diff options
authorJoachim Filip Ignacy Bartosik <jbartosik@gmail.com>2011-05-18 16:44:11 +0200
committerJoachim Filip Ignacy Bartosik <jbartosik@gmail.com>2011-05-24 19:03:00 +0200
commite8c39d513356e14b60813c54824a63a6ad516348 (patch)
treedba08b74ad8470b3d36d813d14e310e512acea57 /bot/ircmeeting/writers.py
parentBasic meeting participation tracing (diff)
MeetBot plugin from Debian
Diffstat (limited to 'bot/ircmeeting/writers.py')
1 files changed, 1197 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/bot/ircmeeting/writers.py b/bot/ircmeeting/writers.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6eed012
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bot/ircmeeting/writers.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1197 @@
+# Richard Darst, June 2009
+# Copyright (c) 2009, Richard Darst
+# All rights reserved.
+# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+# * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
+# this list of conditions, and the following disclaimer.
+# * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
+# this list of conditions, and the following disclaimer in the
+# documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+# * Neither the name of the author of this software nor the name of
+# contributors to this software may be used to endorse or promote products
+# derived from this software without specific prior written consent.
+import os
+import re
+import textwrap
+import time
+#from meeting import timeZone, meetBotInfoURL
+# Needed for testing with isinstance() for properly writing.
+#from items import Topic, Action
+import items
+# Data sanitizing for various output methods
+def html(text):
+ """Escape bad sequences (in HTML) in user-generated lines."""
+ return text.replace("&", "&amp;").replace("<", "&lt;").replace(">", "&gt;")
+rstReplaceRE = re.compile('_( |-|$)')
+def rst(text):
+ """Escapes bad sequences in reST"""
+ return rstReplaceRE.sub(r'\_\1', text)
+def text(text):
+ """Escapes bad sequences in text (not implemented yet)"""
+ return text
+def mw(text):
+ """Escapes bad sequences in MediaWiki markup (not implemented yet)"""
+ return text
+# wraping functions (for RST)
+class TextWrapper(textwrap.TextWrapper):
+ wordsep_re = re.compile(r'(\s+)')
+def wrapList(item, indent=0):
+ return TextWrapper(width=72, initial_indent=' '*indent,
+ subsequent_indent= ' '*(indent+2),
+ break_long_words=False).fill(item)
+def replaceWRAP(item):
+ re_wrap = re.compile(r'sWRAPs(.*)eWRAPe', re.DOTALL)
+ def repl(m):
+ return TextWrapper(width=72, break_long_words=False).fill(m.group(1))
+ return re_wrap.sub(repl, item)
+def makeNickRE(nick):
+ return re.compile('\\b'+re.escape(nick)+'\\b', re.IGNORECASE)
+def MeetBotVersion():
+ import meeting
+ if hasattr(meeting, '__version__'):
+ return ' '+meeting.__version__
+ else:
+ return ''
+class _BaseWriter(object):
+ def __init__(self, M, **kwargs):
+ self.M = M
+ def format(self, extension=None, **kwargs):
+ """Override this method to implement the formatting.
+ For file output writers, the method should return a unicode
+ object containing the contents of the file to write.
+ The argument 'extension' is the key from `writer_map`. For
+ file writers, this can (and should) be ignored. For non-file
+ outputs, this can be used to This can be used to pass data,
+ **kwargs is a dictionary of keyword arguments which are found
+ via parsing the extension to the writer. If an extension is
+ this:
+ .txt|arg1=val1|arg2=val2
+ then kwargs will be passed as {'arg1':'val1', 'arg2':'val2'}.
+ This can be used for extra configuration for writers.
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ @property
+ def pagetitle(self):
+ if self.M._meetingTopic:
+ return "%s: %s"%(self.M.channel, self.M._meetingTopic)
+ return "%s Meeting"%self.M.channel
+ def replacements(self):
+ return {'pageTitle':self.pagetitle,
+ 'owner':self.M.owner,
+ 'starttime':time.strftime("%H:%M:%S", self.M.starttime),
+ 'endtime':time.strftime("%H:%M:%S", self.M.endtime),
+ 'timeZone':self.M.config.timeZone,
+ 'fullLogs':self.M.config.basename+'.log.html',
+ 'fullLogsFullURL':self.M.config.filename(url=True)+'.log.html',
+ 'MeetBotInfoURL':self.M.config.MeetBotInfoURL,
+ 'MeetBotVersion':MeetBotVersion(),
+ }
+ def iterNickCounts(self):
+ nicks = [ (n,c) for (n,c) in self.M.attendees.iteritems() ]
+ nicks.sort(key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
+ return nicks
+ def iterActionItemsNick(self):
+ for nick in sorted(self.M.attendees.keys(), key=lambda x: x.lower()):
+ nick_re = makeNickRE(nick)
+ def nickitems(nick_re):
+ for m in self.M.minutes:
+ # The hack below is needed because of pickling problems
+ if m.itemtype != "ACTION": continue
+ if nick_re.search(m.line) is None: continue
+ m.assigned = True
+ yield m
+ yield nick, nickitems(nick_re=nick_re)
+ def iterActionItemsUnassigned(self):
+ for m in self.M.minutes:
+ if m.itemtype != "ACTION": continue
+ if getattr(m, 'assigned', False): continue
+ yield m
+ def get_template(self, escape=lambda s: s):
+ M = self.M
+ repl = self.replacements()
+ MeetingItems = [ ]
+ # We can have initial items with NO initial topic. This
+ # messes up the templating, so, have this null topic as a
+ # stopgap measure.
+ nextTopic = {'topic':{'itemtype':'TOPIC', 'topic':'Prologue',
+ 'nick':'',
+ 'time':'', 'link':'', 'anchor':''},
+ 'items':[] }
+ haveTopic = False
+ for m in M.minutes:
+ if m.itemtype == "TOPIC":
+ if nextTopic['topic']['nick'] or nextTopic['items']:
+ MeetingItems.append(nextTopic)
+ nextTopic = {'topic':m.template(M, escape), 'items':[] }
+ haveTopic = True
+ else:
+ nextTopic['items'].append(m.template(M, escape))
+ MeetingItems.append(nextTopic)
+ repl['MeetingItems'] = MeetingItems
+ # Format of MeetingItems:
+ # [ {'topic': {item_dict},
+ # 'items': [item_dict, item_object, item_object, ...]
+ # },
+ # { 'topic':...
+ # 'items':...
+ # },
+ # ....
+ # ]
+ #
+ # an item_dict has:
+ # item_dict = {'itemtype': TOPIC, ACTION, IDEA, or so on...
+ # 'line': the actual line that was said
+ # 'nick': nick of who said the line
+ # 'time': 10:53:15, for example, the time
+ # 'link': ${link}#${anchor} is the URL to link to.
+ # (page name, and bookmark)
+ # 'anchor': see above
+ # 'topic': if itemtype is TOPIC, 'line' is not given,
+ # instead we have 'topic'
+ # 'url': if itemtype is LINK, the line should be created
+ # by "${link} ${line}", where 'link' is the URL
+ # to link to, and 'line' is the rest of the line
+ # (that isn't a URL)
+ # 'url_quoteescaped': 'url' but with " escaped for use in
+ # <a href="$url_quoteescaped">
+ ActionItems = [ ]
+ for m in M.minutes:
+ if m.itemtype != "ACTION": continue
+ ActionItems.append(escape(m.line))
+ repl['ActionItems'] = ActionItems
+ # Format of ActionItems: It's just a very simple list of lines.
+ # [line, line, line, ...]
+ # line = (string of what it is)
+ ActionItemsPerson = [ ]
+ numberAssigned = 0
+ for nick, items in self.iterActionItemsNick():
+ thisNick = {'nick':escape(nick), 'items':[ ] }
+ for m in items:
+ numberAssigned += 1
+ thisNick['items'].append(escape(m.line))
+ if len(thisNick['items']) > 0:
+ ActionItemsPerson.append(thisNick)
+ # Work on the unassigned nicks.
+ thisNick = {'nick':'UNASSIGNED', 'items':[ ] }
+ for m in self.iterActionItemsUnassigned():
+ thisNick['items'].append(escape(m.line))
+ if len(thisNick['items']) > 1:
+ ActionItemsPerson.append(thisNick)
+ #if numberAssigned == 0:
+ # ActionItemsPerson = None
+ repl['ActionItemsPerson'] = ActionItemsPerson
+ # Format of ActionItemsPerson
+ # ActionItemsPerson =
+ # [ {'nick':nick_of_person,
+ # 'items': [item1, item2, item3, ...],
+ # },
+ # ...,
+ # ...,
+ # {'nick':'UNASSIGNED',
+ # 'items': [item1, item2, item3, ...],
+ # }
+ # ]
+ PeoplePresent = []
+ # sort by number of lines spoken
+ for nick, count in self.iterNickCounts():
+ PeoplePresent.append({'nick':escape(nick),
+ 'count':count})
+ repl['PeoplePresent'] = PeoplePresent
+ # Format of PeoplePresent
+ # [{'nick':the_nick, 'count':count_of_lines_said},
+ # ...,
+ # ...,
+ # ]
+ return repl
+ def get_template2(self, escape=lambda s: s):
+ # let's make the data structure easier to use in the template
+ repl = self.get_template(escape=escape)
+ repl = {
+ 'time': { 'start': repl['starttime'], 'end': repl['endtime'], 'timezone': repl['timeZone'] },
+ 'meeting': { 'title': repl['pageTitle'], 'owner': repl['owner'], 'logs': repl['fullLogs'], 'logsFullURL': repl['fullLogsFullURL'] },
+ 'attendees': [ person for person in repl['PeoplePresent'] ],
+ 'agenda': [ { 'topic': item['topic'], 'notes': item['items'] } for item in repl['MeetingItems'] ],
+ 'actions': [ action for action in repl['ActionItems'] ],
+ 'actions_person': [ { 'nick': attendee['nick'], 'actions': attendee['items'] } for attendee in repl['ActionItemsPerson'] ],
+ 'meetbot': { 'version': repl['MeetBotVersion'], 'url': repl['MeetBotInfoURL'] },
+ }
+ return repl
+class Template(_BaseWriter):
+ """Format a notes file using the genshi templating engine
+ Send an argument template=<filename> to specify which template to
+ use. If `template` begins in '+', then it is relative to the
+ MeetBot source directory. Included templates are:
+ +template.html
+ +template.txt
+ Some examples of using these options are:
+ writer_map['.txt|template=+template.html'] = writers.Template
+ writer_map['.txt|template=/home/you/template.txt] = writers.Template
+ If a template ends in .txt, parse with a text-based genshi
+ templater. Otherwise, parse with a HTML-based genshi templater.
+ """
+ def format(self, extension=None, template='+template.html'):
+ repl = self.get_template2()
+ # Do we want to use a text template or HTML ?
+ import genshi.template
+ if template[-4:] in ('.txt', '.rst'):
+ Template = genshi.template.NewTextTemplate # plain text
+ else:
+ Template = genshi.template.MarkupTemplate # HTML-like
+ template = self.M.config.findFile(template)
+ # Do the actual templating work
+ try:
+ f = open(template, 'r')
+ tmpl = Template(f.read())
+ stream = tmpl.generate(**repl)
+ finally:
+ f.close()
+ return stream.render()
+class _CSSmanager(object):
+ _css_head = textwrap.dedent('''\
+ <style type="text/css">
+ %s
+ </style>
+ ''')
+ def getCSS(self, name):
+ cssfile = getattr(self.M.config, 'cssFile_'+name, '')
+ if cssfile.lower() == 'none':
+ # special string 'None' means no style at all
+ return ''
+ elif cssfile in ('', 'default'):
+ # default CSS file
+ css_fname = '+css-'+name+'-default.css'
+ else:
+ css_fname = cssfile
+ css_fname = self.M.config.findFile(css_fname)
+ try:
+ # Stylesheet specified
+ if getattr(self.M.config, 'cssEmbed_'+name, True):
+ # external stylesheet
+ css = file(css_fname).read()
+ return self._css_head%css
+ else:
+ # linked stylesheet
+ css_head = ('''<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" '''
+ '''href="%s">'''%cssfile)
+ return css_head
+ except Exception, exc:
+ if not self.M.config.safeMode:
+ raise
+ import traceback
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ print "(exception above ignored, continuing)"
+ try:
+ css_fname = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
+ 'css-'+name+'-default.css')
+ css = open(css_fname).read()
+ return self._css_head%css
+ except:
+ if not self.M.config.safeMode:
+ raise
+ import traceback
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ return ''
+class TextLog(_BaseWriter):
+ def format(self, extension=None):
+ M = self.M
+ """Write raw text logs."""
+ return "\n".join(M.lines)
+ update_realtime = True
+class HTMLlog1(_BaseWriter):
+ def format(self, extension=None):
+ """Write pretty HTML logs."""
+ M = self.M
+ # pygments lexing setup:
+ # (pygments HTML-formatter handles HTML-escaping)
+ import pygments
+ from pygments.lexers import IrcLogsLexer
+ from pygments.formatters import HtmlFormatter
+ import pygments.token as token
+ from pygments.lexer import bygroups
+ # Don't do any encoding in this function with pygments.
+ # That's only right before the i/o functions in the Config
+ # object.
+ formatter = HtmlFormatter(lineanchors='l',
+ full=True, style=M.config.pygmentizeStyle,
+ outencoding=self.M.config.output_codec)
+ Lexer = IrcLogsLexer
+ Lexer.tokens['msg'][1:1] = \
+ [ # match: #topic commands
+ (r"(\#topic[ \t\f\v]*)(.*\n)",
+ bygroups(token.Keyword, token.Generic.Heading), '#pop'),
+ # match: #command (others)
+ (r"(\#[^\s]+[ \t\f\v]*)(.*\n)",
+ bygroups(token.Keyword, token.Generic.Strong), '#pop'),
+ ]
+ lexer = Lexer()
+ #from rkddp.interact import interact ; interact()
+ out = pygments.highlight("\n".join(M.lines), lexer, formatter)
+ # Hack it to add "pre { white-space: pre-wrap; }", which make
+ # it wrap the pygments html logs. I think that in a newer
+ # version of pygmetns, the "prestyles" HTMLFormatter option
+ # would do this, but I want to maintain compatibility with
+ # lenny. Thus, I do these substitution hacks to add the
+ # format in. Thanks to a comment on the blog of Francis
+ # Giannaros (http://francis.giannaros.org) for the suggestion
+ # and instructions for how.
+ out,n = re.subn(r"(\n\s*pre\s*\{[^}]+;\s*)(\})",
+ r"\1\n white-space: pre-wrap;\2",
+ out, count=1)
+ if n == 0:
+ out = re.sub(r"(\n\s*</style>)",
+ r"\npre { white-space: pre-wrap; }\1",
+ out, count=1)
+ return out
+class HTMLlog2(_BaseWriter, _CSSmanager):
+ def format(self, extension=None):
+ """Write pretty HTML logs."""
+ M = self.M
+ lines = [ ]
+ line_re = re.compile(r"""\s*
+ (?P<time> \[?[0-9:\s]*\]?)\s*
+ (?P<nick>\s+<[@+\s]?[^>]+>)\s*
+ (?P<line>.*)
+ """, re.VERBOSE)
+ action_re = re.compile(r"""\s*
+ (?P<time> \[?[0-9:\s]*\]?)\s*
+ (?P<nick>\*\s+[@+\s]?[^\s]+)\s*
+ (?P<line>.*)
+ """,re.VERBOSE)
+ command_re = re.compile(r"(#[^\s]+[ \t\f\v]*)(.*)")
+ command_topic_re = re.compile(r"(#topic[ \t\f\v]*)(.*)")
+ hilight_re = re.compile(r"([^\s]+:)( .*)")
+ lineNumber = 0
+ for l in M.lines:
+ lineNumber += 1 # starts from 1
+ # is it a regular line?
+ m = line_re.match(l)
+ if m is not None:
+ line = m.group('line')
+ # Match #topic
+ m2 = command_topic_re.match(line)
+ if m2 is not None:
+ outline = ('<span class="topic">%s</span>'
+ '<span class="topicline">%s</span>'%
+ (html(m2.group(1)),html(m2.group(2))))
+ # Match other #commands
+ if m2 is None:
+ m2 = command_re.match(line)
+ if m2 is not None:
+ outline = ('<span class="cmd">%s</span>'
+ '<span class="cmdline">%s</span>'%
+ (html(m2.group(1)),html(m2.group(2))))
+ # match hilights
+ if m2 is None:
+ m2 = hilight_re.match(line)
+ if m2 is not None:
+ outline = ('<span class="hi">%s</span>'
+ '%s'%
+ (html(m2.group(1)),html(m2.group(2))))
+ if m2 is None:
+ outline = html(line)
+ lines.append('<a name="l-%(lineno)s"></a>'
+ '<span class="tm">%(time)s</span>'
+ '<span class="nk">%(nick)s</span> '
+ '%(line)s'%{'lineno':lineNumber,
+ 'time':html(m.group('time')),
+ 'nick':html(m.group('nick')),
+ 'line':outline,})
+ continue
+ m = action_re.match(l)
+ # is it a action line?
+ if m is not None:
+ lines.append('<a name="l-%(lineno)s"></a>'
+ '<span class="tm">%(time)s</span>'
+ '<span class="nka">%(nick)s</span> '
+ '<span class="ac">%(line)s</span>'%
+ {'lineno':lineNumber,
+ 'time':html(m.group('time')),
+ 'nick':html(m.group('nick')),
+ 'line':html(m.group('line')),})
+ continue
+ print l
+ print m.groups()
+ print "**error**", l
+ css = self.getCSS(name='log')
+ return html_template%{'pageTitle':"%s log"%html(M.channel),
+ #'body':"<br>\n".join(lines),
+ 'body':"<pre>"+("\n".join(lines))+"</pre>",
+ 'headExtra':css,
+ }
+HTMLlog = HTMLlog2
+html_template = textwrap.dedent('''\
+ <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
+ <html>
+ <head>
+ <meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html;charset=UTF-8">
+ <title>%(pageTitle)s</title>
+ %(headExtra)s</head>
+ <body>
+ %(body)s
+ </body></html>
+ ''')
+class HTML1(_BaseWriter):
+ body = textwrap.dedent('''\
+ <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
+ <html>
+ <head>
+ <meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html;charset=UTF-8">
+ <title>%(pageTitle)s</title>
+ </head>
+ <body>
+ <h1>%(pageTitle)s</h1>
+ Meeting started by %(owner)s at %(starttime)s %(timeZone)s.
+ (<a href="%(fullLogs)s">full logs</a>)<br>
+ <table border=1>
+ %(MeetingItems)s
+ </table>
+ Meeting ended at %(endtime)s %(timeZone)s.
+ (<a href="%(fullLogs)s">full logs</a>)
+ <br><br><br>
+ <b>Action Items</b><ol>
+ %(ActionItems)s
+ </ol>
+ <br>
+ <b>Action Items, by person</b>
+ <ol>
+ %(ActionItemsPerson)s
+ </ol><br>
+ <b>People Present (lines said):</b><ol>
+ %(PeoplePresent)s
+ </ol>
+ <br>
+ Generated by <a href="%(MeetBotInfoURL)s">MeetBot</a>%(MeetBotVersion)s.
+ </body></html>
+ ''')
+ def format(self, extension=None):
+ """Write the minutes summary."""
+ M = self.M
+ # Add all minute items to the table
+ MeetingItems = [ ]
+ for m in M.minutes:
+ MeetingItems.append(m.html(M))
+ MeetingItems = "\n".join(MeetingItems)
+ # Action Items
+ ActionItems = [ ]
+ for m in M.minutes:
+ # The hack below is needed because of pickling problems
+ if m.itemtype != "ACTION": continue
+ ActionItems.append(" <li>%s</li>"%html(m.line))
+ if len(ActionItems) == 0:
+ ActionItems.append(" <li>(none)</li>")
+ ActionItems = "\n".join(ActionItems)
+ # Action Items, by person (This could be made lots more efficient)
+ ActionItemsPerson = [ ]
+ for nick, items in self.iterActionItemsNick():
+ headerPrinted = False
+ for m in items:
+ if not headerPrinted:
+ ActionItemsPerson.append(" <li> %s <ol>"%html(nick))
+ headerPrinted = True
+ ActionItemsPerson.append(" <li>%s</li>"%html(m.line))
+ if headerPrinted:
+ ActionItemsPerson.append(" </ol></li>")
+ # unassigned items:
+ ActionItemsPerson.append(" <li><b>UNASSIGNED</b><ol>")
+ numberUnassigned = 0
+ for m in self.iterActionItemsUnassigned():
+ ActionItemsPerson.append(" <li>%s</li>"%html(m.line))
+ numberUnassigned += 1
+ if numberUnassigned == 0:
+ ActionItemsPerson.append(" <li>(none)</li>")
+ ActionItemsPerson.append(' </ol>\n</li>')
+ ActionItemsPerson = "\n".join(ActionItemsPerson)
+ # People Attending
+ PeoplePresent = [ ]
+ # sort by number of lines spoken
+ for nick, count in self.iterNickCounts():
+ PeoplePresent.append(' <li>%s (%s)</li>'%(html(nick), count))
+ PeoplePresent = "\n".join(PeoplePresent)
+ # Actual formatting and replacement
+ repl = self.replacements()
+ repl.update({'MeetingItems':MeetingItems,
+ 'ActionItems': ActionItems,
+ 'ActionItemsPerson': ActionItemsPerson,
+ 'PeoplePresent':PeoplePresent,
+ })
+ body = self.body
+ body = body%repl
+ body = replaceWRAP(body)
+ return body
+class HTML2(_BaseWriter, _CSSmanager):
+ """HTML formatter without tables.
+ """
+ def meetingItems(self):
+ """Return the main 'Meeting minutes' block."""
+ M = self.M
+ # Add all minute items to the table
+ MeetingItems = [ ]
+ MeetingItems.append(self.heading('Meeting summary'))
+ MeetingItems.append("<ol>")
+ haveTopic = None
+ inSublist = False
+ for m in M.minutes:
+ item = '<li>'+m.html2(M)
+ if m.itemtype == "TOPIC":
+ if inSublist:
+ MeetingItems.append("</ol>")
+ inSublist = False
+ if haveTopic:
+ MeetingItems.append("<br></li>")
+ item = item
+ haveTopic = True
+ else:
+ if not inSublist:
+ if not haveTopic:
+ MeetingItems.append('<li>')
+ haveTopic = True
+ MeetingItems.append('<ol type="a">')
+ inSublist = True
+ if haveTopic: item = wrapList(item, 2)+"</li>"
+ else: item = wrapList(item, 0)+"</li>"
+ MeetingItems.append(item)
+ #MeetingItems.append("</li>")
+ if inSublist:
+ MeetingItems.append("</ol>")
+ if haveTopic:
+ MeetingItems.append("</li>")
+ MeetingItems.append("</ol>")
+ MeetingItems = "\n".join(MeetingItems)
+ return MeetingItems
+ def actionItems(self):
+ """Return the 'Action items' block."""
+ M = self.M
+ # Action Items
+ ActionItems = [ ]
+ ActionItems.append(self.heading('Action items'))
+ ActionItems.append('<ol>')
+ numActionItems = 0
+ for m in M.minutes:
+ # The hack below is needed because of pickling problems
+ if m.itemtype != "ACTION": continue
+ ActionItems.append(" <li>%s</li>"%html(m.line))
+ numActionItems += 1
+ if numActionItems == 0:
+ ActionItems.append(" <li>(none)</li>")
+ ActionItems.append('</ol>')
+ ActionItems = "\n".join(ActionItems)
+ return ActionItems
+ def actionItemsPerson(self):
+ """Return the 'Action items, by person' block."""
+ M = self.M
+ # Action Items, by person (This could be made lots more efficient)
+ ActionItemsPerson = [ ]
+ ActionItemsPerson.append(self.heading('Action items, by person'))
+ ActionItemsPerson.append('<ol>')
+ numberAssigned = 0
+ for nick, items in self.iterActionItemsNick():
+ headerPrinted = False
+ for m in items:
+ numberAssigned += 1
+ if not headerPrinted:
+ ActionItemsPerson.append(" <li> %s <ol>"%html(nick))
+ headerPrinted = True
+ ActionItemsPerson.append(" <li>%s</li>"%html(m.line))
+ if headerPrinted:
+ ActionItemsPerson.append(" </ol></li>")
+ # unassigned items:
+ if len(ActionItemsPerson) == 0:
+ doActionItemsPerson = False
+ else:
+ doActionItemsPerson = True
+ Unassigned = [ ]
+ Unassigned.append(" <li><b>UNASSIGNED</b><ol>")
+ numberUnassigned = 0
+ for m in self.iterActionItemsUnassigned():
+ Unassigned.append(" <li>%s</li>"%html(m.line))
+ numberUnassigned += 1
+ if numberUnassigned == 0:
+ Unassigned.append(" <li>(none)</li>")
+ Unassigned.append(' </ol>\n</li>')
+ if numberUnassigned > 1:
+ ActionItemsPerson.extend(Unassigned)
+ ActionItemsPerson.append('</ol>')
+ ActionItemsPerson = "\n".join(ActionItemsPerson)
+ # Only return anything if there are assigned items.
+ if numberAssigned == 0:
+ return None
+ else:
+ return ActionItemsPerson
+ def peoplePresent(self):
+ """Return the 'People present' block."""
+ # People Attending
+ PeoplePresent = []
+ PeoplePresent.append(self.heading('People present (lines said)'))
+ PeoplePresent.append('<ol>')
+ # sort by number of lines spoken
+ for nick, count in self.iterNickCounts():
+ PeoplePresent.append(' <li>%s (%s)</li>'%(html(nick), count))
+ PeoplePresent.append('</ol>')
+ PeoplePresent = "\n".join(PeoplePresent)
+ return PeoplePresent
+ def heading(self, name):
+ return '<h3>%s</h3>'%name
+ def format(self, extension=None):
+ """Write the minutes summary."""
+ M = self.M
+ repl = self.replacements()
+ body = [ ]
+ body.append(textwrap.dedent("""\
+ <h1>%(pageTitle)s</h1>
+ <span class="details">
+ Meeting started by %(owner)s at %(starttime)s %(timeZone)s
+ (<a href="%(fullLogs)s">full logs</a>).</span>
+ """%repl))
+ body.append(self.meetingItems())
+ body.append(textwrap.dedent("""\
+ <span class="details">
+ Meeting ended at %(endtime)s %(timeZone)s
+ (<a href="%(fullLogs)s">full logs</a>).</span>
+ """%repl))
+ body.append(self.actionItems())
+ body.append(self.actionItemsPerson())
+ body.append(self.peoplePresent())
+ body.append("""<span class="details">"""
+ """Generated by <a href="%(MeetBotInfoURL)s">MeetBot</a>"""
+ """%(MeetBotVersion)s.</span>"""%repl)
+ body = [ b for b in body if b is not None ]
+ body = "\n<br><br>\n\n\n\n".join(body)
+ body = replaceWRAP(body)
+ css = self.getCSS(name='minutes')
+ repl.update({'body': body,
+ 'headExtra': css,
+ })
+ html = html_template % repl
+ return html
+class ReST(_BaseWriter):
+ body = textwrap.dedent("""\
+ %(titleBlock)s
+ %(pageTitle)s
+ %(titleBlock)s
+ sWRAPsMeeting started by %(owner)s at %(starttime)s %(timeZone)s.
+ The `full logs`_ are available.eWRAPe
+ .. _`full logs`: %(fullLogs)s
+ Meeting summary
+ ---------------
+ %(MeetingItems)s
+ Meeting ended at %(endtime)s %(timeZone)s.
+ Action Items
+ ------------
+ %(ActionItems)s
+ Action Items, by person
+ -----------------------
+ %(ActionItemsPerson)s
+ People Present (lines said)
+ ---------------------------
+ %(PeoplePresent)s
+ Generated by `MeetBot`_%(MeetBotVersion)s
+ .. _`MeetBot`: %(MeetBotInfoURL)s
+ """)
+ def format(self, extension=None):
+ """Return a ReStructured Text minutes summary."""
+ M = self.M
+ # Agenda items
+ MeetingItems = [ ]
+ M.rst_urls = [ ]
+ M.rst_refs = { }
+ haveTopic = None
+ for m in M.minutes:
+ item = "* "+m.rst(M)
+ if m.itemtype == "TOPIC":
+ if haveTopic:
+ MeetingItems.append("")
+ item = wrapList(item, 0)
+ haveTopic = True
+ else:
+ if haveTopic: item = wrapList(item, 2)
+ else: item = wrapList(item, 0)
+ MeetingItems.append(item)
+ MeetingItems = '\n\n'.join(MeetingItems)
+ MeetingURLs = "\n".join(M.rst_urls)
+ del M.rst_urls, M.rst_refs
+ MeetingItems = MeetingItems + '\n\n'+MeetingURLs
+ # Action Items
+ ActionItems = [ ]
+ for m in M.minutes:
+ # The hack below is needed because of pickling problems
+ if m.itemtype != "ACTION": continue
+ #already escaped
+ ActionItems.append(wrapList("* %s"%rst(m.line), indent=0))
+ ActionItems = "\n\n".join(ActionItems)
+ # Action Items, by person (This could be made lots more efficient)
+ ActionItemsPerson = [ ]
+ for nick in sorted(M.attendees.keys(), key=lambda x: x.lower()):
+ nick_re = makeNickRE(nick)
+ headerPrinted = False
+ for m in M.minutes:
+ # The hack below is needed because of pickling problems
+ if m.itemtype != "ACTION": continue
+ if nick_re.search(m.line) is None: continue
+ if not headerPrinted:
+ ActionItemsPerson.append("* %s"%rst(nick))
+ headerPrinted = True
+ ActionItemsPerson.append(wrapList("* %s"%rst(m.line), 2))
+ m.assigned = True
+ # unassigned items:
+ Unassigned = [ ]
+ Unassigned.append("* **UNASSIGNED**")
+ numberUnassigned = 0
+ for m in M.minutes:
+ if m.itemtype != "ACTION": continue
+ if getattr(m, 'assigned', False): continue
+ Unassigned.append(wrapList("* %s"%rst(m.line), 2))
+ numberUnassigned += 1
+ if numberUnassigned == 0:
+ Unassigned.append(" * (none)")
+ if numberUnassigned > 1:
+ ActionItemsPerson.extend(Unassigned)
+ ActionItemsPerson = "\n\n".join(ActionItemsPerson)
+ # People Attending
+ PeoplePresent = [ ]
+ # sort by number of lines spoken
+ for nick, count in self.iterNickCounts():
+ PeoplePresent.append('* %s (%s)'%(rst(nick), count))
+ PeoplePresent = "\n\n".join(PeoplePresent)
+ # Actual formatting and replacement
+ repl = self.replacements()
+ repl.update({'titleBlock':('='*len(repl['pageTitle'])),
+ 'MeetingItems':MeetingItems,
+ 'ActionItems': ActionItems,
+ 'ActionItemsPerson': ActionItemsPerson,
+ 'PeoplePresent':PeoplePresent,
+ })
+ body = self.body
+ body = body%repl
+ body = replaceWRAP(body)
+ return body
+class HTMLfromReST(_BaseWriter):
+ def format(self, extension=None):
+ M = self.M
+ import docutils.core
+ rst = ReST(M).format(extension)
+ rstToHTML = docutils.core.publish_string(rst, writer_name='html',
+ settings_overrides={'file_insertion_enabled': 0,
+ 'raw_enabled': 0,
+ 'output_encoding':self.M.config.output_codec})
+ return rstToHTML
+class Text(_BaseWriter):
+ def meetingItems(self):
+ M = self.M
+ # Agenda items
+ MeetingItems = [ ]
+ MeetingItems.append(self.heading('Meeting summary'))
+ haveTopic = None
+ for m in M.minutes:
+ item = "* "+m.text(M)
+ if m.itemtype == "TOPIC":
+ if haveTopic:
+ MeetingItems.append("")
+ item = wrapList(item, 0)
+ haveTopic = True
+ else:
+ if haveTopic: item = wrapList(item, 2)
+ else: item = wrapList(item, 0)
+ MeetingItems.append(item)
+ MeetingItems = '\n'.join(MeetingItems)
+ return MeetingItems
+ def actionItems(self):
+ M = self.M
+ # Action Items
+ ActionItems = [ ]
+ numActionItems = 0
+ ActionItems.append(self.heading('Action items'))
+ for m in M.minutes:
+ # The hack below is needed because of pickling problems
+ if m.itemtype != "ACTION": continue
+ #already escaped
+ ActionItems.append(wrapList("* %s"%text(m.line), indent=0))
+ numActionItems += 1
+ if numActionItems == 0:
+ ActionItems.append("* (none)")
+ ActionItems = "\n".join(ActionItems)
+ def actionItemsPerson(self):
+ M = self.M
+ # Action Items, by person (This could be made lots more efficient)
+ ActionItemsPerson = [ ]
+ ActionItemsPerson.append(self.heading('Action items, by person'))
+ numberAssigned = 0
+ for nick in sorted(M.attendees.keys(), key=lambda x: x.lower()):
+ nick_re = makeNickRE(nick)
+ headerPrinted = False
+ for m in M.minutes:
+ # The hack below is needed because of pickling problems
+ if m.itemtype != "ACTION": continue
+ if nick_re.search(m.line) is None: continue
+ if not headerPrinted:
+ ActionItemsPerson.append("* %s"%text(nick))
+ headerPrinted = True
+ ActionItemsPerson.append(wrapList("* %s"%text(m.line), 2))
+ numberAssigned += 1
+ m.assigned = True
+ # unassigned items:
+ Unassigned = [ ]
+ Unassigned.append("* **UNASSIGNED**")
+ numberUnassigned = 0
+ for m in M.minutes:
+ if m.itemtype != "ACTION": continue
+ if getattr(m, 'assigned', False): continue
+ Unassigned.append(wrapList("* %s"%text(m.line), 2))
+ numberUnassigned += 1
+ if numberUnassigned == 0:
+ Unassigned.append(" * (none)")
+ if numberUnassigned > 1:
+ ActionItemsPerson.extend(Unassigned)
+ ActionItemsPerson = "\n".join(ActionItemsPerson)
+ if numberAssigned == 0:
+ return None
+ else:
+ return ActionItemsPerson
+ def peoplePresent(self):
+ M = self.M
+ # People Attending
+ PeoplePresent = [ ]
+ PeoplePresent.append(self.heading('People present (lines said)'))
+ # sort by number of lines spoken
+ for nick, count in self.iterNickCounts():
+ PeoplePresent.append('* %s (%s)'%(text(nick), count))
+ PeoplePresent = "\n".join(PeoplePresent)
+ return PeoplePresent
+ def heading(self, name):
+ return '%s\n%s\n'%(name, '-'*len(name))
+ def format(self, extension=None):
+ """Return a plain text minutes summary."""
+ M = self.M
+ # Actual formatting and replacement
+ repl = self.replacements()
+ repl.update({'titleBlock':('='*len(repl['pageTitle'])),
+ })
+ body = [ ]
+ body.append(textwrap.dedent("""\
+ %(titleBlock)s
+ %(pageTitle)s
+ %(titleBlock)s
+ sWRAPsMeeting started by %(owner)s at %(starttime)s
+ %(timeZone)s. The full logs are available at
+ %(fullLogsFullURL)s .eWRAPe"""%repl))
+ body.append(self.meetingItems())
+ body.append(textwrap.dedent("""\
+ Meeting ended at %(endtime)s %(timeZone)s."""%repl))
+ body.append(self.actionItems())
+ body.append(self.actionItemsPerson())
+ body.append(self.peoplePresent())
+ body.append(textwrap.dedent("""\
+ Generated by `MeetBot`_%(MeetBotVersion)s"""%repl))
+ body = [ b for b in body if b is not None ]
+ body = "\n\n\n\n".join(body)
+ body = replaceWRAP(body)
+ return body
+class MediaWiki(_BaseWriter):
+ """Outputs MediaWiki formats.
+ """
+ def meetingItems(self):
+ M = self.M
+ # Agenda items
+ MeetingItems = [ ]
+ MeetingItems.append(self.heading('Meeting summary'))
+ haveTopic = None
+ for m in M.minutes:
+ item = "* "+m.mw(M)
+ if m.itemtype == "TOPIC":
+ if haveTopic:
+ MeetingItems.append("") # line break
+ haveTopic = True
+ else:
+ if haveTopic: item = "*"+item
+ MeetingItems.append(item)
+ MeetingItems = '\n'.join(MeetingItems)
+ return MeetingItems
+ def actionItems(self):
+ M = self.M
+ # Action Items
+ ActionItems = [ ]
+ numActionItems = 0
+ ActionItems.append(self.heading('Action items'))
+ for m in M.minutes:
+ # The hack below is needed because of pickling problems
+ if m.itemtype != "ACTION": continue
+ #already escaped
+ ActionItems.append("* %s"%mw(m.line))
+ numActionItems += 1
+ if numActionItems == 0:
+ ActionItems.append("* (none)")
+ ActionItems = "\n".join(ActionItems)
+ return ActionItems
+ def actionItemsPerson(self):
+ M = self.M
+ # Action Items, by person (This could be made lots more efficient)
+ ActionItemsPerson = [ ]
+ ActionItemsPerson.append(self.heading('Action items, by person'))
+ numberAssigned = 0
+ for nick in sorted(M.attendees.keys(), key=lambda x: x.lower()):
+ nick_re = makeNickRE(nick)
+ headerPrinted = False
+ for m in M.minutes:
+ # The hack below is needed because of pickling problems
+ if m.itemtype != "ACTION": continue
+ if nick_re.search(m.line) is None: continue
+ if not headerPrinted:
+ ActionItemsPerson.append("* %s"%mw(nick))
+ headerPrinted = True
+ ActionItemsPerson.append("** %s"%mw(m.line))
+ numberAssigned += 1
+ m.assigned = True
+ # unassigned items:
+ Unassigned = [ ]
+ Unassigned.append("* **UNASSIGNED**")
+ numberUnassigned = 0
+ for m in M.minutes:
+ if m.itemtype != "ACTION": continue
+ if getattr(m, 'assigned', False): continue
+ Unassigned.append("** %s"%mw(m.line))
+ numberUnassigned += 1
+ if numberUnassigned == 0:
+ Unassigned.append(" * (none)")
+ if numberUnassigned > 1:
+ ActionItemsPerson.extend(Unassigned)
+ ActionItemsPerson = "\n".join(ActionItemsPerson)
+ if numberAssigned == 0:
+ return None
+ else:
+ return ActionItemsPerson
+ def peoplePresent(self):
+ M = self.M
+ # People Attending
+ PeoplePresent = [ ]
+ PeoplePresent.append(self.heading('People present (lines said)'))
+ # sort by number of lines spoken
+ for nick, count in self.iterNickCounts():
+ PeoplePresent.append('* %s (%s)'%(mw(nick), count))
+ PeoplePresent = "\n".join(PeoplePresent)
+ return PeoplePresent
+ def heading(self, name, level=1):
+ return '%s %s %s\n'%('='*(level+1), name, '='*(level+1))
+ body_start = textwrap.dedent("""\
+ %(pageTitleHeading)s
+ sWRAPsMeeting started by %(owner)s at %(starttime)s
+ %(timeZone)s. The full logs are available at
+ %(fullLogsFullURL)s .eWRAPe""")
+ def format(self, extension=None, **kwargs):
+ """Return a MediaWiki formatted minutes summary."""
+ M = self.M
+ # Actual formatting and replacement
+ repl = self.replacements()
+ repl.update({'titleBlock':('='*len(repl['pageTitle'])),
+ 'pageTitleHeading':self.heading(repl['pageTitle'],level=0)
+ })
+ body = [ ]
+ body.append(self.body_start%repl)
+ body.append(self.meetingItems())
+ body.append(textwrap.dedent("""\
+ Meeting ended at %(endtime)s %(timeZone)s."""%repl))
+ body.append(self.actionItems())
+ body.append(self.actionItemsPerson())
+ body.append(self.peoplePresent())
+ body.append(textwrap.dedent("""\
+ Generated by MeetBot%(MeetBotVersion)s (%(MeetBotInfoURL)s)"""%repl))
+ body = [ b for b in body if b is not None ]
+ body = "\n\n\n\n".join(body)
+ body = replaceWRAP(body)
+ # Do we want to upload?
+ if 'mwpath' in kwargs:
+ import mwclient
+ mwsite = kwargs['mwsite']
+ mwpath = kwargs['mwpath']
+ mwusername = kwargs.get('mwusername', None)
+ mwpassword = kwargs.get('mwpassword', '')
+ subpagename = os.path.basename(self.M.config.filename())
+ mwfullname = "%s/%s" % (mwpath, subpagename)
+ force_login = (mwusername != None)
+ site = mwclient.Site(mwsite, force_login=force_login)
+ if(force_login):
+ site.login(mwusername, mwpassword)
+ page = site.Pages[mwfullname]
+ some = page.edit()
+ page.save(body, summary="Meeting")
+ return body
+class PmWiki(MediaWiki, object):
+ def heading(self, name, level=1):
+ return '%s %s\n'%('!'*(level+1), name)
+ def replacements(self):
+ #repl = super(PmWiki, self).replacements(self) # fails, type checking
+ repl = MediaWiki.replacements.im_func(self)
+ repl['pageTitleHeading'] = self.heading(repl['pageTitle'],level=0)
+ return repl