LIMIT_LOGIN_DIRECT_ADDR /* Lock out after this many tries */ , 'allowed_retries' => 4 /* Lock out for this many seconds */ , 'lockout_duration' => 1200 // 20 minutes /* Long lock out after this many lockouts */ , 'allowed_lockouts' => 4 /* Long lock out for this many seconds */ , 'long_duration' => 86400 // 24 hours /* Reset failed attempts after this many seconds */ , 'valid_duration' => 43200 // 12 hours /* Also limit malformed/forged cookies? */ , 'cookies' => true /* Notify on lockout. Values: '', 'log', 'email', 'log,email' */ , 'lockout_notify' => 'log' /* If notify by email, do so after this number of lockouts */ , 'notify_email_after' => 4 ); $limit_login_my_error_shown = false; /* have we shown our stuff? */ $limit_login_just_lockedout = false; /* started this pageload??? */ $limit_login_nonempty_credentials = false; /* user and pwd nonempty */ /* * Startup */ limit_login_setup(); /* * Functions start here */ /* Get options and setup filters & actions */ function limit_login_setup() { load_plugin_textdomain('limit-login-attempts', false , dirname(plugin_basename(__FILE__))); limit_login_setup_options(); /* Filters and actions */ add_action('wp_login_failed', 'limit_login_failed'); if (limit_login_option('cookies')) { add_action('plugins_loaded', 'limit_login_handle_cookies', 99999); add_action('auth_cookie_bad_username', 'limit_login_failed_cookie'); global $wp_version; if (version_compare($wp_version, '3.0', '>=')) { add_action('auth_cookie_bad_hash', 'limit_login_failed_cookie_hash'); add_action('auth_cookie_valid', 'limit_login_valid_cookie', 10, 2); } else { add_action('auth_cookie_bad_hash', 'limit_login_failed_cookie'); } } add_filter('wp_authenticate_user', 'limit_login_wp_authenticate_user', 99999, 2); add_filter('shake_error_codes', 'limit_login_failure_shake'); add_action('login_head', 'limit_login_add_error_message'); add_action('login_errors', 'limit_login_fixup_error_messages'); add_action('admin_menu', 'limit_login_admin_menu'); /* * This action should really be changed to the 'authenticate' filter as * it will probably be deprecated. That is however only available in * later versions of WP. */ add_action('wp_authenticate', 'limit_login_track_credentials', 10, 2); } /* Get current option value */ function limit_login_option($option_name) { global $limit_login_options; if (isset($limit_login_options[$option_name])) { return $limit_login_options[$option_name]; } else { return null; } } /* Get correct remote address */ function limit_login_get_address($type_name = '') { $type = $type_name; if (empty($type)) { $type = limit_login_option('client_type'); } if (isset($_SERVER[$type])) { return $_SERVER[$type]; } /* * Not found. Did we get proxy type from option? * If so, try to fall back to direct address. */ if ( empty($type_name) && $type == LIMIT_LOGIN_PROXY_ADDR && isset($_SERVER[LIMIT_LOGIN_DIRECT_ADDR])) { /* * NOTE: Even though we fall back to direct address -- meaning you * can get a mostly working plugin when set to PROXY mode while in * fact directly connected to Internet it is not safe! * * Client can itself send HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR header fooling us * regarding which IP should be banned. */ return $_SERVER[LIMIT_LOGIN_DIRECT_ADDR]; } return ''; } /* Check if it is ok to login */ function is_limit_login_ok() { $ip = limit_login_get_address(); /* lockout active? */ $lockouts = get_option('limit_login_lockouts'); return (!is_array($lockouts) || !isset($lockouts[$ip]) || time() >= $lockouts[$ip]); } /* Filter: allow login attempt? (called from wp_authenticate()) */ function limit_login_wp_authenticate_user($user, $password) { if (is_wp_error($user) || is_limit_login_ok() ) { return $user; } global $limit_login_my_error_shown; $limit_login_my_error_shown = true; $error = new WP_Error(); // This error should be the same as in "shake it" filter below $error->add('too_many_retries', limit_login_error_msg()); return $error; } /* Filter: add this failure to login page "Shake it!" */ function limit_login_failure_shake($error_codes) { $error_codes[] = 'too_many_retries'; return $error_codes; } /* * Action: called in plugin_loaded (really early) to make sure we do not allow * auth cookies while locked out. */ function limit_login_handle_cookies() { if (is_limit_login_ok()) { return; } limit_login_clear_auth_cookie(); } /* * Action: failed cookie login hash * * Make sure same invalid cookie doesn't get counted more than once. * * Requires WordPress version 3.0.0, previous versions use limit_login_failed_cookie() */ function limit_login_failed_cookie_hash($cookie_elements) { limit_login_clear_auth_cookie(); /* * Under some conditions an invalid auth cookie will be used multiple * times, which results in multiple failed attempts from that one * cookie. * * Unfortunately I've not been able to replicate this consistently and * thus have not been able to make sure what the exact cause is. * * Probably it is because a reload of for example the admin dashboard * might result in multiple requests from the browser before the invalid * cookie can be cleard. * * Handle this by only counting the first attempt when the exact same * cookie is attempted for a user. */ extract($cookie_elements, EXTR_OVERWRITE); // Check if cookie is for a valid user $user = get_userdatabylogin($username); if (!$user) { // "shouldn't happen" for this action limit_login_failed($username); return; } $previous_cookie = get_user_meta($user->ID, 'limit_login_previous_cookie', true); if ($previous_cookie && $previous_cookie == $cookie_elements) { // Identical cookies, ignore this attempt return; } // Store cookie if ($previous_cookie) update_user_meta($user->ID, 'limit_login_previous_cookie', $cookie_elements); else add_user_meta($user->ID, 'limit_login_previous_cookie', $cookie_elements, true); limit_login_failed($username); } /* * Action: successful cookie login * * Clear any stored user_meta. * * Requires WordPress version 3.0.0, not used in previous versions */ function limit_login_valid_cookie($cookie_elements, $user) { /* * As all meta values get cached on user load this should not require * any extra work for the common case of no stored value. */ if (get_user_meta($user->ID, 'limit_login_previous_cookie')) { delete_user_meta($user->ID, 'limit_login_previous_cookie'); } } /* Action: failed cookie login (calls limit_login_failed()) */ function limit_login_failed_cookie($cookie_elements) { limit_login_clear_auth_cookie(); /* * Invalid username gets counted every time. */ limit_login_failed($cookie_elements['username']); } /* Make sure auth cookie really get cleared (for this session too) */ function limit_login_clear_auth_cookie() { wp_clear_auth_cookie(); if (!empty($_COOKIE[AUTH_COOKIE])) { $_COOKIE[AUTH_COOKIE] = ''; } if (!empty($_COOKIE[SECURE_AUTH_COOKIE])) { $_COOKIE[SECURE_AUTH_COOKIE] = ''; } if (!empty($_COOKIE[LOGGED_IN_COOKIE])) { $_COOKIE[LOGGED_IN_COOKIE] = ''; } } /* * Action when login attempt failed * * Increase nr of retries (if necessary). Reset valid value. Setup * lockout if nr of retries are above threshold. And more! */ function limit_login_failed($username) { $ip = limit_login_get_address(); /* if currently locked-out, do not add to retries */ $lockouts = get_option('limit_login_lockouts'); if (!is_array($lockouts)) { $lockouts = array(); } if(isset($lockouts[$ip]) && time() < $lockouts[$ip]) { return; } /* Get the arrays with retries and retries-valid information */ $retries = get_option('limit_login_retries'); $valid = get_option('limit_login_retries_valid'); if (!is_array($retries)) { $retries = array(); add_option('limit_login_retries', $retries, '', 'no'); } if (!is_array($valid)) { $valid = array(); add_option('limit_login_retries_valid', $valid, '', 'no'); } /* Check validity and add one to retries */ if (isset($retries[$ip]) && isset($valid[$ip]) && time() < $valid[$ip]) { $retries[$ip] ++; } else { $retries[$ip] = 1; } $valid[$ip] = time() + limit_login_option('valid_duration'); /* lockout? */ if($retries[$ip] % limit_login_option('allowed_retries') != 0) { /* * Not lockout (yet!) * Do housecleaning (which also saves retry/valid values). */ limit_login_cleanup($retries, null, $valid); return; } /* lockout! */ global $limit_login_just_lockedout; $limit_login_just_lockedout = true; /* setup lockout, reset retries as needed */ $retries_long = limit_login_option('allowed_retries') * limit_login_option('allowed_lockouts'); if ($retries[$ip] >= $retries_long) { /* long lockout */ $lockouts[$ip] = time() + limit_login_option('long_duration'); unset($retries[$ip]); unset($valid[$ip]); } else { /* normal lockout */ $lockouts[$ip] = time() + limit_login_option('lockout_duration'); } /* do housecleaning and save values */ limit_login_cleanup($retries, $lockouts, $valid); /* do any notification */ limit_login_notify($username); /* increase statistics */ $total = get_option('limit_login_lockouts_total'); if ($total === false || !is_numeric($total)) { add_option('limit_login_lockouts_total', 1, '', 'no'); } else { update_option('limit_login_lockouts_total', $total + 1); } } /* Clean up old lockouts and retries, and save supplied arrays */ function limit_login_cleanup($retries = null, $lockouts = null, $valid = null) { $now = time(); $lockouts = !is_null($lockouts) ? $lockouts : get_option('limit_login_lockouts'); /* remove old lockouts */ if (is_array($lockouts)) { foreach ($lockouts as $ip => $lockout) { if ($lockout < $now) { unset($lockouts[$ip]); } } update_option('limit_login_lockouts', $lockouts); } /* remove retries that are no longer valid */ $valid = !is_null($valid) ? $valid : get_option('limit_login_retries_valid'); $retries = !is_null($retries) ? $retries : get_option('limit_login_retries'); if (!is_array($valid) || !is_array($retries)) { return; } foreach ($valid as $ip => $lockout) { if ($lockout < $now) { unset($valid[$ip]); unset($retries[$ip]); } } /* go through retries directly, if for some reason they've gone out of sync */ foreach ($retries as $ip => $retry) { if (!isset($valid[$ip])) { unset($retries[$ip]); } } update_option('limit_login_retries', $retries); update_option('limit_login_retries_valid', $valid); } /* Is this WP Multisite? */ function is_limit_login_multisite() { return function_exists('get_site_option') && function_exists('is_multisite') && is_multisite(); } /* Email notification of lockout to admin (if configured) */ function limit_login_notify_email($user) { $ip = limit_login_get_address(); $retries = get_option('limit_login_retries'); if (!is_array($retries)) { $retries = array(); } /* check if we are at the right nr to do notification */ if ( isset($retries[$ip]) && ( ($retries[$ip] / limit_login_option('allowed_retries')) % limit_login_option('notify_email_after') ) != 0 ) { return; } /* Format message. First current lockout duration */ if (!isset($retries[$ip])) { /* longer lockout */ $count = limit_login_option('allowed_retries') * limit_login_option('allowed_lockouts'); $lockouts = limit_login_option('allowed_lockouts'); $time = round(limit_login_option('long_duration') / 3600); $when = sprintf(_n('%d hour', '%d hours', $time, 'limit-login-attempts'), $time); } else { /* normal lockout */ $count = $retries[$ip]; $lockouts = floor($count / limit_login_option('allowed_retries')); $time = round(limit_login_option('lockout_duration') / 60); $when = sprintf(_n('%d minute', '%d minutes', $time, 'limit-login-attempts'), $time); } $blogname = is_limit_login_multisite() ? get_site_option('site_name') : get_option('blogname'); $subject = sprintf(__("[%s] Too many failed login attempts", 'limit-login-attempts') , $blogname); $message = sprintf(__("%d failed login attempts (%d lockout(s)) from IP: %s" , 'limit-login-attempts') . "\r\n\r\n" , $count, $lockouts, $ip); if ($user != '') { $message .= sprintf(__("Last user attempted: %s", 'limit-login-attempts') . "\r\n\r\n" , $user); } $message .= sprintf(__("IP was blocked for %s", 'limit-login-attempts'), $when); $admin_email = is_limit_login_multisite() ? get_site_option('admin_email') : get_option('admin_email'); @wp_mail($admin_email, $subject, $message); } /* Logging of lockout (if configured) */ function limit_login_notify_log($user) { $log = get_option('limit_login_logged'); $ip = limit_login_get_address(); if (!is_array($log)) { $log = array($ip => array($user => 1)); add_option('limit_login_logged', $log, '', 'no'); /* no autoload */ } else { /* can be written much simpler, if you do not mind php warnings */ if (isset($log[$ip])) { if (isset($log[$ip][$user])) { $log[$ip][$user]++; } else { $log[$ip][$user] = 1; } } else { $log[$ip] = array($user => 1); } update_option('limit_login_logged', $log); } } /* Handle notification in event of lockout */ function limit_login_notify($user) { $args = explode(',', limit_login_option('lockout_notify')); if (empty($args)) { return; } foreach ($args as $mode) { switch (trim($mode)) { case 'email': limit_login_notify_email($user); break; case 'log': limit_login_notify_log($user); break; } } } /* Construct informative error message */ function limit_login_error_msg() { $ip = limit_login_get_address(); $lockouts = get_option('limit_login_lockouts'); $msg = __('ERROR: Too many failed login attempts.', 'limit-login-attempts') . ' '; if (!is_array($lockouts) || !isset($lockouts[$ip]) || time() >= $lockouts[$ip]) { /* Huh? No timeout active? */ $msg .= __('Please try again later.', 'limit-login-attempts'); return $msg; } $when = ceil(($lockouts[$ip] - time()) / 60); if ($when > 60) { $when = ceil($when / 60); $msg .= sprintf(_n('Please try again in %d hour.', 'Please try again in %d hours.', $when, 'limit-login-attempts'), $when); } else { $msg .= sprintf(_n('Please try again in %d minute.', 'Please try again in %d minutes.', $when, 'limit-login-attempts'), $when); } return $msg; } /* Construct retries remaining message */ function limit_login_retries_remaining_msg() { $ip = limit_login_get_address(); $retries = get_option('limit_login_retries'); $valid = get_option('limit_login_retries_valid'); /* Should we show retries remaining? */ if (!is_array($retries) || !is_array($valid)) { /* no retries at all */ return ''; } if (!isset($retries[$ip]) || !isset($valid[$ip]) || time() > $valid[$ip]) { /* no: no valid retries */ return ''; } if (($retries[$ip] % limit_login_option('allowed_retries')) == 0 ) { /* no: already been locked out for these retries */ return ''; } $remaining = max((limit_login_option('allowed_retries') - ($retries[$ip] % limit_login_option('allowed_retries'))), 0); return sprintf(_n("%d attempt remaining.", "%d attempts remaining.", $remaining, 'limit-login-attempts'), $remaining); } /* Return current (error) message to show, if any */ function limit_login_get_message() { if (!is_limit_login_ok()) { return limit_login_error_msg(); } return limit_login_retries_remaining_msg(); } /* Should we show errors and messages on this page? */ function should_limit_login_show_msg() { if (isset($_GET['key'])) { /* reset password */ return false; } $action = isset($_REQUEST['action']) ? $_REQUEST['action'] : ''; return ( $action != 'lostpassword' && $action != 'retrievepassword' && $action != 'resetpass' && $action != 'rp' && $action != 'register' ); } /* Fix up the error message before showing it */ function limit_login_fixup_error_messages($content) { global $limit_login_just_lockedout, $limit_login_nonempty_credentials, $limit_login_my_error_shown; if (!should_limit_login_show_msg()) { return $content; } /* * During lockout we do not want to show any other error messages (like * unknown user or empty password). */ if (!is_limit_login_ok() && !$limit_login_just_lockedout) { return limit_login_error_msg(); } /* * We want to filter the messages 'Invalid username' and * 'Invalid password' as that is an information leak regarding user * account names (prior to WP 2.9?). * * Also, if more than one error message, put an extra
tag between * them. */ $msgs = explode("
\n", $content); if (strlen(end($msgs)) == 0) { /* remove last entry empty string */ array_pop($msgs); } $count = count($msgs); $my_warn_count = $limit_login_my_error_shown ? 1 : 0; if ($limit_login_nonempty_credentials && $count > $my_warn_count) { /* Replace error message, including ours if necessary */ $content = __('ERROR: Incorrect username or password.', 'limit-login-attempts') . "
\n"; if ($limit_login_my_error_shown) { $content .= "
\n" . limit_login_get_message() . "
\n"; } return $content; } elseif ($count <= 1) { return $content; } $new = ''; while ($count-- > 0) { $new .= array_shift($msgs) . "
\n"; if ($count > 0) { $new .= "
\n"; } } return $new; } /* Add a message to login page when necessary */ function limit_login_add_error_message() { global $error, $limit_login_my_error_shown; if (!should_limit_login_show_msg() || $limit_login_my_error_shown) { return; } $msg = limit_login_get_message(); if ($msg != '') { $limit_login_my_error_shown = true; $error .= $msg; } return; } /* Keep track of if user or password are empty, to filter errors correctly */ function limit_login_track_credentials($user, $password) { global $limit_login_nonempty_credentials; $limit_login_nonempty_credentials = (!empty($user) && !empty($password)); } /* * Admin stuff */ /* Make a guess if we are behind a proxy or not */ function limit_login_guess_proxy() { return isset($_SERVER[LIMIT_LOGIN_PROXY_ADDR]) ? LIMIT_LOGIN_PROXY_ADDR : LIMIT_LOGIN_DIRECT_ADDR; } /* Only change var if option exists */ function limit_login_get_option($option, $var_name) { $a = get_option($option); if ($a !== false) { global $limit_login_options; $limit_login_options[$var_name] = $a; } } /* Setup global variables from options */ function limit_login_setup_options() { limit_login_get_option('limit_login_client_type', 'client_type'); limit_login_get_option('limit_login_allowed_retries', 'allowed_retries'); limit_login_get_option('limit_login_lockout_duration', 'lockout_duration'); limit_login_get_option('limit_login_valid_duration', 'valid_duration'); limit_login_get_option('limit_login_cookies', 'cookies'); limit_login_get_option('limit_login_lockout_notify', 'lockout_notify'); limit_login_get_option('limit_login_allowed_lockouts', 'allowed_lockouts'); limit_login_get_option('limit_login_long_duration', 'long_duration'); limit_login_get_option('limit_login_notify_email_after', 'notify_email_after'); limit_login_sanitize_variables(); } /* Update options in db from global variables */ function limit_login_update_options() { update_option('limit_login_client_type', limit_login_option('client_type')); update_option('limit_login_allowed_retries', limit_login_option('allowed_retries')); update_option('limit_login_lockout_duration', limit_login_option('lockout_duration')); update_option('limit_login_allowed_lockouts', limit_login_option('allowed_lockouts')); update_option('limit_login_long_duration', limit_login_option('long_duration')); update_option('limit_login_valid_duration', limit_login_option('valid_duration')); update_option('limit_login_lockout_notify', limit_login_option('lockout_notify')); update_option('limit_login_notify_email_after', limit_login_option('notify_email_after')); update_option('limit_login_cookies', limit_login_option('cookies') ? '1' : '0'); } /* Make sure the variables make sense -- simple integer */ function limit_login_sanitize_simple_int($var_name) { global $limit_login_options; $limit_login_options[$var_name] = max(1, intval(limit_login_option($var_name))); } /* Make sure the variables make sense */ function limit_login_sanitize_variables() { global $limit_login_options; limit_login_sanitize_simple_int('allowed_retries'); limit_login_sanitize_simple_int('lockout_duration'); limit_login_sanitize_simple_int('valid_duration'); limit_login_sanitize_simple_int('allowed_lockouts'); limit_login_sanitize_simple_int('long_duration'); $limit_login_options['cookies'] = !!limit_login_option('cookies'); $notify_email_after = max(1, intval(limit_login_option('notify_email_after'))); $limit_login_options['notify_email_after'] = min(limit_login_option('allowed_lockouts'), $notify_email_after); $args = explode(',', limit_login_option('lockout_notify')); $args_allowed = explode(',', LIMIT_LOGIN_LOCKOUT_NOTIFY_ALLOWED); $new_args = array(); foreach ($args as $a) { if (in_array($a, $args_allowed)) { $new_args[] = $a; } } $limit_login_options['lockout_notify'] = implode(',', $new_args); if ( limit_login_option('client_type') != LIMIT_LOGIN_DIRECT_ADDR && limit_login_option('client_type') != LIMIT_LOGIN_PROXY_ADDR ) { $limit_login_options['client_type'] = LIMIT_LOGIN_DIRECT_ADDR; } } /* Add admin options page */ function limit_login_admin_menu() { global $wp_version; // Modern WP? if (version_compare($wp_version, '3.0', '>=')) { add_options_page('Limit Login Attempts', 'Limit Login Attempts', 'manage_options', 'limit-login-attempts', 'limit_login_option_page'); return; } // Older WPMU? if (function_exists("get_current_site")) { add_submenu_page('wpmu-admin.php', 'Limit Login Attempts', 'Limit Login Attempts', 9, 'limit-login-attempts', 'limit_login_option_page'); return; } // Older WP add_options_page('Limit Login Attempts', 'Limit Login Attempts', 9, 'limit-login-attempts', 'limit_login_option_page'); } /* Show log on admin page */ function limit_login_show_log($log) { if (!is_array($log) || count($log) == 0) { return; } echo('' . _x("IP", "Internet address", 'limit-login-attempts') . '' . __('Tried to log in as', 'limit-login-attempts') . ''); foreach ($log as $ip => $arr) { echo('' . $ip . ''); $first = true; foreach($arr as $user => $count) { $count_desc = sprintf(_n('%d lockout', '%d lockouts', $count, 'limit-login-attempts'), $count); if (!$first) { echo(', ' . $user . ' (' . $count_desc . ')'); } else { echo($user . ' (' . $count_desc . ')'); } $first = false; } echo(''); } } /* Actual admin page */ function limit_login_option_page() { limit_login_cleanup(); if (!current_user_can('manage_options')) { wp_die('Sorry, but you do not have permissions to change settings.'); } /* Make sure post was from this page */ if (count($_POST) > 0) { check_admin_referer('limit-login-attempts-options'); } /* Should we clear log? */ if (isset($_POST['clear_log'])) { update_option('limit_login_logged', ''); echo '

' . __('Cleared IP log', 'limit-login-attempts') . '

'; } /* Should we reset counter? */ if (isset($_POST['reset_total'])) { update_option('limit_login_lockouts_total', 0); echo '

' . __('Reset lockout count', 'limit-login-attempts') . '

'; } /* Should we restore current lockouts? */ if (isset($_POST['reset_current'])) { update_option('limit_login_lockouts', array()); echo '

' . __('Cleared current lockouts', 'limit-login-attempts') . '

'; } /* Should we update options? */ if (isset($_POST['update_options'])) { global $limit_login_options; $limit_login_options['client_type'] = $_POST['client_type']; $limit_login_options['allowed_retries'] = $_POST['allowed_retries']; $limit_login_options['lockout_duration'] = $_POST['lockout_duration'] * 60; $limit_login_options['valid_duration'] = $_POST['valid_duration'] * 3600; $limit_login_options['allowed_lockouts'] = $_POST['allowed_lockouts']; $limit_login_options['long_duration'] = $_POST['long_duration'] * 3600; $limit_login_options['notify_email_after'] = $_POST['email_after']; $limit_login_options['cookies'] = (isset($_POST['cookies']) && $_POST['cookies'] == '1'); $v = array(); if (isset($_POST['lockout_notify_log'])) { $v[] = 'log'; } if (isset($_POST['lockout_notify_email'])) { $v[] = 'email'; } $limit_login_options['lockout_notify'] = implode(',', $v); limit_login_sanitize_variables(); limit_login_update_options(); echo '

' . __('Options changed', 'limit-login-attempts') . '

'; } $lockouts_total = get_option('limit_login_lockouts_total', 0); $lockouts = get_option('limit_login_lockouts'); $lockouts_now = is_array($lockouts) ? count($lockouts) : 0; $cookies_yes = limit_login_option('cookies') ? ' checked ' : ''; $cookies_no = limit_login_option('cookies') ? '' : ' checked '; $client_type = limit_login_option('client_type'); $client_type_direct = $client_type == LIMIT_LOGIN_DIRECT_ADDR ? ' checked ' : ''; $client_type_proxy = $client_type == LIMIT_LOGIN_PROXY_ADDR ? ' checked ' : ''; $client_type_guess = limit_login_guess_proxy(); if ($client_type_guess == LIMIT_LOGIN_DIRECT_ADDR) { $client_type_message = sprintf(__('It appears the site is reached directly (from your IP: %s)','limit-login-attempts'), limit_login_get_address(LIMIT_LOGIN_DIRECT_ADDR)); } else { $client_type_message = sprintf(__('It appears the site is reached through a proxy server (proxy IP: %s, your IP: %s)','limit-login-attempts'), limit_login_get_address(LIMIT_LOGIN_DIRECT_ADDR), limit_login_get_address(LIMIT_LOGIN_PROXY_ADDR)); } $client_type_message .= '
'; $client_type_warning = ''; if ($client_type != $client_type_guess) { $faq = ''; $client_type_warning = '

' . sprintf(__('Current setting appears to be invalid. Please make sure it is correct. Further information can be found here','limit-login-attempts'), $faq); } $v = explode(',', limit_login_option('lockout_notify')); $log_checked = in_array('log', $v) ? ' checked ' : ''; $email_checked = in_array('email', $v) ? ' checked ' : ''; ?>

0) { ?>
0) { ?>

value="log" />
value="email" />

0) { ?>