/viewlet-20051102.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 4d4cefa..0000000
--- a/net-zope/viewlet/viewlet-20051102.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2005 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: $
-inherit zpkg
-DESCRIPTION="The Zope viewlet module allows pluggable web pages."
diff --git a/net-zope/zpkg/Manifest b/net-zope/zpkg/Manifest
deleted file mode 100644
index f6230a5..0000000
--- a/net-zope/zpkg/Manifest
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-MD5 08fea78b25fa16e70090d264fc01ca39 zpkg-1.0.0.ebuild 505
-MD5 2ac0a5fbcb1857f0de28d9ac493378c9 files/digest-zpkg-1.0.0 59
diff --git a/net-zope/zpkg/files/digest-zpkg-1.0.0 b/net-zope/zpkg/files/digest-zpkg-1.0.0
deleted file mode 100644
index 73c43c4..0000000
--- a/net-zope/zpkg/files/digest-zpkg-1.0.0
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-MD5 14e3aad26367aa3132a9282c046eb8f4 zpkg-1.0.0.tgz 326122
diff --git a/net-zope/zpkg/zpkg-1.0.0.ebuild b/net-zope/zpkg/zpkg-1.0.0.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 621c612..0000000
--- a/net-zope/zpkg/zpkg-1.0.0.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2005 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: $
-inherit distutils
-DESCRIPTION="zpkg is a tool used to build software distributions based on the Python distutils package"
- =dev-lang/python-2.4*
- "
- "
diff --git a/dev-python/python-fuse/Manifest b/python-fuse/Manifest
index af7c5a2..af7c5a2 100644
--- a/dev-python/python-fuse/Manifest
+++ b/python-fuse/Manifest
diff --git a/dev-python/python-fuse/files/digest-python-fuse-2.3 b/python-fuse/files/digest-python-fuse-2.3
index f4e6ad7..f4e6ad7 100644
--- a/dev-python/python-fuse/files/digest-python-fuse-2.3
+++ b/python-fuse/files/digest-python-fuse-2.3
diff --git a/dev-python/python-fuse/python-fuse-2.3.ebuild b/python-fuse/python-fuse-2.3.ebuild
index 644d0f5..644d0f5 100644
--- a/dev-python/python-fuse/python-fuse-2.3.ebuild
+++ b/python-fuse/python-fuse-2.3.ebuild