#!/usr/bin/env python2 # Copyright 2011 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 import glob import itertools import optparse import os import pickle import re import shutil import subprocess import sys from bugz.bugzilla import BugzillaProxy from common import login import portage.versions BUG_REGEX = re.compile("[Bb]ug #?(\d+)") def print_and_log(message, log): try: print message log.write(message + '\n') finally: log.flush() def run_command(args, cwd, log): try: message = "Running %r in %s...\n" % (args, cwd) sys.stdout.write(message) log.write(message) cmd = subprocess.Popen(args, cwd=cwd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) output = cmd.communicate()[0] log.write("Finished with exit code %d\n" % cmd.returncode) log.write(output) return (cmd.returncode, output) finally: log.flush() def save_state(done_bugs): with open('batch-stabilize.state', 'w') as state_file: pickle.dump(done_bugs, state_file) if __name__ == "__main__": parser = optparse.OptionParser() parser.add_option("--arch", dest="arch", help="Gentoo arch to use, e.g. x86, amd64, ...") parser.add_option("-i", "--input", dest="input_filename", default="package.keywords", help="Input filename for generated package.keywords file [default=%default]") parser.add_option("--repo", dest="repo", help="Path to portage CVS repository") parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", dest="verbose", action="store_true", default=False) (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if not options.arch: parser.error("--arch option is required") if not options.input_filename: parser.error("--input option is required") if not options.repo: parser.error("--repo option is required") if args: parser.error("unrecognized command-line args") done_bugs = [] if os.path.exists('batch-stabilize.state'): with open('batch-stabilize.state', 'r') as state_file: done_bugs = pickle.load(state_file) url = 'https://bugs.gentoo.org/xmlrpc.cgi' print 'You will be prompted for your Gentoo Bugzilla username and password (%s).' % url bugzilla = BugzillaProxy(url) login(bugzilla) with open(options.input_filename, "r") as input_file: stabilization_dict = {} bug_id = -1 for line in input_file: line = line.strip() # Skip empty/whitespace lines. if not line: continue if line.startswith("#"): match = BUG_REGEX.search(line, re.IGNORECASE) if not match: print 'Ignoring comment line [%s]...' % line continue else: bug_id = int(match.group(1)) continue if bug_id == -1: print 'Could not recognize bug id' sys.exit(1) # Drop the leading '='. cpv = line[1:] p = portage.versions.catsplit(cpv)[1] pn = portage.versions.pkgsplit(cpv)[0] ebuild_name = p + ".ebuild" if bug_id not in stabilization_dict: stabilization_dict[bug_id] = [] stabilization_dict[bug_id].append((pn, ebuild_name)) # Sanity check. success = True for bug_id in stabilization_dict: for (pn, ebuild_name) in stabilization_dict[bug_id]: ebuild_path = os.path.join(options.repo, pn, ebuild_name) if not os.path.exists(ebuild_path): print '%s: file does not exist' % ebuild_path success = False if not success: print 'Sanity check failed. Please make sure your CVS repo is up to date (cvs up).' sys.exit(1) with open('batch-stabilize.log', 'a') as log_file: for bug_id in stabilization_dict: if bug_id in done_bugs: print_and_log('Skipping bug #%d because it is marked as done.' % bug_id, log_file) continue print_and_log('Working on bug %d...' % bug_id, log_file) commit_message = "%s stable wrt bug #%d" % (options.arch, bug_id) for (pn, ebuild_name) in stabilization_dict[bug_id]: cvs_path = os.path.join(options.repo, pn) print_and_log('Working in %s...' % cvs_path, log_file) # Remove whole directory to prevent problems with conflicts. if os.path.exists(cvs_path): try: shutil.rmtree(cvs_path) except OSError: print '!!! rmtree %s failed' % cvs_path sys.exit(1) if run_command(["cvs", "up", pn], options.repo, log_file)[0] != 0: print '!!! cvs up failed' sys.exit(1) for (pn, ebuild_name) in stabilization_dict[bug_id]: cvs_path = os.path.join(options.repo, pn) print_and_log('Working in %s...' % cvs_path, log_file) if run_command(["ekeyword", options.arch, ebuild_name], cvs_path, log_file)[0] != 0: print '!!! ekeyword failed' sys.exit(1) if run_command(["repoman", "manifest"], cvs_path, log_file)[0] != 0: print '!!! repoman manifest failed' sys.exit(1) for (pn, ebuild_name) in stabilization_dict[bug_id]: cvs_path = os.path.join(options.repo, pn) print_and_log('Working in %s...' % cvs_path, log_file) return_code, output = run_command(["cvs", "diff"], cvs_path, log_file) # It seems that cvs diff returns 1 if there are differences. if return_code == 0 and not output: print_and_log('Seems already keyworded, skipping.', log_file) done_bugs.append(bug_id) save_state(done_bugs) continue if run_command(["echangelog", commit_message], cvs_path, log_file)[0] != 0: print_and_log('echangelog failed, maybe just the Manifest is being updated; continuing', log_file) if run_command(["repoman", "manifest"], cvs_path, log_file)[0] != 0: print '!!! repoman manifest failed' sys.exit(1) if run_command(["repoman", "commit", "--ignore-arches", "-m", commit_message], cvs_path, log_file)[0] != 0: print '!!! repoman commit failed' sys.exit(1) params = {} params['ids'] = [bug_id] bug_xml = bugzilla.Bug.get(params)['bugs'][0] has_my_arch = False has_other_arches = False for cc in bug_xml['cc']: body, domain = cc.split('@', 1) if domain == 'gentoo.org': if body == options.arch: has_my_arch = True elif body in portage.archlist: has_other_arches=True if not has_my_arch: print_and_log('Seems that bugzilla has already been updated.', log_file) done_bugs.append(bug_id) save_state(done_bugs) continue print_and_log('Posting automated reply in bugzilla...', log_file) # We don't close bugs which still have other arches for obvious reasons, # and security bugs because stabilization is not the last step for them. params = {} params['ids'] = [bug_id] params['cc'] = {} params['cc']['remove'] = ['%s@gentoo.org' % options.arch] params['comment'] = {} if has_other_arches or 'Security' in bug_xml['product']: params['comment']['body'] = '%s stable' % options.arch log_msg = 'Successfully updated' else: params['comment']['body'] = '%s stable, closing' % options.arch params['status'] = 'RESOLVED' params['resolution'] = 'FIXED' log_msg = 'Successfully updated and closed' bugzilla.Bug.update(params) print_and_log('%s bug %d.' % (log_msg, bug_id), log_file) done_bugs.append(bug_id) save_state(done_bugs) if os.path.exists('batch-stabilize.state'): os.remove('batch-stabilize.state')