#!/bin/bash # Copyright 2005-2015 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2 # might be earlier copyright, no history available BASE="/var/tmp/gmirror-rsync" [[ $HOSTNAME == kookaburra ]] && BASE="/var/tmp/gmirror" EXPORTS="${BASE}/exports" STAGEDIR_repo_gentoo="${BASE}/gentoo-x86-stage" # Legacy path STAGEDIR_changelogs="${BASE}/stage/repo-gentoo-changelogs" CACHEDIR="${BASE}/cache" LOGDIR="${BASE}/logs" TIMESLOG="${LOGDIR}/$(basename $0)-times.log" PARALLEL_PARAMS="--jobs 10 --load-average 6" PARALLEL_PARAMS_noloadavg="--jobs 8" # Use Python3.4 for all portage processing export EPYTHON=python3.4 # XXX: If these change, then you MUST change the rsyncd modules FINALDIR_repo_gentoo="${BASE}/gentoo-x86-final" # Legacy path FINALDIR_changelogs="${BASE}/final/repo-gentoo-changelogs" # snapshots-create.sh UPLOAD="${BASE}/snapshots-final/" REPODIR="${BASE}/gentoo-repo-final" # GITDIR is a magic variable for Git # common function write_time_log() { echo "$1" >> ${TIMESLOG} }