diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/akismet')
6 files changed, 103 insertions, 60 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/akismet/admin.php b/plugins/akismet/admin.php
index fb6bd130..eaef99ce 100644
--- a/plugins/akismet/admin.php
+++ b/plugins/akismet/admin.php
@@ -25,9 +25,9 @@ function akismet_admin_init() {
$hook = 'dashboard_page_akismet-stats-display';
add_action('admin_head-'.$hook, 'akismet_stats_script');
add_meta_box('akismet-status', __('Comment History'), 'akismet_comment_status_meta_box', 'comment', 'normal');
- wp_register_style('akismet.css', AKISMET_PLUGIN_URL . '/akismet.css');
+ wp_register_style('akismet.css', AKISMET_PLUGIN_URL . 'akismet.css');
- wp_register_script('akismet.js', AKISMET_PLUGIN_URL . '/akismet.js', array('jquery'));
+ wp_register_script('akismet.js', AKISMET_PLUGIN_URL . 'akismet.js', array('jquery'));
add_action('admin_init', 'akismet_admin_init');
@@ -91,11 +91,6 @@ function akismet_conf() {
update_option( 'akismet_show_user_comments_approved', 'false' );
- if ( isset( $_POST['akismet_comment_nonce'] ) )
- update_option( 'akismet_comment_nonce', 'true' );
- else
- update_option( 'akismet_comment_nonce', 'false' );
} elseif ( isset($_POST['check']) ) {
@@ -141,7 +136,7 @@ function akismet_conf() {
<div class="wrap">
<h2><?php _e('Akismet Configuration'); ?></h2>
<?php if (isset($_GET['message']) && $_GET['message'] == 'success') { ?>
- <div class="updated below-h2" id="message"><p><strong>Sign up success!</strong> Please check your email for your Akismet API Key and enter it below.</p></div>
+ <div class="updated below-h2" id="message"><p><?php _e( '<strong>Sign up success!</strong> Please check your email for your Akismet API Key and enter it below.' ); ?></p></div>
<?php } ?>
<div class="narrow">
<form action="" method="post" id="akismet-conf" style="margin: auto; width: 400px; ">
@@ -161,7 +156,6 @@ function akismet_conf() {
<?php akismet_nonce_field($akismet_nonce) ?>
<p><label><input name="akismet_discard_month" id="akismet_discard_month" value="true" type="checkbox" <?php if ( get_option('akismet_discard_month') == 'true' ) echo ' checked="checked" '; ?> /> <?php _e('Auto-delete spam submitted on posts more than a month old.'); ?></label></p>
<p><label><input name="akismet_show_user_comments_approved" id="akismet_show_user_comments_approved" value="true" type="checkbox" <?php if ( get_option('akismet_show_user_comments_approved') == 'true' ) echo ' checked="checked" '; ?> /> <?php _e('Show the number of comments you\'ve approved beside each comment author.'); ?></label></p>
-<p><label><input name="akismet_comment_nonce" id="akismet_comment_nonce" value="true" type="checkbox" <?php if ( get_option( 'akismet_comment_nonce' ) == 'true' || get_option( 'akismet_comment_nonce' ) == '' ) echo ' checked="checked" '; ?> /> <?php _e( 'Use a nonce on the comment form.' ); ?></label></p>
<p class="submit"><input type="submit" name="submit" value="<?php _e('Update options &raquo;'); ?>" /></p>
@@ -281,13 +275,13 @@ function akismet_stats() {
if ( !$count = get_option('akismet_spam_count') )
$path = plugin_basename(__FILE__);
- echo '<h3>'.__('Spam').'</h3>';
+ echo '<h3>' . _x( 'Spam', 'comments' ) . '</h3>';
global $submenu;
if ( isset( $submenu['edit-comments.php'] ) )
$link = 'edit-comments.php';
$link = 'edit.php';
- echo '<p>'.sprintf(__('<a href="%1$s">Akismet</a> has protected your site from <a href="%2$s">%3$s spam comments</a>.'), '', clean_url("$link?page=akismet-admin"), number_format_i18n($count) ).'</p>';
+ echo '<p>'.sprintf( _n( '<a href="%1$s">Akismet</a> has protected your site from <a href="%2$s">%3$s spam comments</a>.', '<a href="%1$s">Akismet</a> has protected your site from <a href="%2$s">%3$s spam comments</a>.', $count ), '', clean_url("$link?page=akismet-admin"), number_format_i18n($count) ).'</p>';
add_action('activity_box_end', 'akismet_stats');
@@ -308,7 +302,7 @@ function akismet_admin_warnings() {
$next_check = human_time_diff( wp_next_scheduled('akismet_schedule_cron_recheck') );
if ( $waiting > 0 )
echo "
- <div id='akismet-warning' class='updated fade'><p><strong>".__('Akismet has detected a problem.')."</strong> ".sprintf(_n('A server or network problem prevented Akismet from checking %d comment. It has been temporarily held for moderation and will be automatically re-checked in %s.', 'A server or network problem prevented Akismet from checking %d comments. They have been temporarily held for moderation and will be automatically re-checked in %s.', $waiting), $waiting, $next_check)."</p></div>
+ <div id='akismet-warning' class='updated fade'><p><strong>".__('Akismet has detected a problem.')."</strong> ".sprintf(_n('A server or network problem prevented Akismet from checking %d comment. It has been temporarily held for moderation and will be automatically re-checked in %s.', 'A server or network problem prevented Akismet from checking %d comments. They have been temporarily held for moderation and will be automatically re-checked in %s.', $waiting), number_format_i18n( $waiting ), $next_check)."</p></div>
add_action('admin_notices', 'akismet_warning');
@@ -326,13 +320,14 @@ function akismet_comment_row_action( $a, $comment ) {
$akismet_result = get_comment_meta( $comment->comment_ID, 'akismet_result', true );
$user_result = get_comment_meta( $comment->comment_ID, 'akismet_user_result', true);
+ $comment_status = wp_get_comment_status( $comment->comment_ID );
$desc = null;
if ( !$user_result || $user_result == $akismet_result ) {
// Show the original Akismet result if the user hasn't overridden it, or if their decision was the same
- if ( $akismet_result == 'true' )
- $desc = 'Flagged as spam by Akismet';
- elseif ( $akismet_result == 'false' )
- $desc = 'Cleared by Akismet';
+ if ( $akismet_result == 'true' && $comment_status != 'spam' && $comment_status != 'trash' )
+ $desc = __( 'Flagged as spam by Akismet' );
+ elseif ( $akismet_result == 'false' && $comment_status == 'spam' )
+ $desc = __( 'Cleared by Akismet' );
} else {
$who = get_comment_meta( $comment->comment_ID, 'akismet_user', true );
if ( $user_result == 'true' )
@@ -340,13 +335,25 @@ function akismet_comment_row_action( $a, $comment ) {
$desc = sprintf( __('Un-spammed by %s'), $who );
+ // add a History item to the hover links, just after Edit
+ if ( $akismet_result ) {
+ $b = array();
+ foreach ( $a as $k => $item ) {
+ $b[ $k ] = $item;
+ if ( $k == 'edit' )
+ $b['history'] = '<a href="comment.php?action=editcomment&amp;c='.$comment->comment_ID.'#akismet-status" title="'. esc_attr__( 'View comment history' ) . '"> '. __('History') . '</a>';
+ }
+ $a = $b;
+ }
if ( $desc )
echo '<span class="akismet-status" commentid="'.$comment->comment_ID.'"><a href="comment.php?action=editcomment&amp;c='.$comment->comment_ID.'#akismet-status" title="' . esc_attr__( 'View comment history' ) . '">'.htmlspecialchars($desc).'</a></span>';
if ( apply_filters( 'akismet_show_user_comments_approved', get_option('akismet_show_user_comments_approved') ) == 'true' ) {
$comment_count = akimset_get_user_comments_approved( $comment->user_id, $comment->comment_author_email, $comment->comment_author, $comment->comment_author_url );
- echo '<span class="akismet-user-comment-count" commentid="'.$comment->comment_ID.'" style="display:none;"><br><span class="akismet-user-comment-counts">'.sprintf( __( '%s approved' ), intval($comment_count) ).'</span></span>';
+ echo '<span class="akismet-user-comment-count" commentid="'.$comment->comment_ID.'" style="display:none;"><br><span class="akismet-user-comment-counts">'.sprintf( _n( '%s approved', '%s approved', $comment_count ), intval($comment_count) ).'</span></span>';
return $a;
@@ -441,30 +448,25 @@ function akismet_rightnow() {
if ( $count = get_option('akismet_spam_count') ) {
$intro = sprintf( $plural_func(
- '<a href="%1$s">Akismet</a> has protected your site from %2$s spam comment already,',
- '<a href="%1$s">Akismet</a> has protected your site from %2$s spam comments already,',
+ '<a href="%1$s">Akismet</a> has protected your site from %2$s spam comment already. ',
+ '<a href="%1$s">Akismet</a> has protected your site from %2$s spam comments already. ',
), '', number_format_i18n( $count ) );
} else {
- $intro = sprintf( __('<a href="%1$s">Akismet</a> blocks spam from getting to your blog,'), '' );
+ $intro = sprintf( __('<a href="%1$s">Akismet</a> blocks spam from getting to your blog. '), '' );
if ( $queue_count = akismet_spam_count() ) {
$queue_text = sprintf( $plural_func(
- 'and there\'s <a href="%2$s">%1$s comment</a> in your spam queue right now.',
- 'and there are <a href="%2$s">%1$s comments</a> in your spam queue right now.',
+ 'There\'s <a href="%2$s">%1$s comment</a> in your spam queue right now.',
+ 'There are <a href="%2$s">%1$s comments</a> in your spam queue right now.',
), number_format_i18n( $queue_count ), $esc_url($link) );
} else {
- $queue_text = sprintf( __( " but there's nothing in your <a href='%1\$s'>spam queue</a> at the moment." ), $esc_url($link) );
+ $queue_text = sprintf( __( "There's nothing in your <a href='%1\$s'>spam queue</a> at the moment." ), $esc_url($link) );
- // _c was deprecated in WP 2.9.0
- if ( function_exists( '_x' ) )
- $text = sprintf( _x( '%1$s%2$s', 'akismet_rightnow' ), $intro, $queue_text );
- else
- $text = sprintf( _c( '%1$s%2$s|akismet_rightnow' ), $intro, $queue_text );
+ $text = $intro . '<br />' . $queue_text;
echo "<p class='akismet-right-now'>$text</p>\n";
@@ -582,6 +584,12 @@ function akismet_submit_spam_comment ( $comment_id ) {
function akismet_transition_comment_status( $new_status, $old_status, $comment ) {
if ( $new_status == $old_status )
+ if ( !is_admin() )
+ return;
+ if ( !current_user_can( 'edit_post', $comment->comment_post_ID ) && !current_user_can( 'moderate_comments' ) )
+ return;
if ( defined('WP_IMPORTING') && WP_IMPORTING == true )
diff --git a/plugins/akismet/akismet.css b/plugins/akismet/akismet.css
index 4beff9c8..ab03efc7 100644
--- a/plugins/akismet/akismet.css
+++ b/plugins/akismet/akismet.css
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
#submitted-on { position: relative; } { padding-bottom: 5px !important; white-space: nowrap; } a { padding-left: 42px !important; } img { position: absolute; top: 1px; left: 0; } strong { padding-left: 42px; font-size: 14px; position: relative; } .akismet-user-comment-count { display: inline; } .akismet-user-comment-counts { padding-left: 42px; }
-.akismet-status { background: #EEE; border: 1px solid #E4E4E4; color: #999; margin-bottom: 5px; padding: 1px 8px 2px 8px; -moz-border-radius:6px; border-radius:6px; -webkit-border-radius:6px; float: right; line-height: 1.2em; }
-.row-actions { margin-top: -3px; }
+#the-comment-list .author { padding-bottom: 5px !important; white-space: nowrap; }
+#the-comment-list .author a { padding-left: 42px !important; }
+#the-comment-list .author img { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; }
+#the-comment-list .author strong { padding-left: 42px; font-size: 12px; position: relative; }
+#the-comment-list .author .akismet-user-comment-count { display: inline; }
+#the-comment-list .author .akismet-user-comment-counts { padding-left: 42px; }
+#dashboard_recent_comments .akismet-status { display: none; } /* never show the flagged by text on the dashboard */
+.akismet-status { float: right; }
+.akismet-status a { color: #AAA; font-style: italic; }
span.comment-link a { text-decoration: underline; }
-span.comment-link:after { content: " " attr(title) " "; color: #aaa; text-decoration: none; }
+span.comment-link:after { content: " " attr(title) " "; color: #aaa; text-decoration: none; } \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plugins/akismet/akismet.js b/plugins/akismet/akismet.js
index 34d037a5..39089351 100644
--- a/plugins/akismet/akismet.js
+++ b/plugins/akismet/akismet.js
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
jQuery(document).ready(function () {
jQuery('.akismet-status').each(function () {
var thisId = jQuery(this).attr('commentid');
- jQuery(this).prependTo('#comment-' + thisId + ' #submitted-on');
+ jQuery(this).prependTo('#comment-' + thisId + ' .column-comment div:first-child');
jQuery('.akismet-user-comment-count').each(function () {
var thisId = jQuery(this).attr('commentid');
diff --git a/plugins/akismet/akismet.php b/plugins/akismet/akismet.php
index f5a76421..e5428382 100644
--- a/plugins/akismet/akismet.php
+++ b/plugins/akismet/akismet.php
@@ -5,8 +5,8 @@
Plugin Name: Akismet
Plugin URI:
-Description: Used by millions, Akismet is quite possibly the best way in the world to <strong>protect your blog from comment and track-back spam</strong>. It keeps your site protected from spam even while you sleep. To get started: 1) Click the "Activate" link to the left of this description, 2) <a href="">Sign up for an Akismet API key</a>, and 3) Go to your <a href="plugins.php?page=akismet-key-config">Akismet configuration</a> page, and save your API key.
-Version: 2.5.0
+Description: Used by millions, Akismet is quite possibly the best way in the world to <strong>protect your blog from comment and track-back spam</strong>. It keeps your site protected from spam even while you sleep. To get started: 1) Click the "Activate" link to the left of this description, 2) <a href="">Sign up for an Akismet API key</a>, and 3) Go to your <a href="plugins.php?page=akismet-key-config">Akismet configuration</a> page, and save your API key.
+Version: 2.5.1
Author: Automattic
Author URI:
License: GPLv2
@@ -84,8 +84,6 @@ function akismet_verify_key( $key, $ip = null ) {
// if we're in debug or test modes, use a reduced service level so as not to polute training or stats data
function akismet_test_mode() {
- if ( defined('WP_DEBUG') && WP_DEBUG )
- return true;
return true;
return false;
@@ -208,7 +206,7 @@ function akismet_update_comment_history( $comment_id, $message, $event=null ) {
return false;
$user = '';
- if ( is_object($current_user) )
+ if ( is_object($current_user) && isset($current_user->user_login) )
$user = $current_user->user_login;
$event = array(
@@ -298,7 +296,7 @@ function akismet_auto_check_comment( $commentdata ) {
$comment['user_role'] = akismet_get_user_roles($comment['user_ID']);
- $akismet_nonce_option = get_option( 'akismet_comment_nonce' );
+ $akismet_nonce_option = apply_filters( 'akismet_comment_nonce', get_option( 'akismet_comment_nonce' ) );
$comment['akismet_comment_nonce'] = 'inactive';
if ( $akismet_nonce_option == 'true' || $akismet_nonce_option == '' ) {
$comment['akismet_comment_nonce'] = 'failed';
@@ -352,6 +350,7 @@ function akismet_auto_check_comment( $commentdata ) {
if ( $incr = apply_filters('akismet_spam_count_incr', 1) )
update_option( 'akismet_spam_count', get_option('akismet_spam_count') + $incr );
wp_redirect( $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] );
+ die();
@@ -381,9 +380,13 @@ function akismet_delete_old() {
$comment_ids = $wpdb->get_col("SELECT comment_id FROM $wpdb->comments WHERE DATE_SUB('$now_gmt', INTERVAL 15 DAY) > comment_date_gmt AND comment_approved = 'spam'");
if ( empty( $comment_ids ) )
+ $comma_comment_ids = implode( ', ', array_map('intval', $comment_ids) );
do_action( 'delete_comment', $comment_ids );
- $wpdb->query("DELETE FROM $wpdb->comments WHERE comment_id IN ( " . implode( ', ', $comment_ids ) . " )");
+ $wpdb->query("DELETE FROM $wpdb->comments WHERE comment_id IN ( $comma_comment_ids )");
+ $wpdb->query("DELETE FROM $wpdb->commentmeta WHERE comment_id IN ( $comma_comment_ids )");
+ clean_comment_cache( $comment_ids );
$n = mt_rand(1, 5000);
if ( apply_filters('akismet_optimize_table', ($n == 11)) ) // lucky number
$wpdb->query("OPTIMIZE TABLE $wpdb->comments");
@@ -420,7 +423,7 @@ function akismet_check_db_comment( $id, $recheck_reason = 'recheck_queue' ) {
return $response[1];
-function akismet_cron_recheck( $data ) {
+function akismet_cron_recheck() {
global $wpdb;
@@ -429,9 +432,16 @@ function akismet_cron_recheck( $data ) {
SELECT comment_id
FROM {$wpdb->prefix}commentmeta
WHERE meta_key = 'akismet_error'
+ LIMIT 100
" );
foreach ( (array) $comment_errors as $comment_id ) {
+ // if the comment no longer exists, remove the meta entry from the queue to avoid getting stuck
+ if ( !get_comment( $comment_id ) ) {
+ delete_comment_meta( $comment_id, 'akismet_error' );
+ continue;
+ }
add_comment_meta( $comment_id, 'akismet_rechecking', true );
$status = akismet_check_db_comment( $comment_id, 'retry' );
@@ -467,12 +477,21 @@ function akismet_cron_recheck( $data ) {
+ $remaining = $wpdb->get_var( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $wpdb->commentmeta WHERE meta_key = 'akismet_error'" ) );
+ if ( $remaining && !wp_next_scheduled('akismet_schedule_cron_recheck') ) {
+ wp_schedule_single_event( time() + 1200, 'akismet_schedule_cron_recheck' );
+ }
add_action( 'akismet_schedule_cron_recheck', 'akismet_cron_recheck' );
function akismet_add_comment_nonce( $post_id ) {
+ echo '<p style="display: none;">';
wp_nonce_field( 'akismet_comment_nonce_' . $post_id, 'akismet_comment_nonce', FALSE );
+ echo '</p>';
-if ( get_option( 'akismet_comment_nonce' ) == 'true' || get_option( 'akismet_comment_nonce' ) == '' )
+$akismet_comment_nonce_option = apply_filters( 'akismet_comment_nonce', get_option( 'akismet_comment_nonce' ) );
+if ( $akismet_comment_nonce_option == 'true' || $akismet_comment_nonce_option == '' )
add_action( 'comment_form', 'akismet_add_comment_nonce' );
diff --git a/plugins/akismet/readme.txt b/plugins/akismet/readme.txt
index 250fb366..97962ef2 100644
--- a/plugins/akismet/readme.txt
+++ b/plugins/akismet/readme.txt
@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
Contributors: matt, ryan, andy, mdawaffe, tellyworth, josephscott, lessbloat, automattic
Tags: akismet, comments, spam
Requires at least: 3.0
-Tested up to: 3.0
-Stable tag: 2.5.0
+Tested up to: 3.1
+Stable tag: 2.5.1
License: GPLv2
Akismet checks your comments against the Akismet web service to see if they look like spam or not.
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ Major new features in Akismet 2.5 include:
* Moderators can see the number of approved comments for each user
* Spam and Unspam reports now include more information, to help improve accuracy
-PS: You'll need an [ API key]( to use it. Keys are free for personal blogs, with paid subscriptions available for businesses and commercial sites.
+PS: You'll need an [ API key]( to use it. Keys are free for personal blogs, with paid subscriptions available for businesses and commercial sites.
== Installation ==
@@ -31,6 +31,24 @@ Upload the Akismet plugin to your blog, Activate it, then enter your [
== Changelog ==
+= 2.5.1 =
+* Fix a bug that caused the "Auto delete" option to fail to discard comments correctly
+* Remove the comment nonce form field from the 'Akismet Configuration' page in favor of using a filter, akismet_comment_nonce
+* Fixed padding bug in "author" column of posts screen
+* Added margin-top to "cleared by ..." badges on dashboard
+* Fix possible error when calling akismet_cron_recheck()
+* Fix more PHP warnings
+* Clean up XHTML warnings for comment nonce
+* Fix for possible condition where scheduled comment re-checks could get stuck
+* Clean up the comment meta details after deleting a comment
+* Only show the status badge if the comment status has been changed by someone/something other than Akismet
+* Show a 'History' link in the row-actions
+* Translation fixes
+* Reduced font-size on author name
+* Moved "flagged by..." notification to top right corner of comment container and removed heavy styling
+* Hid "flagged by..." notification while on dashboard
= 2.5.0 =
* Track comment actions under 'Akismet Status' on the edit comment screen
diff --git a/plugins/akismet/widget.php b/plugins/akismet/widget.php
index 06bcdb66..e9a3f626 100644
--- a/plugins/akismet/widget.php
+++ b/plugins/akismet/widget.php
@@ -8,11 +8,11 @@ function widget_akismet_register() {
function widget_akismet($args) {
$options = get_option('widget_akismet');
- $count = number_format_i18n(get_option('akismet_spam_count'));
+ $count = get_option('akismet_spam_count');
<?php echo $before_widget; ?>
<?php echo $before_title . $options['title'] . $after_title; ?>
- <div id="akismetwrap"><div id="akismetstats"><a id="aka" href="" title=""><?php printf( __( '%1$s %2$sspam comments%3$s %4$sblocked by%5$s<br />%6$sAkismet%7$s' ), '<span id="akismet1"><span id="akismetcount">' . $count . '</span>', '<span id="akismetsc">', '</span></span>', '<span id="akismet2"><span id="akismetbb">', '</span>', '<span id="akismeta">', '</span></span>' ); ?></a></div></div>
+ <div id="akismetwrap"><div id="akismetstats"><a id="aka" href="" title=""><?php printf( _n( '%1$s%2$s%3$s %4$sspam comment%5$s %6$sblocked by%7$s<br />%8$sAkismet%9$s', '%1$s%2$s%3$s %4$sspam comments%5$s %6$sblocked by%7$s<br />%8$sAkismet%9$s', $count ), '<span id="akismet1"><span id="akismetcount">', number_format_i18n( $count ), '</span>', '<span id="akismetsc">', '</span></span>', '<span id="akismet2"><span id="akismetbb">', '</span>', '<span id="akismeta">', '</span></span>' ); ?></a></div></div>
<?php echo $after_widget; ?>
@@ -85,8 +85,6 @@ function akismet_counter() {
#akismetwrap #akismetstats{background:url(<?php echo get_option('siteurl'), $plugin_dir; ?>/akismet/akismet.gif) no-repeat top left;border:none;color:#fff;font:11px 'Trebuchet MS','Myriad Pro',sans-serif;height:40px;line-height:100%;overflow:hidden;padding:8px 0 0;text-align:center;width:120px}
-$count = number_format_i18n(get_option('akismet_spam_count'));
-<div id="akismetwrap"><div id="akismetstats"><a id="aka" href="" title=""><div id="akismet1"><span id="akismetcount"><?php echo $count; ?></span> <span id="akismetsc"><?php _e('spam comments') ?></span></div> <div id="akismet2"><span id="akismetbb"><?php _e('blocked by') ?></span><br /><span id="akismeta">Akismet</span></div></a></div></div>
+$count = get_option('akismet_spam_count');
+printf( _n( '<div id="akismetwrap"><div id="akismetstats"><a id="aka" href="" title=""><div id="akismet1"><span id="akismetcount">%1$s</span> <span id="akismetsc">spam comment</span></div> <div id="akismet2"><span id="akismetbb">blocked by</span><br /><span id="akismeta">Akismet</span></div></a></div></div>', '<div id="akismetwrap"><div id="akismetstats"><a id="aka" href="" title=""><div id="akismet1"><span id="akismetcount">%1$s</span> <span id="akismetsc">spam comments</span></div> <div id="akismet2"><span id="akismetbb">blocked by</span><br /><span id="akismeta">Akismet</span></div></a></div></div>', $count ), number_format_i18n( $count ) );