# Maintained in full by: # Catalyst Team # Release Engineering Team # Andrew Gaffney # Chris Gianelloni # $Id$ import argparse import datetime import os import sys from snakeoil import process from snakeoil.process import namespaces from DeComp.definitions import (COMPRESS_DEFINITIONS, DECOMPRESS_DEFINITIONS, CONTENTS_DEFINITIONS) from DeComp.contents import ContentsMap from catalyst import log import catalyst.config from catalyst.defaults import confdefaults, option_messages, DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE from catalyst.hash_utils import HashMap, HASH_DEFINITIONS from catalyst.support import CatalystError from catalyst.version import get_version conf_values={} def version(): log.info(get_version()) log.info('Copyright 2003-%s Gentoo Foundation', datetime.datetime.now().year) log.info('Copyright 2008-2012 various authors') log.info('Distributed under the GNU General Public License version 2.1') def parse_config(config_files): # search a couple of different areas for the main config file myconf={} # try and parse the config file "config_file" for config_file in config_files: log.notice('Loading configuration file: %s', config_file) try: config = catalyst.config.ConfigParser(config_file) myconf.update(config.get_values()) except Exception as e: log.critical('Could not find parse configuration file: %s: %s', config_file, e) # now, load up the values into conf_values so that we can use them for x in list(confdefaults): if x in myconf: if x == 'options': conf_values[x] = set(myconf[x].split()) elif x in ["decompressor_search_order"]: conf_values[x] = myconf[x].split() else: conf_values[x]=myconf[x] else: conf_values[x]=confdefaults[x] # add our python base directory to use for loading target arch's conf_values["PythonDir"] = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) # print out any options messages for opt in conf_values['options']: if opt in option_messages: log.info(option_messages[opt]) for key in ["digests", "envscript", "var_tmpfs_portage", "port_logdir", "local_overlay"]: if key in myconf: conf_values[key] = myconf[key] if "contents" in myconf: # replace '-' with '_' (for compatibility with existing configs) conf_values["contents"] = myconf["contents"].replace("-", '_') if "envscript" in myconf: log.info('Envscript support enabled.') # take care of any variable substitutions that may be left for x in list(conf_values): if isinstance(conf_values[x], str): conf_values[x] = conf_values[x] % conf_values def import_module(target): """ import catalyst's own modules (i.e. targets and the arch modules) """ try: mod_name = "catalyst.targets." + target module = __import__(mod_name, [],[], ["not empty"]) except ImportError: log.critical('Python module import error: %s', target, exc_info=True) return module def build_target(addlargs): try: target = addlargs["target"].replace('-', '_') module = import_module(target) target = getattr(module, target)(conf_values, addlargs) except AttributeError: raise CatalystError( "Target \"%s\" not available." % target, print_traceback=True) except CatalystError: return False return target.run() class FilePath(object): """Argparse type for getting a path to a file.""" def __init__(self, exists=True): self.exists = exists def __call__(self, string): if not os.path.exists(string): raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError('file does not exist: %s' % string) return string def __repr__(self): return '%s(exists=%s)' % (type(self).__name__, self.exists) def get_parser(): """Return an argument parser""" epilog = """Usage examples: Using the commandline option (-C, --cli) to build a Portage snapshot: $ catalyst -C target=snapshot version_stamp=my_date Using the snapshot option (-s, --snapshot) to build a release snapshot: $ catalyst -s 20071121 Using the specfile option (-f, --file) to build a stage target: $ catalyst -f stage1-specfile.spec""" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(epilog=epilog, formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument('-V', '--version', action='version', version=get_version(), help='display version information') group = parser.add_argument_group('Program output options') group.add_argument('-d', '--debug', default=False, action='store_true', help='enable debugging (and default --log-level debug)') group.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', default=False, action='store_true', help='verbose output (and default --log-level info)') group.add_argument('--log-level', default=None, choices=('critical', 'error', 'warning', 'notice', 'info', 'debug'), help='set verbosity of output (default: notice)') group.add_argument('--log-file', type=FilePath(exists=False), help='write all output to this file (instead of stdout)') group.add_argument('--color', default=None, action='store_true', help='colorize output all the time (default: detect)') group.add_argument('--nocolor', dest='color', action='store_false', help='never colorize output all the time (default: detect)') group = parser.add_argument_group('Developer options') group.add_argument('--trace', default=False, action='store_true', help='trace program output (akin to `sh -x`)') group.add_argument('--profile', default=False, action='store_true', help='profile program execution') group = parser.add_argument_group('Temporary file management') group.add_argument('-a', '--clear-autoresume', default=False, action='store_true', help='clear autoresume flags') group.add_argument('-p', '--purge', default=False, action='store_true', help='clear tmp dirs, package cache, autoresume flags') group.add_argument('-P', '--purgeonly', default=False, action='store_true', help='clear tmp dirs, package cache, autoresume flags and exit') group.add_argument('-T', '--purgetmponly', default=False, action='store_true', help='clear tmp dirs and autoresume flags and exit') group.add_argument('--versioned-cachedir', dest='versioned_cachedir', action='store_true', help='use stage version on cache directory name') group.add_argument('--unversioned-cachedir', dest='versioned_cachedir', action='store_false', help='do not use stage version on cache directory name') group.set_defaults(versioned_cachedir=False) group = parser.add_argument_group('Target/config file management') group.add_argument('-F', '--fetchonly', default=False, action='store_true', help='fetch files only') group.add_argument('-c', '--configs', type=FilePath(), action='append', help='use specified configuration files') group.add_argument('-f', '--file', type=FilePath(), help='read specfile') group.add_argument('-s', '--snapshot', help='generate a release snapshot') group.add_argument('-C', '--cli', default=[], nargs=argparse.REMAINDER, help='catalyst commandline (MUST BE LAST OPTION)') return parser def trace(func, *args, **kwargs): """Run |func| through the trace module (akin to `sh -x`)""" import trace # Ignore common system modules we use. ignoremods = set(( 'argparse', 'genericpath', 'gettext', 'locale', 'os', 'posixpath', 're', 'sre_compile', 'sre_parse', 'sys', 'tempfile', 'threading', 'UserDict', )) # Ignore all the system modules. ignoredirs = set(sys.path) # But try to strip out the catalyst paths. try: ignoredirs.remove(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname( os.path.realpath(__file__)))) except KeyError: pass tracer = trace.Trace( count=False, trace=True, timing=True, ignoremods=ignoremods, ignoredirs=ignoredirs) return tracer.runfunc(func, *args, **kwargs) def profile(func, *args, **kwargs): """Run |func| through the profile module""" # Should make this an option. sort_keys = ('time',) # Collect the profile. import cProfile profiler = cProfile.Profile(subcalls=True, builtins=True) try: ret = profiler.runcall(func, *args, **kwargs) finally: # Then process the results. import pstats stats = pstats.Stats(profiler, stream=sys.stderr) stats.strip_dirs().sort_stats(*sort_keys).print_stats() return ret def main(argv): """The main entry point for frontends to use""" parser = get_parser() opts = parser.parse_args(argv) if opts.trace: return trace(_main, parser, opts) elif opts.profile: return profile(_main, parser, opts) else: return _main(parser, opts) def _main(parser, opts): """The "main" main function so we can trace/profile.""" # Initialize the logger before anything else. log_level = opts.log_level if log_level is None: if opts.debug: log_level = 'debug' elif opts.verbose: log_level = 'info' else: log_level = 'notice' log.setup_logging(log_level, output=opts.log_file, debug=opts.debug, color=opts.color) # Parse the command line options. myconfigs = opts.configs if not myconfigs: myconfigs = [DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE] myspecfile = opts.file mycmdline = opts.cli[:] if opts.snapshot: mycmdline.append('target=snapshot') mycmdline.append('version_stamp=' + opts.snapshot) conf_values['DEBUG'] = opts.debug conf_values['VERBOSE'] = opts.debug or opts.verbose options = set() if opts.fetchonly: options.add('fetch') if opts.purge: options.add('purge') if opts.purgeonly: options.add('purgeonly') if opts.purgetmponly: options.add('purgetmponly') if opts.clear_autoresume: options.add('clear-autoresume') # Make sure we have some work before moving further. if not myspecfile and not mycmdline: parser.error('please specify one of either -f or -C or -s') # made it this far so start by outputting our version info version() # import configuration file and import our main module using those settings parse_config(myconfigs) conf_values["options"].update(options) log.notice('conf_values[options] = %s', conf_values['options']) # initialize our contents generator contents_map = ContentsMap(CONTENTS_DEFINITIONS, comp_prog=conf_values['comp_prog'], decomp_opt=conf_values['decomp_opt'], list_xattrs_opt=conf_values['list_xattrs_opt']) conf_values["contents_map"] = contents_map # initialze our hash and contents generators hash_map = HashMap(HASH_DEFINITIONS) conf_values["hash_map"] = hash_map # initialize our (de)compression definitions conf_values['decompress_definitions'] = DECOMPRESS_DEFINITIONS conf_values['compress_definitions'] = COMPRESS_DEFINITIONS # TODO add capability to config/spec new definitions # Start checking that digests are valid now that hash_map is initialized if "digests" in conf_values: digests = set(conf_values['digests'].split()) valid_digests = set(HASH_DEFINITIONS.keys()) # Use the magic keyword "auto" to use all algos that are available. skip_missing = False if 'auto' in digests: skip_missing = True digests.remove('auto') if not digests: digests = set(valid_digests) # First validate all the requested digests are valid keys. if digests - valid_digests: log.critical( 'These are not valid digest entries:\n' '%s\n' 'Valid digest entries:\n' '%s', ', '.join(digests - valid_digests), ', '.join(sorted(valid_digests))) # Then check for any programs that the hash func requires. for digest in digests: try: process.find_binary(hash_map.hash_map[digest].cmd) except process.CommandNotFound: # In auto mode, just ignore missing support. if skip_missing: digests.remove(digest) continue log.critical( 'The "%s" binary needed by digest "%s" was not found. ' 'It needs to be in your system path.', hash_map.hash_map[digest].cmd, digest) # Now reload the config with our updated value. conf_values['digests'] = ' '.join(digests) if "hash_function" in conf_values: if conf_values["hash_function"] not in HASH_DEFINITIONS: log.critical( '%s is not a valid hash_function entry\n' 'Valid hash_function entries:\n' '%s', conf_values["hash_function"], HASH_DEFINITIONS.keys()) try: process.find_binary(hash_map.hash_map[conf_values["hash_function"]].cmd) except process.CommandNotFound: log.critical( 'The "%s" binary needed by hash_function "%s" was not found. ' 'It needs to be in your system path.', hash_map.hash_map[conf_values['hash_function']].cmd, conf_values['hash_function']) # detect GNU sed for sed in ('/usr/bin/gsed', '/bin/sed', '/usr/bin/sed'): if os.path.exists(sed): conf_values["sed"] = sed break addlargs={} if myspecfile: log.notice("Processing spec file: %s", myspecfile) spec = catalyst.config.SpecParser(myspecfile) addlargs.update(spec.get_values()) if mycmdline: try: cmdline = catalyst.config.ConfigParser() cmdline.parse_lines(mycmdline) addlargs.update(cmdline.get_values()) except CatalystError: log.critical('Could not parse commandline') if "target" not in addlargs: raise CatalystError("Required value \"target\" not specified.") if os.getuid() != 0: # catalyst cannot be run as a normal user due to chroots, mounts, etc log.critical('This script requires root privileges to operate') # Namespaces aren't supported on *BSDs at the moment. So let's check # whether we're on Linux. if os.uname().sysname in ["Linux", "linux"]: # Start off by creating unique namespaces to run in. Would be nice to # use pid & user namespaces, but snakeoil's namespace module has signal # transfer issues (CTRL+C doesn't propagate), and user namespaces need # more work due to Gentoo build process (uses sudo/root/portage). namespaces.simple_unshare( mount=True, uts=True, ipc=True, pid=False, net=False, user=False, hostname='catalyst') # everything is setup, so the build is a go try: success = build_target(addlargs) except KeyboardInterrupt: log.critical('Catalyst build aborted due to user interrupt (Ctrl-C)') if not success: sys.exit(2) sys.exit(0)