Feature: Application side of voting In order to handle voting with IRC bot I want application to help with that Scenario: Add voting option Given example agenda item And an agenda And some council members And I am logged in as council member When I am on the current agenda page And I follow first agenda item link And I add example voting option Then I should see "example" as voting option Scenario: Edit voting option Given example voting option Given an agenda And some council members And I am logged in as council member When I go from the homepage to edit last voting option page And I fill in "voting_option_description" with "some description" And I press "Save Voting option" Then I should see "some description" as voting option description Scenario: Vote as regular user Given I am logged in as example user And there is an item with some voting options for current agenda When I am on the newest agenda item page And I follow "Vote" Then I should see my vote Scenario: View community vote results Given there is an item with some voting options for current agenda And some community and council votes for a newer item When I am on the newest agenda item page Then I should see correct community votes