diff options
authorJorge Manuel B. S. Vicetto (jmbsvicetto) <>2015-05-01 01:16:16 +0000
committerJorge Manuel B. S. Vicetto (jmbsvicetto) <>2015-05-01 01:16:16 +0000
commit749a5e7ebd741ef1f4b07b8792502a01d1a46b41 (patch)
tree9d01dbd4bdb84029c3fb1d055d300af4f65e397f /plugins/wordpress-mobile-pack/export
parentUpdate plugins and themes to the latest versions. (diff)
Forgot to update the wordpress-mobile-pack plugin.
Signed-off-by: Jorge Manuel B. S. Vicetto (jmbsvicetto) <>
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/wordpress-mobile-pack/export')
2 files changed, 1800 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/wordpress-mobile-pack/export/content.php b/plugins/wordpress-mobile-pack/export/content.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..99c5428a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/wordpress-mobile-pack/export/content.php
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+header("Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8");
+// Disable error reporting because these methods are used as callbacks by the mobile web app
+if (isset($_GET["content"]) && isset($_GET['callback'])) {
+ // export categories
+ if($_GET["content"] == 'exportcategories') { // export categories, optional param: limit
+ $export = new Export();
+ echo $_GET['callback'] . '('.$export->exportCategories().')';
+ } elseif($_GET["content"] == 'exportarticles') { //export articles, optional params: categoryId, lastTimestamp, limit
+ $export = new Export();
+ echo $_GET['callback'] . '('.$export->exportArticles().')';
+ } elseif($_GET["content"] == 'exportarticle' && isset($_GET["articleId"]) && is_numeric($_GET["articleId"])) {
+ // export article details, mandatory param articleId
+ $export = new Export();
+ echo $_GET['callback'] . '('.$export->exportArticle().')';
+ } elseif($_GET["content"] == 'exportcomments' && isset($_GET["articleId"]) && is_numeric($_GET["articleId"])) {
+ // export article details, mandatory param articleId
+ $export = new Export();
+ echo $_GET['callback'] . '('.$export->exportComments().')';
+ } elseif($_GET["content"] == 'savecomment' && isset($_GET["articleId"]) && is_numeric($_GET["articleId"])) {
+ // save comment, mandatory get param is articleId
+ $export = new Export();
+ echo $_GET['callback'] . '('.$export->saveComment().')';
+ } elseif($_GET["content"] == 'exportpages') {
+ // export pages
+ $export = new Export();
+ echo $_GET['callback'] . '('.$export->exportPages().')';
+ } elseif($_GET["content"] == 'exportpage' && isset($_GET["pageId"]) && is_numeric($_GET["pageId"])) {
+ // save export page, manadatory param is pageId
+ $export = new Export();
+ echo $_GET['callback'] . '('.$export->exportPage().')';
+ } else
+ echo $_GET['callback'] . '({"error":"No export requested"})';
+} elseif (isset($_GET['content']) && $_GET["content"] == 'exportsettings') { // the endpoint for api settings
+ if (isset($_POST['apiKey']) && $_POST['apiKey'] != '') { // export settings, optional param: limit
+ $export = new Export();
+ echo $export->exportSettings();
+ } else
+ echo '{"error":"No export requested","status" : 0}';
+} elseif (isset($_GET['content']) && ($_GET["content"] == 'androidmanifest' || $_GET["content"] == 'mozillamanifest')) {
+ $export = new Export();
+ echo $export->exportManifest();
+} else
+ echo '({"error":"No export requested"})';
+?> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plugins/wordpress-mobile-pack/export/export-class.php b/plugins/wordpress-mobile-pack/export/export-class.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3d5ff0b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/wordpress-mobile-pack/export/export-class.php
@@ -0,0 +1,1728 @@
+require_once '../libs/htmlpurifier-4.6.0/library/';
+require_once '../libs/htmlpurifier-html5/htmlpurifier_html5.php';
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+/* Export class with different export */
+/* methods for categories, articles and comments */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+class Export {
+ /* ----------------------------------*/
+ /* Attributes */
+ /* ----------------------------------*/
+ private $purifier;
+ private $inactive_categories = array();
+ private $inactive_pages = array();
+ /* ----------------------------------*/
+ /* Methods */
+ /* ----------------------------------*/
+ public function __construct() {
+ // set HTML Purifier
+ $config = HTMLPurifier_Config::createDefault();
+ $config->set('Core.Encoding', 'UTF-8');
+ $config->set('HTML.AllowedElements','div,a,p,ol,li,ul,img,blockquote,em,span,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,i,u,strong,b,sup,br,cite,iframe,small,video,audio,source');
+ $config->set('HTML.AllowedAttributes', 'src, width, height, target, href, name,frameborder,marginheight,marginwidth,scrolling,poster,preload,controls,type,data-type');
+ $config->set('URI.AllowedSchemes', array ('http' => true, 'https' => true, 'mailto' => true, 'news' => true, 'tel' => true, 'callto' => true));
+ $config->set('Attr.AllowedFrameTargets', '_blank, _parent, _self, _top');
+ $config->set('HTML.SafeIframe',1);
+ $config->set('Filter.Custom', array( new HTMLPurifier_Filter_Iframe()));
+ // disable cache
+ $config->set('Cache.DefinitionImpl',null);
+ // extend purifier
+ $Html5Purifier = new WMPHtmlPurifier();
+ $this->purifier = $Html5Purifier->wmp_extended_purifier($config);
+ $this->inactive_categories = unserialize(WMobilePack::wmp_get_setting('inactive_categories'));
+ $this->inactive_pages = unserialize(WMobilePack::wmp_get_setting('inactive_pages'));
+ }
+ /**
+ *
+ * - exportCategories method used for the export of every category with a number of articles for each
+ * - this method returns a JSON with the specific content
+ * - ex :
+ * {
+ * "categories": [
+ * {
+ * "id": 0,
+ * "order": 1,
+ * "name": "Latest",
+ * "link": "",
+ * "image": {
+ * "src": "",
+ * "width": 480,
+ * "height": 270
+ * },
+ * "articles": [
+ * {
+ * "id": "5362972281f58370a69686b7",
+ * "title": "Digital and Social Media Journalist",
+ * "timestamp": 1398969000,
+ * "has_facebook_id": 0,
+ * "author": "Accounts and Legal",
+ * "date": "Thu, May 01, 2014 06:30",
+ * "link": "",
+ * "image": "",
+ * "description" : "<p>Lorem ipsum sit dolor amet..</p>",
+ * "content": '',
+ * "category_id": 3,
+ * "category_name": "Jobs"
+ * }
+ * ]
+ * }
+ * ]
+ * }
+ *
+ * - The "Latest" category will be formed from all the visible categories and articles
+ */
+ public function exportCategories() {
+ if (isset($_GET["content"]) && $_GET["content"] == 'exportcategories') {
+ // set default limit
+ $limit = 7;
+ if (isset($_GET["limit"]) && is_numeric($_GET["limit"]))
+ $limit = $_GET["limit"];
+ $descriptionLength = 200;
+ if (isset($_GET["descriptionLength"]) && is_numeric($_GET["descriptionLength"]))
+ $descriptionLength = $_GET["descriptionLength"];
+ // get categories
+ $categories = get_categories(array('hierarchical' => 0));
+ // build array with the active categories ids
+ $active_categories_ids = array();
+ foreach ($categories as $category){
+ if (!in_array($category->cat_ID, $this->inactive_categories))
+ $active_categories_ids[] = $category->cat_ID;
+ }
+ // init categories array
+ $arrCategories = array();
+ // remove inline style for the photos types of posts
+ add_filter( 'use_default_gallery_style', '__return_false' );
+ if (count($active_categories_ids) > 0) {
+ foreach ($categories as $key => $category) {
+ if (in_array($category->cat_ID, $active_categories_ids)){
+ $current_key = $category->cat_ID;
+ $arrCategories[$current_key] = array(
+ 'id' => $category->term_id,
+ 'order' => false,
+ 'name' => $category->name,
+ 'name_slug' => safeString::clearString($category->name),
+ 'link' => get_category_link($category->term_id),
+ 'image' => ""
+ );
+ // search posts from this category
+ $cat_posts_query = new WP_Query(
+ array(
+ 'numberposts' => $limit,
+ 'category__in' => $category->cat_ID,
+ 'posts_per_page' => $limit,
+ 'post_status' => 'publish',
+ 'post_password' => ''
+ )
+ );
+ if ($cat_posts_query->have_posts()) {
+ foreach($cat_posts_query->posts as $post) {
+ // check if the post is not password protected
+ if ($post->post_password == '') {
+ // check if the post has a post thumbnail assigned to it and save it in an array
+ $image_details = array();
+ if (has_post_thumbnail($post->ID)){
+ $image_data = wp_get_attachment_image_src( get_post_thumbnail_id( $post->ID ),'large');
+ if (is_array($image_data) && !empty($image_data)) {
+ // set image details
+ $image_details = array(
+ "src" => $image_data[0],
+ "width" => $image_data[1],
+ "height" => $image_data[2]
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ // if the category doesn't have a featured image yet, use the one from the current post
+ if (!is_array($arrCategories[$current_key]["image"]) && !empty($image_details)) {
+ $arrCategories[$current_key]["image"] = $image_details;
+ }
+ // get & filter content
+ $content = apply_filters("the_content", $post->post_content);
+ $description = Export::truncateHtml($content, $descriptionLength);
+ $description = $this->purifier->purify($description);
+ // if this is the first article from the category, create the 'articles' array
+ if (!isset($arrCategories[$current_key]["articles"]))
+ $arrCategories[$current_key]["articles"] = array();
+ // add article in the array
+ $arrCategories[$current_key]["articles"][] = array(
+ 'id' => $post->ID,
+ "title" => $post->post_title,
+ "timestamp" => strtotime($post->post_date),
+ "author" => get_the_author_meta('display_name', $post->post_author ),
+ "date" => date("D, M d, Y, H:i", strtotime($post->post_date)),
+ "link" => get_permalink($post->ID),
+ "image" => !empty($image_details) ? $image_details : "",
+ "description" => $description,
+ "content" => '',
+ "category_id" => $category->term_id,
+ "category_name" => $category->name
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // check if the category has at least one post, otherwise delete it from the export array
+ if (!isset($arrCategories[$current_key]["articles"]) || empty($arrCategories[$current_key]["articles"]))
+ unset($arrCategories[$current_key]);
+ }
+ }
+ // activate latest category only if we have at least 2 visible categories
+ if (count($arrCategories) > 1){
+ // read posts for the latest category
+ $posts_query = new WP_Query (
+ array(
+ 'numberposts' => $limit,
+ 'cat' => implode(', ', $active_categories_ids),
+ "posts_per_page" => $limit,
+ 'post_status' => 'publish',
+ 'post_password' => ''
+ )
+ );
+ if ($posts_query->have_posts()) {
+ $arrCategories[0] = array(
+ 'id' => 0,
+ 'order' => false,
+ 'name' => 'Latest',
+ 'name_slug' => 'Latest',
+ 'image' => ""
+ );
+ foreach ($posts_query->posts as $post) {
+ // check if the post is not password protected
+ if ($post->post_password == '') {
+ // get post category
+ $category = get_the_category($post->ID);
+ // get & filter content
+ $content = apply_filters("the_content",$post->post_content);
+ $description = Export::truncateHtml($content, $descriptionLength);
+ $description = $this->purifier->purify($description);
+ // check if the post has a post thumbnail assigned to it and save it in an array
+ $image_details = array();
+ if (has_post_thumbnail($post->ID)) {
+ $image_data = wp_get_attachment_image_src( get_post_thumbnail_id( $post->ID ), 'large');
+ if (is_array($image_data) && !empty($image_data)) {
+ // set image details
+ $image_details = array(
+ "src" => $image_data[0],
+ "width" => $image_data[1],
+ "height" => $image_data[2]
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ // if the category doesn't have a featured image yet, use the one from the current post
+ if (!is_array($arrCategories[0]["image"]) && !empty($image_details)) {
+ $arrCategories[0]["image"] = $image_details;
+ }
+ // set article details
+ if (!isset($arrCategories[0]["articles"]))
+ $arrCategories[0]["articles"] = array();
+ $arrCategories[0]["articles"][] = array(
+ 'id' => $post->ID,
+ "title" => $post->post_title,
+ "timestamp" => strtotime($post->post_date),
+ "author" => get_the_author_meta( 'display_name' , $post->post_author ),
+ "date" => date("D, M d, Y, H:i", strtotime($post->post_date)),
+ "link" => get_permalink($post->ID),
+ "image" => !empty($image_details) ? $image_details : "",
+ "description" => $description,
+ "content" => '',
+ "category_id" => $category[0]->term_id,
+ "category_name" => $category[0]->name
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // check if the category has at least one post
+ if (!isset($arrCategories[0]["articles"]) || empty($arrCategories[0]["articles"]))
+ unset($arrCategories[0]);
+ }
+ }
+ // ------------------------------------ //
+ // build array with the ordered categories
+ $arrOrderedCategories = array();
+ // check if the categories were orderd
+ $order_categories = unserialize(WMobilePack::wmp_get_setting('ordered_categories'));
+ // check if we have a latest category (should be the first one to appear)
+ $has_latest = 0;
+ if (isset($arrCategories[0])){
+ // set order for the latest category and add it in the list
+ $arrCategories[0]['order'] = 1;
+ $has_latest = 1;
+ $arrOrderedCategories[] = $arrCategories[0];
+ }
+ // if the categories have been ordered
+ if (!empty($order_categories)) {
+ // last ordered used for a category
+ $last_order = 1;
+ foreach ($order_categories as $category_id){
+ // inactive categories & latest will be skipped
+ if (array_key_exists($category_id, $arrCategories)){
+ // set the order for the category and add it in the list
+ $arrCategories[$category_id]['order'] = $last_order + $has_latest;
+ $arrOrderedCategories[] = $arrCategories[$category_id];
+ $last_order++;
+ }
+ }
+ foreach ($arrCategories as $key => $category){
+ if ($category['order'] === false) {
+ $arrCategories[$key]['order'] = $last_order + $has_latest;
+ $arrOrderedCategories[] = $arrCategories[$key];
+ $last_order++;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ // last ordered used for a category
+ $last_order = 1;
+ // set order for all the categories besides latest
+ foreach ($arrCategories as $key => $category){
+ if ($category['id'] != 0) {
+ // set the order for the category and add it in the list
+ $arrCategories[$key]['order'] = $last_order + $has_latest;
+ $arrOrderedCategories[] = $arrCategories[$key];
+ $last_order++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return '{"categories":'.json_encode($arrOrderedCategories)."}";
+ } else
+ return '{"error":""}';
+ }
+ /**
+ *
+ * - exportArticles method used for the export of a number of articels for each category
+ * - this metod returns a JSON with the specific content
+ * - ex :
+ * {
+ * "articles": [
+ * {
+ * "id": "53624b6981f58370a6968678",
+ * "title": "#IJF14: Global developments in data journalism",
+ * "timestamp": 1398950385,
+ * "has_facebook_id": 0,
+ * "author": "",
+ * "date": "Thu, May 01, 2014 01:19",
+ * "link": "",
+ * "image": "",
+ * "description":"<p><b>Sport</b> (or <b>sports</b>) is all forms of usually <a href=\"\">competitive</a> <a href=\"\">physical activity</a> which,<sup><a href=\"\">[1]</a></sup> through casual or organised participation, aim to use, maintain or improve physical ability and skills while...</p>",
+ * "content": '',
+ * "category_id": 5,
+ * "category_name": "News"
+ * },
+ * ]
+ * }
+ *
+ *
+ */
+ public function exportArticles() {
+ if (isset($_GET["content"]) && $_GET["content"] == 'exportarticles') {
+ // init articles array
+ $arrArticles = array();
+ // set last timestamp
+ $lastTimestamp = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
+ if (isset($_GET["lastTimestamp"]) && is_numeric($_GET["lastTimestamp"]))
+ $lastTimestamp = date("Y-m-d H:i:s",$_GET["lastTimestamp"]);
+ // set category id
+ $categoryId = 0;
+ if (isset($_GET["categoryId"]) && is_numeric($_GET["categoryId"]))
+ $categoryId = $_GET["categoryId"];
+ $descriptionLength = 200;
+ if (isset($_GET["descriptionLength"]) && is_numeric($_GET["descriptionLength"]))
+ $descriptionLength = $_GET["descriptionLength"];
+ // set limit
+ $limit = 7;
+ if (isset($_GET["limit"]) && is_numeric($_GET["limit"]))
+ $limit = $_GET["limit"];
+ // set args for posts
+ $args = array(
+ 'date_query' => array('before' => $lastTimestamp),
+ 'numberposts' => $limit,
+ "posts_per_page" => $limit,
+ 'post_status' => 'publish',
+ 'post_password' => ''
+ );
+ // if the selected category is active
+ $activeCategory = false;
+ // remove inline style for the photos types of posts
+ add_filter( 'use_default_gallery_style', '__return_false' );
+ if ($categoryId != 0) {
+ $args["cat"] = $categoryId;
+ // check if this category was not deactivated
+ if (!in_array($categoryId, $this->inactive_categories))
+ $activeCategory = true;
+ } else {
+ // latest category will always be active
+ $activeCategory = true;
+ // check if we must exclude some categories ids from the seach
+ if (count($this->inactive_categories) > 0){
+ $args["cat"] = "";
+ // categories with '-' in front will be excluded
+ foreach ($this->inactive_categories as $inactive_category)
+ $args["cat"] .= '-'.$inactive_category.',';
+ $args["cat"] = substr($args["cat"],0,-1);
+ }
+ }
+ if ($activeCategory){
+ $posts_query = new WP_Query ( $args );
+ if ($posts_query->have_posts() ) {
+ foreach($posts_query->posts as $post) {
+ // add only the posts that are not password protected
+ if ($post->post_password == '') {
+ // check if a featured image exists
+ $image_details = array();
+ // get featured image
+ if (has_post_thumbnail($post->ID)){ // check if the post has a Post Thumbnail assigned to it.
+ $image_data = wp_get_attachment_image_src( get_post_thumbnail_id( $post->ID ),'large');
+ if (is_array($image_data) && !empty($image_data)) {
+ $image_details = array(
+ "src" => $image_data[0],
+ "width" => $image_data[1],
+ "height" => $image_data[2]
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ // get post category
+ if ($categoryId > 0) {
+ $category = get_category($categoryId);
+ } else {
+ $cat = get_the_category($post->ID);
+ $category = $cat[0];
+ }
+ // get content
+ $content = apply_filters("the_content",$post->post_content);
+ $description = Export::truncateHtml($content,$descriptionLength);
+ $description = $this->purifier->purify($description);
+ $arrArticles[] = array(
+ 'id' => $post->ID,
+ "title" => $post->post_title,
+ "timestamp" => strtotime($post->post_date),
+ "author" => get_the_author_meta( 'display_name' , $post->post_author ),
+ "date" => date("D, M d, Y, H:i", strtotime($post->post_date)),
+ "link" => get_permalink($post->ID),
+ "image" => !empty($image_details) ? $image_details : "",
+ "description" => $description,
+ "content" => '',
+ "category_id" => $category->term_id,
+ "category_name" => $category->name
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return '{"articles":'.json_encode($arrArticles)."}";
+ } else
+ return '{"error":""}';
+ }
+ /**
+ *
+ * - exportArticle method used for the export of an article
+ * - this metod returns a JSON with the specific content
+ * - ex :
+ * {
+ * "article": {
+ * "id": "53624b6981f58370a6968678",
+ * "title": "#IJF14: Global developments in data journalism",
+ * "timestamp": 1398960437,
+ * "author": "",
+ * "date": "Thu, May 01, 2014 04:07",
+ * "link": "",
+ * "image": "",
+ * "description":"<p><b>Sport</b> (or <b>sports</b>) is all forms of usually <a href=\"\">competitive</a> <a href=\"\">physical activity</a> which,<sup><a href=\"\">[1]</a></sup> through casual or organised participation, aim to use, maintain or improve physical ability and skills while...</p>",
+ * "content": "<p>On the second day of the International Journalism Festival in Perugia, delegates were treated to a round up of data journalism trends and developments from around the world.</p>",
+ * "comment_status": "open", ** the values can be opened or closed
+ * "no_comments": 2,
+ * "show_avatars" : true,
+ * "require_name_email" : true,
+ * "category_id": 5,
+ * "category_name": "News".
+ * "related_posts" :"",
+ * "related_web_posts":""
+ * }
+ * }
+ *
+ * @params $articleId - the id of the article
+ *
+ */
+ public function exportArticle() {
+ global $post;
+ // check if the export call is correct
+ if (isset($_GET["content"]) && $_GET["content"] == 'exportarticle' ) {
+ // set articleId
+ $articleId = 0;
+ if (isset($_GET["articleId"]) && is_numeric($_GET["articleId"])) {
+ $articleId = $_GET["articleId"];
+ }
+ $descriptionLength = 200;
+ if (isset($_GET["descriptionLength"]) && is_numeric($_GET["descriptionLength"]))
+ $descriptionLength = $_GET["descriptionLength"];
+ // init articles array
+ $arrArticle = array();
+ // get post by id
+ $post = get_post( $articleId);
+ if ($post != null && $post->post_type == 'post' && $post->post_password == '') {
+ // get post categories
+ $categories = get_the_category($post->ID);
+ // check if at least one of the categories is visible
+ $is_visible = false;
+ $visible_category = null;
+ foreach ($categories as $category){
+ if (!in_array($category->cat_ID, $this->inactive_categories)) {
+ $is_visible = true;
+ $visible_category = clone $category;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($is_visible){
+ // featured image details
+ $image_details = array();
+ // get featured image
+ if ( has_post_thumbnail($post->ID) ) { // check if the post has a Post Thumbnail assigned to it.
+ $image_data = wp_get_attachment_image_src( get_post_thumbnail_id( $post->ID ),'large');
+ if (is_array($image_data) && !empty($image_data)) {
+ $image_details = array(
+ "src" => $image_data[0],
+ "width" => $image_data[1],
+ "height" => $image_data[2]
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ // filter the content
+ $content = apply_filters('the_content', $post->post_content);
+ $related_posts = '';
+ $related_web_posts = '';
+ $zemanta = false;
+ if (WMobilePack::wmp_active_plugin('Related Posts by Zemanta')) {
+ // check if class exists and specific function that are used
+ if (class_exists('WPRPZemanta')) {
+ // set zemanta purifier
+ $zemanta_purifier = $this->wmp_zemanta_purifier();
+ // check if related posts should be displayed
+ if (function_exists('zem_rp_get_options')) {
+ // get options
+ $options = zem_rp_get_options();
+ if ($options['display_zemanta_linky'])
+ $zemanta = true;
+ if ($post->post_content != "" && $post->post_type === 'post' && $options["on_single_post"]){
+ if (function_exists('zem_rp_get_related_posts')) {
+ $related_posts = zem_rp_get_related_posts() != null ? zem_rp_get_related_posts() : '';
+ // there are related posts set
+ if ($related_posts != ''){
+ // parse the urls in order to obtain the correct path
+ $related_posts = $this->wmp_replace_internal_links($related_posts);
+ // remove inline styling
+ $related_posts = $zemanta_purifier->purify($related_posts);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // get related posts from around the web
+ $related_web_posts = $this->wmp_related_web_posts($content);
+ $related_web_posts =$zemanta_purifier->purify($related_web_posts);
+ }
+ }
+ if ($related_web_posts == '') {
+ // set zemanta purifier
+ $zemanta_purifier = $this->wmp_zemanta_purifier();
+ if (WMobilePack::wmp_active_plugin('Editorial Assistant by Zemanta')) {
+ // get related posts from around the web
+ $related_web_posts = $this->wmp_related_web_posts($content);
+ // parse the urls in order to obtain the correct path
+ $related_web_posts = $this->wmp_replace_internal_links($related_web_posts);
+ $related_web_posts = $zemanta_purifier->purify($related_web_posts);
+ }
+ }
+ // remove script tags
+ $content = self::removeScriptTags($content);
+ $content = $this->purifier->purify($content);
+ // remove all url's from attachment images
+ $content = preg_replace( array('{<a(.*?)(wp-att|wp-content\/uploads|attachment)[^>]*><img}', '{ wp-image-[0-9]*" /></a>}'), array('<img','" />'), $content);
+ // get the description
+ $description = Export::truncateHtml($content,$descriptionLength);
+ // get comments status
+ $comment_status = $this->comment_closed($post);
+ // check if there is at least a comment
+ $comment_count = wp_count_comments( $articleId );
+ $no_comments = $comment_count->approved;
+ if ($comment_status == 'closed') {
+ if ($comment_count)
+ if ($comment_count->approved == 0)
+ $comment_status = 'disabled';
+ }
+ $arrArticle = array(
+ 'id' => $post->ID,
+ "title" => $post->post_title,
+ "timestamp" => strtotime($post->post_date),
+ "author" => get_the_author_meta( 'display_name' , $post->post_author ),
+ "date" => date("D, M d, Y, H:i", strtotime($post->post_date)),
+ "link" => get_permalink($post->ID),
+ "image" => !empty($image_details) ? $image_details : "",
+ "description" => $description,
+ "content" => $content,
+ "comment_status" => $comment_status,
+ "no_comments" => $no_comments,
+ "show_avatars" => get_option("show_avatars") == 1 ? true : false,// false
+ "require_name_email" => get_option("require_name_email") == 1 ? true : false,
+ "category_id" => $visible_category->term_id,
+ "category_name" => $visible_category->name,
+ "related_posts" => trim($related_posts),
+ "related_web_posts" => trim($related_web_posts),
+ "zemanta" => $zemanta
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ // return article json
+ return '{"article":'.json_encode($arrArticle)."}";
+ } else
+ // return error
+ return '{"error":""}';
+ }
+ /**
+ *
+ * - exportComments method used for the export of the comments for an article
+ * - this metod returns a JSON with the specific content
+ * - ex :
+ * {
+ * "comments": {
+ * "id": "53624b6981f58370a6968678",
+ * "title": "#IJF14: Global developments in data journalism",
+ * "timestamp": 1398960437,
+ * "author": "",
+ * "date": "Thu, May 01, 2014 04:07",
+ * "link": "",
+ * "image": "",
+ * "content": "<p>On the second day of the International Journalism Festival in Perugia, delegates were treated to a round up of data journalism trends and developments from around the world.</p>",
+ * "category_id": 5,
+ * "category_name": "News"
+ * }
+ * }
+ *
+ * @params $articleId - the id of the article
+ *
+ */
+ public function exportComments() {
+ // check if the export call is correct
+ if (isset($_GET["content"]) && $_GET["content"] == 'exportcomments' ) {
+ // set articleId
+ $articleId = 0;
+ if (isset($_GET["articleId"]) && is_numeric($_GET["articleId"])) {
+ $articleId = $_GET["articleId"];
+ }
+ // init articles array
+ $arrComments = array();
+ $args = array(
+ 'parent' => '',
+ 'post_id' => $articleId,
+ 'post_type' => 'post',
+ 'status' => 'approve',
+ );
+ // order comments
+ if (WMP_BLOG_VERSION >= 3.6) {
+ $args['orderby'] = 'comment_date_gmt';
+ $args['order'] = 'ASC';
+ }
+ // get post by id
+ $comments = get_comments( $args);
+ if (is_array($comments) && !empty($comments)) {
+ foreach($comments as $comment) {
+ $get_avatar = '';
+ $avatar = '';
+ // get avatar only if the author wants it displayed
+ if (get_option("show_avatars")) {
+ $get_avatar = get_avatar( $comment, 50);
+ preg_match("/src='(.*?)'/i", $get_avatar, $matches);
+ if (isset($matches[1]))
+ $avatar = $matches[1];
+ }
+ $arrComments[] = array(
+ 'id' => $comment->comment_ID,
+ 'author' => $comment->comment_author != '' ? ucfirst($comment->comment_author) : 'Anonymous',
+ 'author_url' => $comment->comment_author_url,
+ 'date' => date("D, M d, Y, H:i", strtotime($comment->comment_date)),
+ 'content' => $this->purifier->purify($comment->comment_content),
+ 'article_id' => $comment->ID,
+ 'article_title'=>$comment->post_title,
+ 'avatar' => $avatar
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ // return comments json
+ return '{"comments":'.json_encode($arrComments)."}";
+ } else
+ // return error
+ return '{"error":""}';
+ }
+ /**
+ *
+ * - saveComment method used to add a comment to an article
+ * - this metod returns a JSON with the success/ error message
+ * - ex of get request :
+ *
+ * "author": "Flori",
+ * "email": "",
+ * "url":,
+ * "comment": " love the pohotos of the cats!!",
+ * "comment_parent": "1",
+ * "code": "7841da44befc5b8fa00a0c8daab49d21_1400771121",
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ */
+ public function saveComment() {
+ // check if the export call is correct
+ if (isset($_GET["content"]) && $_GET["content"] == 'savecomment' ) {
+ if (!isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) || strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'],$_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]) !== false) {
+ // set articleId
+ $articleId = 0;
+ if (isset($_GET["articleId"]) && is_numeric($_GET["articleId"])) {
+ $articleId = $_GET["articleId"];
+ }
+ // check token
+ if (isset($_GET['code']) && $_GET["code"] !== '') {
+ // if the token is valid, go ahead and save comment to the DB
+ if (WMobilePack::wmp_check_token($_GET['code'])) {
+ // get post by id
+ $post = get_post( $articleId);
+ if ($post != null && $post->post_type == 'post') {
+ if ($post->post_status == 'publish') {
+ // check if the post accepts comments
+ if (comments_open( $articleId )) {
+ // get post variables
+ $comment_post_ID = $articleId;
+ $comment_author = ( isset($_GET['author']) ) ? trim(strip_tags($_GET['author'])) : '';
+ $comment_author_email = ( isset($_GET['email']) ) ? trim($_GET['email']) : '';
+ $comment_author_url = ( isset($_GET['url']) ) ? trim($this->purifier->purify($_GET['url'])) : '';
+ $comment_content = ( isset($_GET['comment']) ) ? trim($this->purifier->purify($_GET['comment'])) : '';
+ $comment_type = 'comment';
+ $comment_parent = isset($_GET['comment_parent']) ? absint($_GET['comment_parent']) : 0;
+ // return errors for empty fields
+ if (get_option('require_name_email')) {
+ if ( $comment_author_email == '' || $comment_author == '' )
+ return '{"status":0}'; //Please fill the required fields (name, email).
+ elseif ( !is_email($comment_author_email))
+ return '{"status":0}'; // Please enter a valid e-mail address.
+ }
+ if ( $comment_content == '' )
+ return '{"status":0}'; // Please type a comment
+ // check if comment will be approved directly or will await moderation
+ $approved_comment = check_comment($comment_author,$comment_author_email,$comment_author_url,$comment_content,$_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"],$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'],'user');
+ if (wp_blacklist_check($comment_author,$comment_author_email,$comment_author_url,$comment_content,$_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"],$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']))
+ $approved_comment = false;
+ // set comment data
+ $commentdata = compact('comment_post_ID', 'comment_author', 'comment_author_email', 'comment_author_url', 'comment_content', 'comment_type', 'comment_parent', 'user_ID');
+ // add a hook for duplicate comments
+ add_action("comment_duplicate_trigger",array(&$this,'wmp_duplicate'));
+ // get comment id
+ $comment_id = wp_new_comment( $commentdata );
+ // get status
+ if (is_numeric($comment_id)) {
+ // get comment
+ $comment = get_comment($comment_id);
+ // set status by comment status
+ if ($comment->comment_approved == 1)
+ return '{"status":1}';//Your comment was successfully added
+ else
+ return '{"status":2}'; // Your comment is awaiting moderation.
+ }
+ } else // return error
+ return '{"status":0}'; // Sorry, comments are closed for this item.
+ }else
+ // return error
+ return '{"status":0}'; // Sorry, the post is not visible
+ } else
+ // return error
+ return '{"status":0}'; // Sorry, the post is not available
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // return error
+ return '{"status":0}'; // error status
+ }
+ /**
+ *
+ * - exportPages method used for the export of a number of articels for each category
+ * - this metod returns a JSON with the specific content
+ * - ex :
+ * {
+ * "pages": [
+ * {
+ * "id": "53624b6981f58370a6968678",
+ * "title": "#IJF14: Global developments in data journalism",
+ * "timestamp": 1398950385,
+ * "author": "",
+ * "date": "Thu, May 01, 2014 01:19",
+ * "link": "",
+ * "image": "",
+ * "description":"<p><b>Sport</b> (or <b>sports</b>) is all forms of usually <a href=\"\">competitive</a> <a href=\"\">physical activity</a> which,<sup><a href=\"\">[1]</a></sup> through casual or organised participation, aim to use, maintain or improve physical ability and skills while...</p>",
+ * "content": ''
+ * },
+ * ]
+ * }
+ *
+ *
+ */
+ public function exportPages() {
+ if (isset($_GET["content"]) && $_GET["content"] == 'exportpages') {
+ // init pages array
+ $arrPages = array();
+ // set last timestamp
+ $lastTimestamp = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
+ if (isset($_GET["lastTimestamp"]) && is_numeric($_GET["lastTimestamp"]))
+ $lastTimestamp = date("Y-m-d H:i:s",$_GET["lastTimestamp"]);
+ $descriptionLength = 200;
+ if (isset($_GET["descriptionLength"]) && is_numeric($_GET["descriptionLength"]))
+ $descriptionLength = $_GET["descriptionLength"];
+ // set limit
+ $limit = 7;
+ if (isset($_GET["limit"]) && is_numeric($_GET["limit"]))
+ $limit = $_GET["limit"];
+ // set args for pages
+ $args = array(
+ 'post__not_in' => $this->inactive_pages,
+ 'numberposts' => $limit,
+ 'posts_per_page' => $limit,
+ 'post_status' => 'publish',
+ 'post_type' => 'page',
+ 'post_password' => ''
+ );
+ if (WMP_BLOG_VERSION >= 3.6) {
+ $args['orderby'] = 'title';
+ $args['order'] = 'ASC';
+ }
+ // get pages order
+ $order_pages = unserialize(WMobilePack::wmp_get_setting('ordered_pages'));
+ // remove inline style for the photos types of posts
+ add_filter( 'use_default_gallery_style', '__return_false' );
+ $pages_query = new WP_Query ( $args );
+ if ($pages_query->have_posts()) {
+ foreach ($pages_query->posts as $page) {
+ // add only the pages that are not password protected
+ if ($page->post_password == '' && strip_tags(trim($page->post_title)) != '') {
+ // check if featured image
+ $image_details = array();
+ // get featured image and add it to the category
+ if ( has_post_thumbnail($page->ID) ) { // check if the post has a Post Thumbnail assigned to it.
+ $image_data = wp_get_attachment_image_src( get_post_thumbnail_id( $page->ID ),'large');
+ if (is_array($image_data) && !empty($image_data)) {
+ $image_details = array(
+ "src" => $image_data[0],
+ "width" => $image_data[1],
+ "height" => $image_data[2]
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ $index_order = array_search($page->ID, $order_pages);
+ // create new index for new categories
+ $new_index = count($order_pages) + 1;
+ $last_key = count($arrPages) > 0 ? max(array_keys($arrPages)) : 0;
+ if (is_numeric($index_order))
+ $current_key = $index_order;
+ elseif ($new_index > $last_key)
+ $current_key = $new_index;
+ else
+ $current_key = $last_key+1;
+ $arrPages[$current_key] = array(
+ 'id' => $page->ID,
+ 'order' => $current_key,
+ "title" => strip_tags(trim($page->post_title)),
+ "image" => !empty($image_details) ? $image_details : "",
+ "content" => ''
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // sort pages by key
+ ksort($arrPages);
+ $arrPages = array_values($arrPages);
+ return '{"pages":'.json_encode($arrPages)."}";
+ } else
+ return '{"error":""}';
+ }
+ /**
+ *
+ * - exportPage method used for the export of a page
+ * - this metod returns a JSON with the specific content
+ * - ex :
+ * {
+ * "article": {
+ * "id": "53624b6981f58370a6968678",
+ * "title": "#IJF14: Global developments in data journalism",
+ * "timestamp": 1398960437,
+ * "author": "",
+ * "date": "Thu, May 01, 2014 04:07",
+ * "link": "",
+ * "image": "",
+ * "description":"<p><b>Sport</b> (or <b>sports</b>) is all forms of usually <a href=\"\">competitive</a> <a href=\"\">physical activity</a> which,<sup><a href=\"\">[1]</a></sup> through casual or organised participation, aim to use, maintain or improve physical ability and skills while...</p>",
+ * "content": "<p>On the second day of the International Journalism Festival in Perugia, delegates were treated to a round up of data journalism trends and developments from around the world.</p>",
+ * "related_web_posts":""
+ * }
+ * }
+ *
+ * @params $pageId - the id of the page
+ *
+ */
+ public function exportPage() {
+ // check if the export call is correct
+ if (isset($_GET["content"]) && $_GET["content"] == 'exportpage' ) {
+ // set pageId
+ $pageId = 0;
+ if (isset($_GET["pageId"]) && is_numeric($_GET["pageId"])) {
+ $pageId = $_GET["pageId"];
+ }
+ $descriptionLength = 200;
+ if (isset($_GET["descriptionLength"]) && is_numeric($_GET["descriptionLength"]))
+ $descriptionLength = $_GET["descriptionLength"];
+ // init page array
+ $arrPage = array();
+ // get page by id
+ $page = get_page( $pageId);
+ if ($page != null && $page->post_type == 'page' && $page->post_password == '' && strip_tags(trim($page->post_title)) != '') {
+ // check if page is visible
+ $is_visible = false;
+ if (!in_array($page->ID, $this->inactive_pages))
+ $is_visible = true;
+ if ($is_visible){
+ // featured image details
+ $image_details = array();
+ // get featured image
+ if ( has_post_thumbnail($page->ID) ) { // check if the post has a Post Thumbnail assigned to it.
+ $image_data = wp_get_attachment_image_src( get_post_thumbnail_id( $page->ID ),'large');
+ if (is_array($image_data) && !empty($image_data)) {
+ $image_details = array(
+ "src" => $image_data[0],
+ "width" => $image_data[1],
+ "height" => $image_data[2]
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ // for the content, first check if the admin edited the content for this page
+ if (get_option('wmpack_page_'.$page->ID) === false)
+ $content = apply_filters("the_content", $page->post_content);
+ else
+ $content = apply_filters("the_content", get_option( 'wmpack_page_' .$page->ID ));
+ $related_web_posts = '';
+ if (WMobilePack::wmp_active_plugin('Related Posts by Zemanta')) {
+ // check if class exists and specific function that are used
+ if (class_exists('WPRPZemanta')) {
+ // set zemanta purifier
+ $zemanta_purifier = $this->wmp_zemanta_purifier();
+ // get related posts from around the web
+ $related_web_posts = $this->wmp_related_web_posts($content);
+ $related_web_posts = $zemanta_purifier->purify($related_web_posts);
+ }
+ }
+ if ($related_web_posts == '') {
+ if (WMobilePack::wmp_active_plugin('Editorial Assistant by Zemanta')) {
+ // set zemanta purifier
+ $zemanta_purifier = $this->wmp_zemanta_purifier();
+ // get related posts from around the web
+ $related_web_posts = $this->wmp_related_web_posts($content);
+ // parse the urls in order to obtain the correct path
+ $related_web_posts = $this->wmp_replace_internal_links($related_web_posts);
+ $related_web_posts = $zemanta_purifier->purify($related_web_posts);
+ }
+ }
+ // remove script tags
+ $content = self::removeScriptTags($content);
+ $content = $this->purifier->purify($content);
+ // remove all url's from attachment images
+ $content = preg_replace( array('{<a(.*?)(wp-att|wp-content\/uploads|attachment)[^>]*><img}', '{ wp-image-[0-9]*" /></a>}'), array('<img','" />'), $content);
+ // get the description
+ $description = Export::truncateHtml($content,$descriptionLength);
+ $arrPage = array(
+ 'id' => $page->ID,
+ "title" => $page->post_title,
+ "link" => get_permalink($page->ID),
+ "image" => !empty($image_details) ? $image_details : "",
+ "content" => $content,
+ "related_web_posts" => trim($related_web_posts),
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ // return page json
+ return '{"page":'.json_encode($arrPage)."}";
+ } else
+ // return error
+ return '{"error":""}';
+ }
+ /**
+ * truncateHtml can truncate a string up to a number of characters while preserving whole words and HTML tags
+ *
+ * @param string $text String to truncate.
+ * @param integer $length Length of returned string, including ellipsis.
+ * @param string $ending Ending to be appended to the trimmed string.
+ * @param boolean $exact If false, $text will not be cut mid-word
+ * @param boolean $considerHtml If true, HTML tags would be handled correctly
+ * @param boolean $stripTags If true, all the tags except some allowed tags will be removed
+ *
+ * @return string Trimmed string.
+ */
+ public static function truncateHtml($text, $length = 200, $ending = '...', $exact = false, $considerHtml = true, $stripTags = true) {
+ if ($considerHtml) {
+ // remove all unwanted script tags
+ $text = self::removeScriptTags($text);
+ // if no_images is true, remove all images from the content
+ if ($stripTags)
+ $text = strip_tags( $text, '<p><a><span><br><i><u><strong><b><sup><em>');
+ // if the plain text is shorter than the maximum length, return the whole text
+ if (strlen(preg_replace('/<.*?>/', '', $text)) <= $length) {
+ return $text;
+ }
+ // splits all html-tags to scanable lines
+ preg_match_all('/(<.+?>)?([^<>]*)/s', $text, $lines, PREG_SET_ORDER);
+ $total_length = strlen($ending);
+ $open_tags = array();
+ $truncate = '';
+ foreach ($lines as $line_matchings) {
+ // if there is any html-tag in this line, handle it and add it (uncounted) to the output
+ if (!empty($line_matchings[1])) {
+ // if it's an "empty element" with or without xhtml-conform closing slash
+ if (preg_match('/^<(\s*.+?\/\s*|\s*(img|br|input|hr|area|base|basefont|col|frame|isindex|link|meta|param)(\s.+?)?)>$/is', $line_matchings[1])) {
+ // do nothing
+ // if tag is a closing tag
+ } else if (preg_match('/^<\s*\/([^\s]+?)\s*>$/s', $line_matchings[1], $tag_matchings)) {
+ // delete tag from $open_tags list
+ $pos = array_search($tag_matchings[1], $open_tags);
+ if ($pos !== false) {
+ unset($open_tags[$pos]);
+ }
+ // if tag is an opening tag
+ } else if (preg_match('/^<\s*([^\s>!]+).*?>$/s', $line_matchings[1], $tag_matchings)) {
+ // add tag to the beginning of $open_tags list
+ array_unshift($open_tags, strtolower($tag_matchings[1]));
+ }
+ // add html-tag to $truncate'd text
+ $truncate .= $line_matchings[1];
+ }
+ // calculate the length of the plain text part of the line; handle entities as one character
+ $content_length = strlen(preg_replace('/&[0-9a-z]{2,8};|&#[0-9]{1,7};|[0-9a-f]{1,6};/i', ' ', $line_matchings[2]));
+ if ($total_length+$content_length> $length) {
+ // the number of characters which are left
+ $left = $length - $total_length;
+ $entities_length = 0;
+ // search for html entities
+ if (preg_match_all('/&[0-9a-z]{2,8};|&#[0-9]{1,7};|[0-9a-f]{1,6};/i', $line_matchings[2], $entities, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE)) {
+ // calculate the real length of all entities in the legal range
+ foreach ($entities[0] as $entity) {
+ if ($entity[1]+1-$entities_length <= $left) {
+ $left--;
+ $entities_length += strlen($entity[0]);
+ } else {
+ // no more characters left
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $truncate .= substr($line_matchings[2], 0, $left+$entities_length);
+ // maximum lenght is reached, so get off the loop
+ break;
+ } else {
+ $truncate .= $line_matchings[2];
+ $total_length += $content_length;
+ }
+ // if the maximum length is reached, get off the loop
+ if ($total_length>= $length) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (strlen($text) <= $length) {
+ return $text;
+ } else {
+ $truncate = substr($text, 0, $length - strlen($ending));
+ }
+ }
+ // if the words shouldn't be cut in the middle...
+ if (!$exact) {
+ // the last occurance of a space...
+ $spacepos = strrpos($truncate, ' ');
+ if (isset($spacepos)) {
+ // ...and cut the text in this position
+ $truncate = substr($truncate, 0, $spacepos);
+ }
+ }
+ // add the defined ending to the text
+ $truncate .= $ending;
+ if ($considerHtml) {
+ // close all unclosed html-tags
+ foreach ($open_tags as $tag) {
+ $truncate .= '</' . $tag . '>';
+ }
+ }
+ return $truncate;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Method used to remove script tags and everything in between them
+ */
+ public static function removeScriptTags($text) {
+ $text = preg_replace("/<\s*script[^>]*>[\s\S]*?(<\s*\/script[^>]*>|$)/i"," ",$text);
+ // return clean text
+ return $text;
+ }
+ /**
+ *
+ * Method wmp_duplicate called when a duplicate comment is detected.
+ *
+ * The method is used to echo a JSON with and error and applies an exit to prevent wp_die()
+ *
+ */
+ public function wmp_duplicate(){
+ // display the json
+ echo $_GET['callback'] . '({"status":0})';
+ // end
+ exit();
+ }
+ /**
+ *
+ * Method comment_closed used to determine the comment status for an article
+ *
+ * The method returns 'open' if the users can comment and 'closed' otherwise
+ *
+ * @param $post - object containing the post details
+ */
+ public function comment_closed( $post ) {
+ // set initial status for comments
+ if ($post->comment_status == 'open' && get_option('comment_registration') == 0)
+ $comment_status ='open';
+ else
+ $comment_status = 'closed';
+ // if the option close_comments_for_old_posts is not set, teturn the status for comments
+ if ( !get_option('close_comments_for_old_posts') )
+ return $comment_status;
+ // if the number of ol days is not set return comment_status
+ $days_old = (int) get_option('close_comments_days_old');
+ if ( !$days_old )
+ return $comment_status;
+ $post = get_post($post->ID);
+ /** This filter is documented in wp-includes/comment.php */
+ $post_types = apply_filters( 'close_comments_for_post_types', array( 'post' ) );
+ if ( ! in_array( $post->post_type, $post_types ) )
+ $comment_status ='open';
+ // if the post is older than the number of days set, change comment_status to false
+ if ( time() - strtotime( $post->post_date_gmt ) > ( $days_old * DAY_IN_SECONDS ) )
+ $comment_status = 'closed';
+ // return comment status
+ return $comment_status;
+ }
+ /**
+ *
+ * Export manifest files for Android or Mozilla
+ *
+ * These manifest files will be used only if the index file is loaded from the plugin (free or premium).
+ *
+ */
+ public function exportManifest(){
+ if (isset($_GET["content"]) && ($_GET["content"] == 'androidmanifest' || $_GET["content"] == 'mozillamanifest')) {
+ // Check if the premium version is enabled
+ $is_premium = false;
+ $arrPremiumConfig = null;
+ // Check premium configuration
+ if (WMobilePack::wmp_get_setting('premium_active') == 1 && WMobilePack::wmp_get_setting('premium_api_key') != '') {
+ $is_premium = true;
+ $json_config_premium = WMobilePack::wmp_set_premium_config();
+ if ($json_config_premium !== false) {
+ $arrPremiumConfig = json_decode($json_config_premium, true);
+ }
+ }
+ // set blog name
+ $blog_name = get_bloginfo("name");
+ if ($is_premium && $arrPremiumConfig != null && isset($arrPremiumConfig['title']))
+ $blog_name = $arrPremiumConfig['title'];
+ // init response depending on the manifest type
+ if ($_GET['content'] == 'androidmanifest') {
+ $arrManifest = array(
+ 'name' => $blog_name,
+ 'start_url' => home_url(),
+ 'display' => 'standalone'
+ );
+ } else {
+ // remove domain name from the launch path
+ $launch_path = home_url();
+ $launch_path = str_replace('http://'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'],'',$launch_path);
+ $launch_path = str_replace('https://'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'],'',$launch_path);
+ $arrManifest = array(
+ 'name' => $blog_name,
+ 'launch_path' => $launch_path,
+ 'developer' => array(
+ "name" => $blog_name
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ // check if icon exists
+ $icon_path = false;
+ if ($is_premium) {
+ // load icon from the premium config json
+ if ($arrPremiumConfig != null && isset($arrPremiumConfig['icon_path']) && $arrPremiumConfig['icon_path'] != ''){
+ // compose icon path
+ $is_secure = (!empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] !== 'off') || $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] == 443;
+ $cdn_apps = ($is_secure ? $arrPremiumConfig['cdn_apps_https'] : $arrPremiumConfig['cdn_apps']);
+ $icon_path = $cdn_apps."/".$arrPremiumConfig['shorten_url'].'/'.$arrPremiumConfig['icon_path'];
+ }
+ } else {
+ // load icon from the local settings and folder
+ $icon_path = WMobilePack::wmp_get_setting('icon');
+ if ($icon_path == '' || !file_exists(WMP_FILES_UPLOADS_DIR.$icon_path)) {
+ $icon_path = false;
+ } else {
+ $icon_path = WMP_FILES_UPLOADS_URL.$icon_path;
+ }
+ }
+ // set icon depending on the manifest file type
+ if ($icon_path != false) {
+ if ($_GET['content'] == 'androidmanifest') {
+ $arrManifest['icons'] = array(
+ array(
+ "src" => $icon_path,
+ "sizes" => "192x192"
+ )
+ );
+ } else {
+ $arrManifest['icons'] = array(
+ '152' => $icon_path,
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ echo json_encode($arrManifest);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ *
+ * - exportSettings method used for the export of the main settings
+ * - This method returns a JSON with the specific content
+ * - ex :
+ * {
+ * "logo": "",
+ * "icon": "",
+ * "cover": "",
+ * "status": 0/1
+ * }
+ *
+ *
+ */
+ public function exportSettings() {
+ if (isset($_GET["content"]) && $_GET["content"] == 'exportsettings') {
+ $arrSettings = array();
+ if (isset($_POST["apiKey"]) && $_POST["apiKey"] == WMobilePack::wmp_get_setting('premium_api_key')) {
+ if (WMobilePack::wmp_get_setting('premium_active') == 0) {
+ // check if logo exists
+ $logo_path = WMobilePack::wmp_get_setting('logo');
+ if ($logo_path == '' || !file_exists(WMP_FILES_UPLOADS_DIR.$logo_path))
+ $logo_path = '';
+ else
+ $logo_path = WMP_FILES_UPLOADS_URL.$logo_path;
+ // check if icon exists
+ $icon_path = WMobilePack::wmp_get_setting('icon');
+ if ($icon_path == '' || !file_exists(WMP_FILES_UPLOADS_DIR.$icon_path))
+ $icon_path = '';
+ else
+ $icon_path = WMP_FILES_UPLOADS_URL.$icon_path;
+ // check if cover exists
+ $cover_path = WMobilePack::wmp_get_setting('cover');
+ if ($cover_path == '' || !file_exists(WMP_FILES_UPLOADS_DIR.$cover_path))
+ $cover_path = '';
+ else
+ $cover_path = WMP_FILES_UPLOADS_URL.$cover_path;
+ // check if google analytics id is set
+ $google_analytics_id = WMobilePack::wmp_get_setting('google_analytics_id');
+ // set settings
+ $arrSettings = array(
+ 'logo' => $logo_path,
+ 'icon' => $icon_path,
+ 'cover' => $cover_path,
+ 'google_analytics_id' => $google_analytics_id,
+ 'status' => 1
+ );
+ // return json
+ return json_encode($arrSettings);
+ } else
+ return '{"error":"Premium plugin is not active.","status" : 0}';
+ } else
+ return '{"error":"Missing post data (API Key) or mismatch.","status" : 0}';
+ } else
+ return '{"error":"","status" : 0}';
+ }
+ /**
+ *
+ * Method wmp_replace_internal_links called when related posts are found for an article
+ *
+ * The method is used to replace the standard urls of the related posts with internal urls
+ *
+ * @param $content - the content to be parsed
+ * @param $type - can be post or page, in order to rebuild the correct url
+ *
+ *
+ */
+ public function wmp_replace_internal_links($content,$type='post'){
+ if ($content != '' && in_array($type,array('post','page'))) {
+ // check if url exist
+ $Match = preg_match_all('%href=\"(https?:)?(http?:)?//'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].'.*\"%siU',$content,$matches);
+ // if there was at least a match fount
+ if ($Match) {
+ if (!empty($matches) && is_array($matches)) {
+ if (!empty($matches[0]) && is_array($matches[0])) {
+ // replace links
+ foreach ($matches[0] as $match) {
+ if ($match != '') {
+ // get url
+ $post_url = substr($match,6,-1);
+ // get post id using the url
+ $post_id = url_to_postid($post_url);
+ if (is_numeric($post_id) && $post_id > 0) {
+ // recreate new url
+ $new_url = 'href="#'.$post_id.'"';
+ // update content and add new url
+ $content = str_replace($match,$new_url,$content);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $content;
+ }
+ /**
+ *
+ * Method wmp_related_web_posts called when we want to fetch zemanta's related posts around the web
+ *
+ * The method is used to remove the related posts around the web from the content
+ *
+ * @param $content - the content to be parsed, the related posts will be removed
+ *
+ * The method return the html with the related posts around the web, or empty if there are none
+ *
+ */
+ public function wmp_related_web_posts(&$content){
+ // by default, related posts are emtpy
+ $related_posts = '';
+ if ($content != '') {
+ // remove the title
+ $content = preg_replace('/<h.* class="zemanta-related-title".*>(.*?)<\/(.*)>/i', '', $content);
+ // remove and get the content
+ $content_match = preg_match('%<ul class=\"zemanta-article-ul zemanta-article-ul-image\".*>(.*?)<\/ul>%siU',$content,$matches);
+ if ($content_match) {
+ if (is_array($matches) && !empty($matches)){
+ $related_posts = $matches[0];
+ // remove zemnata list from content
+ $content = preg_replace('%<ul class=\"zemanta-article-ul zemanta-article-ul-image\".*>(.*?)<\/ul>%siU', '', $content);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $related_posts;
+ }
+ /**
+ *
+ * Method wmp_zemanta_purifier called when he want to keep the class attribute for the content, for zemanta tags
+ *
+ */
+ public function wmp_zemanta_purifier(){
+ // set HTML Purifier
+ $config = HTMLPurifier_Config::createDefault();
+ $config->set('Core.Encoding', 'UTF-8');
+ $config->set('HTML.AllowedElements','div,a,p,ol,li,ul,img,blockquote,em,span,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,i,u,strong,b,sup,br,cite,iframe,small,video,audio,source');
+ $config->set('HTML.AllowedAttributes', 'class, src, width, height, target, href, name,frameborder,marginheight,marginwidth,scrolling,poster,preload,controls,type');
+ $config->set('Attr.AllowedFrameTargets', '_blank, _parent, _self, _top');
+ $config->set('HTML.SafeIframe',1);
+ $config->set('Filter.Custom', array( new HTMLPurifier_Filter_Iframe()));
+ // disable cache
+ $config->set('Cache.DefinitionImpl',null);
+ // extend purifier
+ $Html5Purifier = new WMPHtmlPurifier();
+ $purifier = $Html5Purifier->wmp_extended_purifier($config);
+ return $purifier;
+ }
+ } // Export
+?> \ No newline at end of file