cat_ID, $setting_inactive_categories)) $inactive_categories[] = $category->cat_ID; } // ------------------------------------ // // Depending on the language settings, not all pages might be visible at the same time $setting_inactive_pages = WMobilePack_Options::get_setting('inactive_pages'); $inactive_pages = array(); $no_root_pages = 0; $inactive_root_pages = 0; // Compose inactive pages array with only the visible pages foreach ($all_pages as $key => $page) { if (intval($page->post_parent) == 0) { $no_root_pages++; } if (in_array($page->ID, $setting_inactive_pages)){ $inactive_pages[] = $page->ID; if (intval($page->post_parent) == 0) { $inactive_root_pages++; } } } // ------------------------------------ // // Load Free or Premium menu $menu_type = 'free'; if (WMobilePack_Options::get_setting('premium_active') == 1 && WMobilePack_Options::get_setting('premium_api_key') != '') { $menu_type = 'premium_classic'; $kit_type = WMobilePack::get_kit_type(); if ($kit_type == 'wpmp'){ $menu_type = 'premium_wpmp'; } } ?>

When using Polylang, please make sure to select "Show all languages" when ordering categories. Inconsistent ordering will result otherwise.


Choose what categories to be displayed in your mobile web application. Click on the rows to below to show/hide categories and order them by dragging the corresponding row on the desired position.

0): ?>
Since you deactivated all your categories, no content will be displayed in your mobile web app!
    cat_ID == $category_id){ $arrOrderedCategories[] = clone $category; break; } } } // copy categories that don't have an order yet (they were added after the categories were sorted) foreach($categories as $category){ $added = false; foreach ($arrOrderedCategories as $key => $ordered_category){ if ($category->cat_ID == $ordered_category->cat_ID){ $added = true; break; } } if (!$added){ $arrOrderedCategories[] = clone $category; } } } else $arrOrderedCategories = $categories; $categories_details = WMobilePack_Options::get_setting('categories_details'); foreach ($arrOrderedCategories as $key => $category): $status = 'active'; if (in_array($category->cat_ID, $inactive_categories)) $status = 'inactive'; // check category icon path $icon_path = ''; if (is_array($categories_details)) { if (array_key_exists($category->cat_ID, $categories_details)) { if (is_array($categories_details[$category->cat_ID])) { if (array_key_exists('icon', $categories_details[$category->cat_ID])) { $icon_path = $categories_details[$category->cat_ID]['icon']; if ($icon_path != ''){ if (!file_exists(WMP_FILES_UPLOADS_DIR . $icon_path)) $icon_path = ''; else $icon_path = WMP_FILES_UPLOADS_URL . $icon_path; } } } } } ?>
  • style="background-image: url();"> name;?> category_count != 1 ? $category->category_count.' posts' : '1 post';?> published

No categories to display!

Since you don't have any categories, no content will be displayed in your mobile web app!


Choose what pages you want to display on your mobile web application. You can edit, show or hide different pages. The Page Order can be set from the 'Pages' administrative panel.

Please note that deactivating a parent page will also hide its child pages on the mobile version.

0): ?>
You deactivated all your main pages, no content will be displayed in your mobile web app!
ID, $inactive_pages) ? 'inactive' : 'active'; ?>
  • post_title; ?>

    No pages to display!

    You don't have any pages to be displayed in your mobile web app!