# #-*- coding:utf-8 -*- import codecs import os from datetime import datetime from gkeys.fileops import ensure_dirs from py2man.options import LONG_OPTS, SHORT_OPTS ActionStr = '.BR gkeys-%s (1),' EXAMPLEHEADER = '''.SH Example''' BreakStr = '''.br %s''' SubCmdStr = '''.IP %(cmd)s %(cmd-desc)s''' SubCmdHdr = '.SH \\ %s' class ManPage(object): def __init__(self, prog, version, template, docpath, authors): self.prog = prog self.version = version self.template = template self.path = docpath self.authors = authors self.date = datetime.strftime(datetime.today(),'%B %d, %Y') self.ensure_docdir() def ensure_docdir(self): ensure_dirs(self.path) @staticmethod def gen_opts(options): _opts = list() for opt in options: _opts.append(SHORT_OPTS.get(opt)) return _opts @staticmethod def gen_optsStr(firstline, data, opts): indent = ' ' escapes = 15 wrapl = 72 + escapes output = [] line = firstline.rstrip('%(opts)s') % data line_len = len(line) l1 = True for opt in opts: if (line_len + len(SHORT_OPTS[opt])) < wrapl: line = line + '%s ' % SHORT_OPTS[opt] line_len = len(line) else: if l1: output.append(line) l1 = False else: output.append(BreakStr % line) line = indent + '%s ' % SHORT_OPTS[opt] line_len = len(line) return '\n'.join(output) @staticmethod def gen_brlist(_list): output = [] for member in _list: output.append(BreakStr % member) return '\n'.join(output) @staticmethod def gen_actions(actions): acts = [] for act in actions: if not act.startswith("--"): acts.append(ActionStr % act) return '\n'.join(acts) @staticmethod def gen_options(options): _opts = [] for opt in options: _opts.append(LONG_OPTS[opt]) return '\n'.join(_opts) @staticmethod def gen_example(text): example = [] if text: for line in text.split('\n'): if line and line[0] in [' ']: example.append(line) else: example.append(BreakStr % line) return '\n'.join(example) @staticmethod def gen_subcmd(cmds): output = [] for cmd in list(cmds): if cmd.startswith('--'): output.append(SubCmdHdr % cmd.strip('-').upper()) else: output.append(SubCmdStr % {'cmd': cmd, 'cmd-desc': cmds[cmd]}) return '\n'.join(output) def make_subpage(self, action, Action_Map, _actions): '''Create and saves one sub-command man page using the classes template definition setting''' actions = _actions[:] actions.remove(action) data = {} data['prog'] = self.prog data['version'] = self.version data['date'] = self.date data['authors'] = self.gen_brlist(self.authors) data['action'] = action data['actions'] = self.gen_actions(actions) data['options'] = self.gen_options(Action_Map[action]['options']) data['desc'] = Action_Map[action]['desc'] data['long_desc'] = Action_Map[action]['long_desc'] if Action_Map[action]['example']: data['example'] = self.gen_example(Action_Map[action]['example']) data['exampleheader'] = EXAMPLEHEADER else: data['example'] = '' data['exampleheader'] = '' doc = [] for line in self.template.split('\n'): if '%(opts)s' in line: doc.append(self.gen_optsStr( line, data, Action_Map[action]['options'])) else: doc.append(line % data) filepath = os.path.join(self.path, "%s-%s.1" % (self.prog, action)) with codecs.open(filepath, 'w', 'utf-8') as man: man.write('\n'.join(doc)) def make_subpages(self, Action_Map, actions): '''Create man pages for all sub-commands listed @param prog: string of the base application command @param version: string to embed in the man pages @param Action_Map: Dictionary of sub-command actions and other data @param actions: list of keys in Action_Map to generate pages for @param location: string, path to save the newly created man pages ''' _actions = [x for x in actions if not x.startswith('--')] for action in _actions[:]: self.make_subpage(action, Action_Map, _actions) def make_prog(self, prog_map): data = {} data['prog'] = self.prog data['version'] = self.version data['date'] = self.date data['authors'] = self.gen_brlist(self.authors) data['actions'] = self.gen_actions(list(prog_map['sub-cmds'])) data['options'] = self.gen_options(prog_map['options']) data['desc'] = prog_map['desc'] data['long_desc'] = prog_map['long_desc'] data['sub-cmds'] = self.gen_subcmd(prog_map['sub-cmds']) doc = [] for line in self.template.split('\n'): try: doc.append(line % data) except: print(line, data) filepath = os.path.join(self.path, "%s.1" % (self.prog)) with codecs.open(filepath, 'w', 'utf-8') as man: man.write('\n'.join(doc)) def read_template(self, path, filename): filepath = os.path.join(path, filename) with codecs.open(filepath, 'r', 'utf-8') as template: self.template = template.read()