diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'gkeys/gkeys/action_map.py')
1 files changed, 434 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/gkeys/gkeys/action_map.py b/gkeys/gkeys/action_map.py
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+++ b/gkeys/gkeys/action_map.py
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+#-*- coding:utf-8 -*-
+ Gentoo-keys - action_map.py
+ Primary api interface module data
+ @copyright: 2015 by Brian Dolbec <dol-sen@gentoo.org>
+ @license: GNU GPL2, see COPYING for details.
+from collections import OrderedDict
+Seed_Actions = ['----seeds----', 'add-seed', 'fetch-seed',
+ 'list-seed', 'list-seedfiles', 'remove-seed']
+Key_Actions = ['----keys-----', 'check-key', 'installed',
+ 'install-key', 'list-key', 'refresh-key', 'remove-key',
+ 'search-key', 'spec-check']
+General_Actions = ['---general---', 'list-cats', 'sign','verify']
+Available_Actions = General_Actions + Key_Actions + Seed_Actions
+Action_Map = OrderedDict({
+ '---general---': {
+ 'options': [],
+ 'desc': '''-----< general actions >------''',
+ 'long_desc': '''''',
+ 'example': '''''',
+ },
+ 'list-cats': {
+ 'func': 'listcats',
+ 'options': [],
+ 'desc': '''List seed file definitions (category names) found in the config''',
+ 'long_desc': '''List seed file definitions (category names) found in the config.
+ These category names are used throughout the seed and key action operations.''',
+ 'example': '''$ gkeys list-cats
+ Gkey task results:
+ Categories defined: gentoo-devs, gentoo, sign
+ },
+ 'sign': {
+ 'func': 'sign',
+ 'options': ['nick', 'name', 'fingerprint', 'file', ],
+ 'desc': '''Sign a file''',
+ 'long_desc': '''Sign a file or files with the designated gpg key.
+ The default sign settings can be set in gpg.conf. These settings can be
+ overridden on the command line using the 'nick', 'name', 'fingerprint' options''',
+ 'example': '''''',
+ },
+ 'verify': {
+ 'func': 'verify',
+ 'options': ['category', 'nick', 'name', 'fingerprint', 'keydir', 'keys',
+ '1file', 'signature', 'timestamp', 'dest'],
+ 'desc': '''File automatic download and/or verification action.''',
+ 'long_desc': '''File automatic download and/or verification action.
+ Note: If the specified key/keyring to verify against does not contain
+ the key used to sign the file. It will Auto-search for the correct key
+ in the installed keys db. And verify against the matching key.
+ It will report the success/failure along with the key information used for
+ the verification''',
+ 'example': '''$ gkeys verify -F /home/brian/gpg-test/seeds/gentoo-devs.seeds
+ Gkey task results:
+ Using config defaults..: gentoo gkeys
+ Verification succeeded.: /home/brian/gpg-test/seeds/gentoo-devs.seeds
+ Key info...............: Gentoo-Linux Gentoo-keys Project Signing Key <gkeys>, 0xA41DBBD9151C3FC7
+ category, nick.....: gentoo gkeys
+ },
+ '----keys-----': {
+ 'func': 'KEY_COMMANDS',
+ 'options': [],
+ 'desc': '''-------< key actions >--------''',
+ 'long_desc': '',
+ 'example': '',
+ },
+ 'check-key': {
+ 'func': 'checkkey',
+ 'options': ['category', 'nick', 'name', 'fingerprint', 'keyid', 'keys',
+ 'keydir', 'keyring'],
+ 'desc': '''Check key validity''',
+ 'long_desc': '''Check keys actions
+ Performs basic validity checks on the key(s), checks expiry,
+ and presence of a signing sub-key''',
+ 'example': '''$ gkeys check-key -C gentoo -n gkey
+ Checking keys...
+ gkeys, Gentoo-Linux Gentoo-keys Project Signing Key: 0xA41DBBD9151C3FC7, 0x825533CBF6CD6C97
+ ==============================================
+ Gkey task results:
+ Expired: 0
+ Revoked: 0
+ Invalid: 0
+ No signing capable subkeys: 0
+ },
+ 'import-key': {
+ 'func': 'importkey',
+ 'options': ['category', 'nick', 'name', 'fingerprint', 'keys',
+ 'keydir', 'keyring'],
+ 'desc': '''Add a specified key to a specified keyring''',
+ 'long_desc': '''Add a specified key to a specified keyring''',
+ 'example': '''''',
+ },
+ 'install-key': {
+ 'func': 'installkey',
+ 'options': ['category', 'nick', 'name', 'fingerprint', 'keys',
+ 'keydir', 'keyring', '1file'],
+ 'desc': '''Install a key from the seed(s)''',
+ 'long_desc': '''Install a key from the seed(s). The key will be
+ installed to the pre-configured seed's keydir value within the category's directory.''',
+ 'example': '''''',
+ },
+ 'installed': {
+ 'func': 'installed',
+ 'options': ['category', 'nick', 'name', 'fingerprint', 'keys',
+ 'keydir', 'keyring'],
+ 'desc': '''Lists the installed key directories''',
+ 'long_desc': '''Lists the installed key directories''',
+ 'example': '''$ gkeys installed -C gentoo
+ Gkey task results:
+ Found Key(s):
+ ----------
+ Name.........: Gentoo Tree Snapshot (Automated) Signing Key
+ Nick.........: snapshot
+ Keydir.......: release
+ UID..........: Gentoo Portage Snapshot Signing Key (Automated Signing Key)
+ Keyid........: 0xEC590EEAC9189250
+ Fingerprint: E1D6ABB63BFCFB4BA02FDF1CEC590EEAC9189250
+ Keyid........: 0xDB6B8C1F96D8BF6D
+ Fingerprint: DCD05B71EAB94199527F44ACDB6B8C1F96D8BF6D
+ ----------
+ Name.........: Gentoo-Linux Gentoo-keys Project Signing Key
+ Nick.........: gkeys
+ Keydir.......: release
+<snip> ...
+ },
+ 'list-key': {
+ 'func': 'listkey',
+ 'options': ['category', 'nick', 'name', 'fingerprint', 'keyid', 'keys',
+ 'keydir', 'keyring', 'gpgsearch'],
+ 'desc': '''Pretty-print the selected gpg key''',
+ 'long_desc': '''Pretty-print the selected gpg key''',
+ 'example': '''gkeys list-key -C gentoo -n gkeys
+Nick.....: gkeys
+Name.....: Gentoo-Linux Gentoo-keys Project Signing Key
+Keydir...: release
+Gpg info.: pub 4096R/825533CBF6CD6C97 2014-10-03 [expires: 2017-09-17]
+ Key fingerprint = D2DE 1DBB A0F4 3EBA 341B 97D8 8255 33CB F6CD 6C97
+ uid [ unknown] Gentoo-keys Team <gkeys@gentoo.org>
+ sub 4096R/A41DBBD9151C3FC7 2014-10-03 [expires: 2017-09-17]
+ Key fingerprint = C287 1675 69B3 C1F9 E9CE D677 A41D BBD9 151C 3FC7
+ Gkey task results:
+ Done.''',
+ },
+ 'move-key': {
+ 'func': 'movekey',
+ 'options': ['category', 'nick', 'name', 'fingerprint', 'keys',
+ 'keydir', 'keyring', 'dest'],
+ 'desc': '''Rename an installed keydir''',
+ 'long_desc': '''Rename an installed keydir''',
+ 'example': '''''',
+ },
+ 'refresh-key': {
+ 'func': 'refreshkey',
+ 'options': ['category', 'nick', 'name', 'fingerprint', 'keyid', 'keys',
+ 'keydir', 'keyring'],
+ 'desc': '''Calls gpg with the --refresh-keys option
+ for in place updates of the installed keys''',
+ 'long_desc': '''Calls gpg with the --refresh-keys option
+ for in place updates of the installed keys. To refresh all installed keys
+ in the category, specify the category only.''',
+ 'example': '''$ gkeys refresh-key -C gentoo -n gkey
+ Refreshig keys...
+ Gentoo-Linux Gentoo-keys Project Signing Key: 0xA41DBBD9151C3FC7, 0x825533CBF6CD6C97
+ Gkey task results:
+ Completed
+ },
+ 'remove-key': {
+ 'func': 'removekey',
+ 'options': ['category', 'nick', 'name', 'fingerprint', 'keys',
+ 'keydir', 'keyring'],
+ 'desc': '''Remove (uninstall) an installed key''',
+ 'long_desc': '''Remove (uninstall) an installed key or keys''',
+ 'example': '''$ gkeys remove-key -C gentoo-devs -n dolsen
+ Found GKEY seed:
+ ----------
+ Name.........: Brian Dolbec
+ Nick.........: dolsen
+ Keydir.......: dolsen
+ UID..........: Brian Dolbec (Gentoo Developer) <dolsen@gentoo.org>
+ UID..........: Brian Dolbec (Yes it's really me. Although which one of me is another question.) <brian.dolbec@gmail.com>
+ UID..........: Brian Dolbec <brian.dolbec@gmail.com>
+ UID..........: Brian Dolbec <dolsen@gentoo.org>
+ Keyid........: 0x65E309F2189DB0B8
+ Fingerprint: 76B63D6CCEC2FD160B0F5AC165E309F2189DB0B8
+ Keyid........: 0xFBBD087275820ED8
+ Fingerprint: A5D7C74E081CC70DB4A4AAF5FBBD087275820ED8
+ Keyid........: 0xD80F5F1E1245142E
+ Fingerprint: 262A829DFEAF9092A42C1C3ED80F5F1E1245142E
+ Keyid........: 0x018682231B926E4F
+ Fingerprint: 69FDA24269C8B5A7E9E231E9018682231B926E4F
+ Keyid........: 0xD245831F292B1FFB
+ Fingerprint: 93799ADE2C956B6553A23D8FD245831F292B1FFB
+ Keyid........: 0x2214D90A014F17CB
+ Fingerprint: 8688FD1CC71C1C04EAEA42372214D90A014F17CB
+Do you really want to remove dolsen?[y/n]: y
+ Gkey task results:
+ Done removing dolsen key.
+ },
+ 'search-key': {
+ 'func': 'key_search',
+ 'options': ['category', 'nick', '1name', 'fingerprint', 'keyid', 'uid',
+ 'keys', 'keydir', 'exact', 'all'],
+ 'desc': '''Search for a key's seed in the installed keys db''',
+ 'long_desc': '''Search for a key's seed in the installed keys db''',
+ 'example': '''$ gkeys search-key -n gkeys
+ Gkey task results:
+ Category.....: gentoo
+ ----------
+ Name.........: Gentoo-Linux Gentoo-keys Project Signing Key
+ Nick.........: gkeys
+ Keydir.......: release
+ UID..........: Gentoo-keys Team <gkeys@gentoo.org>
+ Keyid........: 0xA41DBBD9151C3FC7
+ Fingerprint: C287167569B3C1F9E9CED677A41DBBD9151C3FC7
+ Keyid........: 0x825533CBF6CD6C97
+ Fingerprint: D2DE1DBBA0F43EBA341B97D8825533CBF6CD6C97
+ Category.....: sign
+ ----------
+ Name.........: Gentoo-keys Team
+ Nick.........: gkeys
+ Keydir.......: gkeys
+ UID..........: Gentoo-keys Team <gkeys@gentoo.org>
+ Keyid........: 0x825533CBF6CD6C97
+ Fingerprint: D2DE1DBBA0F43EBA341B97D8825533CBF6CD6C97
+ Keyid........: 0xA41DBBD9151C3FC7
+ Fingerprint: C287167569B3C1F9E9CED677A41DBBD9151C3FC7
+ },
+ 'spec-check': {
+ 'func': 'speccheck',
+ 'options': ['category', 'nick', 'name', 'fingerprint', 'keyid', 'keys',
+ 'keydir', 'keyring'],
+ 'desc': '''Check if keys meet specifications requirements''',
+ 'long_desc': '''Check if keys meet specifications requirements''',
+ 'example': '''$ gkeys spec-check -C gentoo -n gkeys
+ Checking keys...
+ gkeys, Gentoo-Linux Gentoo-keys Project Signing Key: 0x825533CBF6CD6C97
+ ==============================================
+ ----------
+ Fingerprint......: D2DE1DBBA0F43EBA341B97D8825533CBF6CD6C97
+ Key type ........: PUB Capabilities.: cSC
+ Algorithm........: Pass Bit Length...: Pass
+ Create Date......: Pass Expire Date..: Pass
+ Key Version......: Pass Validity.....: -, Unknown
+ Days till expiry.: 987
+ Capability.......: Pass
+ Qualified ID.....: Pass
+ This primary key.: Pass
+ ----------
+ Fingerprint......: C287167569B3C1F9E9CED677A41DBBD9151C3FC7
+ Key type ........: SUB Capabilities.: s sign
+ Algorithm........: Pass Bit Length...: Pass
+ Create Date......: Pass Expire Date..: Pass
+ Key Version......: Pass Validity.....: -, Unknown
+ Days till expiry.: 987
+ Capability.......: Pass
+ Qualified ID.....: Pass
+ This subkey......: Pass
+ Key summary
+ primary..........: Pass signing subkey: Pass
+ encryption subkey: No authentication subkey: No
+ SPEC requirements: Pass
+ No Encryption capable subkey (Notice only):
+ Gentoo-Linux Gentoo-keys Project Signing Key <gkeys>: D2DE1DBBA0F43EBA341B97D8825533CBF6CD6C97
+ SPEC Approved:
+ Gentoo-Linux Gentoo-keys Project Signing Key <gkeys>: D2DE1DBBA0F43EBA341B97D8825533CBF6CD6C97
+ Gkey task results:
+Found Failures:
+ Revoked................: 0
+ Invalid................: 0
+ No Signing subkey......: 0
+ No Encryption subkey...: 1
+ Algorithm..............: 0
+ Bit length.............: 0
+ Expiry.................: 0
+ Expiry Warnings........: 0
+ SPEC requirements......: 0
+ =============================
+ SPEC Approved..........: 1
+ },
+ '----seeds----': {
+ 'func': 'SEED_COMMANDS',
+ 'options': [],
+ 'desc': '''------< seed actions >-------''',
+ 'long_desc': '',
+ 'example': '',
+ },
+ 'add-seed': {
+ 'func': 'addseed',
+ 'options': ['category', 'nick', 'name', 'fingerprint', 'keys', 'keydir',
+ 'uid'],
+ 'desc': '''Add or replace a key in the selected seed file''',
+ 'long_desc': '''Add or replace a key in the selected seed file''',
+ 'example': '''$ gkeys add-seed -C mykeys -n foo -N "Foo Bar" -r foobar -K C287167569B3C1F9E9CED677A41DBBD9151C3FC7
+ Gkey task results:
+ Successfully added new seed.
+ },
+ 'fetch-seed': {
+ 'func': 'fetchseed',
+ 'options': ['category', 'nick', '1file', 'dest', 'signature',
+ 'timestamp'],
+ 'desc': '''Download the selected seed file(s)''',
+ 'long_desc': '''Download the selected seed file(s)''',
+ 'example': '''$ gkeys fetch-seed -C gentoo-devs
+ Gkey task results:
+ Verification succeeded.: /home/brian/gpg-test/seeds/gentoo-devs.seeds
+ Key info...............: Gentoo-Linux Gentoo-keys Project Signing Key <gkeys>, 0xA41DBBD9151C3FC7
+ category, nick.....: gentoo gkeys
+ Fetch operation completed
+ },
+ 'list-seed': {
+ 'func': 'listseed',
+ 'options': ['category', 'nick', 'name', 'fingerprint', 'keys',
+ 'keydir', '1file'],
+ 'desc': '''Pretty-print the selected seed file''',
+ 'long_desc': '''Pretty-print the selected seed file''',
+ 'example': '''$ gkeys list-seed -C gentoo -n gkeys
+ Gkey task results:
+ ----------
+ Name.........: Gentoo-Linux Gentoo-keys Project Signing Key
+ Nick.........: gkeys
+ Keydir.......: release
+ UID..........: Gentoo-keys Team <gkeys@gentoo.org>
+ Keyid........: 0xA41DBBD9151C3FC7
+ Fingerprint: C287167569B3C1F9E9CED677A41DBBD9151C3FC7
+ Keyid........: 0x825533CBF6CD6C97
+ Fingerprint: D2DE1DBBA0F43EBA341B97D8825533CBF6CD6C97''',
+ },
+ 'list-seedfiles': {
+ 'func': 'listseedfiles',
+ 'options': [],
+ 'desc': '''List seed files found in the configured seed directory''',
+ 'long_desc': '''List seed files found in the configured seed directory''',
+ 'example': '''$ gkeys list-seedfiles
+ Gkey task results:
+ Seed files found at path: /home/brian/gpg-test/seeds
+ gentoo-devs.seeds
+ gentoo.seeds
+ },
+ 'move-seed': {
+ 'func': 'moveseed',
+ 'options': ['category', 'nick', 'name', 'keydir', 'keys',
+ 'fingerprint', 'dest'],
+ 'desc': '''Move keys between seed files''',
+ 'long_desc': '''Move keys between seed files''',
+ 'example': '''''',
+ },
+ 'remove-seed': {
+ 'func': 'removeseed',
+ 'options': ['category', 'nick', 'name', 'keys', 'fingerprint', 'keydir'],
+ 'desc': '''Remove a seed from the selected seed file''',
+ 'long_desc': '''Remove a seed from the selected seed file''',
+ 'example': '''$ gkeys remove-seed -C mykeys -n foo
+ Gkey task results:
+ Successfully removed seed: True
+ ----------
+ Name.........: Foo Bar
+ Nick.........: foo
+ Keydir.......: foobar
+ Keyid........: 0xA41DBBD9151C3FC7
+ Fingerprint: C287167569B3C1F9E9CED677A41DBBD9151C3FC7
+ },