/* yuicompress openid.js -o openid.min.js * @see http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/compressor/ */ jQuery(function() { jQuery('#openid_system_status').hide(); jQuery('#openid_status_link').click( function() { jQuery('#openid_system_status').toggle(); return false; }); }); function stylize_profilelink() { jQuery("#commentform a[href$='profile.php']").addClass('openid_link'); } /** * Properly integrate the 'Authenticate with OpenID' checkbox into the comment form. * This will move the checkbox below the Website field, and add an AJAX hook to * show/hide the checkbox depending on whether the given URL is a valid OpenID. */ function add_openid_to_comment_form(wp_url, nonce) { var openid_nonce = nonce; var openid_comment = jQuery('#openid_comment'); var openid_checkbox = jQuery('#login_with_openid'); var url = jQuery('#url'); jQuery('label[for="url"],#url').filter(':last').after(openid_comment.hide()); if ( url.val() ) check_openid( url ); url.blur( function() { check_openid(jQuery(this)); } ); /** * Make AJAX call to WordPress to check if the given URL is a valid OpenID. * AJAX response should be a JSON structure with two values: * 'valid' - (boolean) whether or not the given URL is a valid OpenID * 'nonce' - (string) new nonce to use for next AJAX call */ function check_openid( url ) { url.addClass('openid_loading'); if ( url.val() == '' ) { openid_checkbox.attr('checked', ''); openid_comment.slideUp(); return; } jQuery.getJSON(wp_url + '?openid=ajax', {url: url.val(), _wpnonce: openid_nonce}, function(data, textStatus) { url.removeClass('openid_loading'); if ( data.valid ) { openid_checkbox.attr('checked', 'checked'); openid_comment.slideDown(); } else { openid_checkbox.attr('checked', ''); openid_comment.slideUp(); } openid_nonce = data.nonce; }); } }