diff options
133 files changed, 16288 insertions, 15968 deletions
diff --git a/.editorconfig b/.editorconfig
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..68c8e6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.editorconfig
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+# Copyright 2017-2020 Gentoo Authors
+root = true
+charset = utf-8
+end_of_line = lf
+indent_style = tab
+indent_size = 4
+tab_width = 4
+insert_final_newline = true
+trim_trailing_whitespace = true
+indent_style = space
+indent_style = space
+profile = black
diff --git a/.github/workflows/black.yml b/.github/workflows/black.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b04fb15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/workflows/black.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+name: Lint
+on: [push, pull_request]
+ lint:
+ runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+ steps:
+ - uses: actions/checkout@v2
+ - uses: psf/black@stable
diff --git a/.github/workflows/ci.yml b/.github/workflows/ci.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..871d4aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/workflows/ci.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+name: Unit tests
+on: [push, pull_request]
+ build:
+ runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+ strategy:
+ matrix:
+ python-version:
+ - '3.9'
+ - '3.10'
+ - '3.11'
+ - '3.12-dev'
+ - 'pypy-3.9'
+ - 'pypy-3.10'
+ env:
+ # TODO: get this dynamically
+ steps:
+ - uses: actions/checkout@v2
+ - name: Set up Python ${{ matrix.python-version }}
+ uses: actions/setup-python@v2
+ with:
+ python-version: ${{ matrix.python-version }}
+ - name: Install dependencies
+ run: |
+ set -xe
+ python -VV
+ python -m site
+ python -m pip install --upgrade pip
+ # setuptools needed for 3.12+ because of https://github.com/mesonbuild/meson/issues/7702.
+ python -m pip install meson ninja setuptools pytest
+ - name: Install portage
+ run: |
+ mkdir portage
+ wget -qO - "https://github.com/gentoo/portage/archive/portage-${PORTAGE_VERSION}.tar.gz" | tar xz -C portage --strip-components=1
+ sudo groupadd -g 250 portage
+ sudo useradd -g portage -d /var/tmp/portage -s /bin/false -u 250 portage
+ - name: Setup gentoo env (required by portage)
+ run: |
+ sudo mkdir -p /var/db/repos/gentoo /etc/portage /var/cache/distfiles
+ wget -qO - "https://github.com/gentoo-mirror/gentoo/archive/master.tar.gz" | sudo tar xz -C /var/db/repos/gentoo --strip-components=1
+ sudo wget "https://www.gentoo.org/dtd/metadata.dtd" -O /var/cache/distfiles/metadata.dtd
+ sudo wget "https://gitweb.gentoo.org/proj/portage.git/plain/cnf/repos.conf" -O /etc/portage/repos.conf
+ sudo ln -s /var/db/repos/gentoo/profiles/default/linux/amd64/17.1/systemd /etc/portage/make.profile
+ - name: Test meson install --destdir /tmp/install-root
+ run: |
+ echo -e "[binaries]\npython = '$(command -v python)'" > /tmp/native.ini
+ meson setup -Dtests=true --native-file /tmp/native.ini /tmp/build .
+ meson install -C /tmp/build --destdir /tmp/install-root
+ - name: Run tests for ${{ matrix.python-version }}
+ run: |
+ export PYTHONPATH="${PWD}/portage/lib"${PYTHONPATH:+:}${PYTHONPATH}
+ export PATH="${PWD}/portage/bin":${PATH}
+ meson test -C /tmp/build --verbose
diff --git a/.github/workflows/flake.yml b/.github/workflows/flake.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a1a8649
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/workflows/flake.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+name: Code Quality
+on: [push, pull_request]
+ build:
+ runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+ steps:
+ - uses: actions/checkout@v2
+ - name: Set up Python
+ uses: actions/setup-python@v2
+ - name: Install flake
+ run: |
+ python -m pip install --upgrade pip
+ pip install flake8
+ - name: Run flake
+ run: |
+ flake8 pym
diff --git a/.gitignorerevs b/.gitignorerevs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a061025
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitignorerevs
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+# Run entire repository through black. Also, change tabs to spaces
+# Reformat with black 22.1.0
+# */*: Reformat with newer Black
diff --git a/AUTHORS b/AUTHORS
deleted file mode 100644
index 6d98b5d..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-* gentoolkit
- Original author: Karl Trygve Kalleberg <karltk@gentoo.org>
- Library additions and refactor: Douglas Anderson <douglasjanderson@gmail.com>
- Current maintainer: Paul Varner <fuzzyray@gentoo.org>
-* glsa-check
- Author: Marius Mauch <genone@gentoo.org>
-* ebump
- Original author: Karl Trygve Kalleberg <karltk@gentoo.org>
- Christian Ruppert <idl0r@gentoo.org>
-* eclean
- Original author: Thomas de Grenier de Latour (tgl) <degrenier@easyconnect.fr>
- re-write author Brian Dolbec <dolsen@gentoo.org>
-* enalyze
- Original author: Brian Dolbec <dolsen@gentoo.org>
-* ekeyword
- Current python version: Mike Frysinger <vapier@gentoo.org>
- Previous perl version:
- Christian Ruppert <idl0r@gentoo.org>
- Paul Varner <fuzzyray@gentoo.org>
- Mike Frysinger <vapier@gentoo.org>
- Original author:
- Aron Griffis <agriffis@gentoo.org>
-* epkginfo
- Author: Ned Ludd <solar@gentoo.org>
- earch: Eldad Zack <eldad@gentoo.org>
- metadata: Olinger <EvvL AT RustedHalo DOT net>
-* equery
- Original author: Karl Trygve Kalleberg <karltk@gentoo.org>
- 0.3.0 author: Douglas Anderson <douglasjanderson@gmail.com>
- api rewrite work for 0.3.0 Brian Dolbec <dolsen@gentoo.org
-* eread
- Original author: Donnie Berkholz <dberkholz@gentoo.org>
- Updated by: Uwe Klosa <uwe.klosa@gmail.com>
-* eshowkw (python version)
- Original author: "Tomáš Chvátal <scarabeus@gentoo.org>"
-* euse
- Original perl version: Arun Bhanu <codebear@gentoo.org>
- New bash version: Marius Mauch <genone@gentoo.org>
- package.use support: Jared Hancock
-* imlate
- Author: Christian Ruppert <idl0r@gentoo.org>
-* revdep-rebuild
- Original author: Stanislav Brabec
- Rewrite author: Michael A. Smith
-* revdep-rebuild (python version)
- Original author: Slawek Lis
diff --git a/AUTHORS.gentoolkit-dev b/AUTHORS.gentoolkit-dev
deleted file mode 100644
index f8c9389..0000000
--- a/AUTHORS.gentoolkit-dev
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-Christian Ruppert <idl0r@gentoo.org>
-Paul Varner <fuzzyray@gentoo.org>
-Karl Trygve Kalleberg <karltk@gentoo.org>
-See the AUTHORS file in the various src/<foo> subdirectories for a full
-log of who's done what with whom and when.
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e91dac8
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+Gentoo Developers have full priviledges to the gentoolkit repository and
+any Gentoo developer can do work on the gentoolkit source. We only ask that you
+keep the following in mind:
+- If you want to do a major change (i.e rewrite/refactor something), please talk
+ to us before pushing any commits. If you break something, please fix it.
+- All members of the Portage or Portage Tools projects are authorized to create
+ a new release of gentoolkit or gentoolkit-dev.
+- All other Gentoo Developers are authorized to create a new release if it is
+ coordinated with fuzzyray and/or dolsen.
+- If you create a release and it breaks, please fix it.
+Any non Gentoo developers who wish to contribute, the best way to get
+started is by cloning a copy of the repository and submitting patches to
+bugzilla. Additionally, we can be found in the #gentoo-portage IRC
+We use [black](https://pypi.org/project/black/) to format the code
+base. Please make sure you run it against any PRs prior to submitting
+(otherwise we'll probably reject it).
+There are [ways to integrate](https://black.readthedocs.io/en/stable/integrations/editors.html)
+black into your text editor and/or IDE.
+You can also set up a git hook to check your commits, in case you don't want
+editor integration. Something like this:
+# .git/hooks/pre-commit (don't forget to chmod +x)
+black --check --diff .
+To ignore reformatting commits (which are listed in `.gitignorerevs`) you can do
+the following:
+git config blame.ignoreRevsFile .gitignorerevs
+Adding or modifying code
+- If you add new code, best practice is to write a test for it.
+- If you're modifying code that doesn't have a test and you can write a test
+ for it, please do.
+- Before committing your changes, run "tox" to ensure that you didn't break
+ tests or introduced a flake8 error.
+- If flake8 raises a warning or error that you don't agree with, it's probably
+ better to just change your code. If you're sure you have a good reason for
+ doing what you're doing, you can add "# noqa" at the end of the line to
+ silence it.
+Creating a release
+Note: We are using VERSION="0.3.0" simply as an example.
+# Run Gentoolkit's test suite, make sure it passes:
+# Note: requires dev-python/snakeoil
+./setup.py test
+# Create a source distribution (you need to add VERSION here):
+VERSION="0.3.0" ./setup.py sdist
+# Transfer dist/gentoolkit-0.3.0.tar.gz to dev.gentoo.org:/space/distfiles-local
+# scp dist/gentoolkit-0.3.0.tar.gz username@dev.gentoo.org:/space/distfiles-local
+# Clean up temporary files:
+./setup.py clean -a
+git status
+# rm or mv any untracked files/directories
+# Create a tag for the release
+git tag gentoolkit-0.3.0
+git push origin gentoolkit-0.3.0
diff --git a/ChangeLog b/ChangeLog
deleted file mode 100644
index a7ff478..0000000
--- a/ChangeLog
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,934 +0,0 @@
-Please see https://gitweb.gentoo.org/proj/gentoolkit.git/log/
-Alternatively, you can use 'git log' on a copy of the repository
-2010-01-04: Paul Varner <fuzzyray@gentoo.org>
- * euse: Merge euse from bug #259318 written by Jared Hancock. This
- version is a significant rewrite and add supports for utilizing
- package.use.
-2010-11-24: Paul Varner <fuzzyray@gentoo.org>
- * euse: Fix euse to look for portage configuration files in both the
- old and new paths. bug 346519. Make euse work in prefix environments.
-2010-10-29: Tomáš Chvátal <scarabeus@gentoo.org>
- * eshowkw: Add new module as drop-in replacement for eshowkw from
- gentoolkit-dev
-2010-05-13: Christian Ruppert <idl0r@gentoo.org>
- * eclean/cli.py: Fix typo, bug 319349, thanks to Ulrich Müller
- <ulm@gentoo.org>.
-2010-05-06: Christian Ruppert <idl0r@gentoo.org>
- * revdep-rebuild: Make revdep-rebuild more quiet, bug 97073. We might
- improve that a bit more in the future.
-2010-04-17: Christian Ruppert <idl0r@gentoo.org>
- * euse: Make python code of euse python-3 compatible, thanks to Arfrever
- Frehtes Taifersar Arahesis <arfrever@gentoo.org>.
-2010-04-11: Christian Ruppert <idl0r@gentoo.org>
- * euse: Fix check for /etc/make.profile, check if its readable and a
- directory instead of checking if its a link. Thanks to Phillip Brink
- (ohnobinki) <ohnobinki@ohnopublishing.net>.
-2010-04-06: Christian Ruppert <idl0r@gentoo.org>
- * euse: Fix query to get USE, bug 181309, thanks to Jean-Baptiste Rouault
- <jbrouault@gmail.com>.
-2010-04-01: Christian Ruppert <idl0r@gentoo.org>
- * revdep-rebuild: Use EMERGE_OPTIONS _after_ EMERGE_DEFAULT_OPTS,
- bug 307023, thanks to Albert W. Hopkins <marduk@python.net>.
-2010-03-31: Christian Ruppert <idl0r@gentoo.org>
- * epkginfo: Fix epkginfo to handle ambiguous package names.
- * revdep-rebuild: Check if $ERRORS_FILE exist before running gawk on it.
-2010-03-09: Paul Varner <fuzzyray@gentoo.org>
- * gentoolkit: Add inital py3k support.
- * analyse: Add new analyse utility from dol-sen. This will probably
- change to a different name for final gentoolkit-0.3.0 release.
-2010-02-05: Paul Varner <fuzzyray@gentoo.org>
- * revdep-rebuild: Update revdep-rebuild to use extended regular
- expressions instead of basic regular expressions. (Bug 143498)
-2010-02-04: Paul Varner <fuzzyray@gentoo.org>
- * revdep-rebuild: Fix revdep-rebuild to handle include statements in
- /etc/ld.so.conf. (Bug 298651)
-2010-31-01: Christian Ruppert <idl0r@gentoo.org>
- * revdep-rebuild: Check for eerror in die() since an invalid option(long) or
- missing arg will end up in calling die() before /etc/init.d/functions.sh
- has been sourced.
-2009-01-11: Paul Varner <fuzzyray@gentoo.org>
- * revdep-rebuild: Set environment using 'portageq -v' (Bug 300229)
-2009-01-08: Paul Varner <fuzzyray@gentoo.org>
- * epkginfo/equery: Fix expkinfo to not traceback if herds.xml is not
- present in the tree. (Bug 300108)
-2009-12-17: Paul Varner <fuzzyray@gentoo.org>
- * revdep-rebuild: Fix revdep-rebuild to properly honor
- PORTAGE_NICENESS as an incremental to the current nice level (Bug
- 297174).
-2009-12-08: Paul Varner <fuzzyray@gentoo.org>
- * gentoolkit: Merge rev 113 from djanderson's genscripts repo
-2009-10-30: Christian Ruppert <idl0r@gentoo.org>
- * revdep-rebuild: Speedup portageq queries. Include FuzzyRay's patch to
-2009-10-27: Christian Ruppert <idl0r@gentoo.org>
- * revdep-rebuild: Use realpath in get_file_owner to be able to get the
- package containing e.g. /lib/libreadline.so.6 on amd64, fixes bug 280341.
-2009-10-27: Christian Ruppert <idl0r@gentoo.org>
- * revdep-rebuild.1: Fix bug 281050, thanks to Jesús Guerrero
- <i92guboj@gentoo.org>.
-2009-10-26: Christian Ruppert <idl0r@gentoo.org>
- * euse: Don't add an additional new line at the end of file.
- * equery.1: Fix bug 248844, thanks to J M W <ultip@ymail.com>.
-2009-08-18: Robert Buchholz <rbu@gentoo.org>
- * glsa-check: Remove 'new' target from glsa-list, everyone
- should use 'affected' or 'all'
- * glsa-check: fix getminupgrade API doc and TypeError (Bug 281101)
- * glsa-check: Make --pretend output in glsa-check nicer.
- Add colors and fix linebreaks.
-2009-06-22: Paul Varner <fuzzyray@gentoo.org>
- * glsa-check: Fix traceback with glsa-check -f (Bug 275105)
-2009-06-05: Paul Varner <fuzzyray@gentoo.org>
- * epkginfo: Add patch from Sebastian Mingramm to Make epkginfo slot
- aware and only print keywords for the highest visible versions in each
- slot. (Bug 232635)
-2009-05-20: Paul Varner <fuzzyray@gentoo.org>
- * All: Convert from using /etc/gentoolkit-version to
- /usr/share/gentoolkit/VERSION
-2009-05-20: Paul Varner <fuzzyray@gentoo.org>
- * glsa-check: Add patches from Robert Buchholz to do the following:
- Handle unicode encoding better, python tweaks to speedup execution,
- change behavior of getMinUpgrade, restructure system affection
- detection, and do not inject GLSAs into the checkfile when fixing.
-2009-05-07: Paul Varner <fuzzyray@gentoo.org>
- * equery: Add patch from djanderson to make meta get and check package
- dirs in a manner similar to other gentoolkit scripts and fix
- some docstrings. (Bug 268895)
-2009-05-05: Paul Varner <fuzzyray@gentoo.org>
- * equery: Added modular rewrite from djanderson
- * gentoolkit: Added modular rewrite from djanderson
- * All: converted to setup.py build system
-2009-04-30: Paul Varner <fuzzyray@gentoo.org>
- * revdep-rebuild: Add patch from loki_val to check -l dependencies in
- .la files (Bug #267898)
-2009-04-24: Paul Varner <fuzzyray@gentoo.org>
- * ekeyword: Fix to handle multiline KEYWORDS (Bug #267250)
-2009-01-08: Paul Varner <fuzzyray@gentoo.org>
- * equery: Fix package.py to account for PORTDIR being a symbolic link
- when checking if a package is in an overlay. (Bug #253968)
-2008-11-25: Paul Varner <fuzzyray@gentoo.org>
- * revdep-rebuild: Fixes for non-linux Gentoo systems. Add patch from
- igli to fix find command to comply with POSIX. Change awk calls to
- gawk.
-2008-11-11: Paul Varner <fuzzyray@gentoo.org>
- * echangelog: Add --strict option (Bug 246242).
- * echangelog: Fix processing of virtual category (Bug 179530)
-2008-09-17: Paul Varner <fuzzyray@gentoo.org>
- * euse: Fix check_sanity function to use get_all_make_defaults
- function when checking for the make.defaults files in the profile.
- (Bug #233651)
-2008-09-03: Paul Varner <fuzzyray@gentoo.org>
- * equery: Fix depgraph function to print out dependencies that don't
- resolve to a package (Bug #236492)
-2008-08-26: Paul Varner <fuzzyray@gentoo.org>
- * glsa-check: Fix has_key() deprecation message. (Bug #232797)
- * revdep-rebuild: Update fix for Bug 232270 to utilize better patch
- from Ian Abbott.
-2008-08-22: Paul Varner <fuzzyray@gentoo.org>
- * gentoolkit: Fix find_packages and find_installed_packages to print
- a warning instead of a traceback when an InvalidAtom exception occurs.
- (Bug #234358)
- * equery: Fix equery belongs to strip multiple slashes from path
- names. (Bug #234584)
-2008-07-24: Paul Varner <fuzzyray@gentoo.org>
- * equery: Fix equery check to convert mtime to an integer so that
- comparisions always work. Thanks to Alexey Parshin for discovering the
- problem and providing a patch. (Bug 232803)
-2008-07-22: Paul Varner <fuzzyray@gentoo.org>
- * gentoolkit: Fix gentoolkit.split_package_name to work with
- newer portage.catpkgsplit that now returns a tuple instead of a
- list. (Bug 232599)
-2008-07-21: Paul Varner <fuzzyray@gentoo.org>
- * revdep-rebuild: Fix filtering of masked paths from SEARCH_DIRS
- variable. (Bug 232270)
-2008-07-18: Paul Varner <fuzzyray@gentoo.org>
- * equery: Remove prefixed '+/-' signs from IUSE for equery uses
- command. (Bug 232019)
-2008-07-09: Paul Varner <fuzzyray@gentoo.org>
- * revdep-rebuild: Fix revdep-rebuild to use TMPDIR instead of HOME for
- temporary files. (Bug 203414)
- * revdep-rebuild: Fix revdep-rebuild to not evaluate broken objects
- multiple times. (Bug 220761)
-2008-07-09: Paul Varner <fuzzyray@gentoo.org>
- * gentoolkit: Fix gentoolkit to work without thread support in
- python. (Bug 223255)
-2008-06-16: Marius Mauch <genone@gentoo.org>
- * euse: Add support for multi-parent profiles, account for missing
- final newline in make.conf
-2008-03-19: Paul Varner <fuzzyray@gentoo.org>
- * glsa-check: Fix imports so mail functionality in glsa-check works
- with python versions less than 2.5 (Bug 211706)
-2008-03-13: Paul Varner <fuzzyray@gentoo.org>
- * euse: Add --info-installed option from patch provided by Andreas
- Waidler. (Bug 212573)
-2008-03-13: Paul Varner <fuzzyray@gentoo.org>
- * revdep-rebuild: Fix trying to emerge an empty list of packages. (Bug
- 213294)
-2008-02-28: Paul Varner <fuzzyray@gentoo.org>
- * gentoolkit: Fix traceback when accessing the portage
- db. (Bug #211716)
-2008-02-21: Paul Varner <fuzzyray@gentoo.org>
- * revdep-rebuild: "Use /etc/init.d/functions.sh instead of
- /sbin/functions.sh. (Bug 210940)
-2008-02-18: Paul Varner <fuzzyray@gentoo.org>
- * revdep-rebuild: Apply patch to allow combined short options.
- (Bug 188343)
- * revdep-rebuild: Don't duplicate broken file output. (Bug 201319)
- * revdep-rebuild: unset GREP_OPTIONS to prevent problems with grep.
- (Bug 189257)
- * revdep-rebuild: Apply patch to prevent false matches of object names.
- (Bug 196460)
- * revdep-rebuild: Apply patch to better handle masked and removed
- packages. (Bug 205227)
- * revdep-rebuild: Filter SEARCH_DIRS_MASK paths from SEARCH_DIRS.
- (Bug 194993)
- * revdep-rebuild: Apply patch for revdep-rebuild portable find function.
- (Bug 194234)
- * equery: Fix equery list to not generate an internal portage error when
- fed input with too many slashes. (Bug 119806)
- * equery: Assume the -p flag when equery list -I is used by itself.
- (Bug 106278)
-2007-10-09: Marius Mauch <genone@gentoo.org>
- * glsa-check: Change "affected" target so it's based on "new" instead of
- "all" (IOW: exclude already applied/injected GLSAs).
-2007-10-05: Marius Mauch <genone@gentoo.org>
- * glsa-check: Use UTF-8 strings to avoid EncodeErrors if a GLSA contains
- non-ascii characters (bug #162493)
-2007-09-19: Paul Varner <fuzzyray@gentoo.org>
- * epkginfo: Fix handling of KEYWORDS="" in an ebuild. (Bug #193108)
- * revdep-rebuild: Fix handling of /var/db/pkg when it is a symbolic
- link. (Bug #179392)
-2007-09-18: Paul Varner <fuzzyray@gentoo.org>
- * equery: Apply patch from Carlo Marcelo Arenas Belon to fix incorrect
- display of masking status in list command. (Bug #188678)
- * revdep-rebuild: Correctly handle LD_LIBRARY_MASK when checking for
- "no version information" errors/ (Bug #182882)
-2007-09-12: Paul Varner <fuzzyray@gentoo.org>
- * eclean: Fix processing of the long arguments to work correctly. (Bug
- #192345)
- * revdep-rebuild: Correctly handle the case where an ebuild no longer
- exists for a package (Bug #188918)
- * eread: Fix eread to not accept invalid input for file selection.
- (Bug #189994)
-2007-08-08: Paul Varner <fuzzyray@gentoo.org>
- * revdep-rebuild: Fix progress bar to only update when there is a
- change (Bug #186945)
- * revdep-rebuild: Ensure that we source functions.sh before calling
- ewarn, etc.
-2007-08-06: Paul Varner <fuzzyray@gentoo.org>
- * revdep-rebuild: Fix processing of .la files (Bug #187453)
- * revdep-rebuild: Add -X option back for backwards compatibilty (Bug
- #187366)
-2007-07-30: Paul Varner <fuzzyray@gentoo.org>
- * revdep-rebuild: Fix grepping for non-existant package-owners file
- (Bug #187141)
-2007-07-05: Paul Varner <fuzzyray@gentoo.org>
- * revdep-rebuild: Added refactored revdep-rebuild from Michael A.
- Smith (Bug #184042)
-2007-05-30: Marius Mauch <genone@gentoo.org>
- * glsa-check: check SLOT when selecting and displaying upgrades
- * glsa-check: new --emergelike option to use the best version
- within the same SLOT instead of the one with the smallest delta.
- * glsa-check: prefer visible upgrades to masked upgrades
- * equery: check for and warn about unknown options (bug 119674)
- * equery,eclean,glsa-check,epkginfo: Only add /usr/lib/portage/pym
- to python search path when necessary
-2007-05-21: Paul Varner <fuzzyray@gentoo.org>
- * echangelog: Add patch from genstef to fix issues from Bug 176337
-2007-05-11: Paul Varner <fuzzyray@gentoo.org>
- * eclean: Changed permission check to see if you are either root or
- belong to the portage group (Bug #177385)
-2007-05-11: Paul Varner <fuzzyray@gentoo.org>
- * eclean: Updated eclean to not delete metadata.dtd by default (Bug
- #176951)
-2007-05-10: Marius Mauch <genone@gentoo.org>
- * euse: Fix incorrect flag status display when a flag appears multiple
- times in a single location
-2007-04-25: Paul Varner <fuzzyray@gentoo.org>
- * echangelog: Re-added subversion/git support with fixes from genstef.
- (Bug #136048)
-2007-04-24: Paul Varner <fuzzyray@gentoo.org>
- * etcat: Removed from Makefile (deprecated since 04-25-2005)
- * qpkg: Removed from Makefile (deprecated since 04-25-2005)
-2007-04-23: Paul Varner <fuzzyray@gentoo.org>
- * genpkgindex, epkginfo: Move to /usr/bin from
- /usr/lib/gentoolkit/bin (Bug #175759)
-2007-04-10: Paul Varner <fuzzyray@gentoo.org>
- * equery: Change equery uses to command to display the best matching
- uninstalled package version if an uninstalled package is specified.
- Changed the meaning of -a to mean display all versions. (Bug #152325)
-2007-04-01: Alec Warner <antarus@gentoo.org>
- * eread: Fix path and fully qualified paths (Bug #172969)
-2007-03-31: Paul Varner <fuzzyray@gentoo.org>
- * equery: Fix traceback in equery which (Bug #134053)
-2007-03-29: Paul Varner <fuzzyray@gentoo.org>
- * gentoolkit: Change package.get_???_deps() methods to try the portage
- tree first, since emerge always uses the portage tree for dependencies.
- (Bug #164678)
-2007-03-29: Paul Varner <fuzzyray@gentoo.org>
- * equery: Convert deprecated strings functions to str methods (Bug
- #172694)
-2007-03-25: Paul Varner <fuzzyray@gentoo.org>
- * echangelog: Remove subversion/git patch due to many bugs.
-2007-03-18 Paul Varner <fuzzyray@gentoo.org>
- * revdep-rebuild: Change --no-color to --nocolor for consistency
- within gentoolkit. (Bug #165165)
-2007-03-16 Paul Varner <fuzzyray@gentoo.org>
- * gentoolkit: Fix typo in package.py (Bug #168347)
-2007-03-15 Paul Varner <fuzzyray@gentoo.org>
- * equery: Fix equery check to not fail for symlinks prefixed with ./
- (Bug #170702)
-2007-03-14 Paul Varner <fuzzyray@gentoo.org>
- * equery: Trim trailing slash from query for equery belongs command
- (Bug #170981)
-2007-03-13 Paul Varner <fuzzyray@gentoo.org>
- * revdep-rebuild: Fix bug with --package-names option not rebuilding
- packages (Bug #169761)
-2007-03-10 Paul Varner <fuzzyray@gentoo.org>
- * equery: Add --depth option to equery depgraph to limit the depth of
- the dependency graph. (Bug #115807)
-2007-03-09 Paul Varner <fuzzyray@gentoo.org>
- * revdep-rebuild: Add support to detect "no version information
- available" message from ldd (Bug #169973)
-2007-03-08 Paul Varner <fuzzyray@gentoo.org>
- * equery: Improved handling of KeyError in equery depends command
- (Bug #169929)
-2007-03-07 Paul Varner <fuzzyray@gentoo.org>
- * revdep-rebuild: Change ordering algorithm to use --deep instead of
- --emptytree on the advice of zmedico
-2007-02-26 Marius Mauch <genone@gentoo.org>
- * glsa-check: Display access information in verbose list mode (bug 168482)
-2007-02-19 Paul Varner <fuzzyray@gentoo.org>
- * echangelog: Updated to support git and subversion (Bug #136048)
-2007-01-10 Paul Varner <fuzzyray@gentoo.org>
- * epkgmove: removed epkgmove command due to popular demand. (Bug
- 161360)
- * gensync: Deprecated gensync in favor of app-portage/layman (multiple
- bugs)
-2007-01-02 Paul Varner <fuzzyray@gentoo.org>
- * equery: Fix equery depends --indirect command. (Bug #124552)
-2006-12-31 Paul Varner <fuzzyray@gentoo.org>
- * equery: Reworked equery depends command to be more accurate.
-2006-12-13 Paul Varner <fuzzyray@gentoo.org>
- * revdep-rebuild: Fix handling of /etc/portage/package.mask (Bug
- #158025) Thanks to Wolfram Schlich for the patch.
-2006-12-12 Paul Varner <fuzzyray@gentoo.org>
- * equery: Add --tree option to equery files command. (Bug #62898)
- Thanks to scope for the patch.
-2006-12-06 Paul Varner <fuzzyray@gentoo.org>
- * equery: Modify equery size command to work like the equery list
- command for pkgspec arguments
-2006-11-27 Paul Varner <fuzzyray@gentoo.org>
- * eclean: Fix typographical error in help and man page. (Bug #156243)
-2006-10-11 Paul Varner <fuzzyray@gentoo.org>
- * equery: Fix fileAsStr to understand device files.
- (http://forums.gentoo.org/viewtopic-p-3639575.html)
-2006-10-07 Paul Varner <fuzzyray@gentoo.org>
- * euse: Fix quoting bug in get_real_path() (Bug #150335).
-2006-09-21 Paul Varner <fuzzyray@gentoo.org>
- * eread: Add eread script for reading and managing portage ELOG files.
- Thanks to Donnie Berkholz for writing this.
-2006-09-03 Paul Varner <fuzzyray@gentoo.org>
- * revdep-rebuild: Remove unused environment variables before calling
- emerge (Bug #142074). Check for permissions to write temporary files
- (Bug #142308)
-2006-08-12 Marius Mauch <genone@gentoo.org>
- * glsa-check: Add new --mail option to send out vulnerability reports
- (output of --list plus --dump for each matched glsa as attachment),
- using elog configuration.
-2006-07-31 Paul Varner <fuzzyray@gentoo.org>
- * euse: Replace calls to readlink with bash function for Gentoo/ALT
- compatibility. (Bugs #140477, #128960)
-2006-07-28 Paul Varner <fuzzyray@gentoo.org>
- * revdep-rebuild: Fix revdep-rebuild to correctly handle --ask being
- passed to emerge. Thanks to Sal Gonzalez <ghostx@optonline.net> for
- the patch. (Bug #37485)
-2006-07-07 Paul Varner <fuzzyray@gentoo.org>
- * revdep-rebuild: Rename --no-path to --no-ld-path and change
- functionality to not set LD_LIBRARY_PATH. This fixes bug #96946 as
- well as bug #137313
- * revdep-rebuild: Apply patch from truedfx to fix bug #38751
-2006-07-05 Paul Varner <fuzzyray@gentoo.org>
- * revdep-rebuild: Add --no-path option to revdep-rebuild for bug
- #137313
-2006-06-25 Marius Mauch <genone@gentoo.org>
- * glsa-check: update cve code for bug 128115
-2006-06-14 Paul Varner <fuzzyray@gentoo.org>
- * gentoolkit: Fix package.py to honor $ROOT. (bug #136811)
-2006-05-22 Paul Varner <fuzzyray@gentoo.org>
- * revdep-rebuild: Use qfile to locate packages if portage-utils is
- installed (Bug #128374). Be even more paranoid about extra slashes in
- path names (Bug #128108). Remove unused code. Update configuration
- section of manpage (Bug #126038).
-2006-04-02 Paul Varner <fuzzyray@gentoo.org>
- * revdep-rebuild: Remove double-slashes from path names (Bug #128108)
-2006-04-01 Paul Varner <fuzzyray@gentoo.org>
- * revdep-rebuild: Add fix so that packages no longer in the tree cause
- errors (Bug #128174). Fix case where masked packages cause
- revdep-rebuild to not rebuild any packages (Bug #128085)
-2006-03-29 Marius Mauch <genone@gentoo.org>
- * euse: Add support for special %active argument as placeholder for
- active use flags
-2006-03-26 Aron Griffis <agriffis@gentoo.org>
- * echangelog: Don't warn about missing ebuilds when updating
- copyrights #120061
-2006-03-25 Aron Griffis <agriffis@gentoo.org>
- * eviewcvs: Update for sources.gentoo.org, add subversion support
-2006-03-21 Paul Varner <fuzzyray@gentoo.org>
- * revdep-rebuild: Fix to clear environment before portageq call. (Bug
- #126038)
-2006-03-08 Paul Varner <fuzzyray@gentoo.org>
- * genpkgindex: Add binary package indexing utility. (Bug 82132)
-2006-03-01 Paul Varner <fuzzyray@gentoo.org>
- * gentoolkit: Fix depends parsing to properly handle conjunction. (bug
- #123725). Thanks to tgl for the patch.
- * gentoolkit: Added function to get post-merge dependencies (PDEPEND)
- (bug #99191)
- * gentoolkit: Change get_dependency functions to always use the
- portage tree
- * equery: Added post-merge dependencies to depends and depgraph
- actions. (bug #99191)
- * equery: Removed requirement for package to be installed to use
- depgraph action.
-2006-02-16 Marius Mauch <genone@gentoo.org>
- * euse: add/remove use flags even if there is no USE= statement in make.conf
- (bug #95432)
-2006-02-16 Marius Mauch <genone@gentoo.org>
- * glsa-check: Fix bug causing the wrong summary to be displayed
- for --test --verbose (bug #123084)
-2006-02-06 Paul Varner <fuzzyray@gentoo.org>
- * revdep-rebuild: Reset PORTAGE_NICENESS, so that emerge is not niced
- twice. Thanks to Lukas Reck for the patch. (Bug 121482)
-2006-01-24 Marius Mauch <genone@gentoo.org>
- * glsa-check: Use vbd information in verbose list mode (patch by solar)
-2006-01-18 Paul Varner <fuzzyray@gentoo.org>
- * revdep-rebuild: Add capability to check libtool .la files for
- non-existant references.
-2006-01-06 Paul Varner <fuzzyray@gentoo.org>
- * revdep-rebuild: Fix revdep-rebuild to play nicely with portage-2.1
- (Bug 118124)
-2005-12-28 Paul Varner <fuzzyray@gentoo.org>
- * revdep-rebuild: Fix to automatically determine how to call find (Bug 111203)
-2005-12-19 Paul Varner <fuzzyray@gentoo.org>
- * eclean: Add regular expression matching for exclude files (Bug 114365)
-2005-12-13 Paul Varner <fuzzyray@gentoo.org>
- * equery: Fix USE flag parsing. (Bug 115294)
-2005-12-07 Paul Varner <fuzzyray@gentoo.org>
- * revdep-rebuild: Fix revdep-rebuild to work with findutils-4.2.27.
- (bug 111203)
- * equery: Added note to error message about quoting redirection
- characters. (Bug 113423)
- * gentoolkit: Removed python-config call from make file. (Bug 113386)
-2005-11-23 Paul Varner <fuzzyray@gentoo.org>
- * equery: Changed default behavior for equery list to search for
- partial name matches. Added equery list examples to the equery man
- page. (Bugs 113032, 113134)
-2005-11-15 Marius Mauch <genone@gentoo.org>
- * glsa-check: Changed several messages to stderr instead of stdout
- * glsa-check: Added new --cve option as requested by solar (bug 98589)
- * glsa-check: Added support for a EMERGE_OPTS env variable to modify the emerge call of glsa-check --fix
- * glsa-check: Added a new target "affected"
- * glsa-check: Removed the warning message as it is now pretty much tested
- * glsa-check: Show GLSA title on --test if --verbose is also used
-2005-11-11 Paul Varner <fuzzyray@gentoo.org>
- * equery: Added sanity check to equery files (Bug 75983)
- * equery: Fix string matching for equery depends (Bug 85653)
- * gentoolkit: Fix package.size() to report correct size for symbolic
- links (Bug 90384)
- * equery: Fix equery depgraph to show all dependencies (Bug 99191)
- * equery: Fix traceback with invalid regular expression for equery
- list (Bug 109392)
-2005-11-04 Paul Varner <fuzzyray@gentoo.org>
- * equery: Fix equery belongs to correctly work when passed an argument
- list of multiple files (Bug 111501)
-2005-11-02 Paul Varner <fuzzyray@gentoo.org>
- * revdep-rebuild: Fix to work with findutils-4.2.25 (Bug 111203)
-2005-10-18 Paul Varner <fuzzyray@gentoo.org>
- * equery: Make equery look at both DEPEND and RDEPEND for dependencies
- * gentoolkit: Fix _parse_deps to understand || syntax (Bug 101377)
-2005-10-14 Paul Varner <fuzzyray@gentoo.org>
- * equery: Add qpkg --dups functionality to equery list command (bug
- 109156)
-2005-10-13 Paul Varner <fuzzyray@gentoo.org>
- * equery: equery depgraph shows USE flags (Bug 74554)
- * equery: equery should properly parse use.local.desc (Bug 74569)
- * equery: equery list escapes regular expressions (Bug 77113)
- * equery: equery uses displays flags correctly (Bug 86633)
- * equery: equery -N option to disable pipe detection (Bug 90046)
- * equery: equery list properly detects version string (Bug 91286)
- * equery: equery belongs now requires a filename (Bug 94618)
- * equery: equery files over a pipe only prints file names (Bug 100148)
- * revdep-rebuild: Fix typo in man page (Bug 109147)
-2005-09-25 Paul Varner <fuzzyray@gentoo.org>
- * revdep-rebuild: Update to read configuration files from
- /etc/revdep-rebuild
-2005-09-23 Paul Varner <fuzzyray@gentoo.org>
- * equery: Sort output from equery list (bug 67152)
- * equery: Update man page (Bugs 73893, 74944)
- * equery: equery which returns best-visible ebuild (bug 78687)
- * equery: equery --quiet is actually quiet (bug 78921)
- * equery: Fixed typo in equery -h (bug 82352)
- * gentoolkit: gentoolkit now uses a single portage.config object (bug
- 90680)
- * equery: equery uses returns unique, sorted list (bug 91623)
- * equery: equery always honors nocolor flag and settings (bug 98634)
-2005-09-08 Paul Varner <fuzzyray@gentoo.org>
- * eclean: Inital commit of eclean 0.4.1 from Thomas de Grenier de
- Latour (tgl) <degrenier@easyconnect.fr> (bug 33877)
-2005-06-28 Paul Varner <fuzzyray@gentoo.org>
- * revdep-rebuild: Revert fix for bug 93574 as it can cause packages to
- be missed. (bug 97171)
-2005-06-07 Paul Varner <fuzzyray@gentoo.org>
- * revdep-rebuild: Delete temporary files if the environment does not
- match the previous environment (bug 95274)
-2005-06-05 Paul Varner <fuzzyray@gentoo.org>
- * revdep-rebuild: Imported revdep-rebuild release from bug 62644
- * revdep-rebuild: Major changes to the functionality when using
- --package-names/-X The script should now update slotted packages
- correctly. (bug 22161)
- * revdep-rebuild: Customizable searching controlled through environment
- variables. This removes the need for end users to directly modify the
- script. (bugs 32276, 38011, 59803)
- * revdep-rebuild: The directories to search are no longer hard coded
- into the script. revdep-rebuild now determines the directories to
- search based upon /etc/profile.env and /etc/ld.so.conf. (bugs 32276,
- 38011, 89781)
- * revdep-rebuild: --ignore option to ignore temporary files left from
- previous runs. Automatically ignore temporary files older than 24 hours.
- (bug 34052)
- * revdep-rebuild: Always return an exit status based upon success or
- failure. (bug 38472)
- * revdep-rebuild: Fixed to only emerge packages with direct missing
- dependencies. (bug 38487)
- * revdep-rebuild: New man page. (bug 40042)
- * revdep-rebuild: emerge is no longer called with --nodeps. This allows
- for needed dependencies to be pulled in. (bug 62893)
- * revdep-rebuild: Cleaned up grammatical errors (bug 85278)
- * revdep-rebuild: Added support for revdep-rebuild --soname
- /path/to/library.so (bug 91503)
- * revdep-rebuild: Removed symbolically linked directories from search
- (bug 93574)
- * revdep-rebuild: --nocolor option to turn off colored output, the
- script also obeys the NOCOLOR setting from /etc/make.conf.
- * revdep-rebuild: Removed dependency on qpkg
- * revdep-rebuild: Script uses PORTAGE_NICENESS from /etc/make.conf
- * revdep-rebuild: Undocumented --keep-temp option. This is primarily
- for debugging/testing. This option prevents temporary files from being
- deleted.
- * revdep-rebuild: Changed --soname --soname-regexp options to --library
- and treat all arguments as basic regular expressions. --soname and
- --soname-regexp can still be used as options for backwards
- compatability.
- * revdep-rebuild: Removed requirement to keep revdep-rebuild and emerge
- options distinct. Options that are unrecognized by revdep-rebuild are
- passed directly to emerge.
-2005-04-30 Marius Mauch <genone@gentoo.org>
- * glsa-check: add V to short option list so it actually works
- * equery: added new option --name-only to belongs command to make it
- "emerge-compatible"
-2005-04-26 Marius Mauch <genone@gentoo.org>
- * gentoolkit: fix broken Makefile
- * gentoolkit: add some sticky tape to get the stupid thing working again
- * equery: fix a few minor problems
-2005-04-25 Marius Mauch <genone@gentoo.org>
- * qpkg: moving to /usr/share/doc/gentoolkit-*/deprecated
- * etcat: moving to /usr/share/doc/gentoolkit-*/deprecated
- * revdep-rebuild: replacing qpkg call with equivalent grep/sed call
-2005-04-07 Marius Mauch <genone@gentoo.org>
- * euse: fixed bugs 74344, 75525 and 84521
- * euse: add better support for cascaded profiles
- * glsa-check: use --oneshot (bug 79819)
- * glsa.py: fix stupid revision comparison bug (bug 75233)
-2005-03-12 Aron Griffis <agriffis@gentoo.org>
- * Added eviewcvs to -dev, utility for generating viewcvs URLs
-2005-03-01 Karl Trygve Kalleberg <karltk@gentoo.org>
- * Dropped epkgmove from the -dev
- * Released gentoolkit-dev-0.2.3
-2005-03-01 Karl Trygve Kalleberg <karltk@gentoo.org>
- * Released gentookit-dev-0.2.2
-2004-12-09 Marius Mauch <genone@gentoo.org>
- * glsa.py: Another stupid bug, this time revisionMatch() broke as
- ~foobar-rN isn't valid anymore
-2004-12-08 Marius Mauch <genone@gentoo.org>
- * equery: implemented the --category option
- * glsa-check: fixed the bug where it wanted to unnecessary merge masked
- packages
- * glsa-check: added a check to verify that all non-option arguments are
- valid GLSAs
- * glsa.py: changed the outfile parameter in Glsa.dump() to outstream so
- we don't have to open/close a file which breaks pipes
- * glsa.py: checks now for python versions below 2.3 and throws an
- exception
-2004-11-29 Karl Trygve Kalleberg <karltk@gentoo.org>
- * branched v0-3-0: major rework in equery is in progess. the main
- branch is reserved for minor and incremental fixups.
-2004-10-20 Karl Trygve Kalleberg <karltk@gentoo.org>
- * release.sh: New script that automates the relase of a new gentoolkit
- relase. Only works for gentoolkit-dev at the moment.
- * src/echangelog/Makefile: Fixed spurious '}'
- * Released gentoolkit-dev-0.2.1
-2004-10-31 Marius Mauch <genone@gentoo.org>
- * qpkg: security fix for bug #68846
-2004-10-20 Karl Trygve Kalleberg <karltk@gentoo.org>
- * etcat: fixed get_use_vars to get_use_flags, fixes #67349.
-2004-10-18 Karl Trygve Kalleberg <karltk@gentoo.org>
- * gentoolkit: collapsed ChangeLog into base ChangeLog
- * gentoolkit: reverted indenting back to tabs, due to loud protests
- from Marius;)
- * equery: collapsed ChangeLog into base ChangeLog
- * equery: reverted indenting back to tabs, due to loud protests from
- Marius;)
- * equery: minor syntactical cleanups.
- * equery: minor documentation improvements
- * equery: added errors module that will hold various types of internal
- errors raised.
- * equery: added try block around on md5sum check, which fails on various
- conditions like insufficient permission or stale temporary checksum
- files.
-2004-10-17 Marius Mauch <genone@gentoo.org>
- * equery: fix for bug #67473 (checking md5sums of prelinked binaries)
- * equery: fix for bug #67275 (--nocolor didn't work as configure was
- called before parsing the arguments
- * equery: changed defaults for `equery depends` as making a depgraph for
- the full portage tree isn't a good idea and find_all_packages() uses way
- to much memory currently
- * euse: replaced the old perl version with a newly written bash version.
-2004-10-12 Marius Mauch <genone@gentoo.org>
- * equery: fix for bug #67210
-2004-10-10 Marius Mauch <genone@gentoo.org>
- * Removed old-scripts directory from gentoolkit
- * euse: added a errormessage that it doesn't support cascading profiles
- * equery: small bugfixes
- * equery: performance speedup for `equery belongs` by using portage
- directly
- * equery: added MD5 verification to `equery check`
- * equery: renamed 'hasuses' to 'hasuse'
- * equery: added filter patch for `equery files` from bug 43422, thanks
- to degrenier@easyconnect.fr
- * Released gentoolkit-0.2.0_pre10
-2004-10-10 Karl Trygve Kalleberg <karltk@gentoo.org>
- * equery: Added unit tests for all supported commands
- * equery: Fixed printing order and recognition of overlay, #53432.
-2004-10-11 Karl Trygve Kalleberg <karltk@gentoo.org>
- * gentoolkit: Split gentoolkit.py into helpers.py and package.py
-2004-10-10 Karl Trygve Kalleberg <karltk@gentoo.org>
- * gentoolkit: Fixed Makefiles to work with posix-compatible shells
- * gentoolkit: Fixed is_overlay() to report properly, #53432.
-2004-10-06 Marius Mauch <genone@gentoo.org>
- * glsa.py: Convert Unicode strings to ascii before passing them to
- portage
- * glsa.py: Some formatting fixes for dump()
- * glsa.py: changed the matching routines so the reports are hopefully
- more accurate
- * glsa-check: added color support
- * glsa-check: added a --verbose option to show the warnings about
- invalid GLSAs
-2004-09-30 Karl Trygve Kalleberg <karltk@gentoo.org>
- * equery: Added unit tests for --help
- * equery: Added unit tests for 'files'
-2004-09-27 Karl Trygve Kalleberg <karltk@gentoo.org>
- * gentoolkit: Added find_installed_packages
- * equery: Added short commands
- * equery: Fixed copyright dates
- * equery: Fixed belongs to search only installed packages
- * equery: Fixed reporting bug in uses command
- * equery: Fixed reference to cppv
- * equery: Added import of die
- * equery: Added searching header to uses
- * equery: Fixed hasuses to report properly
- * Released gentoolkit-0.2.0_pre9
- * Released gentoolkit-dev-0.2.0_pre4
-2004-09-08 Karl Trygve Kalleberg <karltk@gentoo.org>
- * equery: Added man page rewrites by Katerina Barone-Adesi
- <katerinab@gmail.com>, fixes #63045
- * equery: Fixed spacing issues with files, fixes #63036.
- * equery: Added depends command by Olivier Crete <tester@gentoo.org>,
- fixes #40830.
- * equery: Reworked output yet again.
- * equery: Belongs handles multiple files on the command line, partially
- fixes #62361.
- * gentoolkit: Reworked printing functions
-2004-08-29 Karl Trygve Kalleberg <karltk@gentoo.org>
- * gentoolkit: Added printing functions
- * equery: Added check for bad regexp in belongs, fixes #58494
- * equery: Added proper error reporting to stderr, fixes #57580
-2004-08-22 Karl Trygve Kalleberg <karltk@gentoo.org>
- * gentoolkit: Fixed Package.get_env_var to use the correct tree db.
- * gentoolkit: Renamed Package.get_use_vars to Package.get_use_flags
- * equery: Searches now include masked packages, when installed.
- * equery: Fixed output to be piping-friendly
- * equery: Added -N option to force non-piping output
- * equery: Added hasuses command
-2004-08-01 Marius Mauch <genone@gentoo.org>
- * Fixed grep expression for `qpkg -f`
-2004-05-04 Karl Trygve Kalleberg <karltk@gentoo.org>
- * equery: Added a -f/--full-regex option to belongs and some logic so
- users can do belongs ant, belongs /usr/bin/ant and belongs -f ".*ant.*"
- while getting sensible results. Fixes #37637.
-2004-04-14 Karl Trygve Kalleberg <karltk@gentoo.org>
- * Released gentoolkit-dev-0.2.0_pre3
-2004-03-31 Marius Mauch <genone@gentoo.org>
- * glsa-check: updates, fixing #45528 and #45522, adding support for rXX
- operators and passing filenames as arguments to Glsa()
-2004-03-13 Marius Mauch <genone@gentoo.org>
- * Added glsa-check and glsa.py, please note:
- - they are only temporary for testing, so no manpage/ChangeLog
- - their CVS home is in gentoo-projects
- * fixed bugs #42160, #40935, #43389
- * equery: fixing descriptions for local USE flags
- * equery: more checking on exceptions
-2004-02-08 Karl Trygve Kalleberg <karltk@gentoo.org>
- * Added ebump
- * Added gensync
- * Added epkgmove, closes #36663.
-2004-02-06 Marius Mauch <genone@gentoo.org>
- * fixed bugs #40159, #39798, #39652, #39596, #39293
- * changed etcat and equery behavior for ambigous package names,
- they now return values for all matching packages rather
- than erroring out
- * added "will be phased out" messages to etcat and qpkg
-2004-01-23 Marius Mauch <genone@gentoo.org>
- * lots of bugfixes
- * equery: now catches Exceptions thrown by portage
- * equery: minor bugfixes
-2004-01-14 Karl Trygve Kalleberg <karltk@gentoo.org>
- * Added src/ego to gentoolkit-dev
-2004-01-12 Marius Mauch <genone@gentoo.org>
- * equery: added mask, keyword and slot information to list command
- * equery: fixed traceback in equery
- * equery: added more information on "equery list"
-2004-01-10 Karl Trygve Kalleberg <karltk@gentoo.org>
- * Added src/ego
-2004-01-07 Karl Trygve Kalleberg <karltk@gentoo.org>
- * equery: Added Makefile
- * Added new build system
- * Added src/old-scripts, the scripts from app-portage/gentoolkit
- * Renamed gentool to equery
- * Released 0.2.0_pre1
-2003-12-31 Karl Trygve Kalleberg <karltk@gentoo.org>
- * equery: Added which command
- * equery: Added check command (not finished)
-2003-12-12 Karl Trygve Kalleberg <karltk@gentoo.org>
- * equery: Added size command
- * equery: Added depgraph command
-2003-12-11 Karl Trygve Kalleberg <karltk@gentoo.org>
- * equery: Added list command
- * equery: Added uses command
-2003-12-08 Karl Trygve Kalleberg <karltk@gentoo.org>
- * Removed emerge-rsync, emerge-webrsync
- * Added moo
- * Added skeleton man pages to all packages
- * Added Makefile
-2003-10-05 Karl Trygve Kalleberg <karltk@gentoo.org>
- * equery: Added files command
- * equery: Added belongs command
-2003-10-04 Karl Trygve Kalleberg <karltk@gentoo.org>
- * Rewrote dep-clean to python
-2003-06-31 Karl Trygve Kalleberg <karltk@gentoo.org>
- * Rewrote more of etcat; many of the functions now employ
- gentoolkit.
- * Replaced qpkg with stubs of a reimplementation in python.
-2003-06-27 Karl Trygve Kalleberg <karltk@gentoo.org>
- * Added patch to echangelog to consider PORTDIR, fixes #23881.
-2003-06-26 Karl Trygve Kalleberg <karltk@gentoo.org>
- * Added echangelog, by agenkin
- * Added ekeyword, by agenkin
- * Added gentoolkit, the common python library for all Gentoolkit tools.
- * Revived pkg-size as a testbed for the gentoolkit library
- * Fixed some minor issues in qpkg
- * Added revdep-rebuild-1
- * Added revdep-rebuild-2
- * Restructuring etcat
- * Fixed some minor issues in dep-clean
-2002-11-21 Karl Trygve Kalleberg <karltk@gentoo.org>
- * Renamed pkg-size to gentool-package-size
- * Renamed pst-package-count to gentool-package-count
- * Retired rest of pst-* stuff
-2002-08-06 Karl Trygve Kalleberg <karltk@gentoo.org>
- * Created separate CVS module for Gentoolkit
- * Restructured directory hierarchy
diff --git a/MANIFEST.in b/MANIFEST.in
deleted file mode 100644
index 8f26bea..0000000
--- a/MANIFEST.in
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-include AUTHORS
-include ChangeLog
-include COPYING
-include CREDITS
-include NEWS
-include README
-include TODO
-include setup.py
-recursive-include data *
-recursive-include bin *
-recursive-include man *
-recursive-include pym *.py *.txt
diff --git a/NEWS b/NEWS
index 21c4c86..f3bd744 100644
--- a/NEWS
+++ b/NEWS
@@ -1,5 +1,77 @@
News (new features/major bug fixes)
+ * eclean: fix eclean-dist with no git3-src dir (bug #922455)
+ * Raise portage requirement to >=3.0.57
+ * Strip libc dependencies from eclean-pkg --changed-deps calculations
+ * Fix handling invalid binpkgs
+ * Migrate to PEP517 meson-python build
+ * Add --clean-invalid option for eclean-pkg
+ * Fix merge-driver-ekeyword compatibility with git >= 2.42
+ * Fix eclean-pkg compatibility with FEATURES=pkgdir-index-trusted
+ * Support the NO_COLOR environment variable
+ * Fix custom TMPL implementation for depends commit 3e35553df4673
+ * fix unused variable detection
+ * migrate setup.py to setuptools
+ * merge-driver-ekeyword Fix type annotations
+ * equery changes removal
+ * Convert from tab indent to spaces, format cleanup
+ * Add github action to check formatting, add unit testing
+ * Add flake testing to github action
+ * ChangeLog cleanups
+ * imlate: Remove 'experimental' code
+ * Remove remnants of herds support
+ * man page updates/fixes
+ * euse: migrate egrep -> grep -E
+ * Add python 3.10, 3.11 testing to tox.ini
+ * implement --unique-use option for eclean-pkg
+ * eshowkw: Fix bug 503366 row alignment issue
+ * revdep-rebuild: set up a child logger with propagate = False
+ * Add -f/--forced-masked to equery uses
+ * metadata.py: Don't fail on unmatched package
+ * equery: update linguas->l10n option
+ * equery: Add -F TMPL option to depends module
+ * revdep-rebuild.sh: use awk command instead of gawk
+ * ekeyword: remove .ebuild file suffix requirement (bug 762331)
+ * eclean: Complete migration to imported emaint code
+ * eclean: add early return for empty DISTDIR
+ * enalyze: Fix missing newline at end of saved rebuild files
+ * equery: Turn off color when piping is set
+ * equery meta: Fix missing description when not in metadata.xml
+ * equery meta: Migrate to portage's MetadataXML class
+ * equery check: Fix exception handling for Insufficient permissions
+ * equery depends: Fix a traceback due to UnboundLocalError:
+ * Added support for Python 3.9
+ * Removed support for Python < 3.6 and other clean ups
+ * merge-driver-ekeyword: Added git merge driver for automatically resolving
+ conflicts involving the KEYWORDS=... line
+ * equery: Removed 'changes' subcommand
+ * Enable ekeyword unit tests
* discontinued Support for Python 2
diff --git a/README b/README
deleted file mode 100644
index 4ec4fc9..0000000
--- a/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-Package: gentoolkit/gentoolkit-dev
-Authors: Aron Griffis <agriffis@gentoo.org>
- Brandon Low <lostlogic@gentoo.org>
- Ian Leitch <port001@gentoo.org>
- Karl Trygve Kalleberg <karltk@gentoo.org>
- Marius Mauch <genone@gentoo.org>
- Paul Varner <fuzzyray@gentoo.org>
- See src/<tool>/AUTHORS for tool-specific authors
-The gentoolkit and gentoolkit-dev packages contain a collection of useful
-administration scripts particular to the Gentoo Linux distribution. It contains
-rough drafts and implementations of features that may in time make it into
-Portage, or into full-fledged tools in their own right.
-The gentoolkit-dev package is intended primarily for Gentoo developers.
-ebump - Ebuild revision bumper
-eclean - tool to clean up outdated distfiles and packages
-ekeyword - modify package KEYWORDS
-enalyze - Analyze all installed pkgs or rebuild package.* files
-epkginfo - wrapper to equery: Display metadata about a given package.
-equery - replacement for etcat and qpkg
-eread - script to read portage log items from einfo, ewarn etc.
-eshowkw - Display keywords for specified package(s)
-euse - tool to manage USE flags
-imlate - Displays candidates for keywords for an architecture...
-qpkg - convient package query tool (deprecated)
-revdep-rebuild - scans/fixes broken shared libs and binaries
-Any suggestions for improvements should be sent to tools-portage@gentoo.org, or
-added as a bug assigned to us.
-We only accept new contributions if they are written in bash or python.
diff --git a/README.dev b/README.dev
deleted file mode 100644
index e2df152..0000000
--- a/README.dev
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-Gentoo Developers have full priviledges to the gentoolkit repository and
-any Gentoo developer can do work on the gentoolkit source.
-We only have several requirements. If you want to do a major change (i.e
-rewrite/refactor something), please talk to us before pushing any
-commits. If you break something, please fix it.
-All members of the Portage or Portage Tools projects are authorized to
-create a new release of gentoolkit or gentoolkit-dev.
-All other Gentoo Developers are authorized to create a new release if it is
-coordinated with fuzzyray and/or dolsen.
-If you create a release and it breaks, please fix it.
-Any non Gentoo developers who wish to contribute, the best way to get
-started is by cloning a copy of the repository and submitting patches to
-bugzilla. Additionally, we can be found in the #gentoo-portage IRC
-Adding or modifying code:
-- If you add new code, best practice is to write a test for it.
-- If you're modifying code that doesn't have a test and you can write a test
- for it, please do.
-- Before committing your changes, run "tox" to ensure that you didn't break
- tests or introduced a flake8 error.
-- If flake8 raises a warning or error that you don't agree with, it's probably
- better to just change your code. If you're sure you have a good reason for
- doing what you're doing, you can add "# noqa" at the end of the line to
- silence it.
-Creating a release:
-Note: We are using VERSION="0.3.0" simply as an example.
-- Run Gentoolkit's test suite, make sure it passes:
-Note: requires dev-python/snakeoil
-./setup.py test
-- Create a source distribution (you need to add VERSION here):
-VERSION="0.3.0" ./setup.py sdist
-Transfer dist/gentoolkit-0.3.0.tar.gz to dev.gentoo.org:/space/distfiles-local
-- Clean up temporary files:
-./setup.py clean -a
-git status
-rm or mv any untracked files/directories
-- Create a tag for the release
-git tag gentoolkit-0.3.0
-git push origin gentoolkit-0.3.0
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2ad5e63
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+[![Unit tests](https://github.com/gentoo/gentoolkit/actions/workflows/ci.yml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/gentoo/gentoolkit/actions/workflows/ci.yml)
+The gentoolkit package contains a collection of useful administration scripts
+particular to the Gentoo Linux distribution. It contains rough drafts and
+implementations of features that may in time make it into Portage, or into
+full-fledged tools in their own right.
+- ebump - Ebuild revision bumper
+- eclean - tool to clean up outdated distfiles and packages
+- ekeyword - modify package KEYWORDS
+- enalyze - Analyze all installed pkgs or rebuild package.* files
+- epkginfo - wrapper to equery: Display metadata about a given package.
+- equery - replacement for etcat and qpkg
+- eread - script to read portage log items from einfo, ewarn etc.
+- eshowkw - Display keywords for specified package(s)
+- euse - tool to manage USE flags
+- imlate - Displays candidates for keywords for an architecture...
+- qpkg - convient package query tool (deprecated)
+- revdep-rebuild - scans/fixes broken shared libs and binaries
+Any suggestions for improvements should be sent to tools-portage@gentoo.org, or
+added as a bug assigned to us.
+We only accept new contributions if they are written in Bash or Python.
diff --git a/bin/ebump b/bin/ebump
index a0d4d56..dc045e7 100755
--- a/bin/ebump
+++ b/bin/ebump
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ __description__="Ebuild version bumping tool"
# a given ebuild and auxiliary files in the Portage tree. It is only
# useful for Gentoo developers with CVS commit access.
die() {
echo $1 >&2
@@ -39,9 +39,7 @@ print_usage() {
echo " -v|--verbose increase verbosity"
echo " -q|--quiet turn off output"
echo " -a|--no-auxfiles don't bump auxfiles (files/*)"
- echo " -c|--no-changelog do not update ChangeLog (via echangelog)"
echo " -C|--no-vcs do not add to VCS"
- echo " -m|--message append message to ChangeLog"
echo " -d|--delete-old delete previous revision from VCS (DANGEROUS!)"
@@ -55,17 +53,9 @@ load_options() {
if [ -f "/etc/gentoolkit/ebump.conf" ] ; then
. /etc/gentoolkit/ebump.conf
- if [ -f "${HOME}/.gentoo/gentool-env" ] ; then
- . ${HOME}/.gentoo/gentool-env
- fi
if [ -f "${HOME}/.gentoo/ebump.conf" ] ; then
. ${HOME}/.gentoo/ebump.conf
- # FIXME: remove this warning in 2-3 releases.
- if [ -n "${opt_add_cvs}" ]; then
- echo "Warning: opt_add_cvs is deprecated, please use opt_add_vcs from now on!" >&2
- fi
@@ -276,26 +266,6 @@ process_ebuild() {
einfo "Removed ${delfiles} from VCS"
- #
- # (Optional) Add ChangeLog entry
- #
- if [ "${opt_add_changelog}" = "y" ] && [ "${opt_add_vcs}" = "y" ]; then
- # FIXME: remove this warning in 2-3 releases
- if [ -n "${AUTHORNAME}" ] || [ -n "${AUTHOREMAIL}" ]; then
- echo "Warning: AUTHORNAME and AUTHOREMAIL is deprecated!" >&2
- echo "Please take a look at echangelog(1)." >&2
- echo "To avoid this warning unset AUTHORNAME and AUTHOREMAIL." >&2
- fi
- echangelog "${opt_commitmessage}" || set $?
- if [ ${1:-0} -ne 0 ]; then
- einfo "Modifying ChangeLog failed!"
- else
- einfo "Added ChangeLog entry"
- fi
- fi
get_vcs() {
@@ -306,8 +276,8 @@ get_vcs() {
echo "svn"
return 0
- if [ -x "$(which git)" ]; then
- if [ -n "$(git rev-parse --git-dir 2>/dev/null)" ]; then
+ if command -v git >/dev/null; then
+ if [ "$(git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree)" = true ]; then
echo "git"
return 0
@@ -322,7 +292,6 @@ get_vcs() {
# Global options
@@ -348,10 +317,6 @@ while [ ${#} -gt 0 ] ; do
- -c|--no-changelog)
- opt_add_changelog=n
- continue
- ;;
diff --git a/bin/eclean b/bin/eclean
index 90f9e55..c315c88 100755
--- a/bin/eclean
+++ b/bin/eclean
@@ -6,9 +6,9 @@ Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
# Meta:
__author__ = "Thomas de Grenier de Latour (tgl), " + \
- "modular re-write by: Brian Dolbec (dol-sen)"
+ "modular re-write by: Brian Dolbec (dol-sen)"
__email__ = "degrenier@easyconnect.fr, " + \
- "brian.dolbec@gmail.com"
+ "brian.dolbec@gmail.com"
__version__ = "git"
__productname__ = "eclean"
__description__ = "A cleaning tool for Gentoo distfiles and binaries."
@@ -18,29 +18,28 @@ import sys
# This block ensures that ^C interrupts are handled quietly.
- import signal
+ import signal
- def exithandler(signum,frame):
- signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_IGN)
- signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, signal.SIG_IGN)
- print()
- sys.exit(1)
+ def exithandler(signum, frame):
+ signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_IGN)
+ signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, signal.SIG_IGN)
+ print()
+ sys.exit(1)
- signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, exithandler)
- signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, exithandler)
- signal.signal(signal.SIGPIPE, signal.SIG_DFL)
+ signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, exithandler)
+ signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, exithandler)
+ signal.signal(signal.SIGPIPE, signal.SIG_DFL)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
- print()
- sys.exit(1)
+ print()
+ sys.exit(1)
from gentoolkit.eclean.cli import main
- main()
+ main()
except KeyboardInterrupt:
- print("Aborted.")
- sys.exit(130)
+ print("Aborted.")
+ sys.exit(130)
diff --git a/bin/eclean-dist b/bin/eclean-dist
index 90f9e55..c315c88 100755
--- a/bin/eclean-dist
+++ b/bin/eclean-dist
@@ -6,9 +6,9 @@ Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
# Meta:
__author__ = "Thomas de Grenier de Latour (tgl), " + \
- "modular re-write by: Brian Dolbec (dol-sen)"
+ "modular re-write by: Brian Dolbec (dol-sen)"
__email__ = "degrenier@easyconnect.fr, " + \
- "brian.dolbec@gmail.com"
+ "brian.dolbec@gmail.com"
__version__ = "git"
__productname__ = "eclean"
__description__ = "A cleaning tool for Gentoo distfiles and binaries."
@@ -18,29 +18,28 @@ import sys
# This block ensures that ^C interrupts are handled quietly.
- import signal
+ import signal
- def exithandler(signum,frame):
- signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_IGN)
- signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, signal.SIG_IGN)
- print()
- sys.exit(1)
+ def exithandler(signum, frame):
+ signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_IGN)
+ signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, signal.SIG_IGN)
+ print()
+ sys.exit(1)
- signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, exithandler)
- signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, exithandler)
- signal.signal(signal.SIGPIPE, signal.SIG_DFL)
+ signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, exithandler)
+ signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, exithandler)
+ signal.signal(signal.SIGPIPE, signal.SIG_DFL)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
- print()
- sys.exit(1)
+ print()
+ sys.exit(1)
from gentoolkit.eclean.cli import main
- main()
+ main()
except KeyboardInterrupt:
- print("Aborted.")
- sys.exit(130)
+ print("Aborted.")
+ sys.exit(130)
diff --git a/bin/eclean-pkg b/bin/eclean-pkg
index 90f9e55..c315c88 100755
--- a/bin/eclean-pkg
+++ b/bin/eclean-pkg
@@ -6,9 +6,9 @@ Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
# Meta:
__author__ = "Thomas de Grenier de Latour (tgl), " + \
- "modular re-write by: Brian Dolbec (dol-sen)"
+ "modular re-write by: Brian Dolbec (dol-sen)"
__email__ = "degrenier@easyconnect.fr, " + \
- "brian.dolbec@gmail.com"
+ "brian.dolbec@gmail.com"
__version__ = "git"
__productname__ = "eclean"
__description__ = "A cleaning tool for Gentoo distfiles and binaries."
@@ -18,29 +18,28 @@ import sys
# This block ensures that ^C interrupts are handled quietly.
- import signal
+ import signal
- def exithandler(signum,frame):
- signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_IGN)
- signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, signal.SIG_IGN)
- print()
- sys.exit(1)
+ def exithandler(signum, frame):
+ signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_IGN)
+ signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, signal.SIG_IGN)
+ print()
+ sys.exit(1)
- signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, exithandler)
- signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, exithandler)
- signal.signal(signal.SIGPIPE, signal.SIG_DFL)
+ signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, exithandler)
+ signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, exithandler)
+ signal.signal(signal.SIGPIPE, signal.SIG_DFL)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
- print()
- sys.exit(1)
+ print()
+ sys.exit(1)
from gentoolkit.eclean.cli import main
- main()
+ main()
except KeyboardInterrupt:
- print("Aborted.")
- sys.exit(130)
+ print("Aborted.")
+ sys.exit(130)
diff --git a/bin/ekeyword b/bin/ekeyword
index 8767fe3..c45ff5c 100755
--- a/bin/ekeyword
+++ b/bin/ekeyword
@@ -15,27 +15,27 @@ import os
import sys
# This block ensures that ^C interrupts are handled quietly.
- import signal
+ import signal
- def exithandler(signum,frame):
- signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_IGN)
- signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, signal.SIG_IGN)
- print()
- sys.exit(1)
+ def exithandler(signum, frame):
+ signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_IGN)
+ signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, signal.SIG_IGN)
+ print()
+ sys.exit(1)
- signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, exithandler)
- signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, exithandler)
- signal.signal(signal.SIGPIPE, signal.SIG_DFL)
+ signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, exithandler)
+ signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, exithandler)
+ signal.signal(signal.SIGPIPE, signal.SIG_DFL)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
- print()
- sys.exit(1)
+ print()
+ sys.exit(1)
from gentoolkit.ekeyword import ekeyword
- ekeyword.main(sys.argv[1:])
+ ekeyword.main(sys.argv[1:])
except KeyboardInterrupt:
- print("Aborted.")
- sys.exit(130)
+ print("Aborted.")
+ sys.exit(130)
diff --git a/bin/enalyze b/bin/enalyze
index 9e27bed..caa3362 100755
--- a/bin/enalyze
+++ b/bin/enalyze
@@ -13,32 +13,32 @@ files in the event of corruption, and possibly more.
import sys
# This block ensures that ^C interrupts are handled quietly.
- import signal
+ import signal
- def exithandler(signum,frame):
- signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_IGN)
- signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, signal.SIG_IGN)
- print()
- sys.exit(1)
+ def exithandler(signum, frame):
+ signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_IGN)
+ signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, signal.SIG_IGN)
+ print()
+ sys.exit(1)
- signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, exithandler)
- signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, exithandler)
- signal.signal(signal.SIGPIPE, signal.SIG_DFL)
+ signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, exithandler)
+ signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, exithandler)
+ signal.signal(signal.SIGPIPE, signal.SIG_DFL)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
- print()
- sys.exit(1)
+ print()
+ sys.exit(1)
from gentoolkit import enalyze, errors
- enalyze.main()
+ enalyze.main()
except errors.GentoolkitException as err:
- if '--debug' in sys.argv:
- raise
- else:
- from gentoolkit import pprinter as pp
- sys.stderr.write(pp.error(str(err)))
- print()
- print("Add '--debug' to global options for traceback.")
- sys.exit(1)
+ if '--debug' in sys.argv:
+ raise
+ else:
+ from gentoolkit import pprinter as pp
+ sys.stderr.write(pp.error(str(err)))
+ print()
+ print("Add '--debug' to global options for traceback.")
+ sys.exit(1)
diff --git a/bin/epkginfo b/bin/epkginfo
index 5d3aab2..29c4c4d 100755
--- a/bin/epkginfo
+++ b/bin/epkginfo
@@ -6,11 +6,11 @@
"""Shortcut to equery meta"""
__authors__ = (
- 'Douglas Anderson <douglasjanderson@gmail.com>: equery meta',
- 'Ned Ludd <solar@gentoo.org>: first full implimentation'
- 'Eldad Zack <eldad@gentoo.org>: earch',
- 'Eric Olinger <EvvL AT RustedHalo DOT net>: metadata'
- )
+ 'Douglas Anderson <douglasjanderson@gmail.com>: equery meta',
+ 'Ned Ludd <solar@gentoo.org>: first full implimentation'
+ 'Eldad Zack <eldad@gentoo.org>: earch',
+ 'Eric Olinger <EvvL AT RustedHalo DOT net>: metadata'
import sys
@@ -19,32 +19,34 @@ from gentoolkit.equery import mod_usage
from gentoolkit.equery.meta import main, print_help
from portage.exception import AmbiguousPackageName
def print_epkginfo_help():
- print(mod_usage(mod_name="epkginfo"))
- print()
- print_help(with_usage=False)
+ print(mod_usage(mod_name="epkginfo"))
+ print()
+ print_help(with_usage=False)
args = sys.argv[1:]
-if not args or set(('-h', '--help')).intersection(args):
- print_epkginfo_help()
+if not args or {'-h', '--help'}.intersection(args):
+ print_epkginfo_help()
- try:
- main(args)
- except AmbiguousPackageName as e:
- pkgs = e.args[0]
- for candidate in pkgs:
- print(candidate)
- from gentoolkit import pprinter as pp
- from os.path import basename # To get the short name
- print(file=sys.stderr)
- print(pp.error("The short ebuild name '%s' is ambiguous. Please specify" % basename(pkgs[0])),
- file=sys.stderr, end="")
- pp.die(1, "one of the above fully-qualified ebuild names instead.")
- except errors.GentoolkitException as err:
- from gentoolkit import pprinter as pp
- pp.die(1, str(err))
+ try:
+ main(args)
+ except AmbiguousPackageName as e:
+ pkgs = e.args[0]
+ for candidate in pkgs:
+ print(candidate)
+ from gentoolkit import pprinter as pp
+ from os.path import basename # To get the short name
+ print(file=sys.stderr)
+ print(pp.error("The short ebuild name '%s' is ambiguous. Please specify" % basename(pkgs[0])),
+ file=sys.stderr, end="")
+ pp.die(1, "one of the above fully-qualified ebuild names instead.")
+ except errors.GentoolkitException as err:
+ from gentoolkit import pprinter as pp
+ pp.die(1, str(err))
# vim: set ts=4 sw=4 tw=79:
diff --git a/bin/equery b/bin/equery
index 386194d..3b3e850 100755
--- a/bin/equery
+++ b/bin/equery
@@ -12,35 +12,45 @@ import os
import sys
# This block ensures that ^C interrupts are handled quietly.
- import signal
+ import signal
- def exithandler(signum,frame):
- signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_IGN)
- signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, signal.SIG_IGN)
- print()
- sys.exit(1)
+ def exithandler(signum, frame):
+ signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_IGN)
+ signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, signal.SIG_IGN)
+ print()
+ sys.exit(1)
- signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, exithandler)
- signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, exithandler)
- signal.signal(signal.SIGPIPE, signal.SIG_DFL)
+ signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, exithandler)
+ signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, exithandler)
+ signal.signal(signal.SIGPIPE, signal.SIG_DFL)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
- print()
- sys.exit(1)
+ print()
+ sys.exit(1)
from gentoolkit import equery, errors
+import warnings
+def formatwarning(message, category, filename, llineno, line=None):
+ from gentoolkit import pprinter as pp
+ return pp.warn(str(message))
+if '--debug' not in sys.argv and not bool(os.getenv('DEBUG', False)):
+ warnings.formatwarning = formatwarning
- equery.main(sys.argv)
+ equery.main(sys.argv)
except errors.GentoolkitNonZeroExit as err:
- sys.exit(err.return_code)
+ sys.exit(err.return_code)
except errors.GentoolkitException as err:
- if '--debug' in sys.argv or bool(os.getenv('DEBUG', False)):
- raise
- else:
- from gentoolkit import pprinter as pp
- sys.stderr.write(pp.error(str(err)))
- if err.is_serious:
- print()
- print("Add '--debug' to global options for traceback.")
- sys.exit(1)
+ if '--debug' in sys.argv or bool(os.getenv('DEBUG', False)):
+ raise
+ else:
+ from gentoolkit import pprinter as pp
+ sys.stderr.write(pp.error(str(err)))
+ if err.is_serious:
+ print()
+ print("Add '--debug' to global options for traceback.")
+ sys.exit(1)
diff --git a/bin/eshowkw b/bin/eshowkw
index e987cce..d32ba6c 100755
--- a/bin/eshowkw
+++ b/bin/eshowkw
@@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
-# vim:fileencoding=utf-8
# Copyright 2010 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
import sys
from gentoolkit.eshowkw import main as emain
-sys.exit(emain(sys.argv[1:])) \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/bin/euse b/bin/euse
index c3b6638..f15a36c 100755
--- a/bin/euse
+++ b/bin/euse
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ set -f
# Licensed under the GPL v2
EPREFIX=${EPREFIX:-$(portageq envvar EPREFIX)}
@@ -338,11 +338,11 @@ get_useflaglist() {
if [[ -z ${SCOPE} || ${SCOPE} == "global" ]]; then
[[ ! -s "${descdir}/use.desc" ]] && continue
- egrep "^[^# ]+ +-" "${descdir}/use.desc"
+ grep -E "^[^# ]+ +-" "${descdir}/use.desc"
if [[ -z ${SCOPE} || ${SCOPE} == "local" ]]; then
[[ ! -s "${descdir}/use.local.desc" ]] && continue
- egrep "^[^# :]+:[^ ]+ +-" "${descdir}/use.local.desc" \
+ grep -E "^[^# :]+:[^ ]+ +-" "${descdir}/use.local.desc" \
| cut -d: -f 2
done | cut -d " " -f1 | sort --field=":" --key=1,1 --unique
@@ -370,7 +370,7 @@ get_useflaglist() {
# ACTIVE_FLAGS - Array of current use flag info
get_useflaglist_ebuild() {
- local known=$(echo "${ACTIVE_FLAGS[5]}" | egrep "^${1}")
+ local known=$(echo "${ACTIVE_FLAGS[5]}" | grep -E "^${1}")
local cacheformat
if [[ -n $known ]]; then
# No need to recache
@@ -397,7 +397,7 @@ get_useflaglist_ebuild() {
return 1
append=$(set +f; ls ${portdir}/metadata/${cacheformat}/${1}-* \
- | egrep "${1}-[0-9.]+" \
+ | grep -E "${1}-[0-9.]+" \
| sed -e "s:${portdir}/metadata/${cacheformat}/${1}-::g" \
| while read -d $'\n' version; do
@@ -454,7 +454,7 @@ traverse_profile() {
curdir="${2:-$(get_real_path ${MAKE_PROFILE_PATH})}"
if [[ -f "${curdir}/parent" ]]; then
- for parent in $(egrep -v '(^#|^ *$)' ${curdir}/parent); do
+ for parent in $(grep -E -v '(^#|^ *$)' ${curdir}/parent); do
# Bug 231394, handle parent path being absolute
index=$(expr index "${parent}" :)
if [[ ${parent:0:1} == "/" ]]; then
@@ -906,9 +906,9 @@ showflags() {
get_flagstatus ${1}
- if echo " ${ACTIVE_FLAGS[4]} " | egrep -e " -?${1} " > /dev/null; then
+ if echo " ${ACTIVE_FLAGS[4]} " | grep -E -e " -?${1} " > /dev/null; then
for pkg in $( echo "${ACTIVE_FLAGS[4]}" | \
- egrep " -?${1} " | cut -d " " -f 2); do
+ grep -E " -?${1} " | cut -d " " -f 2); do
printf "%-20s" ${1}
SCOPE="local" get_flagstatus ${1} "${pkg}"
printf "(%s)\n" ${pkg}
@@ -992,7 +992,7 @@ scrub_use_flag() {
# If line only has this use flag, let it be removed
# (used if PACKAGE is not defined -- from pruning)
elif [[ -n $(echo "${line}" | \
- egrep "^[^#]*${atom_re}.*-?${flag}") ]]; then
+ grep -E "^[^#]*${atom_re}.*-?${flag}") ]]; then
echo "Removing use flag from ${line}" >&2
if [[ -z $(echo "${line}" | \
grep -Ee "${atom_re} *-?${flag} *$") ]]; then
@@ -1068,10 +1068,10 @@ modify_package() {
# XXX: Handle version or version wildcard?
warn "USE flag \"${flag}\" is not used by $PACKAGE"
# Don't necessarily bail for this, just warn
- elif [[ -n "${V}" && -z "$(egrep "<|>|=" <<< "${PACKAGE:0:1}")" ]]; then
+ elif [[ -n "${V}" && -z "$(grep -E "<|>|=" <<< "${PACKAGE:0:1}")" ]]; then
error "Invalid package atom. Did you forget the leading '='?"
- elif [[ -z "${V}" && -n "$(egrep "<|>|=" <<< "${PACKAGE:0:1}")" ]]; then
+ elif [[ -z "${V}" && -n "$(grep -E "<|>|=" <<< "${PACKAGE:0:1}")" ]]; then
error "Invalid package atom. Did you forget the version?"
@@ -1114,7 +1114,7 @@ modify_package() {
echo "Adding \"${PACKAGE}[${flag}]\" use flag in \"${filename}\""
local added=0
while read line; do
- if [[ -n $(echo "${line}" | egrep -e "^[^#]*${PACKAGE} ") ]]; then
+ if [[ -n $(echo "${line}" | grep -E -e "^[^#]*${PACKAGE} ") ]]; then
echo $(reduce_package_use "${line} ${flag}")
@@ -1131,7 +1131,7 @@ modify_package() {
local filename
if [[ -d ${PACKAGE_USE_PATH} ]]; then
# Scan for file containing named package and use flag
- filename=$(egrep -rle "${pkg_re}.*[^-]${flag}( |$)" "${PACKAGE_USE_PATH}")
+ filename=$(grep -E -rle "${pkg_re}.*[^-]${flag}( |$)" "${PACKAGE_USE_PATH}")
if [[ -z "${filename}" ]]; then
error ""${flag}" is not defined for package "${PACKAGE}""
@@ -1251,7 +1251,7 @@ modify() {
# as the ending quote
if [ "${line:0:4}" == "USE=" ]; then inuse=1; line=${line:5}; fi
[ "${inuse}" == "0" ] && echo -E "${line}"
- if [ "${inuse}" == "1" ] && echo "${line}" | egrep '" *(#.*)?$' > /dev/null; then
+ if [ "${inuse}" == "1" ] && echo "${line}" | grep -E '" *(#.*)?$' > /dev/null; then
echo -n 'USE="'
echo -ne "${NEW_MAKE_CONF_USE_2%% }"
echo '"'
diff --git a/bin/imlate b/bin/imlate
index cd4f7ab..318d612 100755
--- a/bin/imlate
+++ b/bin/imlate
@@ -15,27 +15,27 @@ import os
import sys
# This block ensures that ^C interrupts are handled quietly.
- import signal
+ import signal
- def exithandler(signum,frame):
- signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_IGN)
- signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, signal.SIG_IGN)
- print()
- sys.exit(1)
+ def exithandler(signum, frame):
+ signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_IGN)
+ signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, signal.SIG_IGN)
+ print()
+ sys.exit(1)
- signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, exithandler)
- signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, exithandler)
- signal.signal(signal.SIGPIPE, signal.SIG_DFL)
+ signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, exithandler)
+ signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, exithandler)
+ signal.signal(signal.SIGPIPE, signal.SIG_DFL)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
- print()
- sys.exit(1)
+ print()
+ sys.exit(1)
from gentoolkit.imlate import imlate
- imlate.main()
+ imlate.main()
except KeyboardInterrupt:
- print("Aborted.")
- sys.exit(130)
+ print("Aborted.")
+ sys.exit(130)
diff --git a/bin/merge-driver-ekeyword b/bin/merge-driver-ekeyword
index 2df83fc..ae022f3 100755
--- a/bin/merge-driver-ekeyword
+++ b/bin/merge-driver-ekeyword
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-# Copyright 2020 Gentoo Authors
+# Copyright 2020-2023 Gentoo Authors
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 or later
@@ -15,11 +15,15 @@ import sys
import tempfile
from typing import List, Optional, Tuple
+from collections.abc import Sequence
from gentoolkit.ekeyword import ekeyword
-def keyword_array(keyword_line: str) -> List[str]:
+KeywordChanges = list[tuple[Optional[list[str]], Optional[list[str]]]]
+def keyword_array(keyword_line: str) -> list[str]:
# Find indices of string inside the double-quotes
i1: int = keyword_line.find('"') + 1
i2: int = keyword_line.rfind('"')
@@ -28,14 +32,13 @@ def keyword_array(keyword_line: str) -> List[str]:
return keyword_line[i1:i2].split(' ')
-def keyword_line_changes(old: str, new: str) -> List[Tuple[Optional[str],
- Optional[str]]]:
- a: List[str] = keyword_array(old)
- b: List[str] = keyword_array(new)
+def keyword_line_changes(old: str, new: str) -> KeywordChanges:
+ a: list[str] = keyword_array(old)
+ b: list[str] = keyword_array(new)
s = difflib.SequenceMatcher(a=a, b=b)
- changes = []
+ changes: KeywordChanges = []
for tag, i1, i2, j1, j2 in s.get_opcodes():
if tag == 'replace':
changes.append((a[i1:i2], b[j1:j2]),)
@@ -48,8 +51,7 @@ def keyword_line_changes(old: str, new: str) -> List[Tuple[Optional[str],
return changes
-def keyword_changes(ebuild1: str, ebuild2: str) -> List[Tuple[Optional[str],
- Optional[str]]]:
+def keyword_changes(ebuild1: str, ebuild2: str) -> Optional[KeywordChanges]:
with open(ebuild1) as e1, open(ebuild2) as e2:
lines1 = e1.readlines()
lines2 = e2.readlines()
@@ -82,8 +84,7 @@ def keyword_changes(ebuild1: str, ebuild2: str) -> List[Tuple[Optional[str],
def apply_keyword_changes(ebuild: str, pathname: str,
- changes: List[Tuple[Optional[str],
- Optional[str]]]) -> int:
+ changes: KeywordChanges) -> int:
result: int = 0
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir:
@@ -93,10 +94,11 @@ def apply_keyword_changes(ebuild: str, pathname: str,
for removals, additions in changes:
args = []
- for rem in removals:
- # Drop leading '~' and '-' characters and prepend '^'
- i = 1 if rem[0] in ('~', '-') else 0
- args.append('^' + rem[i:])
+ if removals:
+ for rem in removals:
+ # Drop leading '~' and '-' characters and prepend '^'
+ i = 1 if rem[0] in ('~', '-') else 0
+ args.append('^' + rem[i:])
if additions:
@@ -108,25 +110,26 @@ def apply_keyword_changes(ebuild: str, pathname: str,
return result
-def main(argv):
+def main(argv: Sequence[str]) -> int:
if len(argv) != 5:
- O = argv[1] # %O - filename of original
- A = argv[2] # %A - filename of our current version
- B = argv[3] # %B - filename of the other branch's version
- P = argv[4] # %P - original path of the file
+ O = argv[1] # %O - filename of original
+ A = argv[2] # %A - filename of our current version
+ B = argv[3] # %B - filename of the other branch's version
+ P = argv[4] # %P - original path of the file
# Get changes from %O to %B
changes = keyword_changes(O, B)
if changes:
# Apply O -> B changes to A
- result: int = apply_keyword_changes(A, P, changes)
+ result = apply_keyword_changes(A, P, changes)
- result: int = os.system(f"git merge-file -L HEAD -L base -L ours {A} {O} {B}")
- sys.exit(0 if result == 0 else -1)
+ try:
+ os.execlp("git", "git", "merge-file", "-L", "HEAD", "-L", "base", "-L", "ours", A, O, B)
+ except OSError:
+ sys.exit(-1)
if __name__ == "__main__":
diff --git a/bin/meson.build b/bin/meson.build
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eb99870
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/meson.build
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+py_bins = [
+ 'eclean',
+ 'eclean-dist',
+ 'eclean-pkg',
+ 'ekeyword',
+ 'enalyze',
+ 'epkginfo',
+ 'equery',
+ 'eread',
+ 'eshowkw',
+ 'imlate',
+ 'merge-driver-ekeyword',
+ 'revdep-rebuild',
+ebump = configure_file(
+ input : 'ebump',
+ output : 'ebump',
+ configuration : conf_data
+euse = configure_file(
+ input : 'euse',
+ output : 'euse',
+ configuration : conf_data
+revdep_rebuild_sh = configure_file(
+ input : 'revdep-rebuild.sh',
+ output : 'revdep-rebuild.sh',
+ configuration : conf_data
+other_bins = [
+ ebump,
+ euse,
+ revdep_rebuild_sh,
+# It might seem sensible to use py.install_sources() to install the Python
+# scripts, but it's really just a wrapper around install_data that forces the
+# install_dir. Meson 1.2.0 and later also optimize to bytecode, but Gentoo does
+# this in the ebuild.
+ py_bins,
+ install_dir : get_option('bindir'),
+ install_mode : 'rwxr-xr-x',
+ other_bins,
+ install_dir : get_option('bindir'),
+ install_mode : 'rwxr-xr-x',
diff --git a/bin/revdep-rebuild b/bin/revdep-rebuild
index 51783c5..332dfcf 100755
--- a/bin/revdep-rebuild
+++ b/bin/revdep-rebuild
@@ -12,35 +12,35 @@ dependent upon the upgraded package.
import sys
# This block ensures that ^C interrupts are handled quietly.
- import signal
+ import signal
- def exithandler(signum,frame):
- signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_IGN)
- signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, signal.SIG_IGN)
- print()
- sys.exit(1)
+ def exithandler(signum, frame):
+ signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_IGN)
+ signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, signal.SIG_IGN)
+ print()
+ sys.exit(1)
- signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, exithandler)
- signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, exithandler)
- signal.signal(signal.SIGPIPE, signal.SIG_DFL)
+ signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, exithandler)
+ signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, exithandler)
+ signal.signal(signal.SIGPIPE, signal.SIG_DFL)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
- print()
- sys.exit(1)
+ print()
+ sys.exit(1)
from gentoolkit import errors
from gentoolkit.revdep_rebuild import rebuild
- success = rebuild.main(rebuild.parse_options())
- sys.exit(success)
+ success = rebuild.main(rebuild.parse_options())
+ sys.exit(success)
except errors.GentoolkitException as err:
- if '--debug' in sys.argv:
- raise
- else:
- from gentoolkit import pprinter as pp
- sys.stderr.write(pp.error(str(err)))
- print()
- print("Add '--debug' to global options for traceback.")
- sys.exit(1)
+ if '--debug' in sys.argv:
+ raise
+ else:
+ from gentoolkit import pprinter as pp
+ sys.stderr.write(pp.error(str(err)))
+ print()
+ print("Add '--debug' to global options for traceback.")
+ sys.exit(1)
diff --git a/bin/revdep-rebuild.sh b/bin/revdep-rebuild.sh
index 633701e..457b0f2 100755
--- a/bin/revdep-rebuild.sh
+++ b/bin/revdep-rebuild.sh
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2010 Gentoo Foundation
+# Copyright 2003-2023 Gentoo Authors
# revdep-rebuild: Reverse dependency rebuilder.
# Original Author: Stanislav Brabec
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ unset GREP_OPTIONS
# Readonly variables:
declare -r APP_NAME="revdep-rebuild" # # The name of this application
-declare -r VERSION="git"
+declare -r VERSION="@VERSION@"
declare -r OIFS="$IFS" # Save the IFS
declare -r ENV_FILE=0_env.rr # Contains environment variables
declare -r FILES_FILE=1_files.rr # Contains a list of files to search
@@ -80,6 +80,7 @@ declare SEARCH_DIRS_MASK # List of dirs not to search
declare OLDPROG # Previous pass through the progress meter
declare EXACT_PKG # Versionated atom to emerge
declare HEAD_TEXT # Feedback string about the search
+declare NO_COLOR # Set to nonempty not to output term colors
declare NOCOLOR # Set to "true" not to output term colors
declare OK_TEXT # Feedback about a search which found no errors
declare RC_NOCOLOR # Hack to insure we respect NOCOLOR
@@ -169,7 +170,7 @@ print_usage() {
cat << EOF
-Copyright (C) 2003-2010 Gentoo Foundation, Inc.
+Copyright (C) 2003-2023 Gentoo Authors
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.
@@ -235,9 +236,19 @@ countdown() {
# Replace whitespace with linebreaks, normalize repeated '/' chars, and sort -u
# (If any libs have whitespace in their filenames, someone needs punishment.)
clean_var() {
- gawk 'BEGIN {RS="[[:space:]]"}
- /-\*/ {exit}
- /[^[:space:]]/ {gsub(/\/\/+/, "/"); print}' | sort -u
+ awk '
+ BEGIN {FS = "[[:space:]]"}
+ {
+ for(i = 1; i <= NF; ++i) {
+ if($i ~ /-\*/)
+ exit
+ else if($i){
+ gsub(/\/\/+/, "/", $i)
+ print $i
+ }
+ }
+ }' | sort -u
# Exit and optionally output to sterr
@@ -310,7 +321,8 @@ normalize_emerge_opts() {
setup_color() {
# This should still work if NOCOLOR is set by the -C flag or in the user's
# environment.
- [[ $NOCOLOR = yes || $NOCOLOR = true ]] && export RC_NOCOLOR=yes # HACK! (grr)
+ [[ -n $NO_COLOR || $NOCOLOR = yes || $NOCOLOR = true ]] &&
+ export RC_NOCOLOR=yes # HACK! (grr)
# TODO: Change location according to Bug 373219
# Remove /etc/init.d/functions.sh once everything is migrated
if [ -e /lib/gentoo/functions.sh ]; then
@@ -357,9 +369,9 @@ warn_deprecated_opt() {
# Get whole-word commandline options preceded by two dashes.
get_longopts() {
case $1 in
- --nocolor) export NOCOLOR="yes";;
+ --nocolor) export NO_COLOR=1 NOCOLOR="yes";;
--no-color) warn_deprecated_opt "$1" "--nocolor"
- export NOCOLOR="yes";;
+ export NO_COLOR=1 NOCOLOR="yes";;
--debug) set -xv;;
--exact) unset PACKAGE_NAMES;;
--help) print_usage
@@ -414,7 +426,7 @@ get_shortopts() {
while getopts ":CdehikL:loPpquvX" OPT; do
case "$OPT" in
C) # TODO: Match syntax with the rest of gentoolkit
- export NOCOLOR="yes";;
+ export NO_COLOR=1 NOCOLOR="yes";;
d) set -xv;;
e) unset PACKAGE_NAMES;;
h) print_usage
@@ -560,7 +572,8 @@ verify_tmpdir() {
elif [[ -d $1 ]]; then
cd "$1"
- die 1 "Unable to find a satisfactory location for temporary files ($1)"
+ mkdir -p "$1"
+ cd "$1"
[[ $VERBOSE ]] && einfo "Temporary cache files are located in $PWD"
@@ -805,8 +818,8 @@ main_checks() {
# Look for symbol not defined errors
if grep -vF "${LD_LIBRARY_MASK:=$'\a'}" <<< "$ldd_output" |
grep -q -E 'symbol .* not defined'; then
- message=$(gawk '/symbol .* not defined/ {NF--; print $0}' <<< "$ldd_output")
- broken_lib=$(gawk '/symbol .* not defined/ {print $NF}' <<< "$ldd_output" | \
+ message=$(awk '/symbol .* not defined/ {ORS = FS; for(i = 1; i < NF; ++i) print $i; printf "\n"}' <<< "$ldd_output")
+ broken_lib=$(awk '/symbol .* not defined/ {print $NF}' <<< "$ldd_output" | \
sed 's/[()]//g')
echo "obj $broken_lib" >> "$BROKEN_FILE"
echo_v " broken $broken_lib ($message)"
@@ -820,7 +833,7 @@ main_checks() {
if grep -vF "${LD_LIBRARY_MASK:=$'\a'}" <<< "$ldd_output" |
grep -q -F 'undefined symbol:'; then
- message=$(gawk '/undefined symbol:/ {print $3}' <<< "$ldd_output")
+ message=$(awk '/undefined symbol:/ {print $3}' <<< "$ldd_output")
message="${message//$'\n'/ }"
echo "obj $target_file" >> "$BROKEN_FILE"
echo_v " broken $target_file (undefined symbols(s): $message)"
@@ -835,7 +848,7 @@ main_checks() {
for depend in $(
- gawk -F"[=']" '/^dependency_libs/{
+ awk -F"[=']" '/^dependency_libs/{
print $3
}' "$target_file"
); do
@@ -876,7 +889,7 @@ main_checks() {
done < <(
# Regexify LD_LIBRARY_MASK. Exclude it from the search.
- gawk -v ldmask="(${LD_LIBRARY_MASK//./\\\\.})" '
+ awk -v ldmask="(${LD_LIBRARY_MASK//./\\\\.})" '
/no version information available/ && $0 !~ ldmask {
gsub(/[()]/, "", $NF)
if (seen[$NF]++) next
@@ -1068,7 +1081,7 @@ show_unowned_files() {
ewarn "The broken files are:"
while read filename junk; do
[[ $junk = *none* ]] && ewarn " $filename"
- done < "$OWNERS_FILE" | gawk '!s[$0]++' # (omit dupes)
+ done < "$OWNERS_FILE" | awk '!s[$0]++' # (omit dupes)
@@ -1081,8 +1094,8 @@ portage_settings() {
- export NOCOLOR
# Convert quoted paths to array.
diff --git a/data/meson.build b/data/meson.build
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f79ec01
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/meson.build
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+ [
+ '99gentoolkit-env',
+ ],
+ install_dir : sysconfdir / 'env.d'
+ [
+ 'eclean/packages.exclude',
+ 'eclean/distfiles.exclude',
+ 'revdep-rebuild/99revdep-rebuild',
+ ],
+ install_dir: sysconfdir,
+ preserve_path: true
+if not system_wide
+ subdir_done()
diff --git a/man/ebump.1 b/man/ebump.1
index 1754cf9..72c0d05 100644
--- a/man/ebump.1
+++ b/man/ebump.1
@@ -55,21 +55,6 @@ Do not output any non-essential information.
don't bump auxfiles (files/*)
-do not update ChangeLog (via echangelog)
-\fB\-m\fR <\fIChangeLog text\fR>
-\fB\--message\fR <\fIChangeLog text\fR>
-Specifies the message to add to the ChangeLog, instead of the standard
@@ -96,28 +81,16 @@ From these files, \fIebump\fR will load the settings
\fBopt_verbosity\fR (default \fI1\fR) - verbosity level 0-10
-\fBopt_add_changelog\fR (default \fIy\fR) - add entry in ChangeLog
\fBopt_add_vcs\fR (default \fIy\fR) - add new files to VCS
\fBopt_bump_auxfiles\fR (default \fIy\fR) - bump auxiliary files in files/
\fBopt_delete_old\fR (default \fIn\fR) - delete old revision (DANGEROUS!)
-\fBopt_commitmessage\fR (default \fI""\fR) - default ChangeLog message
-From this file, \fIebump\fR will load the env vars \fBAUTHORNAME\fR and
-\fBAUTHOREMAIL\fR, which are used to generate proper ChangeLog entries.
The rest of the utilities in \fIapp-portage/gentoolkit-dev\fR, such as
-\fIechangelog(1)\fR and \fIekeyword(1)\fR.
diff --git a/man/eclean.1 b/man/eclean.1
index 8547c03..e47ced9 100644
--- a/man/eclean.1
+++ b/man/eclean.1
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ Units are: y (years), m (months), w (weeks), d (days) and h (hours).
.SS "Actions"
-Clean files from /usr/portage/distfiles (or whatever else is your DISTDIR in make.conf).
+Clean files from /var/cache/distfiles (or whatever else is your DISTDIR in make.conf).
This action should be useful to almost any Gentoo user, we all have to big DISTDIRs sometime...
\fBeclean\-dist\fP is a shortcut to call eclean with the "distfiles" action, for simplified
@@ -179,17 +179,17 @@ by recent portage/pkgcore versions.
."The policy used to decide if a distfile can be removed or not relies on the
SRC_URI variables ."of ebuilds. It means that if an ebuild uses files that are
not part of its SRC_URI, eclean will ."probably remove them. This are ebuilds
-bugs, please report them as such on ."http://bugs.gentoo.org.
+bugs, please report them as such on ."https://bugs.gentoo.org.
."In safest mode (default, without the \-\-deep option), this script can be very slow. There
."is not much to do about it without hacking outside of the portage API.
The Gentoo forum thread that gave birth to eclean:
-.B http://forums.gentoo.org/viewtopic.php?t=3011
+.B https://forums.gentoo.org/viewtopic.php?t=3011
The bug report requesting eclean inclusion in gentoolkit:
-.B http://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=33877
+.B https://bugs.gentoo.org/33877
Thomas de Grenier de Latour (tgl) <degrenier@easyconnect.fr>
diff --git a/man/enalyze.1 b/man/enalyze.1
index 9b956d9..4a2b74a 100644
--- a/man/enalyze.1
+++ b/man/enalyze.1
@@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ Gives more detail about the results found and the current task being performed.
(Not implemented yet)
-Submit bug reports to http://bugs.gentoo.org.
+Submit bug reports to https://bugs.gentoo.org.
diff --git a/man/epkginfo.1 b/man/epkginfo.1
index 4000ab4..4d3f596 100644
--- a/man/epkginfo.1
+++ b/man/epkginfo.1
@@ -12,26 +12,23 @@ examples, see \fBman equery\fP.
- * app\-portage/gentoolkit [portage]
-Location: /usr/portage/app\-portage/gentoolkit
-Herd: tools\-portage (tools\-portage@gentoo.org)
-Maintainer: None specified
+ * app\-portage/gentoolkit [gentoo]
+Maintainer: tools\-portage@gentoo.org (Gentoo Portage tools team)
Upstream: None specified
-Keywords: alpha amd64 arm hppa ia64 m68k ~mips ppc ppc64
- s390 sh sparc x86 \-x86\-fbsd
-Keywords: 0.3.0_rc5: ~alpha ~amd64 ~arm ~hppa ~ia64 ~m68k ~mips
- ~ppc ~ppc64 ~s390 ~sh ~sparc ~x86 ~sparc\-fbsd
- ~x86\-fbsd
-Keywords: 0.3.0_rc6: ~alpha ~amd64 ~arm ~hppa ~ia64 ~m68k ~mips
- ~ppc ~ppc64 ~s390 ~sh ~sparc ~x86 ~sparc\-fbsd
- ~x86\-fbsd
-Keywords: 0.3.0_rc7: ~alpha ~amd64 ~arm ~hppa ~ia64 ~m68k ~mips
- ~ppc ~ppc64 ~s390 ~sh ~sparc ~x86 ~sparc\-fbsd
- ~x86\-fbsd
+Homepage: https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Project:Portage\-Tools
+Location: /var/db/repos/gentoo/app\-portage/gentoolkit
+Keywords: 0.5.0\-r3:0:
+Keywords: 0.5.1\-r1:0: amd64 arm arm64 hppa ppc ppc64 sparc x86
+ ~alpha ~amd64\-linux ~ia64 ~m68k ~mips
+ ~ppc\-macos ~riscv ~s390 ~sparc\-solaris
+ ~sparc64\-solaris ~x64\-cygwin ~x64\-macos
+ ~x64\-solaris ~x86\-linux ~x86\-solaris
+Keywords: 9999:0:
+License: GPL\-2
Douglas Anderson <douglasjanderson@gmail.com>
-Please report any bugs to http://bugs.gentoo.org
+Please report any bugs to https://bugs.gentoo.org
diff --git a/man/equery.1 b/man/equery.1
index b89b86c..aed2094 100644
--- a/man/equery.1
+++ b/man/equery.1
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-.TH "EQUERY" "1" "August 2009" "GENTOOLKIT" ""
+.TH "EQUERY" "1" "June 2023" "GENTOOLKIT" ""
equery \- Gentoo Package Query Tool
@@ -88,54 +88,6 @@ Tell
to reinstall or update any package that installed a file matching a regular expression.
-.BI "changes (c) [OPTIONS] " "PKG"
-Display the Gentoo ChangeLog entry for the latest installable version of \fIPKG\fP.
-.B \-l, \-\-latest
-Display only the latest ChangeLog entry. It's not uncommon for changes to be prepended to the ChangeLog without a version header if the changes did not require a version bump. Use this option to display such entries.
-.B \-f, \-\-full
-Display the full ChangeLog.
-\fBHint\fP: Try piping (|) the output to a pager, like 'less'.
-.BI "\-\-limit=" "NUM"
-Limit the \fINUM\fP of entries displayed. Use this option in conjunction with \fB\-\-full\fP. \fB\-\-limit=3\fP would display the three latest entries.
-.BI "\-\-from=" "VER"
-Set which \fIVER\fP to display from. Using this option by itself is equivalent to passing \fBchanges\fP a ranged package atom, e.g., '>=foo/bar\-1.5'. It can be used in conjunction with \fB\-\-to\fP to request a more complex range of entries.
-.BI "\-\-to=" "VER"
-Set which \fIVER\fP to display to. (See \fB\-\-from\fP)
-.I R "EXAMPLES" ":"
-equery changes portage
-Display the Gentoo ChangeLog entry for the latest installable version of Portage.
-equery changes '=sys\-apps/portage\-2.1.6*'
-Use Portage's atom syntax. (See \fBman 5 ebuild\fP)
-equery changes portage \-\-from=2.2_rc1 \-\-to=2.2
-Display any ChangeLog entry within a range of versions.
.BI "check (k) [OPTIONS] " "PKG"
Check timestamps and MD5 sums for files owned by \fIPKG\fP, where \fIPKG\fP is an installed package.
@@ -177,6 +129,10 @@ Include dependencies that are not installed. This can take a while.
Search for both direct and indirect dependencies.
+.B \-F, \-\-format=\fITMPL\fP
+Customize the output format of the matched packages using the template string \fITMPL\fP. See the \fB\-\-format\fP option for \fBlist\fP below for a description of the \fITMPL\fP argument.
.BI "\-\-depth=" "NUM"
Limit the indirect dependency tree to a depth of \fINUM\fP. \fB\-\-depth=0\fP is equivalent to not using \fB\-\-indirect\fP.
@@ -271,9 +227,9 @@ Find out where a package installed its executables.
.BI "has (a) [OPTIONS] " "KEY VALUE"
-List all installed packages that have a given \fIPKG\fP match.
+List all installed packages that have a given \fIKEY\fP match.
-\fBNote\fP: \fBKEY\fP is case sensitive. Also \fBhas\fP does not currently have the ability to inteligently compare values dependending on the type of information being looked up. It performs a simple string match. It can only list which packages have the matching \fBVALUE\fP as given on the command line. It is a general purpose lookup for most information available via portage's dbapi.aux_get() function. Warning the quality of the results printed is dependant on the quality of the search (given the limited comparison method) and the recorded data available in the vardb. (See \fIEXAMPLES\fP)
+\fBNote\fP: \fBKEY\fP is case sensitive. Also \fBhas\fP does not currently have the ability to intelligently compare values depending on the type of information being looked up. It performs a simple string match. It can only list which packages have the matching \fBVALUE\fP as given on the command line. It is a general purpose lookup for most information available via portage's dbapi.aux_get() function. Warning: the quality of the results printed is dependant on the quality of the search (given the limited comparison method) and the recorded data available in the vardb. (See \fIEXAMPLES\fP)
@@ -319,7 +275,7 @@ View all installed Gentoo packages that were installed with ebuilds with a recor
.BI "hasuse (h) [OPTIONS] " "USE"
-List all installed packages that have a given \fIPKG\fP flag.
+List all installed packages that have a given \fIUSE\fP flag.
\fBNote\fP: \fBhasuse\fP does not currently have the ability to display if packages are built with the given USE flag or not. It can only list which packages have the flag as an option. (See \fIEXAMPLES\fP)
@@ -351,7 +307,7 @@ Customize the output format of the matched packages using the template string \f
equery hasuse \-pI perl
-View all Gentoo packages that have the "perl" USE flag, exluding installed packages.
+View all Gentoo packages that have the "perl" USE flag, excluding installed packages.
USE="perl"; for PKG in $(equery \-q hasuse $USE); do echo $PKG: $(equery \-q uses $PKG |grep $USE); done
@@ -360,6 +316,80 @@ USE="perl"; for PKG in $(equery \-q hasuse $USE); do echo $PKG: $(equery \-q use
This Bash one\-liner uses \fBhasuse\fP to find a list of packages that have a certain USE flag, and \fBuses\fP to check whether the flag is enabled or disabled. Modify \fBUSE="perl"\fP to change the query.
+.BI "keywords (y) [OPTIONS] " "PKG"
+Display keywords for specified \fIPKG\fP or for \fIPKG\fP that is in pwd.
+.B \-h, \-\-help
+Show this help message and exit.
+.B \-v, \-\-version
+Show package version and exit.
+.B \-a, \-\-arch \fIARCH\fP
+Display only specified arch(s). (default: []).
+.B \-A, \-\-align [{top,bottom}]
+Specify alignment for descriptions. (default: bottom)
+.B \-T, \-\-top-position [{archlist,versionlist}]
+Specify which fields we want to have in top listing. (default: archlist)
+.B \-B, \-\-bold
+Print out each other column in bold for easier visual separation. (default: False)
+.B \-C, \-\-color
+Force colored output. (default: False)
+.B \-O, \-\-overlays
+Search also overlays. (default: False)
+.B \-P, \-\-prefix
+Display prefix keywords in output. (default: False)
+.B \-S, \-\-ignore-slot
+Treat slots as irrelevant during detection of redundant packages. (default: False)
+.I R "OUTPUT" ":"
+Keywords for sys-apps/coreutils:
+ | | u |
+ | a a p s l r a | n |
+ | m r h p p i o i s l m m | e u s | r
+ | d a m p p c a x a o s 3 p 6 i | a s l | e
+ | 6 r 6 p p 6 r 8 6 n c 9 h 8 p | p e o | p
+ | 4 m 4 a c 4 c 6 4 g v 0 a k s | i d t | o
+ 8.32-r1 | + + + + + + + + ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ | 7 # 0 | gentoo
+ 9.1-r2 | + + + + + + + + ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ | 7 o | gentoo
+ 9.2-r2 | ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ | 8 # | gentoo
+ 9.3 | ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ | 8 # | gentoo
+ 9.3-r1 | + ~ ~ + + ~ + ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ | 8 # | gentoo
+[I]9.3-r2 | + ~ ~ + + ~ + ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ | 8 o | gentoo
+ 9999 | o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o | 8 o | gentoo
+.I R "EXAMPLES" ":"
+equery keywords coreutils
+Show the keywording status of the sys-apps/coreutils package on Gentoo-supported architectures.
.BI "list (l) [OPTIONS] " "PKG"
List installed versions of \fIPKG\fP or all packages matching the query pattern.
@@ -513,10 +543,6 @@ https://devmanual.gentoo.org/ebuild-writing/misc-files/metadata/index.html
Show an extended package description.
-.B \-H, \-\-herd
-Show the herd(s) for the package. When not piping and not passing \fB\-\-quiet\fP as a global option, also show the herd's email address. (shown by default)
.B \-k, \-\-keywords
Show keywords for all matching versions. \fBkeywords\fP does not list all keywords for all versions. Instead, it filters the list to make it easier to spot versions that need bumping or are okay to remove from the tree. It filters by slot. For example:
@@ -549,7 +575,7 @@ Dump the plain XML file to the screen.
equery meta gnucash
-Show general information about maintainership, including herd, maintainer and upstream.
+Show general information about maintainership, including maintainer and upstream.
equery meta \-\-description app\-misc/screen
@@ -558,10 +584,10 @@ equery meta \-\-description app\-misc/screen
See if the package maintainer has provided an extended description.
-equery \-N meta \-H gnome |grep \-o \-\-color=never '[^( ]*@gentoo.org'
+equery \-N meta \-H gnome-base/gnome |grep \-o \-\-color=never '[^( ]*@gentoo.org'
-Extract the herd's email address to let them know they're doing a great job. Remember, bug reports should go to bugs.gentoo.org. The above example will extract one or more emails if available, or return nothing if the herd is \fBno\-herd\fP.
+Extract the maintainers's email address to let them know they're doing a great job. Remember, bug reports should go to bugs.gentoo.org. The above example will extract one or more emails if available.
.BI "size (s) [OPTIONS] " "PKG"
@@ -595,9 +621,13 @@ Display USE flag statuses and descriptions for a given \fRPKG\fP.
Display all package versions. Without this option, \fBequery\fP will choose the best available version.
-.B \-i, \-\-ignore\-linguas
+.B \-f, \-\-forced\-masked
+Show the forced and masked USE flags
+.B \-i, \-\-ignore\-l10n
-Do not show the linguas USE flags
+Do not show the l10n USE flags
@@ -621,7 +651,7 @@ Display the path to the ebuild that would be used by Portage with the current co
.B \-m, \-\-include\-masked
-Return the path to the hightest version ebuild available.
+Return the path to the highest version ebuild available.
.B \-e, \-\-ebuild
@@ -636,7 +666,7 @@ equery which \-e xorg\-server
View the most recent installable ebuild.
-Submit bug reports to http://bugs.gentoo.org.
+Submit bug reports to https://bugs.gentoo.org.
Karl Trygve Kalleberg <karltk@gentoo.org>, 2003
diff --git a/man/eshowkw.1 b/man/eshowkw.1
index ed6ccca..20fc6e7 100644
--- a/man/eshowkw.1
+++ b/man/eshowkw.1
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ Search overlays (default: False)
Display prefix keywords in output. (default: False)
.B \-S | \-\-ignore\-slot
-Treat slots as irelevant during detection of redundant packages. (default: False)
+Treat slots as irrelevant during detection of redundant packages. (default: False)
-Report bugs to <http://bugs.gentoo.org>.
+Report bugs to <https://bugs.gentoo.org>.
diff --git a/man/imlate.1 b/man/imlate.1
index 7d8cbe8..d1ef66f 100644
--- a/man/imlate.1
+++ b/man/imlate.1
@@ -36,13 +36,10 @@ just show keyword candidates (e.g. \-s and \-k is the default result) [default:
.B \-M MAINTAINER, \-\-maintainer=MAINTAINER
Show only packages from the specified maintainer
-.B \-H HERD, \-\-herd=HERD
-Show only packages from the specified herd
.B \-C CATEGORIES, \-\-category=CATEGORIES, \-\-categories=CATEGORIES
just check in the specified category/categories (comma separated) [default: none]
Christian Ruppert <idl0r@gentoo.org>
-Please report any bugs to http://bugs.gentoo.org
+Please report any bugs to https://bugs.gentoo.org
diff --git a/man/meson.build b/man/meson.build
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aa888f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/meson.build
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+man_pages_out = []
+man_pages_in = [
+ 'ebump.1',
+ 'eclean.1',
+ 'enalyze.1',
+ 'epkginfo.1',
+ 'equery.1',
+ 'eread.1',
+ 'eshowkw.1',
+ 'euse.1',
+ 'imlate.1',
+ 'revdep-rebuild.1',
+foreach man_page : man_pages_in
+ man_pages_out += configure_file(
+ input : man_page,
+ output : man_page,
+ configuration : conf_data
+ )
diff --git a/man/revdep-rebuild.1 b/man/revdep-rebuild.1
index 449f482..c7d789f 100644
--- a/man/revdep-rebuild.1
+++ b/man/revdep-rebuild.1
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ Turn off the progress meter
Print less output and disable the progress meter. (This option is also passed to portage.)
.B \-u | \-\-search\-symbols
-Searches for undefined symbols in executibles. This will most likely have false positives in the output, so it is recommended to only use this option with pretend and manually fix any legitimate issues found. \fBNote:\fR This is currently only implemented in revdep-rebuild.sh, it is not implemented in revdep-rebuild.py.
+Searches for undefined symbols in executables. This will most likely have false positives in the output, so it is recommended to only use this option with pretend and manually fix any legitimate issues found. \fBNote:\fR This is currently only implemented in revdep-rebuild.sh, it is not implemented in revdep-rebuild.py.
.B \-v | \-\-verbose
More output. (Prints the revdep\-rebuild search environment.)
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ REVDEP_REBUILD_DEFAULT_OPTS \- List of default emerge options for revdep-rebuild
The REVDEP_REBUILD_DEFAULT_OPTS variable can be used to override EMERGE_DEFAULT_OPTS for revdep\-rebuild. This variable replaces the values of EMERGE_DEFAULT_OPTS and can still be overridden by command line options. Please note that this variable is only for options to pass to emerge and not options for revdep\-rebuild itself.
-revdep\-rebuild honors the NOCOLOR and PORTAGE_NICENESS variables from make.conf
+revdep\-rebuild honors the NO_COLOR, NOCOLOR, and PORTAGE_NICENESS variables from make.conf.
It is recommended that when running revdep\-rebuild that the following command be used initially:
@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ Contains the ldd error output
revdep\-rebuild returns a zero exit status if it \fBand emerge\fR succeeds, and a nonzero exit status otherwise.
-Report bugs to <http://bugs.gentoo.org>. Please do not report emerge failures caused by \-o or \-e. Please include your files from /var/cache/revdep\-rebuild/, your emerge \-\-info, and patches. ;)
+Report bugs to <https://bugs.gentoo.org>. Please do not report emerge failures caused by \-o or \-e. Please include your files from /var/cache/revdep\-rebuild/, your emerge \-\-info, and patches. ;)
emerge(1), portage(5), regex(7)
diff --git a/meson.build b/meson.build
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b7b07c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meson.build
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+ 'gentoolkit',
+ 'c',
+ version : '0.6.5',
+ license : 'GPL-2.0-or-later',
+ meson_version : '>=0.64.0'
+py_mod = import('python')
+py = py_mod.find_installation(pure : true)
+system_wide = get_option('system-wide')
+eprefix = get_option('eprefix')
+prefixdir = get_option('prefix')
+datadir = get_option('datadir')
+docdir = get_option('docdir')
+sysconfdir = system_wide ? get_option('sysconfdir') \
+ : datadir / 'etc'
+if docdir == ''
+ docdir = system_wide ? datadir / 'doc' / 'gentoolkit' \
+ : datadir / 'share' / 'gentoolkit' / 'doc'
+conf_data = configuration_data({
+ 'VERSION' : meson.project_version()
+if system_wide
+ conf_data.set('INSTALL_TYPE', 'SYSTEM')
+ conf_data.set('EPREFIX', eprefix)
+ conf_data.set('INSTALL_TYPE', 'MODULE')
+ conf_data.set('EPREFIX', '')
+if get_option('tests')
+ pytest = find_program('pytest')
+ test('pytest', pytest, args : ['-v', meson.current_source_dir() / 'pym'])
+if get_option('code-only')
+ subdir_done()
+ [
+ 'NEWS',
+ ],
+ install_dir : docdir
+if not system_wide
+ subdir_done()
diff --git a/meson_options.txt b/meson_options.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9949cbf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meson_options.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+option('system-wide', type : 'boolean', value : true,
+ description : 'Install system-wide rather than isolated inside a Python environment'
+option('code-only', type : 'boolean', value : false,
+ description : 'Do not install additional files such as configuration or documentation'
+option('eprefix', type : 'string',
+ description : 'Prefix directory for gentoolkit to operate under'
+option('docdir', type : 'string',
+ description : 'Documentation directory'
+option('tests', type : 'boolean', value: false,
+ description : 'Enable tests'
diff --git a/pym/gentoolkit/__init__.py b/pym/gentoolkit/__init__.py
index 9af78fc..ab9ce9d 100644
--- a/pym/gentoolkit/__init__.py
+++ b/pym/gentoolkit/__init__.py
@@ -10,14 +10,14 @@ import sys
# Color handling: -1: Use Portage settings, 0: Force off, 1: Force on
- 'color': -1,
+ "color": -1,
# Guess piping output:
- 'piping': False if sys.stdout.isatty() else True,
+ "piping": False if sys.stdout.isatty() else True,
# Set some defaults:
- 'quiet': False,
+ "quiet": False,
# verbose is True if not quiet and not piping
- 'verbose': True,
- 'debug': False
+ "verbose": True,
+ "debug": False,
# vim: set ts=8 sw=4 tw=79:
diff --git a/pym/gentoolkit/atom.py b/pym/gentoolkit/atom.py
index 364fe4e..27cf77c 100644
--- a/pym/gentoolkit/atom.py
+++ b/pym/gentoolkit/atom.py
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
"""Subclasses portage.dep.Atom to provide methods on a Gentoo atom string."""
-__all__ = ('Atom',)
+__all__ = ("Atom",)
# =======
# Imports
@@ -24,319 +24,319 @@ from gentoolkit import errors
# Classes
# =======
class Atom(portage.dep.Atom, CPV):
- """Portage's Atom class with improvements from pkgcore.
+ """Portage's Atom class with improvements from pkgcore.
+ portage.dep.Atom provides the following instance variables:
+ @type operator: str
+ @ivar operator: one of ('=', '=*', '<', '>', '<=', '>=', '~', None)
+ @type cp: str
+ @ivar cp: cat/pkg
+ @type cpv: str
+ @ivar cpv: cat/pkg-ver (if ver)
+ @type slot: str or None (modified to tuple if not None)
+ @ivar slot: slot passed in as cpv:#
+ """
+ # Necessary for Portage versions < 2.1.7
+ _atoms = weakref.WeakValueDictionary()
+ def __init__(self, atom):
+ self.atom = atom
+ self.operator = self.blocker = self.use = self.slot = None
+ try:
+ portage.dep.Atom.__init__(self, atom)
+ except portage.exception.InvalidAtom:
+ raise errors.GentoolkitInvalidAtom(atom)
+ # Make operator compatible with intersects
+ if self.operator is None:
+ self.operator = ""
+ CPV.__init__(self, self.cpv)
+ # use_conditional is USE flag condition for this Atom to be required:
+ # For: !build? ( >=sys-apps/sed-4.0.5 ), use_conditional = '!build'
+ self.use_conditional = None
+ def __eq__(self, other):
+ if not isinstance(other, self.__class__):
+ err = "other isn't of %s type, is %s"
+ raise TypeError(err % (self.__class__, other.__class__))
+ if self.operator != other.operator:
+ return False
+ if not CPV.__eq__(self, other):
+ return False
+ if bool(self.blocker) != bool(other.blocker):
+ return False
+ if self.blocker and other.blocker:
+ if self.blocker.overlap.forbid != other.blocker.overlap.forbid:
+ return False
+ if self.use_conditional != other.use_conditional:
+ return False
+ # Don't believe Portage has something like this
+ # c = cmp(self.negate_vers, other.negate_vers)
+ # if c:
+ # return c
+ if self.slot != other.slot:
+ return False
+ this_use = None
+ if self.use is not None:
+ this_use = sorted(self.use.tokens)
+ that_use = None
+ if other.use is not None:
+ that_use = sorted(other.use.tokens)
+ if this_use != that_use:
+ return False
+ # Not supported by Portage Atom yet
+ # return cmp(self.repo_name, other.repo_name)
+ return True
+ def __hash__(self):
+ return hash(self.atom)
+ def __ne__(self, other):
+ return not self == other
+ def __lt__(self, other):
+ if not isinstance(other, self.__class__):
+ err = "other isn't of %s type, is %s"
+ raise TypeError(err % (self.__class__, other.__class__))
+ if self.operator != other.operator:
+ return self.operator < other.operator
+ if not CPV.__eq__(self, other):
+ return CPV.__lt__(self, other)
+ if bool(self.blocker) != bool(other.blocker):
+ # We want non blockers, then blockers, so only return True
+ # if self.blocker is True and other.blocker is False.
+ return bool(self.blocker) > bool(other.blocker)
+ if self.blocker and other.blocker:
+ if self.blocker.overlap.forbid != other.blocker.overlap.forbid:
+ # we want !! prior to !
+ return self.blocker.overlap.forbid < other.blocker.overlap.forbid
+ # Don't believe Portage has something like this
+ # c = cmp(self.negate_vers, other.negate_vers)
+ # if c:
+ # return c
+ if self.slot != other.slot:
+ if self.slot is None:
+ return False
+ elif other.slot is None:
+ return True
+ return self.slot < other.slot
+ this_use = []
+ if self.use is not None:
+ this_use = sorted(self.use.tokens)
+ that_use = []
+ if other.use is not None:
+ that_use = sorted(other.use.tokens)
+ if this_use != that_use:
+ return this_use < that_use
+ # Not supported by Portage Atom yet
+ # return cmp(self.repo_name, other.repo_name)
+ return False
+ def __gt__(self, other):
+ if not isinstance(other, self.__class__):
+ err = "other isn't of %s type, is %s"
+ raise TypeError(err % (self.__class__, other.__class__))
+ return not self <= other
+ def __le__(self, other):
+ if not isinstance(other, self.__class__):
+ raise TypeError(
+ f"other isn't of {self.__class__} type, is {other.__class__}"
+ )
+ return self < other or self == other
+ def __ge__(self, other):
+ if not isinstance(other, self.__class__):
+ raise TypeError(
+ f"other isn't of {self.__class__} type, is {other.__class__}"
+ )
+ return self > other or self == other
+ def __repr__(self):
+ uc = self.use_conditional
+ uc = "%s? " % uc if uc is not None else ""
+ return "<{} {!r}>".format(self.__class__.__name__, f"{uc}{self.atom}")
+ def __setattr__(self, name, value):
+ object.__setattr__(self, name, value)
+ def intersects(self, other):
+ """Check if a passed in package atom "intersects" this atom.
+ Lifted from pkgcore.
+ Two atoms "intersect" if a package can be constructed that
+ matches both:
+ - if you query for just "dev-lang/python" it "intersects" both
+ "dev-lang/python" and ">=dev-lang/python-2.4"
+ - if you query for "=dev-lang/python-2.4" it "intersects"
+ ">=dev-lang/python-2.4" and "dev-lang/python" but not
+ "<dev-lang/python-2.3"
+ @type other: L{gentoolkit.atom.Atom} or
+ L{gentoolkit.versionmatch.VersionMatch}
+ @param other: other package to compare
+ @see: L{pkgcore.ebuild.atom}
+ """
+ # Our "cp" (cat/pkg) must match exactly:
+ if self.cp != other.cp:
+ # Check to see if one is name only:
+ # We don't bother checking if self.category is None: it can't be
+ # because we're an Atom subclass and that would be invalid.
+ return not other.category and self.name == other.name
+ # Slot dep only matters if we both have one. If we do they
+ # must be identical:
+ this_slot = getattr(self, "slot", None)
+ that_slot = getattr(other, "slot", None)
+ if this_slot is not None and that_slot is not None and this_slot != that_slot:
+ return False
+ if self.repo is not None and other.repo is not None and self.repo != other.repo:
+ return False
+ # Use deps are similar: if one of us forces a flag on and the
+ # other forces it off we do not intersect. If only one of us
+ # cares about a flag it is irrelevant.
+ # Skip the (very common) case of one of us not having use deps:
+ this_use = getattr(self, "use", None)
+ that_use = getattr(other, "use", None)
+ if this_use and that_use:
+ # Set of flags we do not have in common:
+ flags = set(this_use.tokens) ^ set(that_use.tokens)
+ for flag in flags:
+ # If this is unset and we also have the set version we fail:
+ if flag[0] == "-" and flag[1:] in flags:
+ return False
+ # Remaining thing to check is version restrictions. Get the
+ # ones we can check without actual version comparisons out of
+ # the way first.
+ # If one of us is unversioned we intersect:
+ if not self.operator or not other.operator:
+ return True
+ # If we are both "unbounded" in the same direction we intersect:
+ if ("<" in self.operator and "<" in other.operator) or (
+ ">" in self.operator and ">" in other.operator
+ ):
+ return True
+ # If one of us is an exact match we intersect if the other matches it:
+ if self.operator == "=":
+ if other.operator == "=*":
+ return self.fullversion.startswith(other.fullversion)
+ return VersionMatch(other, op=other.operator).match(self)
+ if other.operator == "=":
+ if self.operator == "=*":
+ return other.fullversion.startswith(self.fullversion)
+ return VersionMatch(self, op=self.operator).match(other)
+ # If we are both ~ matches we match if we are identical:
+ if self.operator == other.operator == "~":
+ return self.version == other.version and self.revision == other.revision
+ # If we are both glob matches we match if one of us matches the other.
+ if self.operator == other.operator == "=*":
+ return self.fullversion.startswith(
+ other.fullversion
+ ) or other.fullversion.startswith(self.fullversion)
+ # If one of us is a glob match and the other a ~ we match if the glob
+ # matches the ~ (ignoring a revision on the glob):
+ if self.operator == "=*" and other.operator == "~":
+ return other.fullversion.startswith(self.version)
+ if other.operator == "=*" and self.operator == "~":
+ return self.fullversion.startswith(other.version)
+ # If we get here at least one of us is a <, <=, > or >=:
+ if self.operator in ("<", "<=", ">", ">="):
+ ranged, ranged.operator = self, self.operator
+ else:
+ ranged, ranged.operator = other, other.operator
+ other, other.operator = self, self.operator
+ if "<" in other.operator or ">" in other.operator:
+ # We are both ranged, and in the opposite "direction" (or
+ # we would have matched above). We intersect if we both
+ # match the other's endpoint (just checking one endpoint
+ # is not enough, it would give a false positive on <=2 vs >2)
+ return VersionMatch(other, op=other.operator).match(
+ ranged
+ ) and VersionMatch(ranged, op=ranged.operator).match(other)
+ if other.operator == "~":
+ # Other definitely matches its own version. If ranged also
+ # does we're done:
+ if VersionMatch(ranged, op=ranged.operator).match(other):
+ return True
+ # The only other case where we intersect is if ranged is a
+ # > or >= on other's version and a nonzero revision. In
+ # that case other will match ranged. Be careful not to
+ # give a false positive for ~2 vs <2 here:
+ return ranged.operator in (">", ">=") and VersionMatch(
+ other, op=other.operator
+ ).match(ranged)
+ if other.operator == "=*":
+ # a glob match definitely matches its own version, so if
+ # ranged does too we're done:
+ if VersionMatch(ranged, op=ranged.operator).match(other):
+ return True
+ if "<" in ranged.operator:
+ # If other.revision is not defined then other does not
+ # match anything smaller than its own fullversion:
+ if other.revision:
+ return False
+ # If other.revision is defined then we can always
+ # construct a package smaller than other.fullversion by
+ # tagging e.g. an _alpha1 on.
+ return ranged.fullversion.startswith(other.version)
+ else:
+ # Remaining cases where this intersects: there is a
+ # package greater than ranged.fullversion and
+ # other.fullversion that they both match.
+ return ranged.fullversion.startswith(other.version)
+ # Handled all possible ops.
+ raise NotImplementedError(
+ "Someone added an operator without adding it to intersects"
+ )
+ def get_depstr(self):
+ """Returns a string representation of the original dep"""
+ uc = self.use_conditional
+ uc = "%s? " % uc if uc is not None else ""
+ return f"{uc}{self.atom}"
- portage.dep.Atom provides the following instance variables:
- @type operator: str
- @ivar operator: one of ('=', '=*', '<', '>', '<=', '>=', '~', None)
- @type cp: str
- @ivar cp: cat/pkg
- @type cpv: str
- @ivar cpv: cat/pkg-ver (if ver)
- @type slot: str or None (modified to tuple if not None)
- @ivar slot: slot passed in as cpv:#
- """
- # Necessary for Portage versions < 2.1.7
- _atoms = weakref.WeakValueDictionary()
- def __init__(self, atom):
- self.atom = atom
- self.operator = self.blocker = self.use = self.slot = None
- try:
- portage.dep.Atom.__init__(self, atom)
- except portage.exception.InvalidAtom:
- raise errors.GentoolkitInvalidAtom(atom)
- # Make operator compatible with intersects
- if self.operator is None:
- self.operator = ''
- CPV.__init__(self, self.cpv)
- # use_conditional is USE flag condition for this Atom to be required:
- # For: !build? ( >=sys-apps/sed-4.0.5 ), use_conditional = '!build'
- self.use_conditional = None
- def __eq__(self, other):
- if not isinstance(other, self.__class__):
- err = "other isn't of %s type, is %s"
- raise TypeError(err % (self.__class__, other.__class__))
- if self.operator != other.operator:
- return False
- if not CPV.__eq__(self, other):
- return False
- if bool(self.blocker) != bool(other.blocker):
- return False
- if self.blocker and other.blocker:
- if self.blocker.overlap.forbid != other.blocker.overlap.forbid:
- return False
- if self.use_conditional != other.use_conditional:
- return False
- # Don't believe Portage has something like this
- #c = cmp(self.negate_vers, other.negate_vers)
- #if c:
- # return c
- if self.slot != other.slot:
- return False
- this_use = None
- if self.use is not None:
- this_use = sorted(self.use.tokens)
- that_use = None
- if other.use is not None:
- that_use = sorted(other.use.tokens)
- if this_use != that_use:
- return False
- # Not supported by Portage Atom yet
- #return cmp(self.repo_name, other.repo_name)
- return True
- def __hash__(self):
- return hash(self.atom)
- def __ne__(self, other):
- return not self == other
- def __lt__(self, other):
- if not isinstance(other, self.__class__):
- err = "other isn't of %s type, is %s"
- raise TypeError(err % (self.__class__, other.__class__))
- if self.operator != other.operator:
- return self.operator < other.operator
- if not CPV.__eq__(self, other):
- return CPV.__lt__(self, other)
- if bool(self.blocker) != bool(other.blocker):
- # We want non blockers, then blockers, so only return True
- # if self.blocker is True and other.blocker is False.
- return bool(self.blocker) > bool(other.blocker)
- if self.blocker and other.blocker:
- if self.blocker.overlap.forbid != other.blocker.overlap.forbid:
- # we want !! prior to !
- return (self.blocker.overlap.forbid <
- other.blocker.overlap.forbid)
- # Don't believe Portage has something like this
- #c = cmp(self.negate_vers, other.negate_vers)
- #if c:
- # return c
- if self.slot != other.slot:
- if self.slot is None:
- return False
- elif other.slot is None:
- return True
- return self.slot < other.slot
- this_use = []
- if self.use is not None:
- this_use = sorted(self.use.tokens)
- that_use = []
- if other.use is not None:
- that_use = sorted(other.use.tokens)
- if this_use != that_use:
- return this_use < that_use
- # Not supported by Portage Atom yet
- #return cmp(self.repo_name, other.repo_name)
- return False
- def __gt__(self, other):
- if not isinstance(other, self.__class__):
- err = "other isn't of %s type, is %s"
- raise TypeError(err % (self.__class__, other.__class__))
- return not self <= other
- def __le__(self, other):
- if not isinstance(other, self.__class__):
- raise TypeError("other isn't of %s type, is %s" % (
- self.__class__, other.__class__)
- )
- return self < other or self == other
- def __ge__(self, other):
- if not isinstance(other, self.__class__):
- raise TypeError("other isn't of %s type, is %s" % (
- self.__class__, other.__class__)
- )
- return self > other or self == other
- def __repr__(self):
- uc = self.use_conditional
- uc = "%s? " % uc if uc is not None else ''
- return "<%s %r>" % (self.__class__.__name__, "%s%s" % (uc, self.atom))
- def __setattr__(self, name, value):
- object.__setattr__(self, name, value)
- def intersects(self, other):
- """Check if a passed in package atom "intersects" this atom.
- Lifted from pkgcore.
- Two atoms "intersect" if a package can be constructed that
- matches both:
- - if you query for just "dev-lang/python" it "intersects" both
- "dev-lang/python" and ">=dev-lang/python-2.4"
- - if you query for "=dev-lang/python-2.4" it "intersects"
- ">=dev-lang/python-2.4" and "dev-lang/python" but not
- "<dev-lang/python-2.3"
- @type other: L{gentoolkit.atom.Atom} or
- L{gentoolkit.versionmatch.VersionMatch}
- @param other: other package to compare
- @see: L{pkgcore.ebuild.atom}
- """
- # Our "cp" (cat/pkg) must match exactly:
- if self.cp != other.cp:
- # Check to see if one is name only:
- # We don't bother checking if self.category is None: it can't be
- # because we're an Atom subclass and that would be invalid.
- return (not other.category and self.name == other.name)
- # Slot dep only matters if we both have one. If we do they
- # must be identical:
- this_slot = getattr(self, 'slot', None)
- that_slot = getattr(other, 'slot', None)
- if (this_slot is not None and that_slot is not None and
- this_slot != that_slot):
- return False
- if (self.repo is not None and other.repo is not None and
- self.repo != other.repo):
- return False
- # Use deps are similar: if one of us forces a flag on and the
- # other forces it off we do not intersect. If only one of us
- # cares about a flag it is irrelevant.
- # Skip the (very common) case of one of us not having use deps:
- this_use = getattr(self, 'use', None)
- that_use = getattr(other, 'use', None)
- if this_use and that_use:
- # Set of flags we do not have in common:
- flags = set(this_use.tokens) ^ set(that_use.tokens)
- for flag in flags:
- # If this is unset and we also have the set version we fail:
- if flag[0] == '-' and flag[1:] in flags:
- return False
- # Remaining thing to check is version restrictions. Get the
- # ones we can check without actual version comparisons out of
- # the way first.
- # If one of us is unversioned we intersect:
- if not self.operator or not other.operator:
- return True
- # If we are both "unbounded" in the same direction we intersect:
- if (('<' in self.operator and '<' in other.operator) or
- ('>' in self.operator and '>' in other.operator)):
- return True
- # If one of us is an exact match we intersect if the other matches it:
- if self.operator == '=':
- if other.operator == '=*':
- return self.fullversion.startswith(other.fullversion)
- return VersionMatch(other, op=other.operator).match(self)
- if other.operator == '=':
- if self.operator == '=*':
- return other.fullversion.startswith(self.fullversion)
- return VersionMatch(self, op=self.operator).match(other)
- # If we are both ~ matches we match if we are identical:
- if self.operator == other.operator == '~':
- return (self.version == other.version and
- self.revision == other.revision)
- # If we are both glob matches we match if one of us matches the other.
- if self.operator == other.operator == '=*':
- return (self.fullversion.startswith(other.fullversion) or
- other.fullversion.startswith(self.fullversion))
- # If one of us is a glob match and the other a ~ we match if the glob
- # matches the ~ (ignoring a revision on the glob):
- if self.operator == '=*' and other.operator == '~':
- return other.fullversion.startswith(self.version)
- if other.operator == '=*' and self.operator == '~':
- return self.fullversion.startswith(other.version)
- # If we get here at least one of us is a <, <=, > or >=:
- if self.operator in ('<', '<=', '>', '>='):
- ranged, ranged.operator = self, self.operator
- else:
- ranged, ranged.operator = other, other.operator
- other, other.operator = self, self.operator
- if '<' in other.operator or '>' in other.operator:
- # We are both ranged, and in the opposite "direction" (or
- # we would have matched above). We intersect if we both
- # match the other's endpoint (just checking one endpoint
- # is not enough, it would give a false positive on <=2 vs >2)
- return (
- VersionMatch(other, op=other.operator).match(ranged) and
- VersionMatch(ranged, op=ranged.operator).match(other)
- )
- if other.operator == '~':
- # Other definitely matches its own version. If ranged also
- # does we're done:
- if VersionMatch(ranged, op=ranged.operator).match(other):
- return True
- # The only other case where we intersect is if ranged is a
- # > or >= on other's version and a nonzero revision. In
- # that case other will match ranged. Be careful not to
- # give a false positive for ~2 vs <2 here:
- return (ranged.operator in ('>', '>=') and
- VersionMatch(other, op=other.operator).match(ranged))
- if other.operator == '=*':
- # a glob match definitely matches its own version, so if
- # ranged does too we're done:
- if VersionMatch(ranged, op=ranged.operator).match(other):
- return True
- if '<' in ranged.operator:
- # If other.revision is not defined then other does not
- # match anything smaller than its own fullversion:
- if other.revision:
- return False
- # If other.revision is defined then we can always
- # construct a package smaller than other.fullversion by
- # tagging e.g. an _alpha1 on.
- return ranged.fullversion.startswith(other.version)
- else:
- # Remaining cases where this intersects: there is a
- # package greater than ranged.fullversion and
- # other.fullversion that they both match.
- return ranged.fullversion.startswith(other.version)
- # Handled all possible ops.
- raise NotImplementedError(
- 'Someone added an operator without adding it to intersects')
- def get_depstr(self):
- """Returns a string representation of the original dep
- """
- uc = self.use_conditional
- uc = "%s? " % uc if uc is not None else ''
- return "%s%s" % (uc, self.atom)
# vim: set ts=4 sw=4 tw=79:
diff --git a/pym/gentoolkit/base.py b/pym/gentoolkit/base.py
index 372ed74..4dcbfa1 100644
--- a/pym/gentoolkit/base.py
+++ b/pym/gentoolkit/base.py
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
-# Copyright(c) 2009 - 2010, Gentoo Foundation
+# Copyright(c) 2009-2023 Gentoo Authors
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
"""Gentoolkit Base Module class to hold common module operation functions
-__docformat__ = 'epytext'
+__docformat__ = "epytext"
import os
@@ -18,127 +18,136 @@ from gentoolkit.formatters import format_options
- (" -h, --help", "display this help message"),
- (" -q, --quiet", "minimal output"),
- (" -C, --no-color", "turn off colors"),
- (" -N, --no-pipe", "turn off pipe detection"),
- (" -V, --version", "display version info")
+ (" -h, --help", "display this help message"),
+ (" -q, --quiet", "minimal output"),
+ (" -C, --no-color", "turn off colors"),
+ (" -N, --no-pipe", "turn off pipe detection"),
+ (" -V, --version", "display version info"),
def initialize_configuration():
- """Setup the standard equery config"""
- # Get terminal size
- term_width = pp.output.get_term_size()[1]
- if term_width < 1:
- # get_term_size() failed. Set a sane default width:
- term_width = 80
- # Terminal size, minus a 1-char margin for text wrapping
- gentoolkit.CONFIG['termWidth'] = term_width - 1
- # Guess color output
- if (gentoolkit.CONFIG['color'] == -1 and (not sys.stdout.isatty() or
- os.getenv("NOCOLOR") in ("yes", "true")) or gentoolkit.CONFIG['color'] == 0):
- pp.output.nocolor()
- gentoolkit.CONFIG['verbose'] = not gentoolkit.CONFIG['piping']
+ """Setup the standard equery config"""
+ # Get terminal size
+ term_width = pp.output.get_term_size()[1]
+ if term_width < 1:
+ # get_term_size() failed. Set a sane default width:
+ term_width = 80
+ # Terminal size, minus a 1-char margin for text wrapping
+ gentoolkit.CONFIG["termWidth"] = term_width - 1
+ # Guess color output
+ if (
+ gentoolkit.CONFIG["color"] == -1
+ and (
+ not sys.stdout.isatty()
+ or os.getenv("NO_COLOR")
+ or os.getenv("NOCOLOR") in ("yes", "true")
+ )
+ or gentoolkit.CONFIG["color"] == 0
+ ):
+ pp.output.nocolor()
+ gentoolkit.CONFIG["verbose"] = not gentoolkit.CONFIG["piping"]
def split_arguments(args):
- """Separate module name from module arguments"""
+ """Separate module name from module arguments"""
- return args.pop(0), args
+ return args.pop(0), args
def main_usage(module_info):
- """Return the main usage message for analyse"""
- return "%(usage)s %(product)s [%(g_opts)s] %(mod_name)s [%(mod_opts)s]" % {
- 'usage': pp.emph("Usage:"),
- 'product': pp.productname(module_info["__productname__"]),
- 'g_opts': pp.globaloption("global-options"),
- 'mod_name': pp.command("module-name"),
- 'mod_opts': pp.localoption("module-options")
- }
+ """Return the main usage message for analyse"""
+ return "{usage} {product} [{g_opts}] {mod_name} [{mod_opts}]".format(
+ usage=pp.emph("Usage:"),
+ product=pp.productname(module_info["__productname__"]),
+ g_opts=pp.globaloption("global-options"),
+ mod_name=pp.command("module-name"),
+ mod_opts=pp.localoption("module-options"),
+ )
def print_version(module_info):
- """Print the version of this tool to the console."""
+ """Print the version of this tool to the console."""
- print("%(product)s (%(version)s) - %(docstring)s" % {
- "product": pp.productname(module_info["__productname__"]),
- "version": module_info["__version__"],
- "docstring": module_info["__doc__"]
- })
+ print(
+ "%(product)s (%(version)s) - %(docstring)s"
+ % {
+ "product": pp.productname(module_info["__productname__"]),
+ "version": module_info["__version__"],
+ "docstring": module_info["__doc__"],
+ }
+ )
def print_help(module_info, formatted_options=None, with_description=True):
- """Print description, usage and a detailed help message.
- @param with_description (bool): Option to print module's __doc__ or not
- """
- if with_description:
- print()
- print(module_info["__doc__"])
- print()
- print(main_usage(module_info))
- print()
- print(pp.globaloption("global options"))
- print(format_options(GLOBAL_OPTIONS))
- print()
- if formatted_options:
- print(pp.command("modules") + " (" + pp.command("short name") + ")")
- print(format_options(formatted_options))
- else:
- print("Error: calling function did not supply formatted options")
- print()
+ """Print description, usage and a detailed help message.
+ @param with_description (bool): Option to print module's __doc__ or not
+ """
+ if with_description:
+ print()
+ print(module_info["__doc__"])
+ print()
+ print(main_usage(module_info))
+ print()
+ print(pp.globaloption("global options"))
+ print(format_options(GLOBAL_OPTIONS))
+ print()
+ if formatted_options:
+ print(pp.command("modules") + " (" + pp.command("short name") + ")")
+ print(format_options(formatted_options))
+ else:
+ print("Error: calling function did not supply formatted options")
+ print()
def parse_global_options(global_opts, args, module_info, formatted_options):
- """Parse global input args and return True if we should display help for
- the called module, else False (or display help and exit from here).
- """
- need_help = False
- do_help = False
- opts = (opt[0] for opt in global_opts)
- for opt in opts:
- if opt in ('-h', '--help'):
- do_help = True
- if args:
- need_help = True
- else:
- do_help = True
- elif opt in ('-q','--quiet'):
- gentoolkit.CONFIG['quiet'] = True
- elif opt in ('-C', '--no-color', '--nocolor'):
- gentoolkit.CONFIG['color'] = 0
- pp.output.nocolor()
- elif opt in ('-N', '--no-pipe'):
- gentoolkit.CONFIG['piping'] = False
- elif opt in ('-V', '--version'):
- print_version(module_info)
- sys.exit(0)
- elif opt in ('--debug'):
- gentoolkit.CONFIG['debug'] = True
- if do_help:
- print_help( module_info, formatted_options)
- sys.exit(0)
- return need_help
+ """Parse global input args and return True if we should display help for
+ the called module, else False (or display help and exit from here).
+ """
+ need_help = False
+ do_help = False
+ opts = (opt[0] for opt in global_opts)
+ for opt in opts:
+ if opt in ("-h", "--help"):
+ do_help = True
+ if args:
+ need_help = True
+ else:
+ do_help = True
+ elif opt in ("-q", "--quiet"):
+ gentoolkit.CONFIG["quiet"] = True
+ elif opt in ("-C", "--no-color", "--nocolor"):
+ gentoolkit.CONFIG["color"] = 0
+ pp.output.nocolor()
+ elif opt in ("-N", "--no-pipe"):
+ gentoolkit.CONFIG["piping"] = False
+ elif opt in ("-V", "--version"):
+ print_version(module_info)
+ sys.exit(0)
+ elif opt in ("--debug"):
+ gentoolkit.CONFIG["debug"] = True
+ if do_help:
+ print_help(module_info, formatted_options)
+ sys.exit(0)
+ return need_help
def mod_usage(mod_name="module", arg="pkgspec", optional=False):
- """Provide a consistant usage message to the calling module.
- @type arg: string
- @param arg: what kind of argument the module takes (pkgspec, filename, etc)
- @type optional: bool
- @param optional: is the argument optional?
- """
- return "%(usage)s: %(mod_name)s [%(opts)s] %(arg)s" % {
- 'usage': pp.emph("Usage"),
- 'mod_name': pp.command(mod_name),
- 'opts': pp.localoption("options"),
- 'arg': ("[%s]" % pp.emph(arg)) if optional else pp.emph(arg)
- }
+ """Provide a consistant usage message to the calling module.
+ @type arg: string
+ @param arg: what kind of argument the module takes (pkgspec, filename, etc)
+ @type optional: bool
+ @param optional: is the argument optional?
+ """
+ return "{usage}: {mod_name} [{opts}] {arg}".format(
+ usage=pp.emph("Usage"),
+ mod_name=pp.command(mod_name),
+ opts=pp.localoption("options"),
+ arg=("[%s]" % pp.emph(arg)) if optional else pp.emph(arg),
+ )
diff --git a/pym/gentoolkit/cpv.py b/pym/gentoolkit/cpv.py
index 5238e24..c58243e 100644
--- a/pym/gentoolkit/cpv.py
+++ b/pym/gentoolkit/cpv.py
@@ -6,11 +6,7 @@
"""Provides attributes and methods for a category/package-version string."""
-__all__ = (
- 'CPV',
- 'compare_strs',
- 'split_cpv'
+__all__ = ("CPV", "compare_strs", "split_cpv")
# =======
# Imports
@@ -26,228 +22,232 @@ from gentoolkit import errors
# Globals
# =======
-isvalid_version_re = re.compile(r"^(?:cvs\.)?(?:\d+)(?:\.\d+)*[a-z]?"
- r"(?:_(p(?:re)?|beta|alpha|rc)\d*)*$")
+isvalid_version_re = re.compile(
+ r"^(?:cvs\.)?(?:\d+)(?:\.\d+)*[a-z]?" r"(?:_(p(?:re)?|beta|alpha|rc)\d*)*$"
isvalid_cat_re = re.compile(r"^(?:[a-zA-Z0-9][-a-zA-Z0-9+._]*(?:/(?!$))?)+$")
_pkg_re = re.compile(r"^[a-zA-Z0-9+._]+$")
# Prefix specific revision is of the form -r0<digit>+.<digit>+
-isvalid_rev_re = re.compile(r'(\d+|0\d+\.\d+)')
+isvalid_rev_re = re.compile(r"(\d+|0\d+\.\d+)")
# =======
# Classes
# =======
class CPV:
- """Provides methods on a category/package-version string.
- Will also correctly split just a package or package-version string.
- Example usage:
- >>> from gentoolkit.cpv import CPV
- >>> cpv = CPV('sys-apps/portage-2.2-r1')
- >>> cpv.category, cpv.name, cpv.fullversion
- ('sys-apps', 'portage', '2.2-r1')
- >>> str(cpv)
- 'sys-apps/portage-2.2-r1'
- >>> # An 'rc' (release candidate) version is less than non 'rc' version:
- ... CPV('sys-apps/portage-2') > CPV('sys-apps/portage-2_rc10')
- True
- """
- def __init__(self, cpv, validate=False):
- self.cpv = cpv
- self._category = None
- self._name = None
- self._version = None
- self._revision = None
- self._cp = None
- self._fullversion = None
- self.validate = validate
- if validate and not self.name:
- raise errors.GentoolkitInvalidCPV(cpv)
- @property
- def category(self):
- if self._category is None:
- self._set_cpv_chunks()
- return self._category
- @property
- def name(self):
- if self._name is None:
- self._set_cpv_chunks()
- return self._name
- @property
- def version(self):
- if self._version is None:
- self._set_cpv_chunks()
- return self._version
- @property
- def revision(self):
- if self._revision is None:
- self._set_cpv_chunks()
- return self._revision
- @property
- def cp(self):
- if self._cp is None:
- sep = '/' if self.category else ''
- self._cp = sep.join((self.category, self.name))
- return self._cp
- @property
- def fullversion(self):
- if self._fullversion is None:
- sep = '-' if self.revision else ''
- self._fullversion = sep.join((self.version, self.revision))
- return self._fullversion
- def _set_cpv_chunks(self):
- chunks = split_cpv(self.cpv, validate=self.validate)
- self._category = chunks[0]
- self._name = chunks[1]
- self._version = chunks[2]
- self._revision = chunks[3]
- def __eq__(self, other):
- if not isinstance(other, self.__class__):
- return False
- return self.cpv == other.cpv
- def __hash__(self):
- return hash(self.cpv)
- def __ne__(self, other):
- return not self == other
- def __lt__(self, other):
- if not isinstance(other, self.__class__):
- raise TypeError("other isn't of %s type, is %s" % (
- self.__class__, other.__class__)
- )
- if self.category != other.category:
- return self.category < other.category
- elif self.name != other.name:
- return self.name < other.name
- else:
- # FIXME: this cmp() hack is for vercmp not using -1,0,1
- # See bug 266493; this was fixed in portage-2.2_rc31
- #return vercmp(self.fullversion, other.fullversion)
- return vercmp(self.fullversion, other.fullversion) < 0
- def __gt__(self, other):
- if not isinstance(other, self.__class__):
- raise TypeError("other isn't of %s type, is %s" % (
- self.__class__, other.__class__)
- )
- return not self <= other
- def __le__(self, other):
- if not isinstance(other, self.__class__):
- raise TypeError("other isn't of %s type, is %s" % (
- self.__class__, other.__class__)
- )
- return self < other or self == other
- def __ge__(self, other):
- if not isinstance(other, self.__class__):
- raise TypeError("other isn't of %s type, is %s" % (
- self.__class__, other.__class__)
- )
- return self > other or self == other
- def __repr__(self):
- return "<%s %r>" % (self.__class__.__name__, str(self))
- def __str__(self):
- return self.cpv
+ """Provides methods on a category/package-version string.
+ Will also correctly split just a package or package-version string.
+ Example usage:
+ >>> from gentoolkit.cpv import CPV
+ >>> cpv = CPV('sys-apps/portage-2.2-r1')
+ >>> cpv.category, cpv.name, cpv.fullversion
+ ('sys-apps', 'portage', '2.2-r1')
+ >>> str(cpv)
+ 'sys-apps/portage-2.2-r1'
+ >>> # An 'rc' (release candidate) version is less than non 'rc' version:
+ ... CPV('sys-apps/portage-2') > CPV('sys-apps/portage-2_rc10')
+ True
+ """
+ def __init__(self, cpv, validate=False):
+ self.cpv = cpv
+ self._category = None
+ self._name = None
+ self._version = None
+ self._revision = None
+ self._cp = None
+ self._fullversion = None
+ self.validate = validate
+ if validate and not self.name:
+ raise errors.GentoolkitInvalidCPV(cpv)
+ @property
+ def category(self):
+ if self._category is None:
+ self._set_cpv_chunks()
+ return self._category
+ @property
+ def name(self):
+ if self._name is None:
+ self._set_cpv_chunks()
+ return self._name
+ @property
+ def version(self):
+ if self._version is None:
+ self._set_cpv_chunks()
+ return self._version
+ @property
+ def revision(self):
+ if self._revision is None:
+ self._set_cpv_chunks()
+ return self._revision
+ @property
+ def cp(self):
+ if self._cp is None:
+ sep = "/" if self.category else ""
+ self._cp = sep.join((self.category, self.name))
+ return self._cp
+ @property
+ def fullversion(self):
+ if self._fullversion is None:
+ sep = "-" if self.revision else ""
+ self._fullversion = sep.join((self.version, self.revision))
+ return self._fullversion
+ def _set_cpv_chunks(self):
+ chunks = split_cpv(self.cpv, validate=self.validate)
+ self._category = chunks[0]
+ self._name = chunks[1]
+ self._version = chunks[2]
+ self._revision = chunks[3]
+ def __eq__(self, other):
+ if not isinstance(other, self.__class__):
+ return False
+ return self.cpv == other.cpv
+ def __hash__(self):
+ return hash(self.cpv)
+ def __ne__(self, other):
+ return not self == other
+ def __lt__(self, other):
+ if not isinstance(other, self.__class__):
+ raise TypeError(
+ f"other isn't of {self.__class__} type, is {other.__class__}"
+ )
+ if self.category != other.category:
+ return self.category < other.category
+ elif self.name != other.name:
+ return self.name < other.name
+ else:
+ # FIXME: this cmp() hack is for vercmp not using -1,0,1
+ # See bug 266493; this was fixed in portage-2.2_rc31
+ # return vercmp(self.fullversion, other.fullversion)
+ return vercmp(self.fullversion, other.fullversion) < 0
+ def __gt__(self, other):
+ if not isinstance(other, self.__class__):
+ raise TypeError(
+ f"other isn't of {self.__class__} type, is {other.__class__}"
+ )
+ return not self <= other
+ def __le__(self, other):
+ if not isinstance(other, self.__class__):
+ raise TypeError(
+ f"other isn't of {self.__class__} type, is {other.__class__}"
+ )
+ return self < other or self == other
+ def __ge__(self, other):
+ if not isinstance(other, self.__class__):
+ raise TypeError(
+ f"other isn't of {self.__class__} type, is {other.__class__}"
+ )
+ return self > other or self == other
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return f"<{self.__class__.__name__} {str(self)!r}>"
+ def __str__(self):
+ return self.cpv
# =========
# Functions
# =========
def compare_strs(pkg1, pkg2):
- """Similar to the builtin cmp, but for package strings. Usually called
- as: package_list.sort(cpv.compare_strs)
+ """Similar to the builtin cmp, but for package strings. Usually called
+ as: package_list.sort(cpv.compare_strs)
- An alternative is to use the CPV descriptor from gentoolkit.cpv:
- >>> package_list = ['sys-apps/portage-9999', 'media-video/ffmpeg-9999']
- >>> cpvs = sorted(CPV(x) for x in package_list)
+ An alternative is to use the CPV descriptor from gentoolkit.cpv:
+ >>> package_list = ['sys-apps/portage-9999', 'media-video/ffmpeg-9999']
+ >>> cpvs = sorted(CPV(x) for x in package_list)
- @see: >>> help(cmp)
- """
+ @see: >>> help(cmp)
+ """
- pkg1 = catpkgsplit(pkg1)
- pkg2 = catpkgsplit(pkg2)
- if pkg1[0] != pkg2[0]:
- return -1 if pkg1[0] < pkg2[0] else 1
- elif pkg1[1] != pkg2[1]:
- return -1 if pkg1[1] < pkg2[1] else 1
- else:
- return pkgcmp(pkg1[1:], pkg2[1:])
+ pkg1 = catpkgsplit(pkg1)
+ pkg2 = catpkgsplit(pkg2)
+ if pkg1[0] != pkg2[0]:
+ return -1 if pkg1[0] < pkg2[0] else 1
+ elif pkg1[1] != pkg2[1]:
+ return -1 if pkg1[1] < pkg2[1] else 1
+ else:
+ return pkgcmp(pkg1[1:], pkg2[1:])
def split_cpv(cpv, validate=True):
- """Split a cpv into category, name, version and revision.
- Modified from pkgcore.ebuild.cpv
- @type cpv: str
- @param cpv: pkg, cat/pkg, pkg-ver, cat/pkg-ver
- @rtype: tuple
- @return: (category, pkg_name, version, revision)
- Each tuple element is a string or empty string ("").
- """
- category = name = version = revision = ''
- try:
- category, pkgver = cpv.rsplit("/", 1)
- except ValueError:
- pkgver = cpv
- if validate and category and not isvalid_cat_re.match(category):
- raise errors.GentoolkitInvalidCPV(cpv)
- pkg_chunks = pkgver.split("-")
- lpkg_chunks = len(pkg_chunks)
- if lpkg_chunks == 1:
- return (category, pkg_chunks[0], version, revision)
- if isvalid_rev(pkg_chunks[-1]):
- if lpkg_chunks < 3:
- # needs at least ('pkg', 'ver', 'rev')
- raise errors.GentoolkitInvalidCPV(cpv)
- rev = pkg_chunks.pop(-1)
- if rev:
- revision = rev
- if isvalid_version_re.match(pkg_chunks[-1]):
- version = pkg_chunks.pop(-1)
- if not isvalid_pkg_name(pkg_chunks):
- raise errors.GentoolkitInvalidCPV(cpv)
- name = '-'.join(pkg_chunks)
- return (category, name, version, revision)
+ """Split a cpv into category, name, version and revision.
+ Modified from pkgcore.ebuild.cpv
+ @type cpv: str
+ @param cpv: pkg, cat/pkg, pkg-ver, cat/pkg-ver
+ @rtype: tuple
+ @return: (category, pkg_name, version, revision)
+ Each tuple element is a string or empty string ("").
+ """
+ category = name = version = revision = ""
+ try:
+ category, pkgver = cpv.rsplit("/", 1)
+ except ValueError:
+ pkgver = cpv
+ if validate and category and not isvalid_cat_re.match(category):
+ raise errors.GentoolkitInvalidCPV(cpv)
+ pkg_chunks = pkgver.split("-")
+ lpkg_chunks = len(pkg_chunks)
+ if lpkg_chunks == 1:
+ return (category, pkg_chunks[0], version, revision)
+ if isvalid_rev(pkg_chunks[-1]):
+ if lpkg_chunks < 3:
+ # needs at least ('pkg', 'ver', 'rev')
+ raise errors.GentoolkitInvalidCPV(cpv)
+ rev = pkg_chunks.pop(-1)
+ if rev:
+ revision = rev
+ if isvalid_version_re.match(pkg_chunks[-1]):
+ version = pkg_chunks.pop(-1)
+ if not isvalid_pkg_name(pkg_chunks):
+ raise errors.GentoolkitInvalidCPV(cpv)
+ name = "-".join(pkg_chunks)
+ return (category, name, version, revision)
def isvalid_pkg_name(chunks):
- if not chunks[0]:
- # this means a leading -
- return False
- mf = _pkg_re.match
- if not all(not s or mf(s) for s in chunks):
- return False
- if len(chunks) > 1 and chunks[-1].isdigit():
- # not allowed.
- return False
- return True
+ if not chunks[0]:
+ # this means a leading -
+ return False
+ mf = _pkg_re.match
+ if not all(not s or mf(s) for s in chunks):
+ return False
+ if len(chunks) > 1 and chunks[-1].isdigit():
+ # not allowed.
+ return False
+ return True
def isvalid_rev(s):
- return s and s[0] == 'r' and isvalid_rev_re.match(s[1:])
+ return s and s[0] == "r" and isvalid_rev_re.match(s[1:])
# vim: set ts=4 sw=4 tw=79:
diff --git a/pym/gentoolkit/dbapi.py b/pym/gentoolkit/dbapi.py
index be37f32..9e480f8 100644
--- a/pym/gentoolkit/dbapi.py
+++ b/pym/gentoolkit/dbapi.py
@@ -9,14 +9,16 @@
take advantage of them being lazy-loaded.
-print("gentoolkit.dbapi is deprecated.\n",
- "Please migrate to using the assigned calls directly")
+ "gentoolkit.dbapi is deprecated.\n",
+ "Please migrate to using the assigned calls directly",
import portage
BINDB = portage.db[portage.root]["bintree"].dbapi
PORTDB = portage.db[portage.root]["porttree"].dbapi
VARDB = portage.db[portage.root]["vartree"].dbapi
-#virtuals = portage.db[portage.root]["virtuals"]
+# virtuals = portage.db[portage.root]["virtuals"]
# vim: set ts=8 sw=4 tw=79:
diff --git a/pym/gentoolkit/dependencies.py b/pym/gentoolkit/dependencies.py
index 38676a2..be5c71f 100644
--- a/pym/gentoolkit/dependencies.py
+++ b/pym/gentoolkit/dependencies.py
@@ -4,321 +4,304 @@
"""Provides a class for easy calculating dependencies for a given CPV."""
-__docformat__ = 'epytext'
-__all__ = ('Dependencies',)
+__docformat__ = "epytext"
+__all__ = ("Dependencies",)
# =======
# Imports
# =======
+import itertools
+from functools import cache
+from enum import Enum
+from typing import List, Dict, Iterable, Iterator, Set, Optional, Any, Union
import portage
from portage.dep import paren_reduce
from gentoolkit import errors
from gentoolkit.atom import Atom
-from gentoolkit.helpers import uniqify
from gentoolkit.query import Query
+from gentoolkit.cpv import CPV
# =======
# Classes
# =======
+class DependencyKind(Enum):
class Dependencies(Query):
- """Access a package's dependencies and reverse dependencies.
- Example usage:
- >>> from gentoolkit.dependencies import Dependencies
- >>> portage = Dependencies('sys-apps/portage-9999')
- >>> portage
- <Dependencies 'sys-apps/portage-9999'>
- >>> # All methods return gentoolkit.atom.Atom instances
- ... portage.get_depend()
- [<Atom 'python3? =dev-lang/python-3*'>,
- <Atom '!python3? >=dev-lang/python-2.7'>, ...]
- """
- def __init__(self, query, parser=None):
- Query.__init__(self, query)
- self.use = []
- self.depatom = str()
- # Allow a custom parser function:
- self.parser = parser if parser else self._parser
- def __eq__(self, other):
- if self.atom != other.atom:
- return False
- else:
- return True
- def __ne__(self, other):
- return not self == other
- def __hash__(self):
- return hash((self.atom, self.depatom, tuple(self.use)))
- def __repr__(self):
- return "<%s %r>" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.atom)
- def environment(self, envvars):
- """Returns predefined env vars DEPEND, SRC_URI, etc."""
- # Try to use the Portage tree first, since emerge only uses the tree
- # when calculating dependencies
- try:
- result = portage.db[portage.root]["porttree"].dbapi.aux_get(self.cpv, envvars)
- except KeyError:
- try:
- result = portage.db[portage.root]["vartree"].dbapi.aux_get(self.cpv, envvars)
- except KeyError:
- return []
- return result
- def _get_depend(self, env_vars, raw=False):
- raw_depend = ' '.join(self.environment(env_vars))
- if raw:
- return raw_depend
- try:
- return self.parser(raw_depend)
- except portage.exception.InvalidPackageName as err:
- raise errors.GentoolkitInvalidCPV(err)
- def get_depend(self, **kwargs):
- """Get the contents of DEPEND and parse it with self.parser."""
- return self._get_depend(('DEPEND', ), **kwargs)
- def get_pdepend(self, **kwargs):
- """Get the contents of PDEPEND and parse it with self.parser."""
- return self._get_depend(('PDEPEND', ), **kwargs)
- def get_rdepend(self, **kwargs):
- """Get the contents of RDEPEND and parse it with self.parser."""
- return self._get_depend(('RDEPEND', ), **kwargs)
- def get_all_depends(self, **kwargs):
- """Get the contents of ?DEPEND and parse it with self.parser."""
- env_vars = ('DEPEND', 'PDEPEND', 'RDEPEND', 'BDEPEND')
- return self._get_depend(env_vars, **kwargs)
- def graph_depends(
- self,
- max_depth=1,
- printer_fn=None,
- # The rest of these are only used internally:
- depth=1,
- seen=None,
- depcache=None,
- result=None
- ):
- """Graph direct dependencies for self.
- Optionally gather indirect dependencies.
- @type max_depth: int
- @keyword max_depth: Maximum depth to recurse if.
- <1 means no maximum depth
- >0 means recurse only this depth;
- @type printer_fn: callable
- @keyword printer_fn: If None, no effect. If set, it will be applied to
- each result.
- @rtype: list
- @return: [(depth, pkg), ...]
- """
- if seen is None:
- seen = set()
- if depcache is None:
- depcache = dict()
- if result is None:
- result = list()
- pkgdep = None
- deps = self.get_all_depends()
- for dep in deps:
- if dep.atom in depcache:
- continue
- try:
- pkgdep = depcache[dep.atom]
- except KeyError:
- pkgdep = Query(dep.atom).find_best()
- depcache[dep.atom] = pkgdep
- if not pkgdep:
- continue
- elif pkgdep.cpv in seen:
- continue
- if depth <= max_depth or max_depth == 0:
- if printer_fn is not None:
- printer_fn(depth, pkgdep, dep)
- result.append((depth,pkgdep))
- seen.add(pkgdep.cpv)
- if depth < max_depth or max_depth == 0:
- # result is passed in and added to directly
- # so rdeps is disposable
- rdeps = pkgdep.deps.graph_depends( # noqa
- max_depth=max_depth,
- printer_fn=printer_fn,
- # The rest of these are only used internally:
- depth=depth+1,
- seen=seen,
- depcache=depcache,
- result=result
- )
- return result
- def graph_reverse_depends(
- self,
- pkgset=None,
- max_depth=-1,
- only_direct=True,
- printer_fn=None,
- # The rest of these are only used internally:
- depth=0,
- depcache=None,
- seen=None,
- result=None
- ):
- """Graph direct reverse dependencies for self.
- Example usage:
- >>> from gentoolkit.dependencies import Dependencies
- >>> ffmpeg = Dependencies('media-video/ffmpeg-9999')
- >>> # I only care about installed packages that depend on me:
- ... from gentoolkit.helpers import get_installed_cpvs
- >>> # I want to pass in a sorted list. We can pass strings or
- ... # Package or Atom types, so I'll use Package to sort:
- ... from gentoolkit.package import Package
- >>> installed = sorted(get_installed_cpvs())
- >>> deptree = ffmpeg.graph_reverse_depends(
- ... only_direct=False, # Include indirect revdeps
- ... pkgset=installed) # from installed pkgset
- >>> len(deptree)
- 24
- @type pkgset: iterable
- @keyword pkgset: sorted pkg cpv strings or anything sublassing
- L{gentoolkit.cpv.CPV} to use for calculate our revdep graph.
- @type max_depth: int
- @keyword max_depth: Maximum depth to recurse if only_direct=False.
- -1 means no maximum depth;
- 0 is the same as only_direct=True;
- >0 means recurse only this many times;
- @type only_direct: bool
- @keyword only_direct: to recurse or not to recurse
- @type printer_fn: callable
- @keyword printer_fn: If None, no effect. If set, it will be applied to
- each L{gentoolkit.atom.Atom} object as it is added to the results.
- @rtype: list
- @return: L{gentoolkit.dependencies.Dependencies} objects
- """
- if not pkgset:
- err = ("%s kwarg 'pkgset' must be set. "
- "Can be list of cpv strings or any 'intersectable' object.")
- raise errors.GentoolkitFatalError(err % (self.__class__.__name__,))
- if depcache is None:
- depcache = dict()
- if seen is None:
- seen = set()
- if result is None:
- result = list()
- if depth == 0:
- pkgset = tuple(Dependencies(x) for x in pkgset)
- pkgdep = None
- for pkgdep in pkgset:
- raw_depends = pkgdep.get_all_depends(raw=True)
- if self.cp not in raw_depends:
- # fast path for obviously non-matching packages. This saves
- # us the work of instantiating a whole Atom() for *every*
- # dependency of *every* package in pkgset.
- continue
- try:
- all_depends = depcache[pkgdep]
- except KeyError:
- all_depends = uniqify(pkgdep.get_all_depends())
- depcache[pkgdep] = all_depends
- dep_is_displayed = False
- for dep in all_depends:
- # TODO: Add ability to determine if dep is enabled by USE flag.
- # Check portage.dep.use_reduce
- if dep.intersects(self):
- pkgdep.depth = depth
- pkgdep.matching_dep = dep
- if printer_fn is not None:
- printer_fn(pkgdep, dep_is_displayed=dep_is_displayed)
- result.append(pkgdep)
- dep_is_displayed = True
- # if --indirect specified, call ourselves again with the dep
- # Do not call if we have already called ourselves.
- if (
- dep_is_displayed and not only_direct and
- pkgdep.cpv not in seen and
- (depth < max_depth or max_depth == -1)
- ):
- seen.add(pkgdep.cpv)
- result.append(
- pkgdep.graph_reverse_depends(
- pkgset=pkgset,
- max_depth=max_depth,
- only_direct=only_direct,
- printer_fn=printer_fn,
- depth=depth+1,
- depcache=depcache,
- seen=seen,
- result=result
- )
- )
- if depth == 0:
- return result
- return pkgdep
- def _parser(self, deps, use_conditional=None, depth=0):
- """?DEPEND file parser.
- @rtype: list
- @return: L{gentoolkit.atom.Atom} objects
- """
- result = []
- if depth == 0:
- deps = paren_reduce(deps)
- for tok in deps:
- if tok == '||':
- continue
- if tok[-1] == '?':
- use_conditional = tok[:-1]
- continue
- if isinstance(tok, list):
- sub_r = self._parser(tok, use_conditional, depth=depth+1)
- result.extend(sub_r)
- use_conditional = None
- continue
- # FIXME: This is a quick fix for bug #299260.
- # A better fix is to not discard blockers in the parser,
- # but to check for atom.blocker in whatever equery/depends
- # (in this case) and ignore them there.
- # TODO: Test to see how much a performance impact ignoring
- # blockers here rather than checking for atom.blocker has.
- if tok[0] == '!':
- # We're not interested in blockers
- continue
- # skip it if it's empty
- if tok and tok != '':
- atom = Atom(tok)
- if use_conditional is not None:
- atom.use_conditional = use_conditional
- result.append(atom)
- else:
- message = "dependencies.py: _parser() found an empty " +\
- "dep string token for: %s, deps= %s"
- raise errors.GentoolkitInvalidAtom(message %(self.cpv, deps))
- return result
+ """Access a package's dependencies and reverse dependencies.
+ Example usage:
+ >>> from gentoolkit.dependencies import Dependencies
+ >>> portage = Dependencies('sys-apps/portage-9999')
+ >>> portage
+ <Dependencies 'sys-apps/portage-9999'>
+ >>> # All methods return gentoolkit.atom.Atom instances
+ ... portage.get_depend()
+ [<Atom 'python3? =dev-lang/python-3*'>,
+ <Atom '!python3? >=dev-lang/python-2.7'>, ...]
+ """
+ def __init__(self, query: Any, parser: Any = None) -> None:
+ Query.__init__(self, query)
+ self.use: List[str] = []
+ self.depatom: Optional[Atom] = None
+ self.depth: Optional[int] = None
+ # Allow a custom parser function:
+ self.parser = parser if parser else self._parser
+ def __eq__(self, other):
+ if self.atom != other.atom:
+ return False
+ else:
+ return True
+ def __ne__(self, other):
+ return not self == other
+ def __hash__(self):
+ return hash((self.atom, self.depatom, tuple(self.use)))
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return f"<{self.__class__.__name__} {self.atom!r}>"
+ def environment(self, envvars):
+ """Returns predefined env vars DEPEND, SRC_URI, etc."""
+ # Try to use the Portage tree first, since emerge only uses the tree
+ # when calculating dependencies
+ try:
+ result = portage.db[portage.root]["porttree"].dbapi.aux_get(
+ self.cpv, envvars
+ )
+ except KeyError:
+ try:
+ result = portage.db[portage.root]["vartree"].dbapi.aux_get(
+ self.cpv, envvars
+ )
+ except KeyError:
+ return []
+ return result
+ def _get_depend(self, env_vars, raw=False):
+ raw_depend = " ".join(self.environment(env_vars))
+ if raw:
+ return raw_depend
+ try:
+ return self.parser(raw_depend)
+ except portage.exception.InvalidPackageName as err:
+ raise errors.GentoolkitInvalidCPV(err)
+ @cache
+ def get_raw_depends(self) -> str:
+ return self._get_depend([depkind.value for depkind in DependencyKind], raw=True)
+ @cache
+ def get_depends(self) -> Dict[DependencyKind, List[Atom]]:
+ depends = dict()
+ for depkind in DependencyKind:
+ depend = self._get_depend([depkind.value])
+ depends[depkind] = depend
+ return depends
+ def get_all_depends(self) -> List[Atom]:
+ # flatten Dict[DependencyKind, List[Atom]] into a List[Atom]
+ return list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(self.get_depends().values()))
+ def graph_depends(
+ self,
+ max_depth=1,
+ printer_fn=None,
+ # The rest of these are only used internally:
+ depth=1,
+ seen=None,
+ depcache=None,
+ result=None,
+ ):
+ """Graph direct dependencies for self.
+ Optionally gather indirect dependencies.
+ @type max_depth: int
+ @keyword max_depth: Maximum depth to recurse if.
+ <1 means no maximum depth
+ >0 means recurse only this depth;
+ @type printer_fn: callable
+ @keyword printer_fn: If None, no effect. If set, it will be applied to
+ each result.
+ @rtype: list
+ @return: [(depth, pkg), ...]
+ """
+ if seen is None:
+ seen = set()
+ if depcache is None:
+ depcache = dict()
+ if result is None:
+ result = list()
+ pkgdep = None
+ deps = self.get_all_depends()
+ for dep in deps:
+ if dep.atom in depcache:
+ continue
+ try:
+ pkgdep = depcache[dep.atom]
+ except KeyError:
+ pkgdep = Query(dep.atom).find_best()
+ depcache[dep.atom] = pkgdep
+ if not pkgdep:
+ continue
+ elif pkgdep.cpv in seen:
+ continue
+ if depth <= max_depth or max_depth == 0:
+ if printer_fn is not None:
+ printer_fn(depth, pkgdep, dep)
+ result.append((depth, pkgdep))
+ seen.add(pkgdep.cpv)
+ if depth < max_depth or max_depth == 0:
+ # result is passed in and added to directly
+ # so rdeps is disposable
+ rdeps = pkgdep.deps.graph_depends( # noqa
+ max_depth=max_depth,
+ printer_fn=printer_fn,
+ # The rest of these are only used internally:
+ depth=depth + 1,
+ seen=seen,
+ depcache=depcache,
+ result=result,
+ )
+ return result
+ def graph_reverse_depends(
+ self,
+ pkgset: Iterable[Union[str, CPV]],
+ max_depth: Optional[int] = None,
+ only_direct: bool = True,
+ # The rest of these are only used internally:
+ depth: int = 0,
+ seen: Optional[Set[str]] = None,
+ ) -> Iterator["Dependencies"]:
+ """Graph direct reverse dependencies for self.
+ Example usage:
+ >>> from gentoolkit.dependencies import Dependencies
+ >>> ffmpeg = Dependencies('media-video/ffmpeg-9999')
+ >>> # I only care about installed packages that depend on me:
+ ... from gentoolkit.helpers import get_installed_cpvs
+ >>> # I want to pass in a list. We can pass strings or
+ ... # Package or Atom types.
+ ... from gentoolkit.package import Package
+ >>> installed = get_installed_cpvs()
+ >>> deptree = ffmpeg.graph_reverse_depends(
+ ... only_direct=False, # Include indirect revdeps
+ ... pkgset=installed) # from installed pkgset
+ >>> len(deptree)
+ 24
+ @type pkgset: iterable
+ @keyword pkgset: pkg cpv strings or anything sublassing
+ L{gentoolkit.cpv.CPV} to use for calculate our revdep graph.
+ @type max_depth: optional
+ @keyword max_depth: Maximum depth to recurse if only_direct=False.
+ None means no maximum depth;
+ 0 is the same as only_direct=True;
+ >0 means recurse only this many times;
+ @type only_direct: bool
+ @keyword only_direct: to recurse or not to recurse
+ @rtype: iterable
+ @return: L{gentoolkit.dependencies.Dependencies} objects
+ """
+ if seen is None:
+ seen = set()
+ for pkgdep in (Dependencies(pkg) for pkg in pkgset):
+ if self.cp not in pkgdep.get_raw_depends():
+ # fast path for obviously non-matching packages. This saves
+ # us the work of instantiating a whole Atom() for *every*
+ # dependency of *every* package in pkgset.
+ continue
+ found_match = False
+ for dep in pkgdep.get_all_depends():
+ if dep.intersects(self):
+ pkgdep.depatom = dep
+ pkgdep.depth = depth
+ yield pkgdep
+ found_match = True
+ if (
+ found_match
+ and pkgdep.cpv not in seen
+ and only_direct is False
+ and (max_depth is None or depth < max_depth)
+ ):
+ seen.add(pkgdep.cpv)
+ yield from pkgdep.graph_reverse_depends(
+ pkgset=pkgset,
+ only_direct=False,
+ max_depth=max_depth,
+ depth=depth + 1,
+ seen=seen,
+ )
+ def _parser(self, deps, use_conditional=None, depth=0):
+ """?DEPEND file parser.
+ @rtype: list
+ @return: L{gentoolkit.atom.Atom} objects
+ """
+ result = []
+ if depth == 0:
+ deps = paren_reduce(deps)
+ for tok in deps:
+ if tok == "||":
+ continue
+ if tok[-1] == "?":
+ use_conditional = tok[:-1]
+ continue
+ if isinstance(tok, list):
+ sub_r = self._parser(tok, use_conditional, depth=depth + 1)
+ result.extend(sub_r)
+ use_conditional = None
+ continue
+ # FIXME: This is a quick fix for bug #299260.
+ # A better fix is to not discard blockers in the parser,
+ # but to check for atom.blocker in whatever equery/depends
+ # (in this case) and ignore them there.
+ # TODO: Test to see how much a performance impact ignoring
+ # blockers here rather than checking for atom.blocker has.
+ if tok[0] == "!":
+ # We're not interested in blockers
+ continue
+ # skip it if it's empty
+ if tok and tok != "":
+ atom = Atom(tok)
+ if use_conditional is not None:
+ atom.use_conditional = use_conditional
+ result.append(atom)
+ else:
+ message = (
+ "dependencies.py: _parser() found an empty "
+ + "dep string token for: %s, deps= %s"
+ )
+ raise errors.GentoolkitInvalidAtom(message % (self.cpv, deps))
+ return result
# vim: set ts=4 sw=4 tw=0:
diff --git a/pym/gentoolkit/eclean/clean.py b/pym/gentoolkit/eclean/clean.py
index 3f6fe45..0347f1d 100644
--- a/pym/gentoolkit/eclean/clean.py
+++ b/pym/gentoolkit/eclean/clean.py
@@ -5,149 +5,182 @@
import os
+import shutil
import sys
import gentoolkit.pprinter as pp
-from gentoolkit.eclean.pkgindex import PkgIndex
+import portage
+from portage.emaint.main import TaskHandler
+from portage.emaint.modules.binhost import binhost
class CleanUp:
- """Performs all cleaning actions to distfiles or package directories.
- @param controller: a progress output/user interaction controller function
- which returns a Boolean to control file deletion
- or bypassing/ignoring
- """
- def __init__(self, controller):
- self.controller = controller
- def clean_dist(self, clean_dict):
- """Calculate size of each entry for display, prompt user if needed,
- delete files if approved and return the total size of files that
- have been deleted.
- @param clean_dict: dictionary of {'display name':[list of files]}
- @rtype: int
- @return: total size that was cleaned
- """
- file_type = 'file'
- clean_size = 0
- # clean all entries one by one; sorting helps reading
- for key in sorted(clean_dict):
- clean_size += self._clean_files(clean_dict[key], key, file_type)
- # return total size of deleted or to delete files
- return clean_size
- def clean_pkgs(self, clean_dict, pkgdir):
- """Calculate size of each entry for display, prompt user if needed,
- delete files if approved and return the total size of files that
- have been deleted.
- @param clean_dict: dictionary of {'display name':[list of files]}
- @param metadata: package index of type portage.getbinpkg.PackageIndex()
- @param pkgdir: path to the package directory to be cleaned
- @rtype: int
- @return: total size that was cleaned
- """
- file_type = 'binary package'
- clean_size = 0
- # clean all entries one by one; sorting helps reading
- for key in sorted(clean_dict):
- clean_size += self._clean_files(clean_dict[key], key, file_type)
- # run 'emaint --fix' here
- if clean_size:
- index_control = PkgIndex(self.controller)
- # emaint is not yet importable so call it
- # print a blank line here for separation
- print()
- clean_size += index_control.call_emaint()
- # return total size of deleted or to delete files
- return clean_size
- def pretend_clean(self, clean_dict):
- """Shortcut function that calculates total space savings
- for the files in clean_dict.
- @param clean_dict: dictionary of {'display name':[list of files]}
- @rtype: integer
- @return: total size that would be cleaned
- """
- file_type = 'file'
- clean_size = 0
- # tally all entries one by one; sorting helps reading
- for key in sorted(clean_dict):
- key_size = self._get_size(clean_dict[key])
- self.controller(key_size, key, clean_dict[key], file_type)
- clean_size += key_size
- return clean_size
- def _get_size(self, key):
- """Determine the total size for an entry (may be several files)."""
- key_size = 0
- for file_ in key:
- #print file_
- # get total size for an entry (may be several files, and
- # links don't count
- # ...get its statinfo
- try:
- statinfo = os.stat(file_)
- if statinfo.st_nlink == 1:
- key_size += statinfo.st_size
- except EnvironmentError as er:
- print( pp.error(
- "Could not get stat info for:" + file_), file=sys.stderr)
- print( pp.error("Error: %s" %str(er)), file=sys.stderr)
- return key_size
- def _clean_files(self, files, key, file_type):
- """File removal function."""
- clean_size = 0
- for file_ in files:
- #print file_, type(file_)
- # ...get its statinfo
- try:
- statinfo = os.stat(file_)
- except EnvironmentError as er:
- if not os.path.exists(os.readlink(file_)):
- try:
- os.remove(file_)
- print( pp.error(
- "Removed broken symbolic link " + file_), file=sys.stderr)
- break
- except EnvironmentError as er:
- print( pp.error(
- "Error deleting broken symbolic link " + file_), file=sys.stderr)
- print( pp.error("Error: %s" %str(er)), file=sys.stderr)
- break
- else:
- print( pp.error(
- "Could not get stat info for:" + file_), file=sys.stderr)
- print( pp.error(
- "Error: %s" %str(er)), file=sys.stderr)
- if self.controller(statinfo.st_size, key, file_, file_type):
- # ... try to delete it.
- try:
- os.unlink(file_)
- # only count size if successfully deleted and not a link
- if statinfo.st_nlink == 1:
- clean_size += statinfo.st_size
- try:
- os.rmdir(os.path.dirname(file_))
- except OSError:
- pass
- except EnvironmentError as er:
- print( pp.error("Could not delete "+file_), file=sys.stderr)
- print( pp.error("Error: %s" %str(er)), file=sys.stderr)
- return clean_size
+ """Performs all cleaning actions to distfiles or package directories.
+ @param controller: a progress output/user interaction controller function
+ which returns a Boolean to control file deletion
+ or bypassing/ignoring
+ """
+ def __init__(self, controller, quiet):
+ self.controller = controller
+ self.quiet = quiet
+ def clean_dist(self, clean_dict, vcs):
+ """Calculate size of each entry for display, prompt user if needed,
+ delete files if approved and return the total size of files that
+ have been deleted.
+ @param clean_dict: dictionary of {'display name':[list of files]}
+ @rtype: int
+ @return: total size that was cleaned
+ """
+ file_type = "file"
+ clean_size = 0
+ # clean all entries one by one; sorting helps reading
+ for key in sorted(clean_dict):
+ clean_size += self._clean_files(clean_dict[key], key, file_type)
+ # return total size of deleted or to delete files
+ clean_size += self._clean_vcs_src(vcs)
+ return clean_size
+ def clean_pkgs(self, clean_dict, pkgdir):
+ """Calculate size of each entry for display, prompt user if needed,
+ delete files if approved and return the total size of files that
+ have been deleted.
+ @param clean_dict: dictionary of {'display name':[list of files]}
+ @param metadata: package index of type portage.getbinpkg.PackageIndex()
+ @param pkgdir: path to the package directory to be cleaned
+ @rtype: int
+ @return: total size that was cleaned
+ """
+ file_type = "binary package"
+ clean_size = 0
+ # clean all entries one by one; sorting helps reading
+ for key in sorted(clean_dict):
+ clean_size += self._clean_files(clean_dict[key], key, file_type)
+ # run 'emaint --fix' here
+ if clean_size:
+ file = os.path.join(portage.settings["PKGDIR"], "Packages")
+ size1 = os.stat(file).st_size
+ TaskHandler(show_progress_bar=self.quiet).run_tasks(
+ [binhost.BinhostHandler], "fix"
+ )
+ size = size1 - os.stat(file).st_size
+ self.controller(size, "Packages Index", file, "Index")
+ clean_size += size
+ # return total size of deleted or to delete files
+ return clean_size
+ def pretend_clean(self, clean_dict, vcs={}):
+ """Shortcut function that calculates total space savings
+ for the files in clean_dict.
+ @param clean_dict: dictionary of {'display name':[list of files]}
+ @rtype: integer
+ @return: total size that would be cleaned
+ """
+ file_type = "file"
+ clean_size = 0
+ # tally all entries one by one; sorting helps reading
+ if vcs:
+ clean_size += self._clean_vcs_src(vcs, pretend=True)
+ for key in sorted(clean_dict):
+ key_size = self._get_size(clean_dict[key])
+ self.controller(key_size, key, clean_dict[key], file_type)
+ clean_size += key_size
+ return clean_size
+ def _get_size(self, key):
+ """Determine the total size for an entry (may be several files)."""
+ key_size = 0
+ for file_ in key:
+ # print file_
+ # get total size for an entry (may be several files, and
+ # links don't count
+ # ...get its statinfo
+ try:
+ statinfo = os.stat(file_)
+ if statinfo.st_nlink == 1:
+ key_size += statinfo.st_size
+ except OSError as er:
+ print(pp.error("Could not get stat info for:" + file_), file=sys.stderr)
+ print(pp.error("Error: %s" % str(er)), file=sys.stderr)
+ return key_size
+ def _clean_files(self, files, key, file_type):
+ """File removal function."""
+ clean_size = 0
+ for file_ in files:
+ # print file_, type(file_)
+ # ...get its statinfo
+ try:
+ statinfo = os.stat(file_)
+ except OSError as er:
+ if not os.path.exists(os.readlink(file_)):
+ try:
+ os.remove(file_)
+ print(
+ pp.error("Removed broken symbolic link " + file_),
+ file=sys.stderr,
+ )
+ break
+ except OSError as er:
+ print(
+ pp.error("Error deleting broken symbolic link " + file_),
+ file=sys.stderr,
+ )
+ print(pp.error("Error: %s" % str(er)), file=sys.stderr)
+ break
+ else:
+ print(
+ pp.error("Could not get stat info for:" + file_),
+ file=sys.stderr,
+ )
+ print(pp.error("Error: %s" % str(er)), file=sys.stderr)
+ if self.controller(statinfo.st_size, key, file_, file_type):
+ # ... try to delete it.
+ try:
+ os.unlink(file_)
+ # only count size if successfully deleted and not a link
+ if statinfo.st_nlink == 1:
+ clean_size += statinfo.st_size
+ try:
+ os.rmdir(os.path.dirname(file_))
+ except OSError:
+ pass
+ except OSError as er:
+ print(pp.error("Could not delete " + file_), file=sys.stderr)
+ print(pp.error("Error: %s" % str(er)), file=sys.stderr)
+ return clean_size
+ def _clean_vcs_src(self, deprecated_vcs, pretend=False):
+ clean_size = 0
+ for checkout in deprecated_vcs:
+ csize = 0
+ for path, dirs, files in os.walk(checkout):
+ for f in files:
+ fp = os.path.join(path, f)
+ try:
+ statinfo = os.stat(fp)
+ except OSError as er:
+ print(
+ pp.error("Could not get stat info for:" + fp),
+ file=sys.stderr,
+ )
+ print(pp.error("Error: %s" % str(er)), file=sys.stderr)
+ clean_size += statinfo.st_size
+ csize += statinfo.st_size
+ try:
+ self.controller(csize, checkout, checkout, "checkout")
+ if not pretend:
+ shutil.rmtree(checkout)
+ except OSError as er:
+ print(pp.error("Could not delete " + checkout), file=sys.stderr)
+ print(pp.error("Error: %s" % str(er)), file=sys.stderr)
+ return clean_size
diff --git a/pym/gentoolkit/eclean/cli.py b/pym/gentoolkit/eclean/cli.py
index e31fde9..52ddf2a 100644
--- a/pym/gentoolkit/eclean/cli.py
+++ b/pym/gentoolkit/eclean/cli.py
@@ -1,516 +1,747 @@
-# Copyright 2003-2016 Gentoo Foundation
+# Copyright 2003-2023 Gentoo Authors
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-__author__ = "Thomas de Grenier de Latour (tgl), " + \
- "modular re-write by: Brian Dolbec (dol-sen)"
-__email__ = "degrenier@easyconnect.fr, " + \
- "brian.dolbec@gmail.com"
-__version__ = "git"
+__author__ = (
+ "Thomas de Grenier de Latour (tgl), "
+ + "modular re-write by: Brian Dolbec (dol-sen)"
+__email__ = "degrenier@easyconnect.fr, " + "brian.dolbec@gmail.com"
+__version__ = "@VERSION@"
__productname__ = "eclean"
__description__ = "A cleaning tool for Gentoo distfiles and binaries."
+import getopt
import os
-import sys
import re
+import sys
import time
-import getopt
import portage
-from portage.output import white, yellow, turquoise, green
+from portage.output import green, red, turquoise, white, yellow
import gentoolkit.pprinter as pp
-from gentoolkit.eclean.search import (DistfilesSearch,
- findPackages, port_settings, pkgdir)
-from gentoolkit.eclean.exclude import (parseExcludeFile,
- ParseExcludeFileException)
from gentoolkit.eclean.clean import CleanUp
+from gentoolkit.eclean.exclude import ParseExcludeFileException, parseExcludeFile
from gentoolkit.eclean.output import OutputControl
-#from gentoolkit.eclean.dbapi import Dbapi
+from gentoolkit.eclean.search import (
+ DistfilesSearch,
+ findPackages,
+ pkgdir,
+ port_settings,
+# from gentoolkit.eclean.dbapi import Dbapi
from gentoolkit.eprefix import EPREFIX
def printVersion():
- """Output the version info."""
- print( "%s (%s) - %s" \
- % (__productname__, __version__, __description__))
- print()
- print("Author: %s <%s>" % (__author__,__email__))
- print("Copyright 2003-2009 Gentoo Foundation")
- print("Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2")
-def printUsage(_error=None, help=None):
- """Print help message. May also print partial help to stderr if an
- error from {'options','actions'} is specified."""
- out = sys.stdout
- if _error:
- out = sys.stderr
- if not _error in ('actions', 'global-options', \
- 'packages-options', 'distfiles-options', \
- 'merged-packages-options', 'merged-distfiles-options', \
- 'time', 'size'):
- _error = None
- if not _error and not help: help = 'all'
- if _error == 'time':
- print( pp.error("Wrong time specification"), file=out)
- print( "Time specification should be an integer followed by a"+
- " single letter unit.", file=out)
- print( "Available units are: y (years), m (months), w (weeks), "+
- "d (days) and h (hours).", file=out)
- print( "For instance: \"1y\" is \"one year\", \"2w\" is \"two"+
- " weeks\", etc. ", file=out)
- return
- if _error == 'size':
- print( pp.error("Wrong size specification"), file=out)
- print( "Size specification should be an integer followed by a"+
- " single letter unit.", file=out)
- print( "Available units are: G, M, K and B.", file=out)
- print("For instance: \"10M\" is \"ten megabytes\", \"200K\" "+
- "is \"two hundreds kilobytes\", etc.", file=out)
- return
- if _error in ('global-options', 'packages-options', 'distfiles-options', \
- 'merged-packages-options', 'merged-distfiles-options',):
- print( pp.error("Wrong option on command line."), file=out)
- print( file=out)
- elif _error == 'actions':
- print( pp.error("Wrong or missing action name on command line."), file=out)
- print( file=out)
- print( white("Usage:"), file=out)
- if _error in ('actions','global-options', 'packages-options', \
- 'distfiles-options') or help == 'all':
- print( " "+turquoise(__productname__),
- yellow("[global-option] ..."),
- green("<action>"),
- yellow("[action-option] ..."), file=out)
- if _error == 'merged-distfiles-options' or help in ('all','distfiles'):
- print( " "+turquoise(__productname__+'-dist'),
- yellow("[global-option, distfiles-option] ..."), file=out)
- if _error == 'merged-packages-options' or help in ('all','packages'):
- print( " "+turquoise(__productname__+'-pkg'),
- yellow("[global-option, packages-option] ..."), file=out)
- if _error in ('global-options', 'actions'):
- print( " "+turquoise(__productname__),
- yellow("[--help, --version]"), file=out)
- if help == 'all':
- print( " "+turquoise(__productname__+"(-dist,-pkg)"),
- yellow("[--help, --version]"), file=out)
- if _error == 'merged-packages-options' or help == 'packages':
- print( " "+turquoise(__productname__+'-pkg'),
- yellow("[--help, --version]"), file=out)
- if _error == 'merged-distfiles-options' or help == 'distfiles':
- print( " "+turquoise(__productname__+'-dist'),
- yellow("[--help, --version]"), file=out)
- print(file=out)
- if _error in ('global-options', 'merged-packages-options', \
- 'merged-distfiles-options') or help:
- print( "Available global", yellow("options")+":", file=out)
- print( yellow(" -C, --nocolor")+
- " - turn off colors on output", file=out)
- print( yellow(" -d, --deep")+
- " - only keep the minimum for a reinstallation", file=out)
- print( yellow(" -e, --exclude-file=<path>")+
- " - path to the exclusion file", file=out)
- print( yellow(" -i, --interactive")+
- " - ask confirmation before deletions", file=out)
- print( yellow(" -n, --package-names")+
- " - protect all versions (when --deep)", file=out)
- print( yellow(" -p, --pretend")+
- " - only display what would be cleaned", file=out)
- print( yellow(" -q, --quiet")+
- " - be as quiet as possible", file=out)
- print( yellow(" -t, --time-limit=<time>")+
- " - don't delete files modified since "+yellow("<time>"), file=out)
- print( " "+yellow("<time>"), "is a duration: \"1y\" is"+
- " \"one year\", \"2w\" is \"two weeks\", etc. ", file=out)
- print( " "+"Units are: y (years), m (months), w (weeks), "+
- "d (days) and h (hours).", file=out)
- print( yellow(" -h, --help")+ \
- " - display the help screen", file=out)
- print( yellow(" -V, --version")+
- " - display version info", file=out)
- print( file=out)
- if _error == 'actions' or help == 'all':
- print( "Available", green("actions")+":", file=out)
- print( green(" packages")+
- " - clean outdated binary packages from PKGDIR", file=out)
- print( green(" distfiles")+
- " - clean outdated packages sources files from DISTDIR", file=out)
- print( file=out)
- if _error in ('packages-options','merged-packages-options') \
- or help in ('all','packages'):
- print( "Available", yellow("options"),"for the",
- green("packages"),"action:", file=out)
- print( yellow(" --changed-deps")+
- " - delete packages for which ebuild dependencies have changed", file=out)
- print( yellow(" -i, --ignore-failure")+
- " - ignore failure to locate PKGDIR", file=out)
- print( file=out)
- if _error in ('distfiles-options', 'merged-distfiles-options') \
- or help in ('all','distfiles'):
- print("Available", yellow("options"),"for the",
- green("distfiles"),"action:", file=out)
- print( yellow(" -f, --fetch-restricted")+
- " - protect fetch-restricted files (when --deep)", file=out)
- print( yellow(" -s, --size-limit=<size>")+
- " - don't delete distfiles bigger than "+yellow("<size>"), file=out)
- print( " "+yellow("<size>"), "is a size specification: "+
- "\"10M\" is \"ten megabytes\", \"200K\" is", file=out)
- print( " "+"\"two hundreds kilobytes\", etc. Units are: "+
- "G, M, K and B.", file=out)
- print( file=out)
- print( "More detailed instruction can be found in",
- turquoise("`man %s`" % __productname__), file=out)
+ """Output the version info."""
+ print(f"{__productname__} ({__version__}) - {__description__}")
+ print()
+ print(f"Author: {__author__} <{__email__}>")
+ print("Copyright 2003-2023 Gentoo Authors")
+ print("Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2")
+def printUsage(_error=None, help=None, unresolved_invalids=None):
+ """Print help message. May also print partial help to stderr if an
+ error from {'options','actions'} is specified."""
+ out = sys.stdout
+ if _error:
+ out = sys.stderr
+ if not _error in (
+ "actions",
+ "global-options",
+ "packages-options",
+ "distfiles-options",
+ "merged-packages-options",
+ "merged-distfiles-options",
+ "time",
+ "size",
+ "invalid_paths",
+ ):
+ _error = None
+ if not _error and not help:
+ help = "all"
+ if _error == "invalid_paths":
+ print(
+ pp.error(
+ "eclean was not able to remove invalid binpkgs due to missing features in the currently installed portage"
+ ),
+ file=out,
+ )
+ print(
+ pp.error("Please remove the following binpkgs manually:"),
+ file=out,
+ )
+ for invalid in unresolved_invalids:
+ print(pp.error(invalid), file=out)
+ return
+ if _error == "time":
+ print(pp.error("Wrong time specification"), file=out)
+ print(
+ "Time specification should be an integer followed by a"
+ + " single letter unit.",
+ file=out,
+ )
+ print(
+ "Available units are: y (years), m (months), w (weeks), "
+ + "d (days) and h (hours).",
+ file=out,
+ )
+ print(
+ 'For instance: "1y" is "one year", "2w" is "two' + ' weeks", etc. ',
+ file=out,
+ )
+ return
+ if _error == "size":
+ print(pp.error("Wrong size specification"), file=out)
+ print(
+ "Size specification should be an integer followed by a"
+ + " single letter unit.",
+ file=out,
+ )
+ print("Available units are: G, M, K and B.", file=out)
+ print(
+ 'For instance: "10M" is "ten megabytes", "200K" '
+ + 'is "two hundreds kilobytes", etc.',
+ file=out,
+ )
+ return
+ if _error in (
+ "global-options",
+ "packages-options",
+ "distfiles-options",
+ "merged-packages-options",
+ "merged-distfiles-options",
+ ):
+ print(pp.error("Wrong option on command line."), file=out)
+ print(file=out)
+ elif _error == "actions":
+ print(pp.error("Wrong or missing action name on command line."), file=out)
+ print(file=out)
+ print(white("Usage:"), file=out)
+ if (
+ _error in ("actions", "global-options", "packages-options", "distfiles-options")
+ or help == "all"
+ ):
+ print(
+ " " + turquoise(__productname__),
+ yellow("[global-option] ..."),
+ green("<action>"),
+ yellow("[action-option] ..."),
+ file=out,
+ )
+ if _error == "merged-distfiles-options" or help in ("all", "distfiles"):
+ print(
+ " " + turquoise(__productname__ + "-dist"),
+ yellow("[global-option, distfiles-option] ..."),
+ file=out,
+ )
+ if _error == "merged-packages-options" or help in ("all", "packages"):
+ print(
+ " " + turquoise(__productname__ + "-pkg"),
+ yellow("[global-option, packages-option] ..."),
+ file=out,
+ )
+ if _error in ("global-options", "actions"):
+ print(" " + turquoise(__productname__), yellow("[--help, --version]"), file=out)
+ if help == "all":
+ print(
+ " " + turquoise(__productname__ + "(-dist,-pkg)"),
+ yellow("[--help, --version]"),
+ file=out,
+ )
+ if _error == "merged-packages-options" or help == "packages":
+ print(
+ " " + turquoise(__productname__ + "-pkg"),
+ yellow("[--help, --version]"),
+ file=out,
+ )
+ if _error == "merged-distfiles-options" or help == "distfiles":
+ print(
+ " " + turquoise(__productname__ + "-dist"),
+ yellow("[--help, --version]"),
+ file=out,
+ )
+ print(file=out)
+ if (
+ _error
+ in ("global-options", "merged-packages-options", "merged-distfiles-options")
+ or help
+ ):
+ print("Available global", yellow("options") + ":", file=out)
+ print(
+ yellow(" -C, --nocolor") + " - turn off colors on output",
+ file=out,
+ )
+ print(
+ yellow(" -d, --deep")
+ + " - only keep the minimum for a reinstallation",
+ file=out,
+ )
+ print(
+ yellow(" -e, --exclude-file=<path>") + " - path to the exclusion file",
+ file=out,
+ )
+ print(
+ yellow(" -i, --interactive")
+ + " - ask confirmation before deletions",
+ file=out,
+ )
+ print(
+ yellow(" -n, --package-names")
+ + " - protect all versions (when --deep)",
+ file=out,
+ )
+ print(
+ yellow(" -p, --pretend")
+ + " - only display what would be cleaned",
+ file=out,
+ )
+ print(
+ yellow(" -q, --quiet") + " - be as quiet as possible",
+ file=out,
+ )
+ print(
+ yellow(" -t, --time-limit=<time>")
+ + " - don't delete files modified since "
+ + yellow("<time>"),
+ file=out,
+ )
+ print(
+ " " + yellow("<time>"),
+ 'is a duration: "1y" is' + ' "one year", "2w" is "two weeks", etc. ',
+ file=out,
+ )
+ print(
+ " "
+ + "Units are: y (years), m (months), w (weeks), "
+ + "d (days) and h (hours).",
+ file=out,
+ )
+ print(
+ yellow(" -h, --help") + " - display the help screen",
+ file=out,
+ )
+ print(
+ yellow(" -V, --version") + " - display version info", file=out
+ )
+ print(file=out)
+ if _error == "actions" or help == "all":
+ print("Available", green("actions") + ":", file=out)
+ print(
+ green(" packages") + " - clean outdated binary packages from PKGDIR",
+ file=out,
+ )
+ print(
+ green(" distfiles")
+ + " - clean outdated packages sources files from DISTDIR",
+ file=out,
+ )
+ print(file=out)
+ if _error in ("packages-options", "merged-packages-options") or help in (
+ "all",
+ "packages",
+ ):
+ print(
+ "Available",
+ yellow("options"),
+ "for the",
+ green("packages"),
+ "action:",
+ file=out,
+ )
+ print(
+ yellow(" --changed-deps")
+ + " - delete packages for which ebuild dependencies have changed",
+ file=out,
+ )
+ print(
+ yellow(" --no-clean-invalid")
+ + " - Skip cleaning invalid binpkgs",
+ file=out,
+ )
+ print(
+ yellow(" -i, --ignore-failure")
+ + " - ignore failure to locate PKGDIR",
+ file=out,
+ )
+ print(
+ yellow(" -u, --unique-use")
+ + " - keep unique packages which have no duplicated USE",
+ file=out,
+ )
+ print(file=out)
+ if _error in ("distfiles-options", "merged-distfiles-options") or help in (
+ "all",
+ "distfiles",
+ ):
+ print(
+ "Available",
+ yellow("options"),
+ "for the",
+ green("distfiles"),
+ "action:",
+ file=out,
+ )
+ print(
+ yellow(" -f, --fetch-restricted")
+ + " - protect fetch-restricted files (when --deep)",
+ file=out,
+ )
+ print(
+ yellow(" -s, --size-limit=<size>")
+ + " - don't delete distfiles bigger than "
+ + yellow("<size>"),
+ file=out,
+ )
+ print(
+ " " + yellow("<size>"),
+ "is a size specification: " + '"10M" is "ten megabytes", "200K" is',
+ file=out,
+ )
+ print(
+ " " + '"two hundreds kilobytes", etc. Units are: ' + "G, M, K and B.",
+ file=out,
+ )
+ print(
+ yellow(" --skip-vcs") + " - skip cleaning of vcs_src ",
+ file=out,
+ )
+ print(file=out)
+ print(
+ "More detailed instruction can be found in",
+ turquoise("`man %s`" % __productname__),
+ file=out,
+ )
class ParseArgsException(Exception):
- """For parseArgs() -> main() communications."""
- def __init__(self, value):
- self.value = value # sdfgsdfsdfsd
- def __str__(self):
- return repr(self.value)
+ """For parseArgs() -> main() communications."""
+ def __init__(self, value):
+ self.value = value # sdfgsdfsdfsd
+ def __str__(self):
+ return repr(self.value)
def parseSize(size):
- """Convert a file size "Xu" ("X" is an integer, and "u" in
- [G,M,K,B]) into an integer (file size in Bytes).
- @raise ParseArgsException: in case of failure
- """
- units = {
- 'G': (1024**3),
- 'M': (1024**2),
- 'K': 1024,
- 'B': 1
- }
- try:
- match = re.match(r"^(?P<value>\d+)(?P<unit>[GMKBgmkb])?$",size)
- size = int(match.group('value'))
- if match.group('unit'):
- size *= units[match.group('unit').capitalize()]
- except:
- raise ParseArgsException('size')
- return size
+ """Convert a file size "Xu" ("X" is an integer, and "u" in
+ [G,M,K,B]) into an integer (file size in Bytes).
+ @raise ParseArgsException: in case of failure
+ """
+ units = {"G": (1024**3), "M": (1024**2), "K": 1024, "B": 1}
+ try:
+ match = re.match(r"^(?P<value>\d+)(?P<unit>[GMKBgmkb])?$", size)
+ size = int(match.group("value"))
+ if match.group("unit"):
+ size *= units[match.group("unit").capitalize()]
+ except:
+ raise ParseArgsException("size")
+ return size
def parseTime(timespec):
- """Convert a duration "Xu" ("X" is an int, and "u" a time unit in
- [Y,M,W,D,H]) into an integer which is a past EPOCH date.
- Raises ParseArgsException('time') in case of failure.
- (yep, big approximations inside... who cares?).
- """
- units = {'H' : (60 * 60)}
- units['D'] = units['H'] * 24
- units['W'] = units['D'] * 7
- units['M'] = units['D'] * 30
- units['Y'] = units['D'] * 365
- try:
- # parse the time specification
- match = re.match(r"^(?P<value>\d+)(?P<unit>[YMWDHymwdh])?$",timespec)
- value = int(match.group('value'))
- if not match.group('unit'): unit = 'D'
- else: unit = match.group('unit').capitalize()
- except:
- raise ParseArgsException('time')
- return time.time() - (value * units[unit])
+ """Convert a duration "Xu" ("X" is an int, and "u" a time unit in
+ [Y,M,W,D,H]) into an integer which is a past EPOCH date.
+ Raises ParseArgsException('time') in case of failure.
+ (yep, big approximations inside... who cares?).
+ """
+ units = {"H": (60 * 60)}
+ units["D"] = units["H"] * 24
+ units["W"] = units["D"] * 7
+ units["M"] = units["D"] * 30
+ units["Y"] = units["D"] * 365
+ try:
+ # parse the time specification
+ match = re.match(r"^(?P<value>\d+)(?P<unit>[YMWDHymwdh])?$", timespec)
+ value = int(match.group("value"))
+ if not match.group("unit"):
+ unit = "D"
+ else:
+ unit = match.group("unit").capitalize()
+ except:
+ raise ParseArgsException("time")
+ return time.time() - (value * units[unit])
def parseArgs(options={}):
- """Parse the command line arguments. Raise exceptions on
- errors or non-action modes (help/version). Returns an action, and affect
- the options dict.
- """
- def optionSwitch(option,opts,action=None):
- """local function for interpreting command line options
- and setting options accordingly"""
- return_code = True
- do_help = False
- for o, a in opts:
- if o in ("-h", "--help"):
- do_help = True
- elif o in ("-V", "--version"):
- raise ParseArgsException('version')
- elif o in ("-C", "--nocolor"):
- options['nocolor'] = True
- pp.output.nocolor()
- elif o in ("-d", "--deep", "--destructive"):
- options['destructive'] = True
- elif o in ("-D", "--deprecated"):
- options['deprecated'] = True
- elif o in ("-i", "--interactive") and not options['pretend']:
- options['interactive'] = True
- elif o in ("-p", "--pretend"):
- options['pretend'] = True
- options['interactive'] = False
- elif o in ("-q", "--quiet"):
- options['quiet'] = True
- options['verbose'] = False
- elif o in ("-t", "--time-limit"):
- options['time-limit'] = parseTime(a)
- elif o in ("-e", "--exclude-file"):
- print("cli --exclude option")
- options['exclude-file'] = a
- elif o in ("-n", "--package-names"):
- options['package-names'] = True
- elif o in ("-f", "--fetch-restricted"):
- options['fetch-restricted'] = True
- elif o in ("-s", "--size-limit"):
- options['size-limit'] = parseSize(a)
- elif o in ("-v", "--verbose") and not options['quiet']:
- options['verbose'] = True
- elif o in ("--changed-deps"):
- options['changed-deps'] = True
- elif o in ("-i", "--ignore-failure"):
- options['ignore-failure'] = True
- else:
- return_code = False
- # sanity check of --deep only options:
- for opt in ('fetch-restricted', 'package-names'):
- if (not options['destructive']) and options[opt]:
- if not options['quiet']:
- print( pp.error(
- "--%s only makes sense in --deep mode." % opt), file=sys.stderr)
- options[opt] = False
- if do_help:
- if action:
- raise ParseArgsException('help-'+action)
- else:
- raise ParseArgsException('help')
- return return_code
- # here are the different allowed command line options (getopt args)
- getopt_options = {'short':{}, 'long':{}}
- getopt_options['short']['global'] = "CdDipqe:t:nhVv"
- getopt_options['long']['global'] = ["nocolor", "deep", "destructive",
- "deprecated", "interactive", "pretend", "quiet", "exclude-file=",
- "time-limit=", "package-names", "help", "version", "verbose"]
- getopt_options['short']['distfiles'] = "fs:"
- getopt_options['long']['distfiles'] = ["fetch-restricted", "size-limit="]
- getopt_options['short']['packages'] = "i"
- getopt_options['long']['packages'] = ["ignore-failure", "changed-deps"]
- # set default options, except 'nocolor', which is set in main()
- options['interactive'] = False
- options['pretend'] = False
- options['quiet'] = False
- options['accept_all'] = False
- options['destructive'] = False
- options['deprecated'] = False
- options['time-limit'] = 0
- options['package-names'] = False
- options['fetch-restricted'] = False
- options['size-limit'] = 0
- options['verbose'] = False
- options['changed-deps'] = False
- options['ignore-failure'] = False
- # if called by a well-named symlink, set the action accordingly:
- action = None
- # temp print line to ensure it is the svn/branch code running, etc..
- #print( "###### svn/branch/gentoolkit_eclean ####### ==> ", os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]))
- if os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]).startswith(__productname__+'-pkg') or \
- os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]).startswith(__productname__+'-packages'):
- action = 'packages'
- elif os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]).startswith(__productname__+'-dist') or \
- os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]).startswith(__productname__+'distfiles'):
- action = 'distfiles'
- # prepare for the first getopt
- if action:
- short_opts = getopt_options['short']['global'] \
- + getopt_options['short'][action]
- long_opts = getopt_options['long']['global'] \
- + getopt_options['long'][action]
- opts_mode = 'merged-'+action
- else:
- short_opts = getopt_options['short']['global']
- long_opts = getopt_options['long']['global']
- opts_mode = 'global'
- # apply getopts to command line, show partial help on failure
- try:
- opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], short_opts, long_opts)
- except:
- raise ParseArgsException(opts_mode+'-options')
- # set options accordingly
- optionSwitch(options,opts,action=action)
- # if action was already set, there should be no more args
- if action and len(args):
- raise ParseArgsException(opts_mode+'-options')
- # if action was set, there is nothing left to do
- if action:
- return action
- # So, we are in "eclean --foo action --bar" mode. Parse remaining args...
- # Only two actions are allowed: 'packages' and 'distfiles'.
- if not len(args) or not args[0] in ('packages','distfiles'):
- raise ParseArgsException('actions')
- action = args.pop(0)
- # parse the action specific options
- try:
- opts, args = getopt.getopt(args, \
- getopt_options['short'][action], \
- getopt_options['long'][action])
- except:
- raise ParseArgsException(action+'-options')
- # set options again, for action-specific options
- optionSwitch(options,opts,action=action)
- # any remaning args? Then die!
- if len(args):
- raise ParseArgsException(action+'-options')
- # returns the action. Options dictionary is modified by side-effect.
- return action
-def doAction(action,options,exclude={}, output=None):
- """doAction: execute one action, ie display a few message, call the right
- find* function, and then call doCleanup with its result."""
- # define vocabulary for the output
- if action == 'packages':
- files_type = "binary packages"
- else:
- files_type = "distfiles"
- saved = {}
- deprecated = {}
- # find files to delete, depending on the action
- if not options['quiet']:
- output.einfo("Building file list for "+action+" cleaning...")
- if action == 'packages':
- clean_me = findPackages(
- options,
- exclude=exclude,
- destructive=options['destructive'],
- package_names=options['package-names'],
- time_limit=options['time-limit'],
- pkgdir=pkgdir,
- #port_dbapi=Dbapi(portage.db[portage.root]["porttree"].dbapi),
- #var_dbapi=Dbapi(portage.db[portage.root]["vartree"].dbapi),
- )
- else:
- # accept defaults
- engine = DistfilesSearch(output=options['verbose-output'],
- #portdb=Dbapi(portage.db[portage.root]["porttree"].dbapi),
- #var_dbapi=Dbapi(portage.db[portage.root]["vartree"].dbapi),
- )
- clean_me, saved, deprecated = engine.findDistfiles(
- exclude=exclude,
- destructive=options['destructive'],
- fetch_restricted=options['fetch-restricted'],
- package_names=options['package-names'],
- time_limit=options['time-limit'],
- size_limit=options['size-limit'],
- deprecate = options['deprecated']
- )
- # initialize our cleaner
- cleaner = CleanUp(output.progress_controller)
- # actually clean files if something was found
- if clean_me:
- # verbose pretend message
- if options['pretend'] and not options['quiet']:
- output.einfo("Here are the "+files_type+" that would be deleted:")
- # verbose non-pretend message
- elif not options['quiet']:
- output.einfo("Cleaning " + files_type +"...")
- # do the cleanup, and get size of deleted files
- if options['pretend']:
- clean_size = cleaner.pretend_clean(clean_me)
- elif action in ['distfiles']:
- clean_size = cleaner.clean_dist(clean_me)
- elif action in ['packages']:
- clean_size = cleaner.clean_pkgs(clean_me,
- pkgdir)
- # vocabulary for final message
- if options['pretend']:
- verb = "would be"
- else:
- verb = "were"
- # display freed space
- if not options['quiet']:
- output.total('normal', clean_size, len(clean_me), verb, action)
- # nothing was found
- elif not options['quiet']:
- output.einfo("Your "+action+" directory was already clean.")
- if saved and not options['quiet']:
- print()
- print( (pp.emph(" The following ") + yellow("unavailable") +
- pp.emph(" files were saved from cleaning due to exclusion file entries")))
- output.set_colors('deprecated')
- clean_size = cleaner.pretend_clean(saved)
- output.total('deprecated', clean_size, len(saved), verb, action)
- if deprecated and not options['quiet']:
- print()
- print( (pp.emph(" The following ") + yellow("unavailable") +
- pp.emph(" installed packages were found")))
- output.set_colors('deprecated')
- output.list_pkgs(deprecated)
+ """Parse the command line arguments. Raise exceptions on
+ errors or non-action modes (help/version). Returns an action, and affect
+ the options dict.
+ """
+ def optionSwitch(option, opts, action=None):
+ """local function for interpreting command line options
+ and setting options accordingly"""
+ return_code = True
+ do_help = False
+ for o, a in opts:
+ if o in ("-h", "--help"):
+ do_help = True
+ elif o in ("-V", "--version"):
+ raise ParseArgsException("version")
+ elif o in ("-C", "--nocolor"):
+ options["nocolor"] = True
+ pp.output.nocolor()
+ elif o in ("-d", "--deep", "--destructive"):
+ options["destructive"] = True
+ elif o in ("-D", "--deprecated"):
+ options["deprecated"] = True
+ elif o in ("-i", "--interactive") and not options["pretend"]:
+ options["interactive"] = True
+ elif o in ("-p", "--pretend"):
+ options["pretend"] = True
+ options["interactive"] = False
+ elif o in ("-q", "--quiet"):
+ options["quiet"] = True
+ options["verbose"] = False
+ elif o in ("-t", "--time-limit"):
+ options["time-limit"] = parseTime(a)
+ elif o in ("-e", "--exclude-file"):
+ print("cli --exclude option")
+ options["exclude-file"] = a
+ elif o in ("-n", "--package-names"):
+ options["package-names"] = True
+ elif o in ("-f", "--fetch-restricted"):
+ options["fetch-restricted"] = True
+ elif o in ("-s", "--size-limit"):
+ options["size-limit"] = parseSize(a)
+ elif o in ("-v", "--verbose") and not options["quiet"]:
+ options["verbose"] = True
+ elif o in ("--changed-deps"):
+ options["changed-deps"] = True
+ elif o in ("-i", "--ignore-failure"):
+ options["ignore-failure"] = True
+ elif o in ("-u", "--unique-use"):
+ options["unique-use"] = True
+ elif o in ("--no-clean-invalid"):
+ options["no-clean-invalid"] = True
+ elif o in ("--skip-vcs"):
+ options["skip-vcs"] = True
+ else:
+ return_code = False
+ # sanity check of --deep only options:
+ for opt in ("fetch-restricted", "package-names"):
+ if (not options["destructive"]) and options[opt]:
+ if not options["quiet"]:
+ print(
+ pp.error("--%s only makes sense in --deep mode." % opt),
+ file=sys.stderr,
+ )
+ options[opt] = False
+ if do_help:
+ if action:
+ raise ParseArgsException("help-" + action)
+ else:
+ raise ParseArgsException("help")
+ return return_code
+ # here are the different allowed command line options (getopt args)
+ getopt_options = {"short": {}, "long": {}}
+ getopt_options["short"]["global"] = "CdDipqe:t:nhVv"
+ getopt_options["long"]["global"] = [
+ "nocolor",
+ "deep",
+ "destructive",
+ "deprecated",
+ "interactive",
+ "pretend",
+ "quiet",
+ "exclude-file=",
+ "time-limit=",
+ "package-names",
+ "help",
+ "version",
+ "verbose",
+ ]
+ getopt_options["short"]["distfiles"] = "fs:"
+ getopt_options["long"]["distfiles"] = [
+ "fetch-restricted",
+ "size-limit=",
+ "skip-vcs",
+ ]
+ getopt_options["short"]["packages"] = "iu"
+ getopt_options["long"]["packages"] = [
+ "ignore-failure",
+ "changed-deps",
+ "unique-use",
+ "no-clean-invalid",
+ ]
+ # set default options, except 'nocolor', which is set in main()
+ options["interactive"] = False
+ options["pretend"] = False
+ options["quiet"] = False
+ options["accept_all"] = False
+ options["destructive"] = False
+ options["deprecated"] = False
+ options["time-limit"] = 0
+ options["package-names"] = False
+ options["fetch-restricted"] = False
+ options["size-limit"] = 0
+ options["verbose"] = False
+ options["changed-deps"] = False
+ options["ignore-failure"] = False
+ options["no-clean-invalid"] = False
+ options["unique-use"] = False
+ options["skip-vcs"] = False
+ # if called by a well-named symlink, set the action accordingly:
+ action = None
+ # temp print line to ensure it is the svn/branch code running, etc..
+ # print( "###### svn/branch/gentoolkit_eclean ####### ==> ", os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]))
+ if os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]).startswith(
+ __productname__ + "-pkg"
+ ) or os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]).startswith(__productname__ + "-packages"):
+ action = "packages"
+ elif os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]).startswith(
+ __productname__ + "-dist"
+ ) or os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]).startswith(__productname__ + "distfiles"):
+ action = "distfiles"
+ # prepare for the first getopt
+ if action:
+ short_opts = getopt_options["short"]["global"] + getopt_options["short"][action]
+ long_opts = getopt_options["long"]["global"] + getopt_options["long"][action]
+ opts_mode = "merged-" + action
+ else:
+ short_opts = getopt_options["short"]["global"]
+ long_opts = getopt_options["long"]["global"]
+ opts_mode = "global"
+ # apply getopts to command line, show partial help on failure
+ try:
+ opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], short_opts, long_opts)
+ except:
+ raise ParseArgsException(opts_mode + "-options")
+ # set options accordingly
+ optionSwitch(options, opts, action=action)
+ # if action was already set, there should be no more args
+ if action and len(args):
+ raise ParseArgsException(opts_mode + "-options")
+ # if action was set, there is nothing left to do
+ if action:
+ return action
+ # So, we are in "eclean --foo action --bar" mode. Parse remaining args...
+ # Only two actions are allowed: 'packages' and 'distfiles'.
+ if not len(args) or not args[0] in ("packages", "distfiles"):
+ raise ParseArgsException("actions")
+ action = args.pop(0)
+ # parse the action specific options
+ try:
+ opts, args = getopt.getopt(
+ args, getopt_options["short"][action], getopt_options["long"][action]
+ )
+ except:
+ raise ParseArgsException(action + "-options")
+ # set options again, for action-specific options
+ optionSwitch(options, opts, action=action)
+ # any remaning args? Then die!
+ if len(args):
+ raise ParseArgsException(action + "-options")
+ # returns the action. Options dictionary is modified by side-effect.
+ return action
+def doAction(action, options, exclude={}, output=None):
+ """doAction: execute one action, ie display a few message, call the right
+ find* function, and then call doCleanup with its result."""
+ # define vocabulary for the output
+ if action == "packages":
+ files_type = "binary packages"
+ else:
+ files_type = "distfiles"
+ saved = {}
+ deprecated = {}
+ vcs = []
+ # find files to delete, depending on the action
+ if not options["quiet"]:
+ output.einfo("Building file list for " + action + " cleaning...")
+ if action == "packages":
+ clean_me, invalids = findPackages(
+ options,
+ exclude=exclude,
+ destructive=options["destructive"],
+ package_names=options["package-names"],
+ time_limit=options["time-limit"],
+ pkgdir=pkgdir,
+ # port_dbapi=Dbapi(portage.db[portage.root]["porttree"].dbapi),
+ # var_dbapi=Dbapi(portage.db[portage.root]["vartree"].dbapi),
+ )
+ else:
+ # accept defaults
+ engine = DistfilesSearch(
+ output=options["verbose-output"],
+ # portdb=Dbapi(portage.db[portage.root]["porttree"].dbapi),
+ # var_dbapi=Dbapi(portage.db[portage.root]["vartree"].dbapi),
+ )
+ clean_me, saved, deprecated, vcs = engine.findDistfiles(
+ exclude=exclude,
+ destructive=options["destructive"],
+ fetch_restricted=options["fetch-restricted"],
+ package_names=options["package-names"],
+ time_limit=options["time-limit"],
+ size_limit=options["size-limit"],
+ deprecate=options["deprecated"],
+ )
+ # initialize our cleaner
+ cleaner = CleanUp(output.progress_controller, options["quiet"])
+ # actually clean files if something was found
+ if clean_me or vcs:
+ # verbose pretend message
+ if options["pretend"] and not options["quiet"]:
+ output.einfo("Here are the " + files_type + " that would be deleted:")
+ # verbose non-pretend message
+ elif not options["quiet"]:
+ output.einfo("Cleaning " + files_type + "...")
+ # do the cleanup, and get size of deleted files
+ if options["pretend"]:
+ if options["skip-vcs"]:
+ vcs = {}
+ clean_size = cleaner.pretend_clean(clean_me, vcs)
+ elif action in ["distfiles"]:
+ if options["skip-vcs"]:
+ vcs = {}
+ clean_size = cleaner.clean_dist(clean_me, vcs)
+ elif action in ["packages"]:
+ clean_size = cleaner.clean_pkgs(clean_me, pkgdir)
+ # vocabulary for final message
+ if options["pretend"]:
+ verb = "would be"
+ else:
+ verb = "were"
+ # display freed space
+ if not options["quiet"]:
+ output.total("normal", clean_size, len(clean_me) + len(vcs), verb, action)
+ # nothing was found
+ elif not options["quiet"]:
+ output.einfo("Your " + action + " directory was already clean.")
+ if saved and not options["quiet"]:
+ print()
+ print(
+ pp.emph(" The following ")
+ + yellow("unavailable")
+ + pp.emph(" files were saved from cleaning due to exclusion file entries")
+ )
+ output.set_colors("deprecated")
+ clean_size = cleaner.pretend_clean(saved)
+ output.total("deprecated", clean_size, len(saved), verb, action)
+ if deprecated and not options["quiet"]:
+ print()
+ print(
+ pp.emph(" The following ")
+ + yellow("unavailable")
+ + pp.emph(" installed packages were found")
+ )
+ output.set_colors("deprecated")
+ output.list_pkgs(deprecated)
+ if action in ["packages"]:
+ if invalids and not options["no-clean-invalid"]:
+ if type(invalids) == list:
+ printUsage(_error="invalid_paths", unresolved_invalids=invalids)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ verb = "were"
+ if options["pretend"]:
+ verb = "would be"
+ if not options["quiet"]:
+ print()
+ print(
+ (
+ pp.emph(" The following ")
+ + red("invalid")
+ + pp.emph(" binpkgs were found")
+ )
+ )
+ output.set_colors("invalid")
+ output.list_pkgs(invalids)
+ clean_size = cleaner.clean_pkgs(invalids, pkgdir)
+ output.total("invalid", clean_size, len(invalids), verb, action)
+ else:
+ cleaner.clean_pkgs(invalids, pkgdir)
def main():
- """Parse command line and execute all actions."""
- # set default options
- options = {}
- options['nocolor'] = (port_settings.get("NOCOLOR") in ('yes','true')
- or not sys.stdout.isatty())
- if options['nocolor']:
- pp.output.nocolor()
- # parse command line options and actions
- try:
- action = parseArgs(options)
- # filter exception to know what message to display
- except ParseArgsException as e:
- if e.value == 'help':
- printUsage(help='all')
- sys.exit(0)
- elif e.value[:5] == 'help-':
- printUsage(help=e.value[5:])
- sys.exit(0)
- elif e.value == 'version':
- printVersion()
- sys.exit(0)
- else:
- printUsage(e.value)
- sys.exit(2)
- output = OutputControl(options)
- options['verbose-output'] = lambda x: None
- if not options['quiet']:
- if options['verbose']:
- options['verbose-output'] = output.einfo
- # parse the exclusion file
- if not 'exclude-file' in options:
- # set it to the default exclude file if it exists
- exclude_file = "%s/etc/%s/%s.exclude" % (EPREFIX,__productname__ , action)
- if os.path.isfile(exclude_file):
- options['exclude-file'] = exclude_file
- if 'exclude-file' in options:
- try:
- exclude = parseExcludeFile(options['exclude-file'],
- options['verbose-output'])
- except ParseExcludeFileException as e:
- print( pp.error(str(e)), file=sys.stderr)
- print( pp.error(
- "Invalid exclusion file: %s" % options['exclude-file']), file=sys.stderr)
- print( pp.error(
- "See format of this file in `man %s`" % __productname__), file=sys.stderr)
- sys.exit(1)
- else:
- exclude = {}
- # security check for non-pretend mode
- if not options['pretend'] and portage.secpass == 0:
- print( pp.error(
- "Permission denied: you must be root or belong to " +
- "the portage group."), file=sys.stderr)
- sys.exit(1)
- # execute action
- doAction(action, options, exclude=exclude,
- output=output)
+ """Parse command line and execute all actions."""
+ # set default options
+ options = {}
+ options["nocolor"] = (
+ port_settings.get("NO_COLOR")
+ or port_settings.get("NOCOLOR") in ("yes", "true")
+ or not sys.stdout.isatty()
+ )
+ if options["nocolor"]:
+ pp.output.nocolor()
+ # parse command line options and actions
+ try:
+ action = parseArgs(options)
+ # filter exception to know what message to display
+ except ParseArgsException as e:
+ if e.value == "help":
+ printUsage(help="all")
+ sys.exit(0)
+ elif e.value[:5] == "help-":
+ printUsage(help=e.value[5:])
+ sys.exit(0)
+ elif e.value == "version":
+ printVersion()
+ sys.exit(0)
+ else:
+ printUsage(e.value)
+ sys.exit(2)
+ output = OutputControl(options)
+ options["verbose-output"] = lambda x: None
+ if not options["quiet"]:
+ if options["verbose"]:
+ options["verbose-output"] = output.einfo
+ # parse the exclusion file
+ if not "exclude-file" in options:
+ # set it to the default exclude file if it exists
+ exclude_file = f"{EPREFIX}/etc/{__productname__}/{action}.exclude"
+ if os.path.isfile(exclude_file):
+ options["exclude-file"] = exclude_file
+ if "exclude-file" in options:
+ try:
+ exclude = parseExcludeFile(
+ options["exclude-file"], options["verbose-output"]
+ )
+ except ParseExcludeFileException as e:
+ print(pp.error(str(e)), file=sys.stderr)
+ print(
+ pp.error("Invalid exclusion file: %s" % options["exclude-file"]),
+ file=sys.stderr,
+ )
+ print(
+ pp.error("See format of this file in `man %s`" % __productname__),
+ file=sys.stderr,
+ )
+ sys.exit(1)
+ else:
+ exclude = {}
+ # security check for non-pretend mode
+ if not options["pretend"] and portage.secpass == 0:
+ print(
+ pp.error(
+ "Permission denied: you must be root or belong to "
+ + "the portage group."
+ ),
+ file=sys.stderr,
+ )
+ sys.exit(1)
+ # execute action
+ doAction(action, options, exclude=exclude, output=output)
if __name__ == "__main__":
- """actually call main() if launched as a script"""
- try:
- main()
- except KeyboardInterrupt:
- print( "Aborted.")
- sys.exit(130)
- sys.exit(0)
+ """actually call main() if launched as a script"""
+ try:
+ main()
+ except KeyboardInterrupt:
+ print("Aborted.")
+ sys.exit(130)
+ sys.exit(0)
diff --git a/pym/gentoolkit/eclean/exclude.py b/pym/gentoolkit/eclean/exclude.py
index 1da9523..c731ec0 100644
--- a/pym/gentoolkit/eclean/exclude.py
+++ b/pym/gentoolkit/eclean/exclude.py
@@ -13,254 +13,282 @@ from portage import _encodings, _unicode_encode
# Misc. shortcuts to some portage stuff:
listdir = portage.listdir
-FILENAME_RE = [re.compile(r'(?P<pkgname>[-a-zA-z0-9\+]+)(?P<ver>-\d+\S+)'),
- re.compile(r'(?P<pkgname>[-a-zA-z]+)(?P<ver>_\d+\S+)'),
- re.compile(r'(?P<pkgname>[-a-zA-z_]+)(?P<ver>\d\d+\S+)'),
- re.compile(r'(?P<pkgname>[-a-zA-z0-9_]+)(?P<ver>-default\S+)'),
- re.compile(r'(?P<pkgname>[-a-zA-z0-9]+)(?P<ver>_\d\S+)'),
- re.compile(r'(?P<pkgname>[-a-zA-z0-9\+\.]+)(?P<ver>-\d+\S+)'),
- re.compile(r'(?P<pkgname>[-a-zA-z0-9\+\.]+)(?P<ver>.\d+\S+)')]
+ re.compile(r"(?P<pkgname>[-a-zA-z0-9\+]+)(?P<ver>-\d+\S+)"),
+ re.compile(r"(?P<pkgname>[-a-zA-z]+)(?P<ver>_\d+\S+)"),
+ re.compile(r"(?P<pkgname>[-a-zA-z_]+)(?P<ver>\d\d+\S+)"),
+ re.compile(r"(?P<pkgname>[-a-zA-z0-9_]+)(?P<ver>-default\S+)"),
+ re.compile(r"(?P<pkgname>[-a-zA-z0-9]+)(?P<ver>_\d\S+)"),
+ re.compile(r"(?P<pkgname>[-a-zA-z0-9\+\.]+)(?P<ver>-\d+\S+)"),
+ re.compile(r"(?P<pkgname>[-a-zA-z0-9\+\.]+)(?P<ver>.\d+\S+)"),
debug_modules = []
def dprint(module, message):
- if module in debug_modules:
- print(message)
+ if module in debug_modules:
+ print(message)
def isValidCP(cp):
- """Check whether a string is a valid cat/pkg-name.
+ """Check whether a string is a valid cat/pkg-name.
- This is for 2.0.51 vs. CVS HEAD compatibility, I've not found any function
- for that which would exists in both. Weird...
+ This is for 2.0.51 vs. CVS HEAD compatibility, I've not found any function
+ for that which would exists in both. Weird...
- @param cp: catageory/package string
- @rtype: bool
- """
+ @param cp: catageory/package string
+ @rtype: bool
+ """
- if not '/' in cp:
- return False
- try:
- portage.cpv_getkey(cp+"-0")
- except:
- return False
- else:
- return True
+ if not "/" in cp:
+ return False
+ try:
+ portage.cpv_getkey(cp + "-0")
+ except:
+ return False
+ else:
+ return True
class ParseExcludeFileException(Exception):
- """For parseExcludeFile() -> main() communication.
+ """For parseExcludeFile() -> main() communication.
+ @param value: Error message string
+ """
+ def __init__(self, value):
+ self.value = value
- @param value: Error message string
- """
- def __init__(self, value):
- self.value = value
- def __str__(self):
- return repr(self.value)
+ def __str__(self):
+ return repr(self.value)
def parseExcludeFile(filepath, output):
- """Parses an exclusion file.
- @param filepath: file containing the list of cat/pkg's to exclude
- @param output: --verbose enabled output method or "lambda x: None"
- @rtype: dict
- @return: an exclusion dict
- @raise ParseExcludeFileException: in case of fatal error
- """
- exclude = {
- 'categories': {},
- 'packages': {},
- 'anti-packages': {},
- 'filenames': {}
- }
- output("Parsing Exclude file: " + filepath)
- try:
- file_ = open(_unicode_encode(filepath,
- encoding=_encodings['fs']), mode="r", encoding=_encodings['content'])
- except IOError:
- raise ParseExcludeFileException("Could not open exclusion file: " +
- filepath)
- filecontents = file_.readlines()
- file_.close()
- cat_re = re.compile(r'^(?P<cat>[a-zA-Z0-9]+-[a-zA-Z0-9]+)(/\*)?$')
- cp_re = re.compile(r'^(?P<cp>[-a-zA-Z0-9_]+/[-a-zA-Z0-9_]+)$')
- # used to output the line number for exception error reporting
- linenum = 0
- for line in filecontents:
- # need to increment it here due to continue statements.
- linenum += 1
- line = line.strip()
- if not len(line): # skip blank a line
- continue
- if line[0] == '#': # skip a comment line
- continue
- #print( "parseExcludeFile: line=", line)
- try: # category matching
- cat = cat_re.match(line).group('cat')
- #print( "parseExcludeFile: found cat=", cat)
- except:
- pass
- else:
- if not cat in portage.settings.categories:
- raise ParseExcludeFileException("Invalid category: "+cat +
- " @line # " + str(linenum))
- exclude['categories'][cat] = None
- continue
- dict_key = 'packages'
- if line[0] == '!': # reverses category setting
- dict_key = 'anti-packages'
- line = line[1:]
- try: # cat/pkg matching
- cp = cp_re.match(line).group('cp')
- #print( "parseExcludeFile: found cp=", cp)
- if isValidCP(cp):
- exclude[dict_key][cp] = None
- continue
- else:
- raise ParseExcludeFileException("Invalid cat/pkg: "+cp +
- " @line # " + str(linenum))
- except:
- pass
- #raise ParseExcludeFileException("Invalid line: "+line)
- try: # filename matching.
- exclude['filenames'][line] = re.compile(line)
- #print( "parseExcludeFile: found filenames", line)
- except:
- try:
- exclude['filenames'][line] = re.compile(re.escape(line))
- #print( "parseExcludeFile: found escaped filenames", line)
- except:
- raise ParseExcludeFileException("Invalid file name/regular " +
- "expression: @line # " + str(linenum) + " line=" +line)
- output("Exclude file parsed. Found " +
- "%d categories, %d packages, %d anti-packages %d filenames"
- %(len(exclude['categories']), len(exclude['packages']),
- len(exclude['anti-packages']), len(exclude['filenames'])))
- #print()
- #print( "parseExcludeFile: final exclude_dict = ", exclude)
- #print()
- return exclude
-def cp_all(categories, portdb=portage.portdb ):
- """temp function until the new portdb.cp_all([cat,...])
- behaviour is fully available.
- @param categories: list of categories to get all packages for
- eg. ['app-portage', 'sys-apps',...]
- @rtype: list of cat/pkg's ['foo/bar', 'foo/baz']
- """
- try:
- cps = portdb.cp_all(categories)
- # NOTE: the following backup code should be removed
- # when all available versions of portage have the
- # categories parameter in cp_all()
- except: # new behaviour not available
- #~ message = "Exception: eclean.exclude.cp_all() " +\
- #~ "new portdb.cp_all() behavior not found. using fallback code"
- #~ print( warn(message), file=sys.stderr)
- cps = []
- # XXX: i smell an access to something which is really out of API...
- _pkg_dir_name_re = re.compile(r'^\w[-+\w]*$')
- for tree in portdb.porttrees:
- for cat in categories:
- for pkg in listdir(os.path.join(tree,cat),
- EmptyOnError=1, ignorecvs=1, dirsonly=1):
- if not _pkg_dir_name_re.match(pkg) or pkg == "CVS":
- continue
- cps.append(cat+'/'+pkg)
- #print( "cp_all: new cps list=", cps)
- return cps
+ """Parses an exclusion file.
+ @param filepath: file containing the list of cat/pkg's to exclude
+ @param output: --verbose enabled output method or "lambda x: None"
+ @rtype: dict
+ @return: an exclusion dict
+ @raise ParseExcludeFileException: in case of fatal error
+ """
+ exclude = {"categories": {}, "packages": {}, "anti-packages": {}, "filenames": {}}
+ output("Parsing Exclude file: " + filepath)
+ try:
+ file_ = open(
+ _unicode_encode(filepath, encoding=_encodings["fs"]),
+ encoding=_encodings["content"],
+ )
+ except OSError:
+ raise ParseExcludeFileException("Could not open exclusion file: " + filepath)
+ filecontents = file_.readlines()
+ file_.close()
+ cat_re = re.compile(r"^(?P<cat>[a-zA-Z0-9]+-[a-zA-Z0-9]+)(/\*)?$")
+ cp_re = re.compile(r"^(?P<cp>[-a-zA-Z0-9_]+/[-a-zA-Z0-9_]+)$")
+ # used to output the line number for exception error reporting
+ linenum = 0
+ for line in filecontents:
+ # need to increment it here due to continue statements.
+ linenum += 1
+ line = line.strip()
+ if not len(line): # skip blank a line
+ continue
+ if line[0] == "#": # skip a comment line
+ continue
+ # print( "parseExcludeFile: line=", line)
+ try: # category matching
+ cat = cat_re.match(line).group("cat")
+ # print( "parseExcludeFile: found cat=", cat)
+ except:
+ pass
+ else:
+ if not cat in portage.settings.categories:
+ raise ParseExcludeFileException(
+ "Invalid category: " + cat + " @line # " + str(linenum)
+ )
+ exclude["categories"][cat] = None
+ continue
+ dict_key = "packages"
+ if line[0] == "!": # reverses category setting
+ dict_key = "anti-packages"
+ line = line[1:]
+ try: # cat/pkg matching
+ cp = cp_re.match(line).group("cp")
+ # print( "parseExcludeFile: found cp=", cp)
+ if isValidCP(cp):
+ exclude[dict_key][cp] = None
+ continue
+ else:
+ raise ParseExcludeFileException(
+ "Invalid cat/pkg: " + cp + " @line # " + str(linenum)
+ )
+ except:
+ pass
+ # raise ParseExcludeFileException("Invalid line: "+line)
+ try: # filename matching.
+ exclude["filenames"][line] = re.compile(line)
+ # print( "parseExcludeFile: found filenames", line)
+ except:
+ try:
+ exclude["filenames"][line] = re.compile(re.escape(line))
+ # print( "parseExcludeFile: found escaped filenames", line)
+ except:
+ raise ParseExcludeFileException(
+ "Invalid file name/regular "
+ + "expression: @line # "
+ + str(linenum)
+ + " line="
+ + line
+ )
+ output(
+ "Exclude file parsed. Found "
+ + "%d categories, %d packages, %d anti-packages %d filenames"
+ % (
+ len(exclude["categories"]),
+ len(exclude["packages"]),
+ len(exclude["anti-packages"]),
+ len(exclude["filenames"]),
+ )
+ )
+ # print()
+ # print( "parseExcludeFile: final exclude_dict = ", exclude)
+ # print()
+ return exclude
+def cp_all(categories, portdb=portage.portdb):
+ """temp function until the new portdb.cp_all([cat,...])
+ behaviour is fully available.
+ @param categories: list of categories to get all packages for
+ eg. ['app-portage', 'sys-apps',...]
+ @rtype: list of cat/pkg's ['foo/bar', 'foo/baz']
+ """
+ try:
+ cps = portdb.cp_all(categories)
+ # NOTE: the following backup code should be removed
+ # when all available versions of portage have the
+ # categories parameter in cp_all()
+ except: # new behaviour not available
+ # ~ message = "Exception: eclean.exclude.cp_all() " +\
+ # ~ "new portdb.cp_all() behavior not found. using fallback code"
+ # ~ print( warn(message), file=sys.stderr)
+ cps = []
+ # XXX: i smell an access to something which is really out of API...
+ _pkg_dir_name_re = re.compile(r"^\w[-+\w]*$")
+ for tree in portdb.porttrees:
+ for cat in categories:
+ for pkg in listdir(
+ os.path.join(tree, cat), EmptyOnError=1, ignorecvs=1, dirsonly=1
+ ):
+ if not _pkg_dir_name_re.match(pkg) or pkg == "CVS":
+ continue
+ cps.append(cat + "/" + pkg)
+ # print( "cp_all: new cps list=", cps)
+ return cps
def exclDictExpand(exclude):
- """Returns a dictionary of all CP/CPV from porttree which match
- the exclusion dictionary.
- """
- d = {}
- if 'categories' in exclude:
- # replace the following cp_all call with
- # portage.portdb.cp_all([cat1, cat2])
- # when it is available in all portage versions.
- cps = cp_all(exclude['categories'])
- for cp in cps:
- d[cp] = None
- if 'packages' in exclude:
- for cp in exclude['packages']:
- d[cp] = None
- if 'anti-packages' in exclude:
- for cp in exclude['anti-packages']:
- if cp in d:
- del d[cp]
- return d
-def exclDictMatchCP(exclude,pkg):
- """Checks whether a CP matches the exclusion rules."""
- if pkg is None:
- return False
- if 'anti-packages' in exclude and pkg in exclude['anti-packages']:
- return False
- if 'packages' in exclude and pkg in exclude['packages']:
- return True
- try:
- cat = pkg.split('/')[0]
- except:
- dprint( "exclude", "exclDictMatchCP: Invalid package name: " +\
- "%s, Could not determine category" %pkg)
- cat = ''
- if 'categories' in exclude and cat in exclude['categories']:
- return True
- return False
+ """Returns a dictionary of all CP/CPV from porttree which match
+ the exclusion dictionary.
+ """
+ d = {}
+ if "categories" in exclude:
+ # replace the following cp_all call with
+ # portage.portdb.cp_all([cat1, cat2])
+ # when it is available in all portage versions.
+ cps = cp_all(exclude["categories"])
+ for cp in cps:
+ d[cp] = None
+ if "packages" in exclude:
+ for cp in exclude["packages"]:
+ d[cp] = None
+ if "anti-packages" in exclude:
+ for cp in exclude["anti-packages"]:
+ if cp in d:
+ del d[cp]
+ return d
+def exclDictMatchCP(exclude, pkg):
+ """Checks whether a CP matches the exclusion rules."""
+ if pkg is None:
+ return False
+ if "anti-packages" in exclude and pkg in exclude["anti-packages"]:
+ return False
+ if "packages" in exclude and pkg in exclude["packages"]:
+ return True
+ try:
+ cat = pkg.split("/")[0]
+ except:
+ dprint(
+ "exclude",
+ "exclDictMatchCP: Invalid package name: "
+ + "%s, Could not determine category" % pkg,
+ )
+ cat = ""
+ if "categories" in exclude and cat in exclude["categories"]:
+ return True
+ return False
def exclDictExpandPkgname(exclude):
- """Returns a set of all pkgnames from porttree which match
- the exclusion dictionary.
- """
- p = set()
- if 'categories' in exclude:
- # replace the following cp_all call with
- # portage.portdb.cp_all([cat1, cat2])
- # when it is available in all portage versions.
- cps = cp_all(exclude['categories'])
- for cp in cps:
- pkgname = cp.split('/')[1]
- p.add(pkgname)
- if 'packages' in exclude:
- for cp in exclude['packages']:
- pkgname = cp.split('/')[1]
- p.add(pkgname)
- if 'anti-packages' in exclude:
- for cp in exclude['anti-packages']:
- if cp in p:
- p.remove(cp)
- return p
+ """Returns a set of all pkgnames from porttree which match
+ the exclusion dictionary.
+ """
+ p = set()
+ if "categories" in exclude:
+ # replace the following cp_all call with
+ # portage.portdb.cp_all([cat1, cat2])
+ # when it is available in all portage versions.
+ cps = cp_all(exclude["categories"])
+ for cp in cps:
+ pkgname = cp.split("/")[1]
+ p.add(pkgname)
+ if "packages" in exclude:
+ for cp in exclude["packages"]:
+ pkgname = cp.split("/")[1]
+ p.add(pkgname)
+ if "anti-packages" in exclude:
+ for cp in exclude["anti-packages"]:
+ if cp in p:
+ p.remove(cp)
+ return p
def exclMatchFilename(exclude_names, filename):
- """Attempts to split the package name out of a filename
- and then checks if it matches any exclusion rules.
- This is intended to be run on the cleaning list after all
- normal checks and removal of protected files. This will reduce
- the number of files to perform this last minute check on
- @param exclude_names: a set of pkgnames to exlcude
- @param filename:
- @rtype: bool
- """
- found = False
- index = 0
- while not found and index < len(FILENAME_RE):
- found = FILENAME_RE[index].match(filename)
- index += 1
- if not found:
- dprint( "exclude", "exclMatchFilename: filename: " +\
- "%s, Could not determine package name" %filename)
- return False
- pkgname = found.group('pkgname')
- dprint("exclude", "exclMatchFilename: found pkgname = " +
- "%s, %s, %d, %s" %(pkgname, str(pkgname in exclude_names),
- index-1, filename))
- return (pkgname in exclude_names)
+ """Attempts to split the package name out of a filename
+ and then checks if it matches any exclusion rules.
+ This is intended to be run on the cleaning list after all
+ normal checks and removal of protected files. This will reduce
+ the number of files to perform this last minute check on
+ @param exclude_names: a set of pkgnames to exlcude
+ @param filename:
+ @rtype: bool
+ """
+ found = False
+ index = 0
+ while not found and index < len(FILENAME_RE):
+ found = FILENAME_RE[index].match(filename)
+ index += 1
+ if not found:
+ dprint(
+ "exclude",
+ "exclMatchFilename: filename: "
+ + "%s, Could not determine package name" % filename,
+ )
+ return False
+ pkgname = found.group("pkgname")
+ dprint(
+ "exclude",
+ "exclMatchFilename: found pkgname = "
+ + "%s, %s, %d, %s"
+ % (pkgname, str(pkgname in exclude_names), index - 1, filename),
+ )
+ return pkgname in exclude_names
diff --git a/pym/gentoolkit/eclean/meson.build b/pym/gentoolkit/eclean/meson.build
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8a28284
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pym/gentoolkit/eclean/meson.build
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+cli_py = configure_file(
+ input : 'cli.py',
+ output : 'cli.py',
+ configuration : conf_data
+ [
+ '__init__.py',
+ 'clean.py',
+ cli_py,
+ 'exclude.py',
+ 'output.py',
+ 'search.py',
+ ],
+ subdir : 'gentoolkit/eclean'
diff --git a/pym/gentoolkit/eclean/output.py b/pym/gentoolkit/eclean/output.py
index e2ed221..ebba499 100644
--- a/pym/gentoolkit/eclean/output.py
+++ b/pym/gentoolkit/eclean/output.py
@@ -10,173 +10,201 @@ from gentoolkit.pprinter import cpv, number
class OutputControl:
- """Outputs data according to predetermined options and handles any user
- interaction.
- @param options: dictionary of boolean options as determined in cli.py
- used here: interactive, pretend, quiet, accept_all, nocolor.
- """
- def __init__(self, options):
- if not options:
- # set some defaults
- self.options['interactive'] = False
- self.options['pretend'] = True
- self.options['quiet'] = False
- self.options['accept_all'] = False
- self.options['nocolor'] = False
- else:
- self.options = options
- self.set_colors("normal")
- def set_colors(self, mode):
- """Sets the colors for the progress_controller
- and prettysize output
- @param mode: string, 1 of ["normal", "deprecated"]
- """
- if mode == "normal":
- self.pkg_color = cpv # green
- self.numbers = number # turquoise
- self.brace = blue
- elif mode == "deprecated":
- self.pkg_color = yellow
- self.numbers = teal # darkgreen
- self.brace = blue
- def einfo(self, message=""):
- """Display an info message depending on a color mode.
- @param message: text string to display
- @outputs to stdout.
- """
- if not self.options['nocolor']:
- prefix = " "+green('*')
- else:
- prefix = ">>>"
- print(prefix,message)
- def eprompt(self, message):
- """Display a user question depending on a color mode.
- @param message: text string to display
- @output to stdout
- """
- if not self.options['nocolor']:
- prefix = " "+red('>')+" "
- else:
- prefix = "??? "
- sys.stdout.write(prefix+message)
- sys.stdout.flush()
- def prettySize(self, size, justify=False, color=None):
- """int -> byte/kilo/mega/giga converter. Optionally
- justify the result. Output is a string.
- @param size: integer
- @param justify: optional boolean, defaults to False
- @param color: optional color, defaults to green
- as defined in portage.output
- @returns a formatted and (escape sequenced)
- colorized text string
- """
- if color == None:
- color = self.numbers
- units = [" G"," M"," K"," B"]
- # by using 1000 as the changeover, the integer portion
- # of the number will never be more than 3 digits long
- # but the true base 2 value of 1024 is used for the actual
- # calulation to maintain better accuracy.
- while len(units) and size >= 1000:
- size = size / 1024.0
- units.pop()
- sizestr = "%.1f" %(round(size,1)) + units[-1]
- if justify:
- sizestr = " " + self.brace("[ ") + \
- color(sizestr.rjust(8)) + self.brace(" ]")
- return sizestr
- def yesNoAllPrompt(self, message="Do you want to proceed?"):
- """Print a prompt until user answer in yes/no/all. Return a
- boolean for answer, and also may affect the 'accept_all' option.
- @param message: optional different input string from the default
- message of: "Do you want to proceed?"
- @outputs to stdout
- @modifies class var options['accept_all']
- @rtype: bool
- """
- user_string="xxx"
- while not user_string.lower() in ["","y","n","a","yes","no","all"]:
- self.eprompt(message+" [Y/n/a]: ")
- user_string = sys.stdin.readline().rstrip('\n')
- user_string = user_string.strip()
- if user_string.lower() in ["a","all"]:
- self.options['accept_all'] = True
- answer = user_string.lower() in ["","y","a","yes","all"]
- return answer
- def progress_controller(self, size, key, clean_list, file_type):
- """Callback function for doCleanup. It outputs data according to the
- options configured.
- Alternatively it handles user interaction for decisions that are
- required.
- @param size: Integer of the file(s) size
- @param key: the filename/pkgname currently being processed
- @param clean_list: list of files being processed.
- """
- if not self.options['quiet']:
- # pretty print mode
- print(self.prettySize(size,True), self.pkg_color(key))
- elif self.options['pretend'] or self.options['interactive']:
- # file list mode
- for file_ in clean_list:
- print(file_)
- if self.options['pretend']:
- return False
- elif not self.options['interactive'] \
- or self.options['accept_all'] \
- or self.yesNoAllPrompt("Do you want to delete this " + file_type + "?"):
- return True
- return False
- def total(self, mode, size, num_files, verb, action):
- """outputs the formatted totals to stdout
- @param mode: sets color and message. 1 of ['normal', 'deprecated']
- @param size: total space savings
- @param num_files: total number of files
- @param verb: string eg. 1 of ["would be", "has been"]
- @param action: string eg 1 of ['distfiles', 'packages']
- """
- self.set_colors(mode)
- if mode =="normal":
- message="Total space from "+red(str(num_files))+" files "+\
- verb+" freed in the " + action + " directory"
- print( " ===========")
- print( self.prettySize(size, True, red), message)
- elif mode == "deprecated":
- message = "Total space from "+red(str(num_files))+" package files\n"+\
- " Re-run the last command with the -D " +\
- "option to clean them as well"
- print( " ===========")
- print( self.prettySize(size, True, red), message)
- def list_pkgs(self, pkgs):
- """outputs the packages to stdout
- @param pkgs: dict. of {cat/pkg-ver: src_uri,}
- """
- indent = ' ' * 12
- keys = sorted(pkgs)
- for key in keys:
- if pkgs[key]:
- saved = ""
- else:
- saved = " ...distfile name(s) not known/saved"
- print( indent,self.pkg_color(key) + saved)
- print()
+ """Outputs data according to predetermined options and handles any user
+ interaction.
+ @param options: dictionary of boolean options as determined in cli.py
+ used here: interactive, pretend, quiet, accept_all, nocolor.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, options):
+ if not options:
+ # set some defaults
+ self.options["interactive"] = False
+ self.options["pretend"] = True
+ self.options["quiet"] = False
+ self.options["accept_all"] = False
+ self.options["nocolor"] = False
+ else:
+ self.options = options
+ self.set_colors("normal")
+ def set_colors(self, mode):
+ """Sets the colors for the progress_controller
+ and prettysize output
+ @param mode: string, 1 of ["normal", "deprecated"]
+ """
+ if mode == "normal":
+ self.pkg_color = cpv # green
+ self.numbers = number # turquoise
+ self.brace = blue
+ if mode == "invalid":
+ self.pkg_color = red
+ self.numbers = teal
+ elif mode == "deprecated":
+ self.pkg_color = yellow
+ self.numbers = teal # darkgreen
+ self.brace = blue
+ def einfo(self, message=""):
+ """Display an info message depending on a color mode.
+ @param message: text string to display
+ @outputs to stdout.
+ """
+ if not self.options["nocolor"]:
+ prefix = " " + green("*")
+ else:
+ prefix = ">>>"
+ print(prefix, message)
+ def eprompt(self, message):
+ """Display a user question depending on a color mode.
+ @param message: text string to display
+ @output to stdout
+ """
+ if not self.options["nocolor"]:
+ prefix = " " + red(">") + " "
+ else:
+ prefix = "??? "
+ sys.stdout.write(prefix + message)
+ sys.stdout.flush()
+ def prettySize(self, size, justify=False, color=None):
+ """int -> byte/kilo/mega/giga converter. Optionally
+ justify the result. Output is a string.
+ @param size: integer
+ @param justify: optional boolean, defaults to False
+ @param color: optional color, defaults to green
+ as defined in portage.output
+ @returns a formatted and (escape sequenced)
+ colorized text string
+ """
+ if color == None:
+ color = self.numbers
+ units = [" G", " M", " K", " B"]
+ # by using 1000 as the changeover, the integer portion
+ # of the number will never be more than 3 digits long
+ # but the true base 2 value of 1024 is used for the actual
+ # calulation to maintain better accuracy.
+ while len(units) and size >= 1000:
+ size = size / 1024.0
+ units.pop()
+ sizestr = "%.1f" % (round(size, 1)) + units[-1]
+ if justify:
+ sizestr = (
+ " " + self.brace("[ ") + color(sizestr.rjust(8)) + self.brace(" ]")
+ )
+ return sizestr
+ def yesNoAllPrompt(self, message="Do you want to proceed?"):
+ """Print a prompt until user answer in yes/no/all. Return a
+ boolean for answer, and also may affect the 'accept_all' option.
+ @param message: optional different input string from the default
+ message of: "Do you want to proceed?"
+ @outputs to stdout
+ @modifies class var options['accept_all']
+ @rtype: bool
+ """
+ user_string = "xxx"
+ while not user_string.lower() in ["", "y", "n", "a", "yes", "no", "all"]:
+ self.eprompt(message + " [Y/n/a]: ")
+ user_string = sys.stdin.readline().rstrip("\n")
+ user_string = user_string.strip()
+ if user_string.lower() in ["a", "all"]:
+ self.options["accept_all"] = True
+ answer = user_string.lower() in ["", "y", "a", "yes", "all"]
+ return answer
+ def progress_controller(self, size, key, clean_list, file_type):
+ """Callback function for doCleanup. It outputs data according to the
+ options configured.
+ Alternatively it handles user interaction for decisions that are
+ required.
+ @param size: Integer of the file(s) size
+ @param key: the filename/pkgname currently being processed
+ @param clean_list: list of files being processed.
+ """
+ if not self.options["quiet"]:
+ # pretty print mode
+ print(self.prettySize(size, True), self.pkg_color(key))
+ elif self.options["pretend"] or self.options["interactive"]:
+ # file list mode
+ for file_ in clean_list:
+ print(file_)
+ if self.options["pretend"]:
+ return False
+ elif (
+ not self.options["interactive"]
+ or self.options["accept_all"]
+ or self.yesNoAllPrompt("Do you want to delete this " + file_type + "?")
+ ):
+ return True
+ return False
+ def total(self, mode, size, num_files, verb, action):
+ """outputs the formatted totals to stdout
+ @param mode: sets color and message. 1 of ['normal', 'deprecated']
+ @param size: total space savings
+ @param num_files: total number of files
+ @param verb: string eg. 1 of ["would be", "has been"]
+ @param action: string eg 1 of ['distfiles', 'packages']
+ """
+ self.set_colors(mode)
+ if mode == "normal":
+ message = (
+ "Total space from "
+ + red(str(num_files))
+ + " files "
+ + verb
+ + " freed in the "
+ + action
+ + " directory"
+ )
+ print(" ===========")
+ print(self.prettySize(size, True, red), message)
+ elif mode == "invalid":
+ message = (
+ red(str(num_files))
+ + " invalid binpkgs "
+ + verb
+ + " removed from the "
+ + action
+ + " directory"
+ )
+ print(" ===========")
+ print(self.prettySize(size, True, red), message)
+ elif mode == "deprecated":
+ message = (
+ "Total space from "
+ + red(str(num_files))
+ + " package files\n"
+ + " Re-run the last command with the -D "
+ + "option to clean them as well"
+ )
+ print(" ===========")
+ print(self.prettySize(size, True, red), message)
+ def list_pkgs(self, pkgs):
+ """outputs the packages to stdout
+ @param pkgs: dict. of {cat/pkg-ver: src_uri,}
+ """
+ indent = " " * 12
+ keys = sorted(pkgs)
+ for key in keys:
+ if pkgs[key]:
+ saved = ""
+ else:
+ saved = " ...distfile name(s) not known/saved"
+ print(indent, self.pkg_color(key) + saved)
+ print()
diff --git a/pym/gentoolkit/eclean/pkgindex.py b/pym/gentoolkit/eclean/pkgindex.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 46c734d..0000000
--- a/pym/gentoolkit/eclean/pkgindex.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2003-2010 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-import subprocess
-import os
-import sys
-import gentoolkit.pprinter as pp
-from gentoolkit.eprefix import EPREFIX
-import portage
-class PkgIndex:
- """Handle the cleaning of the binpkg Package
- Index file
- @type output: class
- @param output: optional output class for printing
- """
- def __init__(self, controller=None):
- self.controller = controller
- # backup command line call
- self.emaint_cmd = "%s/usr/sbin/emaint --fix binhost" % EPREFIX
- def _get_emaint_binhost(self):
- """Obtain a reference to the binhost module class
- @sets: self.binhost to BinhostHandler class
- @rtype: boolean
- """
- # About noqa below: I don't understand how this code can run at all.
- # TODO: verify soundness
- try:
- self.emaint_control = Modules() # noqa
- self.binhost = self.emaint_control._get_class('binhost')
- except InvalidModuleName as er: # noqa
- print( pp.error("Error importing emaint binhost module"), file=sys.stderr)
- print( pp.error("Original error: " + er), file=sys.stderr)
- except:
- return False
- return True
- def _load_modules(self):
- """Import the emaint modules and report the success/fail of them
- """
- try:
- from emaint.module import Modules # noqa
- from emaint.main import TaskHandler # noqa
- except ImportError:
- return False
- return True
- def clean_pkgs_index(self,):
- """This will clean the binpkgs packages index file"""
- go = self._load_modules()
- if go:
- if self.get_emaint_binhost():
- self.taskmaster = TaskHandler(show_progress_bar=True) # noqa
- tasks = [self.binhost]
- self.taskmaster.run_tasks(tasks)
- def call_emaint(self):
- """Run the stand alone emaint script from
- a subprocess call.
- @rtype: integer
- @return: the difference in file size
- """
- file_ = os.path.join(portage.settings['PKGDIR'], 'Packages')
- statinfo = os.stat(file_)
- size1 = statinfo.st_size
- try:
- retcode = subprocess.call(self.emaint_cmd, shell=True)
- if retcode < 0:
- print( pp.error("Child was terminated by signal" + str(-retcode)), file=sys.stderr)
- except OSError as e:
- print( pp.error("Execution failed:" + e), file=sys.stderr)
- print()
- statinfo = os.stat(file_)
- clean_size = size1 - statinfo.st_size
- self.controller(clean_size, "Packages Index", file_, "Index")
- return clean_size
diff --git a/pym/gentoolkit/eclean/search.py b/pym/gentoolkit/eclean/search.py
index 8f6e52f..b696b63 100644
--- a/pym/gentoolkit/eclean/search.py
+++ b/pym/gentoolkit/eclean/search.py
@@ -5,25 +5,34 @@
import os
+import shlex
import stat
import sys
from functools import partial
+from inspect import signature
+from pathlib import Path
+from typing import Optional, Set
import portage
from portage.dep import Atom, use_reduce
from portage.dep._slot_operator import strip_slots
+from portage.dep.libc import find_libc_deps, strip_libc_deps
+from portage.exception import InvalidDependString
import gentoolkit.pprinter as pp
-from gentoolkit.eclean.exclude import (exclDictMatchCP, exclDictExpand,
- exclDictExpandPkgname, exclMatchFilename)
+from gentoolkit.eclean.exclude import (
+ exclDictExpand,
+ exclDictExpandPkgname,
+ exclDictMatchCP,
+ exclMatchFilename,
# Misc. shortcuts to some portage stuff:
port_settings = portage.settings
pkgdir = port_settings["PKGDIR"]
err = sys.stderr
-deprecated_message=""""Deprecation Warning: Installed package: %s
+deprecated_message = """"Deprecation Warning: Installed package: %s
Is no longer in the tree or an installed overlay"""
DEPRECATED = pp.warn(deprecated_message)
@@ -31,574 +40,695 @@ debug_modules = []
def dprint(module, message):
- if module in debug_modules:
- print(message)
+ if module in debug_modules:
+ print(message)
def get_distdir():
- """Returns DISTDIR if sane, else barfs."""
+ """Returns DISTDIR if sane, else barfs."""
+ d = portage.settings["DISTDIR"]
+ if not os.path.isdir(d):
+ e = pp.error("%s does not appear to be a directory.\n" % d)
+ e += pp.error("Please set DISTDIR to a sane value.\n")
+ e += pp.error("(Check your make.conf file and environment).")
+ print(e, file=sys.stderr)
+ exit(1)
+ return d
- d = portage.settings["DISTDIR"]
- if not os.path.isdir(d):
- e = pp.error("%s does not appear to be a directory.\n" % d)
- e += pp.error("Please set DISTDIR to a sane value.\n")
- e += pp.error("(Check your make.conf file and environment).")
- print( e, file=sys.stderr)
- exit(1)
- return d
distdir = get_distdir()
class DistfilesSearch:
- """
- @param output: verbose output method or (lambda x: None) to turn off
- @param vardb: defaults to portage.db[portage.root]["vartree"].dbapi
- is overridden for testing.
- @param portdb: defaults to portage.portdb and is overriden for testing.
- def __init__(self,
- output,
- portdb=portage.portdb,
- vardb=portage.db[portage.root]["vartree"].dbapi,
- ):
- self.vardb =vardb
- self.portdb = portdb
- self.output = output
- self.installed_cpvs = None
- def findDistfiles(self,
- exclude=None,
- destructive=False,
- fetch_restricted=False,
- package_names=False,
- time_limit=0,
- size_limit=0,
- _distdir=distdir,
- deprecate=False,
- extra_checks=()
- ):
- """Find all obsolete distfiles.
- XXX: what about cvs ebuilds?
- I should install some to see where it goes...
- @param exclude: an exclusion dict as defined in
- exclude.parseExcludeFile class.
- @param destructive: boolean, defaults to False
- @param fetch_restricted: boolean, defaults to False
- @param package_names: boolean, defaults to False.
- @param time_limit: integer time value as returned by parseTime()
- @param size_limit: integer value of max. file size to keep or 0 to ignore.
- @param _distdir: path to the distfiles dir being checked, defaults to portage.
- @param deprecate: bool to control checking the clean dict. files for exclusion
- @rtype: dict
- @return dict. of package files to clean i.e. {'cat/pkg-ver.tbz2': [filename],}
- """
- if exclude is None:
- exclude = {}
- clean_me = {}
- pkgs = {}
- saved = {}
- deprecated = {}
- installed_included = False
- # create a big CPV->SRC_URI dict of packages
- # whose distfiles should be kept
- if (not destructive) or fetch_restricted:
- self.output("...non-destructive type search")
- pkgs, _deprecated = self._non_destructive(destructive, fetch_restricted)
- deprecated.update(_deprecated)
- installed_included = True
- if destructive:
- self.output("...destructive type search: %d packages already found" %len(pkgs))
- pkgs, _deprecated = self._destructive(package_names,
- exclude, pkgs, installed_included)
- deprecated.update(_deprecated)
- # gather the files to be cleaned
- self.output("...checking limits for %d ebuild sources"
- %len(pkgs))
- checks = self._get_default_checks(size_limit, time_limit, exclude, destructive)
- checks.extend(extra_checks)
- clean_me = self._check_limits(_distdir, checks, clean_me)
- # remove any protected files from the list
- self.output("...removing protected sources from %s candidates to clean"
- %len(clean_me))
- clean_me = self._remove_protected(pkgs, clean_me)
- if not deprecate and len(exclude) and len(clean_me):
- self.output("...checking final for exclusion from " +\
- "%s remaining candidates to clean" %len(clean_me))
- clean_me, saved = self._check_excludes(exclude, clean_me)
- return clean_me, saved, deprecated
-####################### begin _check_limits code block
- def _get_default_checks(self, size_limit, time_limit, excludes, destructive):
- #checks =[(self._isreg_check_, "is_reg_check")]
- checks =[self._isreg_check_]
- if 'filenames' in excludes:
- #checks.append((partial(self._filenames_check_, excludes), "Filenames_check"))
- checks.append(partial(self._filenames_check_, excludes))
- else:
- self.output(" - skipping exclude filenames check")
- if size_limit:
- #checks.append((partial(self._size_check_, size_limit), "size_check"))
- checks.append(partial(self._size_check_, size_limit))
- else:
- self.output(" - skipping size limit check")
- if time_limit:
- #print("time_limit = ", time_limit/1000000,"M sec")
- #checks.append((partial(self._time_check_, time_limit), "time_check"))
- checks.append(partial(self._time_check_, time_limit))
- else:
- self.output(" - skipping time limit check")
- if destructive:
- self.output(" - skipping dot files check")
- else:
- checks.append(self._dotfile_check_)
- return checks
- def _check_limits(self,
- _distdir,
- checks,
- clean_me=None
- ):
- """Checks files if they exceed size and/or time_limits, etc.
- To start with everything is considered dirty and is excluded
- only if it matches some condition.
- """
- if clean_me is None:
- clean_me = {}
- for file in os.listdir(_distdir):
- filepath = os.path.join(_distdir, file)
- try:
- file_stat = os.lstat(filepath)
- except EnvironmentError:
- continue
- is_dirty = False
- #for check, check_name in checks:
- for check in checks:
- should_break, is_dirty = check(file_stat, file)
- if should_break:
- break
- if is_dirty:
- #print( "%s Adding file to clean_list:" %check_name, file)
- clean_me[file]=[filepath]
- return clean_me
- @staticmethod
- def _isreg_check_(file_stat, file):
- """check if file is a regular file."""
- is_reg_file = stat.S_ISREG(file_stat[stat.ST_MODE])
- return not is_reg_file, is_reg_file
- @staticmethod
- def _size_check_(size_limit, file_stat, file):
- """checks if the file size exceeds the size_limit"""
- if (file_stat[stat.ST_SIZE] >= size_limit):
- #print( "size mismatch ", file, file_stat[stat.ST_SIZE])
- return True, False
- return False, True
- @staticmethod
- def _time_check_(time_limit, file_stat, file):
- """checks if the file exceeds the time_limit
- (think forward, not back, time keeps increasing)"""
- if (file_stat[stat.ST_MTIME] >= time_limit):
- #print( "time match too young ", file, file_stat[stat.ST_MTIME]/1000000,"M sec.")
- return True, False
- #print( "time match too old", file, file_stat[stat.ST_MTIME]/1000000,"M sec.")
- return False, True
- @staticmethod
- def _filenames_check_(exclude, file_stat, file):
- """checks if the file matches an exclusion file listing"""
- # Try to match file name directly
- if file in exclude['filenames']:
- return True, False
- # See if file matches via regular expression matching
- else:
- file_match = False
- for file_entry in exclude['filenames']:
- if exclude['filenames'][file_entry].match(file):
- file_match = True
- break
- if file_match:
- #print( "filename match ", file)
- return True, False
- return False, True
- @staticmethod
- def _dotfile_check_(file_stat, file):
- """check if file is a regular file."""
- head, tail = os.path.split(file)
- if tail:
- is_dot_file = tail.startswith('.')
- return is_dot_file, not is_dot_file
-####################### end _check_limits code block
- @staticmethod
- def _remove_protected(
- pkgs,
- clean_me
- ):
- """Remove files owned by some protected packages.
- @returns packages to clean
- @rtype: dictionary
- """
- for cpv in pkgs:
- uris = pkgs[cpv].split()
- uris.reverse()
- while uris:
- uri = uris.pop()
- if uris and uris[-1] == "->":
- operator = uris.pop() # noqa
- file = uris.pop()
- else:
- file = os.path.basename(uri)
- if file in clean_me:
- del clean_me[file]
- # no need to waste IO time if there is nothing left to clean
- if not len(clean_me):
- return clean_me
- return clean_me
- def _non_destructive(self,
- destructive,
- fetch_restricted,
- pkgs_ = None,
- hosts_cpvs=None
- ):
- """performs the non-destructive checks
- @param destructive: boolean
- @param pkgs_: starting dictionary to add to
- defaults to {}.
- @returns packages and thier SRC_URI's: {cpv: src_uri,}
- @rtype: dictionary
- """
- if pkgs_ is None:
- pkgs = {}
- else:
- pkgs = pkgs_.copy()
- deprecated = {}
- # the following code block was split to optimize for speed
- # list all CPV from portree (yeah, that takes time...)
- self.output(" - getting complete ebuild list")
- cpvs = set(self.portdb.cpv_all())
- installed_cpvs = set(self.vardb.cpv_all())
- # now add any installed cpv's that are not in the tree or overlays
- cpvs.update(installed_cpvs)
- # Add any installed cpvs from hosts on the network, if any
- if hosts_cpvs:
- cpvs.update(hosts_cpvs)
- installed_cpvs.update(hosts_cpvs)
- if fetch_restricted and destructive:
- self.output(" - getting source file names " +
- "for %d installed ebuilds" %len(installed_cpvs))
- pkgs, _deprecated = self._unrestricted(pkgs, installed_cpvs)
- deprecated.update(_deprecated)
- # remove the installed cpvs then check the remaining for fetch restiction
- cpvs.difference_update(installed_cpvs)
- self.output(" - getting fetch-restricted source file names " +
- "for %d remaining ebuilds" %len(cpvs))
- pkgs, _deprecated = self._fetch_restricted(pkgs, cpvs)
- deprecated.update(_deprecated)
- # save the installed cpv list to re-use in _destructive()
- self.installed_cpvs = installed_cpvs.copy()
- else:
- self.output(" - getting source file names " +
- "for %d ebuilds" %len(cpvs))
- pkgs, _deprecated = self._unrestricted(pkgs, cpvs)
- deprecated.update(_deprecated)
- return pkgs, deprecated
- def _fetch_restricted(self, pkgs_, cpvs):
- """perform fetch restricted non-destructive source
- filename lookups
- @param pkgs_: starting dictionary to add to
- @param cpvs: set of (cat/pkg-ver, ...) identifiers
- @return a new pkg dictionary
- @rtype: dictionary
- """
- if pkgs_ is None:
- pkgs = {}
- else:
- pkgs = pkgs_.copy()
- deprecated = {}
- for cpv in cpvs:
- # get SRC_URI and RESTRICT from aux_get
- try: # main portdb
- (src_uri,restrict) = \
- self.portdb.aux_get(cpv,["SRC_URI","RESTRICT"])
- # keep fetch-restricted check
- # inside try so it is bypassed on KeyError
- if 'fetch' in restrict:
- pkgs[cpv] = src_uri
- except KeyError:
- try: # installed vardb
- (src_uri,restrict) = \
- self.vardb.aux_get(cpv,["SRC_URI","RESTRICT"])
- deprecated[cpv] = src_uri
- self.output(DEPRECATED %cpv)
- # keep fetch-restricted check
- # inside try so it is bypassed on KeyError
- if 'fetch' in restrict:
- pkgs[cpv] = src_uri
- except KeyError:
- self.output(" - Key Error looking up: " + cpv)
- return pkgs, deprecated
- def _unrestricted(self, pkgs_, cpvs):
- """Perform unrestricted source filenames lookups
- @param pkgs_: starting packages dictionary
- @param cpvs: set of (cat/pkg-ver, ...) identifiers
- @return a new pkg dictionary
- @rtype: dictionary
- """
- if pkgs_ is None:
- pkgs = {}
- else:
- pkgs = pkgs_.copy()
- deprecated = {}
- for cpv in cpvs:
- # get SRC_URI from aux_get
- try:
- pkgs[cpv] = self.portdb.aux_get(cpv,["SRC_URI"])[0]
- except KeyError:
- try: # installed vardb
- pkgs[cpv] = self.vardb.aux_get(cpv,["SRC_URI"])[0]
- deprecated[cpv] = pkgs[cpv]
- self.output(DEPRECATED %cpv)
- except KeyError:
- self.output(" - Key Error looking up: " + cpv)
- return pkgs, deprecated
- def _destructive(self,
- package_names,
- exclude,
- pkgs_=None,
- installed_included=False
- ):
- """Builds on pkgs according to input options
- @param package_names: boolean
- @param exclude: an exclusion dict as defined in
- exclude.parseExcludeFile class.
- @param pkgs: starting dictionary to add to
- defaults to {}.
- @param installed_included: bool. pkgs already
- has the installed cpv's added.
- @returns pkgs: {cpv: src_uri,}
- """
- if pkgs_ is None:
- pkgs = {}
- else:
- pkgs = pkgs_.copy()
- deprecated = {}
- pkgset = set()
- if not installed_included:
- if not package_names:
- # list all installed CPV's from vartree
- #print( "_destructive: getting vardb.cpv_all")
- if not self.installed_cpvs:
- pkgset.update(self.vardb.cpv_all())
- else:
- pkgset.update(self.installed_cpvs)
- self.output(" - processing %s installed ebuilds" % len(pkgset))
- elif package_names:
- # list all CPV's from portree for CP's in vartree
- #print( "_destructive: getting vardb.cp_all")
- cps = self.vardb.cp_all()
- self.output(" - processing %s installed packages" % len(cps))
- for package in cps:
- pkgset.update(self.portdb.cp_list(package))
- self.output(" - processing excluded")
- excludes = self._get_excludes(exclude)
- excludes_length = len(excludes)
- dprint("excludes", "EXCLUDES LENGTH =%d" %excludes_length)
- pkgset.update(excludes)
- pkgs_done = set(list(pkgs))
- pkgset.difference_update(pkgs_done)
- self.output(
- " - (%d of %d total) additional excluded packages to get source filenames for"
- %(len(pkgset), excludes_length))
- #self.output(" - processing %d ebuilds for filenames" %len(pkgset))
- pkgs, _deprecated = self._unrestricted(pkgs, pkgset)
- deprecated.update(_deprecated)
- #self.output(" - done...")
- return pkgs, deprecated
- def _get_excludes(self, exclude):
- """Expands the exclude dictionary into a set of
- CPV's
- @param exclude: dictionary of exclusion categories,
- packages to exclude from the cleaning
- @rtype: set
- @return set of package cpv's
- """
- pkgset = set()
- for cp in exclDictExpand(exclude):
- # add packages from the exclude file
- dprint("excludes", "_GET_EXCLUDES, cp=" + \
- cp+", "+str(self.portdb.cp_list(cp)))
- pkgset.update(self.portdb.cp_list(cp))
- return pkgset
- def _check_excludes(self, exclude, clean_me):
- """Performs a last minute check on remaining filenames
- to see if they should be protected. Since if the pkg-version
- was deprecated it would not have been matched to a
- source filename and removed.
- @param exclude: an exclusion dictionary
- @param clean_me: the list of filenames for cleaning
- @rtype: dict of packages to clean
- """
- saved = {}
- pn_excludes = exclDictExpandPkgname(exclude)
- dprint("excludes", "_check_excludes: made it here ;)")
- if not pn_excludes:
- return clean_me, saved
- dprint("excludes", pn_excludes)
- for key in list(clean_me):
- if exclMatchFilename(pn_excludes, key):
- saved[key] = clean_me[key]
- del clean_me[key]
- self.output(" ...Saved excluded package filename: " + key)
- return clean_me, saved
-def _deps_equal(deps_a, eapi_a, deps_b, eapi_b, uselist=None):
- """Compare two dependency lists given a set of USE flags"""
- if deps_a == deps_b: return True
- deps_a = use_reduce(deps_a, uselist=uselist, eapi=eapi_a, token_class=Atom)
- deps_b = use_reduce(deps_b, uselist=uselist, eapi=eapi_b, token_class=Atom)
- strip_slots(deps_a)
- strip_slots(deps_b)
- return deps_a == deps_b
+ """
+ @param output: verbose output method or (lambda x: None) to turn off
+ @param vardb: defaults to portage.db[portage.root]["vartree"].dbapi
+ is overridden for testing.
+ @param portdb: defaults to portage.portdb and is overriden for testing."""
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ output,
+ portdb=portage.portdb,
+ vardb=portage.db[portage.root]["vartree"].dbapi,
+ ):
+ self.vardb = vardb
+ self.portdb = portdb
+ self.output = output
+ self.installed_cpvs = None
+ def findDistfiles(
+ self,
+ exclude=None,
+ destructive=False,
+ fetch_restricted=False,
+ package_names=False,
+ time_limit=0,
+ size_limit=0,
+ _distdir=distdir,
+ deprecate=False,
+ extra_checks=(),
+ ):
+ """Find all obsolete distfiles.
+ XXX: what about cvs ebuilds?
+ I should install some to see where it goes...
+ @param exclude: an exclusion dict as defined in
+ exclude.parseExcludeFile class.
+ @param destructive: boolean, defaults to False
+ @param fetch_restricted: boolean, defaults to False
+ @param package_names: boolean, defaults to False.
+ @param time_limit: integer time value as returned by parseTime()
+ @param size_limit: integer value of max. file size to keep or 0 to ignore.
+ @param _distdir: path to the distfiles dir being checked, defaults to portage.
+ @param deprecate: bool to control checking the clean dict. files for exclusion
+ @rtype: dict
+ @return dict. of package files to clean i.e. {'cat/pkg-ver.tbz2': [filename],}
+ """
+ if exclude is None:
+ exclude = {}
+ clean_me = {}
+ pkgs = {}
+ saved = {}
+ deprecated = {}
+ installed_included = False
+ # Check if DISTDIR is empty, return early
+ if not os.listdir(_distdir):
+ return clean_me, saved, deprecated
+ # create a big CPV->SRC_URI dict of packages
+ # whose distfiles should be kept
+ if (not destructive) or fetch_restricted:
+ self.output("...non-destructive type search")
+ pkgs, _deprecated = self._non_destructive(destructive, fetch_restricted)
+ deprecated.update(_deprecated)
+ installed_included = True
+ if destructive:
+ self.output(
+ "...destructive type search: %d packages already found" % len(pkgs)
+ )
+ pkgs, _deprecated = self._destructive(
+ package_names, exclude, pkgs, installed_included
+ )
+ deprecated.update(_deprecated)
+ # gather the files to be cleaned
+ self.output("...checking limits for %d ebuild sources" % len(pkgs))
+ vcs = self.vcs_check(Path(_distdir))
+ checks = self._get_default_checks(size_limit, time_limit, exclude, destructive)
+ checks.extend(extra_checks)
+ clean_me = self._check_limits(_distdir, checks, clean_me)
+ # remove any protected files from the list
+ self.output(
+ "...removing protected sources from %s candidates to clean" % len(clean_me)
+ )
+ clean_me = self._remove_protected(pkgs, clean_me)
+ if not deprecate and len(exclude) and len(clean_me):
+ self.output(
+ "...checking final for exclusion from "
+ + "%s remaining candidates to clean" % len(clean_me)
+ )
+ clean_me, saved = self._check_excludes(exclude, clean_me)
+ return clean_me, saved, deprecated, vcs
+ # begin _check_limits code block
+ def _get_default_checks(self, size_limit, time_limit, excludes, destructive):
+ # checks =[(self._isreg_check_, "is_reg_check")]
+ checks = [self._isreg_check_]
+ if "filenames" in excludes:
+ # checks.append((partial(self._filenames_check_, excludes), "Filenames_check"))
+ checks.append(partial(self._filenames_check_, excludes))
+ else:
+ self.output(" - skipping exclude filenames check")
+ if size_limit:
+ # checks.append((partial(self._size_check_, size_limit), "size_check"))
+ checks.append(partial(self._size_check_, size_limit))
+ else:
+ self.output(" - skipping size limit check")
+ if time_limit:
+ # print("time_limit = ", time_limit/1000000,"M sec")
+ # checks.append((partial(self._time_check_, time_limit), "time_check"))
+ checks.append(partial(self._time_check_, time_limit))
+ else:
+ self.output(" - skipping time limit check")
+ if destructive:
+ self.output(" - skipping dot files check")
+ else:
+ checks.append(self._dotfile_check_)
+ return checks
+ def _check_limits(self, _distdir, checks, clean_me=None):
+ """Checks files if they exceed size and/or time_limits, etc.
+ To start with everything is considered dirty and is excluded
+ only if it matches some condition.
+ """
+ if clean_me is None:
+ clean_me = {}
+ for file in os.listdir(_distdir):
+ filepath = os.path.join(_distdir, file)
+ try:
+ file_stat = os.lstat(filepath)
+ except OSError:
+ continue
+ is_dirty = False
+ # for check, check_name in checks:
+ for check in checks:
+ should_break, is_dirty = check(file_stat, file)
+ if should_break:
+ break
+ if is_dirty:
+ # print( "%s Adding file to clean_list:" %check_name, file)
+ clean_me[file] = [filepath]
+ return clean_me
+ @staticmethod
+ def _isreg_check_(file_stat, file):
+ """check if file is a regular file."""
+ is_reg_file = stat.S_ISREG(file_stat[stat.ST_MODE])
+ return not is_reg_file, is_reg_file
+ @staticmethod
+ def _size_check_(size_limit, file_stat, file):
+ """checks if the file size exceeds the size_limit"""
+ if file_stat[stat.ST_SIZE] >= size_limit:
+ # print( "size mismatch ", file, file_stat[stat.ST_SIZE])
+ return True, False
+ return False, True
+ @staticmethod
+ def _time_check_(time_limit, file_stat, file):
+ """checks if the file exceeds the time_limit
+ (think forward, not back, time keeps increasing)"""
+ if file_stat[stat.ST_MTIME] >= time_limit:
+ # print( "time match too young ", file, file_stat[stat.ST_MTIME]/1000000,"M sec.")
+ return True, False
+ # print( "time match too old", file, file_stat[stat.ST_MTIME]/1000000,"M sec.")
+ return False, True
+ @staticmethod
+ def _filenames_check_(exclude, file_stat, file):
+ """checks if the file matches an exclusion file listing"""
+ # Try to match file name directly
+ if file in exclude["filenames"]:
+ return True, False
+ # See if file matches via regular expression matching
+ else:
+ file_match = False
+ for file_entry in exclude["filenames"]:
+ if exclude["filenames"][file_entry].match(file):
+ file_match = True
+ break
+ if file_match:
+ # print( "filename match ", file)
+ return True, False
+ return False, True
+ @staticmethod
+ def _dotfile_check_(file_stat, file):
+ """check if file is a regular file."""
+ head, tail = os.path.split(file)
+ if tail:
+ is_dot_file = tail.startswith(".")
+ return is_dot_file, not is_dot_file
+ # end _check_limits code block
+ @staticmethod
+ def _remove_protected(pkgs, clean_me):
+ """Remove files owned by some protected packages.
+ @returns packages to clean
+ @rtype: dictionary
+ """
+ for cpv in pkgs:
+ uris = pkgs[cpv].split()
+ uris.reverse()
+ while uris:
+ uri = uris.pop()
+ if uris and uris[-1] == "->":
+ operator = uris.pop() # noqa
+ file = uris.pop()
+ else:
+ file = os.path.basename(uri)
+ if file in clean_me:
+ del clean_me[file]
+ # no need to waste IO time if there is nothing left to clean
+ if not len(clean_me):
+ return clean_me
+ return clean_me
+ def _non_destructive(
+ self, destructive, fetch_restricted, pkgs_=None, hosts_cpvs=None
+ ):
+ """performs the non-destructive checks
+ @param destructive: boolean
+ @param pkgs_: starting dictionary to add to
+ defaults to {}.
+ @returns packages and thier SRC_URI's: {cpv: src_uri,}
+ @rtype: dictionary
+ """
+ if pkgs_ is None:
+ pkgs = {}
+ else:
+ pkgs = pkgs_.copy()
+ deprecated = {}
+ # the following code block was split to optimize for speed
+ # list all CPV from portree (yeah, that takes time...)
+ self.output(" - getting complete ebuild list")
+ cpvs = set(self.portdb.cpv_all())
+ installed_cpvs = set(self.vardb.cpv_all())
+ # now add any installed cpv's that are not in the tree or overlays
+ cpvs.update(installed_cpvs)
+ # Add any installed cpvs from hosts on the network, if any
+ if hosts_cpvs:
+ cpvs.update(hosts_cpvs)
+ installed_cpvs.update(hosts_cpvs)
+ if fetch_restricted and destructive:
+ self.output(
+ " - getting source file names "
+ + "for %d installed ebuilds" % len(installed_cpvs)
+ )
+ pkgs, _deprecated = self._unrestricted(pkgs, installed_cpvs)
+ deprecated.update(_deprecated)
+ # remove the installed cpvs then check the remaining for fetch restiction
+ cpvs.difference_update(installed_cpvs)
+ self.output(
+ " - getting fetch-restricted source file names "
+ + "for %d remaining ebuilds" % len(cpvs)
+ )
+ pkgs, _deprecated = self._fetch_restricted(pkgs, cpvs)
+ deprecated.update(_deprecated)
+ # save the installed cpv list to re-use in _destructive()
+ self.installed_cpvs = installed_cpvs.copy()
+ else:
+ self.output(
+ " - getting source file names " + "for %d ebuilds" % len(cpvs)
+ )
+ pkgs, _deprecated = self._unrestricted(pkgs, cpvs)
+ deprecated.update(_deprecated)
+ return pkgs, deprecated
+ def vcs_check(self, distdir: Path) -> Set:
+ """Checks $DISTDIR/vcs-src for checkouts which are not in the vardb"""
+ # For now we only check git
+ vcs_src = distdir / "git3-src"
+ expected_dirs = set()
+ actual_dirs = set()
+ if vcs_src.is_dir():
+ for i in set(self.vardb.cpv_all()):
+ if "live" in self.vardb.aux_get(i, ["PROPERTIES"]):
+ try:
+ # try to get the dir names of the cloned
+ # repos from the environment file.
+ vcs_dir = {
+ i.split("=")[-1].strip('"')
+ for i in shlex.split(
+ self.vardb._aux_env_search(i, ["EVCS_STORE_DIRS"])[
+ ].strip("()")
+ )
+ }
+ expected_dirs.update(vcs_dir)
+ except KeyError:
+ pass
+ actual_dirs = {str(i) for i in vcs_src.iterdir() if i.is_dir()}
+ return actual_dirs.difference(expected_dirs)
+ def _fetch_restricted(self, pkgs_, cpvs):
+ """perform fetch restricted non-destructive source
+ filename lookups
+ @param pkgs_: starting dictionary to add to
+ @param cpvs: set of (cat/pkg-ver, ...) identifiers
+ @return a new pkg dictionary
+ @rtype: dictionary
+ """
+ if pkgs_ is None:
+ pkgs = {}
+ else:
+ pkgs = pkgs_.copy()
+ deprecated = {}
+ for cpv in cpvs:
+ # get SRC_URI and RESTRICT from aux_get
+ try: # main portdb
+ (src_uri, restrict) = self.portdb.aux_get(cpv, ["SRC_URI", "RESTRICT"])
+ # keep fetch-restricted check
+ # inside try so it is bypassed on KeyError
+ if "fetch" in restrict:
+ pkgs[cpv] = src_uri
+ except KeyError:
+ try: # installed vardb
+ (src_uri, restrict) = self.vardb.aux_get(
+ cpv, ["SRC_URI", "RESTRICT"]
+ )
+ deprecated[cpv] = src_uri
+ self.output(DEPRECATED % cpv)
+ # keep fetch-restricted check
+ # inside try so it is bypassed on KeyError
+ if "fetch" in restrict:
+ pkgs[cpv] = src_uri
+ except KeyError:
+ self.output(" - Key Error looking up: " + cpv)
+ return pkgs, deprecated
+ def _unrestricted(self, pkgs_, cpvs):
+ """Perform unrestricted source filenames lookups
+ @param pkgs_: starting packages dictionary
+ @param cpvs: set of (cat/pkg-ver, ...) identifiers
+ @return a new pkg dictionary
+ @rtype: dictionary
+ """
+ if pkgs_ is None:
+ pkgs = {}
+ else:
+ pkgs = pkgs_.copy()
+ deprecated = {}
+ for cpv in cpvs:
+ # get SRC_URI from aux_get
+ try:
+ pkgs[cpv] = self.portdb.aux_get(cpv, ["SRC_URI"])[0]
+ except KeyError:
+ try: # installed vardb
+ pkgs[cpv] = self.vardb.aux_get(cpv, ["SRC_URI"])[0]
+ deprecated[cpv] = pkgs[cpv]
+ self.output(DEPRECATED % cpv)
+ except KeyError:
+ self.output(" - Key Error looking up: " + cpv)
+ return pkgs, deprecated
+ def _destructive(
+ self, package_names, exclude, pkgs_=None, installed_included=False
+ ):
+ """Builds on pkgs according to input options
+ @param package_names: boolean
+ @param exclude: an exclusion dict as defined in
+ exclude.parseExcludeFile class.
+ @param pkgs: starting dictionary to add to
+ defaults to {}.
+ @param installed_included: bool. pkgs already
+ has the installed cpv's added.
+ @returns pkgs: {cpv: src_uri,}
+ """
+ if pkgs_ is None:
+ pkgs = {}
+ else:
+ pkgs = pkgs_.copy()
+ deprecated = {}
+ pkgset = set()
+ if not installed_included:
+ if not package_names:
+ # list all installed CPV's from vartree
+ # print( "_destructive: getting vardb.cpv_all")
+ if not self.installed_cpvs:
+ pkgset.update(self.vardb.cpv_all())
+ else:
+ pkgset.update(self.installed_cpvs)
+ self.output(" - processing %s installed ebuilds" % len(pkgset))
+ elif package_names:
+ # list all CPV's from portree for CP's in vartree
+ # print( "_destructive: getting vardb.cp_all")
+ cps = self.vardb.cp_all()
+ self.output(" - processing %s installed packages" % len(cps))
+ for package in cps:
+ pkgset.update(self.portdb.cp_list(package))
+ self.output(" - processing excluded")
+ excludes = self._get_excludes(exclude)
+ excludes_length = len(excludes)
+ dprint("excludes", "EXCLUDES LENGTH =%d" % excludes_length)
+ pkgset.update(excludes)
+ pkgs_done = set(list(pkgs))
+ pkgset.difference_update(pkgs_done)
+ self.output(
+ " - (%d of %d total) additional excluded packages to get source filenames for"
+ % (len(pkgset), excludes_length)
+ )
+ # self.output(" - processing %d ebuilds for filenames" %len(pkgset))
+ pkgs, _deprecated = self._unrestricted(pkgs, pkgset)
+ deprecated.update(_deprecated)
+ # self.output(" - done...")
+ return pkgs, deprecated
+ def _get_excludes(self, exclude):
+ """Expands the exclude dictionary into a set of
+ CPV's
+ @param exclude: dictionary of exclusion categories,
+ packages to exclude from the cleaning
+ @rtype: set
+ @return set of package cpv's
+ """
+ pkgset = set()
+ for cp in exclDictExpand(exclude):
+ # add packages from the exclude file
+ dprint(
+ "excludes",
+ "_GET_EXCLUDES, cp=" + cp + ", " + str(self.portdb.cp_list(cp)),
+ )
+ pkgset.update(self.portdb.cp_list(cp))
+ return pkgset
+ def _check_excludes(self, exclude, clean_me):
+ """Performs a last minute check on remaining filenames
+ to see if they should be protected. Since if the pkg-version
+ was deprecated it would not have been matched to a
+ source filename and removed.
+ @param exclude: an exclusion dictionary
+ @param clean_me: the list of filenames for cleaning
+ @rtype: dict of packages to clean
+ """
+ saved = {}
+ pn_excludes = exclDictExpandPkgname(exclude)
+ dprint("excludes", "_check_excludes: made it here ;)")
+ if not pn_excludes:
+ return clean_me, saved
+ dprint("excludes", pn_excludes)
+ for key in list(clean_me):
+ if exclMatchFilename(pn_excludes, key):
+ saved[key] = clean_me[key]
+ del clean_me[key]
+ self.output(" ...Saved excluded package filename: " + key)
+ return clean_me, saved
+def _deps_equal(deps_a, eapi_a, deps_b, eapi_b, libc_deps, uselist=None, cpv=None):
+ """Compare two dependency lists given a set of USE flags
+ @param deps_a: binpkg DEPEND string (for InvalidDependString errors)
+ @rtype: string
+ @param eapi_a: EAPI
+ @rtype: string
+ @param deps_b: ebuild DEPEND string (for InvalidDependString errors)
+ @rtype: string
+ @param eapi_b: EAPI
+ @rtype: string
+ @param libc_deps: List of libc packages (or atoms if realized is passed).
+ @rtype: list
+ @param uselist: use flag list
+ @rtype: frozenset
+ @param cpv: Cat/Pkg-version
+ @rtype: string
+ """
+ if deps_a == deps_b:
+ return True
+ try:
+ deps_a = use_reduce(deps_a, uselist=uselist, eapi=eapi_a, token_class=Atom)
+ except InvalidDependString: # the binpkg depend string is bad
+ print(
+ pp.warn(
+ "Warning: Invalid binpkg DEPEND string found for: %s, %s"
+ " | tagging for removal" % (cpv, deps_a)
+ ),
+ file=sys.stderr,
+ )
+ return False
+ try:
+ deps_b = use_reduce(deps_b, uselist=uselist, eapi=eapi_b, token_class=Atom)
+ except InvalidDependString as er: # the ebuild depend string is bad
+ print(
+ pp.warn("Warning: Invalid ebuild DEPEND String found for: %s" % cpv),
+ file=sys.stderr,
+ )
+ print(
+ pp.warn("Warning: DEPEND string for ebuild: %s" % deps_b),
+ file=sys.stderr,
+ )
+ print(er, file=sys.stderr)
+ return True
+ strip_libc_deps(deps_a, libc_deps)
+ strip_libc_deps(deps_b, libc_deps)
+ strip_slots(deps_a)
+ strip_slots(deps_b)
+ return deps_a == deps_b
def findPackages(
- options,
- exclude=None,
- destructive=False,
- time_limit=0,
- package_names=False,
- pkgdir=None,
- port_dbapi=portage.db[portage.root]["porttree"].dbapi,
- var_dbapi=portage.db[portage.root]["vartree"].dbapi
- ):
- """Find obsolete binary packages.
- @param options: dict of options determined at runtime
- @type options: dict
- @param exclude: exclusion dict (as defined in the exclude.parseExcludeFile class)
- @type exclude: dict, optional
- @param destructive: binpkg is obsolete if not installed (default: `False`)
- @type destructive: bool, optional
- @param time_limit: exclude binpkg if newer than time value as returned by parseTime()
- @type time_limit: int, optional
- @param package_names: exclude all binpkg versions if package is installed
- (used with `destructive=True`) (default: `False`)
- @type package_names: bool, optional
- @param pkgdir: path to the binpkg cache (PKGDIR)
- @type pkgdir: str
- @param port_dbapi: defaults to portage.db[portage.root]["porttree"].dbapi
- Can be overridden for tests.
- @param var_dbapi: defaults to portage.db[portage.root]["vartree"].dbapi
- Can be overridden for tests.
- @return binary packages to remove. e.g. {'cat/pkg-ver': [filepath]}
- @rtype: dict
- """
- if exclude is None:
- exclude = {}
- # Access test, os.walk does not error for "no read permission"
- try:
- test = os.listdir(pkgdir)
- del test
- except EnvironmentError as er:
- if options['ignore-failure']:
- exit(0)
- print(pp.error("Error accessing PKGDIR."), file=sys.stderr)
- print(pp.error("(Check your make.conf file and environment)."), file=sys.stderr)
- print(pp.error("Error: %s" % str(er)), file=sys.stderr)
- exit(1)
- # Create a dictionary of all installed packages
- if destructive and package_names:
- installed = dict.fromkeys(var_dbapi.cp_all())
- else:
- installed = {}
- # Dictionary of binary packages to clean. Organized as cpv->[pkgs] in order
- # to support FEATURES=binpkg-multi-instance.
- dead_binpkgs = {}
- bin_dbapi = portage.binarytree(pkgdir=pkgdir, settings=var_dbapi.settings).dbapi
- for cpv in bin_dbapi.cpv_all():
- cp = portage.cpv_getkey(cpv)
- # Exclude per --exclude-file=...
- if exclDictMatchCP(exclude, cp):
- continue
- # Exclude if binpkg is newer than --time-limit=...
- if time_limit:
- mtime = int(bin_dbapi.aux_get(cpv, ['_mtime_'])[0])
- if mtime >= time_limit:
- continue
- # Exclude if binpkg exists in the porttree and not --deep
- if not destructive and port_dbapi.cpv_exists(cpv):
- if not options['changed-deps']:
- continue
- dep_keys = ('RDEPEND', 'PDEPEND')
- keys = ('EAPI', 'USE') + dep_keys
- binpkg_metadata = dict(zip(keys, bin_dbapi.aux_get(cpv, keys)))
- ebuild_metadata = dict(zip(keys, port_dbapi.aux_get(cpv, keys)))
- if _deps_equal(' '.join(binpkg_metadata[key] for key in dep_keys), binpkg_metadata['EAPI'],
- ' '.join(ebuild_metadata[key] for key in dep_keys), ebuild_metadata['EAPI'],
- frozenset(binpkg_metadata['USE'].split())):
- continue
- if destructive and var_dbapi.cpv_exists(cpv):
- # Exclude if an instance of the package is installed due to
- # the --package-names option.
- if cp in installed and port_dbapi.cpv_exists(cpv):
- continue
- # Exclude if BUILD_TIME of binpkg is same as vartree
- buildtime = var_dbapi.aux_get(cpv, ['BUILD_TIME'])[0]
- if buildtime == bin_dbapi.aux_get(cpv, ['BUILD_TIME'])[0]:
- continue
- binpkg_path = bin_dbapi.bintree.getname(cpv)
- dead_binpkgs.setdefault(cpv, []).append(binpkg_path)
- return dead_binpkgs
+ options: dict[str, bool],
+ exclude: Optional[dict] = None,
+ destructive: bool = False,
+ time_limit: Optional[int] = 0,
+ package_names: Optional[bool] = False,
+ pkgdir: str = None,
+ port_dbapi=portage.db[portage.root]["porttree"].dbapi,
+ var_dbapi=portage.db[portage.root]["vartree"].dbapi,
+) -> tuple[dict[str, list[str]], dict[str, list[str]]]:
+ """Find obsolete binary packages.
+ @param options: dict of options determined at runtime
+ @type options: dict
+ @param exclude: exclusion dict (as defined in the exclude.parseExcludeFile class)
+ @type exclude: dict, optional
+ @param destructive: binpkg is obsolete if not installed (default: `False`)
+ @type destructive: bool, optional
+ @param time_limit: exclude binpkg if newer than time value as returned by parseTime()
+ @type time_limit: int, optional
+ @param package_names: exclude all binpkg versions if package is installed
+ (used with `destructive=True`) (default: `False`)
+ @type package_names: bool, optional
+ @param pkgdir: path to the binpkg cache (PKGDIR)
+ @type pkgdir: str
+ @param port_dbapi: defaults to portage.db[portage.root]["porttree"].dbapi
+ Can be overridden for tests.
+ @param var_dbapi: defaults to portage.db[portage.root]["vartree"].dbapi
+ Can be overridden for tests.
+ @return binary packages to remove. e.g. {'cat/pkg-ver': [filepath]}, invalid_paths
+ @rtype: dict, dict
+ """
+ if exclude is None:
+ exclude = {}
+ # Access test, os.walk does not error for "no read permission"
+ try:
+ test = os.listdir(pkgdir)
+ del test
+ except OSError as er:
+ if options["ignore-failure"]:
+ exit(0)
+ print(pp.error("Error accessing PKGDIR."), file=sys.stderr)
+ print(pp.error("(Check your make.conf file and environment)."), file=sys.stderr)
+ print(pp.error("Error: %s" % str(er)), file=sys.stderr)
+ exit(1)
+ libc_deps = find_libc_deps(var_dbapi, False)
+ # Create a dictionary of all installed packages
+ if destructive and package_names:
+ installed = dict.fromkeys(var_dbapi.cp_all())
+ else:
+ installed = {}
+ # Dictionary of binary packages to clean. Organized as cpv->[pkgs] in order
+ # to support FEATURES=binpkg-multi-instance.
+ dead_binpkgs: dict[str, list[str]] = {}
+ keep_binpkgs = {}
+ # FEATURES=pkgdir-index-trusted is now on by default which makes portages inavlids
+ # inaccessible
+ settings = var_dbapi.settings
+ bin_dbapi = portage.binarytree(pkgdir=pkgdir, settings=settings).dbapi
+ populate_kwargs = {}
+ if "invalid_errors" in signature(bin_dbapi.bintree.populate).parameters:
+ populate_kwargs["invalid_errors"] = False
+ if "force_reindex" in signature(bin_dbapi.bintree.populate).parameters:
+ bin_dbapi.bintree.populate(force_reindex=True, **populate_kwargs)
+ for cpv in bin_dbapi.cpv_all():
+ cp = portage.cpv_getkey(cpv)
+ # Exclude per --exclude-file=...
+ if exclDictMatchCP(exclude, cp):
+ continue
+ # Exclude if binpkg is newer than --time-limit=...
+ if time_limit:
+ mtime = int(bin_dbapi.aux_get(cpv, ["_mtime_"])[0])
+ if mtime >= time_limit:
+ continue
+ # Exclude if binpkg has exact same USEs
+ if not destructive and options["unique-use"]:
+ keys = ("CPV", "EAPI", "USE")
+ binpkg_metadata = dict(zip(keys, bin_dbapi.aux_get(cpv, keys)))
+ cpv_key = "_".join(binpkg_metadata[key] for key in keys)
+ if cpv_key in keep_binpkgs:
+ old_cpv = keep_binpkgs[cpv_key]
+ # compare BUILD_TIME, keep the new one
+ old_time = int(bin_dbapi.aux_get(old_cpv, ["BUILD_TIME"])[0])
+ new_time = int(bin_dbapi.aux_get(cpv, ["BUILD_TIME"])[0])
+ drop_cpv = old_cpv if new_time >= old_time else cpv
+ binpkg_path = bin_dbapi.bintree.getname(drop_cpv)
+ dead_binpkgs.setdefault(drop_cpv, []).append(binpkg_path)
+ if new_time >= old_time:
+ keep_binpkgs[cpv_key] = cpv
+ else:
+ continue
+ else:
+ keep_binpkgs[cpv_key] = cpv
+ # Exclude if binpkg exists in the porttree and not --deep
+ if not destructive and port_dbapi.cpv_exists(cpv):
+ if not options["changed-deps"]:
+ continue
+ dep_keys = ("RDEPEND", "PDEPEND")
+ keys = ("EAPI", "USE") + dep_keys
+ binpkg_metadata = dict(zip(keys, bin_dbapi.aux_get(cpv, keys)))
+ ebuild_metadata = dict(zip(keys, port_dbapi.aux_get(cpv, keys)))
+ deps_binpkg = " ".join(binpkg_metadata[key] for key in dep_keys)
+ deps_ebuild = " ".join(ebuild_metadata[key] for key in dep_keys)
+ if _deps_equal(
+ deps_binpkg,
+ binpkg_metadata["EAPI"],
+ deps_ebuild,
+ ebuild_metadata["EAPI"],
+ libc_deps,
+ frozenset(binpkg_metadata["USE"].split()),
+ cpv,
+ ):
+ continue
+ if destructive and var_dbapi.cpv_exists(cpv):
+ # Exclude if an instance of the package is installed due to
+ # the --package-names option.
+ if cp in installed and port_dbapi.cpv_exists(cpv):
+ continue
+ # Exclude if BUILD_TIME of binpkg is same as vartree
+ buildtime = var_dbapi.aux_get(cpv, ["BUILD_TIME"])[0]
+ if buildtime == bin_dbapi.aux_get(cpv, ["BUILD_TIME"])[0]:
+ continue
+ if not destructive and options["unique-use"]:
+ del keep_binpkgs[cpv_key]
+ binpkg_path = bin_dbapi.bintree.getname(cpv)
+ dead_binpkgs.setdefault(cpv, []).append(binpkg_path)
+ try:
+ invalid_paths = bin_dbapi.bintree.invalid_paths
+ except AttributeError:
+ invalid_paths = bin_dbapi.bintree.invalids
+ return dead_binpkgs, invalid_paths
# vim: set ts=4 sw=4 tw=79:
diff --git a/pym/gentoolkit/ekeyword/ekeyword.py b/pym/gentoolkit/ekeyword/ekeyword.py
index 4e57c09..aa4986e 100755
--- a/pym/gentoolkit/ekeyword/ekeyword.py
+++ b/pym/gentoolkit/ekeyword/ekeyword.py
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# Copyright 2014 Gentoo Foundation
+# Copyright 2014-2023 Gentoo Authors
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
# Written by Mike Frysinger <vapier@gentoo.org>
@@ -39,7 +39,6 @@ Examples:
import argparse
import collections
import difflib
-import io
import os
import re
import subprocess
@@ -51,7 +50,7 @@ import portage
from portage.output import colorize, nocolor
-__version__ = 'git'
+__version__ = "@VERSION@"
# Operation object that describes how to perform a change.
# Args:
@@ -62,432 +61,506 @@ __version__ = 'git'
# '^': Delete |arch| so it isn't listed at all
# arch: The required arch to update
# ref_arch: Set |arch| status to this arch (ignoring |op|)
-Op = collections.namedtuple('Op', ('op', 'arch', 'ref_arch'))
+Op = collections.namedtuple("Op", ("op", "arch", "ref_arch"))
def warning(msg):
- """Write |msg| as a warning to stderr"""
- print('warning: %s' % msg, file=sys.stderr)
+ """Write |msg| as a warning to stderr"""
+ print("warning: %s" % msg, file=sys.stderr)
def keyword_to_arch(keyword):
- """Given a keyword, strip it down to its arch value
+ """Given a keyword, strip it down to its arch value
- When an ARCH shows up in KEYWORDS, it may have prefixes like ~ or -.
- Strip all that cruft off to get back to the ARCH.
- """
- return keyword.lstrip('-~')
+ When an ARCH shows up in KEYWORDS, it may have prefixes like ~ or -.
+ Strip all that cruft off to get back to the ARCH.
+ """
+ return keyword.lstrip("-~")
def sort_keywords(arches):
- """Sort |arches| list in the order developers expect
+ """Sort |arches| list in the order developers expect
- This is vaguely defined because it is kind of vaguely defined once you get
- past the basic (Linux-only) keywords.
+ This is vaguely defined because it is kind of vaguely defined once you get
+ past the basic (Linux-only) keywords.
- Args:
- arches: An iterable of ARCH values.
+ Args:
+ arches: An iterable of ARCH values.
- Returns:
- A sorted list of |arches|
- """
- keywords = []
+ Returns:
+ A sorted list of |arches|
+ """
+ keywords = []
- # Globs always come first.
- for g in ('-*', '*', '~*'):
- if g in arches:
- arches.remove(g)
- keywords.append(g)
+ # Globs always come first.
+ for g in ("-*", "*", "~*"):
+ if g in arches:
+ arches.remove(g)
+ keywords.append(g)
- def arch_key(keyword):
- """Callback for python sorting functions
+ def arch_key(keyword):
+ """Callback for python sorting functions
- Used to turn a Gentoo keyword into a sortable form.
- """
- # Sort independent of leading marker (~ or -).
- arch = keyword_to_arch(keyword)
+ Used to turn a Gentoo keyword into a sortable form.
+ """
+ # Sort independent of leading marker (~ or -).
+ arch = keyword_to_arch(keyword)
- # A keyword may have a "-" in it. We split on that and sort
- # by the two resulting items. The part after the hyphen is
- # the primary key.
- if '-' in arch:
- arch, plat = arch.split('-', 1)
- else:
- arch, plat = arch, ''
+ # A keyword may have a "-" in it. We split on that and sort
+ # by the two resulting items. The part after the hyphen is
+ # the primary key.
+ if "-" in arch:
+ arch, plat = arch.split("-", 1)
+ else:
+ arch, plat = arch, ""
- return (plat, arch)
+ return (plat, arch)
- keywords += sorted(arches, key=arch_key)
+ keywords += sorted(arches, key=arch_key)
- return keywords
+ return keywords
-def diff_keywords(old_keywords, new_keywords, style='color-inline'):
- """Show pretty diff between list of keywords
+def diff_keywords(old_keywords, new_keywords, style="color-inline"):
+ """Show pretty diff between list of keywords
- Args:
- old_keywords: The old set of KEYWORDS
- new_keywords: The new set of KEYWORDS
- style: The diff style
+ Args:
+ old_keywords: The old set of KEYWORDS
+ new_keywords: The new set of KEYWORDS
+ style: The diff style
- Returns:
- A string containing the diff output ready to shown to the user
- """
- def show_diff(s):
- output = ''
+ Returns:
+ A string containing the diff output ready to shown to the user
+ """
- for tag, i0, i1, j0, j1 in s.get_opcodes():
+ def show_diff(s):
+ output = ""
- if tag == 'equal':
- output += s.a[i0:i1]
+ for tag, i0, i1, j0, j1 in s.get_opcodes():
+ if tag == "equal":
+ output += s.a[i0:i1]
- if tag in ('delete', 'replace'):
- o = s.a[i0:i1]
- if style == 'color-inline':
- o = colorize('bg_darkred', o)
- else:
- o = '-{%s}' % o
- output += o
+ if tag in ("delete", "replace"):
+ o = s.a[i0:i1]
+ if style == "color-inline":
+ o = colorize("bg_darkred", o)
+ else:
+ o = "-{%s}" % o
+ output += o
- if tag in ('insert', 'replace'):
- o = s.b[j0:j1]
- if style == 'color-inline':
- o = colorize('bg_darkgreen', o)
- else:
- o = '+{%s}' % o
- output += o
+ if tag in ("insert", "replace"):
+ o = s.b[j0:j1]
+ if style == "color-inline":
+ o = colorize("bg_darkgreen", o)
+ else:
+ o = "+{%s}" % o
+ output += o
- return output
+ return output
- sold = str(' '.join(old_keywords))
- snew = str(' '.join(new_keywords))
- s = difflib.SequenceMatcher(str.isspace, sold, snew, autojunk=False)
- return show_diff(s)
+ sold = str(" ".join(old_keywords))
+ snew = str(" ".join(new_keywords))
+ s = difflib.SequenceMatcher(str.isspace, sold, snew, autojunk=False)
+ return show_diff(s)
def process_keywords(keywords, ops, arch_status=None):
- """Process |ops| for |keywords|"""
- new_keywords = set(keywords).copy()
- # Process each op one at a time.
- for op, oarch, refarch in ops:
- # Figure out which keywords we need to modify.
- if oarch == 'all':
- if arch_status is None:
- raise ValueError('unable to process "all" w/out profiles.desc')
- old_arches = set([keyword_to_arch(a) for a in new_keywords])
- if op is None:
- # Process just stable keywords.
- arches = [k for k, v in arch_status.items()
- if v[1] == 'arch' and k in old_arches]
- else:
- # Process all possible keywords. We use the arch_status as a
- # master list. If it lacks some keywords, then we might miss
- # somethings here, but not much we can do.
- arches = list(old_arches)
- # We ignore the glob arch as we never want to tweak it.
- if '*' in arches:
- arches.remove('*')
- # For keywords that are explicitly disabled, do not update. When
- # people use `ekeyword ~all ...` or `ekeyword all ...`, they rarely
- # (if ever) want to change a '-sparc' to 'sparc' or '-sparc' to
- # '~sparc'. We force people to explicitly do `ekeyword sparc ...`
- # in these cases.
- arches = [x for x in arches if '-' + x not in new_keywords]
- else:
- arches = [oarch]
- if refarch:
- # Figure out the state for this arch based on the reference arch.
- # TODO: Add support for "all" keywords.
- # XXX: Should this ignore the '-' state ? Does it make sense to
- # sync e.g. "s390" to "-ppc" ?
- refkeyword = [x for x in new_keywords if refarch == keyword_to_arch(x)]
- if not refkeyword:
- op = '^'
- elif refkeyword[0].startswith('~'):
- op = '~'
- elif refkeyword[0].startswith('-'):
- op = '-'
- else:
- op = None
- # Finally do the actual update of the keywords list.
- for arch in arches:
- new_keywords -= set(['%s%s' % (x, arch) for x in ('', '~', '-')])
- if op is None:
- new_keywords.add(arch)
- elif op in ('~', '-'):
- new_keywords.add('%s%s' % (op, arch))
- elif op == '^':
- # Already deleted. Whee.
- pass
- else:
- raise ValueError('unknown operation %s' % op)
- return new_keywords
-def process_content(ebuild, data, ops, arch_status=None, verbose=0,
- quiet=0, style='color-inline'):
- """Process |ops| for |data|"""
- # Set up the user display style based on verbose/quiet settings.
- if verbose > 1:
- disp_name = ebuild
- def logit(msg):
- print('%s: %s' % (disp_name, msg))
- elif quiet > 1:
- def logit(_msg):
- pass
- else:
- # Chop the full path and the .ebuild suffix.
- disp_name = os.path.basename(ebuild)[:-7]
- def logit(msg):
- print('%s: %s' % (disp_name, msg))
- # Match any KEYWORDS= entry that isn't commented out.
- keywords_re = re.compile(r'^([^#]*\bKEYWORDS=)([\'"])(.*)(\2)(.*)')
- updated = False
- content = []
- # Walk each line of the ebuild looking for KEYWORDS to process.
- for line in data:
- m = keywords_re.match(line)
- if not m:
- content.append(line)
- continue
- # Ok, we've got it, now let's process things.
- old_keywords_original = m.group(3).split() # preserve original order
- old_keywords = set(old_keywords_original)
- new_keywords = process_keywords(
- old_keywords, ops, arch_status=arch_status)
- were_sorted_already = (
- old_keywords_original == sort_keywords(old_keywords_original))
- # Finally let's present the results to the user.
- if (new_keywords != old_keywords) or \
- (not ops and not were_sorted_already) or verbose:
- # Only do the diff work if something actually changed.
- updated = True
- if not ops:
- # We're sorting only so we want to compare with the
- # unsorted original (or changes in order will not show)
- old_keywords = old_keywords_original
- else:
- # We changed keywords so let's diff sorted versions
- # so that keywords changes are easy to spot
- old_keywords = sort_keywords(old_keywords)
- new_keywords = sort_keywords(new_keywords)
- line = '%s"%s"%s\n' % (m.group(1), ' '.join(new_keywords),
- m.group(5))
- if style in ('color-inline', 'inline'):
- logit(diff_keywords(old_keywords, new_keywords, style=style))
- else:
- if style == 'long-multi':
- logit(' '.join(['%*s' % (len(keyword_to_arch(x)) + 1, x)
- for x in old_keywords]))
- logit(' '.join(['%*s' % (len(keyword_to_arch(x)) + 1, x)
- for x in new_keywords]))
- else:
- deleted_keywords = [x for x in old_keywords
- if x not in new_keywords]
- logit('--- %s' % ' '.join(deleted_keywords))
- added_keywords = [x for x in new_keywords
- if x not in old_keywords]
- logit('+++ %s' % ' '.join(added_keywords))
- content.append(line)
- if not updated:
- logit('no updates')
- return updated, content
-def process_ebuild(ebuild, ops, arch_status=None, verbose=0, quiet=0,
- dry_run=False, style='color-inline', manifest=False):
- """Process |ops| for |ebuild|
- Args:
- ebuild: The ebuild file to operate on & update in place
- ops: An iterable of operations (Op objects) to perform on |ebuild|
- arch_status: A dict mapping default arches to their stability; see the
- load_profile_data function for more details
- verbose: Be verbose; show various status messages
- quiet: Be quiet; only show errors
- dry_run: Do not make any changes to |ebuild|; show what would be done
- style: The diff style
- Returns:
- Whether any updates were processed
- """
- with io.open(ebuild, encoding='utf8') as f:
- updated, content = process_content(
- ebuild, f, ops, arch_status=arch_status,
- verbose=verbose, quiet=quiet, style=style)
- if updated and not dry_run:
- with io.open(ebuild, 'w', encoding='utf8') as f:
- f.writelines(content)
- if manifest:
- subprocess.check_call(['ebuild', ebuild, 'manifest'])
- return updated
+ """Process |ops| for |keywords|"""
+ new_keywords = set(keywords).copy()
+ # Process each op one at a time.
+ for op, oarch, refarch in ops:
+ # Figure out which keywords we need to modify.
+ if oarch == "all":
+ if arch_status is None:
+ raise ValueError('unable to process "all" w/out profiles.desc')
+ old_arches = {keyword_to_arch(a) for a in new_keywords}
+ if op is None:
+ # Process just stable keywords.
+ arches = [
+ k
+ for k, v in arch_status.items()
+ if v[1] == "arch" and k in old_arches
+ ]
+ else:
+ # Process all possible keywords. We use the arch_status as a
+ # master list. If it lacks some keywords, then we might miss
+ # somethings here, but not much we can do.
+ arches = list(old_arches)
+ # We ignore the glob arch as we never want to tweak it.
+ if "*" in arches:
+ arches.remove("*")
+ # For keywords that are explicitly disabled, do not update. When
+ # people use `ekeyword ~all ...` or `ekeyword all ...`, they rarely
+ # (if ever) want to change a '-sparc' to 'sparc' or '-sparc' to
+ # '~sparc'. We force people to explicitly do `ekeyword sparc ...`
+ # in these cases.
+ arches = [x for x in arches if "-" + x not in new_keywords]
+ else:
+ arches = [oarch]
+ if refarch:
+ # Figure out the state for this arch based on the reference arch.
+ # TODO: Add support for "all" keywords.
+ # XXX: Should this ignore the '-' state ? Does it make sense to
+ # sync e.g. "s390" to "-ppc" ?
+ refkeyword = [x for x in new_keywords if refarch == keyword_to_arch(x)]
+ if not refkeyword:
+ op = "^"
+ elif refkeyword[0].startswith("~"):
+ op = "~"
+ elif refkeyword[0].startswith("-"):
+ op = "-"
+ else:
+ op = None
+ # Finally do the actual update of the keywords list.
+ for arch in arches:
+ new_keywords -= {f"{x}{arch}" for x in ("", "~", "-")}
+ if op is None:
+ new_keywords.add(arch)
+ elif op in ("~", "-"):
+ new_keywords.add(f"{op}{arch}")
+ elif op == "^":
+ # Already deleted. Whee.
+ pass
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("unknown operation %s" % op)
+ return new_keywords
+def process_content(
+ ebuild, data, ops, arch_status=None, verbose=0, quiet=0, style="color-inline"
+ """Process |ops| for |data|"""
+ # Set up the user display style based on verbose/quiet settings.
+ if verbose > 1:
+ disp_name = ebuild
+ def logit(msg):
+ print(f"{disp_name}: {msg}")
+ elif quiet > 1:
+ def logit(_msg):
+ pass
+ else:
+ # Chop the full path and the .ebuild suffix.
+ disp_name, _, _ = os.path.basename(ebuild).partition(".ebuild")
+ def logit(msg):
+ print(f"{disp_name}: {msg}")
+ # Match any KEYWORDS= entry that isn't commented out.
+ keywords_re = re.compile(r'^([^#]*\bKEYWORDS=)([\'"])(.*)(\2)(.*)')
+ updated = False
+ content = []
+ # Walk each line of the ebuild looking for KEYWORDS to process.
+ for line in data:
+ m = keywords_re.match(line)
+ if not m:
+ content.append(line)
+ continue
+ # Ok, we've got it, now let's process things.
+ old_keywords_original = m.group(3).split() # preserve original order
+ old_keywords = set(old_keywords_original)
+ new_keywords = process_keywords(old_keywords, ops, arch_status=arch_status)
+ were_sorted_already = old_keywords_original == sort_keywords(
+ old_keywords_original
+ )
+ # Finally let's present the results to the user.
+ if (
+ (new_keywords != old_keywords)
+ or (not ops and not were_sorted_already)
+ or verbose
+ ):
+ # Only do the diff work if something actually changed.
+ updated = True
+ if not ops:
+ # We're sorting only so we want to compare with the
+ # unsorted original (or changes in order will not show)
+ old_keywords = old_keywords_original
+ else:
+ # We changed keywords so let's diff sorted versions
+ # so that keywords changes are easy to spot
+ old_keywords = sort_keywords(old_keywords)
+ new_keywords = sort_keywords(new_keywords)
+ line = '{}"{}"{}\n'.format(m.group(1), " ".join(new_keywords), m.group(5))
+ if style in ("color-inline", "inline"):
+ logit(diff_keywords(old_keywords, new_keywords, style=style))
+ else:
+ if style == "long-multi":
+ logit(
+ " ".join(
+ [
+ "%*s" % (len(keyword_to_arch(x)) + 1, x)
+ for x in old_keywords
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ logit(
+ " ".join(
+ [
+ "%*s" % (len(keyword_to_arch(x)) + 1, x)
+ for x in new_keywords
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ else:
+ deleted_keywords = [
+ x for x in old_keywords if x not in new_keywords
+ ]
+ logit("--- %s" % " ".join(deleted_keywords))
+ added_keywords = [x for x in new_keywords if x not in old_keywords]
+ logit("+++ %s" % " ".join(added_keywords))
+ content.append(line)
+ if not updated:
+ logit("no updates")
+ return updated, content
+def process_ebuild(
+ ebuild,
+ ops,
+ arch_status=None,
+ verbose=0,
+ quiet=0,
+ dry_run=False,
+ style="color-inline",
+ manifest=False,
+ """Process |ops| for |ebuild|
+ Args:
+ ebuild: The ebuild file to operate on & update in place
+ ops: An iterable of operations (Op objects) to perform on |ebuild|
+ arch_status: A dict mapping default arches to their stability; see the
+ load_profile_data function for more details
+ verbose: Be verbose; show various status messages
+ quiet: Be quiet; only show errors
+ dry_run: Do not make any changes to |ebuild|; show what would be done
+ style: The diff style
+ Returns:
+ Whether any updates were processed
+ """
+ with open(ebuild, encoding="utf8") as f:
+ updated, content = process_content(
+ ebuild,
+ f,
+ ops,
+ arch_status=arch_status,
+ verbose=verbose,
+ quiet=quiet,
+ style=style,
+ )
+ if updated and not dry_run:
+ with open(ebuild, "w", encoding="utf8") as f:
+ f.writelines(content)
+ if manifest:
+ subprocess.check_call(["ebuild", ebuild, "manifest"])
+ return updated
def portage_settings():
- """Return the portage settings we care about."""
- # Portage creates the db member on the fly which confuses the linter.
- return portage.db[portage.root]['vartree'].settings
+ """Return the portage settings we care about."""
+ # Portage creates the db member on the fly which confuses the linter.
+ return portage.db[portage.root]["vartree"].settings
def arg_to_op(arg):
- """Convert a command line |arg| to an Op"""
- arch_prefixes = ('-', '~', '^')
+ """Convert a command line |arg| to an Op"""
+ arch_prefixes = ("-", "~", "^")
- op = None
- arch = arg
- refarch = None
+ op = None
+ arch = arg
+ refarch = None
- if arg and arg[0] in arch_prefixes:
- op, arch = arg[0], arg[1:]
+ if arg and arg[0] in arch_prefixes:
+ op, arch = arg[0], arg[1:]
- if '=' in arch:
- if not op is None:
- raise ValueError('Cannot use an op and a refarch')
- arch, refarch = arch.split('=', 1)
+ if "=" in arch:
+ if not op is None:
+ raise ValueError("Cannot use an op and a refarch")
+ arch, refarch = arch.split("=", 1)
- return Op(op, arch, refarch)
+ return Op(op, arch, refarch)
def ignorable_arg(arg, quiet=0):
- """Whether it's ok to ignore this argument"""
- if os.path.isdir(arg):
- if not quiet:
- warning('ignoring directory %s' % arg)
- return True
- 'Manifest',
- 'metadata.xml',
- )
- base = os.path.basename(arg)
- if (base.startswith('ChangeLog') or
- base in WHITELIST or
- base.startswith('.') or
- base.endswith('~')):
- if not quiet:
- warning('ignoring file: %s' % arg)
- return True
- return False
+ """Whether it's ok to ignore this argument"""
+ if os.path.isdir(arg):
+ if not quiet:
+ warning("ignoring directory %s" % arg)
+ return True
+ "Manifest",
+ "metadata.xml",
+ )
+ base = os.path.basename(arg)
+ if base in WHITELIST or base.startswith(".") or base.endswith("~"):
+ if not quiet:
+ warning("ignoring file: %s" % arg)
+ return True
+ return False
def args_to_work(args, arch_status=None, _repo=None, quiet=0):
- """Process |args| into a list of work itmes (ebuild/arches to update)"""
- work = []
- todo_arches = []
- last_todo_arches = []
- for arg in args:
- if arg.endswith('.ebuild'):
- if not todo_arches:
- todo_arches = last_todo_arches
- work.append([arg, todo_arches])
- last_todo_arches = todo_arches
- todo_arches = []
- else:
- op = arg_to_op(arg)
- if not arch_status or op.arch in arch_status:
- todo_arches.append(op)
- elif not ignorable_arg(arg, quiet=quiet):
- raise ValueError('unknown arch/argument: %s' % arg)
- if todo_arches:
- raise ValueError('missing ebuilds to process!')
- return work
+ """Process |args| into a list of work itmes (ebuild/arches to update)"""
+ work = []
+ todo_arches = []
+ last_todo_arches = []
+ for arg in args:
+ if ignorable_arg(arg, quiet=quiet):
+ pass
+ elif os.path.isfile(arg):
+ if not todo_arches:
+ todo_arches = last_todo_arches
+ work.append([arg, todo_arches])
+ last_todo_arches = todo_arches
+ todo_arches = []
+ else:
+ op = arg_to_op(arg)
+ if not arch_status or op.arch in arch_status:
+ todo_arches.append(op)
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("unknown arch/argument: %s" % arg)
+ if todo_arches:
+ raise ValueError("missing ebuilds to process!")
+ return work
def get_parser():
- """Return an argument parser for ekeyword"""
- parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
- description=__doc__,
- formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter)
- parser.add_argument('-m', '--manifest', default=False, action='store_true',
- help='Run `ebuild manifest` on the ebuild after modifying it')
- parser.add_argument('-n', '--dry-run', default=False, action='store_true',
- help='Show what would be changed, but do not commit')
- parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='count', default=0,
- help='Be verbose while processing things')
- parser.add_argument('-q', '--quiet', action='count', default=0,
- help='Be quiet while processing things (only show errors)')
- parser.add_argument('--format', default='auto', dest='style',
- choices=('auto', 'color-inline', 'inline', 'short-multi', 'long-multi'),
- help='Selet output format for showing differences')
- parser.add_argument('-V', '--version', action='version', version=__version__,
- help='Show version information')
- return parser
+ """Return an argument parser for ekeyword"""
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
+ description=__doc__, formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "-m",
+ "--manifest",
+ default=False,
+ action="store_true",
+ help="Run `ebuild manifest` on the ebuild after modifying it",
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "-n",
+ "--dry-run",
+ default=False,
+ action="store_true",
+ help="Show what would be changed, but do not commit",
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "-v",
+ "--verbose",
+ action="count",
+ default=0,
+ help="Be verbose while processing things",
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "-q",
+ "--quiet",
+ action="count",
+ default=0,
+ help="Be quiet while processing things (only show errors)",
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "--format",
+ default="auto",
+ dest="style",
+ choices=("auto", "color-inline", "inline", "short-multi", "long-multi"),
+ help="Select output format for showing differences",
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "-V",
+ "--version",
+ action="version",
+ version=__version__,
+ help="Show version information",
+ )
+ return parser
def main(argv):
- if argv is None:
- argv = sys.argv[1:]
- # Extract the args ourselves. This is to allow things like -hppa
- # without tripping over the -h/--help flags. We can't use the
- # parse_known_args function either.
- # This sucks and really wish we didn't need to do this ...
- parse_args = []
- work_args = []
- while argv:
- arg = argv.pop(0)
- if arg.startswith('--'):
- if arg == '--':
- work_args += argv
- break
- else:
- parse_args.append(arg)
- # Handle flags that take arguments.
- if arg in ('--format',):
- if argv:
- parse_args.append(argv.pop(0))
- elif len(arg) == 2 and arg[0] == '-':
- parse_args.append(arg)
- else:
- work_args.append(arg)
- parser = get_parser()
- opts = parser.parse_args(parse_args)
- if not work_args:
- parser.error('need ebuilds to process')
- if opts.style == 'auto':
- if not portage_settings().get('NOCOLOR', 'false').lower() in ('no', 'false'):
- nocolor()
- opts.style = 'short'
- else:
- opts.style = 'color-inline'
- arch_status = load_profile_data()
- try:
- work = args_to_work(work_args, arch_status=arch_status, quiet=opts.quiet)
- except ValueError as e:
- parser.error(e)
- for ebuild, ops in work:
- process_ebuild(ebuild, ops, arch_status=arch_status,
- verbose=opts.verbose, quiet=opts.quiet,
- dry_run=opts.dry_run, style=opts.style,
- manifest=opts.manifest)
- return os.EX_OK
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- sys.exit(main(sys.argv[1:]))
+ if argv is None:
+ argv = sys.argv[1:]
+ # Extract the args ourselves. This is to allow things like -hppa
+ # without tripping over the -h/--help flags. We can't use the
+ # parse_known_args function either.
+ # This sucks and really wish we didn't need to do this ...
+ parse_args = []
+ work_args = []
+ while argv:
+ arg = argv.pop(0)
+ if arg.startswith("--"):
+ if arg == "--":
+ work_args += argv
+ break
+ else:
+ parse_args.append(arg)
+ # Handle flags that take arguments.
+ if arg in ("--format",):
+ if argv:
+ parse_args.append(argv.pop(0))
+ elif len(arg) == 2 and arg[0] == "-":
+ parse_args.append(arg)
+ else:
+ work_args.append(arg)
+ parser = get_parser()
+ opts = parser.parse_args(parse_args)
+ if not work_args:
+ parser.error("need ebuilds to process")
+ if opts.style == "auto":
+ if not (
+ portage_settings().get("NO_COLOR")
+ or portage_settings().get("NOCOLOR", "false").lower() in ("no", "false")
+ ):
+ nocolor()
+ opts.style = "short"
+ else:
+ opts.style = "color-inline"
+ arch_status = load_profile_data()
+ try:
+ work = args_to_work(work_args, arch_status=arch_status, quiet=opts.quiet)
+ except ValueError as e:
+ parser.error(e)
+ for ebuild, ops in work:
+ process_ebuild(
+ ebuild,
+ ops,
+ arch_status=arch_status,
+ verbose=opts.verbose,
+ quiet=opts.quiet,
+ dry_run=opts.dry_run,
+ style=opts.style,
+ manifest=opts.manifest,
+ )
+ return os.EX_OK
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ sys.exit(main(sys.argv[1:]))
diff --git a/pym/gentoolkit/ekeyword/meson.build b/pym/gentoolkit/ekeyword/meson.build
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f4f86f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pym/gentoolkit/ekeyword/meson.build
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+ekeyword_py = configure_file(
+ input : 'ekeyword.py',
+ output : 'ekeyword.py',
+ configuration : conf_data
+ [
+ '__init__.py',
+ ekeyword_py,
+ 'test_ekeyword.py',
+ ],
+ subdir : 'gentoolkit/ekeyword'
+ [
+ 'Makefile',
+ 'pytest.ini',
+ ],
+ install_dir : py.get_install_dir() / 'gentoolkit' / 'ekeyword'
diff --git a/pym/gentoolkit/ekeyword/test_ekeyword.py b/pym/gentoolkit/ekeyword/test_ekeyword.py
index 0763783..3495aff 100755
--- a/pym/gentoolkit/ekeyword/test_ekeyword.py
+++ b/pym/gentoolkit/ekeyword/test_ekeyword.py
@@ -15,368 +15,368 @@ from unittest import mock
from gentoolkit.ekeyword import ekeyword
-TESTDIR = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'tests')
+TESTDIR = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "tests")
class TestSortKeywords(unittest.TestCase):
- """Tests for sort_keywords"""
+ """Tests for sort_keywords"""
- def _test(self, input_data, exp_data):
- """Sort |input_data| and make sure it matches |exp_data|"""
- output_data = ekeyword.sort_keywords(input_data.split())
- self.assertEqual(exp_data.split(), output_data)
+ def _test(self, input_data, exp_data):
+ """Sort |input_data| and make sure it matches |exp_data|"""
+ output_data = ekeyword.sort_keywords(input_data.split())
+ self.assertEqual(exp_data.split(), output_data)
- def testNull(self):
- """Verify whitespace is collapsed"""
- self._test('', '')
- self._test(' ', '')
+ def testNull(self):
+ """Verify whitespace is collapsed"""
+ self._test("", "")
+ self._test(" ", "")
- def testGlob(self):
- """Verify globs get sorted before all others"""
- self._test('* arm', '* arm')
- self._test('arm -* x86', '-* arm x86')
- self._test('hppa ~* amd64', '~* amd64 hppa')
+ def testGlob(self):
+ """Verify globs get sorted before all others"""
+ self._test("* arm", "* arm")
+ self._test("arm -* x86", "-* arm x86")
+ self._test("hppa ~* amd64", "~* amd64 hppa")
- def testMixedPlatform(self):
- """Verify core arches get sorted before all w/suffix"""
- self._test('arm-linux alpha amd64-fbsd hppa',
- 'alpha hppa amd64-fbsd arm-linux')
+ def testMixedPlatform(self):
+ """Verify core arches get sorted before all w/suffix"""
+ self._test("arm-linux alpha amd64-fbsd hppa", "alpha hppa amd64-fbsd arm-linux")
- def testPrefixes(self):
- """Verify -/~ and such get ignored for sorting"""
- self._test('-hppa arm ~alpha -* ~arm-linux',
- '-* ~alpha arm -hppa ~arm-linux')
+ def testPrefixes(self):
+ """Verify -/~ and such get ignored for sorting"""
+ self._test("-hppa arm ~alpha -* ~arm-linux", "-* ~alpha arm -hppa ~arm-linux")
- def testPlatform(self):
- """Verify we sort based on platform first"""
- self._test('x86-linux ppc-macos x86-fbsd amd64-linux amd64-fbsd',
- 'amd64-fbsd x86-fbsd amd64-linux x86-linux ppc-macos')
+ def testPlatform(self):
+ """Verify we sort based on platform first"""
+ self._test(
+ "x86-linux ppc-macos x86-fbsd amd64-linux amd64-fbsd",
+ "amd64-fbsd x86-fbsd amd64-linux x86-linux ppc-macos",
+ )
class TestDiffKeywords(unittest.TestCase):
- """Tests for diff_keywords"""
+ """Tests for diff_keywords"""
- def testEmpty(self):
- """Test when there is no content to diff"""
- ret = ekeyword.diff_keywords([], [])
- self.assertEqual(ret, '')
+ def testEmpty(self):
+ """Test when there is no content to diff"""
+ ret = ekeyword.diff_keywords([], [])
+ self.assertEqual(ret, "")
- def testSame(self):
- """Test when there is no difference"""
- ret = ekeyword.diff_keywords(['a b c'], ['a b c'])
- self.assertEqual(ret, 'a b c')
+ def testSame(self):
+ """Test when there is no difference"""
+ ret = ekeyword.diff_keywords(["a b c"], ["a b c"])
+ self.assertEqual(ret, "a b c")
- def testInsert(self):
- """Test when content is simply added"""
- ret = ekeyword.diff_keywords(['a'], ['~a'])
- self.assertNotEqual(ret, '')
+ def testInsert(self):
+ """Test when content is simply added"""
+ ret = ekeyword.diff_keywords(["a"], ["~a"])
+ self.assertNotEqual(ret, "")
- def testDelete(self):
- """Test when content is simply deleted"""
- ret = ekeyword.diff_keywords(['~a'], ['a'])
- self.assertNotEqual(ret, '')
+ def testDelete(self):
+ """Test when content is simply deleted"""
+ ret = ekeyword.diff_keywords(["~a"], ["a"])
+ self.assertNotEqual(ret, "")
- def testReplace(self):
- """Test when some content replaces another"""
- ret = ekeyword.diff_keywords(['~a'], ['-a'])
- self.assertNotEqual(ret, '')
+ def testReplace(self):
+ """Test when some content replaces another"""
+ ret = ekeyword.diff_keywords(["~a"], ["-a"])
+ self.assertNotEqual(ret, "")
- def _testSmokeStyle(self, style):
- return ekeyword.diff_keywords(
- ['~a', 'b', '-abcde'],
- ['a', '-b', '-abxde'], style=style)
+ def _testSmokeStyle(self, style):
+ return ekeyword.diff_keywords(
+ ["~a", "b", "-abcde"], ["a", "-b", "-abxde"], style=style
+ )
- def testSmokeStyleColor(self):
- """Run a full smoke test for color-inline style"""
- ret = self._testSmokeStyle('color-inline')
- self.assertNotEqual(ret, '')
+ def testSmokeStyleColor(self):
+ """Run a full smoke test for color-inline style"""
+ ret = self._testSmokeStyle("color-inline")
+ self.assertNotEqual(ret, "")
- def testSmokeStyleNoColor(self):
- """Run a full smoke test for non-color-inline style"""
- self._testSmokeStyle('nocolor')
+ def testSmokeStyleNoColor(self):
+ """Run a full smoke test for non-color-inline style"""
+ self._testSmokeStyle("nocolor")
class TestProcessKeywords(unittest.TestCase):
- """Tests for process_keywords"""
- def _test(self, keywords, ops, exp, arch_status=None):
- # This func doesn't return sorted results (which is fine),
- # so do so ourselves to get stable tests.
- ret = ekeyword.process_keywords(
- keywords.split(), ops, arch_status=arch_status)
- self.assertEqual(sorted(ret), sorted(exp.split()))
- def testAdd(self):
- ops = (
- ekeyword.Op(None, 'arm', None),
- ekeyword.Op('~', 's390', None),
- ekeyword.Op('-', 'sh', None),
- )
- self._test('moo', ops, 'arm ~s390 -sh moo')
- def testModify(self):
- ops = (
- ekeyword.Op(None, 'arm', None),
- ekeyword.Op('~', 's390', None),
- ekeyword.Op('-', 'sh', None),
- )
- self._test('~arm s390 ~sh moo', ops, 'arm ~s390 -sh moo')
- def testDelete(self):
- ops = (
- ekeyword.Op('^', 'arm', None),
- ekeyword.Op('^', 's390', None),
- ekeyword.Op('^', 'x86', None),
- )
- self._test('arm -s390 ~x86 bar', ops, 'bar')
- def testSync(self):
- ops = (
- ekeyword.Op('=', 'arm64', 'arm'),
- ekeyword.Op('=', 'ppc64', 'ppc'),
- ekeyword.Op('=', 'amd64', 'x86'),
- ekeyword.Op('=', 'm68k', 'mips'),
- ekeyword.Op('=', 'ia64', 'alpha'),
- ekeyword.Op('=', 'sh', 'sparc'),
- ekeyword.Op('=', 's390', 's390x'),
- ekeyword.Op('=', 'boo', 'moo'),
- )
- self._test(
- 'arm64 arm '
- '~ppc64 ~ppc '
- '~amd64 x86 '
- 'm68k ~mips '
- '-ia64 alpha '
- 'sh -sparc '
- 's390 '
- 'moo ',
- ops,
- 'arm64 arm ~ppc64 ~ppc amd64 x86 ~m68k ~mips ia64 alpha '
- '-sh -sparc boo moo')
- def testAllNoStatus(self):
- ops = (
- ekeyword.Op(None, 'all', None),
- )
- self.assertRaises(ValueError, self._test, '', ops, '')
- def testAllStable(self):
- ops = (
- ekeyword.Op(None, 'all', None),
- )
- arch_status = {
- 'alpha': ('stable', '~arch'),
- 'arm': ('stable', 'arch'),
- 'm68k': ('exp', '~arch'),
- 's390': ('exp', 'arch'),
- }
- self._test('* ~alpha ~arm ~m68k ~mips ~s390 ~arm-linux', ops,
- '* ~alpha arm ~m68k ~mips s390 ~arm-linux', arch_status)
- def testAllUnstable(self):
- ops = (
- ekeyword.Op('~', 'all', None),
- )
- arch_status = {
- 'alpha': ('stable', '~arch'),
- 'arm': ('stable', 'arch'),
- 'm68k': ('exp', '~arch'),
- 's390': ('exp', 'arch'),
- }
- self._test('-* ~* * alpha arm m68k s390 arm-linux', ops,
- '-* ~* * ~alpha ~arm ~m68k ~s390 ~arm-linux', arch_status)
- def testAllMultiUnstableStable(self):
- ops = (
- ekeyword.Op('~', 'all', None),
- ekeyword.Op(None, 'all', None),
- )
- arch_status = {
- 'alpha': ('stable', '~arch'),
- 'arm': ('stable', 'arch'),
- 'm68k': ('exp', '~arch'),
- 's390': ('exp', 'arch'),
- }
- self._test('-* ~* * alpha arm m68k s390', ops,
- '-* ~* * ~alpha arm ~m68k s390', arch_status)
- def testAllDisabled(self):
- """Make sure ~all does not change -arch to ~arch"""
- ops = (
- ekeyword.Op('~', 'all', None),
- )
- self._test('alpha -sparc ~x86', ops,
- '~alpha -sparc ~x86', {})
+ """Tests for process_keywords"""
+ def _test(self, keywords, ops, exp, arch_status=None):
+ # This func doesn't return sorted results (which is fine),
+ # so do so ourselves to get stable tests.
+ ret = ekeyword.process_keywords(keywords.split(), ops, arch_status=arch_status)
+ self.assertEqual(sorted(ret), sorted(exp.split()))
+ def testAdd(self):
+ ops = (
+ ekeyword.Op(None, "arm", None),
+ ekeyword.Op("~", "s390", None),
+ ekeyword.Op("-", "sh", None),
+ )
+ self._test("moo", ops, "arm ~s390 -sh moo")
+ def testModify(self):
+ ops = (
+ ekeyword.Op(None, "arm", None),
+ ekeyword.Op("~", "s390", None),
+ ekeyword.Op("-", "sh", None),
+ )
+ self._test("~arm s390 ~sh moo", ops, "arm ~s390 -sh moo")
+ def testDelete(self):
+ ops = (
+ ekeyword.Op("^", "arm", None),
+ ekeyword.Op("^", "s390", None),
+ ekeyword.Op("^", "x86", None),
+ )
+ self._test("arm -s390 ~x86 bar", ops, "bar")
+ def testSync(self):
+ ops = (
+ ekeyword.Op("=", "arm64", "arm"),
+ ekeyword.Op("=", "ppc64", "ppc"),
+ ekeyword.Op("=", "amd64", "x86"),
+ ekeyword.Op("=", "m68k", "mips"),
+ ekeyword.Op("=", "ia64", "alpha"),
+ ekeyword.Op("=", "sh", "sparc"),
+ ekeyword.Op("=", "s390", "s390x"),
+ ekeyword.Op("=", "boo", "moo"),
+ )
+ self._test(
+ "arm64 arm "
+ "~ppc64 ~ppc "
+ "~amd64 x86 "
+ "m68k ~mips "
+ "-ia64 alpha "
+ "sh -sparc "
+ "s390 "
+ "moo ",
+ ops,
+ "arm64 arm ~ppc64 ~ppc amd64 x86 ~m68k ~mips ia64 alpha "
+ "-sh -sparc boo moo",
+ )
+ def testAllNoStatus(self):
+ ops = (ekeyword.Op(None, "all", None),)
+ self.assertRaises(ValueError, self._test, "", ops, "")
+ def testAllStable(self):
+ ops = (ekeyword.Op(None, "all", None),)
+ arch_status = {
+ "alpha": ("stable", "~arch"),
+ "arm": ("stable", "arch"),
+ "m68k": ("exp", "~arch"),
+ "s390": ("exp", "arch"),
+ }
+ self._test(
+ "* ~alpha ~arm ~m68k ~mips ~s390 ~arm-linux",
+ ops,
+ "* ~alpha arm ~m68k ~mips s390 ~arm-linux",
+ arch_status,
+ )
+ def testAllUnstable(self):
+ ops = (ekeyword.Op("~", "all", None),)
+ arch_status = {
+ "alpha": ("stable", "~arch"),
+ "arm": ("stable", "arch"),
+ "m68k": ("exp", "~arch"),
+ "s390": ("exp", "arch"),
+ }
+ self._test(
+ "-* ~* * alpha arm m68k s390 arm-linux",
+ ops,
+ "-* ~* * ~alpha ~arm ~m68k ~s390 ~arm-linux",
+ arch_status,
+ )
+ def testAllMultiUnstableStable(self):
+ ops = (
+ ekeyword.Op("~", "all", None),
+ ekeyword.Op(None, "all", None),
+ )
+ arch_status = {
+ "alpha": ("stable", "~arch"),
+ "arm": ("stable", "arch"),
+ "m68k": ("exp", "~arch"),
+ "s390": ("exp", "arch"),
+ }
+ self._test(
+ "-* ~* * alpha arm m68k s390",
+ ops,
+ "-* ~* * ~alpha arm ~m68k s390",
+ arch_status,
+ )
+ def testAllDisabled(self):
+ """Make sure ~all does not change -arch to ~arch"""
+ ops = (ekeyword.Op("~", "all", None),)
+ self._test("alpha -sparc ~x86", ops, "~alpha -sparc ~x86", {})
class TestProcessContent(unittest.TestCase):
- """Tests for process_content"""
- def _testKeywords(self, line):
- ops = (
- ekeyword.Op(None, 'arm', None),
- ekeyword.Op('~', 'sparc', None),
- )
- return ekeyword.process_content(
- 'file', ['%s\n' % line], ops, quiet=True)
- def testKeywords(self):
- """Basic KEYWORDS mod"""
- updated, ret = self._testKeywords('KEYWORDS=""')
- self.assertTrue(updated)
- self.assertEqual(ret, ['KEYWORDS="arm ~sparc"\n'])
- def testKeywordsIndented(self):
- """Test KEYWORDS indented by space"""
- updated, ret = self._testKeywords(' KEYWORDS=""')
- self.assertTrue(updated)
- self.assertEqual(ret, [' KEYWORDS="arm ~sparc"\n'])
- def testKeywordsSingleQuote(self):
- """Test single quoted KEYWORDS"""
- updated, ret = self._testKeywords("KEYWORDS=' '")
- self.assertTrue(updated)
- self.assertEqual(ret, ['KEYWORDS="arm ~sparc"\n'])
- def testKeywordsComment(self):
- """Test commented out KEYWORDS"""
- updated, ret = self._testKeywords('# KEYWORDS=""')
- self.assertFalse(updated)
- self.assertEqual(ret, ['# KEYWORDS=""\n'])
- def testKeywordsCode(self):
- """Test code leading KEYWORDS"""
- updated, ret = self._testKeywords('[[ ${PV} ]] && KEYWORDS=""')
- self.assertTrue(updated)
- self.assertEqual(ret, ['[[ ${PV} ]] && KEYWORDS="arm ~sparc"\n'])
- def testKeywordsEmpty(self):
- """Test KEYWORDS not set at all"""
- updated, ret = self._testKeywords(' KEYWORDS=')
- self.assertFalse(updated)
- self.assertEqual(ret, [' KEYWORDS=\n'])
- def _testSmoke(self, style='color-inline', verbose=0, quiet=0):
- ops = (
- ekeyword.Op(None, 'arm', None),
- ekeyword.Op('~', 'sparc', None),
- )
- ekeyword.process_content(
- 'asdf', ['KEYWORDS="arm"'], ops, verbose=verbose,
- quiet=quiet, style=style)
- def testSmokeQuiet(self):
- """Smoke test for quiet mode"""
- self._testSmoke(quiet=10)
- def testSmokeVerbose(self):
- """Smoke test for verbose mode"""
- self._testSmoke(verbose=10)
- def testSmokeStyleColor(self):
- """Smoke test for color-inline style"""
- self._testSmoke('color-inline')
- def testSmokeStyleInline(self):
- """Smoke test for inline style"""
- self._testSmoke('inline')
- def testSmokeStyleShortMulti(self):
- """Smoke test for short-multi style"""
- self._testSmoke('short-multi')
- def testSmokeStyleLongMulti(self):
- """Smoke test for long-multi style"""
- self._testSmoke('long-multi')
+ """Tests for process_content"""
+ def _testKeywords(self, line):
+ ops = (
+ ekeyword.Op(None, "arm", None),
+ ekeyword.Op("~", "sparc", None),
+ )
+ return ekeyword.process_content("file", ["%s\n" % line], ops, quiet=True)
+ def testKeywords(self):
+ """Basic KEYWORDS mod"""
+ updated, ret = self._testKeywords('KEYWORDS=""')
+ self.assertTrue(updated)
+ self.assertEqual(ret, ['KEYWORDS="arm ~sparc"\n'])
+ def testKeywordsIndented(self):
+ """Test KEYWORDS indented by space"""
+ updated, ret = self._testKeywords(' KEYWORDS=""')
+ self.assertTrue(updated)
+ self.assertEqual(ret, [' KEYWORDS="arm ~sparc"\n'])
+ def testKeywordsSingleQuote(self):
+ """Test single quoted KEYWORDS"""
+ updated, ret = self._testKeywords("KEYWORDS=' '")
+ self.assertTrue(updated)
+ self.assertEqual(ret, ['KEYWORDS="arm ~sparc"\n'])
+ def testKeywordsComment(self):
+ """Test commented out KEYWORDS"""
+ updated, ret = self._testKeywords('# KEYWORDS=""')
+ self.assertFalse(updated)
+ self.assertEqual(ret, ['# KEYWORDS=""\n'])
+ def testKeywordsCode(self):
+ """Test code leading KEYWORDS"""
+ updated, ret = self._testKeywords('[[ ${PV} ]] && KEYWORDS=""')
+ self.assertTrue(updated)
+ self.assertEqual(ret, ['[[ ${PV} ]] && KEYWORDS="arm ~sparc"\n'])
+ def testKeywordsEmpty(self):
+ """Test KEYWORDS not set at all"""
+ updated, ret = self._testKeywords(" KEYWORDS=")
+ self.assertFalse(updated)
+ self.assertEqual(ret, [" KEYWORDS=\n"])
+ def _testSmoke(self, style="color-inline", verbose=0, quiet=0):
+ ops = (
+ ekeyword.Op(None, "arm", None),
+ ekeyword.Op("~", "sparc", None),
+ )
+ ekeyword.process_content(
+ "asdf", ['KEYWORDS="arm"'], ops, verbose=verbose, quiet=quiet, style=style
+ )
+ def testSmokeQuiet(self):
+ """Smoke test for quiet mode"""
+ self._testSmoke(quiet=10)
+ def testSmokeVerbose(self):
+ """Smoke test for verbose mode"""
+ self._testSmoke(verbose=10)
+ def testSmokeStyleColor(self):
+ """Smoke test for color-inline style"""
+ self._testSmoke("color-inline")
+ def testSmokeStyleInline(self):
+ """Smoke test for inline style"""
+ self._testSmoke("inline")
+ def testSmokeStyleShortMulti(self):
+ """Smoke test for short-multi style"""
+ self._testSmoke("short-multi")
+ def testSmokeStyleLongMulti(self):
+ """Smoke test for long-multi style"""
+ self._testSmoke("long-multi")
class TestProcessEbuild(unittest.TestCase):
- """Tests for process_ebuild
- This is fairly light as most code is in process_content.
- """
- def _process_ebuild(self, *args, **kwargs):
- """Set up a writable copy of an ebuild for process_ebuild()"""
- with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as tmp:
- with open(tmp.name, 'wb') as fw:
- with open(os.path.join(TESTDIR, 'process-1.ebuild'), 'rb') as f:
- orig_content = f.read()
- fw.write(orig_content)
- ekeyword.process_ebuild(tmp.name, *args, **kwargs)
- with open(tmp.name, 'rb') as f:
- return (orig_content, f.read())
- def _testSmoke(self, dry_run):
- ops = (
- ekeyword.Op(None, 'arm', None),
- ekeyword.Op('~', 'sparc', None),
- )
- orig_content, new_content = self._process_ebuild(ops, dry_run=dry_run)
- if dry_run:
- self.assertEqual(orig_content, new_content)
- else:
- self.assertNotEqual(orig_content, new_content)
- def testSmokeNotDry(self):
- self._testSmoke(False)
- def testSmokeDry(self):
- self._testSmoke(True)
- def testManifestUpdated(self):
- """Verify `ebuild ... manifest` runs on updated files"""
- with mock.patch.object(subprocess, 'check_call') as m:
- self._process_ebuild((ekeyword.Op('~', 'arm', None),),
- manifest=True)
- m.assert_called_once_with(['ebuild', mock.ANY, 'manifest'])
- def testManifestNotUpdated(self):
- """Verify we don't run `ebuild ... manifest` on unmodified files"""
- with mock.patch.object(subprocess, 'check_call') as m:
- self._process_ebuild((ekeyword.Op(None, 'arm', None),),
- manifest=True)
- self.assertEqual(m.call_count, 0)
+ """Tests for process_ebuild
+ This is fairly light as most code is in process_content.
+ """
+ def _process_ebuild(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ """Set up a writable copy of an ebuild for process_ebuild()"""
+ with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as tmp:
+ with open(tmp.name, "wb") as fw:
+ with open(os.path.join(TESTDIR, "process-1.ebuild"), "rb") as f:
+ orig_content = f.read()
+ fw.write(orig_content)
+ ekeyword.process_ebuild(tmp.name, *args, **kwargs)
+ with open(tmp.name, "rb") as f:
+ return (orig_content, f.read())
+ def _testSmoke(self, dry_run):
+ ops = (
+ ekeyword.Op(None, "arm", None),
+ ekeyword.Op("~", "sparc", None),
+ )
+ orig_content, new_content = self._process_ebuild(ops, dry_run=dry_run)
+ if dry_run:
+ self.assertEqual(orig_content, new_content)
+ else:
+ self.assertNotEqual(orig_content, new_content)
+ def testSmokeNotDry(self):
+ self._testSmoke(False)
+ def testSmokeDry(self):
+ self._testSmoke(True)
+ def testManifestUpdated(self):
+ """Verify `ebuild ... manifest` runs on updated files"""
+ with mock.patch.object(subprocess, "check_call") as m:
+ self._process_ebuild((ekeyword.Op("~", "arm", None),), manifest=True)
+ m.assert_called_once_with(["ebuild", mock.ANY, "manifest"])
+ def testManifestNotUpdated(self):
+ """Verify we don't run `ebuild ... manifest` on unmodified files"""
+ with mock.patch.object(subprocess, "check_call") as m:
+ self._process_ebuild((ekeyword.Op(None, "arm", None),), manifest=True)
+ self.assertEqual(m.call_count, 0)
class TestArgToOps(unittest.TestCase):
- """Tests for arg_to_op()"""
+ """Tests for arg_to_op()"""
- def _test(self, arg, op):
- self.assertEqual(ekeyword.arg_to_op(arg), ekeyword.Op(*op))
+ def _test(self, arg, op):
+ self.assertEqual(ekeyword.arg_to_op(arg), ekeyword.Op(*op))
- def testStable(self):
- self._test('arm', (None, 'arm', None))
+ def testStable(self):
+ self._test("arm", (None, "arm", None))
- def testUnstable(self):
- self._test('~ppc64', ('~', 'ppc64', None))
+ def testUnstable(self):
+ self._test("~ppc64", ("~", "ppc64", None))
- def testDisabled(self):
- self._test('-sparc', ('-', 'sparc', None))
+ def testDisabled(self):
+ self._test("-sparc", ("-", "sparc", None))
- def testDeleted(self):
- self._test('^x86-fbsd', ('^', 'x86-fbsd', None))
+ def testDeleted(self):
+ self._test("^x86-fbsd", ("^", "x86-fbsd", None))
- def testSync(self):
- self._test('s390=x86', (None, 's390', 'x86'))
+ def testSync(self):
+ self._test("s390=x86", (None, "s390", "x86"))
class TestMain(unittest.TestCase):
- """Tests for the main entry point"""
+ """Tests for the main entry point"""
- def testSmoke(self):
- ekeyword.main(['arm', '--dry-run', os.path.join(TESTDIR, 'process-1.ebuild')])
+ def testSmoke(self):
+ ekeyword.main(["arm", "--dry-run", os.path.join(TESTDIR, "process-1.ebuild")])
- def testVersion(self):
- with self.assertRaises(SystemExit) as e:
- ekeyword.main(['--version', '--dry-run'])
- self.assertEqual(e.exception.code, os.EX_OK)
+ def testVersion(self):
+ with self.assertRaises(SystemExit) as e:
+ ekeyword.main(["--version", "--dry-run"])
+ self.assertEqual(e.exception.code, os.EX_OK)
- def testEmptyString(self):
- with self.assertRaises(SystemExit) as e:
- ekeyword.main(['', os.path.join(TESTDIR, 'process-1.ebuild')])
- self.assertNotEqual(e.exception.code, os.EX_OK)
+ def testEmptyString(self):
+ with self.assertRaises(SystemExit) as e:
+ ekeyword.main(["", os.path.join(TESTDIR, "process-1.ebuild")])
+ self.assertNotEqual(e.exception.code, os.EX_OK)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- unittest.main()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/pym/gentoolkit/ekeyword/tests/meson.build b/pym/gentoolkit/ekeyword/tests/meson.build
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3926731
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pym/gentoolkit/ekeyword/tests/meson.build
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+ [
+ 'process-1.ebuild',
+ 'profiles/arches-desc/profiles/arch.list',
+ 'profiles/arches-desc/profiles/arches.desc',
+ 'profiles/arches-desc/profiles/profiles.desc',
+ 'profiles/both/profiles/arch.list',
+ 'profiles/both/profiles/profiles.desc',
+ ],
+ preserve_path: true,
+ install_dir : py.get_install_dir() / 'gentoolkit' / 'ekeyword' / 'tests'
diff --git a/pym/gentoolkit/enalyze/__init__.py b/pym/gentoolkit/enalyze/__init__.py
index 6a40215..875de2e 100644
--- a/pym/gentoolkit/enalyze/__init__.py
+++ b/pym/gentoolkit/enalyze/__init__.py
@@ -11,23 +11,19 @@
# Move to Imports section after Python 2.6 is stable
-__docformat__ = 'epytext'
-# version is dynamically set by distutils sdist
-__version__ = "git"
+__docformat__ = "epytext"
+# version is dynamically set by meson dist
+__version__ = "@VERSION@"
__productname__ = "enalyze"
-__authors__ = (
- 'Brian Dolbec, <brian.dolbec@gmail.com>'
+__authors__ = "Brian Dolbec, <brian.dolbec@gmail.com>"
# make an exportable copy of the info for help output
- "__docformat__": __docformat__,
- "__doc__": __doc__,
- "__version__": __version__,
- "__productname__": __productname__,
- "__authors__": __authors__
+ "__docformat__": __docformat__,
+ "__doc__": __doc__,
+ "__version__": __version__,
+ "__productname__": __productname__,
+ "__authors__": __authors__,
import errno
@@ -39,86 +35,85 @@ import portage
import gentoolkit as gen
from gentoolkit import errors
from gentoolkit import pprinter as pp
-from gentoolkit.base import (initialize_configuration, split_arguments,
- parse_global_options, print_help)
+from gentoolkit.base import (
+ initialize_configuration,
+ split_arguments,
+ parse_global_options,
+ print_help,
- 'a': 'analyze',
- 'r': 'rebuild'
+NAME_MAP = {"a": "analyze", "r": "rebuild"}
- (" (a)nalyze",
- "analyzes the installed PKG database USE flag or keyword useage"),
- (" (r)ebuild",
- "analyzes the Installed PKG database and generates files suitable"),
- (" ",
- "to replace corrupted or missing /etc/portage/package.* files")
- )
+ (" (a)nalyze", "analyzes the installed PKG database USE flag or keyword useage"),
+ (
+ " (r)ebuild",
+ "analyzes the Installed PKG database and generates files suitable",
+ ),
+ (" ", "to replace corrupted or missing /etc/portage/package.* files"),
def expand_module_name(module_name):
- """Returns one of the values of NAME_MAP or raises KeyError"""
+ """Returns one of the values of NAME_MAP or raises KeyError"""
- if module_name == 'list':
- # list is a Python builtin type, so we must rename our module
- return 'list_'
- elif module_name in NAME_MAP.values():
- return module_name
- else:
- return NAME_MAP[module_name]
+ if module_name == "list":
+ # list is a Python builtin type, so we must rename our module
+ return "list_"
+ elif module_name in NAME_MAP.values():
+ return module_name
+ else:
+ return NAME_MAP[module_name]
def main():
- """Parse input and run the program."""
- short_opts = "hqCNV"
- long_opts = (
- 'help', 'quiet', 'nocolor', 'no-color', 'no-pipe', 'version', 'debug'
- )
- initialize_configuration()
- try:
- global_opts, args = getopt(sys.argv[1:], short_opts, long_opts)
- except GetoptError as err:
- sys.stderr.write(" \n")
- sys.stderr.write(pp.error("Global %s\n" % err))
- print_help(MODULE_INFO, FORMATTED_OPTIONS, with_description=False)
- sys.exit(2)
- # Parse global options
- need_help = parse_global_options(global_opts, args, MODULE_INFO, FORMATTED_OPTIONS)
- if gen.CONFIG['quiet']:
- gen.CONFIG['verbose'] = False
- try:
- module_name, module_args = split_arguments(args)
- except IndexError:
- sys.exit(2)
- if need_help:
- module_args.append('--help')
- try:
- expanded_module_name = expand_module_name(module_name)
- except KeyError:
- sys.stderr.write(pp.error("Unknown module '%s'" % module_name))
- print_help(MODULE_INFO, FORMATTED_OPTIONS, with_description=False)
- sys.exit(2)
- try:
- loaded_module = __import__(
- expanded_module_name, globals(), locals(), [], 1
- )
- loaded_module.main(module_args)
- except portage.exception.AmbiguousPackageName as err:
- raise errors.GentoolkitAmbiguousPackage(err.args[0])
- except IOError as err:
- if err.errno != errno.EPIPE:
- raise
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
+ """Parse input and run the program."""
+ short_opts = "hqCNV"
+ long_opts = ("help", "quiet", "nocolor", "no-color", "no-pipe", "version", "debug")
+ initialize_configuration()
+ try:
+ global_opts, args = getopt(sys.argv[1:], short_opts, long_opts)
+ except GetoptError as err:
+ sys.stderr.write(" \n")
+ sys.stderr.write(pp.error("Global %s\n" % err))
+ print_help(MODULE_INFO, FORMATTED_OPTIONS, with_description=False)
+ sys.exit(2)
+ # Parse global options
+ need_help = parse_global_options(global_opts, args, MODULE_INFO, FORMATTED_OPTIONS)
+ if gen.CONFIG["quiet"]:
+ gen.CONFIG["verbose"] = False
+ try:
+ module_name, module_args = split_arguments(args)
+ except IndexError:
+ sys.exit(2)
+ if need_help:
+ module_args.append("--help")
+ try:
+ expanded_module_name = expand_module_name(module_name)
+ except KeyError:
+ sys.stderr.write(pp.error("Unknown module '%s'" % module_name))
+ print_help(MODULE_INFO, FORMATTED_OPTIONS, with_description=False)
+ sys.exit(2)
+ try:
+ loaded_module = __import__(expanded_module_name, globals(), locals(), [], 1)
+ loaded_module.main(module_args)
+ except portage.exception.AmbiguousPackageName as err:
+ raise errors.GentoolkitAmbiguousPackage(err.args[0])
+ except OSError as err:
+ if err.errno != errno.EPIPE:
+ raise
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main()
diff --git a/pym/gentoolkit/enalyze/analyze.py b/pym/gentoolkit/enalyze/analyze.py
index 30ffa93..c64465d 100644
--- a/pym/gentoolkit/enalyze/analyze.py
+++ b/pym/gentoolkit/enalyze/analyze.py
@@ -21,456 +21,500 @@ import portage
def gather_flags_info(
- cpvs=None,
- system_flags=None,
- include_unset=False,
- target="USE",
- use_portage=False,
- # override-able for testing
- _get_flags=get_flags,
- _get_used=get_installed_use
- ):
- """Analyze the installed pkgs USE flags for frequency of use
- @type cpvs: list
- @param cpvs: optional list of [cat/pkg-ver,...] to analyze or
- defaults to entire installed pkg db
- @type: system_flags: list
- @param system_flags: the current default USE flags as defined
- by portage.settings["USE"].split()
- @type include_unset: bool
- @param include_unset: controls the inclusion of unset USE flags in the report.
- @type target: string
- @param target: the environment variable being analyzed
- one of ["USE", "PKGUSE"]
- @type _get_flags: function
- @param _get_flags: ovride-able for testing,
- defaults to gentoolkit.enalyze.lib.get_flags
- @param _get_used: ovride-able for testing,
- defaults to gentoolkit.enalyze.lib.get_installed_use
- @rtype dict. {flag:{"+":[cat/pkg-ver,...], "-":[cat/pkg-ver,...], "unset":[]}
- """
- if cpvs is None:
- cpvs = portage.db[portage.root]["vartree"].dbapi.cpv_all()
- # pass them in to override for tests
- flags = FlagAnalyzer(system_flags,
- filter_defaults=False,
- target=target,
- _get_flags=_get_flags,
- _get_used=get_installed_use
- )
- flag_users = {}
- for cpv in cpvs:
- if cpv.startswith("virtual"):
- continue
- if use_portage:
- plus, minus, unset = flags.analyse_cpv(cpv)
- else:
- pkg = Package(cpv)
- plus, minus, unset = flags.analyse_pkg(pkg)
- for flag in plus:
- if flag in flag_users:
- flag_users[flag]["+"].append(cpv)
- else:
- flag_users[flag] = {"+": [cpv], "-": []}
- for flag in minus:
- if flag in flag_users:
- flag_users[flag]["-"].append(cpv)
- else:
- flag_users[flag] = {"+":[], "-": [cpv]}
- if include_unset:
- for flag in unset:
- if flag in flag_users:
- if "unset" in flag_users[flag]:
- flag_users[flag]["unset"].append(cpv)
- else:
- flag_users[flag]["unset"] = [cpv]
- else:
- flag_users[flag] = {"+": [], "-": [], "unset": [cpv]}
- return flag_users
+ cpvs=None,
+ system_flags=None,
+ include_unset=False,
+ target="USE",
+ use_portage=False,
+ # override-able for testing
+ _get_flags=get_flags,
+ _get_used=get_installed_use,
+ """Analyze the installed pkgs USE flags for frequency of use
+ @type cpvs: list
+ @param cpvs: optional list of [cat/pkg-ver,...] to analyze or
+ defaults to entire installed pkg db
+ @type: system_flags: list
+ @param system_flags: the current default USE flags as defined
+ by portage.settings["USE"].split()
+ @type include_unset: bool
+ @param include_unset: controls the inclusion of unset USE flags in the report.
+ @type target: string
+ @param target: the environment variable being analyzed
+ one of ["USE", "PKGUSE"]
+ @type _get_flags: function
+ @param _get_flags: ovride-able for testing,
+ defaults to gentoolkit.enalyze.lib.get_flags
+ @param _get_used: ovride-able for testing,
+ defaults to gentoolkit.enalyze.lib.get_installed_use
+ @rtype dict. {flag:{"+":[cat/pkg-ver,...], "-":[cat/pkg-ver,...], "unset":[]}
+ """
+ if cpvs is None:
+ cpvs = portage.db[portage.root]["vartree"].dbapi.cpv_all()
+ # pass them in to override for tests
+ flags = FlagAnalyzer(
+ system_flags,
+ filter_defaults=False,
+ target=target,
+ _get_flags=_get_flags,
+ _get_used=get_installed_use,
+ )
+ flag_users = {}
+ for cpv in cpvs:
+ if cpv.startswith("virtual"):
+ continue
+ if use_portage:
+ plus, minus, unset = flags.analyse_cpv(cpv)
+ else:
+ pkg = Package(cpv)
+ plus, minus, unset = flags.analyse_pkg(pkg)
+ for flag in plus:
+ if flag in flag_users:
+ flag_users[flag]["+"].append(cpv)
+ else:
+ flag_users[flag] = {"+": [cpv], "-": []}
+ for flag in minus:
+ if flag in flag_users:
+ flag_users[flag]["-"].append(cpv)
+ else:
+ flag_users[flag] = {"+": [], "-": [cpv]}
+ if include_unset:
+ for flag in unset:
+ if flag in flag_users:
+ if "unset" in flag_users[flag]:
+ flag_users[flag]["unset"].append(cpv)
+ else:
+ flag_users[flag]["unset"] = [cpv]
+ else:
+ flag_users[flag] = {"+": [], "-": [], "unset": [cpv]}
+ return flag_users
def gather_keywords_info(
- cpvs=None,
- system_keywords=None,
- use_portage=False,
- # override-able for testing
- keywords=portage.settings["ACCEPT_KEYWORDS"],
- analyser = None
- ):
- """Analyze the installed pkgs 'keywords' for frequency of use
- @param cpvs: optional list of [cat/pkg-ver,...] to analyze or
- defaults to entire installed pkg db
- @param system_keywords: list of the system keywords
- @param keywords: user defined list of keywords to check and report on
- or reports on all relevant keywords found to have been used.
- @param _get_kwds: overridable function for testing
- @param _get_used: overridable function for testing
- @rtype dict. {keyword:{"stable":[cat/pkg-ver,...], "testing":[cat/pkg-ver,...]}
- """
- if cpvs is None:
- cpvs = portage.db[portage.root]["vartree"].dbapi.cpv_all()
- keyword_users = {}
- for cpv in cpvs:
- if cpv.startswith("virtual"):
- continue
- if use_portage:
- keyword = analyser.get_inst_keyword_cpv(cpv)
- else:
- pkg = Package(cpv)
- keyword = analyser.get_inst_keyword_pkg(pkg)
- #print "returned keyword =", cpv, keyword, keyword[0]
- key = keyword[0]
- if key in ["~", "-"]:
- _kwd = keyword[1:]
- if _kwd in keyword_users:
- if key in ["~"]:
- keyword_users[_kwd]["testing"].append(cpv)
- elif key in ["-"]:
- #print "adding cpv to missing:", cpv
- keyword_users[_kwd]["missing"].append(cpv)
- else:
- if key in ["~"]:
- keyword_users[_kwd] = {"stable": [],
- "testing": [cpv], "missing": []}
- elif key in ["-"]:
- keyword_users[_kwd] = {"stable": [],
- "testing": [], "missing": [cpv]}
- else:
- keyword_users[_kwd] = {"stable": [cpv],
- "testing": [], "missing": []}
- elif keyword in keyword_users:
- keyword_users[keyword]["stable"].append(cpv)
- else:
- keyword_users[keyword] = {
- "stable": [cpv],
- "testing": [],
- "missing": []
- }
- return keyword_users
+ cpvs=None,
+ system_keywords=None,
+ use_portage=False,
+ # override-able for testing
+ keywords=portage.settings["ACCEPT_KEYWORDS"],
+ analyser=None,
+ """Analyze the installed pkgs 'keywords' for frequency of use
+ @param cpvs: optional list of [cat/pkg-ver,...] to analyze or
+ defaults to entire installed pkg db
+ @param system_keywords: list of the system keywords
+ @param keywords: user defined list of keywords to check and report on
+ or reports on all relevant keywords found to have been used.
+ @param _get_kwds: overridable function for testing
+ @param _get_used: overridable function for testing
+ @rtype dict. {keyword:{"stable":[cat/pkg-ver,...], "testing":[cat/pkg-ver,...]}
+ """
+ if cpvs is None:
+ cpvs = portage.db[portage.root]["vartree"].dbapi.cpv_all()
+ keyword_users = {}
+ for cpv in cpvs:
+ if cpv.startswith("virtual"):
+ continue
+ if use_portage:
+ keyword = analyser.get_inst_keyword_cpv(cpv)
+ else:
+ pkg = Package(cpv)
+ keyword = analyser.get_inst_keyword_pkg(pkg)
+ # print "returned keyword =", cpv, keyword, keyword[0]
+ key = keyword[0]
+ if key in ["~", "-"]:
+ _kwd = keyword[1:]
+ if _kwd in keyword_users:
+ if key in ["~"]:
+ keyword_users[_kwd]["testing"].append(cpv)
+ elif key in ["-"]:
+ # print "adding cpv to missing:", cpv
+ keyword_users[_kwd]["missing"].append(cpv)
+ else:
+ if key in ["~"]:
+ keyword_users[_kwd] = {
+ "stable": [],
+ "testing": [cpv],
+ "missing": [],
+ }
+ elif key in ["-"]:
+ keyword_users[_kwd] = {
+ "stable": [],
+ "testing": [],
+ "missing": [cpv],
+ }
+ else:
+ keyword_users[_kwd] = {
+ "stable": [cpv],
+ "testing": [],
+ "missing": [],
+ }
+ elif keyword in keyword_users:
+ keyword_users[keyword]["stable"].append(cpv)
+ else:
+ keyword_users[keyword] = {"stable": [cpv], "testing": [], "missing": []}
+ return keyword_users
class Analyse(ModuleBase):
- """Installed db analysis tool to query the installed databse
- and produce/output stats for USE flags or keywords/mask.
- The 'rebuild' action output is in the form suitable for file type output
- to create a new package.use, package.keywords, package.unmask
- type files in the event of needing to rebuild the
- /etc/portage/* user configs
- """
- def __init__(self):
- ModuleBase.__init__(self)
- self.command_name = "enalyze"
- self.module_name = "analyze"
- self.options = {
- "flags": False,
- "keywords": False,
- "packages": False,
- "unset": False,
- "verbose": False,
- "quiet": False,
- 'prefix': False,
- 'portage': True,
- "width": 80,
- "prepend": "",
- }
- self.module_opts = {
- "-f": ("flags", "boolean", True),
- "--flags": ("flags", "boolean", True),
- "-k": ("keywords", "boolean", True),
- "--keywords": ("keywords", "boolean", True),
- "-u": ("unset", "boolean", True),
- "--unset": ("unset", "boolean", True),
- "-v": ("verbose", "boolean", True),
- "--verbose": ("verbose", "boolean", True),
- "-p": ("prefix", "boolean", True),
- "--prefix": ("prefix", "boolean", True),
- "-P": ("prepend", "char", None),
- "--prepend": ("prepend", "char", None),
- "-G": ("portage", "boolean", False),
- "--portage": ("portage", "boolean", False),
- "-W": ("width", "int", 80),
- "--width": ("width", "int", 80),
- }
- self.formatted_options = [
- (" -h, --help", "Outputs this useage message"),
- (" -u, --unset",
- "Additionally include any unset USE flags and the packages"),
- ("", "that could use them"),
- (" -v, --verbose",
- "Used in the analyze action to output more detailed information"),
- (" -p, --prefix",
- "Used for testing purposes only, runs report using " +
- "a prefix keyword and 'prefix' USE flag"),
- (" -P, --prepend",
- "Prepend the string to any list output. " +
- "ie: prepend '* ' to the ""front of each package being listed."
- "This is useful for generating preformatted wiki text."),
- #(" -G, --portage",
- #"Use portage directly instead of gentoolkit's Package " +
- #"object for some operations. Usually a little faster."),
- (" -W, --width",
- "Format the output to wrap at 'WIDTH' ie: long line output"),
- ]
- self.formatted_args = [
- (" use",
- "Causes the action to analyze the installed packages USE flags"),
- (" pkguse",
- "Causes the action to analyze the installed packages PKGUSE flags"),
- (" ",
- "These are flags that have been set in /etc/portage/package.use"),
- (" keywords",
- "Causes the action to analyze the installed packages keywords"),
- (" packages",
- "Causes the action to analyze the installed packages and the"),
- (" ",
- "USE flags they were installed with"),
- (" unmask",
- "Causes the action to analyze the installed packages"),
- (" ",
- "for those that need to be unmasked")
- ]
- self.short_opts = "huvpGP:W:"
- self.long_opts = ("help", "unset", "verbose", "prefix", "prepend=",
- "width=") #, "portage")
- self.need_queries = True
- self.arg_spec = "Target"
- self.arg_options = ['use', 'pkguse','keywords', 'packages', 'unmask']
- self.arg_option = False
- self.warning = (
- "This is beta software and some features/options are incomplete,",
- "some features may change in future releases includig its name.",
- "Feedback will be appreciated, http://bugs.gentoo.org")
- def run(self, input_args, quiet=False):
- """runs the module
- @param input_args: input arguments to be parsed
- """
- query = self.main_setup(input_args)
- query = self.validate_query(query)
- self.set_quiet(quiet)
- if query in ["use", "pkguse"]:
- self.analyse_flags(query)
- elif query in ["keywords"]:
- self.analyse_keywords()
- elif query in ["packages"]:
- self.analyse_packages()
- elif query in ["unmask"]:
- self.analyse_unmask()
- def analyse_flags(self, target):
- """This will scan the installed packages db and analyze the
- USE flags used for installation and produce a report on how
- they were used.
- @type target: string
- @param target: the target to be analyzed, one of ["use", "pkguse"]
- """
- system_use = portage.settings["USE"].split()
- self.printer = AnalysisPrinter(
- "use",
- self.options["verbose"],
- system_use,
- width=self.options["width"],
- prepend=self.options["prepend"])
- if self.options["verbose"]:
- cpvs = portage.db[portage.root]["vartree"].dbapi.cpv_all()
- #cpvs = get_installed_cpvs()
- #print "Total number of installed ebuilds =", len(cpvs)
- flag_users = gather_flags_info(cpvs, system_use,
- self.options["unset"], target=target.upper(),
- use_portage=self.options['portage'])
- else:
- cpvs = get_installed_cpvs()
- flag_users = gather_flags_info(cpvs, system_flags=system_use,
- include_unset=self.options["unset"], target=target.upper(),
- use_portage=self.options['portage'])
- #print flag_users
- flag_keys = sorted(flag_users)
- if self.options["verbose"]:
- print(" Flag System #pkgs cat/pkg-ver")
- #blankline = nl
- elif not self.options['quiet']:
- print(" Flag System #pkgs")
- #blankline = lambda: None
- for flag in flag_keys:
- flag_pos = flag_users[flag]["+"]
- if len(flag_pos):
- self.printer(flag, "+", flag_pos)
- #blankline()
- flag_neg = flag_users[flag]["-"]
- if len(flag_neg):
- self.printer(flag, "-", flag_neg)
- #blankline()
- if "unset" in flag_users[flag] and flag_users[flag]["unset"]:
- flag_unset = flag_users[flag]["unset"]
- self.printer(flag, "unset", flag_unset)
- #blankline()
- if not self.options['quiet']:
- print("===================================================")
- print("Total number of flags in report =",
- pp.output.red(str(len(flag_keys))))
- if self.options["verbose"]:
- print("Total number of installed ebuilds =",
- pp.output.red(str(len([x for x in cpvs]))))
- print()
- def analyse_keywords(self, keywords=None):
- """This will scan the installed packages db and analyze the
- keywords used for installation and produce a report on them.
- """
- print()
- system_keywords = portage.settings["ACCEPT_KEYWORDS"]
- arch = portage.settings["ARCH"]
- if self.options["prefix"]:
- # build a new keyword for testing
- system_keywords = "~" + arch + "-linux"
- if self.options["verbose"] or self.options["prefix"]:
- print("Current system ARCH =", arch)
- print("Current system ACCEPT_KEYWORDS =", system_keywords)
- system_keywords = system_keywords.split()
- self.printer = AnalysisPrinter(
- "keywords",
- self.options["verbose"],
- system_keywords,
- width=self.options["width"],
- prepend=self.options["prepend"])
- self.analyser = KeywordAnalyser( arch, system_keywords, portage.db[portage.root]["vartree"].dbapi)
- #self.analyser.set_order(portage.settings["USE"].split())
- # only for testing
- test_use = portage.settings["USE"].split()
- if self.options['prefix'] and 'prefix' not in test_use:
- print("ANALYSE_KEYWORDS() 'prefix' flag not found in system",
- "USE flags!!! appending for testing")
- print()
- test_use.append('prefix')
- self.analyser.set_order(test_use)
- # /end testing
- if self.options["verbose"]:
- cpvs = portage.db[portage.root]["vartree"].dbapi.cpv_all()
- #print "Total number of installed ebuilds =", len(cpvs)
- keyword_users = gather_keywords_info(
- cpvs=cpvs,
- system_keywords=system_keywords,
- use_portage=self.options['portage'],
- keywords=keywords, analyser = self.analyser
- )
- blankline = nl
- else:
- keyword_users = gather_keywords_info(
- system_keywords=system_keywords,
- use_portage=self.options['portage'],
- keywords=keywords,
- analyser = self.analyser
- )
- blankline = lambda: None
- #print keyword_users
- keyword_keys = sorted(keyword_users)
- if self.options["verbose"]:
- print(" Keyword System #pkgs cat/pkg-ver")
- elif not self.options['quiet']:
- print(" Keyword System #pkgs")
- for keyword in keyword_keys:
- kwd_stable = keyword_users[keyword]["stable"]
- if len(kwd_stable):
- self.printer(keyword, " ", kwd_stable)
- blankline()
- kwd_testing = keyword_users[keyword]["testing"]
- if len(kwd_testing):
- self.printer(keyword, "~", kwd_testing)
- blankline()
- kwd_missing = keyword_users[keyword]["missing"]
- if len(kwd_missing):
- self.printer(keyword, "-", kwd_missing)
- blankline
- if not self.options['quiet']:
- if self.analyser.mismatched:
- print("_________________________________________________")
- print(("The following packages were found to have a \n" +
- "different recorded ARCH than the current system ARCH"))
- for cpv in self.analyser.mismatched:
- print("\t", pp.cpv(cpv))
- print("===================================================")
- print("Total number of keywords in report =",
- pp.output.red(str(len(keyword_keys))))
- if self.options["verbose"]:
- print("Total number of installed ebuilds =",
- pp.output.red(str(len(cpvs))))
- print()
- def analyse_packages(self):
- """This will scan the installed packages db and analyze the
- USE flags used for installation and produce a report.
- @type target: string
- @param target: the target to be analyzed, one of ["use", "pkguse"]
- """
- system_use = portage.settings["USE"].split()
- if self.options["verbose"]:
- cpvs = portage.db[portage.root]["vartree"].dbapi.cpv_all()
- key_width = 45
- else:
- cpvs = get_installed_cpvs()
- key_width = 1
- self.printer = AnalysisPrinter(
- "packages",
- self.options["verbose"],
- key_width=key_width,
- width=self.options["width"],
- prepend=self.options["prepend"])
- cpvs = sorted(cpvs)
- flags = FlagAnalyzer(
- system=system_use,
- filter_defaults=False,
- target="USE"
- )
- if self.options["verbose"]:
- print(" cat/pkg-ver USE Flags")
- # "app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-sdl-20100915 ...."
- #blankline = nl
- elif not self.options['quiet']:
- print(" cat/pkg-ver USE Flags")
- #blankline = lambda: None
- for cpv in cpvs:
- (flag_plus, flag_neg, unset) = flags.analyse_cpv(cpv)
- if self.options["unset"]:
- self.printer(cpv, "", (sorted(flag_plus), sorted(flag_neg),
- sorted(unset)))
- else:
- self.printer(cpv, "", (sorted(flag_plus), sorted(flag_neg), []))
- if not self.options['quiet']:
- print("===================================================")
- print("Total number of installed ebuilds =",
- pp.output.red(str(len([x for x in cpvs]))))
- print()
- def analyse_unmask(self):
- """This will scan the installed packages db and analyze the
- unmasking used for installation and produce a report on them.
- """
- self.not_implemented("unmask")
+ """Installed db analysis tool to query the installed database
+ and produce/output stats for USE flags or keywords/mask.
+ The 'rebuild' action output is in the form suitable for file type output
+ to create a new package.use, package.keywords, package.unmask
+ type files in the event of needing to rebuild the
+ /etc/portage/* user configs
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ ModuleBase.__init__(self)
+ self.command_name = "enalyze"
+ self.module_name = "analyze"
+ self.options = {
+ "flags": False,
+ "keywords": False,
+ "packages": False,
+ "unset": False,
+ "verbose": False,
+ "quiet": False,
+ "prefix": False,
+ "portage": True,
+ "width": 80,
+ "prepend": "",
+ }
+ self.module_opts = {
+ "-f": ("flags", "boolean", True),
+ "--flags": ("flags", "boolean", True),
+ "-k": ("keywords", "boolean", True),
+ "--keywords": ("keywords", "boolean", True),
+ "-u": ("unset", "boolean", True),
+ "--unset": ("unset", "boolean", True),
+ "-v": ("verbose", "boolean", True),
+ "--verbose": ("verbose", "boolean", True),
+ "-p": ("prefix", "boolean", True),
+ "--prefix": ("prefix", "boolean", True),
+ "-P": ("prepend", "char", None),
+ "--prepend": ("prepend", "char", None),
+ "-G": ("portage", "boolean", False),
+ "--portage": ("portage", "boolean", False),
+ "-W": ("width", "int", 80),
+ "--width": ("width", "int", 80),
+ }
+ self.formatted_options = [
+ (" -h, --help", "Outputs this usage message"),
+ (
+ " -u, --unset",
+ "Additionally include any unset USE flags and the packages",
+ ),
+ ("", "that could use them"),
+ (
+ " -v, --verbose",
+ "Used in the analyze action to output more detailed information",
+ ),
+ (
+ " -p, --prefix",
+ "Used for testing purposes only, runs report using "
+ + "a prefix keyword and 'prefix' USE flag",
+ ),
+ (
+ " -P, --prepend",
+ "Prepend the string to any list output. " + "ie: prepend '* ' to the "
+ "front of each package being listed."
+ "This is useful for generating preformatted wiki text.",
+ ),
+ # (" -G, --portage",
+ # "Use portage directly instead of gentoolkit's Package " +
+ # "object for some operations. Usually a little faster."),
+ (
+ " -W, --width",
+ "Format the output to wrap at 'WIDTH' ie: long line output",
+ ),
+ ]
+ self.formatted_args = [
+ (" use", "Causes the action to analyze the installed packages USE flags"),
+ (
+ " pkguse",
+ "Causes the action to analyze the installed packages PKGUSE flags",
+ ),
+ (" ", "These are flags that have been set in /etc/portage/package.use"),
+ (
+ " keywords",
+ "Causes the action to analyze the installed packages keywords",
+ ),
+ (
+ " packages",
+ "Causes the action to analyze the installed packages and the",
+ ),
+ (" ", "USE flags they were installed with"),
+ (" unmask", "Causes the action to analyze the installed packages"),
+ (" ", "for those that need to be unmasked"),
+ ]
+ self.short_opts = "huvpGP:W:"
+ self.long_opts = (
+ "help",
+ "unset",
+ "verbose",
+ "prefix",
+ "prepend=",
+ "width=",
+ ) # , "portage")
+ self.need_queries = True
+ self.arg_spec = "Target"
+ self.arg_options = ["use", "pkguse", "keywords", "packages", "unmask"]
+ self.arg_option = False
+ self.warning = (
+ "This is beta software and some features/options are incomplete,",
+ "some features may change in future releases including its name.",
+ "Feedback will be appreciated, http://bugs.gentoo.org",
+ )
+ def run(self, input_args, quiet=False):
+ """runs the module
+ @param input_args: input arguments to be parsed
+ """
+ query = self.main_setup(input_args)
+ query = self.validate_query(query)
+ self.set_quiet(quiet)
+ if query in ["use", "pkguse"]:
+ self.analyse_flags(query)
+ elif query in ["keywords"]:
+ self.analyse_keywords()
+ elif query in ["packages"]:
+ self.analyse_packages()
+ elif query in ["unmask"]:
+ self.analyse_unmask()
+ def analyse_flags(self, target):
+ """This will scan the installed packages db and analyze the
+ USE flags used for installation and produce a report on how
+ they were used.
+ @type target: string
+ @param target: the target to be analyzed, one of ["use", "pkguse"]
+ """
+ system_use = portage.settings["USE"].split()
+ self.printer = AnalysisPrinter(
+ "use",
+ self.options["verbose"],
+ system_use,
+ width=self.options["width"],
+ prepend=self.options["prepend"],
+ )
+ if self.options["verbose"]:
+ cpvs = portage.db[portage.root]["vartree"].dbapi.cpv_all()
+ # cpvs = get_installed_cpvs()
+ # print "Total number of installed ebuilds =", len(cpvs)
+ flag_users = gather_flags_info(
+ cpvs,
+ system_use,
+ self.options["unset"],
+ target=target.upper(),
+ use_portage=self.options["portage"],
+ )
+ else:
+ cpvs = get_installed_cpvs()
+ flag_users = gather_flags_info(
+ cpvs,
+ system_flags=system_use,
+ include_unset=self.options["unset"],
+ target=target.upper(),
+ use_portage=self.options["portage"],
+ )
+ # print flag_users
+ flag_keys = sorted(flag_users)
+ if self.options["verbose"]:
+ print(" Flag System #pkgs cat/pkg-ver")
+ # blankline = nl
+ elif not self.options["quiet"]:
+ print(" Flag System #pkgs")
+ # blankline = lambda: None
+ for flag in flag_keys:
+ flag_pos = flag_users[flag]["+"]
+ if len(flag_pos):
+ self.printer(flag, "+", flag_pos)
+ # blankline()
+ flag_neg = flag_users[flag]["-"]
+ if len(flag_neg):
+ self.printer(flag, "-", flag_neg)
+ # blankline()
+ if "unset" in flag_users[flag] and flag_users[flag]["unset"]:
+ flag_unset = flag_users[flag]["unset"]
+ self.printer(flag, "unset", flag_unset)
+ # blankline()
+ if not self.options["quiet"]:
+ print("===================================================")
+ print(
+ "Total number of flags in report =", pp.output.red(str(len(flag_keys)))
+ )
+ if self.options["verbose"]:
+ print(
+ "Total number of installed ebuilds =",
+ pp.output.red(str(len([x for x in cpvs]))),
+ )
+ print()
+ def analyse_keywords(self, keywords=None):
+ """This will scan the installed packages db and analyze the
+ keywords used for installation and produce a report on them.
+ """
+ print()
+ system_keywords = portage.settings["ACCEPT_KEYWORDS"]
+ arch = portage.settings["ARCH"]
+ if self.options["prefix"]:
+ # build a new keyword for testing
+ system_keywords = "~" + arch + "-linux"
+ if self.options["verbose"] or self.options["prefix"]:
+ print("Current system ARCH =", arch)
+ print("Current system ACCEPT_KEYWORDS =", system_keywords)
+ system_keywords = system_keywords.split()
+ self.printer = AnalysisPrinter(
+ "keywords",
+ self.options["verbose"],
+ system_keywords,
+ width=self.options["width"],
+ prepend=self.options["prepend"],
+ )
+ self.analyser = KeywordAnalyser(
+ arch, system_keywords, portage.db[portage.root]["vartree"].dbapi
+ )
+ # self.analyser.set_order(portage.settings["USE"].split())
+ # only for testing
+ test_use = portage.settings["USE"].split()
+ if self.options["prefix"] and "prefix" not in test_use:
+ print(
+ "ANALYSE_KEYWORDS() 'prefix' flag not found in system",
+ "USE flags!!! appending for testing",
+ )
+ print()
+ test_use.append("prefix")
+ self.analyser.set_order(test_use)
+ # /end testing
+ if self.options["verbose"]:
+ cpvs = portage.db[portage.root]["vartree"].dbapi.cpv_all()
+ # print "Total number of installed ebuilds =", len(cpvs)
+ keyword_users = gather_keywords_info(
+ cpvs=cpvs,
+ system_keywords=system_keywords,
+ use_portage=self.options["portage"],
+ keywords=keywords,
+ analyser=self.analyser,
+ )
+ blankline = nl
+ else:
+ keyword_users = gather_keywords_info(
+ system_keywords=system_keywords,
+ use_portage=self.options["portage"],
+ keywords=keywords,
+ analyser=self.analyser,
+ )
+ blankline = lambda: None
+ # print keyword_users
+ keyword_keys = sorted(keyword_users)
+ if self.options["verbose"]:
+ print(" Keyword System #pkgs cat/pkg-ver")
+ elif not self.options["quiet"]:
+ print(" Keyword System #pkgs")
+ for keyword in keyword_keys:
+ kwd_stable = keyword_users[keyword]["stable"]
+ if len(kwd_stable):
+ self.printer(keyword, " ", kwd_stable)
+ blankline()
+ kwd_testing = keyword_users[keyword]["testing"]
+ if len(kwd_testing):
+ self.printer(keyword, "~", kwd_testing)
+ blankline()
+ kwd_missing = keyword_users[keyword]["missing"]
+ if len(kwd_missing):
+ self.printer(keyword, "-", kwd_missing)
+ blankline
+ if not self.options["quiet"]:
+ if self.analyser.mismatched:
+ print("_________________________________________________")
+ print(
+ "The following packages were found to have a \n"
+ + "different recorded ARCH than the current system ARCH"
+ )
+ for cpv in self.analyser.mismatched:
+ print("\t", pp.cpv(cpv))
+ print("===================================================")
+ print(
+ "Total number of keywords in report =",
+ pp.output.red(str(len(keyword_keys))),
+ )
+ if self.options["verbose"]:
+ print(
+ "Total number of installed ebuilds =", pp.output.red(str(len(cpvs)))
+ )
+ print()
+ def analyse_packages(self):
+ """This will scan the installed packages db and analyze the
+ USE flags used for installation and produce a report.
+ @type target: string
+ @param target: the target to be analyzed, one of ["use", "pkguse"]
+ """
+ system_use = portage.settings["USE"].split()
+ if self.options["verbose"]:
+ cpvs = portage.db[portage.root]["vartree"].dbapi.cpv_all()
+ key_width = 45
+ else:
+ cpvs = get_installed_cpvs()
+ key_width = 1
+ self.printer = AnalysisPrinter(
+ "packages",
+ self.options["verbose"],
+ key_width=key_width,
+ width=self.options["width"],
+ prepend=self.options["prepend"],
+ )
+ cpvs = sorted(cpvs)
+ flags = FlagAnalyzer(system=system_use, filter_defaults=False, target="USE")
+ if self.options["verbose"]:
+ print(" cat/pkg-ver USE Flags")
+ # "app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-sdl-20100915 ...."
+ # blankline = nl
+ elif not self.options["quiet"]:
+ print(" cat/pkg-ver USE Flags")
+ # blankline = lambda: None
+ for cpv in cpvs:
+ (flag_plus, flag_neg, unset) = flags.analyse_cpv(cpv)
+ if self.options["unset"]:
+ self.printer(
+ cpv, "", (sorted(flag_plus), sorted(flag_neg), sorted(unset))
+ )
+ else:
+ self.printer(cpv, "", (sorted(flag_plus), sorted(flag_neg), []))
+ if not self.options["quiet"]:
+ print("===================================================")
+ print(
+ "Total number of installed ebuilds =",
+ pp.output.red(str(len([x for x in cpvs]))),
+ )
+ print()
+ def analyse_unmask(self):
+ """This will scan the installed packages db and analyze the
+ unmasking used for installation and produce a report on them.
+ """
+ self.not_implemented("unmask")
def main(input_args):
- """Common starting method by the analyze master
- unless all modules are converted to this class method.
+ """Common starting method by the analyze master
+ unless all modules are converted to this class method.
+ @param input_args: input args as supplied by equery master module.
+ """
+ query_module = Analyse()
+ query_module.run(input_args, gentoolkit.CONFIG["quiet"])
- @param input_args: input args as supplied by equery master module.
- """
- query_module = Analyse()
- query_module.run(input_args, gentoolkit.CONFIG['quiet'])
# vim: set ts=4 sw=4 tw=79:
diff --git a/pym/gentoolkit/enalyze/lib.py b/pym/gentoolkit/enalyze/lib.py
index 50c7d11..6d7cb4e 100644
--- a/pym/gentoolkit/enalyze/lib.py
+++ b/pym/gentoolkit/enalyze/lib.py
@@ -10,349 +10,358 @@
from gentoolkit import errors
from gentoolkit.keyword import reduce_keywords
-from gentoolkit.flag import (reduce_flags, get_flags, get_all_cpv_use,
- filter_flags, get_installed_use, defaulted_flags)
-#from gentoolkit.package import Package
+from gentoolkit.flag import (
+ reduce_flags,
+ get_flags,
+ get_all_cpv_use,
+ filter_flags,
+ get_installed_use,
+ defaulted_flags,
+# from gentoolkit.package import Package
import portage
class FlagAnalyzer:
- """Specialty functions for analysing an installed package's
- USE flags. Can be used for single or mulitple use without
- needing to be reset unless the system USE flags are changed.
- @type system: list or set
- @param system: the default system USE flags.
- @type _get_flags: function
- @param _get_flags: Normally defaulted, can be overriden for testing
- @type _get_used: function
- @param _get_used: Normally defaulted, can be overriden for testing
- """
- def __init__(self,
- system,
- filter_defaults=False,
- target="USE",
- _get_flags=get_flags,
- _get_used=get_installed_use
- ):
- self.get_flags = _get_flags
- self.get_used = _get_used
- self.filter_defaults = filter_defaults
- self.target = target
- self.reset(system)
- def reset(self, system):
- """Resets the internal system USE flags and use_expand variables
- to the new setting. The use_expand variable is handled internally.
- @type system: list or set
- @param system: the default system USE flags.
- """
- self.system = set(system)
- self.use_expand = portage.settings['USE_EXPAND'].lower().split()
- def analyse_cpv(self, cpv):
- """Gets all relavent USE flag info for a cpv and breaks them down
- into 3 sets, plus (package.use enabled), minus ( package.use disabled),
- unset.
- @param cpv: string. 'cat/pkg-ver'
- @rtype tuple of sets
- @return (plus, minus, unset) sets of USE flags
- """
- installed = set(self.get_used(cpv, self.target))
- _iuse = self.get_flags(cpv)
- iuse = set(reduce_flags(_iuse))
- iuse_defaults = defaulted_flags(_iuse)
- return self._analyse(installed, iuse, iuse_defaults)
- def _analyse(self, installed, iuse, iuse_defaults):
- """Analyzes the supplied info and returns the flag settings
- that differ from the defaults
- @type installed: set
- @param installed: the installed with use flags
- @type iuse: set
- @param iuse: the current ebuilds IUSE
- """
- defaults = self.system.intersection(iuse)
- # update defaults with iuse_defaults
- defaults.update(iuse_defaults['+'])
- defaults = defaults.difference(iuse_defaults['-'])
- usedflags = iuse.intersection(set(installed))
- if self.filter_defaults:
- plus = usedflags.difference(defaults)
- else:
- plus = usedflags
- minus = defaults.difference(usedflags)
- unset = iuse.difference(defaults, plus, minus)
- cleaned_unset = self.remove_expanding(unset)
- return (plus, minus, cleaned_unset)
- def analyse_pkg(self, pkg):
- """Gets all relevent USE flag info for a pkg and breaks them down
- into 3 sets, plus (package.use enabled), minus ( package.use disabled),
- unset.
- @param pkg: gentoolkit.package.Package object
- @rtype tuple of sets
- @return (plus, minus, unset) sets of USE flags
- """
- installed = set(self.pkg_used(pkg))
- #print("installed =", installed)
- _iuse = self.pkg_flags(pkg)
- iuse = set(reduce_flags(_iuse))
- iuse_defaults = defaulted_flags(_iuse)
- #print("iuse =", iuse)
- return self._analyse(installed, iuse, iuse_defaults)
- def pkg_used(self, pkg):
- if self.target == "USE":
- return pkg.use().split()
- return pkg.environment(self.target).split()
- def pkg_flags(self, pkg):
- final_use, use_expand_hidden, usemasked, useforced = \
- get_all_cpv_use(pkg.cpv)
- flags = pkg.environment("IUSE", prefer_vdb=False).split()
- return filter_flags(flags, use_expand_hidden, usemasked, useforced)
- def redundant(self, cpv, iuse):
- """Checks for redundant settings.
- future function. Not yet implemented.
- """
- pass
- def remove_expanding(self, flags):
- """Remove unwanted USE_EXPAND flags
- from unset IUSE sets
- @param flags: short list or set of USE flags
- @rtype set
- @return USE flags
- """
- _flags = set(flags)
- for expander in self.use_expand:
- for flag in flags:
- if expander in flag:
- _flags.remove(flag)
- if not _flags:
- break
- return _flags
+ """Specialty functions for analysing an installed package's
+ USE flags. Can be used for single or mulitple use without
+ needing to be reset unless the system USE flags are changed.
+ @type system: list or set
+ @param system: the default system USE flags.
+ @type _get_flags: function
+ @param _get_flags: Normally defaulted, can be overriden for testing
+ @type _get_used: function
+ @param _get_used: Normally defaulted, can be overriden for testing
+ """
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ system,
+ filter_defaults=False,
+ target="USE",
+ _get_flags=get_flags,
+ _get_used=get_installed_use,
+ ):
+ self.get_flags = _get_flags
+ self.get_used = _get_used
+ self.filter_defaults = filter_defaults
+ self.target = target
+ self.reset(system)
+ def reset(self, system):
+ """Resets the internal system USE flags and use_expand variables
+ to the new setting. The use_expand variable is handled internally.
+ @type system: list or set
+ @param system: the default system USE flags.
+ """
+ self.system = set(system)
+ self.use_expand = portage.settings["USE_EXPAND"].lower().split()
+ def analyse_cpv(self, cpv):
+ """Gets all relavent USE flag info for a cpv and breaks them down
+ into 3 sets, plus (package.use enabled), minus ( package.use disabled),
+ unset.
+ @param cpv: string. 'cat/pkg-ver'
+ @rtype tuple of sets
+ @return (plus, minus, unset) sets of USE flags
+ """
+ installed = set(self.get_used(cpv, self.target))
+ _iuse = self.get_flags(cpv)
+ iuse = set(reduce_flags(_iuse))
+ iuse_defaults = defaulted_flags(_iuse)
+ return self._analyse(installed, iuse, iuse_defaults)
+ def _analyse(self, installed, iuse, iuse_defaults):
+ """Analyzes the supplied info and returns the flag settings
+ that differ from the defaults
+ @type installed: set
+ @param installed: the installed with use flags
+ @type iuse: set
+ @param iuse: the current ebuilds IUSE
+ """
+ defaults = self.system.intersection(iuse)
+ # update defaults with iuse_defaults
+ defaults.update(iuse_defaults["+"])
+ defaults = defaults.difference(iuse_defaults["-"])
+ usedflags = iuse.intersection(set(installed))
+ if self.filter_defaults:
+ plus = usedflags.difference(defaults)
+ else:
+ plus = usedflags
+ minus = defaults.difference(usedflags)
+ unset = iuse.difference(defaults, plus, minus)
+ cleaned_unset = self.remove_expanding(unset)
+ return (plus, minus, cleaned_unset)
+ def analyse_pkg(self, pkg):
+ """Gets all relevent USE flag info for a pkg and breaks them down
+ into 3 sets, plus (package.use enabled), minus ( package.use disabled),
+ unset.
+ @param pkg: gentoolkit.package.Package object
+ @rtype tuple of sets
+ @return (plus, minus, unset) sets of USE flags
+ """
+ installed = set(self.pkg_used(pkg))
+ # print("installed =", installed)
+ _iuse = self.pkg_flags(pkg)
+ iuse = set(reduce_flags(_iuse))
+ iuse_defaults = defaulted_flags(_iuse)
+ # print("iuse =", iuse)
+ return self._analyse(installed, iuse, iuse_defaults)
+ def pkg_used(self, pkg):
+ if self.target == "USE":
+ return pkg.use().split()
+ return pkg.environment(self.target).split()
+ def pkg_flags(self, pkg):
+ final_use, use_expand_hidden, usemasked, useforced = get_all_cpv_use(pkg.cpv)
+ flags = pkg.environment("IUSE", prefer_vdb=False).split()
+ return filter_flags(flags, use_expand_hidden, usemasked, useforced)
+ def redundant(self, cpv, iuse):
+ """Checks for redundant settings.
+ future function. Not yet implemented.
+ """
+ pass
+ def remove_expanding(self, flags):
+ """Remove unwanted USE_EXPAND flags
+ from unset IUSE sets
+ @param flags: short list or set of USE flags
+ @rtype set
+ @return USE flags
+ """
+ _flags = set(flags)
+ for expander in self.use_expand:
+ for flag in flags:
+ if expander in flag:
+ _flags.remove(flag)
+ if not _flags:
+ break
+ return _flags
class KeywordAnalyser:
- """Specialty functions for analysing the installed package db for
- keyword useage and the packages that used them.
- Note: should be initialized with the internal set_order() before use.
- See internal set_order() for more details.
- This class of functions can be used for single cpv checks or
- used repeatedly for an entire package db.
- @type arch: string
- @param arch: the system ARCH setting
- @type accept_keywords: list
- @param accept_keywords: eg. ['x86', '~x86']
- @type get_aux: function, defaults to: portage.db[portage.root]["vartree"].dbapi.aux_get
- @param vardb: vardb class of functions, needed=aux_get()
- to return => KEYWORDS & USE flags for a cpv
- = aux_get(cpv, ["KEYWORDS", "USE"])
- """
- # parsing order to determine appropriate keyword used for installation
- normal_order = ['stable', 'testing', 'prefix', 'testing_prefix', 'missing']
- prefix_order = ['prefix', 'testing_prefix', 'stable', 'testing', 'missing']
- parse_range = list(range(len(normal_order)))
- def __init__(self, arch, accept_keywords, vardb=portage.db[portage.root]["vartree"].dbapi):
- self.arch = arch
- self.accept_keywords = accept_keywords
- self.vardb = vardb
- self.prefix = ''
- self.parse_order = None
- self.check_key = {
- 'stable': self._stable,
- 'testing': self._testing,
- 'prefix': self._prefix,
- 'testing_prefix': self._testing_prefix,
- 'missing': self._missing
- }
- self.mismatched = []
- def determine_keyword(self, keywords, used, cpv):
- """Determine the keyword from the installed USE flags and
- the KEYWORDS that was used to install a package.
- @param keywords: list of keywords available to install a pkg
- @param used: list of USE flalgs recorded for the installed pkg
- @rtype: string
- @return a keyword or null string
- """
- used = set(used)
- kwd = None
- result = ''
- if keywords:
- absolute_kwds = reduce_keywords(keywords)
- kwd = list(used.intersection(absolute_kwds))
- #if keywords == ['~ppc64']:
- #print "Checked keywords for kwd", keywords, used, "kwd =", kwd
- if not kwd:
- #print "Checking for kwd against portage.archlist"
- absolute_kwds = reduce_keywords(keywords)
- # check for one against archlist then re-check
- kwd = list(absolute_kwds.intersection(portage.archlist))
- #print "determined keyword =", kwd
- if len(kwd) == 1:
- key = kwd[0]
- #print "determined keyword =", key
- elif not kwd:
- #print "kwd != 1", kwd, cpv
- result = self._missing(self.keyword, keywords)
- else: # too many, try to narrow them dowm
- #print "too many kwd's, trying to match against arch"
- _kwd = list(set(kwd).intersection(self.arch))
- key = ''
- if _kwd:
- #print "found one! :)", _kwd
- key = _kwd
- else: # try re-running the short list against archlist
- #print "Checking kwd for _kwd against portage.archlist"
- _kwd = list(set(kwd).intersection(portage.archlist))
- if _kwd and len(_kwd) == 1:
- #print "found one! :)", _kwd
- key = _kwd[0]
- else:
- #print " :( didn't work, _kwd =", _kwd, "giving up on:", cpv
- result = self._missing(self.keyword, keywords)
- i = 0
- while not result and i in self.parse_range:
- parsekey = self.parse_order[i]
- result = self.check_key[parsekey](key, keywords)
- i += 1
- return result
- def _stable(self, key, keywords):
- """test for a normal stable keyword"""
- if key in keywords:
- return key
- return ''
- def _testing(self, key, keywords):
- """test for a normal testing keyword"""
- if ("~" + key) in keywords:
- return "~" + key
- return ''
- def _prefix(self, key, keywords):
- """test for a stable prefix keyword"""
- if not self.prefix:
- return ''
- _key = '-'.join([key, self.prefix])
- if _key in keywords:
- #print key, "is in", keywords
- return _key
- return ''
- def _testing_prefix(self, key, keywords):
- """test for a testing prefix keyword"""
- if not self.prefix:
- return ''
- _key = "~" +'-'.join([key, self.prefix])
- if _key in keywords:
- #print key, "is in", keywords
- return _key
- return ''
- def _missing(self, key, keywords):
- """generates a missing keyword to return"""
- if self.prefix and key != self.keyword:
- _key = '-'.join([key, self.prefix])
- else:
- _key = '-' + key
- #print "_missisng :( _key =", _key
- return _key
- def get_inst_keyword_cpv(self, cpv):
- """Determines the installed with keyword for cpv
- @type cpv: string
- @param cpv: an installed CAT/PKG-VER
- @rtype: string
- @returns a keyword determined to have been used to install cpv
- """
- keywords, used = self.vardb.aux_get(cpv, ["KEYWORDS", "USE"])
- keywords = keywords.split()
- used = used.split()
- return self._parse(keywords, used, cpv=cpv)
- def get_inst_keyword_pkg(self, pkg):
- """Determines the installed with keyword for cpv
- @param pkg: gentoolkit.package.Package object
- @rtype: string
- @returns a keyword determined to have been used to install cpv
- """
- keywords, used = pkg.environment(["KEYWORDS", "USE"],
- prefer_vdb=True, fallback=False)
- keywords = keywords.split()
- used = used.split()
- return self._parse(keywords, used, pkg=pkg)
- def _parse(self, keywords, used, pkg=None, cpv=None):
- if pkg:
- _cpv = pkg.cpv
- else:
- _cpv = cpv
- if not self.parse_order:
- self.set_order(used)
- keyword = self.keyword
- # sanity check
- if self.arch not in used:
- #print "Found a mismatch = ", cpv, self.arch, used
- self.mismatched.append(_cpv)
- if keyword in keywords:
- #print "keyword", keyword, "is in", keywords
- return keyword
- elif "~"+keyword in keywords:
- #print "~keyword", keyword, "is in", keywords
- return "~"+keyword
- else:
- keyword = self.determine_keyword(keywords, used, _cpv)
- if not keyword:
- raise errors.GentoolkitUnknownKeyword(_cpv, ' '.join(keywords), used)
- return keyword
- def set_order(self, used):
- """Used to set the parsing order to determine a keyword
- used for installation.
- This is needed due to the way prefix arch's and keywords
- work with portage. It looks for the 'prefix' flag. A positive result
- sets it to the prefix order and keyword.
- @type used: list
- @param used: a list of pkg USE flags or the system USE flags"""
- if 'prefix' in used:
- #print "SET_ORDER() Setting parse order to prefix"
- prefix = None
- self.parse_order = self.prefix_order
- for key in self.accept_keywords:
- #print "SET_ORDER() '"+key+"'"
- if '-' in key:
- #print "SET_ORDER()found prefix keyword :", key
- if self.arch in key:
- prefix = key.split('-')[1]
- #print "prefix =", prefix
- self.prefix = prefix
- self.keyword = '-'.join([self.arch, prefix])
- else:
- #print "SET_ORDER() Setting parse order to normal"
- self.parse_order = self.normal_order
- self.keyword = self.arch
- #print "SET_ORDER() completed: prefix =", self.prefix, ", keyword =", \
- # self.keyword, "parse order =",self.parse_order
- #print
+ """Specialty functions for analysing the installed package db for
+ keyword useage and the packages that used them.
+ Note: should be initialized with the internal set_order() before use.
+ See internal set_order() for more details.
+ This class of functions can be used for single cpv checks or
+ used repeatedly for an entire package db.
+ @type arch: string
+ @param arch: the system ARCH setting
+ @type accept_keywords: list
+ @param accept_keywords: eg. ['x86', '~x86']
+ @type get_aux: function, defaults to: portage.db[portage.root]["vartree"].dbapi.aux_get
+ @param vardb: vardb class of functions, needed=aux_get()
+ to return => KEYWORDS & USE flags for a cpv
+ = aux_get(cpv, ["KEYWORDS", "USE"])
+ """
+ # parsing order to determine appropriate keyword used for installation
+ normal_order = ["stable", "testing", "prefix", "testing_prefix", "missing"]
+ prefix_order = ["prefix", "testing_prefix", "stable", "testing", "missing"]
+ parse_range = list(range(len(normal_order)))
+ def __init__(
+ self, arch, accept_keywords, vardb=portage.db[portage.root]["vartree"].dbapi
+ ):
+ self.arch = arch
+ self.accept_keywords = accept_keywords
+ self.vardb = vardb
+ self.prefix = ""
+ self.parse_order = None
+ self.check_key = {
+ "stable": self._stable,
+ "testing": self._testing,
+ "prefix": self._prefix,
+ "testing_prefix": self._testing_prefix,
+ "missing": self._missing,
+ }
+ self.mismatched = []
+ def determine_keyword(self, keywords, used, cpv):
+ """Determine the keyword from the installed USE flags and
+ the KEYWORDS that was used to install a package.
+ @param keywords: list of keywords available to install a pkg
+ @param used: list of USE flalgs recorded for the installed pkg
+ @rtype: string
+ @return a keyword or null string
+ """
+ used = set(used)
+ kwd = None
+ result = ""
+ if keywords:
+ absolute_kwds = reduce_keywords(keywords)
+ kwd = list(used.intersection(absolute_kwds))
+ # if keywords == ['~ppc64']:
+ # print "Checked keywords for kwd", keywords, used, "kwd =", kwd
+ if not kwd:
+ # print "Checking for kwd against portage.archlist"
+ absolute_kwds = reduce_keywords(keywords)
+ # check for one against archlist then re-check
+ kwd = list(absolute_kwds.intersection(portage.archlist))
+ # print "determined keyword =", kwd
+ if len(kwd) == 1:
+ key = kwd[0]
+ # print "determined keyword =", key
+ elif not kwd:
+ # print "kwd != 1", kwd, cpv
+ result = self._missing(self.keyword, keywords)
+ else: # too many, try to narrow them dowm
+ # print "too many kwd's, trying to match against arch"
+ _kwd = list(set(kwd).intersection(self.arch))
+ key = ""
+ if _kwd:
+ # print "found one! :)", _kwd
+ key = _kwd
+ else: # try re-running the short list against archlist
+ # print "Checking kwd for _kwd against portage.archlist"
+ _kwd = list(set(kwd).intersection(portage.archlist))
+ if _kwd and len(_kwd) == 1:
+ # print "found one! :)", _kwd
+ key = _kwd[0]
+ else:
+ # print " :( didn't work, _kwd =", _kwd, "giving up on:", cpv
+ result = self._missing(self.keyword, keywords)
+ i = 0
+ while not result and i in self.parse_range:
+ parsekey = self.parse_order[i]
+ result = self.check_key[parsekey](key, keywords)
+ i += 1
+ return result
+ def _stable(self, key, keywords):
+ """test for a normal stable keyword"""
+ if key in keywords:
+ return key
+ return ""
+ def _testing(self, key, keywords):
+ """test for a normal testing keyword"""
+ if ("~" + key) in keywords:
+ return "~" + key
+ return ""
+ def _prefix(self, key, keywords):
+ """test for a stable prefix keyword"""
+ if not self.prefix:
+ return ""
+ _key = "-".join([key, self.prefix])
+ if _key in keywords:
+ # print key, "is in", keywords
+ return _key
+ return ""
+ def _testing_prefix(self, key, keywords):
+ """test for a testing prefix keyword"""
+ if not self.prefix:
+ return ""
+ _key = "~" + "-".join([key, self.prefix])
+ if _key in keywords:
+ # print key, "is in", keywords
+ return _key
+ return ""
+ def _missing(self, key, keywords):
+ """generates a missing keyword to return"""
+ if self.prefix and key != self.keyword:
+ _key = "-".join([key, self.prefix])
+ else:
+ _key = "-" + key
+ # print "_missisng :( _key =", _key
+ return _key
+ def get_inst_keyword_cpv(self, cpv):
+ """Determines the installed with keyword for cpv
+ @type cpv: string
+ @param cpv: an installed CAT/PKG-VER
+ @rtype: string
+ @returns a keyword determined to have been used to install cpv
+ """
+ keywords, used = self.vardb.aux_get(cpv, ["KEYWORDS", "USE"])
+ keywords = keywords.split()
+ used = used.split()
+ return self._parse(keywords, used, cpv=cpv)
+ def get_inst_keyword_pkg(self, pkg):
+ """Determines the installed with keyword for cpv
+ @param pkg: gentoolkit.package.Package object
+ @rtype: string
+ @returns a keyword determined to have been used to install cpv
+ """
+ keywords, used = pkg.environment(
+ ["KEYWORDS", "USE"], prefer_vdb=True, fallback=False
+ )
+ keywords = keywords.split()
+ used = used.split()
+ return self._parse(keywords, used, pkg=pkg)
+ def _parse(self, keywords, used, pkg=None, cpv=None):
+ if pkg:
+ _cpv = pkg.cpv
+ else:
+ _cpv = cpv
+ if not self.parse_order:
+ self.set_order(used)
+ keyword = self.keyword
+ # sanity check
+ if self.arch not in used:
+ # print "Found a mismatch = ", cpv, self.arch, used
+ self.mismatched.append(_cpv)
+ if keyword in keywords:
+ # print "keyword", keyword, "is in", keywords
+ return keyword
+ elif "~" + keyword in keywords:
+ # print "~keyword", keyword, "is in", keywords
+ return "~" + keyword
+ else:
+ keyword = self.determine_keyword(keywords, used, _cpv)
+ if not keyword:
+ raise errors.GentoolkitUnknownKeyword(_cpv, " ".join(keywords), used)
+ return keyword
+ def set_order(self, used):
+ """Used to set the parsing order to determine a keyword
+ used for installation.
+ This is needed due to the way prefix arch's and keywords
+ work with portage. It looks for the 'prefix' flag. A positive result
+ sets it to the prefix order and keyword.
+ @type used: list
+ @param used: a list of pkg USE flags or the system USE flags"""
+ if "prefix" in used:
+ # print "SET_ORDER() Setting parse order to prefix"
+ prefix = None
+ self.parse_order = self.prefix_order
+ for key in self.accept_keywords:
+ # print "SET_ORDER() '"+key+"'"
+ if "-" in key:
+ # print "SET_ORDER()found prefix keyword :", key
+ if self.arch in key:
+ prefix = key.split("-")[1]
+ # print "prefix =", prefix
+ self.prefix = prefix
+ self.keyword = "-".join([self.arch, prefix])
+ else:
+ # print "SET_ORDER() Setting parse order to normal"
+ self.parse_order = self.normal_order
+ self.keyword = self.arch
+ # print "SET_ORDER() completed: prefix =", self.prefix, ", keyword =", \
+ # self.keyword, "parse order =",self.parse_order
+ # print
diff --git a/pym/gentoolkit/enalyze/meson.build b/pym/gentoolkit/enalyze/meson.build
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2747677
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pym/gentoolkit/enalyze/meson.build
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+__init__py = configure_file(
+ input : '__init__.py',
+ output : '__init__.py',
+ configuration : conf_data
+ [
+ __init__py,
+ 'analyze.py',
+ 'lib.py',
+ 'output.py',
+ 'rebuild.py',
+ ],
+ subdir : 'gentoolkit/enalyze'
diff --git a/pym/gentoolkit/enalyze/output.py b/pym/gentoolkit/enalyze/output.py
index 993565a..b9d937e 100644
--- a/pym/gentoolkit/enalyze/output.py
+++ b/pym/gentoolkit/enalyze/output.py
@@ -14,275 +14,282 @@ from gentoolkit import pprinter as pp
from gentoolkit.formatters import CpvValueWrapper
from gentoolkit.cpv import split_cpv
def nl(lines=1):
- """small utility function to print blank lines
+ """small utility function to print blank lines
+ @type lines: integer
+ @param lines: optional number of blank lines to print
+ default = 1
+ """
+ print("\n" * lines)
- @type lines: integer
- @param lines: optional number of blank lines to print
- default = 1
- """
- print(('\n' * lines))
class AnalysisPrinter(CpvValueWrapper):
- """Printing functions"""
- def __init__(self, target, verbose=True, references=None, key_width=1,
- width=None, prepend=''):
- """@param references: list of accepted keywords or
- the system use flags
- """
- self.references = references
- self.key_width = key_width
- self.width = width
- self.prepend = prepend
- CpvValueWrapper.__init__(self, cpv_width=key_width, width=width)
- self.set_target(target, verbose)
- def set_target(self, target, verbose=True):
- if target in ["use"]:
- if verbose:
- self.print_fn = self.print_use_verbose
- else:
- self.print_fn = self.print_use_quiet
- self._format_key = self._format_use_keyword
- elif target in ["keywords"]:
- if verbose:
- self.print_fn = self.print_keyword_verbose
- else:
- self.print_fn = self.print_keyword_quiet
- self._format_key = self._format_use_keyword
- elif target in ["packages"]:
- if verbose:
- self.print_fn = self.print_pkg_verbose
- else:
- self.print_fn = self.print_pkg_quiet
- self._format_key = self._format_pkg
- def __call__(self, key, active, data):
- self._format_key(key, active, data)
- def _format_use_keyword(self, key, active, pkgs):
- """Determines the stats for key, formats it and
- calls the pre-determined print function
- """
- occurred = str(len(pkgs))
- if active in ["-", "~"]:
- _key = active + key
- else:
- _key = key
- if _key in self.references:
- default = "default"
- else:
- default = "......."
- count = ' '*(5-len(occurred)) + occurred
- pkgs.sort()
- self.print_fn(key, active, default, count, pkgs)
- def print_use_verbose(self, key, active, default, count, pkgs):
- """Verbosely prints a set of use flag info. including the pkgs
- using them.
- """
- _pkgs = pkgs[:]
- if active in ["+", "-"]:
- _key = pp.useflag((active+key), active=="+")
- else:
- _key = (" " + key)
- cpv = _pkgs.pop(0)
- print(self.prepend + _key,'.'*(35-len(key)), default, pp.number(count),
- pp.cpv(cpv))
- while _pkgs:
- cpv = _pkgs.pop(0)
- print(' '*52 + pp.cpv(cpv))
- def print_use_quiet(self, key, active, default, count, pkgs):
- """Quietly prints a subset set of USE flag info..
- """
- if active in ["+", "-"]:
- _key = pp.useflag((active+key), active=="+")
- else:
- _key = (" " + key)
- print(self.prepend + _key,'.'*(35-len(key)), default, pp.number(count))
- def print_keyword_verbose(self, key, stability, default, count, pkgs):
- """Verbosely prints a set of keywords info. including the pkgs
- using them.
- """
- _pkgs = pkgs[:]
- _key = (pp.keyword((stability+key),stable=(stability==" "),
- hard_masked=stability=="-"))
- cpv = _pkgs.pop(0)
- print(self.prepend + _key,'.'*(20-len(key)), default, pp.number(count),
- pp.cpv(cpv))
- while _pkgs:
- cpv = _pkgs.pop(0)
- print(' '*37 + pp.cpv(cpv))
- def print_keyword_quiet(self, key, stability, default, count, pkgs):
- """Quietly prints a subset set of USE flag info..
- """
- _key = (pp.keyword((stability+key), stable=(stability==" "),
- hard_masked=stability=="-"))
- print(self.prepend + _key,'.'*(20-len(key)), default, pp.number(count))
- def _format_pkg(self, key, active, flags):
- """Determines the stats for key, formats it and
- calls the pre-determined print function
- """
- (plus, minus, cleaned) = flags
- _plus = []
- _minus = []
- _cleaned = []
- for flag in plus:
- _flag = flag.strip()
- if _flag:
- _plus.append(_flag)
- for flag in minus:
- _flag = flag.strip()
- if _flag:
- _minus.append(_flag)
- for flag in cleaned:
- _flag = flag.strip()
- if _flag:
- _cleaned.append(_flag)
- #print("cpv=", key, "_plus=", _plus, "_minus=", _minus)
- self.print_fn(self.prepend + key, (plus, minus, cleaned))
- def print_pkg_verbose(self, cpv, flags):
- """Verbosely prints the pkg's use flag info.
- """
- (plus, minus, unset) = flags
- _flags = []
- for flag in plus:
- _flags.append(pp.useflag((flag), True))
- for flag in minus:
- _flags.append(pp.useflag(('-' + flag), False))
- for flag in unset:
- _flags.append(pp.globaloption('-' + flag))
- print(self._format_values(cpv, ", ".join(_flags)))
- def print_pkg_quiet(self, cpv, flags):
- """Verbosely prints the pkg's use flag info.
- """
- (plus, minus, unset) = flags
- _flags = []
- for flag in plus:
- _flags.append(pp.useflag((flag), True))
- for flag in minus:
- _flags.append(pp.useflag(('-'+flag), False))
- for flag in unset:
- _flags.append(pp.globaloption('-' + flag))
- print(self._format_values(cpv, ", ".join(_flags)))
+ """Printing functions"""
+ def __init__(
+ self, target, verbose=True, references=None, key_width=1, width=None, prepend=""
+ ):
+ """@param references: list of accepted keywords or
+ the system use flags
+ """
+ self.references = references
+ self.key_width = key_width
+ self.width = width
+ self.prepend = prepend
+ CpvValueWrapper.__init__(self, cpv_width=key_width, width=width)
+ self.set_target(target, verbose)
+ def set_target(self, target, verbose=True):
+ if target in ["use"]:
+ if verbose:
+ self.print_fn = self.print_use_verbose
+ else:
+ self.print_fn = self.print_use_quiet
+ self._format_key = self._format_use_keyword
+ elif target in ["keywords"]:
+ if verbose:
+ self.print_fn = self.print_keyword_verbose
+ else:
+ self.print_fn = self.print_keyword_quiet
+ self._format_key = self._format_use_keyword
+ elif target in ["packages"]:
+ if verbose:
+ self.print_fn = self.print_pkg_verbose
+ else:
+ self.print_fn = self.print_pkg_quiet
+ self._format_key = self._format_pkg
+ def __call__(self, key, active, data):
+ self._format_key(key, active, data)
+ def _format_use_keyword(self, key, active, pkgs):
+ """Determines the stats for key, formats it and
+ calls the pre-determined print function
+ """
+ occurred = str(len(pkgs))
+ if active in ["-", "~"]:
+ _key = active + key
+ else:
+ _key = key
+ if _key in self.references:
+ default = "default"
+ else:
+ default = "......."
+ count = " " * (5 - len(occurred)) + occurred
+ pkgs.sort()
+ self.print_fn(key, active, default, count, pkgs)
+ def print_use_verbose(self, key, active, default, count, pkgs):
+ """Verbosely prints a set of use flag info. including the pkgs
+ using them.
+ """
+ _pkgs = pkgs[:]
+ if active in ["+", "-"]:
+ _key = pp.useflag((active + key), active == "+")
+ else:
+ _key = " " + key
+ cpv = _pkgs.pop(0)
+ print(
+ self.prepend + _key,
+ "." * (35 - len(key)),
+ default,
+ pp.number(count),
+ pp.cpv(cpv),
+ )
+ while _pkgs:
+ cpv = _pkgs.pop(0)
+ print(" " * 52 + pp.cpv(cpv))
+ def print_use_quiet(self, key, active, default, count, pkgs):
+ """Quietly prints a subset set of USE flag info.."""
+ if active in ["+", "-"]:
+ _key = pp.useflag((active + key), active == "+")
+ else:
+ _key = " " + key
+ print(self.prepend + _key, "." * (35 - len(key)), default, pp.number(count))
+ def print_keyword_verbose(self, key, stability, default, count, pkgs):
+ """Verbosely prints a set of keywords info. including the pkgs
+ using them.
+ """
+ _pkgs = pkgs[:]
+ _key = pp.keyword(
+ (stability + key), stable=(stability == " "), hard_masked=stability == "-"
+ )
+ cpv = _pkgs.pop(0)
+ print(
+ self.prepend + _key,
+ "." * (20 - len(key)),
+ default,
+ pp.number(count),
+ pp.cpv(cpv),
+ )
+ while _pkgs:
+ cpv = _pkgs.pop(0)
+ print(" " * 37 + pp.cpv(cpv))
+ def print_keyword_quiet(self, key, stability, default, count, pkgs):
+ """Quietly prints a subset set of USE flag info.."""
+ _key = pp.keyword(
+ (stability + key), stable=(stability == " "), hard_masked=stability == "-"
+ )
+ print(self.prepend + _key, "." * (20 - len(key)), default, pp.number(count))
+ def _format_pkg(self, key, active, flags):
+ """Determines the stats for key, formats it and
+ calls the pre-determined print function
+ """
+ (plus, minus, cleaned) = flags
+ _plus = []
+ _minus = []
+ _cleaned = []
+ for flag in plus:
+ _flag = flag.strip()
+ if _flag:
+ _plus.append(_flag)
+ for flag in minus:
+ _flag = flag.strip()
+ if _flag:
+ _minus.append(_flag)
+ for flag in cleaned:
+ _flag = flag.strip()
+ if _flag:
+ _cleaned.append(_flag)
+ # print("cpv=", key, "_plus=", _plus, "_minus=", _minus)
+ self.print_fn(self.prepend + key, (plus, minus, cleaned))
+ def print_pkg_verbose(self, cpv, flags):
+ """Verbosely prints the pkg's use flag info."""
+ (plus, minus, unset) = flags
+ _flags = []
+ for flag in plus:
+ _flags.append(pp.useflag((flag), True))
+ for flag in minus:
+ _flags.append(pp.useflag(("-" + flag), False))
+ for flag in unset:
+ _flags.append(pp.globaloption("-" + flag))
+ print(self._format_values(cpv, ", ".join(_flags)))
+ def print_pkg_quiet(self, cpv, flags):
+ """Verbosely prints the pkg's use flag info."""
+ (plus, minus, unset) = flags
+ _flags = []
+ for flag in plus:
+ _flags.append(pp.useflag((flag), True))
+ for flag in minus:
+ _flags.append(pp.useflag(("-" + flag), False))
+ for flag in unset:
+ _flags.append(pp.globaloption("-" + flag))
+ print(self._format_values(cpv, ", ".join(_flags)))
class RebuildPrinter(CpvValueWrapper):
- """Output functions"""
- def __init__(self, target, pretend=True, exact=False,
- slot=False, key_width=1, width=None):
- """@param references: list of accepted keywords or
- the system use flags
- """
- self.target = target
- self.set_target(target)
- self.pretend = pretend
- CpvValueWrapper.__init__(self, cpv_width=key_width, width=width)
- if pretend:
- self.spacer = ' '
- self.init_indent = len(self.spacer)
- else:
- self.spacer = ''
- self.exact = exact
- self.slot = slot
- self.data = {}
- def set_target(self, target):
- if target in ["use"]:
- self.print_fn = self.print_use
- elif target in ["keywords"]:
- self.print_fn = self.print_keyword
- elif target in ["unmask"]:
- self.print_fn = self.print_mask
- self.lines = [self.header()]
- def __call__(self, key, values, cp_count):
- if self.target in ["keywords", "use"]:
- self._format_atoms(key, values, cp_count)
- else:
- self._format_key(key, values)
- def _format_key(self, key, values):
- """Determines the stats for key, formats it and
- calls the pre-determined print function
- """
- if self.exact:
- _key = "=" + key
- else:
- parts = split_cpv(key)
- _key = '/'.join(parts[:2])
- values.sort()
- self.data[_key] = values
- self.print_fn( _key, values)
- def print_use(self, key, atom=None, values=None):
- """Prints a USE flag string.
- """
- if atom and not values:
- values = atom.use
- if self.pretend:
- flags = []
- for flag in values:
- flags.append(pp.useflag(flag, (flag[0] != '-')))
- print(self._format_values(self.spacer+key, ' '.join(flags)))
- else:
- line = ' '.join([key, ' '.join(values)])
- self.lines.append(line)
- def _format_atoms(self, key, atoms, count):
- """Determines if there are more than one atom in the values and
- calls the predetermined print function for each atom.
- """
- #print("_format_atoms(),", key, atoms)
- if self.exact:
- for atom in atoms:
- self.print_fn(str(atom), atom=atom)
- return
- #print("_format_atoms(), count =", count)
- if self.slot or count > 1:
- for atom in atoms:
- _key = str(atom.cp) + ":" + atom.slot
- self.print_fn(_key, atom=atom)
- else:
- for atom in atoms:
- _key = str(atom.cp)
- self.print_fn(_key, atom=atom)
- return
- def print_keyword(self, key, atom=None, keyword=None):
- """prints a pkg key and a keyword"""
- #print("print_keyword(),", key, keyword)
- if atom and not keyword:
- keyword = atom.keyword
- if self.pretend:
- print(self._format_values(key, keyword))
- else:
- line = ' '.join([key, keyword])
- self.lines.append(line)
- def print_unmask(self):
- pass
- def header(self):
- """Generates a file header
- """
- h=("# This package.%s file was generated by "
- %self.target +
- "gentoolkit's 'enalyze rebuild' module\n"
- "# Date: " + time.asctime() + "\n"
- )
- return h
+ """Output functions"""
+ def __init__(
+ self, target, pretend=True, exact=False, slot=False, key_width=1, width=None
+ ):
+ """@param references: list of accepted keywords or
+ the system use flags
+ """
+ self.target = target
+ self.set_target(target)
+ self.pretend = pretend
+ CpvValueWrapper.__init__(self, cpv_width=key_width, width=width)
+ if pretend:
+ self.spacer = " "
+ self.init_indent = len(self.spacer)
+ else:
+ self.spacer = ""
+ self.exact = exact
+ self.slot = slot
+ self.data = {}
+ def set_target(self, target):
+ if target in ["use"]:
+ self.print_fn = self.print_use
+ elif target in ["keywords"]:
+ self.print_fn = self.print_keyword
+ elif target in ["unmask"]:
+ self.print_fn = self.print_mask
+ self.lines = [self.header()]
+ def __call__(self, key, values, cp_count):
+ if self.target in ["keywords", "use"]:
+ self._format_atoms(key, values, cp_count)
+ else:
+ self._format_key(key, values)
+ def _format_key(self, key, values):
+ """Determines the stats for key, formats it and
+ calls the pre-determined print function
+ """
+ if self.exact:
+ _key = "=" + key
+ else:
+ parts = split_cpv(key)
+ _key = "/".join(parts[:2])
+ values.sort()
+ self.data[_key] = values
+ self.print_fn(_key, values)
+ def print_use(self, key, atom=None, values=None):
+ """Prints a USE flag string."""
+ if atom and not values:
+ values = atom.use
+ if self.pretend:
+ flags = []
+ for flag in values:
+ flags.append(pp.useflag(flag, (flag[0] != "-")))
+ print(self._format_values(self.spacer + key, " ".join(flags)))
+ else:
+ line = " ".join([key, " ".join(values)])
+ self.lines.append(line)
+ def _format_atoms(self, key, atoms, count):
+ """Determines if there are more than one atom in the values and
+ calls the predetermined print function for each atom.
+ """
+ # print("_format_atoms(),", key, atoms)
+ if self.exact:
+ for atom in atoms:
+ self.print_fn(str(atom), atom=atom)
+ return
+ # print("_format_atoms(), count =", count)
+ if self.slot or count > 1:
+ for atom in atoms:
+ _key = str(atom.cp) + ":" + atom.slot
+ self.print_fn(_key, atom=atom)
+ else:
+ for atom in atoms:
+ _key = str(atom.cp)
+ self.print_fn(_key, atom=atom)
+ return
+ def print_keyword(self, key, atom=None, keyword=None):
+ """prints a pkg key and a keyword"""
+ # print("print_keyword(),", key, keyword)
+ if atom and not keyword:
+ keyword = atom.keyword
+ if self.pretend:
+ print(self._format_values(key, keyword))
+ else:
+ line = " ".join([key, keyword])
+ self.lines.append(line)
+ def print_unmask(self):
+ pass
+ def header(self):
+ """Generates a file header"""
+ h = (
+ "# This package.%s file was generated by " % self.target
+ + "gentoolkit's 'enalyze rebuild' module\n"
+ "# Date: " + time.asctime() + "\n"
+ )
+ return h
diff --git a/pym/gentoolkit/enalyze/rebuild.py b/pym/gentoolkit/enalyze/rebuild.py
index c0ac8cb..f4a348a 100644
--- a/pym/gentoolkit/enalyze/rebuild.py
+++ b/pym/gentoolkit/enalyze/rebuild.py
@@ -15,8 +15,12 @@ import os
import gentoolkit
from gentoolkit.module_base import ModuleBase
from gentoolkit import pprinter as pp
-from gentoolkit.enalyze.lib import (get_installed_use, get_flags, FlagAnalyzer,
- KeywordAnalyser)
+from gentoolkit.enalyze.lib import (
+ get_installed_use,
+ get_flags,
+ FlagAnalyzer,
+ KeywordAnalyser,
from gentoolkit.enalyze.output import RebuildPrinter
from gentoolkit.atom import Atom
from gentoolkit.package import Package
@@ -25,343 +29,386 @@ from gentoolkit.package import Package
import portage
from portage import _encodings, _unicode_encode
-def cpv_all_diff_use(
- cpvs=None,
- system_flags=None,
- # override-able for testing
- _get_flags=get_flags,
- _get_used=get_installed_use
- ):
- """Data gathering and analysis function determines
- the difference between the current default USE flag settings
- and the currently installed pkgs recorded USE flag settings
- @type cpvs: list
- @param cpvs: optional list of [cat/pkg-ver,...] to analyze or
- defaults to entire installed pkg db
- @type: system_flags: list
- @param system_flags: the current default USE flags as defined
- by portage.settings["USE"].split()
- @type _get_flags: function
- @param _get_flags: ovride-able for testing,
- defaults to gentoolkit.enalyze.lib.get_flags
- @param _get_used: ovride-able for testing,
- defaults to gentoolkit.enalyze.lib.get_installed_use
- @rtype dict. {cpv:['flag1', '-flag2',...]}
- """
- if cpvs is None:
- cpvs = portage.db[portage.root]["vartree"].dbapi.cpv_all()
- cpvs.sort()
- data = {}
- cp_counts = {}
- # pass them in to override for tests
- flags = FlagAnalyzer(system_flags,
- filter_defaults=True,
- target="USE",
- _get_flags=_get_flags,
- _get_used=get_installed_use
- )
- for cpv in cpvs:
- plus, minus, unset = flags.analyse_cpv(cpv)
- atom = Atom("="+cpv)
- atom.slot = portage.db[portage.root]["vartree"].dbapi.aux_get(atom.cpv, ["SLOT"])[0]
- for flag in minus:
- plus.add("-"+flag)
- if len(plus):
- if atom.cp not in data:
- data[atom.cp] = []
- if atom.cp not in cp_counts:
- cp_counts[atom.cp] = 0
- atom.use = list(plus)
- data[atom.cp].append(atom)
- cp_counts[atom.cp] += 1
- return data, cp_counts
+def cpv_all_diff_use(
+ cpvs=None,
+ system_flags=None,
+ # override-able for testing
+ _get_flags=get_flags,
+ _get_used=get_installed_use,
+ """Data gathering and analysis function determines
+ the difference between the current default USE flag settings
+ and the currently installed pkgs recorded USE flag settings
+ @type cpvs: list
+ @param cpvs: optional list of [cat/pkg-ver,...] to analyze or
+ defaults to entire installed pkg db
+ @type: system_flags: list
+ @param system_flags: the current default USE flags as defined
+ by portage.settings["USE"].split()
+ @type _get_flags: function
+ @param _get_flags: ovride-able for testing,
+ defaults to gentoolkit.enalyze.lib.get_flags
+ @param _get_used: ovride-able for testing,
+ defaults to gentoolkit.enalyze.lib.get_installed_use
+ @rtype dict. {cpv:['flag1', '-flag2',...]}
+ """
+ if cpvs is None:
+ cpvs = portage.db[portage.root]["vartree"].dbapi.cpv_all()
+ cpvs.sort()
+ data = {}
+ cp_counts = {}
+ # pass them in to override for tests
+ flags = FlagAnalyzer(
+ system_flags,
+ filter_defaults=True,
+ target="USE",
+ _get_flags=_get_flags,
+ _get_used=get_installed_use,
+ )
+ for cpv in cpvs:
+ plus, minus, unset = flags.analyse_cpv(cpv)
+ atom = Atom("=" + cpv)
+ atom.slot = portage.db[portage.root]["vartree"].dbapi.aux_get(
+ atom.cpv, ["SLOT"]
+ )[0]
+ for flag in minus:
+ plus.add("-" + flag)
+ if len(plus):
+ if atom.cp not in data:
+ data[atom.cp] = []
+ if atom.cp not in cp_counts:
+ cp_counts[atom.cp] = 0
+ atom.use = list(plus)
+ data[atom.cp].append(atom)
+ cp_counts[atom.cp] += 1
+ return data, cp_counts
def cpv_all_diff_keywords(
- cpvs=None,
- system_keywords=None,
- use_portage=False,
- # override-able for testing
- keywords=portage.settings["ACCEPT_KEYWORDS"],
- analyser = None
- ):
- """Analyze the installed pkgs 'keywords' for difference from ACCEPT_KEYWORDS
- @param cpvs: optional list of [cat/pkg-ver,...] to analyze or
- defaults to entire installed pkg db
- @param system_keywords: list of the system keywords
- @param keywords: user defined list of keywords to check and report on
- or reports on all relevant keywords found to have been used.
- @param _get_kwds: overridable function for testing
- @param _get_used: overridable function for testing
- @rtype dict. {keyword:{"stable":[cat/pkg-ver,...],
- "testing":[cat/pkg-ver,...]}
- """
- if cpvs is None:
- cpvs = portage.db[portage.root]["vartree"].dbapi.cpv_all()
- keyword_users = {}
- cp_counts = {}
- for cpv in cpvs:
- if cpv.startswith("virtual"):
- continue
- if use_portage:
- keyword = analyser.get_inst_keyword_cpv(cpv)
- else:
- pkg = Package(cpv)
- keyword = analyser.get_inst_keyword_pkg(pkg)
- #print "returned keyword =", cpv, keyword, keyword[0]
- key = keyword[0]
- if key in ["~", "-"] and keyword not in system_keywords:
- atom = Atom("="+cpv)
- if atom.cp not in keyword_users:
- keyword_users[atom.cp] = []
- if atom.cp not in cp_counts:
- cp_counts[atom.cp] = 0
- if key in ["~"]:
- atom.keyword = keyword
- atom.slot = portage.db[portage.root]["vartree"].dbapi.aux_get(atom.cpv, ["SLOT"])[0]
- keyword_users[atom.cp].append(atom)
- cp_counts[atom.cp] += 1
- elif key in ["-"]:
- #print "adding cpv to missing:", cpv
- atom.keyword = "**"
- atom.slot = portage.db[portage.root]["vartree"].dbapi.aux_get(atom.cpv, ["SLOT"])[0]
- keyword_users[atom.cp].append(atom)
- cp_counts[atom.cp] += 1
- return keyword_users, cp_counts
+ cpvs=None,
+ system_keywords=None,
+ use_portage=False,
+ # override-able for testing
+ keywords=portage.settings["ACCEPT_KEYWORDS"],
+ analyser=None,
+ """Analyze the installed pkgs 'keywords' for difference from ACCEPT_KEYWORDS
+ @param cpvs: optional list of [cat/pkg-ver,...] to analyze or
+ defaults to entire installed pkg db
+ @param system_keywords: list of the system keywords
+ @param keywords: user defined list of keywords to check and report on
+ or reports on all relevant keywords found to have been used.
+ @param _get_kwds: overridable function for testing
+ @param _get_used: overridable function for testing
+ @rtype dict. {keyword:{"stable":[cat/pkg-ver,...],
+ "testing":[cat/pkg-ver,...]}
+ """
+ if cpvs is None:
+ cpvs = portage.db[portage.root]["vartree"].dbapi.cpv_all()
+ keyword_users = {}
+ cp_counts = {}
+ for cpv in cpvs:
+ if cpv.startswith("virtual"):
+ continue
+ if use_portage:
+ keyword = analyser.get_inst_keyword_cpv(cpv)
+ else:
+ pkg = Package(cpv)
+ keyword = analyser.get_inst_keyword_pkg(pkg)
+ # print "returned keyword =", cpv, keyword, keyword[0]
+ key = keyword[0]
+ if key in ["~", "-"] and keyword not in system_keywords:
+ atom = Atom("=" + cpv)
+ if atom.cp not in keyword_users:
+ keyword_users[atom.cp] = []
+ if atom.cp not in cp_counts:
+ cp_counts[atom.cp] = 0
+ if key in ["~"]:
+ atom.keyword = keyword
+ atom.slot = portage.db[portage.root]["vartree"].dbapi.aux_get(
+ atom.cpv, ["SLOT"]
+ )[0]
+ keyword_users[atom.cp].append(atom)
+ cp_counts[atom.cp] += 1
+ elif key in ["-"]:
+ # print "adding cpv to missing:", cpv
+ atom.keyword = "**"
+ atom.slot = portage.db[portage.root]["vartree"].dbapi.aux_get(
+ atom.cpv, ["SLOT"]
+ )[0]
+ keyword_users[atom.cp].append(atom)
+ cp_counts[atom.cp] += 1
+ return keyword_users, cp_counts
class Rebuild(ModuleBase):
- """Installed db analysis tool to query the installed databse
- and produce/output stats for USE flags or keywords/mask.
- The 'rebuild' action output is in the form suitable for file type output
- to create a new package.use, package.keywords, package.unmask
- type files in the event of needing to rebuild the
- /etc/portage/* user configs
- """
- def __init__(self):
- ModuleBase.__init__(self)
- self.command_name = "enalyze"
- self.module_name = "rebuild"
- self.options = {
- "use": False,
- "keywords": False,
- "unmask": False,
- "verbose": False,
- "quiet": False,
- "exact": False,
- "pretend": False,
- "prefix": False,
- "portage": True,
- "slot": False
- #"unset": False
- }
- self.module_opts = {
- "-p": ("pretend", "boolean", True),
- "--pretend": ("pretend", "boolean", True),
- "-e": ("exact", "boolean", True),
- "--exact": ("exact", "boolean", True),
- "-s": ("slot", "boolean", True),
- "--slot": ("slot", "boolean", True),
- "-v": ("verbose", "boolean", True),
- "--verbose": ("verbose", "boolean", True),
- }
- self.formatted_options = [
- (" -h, --help", "Outputs this useage message"),
- (" -p, --pretend", "Does not actually create the files."),
- (" ", "It directs the outputs to the screen"),
- (" -e, --exact", "will atomize the package with a"),
- (" ", "leading '=' and include the version"),
- (" -s, --slot", "will atomize the package with a"),
- (" ", "leading '=' and include the slot")
- ]
- self.formatted_args = [
- (" use",
- "causes the action to analyze the installed packages USE flags"),
- (" keywords",
- "causes the action to analyze the installed packages keywords"),
- (" unmask",
- "causes the action to analyze the installed packages " + \
- "current mask status")
- ]
- self.short_opts = "hepsv"
- self.long_opts = ("help", "exact", "pretend", "slot", "verbose")
- self.need_queries = True
- self.arg_spec = "TargetSpec"
- self.arg_options = ['use', 'keywords', 'unmask']
- self.arg_option = False
- self.warning = (
- "This is beta software and some features/options are incomplete,",
- "some features may change in future releases includig its name.",
- "The file generated is saved in your home directory",
- "Feedback will be appreciated, http://bugs.gentoo.org")
- def run(self, input_args, quiet=False):
- """runs the module
- @param input_args: input arguments to be parsed
- """
- self.options['quiet'] = quiet
- query = self.main_setup(input_args)
- query = self.validate_query(query)
- if query in ["use"]:
- self.rebuild_use()
- elif query in ["keywords"]:
- self.rebuild_keywords()
- elif query in ["unmask"]:
- self.rebuild_unmask()
- def rebuild_use(self):
- if not self.options["quiet"]:
- print()
- print(" -- Scanning installed packages for USE flag settings that")
- print(" do not match the default settings")
- system_use = portage.settings["USE"].split()
- output = RebuildPrinter(
- "use", self.options["pretend"], self.options["exact"],
- self.options['slot'])
- pkgs, cp_counts = cpv_all_diff_use(system_flags=system_use)
- pkg_count = len(pkgs)
- if self.options["verbose"]:
- print()
- print((pp.emph(" -- Found ") + pp.number(str(pkg_count)) +
- pp.emph(" packages that need entries")))
- #print pp.emph(" package.use to maintain their current setting")
- pkg_keys = []
- if pkgs:
- pkg_keys = sorted(pkgs)
- #print len(pkgs)
- if self.options["pretend"] and not self.options["quiet"]:
- print()
- print(pp.globaloption(
- " -- These are the installed packages & use flags " +
- "that were detected"))
- print(pp.globaloption(" to need use flag settings other " +
- "than the defaults."))
- print()
- elif not self.options["quiet"]:
- print(" -- preparing pkgs for file entries")
- for pkg in pkg_keys:
- output(pkg, pkgs[pkg], cp_counts[pkg])
- if self.options['verbose']:
- message = (pp.emph(" ") +
- pp.number(str(pkg_count)) +
- pp.emph(" different packages"))
- print()
- print(pp.globaloption(" -- Totals"))
- print(message)
- #print
- #unique = list(unique_flags)
- #unique.sort()
- #print unique
- if not self.options["pretend"]:
- filepath = os.path.expanduser('~/package.use.test')
- self.save_file(filepath, output.lines)
- def rebuild_keywords(self):
- #print("Module action not yet available")
- #print()
- """This will scan the installed packages db and analyze the
- keywords used for installation and produce a report on them.
- """
- system_keywords = portage.settings["ACCEPT_KEYWORDS"].split()
- output = RebuildPrinter(
- "keywords", self.options["pretend"], self.options["exact"],
- self.options['slot'])
- arch = portage.settings["ARCH"]
- if self.options["prefix"]:
- # build a new keyword for testing
- system_keywords = "~" + arch + "-linux"
- if self.options["verbose"] or self.options["prefix"]:
- print("Current system ARCH =", arch)
- print("Current system ACCEPT_KEYWORDS =", system_keywords)
- self.analyser = KeywordAnalyser( arch, system_keywords, portage.db[portage.root]["vartree"].dbapi)
- #self.analyser.set_order(portage.settings["USE"].split())
- # only for testing
- test_use = portage.settings["USE"].split()
- if self.options['prefix'] and 'prefix' not in test_use:
- print("REBUILD_KEYWORDS() 'prefix' flag not found in system",
- "USE flags!!! appending for testing")
- print()
- test_use.append('prefix')
- self.analyser.set_order(test_use)
- # /end testing
- cpvs = portage.db[portage.root]["vartree"].dbapi.cpv_all()
- #print "Total number of installed ebuilds =", len(cpvs)
- pkgs, cp_counts = cpv_all_diff_keywords(
- cpvs=cpvs,
- system_keywords=system_keywords,
- use_portage=self.options['portage'],
- analyser = self.analyser
- )
- #print([pkgs[p][0].cpv for p in pkgs])
- pkg_keys = []
- if pkgs:
- pkg_keys = sorted(pkgs)
- #print(len(pkgs))
- if self.options["pretend"] and not self.options["quiet"]:
- print()
- print(pp.globaloption(
- " -- These are the installed packages & keywords " +
- "that were detected"))
- print(pp.globaloption(" to need keyword settings other " +
- "than the defaults."))
- print()
- elif not self.options["quiet"]:
- print(" -- preparing pkgs for file entries")
- for pkg in pkg_keys:
- output(pkg, pkgs[pkg], cp_counts[pkg])
- if not self.options['quiet']:
- if self.analyser.mismatched:
- print("_________________________________________________")
- print(("The following packages were found to have a \n" +
- "different recorded ARCH than the current system ARCH"))
- for cpv in self.analyser.mismatched:
- print("\t", pp.cpv(cpv))
- print("===================================================")
- print("Total number of entries in report =",
- pp.output.red(str(len(pkg_keys))))
- if self.options["verbose"]:
- print("Total number of installed ebuilds =",
- pp.output.red(str(len(cpvs))))
- print()
- if not self.options["pretend"]:
- filepath = os.path.expanduser('~/package.keywords.test')
- self.save_file(filepath, output.lines)
- def rebuild_unmask(self):
- self.not_implemented("unmask")
- def save_file(self, filepath, data):
- """Writes the data to the file determined by filepath
- @param filepath: string. eg. '/path/to/filename'
- @param data: list of lines to write to filepath
- """
- if not self.options["quiet"]:
- print(' - Saving file: %s' %filepath)
- with open(_unicode_encode(filepath, encoding=_encodings['fs']), mode="w",
- encoding=_encodings['content']) as output:
- output.write('\n'.join(data))
- print(" - Done")
+ """Installed db analysis tool to query the installed databse
+ and produce/output stats for USE flags or keywords/mask.
+ The 'rebuild' action output is in the form suitable for file type output
+ to create a new package.use, package.keywords, package.unmask
+ type files in the event of needing to rebuild the
+ /etc/portage/* user configs
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ ModuleBase.__init__(self)
+ self.command_name = "enalyze"
+ self.module_name = "rebuild"
+ self.options = {
+ "use": False,
+ "keywords": False,
+ "unmask": False,
+ "verbose": False,
+ "quiet": False,
+ "exact": False,
+ "pretend": False,
+ "prefix": False,
+ "portage": True,
+ "slot": False,
+ # "unset": False
+ }
+ self.module_opts = {
+ "-p": ("pretend", "boolean", True),
+ "--pretend": ("pretend", "boolean", True),
+ "-e": ("exact", "boolean", True),
+ "--exact": ("exact", "boolean", True),
+ "-s": ("slot", "boolean", True),
+ "--slot": ("slot", "boolean", True),
+ "-v": ("verbose", "boolean", True),
+ "--verbose": ("verbose", "boolean", True),
+ }
+ self.formatted_options = [
+ (" -h, --help", "Outputs this useage message"),
+ (" -p, --pretend", "Does not actually create the files."),
+ (" ", "It directs the outputs to the screen"),
+ (" -e, --exact", "will atomize the package with a"),
+ (" ", "leading '=' and include the version"),
+ (" -s, --slot", "will atomize the package with a"),
+ (" ", "leading '=' and include the slot"),
+ ]
+ self.formatted_args = [
+ (
+ " use",
+ "causes the action to analyze the installed packages USE flags",
+ ),
+ (
+ " keywords",
+ "causes the action to analyze the installed packages keywords",
+ ),
+ (
+ " unmask",
+ "causes the action to analyze the installed packages "
+ + "current mask status",
+ ),
+ ]
+ self.short_opts = "hepsv"
+ self.long_opts = ("help", "exact", "pretend", "slot", "verbose")
+ self.need_queries = True
+ self.arg_spec = "TargetSpec"
+ self.arg_options = ["use", "keywords", "unmask"]
+ self.arg_option = False
+ self.warning = (
+ "This is beta software and some features/options are incomplete,",
+ "some features may change in future releases includig its name.",
+ "The file generated is saved in your home directory",
+ "Feedback will be appreciated, http://bugs.gentoo.org",
+ )
+ def run(self, input_args, quiet=False):
+ """runs the module
+ @param input_args: input arguments to be parsed
+ """
+ self.options["quiet"] = quiet
+ query = self.main_setup(input_args)
+ query = self.validate_query(query)
+ if query in ["use"]:
+ self.rebuild_use()
+ elif query in ["keywords"]:
+ self.rebuild_keywords()
+ elif query in ["unmask"]:
+ self.rebuild_unmask()
+ def rebuild_use(self):
+ if not self.options["quiet"]:
+ print()
+ print(" -- Scanning installed packages for USE flag settings that")
+ print(" do not match the default settings")
+ system_use = portage.settings["USE"].split()
+ output = RebuildPrinter(
+ "use", self.options["pretend"], self.options["exact"], self.options["slot"]
+ )
+ pkgs, cp_counts = cpv_all_diff_use(system_flags=system_use)
+ pkg_count = len(pkgs)
+ if self.options["verbose"]:
+ print()
+ print(
+ pp.emph(" -- Found ")
+ + pp.number(str(pkg_count))
+ + pp.emph(" packages that need entries")
+ )
+ # print pp.emph(" package.use to maintain their current setting")
+ pkg_keys = []
+ if pkgs:
+ pkg_keys = sorted(pkgs)
+ # print len(pkgs)
+ if self.options["pretend"] and not self.options["quiet"]:
+ print()
+ print(
+ pp.globaloption(
+ " -- These are the installed packages & use flags "
+ + "that were detected"
+ )
+ )
+ print(
+ pp.globaloption(
+ " to need use flag settings other " + "than the defaults."
+ )
+ )
+ print()
+ elif not self.options["quiet"]:
+ print(" -- preparing pkgs for file entries")
+ for pkg in pkg_keys:
+ output(pkg, pkgs[pkg], cp_counts[pkg])
+ if self.options["verbose"]:
+ message = (
+ pp.emph(" ")
+ + pp.number(str(pkg_count))
+ + pp.emph(" different packages")
+ )
+ print()
+ print(pp.globaloption(" -- Totals"))
+ print(message)
+ # print
+ # unique = list(unique_flags)
+ # unique.sort()
+ # print unique
+ if not self.options["pretend"]:
+ filepath = os.path.expanduser("~/package.use.test")
+ self.save_file(filepath, output.lines)
+ def rebuild_keywords(self):
+ # print("Module action not yet available")
+ # print()
+ """This will scan the installed packages db and analyze the
+ keywords used for installation and produce a report on them.
+ """
+ system_keywords = portage.settings["ACCEPT_KEYWORDS"].split()
+ output = RebuildPrinter(
+ "keywords",
+ self.options["pretend"],
+ self.options["exact"],
+ self.options["slot"],
+ )
+ arch = portage.settings["ARCH"]
+ if self.options["prefix"]:
+ # build a new keyword for testing
+ system_keywords = "~" + arch + "-linux"
+ if self.options["verbose"] or self.options["prefix"]:
+ print("Current system ARCH =", arch)
+ print("Current system ACCEPT_KEYWORDS =", system_keywords)
+ self.analyser = KeywordAnalyser(
+ arch, system_keywords, portage.db[portage.root]["vartree"].dbapi
+ )
+ # self.analyser.set_order(portage.settings["USE"].split())
+ # only for testing
+ test_use = portage.settings["USE"].split()
+ if self.options["prefix"] and "prefix" not in test_use:
+ print(
+ "REBUILD_KEYWORDS() 'prefix' flag not found in system",
+ "USE flags!!! appending for testing",
+ )
+ print()
+ test_use.append("prefix")
+ self.analyser.set_order(test_use)
+ # /end testing
+ cpvs = portage.db[portage.root]["vartree"].dbapi.cpv_all()
+ # print "Total number of installed ebuilds =", len(cpvs)
+ pkgs, cp_counts = cpv_all_diff_keywords(
+ cpvs=cpvs,
+ system_keywords=system_keywords,
+ use_portage=self.options["portage"],
+ analyser=self.analyser,
+ )
+ # print([pkgs[p][0].cpv for p in pkgs])
+ pkg_keys = []
+ if pkgs:
+ pkg_keys = sorted(pkgs)
+ # print(len(pkgs))
+ if self.options["pretend"] and not self.options["quiet"]:
+ print()
+ print(
+ pp.globaloption(
+ " -- These are the installed packages & keywords "
+ + "that were detected"
+ )
+ )
+ print(
+ pp.globaloption(
+ " to need keyword settings other " + "than the defaults."
+ )
+ )
+ print()
+ elif not self.options["quiet"]:
+ print(" -- preparing pkgs for file entries")
+ for pkg in pkg_keys:
+ output(pkg, pkgs[pkg], cp_counts[pkg])
+ if not self.options["quiet"]:
+ if self.analyser.mismatched:
+ print("_________________________________________________")
+ print(
+ "The following packages were found to have a \n"
+ + "different recorded ARCH than the current system ARCH"
+ )
+ for cpv in self.analyser.mismatched:
+ print("\t", pp.cpv(cpv))
+ print("===================================================")
+ print(
+ "Total number of entries in report =", pp.output.red(str(len(pkg_keys)))
+ )
+ if self.options["verbose"]:
+ print(
+ "Total number of installed ebuilds =", pp.output.red(str(len(cpvs)))
+ )
+ print()
+ if not self.options["pretend"]:
+ filepath = os.path.expanduser("~/package.keywords.test")
+ self.save_file(filepath, output.lines)
+ def rebuild_unmask(self):
+ self.not_implemented("unmask")
+ def save_file(self, filepath, data):
+ """Writes the data to the file determined by filepath
+ @param filepath: string. eg. '/path/to/filename'
+ @param data: list of lines to write to filepath
+ """
+ if not self.options["quiet"]:
+ print(" - Saving file: %s" % filepath)
+ with open(
+ _unicode_encode(filepath, encoding=_encodings["fs"]),
+ mode="w",
+ encoding=_encodings["content"],
+ ) as output:
+ output.write("\n".join(data))
+ output.write("\n")
+ print(" - Done")
def main(input_args):
- """Common starting method by the analyze master
- unless all modules are converted to this class method.
+ """Common starting method by the analyze master
+ unless all modules are converted to this class method.
- @param input_args: input args as supplied by equery master module.
- """
- query_module = Rebuild()
- query_module.run(input_args, gentoolkit.CONFIG['quiet'])
+ @param input_args: input args as supplied by equery master module.
+ """
+ query_module = Rebuild()
+ query_module.run(input_args, gentoolkit.CONFIG["quiet"])
-# vim: set ts=4 sw=4 tw=79:
+# vim: set ts=4 sw=4 tw=79:
diff --git a/pym/gentoolkit/eprefix.py b/pym/gentoolkit/eprefix.py
index 5acaa79..868a780 100644
--- a/pym/gentoolkit/eprefix.py
+++ b/pym/gentoolkit/eprefix.py
@@ -14,9 +14,9 @@ then in code add it to the filepath eg.:
# Load EPREFIX from Portage, fall back to the empty string if it fails
- from portage.const import EPREFIX
+ from portage.const import EPREFIX
except ImportError:
- EPREFIX = ''
+ EPREFIX = ""
if __name__ == "__main__":
- print("EPREFIX set to:", EPREFIX)
+ print("EPREFIX set to:", EPREFIX)
diff --git a/pym/gentoolkit/equery/__init__.py b/pym/gentoolkit/equery/__init__.py
index 4640086..7beb631 100644
--- a/pym/gentoolkit/equery/__init__.py
+++ b/pym/gentoolkit/equery/__init__.py
@@ -1,17 +1,13 @@
-# Copyright(c) 2009, Gentoo Foundation
+# Copyright(c) 2009-2023 Gentoo Authors
# Licensed under the GNU General Public License, v2
"""Gentoo package query tool"""
-__all__ = (
- 'format_options',
- 'format_package_names',
- 'mod_usage'
-__docformat__ = 'epytext'
-# version is dynamically set by distutils sdist
-__version__ = "git"
+__all__ = ("format_options", "format_package_names", "mod_usage")
+__docformat__ = "epytext"
+# version is dynamically set by meson dist
+__version__ = "@VERSION@"
# =======
# Imports
@@ -32,8 +28,8 @@ from gentoolkit.textwrap_ import TextWrapper
__productname__ = "equery"
__authors__ = (
- 'Karl Trygve Kalleberg - Original author',
- 'Douglas Anderson - 0.3.0 author'
+ "Karl Trygve Kalleberg - Original author",
+ "Douglas Anderson - 0.3.0 author",
# =======
@@ -41,320 +37,334 @@ __authors__ = (
# =======
- 'b': 'belongs',
- 'c': 'changes',
- 'k': 'check',
- 'd': 'depends',
- 'g': 'depgraph',
- 'f': 'files',
- 'h': 'hasuse',
- 'l': 'list_',
- 'y': 'keywords',
- 'a': 'has',
- 'm': 'meta',
- 's': 'size',
- 'u': 'uses',
- 'w': 'which'
+ "b": "belongs",
+ "k": "check",
+ "d": "depends",
+ "g": "depgraph",
+ "f": "files",
+ "h": "hasuse",
+ "l": "list_",
+ "y": "keywords",
+ "a": "has",
+ "m": "meta",
+ "s": "size",
+ "u": "uses",
+ "w": "which",
# =========
# Functions
# =========
def print_help(with_description=True):
- """Print description, usage and a detailed help message.
- @param with_description (bool): Option to print module's __doc__ or not
- """
- if with_description:
- print(__doc__)
- print(main_usage())
- print()
- print(pp.globaloption("global options"))
- print(format_options((
- (" -h, --help", "display this help message"),
- (" -q, --quiet", "minimal output"),
- (" -C, --no-color", "turn off colors"),
- (" -N, --no-pipe", "turn off pipe detection"),
- (" -V, --version", "display version info")
- )))
- print()
- print(pp.command("modules") + " (" + pp.command("short name") + ")")
- print(format_options((
- (" (b)elongs", "list what package FILES belong to"),
- (" (c)hanges", "list changelog entries for ATOM"),
- (" chec(k)", "verify checksums and timestamps for PKG"),
- (" (d)epends", "list all packages directly depending on ATOM"),
- (" dep(g)raph", "display a tree of all dependencies for PKG"),
- (" (f)iles", "list all files installed by PKG"),
- (" h(a)s", "list all packages for matching ENVIRONMENT data stored in /var/db/pkg"),
- (" (h)asuse", "list all packages that have USE flag"),
- (" ke(y)words", "display keywords for specified PKG"),
- (" (l)ist", "list package matching PKG"),
- (" (m)eta", "display metadata about PKG"),
- (" (s)ize", "display total size of all files owned by PKG"),
- (" (u)ses", "display USE flags for PKG"),
- (" (w)hich", "print full path to ebuild for PKG")
- )))
+ """Print description, usage and a detailed help message.
+ @param with_description (bool): Option to print module's __doc__ or not
+ """
+ if with_description:
+ print(__doc__)
+ print(main_usage())
+ print()
+ print(pp.globaloption("global options"))
+ print(
+ format_options(
+ (
+ (" -h, --help", "display this help message"),
+ (" -q, --quiet", "minimal output"),
+ (" -C, --no-color", "turn off colors"),
+ (" -N, --no-pipe", "turn off pipe detection"),
+ (" -V, --version", "display version info"),
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ print()
+ print(pp.command("modules") + " (" + pp.command("short name") + ")")
+ print(
+ format_options(
+ (
+ (" (b)elongs", "list what package FILES belong to"),
+ (" chec(k)", "verify checksums and timestamps for PKG"),
+ (" (d)epends", "list all packages directly depending on ATOM"),
+ (" dep(g)raph", "display a tree of all dependencies for PKG"),
+ (" (f)iles", "list all files installed by PKG"),
+ (
+ " h(a)s",
+ "list all packages for matching ENVIRONMENT data stored in /var/db/pkg",
+ ),
+ (" (h)asuse", "list all packages that have USE flag"),
+ (" ke(y)words", "display keywords for specified PKG"),
+ (" (l)ist", "list package matching PKG"),
+ (" (m)eta", "display metadata about PKG"),
+ (" (s)ize", "display total size of all files owned by PKG"),
+ (" (u)ses", "display USE flags for PKG"),
+ (" (w)hich", "print full path to ebuild for PKG"),
+ )
+ )
+ )
def expand_module_name(module_name):
- """Returns one of the values of NAME_MAP or raises KeyError"""
+ """Returns one of the values of NAME_MAP or raises KeyError"""
- if module_name == 'list':
- # list is a Python builtin type, so we must rename our module
- return 'list_'
- elif module_name in NAME_MAP.values():
- return module_name
- else:
- return NAME_MAP[module_name]
+ if module_name == "list":
+ # list is a Python builtin type, so we must rename our module
+ return "list_"
+ elif module_name in NAME_MAP.values():
+ return module_name
+ else:
+ return NAME_MAP[module_name]
def format_options(options):
- """Format module options.
- @type options: list
- @param options: [('option 1', 'description 1'), ('option 2', 'des... )]
- @rtype: str
- @return: formatted options string
- """
- result = []
- twrap = TextWrapper(width=CONFIG['termWidth'])
- opts = (x[0] for x in options)
- descs = (x[1] for x in options)
- for opt, desc in zip(opts, descs):
- twrap.initial_indent = pp.emph(opt.ljust(25))
- twrap.subsequent_indent = " " * 25
- result.append(twrap.fill(desc))
- return '\n'.join(result)
-def format_filetype(path, fdesc, show_type=False, show_md5=False,
- show_timestamp=False):
- """Format a path for printing.
- @type path: str
- @param path: the path
- @type fdesc: list
- @param fdesc: [file_type, timestamp, MD5 sum/symlink target]
- file_type is one of dev, dir, obj, sym, fif.
- If file_type is dir, there is no timestamp or MD5 sum.
- If file_type is sym, fdesc[2] is the target of the symlink.
- @type show_type: bool
- @param show_type: if True, prepend the file's type to the formatted string
- @type show_md5: bool
- @param show_md5: if True, append MD5 sum to the formatted string
- @type show_timestamp: bool
- @param show_timestamp: if True, append time-of-creation after pathname
- @rtype: str
- @return: formatted pathname with optional added information
- """
- ftype = fpath = stamp = md5sum = ""
- if fdesc[0] == "obj":
- ftype = "file"
- fpath = path
- stamp = format_timestamp(fdesc[1])
- md5sum = fdesc[2]
- elif fdesc[0] == "dir":
- ftype = "dir"
- fpath = pp.path(path)
- elif fdesc[0] == "sym":
- ftype = "sym"
- stamp = format_timestamp(fdesc[1])
- tgt = fdesc[2].split()[0]
- if CONFIG["piping"]:
- fpath = path
- else:
- fpath = pp.path_symlink(path + " -> " + tgt)
- elif fdesc[0] == "dev":
- ftype = "dev"
- fpath = path
- elif fdesc[0] == "fif":
- ftype = "fifo"
- fpath = path
- else:
- sys.stderr.write(
- pp.error("%s has unknown type: %s" % (path, fdesc[0]))
- )
- result = ""
- if show_type:
- result += "%4s " % ftype
- result += fpath
- if show_timestamp:
- result += " " + stamp
- if show_md5:
- result += " " + md5sum
- return result
+ """Format module options.
+ @type options: list
+ @param options: [('option 1', 'description 1'), ('option 2', 'des... )]
+ @rtype: str
+ @return: formatted options string
+ """
+ result = []
+ twrap = TextWrapper(width=CONFIG["termWidth"])
+ opts = (x[0] for x in options)
+ descs = (x[1] for x in options)
+ for opt, desc in zip(opts, descs):
+ twrap.initial_indent = pp.emph(opt.ljust(25))
+ twrap.subsequent_indent = " " * 25
+ result.append(twrap.fill(desc))
+ return "\n".join(result)
+def format_filetype(path, fdesc, show_type=False, show_md5=False, show_timestamp=False):
+ """Format a path for printing.
+ @type path: str
+ @param path: the path
+ @type fdesc: list
+ @param fdesc: [file_type, timestamp, MD5 sum/symlink target]
+ file_type is one of dev, dir, obj, sym, fif.
+ If file_type is dir, there is no timestamp or MD5 sum.
+ If file_type is sym, fdesc[2] is the target of the symlink.
+ @type show_type: bool
+ @param show_type: if True, prepend the file's type to the formatted string
+ @type show_md5: bool
+ @param show_md5: if True, append MD5 sum to the formatted string
+ @type show_timestamp: bool
+ @param show_timestamp: if True, append time-of-creation after pathname
+ @rtype: str
+ @return: formatted pathname with optional added information
+ """
+ ftype = fpath = stamp = md5sum = ""
+ if fdesc[0] == "obj":
+ ftype = "file"
+ fpath = path
+ stamp = format_timestamp(fdesc[1])
+ md5sum = fdesc[2]
+ elif fdesc[0] == "dir":
+ ftype = "dir"
+ fpath = pp.path(path)
+ elif fdesc[0] == "sym":
+ ftype = "sym"
+ stamp = format_timestamp(fdesc[1])
+ tgt = fdesc[2].split()[0]
+ if CONFIG["piping"]:
+ fpath = path
+ else:
+ fpath = pp.path_symlink(path + " -> " + tgt)
+ elif fdesc[0] == "dev":
+ ftype = "dev"
+ fpath = path
+ elif fdesc[0] == "fif":
+ ftype = "fifo"
+ fpath = path
+ else:
+ sys.stderr.write(pp.error(f"{path} has unknown type: {fdesc[0]}"))
+ result = ""
+ if show_type:
+ result += "%4s " % ftype
+ result += fpath
+ if show_timestamp:
+ result += " " + stamp
+ if show_md5:
+ result += " " + md5sum
+ return result
def format_timestamp(timestamp):
- """Format a timestamp into, e.g., '2009-01-31 21:19:44' format"""
+ """Format a timestamp into, e.g., '2009-01-31 21:19:44' format"""
- return time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(int(timestamp)))
+ return time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(int(timestamp)))
def initialize_configuration():
- """Setup the standard equery config"""
+ """Setup the standard equery config"""
- # Get terminal size
- term_width = pp.output.get_term_size()[1]
- if term_width < 1:
- # get_term_size() failed. Set a sane default width:
- term_width = 80
+ # Get terminal size
+ term_width = pp.output.get_term_size()[1]
+ if term_width < 1:
+ # get_term_size() failed. Set a sane default width:
+ term_width = 80
- # Terminal size, minus a 1-char margin for text wrapping
- CONFIG['termWidth'] = term_width - 1
+ # Terminal size, minus a 1-char margin for text wrapping
+ CONFIG["termWidth"] = term_width - 1
- # Guess color output
- if (CONFIG['color'] == -1 and os.getenv("NOCOLOR") in ("yes", "true") or
- CONFIG['color'] == 0):
- pp.output.nocolor()
+ # Guess color output
+ if (
+ CONFIG["color"] == -1
+ and (os.getenv("NO_COLOR") or os.getenv("NOCOLOR") in ("yes", "true"))
+ or CONFIG["color"] == 0
+ ):
+ pp.output.nocolor()
- if CONFIG['piping']:
- CONFIG['verbose'] = False
- # set extra wide, should disable wrapping unless
- # there is some extra long text
- CONFIG['termWidth'] = 600
+ if CONFIG["piping"]:
+ CONFIG["verbose"] = False
+ # set extra wide, should disable wrapping unless
+ # there is some extra long text
+ CONFIG["termWidth"] = 600
- CONFIG['debug'] = bool(os.getenv('DEBUG', False))
+ CONFIG["debug"] = bool(os.getenv("DEBUG", False))
def main_usage():
- """Return the main usage message for equery"""
+ """Return the main usage message for equery"""
- return "%(usage)s %(product)s [%(g_opts)s] %(mod_name)s [%(mod_opts)s]" % {
- 'usage': pp.emph("Usage:"),
- 'product': pp.productname(__productname__),
- 'g_opts': pp.globaloption("global-options"),
- 'mod_name': pp.command("module-name"),
- 'mod_opts': pp.localoption("module-options")
- }
+ return "{usage} {product} [{g_opts}] {mod_name} [{mod_opts}]".format(
+ usage=pp.emph("Usage:"),
+ product=pp.productname(__productname__),
+ g_opts=pp.globaloption("global-options"),
+ mod_name=pp.command("module-name"),
+ mod_opts=pp.localoption("module-options"),
+ )
def mod_usage(mod_name="module", arg="pkgspec", optional=False):
- """Provide a consistent usage message to the calling module.
+ """Provide a consistent usage message to the calling module.
- @type arg: string
- @param arg: what kind of argument the module takes (pkgspec, filename, etc)
- @type optional: bool
- @param optional: is the argument optional?
- """
+ @type arg: string
+ @param arg: what kind of argument the module takes (pkgspec, filename, etc)
+ @type optional: bool
+ @param optional: is the argument optional?
+ """
- return "%(usage)s: %(mod_name)s [%(opts)s] %(arg)s" % {
- 'usage': pp.emph("Usage"),
- 'mod_name': pp.command(mod_name),
- 'opts': pp.localoption("options"),
- 'arg': ("[%s]" % pp.emph(arg)) if optional else pp.emph(arg)
- }
+ return "{usage}: {mod_name} [{opts}] {arg}".format(
+ usage=pp.emph("Usage"),
+ mod_name=pp.command(mod_name),
+ opts=pp.localoption("options"),
+ arg=("[%s]" % pp.emph(arg)) if optional else pp.emph(arg),
+ )
def parse_global_options(global_opts, args):
- """Parse global input args and return True if we should display help for
- the called module, else False (or display help and exit from here).
- """
- need_help = False
- do_help = False
- opts = (opt[0] for opt in global_opts)
- for opt in opts:
- if opt in ('-h', '--help'):
- if args:
- need_help = True
- else:
- do_help = True
- elif opt in ('-q','--quiet'):
- CONFIG['quiet'] = True
- elif opt in ('-C', '--no-color', '--nocolor'):
- CONFIG['color'] = 0
- pp.output.nocolor()
- elif opt in ('-N', '--no-pipe'):
- CONFIG['piping'] = False
- elif opt in ('-V', '--version'):
- print_version()
- sys.exit(0)
- elif opt in ('--debug'):
- CONFIG['debug'] = True
- if do_help:
- print_help()
- sys.exit(0)
- return need_help
+ """Parse global input args and return True if we should display help for
+ the called module, else False (or display help and exit from here).
+ """
+ need_help = False
+ do_help = False
+ opts = (opt[0] for opt in global_opts)
+ for opt in opts:
+ if opt in ("-h", "--help"):
+ if args:
+ need_help = True
+ else:
+ do_help = True
+ elif opt in ("-q", "--quiet"):
+ CONFIG["quiet"] = True
+ elif opt in ("-C", "--no-color", "--nocolor"):
+ CONFIG["color"] = 0
+ pp.output.nocolor()
+ elif opt in ("-N", "--no-pipe"):
+ CONFIG["piping"] = False
+ elif opt in ("-V", "--version"):
+ print_version()
+ sys.exit(0)
+ elif opt in ("--debug"):
+ CONFIG["debug"] = True
+ if do_help:
+ print_help()
+ sys.exit(0)
+ return need_help
def print_version():
- """Print the version of this tool to the console."""
+ """Print the version of this tool to the console."""
- print("%(product)s (%(version)s) - %(docstring)s" % {
- "product": pp.productname(__productname__),
- "version": __version__,
- "docstring": __doc__
- })
+ print(
+ "%(product)s (%(version)s) - %(docstring)s"
+ % {
+ "product": pp.productname(__productname__),
+ "version": __version__,
+ "docstring": __doc__,
+ }
+ )
def split_arguments(args):
- """Separate module name from module arguments"""
+ """Separate module name from module arguments"""
- return args.pop(0), args
+ return args.pop(0), args
def main(argv):
- """Parse input and run the program."""
- short_opts = "hqCNV"
- long_opts = (
- 'help', 'quiet', 'nocolor', 'no-color', 'no-pipe', 'version', 'debug'
- )
- initialize_configuration()
- try:
- global_opts, args = getopt(argv[1:], short_opts, long_opts)
- except GetoptError as err:
- sys.stderr.write(pp.error("Global %s" % err))
- print_help(with_description=False)
- sys.exit(2)
- # Parse global options
- need_help = parse_global_options(global_opts, args)
- # verbose is shorthand for the very common 'not quiet or piping'
- if CONFIG['quiet'] or CONFIG['piping']:
- CONFIG['verbose'] = False
- else:
- CONFIG['verbose'] = True
- try:
- module_name, module_args = split_arguments(args)
- except IndexError:
- print_help()
- sys.exit(2)
- if need_help:
- module_args.append('--help')
- try:
- expanded_module_name = expand_module_name(module_name)
- except KeyError:
- sys.stderr.write(pp.error("Unknown module '%s'" % module_name))
- print_help(with_description=False)
- sys.exit(2)
- try:
- loaded_module = __import__(
- expanded_module_name, globals(), locals(), [], 1
- )
- loaded_module.main(module_args)
- except portage.exception.AmbiguousPackageName as err:
- raise errors.GentoolkitAmbiguousPackage(err.args[0])
- except IOError as err:
- if err.errno != errno.EPIPE:
- raise
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main(sys.argv)
+ """Parse input and run the program."""
+ short_opts = "hqCNV"
+ long_opts = ("help", "quiet", "nocolor", "no-color", "no-pipe", "version", "debug")
+ initialize_configuration()
+ try:
+ global_opts, args = getopt(argv[1:], short_opts, long_opts)
+ except GetoptError as err:
+ sys.stderr.write(pp.error("Global %s" % err))
+ print_help(with_description=False)
+ sys.exit(2)
+ # Parse global options
+ need_help = parse_global_options(global_opts, args)
+ # verbose is shorthand for the very common 'not quiet or piping'
+ if CONFIG["quiet"] or CONFIG["piping"]:
+ CONFIG["verbose"] = False
+ else:
+ CONFIG["verbose"] = True
+ if CONFIG["piping"]:
+ # turn off color
+ pp.output.nocolor()
+ try:
+ module_name, module_args = split_arguments(args)
+ except IndexError:
+ print_help()
+ sys.exit(2)
+ if need_help:
+ module_args.append("--help")
+ try:
+ expanded_module_name = expand_module_name(module_name)
+ except KeyError:
+ sys.stderr.write(pp.error("Unknown module '%s'" % module_name))
+ print_help(with_description=False)
+ sys.exit(2)
+ try:
+ loaded_module = __import__(expanded_module_name, globals(), locals(), [], 1)
+ loaded_module.main(module_args)
+ except portage.exception.AmbiguousPackageName as err:
+ raise errors.GentoolkitAmbiguousPackage(err.args[0])
+ except OSError as err:
+ if err.errno != errno.EPIPE:
+ raise
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main(sys.argv)
diff --git a/pym/gentoolkit/equery/belongs.py b/pym/gentoolkit/equery/belongs.py
index 1c9ab13..d62ff9a 100644
--- a/pym/gentoolkit/equery/belongs.py
+++ b/pym/gentoolkit/equery/belongs.py
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ Note: Normally, only one package will own a file. If multiple packages own
the same file, it usually constitutes a problem, and should be reported.
-__docformat__ = 'epytext'
+__docformat__ = "epytext"
# =======
# Imports
@@ -18,137 +18,137 @@ import sys
from getopt import gnu_getopt, GetoptError
import gentoolkit.pprinter as pp
-from gentoolkit.equery import (format_filetype, format_options, mod_usage,
+from gentoolkit.equery import format_filetype, format_options, mod_usage, CONFIG
from gentoolkit.helpers import FileOwner
# =======
# Globals
# =======
- "full_regex": False,
- "early_out": False,
- "name_only": False
+QUERY_OPTS = {"full_regex": False, "early_out": False, "name_only": False}
# =======
# Classes
# =======
class BelongsPrinter:
- """Outputs a formatted list of packages that claim to own a files."""
- def __init__(self, verbose=True, name_only=False):
- if verbose:
- self.print_fn = self.print_verbose
- else:
- self.print_fn = self.print_quiet
- self.name_only = name_only
- def __call__(self, pkg, cfile):
- self.print_fn(pkg, cfile)
- def print_quiet(self, pkg, cfile):
- "Format for minimal output."
- if self.name_only:
- name = pkg.cp
- else:
- name = str(pkg.cpv)
- pp.uprint(name)
- def print_verbose(self, pkg, cfile):
- "Format for full output."
- file_str = pp.path(format_filetype(cfile, pkg.parsed_contents()[cfile]))
- if self.name_only:
- name = pkg.cp
- else:
- name = str(pkg.cpv)
- pp.uprint(pp.cpv(name), "(" + file_str + ")")
+ """Outputs a formatted list of packages that claim to own a files."""
+ def __init__(self, verbose=True, name_only=False):
+ if verbose:
+ self.print_fn = self.print_verbose
+ else:
+ self.print_fn = self.print_quiet
+ self.name_only = name_only
+ def __call__(self, pkg, cfile):
+ self.print_fn(pkg, cfile)
+ def print_quiet(self, pkg, cfile):
+ "Format for minimal output."
+ if self.name_only:
+ name = pkg.cp
+ else:
+ name = str(pkg.cpv)
+ pp.uprint(name)
+ def print_verbose(self, pkg, cfile):
+ "Format for full output."
+ file_str = pp.path(format_filetype(cfile, pkg.parsed_contents()[cfile]))
+ if self.name_only:
+ name = pkg.cp
+ else:
+ name = str(pkg.cpv)
+ pp.uprint(pp.cpv(name), "(" + file_str + ")")
# =========
# Functions
# =========
def parse_module_options(module_opts):
- """Parse module options and update QUERY_OPTS"""
- opts = (x[0] for x in module_opts)
- for opt in opts:
- if opt in ('-h','--help'):
- print_help()
- sys.exit(0)
- elif opt in ('-e', '--early-out', '--earlyout'):
- if opt == '--earlyout':
- sys.stderr.write(pp.warn("Use of --earlyout is deprecated."))
- sys.stderr.write(pp.warn("Please use --early-out."))
- print()
- QUERY_OPTS['early_out'] = True
- elif opt in ('-f', '--full-regex'):
- QUERY_OPTS['full_regex'] = True
- elif opt in ('-n', '--name-only'):
- QUERY_OPTS['name_only'] = True
+ """Parse module options and update QUERY_OPTS"""
+ opts = (x[0] for x in module_opts)
+ for opt in opts:
+ if opt in ("-h", "--help"):
+ print_help()
+ sys.exit(0)
+ elif opt in ("-e", "--early-out", "--earlyout"):
+ if opt == "--earlyout":
+ sys.stderr.write(pp.warn("Use of --earlyout is deprecated."))
+ sys.stderr.write(pp.warn("Please use --early-out."))
+ print()
+ QUERY_OPTS["early_out"] = True
+ elif opt in ("-f", "--full-regex"):
+ QUERY_OPTS["full_regex"] = True
+ elif opt in ("-n", "--name-only"):
+ QUERY_OPTS["name_only"] = True
def print_help(with_description=True):
- """Print description, usage and a detailed help message.
- @type with_description: bool
- @param with_description: if true, print module's __doc__ string
- """
- if with_description:
- print(__doc__.strip())
- print()
- print(mod_usage(mod_name="belongs", arg="filename"))
- print()
- print(pp.command("options"))
- print(format_options((
- (" -h, --help", "display this help message"),
- (" -f, --full-regex", "supplied query is a regex" ),
- (" -e, --early-out", "stop when first match is found"),
- (" -n, --name-only", "don't print the version")
- )))
+ """Print description, usage and a detailed help message.
+ @type with_description: bool
+ @param with_description: if true, print module's __doc__ string
+ """
+ if with_description:
+ print(__doc__.strip())
+ print()
+ print(mod_usage(mod_name="belongs", arg="filename"))
+ print()
+ print(pp.command("options"))
+ print(
+ format_options(
+ (
+ (" -h, --help", "display this help message"),
+ (" -f, --full-regex", "supplied query is a regex"),
+ (" -e, --early-out", "stop when first match is found"),
+ (" -n, --name-only", "don't print the version"),
+ )
+ )
+ )
def main(input_args):
- """Parse input and run the program"""
- short_opts = "h:fen"
- long_opts = ('help', 'full-regex', 'early-out', 'earlyout',
- 'name-only')
- try:
- module_opts, queries = gnu_getopt(input_args, short_opts, long_opts)
- except GetoptError as err:
- sys.stderr.write(pp.error("Module %s" % err))
- print()
- print_help(with_description=False)
- sys.exit(2)
- parse_module_options(module_opts)
- if not queries:
- print_help()
- sys.exit(2)
- if CONFIG['verbose']:
- pp.uprint(" * Searching for %s ... " % (
- pp.regexpquery(",".join(queries)))
- )
- printer_fn = BelongsPrinter(
- verbose=CONFIG['verbose'], name_only=QUERY_OPTS['name_only']
- )
- find_owner = FileOwner(
- is_regex=QUERY_OPTS['full_regex'],
- early_out=QUERY_OPTS['early_out'],
- printer_fn=printer_fn
- )
- if not find_owner(queries):
- sys.exit(1)
+ """Parse input and run the program"""
+ short_opts = "h:fen"
+ long_opts = ("help", "full-regex", "early-out", "earlyout", "name-only")
+ try:
+ module_opts, queries = gnu_getopt(input_args, short_opts, long_opts)
+ except GetoptError as err:
+ sys.stderr.write(pp.error("Module %s" % err))
+ print()
+ print_help(with_description=False)
+ sys.exit(2)
+ parse_module_options(module_opts)
+ if not queries:
+ print_help()
+ sys.exit(2)
+ if CONFIG["verbose"]:
+ pp.uprint(" * Searching for %s ... " % (pp.regexpquery(",".join(queries))))
+ printer_fn = BelongsPrinter(
+ verbose=CONFIG["verbose"], name_only=QUERY_OPTS["name_only"]
+ )
+ find_owner = FileOwner(
+ is_regex=QUERY_OPTS["full_regex"],
+ early_out=QUERY_OPTS["early_out"],
+ printer_fn=printer_fn,
+ )
+ if not find_owner(queries):
+ sys.exit(1)
# vim: set ts=4 sw=4 tw=79:
diff --git a/pym/gentoolkit/equery/changes.py b/pym/gentoolkit/equery/changes.py
deleted file mode 100644
index f234ecb..0000000
--- a/pym/gentoolkit/equery/changes.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,184 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright(c) 2009, Gentoo Foundation
-# Licensed under the GNU General Public License, v2 or higher
-"""Displays the ChangeLog entry for the latest installable version of an atom"""
-__docformat__ = 'epytext'
-# =======
-# Imports
-# =======
-import sys
-import os
-from getopt import gnu_getopt, GetoptError
-import gentoolkit.pprinter as pp
-from gentoolkit.atom import Atom
-from gentoolkit.equery import format_options, mod_usage
-from gentoolkit.helpers import ChangeLog
-from gentoolkit.query import Query
-# =======
-# Globals
-# =======
- 'only_latest': False,
- 'show_full_log': False,
- 'limit': None,
- 'from': None,
- 'to': None
-# =========
-# Functions
-# =========
-def print_help(with_description=True):
- """Print description, usage and a detailed help message.
- @type with_description: bool
- @param with_description: if true, print module's __doc__ string
- """
- if with_description:
- print(__doc__.strip())
- print()
- print(mod_usage(mod_name="changes"))
- print()
- print(pp.emph("examples"))
- print (" c portage # show latest visible "
- "version's entry")
- print(" c portage --full --limit=3 # show 3 latest entries")
- print(" c '=sys-apps/portage-2.1.6*' # use atom syntax")
- print(" c portage --from=2.2_rc60 --to=2.2_rc70 # use version ranges")
- print()
- print(pp.command("options"))
- print(format_options((
- (" -h, --help", "display this help message"),
- (" -l, --latest", "display only the latest ChangeLog entry"),
- (" -f, --full", "display the full ChangeLog"),
- (" --limit=NUM",
- "limit the number of entries displayed (with --full)"),
- (" --from=VER", "set which version to display from"),
- (" --to=VER", "set which version to display to"),
- )))
-def parse_module_options(module_opts):
- """Parse module options and update QUERY_OPTS"""
- opts = (x[0] for x in module_opts)
- posargs = (x[1] for x in module_opts)
- for opt, posarg in zip(opts, posargs):
- if opt in ('-h', '--help'):
- print_help()
- sys.exit(0)
- elif opt in ('-f', '--full'):
- QUERY_OPTS['show_full_log'] = True
- elif opt in ('-l', '--latest'):
- QUERY_OPTS['only_latest'] = True
- elif opt in ('--limit',):
- set_limit(posarg)
- elif opt in ('--from',):
- QUERY_OPTS['from'] = posarg
- elif opt in ('--to',):
- QUERY_OPTS['to'] = posarg
-def print_entries(entries):
- """Print entries and strip trailing whitespace from the last entry."""
- len_entries = len(entries)
- for i, entry in enumerate(entries, start=1):
- if i < len_entries:
- pp.uprint(entry)
- else:
- pp.uprint(entry.strip())
-def set_limit(posarg):
- """Set a limit in QUERY_OPTS on how many ChangeLog entries to display.
- Die if posarg is not an integer.
- """
- if posarg.isdigit():
- QUERY_OPTS['limit'] = int(posarg)
- else:
- err = "Module option --limit requires integer (got '%s')"
- sys.stderr.write(pp.error(err % posarg))
- print()
- print_help(with_description=False)
- sys.exit(2)
-def main(input_args):
- """Parse input and run the program"""
- short_opts = "hlf"
- long_opts = ('help', 'full', 'from=', 'latest', 'limit=', 'to=')
- try:
- module_opts, queries = gnu_getopt(input_args, short_opts, long_opts)
- except GetoptError as err:
- sys.stderr.write(pp.error("Module %s" % err))
- print()
- print_help(with_description=False)
- sys.exit(2)
- parse_module_options(module_opts)
- if not queries:
- print_help()
- sys.exit(2)
- first_run = True
- got_match = False
- for query in (Query(x) for x in queries):
- if not first_run:
- print()
- match = query.find_best()
- if match is None:
- continue
- got_match = True
- changelog_path = os.path.join(match.package_path(), 'ChangeLog')
- changelog = ChangeLog(changelog_path)
- #
- # Output
- #
- if (QUERY_OPTS['only_latest'] or (
- changelog.entries and not changelog.indexed_entries
- )):
- pp.uprint(changelog.latest.strip())
- else:
- end = QUERY_OPTS['limit'] or len(changelog.indexed_entries)
- if QUERY_OPTS['to'] or QUERY_OPTS['from']:
- print_entries(
- changelog.entries_matching_range(
- from_ver=QUERY_OPTS['from'],
- to_ver=QUERY_OPTS['to']
- )[:end]
- )
- elif QUERY_OPTS['show_full_log']:
- print_entries(changelog.full[:end])
- else:
- # Raises GentoolkitInvalidAtom here if invalid
- if query.is_ranged():
- atom = Atom(str(query))
- else:
- atom = '=' + str(match.cpv)
- print_entries(changelog.entries_matching_atom(atom)[:end])
- first_run = False
- if not got_match:
- sys.exit(1)
-# vim: set ts=4 sw=4 tw=79:
diff --git a/pym/gentoolkit/equery/check.py b/pym/gentoolkit/equery/check.py
index 47eba98..2ef881c 100644
--- a/pym/gentoolkit/equery/check.py
+++ b/pym/gentoolkit/equery/check.py
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
"""Checks timestamps and MD5 sums for files owned by a given installed package"""
-__docformat__ = 'epytext'
+__docformat__ = "epytext"
# =======
# Imports
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ from functools import partial
from getopt import gnu_getopt, GetoptError
import portage.checksum as checksum
+from portage.exception import PermissionDenied
import gentoolkit.pprinter as pp
from gentoolkit import errors
@@ -27,262 +28,270 @@ from gentoolkit.query import Query
# =======
- "in_installed": True,
- "in_porttree": False,
- "in_overlay": False,
- "check_MD5sum": True,
- "check_timestamp" : True,
- "is_regex": False,
- "only_failures": False,
- "show_progress": False,
+ "in_installed": True,
+ "in_porttree": False,
+ "in_overlay": False,
+ "check_MD5sum": True,
+ "check_timestamp": True,
+ "is_regex": False,
+ "only_failures": False,
+ "show_progress": False,
# =======
# Classes
# =======
class VerifyContents:
- """Verify installed packages' CONTENTS files.
- The CONTENTS file contains timestamps and MD5 sums for each file owned
- by a package.
- """
- def __init__(self, printer_fn=None):
- """Create a VerifyObjects instance.
- @type printer_fn: callable
- @param printer_fn: if defined, will be applied to each result as found
- """
- self.check_sums = True
- self.check_timestamps = True
- self.printer_fn = printer_fn
- self.is_regex = False
- def __call__(
- self,
- pkgs,
- is_regex=False,
- check_sums=True,
- check_timestamps=True
- ):
- self.is_regex = is_regex
- self.check_sums = check_sums
- self.check_timestamps = check_timestamps
- result = {}
- for pkg in pkgs:
- # _run_checks returns tuple(n_passed, n_checked, err)
- check_results = self._run_checks(pkg.parsed_contents())
- result[pkg.cpv] = check_results
- if self.printer_fn is not None:
- self.printer_fn(pkg.cpv, check_results)
- return result
- def _run_checks(self, files):
- """Run some basic sanity checks on a package's contents.
- If the file type (ftype) is not a directory or symlink, optionally
- verify MD5 sums or mtimes via L{self._verify_obj}.
- @see: gentoolkit.packages.get_contents()
- @type files: dict
- @param files: in form {'PATH': ['TYPE', 'TIMESTAMP', 'MD5SUM']}
- @rtype: tuple
- @return:
- n_passed (int): number of files that passed all checks
- n_checked (int): number of files checked
- errs (list): check errors' descriptions
- """
- n_checked = 0
- n_passed = 0
- errs = []
- for cfile in files:
- n_checked += 1
- ftype = files[cfile][0]
- real_cfile = os.environ.get('ROOT', '') + cfile
- if not os.path.lexists(real_cfile):
- errs.append("%s does not exist" % cfile)
- continue
- elif ftype == "dir":
- if not os.path.isdir(real_cfile):
- err = "%(cfile)s exists, but is not a directory"
- errs.append(err % locals())
- continue
- elif ftype == "obj":
- obj_errs = self._verify_obj(files, cfile, real_cfile, errs)
- if len(obj_errs) > len(errs):
- errs = obj_errs[:]
- continue
- elif ftype == "sym":
- target = files[cfile][2].strip()
- if not os.path.islink(real_cfile):
- err = "%(cfile)s exists, but is not a symlink"
- errs.append(err % locals())
- continue
- tgt = os.readlink(real_cfile)
- if tgt != target:
- err = "%(cfile)s does not point to %(target)s"
- errs.append(err % locals())
- continue
- else:
- err = "%(cfile)s has unknown type %(ftype)s"
- errs.append(err % locals())
- continue
- n_passed += 1
- return n_passed, n_checked, errs
- def _verify_obj(self, files, cfile, real_cfile, errs):
- """Verify the MD5 sum and/or mtime and return any errors."""
- obj_errs = errs[:]
- if self.check_sums:
- md5sum = files[cfile][2]
- try:
- cur_checksum = checksum.perform_md5(real_cfile, calc_prelink=1)
- except IOError:
- err = "Insufficient permissions to read %(cfile)s"
- obj_errs.append(err % locals())
- return obj_errs
- if cur_checksum != md5sum:
- err = "%(cfile)s has incorrect MD5sum"
- obj_errs.append(err % locals())
- return obj_errs
- if self.check_timestamps:
- mtime = int(files[cfile][1])
- st_mtime = int(os.lstat(real_cfile).st_mtime)
- if st_mtime != mtime:
- err = (
- "%(cfile)s has wrong mtime (is %(st_mtime)d, should be "
- "%(mtime)d)"
- )
- obj_errs.append(err % locals())
- return obj_errs
- return obj_errs
+ """Verify installed packages' CONTENTS files.
+ The CONTENTS file contains timestamps and MD5 sums for each file owned
+ by a package.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, printer_fn=None):
+ """Create a VerifyObjects instance.
+ @type printer_fn: callable
+ @param printer_fn: if defined, will be applied to each result as found
+ """
+ self.check_sums = True
+ self.check_timestamps = True
+ self.printer_fn = printer_fn
+ self.is_regex = False
+ def __call__(self, pkgs, is_regex=False, check_sums=True, check_timestamps=True):
+ self.is_regex = is_regex
+ self.check_sums = check_sums
+ self.check_timestamps = check_timestamps
+ result = {}
+ for pkg in pkgs:
+ # _run_checks returns tuple(n_passed, n_checked, err)
+ check_results = self._run_checks(pkg.parsed_contents())
+ result[pkg.cpv] = check_results
+ if self.printer_fn is not None:
+ self.printer_fn(pkg.cpv, check_results)
+ return result
+ def _run_checks(self, files):
+ """Run some basic sanity checks on a package's contents.
+ If the file type (ftype) is not a directory or symlink, optionally
+ verify MD5 sums or mtimes via L{self._verify_obj}.
+ @see: gentoolkit.packages.get_contents()
+ @type files: dict
+ @param files: in form {'PATH': ['TYPE', 'TIMESTAMP', 'MD5SUM']}
+ @rtype: tuple
+ @return:
+ n_passed (int): number of files that passed all checks
+ n_checked (int): number of files checked
+ errs (list): check errors' descriptions
+ """
+ n_checked = 0
+ n_passed = 0
+ errs = []
+ for cfile in files:
+ n_checked += 1
+ ftype = files[cfile][0]
+ real_cfile = os.environ.get("ROOT", "") + cfile
+ if not os.path.lexists(real_cfile):
+ errs.append("%s does not exist" % cfile)
+ continue
+ elif ftype == "dir":
+ if not os.path.isdir(real_cfile):
+ err = "%(cfile)s exists, but is not a directory"
+ errs.append(err % locals())
+ continue
+ elif ftype == "obj":
+ obj_errs = self._verify_obj(files, cfile, real_cfile, errs)
+ if len(obj_errs) > len(errs):
+ errs = obj_errs[:]
+ continue
+ elif ftype == "sym":
+ target = files[cfile][2].strip()
+ if not os.path.islink(real_cfile):
+ err = "%(cfile)s exists, but is not a symlink"
+ errs.append(err % locals())
+ continue
+ tgt = os.readlink(real_cfile)
+ if tgt != target:
+ err = "%(cfile)s does not point to %(target)s"
+ errs.append(err % locals())
+ continue
+ else:
+ err = "%(cfile)s has unknown type %(ftype)s"
+ errs.append(err % locals())
+ continue
+ n_passed += 1
+ return n_passed, n_checked, errs
+ def _verify_obj(self, files, cfile, real_cfile, errs):
+ """Verify the MD5 sum and/or mtime and return any errors."""
+ obj_errs = errs[:]
+ if self.check_sums:
+ md5sum = files[cfile][2]
+ try:
+ cur_checksum = checksum.perform_md5(real_cfile, calc_prelink=1)
+ except PermissionDenied:
+ err = "Insufficient permissions to read %(cfile)s"
+ obj_errs.append(err % locals())
+ return obj_errs
+ except Exception as ex:
+ assert ex # to silence unused variable ex
+ err = "Problem checking %(cfile)s: %(ex)s"
+ obj_errs.append(err % locals())
+ return obj_errs
+ if cur_checksum != md5sum:
+ err = "%(cfile)s has incorrect MD5sum"
+ obj_errs.append(err % locals())
+ return obj_errs
+ if self.check_timestamps:
+ mtime = int(files[cfile][1])
+ st_mtime = int(os.lstat(real_cfile).st_mtime)
+ if st_mtime != mtime:
+ err = (
+ "%(cfile)s has wrong mtime (is %(st_mtime)d, should be "
+ "%(mtime)d)"
+ )
+ obj_errs.append(err % locals())
+ return obj_errs
+ return obj_errs
# =========
# Functions
# =========
def print_help(with_description=True):
- """Print description, usage and a detailed help message.
- @type with_description: bool
- @param with_description: if true, print module's __doc__ string
- """
- if with_description:
- print(__doc__.strip())
- print()
- # Deprecation warning added by djanderson, 12/2008
- depwarning = (
- "Default action for this module has changed in Gentoolkit 0.3.",
- "Use globbing to simulate the old behavior (see man equery).",
- "Use '*' to check all installed packages.",
- "Use 'foo-bar/*' to filter by category."
- )
- for line in depwarning:
- sys.stderr.write(pp.warn(line))
- print()
- print(mod_usage(mod_name="check"))
- print()
- print(pp.command("options"))
- print(format_options((
- (" -h, --help", "display this help message"),
- (" -f, --full-regex", "query is a regular expression"),
- (" -o, --only-failures", "only display packages that do not pass"),
- )))
+ """Print description, usage and a detailed help message.
+ @type with_description: bool
+ @param with_description: if true, print module's __doc__ string
+ """
+ if with_description:
+ print(__doc__.strip())
+ print()
+ # Deprecation warning added by djanderson, 12/2008
+ depwarning = (
+ "Default action for this module has changed in Gentoolkit 0.3.",
+ "Use globbing to simulate the old behavior (see man equery).",
+ "Use '*' to check all installed packages.",
+ "Use 'foo-bar/*' to filter by category.",
+ )
+ for line in depwarning:
+ sys.stderr.write(pp.warn(line))
+ print()
+ print(mod_usage(mod_name="check"))
+ print()
+ print(pp.command("options"))
+ print(
+ format_options(
+ (
+ (" -h, --help", "display this help message"),
+ (" -f, --full-regex", "query is a regular expression"),
+ (" -o, --only-failures", "only display packages that do not pass"),
+ )
+ )
+ )
def checks_printer(cpv, data, verbose=True, only_failures=False):
- """Output formatted results of pkg file(s) checks"""
- seen = []
- n_passed, n_checked, errs = data
- n_failed = n_checked - n_passed
- if only_failures and not n_failed:
- return
- else:
- if verbose:
- if not cpv in seen:
- pp.uprint("* Checking %s ..." % (pp.emph(str(cpv))))
- seen.append(cpv)
- else:
- pp.uprint("%s:" % cpv, end=' ')
- if verbose:
- for err in errs:
- sys.stderr.write(pp.error(err))
- if verbose:
- n_passed = pp.number(str(n_passed))
- n_checked = pp.number(str(n_checked))
- info = " %(n_passed)s out of %(n_checked)s files passed"
- print(info % locals())
- print()
- else:
- print("failed(%s)" % n_failed)
+ """Output formatted results of pkg file(s) checks"""
+ seen = []
+ n_passed, n_checked, errs = data
+ n_failed = n_checked - n_passed
+ if only_failures and not n_failed:
+ return
+ else:
+ if verbose:
+ if not cpv in seen:
+ pp.uprint("* Checking %s ..." % (pp.emph(str(cpv))))
+ seen.append(cpv)
+ else:
+ pp.uprint("%s:" % cpv, end=" ")
+ if verbose:
+ for err in errs:
+ sys.stderr.write(pp.error(err))
+ if verbose:
+ n_passed = pp.number(str(n_passed))
+ n_checked = pp.number(str(n_checked))
+ info = " %(n_passed)s out of %(n_checked)s files passed"
+ print(info % locals())
+ print()
+ else:
+ print("failed(%s)" % n_failed)
def parse_module_options(module_opts):
- """Parse module options and update QUERY_OPTS"""
+ """Parse module options and update QUERY_OPTS"""
- opts = (x[0] for x in module_opts)
- for opt in opts:
- if opt in ('-h', '--help'):
- print_help()
- sys.exit(0)
- elif opt in ('-f', '--full-regex'):
- QUERY_OPTS['is_regex'] = True
- elif opt in ('-o', '--only-failures'):
- QUERY_OPTS['only_failures'] = True
+ opts = (x[0] for x in module_opts)
+ for opt in opts:
+ if opt in ("-h", "--help"):
+ print_help()
+ sys.exit(0)
+ elif opt in ("-f", "--full-regex"):
+ QUERY_OPTS["is_regex"] = True
+ elif opt in ("-o", "--only-failures"):
+ QUERY_OPTS["only_failures"] = True
def main(input_args):
- """Parse input and run the program"""
+ """Parse input and run the program"""
+ short_opts = "hof"
+ long_opts = ("help", "only-failures", "full-regex")
- short_opts = "hof"
- long_opts = ('help', 'only-failures', 'full-regex')
+ try:
+ module_opts, queries = gnu_getopt(input_args, short_opts, long_opts)
+ except GetoptError as err:
+ sys.stderr.write(pp.error("Module %s" % err))
+ print()
+ print_help(with_description=False)
+ sys.exit(2)
- try:
- module_opts, queries = gnu_getopt(input_args, short_opts, long_opts)
- except GetoptError as err:
- sys.stderr.write(pp.error("Module %s" % err))
- print()
- print_help(with_description=False)
- sys.exit(2)
+ parse_module_options(module_opts)
- parse_module_options(module_opts)
+ if not queries:
+ print_help()
+ sys.exit(2)
- if not queries:
- print_help()
- sys.exit(2)
+ first_run = True
+ for query in (Query(x, QUERY_OPTS["is_regex"]) for x in queries):
+ if not first_run:
+ print()
- first_run = True
- for query in (Query(x, QUERY_OPTS['is_regex']) for x in queries):
- if not first_run:
- print()
+ matches = query.smart_find(**QUERY_OPTS)
- matches = query.smart_find(**QUERY_OPTS)
+ if not matches:
+ raise errors.GentoolkitNoMatches(query, in_installed=True)
- if not matches:
- raise errors.GentoolkitNoMatches(query, in_installed=True)
+ matches.sort()
- matches.sort()
+ printer = partial(
+ checks_printer,
+ verbose=CONFIG["verbose"],
+ only_failures=QUERY_OPTS["only_failures"],
+ )
+ check = VerifyContents(printer_fn=printer)
+ check(matches)
- printer = partial(
- checks_printer,
- verbose=CONFIG['verbose'],
- only_failures=QUERY_OPTS['only_failures']
- )
- check = VerifyContents(printer_fn=printer)
- check(matches)
+ first_run = False
- first_run = False
# vim: set ts=4 sw=4 tw=79:
diff --git a/pym/gentoolkit/equery/depends.py b/pym/gentoolkit/equery/depends.py
index 74c6933..39e0b25 100644
--- a/pym/gentoolkit/equery/depends.py
+++ b/pym/gentoolkit/equery/depends.py
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
"""List all packages that depend on a atom given query"""
-__docformat__ = 'epytext'
+__docformat__ = "epytext"
# =======
# Imports
@@ -17,188 +17,234 @@ import gentoolkit.pprinter as pp
from gentoolkit.dependencies import Dependencies
from gentoolkit.equery import format_options, mod_usage, CONFIG
from gentoolkit.helpers import get_cpvs, get_installed_cpvs
-from gentoolkit.cpv import CPV
+from gentoolkit.package import PackageFormatter, Package
# =======
# Globals
# =======
- "include_masked": False,
- "only_direct": True,
- "max_depth": -1,
+ "include_masked": False,
+ "only_direct": True,
+ "max_depth": None,
+ "package_format": None,
# =======
# Classes
# =======
-class DependPrinter:
- """Output L{gentoolkit.dependencies.Dependencies} objects."""
- def __init__(self, verbose=True):
- self.verbose = verbose
- if verbose:
- self.print_fn = self.print_verbose
- else:
- self.print_fn = self.print_quiet
- def __call__(self, dep, dep_is_displayed=False):
- self.format_depend(dep, dep_is_displayed)
- @staticmethod
- def print_verbose(indent, cpv, use_conditional, depatom):
- """Verbosely prints a set of dep strings."""
- sep = ' ? ' if (depatom and use_conditional) else ''
- pp.uprint(indent + pp.cpv(cpv), "(" + use_conditional +
- sep + depatom + ")")
- @staticmethod
- def print_quiet(indent, cpv, use_conditional, depatom):
- """Quietly prints a subset set of dep strings."""
- pp.uprint(indent + cpv)
- def format_depend(self, dep, dep_is_displayed):
- """Format a dependency for printing.
- @type dep: L{gentoolkit.dependencies.Dependencies}
- @param dep: the dependency to display
- """
- # Don't print blank lines
- if dep_is_displayed and not self.verbose:
- return
- depth = getattr(dep, 'depth', 0)
- indent = " " * depth
- mdep = dep.matching_dep
- use_conditional = ""
- if mdep.use_conditional:
- use_conditional = " & ".join(
- pp.useflag(u) for u in mdep.use_conditional.split()
- )
- if mdep.operator == '=*':
- formatted_dep = '=%s*' % str(mdep.cpv)
- else:
- formatted_dep = mdep.operator + str(mdep.cpv)
- if mdep.slot:
- formatted_dep += pp.emph(':') + pp.slot(mdep.slot)
- if mdep.sub_slot:
- formatted_dep += pp.slot('/') + pp.slot(mdep.sub_slot)
- if mdep.use:
- useflags = pp.useflag(','.join(mdep.use.tokens))
- formatted_dep += (pp.emph('[') + useflags + pp.emph(']'))
- if dep_is_displayed:
- indent = indent + " " * len(str(dep.cpv))
- self.print_fn(indent, '', use_conditional, formatted_dep)
- else:
- self.print_fn(indent, str(dep.cpv), use_conditional, formatted_dep)
+class Printer:
+ """Output L{gentoolkit.dependencies.Dependencies} objects for equery depends."""
+ def __init__(self, verbose=True):
+ self.verbose = verbose
+ if verbose:
+ self.print_fn = self.print_verbose
+ else:
+ self.print_fn = self.print_quiet
+ def __call__(self, dep, dep_is_displayed=False):
+ self.format_depend(dep, dep_is_displayed)
+ @staticmethod
+ def print_verbose(indent, cpv, use_conditional, depatom):
+ """Verbosely prints a set of dep strings."""
+ sep = " ? " if (depatom and use_conditional) else ""
+ pp.uprint(indent + pp.cpv(cpv), "(" + use_conditional + sep + depatom + ")")
+ @staticmethod
+ def print_quiet(indent, cpv, use_conditional, depatom):
+ """Quietly prints a subset set of dep strings."""
+ pp.uprint(indent + cpv)
+ @staticmethod
+ def print_formated(pkg):
+ """Print pkg as formatted output depending on CONFIG."""
+ if pkg is None:
+ return
+ if CONFIG["verbose"]:
+ print(
+ PackageFormatter(
+ pkg, do_format=True, custom_format=QUERY_OPTS["package_format"]
+ )
+ )
+ else:
+ print(
+ PackageFormatter(
+ pkg, do_format=False, custom_format=QUERY_OPTS["package_format"]
+ )
+ )
+ def format_depend(self, dep, dep_is_displayed):
+ """Format a dependency for printing for equery depends.
+ @type dep: L{gentoolkit.dependencies.Dependencies}
+ @param dep: the dependency to display
+ """
+ # Don't print blank lines
+ if dep_is_displayed and not self.verbose:
+ return
+ depth = dep.depth
+ indent = " " * depth
+ mdep = dep.depatom
+ use_conditional = ""
+ if QUERY_OPTS["package_format"] != None:
+ pkg = Package(str(dep.cpv))
+ self.print_formated(pkg)
+ else:
+ if mdep.use_conditional:
+ use_conditional = " & ".join(
+ pp.useflag(u) for u in mdep.use_conditional.split()
+ )
+ if mdep.operator == "=*":
+ formatted_dep = "=%s*" % str(mdep.cpv)
+ else:
+ formatted_dep = mdep.operator + str(mdep.cpv)
+ if mdep.slot:
+ formatted_dep += pp.emph(":") + pp.slot(mdep.slot)
+ if mdep.sub_slot:
+ formatted_dep += pp.slot("/") + pp.slot(mdep.sub_slot)
+ if mdep.use:
+ useflags = pp.useflag(",".join(mdep.use.tokens))
+ formatted_dep += pp.emph("[") + useflags + pp.emph("]")
+ if dep_is_displayed:
+ indent = indent + " " * len(str(dep.cpv))
+ self.print_fn(indent, "", use_conditional, formatted_dep)
+ else:
+ self.print_fn(indent, str(dep.cpv), use_conditional, formatted_dep)
# =========
# Functions
# =========
def print_help(with_description=True):
- """Print description, usage and a detailed help message.
- @type with_description: bool
- @param with_description: if true, print module's __doc__ string
- """
- if with_description:
- print(__doc__.strip())
- print()
- print(mod_usage(mod_name="depends"))
- print()
- print(pp.command("options"))
- print(format_options((
- (" -h, --help", "display this help message"),
- (" -a, --all-packages",
- "include dependencies that are not installed (slow)"),
- (" -D, --indirect",
- "search both direct and indirect dependencies"),
- (" --depth=N", "limit indirect dependency tree to specified depth")
- )))
+ """Print description, usage and a detailed help message.
+ @type with_description: bool
+ @param with_description: if true, print module's __doc__ string
+ """
+ if with_description:
+ print(__doc__.strip())
+ print()
+ print(mod_usage(mod_name="depends"))
+ print()
+ print(pp.command("options"))
+ print(
+ format_options(
+ (
+ (" -h, --help", "display this help message"),
+ (
+ " -a, --all-packages",
+ "include dependencies that are not installed (slow)",
+ ),
+ (" -D, --indirect", "search both direct and indirect dependencies"),
+ (" -F, --format=TMPL", "specify a custom output format"),
+ (" --depth=N", "limit indirect dependency tree to specified depth"),
+ )
+ )
+ )
def parse_module_options(module_opts):
- """Parse module options and update QUERY_OPTS"""
- opts = (x[0] for x in module_opts)
- posargs = (x[1] for x in module_opts)
- for opt, posarg in zip(opts, posargs):
- if opt in ('-h', '--help'):
- print_help()
- sys.exit(0)
- elif opt in ('-a', '--all-packages'):
- QUERY_OPTS['include_masked'] = True
- elif opt in ('-D', '--indirect'):
- QUERY_OPTS['only_direct'] = False
- elif opt in ('--depth'):
- if posarg.isdigit():
- depth = int(posarg)
- else:
- err = "Module option --depth requires integer (got '%s')"
- sys.stdout.write(pp.error(err % posarg))
- print()
- print_help(with_description=False)
- sys.exit(2)
- QUERY_OPTS["max_depth"] = depth
+ """Parse module options and update QUERY_OPTS"""
+ opts = (x[0] for x in module_opts)
+ posargs = (x[1] for x in module_opts)
+ for opt, posarg in zip(opts, posargs):
+ if opt in ("-h", "--help"):
+ print_help()
+ sys.exit(0)
+ elif opt in ("-a", "--all-packages"):
+ QUERY_OPTS["include_masked"] = True
+ elif opt in ("-D", "--indirect"):
+ QUERY_OPTS["only_direct"] = False
+ elif opt in ("-F", "--format"):
+ QUERY_OPTS["package_format"] = posarg
+ elif opt in ("--depth"):
+ if posarg.isdigit():
+ depth = int(posarg)
+ else:
+ err = "Module option --depth requires integer (got '%s')"
+ sys.stdout.write(pp.error(err % posarg))
+ print()
+ print_help(with_description=False)
+ sys.exit(2)
+ QUERY_OPTS["max_depth"] = depth
def main(input_args):
- """Parse input and run the program"""
- short_opts = "hadD" # -d, --direct was old option for default action
- long_opts = ('help', 'all-packages', 'direct', 'indirect', 'depth=')
- try:
- module_opts, queries = gnu_getopt(input_args, short_opts, long_opts)
- except GetoptError as err:
- sys.stderr.write(pp.error("Module %s" % err))
- print()
- print_help(with_description=False)
- sys.exit(2)
- parse_module_options(module_opts)
- if not queries:
- print_help()
- sys.exit(2)
- #
- # Output
- #
- dep_print = DependPrinter(verbose=CONFIG['verbose'])
- first_run = True
- got_match = False
- for query in queries:
- if not first_run:
- print()
- pkg = Dependencies(query)
- if QUERY_OPTS['include_masked']:
- pkggetter = get_cpvs
- else:
- pkggetter = get_installed_cpvs
- if CONFIG['verbose']:
- print(" * These packages depend on %s:" % pp.emph(pkg.cpv))
- if pkg.graph_reverse_depends(
- pkgset=sorted(pkggetter(), key=CPV),
- max_depth=QUERY_OPTS["max_depth"],
- only_direct=QUERY_OPTS["only_direct"],
- printer_fn=dep_print
- ):
- got_match = True
- first_run = False
- if not got_match:
- sys.exit(1)
+ """Parse input and run the program"""
+ short_opts = "hadDF:" # -d, --direct was old option for default action
+ long_opts = ("help", "all-packages", "direct", "indirect", "format", "depth=")
+ try:
+ module_opts, queries = gnu_getopt(input_args, short_opts, long_opts)
+ except GetoptError as err:
+ sys.stderr.write(pp.error("Module %s" % err))
+ print()
+ print_help(with_description=False)
+ sys.exit(2)
+ parse_module_options(module_opts)
+ if not queries:
+ print_help()
+ sys.exit(2)
+ #
+ # Output
+ #
+ printer = Printer(verbose=CONFIG["verbose"])
+ first_run = True
+ got_match = False
+ for query in queries:
+ if not first_run:
+ print()
+ pkg = Dependencies(query)
+ if QUERY_OPTS["include_masked"]:
+ pkggetter = get_cpvs
+ else:
+ pkggetter = get_installed_cpvs
+ if CONFIG["verbose"]:
+ print(" * These packages depend on %s:" % pp.emph(pkg.cpv))
+ first_run = False
+ last_seen = None
+ for pkgdep in pkg.graph_reverse_depends(
+ pkgset=sorted(pkggetter()),
+ only_direct=QUERY_OPTS["only_direct"],
+ max_depth=QUERY_OPTS["max_depth"],
+ ):
+ if last_seen is None or last_seen != pkgdep:
+ seen = False
+ else:
+ seen = True
+ printer(pkgdep, dep_is_displayed=seen)
+ last_seen = pkgdep
+ if last_seen is not None:
+ got_match = True
+ if got_match is None:
+ sys.exit(1)
# vim: set ts=4 sw=4 tw=79:
diff --git a/pym/gentoolkit/equery/depgraph.py b/pym/gentoolkit/equery/depgraph.py
index 4ee37ee..4d38bda 100644
--- a/pym/gentoolkit/equery/depgraph.py
+++ b/pym/gentoolkit/equery/depgraph.py
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
"""Display a direct dependency graph for a given package"""
-__docformat__ = 'epytext'
+__docformat__ = "epytext"
# =======
# Imports
@@ -27,222 +27,229 @@ from gentoolkit.query import Query
# =======
- "depth": 1,
- "no_atom": False,
- "no_indent": False,
- "no_useflags": False,
- "no_mask": False,
- "in_installed": True,
- "in_porttree": True,
- "in_overlay": True,
- "include_masked": True,
- "show_progress": (not CONFIG['quiet'])
+ "depth": 1,
+ "no_atom": False,
+ "no_indent": False,
+ "no_useflags": False,
+ "no_mask": False,
+ "in_installed": True,
+ "in_porttree": True,
+ "in_overlay": True,
+ "include_masked": True,
+ "show_progress": (not CONFIG["quiet"]),
# =========
# Functions
# =========
def print_help(with_description=True):
- """Print description, usage and a detailed help message.
- @type with_description: bool
- @param with_description: if true, print module's __doc__ string
- """
- if with_description:
- print(__doc__.strip())
- print()
- print("Default depth is set to 1 (direct only). Use --depth=0 for no max.")
- print()
- print(mod_usage(mod_name="depgraph"))
- print()
- print(pp.command("options"))
- print(format_options((
- (" -h, --help", "display this help message"),
- (" -A, --no-atom", "do not show dependency atom"),
- (" -M, --no-mask", "do not show masking status"),
- (" -U, --no-useflags", "do not show USE flags"),
- (" -l, --linear", "do not format the graph by indenting dependencies"),
- (" --depth=N", "limit dependency graph to specified depth")
- )))
+ """Print description, usage and a detailed help message.
+ @type with_description: bool
+ @param with_description: if true, print module's __doc__ string
+ """
+ if with_description:
+ print(__doc__.strip())
+ print()
+ print("Default depth is set to 1 (direct only). Use --depth=0 for no max.")
+ print()
+ print(mod_usage(mod_name="depgraph"))
+ print()
+ print(pp.command("options"))
+ print(
+ format_options(
+ (
+ (" -h, --help", "display this help message"),
+ (" -A, --no-atom", "do not show dependency atom"),
+ (" -M, --no-mask", "do not show masking status"),
+ (" -U, --no-useflags", "do not show USE flags"),
+ (" -l, --linear", "do not format the graph by indenting dependencies"),
+ (" --depth=N", "limit dependency graph to specified depth"),
+ )
+ )
+ )
def parse_module_options(module_opts):
- """Parse module options and update QUERY_OPTS"""
- opts = (x[0] for x in module_opts)
- posargs = (x[1] for x in module_opts)
- for opt, posarg in zip(opts, posargs):
- if opt in ('-h', '--help'):
- print_help()
- sys.exit(0)
- if opt in ('-A', '--no-atom'):
- QUERY_OPTS["no_atom"] = True
- if opt in ('-U', '--no-useflags'):
- QUERY_OPTS["no_useflags"] = True
- if opt in ('-M', '--no-mask'):
- QUERY_OPTS["no_mask"] = True
- if opt in ('-l', '--linear'):
- QUERY_OPTS["no_indent"] = True
- if opt in ('--depth'):
- if posarg.isdigit():
- depth = int(posarg)
- else:
- err = "Module option --depth requires integer (got '%s')"
- sys.stderr.write(pp.error(err % posarg))
- print()
- print_help(with_description=False)
- sys.exit(2)
- QUERY_OPTS["depth"] = depth
+ """Parse module options and update QUERY_OPTS"""
+ opts = (x[0] for x in module_opts)
+ posargs = (x[1] for x in module_opts)
+ for opt, posarg in zip(opts, posargs):
+ if opt in ("-h", "--help"):
+ print_help()
+ sys.exit(0)
+ if opt in ("-A", "--no-atom"):
+ QUERY_OPTS["no_atom"] = True
+ if opt in ("-U", "--no-useflags"):
+ QUERY_OPTS["no_useflags"] = True
+ if opt in ("-M", "--no-mask"):
+ QUERY_OPTS["no_mask"] = True
+ if opt in ("-l", "--linear"):
+ QUERY_OPTS["no_indent"] = True
+ if opt in ("--depth"):
+ if posarg.isdigit():
+ depth = int(posarg)
+ else:
+ err = "Module option --depth requires integer (got '%s')"
+ sys.stderr.write(pp.error(err % posarg))
+ print()
+ print_help(with_description=False)
+ sys.exit(2)
+ QUERY_OPTS["depth"] = depth
def depgraph_printer(
- depth,
- pkg,
- dep,
- no_use=False,
- no_atom=False,
- no_indent=False,
- initial_pkg=False,
- no_mask=False
+ depth,
+ pkg,
+ dep,
+ no_use=False,
+ no_atom=False,
+ no_indent=False,
+ initial_pkg=False,
+ no_mask=False,
- """Display L{gentoolkit.dependencies.Dependencies.graph_depends} results.
- @type depth: int
- @param depth: depth of indirection, used to calculate indent
- @type pkg: L{gentoolkit.package.Package}
- @param pkg: "best match" package matched by B{dep}
- @type dep: L{gentoolkit.atom.Atom}
- @param dep: dependency that matched B{pkg}
- @type no_use: bool
- @param no_use: don't output USE flags
- @type no_atom: bool
- @param no_atom: don't output dep atom
- @type no_indent: bool
- @param no_indent: don't output indent based on B{depth}
- @type initial_pkg: bool
- @param initial_pkg: somewhat of a hack used to print the root package of
- the graph with absolutely no indent
- """
- indent = '' if no_indent or initial_pkg else ' ' + (' ' * depth)
- decorator = '[%3d] ' % depth if no_indent else '`-- '
- use = ''
- atom = ''
- mask = ''
- try:
- if not no_atom:
- if dep.operator == '=*':
- atom += ' (=%s*)' % dep.cpv
- else:
- atom += ' (%s%s)' % (dep.operator, dep.cpv)
- if not no_use and dep is not None and dep.use:
- use = ' [%s]' % ' '.join(
- pp.useflag(x, enabled=True) for x in dep.use.tokens
- )
- except AttributeError:
- # 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'atom'
- pass
- if pkg and not no_mask:
- mask = pkg.mask_status()
- if not mask:
- mask = [determine_keyword(portage.settings["ARCH"],
- portage.settings["ACCEPT_KEYWORDS"],
- pkg.environment('KEYWORDS'))]
- mask = pp.masking(mask)
- try:
- pp.uprint(' '.join(
- (indent, decorator, pp.cpv(str(pkg.cpv)), atom, mask, use)
- ))
- except AttributeError:
- # 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'cpv'
- pp.uprint(''.join((indent, decorator, "(no match for %r)" % dep.atom)))
+ """Display L{gentoolkit.dependencies.Dependencies.graph_depends} results.
+ @type depth: int
+ @param depth: depth of indirection, used to calculate indent
+ @type pkg: L{gentoolkit.package.Package}
+ @param pkg: "best match" package matched by B{dep}
+ @type dep: L{gentoolkit.atom.Atom}
+ @param dep: dependency that matched B{pkg}
+ @type no_use: bool
+ @param no_use: don't output USE flags
+ @type no_atom: bool
+ @param no_atom: don't output dep atom
+ @type no_indent: bool
+ @param no_indent: don't output indent based on B{depth}
+ @type initial_pkg: bool
+ @param initial_pkg: somewhat of a hack used to print the root package of
+ the graph with absolutely no indent
+ """
+ indent = "" if no_indent or initial_pkg else " " + (" " * depth)
+ decorator = "[%3d] " % depth if no_indent else "`-- "
+ use = ""
+ atom = ""
+ mask = ""
+ try:
+ if not no_atom:
+ if dep.operator == "=*":
+ atom += " (=%s*)" % dep.cpv
+ else:
+ atom += f" ({dep.operator}{dep.cpv})"
+ if not no_use and dep is not None and dep.use:
+ use = " [%s]" % " ".join(
+ pp.useflag(x, enabled=True) for x in dep.use.tokens
+ )
+ except AttributeError:
+ # 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'atom'
+ pass
+ if pkg and not no_mask:
+ mask = pkg.mask_status()
+ if not mask:
+ mask = [
+ determine_keyword(
+ portage.settings["ARCH"],
+ portage.settings["ACCEPT_KEYWORDS"],
+ pkg.environment("KEYWORDS"),
+ )
+ ]
+ mask = pp.masking(mask)
+ try:
+ pp.uprint(" ".join((indent, decorator, pp.cpv(str(pkg.cpv)), atom, mask, use)))
+ except AttributeError:
+ # 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'cpv'
+ pp.uprint("".join((indent, decorator, "(no match for %r)" % dep.atom)))
def make_depgraph(pkg, printer_fn):
- """Create and display depgraph for each package."""
+ """Create and display depgraph for each package."""
- print()
- if CONFIG['verbose']:
- pp.uprint(" * " + pp.subsection("dependency graph for ") +
- pp.cpv(str(pkg.cpv)))
- else:
- pp.uprint("%s:" % pkg.cpv)
+ print()
+ if CONFIG["verbose"]:
+ pp.uprint(" * " + pp.subsection("dependency graph for ") + pp.cpv(str(pkg.cpv)))
+ else:
+ pp.uprint("%s:" % pkg.cpv)
- # Print out the first package
- printer_fn(0, pkg, None, initial_pkg=True)
+ # Print out the first package
+ printer_fn(0, pkg, None, initial_pkg=True)
- deps = pkg.deps.graph_depends(
- max_depth=QUERY_OPTS['depth'],
- printer_fn=printer_fn,
- # Use this to set this pkg as the graph's root; better way?
- result=[(0, pkg)]
- )
+ deps = pkg.deps.graph_depends(
+ max_depth=QUERY_OPTS["depth"],
+ printer_fn=printer_fn,
+ # Use this to set this pkg as the graph's root; better way?
+ result=[(0, pkg)],
+ )
- if CONFIG['verbose']:
- pkgname = pp.cpv(str(pkg.cpv))
- n_packages = pp.number(str(len(deps)))
- max_seen = pp.number(str(max(x[0] for x in deps)))
- info = "[ %s stats: packages (%s), max depth (%s) ]"
- pp.uprint(info % (pkgname, n_packages, max_seen))
+ if CONFIG["verbose"]:
+ pkgname = pp.cpv(str(pkg.cpv))
+ n_packages = pp.number(str(len(deps)))
+ max_seen = pp.number(str(max(x[0] for x in deps)))
+ info = "[ %s stats: packages (%s), max depth (%s) ]"
+ pp.uprint(info % (pkgname, n_packages, max_seen))
def main(input_args):
- """Parse input and run the program"""
- short_opts = "hAMUl"
- long_opts = ('help', 'no-atom', 'no-useflags', 'no-mask', 'depth=')
- try:
- module_opts, queries = gnu_getopt(input_args, short_opts, long_opts)
- except GetoptError as err:
- sys.stderr.write(pp.error("Module %s" % err))
- print()
- print_help(with_description=False)
- sys.exit(2)
- parse_module_options(module_opts)
- if not queries:
- print_help()
- sys.exit(2)
- #
- # Output
- #
- first_run = True
- for query in (Query(x) for x in queries):
- if not first_run:
- print()
- matches = query.smart_find(**QUERY_OPTS)
- if not matches:
- raise errors.GentoolkitNoMatches(query)
- matches.sort()
- if CONFIG['verbose']:
- printer = partial(
- depgraph_printer,
- no_atom=QUERY_OPTS['no_atom'],
- no_indent=QUERY_OPTS['no_indent'],
- no_use=QUERY_OPTS['no_useflags'],
- no_mask=QUERY_OPTS['no_mask']
- )
- else:
- printer = partial(
- depgraph_printer,
- no_atom=True,
- no_indent=True,
- no_use=True,
- no_mask=True
- )
- for pkg in matches:
- make_depgraph(pkg, printer)
- first_run = False
+ """Parse input and run the program"""
+ short_opts = "hAMUl"
+ long_opts = ("help", "no-atom", "no-useflags", "no-mask", "depth=", "linear")
+ try:
+ module_opts, queries = gnu_getopt(input_args, short_opts, long_opts)
+ except GetoptError as err:
+ sys.stderr.write(pp.error("Module %s" % err))
+ print()
+ print_help(with_description=False)
+ sys.exit(2)
+ parse_module_options(module_opts)
+ if not queries:
+ print_help()
+ sys.exit(2)
+ #
+ # Output
+ #
+ first_run = True
+ for query in (Query(x) for x in queries):
+ if not first_run:
+ print()
+ matches = query.smart_find(**QUERY_OPTS)
+ if not matches:
+ raise errors.GentoolkitNoMatches(query)
+ matches.sort()
+ if CONFIG["verbose"]:
+ printer = partial(
+ depgraph_printer,
+ no_atom=QUERY_OPTS["no_atom"],
+ no_indent=QUERY_OPTS["no_indent"],
+ no_use=QUERY_OPTS["no_useflags"],
+ no_mask=QUERY_OPTS["no_mask"],
+ )
+ else:
+ printer = partial(
+ depgraph_printer,
+ no_atom=True,
+ no_indent=True,
+ no_use=True,
+ no_mask=True,
+ )
+ for pkg in matches:
+ make_depgraph(pkg, printer)
+ first_run = False
# vim: set ts=4 sw=4 tw=79:
diff --git a/pym/gentoolkit/equery/files.py b/pym/gentoolkit/equery/files.py
index cfcd306..ae9e386 100644
--- a/pym/gentoolkit/equery/files.py
+++ b/pym/gentoolkit/equery/files.py
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
"""List files owned by a given package."""
-__docformat__ = 'epytext'
+__docformat__ = "epytext"
# =======
# Imports
@@ -17,8 +17,7 @@ from getopt import gnu_getopt, GetoptError
import portage
import gentoolkit.pprinter as pp
-from gentoolkit.equery import (format_filetype, format_options, mod_usage,
+from gentoolkit.equery import format_filetype, format_options, mod_usage, CONFIG
from gentoolkit.query import Query
# =======
@@ -26,303 +25,314 @@ from gentoolkit.query import Query
# =======
- "in_installed": True,
- "in_porttree": False,
- "in_overlay": False,
- "include_masked": True,
- "output_tree": False,
- "show_progress": (not CONFIG['quiet']),
- "show_type": False,
- "show_timestamp": False,
- "show_MD5": False,
- "type_filter": None
+ "in_installed": True,
+ "in_porttree": False,
+ "in_overlay": False,
+ "include_masked": True,
+ "output_tree": False,
+ "show_progress": (not CONFIG["quiet"]),
+ "show_type": False,
+ "show_timestamp": False,
+ "show_MD5": False,
+ "type_filter": None,
- 'dir', 'obj', 'sym', 'dev', 'path', 'conf', 'cmd', 'doc', 'man', 'info',
- 'fifo'
+ "dir",
+ "obj",
+ "sym",
+ "dev",
+ "path",
+ "conf",
+ "cmd",
+ "doc",
+ "man",
+ "info",
+ "fifo",
# =========
# Functions
# =========
def print_help(with_description=True):
- """Print description, usage and a detailed help message.
- @type with_description: bool
- @param with_description: if true, print module's __doc__ string
- """
- if with_description:
- print(__doc__.strip())
- print()
- print(mod_usage(mod_name="files"))
- print()
- print(pp.command("options"))
- print(format_options((
- (" -h, --help", "display this help message"),
- (" -m, --md5sum", "include MD5 sum in output"),
- (" -s, --timestamp", "include timestamp in output"),
- (" -t, --type", "include file type in output"),
- (" --tree", "display results in a tree (turns off other options)"),
- (" -f, --filter=RULES", "filter output by file type"),
- (" RULES",
- "a comma-separated list (no spaces); choose from:")
- )))
- print(" " * 24, ', '.join(pp.emph(x) for x in FILTER_RULES))
+ """Print description, usage and a detailed help message.
+ @type with_description: bool
+ @param with_description: if true, print module's __doc__ string
+ """
+ if with_description:
+ print(__doc__.strip())
+ print()
+ print(mod_usage(mod_name="files"))
+ print()
+ print(pp.command("options"))
+ print(
+ format_options(
+ (
+ (" -h, --help", "display this help message"),
+ (" -m, --md5sum", "include MD5 sum in output"),
+ (" -s, --timestamp", "include timestamp in output"),
+ (" -t, --type", "include file type in output"),
+ (" --tree", "display results in a tree (turns off other options)"),
+ (" -f, --filter=RULES", "filter output by file type"),
+ (
+ " RULES",
+ "a comma-separated list (no spaces); choose from:",
+ ),
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ print(" " * 24, ", ".join(pp.emph(x) for x in FILTER_RULES))
def display_files(contents):
- """Display the content of an installed package.
- @see: gentoolkit.package.Package.parsed_contents
- @type contents: dict
- @param contents: {'path': ['filetype', ...], ...}
- """
- filenames = list(contents.keys())
- filenames.sort()
- last = []
- for name in filenames:
- if QUERY_OPTS["output_tree"]:
- dirdepth = name.count('/')
- indent = " "
- if dirdepth == 2:
- indent = " "
- elif dirdepth > 2:
- indent = " " * (dirdepth - 1)
- basename = name.rsplit("/", dirdepth - 1)
- if contents[name][0] == "dir":
- if len(last) == 0:
- last = basename
- pp.uprint(pp.path(indent + basename[0]))
- continue
- for i, directory in enumerate(basename):
- try:
- if directory in last[i]:
- continue
- except IndexError:
- pass
- last = basename
- if len(last) == 1:
- pp.uprint(pp.path(indent + last[0]))
- continue
- pp.uprint(pp.path(indent + "> /" + last[-1]))
- elif contents[name][0] == "sym":
- pp.uprint(pp.path(indent + "+"), end=' ')
- pp.uprint(pp.path_symlink(basename[-1] + " -> " +
- contents[name][2]))
- else:
- pp.uprint(pp.path(indent + "+ ") + basename[-1])
- else:
- pp.uprint(format_filetype(
- name,
- contents[name],
- show_type=QUERY_OPTS["show_type"],
- show_md5=QUERY_OPTS["show_MD5"],
- show_timestamp=QUERY_OPTS["show_timestamp"]
- ))
+ """Display the content of an installed package.
+ @see: gentoolkit.package.Package.parsed_contents
+ @type contents: dict
+ @param contents: {'path': ['filetype', ...], ...}
+ """
+ filenames = list(contents.keys())
+ filenames.sort()
+ last = []
+ for name in filenames:
+ if QUERY_OPTS["output_tree"]:
+ dirdepth = name.count("/")
+ indent = " "
+ if dirdepth == 2:
+ indent = " "
+ elif dirdepth > 2:
+ indent = " " * (dirdepth - 1)
+ basename = name.rsplit("/", dirdepth - 1)
+ if contents[name][0] == "dir":
+ if len(last) == 0:
+ last = basename
+ pp.uprint(pp.path(indent + basename[0]))
+ continue
+ for i, directory in enumerate(basename):
+ try:
+ if directory in last[i]:
+ continue
+ except IndexError:
+ pass
+ last = basename
+ if len(last) == 1:
+ pp.uprint(pp.path(indent + last[0]))
+ continue
+ pp.uprint(pp.path(indent + "> /" + last[-1]))
+ elif contents[name][0] == "sym":
+ pp.uprint(pp.path(indent + "+"), end=" ")
+ pp.uprint(pp.path_symlink(basename[-1] + " -> " + contents[name][2]))
+ else:
+ pp.uprint(pp.path(indent + "+ ") + basename[-1])
+ else:
+ pp.uprint(
+ format_filetype(
+ name,
+ contents[name],
+ show_type=QUERY_OPTS["show_type"],
+ show_md5=QUERY_OPTS["show_MD5"],
+ show_timestamp=QUERY_OPTS["show_timestamp"],
+ )
+ )
def filter_by_doc(contents, content_filter):
- """Return a copy of content filtered by documentation."""
+ """Return a copy of content filtered by documentation."""
- filtered_content = {}
- for doctype in ('doc' ,'man' ,'info'):
- # List only files from /usr/share/{doc,man,info}
- if doctype in content_filter:
- docpath = os.path.join(os.sep, 'usr', 'share', doctype)
- for path in contents:
- if contents[path][0] == 'obj' and path.startswith(docpath):
- filtered_content[path] = contents[path]
+ filtered_content = {}
+ for doctype in ("doc", "man", "info"):
+ # List only files from /usr/share/{doc,man,info}
+ if doctype in content_filter:
+ docpath = os.path.join(os.sep, "usr", "share", doctype)
+ for path in contents:
+ if contents[path][0] == "obj" and path.startswith(docpath):
+ filtered_content[path] = contents[path]
- return filtered_content
+ return filtered_content
def filter_by_command(contents):
- """Return a copy of content filtered by executable commands."""
+ """Return a copy of content filtered by executable commands."""
- filtered_content = {}
- userpath = os.environ["PATH"].split(os.pathsep)
- userpath = [os.path.normpath(x) for x in userpath]
- for path in contents:
- if (contents[path][0] in ['obj', 'sym'] and
- os.path.dirname(path) in userpath):
- filtered_content[path] = contents[path]
+ filtered_content = {}
+ userpath = os.environ["PATH"].split(os.pathsep)
+ userpath = [os.path.normpath(x) for x in userpath]
+ for path in contents:
+ if contents[path][0] in ["obj", "sym"] and os.path.dirname(path) in userpath:
+ filtered_content[path] = contents[path]
- return filtered_content
+ return filtered_content
def filter_by_path(contents):
- """Return a copy of content filtered by file paths."""
- filtered_content = {}
- paths = list(reversed(sorted(contents.keys())))
- while paths:
- basepath = paths.pop()
- if contents[basepath][0] == 'dir':
- check_subdirs = False
- for path in paths:
- if (contents[path][0] != "dir" and
- os.path.dirname(path) == basepath):
- filtered_content[basepath] = contents[basepath]
- check_subdirs = True
- break
- if check_subdirs:
- while (paths and paths[-1].startswith(basepath)):
- paths.pop()
- return filtered_content
+ """Return a copy of content filtered by file paths."""
+ filtered_content = {}
+ paths = list(reversed(sorted(contents.keys())))
+ while paths:
+ basepath = paths.pop()
+ if contents[basepath][0] == "dir":
+ check_subdirs = False
+ for path in paths:
+ if contents[path][0] != "dir" and os.path.dirname(path) == basepath:
+ filtered_content[basepath] = contents[basepath]
+ check_subdirs = True
+ break
+ if check_subdirs:
+ while paths and paths[-1].startswith(basepath):
+ paths.pop()
+ return filtered_content
def filter_by_conf(contents):
- """Return a copy of content filtered by configuration files."""
+ """Return a copy of content filtered by configuration files."""
- filtered_content = {}
- conf_path = portage.settings["CONFIG_PROTECT"].split()
- conf_path = tuple(os.path.normpath(x) for x in conf_path)
- conf_mask_path = portage.settings["CONFIG_PROTECT_MASK"].split()
- conf_mask_path = tuple(os.path.normpath(x) for x in conf_mask_path)
- for path in contents:
- if contents[path][0] == 'obj' and path.startswith(conf_path):
- if not path.startswith(conf_mask_path):
- filtered_content[path] = contents[path]
+ filtered_content = {}
+ conf_path = portage.settings["CONFIG_PROTECT"].split()
+ conf_path = tuple(os.path.normpath(x) for x in conf_path)
+ conf_mask_path = portage.settings["CONFIG_PROTECT_MASK"].split()
+ conf_mask_path = tuple(os.path.normpath(x) for x in conf_mask_path)
+ for path in contents:
+ if contents[path][0] == "obj" and path.startswith(conf_path):
+ if not path.startswith(conf_mask_path):
+ filtered_content[path] = contents[path]
- return filtered_content
+ return filtered_content
def filter_by_fifo(contents):
- """Return a copy of content filtered by fifo entries."""
+ """Return a copy of content filtered by fifo entries."""
- filtered_content = {}
- for path in contents:
- if contents[path][0] in ['fif']:
- filtered_content[path] = contents[path]
+ filtered_content = {}
+ for path in contents:
+ if contents[path][0] in ["fif"]:
+ filtered_content[path] = contents[path]
- return filtered_content
+ return filtered_content
def filter_contents(contents):
- """Filter files by type if specified by the user.
- @see: gentoolkit.package.Package.parsed_contents
- @type contents: dict
- @param contents: {'path': ['filetype', ...], ...}
- @rtype: dict
- @return: contents with unrequested filetypes stripped
- """
- if QUERY_OPTS['type_filter']:
- content_filter = QUERY_OPTS['type_filter']
- else:
- return contents
- filtered_content = {}
- if frozenset(('dir', 'obj', 'sym', 'dev')).intersection(content_filter):
- # Filter elements by type (as recorded in CONTENTS)
- for path in contents:
- if contents[path][0] in content_filter:
- filtered_content[path] = contents[path]
- if "cmd" in content_filter:
- filtered_content.update(filter_by_command(contents))
- if "path" in content_filter:
- filtered_content.update(filter_by_path(contents))
- if "conf" in content_filter:
- filtered_content.update(filter_by_conf(contents))
- if frozenset(('doc' ,'man' ,'info')).intersection(content_filter):
- filtered_content.update(filter_by_doc(contents, content_filter))
- if "fifo" in content_filter:
- filtered_content.update(filter_by_fifo(contents))
- return filtered_content
+ """Filter files by type if specified by the user.
+ @see: gentoolkit.package.Package.parsed_contents
+ @type contents: dict
+ @param contents: {'path': ['filetype', ...], ...}
+ @rtype: dict
+ @return: contents with unrequested filetypes stripped
+ """
+ if QUERY_OPTS["type_filter"]:
+ content_filter = QUERY_OPTS["type_filter"]
+ else:
+ return contents
+ filtered_content = {}
+ if frozenset(("dir", "obj", "sym", "dev")).intersection(content_filter):
+ # Filter elements by type (as recorded in CONTENTS)
+ for path in contents:
+ if contents[path][0] in content_filter:
+ filtered_content[path] = contents[path]
+ if "cmd" in content_filter:
+ filtered_content.update(filter_by_command(contents))
+ if "path" in content_filter:
+ filtered_content.update(filter_by_path(contents))
+ if "conf" in content_filter:
+ filtered_content.update(filter_by_conf(contents))
+ if frozenset(("doc", "man", "info")).intersection(content_filter):
+ filtered_content.update(filter_by_doc(contents, content_filter))
+ if "fifo" in content_filter:
+ filtered_content.update(filter_by_fifo(contents))
+ return filtered_content
def parse_module_options(module_opts):
- """Parse module options and update QUERY_OPTS"""
- content_filter = []
- opts = (x[0] for x in module_opts)
- posargs = (x[1] for x in module_opts)
- for opt, posarg in zip(opts, posargs):
- if opt in ('-h', '--help'):
- print_help()
- sys.exit(0)
- elif opt in ('-m', '--md5sum'):
- QUERY_OPTS["show_MD5"] = True
- elif opt in ('-s', '--timestamp'):
- QUERY_OPTS["show_timestamp"] = True
- elif opt in ('-t', '--type'):
- QUERY_OPTS["show_type"] = True
- elif opt in ('--tree'):
- QUERY_OPTS["output_tree"] = True
- elif opt in ('-f', '--filter'):
- f_split = posarg.split(',')
- content_filter.extend(x.lstrip('=') for x in f_split)
- for rule in content_filter:
- if not rule in FILTER_RULES:
- sys.stderr.write(
- pp.error("Invalid filter rule '%s'" % rule)
- )
- print()
- print_help(with_description=False)
- sys.exit(2)
- QUERY_OPTS["type_filter"] = content_filter
+ """Parse module options and update QUERY_OPTS"""
+ content_filter = []
+ opts = (x[0] for x in module_opts)
+ posargs = (x[1] for x in module_opts)
+ for opt, posarg in zip(opts, posargs):
+ if opt in ("-h", "--help"):
+ print_help()
+ sys.exit(0)
+ elif opt in ("-m", "--md5sum"):
+ QUERY_OPTS["show_MD5"] = True
+ elif opt in ("-s", "--timestamp"):
+ QUERY_OPTS["show_timestamp"] = True
+ elif opt in ("-t", "--type"):
+ QUERY_OPTS["show_type"] = True
+ elif opt in ("--tree"):
+ QUERY_OPTS["output_tree"] = True
+ elif opt in ("-f", "--filter"):
+ f_split = posarg.split(",")
+ content_filter.extend(x.lstrip("=") for x in f_split)
+ for rule in content_filter:
+ if not rule in FILTER_RULES:
+ sys.stderr.write(pp.error("Invalid filter rule '%s'" % rule))
+ print()
+ print_help(with_description=False)
+ sys.exit(2)
+ QUERY_OPTS["type_filter"] = content_filter
def main(input_args):
- """Parse input and run the program"""
+ """Parse input and run the program"""
+ # -e, --exact-name is legacy option. djanderson '09
+ short_opts = "hemstf:"
+ long_opts = ("help", "exact-name", "md5sum", "timestamp", "type", "tree", "filter=")
- # -e, --exact-name is legacy option. djanderson '09
- short_opts = "hemstf:"
- long_opts = ('help', 'exact-name', 'md5sum', 'timestamp', 'type', 'tree',
- 'filter=')
+ try:
+ module_opts, queries = gnu_getopt(input_args, short_opts, long_opts)
+ except GetoptError as err:
+ sys.stderr.write(pp.error("Module %s" % err))
+ print()
+ print_help(with_description=False)
+ sys.exit(2)
- try:
- module_opts, queries = gnu_getopt(input_args, short_opts, long_opts)
- except GetoptError as err:
- sys.stderr.write(pp.error("Module %s" % err))
- print()
- print_help(with_description=False)
- sys.exit(2)
+ parse_module_options(module_opts)
- parse_module_options(module_opts)
+ if not queries:
+ print_help()
+ sys.exit(2)
- if not queries:
- print_help()
- sys.exit(2)
+ # Turn off filtering for tree output
+ if QUERY_OPTS["output_tree"]:
+ QUERY_OPTS["type_filter"] = None
- # Turn off filtering for tree output
- if QUERY_OPTS["output_tree"]:
- QUERY_OPTS["type_filter"] = None
+ #
+ # Output files
+ #
- #
- # Output files
- #
+ first_run = True
+ for query in queries:
+ if not first_run:
+ print()
- first_run = True
- for query in queries:
- if not first_run:
- print()
+ matches = Query(query).smart_find(**QUERY_OPTS)
- matches = Query(query).smart_find(**QUERY_OPTS)
+ if not matches:
+ sys.stderr.write(pp.error("No matching packages found for %s" % query))
- if not matches:
- sys.stderr.write(
- pp.error("No matching packages found for %s" % query)
- )
+ matches.sort()
- matches.sort()
+ for pkg in matches:
+ if CONFIG["verbose"]:
+ pp.uprint(" * Contents of %s:" % pp.cpv(str(pkg.cpv)))
- for pkg in matches:
- if CONFIG['verbose']:
- pp.uprint(" * Contents of %s:" % pp.cpv(str(pkg.cpv)))
+ contents = pkg.parsed_contents()
+ display_files(filter_contents(contents))
- contents = pkg.parsed_contents()
- display_files(filter_contents(contents))
+ first_run = False
- first_run = False
# vim: set ts=4 sw=4 tw=79:
diff --git a/pym/gentoolkit/equery/has.py b/pym/gentoolkit/equery/has.py
index c1c8bba..ca30ae2 100644
--- a/pym/gentoolkit/equery/has.py
+++ b/pym/gentoolkit/equery/has.py
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
"""List all installed packages that match for a given ENVIRONMENT variable"""
-__docformat__ = 'epytext'
+__docformat__ = "epytext"
# =======
# Imports
@@ -24,184 +24,194 @@ from gentoolkit.query import Query
# =======
- "in_installed": True,
- "in_porttree": False,
- "in_overlay": False,
- "include_masked": True,
- "show_progress": False,
- "package_format": None,
- "package_filter": None,
- "env_var": None
+ "in_installed": True,
+ "in_porttree": False,
+ "in_overlay": False,
+ "include_masked": True,
+ "show_progress": False,
+ "package_format": None,
+ "package_filter": None,
+ "env_var": None,
# =========
# Functions
# =========
def print_help(with_description=True):
- """Print description, usage and a detailed help message.
- @type with_description: bool
- @param with_description: if true, print module's __doc__ string
- """
- if with_description:
- print(__doc__.strip())
- print()
- print(mod_usage(mod_name="has", arg="env_var [expr]"))
- print()
- print(pp.command("options"))
- print(format_options((
- (" -h, --help", "display this help message"),
- (" -I, --exclude-installed",
- "exclude installed packages from search path"),
- (" -o, --overlay-tree", "include overlays in search path"),
- (" -p, --portage-tree", "include entire portage tree in search path"),
- (" -F, --format=TMPL", "specify a custom output format"),
- (" TMPL",
- "a format template using (see man page):")
- )))
-# print(" " * 24, ', '.join(pp.emph(x) for x in FORMAT_TMPL_VARS))
+ """Print description, usage and a detailed help message.
+ @type with_description: bool
+ @param with_description: if true, print module's __doc__ string
+ """
+ if with_description:
+ print(__doc__.strip())
+ print()
+ print(mod_usage(mod_name="has", arg="env_var [expr]"))
+ print()
+ print(pp.command("options"))
+ print(
+ format_options(
+ (
+ (" -h, --help", "display this help message"),
+ (
+ " -I, --exclude-installed",
+ "exclude installed packages from search path",
+ ),
+ (" -o, --overlay-tree", "include overlays in search path"),
+ (" -p, --portage-tree", "include entire portage tree in search path"),
+ (" -F, --format=TMPL", "specify a custom output format"),
+ (" TMPL", "a format template using (see man page):"),
+ )
+ )
+ )
+# print(" " * 24, ', '.join(pp.emph(x) for x in FORMAT_TMPL_VARS))
def query_in_env(query, env_var, pkg):
- """Check if the query is in the pkg's environment."""
+ """Check if the query is in the pkg's environment."""
- try:
- if env_var in ("USE", "IUSE", "CFLAGS", "CXXFLAGS", "LDFLAGS"):
- results = set(
- [x.lstrip("+-") for x in pkg.environment(env_var).split()]
- )
- else:
- results = set(pkg.environment(env_var).split())
- except errors.GentoolkitFatalError:
- # aux_get KeyError or other unexpected result
- return False
+ try:
+ if env_var in ("USE", "IUSE", "CFLAGS", "CXXFLAGS", "LDFLAGS"):
+ results = {x.lstrip("+-") for x in pkg.environment(env_var).split()}
+ else:
+ results = set(pkg.environment(env_var).split())
+ except errors.GentoolkitFatalError:
+ # aux_get KeyError or other unexpected result
+ return False
- if query in results:
- return True
+ if query in results:
+ return True
- return False
+ return False
def display_pkg(query, env_var, pkg):
- """Display information for a given package."""
- if CONFIG['verbose']:
- pkgstr = PackageFormatter(
- pkg,
- do_format=True,
- custom_format=QUERY_OPTS["package_format"]
- )
- else:
- pkgstr = PackageFormatter(
- pkg,
- do_format=False,
- custom_format=QUERY_OPTS["package_format"]
- )
- if (QUERY_OPTS["in_installed"] and
- not QUERY_OPTS["in_porttree"] and
- not QUERY_OPTS["in_overlay"]):
- if not 'I' in pkgstr.location:
- return False
- if (QUERY_OPTS["in_porttree"] and
- not QUERY_OPTS["in_overlay"]):
- if not 'P' in pkgstr.location:
- return False
- if (QUERY_OPTS["in_overlay"] and
- not QUERY_OPTS["in_porttree"]):
- if not 'O' in pkgstr.location:
- return False
- pp.uprint(pkgstr)
- return True
+ """Display information for a given package."""
+ if CONFIG["verbose"]:
+ pkgstr = PackageFormatter(
+ pkg, do_format=True, custom_format=QUERY_OPTS["package_format"]
+ )
+ else:
+ pkgstr = PackageFormatter(
+ pkg, do_format=False, custom_format=QUERY_OPTS["package_format"]
+ )
+ if (
+ QUERY_OPTS["in_installed"]
+ and not QUERY_OPTS["in_porttree"]
+ and not QUERY_OPTS["in_overlay"]
+ ):
+ if not "I" in pkgstr.location:
+ return False
+ if QUERY_OPTS["in_porttree"] and not QUERY_OPTS["in_overlay"]:
+ if not "P" in pkgstr.location:
+ return False
+ if QUERY_OPTS["in_overlay"] and not QUERY_OPTS["in_porttree"]:
+ if not "O" in pkgstr.location:
+ return False
+ pp.uprint(pkgstr)
+ return True
def parse_module_options(module_opts):
- """Parse module options and update QUERY_OPTS"""
- # Parse module options
- opts = (x[0] for x in module_opts)
- posargs = (x[1] for x in module_opts)
- for opt, posarg in zip(opts, posargs):
- if opt in ('-h', '--help'):
- print_help()
- sys.exit(0)
- elif opt in ('-I', '--exclue-installed'):
- QUERY_OPTS['in_installed'] = False
- elif opt in ('-p', '--portage-tree'):
- QUERY_OPTS['in_porttree'] = True
- elif opt in ('-o', '--overlay-tree'):
- QUERY_OPTS['in_overlay'] = True
- elif opt in ('-F', '--format'):
- QUERY_OPTS["package_format"] = posarg
- elif opt in ('--package'):
- QUERY_OPTS["package_filter"] = posarg
+ """Parse module options and update QUERY_OPTS"""
+ # Parse module options
+ opts = (x[0] for x in module_opts)
+ posargs = (x[1] for x in module_opts)
+ for opt, posarg in zip(opts, posargs):
+ if opt in ("-h", "--help"):
+ print_help()
+ sys.exit(0)
+ elif opt in ("-I", "--exclue-installed"):
+ QUERY_OPTS["in_installed"] = False
+ elif opt in ("-p", "--portage-tree"):
+ QUERY_OPTS["in_porttree"] = True
+ elif opt in ("-o", "--overlay-tree"):
+ QUERY_OPTS["in_overlay"] = True
+ elif opt in ("-F", "--format"):
+ QUERY_OPTS["package_format"] = posarg
+ elif opt in ("--package"):
+ QUERY_OPTS["package_filter"] = posarg
def main(input_args):
- """Parse input and run the program"""
- short_opts = "hiIpoF:" # -i was option for default action
- # --installed is no longer needed, kept for compatibility (djanderson '09)
- long_opts = ('help', 'installed', 'exclude-installed', 'portage-tree',
- 'overlay-tree', 'format=', 'package=')
- try:
- module_opts, queries = gnu_getopt(input_args, short_opts, long_opts)
- except GetoptError as err:
- sys.stderr.write(pp.error("Module %s" % err))
- print()
- print_help(with_description=False)
- sys.exit(2)
- parse_module_options(module_opts)
- if not queries:
- print_help()
- sys.exit(2)
- query_scope = QUERY_OPTS['package_filter'] or '*'
- matches = Query(query_scope).smart_find(**QUERY_OPTS)
- matches.sort()
- # split out the first query since it is suppose to be the env_var
- QUERY_OPTS['env_var'] = queries.pop(0)
- env_var = QUERY_OPTS['env_var']
- #
- # Output
- #
- if not queries:
- if not QUERY_OPTS['package_filter']:
- err = "Used ENV_VAR without match_expression or --package"
- raise errors.GentoolkitFatalError(err, is_serious=False)
- else:
- if len(matches) > 1:
- raise errors.AmbiguousPackageName(matches)
- for match in matches:
- env = QUERY_OPTS['env_var']
- print(match.environment(env))
- first_run = True
- got_match = False
- for query in queries:
- if not first_run:
- print()
- if CONFIG['verbose']:
- status = " * Searching for {0} {1} ... "
- pp.uprint(status.format(env_var, pp.emph(query)))
- for pkg in matches:
- if query_in_env(query, env_var, pkg):
- display_pkg(query, env_var, pkg)
- got_match = True
- first_run = False
- if not got_match:
- sys.exit(1)
+ """Parse input and run the program"""
+ short_opts = "hiIpoF:" # -i was option for default action
+ # --installed is no longer needed, kept for compatibility (djanderson '09)
+ long_opts = (
+ "help",
+ "installed",
+ "exclude-installed",
+ "portage-tree",
+ "overlay-tree",
+ "format=",
+ "package=",
+ )
+ try:
+ module_opts, queries = gnu_getopt(input_args, short_opts, long_opts)
+ except GetoptError as err:
+ sys.stderr.write(pp.error("Module %s" % err))
+ print()
+ print_help(with_description=False)
+ sys.exit(2)
+ parse_module_options(module_opts)
+ if not queries:
+ print_help()
+ sys.exit(2)
+ query_scope = QUERY_OPTS["package_filter"] or "*"
+ matches = Query(query_scope).smart_find(**QUERY_OPTS)
+ matches.sort()
+ # split out the first query since it is suppose to be the env_var
+ QUERY_OPTS["env_var"] = queries.pop(0)
+ env_var = QUERY_OPTS["env_var"]
+ #
+ # Output
+ #
+ if not queries:
+ if not QUERY_OPTS["package_filter"]:
+ err = "Used ENV_VAR without match_expression or --package"
+ raise errors.GentoolkitFatalError(err, is_serious=False)
+ else:
+ if len(matches) > 1:
+ raise errors.AmbiguousPackageName(matches)
+ for match in matches:
+ env = QUERY_OPTS["env_var"]
+ print(match.environment(env))
+ first_run = True
+ got_match = False
+ for query in queries:
+ if not first_run:
+ print()
+ if CONFIG["verbose"]:
+ status = " * Searching for {0} {1} ... "
+ pp.uprint(status.format(env_var, pp.emph(query)))
+ for pkg in matches:
+ if query_in_env(query, env_var, pkg):
+ display_pkg(query, env_var, pkg)
+ got_match = True
+ first_run = False
+ if not got_match:
+ sys.exit(1)
# vim: set ts=4 sw=4 tw=79:
diff --git a/pym/gentoolkit/equery/hasuse.py b/pym/gentoolkit/equery/hasuse.py
index 07207bc..13fbb24 100644
--- a/pym/gentoolkit/equery/hasuse.py
+++ b/pym/gentoolkit/equery/hasuse.py
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
"""List all installed packages that have a given USE flag"""
-__docformat__ = 'epytext'
+__docformat__ = "epytext"
# =======
# Imports
@@ -24,153 +24,161 @@ from gentoolkit.query import Query
# =======
- "in_installed": True,
- "in_porttree": False,
- "in_overlay": False,
- "include_masked": True,
- "show_progress": False,
- "package_format": None
+ "in_installed": True,
+ "in_porttree": False,
+ "in_overlay": False,
+ "include_masked": True,
+ "show_progress": False,
+ "package_format": None,
# =========
# Functions
# =========
def print_help(with_description=True):
- """Print description, usage and a detailed help message.
- @type with_description: bool
- @param with_description: if true, print module's __doc__ string
- """
- if with_description:
- print(__doc__.strip())
- print()
- print(mod_usage(mod_name="hasuse", arg="USE-flag"))
- print()
- print(pp.command("options"))
- print(format_options((
- (" -h, --help", "display this help message"),
- (" -I, --exclude-installed",
- "exclude installed packages from search path"),
- (" -o, --overlay-tree", "include overlays in search path"),
- (" -p, --portage-tree", "include entire portage tree in search path"),
- (" -F, --format=TMPL", "specify a custom output format"),
- (" TMPL",
- "a format template using (see man page):")
- )))
- print(" " * 24, ', '.join(pp.emph(x) for x in FORMAT_TMPL_VARS))
+ """Print description, usage and a detailed help message.
+ @type with_description: bool
+ @param with_description: if true, print module's __doc__ string
+ """
+ if with_description:
+ print(__doc__.strip())
+ print()
+ print(mod_usage(mod_name="hasuse", arg="USE-flag"))
+ print()
+ print(pp.command("options"))
+ print(
+ format_options(
+ (
+ (" -h, --help", "display this help message"),
+ (
+ " -I, --exclude-installed",
+ "exclude installed packages from search path",
+ ),
+ (" -o, --overlay-tree", "include overlays in search path"),
+ (" -p, --portage-tree", "include entire portage tree in search path"),
+ (" -F, --format=TMPL", "specify a custom output format"),
+ (" TMPL", "a format template using (see man page):"),
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ print(" " * 24, ", ".join(pp.emph(x) for x in FORMAT_TMPL_VARS))
def display_useflags(query, pkg):
- """Display USE flag information for a given package."""
- try:
- useflags = [x.lstrip("+-") for x in pkg.environment("IUSE").split()]
- except errors.GentoolkitFatalError:
- # aux_get KeyError or other unexpected result
- return False
- if query not in useflags:
- return False
- if CONFIG['verbose']:
- pkgstr = PackageFormatter(
- pkg,
- do_format=True,
- custom_format=QUERY_OPTS["package_format"]
- )
- else:
- pkgstr = PackageFormatter(
- pkg,
- do_format=False,
- custom_format=QUERY_OPTS["package_format"]
- )
- if (QUERY_OPTS["in_installed"] and
- not QUERY_OPTS["in_porttree"] and
- not QUERY_OPTS["in_overlay"]):
- if not 'I' in pkgstr.location:
- return False
- if (QUERY_OPTS["in_porttree"] and
- not QUERY_OPTS["in_overlay"]):
- if not 'P' in pkgstr.location:
- return False
- if (QUERY_OPTS["in_overlay"] and
- not QUERY_OPTS["in_porttree"]):
- if not 'O' in pkgstr.location:
- return False
- pp.uprint(pkgstr)
- return True
+ """Display USE flag information for a given package."""
+ try:
+ useflags = [x.lstrip("+-") for x in pkg.environment("IUSE").split()]
+ except errors.GentoolkitFatalError:
+ # aux_get KeyError or other unexpected result
+ return False
+ if query not in useflags:
+ return False
+ if CONFIG["verbose"]:
+ pkgstr = PackageFormatter(
+ pkg, do_format=True, custom_format=QUERY_OPTS["package_format"]
+ )
+ else:
+ pkgstr = PackageFormatter(
+ pkg, do_format=False, custom_format=QUERY_OPTS["package_format"]
+ )
+ if (
+ QUERY_OPTS["in_installed"]
+ and not QUERY_OPTS["in_porttree"]
+ and not QUERY_OPTS["in_overlay"]
+ ):
+ if not "I" in pkgstr.location:
+ return False
+ if QUERY_OPTS["in_porttree"] and not QUERY_OPTS["in_overlay"]:
+ if not "P" in pkgstr.location:
+ return False
+ if QUERY_OPTS["in_overlay"] and not QUERY_OPTS["in_porttree"]:
+ if not "O" in pkgstr.location:
+ return False
+ pp.uprint(pkgstr)
+ return True
def parse_module_options(module_opts):
- """Parse module options and update QUERY_OPTS"""
- # Parse module options
- opts = (x[0] for x in module_opts)
- posargs = (x[1] for x in module_opts)
- for opt, posarg in zip(opts, posargs):
- if opt in ('-h', '--help'):
- print_help()
- sys.exit(0)
- elif opt in ('-I', '--exclue-installed'):
- QUERY_OPTS['in_installed'] = False
- elif opt in ('-p', '--portage-tree'):
- QUERY_OPTS['in_porttree'] = True
- elif opt in ('-o', '--overlay-tree'):
- QUERY_OPTS['in_overlay'] = True
- elif opt in ('-F', '--format'):
- QUERY_OPTS["package_format"] = posarg
+ """Parse module options and update QUERY_OPTS"""
+ # Parse module options
+ opts = (x[0] for x in module_opts)
+ posargs = (x[1] for x in module_opts)
+ for opt, posarg in zip(opts, posargs):
+ if opt in ("-h", "--help"):
+ print_help()
+ sys.exit(0)
+ elif opt in ("-I", "--exclue-installed"):
+ QUERY_OPTS["in_installed"] = False
+ elif opt in ("-p", "--portage-tree"):
+ QUERY_OPTS["in_porttree"] = True
+ elif opt in ("-o", "--overlay-tree"):
+ QUERY_OPTS["in_overlay"] = True
+ elif opt in ("-F", "--format"):
+ QUERY_OPTS["package_format"] = posarg
def main(input_args):
- """Parse input and run the program"""
- short_opts = "hiIpoF:" # -i was option for default action
- # --installed is no longer needed, kept for compatibility (djanderson '09)
- long_opts = ('help', 'installed', 'exclude-installed', 'portage-tree',
- 'overlay-tree', 'format=')
- try:
- module_opts, queries = gnu_getopt(input_args, short_opts, long_opts)
- except GetoptError as err:
- sys.stderr.write(pp.error("Module %s" % err))
- print()
- print_help(with_description=False)
- sys.exit(2)
- parse_module_options(module_opts)
- if not queries:
- print_help()
- sys.exit(2)
- matches = Query("*").smart_find(**QUERY_OPTS)
- matches.sort()
- #
- # Output
- #
- first_run = True
- got_match = False
- for query in queries:
- if not first_run:
- print()
- if CONFIG['verbose']:
- pp.uprint(" * Searching for USE flag %s ... " % pp.emph(query))
- for pkg in matches:
- if display_useflags(query, pkg):
- got_match = True
- first_run = False
+ """Parse input and run the program"""
+ short_opts = "hiIpoF:" # -i was option for default action
+ # --installed is no longer needed, kept for compatibility (djanderson '09)
+ long_opts = (
+ "help",
+ "installed",
+ "exclude-installed",
+ "portage-tree",
+ "overlay-tree",
+ "format=",
+ )
+ try:
+ module_opts, queries = gnu_getopt(input_args, short_opts, long_opts)
+ except GetoptError as err:
+ sys.stderr.write(pp.error("Module %s" % err))
+ print()
+ print_help(with_description=False)
+ sys.exit(2)
+ parse_module_options(module_opts)
+ if not queries:
+ print_help()
+ sys.exit(2)
+ matches = Query("*").smart_find(**QUERY_OPTS)
+ matches.sort()
+ #
+ # Output
+ #
+ first_run = True
+ got_match = False
+ for query in queries:
+ if not first_run:
+ print()
+ if CONFIG["verbose"]:
+ pp.uprint(" * Searching for USE flag %s ... " % pp.emph(query))
+ for pkg in matches:
+ if display_useflags(query, pkg):
+ got_match = True
+ first_run = False
+ if not got_match:
+ sys.exit(1)
- if not got_match:
- sys.exit(1)
# vim: set ts=4 sw=4 tw=79:
diff --git a/pym/gentoolkit/equery/keywords.py b/pym/gentoolkit/equery/keywords.py
index be79fe3..142a5f6 100644
--- a/pym/gentoolkit/equery/keywords.py
+++ b/pym/gentoolkit/equery/keywords.py
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-# vim:fileencoding=utf-8
# Copyright 2010 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
from gentoolkit.eshowkw import main as emain
def main(input_args):
- emain(input_args, True) \ No newline at end of file
+ emain(input_args, True)
diff --git a/pym/gentoolkit/equery/list_.py b/pym/gentoolkit/equery/list_.py
index f66dfed..23a902c 100644
--- a/pym/gentoolkit/equery/list_.py
+++ b/pym/gentoolkit/equery/list_.py
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
"""List installed packages matching the query pattern"""
-__docformat__ = 'epytext'
+__docformat__ = "epytext"
# =======
# Imports
@@ -25,231 +25,255 @@ from gentoolkit.query import Query
# =======
- "duplicates": False,
- "in_installed": True,
- "in_porttree": False,
- "in_overlay": False,
- "include_mask_reason": False,
- "is_regex": False,
- "show_progress": (not CONFIG['quiet']),
- "package_format": None,
- "binpkgs-missing": False
+ "duplicates": False,
+ "in_installed": True,
+ "in_porttree": False,
+ "in_overlay": False,
+ "include_mask_reason": False,
+ "is_regex": False,
+ "show_progress": (not CONFIG["quiet"]),
+ "package_format": None,
+ "binpkgs-missing": False,
# =========
# Functions
# =========
def print_help(with_description=True):
- """Print description, usage and a detailed help message.
- @type with_description: bool
- @param with_description: if true, print module's __doc__ string
- """
- if with_description:
- print(__doc__.strip())
- print()
- # Deprecation warning added by djanderson, 12/2008
- depwarning = (
- "Default action for this module has changed in Gentoolkit 0.3.",
- "Use globbing to simulate the old behavior (see man equery).",
- "Use '*' to check all installed packages.",
- "Use 'foo-bar/*' to filter by category."
- )
- for line in depwarning:
- sys.stderr.write(pp.warn(line))
- print()
- print(mod_usage(mod_name="list"))
- print()
- print(pp.command("options"))
- print(format_options((
- (" -h, --help", "display this help message"),
- (" -d, --duplicates", "list only installed duplicate packages"),
- (" -b, --binpkgs-missing", "list only installed packages without a corresponding binary package"),
- (" -f, --full-regex", "query is a regular expression"),
- (" -m, --mask-reason", "include reason for package mask"),
- (" -I, --exclude-installed",
- "exclude installed packages from output"),
- (" -o, --overlay-tree", "list packages in overlays"),
- (" -p, --portage-tree", "list packages in the main portage tree"),
- (" -F, --format=TMPL", "specify a custom output format"),
- (" TMPL",
- "a format template using (see man page):")
- )))
- print(" " * 24, ', '.join(pp.emph(x) for x in FORMAT_TMPL_VARS))
+ """Print description, usage and a detailed help message.
+ @type with_description: bool
+ @param with_description: if true, print module's __doc__ string
+ """
+ if with_description:
+ print(__doc__.strip())
+ print()
+ # Deprecation warning added by djanderson, 12/2008
+ depwarning = (
+ "Default action for this module has changed in Gentoolkit 0.3.",
+ "Use globbing to simulate the old behavior (see man equery).",
+ "Use '*' to check all installed packages.",
+ "Use 'foo-bar/*' to filter by category.",
+ )
+ for line in depwarning:
+ sys.stderr.write(pp.warn(line))
+ print()
+ print(mod_usage(mod_name="list"))
+ print()
+ print(pp.command("options"))
+ print(
+ format_options(
+ (
+ (" -h, --help", "display this help message"),
+ (" -d, --duplicates", "list only installed duplicate packages"),
+ (
+ " -b, --binpkgs-missing",
+ "list only installed packages without a corresponding binary package",
+ ),
+ (" -f, --full-regex", "query is a regular expression"),
+ (" -m, --mask-reason", "include reason for package mask"),
+ (" -I, --exclude-installed", "exclude installed packages from output"),
+ (" -o, --overlay-tree", "list packages in overlays"),
+ (" -p, --portage-tree", "list packages in the main portage tree"),
+ (" -F, --format=TMPL", "specify a custom output format"),
+ (" TMPL", "a format template using (see man page):"),
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ print(" " * 24, ", ".join(pp.emph(x) for x in FORMAT_TMPL_VARS))
def get_duplicates(matches):
- """Return only packages that have more than one version installed."""
+ """Return only packages that have more than one version installed."""
- dups = {}
- result = []
- for pkg in matches:
- if pkg.cp in dups:
- dups[pkg.cp].append(pkg)
- else:
- dups[pkg.cp] = [pkg]
+ dups = {}
+ result = []
+ for pkg in matches:
+ if pkg.cp in dups:
+ dups[pkg.cp].append(pkg)
+ else:
+ dups[pkg.cp] = [pkg]
- for cpv in dups.values():
- if len(cpv) > 1:
- result.extend(cpv)
+ for cpv in dups.values():
+ if len(cpv) > 1:
+ result.extend(cpv)
- return result
+ return result
def get_binpkgs_missing(matches):
- """Return only packages that do not have a corresponding binary package."""
+ """Return only packages that do not have a corresponding binary package."""
- result = []
- binary_packages = set(get_bintree_cpvs())
- matched_packages = set(x.cpv for x in matches)
- missing_binary_packages = set(matched_packages.difference(binary_packages))
+ result = []
+ binary_packages = set(get_bintree_cpvs())
+ matched_packages = {x.cpv for x in matches}
+ missing_binary_packages = set(matched_packages.difference(binary_packages))
- for pkg in matches:
- if pkg.cpv in missing_binary_packages:
- result.append(pkg)
- return result
+ for pkg in matches:
+ if pkg.cpv in missing_binary_packages:
+ result.append(pkg)
+ return result
def parse_module_options(module_opts):
- """Parse module options and update QUERY_OPTS"""
- opts = (x[0] for x in module_opts)
- posargs = (x[1] for x in module_opts)
- for opt, posarg in zip(opts, posargs):
- if opt in ('-h', '--help'):
- print_help()
- sys.exit(0)
- elif opt in ('-I', '--exclude-installed'):
- QUERY_OPTS['in_installed'] = False
- elif opt in ('-p', '--portage-tree'):
- QUERY_OPTS['in_porttree'] = True
- elif opt in ('-o', '--overlay-tree'):
- QUERY_OPTS['in_overlay'] = True
- elif opt in ('-f', '--full-regex'):
- QUERY_OPTS['is_regex'] = True
- elif opt in ('-m', '--mask-reason'):
- QUERY_OPTS['include_mask_reason'] = True
- elif opt in ('-e', '--exact-name'):
- sys.stderr.write(pp.warn("-e, --exact-name is now default."))
- sys.stderr.write(
- pp.warn("Use globbing to simulate the old behavior.")
- )
- print()
- elif opt in ('-d', '--duplicates'):
- QUERY_OPTS['duplicates'] = True
- elif opt in ('-b', '--binpkgs-missing'):
- QUERY_OPTS['binpkgs-missing'] = True
- elif opt in ('-F', '--format'):
- QUERY_OPTS["package_format"] = posarg
+ """Parse module options and update QUERY_OPTS"""
+ opts = (x[0] for x in module_opts)
+ posargs = (x[1] for x in module_opts)
+ for opt, posarg in zip(opts, posargs):
+ if opt in ("-h", "--help"):
+ print_help()
+ sys.exit(0)
+ elif opt in ("-I", "--exclude-installed"):
+ QUERY_OPTS["in_installed"] = False
+ elif opt in ("-p", "--portage-tree"):
+ QUERY_OPTS["in_porttree"] = True
+ elif opt in ("-o", "--overlay-tree"):
+ QUERY_OPTS["in_overlay"] = True
+ elif opt in ("-f", "--full-regex"):
+ QUERY_OPTS["is_regex"] = True
+ elif opt in ("-m", "--mask-reason"):
+ QUERY_OPTS["include_mask_reason"] = True
+ elif opt in ("-e", "--exact-name"):
+ sys.stderr.write(pp.warn("-e, --exact-name is now default."))
+ sys.stderr.write(pp.warn("Use globbing to simulate the old behavior."))
+ print()
+ elif opt in ("-d", "--duplicates"):
+ QUERY_OPTS["duplicates"] = True
+ elif opt in ("-b", "--binpkgs-missing"):
+ QUERY_OPTS["binpkgs-missing"] = True
+ elif opt in ("-F", "--format"):
+ QUERY_OPTS["package_format"] = posarg
def main(input_args):
- """Parse input and run the program"""
- short_opts = "hdbefiImopF:" # -i, -e were options for default actions
- # 04/09: djanderson
- # --all is no longer needed. Kept for compatibility.
- # --installed is no longer needed. Kept for compatibility.
- # --exact-name is no longer needed. Kept for compatibility.
- long_opts = ('help', 'all', 'installed', 'exclude-installed',
- 'mask-reason', 'portage-tree', 'overlay-tree', 'format=', 'full-regex',
- 'exact-name', 'duplicates', 'binpkgs-missing')
- try:
- module_opts, queries = gnu_getopt(input_args, short_opts, long_opts)
- except GetoptError as err:
- sys.stderr.write(pp.error("Module %s" % err))
- print()
- print_help(with_description=False)
- sys.exit(2)
- parse_module_options(module_opts)
- # Only search installed packages when listing duplicate or missing binary packages
- if QUERY_OPTS["duplicates"] or QUERY_OPTS["binpkgs-missing"]:
- QUERY_OPTS["in_installed"] = True
- QUERY_OPTS["in_porttree"] = False
- QUERY_OPTS["in_overlay"] = False
- QUERY_OPTS["include_mask_reason"] = False
- if not queries:
- print_help()
- sys.exit(2)
- first_run = True
- for query in (Query(x, QUERY_OPTS['is_regex']) for x in queries):
- if not first_run:
- print()
- # if we are in quiet mode, do not raise GentoolkitNoMatches exception
- # instead we raise GentoolkitNonZeroExit to exit with an exit value of 3
- try:
- matches = query.smart_find(**QUERY_OPTS)
- except errors.GentoolkitNoMatches:
- if CONFIG['verbose']:
- raise
- else:
- raise errors.GentoolkitNonZeroExit(3)
- # Find duplicate packages
- if QUERY_OPTS["duplicates"]:
- matches = get_duplicates(matches)
- # Find missing binary packages
- if QUERY_OPTS["binpkgs-missing"]:
- matches = get_binpkgs_missing(matches)
- matches.sort()
- #
- # Output
- #
- for pkg in matches:
- pkgstr = PackageFormatter(
- pkg,
- do_format=CONFIG['verbose'],
- custom_format=QUERY_OPTS["package_format"]
- )
- if (QUERY_OPTS["in_porttree"] and
- not QUERY_OPTS["in_overlay"]):
- if not 'P' in pkgstr.location:
- continue
- if (QUERY_OPTS["in_overlay"] and
- not QUERY_OPTS["in_porttree"]):
- if not 'O' in pkgstr.location:
- continue
- pp.uprint(pkgstr)
- if QUERY_OPTS["include_mask_reason"]:
- ms_int, ms_orig = pkgstr.format_mask_status()
- if ms_int < 3:
- # ms_int is a number representation of mask level.
- # Only 2 and above are "hard masked" and have reasons.
- continue
- mask_reason = pkg.mask_reason()
- if not mask_reason:
- # Package not on system or not masked
- continue
- elif not any(mask_reason):
- print(" * No mask reason given")
- else:
- status = ', '.join(ms_orig)
- explanation = mask_reason[0]
- mask_location = mask_reason[1]
- pp.uprint(" * Masked by %r" % status)
- pp.uprint(" * %s:" % mask_location)
- pp.uprint('\n'.join(
- [' * %s' % line.lstrip(' #')
- for line in explanation.splitlines()]
- ))
- first_run = False
+ """Parse input and run the program"""
+ short_opts = "hdbefiImopF:" # -i, -e were options for default actions
+ # 04/09: djanderson
+ # --all is no longer needed. Kept for compatibility.
+ # --installed is no longer needed. Kept for compatibility.
+ # --exact-name is no longer needed. Kept for compatibility.
+ long_opts = (
+ "help",
+ "all",
+ "installed",
+ "exclude-installed",
+ "mask-reason",
+ "portage-tree",
+ "overlay-tree",
+ "format=",
+ "full-regex",
+ "exact-name",
+ "duplicates",
+ "binpkgs-missing",
+ )
+ try:
+ module_opts, queries = gnu_getopt(input_args, short_opts, long_opts)
+ except GetoptError as err:
+ sys.stderr.write(pp.error("Module %s" % err))
+ print()
+ print_help(with_description=False)
+ sys.exit(2)
+ parse_module_options(module_opts)
+ # Only search installed packages when listing duplicate or missing binary packages
+ if QUERY_OPTS["duplicates"] or QUERY_OPTS["binpkgs-missing"]:
+ QUERY_OPTS["in_installed"] = True
+ QUERY_OPTS["in_porttree"] = False
+ QUERY_OPTS["in_overlay"] = False
+ QUERY_OPTS["include_mask_reason"] = False
+ if not queries:
+ print_help()
+ sys.exit(2)
+ first_run = True
+ for query in (Query(x, QUERY_OPTS["is_regex"]) for x in queries):
+ if not first_run:
+ print()
+ # if we are in quiet mode, do not raise GentoolkitNoMatches exception
+ # instead we raise GentoolkitNonZeroExit to exit with an exit value of 3
+ try:
+ matches = query.smart_find(**QUERY_OPTS)
+ except errors.GentoolkitNoMatches:
+ if CONFIG["verbose"]:
+ raise
+ else:
+ raise errors.GentoolkitNonZeroExit(3)
+ # Find duplicate packages
+ if QUERY_OPTS["duplicates"]:
+ matches = get_duplicates(matches)
+ # Find missing binary packages
+ if QUERY_OPTS["binpkgs-missing"]:
+ matches = get_binpkgs_missing(matches)
+ matches.sort()
+ #
+ # Output
+ #
+ for pkg in matches:
+ pkgstr = PackageFormatter(
+ pkg,
+ do_format=CONFIG["verbose"],
+ custom_format=QUERY_OPTS["package_format"],
+ )
+ if QUERY_OPTS["in_porttree"] and not QUERY_OPTS["in_overlay"]:
+ if not (
+ "P" in pkgstr.location
+ or (QUERY_OPTS["in_installed"] and "I" in pkgstr.location)
+ ):
+ continue
+ if QUERY_OPTS["in_overlay"] and not QUERY_OPTS["in_porttree"]:
+ if not (
+ "O" in pkgstr.location
+ or (QUERY_OPTS["in_installed"] and "I" in pkgstr.location)
+ ):
+ continue
+ pp.uprint(pkgstr)
+ if QUERY_OPTS["include_mask_reason"]:
+ ms_int, ms_orig = pkgstr.format_mask_status()
+ if ms_int < 3:
+ # ms_int is a number representation of mask level.
+ # Only 2 and above are "hard masked" and have reasons.
+ continue
+ mask_reason = pkg.mask_reason()
+ if not mask_reason:
+ # Package not on system or not masked
+ continue
+ elif not any(mask_reason):
+ print(" * No mask reason given")
+ else:
+ status = ", ".join(ms_orig)
+ explanation = mask_reason[0]
+ mask_location = mask_reason[1]
+ pp.uprint(" * Masked by %r" % status)
+ pp.uprint(" * %s:" % mask_location)
+ pp.uprint(
+ "\n".join(
+ [
+ " * %s" % line.lstrip(" #")
+ for line in explanation.splitlines()
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ first_run = False
# vim: set ts=4 sw=4 tw=79:
diff --git a/pym/gentoolkit/equery/meson.build b/pym/gentoolkit/equery/meson.build
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e6a02c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pym/gentoolkit/equery/meson.build
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+__init__py = configure_file(
+ input : '__init__.py',
+ output : '__init__.py',
+ configuration : conf_data
+ [
+ __init__py,
+ 'belongs.py',
+ 'check.py',
+ 'depends.py',
+ 'depgraph.py',
+ 'files.py',
+ 'has.py',
+ 'hasuse.py',
+ 'keywords.py',
+ 'list_.py',
+ 'meta.py',
+ 'size.py',
+ 'uses.py',
+ 'which.py',
+ ],
+ subdir : 'gentoolkit/equery'
diff --git a/pym/gentoolkit/equery/meta.py b/pym/gentoolkit/equery/meta.py
index 2e632d5..de5631b 100644
--- a/pym/gentoolkit/equery/meta.py
+++ b/pym/gentoolkit/equery/meta.py
@@ -4,557 +4,580 @@
"""Display metadata about a given package."""
-__docformat__ = 'epytext'
+__docformat__ = "epytext"
# =======
# Imports
# =======
-import re
import os
+import re
import sys
-from getopt import gnu_getopt, GetoptError
+import warnings
+from getopt import GetoptError, gnu_getopt
import gentoolkit.pprinter as pp
from gentoolkit import errors
+from gentoolkit.equery import CONFIG, format_options, mod_usage
+from gentoolkit.helpers import print_file, print_sequence
from gentoolkit.keyword import Keyword
-from gentoolkit.equery import format_options, mod_usage, CONFIG
-from gentoolkit.helpers import print_sequence, print_file
-from gentoolkit.textwrap_ import TextWrapper
from gentoolkit.query import Query
+from gentoolkit.textwrap_ import TextWrapper
# =======
# Globals
# =======
- 'current': False,
- 'description': False,
- 'herd': False,
- 'keywords': False,
- 'license': False,
- 'maintainer': False,
- 'stablereq': False,
- 'useflags': False,
- 'upstream': False,
- 'xml': False
+ "current": False,
+ "description": False,
+ "keywords": False,
+ "license": False,
+ "maintainer": False,
+ "stablereq": False,
+ "useflags": False,
+ "upstream": False,
+ "xml": False,
STABLEREQ_arches = {
- 'alpha': 'alpha@gentoo.org',
- 'amd64': 'amd64@gentoo.org',
- 'arm': 'arm@gentoo.org',
- 'hppa': 'hppa@gentoo.org',
- 'ia64': 'ia64@gentoo.org',
- 'm68k': 'm68k@gentoo.org',
- 'ppc64': 'ppc64@gentoo.org',
- 'ppc': 'ppc@gentoo.org',
- 's390': 's390@gentoo.org',
- 'sh': 'sh@gentoo.org',
- 'sparc': 'sparc@gentoo.org',
- 'x86': 'x86@gentoo.org',
+ "alpha": "alpha@gentoo.org",
+ "amd64": "amd64@gentoo.org",
+ "arm": "arm@gentoo.org",
+ "hppa": "hppa@gentoo.org",
+ "ia64": "ia64@gentoo.org",
+ "m68k": "m68k@gentoo.org",
+ "ppc64": "ppc64@gentoo.org",
+ "ppc": "ppc@gentoo.org",
+ "s390": "s390@gentoo.org",
+ "sh": "sh@gentoo.org",
+ "sparc": "sparc@gentoo.org",
+ "x86": "x86@gentoo.org",
# =========
# Functions
# =========
def print_help(with_description=True, with_usage=True):
- """Print description, usage and a detailed help message.
- @type with_description: bool
- @param with_description: if true, print module's __doc__ string
- """
- if with_description:
- print(__doc__.strip())
- print()
- if with_usage:
- print(mod_usage(mod_name="meta"))
- print()
- print(pp.command("options"))
- print(format_options((
- (" -h, --help", "display this help message"),
- (" -d, --description", "show an extended package description"),
- (" -H, --herd", "show the herd(s) for the package"),
- (" -k, --keywords", "show keywords for all matching package versions"),
- (" -l, --license", "show licenses for the best maching version"),
- (" -m, --maintainer", "show the maintainer(s) for the package"),
- (" -r, --reverse", "show the output in reverse order if applicable"),
- (" -S, --stablreq", "show STABLEREQ arches (cc's) for all matching package versions"),
- (" -u, --useflags", "show per-package USE flag descriptions"),
- (" -U, --upstream", "show package's upstream information"),
- (" -x, --xml", "show the plain metadata.xml file")
- )))
+ """Print description, usage and a detailed help message.
+ @type with_description: bool
+ @param with_description: if true, print module's __doc__ string
+ """
+ if with_description:
+ print(__doc__.strip())
+ print()
+ if with_usage:
+ print(mod_usage(mod_name="meta"))
+ print()
+ print(pp.command("options"))
+ print(
+ format_options(
+ (
+ (" -h, --help", "display this help message"),
+ (" -d, --description", "show an extended package description"),
+ (" -k, --keywords", "show keywords for all matching package versions"),
+ (" -l, --license", "show licenses for the best maching version"),
+ (" -m, --maintainer", "show the maintainer(s) for the package"),
+ (" -r, --reverse", "show the output in reverse order if applicable"),
+ (
+ " -S, --stablreq",
+ "show STABLEREQ arches (cc's) for all matching package versions",
+ ),
+ (" -u, --useflags", "show per-package USE flag descriptions"),
+ (" -U, --upstream", "show package's upstream information"),
+ (" -x, --xml", "show the plain metadata.xml file"),
+ )
+ )
+ )
def stablereq(matches):
- """Produce the list of cc's for a STABLREQ bug
- @type matches: array
- @param matches: set of L{gentoolkit.package.Package} instances whose
- 'key' are all the same.
- @rtype: dict
- @return: a dict with L{gentoolkit.package.Package} instance keys and
- 'array of cc's to be added to a STABLEREQ bug.
- """
- result = {}
- for pkg in matches:
- keywords_str = pkg.environment(('KEYWORDS'), prefer_vdb=False)
- # get any unstable keywords
- keywords = set([x.lstrip('~') for x in keywords_str.split() if'~' in x])
- stable_arches = set(list(STABLEREQ_arches))
- cc_keywords = stable_arches.intersection(keywords)
- # add cc's
- result[pkg] = [STABLEREQ_arches[x] for x in cc_keywords]
- return result
+ """Produce the list of cc's for a STABLREQ bug
+ @type matches: array
+ @param matches: set of L{gentoolkit.package.Package} instances whose
+ 'key' are all the same.
+ @rtype: dict
+ @return: a dict with L{gentoolkit.package.Package} instance keys and
+ 'array of cc's to be added to a STABLEREQ bug.
+ """
+ result = {}
+ for pkg in matches:
+ keywords_str = pkg.environment(("KEYWORDS"), prefer_vdb=False)
+ # get any unstable keywords
+ keywords = {x.lstrip("~") for x in keywords_str.split() if "~" in x}
+ stable_arches = set(list(STABLEREQ_arches))
+ cc_keywords = stable_arches.intersection(keywords)
+ # add cc's
+ result[pkg] = [STABLEREQ_arches[x] for x in cc_keywords]
+ return result
def filter_keywords(matches):
- """Filters non-unique keywords per slot.
- Does not filter arch mask keywords (-). Besides simple non-unique keywords,
- also remove unstable keywords (~) if a higher version in the same slot is
- stable. This view makes version bumps easier for package maintainers.
- @type matches: array
- @param matches: set of L{gentoolkit.package.Package} instances whose
- 'key' are all the same.
- @rtype: dict
- @return: a dict with L{gentoolkit.package.Package} instance keys and
- 'array of keywords not found in a higher version of pkg within the
- same slot' values.
- """
- def del_archmask(keywords):
- """Don't add arch_masked to filter set."""
- return [x for x in keywords if not x.startswith('-')]
- def add_unstable(keywords):
- """Add unstable keyword for all stable keywords to filter set."""
- result = list(keywords)
- result.extend(
- ['~%s' % x for x in keywords if not x.startswith(('-', '~'))]
- )
- return result
- result = {}
- slot_map = {}
- # Start from the newest
- rev_matches = reversed(matches)
- for pkg in rev_matches:
- keywords_str, slot = pkg.environment(('KEYWORDS', 'SLOT'),
- prefer_vdb=False)
- keywords = keywords_str.split()
- result[pkg] = [x for x in keywords if x not in slot_map.get(slot, [])]
- try:
- slot_map[slot].update(del_archmask(add_unstable(keywords)))
- except KeyError:
- slot_map[slot] = set(del_archmask(add_unstable(keywords)))
- return result
-def format_herds(herds):
- """Format herd information for display."""
- result = []
- for herd in herds:
- herdstr = ''
- email = "(%s)" % herd[1] if herd[1] else ''
- herdstr = herd[0]
- if CONFIG['verbose']:
- herdstr += " %s" % (email,)
- result.append(herdstr)
- return result
+ """Filters non-unique keywords per slot.
+ Does not filter arch mask keywords (-). Besides simple non-unique keywords,
+ also remove unstable keywords (~) if a higher version in the same slot is
+ stable. This view makes version bumps easier for package maintainers.
+ @type matches: array
+ @param matches: set of L{gentoolkit.package.Package} instances whose
+ 'key' are all the same.
+ @rtype: dict
+ @return: a dict with L{gentoolkit.package.Package} instance keys and
+ 'array of keywords not found in a higher version of pkg within the
+ same slot' values.
+ """
+ def del_archmask(keywords):
+ """Don't add arch_masked to filter set."""
+ return [x for x in keywords if not x.startswith("-")]
+ def add_unstable(keywords):
+ """Add unstable keyword for all stable keywords to filter set."""
+ result = list(keywords)
+ result.extend(["~%s" % x for x in keywords if not x.startswith(("-", "~"))])
+ return result
+ result = {}
+ slot_map = {}
+ # Start from the newest
+ rev_matches = reversed(matches)
+ for pkg in rev_matches:
+ keywords_str, slot = pkg.environment(("KEYWORDS", "SLOT"), prefer_vdb=False)
+ keywords = keywords_str.split()
+ result[pkg] = [x for x in keywords if x not in slot_map.get(slot, [])]
+ try:
+ slot_map[slot].update(del_archmask(add_unstable(keywords)))
+ except KeyError:
+ slot_map[slot] = set(del_archmask(add_unstable(keywords)))
+ return result
def format_maintainers(maints):
- """Format maintainer information for display."""
+ """Format maintainer information for display."""
- result = []
- for maint in maints:
- maintstr = maint.email or ''
- if CONFIG['verbose']:
- maintstr += " (%s)" % (maint.name,) if maint.name else ''
- maintstr += " - %s" % (maint.restrict,) if maint.restrict else ''
- maintstr += "\n%s" % (maint.description,) if maint.description else ''
- result.append(maintstr)
+ result = []
+ for maint in maints:
+ maintstr = maint.email or ""
+ if CONFIG["verbose"]:
+ maintstr += f" ({maint.name})" if maint.name else ""
+ maintstr += f" - {maint.restrict}" if maint.restrict else ""
+ maintstr += f" - {maint.description}" if maint.description else ""
+ result.append(maintstr)
- return result
+ return result
def format_upstream(upstream):
- """Format upstream information for display."""
- def _format_upstream_docs(docs):
- result = []
- for doc in docs:
- doc_location = doc[0]
- doc_lang = doc[1]
- docstr = doc_location
- if doc_lang is not None:
- docstr += " (%s)" % (doc_lang,)
- result.append(docstr)
- return result
- def _format_upstream_ids(ids):
- result = []
- for id_ in ids:
- site = id_[0]
- proj_id = id_[1]
- idstr = "%s ID: %s" % (site, proj_id)
- result.append(idstr)
- return result
- result = []
- for up in upstream:
- upmaints = format_maintainers(up.maintainers)
- for upmaint in upmaints:
- result.append(format_line(upmaint, "Maintainer: ", " " * 13))
- for upchange in up.changelogs:
- result.append(format_line(upchange, "ChangeLog: ", " " * 13))
- updocs = _format_upstream_docs(up.docs)
- for updoc in updocs:
- result.append(format_line(updoc, "Docs: ", " " * 13))
- for upbug in up.bugtrackers:
- result.append(format_line(upbug, "Bugs-to: ", " " * 13))
- upids = _format_upstream_ids(up.remoteids)
- for upid in upids:
- result.append(format_line(upid, "Remote-ID: ", " " * 13))
- return result
+ """Format upstream information for display."""
+ def _format_upstream_docs(docs):
+ result = []
+ for doc in docs:
+ doc_location = doc[0]
+ doc_lang = doc[1]
+ docstr = doc_location
+ if doc_lang is not None:
+ docstr += f" ({doc_lang})"
+ result.append(docstr)
+ return result
+ def _format_upstream_ids(ids):
+ result = []
+ remote_ids = {
+ "github": "https://github.com/remote-id",
+ "gentoo": "https://gitweb.gentoo.org/remote-id.git/",
+ "bitbucket": "https://bitbucket.org/remote-id",
+ "codeberg": "https://codeberg.org/remote-id",
+ "cpan": "https://metacpan.org/dist/remote-id",
+ "cpan-module": "https://metacpan.org/pod/remote-id",
+ "cpe": "remote-id",
+ "cran": "https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/remote-id/",
+ "ctan": "https://ctan.org/pkg/remote-id",
+ "freedesktop-gitlab": "https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/remote-id.git/",
+ "gitlab": "https://gitlab.com/remote-id",
+ "gnome-gitlab": "https://gitlab.gnome.org/remote-id.git/",
+ "google-code": "https://code.google.com/archive/p/remote-id/",
+ "hackage": "https://hackage.haskell.org/package/remote-id",
+ "heptapod": "https://foss.heptapod.net/remote-id",
+ "kde-invent": "https://invent.kde.org/remote-id",
+ "launchpad": "https://launchpad.net/remote-id",
+ "osdn": "https://osdn.net/projects/remote-id/",
+ "pear": "https://pear.php.net/package/remote-id",
+ "pecl": "https://pecl.php.net/package/remote-id",
+ "pypi": "https://pypi.org/project/remote-id/",
+ "rubygems": "https://rubygems.org/gems/remote-id/",
+ "savannah": "https://savannah.gnu.org/projects/remote-id",
+ "savannah-nongnu": "https://savannah.nongnu.org/projects/remote-id",
+ "sourceforge": "https://sourceforge.net/projects/remote-id/",
+ "sourcehut": "https://sr.ht/remote-id/",
+ "vim": "https://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=remote-id",
+ }
+ for id in ids:
+ proj_id = id[1]
+ try:
+ site = remote_ids[proj_id].replace("remote-id", id[0])
+ except KeyError:
+ site = id[0]
+ result.append(f"{site} ({proj_id})")
+ return result
+ result = []
+ for up in upstream:
+ upmaints = format_maintainers(up.maintainers)
+ for upmaint in upmaints:
+ result.append(format_line(upmaint, "Maintainer: ", " " * 13))
+ for upchange in up.changelogs:
+ result.append(format_line(upchange, "ChangeLog: ", " " * 13))
+ updocs = _format_upstream_docs(up.docs)
+ for updoc in updocs:
+ result.append(format_line(updoc, "Docs: ", " " * 13))
+ for upbug in up.bugtrackers:
+ result.append(format_line(upbug, "Bugs-to: ", " " * 13))
+ upids = _format_upstream_ids(up.remoteids)
+ for upid in upids:
+ result.append(format_line(upid, "Remote-ID: ", " " * 13))
+ return result
def format_useflags(useflags):
- """Format USE flag information for display."""
+ """Format USE flag information for display."""
- result = []
- for flag in useflags:
- result.append(pp.useflag(flag.name))
- result.append(flag.description)
- result.append("")
+ result = []
+ for flag in useflags:
+ result.append(pp.useflag(flag.name))
+ result.append(flag.description)
+ result.append("")
- return result
+ return result
def format_keywords(keywords):
- """Sort and colorize keywords for display."""
+ """Sort and colorize keywords for display."""
- result = []
+ result = []
- for kw in sorted(keywords, key=Keyword):
- if kw.startswith('-'):
- # arch masked
- kw = pp.keyword(kw, stable=False, hard_masked=True)
- elif kw.startswith('~'):
- # keyword masked
- kw = pp.keyword(kw, stable=False, hard_masked=False)
- else:
- # stable
- kw = pp.keyword(kw, stable=True, hard_masked=False)
- result.append(kw)
+ for kw in sorted(keywords, key=Keyword):
+ if kw.startswith("-"):
+ # arch masked
+ kw = pp.keyword(kw, stable=False, hard_masked=True)
+ elif kw.startswith("~"):
+ # keyword masked
+ kw = pp.keyword(kw, stable=False, hard_masked=False)
+ else:
+ # stable
+ kw = pp.keyword(kw, stable=True, hard_masked=False)
+ result.append(kw)
- return ' '.join(result)
+ return " ".join(result)
def format_keywords_line(pkg, fmtd_keywords, slot, verstr_len):
- """Format the entire keywords line for display."""
+ """Format the entire keywords line for display."""
- ver = pkg.fullversion
- result = "%s:%s: %s" % (ver, pp.slot(slot), fmtd_keywords)
- if CONFIG['verbose'] and fmtd_keywords:
- result = format_line(fmtd_keywords, "%s:%s: " % (ver, pp.slot(slot)),
- " " * (verstr_len + 2))
+ ver = pkg.fullversion
+ result = f"{ver}:{pp.slot(slot)}: {fmtd_keywords}"
+ if CONFIG["verbose"] and fmtd_keywords:
+ result = format_line(
+ fmtd_keywords, f"{ver}:{pp.slot(slot)}: ", " " * (verstr_len + 2)
+ )
- return result
+ return result
def format_stablereq_line(pkg, fmtd_ccs, slot):
- """Format the entire stablereq line for display (no indented linewrapping)
- """
- return "%s:%s: %s" % (pkg.fullversion, pp.slot(slot), fmtd_ccs)
+ """Format the entire stablereq line for display (no indented linewrapping)"""
+ return f"{pkg.fullversion}:{pp.slot(slot)}: {fmtd_ccs}"
def format_homepage(homepage):
- """format the homepage(s) entries for dispaly"""
- result = []
- for page in homepage.split():
- result.append(format_line(page, "Homepage: ", " " * 13))
- return result
+ """format the homepage(s) entries for dispaly"""
+ result = []
+ for page in homepage.split():
+ result.append(format_line(page, "Homepage: ", " " * 13))
+ return result
def call_format_functions(best_match, matches):
- """Call information gathering functions and display the results."""
- if CONFIG['verbose']:
- repo = best_match.repo_name()
- pp.uprint(" * %s [%s]" % (pp.cpv(best_match.cp), pp.section(repo)))
- got_opts = False
- if any(QUERY_OPTS.values()):
- # Specific information requested, less formatting
- got_opts = True
- if QUERY_OPTS["herd"] or not got_opts:
- herds = best_match.metadata.herds(include_email=True)
- if any(not h[0] for h in herds):
- print(pp.warn("The packages metadata.xml has an empty <herd> tag"),
- file = sys.stderr)
- herds = [x for x in herds if x[0]]
- herds = format_herds(herds)
- if QUERY_OPTS["herd"]:
- print_sequence(format_list(herds))
- else:
- for herd in herds:
- pp.uprint(format_line(herd, "Herd: ", " " * 13))
- if QUERY_OPTS["maintainer"] or not got_opts:
- maints = format_maintainers(best_match.metadata.maintainers())
- if QUERY_OPTS["maintainer"]:
- print_sequence(format_list(maints))
- else:
- if not maints:
- pp.uprint(format_line([], "Maintainer: ", " " * 13))
- else:
- for maint in maints:
- pp.uprint(format_line(maint, "Maintainer: ", " " * 13))
- if QUERY_OPTS["upstream"] or not got_opts:
- upstream = format_upstream(best_match.metadata.upstream())
- homepage = format_homepage(best_match.environment("HOMEPAGE"))
- if QUERY_OPTS["upstream"]:
- upstream = format_list(upstream)
- else:
- upstream = format_list(upstream, "Upstream: ", " " * 13)
- print_sequence(upstream)
- print_sequence(homepage)
- if not got_opts:
- pkg_loc = best_match.package_path()
- pp.uprint(format_line(pkg_loc, "Location: ", " " * 13))
- if QUERY_OPTS["keywords"] or not got_opts:
- # Get {<Package 'dev-libs/glib-2.20.5'>: [u'ia64', u'm68k', ...], ...}
- keyword_map = filter_keywords(matches)
- for match in matches:
- slot = match.environment('SLOT')
- verstr_len = len(match.fullversion) + len(slot)
- fmtd_keywords = format_keywords(keyword_map[match])
- keywords_line = format_keywords_line(
- match, fmtd_keywords, slot, verstr_len
- )
- if QUERY_OPTS["keywords"]:
- pp.uprint(keywords_line)
- else:
- indent = " " * (16 + verstr_len)
- pp.uprint(format_line(keywords_line, "Keywords: ", indent))
- if QUERY_OPTS["description"]:
- desc = best_match.metadata.descriptions()
- print_sequence(format_list(desc))
- if QUERY_OPTS["useflags"]:
- useflags = format_useflags(best_match.metadata.use())
- print_sequence(format_list(useflags))
- if QUERY_OPTS["license"] or not got_opts:
- _license = best_match.environment(["LICENSE"])
- if QUERY_OPTS["license"]:
- _license = format_list(_license)
- else:
- _license = format_list(_license, "License: ", " " * 13)
- print_sequence(_license)
- if QUERY_OPTS["stablereq"]:
- # Get {<Package 'dev-libs/glib-2.20.5'>: [u'ia64', u'm68k', ...], ...}
- stablereq_map = stablereq(matches)
- for match in matches:
- slot = match.environment('SLOT')
- verstr_len = len(match.fullversion) + len(slot)
- fmtd_ccs = ','.join(sorted(stablereq_map[match]))
- stablereq_line = format_stablereq_line(
- match, fmtd_ccs, slot
- )
- #print("STABLEREQ:", )
- pp.uprint(stablereq_line)
- if QUERY_OPTS["xml"]:
- print_file(os.path.join(best_match.package_path(), 'metadata.xml'))
+ """Call information gathering functions and display the results."""
+ if CONFIG["verbose"]:
+ repo = best_match.repo_name()
+ pp.uprint(f" * {pp.cpv(best_match.cp)} [{pp.section(repo)}]")
+ got_opts = False
+ if any(QUERY_OPTS.values()):
+ # Specific information requested, less formatting
+ got_opts = True
+ if QUERY_OPTS["maintainer"] or not got_opts:
+ maints = format_maintainers(best_match.metadata.maintainers())
+ if QUERY_OPTS["maintainer"]:
+ print_sequence(format_list(maints))
+ else:
+ if not maints:
+ pp.uprint(format_line([], "Maintainer: ", " " * 13))
+ else:
+ for maint in maints:
+ pp.uprint(format_line(maint, "Maintainer: ", " " * 13))
+ if QUERY_OPTS["upstream"] or not got_opts:
+ upstream = format_upstream(best_match.metadata.upstream())
+ homepage = format_homepage(best_match.environment("HOMEPAGE"))
+ if QUERY_OPTS["upstream"]:
+ upstream = format_list(upstream)
+ else:
+ upstream = format_list(upstream, "Upstream: ", " " * 13)
+ print_sequence(upstream)
+ print_sequence(homepage)
+ if not got_opts:
+ pkg_loc = best_match.package_path()
+ pp.uprint(format_line(pkg_loc, "Location: ", " " * 13))
+ if QUERY_OPTS["keywords"] or not got_opts:
+ # Get {<Package 'dev-libs/glib-2.20.5'>: [u'ia64', u'm68k', ...], ...}
+ keyword_map = filter_keywords(matches)
+ for match in matches:
+ slot = match.environment("SLOT")
+ verstr_len = len(match.fullversion) + len(slot)
+ fmtd_keywords = format_keywords(keyword_map[match])
+ keywords_line = format_keywords_line(match, fmtd_keywords, slot, verstr_len)
+ if QUERY_OPTS["keywords"]:
+ pp.uprint(keywords_line)
+ else:
+ indent = " " * (16 + verstr_len)
+ pp.uprint(format_line(keywords_line, "Keywords: ", indent))
+ if QUERY_OPTS["description"]:
+ desc = best_match.metadata.descriptions()
+ if not desc:
+ desc = best_match.description
+ print_sequence(format_list(desc))
+ if QUERY_OPTS["useflags"]:
+ useflags = format_useflags(best_match.metadata.use())
+ print_sequence(format_list(useflags))
+ if QUERY_OPTS["license"] or not got_opts:
+ _license = best_match.environment(["LICENSE"])
+ if QUERY_OPTS["license"]:
+ _license = format_list(_license)
+ else:
+ _license = format_list(_license, "License: ", " " * 13)
+ print_sequence(_license)
+ if QUERY_OPTS["stablereq"]:
+ # Get {<Package 'dev-libs/glib-2.20.5'>: [u'ia64', u'm68k', ...], ...}
+ stablereq_map = stablereq(matches)
+ for match in matches:
+ slot = match.environment("SLOT")
+ verstr_len = len(match.fullversion) + len(slot)
+ fmtd_ccs = ",".join(sorted(stablereq_map[match]))
+ stablereq_line = format_stablereq_line(match, fmtd_ccs, slot)
+ # print("STABLEREQ:", )
+ pp.uprint(stablereq_line)
+ if QUERY_OPTS["xml"]:
+ print_file(os.path.join(best_match.package_path(), "metadata.xml"))
def format_line(line, first="", subsequent="", force_quiet=False):
- """Wrap a string at word boundaries and optionally indent the first line
- and/or subsequent lines with custom strings.
- Preserve newlines if the longest line is not longer than
- CONFIG['termWidth']. To force the preservation of newlines and indents,
- split the string into a list and feed it to format_line via format_list.
- @see: format_list()
- @type line: string
- @param line: text to format
- @type first: string
- @param first: text to prepend to the first line
- @type subsequent: string
- @param subsequent: text to prepend to subsequent lines
- @type force_quiet: boolean
- @rtype: string
- @return: A wrapped line
- """
- if line:
- line = line.expandtabs().strip("\n").splitlines()
- else:
- if force_quiet:
- return
- else:
- return first + "None specified"
- if len(first) > len(subsequent):
- wider_indent = first
- else:
- wider_indent = subsequent
- widest_line_len = len(max(line, key=len)) + len(wider_indent)
- if widest_line_len > CONFIG['termWidth']:
- twrap = TextWrapper(width=CONFIG['termWidth'], expand_tabs=False,
- initial_indent=first, subsequent_indent=subsequent)
- line = " ".join(line)
- line = re.sub(r"\s+", " ", line)
- line = line.lstrip()
- result = twrap.fill(line)
- else:
- # line will fit inside CONFIG['termWidth'], so preserve whitespace and
- # newlines
- line[0] = first + line[0] # Avoid two newlines if len == 1
- if len(line) > 1:
- line[0] = line[0] + "\n"
- for i in range(1, (len(line[1:-1]) + 1)):
- line[i] = subsequent + line[i] + "\n"
- line[-1] = subsequent + line[-1] # Avoid two newlines on last line
- if line[-1].isspace():
- del line[-1] # Avoid trailing blank lines
- result = "".join(line)
- return result
+ """Wrap a string at word boundaries and optionally indent the first line
+ and/or subsequent lines with custom strings.
+ Preserve newlines if the longest line is not longer than
+ CONFIG['termWidth']. To force the preservation of newlines and indents,
+ split the string into a list and feed it to format_line via format_list.
+ @see: format_list()
+ @type line: string
+ @param line: text to format
+ @type first: string
+ @param first: text to prepend to the first line
+ @type subsequent: string
+ @param subsequent: text to prepend to subsequent lines
+ @type force_quiet: boolean
+ @rtype: string
+ @return: A wrapped line
+ """
+ if line:
+ line = line.expandtabs().strip("\n").splitlines()
+ else:
+ if force_quiet:
+ return
+ else:
+ return first + "None specified"
+ if len(first) > len(subsequent):
+ wider_indent = first
+ else:
+ wider_indent = subsequent
+ widest_line_len = len(max(line, key=len)) + len(wider_indent)
+ if widest_line_len > CONFIG["termWidth"]:
+ twrap = TextWrapper(
+ width=CONFIG["termWidth"],
+ expand_tabs=False,
+ initial_indent=first,
+ subsequent_indent=subsequent,
+ )
+ line = " ".join(line)
+ line = re.sub(r"\s+", " ", line)
+ line = line.lstrip()
+ result = twrap.fill(line)
+ else:
+ # line will fit inside CONFIG['termWidth'], so preserve whitespace and
+ # newlines
+ line[0] = first + line[0] # Avoid two newlines if len == 1
+ if len(line) > 1:
+ line[0] = line[0] + "\n"
+ for i in range(1, (len(line[1:-1]) + 1)):
+ line[i] = subsequent + line[i] + "\n"
+ line[-1] = subsequent + line[-1] # Avoid two newlines on last line
+ if line[-1].isspace():
+ del line[-1] # Avoid trailing blank lines
+ result = "".join(line)
+ return result
def format_list(lst, first="", subsequent="", force_quiet=False):
- """Feed elements of a list to format_line().
- @see: format_line()
- @type lst: list
- @param lst: list to format
- @type first: string
- @param first: text to prepend to the first line
- @type subsequent: string
- @param subsequent: text to prepend to subsequent lines
- @rtype: list
- @return: list with element text wrapped at CONFIG['termWidth']
- """
- result = []
- if lst:
- # Format the first line
- line = format_line(lst[0], first, subsequent, force_quiet)
- result.append(line)
- # Format subsequent lines
- for elem in lst[1:]:
- if elem:
- result.append(format_line(elem, subsequent, subsequent,
- force_quiet))
- else:
- # We don't want to send a blank line to format_line()
- result.append("")
- else:
- if CONFIG['verbose']:
- if force_quiet:
- result = None
- else:
- # Send empty list, we'll get back first + `None specified'
- result.append(format_line(lst, first, subsequent))
- return result
+ """Feed elements of a list to format_line().
+ @see: format_line()
+ @type lst: list
+ @param lst: list to format
+ @type first: string
+ @param first: text to prepend to the first line
+ @type subsequent: string
+ @param subsequent: text to prepend to subsequent lines
+ @rtype: list
+ @return: list with element text wrapped at CONFIG['termWidth']
+ """
+ result = []
+ if lst:
+ # Format the first line
+ line = format_line(lst[0], first, subsequent, force_quiet)
+ result.append(line)
+ # Format subsequent lines
+ for elem in lst[1:]:
+ if elem:
+ result.append(format_line(elem, subsequent, subsequent, force_quiet))
+ else:
+ # We don't want to send a blank line to format_line()
+ result.append("")
+ else:
+ if CONFIG["verbose"]:
+ if force_quiet:
+ result = None
+ else:
+ # Send empty list, we'll get back first + `None specified'
+ result.append(format_line(lst, first, subsequent))
+ return result
def parse_module_options(module_opts):
- """Parse module options and update QUERY_OPTS"""
- opts = (x[0] for x in module_opts)
- for opt in opts:
- if opt in ('-h', '--help'):
- print_help()
- sys.exit(0)
- elif opt in ('-d', '--description'):
- QUERY_OPTS["description"] = True
- elif opt in ('-H', '--herd'):
- QUERY_OPTS["herd"] = True
- elif opt in ('-l', '--license'):
- QUERY_OPTS["license"] = True
- elif opt in ('-m', '--maintainer'):
- QUERY_OPTS["maintainer"] = True
- elif opt in ('-k', '--keywords'):
- QUERY_OPTS["keywords"] = True
- elif opt in ('-S', '--stablereq'):
- QUERY_OPTS["stablereq"] = True
- elif opt in ('-u', '--useflags'):
- QUERY_OPTS["useflags"] = True
- elif opt in ('-U', '--upstream'):
- QUERY_OPTS["upstream"] = True
- elif opt in ('-x', '--xml'):
- QUERY_OPTS["xml"] = True
+ """Parse module options and update QUERY_OPTS"""
+ opts = (x[0] for x in module_opts)
+ for opt in opts:
+ if opt in ("-h", "--help"):
+ print_help()
+ sys.exit(0)
+ elif opt in ("-d", "--description"):
+ QUERY_OPTS["description"] = True
+ elif opt in ("-l", "--license"):
+ QUERY_OPTS["license"] = True
+ elif opt in ("-m", "--maintainer"):
+ QUERY_OPTS["maintainer"] = True
+ elif opt in ("-k", "--keywords"):
+ QUERY_OPTS["keywords"] = True
+ elif opt in ("-S", "--stablereq"):
+ QUERY_OPTS["stablereq"] = True
+ elif opt in ("-u", "--useflags"):
+ QUERY_OPTS["useflags"] = True
+ elif opt in ("-U", "--upstream"):
+ QUERY_OPTS["upstream"] = True
+ elif opt in ("-x", "--xml"):
+ QUERY_OPTS["xml"] = True
def main(input_args):
- """Parse input and run the program."""
- short_opts = "hdHklmrSuUx"
- long_opts = ('help', 'description', 'herd', 'keywords', 'license',
- 'maintainer', 'reverse', 'stablereq', 'useflags', 'upstream', 'xml')
- try:
- module_opts, queries = gnu_getopt(input_args, short_opts, long_opts)
- except GetoptError as err:
- sys.stderr.write(pp.error("Module %s" % err))
- print()
- print_help(with_description=False)
- sys.exit(2)
- parse_module_options(module_opts)
- # Find queries' Portage directory and throw error if invalid
- if not queries:
- print_help()
- sys.exit(2)
- first_run = True
- for query in (Query(x) for x in queries):
- best_match = query.find_best()
- matches = query.find(include_masked=True)
- if best_match is None or not matches:
- raise errors.GentoolkitNoMatches(query)
- if best_match.metadata is None:
- print(pp.warn("Package {0} is missing "
- "metadata.xml".format(best_match.cpv)),
- file = sys.stderr)
- continue
- if not first_run:
- print()
- matches.sort()
- matches.sort(reverse=any(name in ('-r', '--reverse')
- for name, opt in module_opts))
- call_format_functions(best_match, matches)
- first_run = False
+ """Parse input and run the program."""
+ short_opts = "hdHklmrSuUx"
+ long_opts = (
+ "help",
+ "description",
+ "keywords",
+ "license",
+ "maintainer",
+ "reverse",
+ "stablereq",
+ "useflags",
+ "upstream",
+ "xml",
+ )
+ try:
+ module_opts, queries = gnu_getopt(input_args, short_opts, long_opts)
+ except GetoptError as err:
+ sys.stderr.write(pp.error("Module %s" % err))
+ print()
+ print_help(with_description=False)
+ sys.exit(2)
+ parse_module_options(module_opts)
+ # Find queries' Portage directory and throw error if invalid
+ if not queries:
+ print_help()
+ sys.exit(2)
+ first_run = True
+ for query in (Query(x) for x in queries):
+ best_match = query.find_best()
+ matches = query.find(include_masked=True)
+ if best_match is None or not matches:
+ warnings.warn(errors.GentoolkitNoMatches(query))
+ continue
+ if best_match.metadata is None:
+ print(
+ pp.warn("Package {} is missing " "metadata.xml".format(best_match.cpv)),
+ file=sys.stderr,
+ )
+ continue
+ if not first_run:
+ print()
+ matches.sort()
+ matches.sort(
+ reverse=any(name in ("-r", "--reverse") for name, opt in module_opts)
+ )
+ call_format_functions(best_match, matches)
+ first_run = False
# vim: set ts=4 sw=4 tw=79:
diff --git a/pym/gentoolkit/equery/size.py b/pym/gentoolkit/equery/size.py
index cb570ba..994417a 100644
--- a/pym/gentoolkit/equery/size.py
+++ b/pym/gentoolkit/equery/size.py
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
"""Print total size of files contained in a given package"""
-__docformat__ = 'epytext'
+__docformat__ = "epytext"
# =======
# Imports
@@ -22,171 +22,176 @@ from gentoolkit.query import Query
# =======
- "in_installed": True,
- "in_porttree": False,
- "in_overlay": False,
- "include_masked": True,
- "is_regex": False,
- "show_progress": False,
- "size_in_bytes": False
+ "in_installed": True,
+ "in_porttree": False,
+ "in_overlay": False,
+ "include_masked": True,
+ "is_regex": False,
+ "show_progress": False,
+ "size_in_bytes": False,
# =========
# Functions
# =========
def print_help(with_description=True):
- """Print description, usage and a detailed help message.
- @type with_description: bool
- @param with_description: if true, print module's __doc__ string
- """
- if with_description:
- print(__doc__.strip())
- print()
- # Deprecation warning added by djanderson, 12/2008
- depwarning = (
- "Default action for this module has changed in Gentoolkit 0.3.",
- "Use globbing to simulate the old behavior (see man equery).",
- "Use '*' to check all installed packages.",
- "Use 'foo-bar/*' to filter by category."
- )
- for line in depwarning:
- sys.stderr.write(pp.warn(line))
- print()
- print(mod_usage(mod_name="size"))
- print()
- print(pp.command("options"))
- print(format_options((
- (" -h, --help", "display this help message"),
- (" -b, --bytes", "report size in bytes"),
- (" -f, --full-regex", "query is a regular expression")
- )))
+ """Print description, usage and a detailed help message.
+ @type with_description: bool
+ @param with_description: if true, print module's __doc__ string
+ """
+ if with_description:
+ print(__doc__.strip())
+ print()
+ # Deprecation warning added by djanderson, 12/2008
+ depwarning = (
+ "Default action for this module has changed in Gentoolkit 0.3.",
+ "Use globbing to simulate the old behavior (see man equery).",
+ "Use '*' to check all installed packages.",
+ "Use 'foo-bar/*' to filter by category.",
+ )
+ for line in depwarning:
+ sys.stderr.write(pp.warn(line))
+ print()
+ print(mod_usage(mod_name="size"))
+ print()
+ print(pp.command("options"))
+ print(
+ format_options(
+ (
+ (" -h, --help", "display this help message"),
+ (" -b, --bytes", "report size in bytes"),
+ (" -f, --full-regex", "query is a regular expression"),
+ )
+ )
+ )
def display_size(match_set):
- """Display the total size of all accessible files owned by packages.
+ """Display the total size of all accessible files owned by packages.
- @type match_set: list
- @param match_set: package cat/pkg-ver strings
- """
+ @type match_set: list
+ @param match_set: package cat/pkg-ver strings
+ """
- for pkg in match_set:
- size, files, uncounted = pkg.size()
+ for pkg in match_set:
+ size, files, uncounted = pkg.size()
- if CONFIG['verbose']:
- pp.uprint(" * %s" % pp.cpv(str(pkg.cpv)))
- print("Total files : %s".rjust(25) % pp.number(str(files)))
+ if CONFIG["verbose"]:
+ pp.uprint(" * %s" % pp.cpv(str(pkg.cpv)))
+ print("Total files : %s".rjust(25) % pp.number(str(files)))
- if uncounted:
- print(("Inaccessible files : %s".rjust(25) %
- pp.number(str(uncounted))))
+ if uncounted:
+ print("Inaccessible files : %s".rjust(25) % pp.number(str(uncounted)))
- if QUERY_OPTS["size_in_bytes"]:
- size_str = pp.number(str(size))
- else:
- size_str = "%s %s" % format_bytes(size)
+ if QUERY_OPTS["size_in_bytes"]:
+ size_str = pp.number(str(size))
+ else:
+ size_str = "%s %s" % format_bytes(size)
- print("Total size : %s".rjust(25) % size_str)
- else:
- info = "%s: total(%d), inaccessible(%d), size(%s)"
- pp.uprint(info % (str(pkg.cpv), files, uncounted, size))
+ print("Total size : %s".rjust(25) % size_str)
+ else:
+ info = "%s: total(%d), inaccessible(%d), size(%s)"
+ pp.uprint(info % (str(pkg.cpv), files, uncounted, size))
def format_bytes(bytes_, precision=2):
- """Format bytes into human-readable format (IEC naming standard).
+ """Format bytes into human-readable format (IEC naming standard).
- @see: http://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-list/2008-August/503423.html
- @rtype: tuple
- @return: (str(num), str(label))
- """
+ @see: http://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-list/2008-August/503423.html
+ @rtype: tuple
+ @return: (str(num), str(label))
+ """
- labels = (
- (1<<40, 'TiB'),
- (1<<30, 'GiB'),
- (1<<20, 'MiB'),
- (1<<10, 'KiB'),
- (1, 'bytes')
- )
+ labels = (
+ (1 << 40, "TiB"),
+ (1 << 30, "GiB"),
+ (1 << 20, "MiB"),
+ (1 << 10, "KiB"),
+ (1, "bytes"),
+ )
- if bytes_ == 0:
- return (pp.number('0'), 'bytes')
- elif bytes_ == 1:
- return (pp.number('1'), 'byte')
+ if bytes_ == 0:
+ return (pp.number("0"), "bytes")
+ elif bytes_ == 1:
+ return (pp.number("1"), "byte")
- for factor, label in labels:
- if not bytes_ >= factor:
- continue
+ for factor, label in labels:
+ if not bytes_ >= factor:
+ continue
- float_split = str(bytes_/float(factor)).split('.')
- integer = float_split[0]
- decimal = float_split[1]
- if int(decimal[0:precision]):
- float_string = '.'.join([integer, decimal[0:precision]])
- else:
- float_string = integer
+ float_split = str(bytes_ / float(factor)).split(".")
+ integer = float_split[0]
+ decimal = float_split[1]
+ if int(decimal[0:precision]):
+ float_string = ".".join([integer, decimal[0:precision]])
+ else:
+ float_string = integer
- return (pp.number(float_string), label)
+ return (pp.number(float_string), label)
def parse_module_options(module_opts):
- """Parse module options and update QUERY_OPTS"""
- opts = (x[0] for x in module_opts)
- for opt in opts:
- if opt in ('-h', '--help'):
- print_help()
- sys.exit(0)
- elif opt in ('-b', '--bytes'):
- QUERY_OPTS["size_in_bytes"] = True
- elif opt in ('-e', '--exact-name'):
- sys.stderr.write(pp.warn("-e, --exact-name is now default."))
- warning = pp.warn("Use globbing to simulate the old behavior.")
- sys.stderr.write(warning)
- print()
- elif opt in ('-f', '--full-regex'):
- QUERY_OPTS['is_regex'] = True
+ """Parse module options and update QUERY_OPTS"""
+ opts = (x[0] for x in module_opts)
+ for opt in opts:
+ if opt in ("-h", "--help"):
+ print_help()
+ sys.exit(0)
+ elif opt in ("-b", "--bytes"):
+ QUERY_OPTS["size_in_bytes"] = True
+ elif opt in ("-e", "--exact-name"):
+ sys.stderr.write(pp.warn("-e, --exact-name is now default."))
+ warning = pp.warn("Use globbing to simulate the old behavior.")
+ sys.stderr.write(warning)
+ print()
+ elif opt in ("-f", "--full-regex"):
+ QUERY_OPTS["is_regex"] = True
def main(input_args):
- """Parse input and run the program"""
+ """Parse input and run the program"""
+ # -e, --exact-name is no longer needed. Kept for compatibility.
+ # 04/09 djanderson
+ short_opts = "hbfe"
+ long_opts = ("help", "bytes", "full-regex", "exact-name")
- # -e, --exact-name is no longer needed. Kept for compatibility.
- # 04/09 djanderson
- short_opts = "hbfe"
- long_opts = ('help', 'bytes', 'full-regex', 'exact-name')
+ try:
+ module_opts, queries = gnu_getopt(input_args, short_opts, long_opts)
+ except GetoptError as err:
+ sys.stderr.write(pp.error("Module %s" % err))
+ print()
+ print_help(with_description=False)
+ sys.exit(2)
- try:
- module_opts, queries = gnu_getopt(input_args, short_opts, long_opts)
- except GetoptError as err:
- sys.stderr.write(pp.error("Module %s" % err))
- print()
- print_help(with_description=False)
- sys.exit(2)
+ parse_module_options(module_opts)
- parse_module_options(module_opts)
+ if not queries:
+ print_help()
+ sys.exit(2)
- if not queries:
- print_help()
- sys.exit(2)
+ first_run = True
+ for query in (Query(x, QUERY_OPTS["is_regex"]) for x in queries):
+ if not first_run:
+ print()
- first_run = True
- for query in (Query(x, QUERY_OPTS['is_regex']) for x in queries):
- if not first_run:
- print()
+ matches = query.smart_find(**QUERY_OPTS)
- matches = query.smart_find(**QUERY_OPTS)
+ if not matches:
+ sys.stderr.write(pp.error("No package found matching %s" % query))
- if not matches:
- sys.stderr.write(pp.error("No package found matching %s" % query))
+ matches.sort()
- matches.sort()
+ display_size(matches)
- display_size(matches)
+ first_run = False
- first_run = False
# vim: set ts=4 sw=4 tw=79:
diff --git a/pym/gentoolkit/equery/uses.py b/pym/gentoolkit/equery/uses.py
index dfb6f31..bcc3d09 100644
--- a/pym/gentoolkit/equery/uses.py
+++ b/pym/gentoolkit/equery/uses.py
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
"""Display USE flags for a given package"""
-__docformat__ = 'epytext'
+__docformat__ = "epytext"
# =======
# Imports
@@ -31,288 +31,328 @@ from gentoolkit.flag import get_flags, reduce_flags
# Globals
# =======
-QUERY_OPTS = {"all_versions" : False, "ignore_l10n" : False}
+ "all_versions": False,
+ "forced_masked": False,
+ "ignore_l10n": False,
# =========
# Functions
# =========
-def print_help(with_description=True):
- """Print description, usage and a detailed help message.
- @type with_description: bool
- @param with_description: if true, print module's __doc__ string
- """
- if with_description:
- print(__doc__.strip())
- print()
- print(mod_usage(mod_name=__name__.split('.')[-1]))
- print()
- print(pp.command("options"))
- print(format_options((
- (" -h, --help", "display this help message"),
- (" -a, --all", "include all package versions"),
- (" -i, --ignore-l10n", "don't show l10n USE flags")
- )))
+def print_help(with_description=True):
+ """Print description, usage and a detailed help message.
+ @type with_description: bool
+ @param with_description: if true, print module's __doc__ string
+ """
+ if with_description:
+ print(__doc__.strip())
+ print()
+ print(mod_usage(mod_name=__name__.split(".")[-1]))
+ print()
+ print(pp.command("options"))
+ print(
+ format_options(
+ (
+ (" -h, --help", "display this help message"),
+ (" -a, --all", "include all package versions"),
+ (" -f, --forced-masked", "include forced/masked USE flags"),
+ (" -i, --ignore-l10n", "don't show l10n USE flags"),
+ )
+ )
+ )
def display_useflags(output):
- """Print USE flag descriptions and statuses.
- @type output: list
- @param output: [(inuse, inused, flag, desc, restrict), ...]
- inuse (int) = 0 or 1; if 1, flag is set in make.conf
- inused (int) = 0 or 1; if 1, package is installed with flag enabled
- flag (str) = the name of the USE flag
- desc (str) = the flag's description
- restrict (str) = corresponds to the text of restrict in metadata
- """
- maxflag_len = len(max([t[2] for t in output], key=len))
- twrap = TextWrapper()
- twrap.width = CONFIG['termWidth']
- twrap.subsequent_indent = " " * (maxflag_len + 8)
- markers = ("-", "+")
- color = (
- partial(pp.useflag, enabled=False), partial(pp.useflag, enabled=True)
- )
- for in_makeconf, in_installed, flag, desc, restrict in output:
- if CONFIG['verbose']:
- flag_name = ""
- if in_makeconf != in_installed:
- flag_name += pp.emph(" %s %s" %
- (markers[in_makeconf], markers[in_installed]))
- else:
- flag_name += (" %s %s" %
- (markers[in_makeconf], markers[in_installed]))
- flag_name += " " + color[in_makeconf](flag.ljust(maxflag_len))
- flag_name += " : "
- # Strip initial whitespace at the start of the description
- # Bug 432530
- if desc:
- desc = desc.lstrip()
- # print description
- if restrict:
- restrict = "(%s %s)" % (pp.emph("Restricted to"),
- pp.cpv(restrict))
- twrap.initial_indent = flag_name
- pp.uprint(twrap.fill(restrict))
- if desc:
- twrap.initial_indent = twrap.subsequent_indent
- pp.uprint(twrap.fill(desc))
- else:
- print(" : <unknown>")
- else:
- if desc:
- twrap.initial_indent = flag_name
- desc = twrap.fill(desc)
- pp.uprint(desc)
- else:
- twrap.initial_indent = flag_name
- print(twrap.fill("<unknown>"))
- else:
- pp.uprint(markers[in_makeconf] + flag)
+ """Print USE flag descriptions and statuses.
+ @type output: list
+ @param output: [(inuse, inused, flag, desc, restrict), ...]
+ inuse (int) = 0, 1, 2, 3;
+ if 1, flag is set in make.conf;
+ if 2, flag is masked;
+ if 3, flag is forced
+ inused (int) = 0, 1, 2, 3;
+ if 1, package is installed with flag enabled;
+ if 2, flag is masked;
+ if 3, flag is forced
+ flag (str) = the name of the USE flag
+ desc (str) = the flag's description
+ restrict (str) = corresponds to the text of restrict in metadata
+ """
+ maxflag_len = len(max([t[2] for t in output], key=len))
+ twrap = TextWrapper()
+ twrap.width = CONFIG["termWidth"]
+ twrap.subsequent_indent = " " * (maxflag_len + 8)
+ markers = ("-", "+", "M", "F")
+ # Colors for masked/forced = unset/set (mod 2)
+ color = (partial(pp.useflag, enabled=False), partial(pp.useflag, enabled=True))
+ for in_makeconf, in_installed, flag, desc, restrict in output:
+ if CONFIG["verbose"]:
+ flag_name = ""
+ if in_makeconf != in_installed:
+ flag_name += pp.emph(f" {markers[in_makeconf]} {markers[in_installed]}")
+ else:
+ flag_name += " {} {}".format(
+ markers[in_makeconf], markers[in_installed]
+ )
+ flag_name += " " + color[in_makeconf % 2](flag.ljust(maxflag_len))
+ flag_name += " : "
+ # Strip initial whitespace at the start of the description
+ # Bug 432530
+ if desc:
+ desc = desc.lstrip()
+ # print description
+ if restrict:
+ restrict = "({} {})".format(pp.emph("Restricted to"), pp.cpv(restrict))
+ twrap.initial_indent = flag_name
+ pp.uprint(twrap.fill(restrict))
+ if desc:
+ twrap.initial_indent = twrap.subsequent_indent
+ pp.uprint(twrap.fill(desc))
+ else:
+ print(" : <unknown>")
+ else:
+ if desc:
+ twrap.initial_indent = flag_name
+ desc = twrap.fill(desc)
+ pp.uprint(desc)
+ else:
+ twrap.initial_indent = flag_name
+ print(twrap.fill("<unknown>"))
+ else:
+ # Match emerge -v output for forced/masked flags
+ if in_makeconf > 1:
+ pp.uprint("(" + markers[in_makeconf % 2] + flag + ")")
+ else:
+ pp.uprint(markers[in_makeconf] + flag)
def get_global_useflags():
- """Get global and expanded USE flag variables from
- PORTDIR/profiles/use.desc and PORTDIR/profiles/desc/*.desc respectively.
- @rtype: dict
- @return: {'flag_name': 'flag description', ...}
- """
- global_usedesc = {}
- # Get global USE flag descriptions
- try:
- path = os.path.join(settings["PORTDIR"], 'profiles', 'use.desc')
- with open(_unicode_encode(path, encoding=_encodings['fs']),
- encoding=_encodings['content']) as open_file:
- for line in open_file:
- if line.startswith('#'):
- continue
- # Ex. of fields: ['syslog', 'Enables support for syslog\n']
- fields = line.split(" - ", 1)
- if len(fields) == 2:
- global_usedesc[fields[0]] = fields[1].rstrip()
- except IOError:
- sys.stderr.write(
- pp.warn(
- "Could not load USE flag descriptions from %s" % pp.path(path)
- )
- )
- del path, open_file
- # Add USE_EXPANDED variables to usedesc hash -- Bug #238005
- for path in glob(os.path.join(settings["PORTDIR"],
- 'profiles', 'desc', '*.desc')):
- try:
- with open(_unicode_encode(path, encoding=_encodings['fs']),
- encoding=_encodings['content']) as open_file:
- for line in open_file:
- if line.startswith('#'):
- continue
- fields = [field.strip() for field in line.split(" - ", 1)]
- if len(fields) == 2:
- expanded_useflag = "%s_%s" % \
- (path.split("/")[-1][0:-5], fields[0])
- global_usedesc[expanded_useflag] = fields[1]
- except IOError:
- sys.stderr.write(
- pp.warn("Could not load USE flag descriptions from %s" % path)
- )
- return global_usedesc
+ """Get global and expanded USE flag variables from
+ PORTDIR/profiles/use.desc and PORTDIR/profiles/desc/*.desc respectively.
+ @rtype: dict
+ @return: {'flag_name': 'flag description', ...}
+ """
+ global_usedesc = {}
+ # Get global USE flag descriptions
+ try:
+ path = os.path.join(settings["PORTDIR"], "profiles", "use.desc")
+ with open(
+ _unicode_encode(path, encoding=_encodings["fs"]),
+ encoding=_encodings["content"],
+ ) as open_file:
+ for line in open_file:
+ if line.startswith("#"):
+ continue
+ # Ex. of fields: ['syslog', 'Enables support for syslog\n']
+ fields = line.split(" - ", 1)
+ if len(fields) == 2:
+ global_usedesc[fields[0]] = fields[1].rstrip()
+ except OSError:
+ sys.stderr.write(
+ pp.warn("Could not load USE flag descriptions from %s" % pp.path(path))
+ )
+ del path, open_file
+ # Add USE_EXPANDED variables to usedesc hash -- Bug #238005
+ for path in glob(os.path.join(settings["PORTDIR"], "profiles", "desc", "*.desc")):
+ try:
+ with open(
+ _unicode_encode(path, encoding=_encodings["fs"]),
+ encoding=_encodings["content"],
+ ) as open_file:
+ for line in open_file:
+ if line.startswith("#"):
+ continue
+ fields = [field.strip() for field in line.split(" - ", 1)]
+ if len(fields) == 2:
+ expanded_useflag = "{}_{}".format(
+ path.split("/")[-1][0:-5],
+ fields[0],
+ )
+ global_usedesc[expanded_useflag] = fields[1]
+ except OSError:
+ sys.stderr.write(
+ pp.warn("Could not load USE flag descriptions from %s" % path)
+ )
+ return global_usedesc
def get_output_descriptions(pkg, global_usedesc):
- """Prepare descriptions and usage information for each USE flag."""
- if pkg.metadata is None:
- local_usedesc = []
- else:
- local_usedesc = pkg.metadata.use()
- iuse, final_use = get_flags(pkg.cpv, final_setting=True)
- usevar = reduce_flags(iuse)
- usevar.sort()
- if QUERY_OPTS['ignore_l10n']:
- for a in usevar[:]:
- #TODO: Remove linguas after transition to l10n is complete
- if a.startswith("l10n_") or a.startswith("linguas_"):
- usevar.remove(a)
- if pkg.is_installed():
- used_flags = pkg.use().split()
- else:
- used_flags = settings["USE"].split()
- # store (inuse, inused, flag, desc, restrict)
- output = []
- for flag in usevar:
- inuse = False
- inused = False
- local_use = None
- for use in local_usedesc:
- if use.name == flag:
- local_use = use
- break
- try:
- desc = local_use.description
- except AttributeError:
- try:
- desc = global_usedesc[flag]
- except KeyError:
- desc = ""
- try:
- restrict = local_use.restrict
- restrict = restrict if restrict is not None else ""
- except AttributeError:
- restrict = ""
- if flag in final_use:
- inuse = True
- if flag in used_flags:
- inused = True
- output.append((inuse, inused, flag, desc, restrict))
- return output
+ """Prepare descriptions and usage information for each USE flag."""
+ if pkg.metadata is None:
+ local_usedesc = []
+ else:
+ local_usedesc = pkg.metadata.use()
+ useforced = []
+ usemasked = []
+ if QUERY_OPTS["forced_masked"]:
+ iuse, final_use, useforced, usemasked = get_flags(
+ pkg.cpv, final_setting=True, include_forced_masked=True
+ )
+ else:
+ iuse, final_use = get_flags(
+ pkg.cpv, final_setting=True, include_forced_masked=False
+ )
+ usevar = reduce_flags(iuse)
+ usevar.sort()
+ if QUERY_OPTS["ignore_l10n"]:
+ for a in usevar[:]:
+ if a.startswith("l10n_"):
+ usevar.remove(a)
+ if pkg.is_installed():
+ used_flags = pkg.use().split()
+ else:
+ used_flags = settings["USE"].split()
+ # store (inuse, inused, flag, desc, restrict)
+ output = []
+ for flag in usevar:
+ inuse = 0
+ inused = 0
+ local_use = None
+ for use in local_usedesc:
+ if use.name == flag:
+ local_use = use
+ break
+ try:
+ desc = local_use.description
+ except AttributeError:
+ try:
+ desc = global_usedesc[flag]
+ except KeyError:
+ desc = ""
+ try:
+ restrict = local_use.restrict
+ restrict = restrict if restrict is not None else ""
+ except AttributeError:
+ restrict = ""
+ if flag in final_use:
+ inuse = 1
+ if flag in useforced:
+ inuse = 3
+ elif flag in usemasked:
+ inuse = 2
+ if flag in used_flags:
+ inused = 1
+ if flag in useforced:
+ inused = 3
+ elif flag in usemasked:
+ inused = 2
+ output.append((inuse, inused, flag, desc, restrict))
+ return output
def parse_module_options(module_opts):
- """Parse module options and update QUERY_OPTS"""
+ """Parse module options and update QUERY_OPTS"""
- opts = (x[0] for x in module_opts)
- for opt in opts:
- if opt in ('-h', '--help'):
- print_help()
- sys.exit(0)
- elif opt in ('-a', '--all'):
- QUERY_OPTS['all_versions'] = True
- elif opt in ('-i', '--ignore-l10n'):
- QUERY_OPTS['ignore_l10n'] = True
+ opts = (x[0] for x in module_opts)
+ for opt in opts:
+ if opt in ("-h", "--help"):
+ print_help()
+ sys.exit(0)
+ elif opt in ("-a", "--all"):
+ QUERY_OPTS["all_versions"] = True
+ elif opt in ("-f", "--forced-masked"):
+ QUERY_OPTS["forced_masked"] = True
+ elif opt in ("-i", "--ignore-l10n"):
+ QUERY_OPTS["ignore_l10n"] = True
def print_legend():
- """Print a legend to explain the output format."""
+ """Print a legend to explain the output format."""
- print("[ Legend : %s - final flag setting for installation]" % pp.emph("U"))
- print("[ : %s - package is installed with flag ]" % pp.emph("I"))
- print("[ Colors : %s, %s ]" % (
- pp.useflag("set", enabled=True), pp.useflag("unset", enabled=False)))
+ print("[ Legend : %s - final flag setting for installation]" % pp.emph("U"))
+ print("[ : %s - package is installed with flag ]" % pp.emph("I"))
+ print(
+ "[ Colors : %s, %s ]"
+ % (pp.useflag("set", enabled=True), pp.useflag("unset", enabled=False))
+ )
def main(input_args):
- """Parse input and run the program"""
- short_opts = "hai"
- long_opts = ('help', 'all', 'ignore-l10n')
- try:
- module_opts, queries = gnu_getopt(input_args, short_opts, long_opts)
- except GetoptError as err:
- sys.stderr.write(pp.error("Module %s" % err))
- print()
- print_help(with_description=False)
- sys.exit(2)
- parse_module_options(module_opts)
- if not queries:
- print_help()
- sys.exit(2)
- #
- # Output
- #
- first_run = True
- legend_printed = False
- for query in (Query(x) for x in queries):
- if not first_run:
- print()
- if QUERY_OPTS["all_versions"]:
- matches = query.find(include_masked=True)
- else:
- matches = [query.find_best()]
- if not any(matches):
- raise errors.GentoolkitNoMatches(query)
- matches.sort()
- global_usedesc = get_global_useflags()
- for pkg in matches:
- output = get_output_descriptions(pkg, global_usedesc)
- if output:
- if CONFIG['verbose']:
- if not legend_printed:
- print_legend()
- legend_printed = True
- print((" * Found these USE flags for %s:" %
- pp.cpv(str(pkg.cpv))))
- print(pp.emph(" U I"))
- display_useflags(output)
- else:
- if CONFIG['verbose']:
- sys.stderr.write(
- pp.warn("No USE flags found for %s" % pp.cpv(pkg.cpv))
- )
- first_run = False
+ """Parse input and run the program"""
+ short_opts = "hafi"
+ long_opts = ("help", "all", "forced-masked", "ignore-l10n")
+ try:
+ module_opts, queries = gnu_getopt(input_args, short_opts, long_opts)
+ except GetoptError as err:
+ sys.stderr.write(pp.error("Module %s" % err))
+ print()
+ print_help(with_description=False)
+ sys.exit(2)
+ parse_module_options(module_opts)
+ if not queries:
+ print_help()
+ sys.exit(2)
+ #
+ # Output
+ #
+ first_run = True
+ legend_printed = False
+ for query in (Query(x) for x in queries):
+ if not first_run:
+ print()
+ if QUERY_OPTS["all_versions"]:
+ matches = query.find(include_masked=True)
+ else:
+ matches = [query.find_best()]
+ if not any(matches):
+ raise errors.GentoolkitNoMatches(query)
+ matches.sort()
+ global_usedesc = get_global_useflags()
+ for pkg in matches:
+ output = get_output_descriptions(pkg, global_usedesc)
+ if output:
+ if CONFIG["verbose"]:
+ if not legend_printed:
+ print_legend()
+ legend_printed = True
+ print(" * Found these USE flags for %s:" % pp.cpv(str(pkg.cpv)))
+ print(pp.emph(" U I"))
+ display_useflags(output)
+ else:
+ if CONFIG["verbose"]:
+ sys.stderr.write(
+ pp.warn("No USE flags found for %s" % pp.cpv(pkg.cpv))
+ )
+ first_run = False
# vim: set ts=4 sw=4 tw=79:
diff --git a/pym/gentoolkit/equery/which.py b/pym/gentoolkit/equery/which.py
index c7fabd7..0b726dd 100644
--- a/pym/gentoolkit/equery/which.py
+++ b/pym/gentoolkit/equery/which.py
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
-__docformat__ = 'epytext'
+__docformat__ = "epytext"
# =======
# Imports
@@ -28,94 +28,98 @@ from portage import _encodings, _unicode_encode
# Globals
# =======
- "include_masked": False,
- "ebuild":False
- }
+QUERY_OPTS = {"include_masked": False, "ebuild": False}
# =========
# Functions
# =========
def print_help(with_description=True):
- """Print description, usage and a detailed help message.
- @type with_description: bool
- @param with_description: if true, print module's __doc__ string
- """
- if with_description:
- print(__doc__.strip())
- print()
- print(mod_usage(mod_name="which"))
- print()
- print(pp.command("options"))
- print(format_options((
- (" -h, --help", "display this help message"),
- (" -m, --include-masked", "return highest version ebuild available"),
- (" -e, --ebuild", "print the ebuild")
- )))
+ """Print description, usage and a detailed help message.
+ @type with_description: bool
+ @param with_description: if true, print module's __doc__ string
+ """
+ if with_description:
+ print(__doc__.strip())
+ print()
+ print(mod_usage(mod_name="which"))
+ print()
+ print(pp.command("options"))
+ print(
+ format_options(
+ (
+ (" -h, --help", "display this help message"),
+ (" -m, --include-masked", "return highest version ebuild available"),
+ (" -e, --ebuild", "print the ebuild"),
+ )
+ )
+ )
def print_ebuild(ebuild_path):
- """Output the ebuild to std_out"""
- with open(_unicode_encode(ebuild_path, encoding=_encodings['fs']),
- encoding=_encodings['content']) as f:
- lines = f.readlines()
- print("\n\n")
- print("".join(lines))
- print("\n")
+ """Output the ebuild to std_out"""
+ with open(
+ _unicode_encode(ebuild_path, encoding=_encodings["fs"]),
+ encoding=_encodings["content"],
+ ) as f:
+ lines = f.readlines()
+ print("\n\n")
+ print("".join(lines))
+ print("\n")
def parse_module_options(module_opts):
- """Parse module options and update QUERY_OPTS"""
+ """Parse module options and update QUERY_OPTS"""
- opts = (x[0] for x in module_opts)
- for opt in opts:
- if opt in ('-h', '--help'):
- print_help()
- sys.exit(0)
- elif opt in ('-m', '--include-masked'):
- QUERY_OPTS['include_masked'] = True
- elif opt in ('-e', '--ebuild'):
- QUERY_OPTS['ebuild'] = True
+ opts = (x[0] for x in module_opts)
+ for opt in opts:
+ if opt in ("-h", "--help"):
+ print_help()
+ sys.exit(0)
+ elif opt in ("-m", "--include-masked"):
+ QUERY_OPTS["include_masked"] = True
+ elif opt in ("-e", "--ebuild"):
+ QUERY_OPTS["ebuild"] = True
def main(input_args):
- """Parse input and run the program"""
- short_opts = "hme"
- long_opts = ('help', 'include-masked', 'ebuild')
- try:
- module_opts, queries = gnu_getopt(input_args, short_opts, long_opts)
- except GetoptError as err:
- sys.stderr.write(pp.error("Module %s" % err))
- print()
- print_help(with_description=False)
- sys.exit(2)
- parse_module_options(module_opts)
- if not queries:
- print_help()
- sys.exit(2)
- for query in (Query(x) for x in queries):
- matches = query.find(
- include_masked=QUERY_OPTS['include_masked'],
- in_installed=False
- )
- if matches:
- pkg = sorted(matches).pop()
- ebuild_path = pkg.ebuild_path()
- if ebuild_path:
- pp.uprint(os.path.normpath(ebuild_path))
- if QUERY_OPTS['ebuild']:
- print_ebuild(ebuild_path)
- else:
- sys.stderr.write(
- pp.warn("No ebuilds to satisfy %s" % pkg.cpv)
- )
- else:
- raise errors.GentoolkitNoMatches(query)
+ """Parse input and run the program"""
+ short_opts = "hme"
+ long_opts = ("help", "include-masked", "ebuild")
+ try:
+ module_opts, queries = gnu_getopt(input_args, short_opts, long_opts)
+ except GetoptError as err:
+ sys.stderr.write(pp.error("Module %s" % err))
+ print()
+ print_help(with_description=False)
+ sys.exit(2)
+ parse_module_options(module_opts)
+ if not queries:
+ print_help()
+ sys.exit(2)
+ for query in (Query(x) for x in queries):
+ matches = query.find(
+ include_masked=QUERY_OPTS["include_masked"], in_installed=False
+ )
+ if matches:
+ pkg = sorted(matches).pop()
+ ebuild_path = pkg.ebuild_path()
+ if ebuild_path:
+ pp.uprint(os.path.normpath(ebuild_path))
+ if QUERY_OPTS["ebuild"]:
+ print_ebuild(ebuild_path)
+ else:
+ sys.stderr.write(pp.warn("No ebuilds to satisfy %s" % pkg.cpv))
+ else:
+ raise errors.GentoolkitNoMatches(query)
# vim: set ts=4 sw=4 tw=79:
diff --git a/pym/gentoolkit/errors.py b/pym/gentoolkit/errors.py
index 15fef24..c3bcdd4 100644
--- a/pym/gentoolkit/errors.py
+++ b/pym/gentoolkit/errors.py
@@ -5,153 +5,170 @@
"""Exception classes for gentoolkit"""
__all__ = (
- 'GentoolkitException',
- 'GentoolkitFatalError',
- 'GentoolkitAmbiguousPackage',
- 'GentoolkitInvalidAtom',
- 'GentoolkitInvalidCategory',
- 'GentoolkitInvalidPackage',
- 'GentoolkitInvalidCPV',
- 'GentoolkitInvalidRegex',
- 'GentoolkitInvalidVersion',
- 'GentoolkitNoMatches',
- 'GentoolkitSetNotFound',
- 'GentoolkitUnknownKeyword',
- 'GentoolkitNonZeroExit'
+ "GentoolkitException",
+ "GentoolkitFatalError",
+ "GentoolkitAmbiguousPackage",
+ "GentoolkitInvalidAtom",
+ "GentoolkitInvalidCategory",
+ "GentoolkitInvalidPackage",
+ "GentoolkitInvalidCPV",
+ "GentoolkitInvalidRegex",
+ "GentoolkitInvalidVersion",
+ "GentoolkitNoMatches",
+ "GentoolkitSetNotFound",
+ "GentoolkitUnknownKeyword",
+ "GentoolkitNonZeroExit",
# ==========
# Exceptions
# ==========
class GentoolkitException(Exception):
- """Base class for gentoolkit exceptions."""
- def __init__(self, is_serious=True):
- self.is_serious = is_serious
+ """Base class for gentoolkit exceptions."""
+ def __init__(self, is_serious=True):
+ self.is_serious = is_serious
class GentoolkitFatalError(GentoolkitException):
- """A fatal error occurred. Usually used to catch Portage exceptions."""
- def __init__(self, err, is_serious=True):
- GentoolkitException.__init__(self, is_serious=is_serious)
- self.err = err
+ """A fatal error occurred. Usually used to catch Portage exceptions."""
- def __str__(self):
- return "Fatal error: %s" % self.err
+ def __init__(self, err, is_serious=True):
+ GentoolkitException.__init__(self, is_serious=is_serious)
+ self.err = err
+ def __str__(self):
+ return "Fatal error: %s" % self.err
class GentoolkitAmbiguousPackage(GentoolkitException):
- """Got an ambiguous package name."""
- def __init__(self, choices, is_serious=False):
- GentoolkitException.__init__(self, is_serious=is_serious)
- self.choices = choices
+ """Got an ambiguous package name."""
+ def __init__(self, choices, is_serious=False):
+ GentoolkitException.__init__(self, is_serious=is_serious)
+ self.choices = choices
- def __str__(self):
- choices = '\n'.join(" %s" % x for x in self.choices)
- return '\n'.join(("Ambiguous package name. Choose from:", choices))
+ def __str__(self):
+ choices = "\n".join(" %s" % x for x in self.choices)
+ return "\n".join(("Ambiguous package name. Choose from:", choices))
class GentoolkitInvalidAtom(GentoolkitException):
- """Got a malformed package atom."""
- def __init__(self, atom, is_serious=False):
- GentoolkitException.__init__(self, is_serious=is_serious)
- self.atom = atom
+ """Got a malformed package atom."""
- def __str__(self):
- return "Invalid atom: '%s'" % self.atom
+ def __init__(self, atom, is_serious=False):
+ GentoolkitException.__init__(self, is_serious=is_serious)
+ self.atom = atom
+ def __str__(self):
+ return "Invalid atom: '%s'" % self.atom
class GentoolkitSetNotFound(GentoolkitException):
- """Got unknown set."""
- def __init__(self, setname, is_serious=False):
- GentoolkitException.__init__(self, is_serious=is_serious)
- self.setname = setname
+ """Got unknown set."""
+ def __init__(self, setname, is_serious=False):
+ GentoolkitException.__init__(self, is_serious=is_serious)
+ self.setname = setname
- def __str__(self):
- return "Unknown set: '%s'" % self.setname
+ def __str__(self):
+ return "Unknown set: '%s'" % self.setname
class GentoolkitInvalidCategory(GentoolkitException):
- """The category was not listed in portage.settings.categories."""
- def __init__(self, category, is_serious=False):
- GentoolkitException.__init__(self, is_serious=is_serious)
- self.category = category
+ """The category was not listed in portage.settings.categories."""
- def __str__(self):
- return "Invalid category: '%s'" % self.category
+ def __init__(self, category, is_serious=False):
+ GentoolkitException.__init__(self, is_serious=is_serious)
+ self.category = category
+ def __str__(self):
+ return "Invalid category: '%s'" % self.category
class GentoolkitInvalidPackage(GentoolkitException):
- """Got an unknown or invalid package."""
- def __init__(self, package, is_serious=False):
- GentoolkitException.__init__(self, is_serious=is_serious)
- self.package = package
+ """Got an unknown or invalid package."""
+ def __init__(self, package, is_serious=False):
+ GentoolkitException.__init__(self, is_serious=is_serious)
+ self.package = package
- def __str__(self):
- return "Invalid package: '%s'" % self.package
+ def __str__(self):
+ return "Invalid package: '%s'" % self.package
class GentoolkitInvalidCPV(GentoolkitException):
- """Got an invalid category/package-ver string."""
- def __init__(self, cpv, is_serious=False):
- GentoolkitException.__init__(self, is_serious=is_serious)
- self.cpv = cpv
+ """Got an invalid category/package-ver string."""
- def __str__(self):
- return "Invalid CPV: '%s'" % self.cpv
+ def __init__(self, cpv, is_serious=False):
+ GentoolkitException.__init__(self, is_serious=is_serious)
+ self.cpv = cpv
+ def __str__(self):
+ return "Invalid CPV: '%s'" % self.cpv
class GentoolkitInvalidRegex(GentoolkitException):
- """The regex could not be compiled."""
- def __init__(self, regex, is_serious=False):
- GentoolkitException.__init__(self, is_serious=is_serious)
- self.regex = regex
+ """The regex could not be compiled."""
+ def __init__(self, regex, is_serious=False):
+ GentoolkitException.__init__(self, is_serious=is_serious)
+ self.regex = regex
- def __str__(self):
- return "Invalid regex: '%s'" % self.regex
+ def __str__(self):
+ return "Invalid regex: '%s'" % self.regex
class GentoolkitInvalidVersion(GentoolkitException):
- """Got a malformed version."""
- def __init__(self, version, is_serious=False):
- GentoolkitException.__init__(self, is_serious=is_serious)
- self.version = version
+ """Got a malformed version."""
- def __str__(self):
- return "Malformed version: '%s'" % self.version
+ def __init__(self, version, is_serious=False):
+ GentoolkitException.__init__(self, is_serious=is_serious)
+ self.version = version
+ def __str__(self):
+ return "Malformed version: '%s'" % self.version
class GentoolkitNoMatches(GentoolkitException):
- """No packages were found matching the search query."""
- def __init__(self, query, in_installed=False, is_serious=False):
- GentoolkitException.__init__(self, is_serious=is_serious)
- self.query = query
- self.in_installed = in_installed
+ """No packages were found matching the search query."""
+ def __init__(self, query, in_installed=False, is_serious=False):
+ GentoolkitException.__init__(self, is_serious=is_serious)
+ self.query = query
+ self.in_installed = in_installed
- def __str__(self):
- inst = 'installed ' if self.in_installed else ''
- return "No %spackages matching '%s'" % (inst, self.query)
+ def __str__(self):
+ inst = "installed " if self.in_installed else ""
+ return f"No {inst}packages matching '{self.query}'"
class GentoolkitUnknownKeyword(GentoolkitException):
- """No packages were found matching the search query."""
- def __init__(self, query, keywords, use, is_serious=True):
- GentoolkitException.__init__(self, is_serious=is_serious)
- self.query = query
- self.keywords = keywords
- self.use = use
+ """No packages were found matching the search query."""
- def __str__(self):
- return ("Unable to determine the install keyword for:\n" +
- "'%s', KEYWORDS = '%s'\nUSE flags = '%s'"
- % (self.query, self.keywords, self.use))
+ def __init__(self, query, keywords, use, is_serious=True):
+ GentoolkitException.__init__(self, is_serious=is_serious)
+ self.query = query
+ self.keywords = keywords
+ self.use = use
+ def __str__(self):
+ return (
+ "Unable to determine the install keyword for:\n"
+ + "'%s', KEYWORDS = '%s'\nUSE flags = '%s'"
+ % (self.query, self.keywords, self.use)
+ )
class GentoolkitNonZeroExit(GentoolkitException):
- """Used to signal, that a non-fatal, no warning error occurred.
- The primary use case is for not returning any data."""
- def __init__(self, return_code=1, is_serious=False):
- GentoolkitException.__init__(self, is_serious=is_serious)
- self.return_code = return_code
+ """Used to signal, that a non-fatal, no warning error occurred.
+ The primary use case is for not returning any data."""
+ def __init__(self, return_code=1, is_serious=False):
+ GentoolkitException.__init__(self, is_serious=is_serious)
+ self.return_code = return_code
# vim: set ts=4 sw=4 tw=79:
diff --git a/pym/gentoolkit/eshowkw/__init__.py b/pym/gentoolkit/eshowkw/__init__.py
index 707c266..0d65733 100644
--- a/pym/gentoolkit/eshowkw/__init__.py
+++ b/pym/gentoolkit/eshowkw/__init__.py
@@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
-# vim:fileencoding=utf-8
# Copyright 2010-2016 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-__package__ = 'gentoolkit.eshowkw'
-__version__ = "git"
+__package__ = "gentoolkit.eshowkw"
+__version__ = "@VERSION@"
__author__ = "Tomáš Chvátal <scarabeus@gentoo.org>"
import sys, os, fnmatch
@@ -20,137 +19,190 @@ from gentoolkit.eshowkw.display_pretty import display
ignore_slots = False
bold = False
-order = 'bottom'
-topper = 'versionlist'
+order = "bottom"
+topper = "versionlist"
def process_display(package, keywords, dbapi):
+ portdata = keywords_content(
+ package, keywords.keywords, dbapi, ignore_slots, order, bold, topper
+ )
+ if topper == "archlist":
+ header = string_rotator().rotateContent(keywords.content, keywords.length, bold)
+ extra = string_rotator().rotateContent(
+ keywords.extra, keywords.length, bold, False
+ )
+ # -1 : space is taken in account and appended by us
+ filler = "".ljust(portdata.slot_length - 1)
+ header = [f"{x}{filler}{y}" for x, y in zip(header, extra)]
+ content = portdata.content
+ header_length = portdata.version_length
+ content_length = keywords.length
+ else:
+ header = string_rotator().rotateContent(
+ portdata.content, portdata.content_length, bold
+ )
+ content = keywords.content
+ sep = ["".ljust(keywords.length) for x in range(portdata.slot_length - 1)]
+ content.extend(sep)
+ content.extend(keywords.extra)
+ header_length = keywords.length
+ content_length = portdata.version_length
+ display(content, header, header_length, content_length, portdata.cp, topper)
- portdata = keywords_content(package, keywords.keywords, dbapi, ignore_slots, order, bold, topper)
- if topper == 'archlist':
- header = string_rotator().rotateContent(keywords.content, keywords.length, bold)
- extra = string_rotator().rotateContent(keywords.extra, keywords.length, bold, False)
- # -1 : space is taken in account and appended by us
- filler = ''.ljust(portdata.slot_length-1)
- header = ['%s%s%s' % (x, filler, y) for x, y in zip(header, extra)]
- content = portdata.content
- header_length = portdata.version_length
- content_length = keywords.length
- else:
- header = string_rotator().rotateContent(portdata.content, portdata.content_length, bold)
- content = keywords.content
- sep = [''.ljust(keywords.length) for x in range(portdata.slot_length-1)]
- content.extend(sep)
- content.extend(keywords.extra)
- header_length = keywords.length
- content_length = portdata.version_length
- display(content, header, header_length, content_length, portdata.cp, topper)
def process_args(argv):
- """Option parsing via argc"""
- parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog=__package__,
- formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter,
- description='Display keywords for specified package or for package that is in pwd.')
- parser.add_argument('-v', '--version', action='version', version=__version__, help='show package version and exit')
- parser.add_argument('package', nargs='*', default=None, help='Packages to check.')
- parser.add_argument('-a', '--arch', nargs=1, default=[], help='Display only specified arch(s)')
- parser.add_argument('-A', '--align', nargs='?', default='bottom', choices=['top', 'bottom'],
- help='Specify alignment for descriptions.')
- parser.add_argument('-T', '--top-position', nargs='?', default='archlist', choices=['archlist', 'versionlist'],
- help='Specify which fields we want to have in top listing.')
- parser.add_argument('-B', '--bold', action='store_true', default=False,
- help='Print out each other column in bold for easier visual separation.')
- parser.add_argument('-C', '--color', action='store_true', default=False,
- help='Force colored output')
- parser.add_argument('-O', '--overlays', action='store_true', default=False,
- help='Search also overlays')
- parser.add_argument('-P', '--prefix', action='store_true', default=False,
- help='Display prefix keywords in output.')
- parser.add_argument('-S', '--ignore-slot', action='store_true', default=False,
- help='Treat slots as irelevant during detection of redundant packages.')
- return parser.parse_args(args=argv)
-def main(argv, indirect = False):
- global ignore_slots, bold, order, topper
- #opts parsing
- opts = process_args(argv)
- ignore_slots = opts.ignore_slot
- use_overlays = opts.overlays
- highlight_arch = ''.join(opts.arch).split(',')
- bold = opts.bold
- order = opts.align
- topper = opts.top_position
- prefix = opts.prefix
- color = opts.color
- package = opts.package
- # equery support
- if indirect and len(package) <= 0:
- msg_err = 'No packages specified'
- raise SystemExit(msg_err)
- # disable colors when redirected and they are not forced on
- if not color and not sys.stdout.isatty():
- # disable colors
- porto.nocolor()
- # Imply prefix if user specified any architectures (Bug 578496)
- if len(opts.arch) > 0:
- prefix = True
- keywords = keywords_header(prefix, highlight_arch, order)
- if len(package) > 0:
- mysettings = portc(local_config=False)
- dbapi = portdbapi(mysettings=mysettings)
- if not use_overlays:
- dbapi.porttrees = [dbapi.porttree_root]
- for pkg in package:
- process_display(pkg, keywords, dbapi)
- else:
- currdir = os.getcwd()
- # check if there are actualy some ebuilds
- ebuilds = ['%s' % x for x in os.listdir(currdir)
- if fnmatch.fnmatch(x, '*.ebuild')]
- if len(ebuilds) <= 0:
- msg_err = 'No ebuilds at "%s"' % currdir
- raise SystemExit(msg_err)
- package= '%s/%s' % (os.path.basename(os.path.abspath('../')), os.path.basename(currdir))
- ourtree = os.path.realpath('../..')
- ourstat = os.stat(ourtree)
- ourstat = (ourstat.st_ino, ourstat.st_dev)
- for repo in ports.repositories:
- try:
- repostat = os.stat(repo.location)
- except OSError:
- continue
- if ourstat == (repostat.st_ino, repostat.st_dev):
- dbapi = portdbapi(mysettings=portc(local_config=False))
- break
- else:
- repos = {}
- for repo in ports.repositories:
- repos[repo.name] = repo.location
- with open(os.path.join(ourtree, 'profiles', 'repo_name'),
- 'rt') as f:
- repo_name = f.readline().strip()
- repos[repo_name] = ourtree
- repos = ''.join('[{}]\nlocation={}\n'.format(k, v)
- for k, v in repos.items())
- mysettings = portc(local_config=False,
- env={'PORTAGE_REPOSITORIES': repos})
- dbapi = portdbapi(mysettings=mysettings)
- # specify that we want just our nice tree we are in cwd
- dbapi.porttrees = [ourtree]
- process_display(package, keywords, dbapi)
- return 0
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- sys.exit(main(sys.argv[1:]))
+ """Option parsing via argc"""
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
+ prog=__package__,
+ formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter,
+ description="Display keywords for specified package or for package that is in pwd.",
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "-v",
+ "--version",
+ action="version",
+ version=__version__,
+ help="show package version and exit",
+ )
+ parser.add_argument("package", nargs="*", default=None, help="Packages to check.")
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "-a", "--arch", nargs=1, default=[], help="Display only specified arch(s)"
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "-A",
+ "--align",
+ nargs="?",
+ default="bottom",
+ choices=["top", "bottom"],
+ help="Specify alignment for descriptions.",
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "-T",
+ "--top-position",
+ nargs="?",
+ default="archlist",
+ choices=["archlist", "versionlist"],
+ help="Specify which fields we want to have in top listing.",
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "-B",
+ "--bold",
+ action="store_true",
+ default=False,
+ help="Print out each other column in bold for easier visual separation.",
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "-C", "--color", action="store_true", default=False, help="Force colored output"
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "-O",
+ "--overlays",
+ action="store_true",
+ default=False,
+ help="Search also overlays",
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "-P",
+ "--prefix",
+ action="store_true",
+ default=False,
+ help="Display prefix keywords in output.",
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "-S",
+ "--ignore-slot",
+ action="store_true",
+ default=False,
+ help="Treat slots as irrelevant during detection of redundant packages.",
+ )
+ return parser.parse_args(args=argv)
+def main(argv, indirect=False):
+ global ignore_slots, bold, order, topper
+ # opts parsing
+ opts = process_args(argv)
+ ignore_slots = opts.ignore_slot
+ use_overlays = opts.overlays
+ highlight_arch = "".join(opts.arch).split(",")
+ bold = opts.bold
+ order = opts.align
+ topper = opts.top_position
+ prefix = opts.prefix
+ color = opts.color
+ package = opts.package
+ # equery support
+ if indirect and len(package) <= 0:
+ msg_err = "No packages specified"
+ raise SystemExit(msg_err)
+ # disable colors when redirected and they are not forced on
+ if not color and not sys.stdout.isatty():
+ # disable colors
+ porto.nocolor()
+ # Imply prefix if user specified any architectures (Bug 578496)
+ if len(opts.arch) > 0:
+ prefix = True
+ keywords = keywords_header(prefix, highlight_arch, order)
+ if len(package) > 0:
+ mysettings = portc(local_config=False)
+ dbapi = portdbapi(mysettings=mysettings)
+ if not use_overlays:
+ dbapi.porttrees = [dbapi.porttree_root]
+ for pkg in package:
+ process_display(pkg, keywords, dbapi)
+ else:
+ currdir = os.getcwd()
+ # check if there are actualy some ebuilds
+ ebuilds = [
+ "%s" % x for x in os.listdir(currdir) if fnmatch.fnmatch(x, "*.ebuild")
+ ]
+ if len(ebuilds) <= 0:
+ msg_err = 'No ebuilds at "%s"' % currdir
+ raise SystemExit(msg_err)
+ package = "{}/{}".format(
+ os.path.basename(os.path.abspath("../")),
+ os.path.basename(currdir),
+ )
+ ourtree = os.path.realpath("../..")
+ ourstat = os.stat(ourtree)
+ ourstat = (ourstat.st_ino, ourstat.st_dev)
+ for repo in ports.repositories:
+ try:
+ repostat = os.stat(repo.location)
+ except OSError:
+ continue
+ if ourstat == (repostat.st_ino, repostat.st_dev):
+ dbapi = portdbapi(mysettings=portc(local_config=False))
+ break
+ else:
+ repos = {}
+ for repo in ports.repositories:
+ repos[repo.name] = repo.location
+ with open(os.path.join(ourtree, "profiles", "repo_name")) as f:
+ repo_name = f.readline().strip()
+ repos[repo_name] = ourtree
+ repos = "".join(f"[{k}]\nlocation={v}\n" for k, v in repos.items())
+ mysettings = portc(local_config=False, env={"PORTAGE_REPOSITORIES": repos})
+ dbapi = portdbapi(mysettings=mysettings)
+ # specify that we want just our nice tree we are in cwd
+ dbapi.porttrees = [ourtree]
+ process_display(package, keywords, dbapi)
+ return 0
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ sys.exit(main(sys.argv[1:]))
diff --git a/pym/gentoolkit/eshowkw/display_pretty.py b/pym/gentoolkit/eshowkw/display_pretty.py
index beca5f4..74f5698 100644
--- a/pym/gentoolkit/eshowkw/display_pretty.py
+++ b/pym/gentoolkit/eshowkw/display_pretty.py
@@ -1,106 +1,129 @@
-# vim:fileencoding=utf-8
# Copyright 2010 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
from portage.output import colorize
-try: # newer python versions
- from itertools import zip_longest
-except ImportError: # older python naming
- from itertools import izip_longest as zip_longest
-__all__ = ['string_rotator', 'colorize_string', 'align_string', 'rotate_dash', 'print_content', 'display']
-def display(plain_list, rotated_list, plain_width, rotated_height, cp, toplist = 'archlist'):
- """Render defauld display to show the keywords listing"""
- # header
- output = []
- output.append('Keywords for %s:' % colorize('blue', cp))
- # data
- corner_image = [''.ljust(plain_width) for x in range(rotated_height)]
- if toplist != 'archlist':
- corner_image.extend(plain_list)
- data_printout = ['%s%s' % (x, y)
- for x, y in zip_longest(corner_image, rotated_list, fillvalue=corner_image[0])]
- if toplist == 'archlist':
- data_printout.extend(plain_list)
- output.extend(data_printout)
- print(print_content(output))
+try: # newer python versions
+ from itertools import zip_longest
+except ImportError: # older python naming
+ from itertools import izip_longest as zip_longest
+__all__ = [
+ "string_rotator",
+ "colorize_string",
+ "align_string",
+ "rotate_dash",
+ "print_content",
+ "display",
+def display(
+ plain_list, rotated_list, plain_width, rotated_height, cp, toplist="archlist"
+ """Render defauld display to show the keywords listing"""
+ # header
+ output = []
+ output.append("Keywords for %s:" % colorize("blue", cp))
+ # data
+ corner_image = ["".ljust(plain_width) for x in range(rotated_height)]
+ if toplist != "archlist":
+ corner_image.extend(plain_list)
+ data_printout = [
+ f"{x}{y}"
+ for x, y in zip_longest(corner_image, rotated_list, fillvalue=corner_image[0])
+ ]
+ if toplist == "archlist":
+ data_printout.extend(plain_list)
+ output.extend(data_printout)
+ print(print_content(output))
def align_string(string, align, length):
- """Align string to the specified alignment (left or right, and after rotation it becomes top and bottom)"""
- if align == 'top' or align == 'left':
- string = string.ljust(length)
- else:
- string = string.rjust(length)
- return string
+ """Align string to the specified alignment (left or right, and after rotation it becomes top and bottom)"""
+ if align == "top" or align == "left":
+ string = string.ljust(length)
+ else:
+ string = string.rjust(length)
+ return string
def colorize_string(color, string):
- """Add coloring for specified string. Due to rotation we need to do that per character rather than per-line"""
- tmp = []
- for char in list(string):
- # % is whitespace separator so we wont color that :)
- if char != '%':
- tmp.append(colorize(color, char))
- else:
- tmp.append(char)
- return ''.join(tmp)
+ """Add coloring for specified string. Due to rotation we need to do that per character rather than per-line"""
+ tmp = []
+ for char in list(string):
+ # % is whitespace separator so we wont color that :)
+ if char != "%":
+ tmp.append(colorize(color, char))
+ else:
+ tmp.append(char)
+ return "".join(tmp)
def rotate_dash(string):
- """Rotate special strings over 90 degrees for better readability."""
- chars = ['-', '|']
- subs = ['|', '-']
- out = string
- for x,y in zip(chars, subs):
- if string.find(x) != -1:
- out = out.replace(x, y)
- return out
+ """Rotate special strings over 90 degrees for better readability."""
+ chars = ["-", "|"]
+ subs = ["|", "-"]
+ out = string
+ for x, y in zip(chars, subs):
+ if string.find(x) != -1:
+ out = out.replace(x, y)
+ return out
def print_content(content):
- """Print out content (strip it out of the temporary %)"""
- return '\n'.join(content).replace('%','')
+ """Print out content (strip it out of the temporary %)"""
+ return "\n".join(content).replace("%", "")
class string_rotator:
- __DASH_COUNT = 0
- def __getChar(self, string, position, line, bold_separator = False):
- """Return specified character from the string position"""
- # first figure out what character we want to work with
- # based on order and position in the string
- isdash = False
- if string.startswith('|') or string.startswith('-') or string.startswith('+'):
- split = list(string)
- isdash = True
- self.__DASH_COUNT += 1
- else:
- split = string.split('%')
- char = split[position]
- # bolding
- if not isdash and bold_separator \
- and (line-self.__DASH_COUNT)%2 == 0 \
- and char != ' ':
- char = colorize('bold', char)
- return char
- def rotateContent(self, elements, length, bold_separator = False, strip = True):
- """
- Rotate string over 90 degrees:
- string -> s
- t
- r
- i
- n
- g
- """
- # join used to have list of lines rather than list of chars
- tmp = []
- for position in range(length):
- x = ''
- for i, string in enumerate(elements):
- x += ' ' + self.__getChar(rotate_dash(string), position, i, bold_separator)
- # spaces on dashed line should be dashed too
- if x.find('+ -') != -1:
- x = x.replace(' ', '-')
- # strip all chars and remove empty lines
- if not strip or len(x.strip(' |-')) > 0:
- tmp.append(x)
- return tmp
+ __DASH_COUNT = 0
+ def __getChar(self, string, position, line, bold_separator=False):
+ """Return specified character from the string position"""
+ # first figure out what character we want to work with
+ # based on order and position in the string
+ isdash = False
+ if string.startswith("|") or string.startswith("-") or string.startswith("+"):
+ split = list(string)
+ isdash = True
+ self.__DASH_COUNT += 1
+ else:
+ split = string.split("%")
+ char = split[position]
+ # bolding
+ if (
+ not isdash
+ and bold_separator
+ and (line - self.__DASH_COUNT) % 2 == 0
+ and char != " "
+ ):
+ char = colorize("bold", char)
+ return char
+ def rotateContent(self, elements, length, bold_separator=False, strip=True):
+ """
+ Rotate string over 90 degrees:
+ string -> s
+ t
+ r
+ i
+ n
+ g
+ """
+ # join used to have list of lines rather than list of chars
+ tmp = []
+ for position in range(length):
+ x = ""
+ for i, string in enumerate(elements):
+ x += " " + self.__getChar(
+ rotate_dash(string), position, i, bold_separator
+ )
+ # spaces on dashed line should be dashed too
+ if x.find("+ -") != -1:
+ x = x.replace(" ", "-")
+ # strip all chars and remove empty lines
+ if not strip or len(x.strip(" |-")) > 0 or "-" in x:
+ tmp.append(x)
+ return tmp
diff --git a/pym/gentoolkit/eshowkw/keywords_content.py b/pym/gentoolkit/eshowkw/keywords_content.py
index 786e8b9..5a5685a 100644
--- a/pym/gentoolkit/eshowkw/keywords_content.py
+++ b/pym/gentoolkit/eshowkw/keywords_content.py
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
-# vim:fileencoding=utf-8
# Copyright 2010 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
@@ -6,364 +5,406 @@ import portage as port
import os
from portage.output import colorize
-__all__ = ['keywords_content']
+__all__ = ["keywords_content"]
from gentoolkit.eshowkw.display_pretty import colorize_string
from gentoolkit.eshowkw.display_pretty import align_string
class keywords_content:
- class RedundancyChecker:
- def __listRedundant(self, masks, keywords, ignoreslots, slots):
- """List all redundant packages."""
- if ignoreslots:
- return self.__listRedundantAll(masks, keywords)
- else:
- return self.__listRedundantSlots(masks, keywords, slots)
- def __listRedundantSlots(self, masks, keywords, slots):
- """Search for redundant packages walking per keywords for specified slot."""
- output = list()
- zipped = list(zip(masks, keywords, slots))
- for slot in self.__uniq(slots):
- ms = list()
- ks = list()
- for m, k, s in zipped:
- if slot == s:
- ms.append(m)
- ks.append(k)
- output.append(self.__compareSelected(ms, ks))
- # this is required because the list itself is not just one level depth
- return list(''.join(output))
- @staticmethod
- def __uniq(seq):
- """Remove all duplicate elements from list."""
- seen = {}
- result = []
- for item in seq:
- if item in seen:
- continue
- seen[item] = 1
- result.append(item)
- return result
- @staticmethod
- def __cleanKeyword(keyword):
- """Remove masked arches and hardmasks from keywords since we don't care about that."""
- return ["%s" % x for x in keyword.split()
- if x != '-*' and not x.startswith('-')]
- def __listRedundantAll(self, masks, keywords):
- """Search for redundant packages using all versions ignoring its slotting."""
- return list(self.__compareSelected(list(masks), list(keywords)))
- def __compareSelected(self, masks, kws):
- """
- Rotate over list of keywords and compare each element with others.
- Selectively remove each already compared list from the remaining keywords.
- """
- result = []
- kws.reverse()
- masks.reverse()
- for i in range(len(kws)):
- kw = kws.pop()
- masks.pop()
- if self.__compareKeywordWithRest(kw, kws, masks):
- result.append('#')
- else:
- result.append('o')
- if len(result) == 0:
- result.append('o')
- return ''.join(result)
- def __compareKeywordWithRest(self, keyword, keywords, masks):
- """Compare keywords with list of keywords."""
- kw = self.__cleanKeyword(keyword)
- for kwi, mask in zip(keywords, masks):
- kwi = self.__cleanKeyword(kwi)
- if kwi and not mask:
- kw = self.__checkShadow(kw, kwi)
- if not kw:
- return True
- return False
- def __checkShadow(self, old, new):
- """Check if package version is overshadowed by other package version."""
- tmp = set(new)
- tmp.update("~%s" % x for x in new
- if not x.startswith("~"))
- return list(set(old).difference(tmp))
- def __init__(self, masks, keywords, slots, ignore_slots = False):
- """Query all relevant data for redundancy package checking"""
- self.redundant = self.__listRedundant(masks, keywords, ignore_slots, slots)
- class VersionChecker:
- def __getVersions(self, packages):
- """Obtain properly aligned version strings without colors."""
- revlength = max([len(self.__getRevision(x)) for x, repo in packages])
- return [self.__separateVersion(x, repo, revlength) for x, repo in packages]
- def __getRevision(self, cpv):
- """Get revision informations for each package for nice further alignment"""
- rev = port.catpkgsplit(cpv)[3]
- return rev if rev != 'r0' else ''
- def __separateVersion(self, cpv, repo, revlength):
- return self.__modifyVersionInfo(cpv, repo, port.versions.cpv_getversion(cpv), revlength)
- def __modifyVersionInfo(self, cpv, repo, pv, revlength):
- """Prefix and suffix version with string based on whether version is installed or masked and its revision."""
- mask = self.__getMaskStatus(cpv)
- install = self.__getInstallStatus(cpv, repo)
- # calculate suffix length
- currevlen = len(self.__getRevision(cpv))
- suffixlen = revlength - currevlen
- # +1 required for the dash in revision
- if suffixlen != 0 and currevlen == 0:
- suffixlen = suffixlen + 1
- suffix = ''
- for x in range(suffixlen):
- suffix = '%s ' % suffix
- if mask and install:
- pv = '[M][I]%s%s' % (pv, suffix)
- elif mask:
- pv = '[M]%s%s' % (pv, suffix)
- elif install:
- pv = '[I]%s%s' % (pv, suffix)
- else:
- pv = '%s%s' % (pv, suffix)
- return pv
- def __getMaskStatus(self, cpv):
- """Figure out if package is pmasked."""
- try:
- if "package.mask" in port.getmaskingstatus(cpv, settings=self.mysettings):
- return True
- except:
- # occurs when package is not known by portdb
- # so we consider it unmasked
- pass
- return False
- def __getInstallStatus(self, cpv, repo):
- """Check if package version we test is installed."""
- return bool(self.vartree.match("=%s::%s" % (cpv, repo)))
- def __init__(self, packages):
- """Query all relevant data for version data formatting"""
- self.vartree = port.db[port.root]['vartree'].dbapi
- self.mysettings = port.config(local_config=False)
- self.versions = self.__getVersions(packages)
- self.masks = list(map(lambda x: self.__getMaskStatus(x), packages))
- @staticmethod
- def __packages_sort(package_content):
- """
- Sort packages queried based on version and slot
- %% pn , repo, slot, eapi, keywords
- """
- if len(package_content) > 1:
- ver_map = {}
- for cpv in package_content:
- ver_map[cpv[0]] = '-'.join(port.versions.catpkgsplit(cpv[0])[2:])
- def cmp_cpv(cpv1, cpv2):
- return port.versions.vercmp(ver_map[cpv1[0]], ver_map[cpv2[0]])
- package_content.sort(key=port.util.cmp_sort_key(cmp_cpv))
- def __xmatch(self, pdb, package):
- """xmatch function that searches for all packages over all repos"""
- try:
- mycp = port.dep_expand(package, mydb=pdb, settings=pdb.settings).cp
- except port.exception.AmbiguousPackageName as Arg:
- msg_err = 'Ambiguous package name "%s".\n' % package
- found = 'Possibilities: %s' % Arg
- raise SystemExit('%s%s' % (msg_err, found))
- except port.exception.InvalidAtom:
- msg_err = 'No such package "%s"' % package
- raise SystemExit(msg_err)
- mysplit = mycp.split('/')
- mypkgs = []
- for oroot in pdb.porttrees:
- try:
- file_list = os.listdir(os.path.join(oroot, mycp))
- except OSError:
- continue
- for x in file_list:
- pf = x[:-7] if x[-7:] == '.ebuild' else []
- if pf:
- ps = port.pkgsplit(pf)
- if not ps or ps[0] != mysplit[1]:
- # we got garbage or ebuild with wrong name in the dir
- continue
- ver_match = port.versions.ver_regexp.match("-".join(ps[1:]))
- if ver_match is None or not ver_match.groups():
- # version is not allowed by portage or unset
- continue
- # obtain related data from metadata and append to the pkg list
- keywords, slot, eapi = self.__getMetadata(pdb, mysplit[0]+'/'+pf, oroot)
- mypkgs.append([mysplit[0]+'/'+pf, oroot, slot, eapi, keywords])
- self.__packages_sort(mypkgs)
- return mypkgs
- def __checkExist(self, pdb, package):
- """Check if specified package even exists."""
- matches = self.__xmatch(pdb, package)
- if len(matches) <= 0:
- msg_err = 'No such package "%s"' % package
- raise SystemExit(msg_err)
- return list(zip(*matches))
- @staticmethod
- def __getMetadata(pdb, package, repo):
- """Obtain all required metadata from portage auxdb"""
- try:
- metadata = pdb.aux_get(package, ['KEYWORDS', 'SLOT', 'EAPI'], repo)
- except KeyError:
- # portage prints out more verbose error for us if we were lucky
- raise SystemExit('Failed to obtain metadata')
- return metadata
- def __formatKeywords(self, keywords, keywords_list, usebold = False, toplist = 'archlist'):
- """Loop over all keywords and replace them with nice visual identifier"""
- # the % is fancy separator, we use it to split keywords for rotation
- # so we wont loose the empty spaces
- return ['% %'.join([self.__prepareKeywordChar(arch, i, version.split(), usebold, toplist)
- for i, arch in enumerate(keywords_list)])
- for version in keywords]
- @staticmethod
- def __prepareKeywordChar(arch, field, keywords, usebold = False, toplist = 'archlist'):
- """
- Convert specified keywords for package into their visual replacements.
- # possibilities:
- # ~arch -> orange ~
- # -arch -> red -
- # arch -> green +
- # -* -> red *
- """
- keys = [ '~%s' % arch, '-%s' % arch, '%s' % arch, '-*' ]
- values = [
- colorize('darkyellow', '~'),
- colorize('darkred', '-'),
- colorize('darkgreen', '+'),
- colorize('darkred', '*')
- ]
- # check what keyword we have
- # here we cant just append space because it would get stripped later
- char = colorize('darkgray','o')
- for k, v in zip(keys, values):
- if k in keywords:
- char = v
- break
- if toplist == 'archlist' and usebold and (field)%2 == 0 and char != ' ':
- char = colorize('bold', char)
- return char
- @staticmethod
- def __formatVersions(versions, align, length):
- """Append colors and align keywords properly"""
- # % are used as separators for further split so we wont loose spaces and coloring
- tmp = []
- for pv in versions:
- pv = align_string(pv, align, length)
- pv = '%'.join(list(pv))
- if pv.find('[%M%][%I%]') != -1:
- tmp.append(colorize_string('darkyellow', pv))
- elif pv.find('[%M%]') != -1:
- tmp.append(colorize_string('darkred', pv))
- elif pv.find('[%I%]') != -1:
- tmp.append(colorize_string('bold', pv))
- else:
- tmp.append(pv)
- return tmp
- @staticmethod
- def __formatAdditional(additional, color, length):
- """Align additional items properly"""
- # % are used as separators for further split so we wont loose spaces and coloring
- tmp = []
- for x in additional:
- tmpc = color
- x = align_string(x, 'left', length)
- x = '%'.join(list(x))
- if x == 'o':
- # the value is unset so the color is gray
- tmpc = 'darkgray'
- x = colorize_string(tmpc, x)
- tmp.append(x)
- return tmp
- @staticmethod
- def __formatEapis(eapis, repos, repos_configs, length):
- """Align eapis items properly"""
- # % are used as separators for further split so we wont loose spaces and coloring
- tmp = []
- for eapi, repo in zip(eapis, repos):
- tmp_eapi = eapi
- eapi = align_string(eapi, 'left', length)
- eapi = '%'.join(list(eapi))
- if repos_configs[repo].eapi_is_banned(tmp_eapi):
- eapi = colorize_string('red', eapi)
- elif repos_configs[repo].eapi_is_deprecated(tmp_eapi):
- eapi = colorize_string('yellow', eapi)
- else:
- eapi = colorize_string('green', eapi)
- tmp.append(eapi)
- return tmp
- @staticmethod
- def __prepareContentResult(versions, keywords, eapi, redundant, slots, slot_length, repos, linesep):
- """Parse version fields into one list with proper separators"""
- content = []
- oldslot = ''
- fieldsep = '% %|% %'
- normsep = '% %'
- for v, k, e, r, s, t in zip(versions, keywords, eapi, redundant, slots, repos):
- if oldslot != s:
- oldslot = s
- content.append(linesep)
- else:
- s = '%'.join(list(''.rjust(slot_length)))
- content.append('%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s' % (v, fieldsep, k, fieldsep, e, normsep, r, normsep, s, fieldsep, t))
- return content
- def __init__(self, package, keywords_list, porttree, ignoreslots = False, content_align = 'bottom', usebold = False, toplist = 'archlist'):
- """Query all relevant data from portage databases."""
- packages, self.repositories, self.slots, self.eapi, self.keywords = self.__checkExist(porttree, package)
- # convert repositories from path to name
- self.repositories = [porttree.getRepositoryName(x) for x in self.repositories]
- self.slot_length = max([len(x) for x in self.slots])
- repositories_length = max([len(x) for x in self.repositories])
- self.keyword_length = len(keywords_list)
- vers =self.VersionChecker(list(zip(packages, self.repositories)))
- self.versions = vers.versions
- masks = vers.masks
- self.version_length = max([len(x) for x in self.versions])
- self.version_count = len(self.versions)
- self.redundant = self.RedundancyChecker(masks, self.keywords, self.slots, ignoreslots).redundant
- redundant_length = max([len(x) for x in self.redundant])
- ver = self.__formatVersions(self.versions, content_align, self.version_length)
- kws = self.__formatKeywords(self.keywords, keywords_list, usebold, toplist)
- repos_configs = porttree.repositories.prepos
- eap = self.__formatEapis(self.eapi, self.repositories, repos_configs, 1)
- red = self.__formatAdditional(self.redundant, 'purple', redundant_length)
- slt = self.__formatAdditional(self.slots, 'bold', self.slot_length)
- rep = self.__formatAdditional(self.repositories, 'yellow', repositories_length)
- # those + numbers are spaces in printout. keywords are multiplied also because of that
- linesep = '%s+%s+%s+%s' % (''.ljust(self.version_length+1, '-'),
- ''.ljust(self.keyword_length*2+1, '-'),
- ''.ljust(redundant_length+self.slot_length+1+4, '-'),
- ''.ljust(repositories_length+1, '-')
- )
- self.content = self.__prepareContentResult(ver, kws, eap, red, slt, self.slot_length, rep, linesep)
- self.content_length = len(linesep)
- self.cp = port.cpv_getkey(packages[0])
+ class RedundancyChecker:
+ def __listRedundant(self, masks, keywords, ignoreslots, slots):
+ """List all redundant packages."""
+ if ignoreslots:
+ return self.__listRedundantAll(masks, keywords)
+ else:
+ return self.__listRedundantSlots(masks, keywords, slots)
+ def __listRedundantSlots(self, masks, keywords, slots):
+ """Search for redundant packages walking per keywords for specified slot."""
+ output = list()
+ zipped = list(zip(masks, keywords, slots))
+ for slot in self.__uniq(slots):
+ ms = list()
+ ks = list()
+ for m, k, s in zipped:
+ if slot == s:
+ ms.append(m)
+ ks.append(k)
+ output.append(self.__compareSelected(ms, ks))
+ # this is required because the list itself is not just one level depth
+ return list("".join(output))
+ @staticmethod
+ def __uniq(seq):
+ """Remove all duplicate elements from list."""
+ seen = {}
+ result = []
+ for item in seq:
+ if item in seen:
+ continue
+ seen[item] = 1
+ result.append(item)
+ return result
+ @staticmethod
+ def __cleanKeyword(keyword):
+ """Remove masked arches and hardmasks from keywords since we don't care about that."""
+ return [
+ "%s" % x for x in keyword.split() if x != "-*" and not x.startswith("-")
+ ]
+ def __listRedundantAll(self, masks, keywords):
+ """Search for redundant packages using all versions ignoring its slotting."""
+ return list(self.__compareSelected(list(masks), list(keywords)))
+ def __compareSelected(self, masks, kws):
+ """
+ Rotate over list of keywords and compare each element with others.
+ Selectively remove each already compared list from the remaining keywords.
+ """
+ result = []
+ kws.reverse()
+ masks.reverse()
+ for i in range(len(kws)):
+ kw = kws.pop()
+ masks.pop()
+ if self.__compareKeywordWithRest(kw, kws, masks):
+ result.append("#")
+ else:
+ result.append("o")
+ if len(result) == 0:
+ result.append("o")
+ return "".join(result)
+ def __compareKeywordWithRest(self, keyword, keywords, masks):
+ """Compare keywords with list of keywords."""
+ kw = self.__cleanKeyword(keyword)
+ for kwi, mask in zip(keywords, masks):
+ kwi = self.__cleanKeyword(kwi)
+ if kwi and not mask:
+ kw = self.__checkShadow(kw, kwi)
+ if not kw:
+ return True
+ return False
+ def __checkShadow(self, old, new):
+ """Check if package version is overshadowed by other package version."""
+ tmp = set(new)
+ tmp.update("~%s" % x for x in new if not x.startswith("~"))
+ return list(set(old).difference(tmp))
+ def __init__(self, masks, keywords, slots, ignore_slots=False):
+ """Query all relevant data for redundancy package checking"""
+ self.redundant = self.__listRedundant(masks, keywords, ignore_slots, slots)
+ class VersionChecker:
+ def __getVersions(self, packages):
+ """Obtain properly aligned version strings without colors."""
+ revlength = max([len(self.__getRevision(x)) for x, repo in packages])
+ return [self.__separateVersion(x, repo, revlength) for x, repo in packages]
+ def __getRevision(self, cpv):
+ """Get revision information for each package for nice further alignment"""
+ rev = port.catpkgsplit(cpv)[3]
+ return rev if rev != "r0" else ""
+ def __separateVersion(self, cpv, repo, revlength):
+ return self.__modifyVersionInfo(
+ cpv, repo, port.versions.cpv_getversion(cpv), revlength
+ )
+ def __modifyVersionInfo(self, cpv, repo, pv, revlength):
+ """Prefix and suffix version with string based on whether version is installed or masked and its revision."""
+ mask = self.__getMaskStatus(cpv)
+ install = self.__getInstallStatus(cpv, repo)
+ # calculate suffix length
+ currevlen = len(self.__getRevision(cpv))
+ suffixlen = revlength - currevlen
+ # +1 required for the dash in revision
+ if suffixlen != 0 and currevlen == 0:
+ suffixlen = suffixlen + 1
+ suffix = ""
+ for x in range(suffixlen):
+ suffix = "%s " % suffix
+ if mask and install:
+ pv = f"[M][I]{pv}{suffix}"
+ elif mask:
+ pv = f"[M]{pv}{suffix}"
+ elif install:
+ pv = f"[I]{pv}{suffix}"
+ else:
+ pv = f"{pv}{suffix}"
+ return pv
+ def __getMaskStatus(self, cpv):
+ """Figure out if package is pmasked."""
+ try:
+ if "package.mask" in port.getmaskingstatus(
+ cpv, settings=self.mysettings
+ ):
+ return True
+ except:
+ # occurs when package is not known by portdb
+ # so we consider it unmasked
+ pass
+ return False
+ def __getInstallStatus(self, cpv, repo):
+ """Check if package version we test is installed."""
+ return bool(self.vartree.match(f"={cpv}::{repo}"))
+ def __init__(self, packages):
+ """Query all relevant data for version data formatting"""
+ self.vartree = port.db[port.root]["vartree"].dbapi
+ self.mysettings = port.config(local_config=False)
+ self.versions = self.__getVersions(packages)
+ self.masks = list(map(lambda x: self.__getMaskStatus(x), packages))
+ @staticmethod
+ def __packages_sort(package_content):
+ """
+ Sort packages queried based on version and slot
+ %% pn , repo, slot, eapi, keywords
+ """
+ if len(package_content) > 1:
+ ver_map = {}
+ for cpv in package_content:
+ ver_map[cpv[0]] = "-".join(port.versions.catpkgsplit(cpv[0])[2:])
+ def cmp_cpv(cpv1, cpv2):
+ return port.versions.vercmp(ver_map[cpv1[0]], ver_map[cpv2[0]])
+ package_content.sort(key=port.util.cmp_sort_key(cmp_cpv))
+ def __xmatch(self, pdb, package):
+ """xmatch function that searches for all packages over all repos"""
+ try:
+ mycp = port.dep_expand(package, mydb=pdb, settings=pdb.settings).cp
+ except port.exception.AmbiguousPackageName as Arg:
+ msg_err = 'Ambiguous package name "%s".\n' % package
+ found = "Possibilities: %s" % Arg
+ raise SystemExit(f"{msg_err}{found}")
+ except port.exception.InvalidAtom:
+ msg_err = 'No such package "%s"' % package
+ raise SystemExit(msg_err)
+ mysplit = mycp.split("/")
+ mypkgs = []
+ for oroot in pdb.porttrees:
+ try:
+ file_list = os.listdir(os.path.join(oroot, mycp))
+ except OSError:
+ continue
+ for x in file_list:
+ pf = x[:-7] if x[-7:] == ".ebuild" else []
+ if pf:
+ ps = port.pkgsplit(pf)
+ if not ps or ps[0] != mysplit[1]:
+ # we got garbage or ebuild with wrong name in the dir
+ continue
+ ver_match = port.versions.ver_regexp.match("-".join(ps[1:]))
+ if ver_match is None or not ver_match.groups():
+ # version is not allowed by portage or unset
+ continue
+ # obtain related data from metadata and append to the pkg list
+ keywords, slot, eapi = self.__getMetadata(
+ pdb, mysplit[0] + "/" + pf, oroot
+ )
+ mypkgs.append([mysplit[0] + "/" + pf, oroot, slot, eapi, keywords])
+ self.__packages_sort(mypkgs)
+ return mypkgs
+ def __checkExist(self, pdb, package):
+ """Check if specified package even exists."""
+ matches = self.__xmatch(pdb, package)
+ if len(matches) <= 0:
+ msg_err = 'No such package "%s"' % package
+ raise SystemExit(msg_err)
+ return list(zip(*matches))
+ @staticmethod
+ def __getMetadata(pdb, package, repo):
+ """Obtain all required metadata from portage auxdb"""
+ try:
+ metadata = pdb.aux_get(package, ["KEYWORDS", "SLOT", "EAPI"], repo)
+ except KeyError:
+ # portage prints out more verbose error for us if we were lucky
+ raise SystemExit("Failed to obtain metadata")
+ return metadata
+ def __formatKeywords(
+ self, keywords, keywords_list, usebold=False, toplist="archlist"
+ ):
+ """Loop over all keywords and replace them with nice visual identifier"""
+ # the % is fancy separator, we use it to split keywords for rotation
+ # so we wont loose the empty spaces
+ return [
+ "% %".join(
+ [
+ self.__prepareKeywordChar(
+ arch, i, version.split(), usebold, toplist
+ )
+ for i, arch in enumerate(keywords_list)
+ ]
+ )
+ for version in keywords
+ ]
+ @staticmethod
+ def __prepareKeywordChar(arch, field, keywords, usebold=False, toplist="archlist"):
+ """
+ Convert specified keywords for package into their visual replacements.
+ # possibilities:
+ # ~arch -> orange ~
+ # -arch -> red -
+ # arch -> green +
+ # -* -> red *
+ """
+ keys = ["~%s" % arch, "-%s" % arch, "%s" % arch, "-*"]
+ values = [
+ colorize("darkyellow", "~"),
+ colorize("darkred", "-"),
+ colorize("darkgreen", "+"),
+ colorize("darkred", "*"),
+ ]
+ # check what keyword we have
+ # here we cant just append space because it would get stripped later
+ char = colorize("darkgray", "o")
+ for k, v in zip(keys, values):
+ if k in keywords:
+ char = v
+ break
+ if toplist == "archlist" and usebold and (field) % 2 == 0 and char != " ":
+ char = colorize("bold", char)
+ return char
+ @staticmethod
+ def __formatVersions(versions, align, length):
+ """Append colors and align keywords properly"""
+ # % are used as separators for further split so we wont loose spaces and coloring
+ tmp = []
+ for pv in versions:
+ pv = align_string(pv, align, length)
+ pv = "%".join(list(pv))
+ if pv.find("[%M%][%I%]") != -1:
+ tmp.append(colorize_string("darkyellow", pv))
+ elif pv.find("[%M%]") != -1:
+ tmp.append(colorize_string("darkred", pv))
+ elif pv.find("[%I%]") != -1:
+ tmp.append(colorize_string("bold", pv))
+ else:
+ tmp.append(pv)
+ return tmp
+ @staticmethod
+ def __formatAdditional(additional, color, length):
+ """Align additional items properly"""
+ # % are used as separators for further split so we wont loose spaces and coloring
+ tmp = []
+ for x in additional:
+ tmpc = color
+ x = align_string(x, "left", length)
+ x = "%".join(list(x))
+ if x == "o":
+ # the value is unset so the color is gray
+ tmpc = "darkgray"
+ x = colorize_string(tmpc, x)
+ tmp.append(x)
+ return tmp
+ @staticmethod
+ def __formatEapis(eapis, repos, repos_configs, length):
+ """Align eapis items properly"""
+ # % are used as separators for further split so we wont loose spaces and coloring
+ tmp = []
+ for eapi, repo in zip(eapis, repos):
+ tmp_eapi = eapi
+ eapi = align_string(eapi, "left", length)
+ eapi = "%".join(list(eapi))
+ if repos_configs[repo].eapi_is_banned(tmp_eapi):
+ eapi = colorize_string("red", eapi)
+ elif repos_configs[repo].eapi_is_deprecated(tmp_eapi):
+ eapi = colorize_string("yellow", eapi)
+ else:
+ eapi = colorize_string("green", eapi)
+ tmp.append(eapi)
+ return tmp
+ @staticmethod
+ def __prepareContentResult(
+ versions, keywords, eapi, redundant, slots, slot_length, repos, linesep
+ ):
+ """Parse version fields into one list with proper separators"""
+ content = []
+ oldslot = ""
+ fieldsep = "% %|% %"
+ normsep = "% %"
+ for v, k, e, r, s, t in zip(versions, keywords, eapi, redundant, slots, repos):
+ if oldslot != s:
+ oldslot = s
+ content.append(linesep)
+ else:
+ s = "%".join(list("".rjust(slot_length)))
+ content.append(
+ "%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s"
+ % (v, fieldsep, k, fieldsep, e, normsep, r, normsep, s, fieldsep, t)
+ )
+ return content
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ package,
+ keywords_list,
+ porttree,
+ ignoreslots=False,
+ content_align="bottom",
+ usebold=False,
+ toplist="archlist",
+ ):
+ """Query all relevant data from portage databases."""
+ (
+ packages,
+ self.repositories,
+ self.slots,
+ self.eapi,
+ self.keywords,
+ ) = self.__checkExist(porttree, package)
+ # convert repositories from path to name
+ self.repositories = [porttree.getRepositoryName(x) for x in self.repositories]
+ self.slot_length = max([len(x) for x in self.slots])
+ repositories_length = max([len(x) for x in self.repositories])
+ self.keyword_length = len(keywords_list)
+ vers = self.VersionChecker(list(zip(packages, self.repositories)))
+ self.versions = vers.versions
+ masks = vers.masks
+ self.version_length = max([len(x) for x in self.versions])
+ self.version_count = len(self.versions)
+ self.redundant = self.RedundancyChecker(
+ masks, self.keywords, self.slots, ignoreslots
+ ).redundant
+ redundant_length = max([len(x) for x in self.redundant])
+ ver = self.__formatVersions(self.versions, content_align, self.version_length)
+ kws = self.__formatKeywords(self.keywords, keywords_list, usebold, toplist)
+ repos_configs = porttree.repositories.prepos
+ eap = self.__formatEapis(self.eapi, self.repositories, repos_configs, 1)
+ red = self.__formatAdditional(self.redundant, "purple", redundant_length)
+ slt = self.__formatAdditional(self.slots, "bold", self.slot_length)
+ rep = self.__formatAdditional(self.repositories, "yellow", repositories_length)
+ # those + numbers are spaces in printout. keywords are multiplied also because of that
+ linesep = "{}+{}+{}+{}".format(
+ "".ljust(self.version_length + 1, "-"),
+ "".ljust(self.keyword_length * 2 + 1, "-"),
+ "".ljust(redundant_length + self.slot_length + 1 + 4, "-"),
+ "".ljust(repositories_length + 1, "-"),
+ )
+ self.content = self.__prepareContentResult(
+ ver, kws, eap, red, slt, self.slot_length, rep, linesep
+ )
+ self.content_length = len(linesep)
+ self.cp = port.cpv_getkey(packages[0])
diff --git a/pym/gentoolkit/eshowkw/keywords_header.py b/pym/gentoolkit/eshowkw/keywords_header.py
index 00ecb27..cbbfc40 100644
--- a/pym/gentoolkit/eshowkw/keywords_header.py
+++ b/pym/gentoolkit/eshowkw/keywords_header.py
@@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
-# vim:fileencoding=utf-8
# Copyright 2001-2018 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-__all__ = ['keywords_header']
+__all__ = ["keywords_header"]
from portage import settings as ports
from gentoolkit.eshowkw.display_pretty import colorize_string
@@ -11,136 +10,143 @@ from gentoolkit.profile import load_profile_data
def gen_arch_list(status):
- _arch_status = load_profile_data()
- if status == "stable":
- return [arch for arch in _arch_status if _arch_status[arch][0] == "stable"]
- elif status == "dev":
- return [arch for arch in _arch_status if _arch_status[arch][0] == "dev"]
- elif status == "exp":
- return [arch for arch in _arch_status if _arch_status[arch][0] == "exp"]
- elif status == "arch":
- return [arch for arch in _arch_status if _arch_status[arch][1] == "arch"]
- elif status == "~arch":
- return [arch for arch in _arch_status if _arch_status[arch][1] == "~arch"]
- else:
- raise TypeError
+ _arch_status = load_profile_data()
+ if status == "stable":
+ return [arch for arch in _arch_status if _arch_status[arch][0] == "stable"]
+ elif status == "dev":
+ return [arch for arch in _arch_status if _arch_status[arch][0] == "dev"]
+ elif status == "exp":
+ return [arch for arch in _arch_status if _arch_status[arch][0] == "exp"]
+ elif status == "arch":
+ return [arch for arch in _arch_status if _arch_status[arch][1] == "arch"]
+ elif status == "~arch":
+ return [arch for arch in _arch_status if _arch_status[arch][1] == "~arch"]
+ else:
+ raise TypeError
class keywords_header:
- __IMPARCHS = gen_arch_list("stable")
- __DEV_ARCHS = gen_arch_list("dev")
- __EXP_ARCHS = gen_arch_list("exp")
- __TESTING_KW_ARCHS = gen_arch_list("~arch")
- __ADDITIONAL_FIELDS = [ 'eapi', 'unused', 'slot' ]
- __EXTRA_FIELDS = [ 'repo' ]
- @staticmethod
- def __readKeywords():
- """Read all available keywords from portage."""
- return [x for x in ports.archlist()
- if not x.startswith('~')]
- @staticmethod
- def __isPrefix(k):
- spl = k.split('-')
- # *-fbsd are not prefix
- return len(spl) > 1 and spl[1] != 'fbsd'
- def __sortKeywords(self, keywords, prefix = False, required_keywords = []):
- """Sort keywords: order by status (IMP, then DEV, then EXP, then
- prefix), then by name."""
- # user specified only some keywords to display
- if len(required_keywords) != 0:
- tmpkeywords = [k for k in keywords
- if k in required_keywords]
- # idiots might specify non-existant archs
- if len(tmpkeywords) != 0:
- keywords = tmpkeywords
- normal = [k for k in keywords if not self.__isPrefix(k)]
- if prefix:
- longer = [k for k in keywords if self.__isPrefix(k)]
- normal.extend(longer)
- lists = (self.__IMPARCHS + self.__DEV_ARCHS), self.__EXP_ARCHS
- levels = {}
- for kw in normal:
- for level, ls in enumerate(lists):
- if kw in ls:
- levels[kw] = level
- break
- # sort by, in order (to match Bugzilla):
- # 1. non-prefix, then prefix (stable output between -P and not)
- # 2. arch, then ~arch
- # 3. profile stability
- # 4. short keywords, then long (prefix, fbsd)
- # 5. keyword name in reverse component order
- normal.sort(key=lambda kw: (self.__isPrefix(kw),
- kw in self.__TESTING_KW_ARCHS,
- levels.get(kw, 99),
- kw.count('-'),
- list(reversed(kw.split('-')))))
- return normal
- def __readAdditionalFields(self):
- """Prepare list of aditional fileds displayed by eshowkw (2nd part)"""
- return self.__ADDITIONAL_FIELDS
- def __readExtraFields(self):
- """Prepare list of extra fileds displayed by eshowkw (3rd part)"""
- return self.__EXTRA_FIELDS
- def __formatKeywords(self, keywords, align, length):
- """Append colors and align keywords properly"""
- tmp = []
- for keyword in keywords:
- tmp2 = keyword
- keyword = align_string(keyword, align, length)
- # % are used as separators for further split so we wont loose spaces and coloring
- keyword = '%'.join(list(keyword))
- if tmp2 in self.__IMPARCHS:
- tmp.append(colorize_string('darkyellow', keyword))
- elif tmp2 in self.__EXP_ARCHS:
- tmp.append(colorize_string('darkgray', keyword))
- else:
- tmp.append(keyword)
- return tmp
- @staticmethod
- def __formatAdditional(additional, align, length):
- """Align additional items properly"""
- # % are used as separators for further split so we wont loose spaces and coloring
- return ['%'.join(align_string(x, align, length)) for x in additional]
- def __prepareExtra(self, extra, align, length):
- content = []
- content.append(''.ljust(length, '-'))
- content.extend(self.__formatAdditional(extra, align, length))
- return content
- def __prepareResult(self, keywords, additional, align, length):
- """Parse keywords and additional fields into one list with proper separators"""
- content = []
- content.append(''.ljust(length, '-'))
- content.extend(self.__formatKeywords(keywords, align, length))
- content.append(''.ljust(length, '-'))
- content.extend(self.__formatAdditional(additional, align, length))
- return content
- def __init__(self, prefix = False, required_keywords = [], keywords_align = 'bottom'):
- """Initialize keywords header."""
- additional = self.__readAdditionalFields()
- extra = self.__readExtraFields()
- self.keywords = self.__sortKeywords(self.__readKeywords(), prefix, required_keywords)
- self.length = max(
- max([len(x) for x in self.keywords]),
- max([len(x) for x in additional]),
- max([len(x) for x in extra])
- )
- #len(max([max(self.keywords, key=len), max(additional, key=len)], key=len))
- self.keywords_count = len(self.keywords)
- self.additional_count = len(additional)
- self.extra_count = len(extra)
- self.content = self.__prepareResult(self.keywords, additional, keywords_align, self.length)
- self.extra = self.__prepareExtra(extra, keywords_align, self.length)
+ __IMPARCHS = gen_arch_list("stable")
+ __DEV_ARCHS = gen_arch_list("dev")
+ __EXP_ARCHS = gen_arch_list("exp")
+ __TESTING_KW_ARCHS = gen_arch_list("~arch")
+ __ADDITIONAL_FIELDS = ["eapi", "unused", "slot"]
+ __EXTRA_FIELDS = ["repo"]
+ @staticmethod
+ def __readKeywords():
+ """Read all available keywords from portage."""
+ return [x for x in ports.archlist() if not x.startswith("~")]
+ @staticmethod
+ def __isPrefix(k):
+ spl = k.split("-")
+ # *-fbsd are not prefix
+ return len(spl) > 1 and spl[1] != "fbsd"
+ def __sortKeywords(self, keywords, prefix=False, required_keywords=[]):
+ """Sort keywords: order by status (IMP, then DEV, then EXP, then
+ prefix), then by name."""
+ # user specified only some keywords to display
+ if len(required_keywords) != 0:
+ tmpkeywords = [k for k in keywords if k in required_keywords]
+ # idiots might specify non-existant archs
+ if len(tmpkeywords) != 0:
+ keywords = tmpkeywords
+ normal = [k for k in keywords if not self.__isPrefix(k)]
+ if prefix:
+ longer = [k for k in keywords if self.__isPrefix(k)]
+ normal.extend(longer)
+ lists = (self.__IMPARCHS + self.__DEV_ARCHS), self.__EXP_ARCHS
+ levels = {}
+ for kw in normal:
+ for level, ls in enumerate(lists):
+ if kw in ls:
+ levels[kw] = level
+ break
+ # sort by, in order (to match Bugzilla):
+ # 1. non-prefix, then prefix (stable output between -P and not)
+ # 2. arch, then ~arch
+ # 3. profile stability
+ # 4. short keywords, then long (prefix, fbsd)
+ # 5. keyword name in reverse component order
+ normal.sort(
+ key=lambda kw: (
+ self.__isPrefix(kw),
+ kw in self.__TESTING_KW_ARCHS,
+ levels.get(kw, 99),
+ kw.count("-"),
+ list(reversed(kw.split("-"))),
+ )
+ )
+ return normal
+ def __readAdditionalFields(self):
+ """Prepare list of aditional fileds displayed by eshowkw (2nd part)"""
+ return self.__ADDITIONAL_FIELDS
+ def __readExtraFields(self):
+ """Prepare list of extra fileds displayed by eshowkw (3rd part)"""
+ return self.__EXTRA_FIELDS
+ def __formatKeywords(self, keywords, align, length):
+ """Append colors and align keywords properly"""
+ tmp = []
+ for keyword in keywords:
+ tmp2 = keyword
+ keyword = align_string(keyword, align, length)
+ # % are used as separators for further split so we wont loose spaces and coloring
+ keyword = "%".join(list(keyword))
+ if tmp2 in self.__IMPARCHS:
+ tmp.append(colorize_string("darkyellow", keyword))
+ elif tmp2 in self.__EXP_ARCHS:
+ tmp.append(colorize_string("darkgray", keyword))
+ else:
+ tmp.append(keyword)
+ return tmp
+ @staticmethod
+ def __formatAdditional(additional, align, length):
+ """Align additional items properly"""
+ # % are used as separators for further split so we wont loose spaces and coloring
+ return ["%".join(align_string(x, align, length)) for x in additional]
+ def __prepareExtra(self, extra, align, length):
+ content = []
+ content.append("".ljust(length, "-"))
+ content.extend(self.__formatAdditional(extra, align, length))
+ return content
+ def __prepareResult(self, keywords, additional, align, length):
+ """Parse keywords and additional fields into one list with proper separators"""
+ content = []
+ content.append("".ljust(length, "-"))
+ content.extend(self.__formatKeywords(keywords, align, length))
+ content.append("".ljust(length, "-"))
+ content.extend(self.__formatAdditional(additional, align, length))
+ return content
+ def __init__(self, prefix=False, required_keywords=[], keywords_align="bottom"):
+ """Initialize keywords header."""
+ additional = self.__readAdditionalFields()
+ extra = self.__readExtraFields()
+ self.keywords = self.__sortKeywords(
+ self.__readKeywords(), prefix, required_keywords
+ )
+ self.length = max(
+ max([len(x) for x in self.keywords]),
+ max([len(x) for x in additional]),
+ max([len(x) for x in extra]),
+ )
+ # len(max([max(self.keywords, key=len), max(additional, key=len)], key=len))
+ self.keywords_count = len(self.keywords)
+ self.additional_count = len(additional)
+ self.extra_count = len(extra)
+ self.content = self.__prepareResult(
+ self.keywords, additional, keywords_align, self.length
+ )
+ self.extra = self.__prepareExtra(extra, keywords_align, self.length)
diff --git a/pym/gentoolkit/eshowkw/meson.build b/pym/gentoolkit/eshowkw/meson.build
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b7a838e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pym/gentoolkit/eshowkw/meson.build
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+__init__py = configure_file(
+ input : '__init__.py',
+ output : '__init__.py',
+ configuration : conf_data
+ [
+ __init__py,
+ 'display_pretty.py',
+ 'keywords_content.py',
+ 'keywords_header.py'
+ ],
+ subdir : 'gentoolkit/eshowkw'
diff --git a/pym/gentoolkit/flag.py b/pym/gentoolkit/flag.py
index 42e8196..f2bed6f 100644
--- a/pym/gentoolkit/flag.py
+++ b/pym/gentoolkit/flag.py
@@ -9,14 +9,14 @@
__all__ = (
- 'get_iuse',
- 'get_installed_use',
- 'reduce_flag',
- 'reduce_flags',
- 'defaulted_flags',
- 'filter_flags',
- 'get_all_cpv_use',
- 'get_flags'
+ "get_iuse",
+ "get_installed_use",
+ "reduce_flag",
+ "reduce_flags",
+ "defaulted_flags",
+ "filter_flags",
+ "get_all_cpv_use",
+ "get_flags",
@@ -24,156 +24,180 @@ import portage
def get_iuse(cpv):
- """Gets the current IUSE flags from the tree
- To be used when a gentoolkit package object is not needed
- @type: cpv: string
- @param cpv: cat/pkg-ver
- @rtype list
- @returns [] or the list of IUSE flags
- """
- try:
- # aux_get might return dupes, so run them through set() to remove them
- iuse = set(portage.db[portage.root]["porttree"].dbapi.aux_get(cpv, ["IUSE"])[0].split())
- # there could still be dupes due to IUSE defaults
- iuse = [x for x in iuse if '+'+x not in iuse and '-'+x not in iuse]
- return list(iuse)
- except:
- return []
+ """Gets the current IUSE flags from the tree
+ To be used when a gentoolkit package object is not needed
+ @type: cpv: string
+ @param cpv: cat/pkg-ver
+ @rtype list
+ @returns [] or the list of IUSE flags
+ """
+ try:
+ # aux_get might return dupes, so run them through set() to remove them
+ iuse = set(
+ portage.db[portage.root]["porttree"].dbapi.aux_get(cpv, ["IUSE"])[0].split()
+ )
+ # there could still be dupes due to IUSE defaults
+ iuse = [x for x in iuse if "+" + x not in iuse and "-" + x not in iuse]
+ return list(iuse)
+ except:
+ return []
def get_installed_use(cpv, use="USE"):
- """Gets the installed USE flags from the VARDB
+ """Gets the installed USE flags from the VARDB
- To be used when a gentoolkit package object is not needed
- @type: cpv: string
- @param cpv: cat/pkg-ver
- @type use: string
- @param use: 1 of ["USE", "PKGUSE"]
- @rtype list
- @returns [] or the list of IUSE flags
- """
- return portage.db[portage.root]["vartree"].dbapi.aux_get(cpv,[use])[0].split()
+ To be used when a gentoolkit package object is not needed
+ @type: cpv: string
+ @param cpv: cat/pkg-ver
+ @type use: string
+ @param use: 1 of ["USE", "PKGUSE"]
+ @rtype list
+ @returns [] or the list of IUSE flags
+ """
+ return portage.db[portage.root]["vartree"].dbapi.aux_get(cpv, [use])[0].split()
def reduce_flag(flag):
- """Absolute value function for a USE flag
+ """Absolute value function for a USE flag
- @type flag: string
- @param flag: the use flag to absolute.
- @rtype: string
- @return absolute USE flag
- """
- if flag[0] in ["+","-"]:
- return flag[1:]
- else:
- return flag
+ @type flag: string
+ @param flag: the use flag to absolute.
+ @rtype: string
+ @return absolute USE flag
+ """
+ if flag[0] in ["+", "-"]:
+ return flag[1:]
+ else:
+ return flag
def reduce_flags(the_list):
- """Absolute value function for a USE flag list
+ """Absolute value function for a USE flag list
- @type the_list: list
- @param the_list: the use flags to absolute.
- @rtype: list
- @return absolute USE flags
- """
- r=[]
- for member in the_list:
- r.append(reduce_flag(member))
- return r
+ @type the_list: list
+ @param the_list: the use flags to absolute.
+ @rtype: list
+ @return absolute USE flags
+ """
+ r = []
+ for member in the_list:
+ r.append(reduce_flag(member))
+ return r
def defaulted_flags(the_list):
- """Absolute value function for a USE flag list
+ """Absolute value function for a USE flag list
- @type the_list: list
- @param the_list: the use flags to get defaulted ones from.
- @rtype: dict of lists
- @return defaulted USE flags {'+': [...], '-': [...]}
- """
- r={"+":[], "-": []}
- for member in the_list:
- if member[0] in ["+","-"]:
- r[member[0]].append(member[1:])
- return r
+ @type the_list: list
+ @param the_list: the use flags to get defaulted ones from.
+ @rtype: dict of lists
+ @return defaulted USE flags {'+': [...], '-': [...]}
+ """
+ r = {"+": [], "-": []}
+ for member in the_list:
+ if member[0] in ["+", "-"]:
+ r[member[0]].append(member[1:])
+ return r
def filter_flags(use, use_expand_hidden, usemasked, useforced):
- """Filter function to remove hidden or otherwise not normally
- visible USE flags from a list.
- @type use: list
- @param use: the USE flag list to be filtered.
- @type use_expand_hidden: list
- @param use_expand_hidden: list of flags hidden.
- @type usemasked: list
- @param usemasked: list of masked USE flags.
- @type useforced: list
- @param useforced: the forced USE flags.
- @rtype: list
- @return the filtered USE flags.
- """
- # clean out some environment flags, since they will most probably
- # be confusing for the user
- use = dict((reduce_flag(flag), flag) for flag in use)
- for f in use_expand_hidden:
- f=f.lower() + "_"
- for x in list(use):
- if x.startswith(f):
- del use[x]
- # clean out any arch's
- archlist = portage.settings["PORTAGE_ARCHLIST"].split()
- for a in archlist:
- use.pop(a, None)
- # dbl check if any from usemasked or useforced are still there
- masked = usemasked + useforced
- for a in masked:
- use.pop(a, None)
- return list(use.values())
+ """Filter function to remove hidden or otherwise not normally
+ visible USE flags from a list.
+ @type use: list
+ @param use: the USE flag list to be filtered.
+ @type use_expand_hidden: list
+ @param use_expand_hidden: list of flags hidden.
+ @type usemasked: list
+ @param usemasked: list of masked USE flags.
+ @type useforced: list
+ @param useforced: the forced USE flags.
+ @rtype: list
+ @return the filtered USE flags.
+ """
+ # clean out some environment flags, since they will most probably
+ # be confusing for the user
+ use = {reduce_flag(flag): flag for flag in use}
+ for f in use_expand_hidden:
+ f = f.lower() + "_"
+ for x in list(use):
+ if x.startswith(f):
+ del use[x]
+ # clean out any arch's
+ archlist = portage.settings["PORTAGE_ARCHLIST"].split()
+ for a in archlist:
+ use.pop(a, None)
+ # dbl check if any from usemasked or useforced are still there
+ masked = usemasked + useforced
+ for a in masked:
+ use.pop(a, None)
+ return list(use.values())
def get_all_cpv_use(cpv):
- """Uses portage to determine final USE flags and settings for an emerge
- @type cpv: string
- @param cpv: eg cat/pkg-ver
- @rtype: lists
- @return use, use_expand_hidden, usemask, useforce
- """
- use = None
- portage.db[portage.root]["porttree"].dbapi.settings.unlock()
- try:
- portage.db[portage.root]["porttree"].dbapi.settings.setcpv(cpv, mydb=portage.portdb)
- use = portage.settings['PORTAGE_USE'].split()
- use_expand_hidden = portage.settings["USE_EXPAND_HIDDEN"].split()
- usemask = list(portage.db[portage.root]["porttree"].dbapi.settings.usemask)
- useforce = list(portage.db[portage.root]["porttree"].dbapi.settings.useforce)
- except KeyError:
- portage.db[portage.root]["porttree"].dbapi.settings.reset()
- portage.db[portage.root]["porttree"].dbapi.settings.lock()
- return [], [], [], []
- # reset cpv filter
- portage.db[portage.root]["porttree"].dbapi.settings.reset()
- portage.db[portage.root]["porttree"].dbapi.settings.lock()
- return use, use_expand_hidden, usemask, useforce
-def get_flags(cpv, final_setting=False):
- """Retrieves all information needed to filter out hidded, masked, etc.
- USE flags for a given package.
- @type cpv: string
- @param cpv: eg. cat/pkg-ver
- @type final_setting: boolean
- @param final_setting: used to also determine the final
- enviroment USE flag settings and return them as well.
- @rtype: list or list, list
- @return IUSE or IUSE, final_flags
- """
- final_use, use_expand_hidden, usemasked, useforced = get_all_cpv_use(cpv)
- iuse_flags = filter_flags(get_iuse(cpv), use_expand_hidden, usemasked, useforced)
- if final_setting:
- final_flags = filter_flags(final_use, use_expand_hidden, usemasked, useforced)
- return iuse_flags, final_flags
- return iuse_flags
+ """Uses portage to determine final USE flags and settings for an emerge
+ @type cpv: string
+ @param cpv: eg cat/pkg-ver
+ @rtype: lists
+ @return use, use_expand_hidden, usemask, useforce
+ """
+ use = None
+ portage.db[portage.root]["porttree"].dbapi.settings.unlock()
+ try:
+ portage.db[portage.root]["porttree"].dbapi.settings.setcpv(
+ cpv, mydb=portage.portdb
+ )
+ use = portage.settings["PORTAGE_USE"].split()
+ use_expand_hidden = portage.settings["USE_EXPAND_HIDDEN"].split()
+ usemask = list(portage.db[portage.root]["porttree"].dbapi.settings.usemask)
+ useforce = list(portage.db[portage.root]["porttree"].dbapi.settings.useforce)
+ except KeyError:
+ portage.db[portage.root]["porttree"].dbapi.settings.reset()
+ portage.db[portage.root]["porttree"].dbapi.settings.lock()
+ return [], [], [], []
+ # reset cpv filter
+ portage.db[portage.root]["porttree"].dbapi.settings.reset()
+ portage.db[portage.root]["porttree"].dbapi.settings.lock()
+ return use, use_expand_hidden, usemask, useforce
+def get_flags(cpv, final_setting=False, include_forced_masked=False):
+ """Retrieves all information needed to filter out hidded, masked, etc.
+ USE flags for a given package.
+ @type cpv: string
+ @param cpv: eg. cat/pkg-ver
+ @type final_setting: boolean
+ @param final_setting: used to also determine the final
+ enviroment USE flag settings and return them as well.
+ @type include_forced_masked: boolean
+ @param include_forced_masked: used to toggle the inclusion of forced and
+ masked USE flags in the returned result.
+ @rtype: list
+ or list, list
+ or list, list, list
+ or list, list, list, list
+ @return IUSE
+ or IUSE, final_flags
+ or IUSE, useforced, usemasked
+ or IUSE, final_flags, useforced, usemasked
+ """
+ final_use, use_expand_hidden, usemasked, useforced = get_all_cpv_use(cpv)
+ if include_forced_masked:
+ iuse_flags = filter_flags(get_iuse(cpv), use_expand_hidden, [], [])
+ if final_setting:
+ final_flags = filter_flags(final_use, use_expand_hidden, [], [])
+ return iuse_flags, final_flags, useforced, usemasked
+ return iuse_flags, useforced, usemasked
+ else:
+ iuse_flags = filter_flags(
+ get_iuse(cpv), use_expand_hidden, usemasked, useforced
+ )
+ if final_setting:
+ final_flags = filter_flags(
+ final_use, use_expand_hidden, usemasked, useforced
+ )
+ return iuse_flags, final_flags
+ return iuse_flags
diff --git a/pym/gentoolkit/formatters.py b/pym/gentoolkit/formatters.py
index 097c186..af8271d 100644
--- a/pym/gentoolkit/formatters.py
+++ b/pym/gentoolkit/formatters.py
@@ -13,123 +13,118 @@ import gentoolkit.pprinter as pp
def format_options(options):
- """Format module options.
- @type options: list
- @param options: [('option 1', 'description 1'), ('option 2', 'des... )]
- @rtype: str
- @return: formatted options string
- """
- result = []
- twrap = TextWrapper(width=gentoolkit.CONFIG['termWidth'])
- opts = (x[0] for x in options)
- descs = (x[1] for x in options)
- for opt, desc in zip(opts, descs):
- twrap.initial_indent = pp.emph(opt.ljust(25))
- twrap.subsequent_indent = " " * 25
- result.append(twrap.fill(desc))
- return '\n'.join(result)
-def format_filetype(path, fdesc, show_type=False, show_md5=False,
- show_timestamp=False):
- """Format a path for printing.
- @type path: str
- @param path: the path
- @type fdesc: list
- @param fdesc: [file_type, timestamp, MD5 sum/symlink target]
- file_type is one of dev, dir, obj, sym.
- If file_type is dir, there is no timestamp or MD5 sum.
- If file_type is sym, fdesc[2] is the target of the symlink.
- @type show_type: bool
- @param show_type: if True, prepend the file's type to the formatted string
- @type show_md5: bool
- @param show_md5: if True, append MD5 sum to the formatted string
- @type show_timestamp: bool
- @param show_timestamp: if True, append time-of-creation after pathname
- @rtype: str
- @return: formatted pathname with optional added information
- """
- ftype = fpath = stamp = md5sum = ""
- if fdesc[0] == "obj":
- ftype = "file"
- fpath = path
- stamp = format_timestamp(fdesc[1])
- md5sum = fdesc[2]
- elif fdesc[0] == "dir":
- ftype = "dir"
- fpath = pp.path(path)
- elif fdesc[0] == "sym":
- ftype = "sym"
- stamp = format_timestamp(fdesc[1])
- tgt = fdesc[2].split()[0]
- if gentoolkit.CONFIG["piping"]:
- fpath = path
- else:
- fpath = pp.path_symlink(path + " -> " + tgt)
- elif fdesc[0] == "dev":
- ftype = "dev"
- fpath = path
- else:
- sys.stderr.write(
- pp.error("%s has unknown type: %s" % (path, fdesc[0]))
- )
- result = ""
- if show_type:
- result += "%4s " % ftype
- result += fpath
- if show_timestamp:
- result += " " + stamp
- if show_md5:
- result += " " + md5sum
- return result
+ """Format module options.
+ @type options: list
+ @param options: [('option 1', 'description 1'), ('option 2', 'des... )]
+ @rtype: str
+ @return: formatted options string
+ """
+ result = []
+ twrap = TextWrapper(width=gentoolkit.CONFIG["termWidth"])
+ opts = (x[0] for x in options)
+ descs = (x[1] for x in options)
+ for opt, desc in zip(opts, descs):
+ twrap.initial_indent = pp.emph(opt.ljust(25))
+ twrap.subsequent_indent = " " * 25
+ result.append(twrap.fill(desc))
+ return "\n".join(result)
+def format_filetype(path, fdesc, show_type=False, show_md5=False, show_timestamp=False):
+ """Format a path for printing.
+ @type path: str
+ @param path: the path
+ @type fdesc: list
+ @param fdesc: [file_type, timestamp, MD5 sum/symlink target]
+ file_type is one of dev, dir, obj, sym.
+ If file_type is dir, there is no timestamp or MD5 sum.
+ If file_type is sym, fdesc[2] is the target of the symlink.
+ @type show_type: bool
+ @param show_type: if True, prepend the file's type to the formatted string
+ @type show_md5: bool
+ @param show_md5: if True, append MD5 sum to the formatted string
+ @type show_timestamp: bool
+ @param show_timestamp: if True, append time-of-creation after pathname
+ @rtype: str
+ @return: formatted pathname with optional added information
+ """
+ ftype = fpath = stamp = md5sum = ""
+ if fdesc[0] == "obj":
+ ftype = "file"
+ fpath = path
+ stamp = format_timestamp(fdesc[1])
+ md5sum = fdesc[2]
+ elif fdesc[0] == "dir":
+ ftype = "dir"
+ fpath = pp.path(path)
+ elif fdesc[0] == "sym":
+ ftype = "sym"
+ stamp = format_timestamp(fdesc[1])
+ tgt = fdesc[2].split()[0]
+ if gentoolkit.CONFIG["piping"]:
+ fpath = path
+ else:
+ fpath = pp.path_symlink(path + " -> " + tgt)
+ elif fdesc[0] == "dev":
+ ftype = "dev"
+ fpath = path
+ else:
+ sys.stderr.write(pp.error(f"{path} has unknown type: {fdesc[0]}"))
+ result = ""
+ if show_type:
+ result += "%4s " % ftype
+ result += fpath
+ if show_timestamp:
+ result += " " + stamp
+ if show_md5:
+ result += " " + md5sum
+ return result
def format_timestamp(timestamp):
- """Format a timestamp into, e.g., '2009-01-31 21:19:44' format"""
- return time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(int(timestamp)))
+ """Format a timestamp into, e.g., '2009-01-31 21:19:44' format"""
-class CpvValueWrapper:
- """Format a cpv and linewrap pre-formatted values"""
- def __init__(self, cpv_width=None, width=None):
- self.cpv_width = cpv_width
- if width is None:
- width = gentoolkit.CONFIG['termWidth']
- self.twrap = TextWrapper(width=width)
- #self.init_indent = len(self.spacer)
- def _format_values(self, key, values):
- """Format entry values ie. USE flags, keywords,...
- @type key: str
- @param key: a pre-formatted cpv
- @type values: list of pre-formatted strings
- @param values: ['flag1', 'flag2',...]
- @rtype: str
- @return: formatted options string
- """
- result = []
- if self.cpv_width > 1:
- _cpv = pp.cpv(key+'.'*(self.cpv_width-len(key)))
- if not len(values):
- return _cpv
- self.twrap.initial_indent = _cpv
- self.twrap.subsequent_indent = " " * (self.cpv_width+1)
- else:
- _cpv = pp.cpv(key+' ')
- if not len(values):
- return _cpv
- self.twrap.initial_indent = _cpv
- self.twrap.subsequent_indent = " " * (len(key)+1)
- result.append(self.twrap.fill(values))
- return '\n'.join(result)
+ return time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(int(timestamp)))
+class CpvValueWrapper:
+ """Format a cpv and linewrap pre-formatted values"""
+ def __init__(self, cpv_width=None, width=None):
+ self.cpv_width = cpv_width
+ if width is None:
+ width = gentoolkit.CONFIG["termWidth"]
+ self.twrap = TextWrapper(width=width)
+ # self.init_indent = len(self.spacer)
+ def _format_values(self, key, values):
+ """Format entry values ie. USE flags, keywords,...
+ @type key: str
+ @param key: a pre-formatted cpv
+ @type values: list of pre-formatted strings
+ @param values: ['flag1', 'flag2',...]
+ @rtype: str
+ @return: formatted options string
+ """
+ result = []
+ if self.cpv_width > 1:
+ _cpv = pp.cpv(key + "." * (self.cpv_width - len(key)))
+ if not len(values):
+ return _cpv
+ self.twrap.initial_indent = _cpv
+ self.twrap.subsequent_indent = " " * (self.cpv_width + 1)
+ else:
+ _cpv = pp.cpv(key + " ")
+ if not len(values):
+ return _cpv
+ self.twrap.initial_indent = _cpv
+ self.twrap.subsequent_indent = " " * (len(key) + 1)
+ result.append(self.twrap.fill(values))
+ return "\n".join(result)
diff --git a/pym/gentoolkit/helpers.py b/pym/gentoolkit/helpers.py
index e7185c3..c883ad3 100644
--- a/pym/gentoolkit/helpers.py
+++ b/pym/gentoolkit/helpers.py
@@ -9,15 +9,14 @@
__all__ = (
- 'ChangeLog',
- 'FileOwner',
- 'get_cpvs',
- 'get_installed_cpvs',
- 'get_uninstalled_cpvs',
- 'get_bintree_cpvs',
- 'uniqify',
+ "FileOwner",
+ "get_cpvs",
+ "get_installed_cpvs",
+ "get_uninstalled_cpvs",
+ "get_bintree_cpvs",
+ "uniqify",
-__docformat__ = 'epytext'
+__docformat__ = "epytext"
# =======
# Imports
@@ -33,455 +32,296 @@ from portage import _encodings, _unicode_encode
from gentoolkit import pprinter as pp
from gentoolkit import errors
-from gentoolkit.atom import Atom
-from gentoolkit.cpv import CPV
-from gentoolkit.versionmatch import VersionMatch
# This has to be imported below to stop circular import.
-#from gentoolkit.package import Package
+# from gentoolkit.package import Package
# =======
# Classes
# =======
-class ChangeLog:
- """Provides methods for working with a Gentoo ChangeLog file.
- Example usage:
- >>> from gentoolkit.helpers import ChangeLog
- >>> portage = ChangeLog('/usr/portage/sys-apps/portage/ChangeLog')
- >>> print(portage.latest.strip())
- *portage-2.2.0_alpha142 (26 Oct 2012)
- 26 Oct 2012; Zac Medico <zmedico@gentoo.org> +portage-2.2.0_alpha142.ebuild:
- 2.2.0_alpha142 version bump. This includes all of the fixes in Bug
- #210077 tracks all bugs fixed since portage-2.1.x.
- >>> len(portage.full)
- 270
- >>> len(portage.entries_matching_range(
- ... from_ver='',
- ... to_ver='9999'))
- 140
- """
- def __init__(self, changelog_path, invalid_entry_is_fatal=False):
- if not (os.path.isfile(changelog_path) and
- os.access(changelog_path, os.R_OK)):
- raise errors.GentoolkitFatalError(
- "%s does not exist or is unreadable" % pp.path(changelog_path)
- )
- self.changelog_path = changelog_path
- self.invalid_entry_is_fatal = invalid_entry_is_fatal
- # Process the ChangeLog:
- self.entries = self._split_changelog()
- self.indexed_entries = self._index_changelog()
- self.full = self.entries
- self.latest = self.entries[0]
- def __repr__(self):
- return "<%s %r>" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.changelog_path)
- def entries_matching_atom(self, atom):
- """Return entries whose header versions match atom's version.
- @type atom: L{gentoolkit.atom.Atom} or str
- @param atom: a atom to find matching entries against
- @rtype: list
- @return: entries matching atom
- @raise errors.GentoolkitInvalidAtom: if atom is a string and malformed
- """
- result = []
- if not isinstance(atom, Atom):
- atom = Atom(atom)
- for entry_set in self.indexed_entries:
- i, entry = entry_set
- # VersionMatch doesn't store .cp, so we'll force it to match here:
- i.cp = atom.cp
- if atom.intersects(i):
- result.append(entry)
- return result
- def entries_matching_range(self, from_ver=None, to_ver=None):
- """Return entries whose header versions are within a range of versions.
- @type from_ver: str
- @param from_ver: valid Gentoo version
- @type to_ver: str
- @param to_ver: valid Gentoo version
- @rtype: list
- @return: entries between from_ver and to_ver
- @raise errors.GentoolkitFatalError: if neither vers are set
- @raise errors.GentoolkitInvalidVersion: if either ver is invalid
- """
- result = []
- # Make sure we have at least one version set
- if not (from_ver or to_ver):
- raise errors.GentoolkitFatalError(
- "Need to specifiy 'from_ver' or 'to_ver'"
- )
- # Create a VersionMatch instance out of from_ver
- from_restriction = None
- if from_ver:
- try:
- from_ver_rev = CPV("null-%s" % from_ver)
- except errors.GentoolkitInvalidCPV:
- raise errors.GentoolkitInvalidVersion(from_ver)
- from_restriction = VersionMatch(from_ver_rev, op='>=')
- # Create a VersionMatch instance out of to_ver
- to_restriction = None
- if to_ver:
- try:
- to_ver_rev = CPV("null-%s" % to_ver)
- except errors.GentoolkitInvalidCPV:
- raise errors.GentoolkitInvalidVersion(to_ver)
- to_restriction = VersionMatch(to_ver_rev, op='<=')
- # Add entry to result if version ranges intersect it
- for entry_set in self.indexed_entries:
- i, entry = entry_set
- if from_restriction and not from_restriction.match(i):
- continue
- if to_restriction and not to_restriction.match(i):
- # TODO: is it safe to break here?
- continue
- result.append(entry)
- return result
- def _index_changelog(self):
- """Use the output of L{self._split_changelog} to create an index list
- of L{gentoolkit.versionmatch.VersionMatch} objects.
- @rtype: list
- @return: tuples containing a VersionMatch instance for the release
- version of each entry header as the first item and the entire entry
- as the second item
- @raise ValueError: if self.invalid_entry_is_fatal is True and we hit an
- invalid entry
- """
- result = []
- for entry in self.entries:
- # Extract the package name from the entry header, ex:
- # *xterm-242 (07 Mar 2009) => xterm-242
- pkg_name = entry.split(' ', 1)[0].lstrip('*')
- if not pkg_name.strip():
- continue
- try:
- entry_ver = CPV(pkg_name, validate=True)
- except errors.GentoolkitInvalidCPV:
- if self.invalid_entry_is_fatal:
- raise ValueError(entry_ver)
- continue
- result.append((VersionMatch(entry_ver, op='='), entry))
- return result
- def _split_changelog(self):
- """Split the ChangeLog into individual entries.
- @rtype: list
- @return: individual ChangeLog entries
- """
- result = []
- partial_entries = []
- with open(_unicode_encode(self.changelog_path,
- encoding=_encodings['fs'], errors="replace"),
- encoding=_encodings['content']) as log:
- for line in log:
- if line.startswith('#'):
- continue
- elif line.startswith('*'):
- # Append last entry to result...
- entry = ''.join(partial_entries)
- if entry and not entry.isspace():
- result.append(entry)
- # ... and start a new entry
- partial_entries = [line]
- else:
- partial_entries.append(line)
- else:
- # Append the final entry
- entry = ''.join(partial_entries)
- result.append(entry)
- return result
class FileOwner:
- """Creates a function for locating the owner of filename queries.
- Example usage:
- >>> from gentoolkit.helpers import FileOwner
- >>> findowner = FileOwner()
- >>> findowner(('/bin/grep',))
- [(<Package 'sys-apps/grep-2.12'>, '/bin/grep')]
- """
- def __init__(self, is_regex=False, early_out=False, printer_fn=None):
- """Instantiate function.
- @type is_regex: bool
- @param is_regex: funtion args are regular expressions
- @type early_out: bool
- @param early_out: return when first result is found (safe)
- @type printer_fn: callable
- @param printer_fn: If defined, will be passed useful information for
- printing each result as it is found.
- """
- self.is_regex = is_regex
- self.early_out = early_out
- self.printer_fn = printer_fn
- def __call__(self, queries):
- """Run the function.
- @type queries: iterable
- @param queries: filepaths or filepath regexes
- """
- query_re_string = self._prepare_search_regex(queries)
- try:
- query_re = re.compile(query_re_string)
- except (TypeError, re.error) as err:
- raise errors.GentoolkitInvalidRegex(err)
- use_match = False
- if ((self.is_regex or query_re_string.startswith(r'^\/'))
- and '|' not in query_re_string ):
- # If we were passed a regex or a single path starting with root,
- # we can use re.match, else use re.search.
- use_match = True
- pkgset = get_installed_cpvs()
- return self.find_owners(query_re, use_match=use_match, pkgset=pkgset)
- def find_owners(self, query_re, use_match=False, pkgset=None):
- """Find owners and feed data to supplied output function.
- @type query_re: _sre.SRE_Pattern
- @param query_re: file regex
- @type use_match: bool
- @param use_match: use re.match or re.search
- @type pkgset: iterable or None
- @param pkgset: list of packages to look through
- """
- # FIXME: Remove when lazyimport supports objects:
- from gentoolkit.package import Package
- if use_match:
- query_fn = query_re.match
- else:
- query_fn = query_re.search
- results = []
- found_match = False
- for pkg in sorted([Package(x) for x in pkgset]):
- files = pkg.parsed_contents()
- for cfile in files:
- match = query_fn(cfile)
- if match:
- results.append((pkg, cfile))
- if self.printer_fn is not None:
- self.printer_fn(pkg, cfile)
- if self.early_out:
- found_match = True
- break
- if found_match:
- break
- return results
- @staticmethod
- def expand_abspaths(paths):
- """Expand any relative paths (./file) to their absolute paths.
- @type paths: list
- @param paths: file path strs
- @rtype: list
- @return: the original list with any relative paths expanded
- @raise AttributeError: if paths does not have attribute 'extend'
- """
- osp = os.path
- expanded_paths = []
- for path in paths:
- if path.startswith('./'):
- expanded_paths.append(osp.abspath(path))
- else:
- expanded_paths.append(path)
- return expanded_paths
- @staticmethod
- def extend_realpaths(paths):
- """Extend a list of paths with the realpaths for any symlinks.
- @type paths: list
- @param paths: file path strs
- @rtype: list
- @return: the original list plus the realpaths for any symlinks
- so long as the realpath doesn't already exist in the list
- @raise AttributeError: if paths does not have attribute 'extend'
- """
- osp = os.path
- paths.extend([osp.realpath(x) for x in paths
- if osp.realpath(x) not in paths])
- return paths
- def _prepare_search_regex(self, queries):
- """Create a regex out of the queries"""
- queries = list(queries)
- if self.is_regex:
- return '|'.join(queries)
- else:
- result = []
- # Trim trailing and multiple slashes from queries
- slashes = re.compile(r'/+')
- queries = self.expand_abspaths(queries)
- queries = self.extend_realpaths(queries)
- for query in queries:
- query = slashes.sub('/', query).rstrip('/')
- if query.startswith('/'):
- query = "^%s$" % re.escape(query)
- else:
- query = "/%s$" % re.escape(query)
- result.append(query)
- result = "|".join(result)
- return result
+ """Creates a function for locating the owner of filename queries.
+ Example usage:
+ >>> from gentoolkit.helpers import FileOwner
+ >>> findowner = FileOwner()
+ >>> findowner(('/bin/grep',))
+ [(<Package 'sys-apps/grep-2.12'>, '/bin/grep')]
+ """
+ def __init__(self, is_regex=False, early_out=False, printer_fn=None):
+ """Instantiate function.
+ @type is_regex: bool
+ @param is_regex: funtion args are regular expressions
+ @type early_out: bool
+ @param early_out: return when first result is found (safe)
+ @type printer_fn: callable
+ @param printer_fn: If defined, will be passed useful information for
+ printing each result as it is found.
+ """
+ self.is_regex = is_regex
+ self.early_out = early_out
+ self.printer_fn = printer_fn
+ def __call__(self, queries):
+ """Run the function.
+ @type queries: iterable
+ @param queries: filepaths or filepath regexes
+ """
+ query_re_string = self._prepare_search_regex(queries)
+ try:
+ query_re = re.compile(query_re_string)
+ except (TypeError, re.error) as err:
+ raise errors.GentoolkitInvalidRegex(err)
+ use_match = False
+ if (
+ self.is_regex or query_re_string.startswith(r"^\/")
+ ) and "|" not in query_re_string:
+ # If we were passed a regex or a single path starting with root,
+ # we can use re.match, else use re.search.
+ use_match = True
+ pkgset = get_installed_cpvs()
+ return self.find_owners(query_re, use_match=use_match, pkgset=pkgset)
+ def find_owners(self, query_re, use_match=False, pkgset=None):
+ """Find owners and feed data to supplied output function.
+ @type query_re: _sre.SRE_Pattern
+ @param query_re: file regex
+ @type use_match: bool
+ @param use_match: use re.match or re.search
+ @type pkgset: iterable or None
+ @param pkgset: list of packages to look through
+ """
+ # FIXME: Remove when lazyimport supports objects:
+ from gentoolkit.package import Package
+ if use_match:
+ query_fn = query_re.match
+ else:
+ query_fn = query_re.search
+ results = []
+ found_match = False
+ for pkg in sorted([Package(x) for x in pkgset]):
+ files = pkg.parsed_contents()
+ for cfile in files:
+ match = query_fn(cfile)
+ if match:
+ results.append((pkg, cfile))
+ if self.printer_fn is not None:
+ self.printer_fn(pkg, cfile)
+ if self.early_out:
+ found_match = True
+ break
+ if found_match:
+ break
+ return results
+ @staticmethod
+ def expand_abspaths(paths):
+ """Expand any relative paths (./file) to their absolute paths.
+ @type paths: list
+ @param paths: file path strs
+ @rtype: list
+ @return: the original list with any relative paths expanded
+ @raise AttributeError: if paths does not have attribute 'extend'
+ """
+ osp = os.path
+ expanded_paths = []
+ for path in paths:
+ if path.startswith("./"):
+ expanded_paths.append(osp.abspath(path))
+ else:
+ expanded_paths.append(path)
+ return expanded_paths
+ @staticmethod
+ def extend_realpaths(paths):
+ """Extend a list of paths with the realpaths for any symlinks.
+ @type paths: list
+ @param paths: file path strs
+ @rtype: list
+ @return: the original list plus the realpaths for any symlinks
+ so long as the realpath doesn't already exist in the list
+ @raise AttributeError: if paths does not have attribute 'extend'
+ """
+ osp = os.path
+ paths.extend([osp.realpath(x) for x in paths if osp.realpath(x) not in paths])
+ return paths
+ def _prepare_search_regex(self, queries):
+ """Create a regex out of the queries"""
+ queries = list(queries)
+ if self.is_regex:
+ return "|".join(queries)
+ else:
+ result = []
+ # Trim trailing and multiple slashes from queries
+ slashes = re.compile(r"/+")
+ queries = self.expand_abspaths(queries)
+ queries = self.extend_realpaths(queries)
+ for query in queries:
+ query = slashes.sub("/", query).rstrip("/")
+ if query.startswith("/"):
+ query = "^%s$" % re.escape(query)
+ else:
+ query = "/%s$" % re.escape(query)
+ result.append(query)
+ result = "|".join(result)
+ return result
# =========
# Functions
# =========
def get_cpvs(predicate=None, include_installed=True):
- """Get all packages in the Portage tree and overlays. Optionally apply a
- predicate.
- Example usage:
- >>> from gentoolkit.helpers import get_cpvs
- >>> len(set(get_cpvs()))
- 33518
- >>> fn = lambda x: x.startswith('app-portage')
- >>> len(set(get_cpvs(fn, include_installed=False)))
- 137
- @type predicate: function
- @param predicate: a function to filter the package list with
- @type include_installed: bool
- @param include_installed:
- If True: Return the union of all_cpvs and all_installed_cpvs
- If False: Return the difference of all_cpvs and all_installed_cpvs
- @rtype: generator
- @return: a generator that yields unsorted cat/pkg-ver strings from the
- Portage tree
- """
- if not predicate:
- predicate = lambda x: x
- all_cps = portage.db[portage.root]["porttree"].dbapi.cp_all()
- all_cpvs = iter(x for x in chain.from_iterable(
- portage.db[portage.root]["porttree"].dbapi.cp_list(x)
- for x in all_cps) if predicate(x))
- all_installed_cpvs = set(get_installed_cpvs(predicate))
- if include_installed:
- for cpv in all_cpvs:
- if cpv in all_installed_cpvs:
- all_installed_cpvs.remove(cpv)
- yield cpv
- for cpv in all_installed_cpvs:
- yield cpv
- else:
- for cpv in all_cpvs:
- if cpv not in all_installed_cpvs:
- yield cpv
+ """Get all packages in the Portage tree and overlays. Optionally apply a
+ predicate.
+ Example usage:
+ >>> from gentoolkit.helpers import get_cpvs
+ >>> len(set(get_cpvs()))
+ 33518
+ >>> fn = lambda x: x.startswith('app-portage')
+ >>> len(set(get_cpvs(fn, include_installed=False)))
+ 137
+ @type predicate: function
+ @param predicate: a function to filter the package list with
+ @type include_installed: bool
+ @param include_installed:
+ If True: Return the union of all_cpvs and all_installed_cpvs
+ If False: Return the difference of all_cpvs and all_installed_cpvs
+ @rtype: generator
+ @return: a generator that yields unsorted cat/pkg-ver strings from the
+ Portage tree
+ """
+ if not predicate:
+ predicate = lambda x: x
+ all_cps = portage.db[portage.root]["porttree"].dbapi.cp_all()
+ all_cpvs = iter(
+ x
+ for x in chain.from_iterable(
+ portage.db[portage.root]["porttree"].dbapi.cp_list(x) for x in all_cps
+ )
+ if predicate(x)
+ )
+ all_installed_cpvs = set(get_installed_cpvs(predicate))
+ if include_installed:
+ for cpv in all_cpvs:
+ if cpv in all_installed_cpvs:
+ all_installed_cpvs.remove(cpv)
+ yield cpv
+ for cpv in all_installed_cpvs:
+ yield cpv
+ else:
+ for cpv in all_cpvs:
+ if cpv not in all_installed_cpvs:
+ yield cpv
get_uninstalled_cpvs = partial(get_cpvs, include_installed=False)
def get_installed_cpvs(predicate=None):
- """Get all installed packages. Optionally apply a predicate.
+ """Get all installed packages. Optionally apply a predicate.
- @type predicate: function
- @param predicate: a function to filter the package list with
- @rtype: generator
- @return: a generator that yields unsorted installed cat/pkg-ver strings
- from VARDB
- """
+ @type predicate: function
+ @param predicate: a function to filter the package list with
+ @rtype: generator
+ @return: a generator that yields unsorted installed cat/pkg-ver strings
+ from VARDB
+ """
- if not predicate:
- predicate = lambda x: x
+ if not predicate:
+ predicate = lambda x: x
- installed_cps = portage.db[portage.root]["vartree"].dbapi.cp_all()
+ installed_cps = portage.db[portage.root]["vartree"].dbapi.cp_all()
- installed_cpvs = iter(x for x in chain.from_iterable(
- portage.db[portage.root]["vartree"].dbapi.cp_list(x)
- for x in installed_cps) if predicate(x))
+ installed_cpvs = iter(
+ x
+ for x in chain.from_iterable(
+ portage.db[portage.root]["vartree"].dbapi.cp_list(x) for x in installed_cps
+ )
+ if predicate(x)
+ )
- for cpv in installed_cpvs:
- yield cpv
+ yield from installed_cpvs
def get_bintree_cpvs(predicate=None):
- """Get all binary packages available. Optionally apply a predicate.
+ """Get all binary packages available. Optionally apply a predicate.
- @type predicate: function
- @param predicate: a function to filter the package list with
- @rtype: generator
- @return: a generator that yields unsorted binary package cat/pkg-ver strings
- from BINDB
- """
+ @type predicate: function
+ @param predicate: a function to filter the package list with
+ @rtype: generator
+ @return: a generator that yields unsorted binary package cat/pkg-ver strings
+ from BINDB
+ """
- if not predicate:
- predicate = lambda x: x
+ if not predicate:
+ predicate = lambda x: x
- installed_cps = portage.db[portage.root]["bintree"].dbapi.cp_all()
+ installed_cps = portage.db[portage.root]["bintree"].dbapi.cp_all()
- installed_cpvs = iter(x for x in chain.from_iterable(
- portage.db[portage.root]["bintree"].dbapi.cp_list(x)
- for x in installed_cps) if predicate(x))
+ installed_cpvs = iter(
+ x
+ for x in chain.from_iterable(
+ portage.db[portage.root]["bintree"].dbapi.cp_list(x) for x in installed_cps
+ )
+ if predicate(x)
+ )
- for cpv in installed_cpvs:
- yield cpv
+ yield from installed_cpvs
def print_file(path):
- """Display the contents of a file."""
+ """Display the contents of a file."""
- with open(_unicode_encode(path, encoding=_encodings['fs']), mode="rb") as open_file:
- lines = open_file.read()
- pp.uprint(lines.strip())
+ with open(_unicode_encode(path, encoding=_encodings["fs"]), mode="rb") as open_file:
+ lines = open_file.read()
+ pp.uprint(lines.strip())
def print_sequence(seq):
- """Print every item of a sequence."""
+ """Print every item of a sequence."""
- for item in seq:
- pp.uprint(item)
+ for item in seq:
+ pp.uprint(item)
def uniqify(seq, preserve_order=True):
- """Return a uniqified list. Optionally preserve order."""
+ """Return a uniqified list. Optionally preserve order."""
+ if preserve_order:
+ seen = set()
+ result = [x for x in seq if x not in seen and not seen.add(x)]
+ else:
+ result = list(set(seq))
- if preserve_order:
- seen = set()
- result = [x for x in seq if x not in seen and not seen.add(x)]
- else:
- result = list(set(seq))
+ return result
- return result
# vim: set ts=4 sw=4 tw=79:
diff --git a/pym/gentoolkit/imlate/imlate.py b/pym/gentoolkit/imlate/imlate.py
index 3e22791..0c7ab04 100755
--- a/pym/gentoolkit/imlate/imlate.py
+++ b/pym/gentoolkit/imlate/imlate.py
@@ -4,11 +4,11 @@
# $Id$
# Author: Christian Ruppert <idl0r@gentoo.org>
-__version__ = "git"
+__version__ = "@VERSION@"
# works just with stable keywords!
-MAIN_ARCH = "auto" # can be overridden by -m ARCH
-TARGET_ARCH = "auto" # can be overridden by -t ARCH
+MAIN_ARCH = "auto" # can be overridden by -m ARCH
+TARGET_ARCH = "auto" # can be overridden by -t ARCH
# auto means e.g.:
# MAIN_ARCH = amd64
# TARGET_ARCH = ~amd64
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ from os import stat
from time import time
from xml.dom import minidom, NotFoundErr
from xml.parsers.expat import ExpatError
# TODO: just import needed stuff to safe memory/time and maybe use "as foo"
import portage
import portage.versions
@@ -33,450 +34,512 @@ from optparse import OptionParser
from time import gmtime, strftime
# override/change portage module settings
-def _portage_settings( var, value, settings = None ):
- if not settings:
- settings = portage.settings
- settings.unlock()
- settings[var] = value
- # backup_changes is very important since it can cause trouble,
- # if we do not backup our changes!
- settings.backup_changes( var )
- settings.lock()
+def _portage_settings(var, value, settings=None):
+ if not settings:
+ settings = portage.settings
+ settings.unlock()
+ settings[var] = value
+ # backup_changes is very important since it can cause trouble,
+ # if we do not backup our changes!
+ settings.backup_changes(var)
+ settings.lock()
# add stuff to our imlate dict
-def _add_ent( imlate, cat, pkg, ver, our_ver ):
- if not cat in list(imlate.keys()):
- imlate[cat] = {}
- if not pkg in list(imlate[cat].keys()):
- imlate[cat][pkg] = []
- imlate[cat][pkg].append( ver )
- imlate[cat][pkg].append( our_ver )
- return imlate
+def _add_ent(imlate, cat, pkg, ver, our_ver):
+ if not cat in list(imlate.keys()):
+ imlate[cat] = {}
+ if not pkg in list(imlate[cat].keys()):
+ imlate[cat][pkg] = []
-def _fill( width, line, fill = " " ):
- while len( line ) < width:
- line = "%s%s" % ( str( line ), str( fill ) )
- return line
+ imlate[cat][pkg].append(ver)
+ imlate[cat][pkg].append(our_ver)
-# create a hopefully pretty result
-def show_result( conf, pkgs ):
- # X - len(colX) = space to fill
- col1 = -1
- col2 = -1
- for cat in pkgs:
- for pkg in pkgs[cat]:
- col1 = max(col1, len(("%s/%s" % (cat, pkg))))
- col2 = max(col2, len(pkgs[cat][pkg][1]))
- col1 += 1
- col2 += 1
- _header = "%s candidates for 'gentoo' on '%s'"
- _helper = "%s%s%s" % (_fill(col1, "category/package[:SLOT])"),
- _fill(col2, "our version"), "best version")
- _cand = ""
- header = ""
- if conf["FILE"] == "stdout":
- out = stdout
- elif conf["FILE"] == "stderr":
- out = stderr
- else:
- out = open( conf["FILE"], "w" )
- if conf["STABLE"] and conf["KEYWORD"]:
- _cand = "%i Stable and %i Keyword(~)" % ( conf["STABLE_SUM"],
- conf["KEYWORD_SUM"] )
- elif conf["STABLE"]:
- _cand = "%i Stable" % conf["STABLE_SUM"]
- elif conf["KEYWORD"]:
- _cand = "%i Keyword(~)" % conf["KEYWORD_SUM"]
- header = _header % ( _cand, conf["MAIN_ARCH"] )
- print("Generated on: %s" % conf["TIME"], file=out)
- print(_fill( len( header ), "", "=" ), file=out)
- print(header, file=out)
- print(_fill( len( header ), "", "=" ), file=out)
- print(file=out)
- print(_helper, file=out)
- print(_fill( len( _helper ), "", "-" ), file=out)
- for cat in sorted( pkgs.keys() ):
- for pkg in sorted( pkgs[cat].keys() ):
- print("%s%s%s" % (_fill(col1, ("%s/%s" % (cat, pkg))),
- _fill(col2, pkgs[cat][pkg][1]),
- pkgs[cat][pkg][0] ), file=out)
- if conf["FILE"] != "stdout":
- out.close()
+ return imlate
-def _get_metadata(metadata, element, tag):
- values = []
- try:
- metadatadom = minidom.parse(metadata)
- except ExpatError as e:
- raise ExpatError("%s: %s" % (metadata, e,))
- try:
- elements = metadatadom.getElementsByTagName(element)
- if not elements:
- return values
- except NotFoundErr:
- return values
- try:
- for _element in elements:
- node = _element.getElementsByTagName(tag)
- if tag == "herd" and (not node or not node[0].childNodes):
-# print >> stderr, "'%s' is missing a <herd> tag or it is empty," % metadata
-# print >> stderr, "please file a bug at https://bugs.gentoo.org and refer to http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/devrel/handbook/handbook.xml?part=2&chap=4"
- values.append("no-herd")
- continue
- try:
- values.append(node[0].childNodes[0].data)
- except IndexError:
- pass
- except NotFoundErr:
- raise NotFoundErr("%s: Malformed input: missing 'flag' tag(s)" % (metadata))
- metadatadom.unlink()
- return values
-def is_maintainer(maintainer, metadata):
- data = []
+def _fill(width, line, fill=" "):
+ while len(line) < width:
+ line = f"{str(line)}{str(fill)}"
+ return line
- if maintainer == None:
- return True
- mtainer = maintainer.split(",")
+# create a hopefully pretty result
- data = _get_metadata(metadata, "maintainer", "email")
- if not data and len(maintainer) == 0:
- return True
- elif not data and len(maintainer) > 0:
- return False
- else:
- for addy in data:
- for contact in mtainer:
- if addy == contact:
- return True
- if addy.startswith(contact):
- return True
- return False
+def show_result(conf, pkgs):
+ # X - len(colX) = space to fill
+ col1 = -1
+ col2 = -1
+ for cat in pkgs:
+ for pkg in pkgs[cat]:
+ col1 = max(col1, len(f"{cat}/{pkg}"))
+ col2 = max(col2, len(pkgs[cat][pkg][1]))
+ col1 += 1
+ col2 += 1
+ _header = "%s candidates for 'gentoo' on '%s'"
+ _helper = "{}{}{}".format(
+ _fill(col1, "category/package[:SLOT])"),
+ _fill(col2, "our version"),
+ "best version",
+ )
+ _cand = ""
+ header = ""
+ if conf["FILE"] == "stdout":
+ out = stdout
+ elif conf["FILE"] == "stderr":
+ out = stderr
+ else:
+ out = open(conf["FILE"], "w")
+ if conf["STABLE"] and conf["KEYWORD"]:
+ _cand = "%i Stable and %i Keyword(~)" % (
+ conf["STABLE_SUM"],
+ conf["KEYWORD_SUM"],
+ )
+ elif conf["STABLE"]:
+ _cand = "%i Stable" % conf["STABLE_SUM"]
+ elif conf["KEYWORD"]:
+ _cand = "%i Keyword(~)" % conf["KEYWORD_SUM"]
+ header = _header % (_cand, conf["MAIN_ARCH"])
+ print("Generated on: %s" % conf["TIME"], file=out)
+ print(_fill(len(header), "", "="), file=out)
+ print(header, file=out)
+ print(_fill(len(header), "", "="), file=out)
+ print(file=out)
+ print(_helper, file=out)
+ print(_fill(len(_helper), "", "-"), file=out)
+ for cat in sorted(pkgs.keys()):
+ for pkg in sorted(pkgs[cat].keys()):
+ print(
+ "%s%s%s"
+ % (
+ _fill(col1, (f"{cat}/{pkg}")),
+ _fill(col2, pkgs[cat][pkg][1]),
+ pkgs[cat][pkg][0],
+ ),
+ file=out,
+ )
+ if conf["FILE"] != "stdout":
+ out.close()
-def is_herd(herd, metadata):
- data = []
- if herd == None:
- return True
+def _get_metadata(metadata, element, tag):
+ values = []
+ try:
+ metadatadom = minidom.parse(metadata)
+ except ExpatError as e:
+ raise ExpatError(
+ "%s: %s"
+ % (
+ metadata,
+ e,
+ )
+ )
+ try:
+ elements = metadatadom.getElementsByTagName(element)
+ if not elements:
+ return values
+ except NotFoundErr:
+ return values
+ try:
+ for _element in elements:
+ node = _element.getElementsByTagName(tag)
+ try:
+ values.append(node[0].childNodes[0].data)
+ except IndexError:
+ pass
+ except NotFoundErr:
+ raise NotFoundErr("%s: Malformed input: missing 'flag' tag(s)" % (metadata))
+ metadatadom.unlink()
+ return values
- hrd = herd.split(",")
- data = _get_metadata(metadata, "pkgmetadata", "herd")
- if not data and len(herd) == 0:
- return True
- elif not data and len(herd) > 0:
- return False
- else:
- for hd in data:
- for hd2 in hrd:
- if hd == hd2:
- return True
- if hd.startswith(hd2):
- return True
+def is_maintainer(maintainer, metadata):
+ data = []
+ if maintainer == None:
+ return True
- return False
+ mtainer = maintainer.split(",")
+ data = _get_metadata(metadata, "maintainer", "email")
+ if not data and len(maintainer) == 0:
+ return True
+ elif not data and len(maintainer) > 0:
+ return False
+ else:
+ for addy in data:
+ for contact in mtainer:
+ if addy == contact:
+ return True
+ if addy.startswith(contact):
+ return True
+ return False
# fetch a list of arch (just stable) packages
# -* is important to be sure that just arch is used
-def get_packages( conf ):
- _pkgs = {}
+def get_packages(conf):
+ _pkgs = {}
+ _portage_settings(
+ "ACCEPT_KEYWORDS", ("-* %s" % str(conf["TARGET_ARCH"])), conf["portdb"].settings
+ )
- _portage_settings( "ACCEPT_KEYWORDS", ( "-* %s" % str( conf["TARGET_ARCH"] ) ),
- conf["portdb"].settings )
+ for cp in conf["portdb"].dbapi.cp_all():
+ cpvrs = []
+ slots = {}
- for cp in conf["portdb"].dbapi.cp_all():
- cpvrs = []
- slots = {}
+ if conf["USER_PKGS"]:
+ if not cp in conf["USER_PKGS"] and not basename(cp) in conf["USER_PKGS"]:
+ continue
- if conf["USER_PKGS"]:
- if not cp in conf["USER_PKGS"] and not basename(cp) in conf["USER_PKGS"]:
- continue
+ # None is important to match also on empty string
+ if conf["MAINTAINER"] != None:
+ if not is_maintainer(
+ conf["MAINTAINER"], join(conf["PORTDIR"], cp, "metadata.xml")
+ ):
+ continue
- # None is important to match also on empty string
- if conf["MAINTAINER"] != None:
- if not is_maintainer(conf["MAINTAINER"], join(conf["PORTDIR"], cp, "metadata.xml")):
- continue
- if conf["HERD"] != None:
- if not is_herd(conf["HERD"], join(conf["PORTDIR"], cp, "metadata.xml")):
- continue
+ cpvrs = conf["portdb"].dbapi.match(cp)
- cpvrs = conf["portdb"].dbapi.match( cp )
+ for cpvr in cpvrs:
+ slot = conf["portdb"].dbapi.aux_get(cpvr, ["SLOT"])[0]
+ if not slot in slots:
+ slots[slot] = []
+ slots[slot].append(cpvr)
- for cpvr in cpvrs:
- slot = conf["portdb"].dbapi.aux_get( cpvr, ["SLOT"] )[0]
- if not slot in slots:
- slots[slot] = []
- slots[slot].append(cpvr)
+ for slot in sorted(slots):
+ cpvr = portage.versions.best(slots[slot])
- for slot in sorted(slots):
- cpvr = portage.versions.best( slots[slot] )
+ if cpvr:
+ (cat, pkg, ver, rev) = portage.versions.catpkgsplit(cpvr)
- if cpvr:
- ( cat, pkg, ver, rev ) = portage.versions.catpkgsplit( cpvr )
+ if not cat in list(_pkgs.keys()):
+ _pkgs[cat] = {}
+ if not pkg in list(_pkgs[cat].keys()):
+ _pkgs[cat][pkg] = []
- if not cat in list(_pkgs.keys()):
- _pkgs[cat] = {}
- if not pkg in list(_pkgs[cat].keys()):
- _pkgs[cat][pkg] = []
+ if rev != "r0":
+ ver = f"{ver}-{rev}"
- if rev != "r0":
- ver = "%s-%s" % ( ver, rev )
+ _pkgs[cat][pkg].append(ver)
- _pkgs[cat][pkg].append( ver )
+ return _pkgs
- return _pkgs
# compare get_packages() against MAIN_ARCH
-def get_imlate( conf, pkgs ):
- _portage_settings( "ACCEPT_KEYWORDS", ( "-* %s" % str( conf["MAIN_ARCH"] ) ),
- conf["portdb"].settings )
- stable = str( conf["MAIN_ARCH"].lstrip("~") )
- testing = "~%s" % stable
- exclude = "-%s" % stable
- exclude_all = "-*"
- imlate = {}
- for cat in sorted( pkgs.keys() ):
- for pkg in sorted( pkgs[cat].keys() ):
- for vr in pkgs[cat][pkg]:
- cpvr = ""
- abs_pkg = ""
- kwds = ""
- our = ""
- our_ver = ""
- mtime = 0
- slot = 0
- # 0 = none(default), 1 = testing(~arch), 2 = stable(arch),
- # 3 = exclude(-arch), 4 = exclude_all(-*)
- # -* would be overridden by ~arch or arch
- kwd_type = 0
- cpvr = "%s/%s-%s" % ( cat, pkg, vr )
- # absolute ebuild path for mtime check
- abs_pkg = join( conf["PORTDIR"], cat, pkg, basename( cpvr ) )
- abs_pkg = "%s.ebuild" % str( abs_pkg )
- kwds = conf["portdb"].dbapi.aux_get( cpvr, ["KEYWORDS"] )[0]
- # FIXME: %s is bad.. maybe even cast it, else there are issues because its unicode
- slot = ":%s" % conf["portdb"].dbapi.aux_get( cpvr, ["SLOT"] )[0]
- if slot == ":0":
- slot = ""
- # sorted() to keep the right order
- # e.g. -* first, -arch second, arch third and ~arch fourth
- # -* -foo ~arch
- # example: -* would be overridden by ~arch
- for kwd in sorted( kwds.split() ):
- if kwd == stable:
- kwd_type = 2
- break
- elif kwd == exclude:
- kwd_type = 3
- break
- elif kwd == exclude_all:
- kwd_type = 4
- elif kwd == testing:
- kwd_type = 1
- break
- # ignore -arch and already stabilized packages
- if kwd_type == 3 or kwd_type == 2:
- continue
- # drop packages with -* and without ~arch or arch
- # even if there is another version which includes arch or ~arch
- if kwd_type == 4:
- continue
- # drop "stable candidates" with mtime < 30 days
- # Shall we use gmtime/UTC here?
- if kwd_type == 1:
- mtime = int( ( time() - stat( abs_pkg ).st_mtime ) / 60 / 60 / 24 )
- if mtime < conf["MTIME"]:
- continue
- # look for an existing stable version
- our = portage.versions.best( conf["portdb"].dbapi.match( "%s/%s%s" % ( cat, pkg, slot ) ) )
- if our:
- _foo = portage.versions.pkgsplit( our )
- our_ver = _foo[1]
- if _foo[2] != "r0":
- our_ver = "%s-%s" % ( our_ver, _foo[2] )
- else:
- our_ver = ""
- # we just need the version if > our_ver
- if our_ver:
- if portage.versions.vercmp( our_ver, vr ) >= 0:
- continue
- if kwd_type == 1 and conf["STABLE"]:
- imlate = _add_ent( imlate, cat, ("%s%s" % (pkg, slot)), vr, our_ver )
- conf["STABLE_SUM"] += 1
- elif kwd_type == 0 and conf["KEYWORD"]:
- conf["KEYWORD_SUM"] += 1
- imlate = _add_ent( imlate, cat, ( "~%s%s" % (pkg, slot) ),
- vr, our_ver )
- return imlate
+def get_imlate(conf, pkgs):
+ _portage_settings(
+ "ACCEPT_KEYWORDS", ("-* %s" % str(conf["MAIN_ARCH"])), conf["portdb"].settings
+ )
+ stable = str(conf["MAIN_ARCH"].lstrip("~"))
+ testing = "~%s" % stable
+ exclude = "-%s" % stable
+ exclude_all = "-*"
+ imlate = {}
+ for cat in sorted(pkgs.keys()):
+ for pkg in sorted(pkgs[cat].keys()):
+ for vr in pkgs[cat][pkg]:
+ cpvr = ""
+ abs_pkg = ""
+ kwds = ""
+ our = ""
+ our_ver = ""
+ mtime = 0
+ slot = 0
+ # 0 = none(default), 1 = testing(~arch), 2 = stable(arch),
+ # 3 = exclude(-arch), 4 = exclude_all(-*)
+ # -* would be overridden by ~arch or arch
+ kwd_type = 0
+ cpvr = f"{cat}/{pkg}-{vr}"
+ # absolute ebuild path for mtime check
+ abs_pkg = join(conf["PORTDIR"], cat, pkg, basename(cpvr))
+ abs_pkg = "%s.ebuild" % str(abs_pkg)
+ kwds = conf["portdb"].dbapi.aux_get(cpvr, ["KEYWORDS"])[0]
+ # FIXME: %s is bad.. maybe even cast it, else there are issues because its unicode
+ slot = ":%s" % conf["portdb"].dbapi.aux_get(cpvr, ["SLOT"])[0]
+ if slot == ":0":
+ slot = ""
+ # sorted() to keep the right order
+ # e.g. -* first, -arch second, arch third and ~arch fourth
+ # -* -foo ~arch
+ # example: -* would be overridden by ~arch
+ for kwd in sorted(kwds.split()):
+ if kwd == stable:
+ kwd_type = 2
+ break
+ elif kwd == exclude:
+ kwd_type = 3
+ break
+ elif kwd == exclude_all:
+ kwd_type = 4
+ elif kwd == testing:
+ kwd_type = 1
+ break
+ # ignore -arch and already stabilized packages
+ if kwd_type == 3 or kwd_type == 2:
+ continue
+ # drop packages with -* and without ~arch or arch
+ # even if there is another version which includes arch or ~arch
+ if kwd_type == 4:
+ continue
+ # drop "stable candidates" with mtime < 30 days
+ # Shall we use gmtime/UTC here?
+ if kwd_type == 1:
+ mtime = int((time() - stat(abs_pkg).st_mtime) / 60 / 60 / 24)
+ if mtime < conf["MTIME"]:
+ continue
+ # look for an existing stable version
+ our = portage.versions.best(
+ conf["portdb"].dbapi.match(f"{cat}/{pkg}{slot}")
+ )
+ if our:
+ _foo = portage.versions.pkgsplit(our)
+ our_ver = _foo[1]
+ if _foo[2] != "r0":
+ our_ver = f"{our_ver}-{_foo[2]}"
+ else:
+ our_ver = ""
+ # we just need the version if > our_ver
+ if our_ver:
+ if portage.versions.vercmp(our_ver, vr) >= 0:
+ continue
+ if kwd_type == 1 and conf["STABLE"]:
+ imlate = _add_ent(imlate, cat, (f"{pkg}{slot}"), vr, our_ver)
+ conf["STABLE_SUM"] += 1
+ elif kwd_type == 0 and conf["KEYWORD"]:
+ conf["KEYWORD_SUM"] += 1
+ imlate = _add_ent(imlate, cat, (f"~{pkg}{slot}"), vr, our_ver)
+ return imlate
# fetch portage related settings
-def get_settings( conf = None ):
- if not isinstance( conf, dict ) and conf:
- raise TypeError("conf must be dict() or None")
- if not conf:
- conf = {}
- # TODO: maybe we should improve it a bit ;)
- mysettings = portage.config( config_incrementals = portage.const.INCREMENTALS, local_config = False )
- if conf["MAIN_ARCH"] == "auto":
- conf["MAIN_ARCH"] = "%s" % mysettings["ACCEPT_KEYWORDS"].split(" ")[0].lstrip("~")
- if conf["TARGET_ARCH"] == "auto":
- conf["TARGET_ARCH"] = "~%s" % mysettings["ACCEPT_KEYWORDS"].split(" ")[0].lstrip("~")
- # TODO: exclude overlay categories from check
- if conf["CATEGORIES"]:
- _mycats = []
- for _cat in conf["CATEGORIES"].split(","):
- _cat = _cat.strip()
- _mycats.append(_cat )
- if _cat not in mysettings.categories:
- raise ValueError("invalid category for -C switch '%s'" % _cat)
- mysettings.categories = _mycats
- # maybe thats not necessary because we override porttrees below..
- _portage_settings( "PORTDIR_OVERLAY", "", mysettings )
- trees = portage.create_trees()
- trees["/"]["porttree"].settings = mysettings
- portdb = trees["/"]["porttree"]
- portdb.dbapi.settings = mysettings
- portdb.dbapi.porttrees = [portage.portdb.porttree_root]
- # does it make sense to remove _all_ useless stuff or just leave it as it is?
- #portdb.dbapi._aux_cache_keys.clear()
- #portdb.dbapi._aux_cache_keys.update(["EAPI", "KEYWORDS", "SLOT"])
- conf["PORTDIR"] = portage.settings["PORTDIR"]
- conf["portdb"] = portdb
- return conf
+def get_settings(conf=None):
+ if not isinstance(conf, dict) and conf:
+ raise TypeError("conf must be dict() or None")
+ if not conf:
+ conf = {}
+ # TODO: maybe we should improve it a bit ;)
+ mysettings = portage.config(
+ config_incrementals=portage.const.INCREMENTALS, local_config=False
+ )
+ if conf["MAIN_ARCH"] == "auto":
+ conf["MAIN_ARCH"] = "%s" % mysettings["ACCEPT_KEYWORDS"].split(" ")[0].lstrip(
+ "~"
+ )
+ if conf["TARGET_ARCH"] == "auto":
+ conf["TARGET_ARCH"] = "~%s" % mysettings["ACCEPT_KEYWORDS"].split(" ")[
+ 0
+ ].lstrip("~")
+ # TODO: exclude overlay categories from check
+ if conf["CATEGORIES"]:
+ _mycats = []
+ for _cat in conf["CATEGORIES"].split(","):
+ _cat = _cat.strip()
+ _mycats.append(_cat)
+ if _cat not in mysettings.categories:
+ raise ValueError("invalid category for -C switch '%s'" % _cat)
+ mysettings.categories = _mycats
+ # maybe thats not necessary because we override porttrees below..
+ _portage_settings("PORTDIR_OVERLAY", "", mysettings)
+ trees = portage.create_trees()
+ trees["/"]["porttree"].settings = mysettings
+ portdb = trees["/"]["porttree"]
+ portdb.dbapi.settings = mysettings
+ portdb.dbapi.porttrees = [portage.portdb.porttree_root]
+ # does it make sense to remove _all_ useless stuff or just leave it as it is?
+ # portdb.dbapi._aux_cache_keys.clear()
+ # portdb.dbapi._aux_cache_keys.update(["EAPI", "KEYWORDS", "SLOT"])
+ conf["PORTDIR"] = portage.settings["PORTDIR"]
+ conf["portdb"] = portdb
+ return conf
# just for standalone
def main():
- conf = {}
- pkgs = {}
- parser = OptionParser( version = "%prog " + __version__ )
- parser.usage = "%prog [options] [category/package] ..."
- parser.disable_interspersed_args()
- parser.add_option( "-f", "--file", dest = "filename", action = "store", type = "string",
- help = "write result into FILE [default: %default]", metavar = "FILE", default = "stdout" )
- parser.add_option( "-m", "--main", dest = "main_arch", action = "store", type = "string",
- help = "set main ARCH (e.g. your arch) [default: %default]", metavar = "ARCH", default = MAIN_ARCH )
- parser.add_option( "-t", "--target", dest = "target_arch", action = "store", type = "string",
- help = "set target ARCH (e.g. x86) [default: %default]", metavar = "ARCH", default = TARGET_ARCH )
- parser.add_option( "--mtime", dest = "mtime", action = "store", type = "int",
- help = "set minimum MTIME in days [default: %default]", metavar = "MTIME", default = 30 )
- # TODO: leave a good comment here (about True/False) :)
- parser.add_option( "-s", "--stable", dest = "stable", action = "store_true", default = False,
- help = "just show stable candidates (e.g. -s and -k is the default result) [default: True]" )
- parser.add_option( "-k", "--keyword", dest = "keyword", action = "store_true", default = False,
- help = "just show keyword candidates (e.g. -s and -k is the default result) [default: True]" )
- parser.add_option( "-M", "--maintainer", dest = "maintainer", action = "store", type = "string",
- help = "Show only packages from the specified maintainer", metavar = "MAINTAINER", default = None)
- parser.add_option( "-H", "--herd", dest = "herd", action = "store", type = "string",
- help = "Show only packages from the specified herd", metavar = "HERD", default = None)
-# parser.add_option( "-e", "--experimental", dest = "experimental", action = "store_true", default = False,
-# help = "enables experimental functions/features (have a look for # EXPERIMENTAL comments in the source) [default: %default]" )
- parser.add_option( "-C", "--category", "--categories", dest = "categories", action = "store", default = None,
- metavar = "CATEGORIES",
- help = "just check in the specified category/categories (comma separated) [default: %default]")
- ( options, args ) = parser.parse_args()
- if len( args ) > 0:
- conf["USER_PKGS"] = args
- else:
- conf["USER_PKGS"] = []
- # cleanup optparse
- try:
- parser.destroy()
- except AttributeError:
- # to be at least python 2.4 compatible
- del parser._short_opt
- del parser._long_opt
- del parser.defaults
- # generated timestamp (UTC)
- conf["TIME"] = strftime( "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Z %Y", gmtime() )
- # package counter
- conf["KEYWORD_SUM"] = 0
- conf["STABLE_SUM"] = 0
- if not options.main_arch in portage.archlist and options.main_arch != "auto":
- raise ValueError("invalid MAIN ARCH defined!")
- if not options.target_arch in portage.archlist and options.target_arch != "auto":
- raise ValueError("invalid TARGET ARCH defined!")
- conf["MAIN_ARCH"] = options.main_arch
- conf["TARGET_ARCH"] = options.target_arch
- conf["FILE"] = options.filename
- conf["MTIME"] = options.mtime
- if not options.stable and not options.keyword:
- conf["STABLE"] = True
- conf["KEYWORD"] = True
- else:
- conf["STABLE"] = options.stable
- conf["KEYWORD"] = options.keyword
-# conf["EXPERIMENTAL"] = options.experimental
- conf["CATEGORIES"] = options.categories
- conf["MAINTAINER"] = options.maintainer
- conf["HERD"] = options.herd
- # append to our existing
- conf = get_settings( conf )
- pkgs = get_packages( conf )
- pkgs = get_imlate( conf, pkgs )
- show_result( conf, pkgs )
+ conf = {}
+ pkgs = {}
+ parser = OptionParser(version="%prog " + __version__)
+ parser.usage = "%prog [options] [category/package] ..."
+ parser.disable_interspersed_args()
+ parser.add_option(
+ "-f",
+ "--file",
+ dest="filename",
+ action="store",
+ type="string",
+ help="write result into FILE [default: %default]",
+ metavar="FILE",
+ default="stdout",
+ )
+ parser.add_option(
+ "-m",
+ "--main",
+ dest="main_arch",
+ action="store",
+ type="string",
+ help="set main ARCH (e.g. your arch) [default: %default]",
+ metavar="ARCH",
+ default=MAIN_ARCH,
+ )
+ parser.add_option(
+ "-t",
+ "--target",
+ dest="target_arch",
+ action="store",
+ type="string",
+ help="set target ARCH (e.g. x86) [default: %default]",
+ metavar="ARCH",
+ default=TARGET_ARCH,
+ )
+ parser.add_option(
+ "--mtime",
+ dest="mtime",
+ action="store",
+ type="int",
+ help="set minimum MTIME in days [default: %default]",
+ metavar="MTIME",
+ default=30,
+ )
+ # TODO: leave a good comment here (about True/False) :)
+ parser.add_option(
+ "-s",
+ "--stable",
+ dest="stable",
+ action="store_true",
+ default=False,
+ help="just show stable candidates (e.g. -s and -k is the default result) [default: True]",
+ )
+ parser.add_option(
+ "-k",
+ "--keyword",
+ dest="keyword",
+ action="store_true",
+ default=False,
+ help="just show keyword candidates (e.g. -s and -k is the default result) [default: True]",
+ )
+ parser.add_option(
+ "-M",
+ "--maintainer",
+ dest="maintainer",
+ action="store",
+ type="string",
+ help="Show only packages from the specified maintainer",
+ metavar="MAINTAINER",
+ default=None,
+ )
+ parser.add_option(
+ "-C",
+ "--category",
+ "--categories",
+ dest="categories",
+ action="store",
+ default=None,
+ metavar="CATEGORIES",
+ help="just check in the specified category/categories (comma separated) [default: %default]",
+ )
+ (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
+ if len(args) > 0:
+ conf["USER_PKGS"] = args
+ else:
+ conf["USER_PKGS"] = []
+ # cleanup optparse
+ try:
+ parser.destroy()
+ except AttributeError:
+ # to be at least python 2.4 compatible
+ del parser._short_opt
+ del parser._long_opt
+ del parser.defaults
+ # generated timestamp (UTC)
+ conf["TIME"] = strftime("%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Z %Y", gmtime())
+ # package counter
+ conf["KEYWORD_SUM"] = 0
+ conf["STABLE_SUM"] = 0
+ if not options.main_arch in portage.archlist and options.main_arch != "auto":
+ raise ValueError("invalid MAIN ARCH defined!")
+ if not options.target_arch in portage.archlist and options.target_arch != "auto":
+ raise ValueError("invalid TARGET ARCH defined!")
+ conf["MAIN_ARCH"] = options.main_arch
+ conf["TARGET_ARCH"] = options.target_arch
+ conf["FILE"] = options.filename
+ conf["MTIME"] = options.mtime
+ if not options.stable and not options.keyword:
+ conf["STABLE"] = True
+ conf["KEYWORD"] = True
+ else:
+ conf["STABLE"] = options.stable
+ conf["KEYWORD"] = options.keyword
+ conf["CATEGORIES"] = options.categories
+ conf["MAINTAINER"] = options.maintainer
+ # append to our existing
+ conf = get_settings(conf)
+ pkgs = get_packages(conf)
+ pkgs = get_imlate(conf, pkgs)
+ show_result(conf, pkgs)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- main()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main()
diff --git a/pym/gentoolkit/imlate/meson.build b/pym/gentoolkit/imlate/meson.build
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5208c23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pym/gentoolkit/imlate/meson.build
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+imlate_py = configure_file(
+ input : 'imlate.py',
+ output : 'imlate.py',
+ configuration : conf_data
+ [
+ '__init__.py',
+ imlate_py,
+ ],
+ subdir : 'gentoolkit/imlate'
diff --git a/pym/gentoolkit/keyword.py b/pym/gentoolkit/keyword.py
index e997efe..da4ada2 100644
--- a/pym/gentoolkit/keyword.py
+++ b/pym/gentoolkit/keyword.py
@@ -7,12 +7,7 @@
-__all__ = (
- 'Keyword',
- 'compare_strs',
- 'reduce_keywords',
- 'determine_keyword'
+__all__ = ("Keyword", "compare_strs", "reduce_keywords", "determine_keyword")
# =======
# Imports
@@ -23,87 +18,90 @@ __all__ = (
# Classes
# =======
class Keyword:
- """Provides common methods on a GLEP 53 keyword."""
+ """Provides common methods on a GLEP 53 keyword."""
+ def __init__(self, keyword):
+ self.keyword = keyword
+ arch, sep, os = keyword.partition("-")
+ self.arch = arch
+ self.os = os
- def __init__(self, keyword):
- self.keyword = keyword
- arch, sep, os = keyword.partition('-')
- self.arch = arch
- self.os = os
+ def __eq__(self, other):
+ if not isinstance(other, self.__class__):
+ return False
+ return self.keyword == other.keyword
- def __eq__(self, other):
- if not isinstance(other, self.__class__):
- return False
- return self.keyword == other.keyword
+ def __ne__(self, other):
+ return not self == other
- def __ne__(self, other):
- return not self == other
+ def __lt__(self, other):
+ if not isinstance(other, self.__class__):
+ raise TypeError(
+ f"other isn't of {self.__class__} type, is {other.__class__}"
+ )
+ if self.os < other.os:
+ return True
+ return self.arch < other.arch
- def __lt__(self, other):
- if not isinstance(other, self.__class__):
- raise TypeError("other isn't of %s type, is %s" % (
- self.__class__, other.__class__)
- )
- if self.os < other.os:
- return True
- return self.arch < other.arch
+ def __le__(self, other):
+ return self == other or self < other
- def __le__(self, other):
- return self == other or self < other
+ def __gt__(self, other):
+ return not self <= other
- def __gt__(self, other):
- return not self <= other
+ def __ge__(self, other):
+ return self == other or self > other
- def __ge__(self, other):
- return self == other or self > other
+ def __str__(self):
+ return self.keyword
- def __str__(self):
- return self.keyword
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "<{0.__class__.__name__} {0.keyword!r}>".format(self)
- def __repr__(self):
- return "<{0.__class__.__name__} {0.keyword!r}>".format(self)
# =========
# Functions
# =========
def compare_strs(kw1, kw2):
- """Similar to the builtin cmp, but for keyword strings. Usually called
- as: keyword_list.sort(keyword.compare_strs)
+ """Similar to the builtin cmp, but for keyword strings. Usually called
+ as: keyword_list.sort(keyword.compare_strs)
- An alternative is to use the Keyword descriptor directly:
- >>> keyword_list = ['~x86', '~amd64', 'x86']
- >>> kwds = sorted(Keyword(x) for x in keyword_list)
+ An alternative is to use the Keyword descriptor directly:
+ >>> keyword_list = ['~x86', '~amd64', 'x86']
+ >>> kwds = sorted(Keyword(x) for x in keyword_list)
- @see: >>> help(cmp)
- """
+ @see: >>> help(cmp)
+ """
- kw1_arch, sep, kw1_os = kw1.partition('-')
- kw2_arch, sep, kw2_os = kw2.partition('-')
- if kw1_arch != kw2_arch:
- if kw1_os != kw2_os:
- return -1 if kw1_os < kw2_os else 1
- return -1 if kw1_arch < kw2_arch else 1
- if kw1_os == kw2_os:
- return 0
- return -1 if kw1_os < kw2_os else 1
+ kw1_arch, sep, kw1_os = kw1.partition("-")
+ kw2_arch, sep, kw2_os = kw2.partition("-")
+ if kw1_arch != kw2_arch:
+ if kw1_os != kw2_os:
+ return -1 if kw1_os < kw2_os else 1
+ return -1 if kw1_arch < kw2_arch else 1
+ if kw1_os == kw2_os:
+ return 0
+ return -1 if kw1_os < kw2_os else 1
def reduce_keywords(keywords):
- """Reduce a list of keywords to a unique set of stable keywords.
+ """Reduce a list of keywords to a unique set of stable keywords.
- Example usage:
- >>> kw = reduce_keywords(['~amd64', 'x86', '~x86'])
- >>> isinstance(kw, set)
- True
- >>> sorted(kw)
- ['amd64', 'x86']
+ Example usage:
+ >>> kw = reduce_keywords(['~amd64', 'x86', '~x86'])
+ >>> isinstance(kw, set)
+ True
+ >>> sorted(kw)
+ ['amd64', 'x86']
- @type keywords: array
- @rtype: set
- """
- return set(x.lstrip('~') for x in keywords)
+ @type keywords: array
+ @rtype: set
+ """
+ return {x.lstrip("~") for x in keywords}
abs_keywords = reduce_keywords
@@ -114,31 +112,31 @@ abs_keywords = reduce_keywords
# I was trying to avoid a 2nd use of determine_keyword name (in analyse.lib)
# but that one is a little different and not suitable for this task.
def determine_keyword(arch, accepted, keywords):
- """Determine a keyword from matching a dep's KEYWORDS
- list against the ARCH & ACCEPT_KEYWORDS provided.
- @type arch: string
- @param arch: portage.settings["ARCH"]
- @type accepted: string
- @param accepted: portage.settings["ACCEPT_KEYWORDS"]
- @type keywords: string
- @param keywords: the pkg ebuilds keywords
- """
- if not keywords:
- return ''
- keys = keywords.split()
- if arch in keys:
- return arch
- keyworded = "~" + arch
- if keyworded in keys:
- return keyworded
- match = list(set(accepted.split(" ")).intersection(keys))
- if len(match) > 1:
- if arch in match:
- return arch
- if keyworded in match:
- return keyworded
- return 'unknown'
- if match:
- return match[0]
- return 'unknown'
+ """Determine a keyword from matching a dep's KEYWORDS
+ list against the ARCH & ACCEPT_KEYWORDS provided.
+ @type arch: string
+ @param arch: portage.settings["ARCH"]
+ @type accepted: string
+ @param accepted: portage.settings["ACCEPT_KEYWORDS"]
+ @type keywords: string
+ @param keywords: the pkg ebuilds keywords
+ """
+ if not keywords:
+ return ""
+ keys = keywords.split()
+ if arch in keys:
+ return arch
+ keyworded = "~" + arch
+ if keyworded in keys:
+ return keyworded
+ match = list(set(accepted.split(" ")).intersection(keys))
+ if len(match) > 1:
+ if arch in match:
+ return arch
+ if keyworded in match:
+ return keyworded
+ return "unknown"
+ if match:
+ return match[0]
+ return "unknown"
diff --git a/pym/gentoolkit/meson.build b/pym/gentoolkit/meson.build
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7908d94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pym/gentoolkit/meson.build
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+ [
+ '__init__.py',
+ 'atom.py',
+ 'base.py',
+ 'cpv.py',
+ 'dbapi.py',
+ 'dependencies.py',
+ 'eprefix.py',
+ 'errors.py',
+ 'flag.py',
+ 'formatters.py',
+ 'helpers.py',
+ 'keyword.py',
+ 'module_base.py',
+ 'package.py',
+ 'pprinter.py',
+ 'profile.py',
+ 'query.py',
+ 'sets.py',
+ 'textwrap_.py',
+ 'versionmatch.py',
+ ],
+ subdir : 'gentoolkit'
diff --git a/pym/gentoolkit/metadata.py b/pym/gentoolkit/metadata.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 9dc9619..0000000
--- a/pym/gentoolkit/metadata.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,307 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright(c) 2009, Gentoo Foundation
-# Licensed under the GNU General Public License, v2
-"""Provides an easy-to-use python interface to Gentoo's metadata.xml file.
- Example usage:
- >>> from gentoolkit.metadata import MetaData
- >>> pkg_md = MetaData('/usr/portage/app-misc/gourmet/metadata.xml')
- >>> pkg_md
- <MetaData '/usr/portage/app-misc/gourmet/metadata.xml'>
- >>> pkg_md.herds()
- []
- >>> for maint in pkg_md.maintainers():
- ... print('{0} ({1})'.format(maint.email, maint.name))
- ...
- nixphoeni@gentoo.org (Joe Sapp)
- >>> for flag in pkg_md.use():
- ... print(flag.name, '->', flag.description)
- ...
- rtf -> Enable export to RTF
- gnome-print -> Enable pretty Python printing with gnome-print
- >>> upstream = pkg_md.upstream()
- >>> upstream # doctest: +ELLIPSIS, +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
- [<_Upstream {'node': <Element 'upstream' at 0x...>,
- 'remoteids': [], 'docs': [],
- 'maintainers':
- [<_Maintainer 'Thomas_Hinkle@alumni.brown.edu'>],
- 'changelogs': [], 'bugtrackers': []}>]
- >>> upstream[0].maintainers[0].name
- 'Thomas Mills Hinkle'
-__all__ = ('MetaData',)
-__docformat__ = 'epytext'
-# =======
-# Imports
-# =======
-import os
-import re
-import xml.etree.cElementTree as etree
-from portage import settings
-# =======
-# Classes
-# =======
-class _Maintainer:
- """An object for representing one maintainer.
- @type email: str or None
- @ivar email: Maintainer's email address. Used for both Gentoo and upstream.
- @type name: str or None
- @ivar name: Maintainer's name. Used for both Gentoo and upstream.
- @type description: str or None
- @ivar description: Description of what a maintainer does. Gentoo only.
- @type restrict: str or None
- @ivar restrict: e.g. &gt;=portage-2.2 means only maintains versions
- of Portage greater than 2.2. Should be DEPEND string with < and >
- converted to &lt; and &gt; respectively.
- @type status: str or None
- @ivar status: If set, either 'active' or 'inactive'. Upstream only.
- """
- def __init__(self, node):
- self.email = None
- self.name = None
- self.description = None
- self.restrict = node.get('restrict')
- self.status = node.get('status')
- for attr in node.iter():
- setattr(self, attr.tag, attr.text)
- def __repr__(self):
- return "<%s %r>" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.email)
-class _Useflag:
- """An object for representing one USE flag.
- @todo: Is there any way to have a keyword option to leave in
- <pkg> and <cat> for later processing?
- @type name: str or None
- @ivar name: USE flag
- @type restrict: str or None
- @ivar restrict: e.g. &gt;=portage-2.2 means flag is only avaiable in
- versions greater than 2.2
- @type description: str
- @ivar description: description of the USE flag
- """
- def __init__(self, node):
- self.name = node.get('name')
- self.restrict = node.get('restrict')
- _desc = ''
- if node.text:
- _desc = node.text
- for child in node.iter():
- # prevent duplicate text
- if child.text and child.text not in _desc:
- _desc += child.text
- if child.tail and not child.tail in _desc:
- _desc += child.tail
- # This takes care of tabs and newlines left from the file
- self.description = re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', _desc)
- def __repr__(self):
- return "<%s %r>" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.name)
-class _Upstream:
- """An object for representing one package's upstream.
- @type maintainers: list
- @ivar maintainers: L{_Maintainer} objects for each upstream maintainer
- @type changelogs: list
- @ivar changelogs: URLs to upstream's ChangeLog file in str format
- @type docs: list
- @ivar docs: Sequence of tuples containing URLs to upstream documentation
- in the first slot and 'lang' attribute in the second, e.g.,
- [('http.../docs/en/tut.html', None), ('http.../doc/fr/tut.html', 'fr')]
- @type bugtrackers: list
- @ivar bugtrackers: URLs to upstream's bugtracker. May also contain an email
- address if prepended with 'mailto:'
- @type remoteids: list
- @ivar remoteids: Sequence of tuples containing the project's hosting site
- name in the first slot and the project's ID name or number for that
- site in the second, e.g., [('sourceforge', 'systemrescuecd')]
- """
- def __init__(self, node):
- self.node = node
- self.maintainers = self.upstream_maintainers()
- self.changelogs = self.upstream_changelogs()
- self.docs = self.upstream_documentation()
- self.bugtrackers = self.upstream_bugtrackers()
- self.remoteids = self.upstream_remoteids()
- def __repr__(self):
- return "<%s %r>" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.__dict__)
- def upstream_bugtrackers(self):
- """Retrieve upstream bugtracker location from xml node."""
- return [e.text for e in self.node.findall('bugs-to')]
- def upstream_changelogs(self):
- """Retrieve upstream changelog location from xml node."""
- return [e.text for e in self.node.findall('changelog')]
- def upstream_documentation(self):
- """Retrieve upstream documentation location from xml node."""
- result = []
- for elem in self.node.findall('doc'):
- lang = elem.get('lang')
- result.append((elem.text, lang))
- return result
- def upstream_maintainers(self):
- """Retrieve upstream maintainer information from xml node."""
- return [_Maintainer(m) for m in self.node.findall('maintainer')]
- def upstream_remoteids(self):
- """Retrieve upstream remote ID from xml node."""
- return [(e.text, e.get('type')) for e in self.node.findall('remote-id')]
-class MetaData:
- """Access metadata.xml"""
- def __init__(self, metadata_path):
- """Parse a valid metadata.xml file.
- @type metadata_path: str
- @param metadata_path: path to a valid metadata.xml file
- @raise IOError: if C{metadata_path} can not be read
- """
- self.metadata_path = metadata_path
- self._xml_tree = etree.parse(metadata_path)
- # Used for caching
- self._herdstree = None
- self._descriptions = None
- self._maintainers = None
- self._useflags = None
- self._upstream = None
- def __repr__(self):
- return "<%s %r>" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.metadata_path)
- def _get_herd_email(self, herd):
- """Get a herd's email address.
- @type herd: str
- @param herd: herd whose email you want
- @rtype: str or None
- @return: email address or None if herd is not in herds.xml
- @raise IOError: if $PORTDIR/metadata/herds.xml can not be read
- """
- if self._herdstree is None:
- herds_path = os.path.join(settings['PORTDIR'], 'metadata/herds.xml')
- try:
- self._herdstree = etree.parse(herds_path)
- except IOError:
- # For some trees, herds.xml may not exist. Bug #300108.
- return None
- # Some special herds are not listed in herds.xml
- if herd in ('no-herd', 'maintainer-wanted', 'maintainer-needed'):
- return None
- for node in self._herdstree.iter('herd'):
- if node.findtext('name') == herd:
- return node.findtext('email')
- def herds(self, include_email=False):
- """Return a list of text nodes for <herd>.
- @type include_email: bool
- @keyword include_email: if True, also look up the herd's email
- @rtype: list
- @return: if include_email is False, return a list of strings;
- if include_email is True, return a list of tuples containing:
- [('herd1', 'herd1@gentoo.org'), ('no-herd', None);
- """
- result = []
- for elem in self._xml_tree.findall('herd'):
- text = elem.text
- if text is None:
- text = ''
- if include_email:
- herd_mail = self._get_herd_email(text)
- result.append((text, herd_mail))
- else:
- result.append(text)
- return result
- def descriptions(self):
- """Return a list of text nodes for <longdescription>.
- @rtype: list
- @return: package description in string format
- @todo: Support the C{lang} attribute
- """
- if self._descriptions is not None:
- return self._descriptions
- long_descriptions = self._xml_tree.findall("longdescription")
- self._descriptions = [e.text for e in long_descriptions]
- return self._descriptions
- def maintainers(self):
- """Get maintainers' name, email and description.
- @rtype: list
- @return: a sequence of L{_Maintainer} objects in document order.
- """
- if self._maintainers is not None:
- return self._maintainers
- self._maintainers = []
- for node in self._xml_tree.findall('maintainer'):
- self._maintainers.append(_Maintainer(node))
- return self._maintainers
- def use(self):
- """Get names and descriptions for USE flags defined in metadata.
- @rtype: list
- @return: a sequence of L{_Useflag} objects in document order.
- """
- if self._useflags is not None:
- return self._useflags
- self._useflags = []
- for node in self._xml_tree.iter('flag'):
- self._useflags.append(_Useflag(node))
- return self._useflags
- def upstream(self):
- """Get upstream contact information.
- @rtype: list
- @return: a sequence of L{_Upstream} objects in document order.
- """
- if self._upstream is not None:
- return self._upstream
- self._upstream = []
- for node in self._xml_tree.findall('upstream'):
- self._upstream.append(_Upstream(node))
- return self._upstream
-# vim: set ts=4 sw=4 tw=79:
diff --git a/pym/gentoolkit/module_base.py b/pym/gentoolkit/module_base.py
index 0632469..a8e9c9e 100644
--- a/pym/gentoolkit/module_base.py
+++ b/pym/gentoolkit/module_base.py
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
"""General Base Module class to hold common module operation functions
-__docformat__ = 'epytext'
+__docformat__ = "epytext"
import sys
@@ -17,135 +17,143 @@ import gentoolkit.pprinter as pp
from gentoolkit.formatters import format_options
from gentoolkit.base import mod_usage
class ModuleBase:
- """E-app base module class to parse module options print module help, etc.."""
- def __init__(self):
- self.module_name = None
- self.options = {}
- self.formatted_options = None
- self.short_opts = None
- self.long_opts = None
- self.module_opts = {}
- self.warning = None
- self.need_queries = True
- self.saved_verbose = None
- def print_help(self, with_description=True):
- """Print description, usage and a detailed help message.
- @type with_description: bool
- @param with_description: if true, print module's __doc__ string
- """
- if with_description:
- print()
- print(__doc__.strip())
- print()
- if self.warning:
- print()
- for line in self.warning:
- sys.stderr.write(pp.warn(line))
- print()
- print(mod_usage(mod_name=self.module_name, arg=self.arg_spec, optional=self.arg_option))
- print()
- print(pp.command("options"))
- print(format_options( self.formatted_options ))
- if self.formatted_args:
- print()
- print(pp.command(self.arg_spec))
- print(format_options(self.formatted_args))
- print()
- def parse_module_options(self, module_opts):
- """Parse module options and update self.options"""
- opts = (x[0] for x in module_opts)
- posargs = (x[1] for x in module_opts)
- for opt, posarg in zip(opts, posargs):
- if opt in ('-h', '--help'):
- self.print_help()
- sys.exit(0)
- opt_name, opt_type, opt_setting = self.module_opts[opt]
- if opt_type == 'boolean':
- self.options[opt_name] = opt_setting
- elif opt_type == 'int':
- if posarg.isdigit():
- val = int(posarg)
- else:
- print()
- err = "Module option %s requires integer (got '%s')"
- sys.stdout.write(pp.error(err % (opt,posarg)))
- print()
- self.print_help(with_description=False)
- sys.exit(2)
- self.options[opt_name] = val
- elif opt_type == 'char':
- self.options[opt_name] = posarg
- def set_quiet(self, quiet):
- """sets the class option["quiet"] and option["verbose"] accordingly"""
- if quiet == self.options['quiet']:
- return
- if self.saved_verbose:
- # detected a switch
- verbose = self.options['verbose']
- self.options['verbose'] = self.saved_verbose
- self.saved_verbose = verbose
- elif quiet:
- self.saved_verbose = self.options['verbose']
- self.options['verbose'] = False
- self.options['quiet'] = quiet
- return
- def validate_query(self, query, depth=0):
- """check that the query meets the modules TargetSpec
- If not it attempts to reduce it to a valid TargetSpec
- or prints the help message and exits
- """
- if depth > 1:
- return []
- if len(query) > 1:
- query = list(set(self.arg_options).intersection(query))
- #print "reduced query =", query
- query = self.validate_query(query, depth+1)
- if isinstance(query, list):
- query = query[0]
- if query not in self.arg_options:
- print()
- print(pp.error(
- "Error starting module. Incorrect or No TargetSpec specified!"
- ))
- print("query = ", query)
- self.print_help()
- sys.exit(2)
- return query
- def main_setup(self, input_args):
- """Parse input and prepares the program"""
- try:
- module_opts, queries = gnu_getopt(input_args, self.short_opts, self.long_opts)
- except GetoptError as err:
- sys.stderr.write(pp.error("Module %s" % err))
- print()
- self.print_help(with_description=False)
- sys.exit(2)
- self.parse_module_options(module_opts)
- if self.need_queries and not queries:
- self.print_help()
- sys.exit(2)
- return queries
- def not_implemented(self, target):
- """Prints a standard module not implemented message"""
- print()
- print(pp.error(
- "Sorry %s module and/or target is not implenented yet."
- % pp.emph(self.command_name)))
- print("module: %s, target: %s" %(pp.emph(self.module_name), pp.emph(target)))
- print()
+ """E-app base module class to parse module options print module help, etc.."""
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.module_name = None
+ self.options = {}
+ self.formatted_options = None
+ self.short_opts = None
+ self.long_opts = None
+ self.module_opts = {}
+ self.warning = None
+ self.need_queries = True
+ self.saved_verbose = None
+ def print_help(self, with_description=True):
+ """Print description, usage and a detailed help message.
+ @type with_description: bool
+ @param with_description: if true, print module's __doc__ string
+ """
+ if with_description:
+ print()
+ print(__doc__.strip())
+ print()
+ if self.warning:
+ print()
+ for line in self.warning:
+ sys.stderr.write(pp.warn(line))
+ print()
+ print(
+ mod_usage(
+ mod_name=self.module_name, arg=self.arg_spec, optional=self.arg_option
+ )
+ )
+ print()
+ print(pp.command("options"))
+ print(format_options(self.formatted_options))
+ if self.formatted_args:
+ print()
+ print(pp.command(self.arg_spec))
+ print(format_options(self.formatted_args))
+ print()
+ def parse_module_options(self, module_opts):
+ """Parse module options and update self.options"""
+ opts = (x[0] for x in module_opts)
+ posargs = (x[1] for x in module_opts)
+ for opt, posarg in zip(opts, posargs):
+ if opt in ("-h", "--help"):
+ self.print_help()
+ sys.exit(0)
+ opt_name, opt_type, opt_setting = self.module_opts[opt]
+ if opt_type == "boolean":
+ self.options[opt_name] = opt_setting
+ elif opt_type == "int":
+ if posarg.isdigit():
+ val = int(posarg)
+ else:
+ print()
+ err = "Module option %s requires integer (got '%s')"
+ sys.stdout.write(pp.error(err % (opt, posarg)))
+ print()
+ self.print_help(with_description=False)
+ sys.exit(2)
+ self.options[opt_name] = val
+ elif opt_type == "char":
+ self.options[opt_name] = posarg
+ def set_quiet(self, quiet):
+ """sets the class option["quiet"] and option["verbose"] accordingly"""
+ if quiet == self.options["quiet"]:
+ return
+ if self.saved_verbose:
+ # detected a switch
+ verbose = self.options["verbose"]
+ self.options["verbose"] = self.saved_verbose
+ self.saved_verbose = verbose
+ elif quiet:
+ self.saved_verbose = self.options["verbose"]
+ self.options["verbose"] = False
+ self.options["quiet"] = quiet
+ return
+ def validate_query(self, query, depth=0):
+ """check that the query meets the modules TargetSpec
+ If not it attempts to reduce it to a valid TargetSpec
+ or prints the help message and exits
+ """
+ if depth > 1:
+ return []
+ if len(query) > 1:
+ query = list(set(self.arg_options).intersection(query))
+ # print "reduced query =", query
+ query = self.validate_query(query, depth + 1)
+ if isinstance(query, list):
+ query = query[0]
+ if query not in self.arg_options:
+ print()
+ print(
+ pp.error("Error starting module. Incorrect or No TargetSpec specified!")
+ )
+ print("query = ", query)
+ self.print_help()
+ sys.exit(2)
+ return query
+ def main_setup(self, input_args):
+ """Parse input and prepares the program"""
+ try:
+ module_opts, queries = gnu_getopt(
+ input_args, self.short_opts, self.long_opts
+ )
+ except GetoptError as err:
+ sys.stderr.write(pp.error("Module %s" % err))
+ print()
+ self.print_help(with_description=False)
+ sys.exit(2)
+ self.parse_module_options(module_opts)
+ if self.need_queries and not queries:
+ self.print_help()
+ sys.exit(2)
+ return queries
+ def not_implemented(self, target):
+ """Prints a standard module not implemented message"""
+ print()
+ print(
+ pp.error(
+ "Sorry %s module and/or target is not implenented yet."
+ % pp.emph(self.command_name)
+ )
+ )
+ print(f"module: {pp.emph(self.module_name)}, target: {pp.emph(target)}")
+ print()
# vim: set ts=4 sw=4 tw=79:
diff --git a/pym/gentoolkit/package.py b/pym/gentoolkit/package.py
index 4c851bc..2159782 100644
--- a/pym/gentoolkit/package.py
+++ b/pym/gentoolkit/package.py
@@ -20,19 +20,26 @@ Example usage:
-__all__ = (
- 'Package',
- 'PackageFormatter',
+__all__ = ("Package", "PackageFormatter", "FORMAT_TMPL_VARS")
# =======
# Globals
# =======
- '$location', '$mask', '$mask2', '$cp', '$cpv', '$category', '$name',
- '$version', '$revision', '$fullversion', '$slot', '$repo', '$keywords'
+ "$location",
+ "$mask",
+ "$mask2",
+ "$cp",
+ "$cpv",
+ "$category",
+ "$name",
+ "$version",
+ "$revision",
+ "$fullversion",
+ "$slot",
+ "$repo",
+ "$keywords",
# =======
@@ -57,13 +64,18 @@ from gentoolkit.eprefix import EPREFIX
# Settings
# =======
def _NewPortageConfig(local_config):
- ret = portage.config(local_config=local_config,
- eprefix=EPREFIX if EPREFIX else None,
- config_root=os.environ.get('PORTAGE_CONFIGROOT', None),
- target_root=os.environ.get('ROOT', None))
- ret.lock()
- return ret
+ ret = portage.config(
+ local_config=local_config,
+ eprefix=EPREFIX if EPREFIX else None,
+ config_root=os.environ.get("PORTAGE_CONFIGROOT", None),
+ target_root=os.environ.get("ROOT", None),
+ )
+ ret.lock()
+ return ret
default_settings = _NewPortageConfig(local_config=True)
nolocal_settings = _NewPortageConfig(local_config=False)
@@ -71,555 +83,570 @@ nolocal_settings = _NewPortageConfig(local_config=False)
# Classes
# =======
class Package(CPV):
- """Exposes the state of a given CPV."""
- def __init__(self, cpv, validate=False, local_config=True):
- if isinstance(cpv, CPV):
- self.__dict__.update(cpv.__dict__)
- else:
- CPV.__init__(self, cpv, validate=validate)
- if validate and not all(
- hasattr(self, x) for x in ('category', 'version')
- ):
- # CPV allows some things that Package must not
- raise errors.GentoolkitInvalidPackage(self.cpv)
- if local_config:
- self._settings = default_settings
- else:
- self._settings = nolocal_settings
- # Set dynamically
- self._package_path = None
- self._dblink = None
- self._metadata = None
- self._deps = None
- self._portdir_path = None
- def __repr__(self):
- return "<%s %r>" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.cpv)
- def __hash__(self):
- return hash(self.cpv)
- def __contains__(self, key):
- return key in self.cpv
- def __str__(self):
- return str(self.cpv)
- @property
- def metadata(self):
- """Instantiate a L{gentoolkit.metadata.MetaData} object here."""
- from gentoolkit.metadata import MetaData
- if self._metadata is None:
- metadata_path = os.path.join(
- self.package_path(), 'metadata.xml'
- )
- try:
- self._metadata = MetaData(metadata_path)
- except IOError as error:
- import errno
- if error.errno != errno.ENOENT:
- raise
- return None
- return self._metadata
- @property
- def dblink(self):
- """Instantiate a L{portage.dbapi.vartree.dblink} object here."""
- if self._dblink is None:
- self._dblink = portage.dblink(
- self.category,
- "%s-%s" % (self.name, self.fullversion),
- self._settings["ROOT"],
- self._settings
- )
- return self._dblink
- @property
- def deps(self):
- """Instantiate a L{gentoolkit.dependencies.Dependencies} object here."""
- from gentoolkit.dependencies import Dependencies
- if self._deps is None:
- self._deps = Dependencies(self.cpv)
- return self._deps
- def environment(self, envvars, prefer_vdb=True, fallback=True):
- """Returns one or more of the predefined environment variables.
- Some available envvars are:
- ----------------------
- Example usage:
- >>> pkg = Package('sys-apps/portage-9999')
- >>> pkg.environment('USE')
- ''
- >>> pkg.environment(('USE', 'IUSE'))
- ... # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
- ['', 'build doc epydoc +ipc pypy1_9 python2 python3
- selinux xattr']
- @type envvars: str or array
- @param envvars: one or more of (DEPEND, SRC_URI, etc.)
- @type prefer_vdb: bool
- @keyword prefer_vdb: if True, look in the vardb before portdb, else
- reverse order. Specifically KEYWORDS will get more recent
- information by preferring portdb.
- @type fallback: bool
- @keyword fallback: query only the preferred db if False
- @rtype: str or list
- @return: str if envvars is str, list if envvars is array
- @raise KeyError: if key is not found in requested db(s)
- """
- got_string = False
- if isinstance(envvars, str):
- got_string = True
- envvars = (envvars,)
- if prefer_vdb:
- try:
- result = portage.db[portage.root][
- 'vartree'].dbapi.aux_get(
- self.cpv, envvars)
- except KeyError:
- try:
- if not fallback:
- raise KeyError
- result = portage.db[portage.root][
- 'porttree'].dbapi.aux_get(
- self.cpv, envvars)
- except KeyError:
- raise errors.GentoolkitFatalError(
- 'aux_get returned unexpected '
- 'results')
- else:
- try:
- result = portage.db[portage.root][
- 'porttree'].dbapi.aux_get(
- self.cpv, envvars)
- except KeyError:
- try:
- if not fallback:
- raise KeyError
- result = portage.db[portage.root][
- 'vartree'].dbapi.aux_get(
- self.cpv, envvars)
- except KeyError:
- raise errors.GentoolkitFatalError(
- 'aux_get returned unexpected '
- 'results')
- if got_string:
- return result[0]
- return result
- def exists(self):
- """Return True if package exists in the Portage tree, else False"""
- return bool(portage.db[portage.root]["porttree"].dbapi.cpv_exists(self.cpv))
- def settings(self, key):
- """Returns the value of the given key for this package (useful
- for package.* files."""
- if self._settings.locked:
- self._settings.unlock()
- try:
- result = self._settings[key]
- finally:
- self._settings.lock()
- return result
- def mask_status(self):
- """Shortcut to L{portage.getmaskingstatus}.
- @rtype: None or list
- @return: a list containing none or some of:
- 'profile'
- 'package.mask'
- license(s)
- "kmask" keyword
- 'missing keyword'
- """
- if self._settings.locked:
- self._settings.unlock()
- try:
- result = portage.getmaskingstatus(self.cpv,
- settings=self._settings,
- portdb=portage.db[portage.root]["porttree"].dbapi)
- except KeyError:
- # getmaskingstatus doesn't support packages without ebuilds in the
- # Portage tree.
- result = None
- return result
- def mask_reason(self):
- """Shortcut to L{portage.getmaskingreason}.
- @rtype: None or tuple
- @return: empty tuple if pkg not masked OR
- ('mask reason', 'mask location')
- """
- try:
- result = portage.getmaskingreason(self.cpv,
- settings=self._settings,
- portdb=portage.db[portage.root]["porttree"].dbapi,
- return_location=True)
- if result is None:
- result = tuple()
- except KeyError:
- # getmaskingstatus doesn't support packages without ebuilds in the
- # Portage tree.
- result = None
- return result
- def ebuild_path(self, in_vartree=False):
- """Returns the complete path to the .ebuild file.
- Example usage:
- >>> pkg = Package('sys-apps/portage-9999')
- >>> pkg.ebuild_path()
- '/usr/portage/sys-apps/portage/portage-9999.ebuild'
- >>> pkg.ebuild_path(in_vartree=True)
- '/var/db/pkg/sys-apps/portage-9999/portage-9999.ebuild'
- """
- if in_vartree:
- return portage.db[portage.root]["vartree"].dbapi.findname(self.cpv)
- return portage.db[portage.root]["porttree"].dbapi.findname(self.cpv)
- def package_path(self, in_vartree=False):
- """Return the path to where the ebuilds and other files reside."""
- if in_vartree:
- return self.dblink.getpath()
- return os.sep.join(self.ebuild_path().split(os.sep)[:-1])
- def repo_name(self, fallback=True):
- """Determine the repository name.
- @type fallback: bool
- @param fallback: if the repo_name file does not exist, return the
- repository name from the path
- @rtype: str
- @return: output of the repository metadata file, which stores the
- repo_name variable, or try to get the name of the repo from
- the path.
- @raise GentoolkitFatalError: if fallback is False and repo_name is
- not specified by the repository.
- """
- try:
- return self.environment('repository')
- except errors.GentoolkitFatalError:
- if fallback:
- return self.package_path().split(os.sep)[-3]
- raise
- def use(self):
- """Returns the USE flags active at time of installation."""
- return self.dblink.getstring("USE")
- def use_status(self):
- """Returns the USE flags active for installation."""
- iuse, final_flags = get_flags(self.cpv, final_setting=True)
- return final_flags
- def parsed_contents(self, prefix_root=False):
- """Returns the parsed CONTENTS file.
- @rtype: dict
- @return: {'/full/path/to/obj': ['type', 'timestamp', 'md5sum'], ...}
- """
- contents = self.dblink.getcontents()
- # Portage will automatically prepend ROOT. Undo that.
- if not prefix_root:
- myroot = self._settings["ROOT"]
- if myroot != '/':
- ret = {}
- for key, val in self.dblink.getcontents().items():
- ret['/' + os.path.relpath(key, myroot)] = val
- contents = ret
- return contents
- def size(self):
- """Estimates the installed size of the contents of this package.
- @rtype: tuple
- @return: (size, number of files in total, number of uncounted files)
- """
- seen = set()
- size = n_files = n_uncounted = 0
- for path in self.parsed_contents(prefix_root=True):
- try:
- st = os.lstat(_unicode_encode(path, encoding=_encodings['fs']))
- except OSError:
- continue
- # Remove hardlinks by checking for duplicate inodes. Bug #301026.
- file_inode = st.st_ino
- if file_inode in seen:
- continue
- seen.add(file_inode)
+ """Exposes the state of a given CPV."""
+ def __init__(self, cpv, validate=False, local_config=True):
+ if isinstance(cpv, CPV):
+ self.__dict__.update(cpv.__dict__)
+ else:
+ CPV.__init__(self, cpv, validate=validate)
+ if validate and not all(hasattr(self, x) for x in ("category", "version")):
+ # CPV allows some things that Package must not
+ raise errors.GentoolkitInvalidPackage(self.cpv)
+ if local_config:
+ self._settings = default_settings
+ else:
+ self._settings = nolocal_settings
+ # Set dynamically
+ self._package_path = None
+ self._dblink = None
+ self._metadata = None
+ self._deps = None
+ self._portdir_path = None
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return f"<{self.__class__.__name__} {self.cpv!r}>"
+ def __hash__(self):
+ return hash(self.cpv)
+ def __contains__(self, key):
+ return key in self.cpv
+ def __str__(self):
+ return str(self.cpv)
+ @property
+ def metadata(self):
+ """Instantiate a L{portage.xml.MetaDataXML} object here."""
+ from portage.xml.metadata import MetaDataXML
+ if self._metadata is None:
+ metadata_path = os.path.join(self.package_path(), "metadata.xml")
+ projects_path = os.path.join(
+ self._settings["PORTDIR"], "metadata/projects.xml"
+ )
+ try:
+ self._metadata = MetaDataXML(metadata_path, projects_path)
+ except OSError as error:
+ import errno
+ if error.errno != errno.ENOENT:
+ raise
+ return None
+ return self._metadata
+ @property
+ def dblink(self):
+ """Instantiate a L{portage.dbapi.vartree.dblink} object here."""
+ if self._dblink is None:
+ self._dblink = portage.dblink(
+ self.category,
+ f"{self.name}-{self.fullversion}",
+ self._settings["ROOT"],
+ self._settings,
+ )
+ return self._dblink
+ @property
+ def deps(self):
+ """Instantiate a L{gentoolkit.dependencies.Dependencies} object here."""
+ from gentoolkit.dependencies import Dependencies
+ if self._deps is None:
+ self._deps = Dependencies(self.cpv)
+ return self._deps
+ def environment(self, envvars, prefer_vdb=True, fallback=True):
+ """Returns one or more of the predefined environment variables.
+ Some available envvars are:
+ ----------------------
+ Example usage:
+ >>> pkg = Package('sys-apps/portage-9999')
+ >>> pkg.environment('USE')
+ ''
+ >>> pkg.environment(('USE', 'IUSE'))
+ ... # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
+ ['', 'build doc epydoc +ipc pypy1_9 python2 python3
+ selinux xattr']
+ @type envvars: str or array
+ @param envvars: one or more of (DEPEND, SRC_URI, etc.)
+ @type prefer_vdb: bool
+ @keyword prefer_vdb: if True, look in the vardb before portdb, else
+ reverse order. Specifically KEYWORDS will get more recent
+ information by preferring portdb.
+ @type fallback: bool
+ @keyword fallback: query only the preferred db if False
+ @rtype: str or list
+ @return: str if envvars is str, list if envvars is array
+ @raise KeyError: if key is not found in requested db(s)
+ """
+ got_string = False
+ if isinstance(envvars, str):
+ got_string = True
+ envvars = (envvars,)
+ if prefer_vdb:
+ try:
+ result = portage.db[portage.root]["vartree"].dbapi.aux_get(
+ self.cpv, envvars
+ )
+ except KeyError:
+ try:
+ if not fallback:
+ raise KeyError
+ result = portage.db[portage.root]["porttree"].dbapi.aux_get(
+ self.cpv, envvars
+ )
+ except KeyError:
+ raise errors.GentoolkitFatalError(
+ "aux_get returned unexpected " "results"
+ )
+ else:
+ try:
+ result = portage.db[portage.root]["porttree"].dbapi.aux_get(
+ self.cpv, envvars
+ )
+ except KeyError:
+ try:
+ if not fallback:
+ raise KeyError
+ result = portage.db[portage.root]["vartree"].dbapi.aux_get(
+ self.cpv, envvars
+ )
+ except KeyError:
+ raise errors.GentoolkitFatalError(
+ "aux_get returned unexpected " "results"
+ )
+ if got_string:
+ return result[0]
+ return result
+ def exists(self):
+ """Return True if package exists in the Portage tree, else False"""
+ return bool(portage.db[portage.root]["porttree"].dbapi.cpv_exists(self.cpv))
+ def settings(self, key):
+ """Returns the value of the given key for this package (useful
+ for package.* files."""
+ if self._settings.locked:
+ self._settings.unlock()
+ try:
+ result = self._settings[key]
+ finally:
+ self._settings.lock()
+ return result
+ def mask_status(self):
+ """Shortcut to L{portage.getmaskingstatus}.
+ @rtype: None or list
+ @return: a list containing none or some of:
+ 'profile'
+ 'package.mask'
+ license(s)
+ "kmask" keyword
+ 'missing keyword'
+ """
+ if self._settings.locked:
+ self._settings.unlock()
+ try:
+ result = portage.getmaskingstatus(
+ self.cpv,
+ settings=self._settings,
+ portdb=portage.db[portage.root]["porttree"].dbapi,
+ )
+ except KeyError:
+ # getmaskingstatus doesn't support packages without ebuilds in the
+ # Portage tree.
+ result = None
+ return result
+ def mask_reason(self):
+ """Shortcut to L{portage.getmaskingreason}.
+ @rtype: None or tuple
+ @return: empty tuple if pkg not masked OR
+ ('mask reason', 'mask location')
+ """
+ try:
+ result = portage.getmaskingreason(
+ self.cpv,
+ settings=self._settings,
+ portdb=portage.db[portage.root]["porttree"].dbapi,
+ return_location=True,
+ )
+ if result is None:
+ result = tuple()
+ except KeyError:
+ # getmaskingstatus doesn't support packages without ebuilds in the
+ # Portage tree.
+ result = None
+ return result
+ def ebuild_path(self, in_vartree=False):
+ """Returns the complete path to the .ebuild file.
+ Example usage:
+ >>> pkg = Package('sys-apps/portage-9999')
+ >>> pkg.ebuild_path()
+ '/usr/portage/sys-apps/portage/portage-9999.ebuild'
+ >>> pkg.ebuild_path(in_vartree=True)
+ '/var/db/pkg/sys-apps/portage-9999/portage-9999.ebuild'
+ """
+ if in_vartree:
+ return portage.db[portage.root]["vartree"].dbapi.findname(self.cpv)
+ return portage.db[portage.root]["porttree"].dbapi.findname(self.cpv)
+ def package_path(self, in_vartree=False):
+ """Return the path to where the ebuilds and other files reside."""
+ if in_vartree:
+ return self.dblink.getpath()
+ return os.sep.join(self.ebuild_path().split(os.sep)[:-1])
+ def repo_name(self, fallback=True):
+ """Determine the repository name.
+ @type fallback: bool
+ @param fallback: if the repo_name file does not exist, return the
+ repository name from the path
+ @rtype: str
+ @return: output of the repository metadata file, which stores the
+ repo_name variable, or try to get the name of the repo from
+ the path.
+ @raise GentoolkitFatalError: if fallback is False and repo_name is
+ not specified by the repository.
+ """
+ try:
+ return self.environment("repository")
+ except errors.GentoolkitFatalError:
+ if fallback:
+ return self.package_path().split(os.sep)[-3]
+ raise
+ def use(self):
+ """Returns the USE flags active at time of installation."""
+ return self.dblink.getstring("USE")
+ def use_status(self):
+ """Returns the USE flags active for installation."""
+ iuse, final_flags = get_flags(self.cpv, final_setting=True)
+ return final_flags
+ def parsed_contents(self, prefix_root=False):
+ """Returns the parsed CONTENTS file.
+ @rtype: dict
+ @return: {'/full/path/to/obj': ['type', 'timestamp', 'md5sum'], ...}
+ """
+ contents = self.dblink.getcontents()
+ # Portage will automatically prepend ROOT. Undo that.
+ if not prefix_root:
+ myroot = self._settings["ROOT"]
+ if myroot != "/":
+ ret = {}
+ for key, val in self.dblink.getcontents().items():
+ ret["/" + os.path.relpath(key, myroot)] = val
+ contents = ret
+ return contents
+ def size(self):
+ """Estimates the installed size of the contents of this package.
+ @rtype: tuple
+ @return: (size, number of files in total, number of uncounted files)
+ """
+ seen = set()
+ size = n_files = n_uncounted = 0
+ for path in self.parsed_contents(prefix_root=True):
+ try:
+ st = os.lstat(_unicode_encode(path, encoding=_encodings["fs"]))
+ except OSError:
+ continue
+ # Remove hardlinks by checking for duplicate inodes. Bug #301026.
+ file_inode = st.st_ino
+ if file_inode in seen:
+ continue
+ seen.add(file_inode)
+ try:
+ size += st.st_size
+ n_files += 1
+ except OSError:
+ n_uncounted += 1
+ return (size, n_files, n_uncounted)
+ def is_installed(self):
+ """Returns True if this package is installed (merged)."""
+ return self.dblink.exists()
+ def is_overlay(self):
+ """Returns True if the package is in an overlay."""
- try:
- size += st.st_size
- n_files += 1
- except OSError:
- n_uncounted += 1
- return (size, n_files, n_uncounted)
+ ebuild, tree = portage.db[portage.root]["porttree"].dbapi.findname2(self.cpv)
+ if not ebuild:
+ return None
+ if self._portdir_path is None:
+ self._portdir_path = os.path.realpath(self._settings["PORTDIR"])
+ return tree and tree != self._portdir_path
- def is_installed(self):
- """Returns True if this package is installed (merged)."""
- return self.dblink.exists()
+ def is_masked(self):
+ """Returns True if this package is masked against installation.
- def is_overlay(self):
- """Returns True if the package is in an overlay."""
+ @note: We blindly assume that the package actually exists on disk.
+ """
- ebuild, tree = portage.db[portage.root]["porttree"].dbapi.findname2(self.cpv)
- if not ebuild:
- return None
- if self._portdir_path is None:
- self._portdir_path = os.path.realpath(self._settings["PORTDIR"])
- return (tree and tree != self._portdir_path)
+ unmasked = portage.db[portage.root]["porttree"].dbapi.xmatch(
+ "match-visible", self.cpv
+ )
+ return self.cpv not in unmasked
- def is_masked(self):
- """Returns True if this package is masked against installation.
+ @property
+ def description(self):
+ """Returns the DESCRIPTION from the ebuild
- @note: We blindly assume that the package actually exists on disk.
- """
+ @rtype: list
+ """
- unmasked = portage.db[portage.root]['porttree'].dbapi.xmatch(
- 'match-visible', self.cpv)
- return self.cpv not in unmasked
+ return portage.db[portage.root]["porttree"].dbapi.aux_get(
+ self.cpv, ["DESCRIPTION"]
+ )
class PackageFormatter:
- """When applied to a L{gentoolkit.package.Package} object, determine the
- location (Portage Tree vs. overlay), install status and masked status. That
- information can then be easily formatted and displayed.
- Example usage:
- >>> from gentoolkit.query import Query
- >>> from gentoolkit.package import PackageFormatter
- >>> import portage.output
- >>> q = Query('gcc')
- >>> pkgs = [PackageFormatter(x) for x in q.find()]
- >>> havecolor = portage.output.havecolor
- >>> portage.output.havecolor = False
- >>> for pkg in pkgs:
- ... # Only print packages that are installed and from the Portage
- ... # tree
- ... if set('IP').issubset(pkg.location):
- ... print(pkg)
- ...
- [IP-] [ ] sys-devel/gcc-4.5.4:4.5
- >>> portage.output.havecolor = havecolor
- @type pkg: L{gentoolkit.package.Package}
- @param pkg: package to format
- @type do_format: bool
- @param do_format: Whether to format the package name or not.
- Essentially C{do_format} should be set to False when piping or when
- quiet output is desired. If C{do_format} is False, only the location
- attribute will be created to save time.
- """
- _tmpl_verbose = "[$location] [$mask] $cpv:$slot"
- _tmpl_quiet = "$cpv"
- def __init__(self, pkg, do_format=True, custom_format=None):
- self._pkg = None
- self._do_format = do_format
- self._str = None
- self._location = None
- if not custom_format:
- if do_format:
- custom_format = self._tmpl_verbose
- else:
- custom_format = self._tmpl_quiet
- self.tmpl = Template(custom_format)
- self.format_vars = LazyItemsDict()
- self.pkg = pkg
- def __repr__(self):
- return "<%s %s @%#8x>" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.pkg, id(self))
- def __str__(self):
- if self._str is None:
- self._str = self.tmpl.safe_substitute(self.format_vars)
- return self._str
- @property
- def location(self):
- if self._location is None:
- self._location = self.format_package_location()
- return self._location
- @property
- def pkg(self):
- """Package to format"""
- return self._pkg
- @pkg.setter
- def pkg(self, value):
- if self._pkg == value:
- return
- self._pkg = value
- self._location = None
- fmt_vars = self.format_vars
- self.format_vars.clear()
- fmt_vars.addLazySingleton("location",
- lambda: getattr(self, "location"))
- fmt_vars.addLazySingleton("mask", self.format_mask)
- fmt_vars.addLazySingleton("mask2", self.format_mask_status2)
- fmt_vars.addLazySingleton("cpv", self.format_cpv)
- fmt_vars.addLazySingleton("cp", self.format_cpv, "cp")
- fmt_vars.addLazySingleton("category", self.format_cpv, "category")
- fmt_vars.addLazySingleton("name", self.format_cpv, "name")
- fmt_vars.addLazySingleton("version", self.format_cpv, "version")
- fmt_vars.addLazySingleton("revision", self.format_cpv, "revision")
- fmt_vars.addLazySingleton("fullversion", self.format_cpv,
- "fullversion")
- fmt_vars.addLazySingleton("slot", self.format_slot)
- fmt_vars.addLazySingleton("repo", self.pkg.repo_name)
- fmt_vars.addLazySingleton("keywords", self.format_keywords)
- def format_package_location(self):
- """Get the install status (in /var/db/?) and origin (from an overlay
- and the Portage tree?).
- @rtype: str
- @return: one of:
- 'I--' : Installed but ebuild doesn't exist on system anymore
- '-P-' : Not installed and from the Portage tree
- '--O' : Not installed and from an overlay
- 'IP-' : Installed and from the Portage tree
- 'I-O' : Installed and from an overlay
- """
- result = ['-', '-', '-']
- if self.pkg.is_installed():
- result[0] = 'I'
- overlay = self.pkg.is_overlay()
- if overlay is None:
- pass
- elif overlay:
- result[2] = 'O'
- else:
- result[1] = 'P'
- return ''.join(result)
- def format_mask_status(self):
- """Get the mask status of a given package.
- @rtype: tuple: (int, list)
- @return: int = an index for this list:
- [" ", " ~", " -", "M ", "M~", "M-", "??"]
- 0 = not masked
- 1 = keyword masked
- 2 = arch masked
- 3 = hard masked
- 4 = hard and keyword masked,
- 5 = hard and arch masked
- 6 = ebuild doesn't exist on system anymore
- list = original output of portage.getmaskingstatus
- """
- result = 0
- masking_status = self.pkg.mask_status()
- if masking_status is None:
- return (6, [])
- if ("~%s keyword" % self.pkg.settings("ARCH")) in masking_status:
- result += 1
- if "missing keyword" in masking_status:
- result += 2
- if set(('profile', 'package.mask')).intersection(masking_status):
- result += 3
- return (result, masking_status)
- def format_mask_status2(self):
- """Get the mask status of a given package.
- """
- mask = self.pkg.mask_status()
- if mask:
- return pp.masking(mask)
- else:
- arch = self.pkg.settings("ARCH")
- keywords = self.pkg.environment('KEYWORDS')
- mask = [determine_keyword(arch,
- portage.settings["ACCEPT_KEYWORDS"],
- keywords)]
- return pp.masking(mask)
- def format_mask(self):
- maskmodes = [' ', ' ~', ' -', 'M ', 'M~', 'M-', '??']
- maskmode = maskmodes[self.format_mask_status()[0]]
- return pp.keyword(
- maskmode,
- stable=not maskmode.strip(),
- hard_masked=set(('M', '?', '-')).intersection(maskmode)
- )
- def format_cpv(self, attr=None):
- if attr is None:
- value = self.pkg.cpv
- else:
- value = getattr(self.pkg, attr)
- if self._do_format:
- return pp.cpv(value)
- else:
- return value
- def format_slot(self):
- value = self.pkg.environment("SLOT")
- if self._do_format:
- return pp.slot(value)
- else:
- return value
- def format_keywords(self):
- value = self.pkg.environment("KEYWORDS")
- if self._do_format:
- return pp.keyword(value)
- else:
- return value
+ """When applied to a L{gentoolkit.package.Package} object, determine the
+ location (Portage Tree vs. overlay), install status and masked status. That
+ information can then be easily formatted and displayed.
+ Example usage:
+ >>> from gentoolkit.query import Query
+ >>> from gentoolkit.package import PackageFormatter
+ >>> import portage.output
+ >>> q = Query('gcc')
+ >>> pkgs = [PackageFormatter(x) for x in q.find()]
+ >>> havecolor = portage.output.havecolor
+ >>> portage.output.havecolor = False
+ >>> for pkg in pkgs:
+ ... # Only print packages that are installed and from the Portage
+ ... # tree
+ ... if set('IP').issubset(pkg.location):
+ ... print(pkg)
+ ...
+ [IP-] [ ] sys-devel/gcc-4.5.4:4.5
+ >>> portage.output.havecolor = havecolor
+ @type pkg: L{gentoolkit.package.Package}
+ @param pkg: package to format
+ @type do_format: bool
+ @param do_format: Whether to format the package name or not.
+ Essentially C{do_format} should be set to False when piping or when
+ quiet output is desired. If C{do_format} is False, only the location
+ attribute will be created to save time.
+ """
+ _tmpl_verbose = "[$location] [$mask] $cpv:$slot"
+ _tmpl_quiet = "$cpv"
+ def __init__(self, pkg, do_format=True, custom_format=None):
+ self._pkg = None
+ self._do_format = do_format
+ self._str = None
+ self._location = None
+ if not custom_format:
+ if do_format:
+ custom_format = self._tmpl_verbose
+ else:
+ custom_format = self._tmpl_quiet
+ self.tmpl = Template(custom_format)
+ self.format_vars = LazyItemsDict()
+ self.pkg = pkg
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return f"<{self.__class__.__name__} {self.pkg} @{id(self):#8x}>"
+ def __str__(self):
+ if self._str is None:
+ self._str = self.tmpl.safe_substitute(self.format_vars)
+ return self._str
+ @property
+ def location(self):
+ if self._location is None:
+ self._location = self.format_package_location()
+ return self._location
+ @property
+ def pkg(self):
+ """Package to format"""
+ return self._pkg
+ @pkg.setter
+ def pkg(self, value):
+ if self._pkg == value:
+ return
+ self._pkg = value
+ self._location = None
+ fmt_vars = self.format_vars
+ self.format_vars.clear()
+ fmt_vars.addLazySingleton("location", lambda: getattr(self, "location"))
+ fmt_vars.addLazySingleton("mask", self.format_mask)
+ fmt_vars.addLazySingleton("mask2", self.format_mask_status2)
+ fmt_vars.addLazySingleton("cpv", self.format_cpv)
+ fmt_vars.addLazySingleton("cp", self.format_cpv, "cp")
+ fmt_vars.addLazySingleton("category", self.format_cpv, "category")
+ fmt_vars.addLazySingleton("name", self.format_cpv, "name")
+ fmt_vars.addLazySingleton("version", self.format_cpv, "version")
+ fmt_vars.addLazySingleton("revision", self.format_cpv, "revision")
+ fmt_vars.addLazySingleton("fullversion", self.format_cpv, "fullversion")
+ fmt_vars.addLazySingleton("slot", self.format_slot)
+ fmt_vars.addLazySingleton("repo", self.pkg.repo_name)
+ fmt_vars.addLazySingleton("keywords", self.format_keywords)
+ def format_package_location(self):
+ """Get the install status (in /var/db/?) and origin (from an overlay
+ and the Portage tree?).
+ @rtype: str
+ @return: one of:
+ 'I--' : Installed but ebuild doesn't exist on system anymore
+ '-P-' : Not installed and from the Portage tree
+ '--O' : Not installed and from an overlay
+ 'IP-' : Installed and from the Portage tree
+ 'I-O' : Installed and from an overlay
+ """
+ result = ["-", "-", "-"]
+ if self.pkg.is_installed():
+ result[0] = "I"
+ overlay = self.pkg.is_overlay()
+ if overlay is None:
+ pass
+ elif overlay:
+ result[2] = "O"
+ else:
+ result[1] = "P"
+ return "".join(result)
+ def format_mask_status(self):
+ """Get the mask status of a given package.
+ @rtype: tuple: (int, list)
+ @return: int = an index for this list:
+ [" ", " ~", " -", "M ", "M~", "M-", "??"]
+ 0 = not masked
+ 1 = keyword masked
+ 2 = arch masked
+ 3 = hard masked
+ 4 = hard and keyword masked,
+ 5 = hard and arch masked
+ 6 = ebuild doesn't exist on system anymore
+ list = original output of portage.getmaskingstatus
+ """
+ result = 0
+ masking_status = self.pkg.mask_status()
+ if masking_status is None:
+ return (6, [])
+ if ("~%s keyword" % self.pkg.settings("ARCH")) in masking_status:
+ result += 1
+ if "missing keyword" in masking_status:
+ result += 2
+ if {"profile", "package.mask"}.intersection(masking_status):
+ result += 3
+ return (result, masking_status)
+ def format_mask_status2(self):
+ """Get the mask status of a given package."""
+ mask = self.pkg.mask_status()
+ if mask:
+ return pp.masking(mask)
+ else:
+ arch = self.pkg.settings("ARCH")
+ keywords = self.pkg.environment("KEYWORDS")
+ mask = [
+ determine_keyword(arch, portage.settings["ACCEPT_KEYWORDS"], keywords)
+ ]
+ return pp.masking(mask)
+ def format_mask(self):
+ maskmodes = [" ", " ~", " -", "M ", "M~", "M-", "??"]
+ maskmode = maskmodes[self.format_mask_status()[0]]
+ return pp.keyword(
+ maskmode,
+ stable=not maskmode.strip(),
+ hard_masked={"M", "?", "-"}.intersection(maskmode),
+ )
+ def format_cpv(self, attr=None):
+ if attr is None:
+ value = self.pkg.cpv
+ else:
+ value = getattr(self.pkg, attr)
+ if self._do_format:
+ return pp.cpv(value)
+ else:
+ return value
+ def format_slot(self):
+ value = self.pkg.environment("SLOT")
+ if self._do_format:
+ return pp.slot(value)
+ else:
+ return value
+ def format_keywords(self):
+ value = self.pkg.environment("KEYWORDS")
+ if self._do_format:
+ return pp.keyword(value)
+ else:
+ return value
# vim: set ts=4 sw=4 tw=79:
diff --git a/pym/gentoolkit/pprinter.py b/pym/gentoolkit/pprinter.py
index 25e145b..fac1d16 100644
--- a/pym/gentoolkit/pprinter.py
+++ b/pym/gentoolkit/pprinter.py
@@ -7,24 +7,24 @@
"""Provides a consistent color scheme for Gentoolkit scripts."""
__all__ = (
- 'command',
- 'cpv',
- 'die',
- 'emph',
- 'error',
- 'globaloption',
- 'localoption',
- 'number',
- 'path',
- 'path_symlink',
- 'pkgquery',
- 'productname',
- 'regexpquery',
- 'section',
- 'slot',
- 'subsection',
- 'useflag',
- 'warn'
+ "command",
+ "cpv",
+ "die",
+ "emph",
+ "error",
+ "globaloption",
+ "localoption",
+ "number",
+ "path",
+ "path_symlink",
+ "pkgquery",
+ "productname",
+ "regexpquery",
+ "section",
+ "slot",
+ "subsection",
+ "useflag",
+ "warn",
# =======
@@ -42,146 +42,169 @@ from portage import archlist
# Functions
# =========
def command(string):
- """Returns a program command string."""
- return output.green(string)
+ """Returns a program command string."""
+ return output.green(string)
def cpv(string):
- """Returns a category/package-<version> string."""
- return output.green(string)
+ """Returns a category/package-<version> string."""
+ return output.green(string)
def die(err, string):
- """Returns an error string and die with an error code."""
- sys.stderr.write(error(string))
- sys.exit(err)
+ """Returns an error string and die with an error code."""
+ sys.stderr.write(error(string))
+ sys.exit(err)
def emph(string):
- """Returns a string as emphasized."""
- return output.bold(string)
+ """Returns a string as emphasized."""
+ return output.bold(string)
def error(string):
- """Prints an error string."""
- return output.red("!!! ") + string + "\n"
+ """Prints an error string."""
+ return output.red("!!! ") + string + "\n"
def globaloption(string):
- """Returns a global option string, i.e. the program global options."""
- return output.yellow(string)
+ """Returns a global option string, i.e. the program global options."""
+ return output.yellow(string)
def localoption(string):
- """Returns a local option string, i.e. the program local options."""
- return output.green(string)
+ """Returns a local option string, i.e. the program local options."""
+ return output.green(string)
def number(string):
- """Returns a number string."""
- return output.turquoise(string)
+ """Returns a number string."""
+ return output.turquoise(string)
def path(string):
- """Returns a file or directory path string."""
- return output.bold(string)
+ """Returns a file or directory path string."""
+ return output.bold(string)
def path_symlink(string):
- """Returns a symlink string."""
- return output.turquoise(string)
+ """Returns a symlink string."""
+ return output.turquoise(string)
def pkgquery(string):
- """Returns a package query string."""
- return output.bold(string)
+ """Returns a package query string."""
+ return output.bold(string)
def productname(string):
- """Returns a product name string, i.e. the program name."""
- return output.turquoise(string)
+ """Returns a product name string, i.e. the program name."""
+ return output.turquoise(string)
def regexpquery(string):
- """Returns a regular expression string."""
- return output.bold(string)
+ """Returns a regular expression string."""
+ return output.bold(string)
def section(string):
- """Returns a string as a section header."""
- return output.turquoise(string)
+ """Returns a string as a section header."""
+ return output.turquoise(string)
def slot(string):
- """Returns a slot string"""
- return output.bold(string)
+ """Returns a slot string"""
+ return output.bold(string)
def subsection(string):
- """Returns a string as a subsection header."""
- return output.turquoise(string)
+ """Returns a string as a subsection header."""
+ return output.turquoise(string)
def useflag(string, enabled=True):
- """Returns a USE flag string."""
- return output.red(string) if enabled else output.blue(string)
+ """Returns a USE flag string."""
+ return output.red(string) if enabled else output.blue(string)
def keyword(string, stable=True, hard_masked=False):
- """Returns a keyword string."""
- if stable:
- return output.green(string)
- if hard_masked:
- return output.red(string)
- # keyword masked:
- return output.blue(string)
+ """Returns a keyword string."""
+ if stable:
+ return output.green(string)
+ if hard_masked:
+ return output.red(string)
+ # keyword masked:
+ return output.blue(string)
def masking(mask):
- """Returns a 'masked by' string."""
- if 'package.mask' in mask or 'profile' in mask:
- # use porthole wrap style to help clarify meaning
- return output.red("M["+mask[0]+"]")
- if mask is not []:
- for status in mask:
- if 'keyword' in status:
- # keyword masked | " [missing keyword] " <=looks better
- return output.blue("["+status+"]")
- if status in archlist:
- return output.green(status)
- if 'unknown' in status:
- return output.yellow(status)
- return output.red(status)
- return ''
+ """Returns a 'masked by' string."""
+ if "package.mask" in mask or "profile" in mask:
+ # use porthole wrap style to help clarify meaning
+ return output.red("M[" + mask[0] + "]")
+ if mask is not []:
+ for status in mask:
+ if "keyword" in status:
+ # keyword masked | " [missing keyword] " <=looks better
+ return output.blue("[" + status + "]")
+ if status in archlist:
+ return output.green(status)
+ if "unknown" in status:
+ return output.yellow(status)
+ return output.red(status)
+ return ""
def warn(string):
- """Returns a warning string."""
- return "!!! " + string + "\n"
+ """Returns a warning string."""
+ return "!!! " + string + "\n"
- unicode
+ unicode
except NameError:
- unicode = str
+ unicode = str
def uprint(*args, **kw):
- """Replacement for the builtin print function.
- This version gracefully handles characters not representable in the
- user's current locale (through the errors='replace' handler).
- @see: >>> help(print)
- """
- sep = kw.pop('sep', ' ')
- end = kw.pop('end', '\n')
- file = kw.pop("file", sys.stdout)
- if kw:
- raise TypeError("got invalid keyword arguments: {0}".format(list(kw)))
- file = getattr(file, 'buffer', file)
- encoding = locale.getpreferredencoding()
- # Make sure that python knows the encoding. Bug 350156
- try:
- # We don't care about what is returned, we just want to
- # verify that we can find a codec.
- codecs.lookup(encoding)
- except LookupError:
- # Python does not know the encoding, so use utf-8.
- encoding = 'utf_8'
- def encoded_args():
- for arg in args:
- if isinstance(arg, bytes):
- yield arg
- else:
- yield unicode(arg).encode(encoding, 'replace')
- sep = sep.encode(encoding, 'replace')
- end = end.encode(encoding, 'replace')
- text = sep.join(encoded_args())
- file.write(text + end)
+ """Replacement for the builtin print function.
+ This version gracefully handles characters not representable in the
+ user's current locale (through the errors='replace' handler).
+ @see: >>> help(print)
+ """
+ sep = kw.pop("sep", " ")
+ end = kw.pop("end", "\n")
+ file = kw.pop("file", sys.stdout)
+ if kw:
+ raise TypeError(f"got invalid keyword arguments: {list(kw)}")
+ file = getattr(file, "buffer", file)
+ encoding = locale.getpreferredencoding()
+ # Make sure that python knows the encoding. Bug 350156
+ try:
+ # We don't care about what is returned, we just want to
+ # verify that we can find a codec.
+ codecs.lookup(encoding)
+ except LookupError:
+ # Python does not know the encoding, so use utf-8.
+ encoding = "utf_8"
+ def encoded_args():
+ for arg in args:
+ if isinstance(arg, bytes):
+ yield arg
+ else:
+ yield unicode(arg).encode(encoding, "replace")
+ sep = sep.encode(encoding, "replace")
+ end = end.encode(encoding, "replace")
+ text = sep.join(encoded_args())
+ file.write(text + end)
# vim: set ts=4 sw=4 tw=79:
diff --git a/pym/gentoolkit/profile.py b/pym/gentoolkit/profile.py
index dcd02cc..11a6560 100644
--- a/pym/gentoolkit/profile.py
+++ b/pym/gentoolkit/profile.py
@@ -6,9 +6,7 @@
"""Routines to load profile information for ekeyword/eshowkw"""
-__all__ = (
- 'load_profile_data',
+__all__ = ("load_profile_data",)
import os.path
@@ -19,93 +17,106 @@ from portage import _encodings, _unicode_encode
def warning(msg):
- """Write |msg| as a warning to stderr"""
- print('warning: %s' % msg, file=sys.stderr)
-def load_profile_data(portdir=None, repo='gentoo'):
- """Load the list of known arches from the tree
- Args:
- portdir: The repository to load all data from (and ignore |repo|)
- repo: Look up this repository by name to locate profile data
- Returns:
- A dict mapping the keyword to its preferred state:
- {'x86': ('stable', 'arch'), 'mips': ('dev', '~arch'), ...}
- """
- if portdir is None:
- portdir = portage.db[portage.root]['vartree'].settings.repositories[repo].location
- arch_status = {}
- try:
- arch_list = os.path.join(portdir, 'profiles', 'arch.list')
- with open(_unicode_encode(arch_list, encoding=_encodings['fs']),
- encoding=_encodings['content']) as f:
- for line in f:
- line = line.split('#', 1)[0].strip()
- if line:
- arch_status[line] = None
- except IOError:
- pass
- try:
- profile_status = {
- 'stable': 0,
- 'dev': 1,
- 'exp': 2,
- None: 3,
- }
- profiles_list = os.path.join(portdir, 'profiles', 'profiles.desc')
- with open(_unicode_encode(profiles_list, encoding=_encodings['fs']),
- encoding=_encodings['content']) as f:
- for line in f:
- line = line.split('#', 1)[0].split()
- if line:
- arch, _profile, status = line
- arch_status.setdefault(arch, status)
- curr_status = profile_status[arch_status[arch]]
- new_status = profile_status[status]
- if new_status < curr_status:
- arch_status[arch] = status
- except IOError:
- pass
- if arch_status:
- arch_status['all'] = None
- else:
- warning('could not read profile files: %s' % arch_list)
- warning('will not be able to verify args are correct')
- arches_desc = {}
- try:
- arches_list = os.path.join(portdir, 'profiles', 'arches.desc')
- with open(_unicode_encode(arches_list, encoding=_encodings['fs']),
- encoding=_encodings['content']) as f:
- for line in f:
- line = line.split('#', 1)[0].split()
- if line:
- arch, status = line
- arches_desc[arch] = status
- except IOError:
- # backwards compatibility
- arches_desc = {
- 'alpha': 'testing',
- 'ia64': 'testing',
- 'm68k': 'testing',
- 'mips': 'testing',
- 'riscv': 'testing',
- }
- for k in arch_status:
- if '-' in k:
- arches_desc[k] = 'testing'
- for k, v in arch_status.items():
- if arches_desc.get(k) == 'testing':
- arch_status[k] = (v, '~arch')
- else:
- # TODO: explicit distinction of transitional, bad values?
- arch_status[k] = (v, 'arch')
- return arch_status
+ """Write |msg| as a warning to stderr"""
+ print("warning: %s" % msg, file=sys.stderr)
+def load_profile_data(portdir=None, repo=""):
+ """Load the list of known arches from the tree
+ Args:
+ portdir: The repository to load all data from (and ignore |repo|)
+ repo: Look up this repository by name to locate profile data (if empty, uses main repo name)
+ Returns:
+ A dict mapping the keyword to its preferred state:
+ {'x86': ('stable', 'arch'), 'mips': ('dev', '~arch'), ...}
+ """
+ if portdir is None:
+ repos = portage.db[portage.root]["vartree"].settings.repositories
+ if repo == "":
+ main_repo = repos.mainRepo()
+ if main_repo is None:
+ repo = "gentoo"
+ else:
+ repo = main_repo.name
+ portdir = repos[repo].location
+ arch_status = {}
+ try:
+ arch_list = os.path.join(portdir, "profiles", "arch.list")
+ with open(
+ _unicode_encode(arch_list, encoding=_encodings["fs"]),
+ encoding=_encodings["content"],
+ ) as f:
+ for line in f:
+ line = line.split("#", 1)[0].strip()
+ if line:
+ arch_status[line] = None
+ except OSError:
+ pass
+ try:
+ profile_status = {
+ "stable": 0,
+ "dev": 1,
+ "exp": 2,
+ None: 3,
+ }
+ profiles_list = os.path.join(portdir, "profiles", "profiles.desc")
+ with open(
+ _unicode_encode(profiles_list, encoding=_encodings["fs"]),
+ encoding=_encodings["content"],
+ ) as f:
+ for line in f:
+ line = line.split("#", 1)[0].split()
+ if line:
+ arch, _profile, status = line
+ arch_status.setdefault(arch, status)
+ curr_status = profile_status[arch_status[arch]]
+ new_status = profile_status[status]
+ if new_status < curr_status:
+ arch_status[arch] = status
+ except OSError:
+ pass
+ if arch_status:
+ arch_status["all"] = None
+ else:
+ warning("could not read profile files: %s" % arch_list)
+ warning("will not be able to verify args are correct")
+ arches_desc = {}
+ try:
+ arches_list = os.path.join(portdir, "profiles", "arches.desc")
+ with open(
+ _unicode_encode(arches_list, encoding=_encodings["fs"]),
+ encoding=_encodings["content"],
+ ) as f:
+ for line in f:
+ line = line.split("#", 1)[0].split()
+ if line:
+ arch, status = line
+ arches_desc[arch] = status
+ except OSError:
+ # backwards compatibility
+ arches_desc = {
+ "alpha": "testing",
+ "ia64": "testing",
+ "m68k": "testing",
+ "mips": "testing",
+ "riscv": "testing",
+ }
+ for k in arch_status:
+ if "-" in k:
+ arches_desc[k] = "testing"
+ for k, v in arch_status.items():
+ if arches_desc.get(k) == "testing":
+ arch_status[k] = (v, "~arch")
+ else:
+ # TODO: explicit distinction of transitional, bad values?
+ arch_status[k] = (v, "arch")
+ return arch_status
diff --git a/pym/gentoolkit/query.py b/pym/gentoolkit/query.py
index c2b8d56..3fa4463 100644
--- a/pym/gentoolkit/query.py
+++ b/pym/gentoolkit/query.py
@@ -6,9 +6,7 @@
"""Provides common methods on a package query."""
-__all__ = (
- 'Query',
+__all__ = ("Query",)
# =======
# Imports
@@ -34,357 +32,367 @@ from gentoolkit.sets import get_set_atoms, SETPREFIX
# Classes
# =======
class Query(CPV):
- """Provides common methods on a package query."""
- def __init__(self, query, is_regex=False):
- """Create query object.
- @type is_regex: bool
- @param is_regex: query is a regular expression
- """
- # We need at least one of these chars for a valid query
- needed_chars = ascii_letters + digits + '*'
- if not set(query).intersection(needed_chars):
- raise errors.GentoolkitInvalidPackage(query)
- # Separate repository
- repository = None
- if query.count(':') == 2:
- query, repository = query.rsplit(':', 1)
- self.query = query.rstrip(':') # Don't leave dangling colon
- self.repo_filter = repository
- self.is_regex = is_regex
- self.query_type = self._get_query_type()
- # Name the rest of the chunks, if possible
- if self.query_type != "set":
- try:
- atom = Atom(self.query)
- self.__dict__.update(atom.__dict__)
- except errors.GentoolkitInvalidAtom:
- CPV.__init__(self, self.query)
- self.operator = ''
- self.atom = self.cpv
- def __repr__(self):
- rx = ''
- if self.is_regex:
- rx = ' regex'
- repo = ''
- if self.repo_filter:
- repo = ' in %s' % self.repo_filter
- return "<%s%s %r%s>" % (self.__class__.__name__, rx, self.query, repo)
- def __str__(self):
- return self.query
- def print_summary(self):
- """Print a summary of the query."""
- if self.query_type == "set":
- cat_str = ""
- pkg_str = pp.emph(self.query)
- else:
- try:
- cat, pkg = self.category, self.name + self.fullversion
- except errors.GentoolkitInvalidCPV:
- cat = ''
- pkg = self.atom
- if cat and not self.is_regex:
- cat_str = "in %s " % pp.emph(cat.lstrip('><=~!'))
- else:
- cat_str = ""
- if self.is_regex:
- pkg_str = pp.emph(self.query)
- else:
- pkg_str = pp.emph(pkg)
- repo = ''
- if self.repo_filter is not None:
- repo = ' %s' % pp.section(self.repo_filter)
- pp.uprint(" * Searching%s for %s %s..." % (repo, pkg_str, cat_str))
- def smart_find(
- self,
- in_installed=True,
- in_porttree=True,
- in_overlay=True,
- include_masked=True,
- show_progress=True,
- no_matches_fatal=True,
- **kwargs
- ):
- """A high-level wrapper around gentoolkit package-finder functions.
- @type in_installed: bool
- @param in_installed: search for query in VARDB
- @type in_porttree: bool
- @param in_porttree: search for query in PORTDB
- @type in_overlay: bool
- @param in_overlay: search for query in overlays
- @type show_progress: bool
- @param show_progress: output search progress
- @type no_matches_fatal: bool
- @param no_matches_fatal: raise errors.GentoolkitNoMatches
- @rtype: list
- @return: Package objects matching query
- """
- if in_installed:
- if in_porttree or in_overlay:
- simple_package_finder = partial(
- self.find,
- include_masked=include_masked
- )
- complex_package_finder = helpers.get_cpvs
- else:
- simple_package_finder = self.find_installed
- complex_package_finder = helpers.get_installed_cpvs
- elif in_porttree or in_overlay:
- simple_package_finder = partial(
- self.find,
- include_masked=include_masked,
- in_installed=False
- )
- complex_package_finder = helpers.get_uninstalled_cpvs
- else:
- raise errors.GentoolkitFatalError(
- "Not searching in installed, Portage tree, or overlay. "
- "Nothing to do."
- )
- if self.query_type == "set":
- self.package_finder = simple_package_finder
- matches = self._do_set_lookup(show_progress=show_progress)
- elif self.query_type == "simple":
- self.package_finder = simple_package_finder
- matches = self._do_simple_lookup(
- in_installed=in_installed,
- show_progress=show_progress
- )
- else:
- self.package_finder = complex_package_finder
- matches = self._do_complex_lookup(show_progress=show_progress)
- if self.repo_filter is not None:
- matches = self._filter_by_repository(matches)
- if no_matches_fatal and not matches:
- ii = in_installed and not (in_porttree or in_overlay)
- raise errors.GentoolkitNoMatches(self.query, in_installed=ii)
- return matches
- def find(self, in_installed=True, include_masked=True):
- """Returns a list of Package objects that matched the query.
- @rtype: list
- @return: matching Package objects
- """
- if not self.query:
- return []
- try:
- if include_masked:
- matches = portage.db[portage.root]["porttree"].dbapi.xmatch("match-all", self.query)
- else:
- matches = portage.db[portage.root]["porttree"].dbapi.match(self.query)
- if in_installed:
- matches.extend(portage.db[portage.root]["vartree"].dbapi.match(self.query))
- except portage.exception.InvalidAtom as err:
- message = "query.py: find(), query=%s, InvalidAtom=%s" %(
- self.query, str(err))
- raise errors.GentoolkitInvalidAtom(message)
- return [Package(x) for x in set(matches)]
- def find_installed(self):
- """Return a list of Package objects that matched the search key."""
- try:
- matches = portage.db[portage.root]["vartree"].dbapi.match(self.query)
- # catch the ambiguous package Exception
- except portage.exception.AmbiguousPackageName as err:
- matches = []
- for pkgkey in err.args[0]:
- matches.extend(portage.db[portage.root]["vartree"].dbapi.match(pkgkey))
- except portage.exception.InvalidAtom as err:
- raise errors.GentoolkitInvalidAtom(err)
- return [Package(x) for x in set(matches)]
- def find_best(self, include_keyworded=True, include_masked=True):
- """Returns the "best" version available.
- Order of preference:
- highest available stable =>
- highest available keyworded =>
- highest available masked
- @rtype: Package object or None
- @return: best of up to three options
- @raise errors.GentoolkitInvalidAtom: if query is not valid input
- """
- best = keyworded = masked = None
- try:
- best = portage.db[portage.root]["porttree"].dbapi.xmatch("bestmatch-visible", self.query)
- except portage.exception.InvalidAtom as err:
- message = "query.py: find_best(), bestmatch-visible, " + \
- "query=%s, InvalidAtom=%s" %(self.query, str(err))
- raise errors.GentoolkitInvalidAtom(message)
- # xmatch can return an empty string, so checking for None is not enough
- if not best:
- if not (include_keyworded or include_masked):
- return None
- try:
- matches = portage.db[portage.root]["porttree"].dbapi.xmatch("match-all", self.query)
- except portage.exception.InvalidAtom as err:
- message = "query.py: find_best(), match-all, query=%s, InvalidAtom=%s" %(
- self.query, str(err))
- raise errors.GentoolkitInvalidAtom(message)
- masked = portage.best(matches)
- keywordable = []
- for m in matches:
- status = portage.getmaskingstatus(m)
- if 'package.mask' not in status or 'profile' not in status:
- keywordable.append(m)
- if matches:
- keyworded = portage.best(keywordable)
- else:
- return Package(best)
- if include_keyworded and keyworded:
- return Package(keyworded)
- if include_masked and masked:
- return Package(masked)
- return None
- def uses_globbing(self):
- """Check the query to see if it is using globbing.
- @rtype: bool
- @return: True if query uses globbing, else False
- """
- if set('!*?[]').intersection(self.query):
- # Is query an atom such as '=sys-apps/portage-2.2*'?
- if self.query[0] != '=':
- return True
- return False
- def is_ranged(self):
- """Return True if the query appears to be ranged, else False."""
- q = self.query
- return q.startswith(('~', '<', '>')) or q.endswith('*')
- def _do_simple_lookup(self, in_installed=True, show_progress=True):
- """Find matches for a query which is an atom or cpv."""
- result = []
- if show_progress and CONFIG['verbose']:
- self.print_summary()
- result = self.package_finder()
- if not in_installed:
- result = [x for x in result if not x.is_installed()]
- return result
- def _do_complex_lookup(self, show_progress=True):
- """Find matches for a query which is a regex or includes globbing."""
- result = []
- if show_progress and not CONFIG["piping"]:
- self.print_summary()
- try:
- cat = CPV(self.query).category
- except errors.GentoolkitInvalidCPV:
- cat = ''
- pre_filter = []
- # The "get_" functions can pre-filter against the whole package key,
- # but since we allow globbing now, we run into issues like:
- # >>> portage.dep.dep_getkey("sys-apps/portage-*")
- # 'sys-apps/portage-'
- # So the only way to guarantee we don't overrun the key is to
- # prefilter by cat only.
- if cat:
- if self.is_regex:
- cat_re = cat
- else:
- cat_re = fnmatch.translate(cat)
- predicate = lambda x: re.match(cat_re, x.split("/", 1)[0])
- pre_filter = self.package_finder(predicate=predicate)
- # Post-filter
- if self.is_regex:
- try:
- re.compile(self.query)
- except re.error:
- raise errors.GentoolkitInvalidRegex(self.query)
- predicate = lambda x: re.search(self.query, x)
- else:
- if cat:
- query_re = fnmatch.translate(self.query)
- else:
- query_re = fnmatch.translate("*/%s" % self.query)
- predicate = lambda x: re.search(query_re, x)
- if pre_filter:
- result = [x for x in pre_filter if predicate(x)]
- else:
- result = self.package_finder(predicate=predicate)
- return [Package(x) for x in result]
- def _do_set_lookup(self, show_progress=True):
- """Find matches for a query that is a package set."""
- if show_progress and not CONFIG["piping"]:
- self.print_summary()
- setname = self.query[len(SETPREFIX):]
- result = []
- try:
- atoms = get_set_atoms(setname)
- except errors.GentoolkitSetNotFound:
- return result
- q = self.query
- for atom in atoms:
- self.query = str(atom)
- result.extend(self._do_simple_lookup(show_progress=False))
- self.query = q
- return result
- def _filter_by_repository(self, matches):
- """Filter out packages which do not belong to self.repo_filter."""
- result = []
- for match in matches:
- repo_name = match.repo_name()
- if repo_name == self.repo_filter:
- result.append(match)
- elif (not repo_name and
- self.repo_filter in ('unknown', 'null')):
- result.append(match)
- return result
- def _get_query_type(self):
- """Determine of what type the query is."""
- if self.query.startswith(SETPREFIX):
- return "set"
- elif self.is_regex or self.uses_globbing():
- return "complex"
- return "simple"
+ """Provides common methods on a package query."""
+ def __init__(self, query, is_regex=False):
+ """Create query object.
+ @type is_regex: bool
+ @param is_regex: query is a regular expression
+ """
+ # We need at least one of these chars for a valid query
+ needed_chars = ascii_letters + digits + "*"
+ if not set(query).intersection(needed_chars):
+ raise errors.GentoolkitInvalidPackage(query)
+ # Separate repository
+ repository = None
+ if query.count(":") == 2:
+ query, repository = query.rsplit(":", 1)
+ self.query = query.rstrip(":") # Don't leave dangling colon
+ self.repo_filter = repository
+ self.is_regex = is_regex
+ self.query_type = self._get_query_type()
+ # Name the rest of the chunks, if possible
+ if self.query_type != "set":
+ try:
+ atom = Atom(self.query)
+ self.__dict__.update(atom.__dict__)
+ except errors.GentoolkitInvalidAtom:
+ CPV.__init__(self, self.query)
+ self.operator = ""
+ self.atom = self.cpv
+ def __repr__(self):
+ rx = ""
+ if self.is_regex:
+ rx = " regex"
+ repo = ""
+ if self.repo_filter:
+ repo = " in %s" % self.repo_filter
+ return f"<{self.__class__.__name__}{rx} {self.query!r}{repo}>"
+ def __str__(self):
+ return self.query
+ def print_summary(self):
+ """Print a summary of the query."""
+ if self.query_type == "set":
+ cat_str = ""
+ pkg_str = pp.emph(self.query)
+ else:
+ try:
+ cat, pkg = self.category, self.name + self.fullversion
+ except errors.GentoolkitInvalidCPV:
+ cat = ""
+ pkg = self.atom
+ if cat and not self.is_regex:
+ cat_str = "in %s " % pp.emph(cat.lstrip("><=~!"))
+ else:
+ cat_str = ""
+ if self.is_regex:
+ pkg_str = pp.emph(self.query)
+ else:
+ pkg_str = pp.emph(pkg)
+ repo = ""
+ if self.repo_filter is not None:
+ repo = " %s" % pp.section(self.repo_filter)
+ pp.uprint(f" * Searching{repo} for {pkg_str} {cat_str}...")
+ def smart_find(
+ self,
+ in_installed=True,
+ in_porttree=True,
+ in_overlay=True,
+ include_masked=True,
+ show_progress=True,
+ no_matches_fatal=True,
+ **kwargs,
+ ):
+ """A high-level wrapper around gentoolkit package-finder functions.
+ @type in_installed: bool
+ @param in_installed: search for query in VARDB
+ @type in_porttree: bool
+ @param in_porttree: search for query in PORTDB
+ @type in_overlay: bool
+ @param in_overlay: search for query in overlays
+ @type show_progress: bool
+ @param show_progress: output search progress
+ @type no_matches_fatal: bool
+ @param no_matches_fatal: raise errors.GentoolkitNoMatches
+ @rtype: list
+ @return: Package objects matching query
+ """
+ if in_installed:
+ if in_porttree or in_overlay:
+ simple_package_finder = partial(
+ self.find, include_masked=include_masked
+ )
+ complex_package_finder = helpers.get_cpvs
+ else:
+ simple_package_finder = self.find_installed
+ complex_package_finder = helpers.get_installed_cpvs
+ elif in_porttree or in_overlay:
+ simple_package_finder = partial(
+ self.find, include_masked=include_masked, in_installed=False
+ )
+ complex_package_finder = helpers.get_uninstalled_cpvs
+ else:
+ raise errors.GentoolkitFatalError(
+ "Not searching in installed, Portage tree, or overlay. "
+ "Nothing to do."
+ )
+ if self.query_type == "set":
+ self.package_finder = simple_package_finder
+ matches = self._do_set_lookup(show_progress=show_progress)
+ elif self.query_type == "simple":
+ self.package_finder = simple_package_finder
+ matches = self._do_simple_lookup(
+ in_installed=in_installed, show_progress=show_progress
+ )
+ else:
+ self.package_finder = complex_package_finder
+ matches = self._do_complex_lookup(show_progress=show_progress)
+ if self.repo_filter is not None:
+ matches = self._filter_by_repository(matches)
+ if no_matches_fatal and not matches:
+ ii = in_installed and not (in_porttree or in_overlay)
+ raise errors.GentoolkitNoMatches(self.query, in_installed=ii)
+ return matches
+ def find(self, in_installed=True, include_masked=True):
+ """Returns a list of Package objects that matched the query.
+ @rtype: list
+ @return: matching Package objects
+ """
+ if not self.query:
+ return []
+ try:
+ if include_masked:
+ matches = portage.db[portage.root]["porttree"].dbapi.xmatch(
+ "match-all", self.query
+ )
+ else:
+ matches = portage.db[portage.root]["porttree"].dbapi.match(self.query)
+ if in_installed:
+ matches.extend(
+ portage.db[portage.root]["vartree"].dbapi.match(self.query)
+ )
+ except portage.exception.InvalidAtom as err:
+ message = "query.py: find(), query={}, InvalidAtom={}".format(
+ self.query,
+ str(err),
+ )
+ raise errors.GentoolkitInvalidAtom(message)
+ return [Package(x) for x in set(matches)]
+ def find_installed(self):
+ """Return a list of Package objects that matched the search key."""
+ try:
+ matches = portage.db[portage.root]["vartree"].dbapi.match(self.query)
+ # catch the ambiguous package Exception
+ except portage.exception.AmbiguousPackageName as err:
+ matches = []
+ for pkgkey in err.args[0]:
+ matches.extend(portage.db[portage.root]["vartree"].dbapi.match(pkgkey))
+ except portage.exception.InvalidAtom as err:
+ raise errors.GentoolkitInvalidAtom(err)
+ return [Package(x) for x in set(matches)]
+ def find_best(self, include_keyworded=True, include_masked=True):
+ """Returns the "best" version available.
+ Order of preference:
+ highest available stable =>
+ highest available keyworded =>
+ highest available masked
+ @rtype: Package object or None
+ @return: best of up to three options
+ @raise errors.GentoolkitInvalidAtom: if query is not valid input
+ """
+ best = keyworded = masked = None
+ try:
+ best = portage.db[portage.root]["porttree"].dbapi.xmatch(
+ "bestmatch-visible", self.query
+ )
+ except portage.exception.InvalidAtom as err:
+ message = (
+ "query.py: find_best(), bestmatch-visible, "
+ + f"query={self.query}, InvalidAtom={str(err)}"
+ )
+ raise errors.GentoolkitInvalidAtom(message)
+ # xmatch can return an empty string, so checking for None is not enough
+ if not best:
+ if not (include_keyworded or include_masked):
+ return None
+ try:
+ matches = portage.db[portage.root]["porttree"].dbapi.xmatch(
+ "match-all", self.query
+ )
+ except portage.exception.InvalidAtom as err:
+ message = (
+ "query.py: find_best(), match-all, query=%s, InvalidAtom=%s"
+ % (self.query, str(err))
+ )
+ raise errors.GentoolkitInvalidAtom(message)
+ masked = portage.best(matches)
+ keywordable = []
+ for m in matches:
+ status = portage.getmaskingstatus(m)
+ if "package.mask" not in status or "profile" not in status:
+ keywordable.append(m)
+ if matches:
+ keyworded = portage.best(keywordable)
+ else:
+ return Package(best)
+ if include_keyworded and keyworded:
+ return Package(keyworded)
+ if include_masked and masked:
+ return Package(masked)
+ return None
+ def uses_globbing(self):
+ """Check the query to see if it is using globbing.
+ @rtype: bool
+ @return: True if query uses globbing, else False
+ """
+ if set("!*?[]").intersection(self.query):
+ # Is query an atom such as '=sys-apps/portage-2.2*'?
+ if self.query[0] != "=":
+ return True
+ return False
+ def is_ranged(self):
+ """Return True if the query appears to be ranged, else False."""
+ q = self.query
+ return q.startswith(("~", "<", ">")) or q.endswith("*")
+ def _do_simple_lookup(self, in_installed=True, show_progress=True):
+ """Find matches for a query which is an atom or cpv."""
+ result = []
+ if show_progress and CONFIG["verbose"]:
+ self.print_summary()
+ result = self.package_finder()
+ if not in_installed:
+ result = [x for x in result if not x.is_installed()]
+ return result
+ def _do_complex_lookup(self, show_progress=True):
+ """Find matches for a query which is a regex or includes globbing."""
+ result = []
+ if show_progress and not CONFIG["piping"]:
+ self.print_summary()
+ try:
+ cat = CPV(self.query).category
+ except errors.GentoolkitInvalidCPV:
+ cat = ""
+ pre_filter = []
+ # The "get_" functions can pre-filter against the whole package key,
+ # but since we allow globbing now, we run into issues like:
+ # >>> portage.dep.dep_getkey("sys-apps/portage-*")
+ # 'sys-apps/portage-'
+ # So the only way to guarantee we don't overrun the key is to
+ # prefilter by cat only.
+ if cat:
+ if self.is_regex:
+ cat_re = cat
+ else:
+ cat_re = fnmatch.translate(cat)
+ predicate = lambda x: re.match(cat_re, x.split("/", 1)[0])
+ pre_filter = self.package_finder(predicate=predicate)
+ # Post-filter
+ if self.is_regex:
+ try:
+ re.compile(self.query)
+ except re.error:
+ raise errors.GentoolkitInvalidRegex(self.query)
+ predicate = lambda x: re.search(self.query, x)
+ else:
+ if cat:
+ query_re = fnmatch.translate(self.query)
+ else:
+ query_re = fnmatch.translate("*/%s" % self.query)
+ predicate = lambda x: re.search(query_re, x)
+ if pre_filter:
+ result = [x for x in pre_filter if predicate(x)]
+ else:
+ result = self.package_finder(predicate=predicate)
+ return [Package(x) for x in result]
+ def _do_set_lookup(self, show_progress=True):
+ """Find matches for a query that is a package set."""
+ if show_progress and not CONFIG["piping"]:
+ self.print_summary()
+ setname = self.query[len(SETPREFIX) :]
+ result = []
+ try:
+ atoms = get_set_atoms(setname)
+ except errors.GentoolkitSetNotFound:
+ return result
+ q = self.query
+ for atom in atoms:
+ self.query = str(atom)
+ result.extend(self._do_simple_lookup(show_progress=False))
+ self.query = q
+ return result
+ def _filter_by_repository(self, matches):
+ """Filter out packages which do not belong to self.repo_filter."""
+ result = []
+ for match in matches:
+ repo_name = match.repo_name()
+ if repo_name == self.repo_filter:
+ result.append(match)
+ elif not repo_name and self.repo_filter in ("unknown", "null"):
+ result.append(match)
+ return result
+ def _get_query_type(self):
+ """Determine of what type the query is."""
+ if self.query.startswith(SETPREFIX):
+ return "set"
+ elif self.is_regex or self.uses_globbing():
+ return "complex"
+ return "simple"
diff --git a/pym/gentoolkit/revdep_rebuild/__init__.py b/pym/gentoolkit/revdep_rebuild/__init__.py
index 7fba30b..66a943f 100644
--- a/pym/gentoolkit/revdep_rebuild/__init__.py
+++ b/pym/gentoolkit/revdep_rebuild/__init__.py
@@ -3,4 +3,4 @@
# Copyright 2003-2010 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-__version__ = "git"
+__version__ = "@VERSION@"
diff --git a/pym/gentoolkit/revdep_rebuild/analyse.py b/pym/gentoolkit/revdep_rebuild/analyse.py
index bdd8306..1431a2f 100644
--- a/pym/gentoolkit/revdep_rebuild/analyse.py
+++ b/pym/gentoolkit/revdep_rebuild/analyse.py
@@ -10,8 +10,12 @@ from portage import _encodings, _unicode_encode
from portage.output import bold, blue, yellow, green
from .stuff import scan
-from .collect import (prepare_search_dirs, parse_revdep_config,
- collect_libraries_from_dir, collect_binaries_from_dir)
+from .collect import (
+ prepare_search_dirs,
+ parse_revdep_config,
+ collect_libraries_from_dir,
+ collect_binaries_from_dir,
from .assign import assign_packages
from .cache import save_cache
@@ -19,381 +23,421 @@ current_milli_time = lambda: int(round(time.time() * 1000))
def scan_files(libs_and_bins, cmd_max_args, logger, searchbits):
- '''Calls stuff.scan() and processes the data into a dictionary
- of scanned files information.
- @param libs_and_bins: set of libraries and binaries to scan for lib links.
- @param cmd_max_args: maximum number of files to pass into scanelf calls.
- @param logger: python style Logging function to use for output.
- @returns dict: {bit_length: {soname: {filename: set(needed)}}}
- '''
- stime = current_milli_time()
- scanned_files = {} # {bits: {soname: (filename, needed), ...}, ...}
- lines = scan(['-BF', '%F;%f;%S;%n;%M'],
- libs_and_bins, cmd_max_args, logger)
- ftime = current_milli_time()
- logger.debug("\tscan_files(); total time to get scanelf data is "
- "%d milliseconds" % (ftime-stime))
- stime = current_milli_time()
- count = 0
- for line in lines:
- parts = line.split(';')
- if len(parts) != 5:
- logger.error("\tscan_files(); error processing lib: %s" % line)
- logger.error("\tscan_files(); parts = %s" % str(parts))
- continue
- filename, sfilename, soname, needed, bits = parts
- filename = os.path.realpath(filename)
- needed = needed.split(',')
- bits = bits[8:] # 8: -> strlen('ELFCLASS')
- if bits not in searchbits:
- continue
- if not soname:
- soname = sfilename
- if bits not in scanned_files:
- scanned_files[bits] = {}
- if soname not in scanned_files[bits]:
- scanned_files[bits][soname] = {}
- if filename not in scanned_files[bits][soname]:
- scanned_files[bits][soname][filename] = set(needed)
- count += 1
- else:
- scanned_files[bits][soname][filename].update(needed)
- ftime = current_milli_time()
- logger.debug("\tscan_files(); total filenames found: %d in %d milliseconds"
- % (count, ftime-stime))
- return scanned_files
+ """Calls stuff.scan() and processes the data into a dictionary
+ of scanned files information.
+ @param libs_and_bins: set of libraries and binaries to scan for lib links.
+ @param cmd_max_args: maximum number of files to pass into scanelf calls.
+ @param logger: python style Logging function to use for output.
+ @returns dict: {bit_length: {soname: {filename: set(needed)}}}
+ """
+ stime = current_milli_time()
+ scanned_files = {} # {bits: {soname: (filename, needed), ...}, ...}
+ lines = scan(["-BF", "%F;%f;%S;%n;%M"], libs_and_bins, cmd_max_args, logger)
+ ftime = current_milli_time()
+ logger.debug(
+ "\tscan_files(); total time to get scanelf data is "
+ "%d milliseconds" % (ftime - stime)
+ )
+ stime = current_milli_time()
+ count = 0
+ for line in lines:
+ parts = line.split(";")
+ if len(parts) != 5:
+ logger.error("\tscan_files(); error processing lib: %s" % line)
+ logger.error("\tscan_files(); parts = %s" % str(parts))
+ continue
+ filename, sfilename, soname, needed, bits = parts
+ filename = os.path.realpath(filename)
+ needed = needed.split(",")
+ bits = bits[8:] # 8: -> strlen('ELFCLASS')
+ if bits not in searchbits:
+ continue
+ if not soname:
+ soname = sfilename
+ if bits not in scanned_files:
+ scanned_files[bits] = {}
+ if soname not in scanned_files[bits]:
+ scanned_files[bits][soname] = {}
+ if filename not in scanned_files[bits][soname]:
+ scanned_files[bits][soname][filename] = set(needed)
+ count += 1
+ else:
+ scanned_files[bits][soname][filename].update(needed)
+ ftime = current_milli_time()
+ logger.debug(
+ "\tscan_files(); total filenames found: %d in %d milliseconds"
+ % (count, ftime - stime)
+ )
+ return scanned_files
def extract_dependencies_from_la(la, libraries, to_check, logger):
- broken = []
- libnames = []
- for lib in libraries:
- match = re.match(r'.+\/(.+)\.(so|la|a)(\..+)?', lib)
- if match is not None:
- libname = match.group(1)
- if libname not in libnames:
- libnames += [libname, ]
- for _file in la:
- if not os.path.exists(_file):
- continue
- for line in open(_unicode_encode(_file, encoding=_encodings['fs']), mode='r',
- encoding=_encodings['content']).readlines():
- line = line.strip()
- if line.startswith('dependency_libs='):
- match = re.match(r"dependency_libs='([^']+)'", line)
- if match is not None:
- for el in match.group(1).split(' '):
- el = el.strip()
- if (len(el) < 1 or el.startswith('-L')
- or el.startswith('-R')
- ):
- continue
- if el.startswith('-l') and 'lib'+el[2:] in libnames:
- pass
- elif el in la or el in libraries:
- pass
- else:
- if to_check:
- _break = False
- for tc in to_check:
- if tc in el:
- _break = True
- break
- if not _break:
- continue
- logger.info('\t' + yellow(' * ') + _file +
- ' is broken (requires: ' + bold(el)+')')
- broken.append(_file)
- return broken
+ broken = []
+ libnames = []
+ for lib in libraries:
+ match = re.match(r".+\/(.+)\.(so|la|a)(\..+)?", lib)
+ if match is not None:
+ libname = match.group(1)
+ if libname not in libnames:
+ libnames += [
+ libname,
+ ]
+ for _file in la:
+ if not os.path.exists(_file):
+ continue
+ for line in open(
+ _unicode_encode(_file, encoding=_encodings["fs"]),
+ encoding=_encodings["content"],
+ ).readlines():
+ line = line.strip()
+ if line.startswith("dependency_libs="):
+ match = re.match(r"dependency_libs='([^']+)'", line)
+ if match is not None:
+ for el in match.group(1).split(" "):
+ el = el.strip()
+ if len(el) < 1 or el.startswith("-L") or el.startswith("-R"):
+ continue
+ if el.startswith("-l") and "lib" + el[2:] in libnames:
+ pass
+ elif el in la or el in libraries:
+ pass
+ else:
+ if to_check:
+ _break = False
+ for tc in to_check:
+ if tc in el:
+ _break = True
+ break
+ if not _break:
+ continue
+ logger.info(
+ "\t"
+ + yellow(" * ")
+ + _file
+ + " is broken (requires: "
+ + bold(el)
+ + ")"
+ )
+ broken.append(_file)
+ return broken
class LibCheck:
- def __init__(self, scanned_files, logger, searchlibs=None, searchbits=None,
- all_masks=None, masked_dirs=None):
- '''LibCheck init function.
- @param scanned_files: optional dictionary if the type created by
- scan_files(). Defaults to the class instance of scanned_files
- @param logger: python style Logging function to use for output.
- @param searchlibs: optional set() of libraries to search for. If defined
- it toggles several settings to configure this class for
- a target search rather than a broken libs search.
- '''
- self.scanned_files = scanned_files
- self.logger = logger
- self.searchlibs = searchlibs
- self.searchbits = sorted(searchbits) or ['32', '64']
- self.all_masks = all_masks
- self.masked_dirs = masked_dirs
- self.logger.debug("\tLibCheck.__init__(), new searchlibs: %s" %(self.searchbits))
- if searchlibs:
- self.smsg = '\tLibCheck.search(), Checking for %s bit dependants'
- self.pmsg = yellow(" * ") + 'Files that depend on: %s (%s bits)'
- self.setlibs = self._setslibs
- self.check = self._checkforlib
- else:
- self.smsg = '\tLibCheck.search(), Checking for broken %s bit libs'
- self.pmsg = green(' * ') + bold('Broken files that require:') + ' %s (%s bits)'
- self.setlibs = self._setlibs
- self.check = self._checkbroken
- self.sfmsg = "\tLibCheck.search(); Total found: %(count)d libs, %(deps)d files in %(time)d milliseconds"
- self.alllibs = None
- def _setslibs(self, l, b):
- '''Internal function. Use the class's setlibs variable'''
- sonames = []
- for s in self.searchlibs:
- if s in self.scanned_files[b].keys():
- sonames.append(s)
- continue
- found_partial = [a for a in self.scanned_files[b].keys() if s in a]
- if found_partial:
- sonames += found_partial
- continue
- for k, v in self.scanned_files[b].items():
- for vv in v.keys():
- if s in vv:
- sonames.append(k)
- break
- self.alllibs = '|'.join(sonames) + '|'
- self.logger.debug("\tLibCheck._setslibs(), new alllibs: %s" %(self.alllibs))
- def _setlibs(self, l, b):
- '''Internal function. Use the class's setlibs variable'''
- self.alllibs = '|'.join(l) + '|'
- def _checkforlib(self, l):
- '''Internal function. Use the class's check variable'''
- if l:
- return l+'|' in self.alllibs
- return False
- def _checkbroken(self, l):
- '''Internal function. Use the class's check variable'''
- if l:
- return l+'|' not in self.alllibs
- return False
- def search(self, scanned_files=None):
- '''Searches the scanned files for broken lib links
- or for libs to search for
- @param scanned_files: optional dictionary of the type created by
- scan_files(). Defaults to the class instance of scanned_files
- @ returns: dict: {bit_length: {found_lib: set(file_paths)}}.
- '''
- stime = current_milli_time()
- count = 0
- fcount = 0
- if not scanned_files:
- scanned_files = self.scanned_files
- found_libs = {}
- for bits in self.searchbits:
- try:
- scanned = scanned_files[bits]
- except KeyError:
- self.logger.debug('There are no %s-bit libraries'%bits)
- continue
- self.logger.debug(self.smsg % bits)
- self.setlibs(sorted(scanned), bits)
- for soname, filepaths in scanned.items():
- for filename, needed in filepaths.items():
- for l in needed:
- if self.check(l):
- if l in self.all_masks:
- self.logger.debug('\tLibrary %s ignored as it is masked' % l)
- continue
- if (filename in self.all_masks or
- os.path.realpath(filename) in self.all_masks or
- self.is_masked(os.path.realpath(filename))
- ):
- self.logger.debug('\tFile %s ignored as it is masked' % filename)
- continue
- if not bits in found_libs:
- found_libs[bits] = {}
- try:
- found_libs[bits][l].add(filename)
- except KeyError:
- found_libs[bits][l] = set([filename])
- count += 1
- fcount += 1
- self.logger.debug("\tLibCheck.search(); FOUND:"
- " %sbit, %s, %s" % (bits, l, filename))
- ftime = current_milli_time()
- self.logger.debug(self.sfmsg % {'count': count, 'deps': fcount,
- 'time': ftime-stime})
- return found_libs
- def is_masked(self, filename):
- for m in self.masked_dirs:
- t = os.path.realpath(m).split(os.sep)
- f = filename.split(os.sep)
- # self.logger.debug("\tis_masked(); %s, %s" % (t, f))
- if t == f[:min(len(t), len(f))]:
- return True
- return False
- def process_results(self, found_libs, scanned_files=None):
- '''Processes the search results, logs the files found
- @param found_libs: dictionary of the type returned by search()
- @param scanned_files: optional dictionary if the type created by
- scan_files(). Defaults to the class instance of scanned_files
- @ returns: list: of filepaths from teh search results.
- '''
- stime = current_milli_time()
- if not scanned_files:
- scanned_files = self.scanned_files
- found_pathes = []
- for bits, found in found_libs.items():
- for lib, files in found.items():
- self.logger.info(self.pmsg % (bold(lib), bits))
- for fp in sorted(files):
- self.logger.info('\t' +yellow('* ') + fp)
- found_pathes.append(fp)
- ftime = current_milli_time()
- self.logger.debug("\tLibCheck.process_results(); total filepaths found: "
- "%d in %d milliseconds" % (len(found_pathes), ftime-stime))
- return found_pathes
-def analyse(settings, logger, libraries=None, la_libraries=None,
- libraries_links=None, binaries=None, _libs_to_check=None):
- """Main program body. It will collect all info and determine the
- pkgs needing rebuilding.
- @param logger: logger used for logging messages, instance of logging.Logger
- class. Can be logging (RootLogger).
- @param _libs_to_check Libraries that need to be checked only
- @rtype list: list of pkgs that need rebuilding
- """
- searchbits = set()
- '''if _libs_to_check:
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ scanned_files,
+ logger,
+ searchlibs=None,
+ searchbits=None,
+ all_masks=None,
+ masked_dirs=None,
+ ):
+ """LibCheck init function.
+ @param scanned_files: optional dictionary if the type created by
+ scan_files(). Defaults to the class instance of scanned_files
+ @param logger: python style Logging function to use for output.
+ @param searchlibs: optional set() of libraries to search for. If defined
+ it toggles several settings to configure this class for
+ a target search rather than a broken libs search.
+ """
+ self.scanned_files = scanned_files
+ self.logger = logger
+ self.searchlibs = searchlibs
+ self.searchbits = sorted(searchbits) or ["32", "64"]
+ self.all_masks = all_masks
+ self.masked_dirs = masked_dirs
+ self.logger.debug(
+ "\tLibCheck.__init__(), new searchlibs: %s" % (self.searchbits)
+ )
+ if searchlibs:
+ self.smsg = "\tLibCheck.search(), Checking for %s bit dependants"
+ self.pmsg = yellow(" * ") + "Files that depend on: %s (%s bits)"
+ self.setlibs = self._setslibs
+ self.check = self._checkforlib
+ else:
+ self.smsg = "\tLibCheck.search(), Checking for broken %s bit libs"
+ self.pmsg = (
+ green(" * ") + bold("Broken files that require:") + " %s (%s bits)"
+ )
+ self.setlibs = self._setlibs
+ self.check = self._checkbroken
+ self.sfmsg = "\tLibCheck.search(); Total found: %(count)d libs, %(deps)d files in %(time)d milliseconds"
+ self.alllibs = None
+ def _setslibs(self, l, b):
+ """Internal function. Use the class's setlibs variable"""
+ sonames = []
+ for s in self.searchlibs:
+ if s in self.scanned_files[b].keys():
+ sonames.append(s)
+ continue
+ found_partial = [a for a in self.scanned_files[b].keys() if s in a]
+ if found_partial:
+ sonames += found_partial
+ continue
+ for k, v in self.scanned_files[b].items():
+ for vv in v.keys():
+ if s in vv:
+ sonames.append(k)
+ break
+ self.alllibs = "|".join(sonames) + "|"
+ self.logger.debug("\tLibCheck._setslibs(), new alllibs: %s" % (self.alllibs))
+ def _setlibs(self, l, b):
+ """Internal function. Use the class's setlibs variable"""
+ self.alllibs = "|".join(l) + "|"
+ def _checkforlib(self, l):
+ """Internal function. Use the class's check variable"""
+ if l:
+ return l + "|" in self.alllibs
+ return False
+ def _checkbroken(self, l):
+ """Internal function. Use the class's check variable"""
+ if l:
+ return l + "|" not in self.alllibs
+ return False
+ def search(self, scanned_files=None):
+ """Searches the scanned files for broken lib links
+ or for libs to search for
+ @param scanned_files: optional dictionary of the type created by
+ scan_files(). Defaults to the class instance of scanned_files
+ @ returns: dict: {bit_length: {found_lib: set(file_paths)}}.
+ """
+ stime = current_milli_time()
+ count = 0
+ fcount = 0
+ if not scanned_files:
+ scanned_files = self.scanned_files
+ found_libs = {}
+ for bits in self.searchbits:
+ try:
+ scanned = scanned_files[bits]
+ except KeyError:
+ self.logger.debug("There are no %s-bit libraries" % bits)
+ continue
+ self.logger.debug(self.smsg % bits)
+ self.setlibs(sorted(scanned), bits)
+ for soname, filepaths in scanned.items():
+ for filename, needed in filepaths.items():
+ for l in needed:
+ if self.check(l):
+ if l in self.all_masks:
+ self.logger.debug(
+ "\tLibrary %s ignored as it is masked" % l
+ )
+ continue
+ if (
+ filename in self.all_masks
+ or os.path.realpath(filename) in self.all_masks
+ or self.is_masked(os.path.realpath(filename))
+ ):
+ self.logger.debug(
+ "\tFile %s ignored as it is masked" % filename
+ )
+ continue
+ if not bits in found_libs:
+ found_libs[bits] = {}
+ try:
+ found_libs[bits][l].add(filename)
+ except KeyError:
+ found_libs[bits][l] = {filename}
+ count += 1
+ fcount += 1
+ self.logger.debug(
+ "\tLibCheck.search(); FOUND:"
+ " %sbit, %s, %s" % (bits, l, filename)
+ )
+ ftime = current_milli_time()
+ self.logger.debug(
+ self.sfmsg % {"count": count, "deps": fcount, "time": ftime - stime}
+ )
+ return found_libs
+ def is_masked(self, filename):
+ for m in self.masked_dirs:
+ t = os.path.realpath(m).split(os.sep)
+ f = filename.split(os.sep)
+ # self.logger.debug("\tis_masked(); %s, %s" % (t, f))
+ if t == f[: min(len(t), len(f))]:
+ return True
+ return False
+ def process_results(self, found_libs, scanned_files=None):
+ """Processes the search results, logs the files found
+ @param found_libs: dictionary of the type returned by search()
+ @param scanned_files: optional dictionary if the type created by
+ scan_files(). Defaults to the class instance of scanned_files
+ @ returns: list: of filepaths from teh search results.
+ """
+ stime = current_milli_time()
+ if not scanned_files:
+ scanned_files = self.scanned_files
+ found_pathes = []
+ for bits, found in found_libs.items():
+ for lib, files in found.items():
+ self.logger.info(self.pmsg % (bold(lib), bits))
+ for fp in sorted(files):
+ self.logger.info("\t" + yellow("* ") + fp)
+ found_pathes.append(fp)
+ ftime = current_milli_time()
+ self.logger.debug(
+ "\tLibCheck.process_results(); total filepaths found: "
+ "%d in %d milliseconds" % (len(found_pathes), ftime - stime)
+ )
+ return found_pathes
+def analyse(
+ settings,
+ logger,
+ libraries=None,
+ la_libraries=None,
+ libraries_links=None,
+ binaries=None,
+ _libs_to_check=None,
+ """Main program body. It will collect all info and determine the
+ pkgs needing rebuilding.
+ @param logger: logger used for logging messages, instance of logging.Logger
+ class. Can be logging (RootLogger).
+ @param _libs_to_check Libraries that need to be checked only
+ @rtype list: list of pkgs that need rebuilding
+ """
+ searchbits = set()
+ """if _libs_to_check:
for lib in _libs_to_check:
if "lib64" in lib:
elif "lib32" in lib:
- _libs_to_check = set()'''
- searchbits.update(['64', '32'])
- masked_dirs, masked_files, ld = parse_revdep_config(settings['REVDEP_CONFDIR'])
- masked_dirs.update([
- '/lib/modules',
- '/lib32/modules',
- '/lib64/modules',
- ]
- )
- if '64' not in searchbits:
- masked_dirs.update(['/lib64', '/usr/lib64'])
- elif '32' not in searchbits:
- masked_dirs.update(['/lib32', '/usr/lib32'])
- all_masks = masked_dirs.copy()
- all_masks.update(masked_files)
- logger.debug("\tall_masks:")
- for x in sorted(all_masks):
- logger.debug('\t\t%s' % (x))
- if libraries and la_libraries and libraries_links and binaries:
- logger.info(blue(' * ') +
- bold('Found a valid cache, skipping collecting phase'))
- else:
- #TODO: add partial cache (for ex. only libraries)
- # when found for some reason
- stime = current_milli_time()
- logger.warning(green(' * ') +
- bold('Collecting system binaries and libraries'))
- bin_dirs, lib_dirs = prepare_search_dirs(logger, settings)
- lib_dirs.update(ld)
- bin_dirs.update(ld)
- logger.debug('\tanalyse(), bin directories:')
- for x in sorted(bin_dirs):
- logger.debug('\t\t%s' % (x))
- logger.debug('\tanalyse(), lib directories:')
- for x in sorted(lib_dirs):
- logger.debug('\t\t%s' % (x))
- logger.debug('\tanalyse(), masked directories:')
- for x in sorted(masked_dirs):
- logger.debug('\t\t%s' % (x))
- logger.debug('\tanalyse(), masked files:')
- for x in sorted(masked_files):
- logger.debug('\t\t%s' % (x))
- ftime = current_milli_time()
- logger.debug('\ttime to complete task: %d milliseconds' % (ftime-stime))
- stime = current_milli_time()
- logger.info(green(' * ') +
- bold('Collecting dynamic linking informations'))
- libraries, la_libraries, libraries_links = \
- collect_libraries_from_dir(lib_dirs, all_masks, logger)
- binaries = collect_binaries_from_dir(bin_dirs, all_masks, logger)
- ftime = current_milli_time()
- logger.debug('\ttime to complete task: %d milliseconds' % (ftime-stime))
- if settings['USE_TMP_FILES']:
- save_cache(logger=logger,
- to_save={'libraries':libraries, 'la_libraries':la_libraries,
- 'libraries_links':libraries_links, 'binaries':binaries
- },
- temp_path=settings['DEFAULT_TMP_DIR']
- )
- logger.debug('\tanalyse(), Found %i libraries (+%i symlinks) and %i binaries' %
- (len(libraries), len(libraries_links), len(binaries))
- )
- logger.info(green(' * ') + bold('Scanning files'))
- libs_and_bins = libraries.union(binaries)
- scanned_files = scan_files(libs_and_bins, settings['CMD_MAX_ARGS'],
- logger, searchbits)
- logger.warning(green(' * ') + bold('Checking dynamic linking consistency'))
- logger.debug(
- '\tanalyse(), Searching for %i libs, bins within %i libraries and links'
- % (len(libs_and_bins), len(libraries)+len(libraries_links))
- )
- libcheck = LibCheck(scanned_files, logger, _libs_to_check, searchbits,
- all_masks, masked_dirs)
- broken_pathes = libcheck.process_results(libcheck.search())
- broken_la = extract_dependencies_from_la(la_libraries,
- libraries.union(libraries_links), _libs_to_check, logger)
- broken_pathes += broken_la
- if broken_pathes:
- logger.warning(green(' * ') + bold('Assign files to packages'))
- return assign_packages(broken_pathes, logger, settings)
- return None, None # no need to assign anything
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- print("This script shouldn't be called directly")
+ _libs_to_check = set()"""
+ searchbits.update(["64", "32"])
+ masked_dirs, masked_files, ld = parse_revdep_config(settings["REVDEP_CONFDIR"])
+ masked_dirs.update(
+ [
+ "/lib/modules",
+ "/lib32/modules",
+ "/lib64/modules",
+ ]
+ )
+ if "64" not in searchbits:
+ masked_dirs.update(["/lib64", "/usr/lib64"])
+ elif "32" not in searchbits:
+ masked_dirs.update(["/lib32", "/usr/lib32"])
+ all_masks = masked_dirs.copy()
+ all_masks.update(masked_files)
+ logger.debug("\tall_masks:")
+ for x in sorted(all_masks):
+ logger.debug("\t\t%s" % (x))
+ if libraries and la_libraries and libraries_links and binaries:
+ logger.info(
+ blue(" * ") + bold("Found a valid cache, skipping collecting phase")
+ )
+ else:
+ # TODO: add partial cache (for ex. only libraries)
+ # when found for some reason
+ stime = current_milli_time()
+ logger.warning(green(" * ") + bold("Collecting system binaries and libraries"))
+ bin_dirs, lib_dirs = prepare_search_dirs(logger, settings)
+ lib_dirs.update(ld)
+ bin_dirs.update(ld)
+ logger.debug("\tanalyse(), bin directories:")
+ for x in sorted(bin_dirs):
+ logger.debug("\t\t%s" % (x))
+ logger.debug("\tanalyse(), lib directories:")
+ for x in sorted(lib_dirs):
+ logger.debug("\t\t%s" % (x))
+ logger.debug("\tanalyse(), masked directories:")
+ for x in sorted(masked_dirs):
+ logger.debug("\t\t%s" % (x))
+ logger.debug("\tanalyse(), masked files:")
+ for x in sorted(masked_files):
+ logger.debug("\t\t%s" % (x))
+ ftime = current_milli_time()
+ logger.debug("\ttime to complete task: %d milliseconds" % (ftime - stime))
+ stime = current_milli_time()
+ logger.info(green(" * ") + bold("Collecting dynamic linking information"))
+ libraries, la_libraries, libraries_links = collect_libraries_from_dir(
+ lib_dirs, all_masks, logger
+ )
+ binaries = collect_binaries_from_dir(bin_dirs, all_masks, logger)
+ ftime = current_milli_time()
+ logger.debug("\ttime to complete task: %d milliseconds" % (ftime - stime))
+ if settings["USE_TMP_FILES"]:
+ save_cache(
+ logger=logger,
+ to_save={
+ "libraries": libraries,
+ "la_libraries": la_libraries,
+ "libraries_links": libraries_links,
+ "binaries": binaries,
+ },
+ temp_path=settings["DEFAULT_TMP_DIR"],
+ )
+ logger.debug(
+ "\tanalyse(), Found %i libraries (+%i symlinks) and %i binaries"
+ % (len(libraries), len(libraries_links), len(binaries))
+ )
+ logger.info(green(" * ") + bold("Scanning files"))
+ libs_and_bins = libraries.union(binaries)
+ scanned_files = scan_files(
+ libs_and_bins, settings["CMD_MAX_ARGS"], logger, searchbits
+ )
+ logger.warning(green(" * ") + bold("Checking dynamic linking consistency"))
+ logger.debug(
+ "\tanalyse(), Searching for %i libs, bins within %i libraries and links"
+ % (len(libs_and_bins), len(libraries) + len(libraries_links))
+ )
+ libcheck = LibCheck(
+ scanned_files, logger, _libs_to_check, searchbits, all_masks, masked_dirs
+ )
+ broken_pathes = libcheck.process_results(libcheck.search())
+ broken_la = extract_dependencies_from_la(
+ la_libraries, libraries.union(libraries_links), _libs_to_check, logger
+ )
+ broken_pathes += broken_la
+ if broken_pathes:
+ logger.warning(green(" * ") + bold("Assign files to packages"))
+ return assign_packages(broken_pathes, logger, settings)
+ return None, None # no need to assign anything
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ print("This script shouldn't be called directly")
diff --git a/pym/gentoolkit/revdep_rebuild/assign.py b/pym/gentoolkit/revdep_rebuild/assign.py
index 570c114..8f1a266 100644
--- a/pym/gentoolkit/revdep_rebuild/assign.py
+++ b/pym/gentoolkit/revdep_rebuild/assign.py
@@ -6,9 +6,9 @@ Functions used for determining the package the broken lib belongs to.
import errno
import os
-import io
import re
import time
current_milli_time = lambda: int(round(time.time() * 1000))
import portage
@@ -17,160 +17,170 @@ from portage.output import bold, red, yellow, green
class _file_matcher:
- """
- Compares files by basename and parent directory (device, inode),
- so comparisons work regardless of directory symlinks. If a
- parent directory does not exist, the realpath of the parent
- directory is used instead of the (device, inode). When multiple
- files share the same parent directory, stat is only called
- once per directory, and the result is cached internally.
- """
- def __init__(self):
- self._file_ids = {}
- self._added = {}
- def _file_id(self, filename):
- try:
- return self._file_ids[filename]
- except KeyError:
- try:
- st = os.stat(filename)
- except OSError as e:
- if e.errno != errno.ENOENT:
- raise
- file_id = (os.path.realpath(filename),)
- else:
- file_id = (st.st_dev, st.st_ino)
- self._file_ids[filename] = file_id
- return file_id
- def _file_key(self, filename):
- head, tail = os.path.split(filename)
- key = self._file_id(head) + (tail,)
- return key
- def add(self, filename):
- self._added[self._file_key(filename)] = filename
- def intersection(self, other):
- for file_key in self._added:
- match = other._added.get(file_key)
- if match is not None:
- yield match
+ """
+ Compares files by basename and parent directory (device, inode),
+ so comparisons work regardless of directory symlinks. If a
+ parent directory does not exist, the realpath of the parent
+ directory is used instead of the (device, inode). When multiple
+ files share the same parent directory, stat is only called
+ once per directory, and the result is cached internally.
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ self._file_ids = {}
+ self._added = {}
+ def _file_id(self, filename):
+ try:
+ return self._file_ids[filename]
+ except KeyError:
+ try:
+ st = os.stat(filename)
+ except OSError as e:
+ if e.errno != errno.ENOENT:
+ raise
+ file_id = (os.path.realpath(filename),)
+ else:
+ file_id = (st.st_dev, st.st_ino)
+ self._file_ids[filename] = file_id
+ return file_id
+ def _file_key(self, filename):
+ head, tail = os.path.split(filename)
+ key = self._file_id(head) + (tail,)
+ return key
+ def add(self, filename):
+ self._added[self._file_key(filename)] = filename
+ def intersection(self, other):
+ for file_key in self._added:
+ match = other._added.get(file_key)
+ if match is not None:
+ yield match
def assign_packages(broken, logger, settings):
- ''' Finds and returns packages that owns files placed in broken.
- Broken is list of files
- '''
- stime = current_milli_time()
- broken_matcher = _file_matcher()
- for filename in broken:
- broken_matcher.add(filename)
- assigned_pkgs = set()
- assigned_filenames = set()
- for group in os.listdir(settings['PKG_DIR']):
- grppath = settings['PKG_DIR'] + group
- if not os.path.isdir(grppath):
- continue
- for pkg in os.listdir(grppath):
- pkgpath = settings['PKG_DIR'] + group + '/' + pkg
- if not os.path.isdir(pkgpath):
- continue
- f = pkgpath + '/CONTENTS'
- if os.path.exists(f):
- contents_matcher = _file_matcher()
- try:
- with io.open(f, 'r', encoding='utf_8') as cnt:
- for line in cnt.readlines():
- m = re.match(r'^obj (/[^ ]+)', line)
- if m is not None:
- contents_matcher.add(m.group(1))
- except Exception as e:
- logger.warning(red(' !! Failed to read ' + f))
- logger.warning(red(' !! Error was:' + str(e)))
- else:
- for m in contents_matcher.intersection(broken_matcher):
- found = group+'/'+pkg
- assigned_pkgs.add(found)
- assigned_filenames.add(m)
- logger.info('\t' + green('* ') + m +
- ' -> ' + bold(found))
- broken_filenames = set(broken)
- orphaned = broken_filenames.difference(assigned_filenames)
- ftime = current_milli_time()
- logger.debug("\tassign_packages(); assigned "
- "%d packages, %d orphans in %d milliseconds"
- % (len(assigned_pkgs), len(orphaned), ftime-stime))
- return (assigned_pkgs, orphaned)
+ """Finds and returns packages that owns files placed in broken.
+ Broken is list of files
+ """
+ stime = current_milli_time()
+ broken_matcher = _file_matcher()
+ for filename in broken:
+ broken_matcher.add(filename)
+ assigned_pkgs = set()
+ assigned_filenames = set()
+ for group in os.listdir(settings["PKG_DIR"]):
+ grppath = settings["PKG_DIR"] + group
+ if not os.path.isdir(grppath):
+ continue
+ for pkg in os.listdir(grppath):
+ pkgpath = settings["PKG_DIR"] + group + "/" + pkg
+ if not os.path.isdir(pkgpath):
+ continue
+ f = pkgpath + "/CONTENTS"
+ if os.path.exists(f):
+ contents_matcher = _file_matcher()
+ try:
+ with open(f, encoding="utf_8") as cnt:
+ for line in cnt.readlines():
+ m = re.match(r"^obj (/[^ ]+)", line)
+ if m is not None:
+ contents_matcher.add(m.group(1))
+ except Exception as e:
+ logger.warning(red(" !! Failed to read " + f))
+ logger.warning(red(" !! Error was:" + str(e)))
+ else:
+ for m in contents_matcher.intersection(broken_matcher):
+ found = group + "/" + pkg
+ assigned_pkgs.add(found)
+ assigned_filenames.add(m)
+ logger.info("\t" + green("* ") + m + " -> " + bold(found))
+ broken_filenames = set(broken)
+ orphaned = broken_filenames.difference(assigned_filenames)
+ ftime = current_milli_time()
+ logger.debug(
+ "\tassign_packages(); assigned "
+ "%d packages, %d orphans in %d milliseconds"
+ % (len(assigned_pkgs), len(orphaned), ftime - stime)
+ )
+ return (assigned_pkgs, orphaned)
def get_best_match(cpv, cp, logger):
- """Tries to find another version of the pkg with the same slot
- as the deprecated installed version. Failing that attempt to get any version
- of the same app
- @param cpv: string
- @param cp: string
- @rtype tuple: ([cpv,...], SLOT)
- """
- slot = portage.db[portage.root]["vartree"].dbapi.aux_get(cpv, ["SLOT"])[0]
- logger.warning('\t%s "%s" %s.' % (yellow('* Warning:'), cpv,bold('ebuild not found.')))
- logger.debug('\tget_best_match(); Looking for %s:%s' %(cp, slot))
- try:
- match = portdb.match('%s:%s' %(cp, slot))
- except portage.exception.InvalidAtom:
- match = None
- if not match:
- logger.warning('\t' + red('!!') + ' ' + yellow(
- 'Could not find ebuild for %s:%s' %(cp, slot)))
- slot = ['']
- match = portdb.match(cp)
- if not match:
- logger.warning('\t' + red('!!') + ' ' +
- yellow('Could not find ebuild for ' + cp))
- return match, slot
+ """Tries to find another version of the pkg with the same slot
+ as the deprecated installed version. Failing that attempt to get any version
+ of the same app
+ @param cpv: string
+ @param cp: string
+ @rtype tuple: ([cpv,...], SLOT)
+ """
+ slot = portage.db[portage.root]["vartree"].dbapi.aux_get(cpv, ["SLOT"])[0]
+ logger.warning(
+ '\t{} "{}" {}.'.format(yellow("* Warning:"), cpv, bold("ebuild not found."))
+ )
+ logger.debug(f"\tget_best_match(); Looking for {cp}:{slot}")
+ try:
+ match = portdb.match(f"{cp}:{slot}")
+ except portage.exception.InvalidAtom:
+ match = None
+ if not match:
+ logger.warning(
+ "\t" + red("!!") + " " + yellow(f"Could not find ebuild for {cp}:{slot}")
+ )
+ slot = [""]
+ match = portdb.match(cp)
+ if not match:
+ logger.warning(
+ "\t" + red("!!") + " " + yellow("Could not find ebuild for " + cp)
+ )
+ return match, slot
def get_slotted_cps(cpvs, logger):
- """Uses portage to reduce the cpv list into a cp:slot list and returns it
- """
- from portage.versions import catpkgsplit
- from portage import portdb
- cps = []
- for cpv in cpvs:
- parts = catpkgsplit(cpv)
- if not parts:
- logger.warning(('\t' + red("Failed to split the following pkg: "
- "%s, not a valid cat/pkg-ver" %cpv)))
- continue
- cp = parts[0] + '/' + parts[1]
- try:
- slot = portdb.aux_get(cpv, ["SLOT"])
- except KeyError:
- match, slot = get_best_match(cpv, cp, logger)
- if not match:
- logger.warning('\t' + red("Installed package: "
- "%s is no longer available" %cp))
- continue
- if slot[0]:
- cps.append(cp + ":" + slot[0])
- else:
- cps.append(cp)
- return cps
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- print('Nothing to call here')
+ """Uses portage to reduce the cpv list into a cp:slot list and returns it"""
+ from portage.versions import catpkgsplit
+ from portage import portdb
+ cps = []
+ for cpv in cpvs:
+ parts = catpkgsplit(cpv)
+ if not parts:
+ logger.warning(
+ "\t"
+ + red(
+ "Failed to split the following pkg: "
+ "%s, not a valid cat/pkg-ver" % cpv
+ )
+ )
+ continue
+ cp = parts[0] + "/" + parts[1]
+ try:
+ slot = portdb.aux_get(cpv, ["SLOT"])
+ except KeyError:
+ match, slot = get_best_match(cpv, cp, logger)
+ if not match:
+ logger.warning(
+ "\t" + red("Installed package: " "%s is no longer available" % cp)
+ )
+ continue
+ if slot[0]:
+ cps.append(cp + ":" + slot[0])
+ else:
+ cps.append(cp)
+ return cps
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ print("Nothing to call here")
diff --git a/pym/gentoolkit/revdep_rebuild/cache.py b/pym/gentoolkit/revdep_rebuild/cache.py
index ab0b7d7..36d8684 100644
--- a/pym/gentoolkit/revdep_rebuild/cache.py
+++ b/pym/gentoolkit/revdep_rebuild/cache.py
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
"""Caching module
Functions for reading, saving and verifying the data caches
@@ -10,125 +9,159 @@ from portage import _encodings, _unicode_encode
from portage.output import red
from .settings import DEFAULTS
-def read_cache(temp_path=DEFAULTS['DEFAULT_TMP_DIR']):
- ''' Reads cache information needed by analyse function.
- This function does not checks if files exists nor timestamps,
- check_temp_files should be called first
- @param temp_path: directory where all temp files should reside
- @return tuple with values of:
- libraries, la_libraries, libraries_links, symlink_pairs, binaries
- '''
- ret = {
- 'libraries': set(),
- 'la_libraries': set(),
- 'libraries_links': set(),
- 'binaries': set()
- }
- try:
- for key,val in ret.items():
- _file = open(_unicode_encode(os.path.join(temp_path, key),
- encoding=_encodings['fs']), encoding=_encodings['content'])
- for line in _file.readlines():
- val.add(line.strip())
- #libraries.remove('\n')
- _file .close()
- except EnvironmentError:
- pass
- return (ret['libraries'], ret['la_libraries'],
- ret['libraries_links'], ret['binaries'])
-def save_cache(logger, to_save={}, temp_path=DEFAULTS['DEFAULT_TMP_DIR']):
- ''' Tries to store caching information.
- @param logger
- @param to_save have to be dict with keys:
- libraries, la_libraries, libraries_links and binaries
- '''
- if not os.path.exists(temp_path):
- os.makedirs(temp_path)
- try:
- _file = open(_unicode_encode(os.path.join(temp_path, 'timestamp'),
- encoding=_encodings['fs']), mode='w', encoding=_encodings['content'])
- _file.write(str(int(time.time())))
- _file.close()
- for key,val in to_save.items():
- _file = open(_unicode_encode(os.path.join(temp_path, key),
- encoding=_encodings['fs']), mode='w',
- encoding=_encodings['content'])
- for line in val:
- _file.write(line + '\n')
- _file.close()
- except Exception as ex:
- logger.warning('\t' + red('Could not save cache: %s' %str(ex)))
-def check_temp_files(temp_path=DEFAULTS['DEFAULT_TMP_DIR'], max_delay=3600,
- logger=None):
- ''' Checks if temporary files from previous run are still available
- and if they aren't too old
- @param temp_path is directory, where temporary files should be found
- @param max_delay is maximum time difference (in seconds)
- when those files are still considered fresh and useful
- returns True, when files can be used, or False, when they don't
- exists or they are too old
- '''
- if not os.path.exists(temp_path) or not os.path.isdir(temp_path):
- return False
- timestamp_path = os.path.join(temp_path, 'timestamp')
- if not os.path.exists(timestamp_path) or not os.path.isfile(timestamp_path):
- return False
- try:
- _file = open(_unicode_encode(timestamp_path, encoding=_encodings['fs']),
- encoding=_encodings['content'])
- timestamp = int(_file.readline())
- _file .close()
- except Exception as ex:
- if logger:
- logger.debug("\tcheck_temp_files(); error retrieving"
- " timestamp_path:\n" + str(ex))
- timestamp = 0
- return False
- diff = int(time.time()) - timestamp
- return max_delay > diff
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- print('Preparing cache ... ')
- from .collect import (prepare_search_dirs, parse_revdep_config,
- collect_libraries_from_dir, collect_binaries_from_dir)
- import logging
- bin_dirs, lib_dirs = prepare_search_dirs()
- masked_dirs, masked_files, ld = parse_revdep_config()
- lib_dirs.update(ld)
- bin_dirs.update(ld)
- masked_dirs.update(
- set([
- '/lib/modules',
- '/lib32/modules',
- '/lib64/modules',
- ])
- )
- libraries, la_libraries, libraries_links, symlink_pairs = collect_libraries_from_dir(lib_dirs, masked_dirs, logging)
- binaries = collect_binaries_from_dir(bin_dirs, masked_dirs, logging)
- save_cache(logger=logging,
- to_save={'libraries':libraries, 'la_libraries':la_libraries,
- 'libraries_links':libraries_links, 'binaries':binaries}
- )
- print('Done.')
+def read_cache(temp_path=DEFAULTS["DEFAULT_TMP_DIR"]):
+ """Reads cache information needed by analyse function.
+ This function does not checks if files exists nor timestamps,
+ check_temp_files should be called first
+ @param temp_path: directory where all temp files should reside
+ @return tuple with values of:
+ libraries, la_libraries, libraries_links, symlink_pairs, binaries
+ """
+ ret = {
+ "libraries": set(),
+ "la_libraries": set(),
+ "libraries_links": set(),
+ "binaries": set(),
+ }
+ try:
+ for key, val in ret.items():
+ _file = open(
+ _unicode_encode(
+ os.path.join(temp_path, key), encoding=_encodings["fs"]
+ ),
+ encoding=_encodings["content"],
+ )
+ for line in _file.readlines():
+ val.add(line.strip())
+ # libraries.remove('\n')
+ _file.close()
+ except OSError:
+ pass
+ return (
+ ret["libraries"],
+ ret["la_libraries"],
+ ret["libraries_links"],
+ ret["binaries"],
+ )
+def save_cache(logger, to_save={}, temp_path=DEFAULTS["DEFAULT_TMP_DIR"]):
+ """Tries to store caching information.
+ @param logger
+ @param to_save have to be dict with keys:
+ libraries, la_libraries, libraries_links and binaries
+ """
+ if not os.path.exists(temp_path):
+ os.makedirs(temp_path)
+ try:
+ _file = open(
+ _unicode_encode(
+ os.path.join(temp_path, "timestamp"), encoding=_encodings["fs"]
+ ),
+ mode="w",
+ encoding=_encodings["content"],
+ )
+ _file.write(str(int(time.time())))
+ _file.close()
+ for key, val in to_save.items():
+ _file = open(
+ _unicode_encode(
+ os.path.join(temp_path, key), encoding=_encodings["fs"]
+ ),
+ mode="w",
+ encoding=_encodings["content"],
+ )
+ for line in val:
+ _file.write(line + "\n")
+ _file.close()
+ except Exception as ex:
+ logger.warning("\t" + red("Could not save cache: %s" % str(ex)))
+def check_temp_files(
+ temp_path=DEFAULTS["DEFAULT_TMP_DIR"], max_delay=3600, logger=None
+ """Checks if temporary files from previous run are still available
+ and if they aren't too old
+ @param temp_path is directory, where temporary files should be found
+ @param max_delay is maximum time difference (in seconds)
+ when those files are still considered fresh and useful
+ returns True, when files can be used, or False, when they don't
+ exists or they are too old
+ """
+ if not os.path.exists(temp_path) or not os.path.isdir(temp_path):
+ return False
+ timestamp_path = os.path.join(temp_path, "timestamp")
+ if not os.path.exists(timestamp_path) or not os.path.isfile(timestamp_path):
+ return False
+ try:
+ _file = open(
+ _unicode_encode(timestamp_path, encoding=_encodings["fs"]),
+ encoding=_encodings["content"],
+ )
+ timestamp = int(_file.readline())
+ _file.close()
+ except Exception as ex:
+ if logger:
+ logger.debug(
+ "\tcheck_temp_files(); error retrieving" " timestamp_path:\n" + str(ex)
+ )
+ timestamp = 0
+ return False
+ diff = int(time.time()) - timestamp
+ return max_delay > diff
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ print("Preparing cache ... ")
+ from .collect import (
+ prepare_search_dirs,
+ parse_revdep_config,
+ collect_libraries_from_dir,
+ collect_binaries_from_dir,
+ )
+ import logging
+ bin_dirs, lib_dirs = prepare_search_dirs()
+ masked_dirs, masked_files, ld = parse_revdep_config()
+ lib_dirs.update(ld)
+ bin_dirs.update(ld)
+ masked_dirs.update(
+ {
+ "/lib/modules",
+ "/lib32/modules",
+ "/lib64/modules",
+ }
+ )
+ (
+ libraries,
+ la_libraries,
+ libraries_links,
+ symlink_pairs,
+ ) = collect_libraries_from_dir(lib_dirs, masked_dirs, logging)
+ binaries = collect_binaries_from_dir(bin_dirs, masked_dirs, logging)
+ save_cache(
+ logger=logging,
+ to_save={
+ "libraries": libraries,
+ "la_libraries": la_libraries,
+ "libraries_links": libraries_links,
+ "binaries": binaries,
+ },
+ )
+ print("Done.")
diff --git a/pym/gentoolkit/revdep_rebuild/collect.py b/pym/gentoolkit/revdep_rebuild/collect.py
index 38ff48e..a36b701 100644
--- a/pym/gentoolkit/revdep_rebuild/collect.py
+++ b/pym/gentoolkit/revdep_rebuild/collect.py
@@ -14,219 +14,234 @@ from .settings import parse_revdep_config
def parse_conf(conf_file, visited=None, logger=None):
- ''' Parses supplied conf_file for libraries pathes.
- conf_file is file or files to parse
- visited is set of files already parsed
- '''
- lib_dirs = set()
- to_parse = set()
- if isinstance(conf_file, str):
- conf_file = [conf_file]
- for conf in conf_file:
- try:
- with open(_unicode_encode(conf, encoding=_encodings['fs']),
- encoding=_encodings['content']) as _file:
- for line in _file.readlines():
- line = line.strip()
- if line.startswith('#'):
- continue
- elif line.startswith('include'):
- include_line = line.split()[1:]
- for included in include_line:
- if not included.startswith('/'):
- path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(conf), \
- included)
- else:
- path = included
- to_parse.update(glob.glob(path))
- else:
- lib_dirs.add(line)
- except EnvironmentError:
- logger.warn('\t' + yellow('Error when parsing file %s' %conf))
- if visited is None:
- visited = set()
- visited.update(conf_file)
- to_parse = to_parse.difference(visited)
- if to_parse:
- lib_dirs.update(parse_conf(to_parse, visited, logger=logger))
- return lib_dirs
+ """Parses supplied conf_file for libraries pathes.
+ conf_file is file or files to parse
+ visited is set of files already parsed
+ """
+ lib_dirs = set()
+ to_parse = set()
+ if isinstance(conf_file, str):
+ conf_file = [conf_file]
+ for conf in conf_file:
+ try:
+ with open(
+ _unicode_encode(conf, encoding=_encodings["fs"]),
+ encoding=_encodings["content"],
+ ) as _file:
+ for line in _file.readlines():
+ line = line.strip()
+ if line.startswith("#"):
+ continue
+ elif line.startswith("include"):
+ include_line = line.split()[1:]
+ for included in include_line:
+ if not included.startswith("/"):
+ path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(conf), included)
+ else:
+ path = included
+ to_parse.update(glob.glob(path))
+ else:
+ lib_dirs.add(line)
+ except OSError:
+ logger.warn("\t" + yellow("Error when parsing file %s" % conf))
+ if visited is None:
+ visited = set()
+ visited.update(conf_file)
+ to_parse = to_parse.difference(visited)
+ if to_parse:
+ lib_dirs.update(parse_conf(to_parse, visited, logger=logger))
+ return lib_dirs
def prepare_search_dirs(logger, settings):
- ''' Lookup for search dirs. Returns tuple with two lists,
- (list_of_bin_dirs, list_of_lib_dirs)
- '''
- bin_dirs = set(['/bin', '/usr/bin', ])
- lib_dirs = set(['/lib', '/usr/lib', ])
- #try:
- with open(_unicode_encode(os.path.join(
- portage.root, settings['DEFAULT_ENV_FILE']),
- encoding=_encodings['fs']), mode='r',
- encoding=_encodings['content']) as _file:
- for line in _file.readlines():
- line = line.strip()
- match = re.match(r"^export (ROOT)?PATH='([^']+)'", line)
- if match is not None:
- bin_dirs.update(set(match.group(2).split(':')))
- #except EnvironmentError:
- #logger.debug('\t' + yellow('Could not open file %s' % f))
- lib_dirs = parse_conf(settings['DEFAULT_LD_FILE'], logger=logger)
- return (bin_dirs, lib_dirs)
+ """Lookup for search dirs. Returns tuple with two lists,
+ (list_of_bin_dirs, list_of_lib_dirs)
+ """
+ bin_dirs = {
+ "/bin",
+ "/usr/bin",
+ }
+ lib_dirs = {
+ "/lib",
+ "/usr/lib",
+ }
+ # try:
+ with open(
+ _unicode_encode(
+ os.path.join(portage.root, settings["DEFAULT_ENV_FILE"]),
+ encoding=_encodings["fs"],
+ ),
+ encoding=_encodings["content"],
+ ) as _file:
+ for line in _file.readlines():
+ line = line.strip()
+ match = re.match(r"^export (ROOT)?PATH='([^']+)'", line)
+ if match is not None:
+ bin_dirs.update(set(match.group(2).split(":")))
+ # except EnvironmentError:
+ # logger.debug('\t' + yellow('Could not open file %s' % f))
+ lib_dirs = parse_conf(settings["DEFAULT_LD_FILE"], logger=logger)
+ return (bin_dirs, lib_dirs)
def collect_libraries_from_dir(dirs, mask, logger):
- ''' Collects all libraries from specified list of directories.
- mask is list of pathes, that are ommited in scanning, can be eighter single file or entire directory
- Returns tuple composed of: list of libraries, list of symlinks, and toupe with pair
- (symlink_id, library_id) for resolving dependencies
- '''
- # contains list of directories found
- # allows us to reduce number of fnc calls
- found_directories = set()
- found_files = set()
- found_symlinks = set()
- found_la_files = set() # la libraries
- for _dir in dirs:
- if _dir in mask:
- continue
- try:
- for _listing in os.listdir(_dir):
- listing = os.path.join(_dir, _listing)
- if listing in mask or _listing in mask:
- continue
- if os.path.isdir(listing):
- if os.path.islink(listing):
- #we do not want scan symlink-directories
- pass
- else:
- found_directories.add(listing)
- elif os.path.isfile(listing):
- if (listing.endswith('.so') or
- listing.endswith('.a') or
- '.so.' in listing
- ):
- if os.path.islink(listing):
- found_symlinks.add(listing)
- else:
- found_files.add(listing)
- continue
- elif listing.endswith('.la'):
- if listing in found_la_files:
- continue
- found_la_files.add(listing)
- else:
- # sometimes there are binaries in libs' subdir,
- # for example in nagios
- if not os.path.islink(listing):
- #if listing in found_files or listing in found_symlinks:
- #continue
- prv = os.stat(listing)[stat.ST_MODE]
- if prv & stat.S_IXUSR == stat.S_IXUSR or \
- prv & stat.S_IXGRP == stat.S_IXGRP or \
- prv & stat.S_IXOTH == stat.S_IXOTH:
- found_files.add(listing)
- except Exception as ex:
- logger.debug('\t' +
- yellow('Exception collecting libraries: ' +
- blue('%s') %str(ex)))
- if found_directories:
- _file, la_file, link = \
- collect_libraries_from_dir(found_directories, mask, logger)
- found_files.update(_file)
- found_la_files.update(la_file)
- found_symlinks.update(link)
- return (found_files, found_la_files, found_symlinks)
+ """Collects all libraries from specified list of directories.
+ mask is list of pathes, that are ommited in scanning, can be eighter single file or entire directory
+ Returns tuple composed of: list of libraries, list of symlinks, and toupe with pair
+ (symlink_id, library_id) for resolving dependencies
+ """
+ # contains list of directories found
+ # allows us to reduce number of fnc calls
+ found_directories = set()
+ found_files = set()
+ found_symlinks = set()
+ found_la_files = set() # la libraries
+ for _dir in dirs:
+ if _dir in mask:
+ continue
+ try:
+ for _listing in os.listdir(_dir):
+ listing = os.path.join(_dir, _listing)
+ if listing in mask or _listing in mask:
+ continue
+ if os.path.isdir(listing):
+ if os.path.islink(listing):
+ # we do not want scan symlink-directories
+ pass
+ else:
+ found_directories.add(listing)
+ elif os.path.isfile(listing):
+ if (
+ listing.endswith(".so")
+ or listing.endswith(".a")
+ or ".so." in listing
+ ):
+ if os.path.islink(listing):
+ found_symlinks.add(listing)
+ else:
+ found_files.add(listing)
+ continue
+ elif listing.endswith(".la"):
+ if listing in found_la_files:
+ continue
+ found_la_files.add(listing)
+ else:
+ # sometimes there are binaries in libs' subdir,
+ # for example in nagios
+ if not os.path.islink(listing):
+ # if listing in found_files or listing in found_symlinks:
+ # continue
+ prv = os.stat(listing)[stat.ST_MODE]
+ if (
+ prv & stat.S_IXUSR == stat.S_IXUSR
+ or prv & stat.S_IXGRP == stat.S_IXGRP
+ or prv & stat.S_IXOTH == stat.S_IXOTH
+ ):
+ found_files.add(listing)
+ except Exception as ex:
+ logger.debug(
+ "\t" + yellow("Exception collecting libraries: " + blue("%s") % str(ex))
+ )
+ if found_directories:
+ _file, la_file, link = collect_libraries_from_dir(
+ found_directories, mask, logger
+ )
+ found_files.update(_file)
+ found_la_files.update(la_file)
+ found_symlinks.update(link)
+ return (found_files, found_la_files, found_symlinks)
def collect_binaries_from_dir(dirs, mask, logger):
- ''' Collects all binaries from specified list of directories.
- mask is list of pathes, that are ommited in scanning,
- can be eighter single file or entire directory
- Returns list of binaries
- '''
- # contains list of directories found
- # allows us to reduce number of fnc calls
- found_directories = set()
- found_files = set()
- for _dir in dirs:
- if _dir in mask:
- continue
- try:
- for _listing in os.listdir(_dir):
- listing = os.path.join(_dir, _listing)
- if listing in mask or _listing in mask:
- continue
- if os.path.isdir(listing):
- if os.path.islink(listing):
- #we do not want scan symlink-directories
- pass
- else:
- found_directories.add(listing)
- elif os.path.isfile(listing):
- # we're looking for binaries
- # and with binaries we do not need links
- # thus we can optimize a bit
- if not os.path.islink(listing):
- prv = os.stat(listing)[stat.ST_MODE]
- if prv & stat.S_IXUSR == stat.S_IXUSR or \
- prv & stat.S_IXGRP == stat.S_IXGRP or \
- prv & stat.S_IXOTH == stat.S_IXOTH:
- found_files.add(listing)
- except Exception as ex:
- logger.debug('\t' +
- yellow('Exception during binaries collecting: '+
- blue('%s') %str(ex)))
- if found_directories:
- found_files.update(collect_binaries_from_dir(found_directories, mask, logger))
- return found_files
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- import logging
- bin_dirs, lib_dirs = prepare_search_dirs(logging)
- masked_dirs, masked_files, ld = parse_revdep_config()
- lib_dirs.update(ld)
- bin_dirs.update(ld)
- masked_dirs.update(
- set([
- '/lib/modules',
- '/lib32/modules',
- '/lib64/modules',
- ])
- )
- libraries, la_libraries, libraries_links = \
- collect_libraries_from_dir(lib_dirs, masked_dirs, logging)
- binaries = collect_binaries_from_dir(bin_dirs, masked_dirs, logging)
- logging.debug(
- 'Found: %i binaries and %i libraries.' %(
- len(binaries), len(libraries)))
+ """Collects all binaries from specified list of directories.
+ mask is list of pathes, that are ommited in scanning,
+ can be eighter single file or entire directory
+ Returns list of binaries
+ """
+ # contains list of directories found
+ # allows us to reduce number of fnc calls
+ found_directories = set()
+ found_files = set()
+ for _dir in dirs:
+ if _dir in mask:
+ continue
+ try:
+ for _listing in os.listdir(_dir):
+ listing = os.path.join(_dir, _listing)
+ if listing in mask or _listing in mask:
+ continue
+ if os.path.isdir(listing):
+ if os.path.islink(listing):
+ # we do not want scan symlink-directories
+ pass
+ else:
+ found_directories.add(listing)
+ elif os.path.isfile(listing):
+ # we're looking for binaries
+ # and with binaries we do not need links
+ # thus we can optimize a bit
+ if not os.path.islink(listing):
+ prv = os.stat(listing)[stat.ST_MODE]
+ if (
+ prv & stat.S_IXUSR == stat.S_IXUSR
+ or prv & stat.S_IXGRP == stat.S_IXGRP
+ or prv & stat.S_IXOTH == stat.S_IXOTH
+ ):
+ found_files.add(listing)
+ except Exception as ex:
+ logger.debug(
+ "\t"
+ + yellow(
+ "Exception during binaries collecting: " + blue("%s") % str(ex)
+ )
+ )
+ if found_directories:
+ found_files.update(collect_binaries_from_dir(found_directories, mask, logger))
+ return found_files
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ import logging
+ bin_dirs, lib_dirs = prepare_search_dirs(logging)
+ masked_dirs, masked_files, ld = parse_revdep_config()
+ lib_dirs.update(ld)
+ bin_dirs.update(ld)
+ masked_dirs.update(
+ {
+ "/lib/modules",
+ "/lib32/modules",
+ "/lib64/modules",
+ }
+ )
+ libraries, la_libraries, libraries_links = collect_libraries_from_dir(
+ lib_dirs, masked_dirs, logging
+ )
+ binaries = collect_binaries_from_dir(bin_dirs, masked_dirs, logging)
+ logging.debug(
+ "Found: %i binaries and %i libraries." % (len(binaries), len(libraries))
+ )
diff --git a/pym/gentoolkit/revdep_rebuild/meson.build b/pym/gentoolkit/revdep_rebuild/meson.build
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b73eff8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pym/gentoolkit/revdep_rebuild/meson.build
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+__init__py = configure_file(
+ input : '__init__.py',
+ output : '__init__.py',
+ configuration : conf_data
+ [
+ __init__py,
+ 'analyse.py',
+ 'assign.py',
+ 'cache.py',
+ 'collect.py',
+ 'rebuild.py',
+ 'runner.py',
+ 'settings.py',
+ 'stuff.py',
+ ],
+ subdir : 'gentoolkit/revdep_rebuild'
diff --git a/pym/gentoolkit/revdep_rebuild/rebuild.py b/pym/gentoolkit/revdep_rebuild/rebuild.py
index 4109c4f..d7bf69e 100644
--- a/pym/gentoolkit/revdep_rebuild/rebuild.py
+++ b/pym/gentoolkit/revdep_rebuild/rebuild.py
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
""" Rebuild module
@@ -19,6 +18,7 @@ import sys
import logging
import subprocess
import time
current_milli_time = lambda: int(round(time.time() * 1000))
@@ -40,136 +40,150 @@ __productname__ = "revdep-ng"
# functions
-def init_logger(settings):
- """Creates and iitializes our logger according to the settings"""
- logger = logging.getLogger()
- log_handler = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout)
- log_fmt = logging.Formatter('%(msg)s')
- log_handler.setFormatter(log_fmt)
- logger.addHandler(log_handler)
- if settings['quiet']:
- logger.setLevel(logging.ERROR)
- elif settings['VERBOSITY'] == 2:
- logger.setLevel(logging.INFO)
- elif settings['VERBOSITY'] == 3 or settings['debug']:
- logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
- else:
- logger.setLevel(logging.WARNING)
- return logger
+def init_logger(settings):
+ """Creates and iitializes our logger according to the settings"""
+ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+ logger.propagate = False
+ log_handler = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout)
+ log_fmt = logging.Formatter("%(msg)s")
+ log_handler.setFormatter(log_fmt)
+ logger.addHandler(log_handler)
+ if settings["quiet"]:
+ logger.setLevel(logging.ERROR)
+ elif settings["VERBOSITY"] == 2:
+ logger.setLevel(logging.INFO)
+ elif settings["VERBOSITY"] == 3 or settings["debug"]:
+ logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
+ else:
+ logger.setLevel(logging.WARNING)
+ return logger
def rebuild(logger, assigned, settings):
- """rebuilds the assigned pkgs"""
- args = list(settings['pass_through_options'])
- if settings['EXACT']:
- _assigned = filter_masked(assigned, logger)
- emerge_command = ['='+a for a in _assigned]
- else:
- _assigned = get_slotted_cps(assigned, logger)
- emerge_command = [a for a in _assigned]
- if settings['PRETEND']:
- args.append('--pretend')
- if settings['VERBOSITY'] >= 2:
- args.append('--verbose')
- elif settings['VERBOSITY'] < 1:
- args.append('--quiet')
- if settings['nocolor']:
- args.extend(['--color', 'n'])
- if len(emerge_command) == 0:
- logger.warning(bold('\nThere is nothing to emerge. Exiting.'))
- return 0
- logger.warning(yellow(
- '\nemerge') + ' ' + ' '.join(args) +
- ' --oneshot --complete-graph=y ' +
- bold(' '.join(emerge_command)))
- stime = current_milli_time()
- _args = ['emerge'] + args + ['--oneshot', '--complete-graph=y'] + emerge_command
- success = subprocess.call(_args)
- ftime = current_milli_time()
- logger.debug("\trebuild(); emerge call for %d ebuilds took: %s seconds"
- % (len(_assigned), str((ftime-stime)/1000.0)))
- return success
+ """rebuilds the assigned pkgs"""
+ args = list(settings["pass_through_options"])
+ if settings["EXACT"]:
+ _assigned = filter_masked(assigned, logger)
+ emerge_command = ["=" + a for a in _assigned]
+ else:
+ _assigned = get_slotted_cps(assigned, logger)
+ emerge_command = [a for a in _assigned]
+ if settings["PRETEND"]:
+ args.append("--pretend")
+ if settings["VERBOSITY"] >= 2:
+ args.append("--verbose")
+ elif settings["VERBOSITY"] < 1:
+ args.append("--quiet")
+ if settings["nocolor"]:
+ args.extend(["--color", "n"])
+ if len(emerge_command) == 0:
+ logger.warning(bold("\nThere is nothing to emerge. Exiting."))
+ return 0
+ logger.warning(
+ yellow("\nemerge")
+ + " "
+ + " ".join(args)
+ + " --oneshot --complete-graph=y "
+ + bold(" ".join(emerge_command))
+ )
+ stime = current_milli_time()
+ _args = ["emerge"] + args + ["--oneshot", "--complete-graph=y"] + emerge_command
+ success = subprocess.call(_args)
+ ftime = current_milli_time()
+ logger.debug(
+ "\trebuild(); emerge call for %d ebuilds took: %s seconds"
+ % (len(_assigned), str((ftime - stime) / 1000.0))
+ )
+ return success
def main(settings=None, logger=None):
- """Main program operation method....
- @param settings: dict. defaults to settings.DEFAULTS
- @param logger: python logging module defaults to init_logger(settings)
- @return boolean success/failure
- """
- if settings is None:
- print("NO Input settings, using defaults...")
- settings = DEFAULTS.copy()
- if logger is None:
- logger = init_logger(settings)
- _libs_to_check = settings['library']
- if not settings['stdout'].isatty() or settings['nocolor']:
- nocolor()
- logger.warning(blue(' * ') +
- yellow('This is the new python coded version'))
- logger.warning(blue(' * ') +
- yellow('Please report any bugs found using it.'))
- logger.warning(blue(' * ') +
- yellow('The original revdep-rebuild script is '
- 'installed as revdep-rebuild.sh'))
- logger.warning(blue(' * ') +
- yellow('Please file bugs at: '
- 'https://bugs.gentoo.org/'))
- if os.getuid() != 0 and not settings['PRETEND']:
- logger.warning(blue(' * ') +
- yellow('You are not root, adding --pretend to portage options'))
- settings['PRETEND'] = True
- logger.debug("\tmain(), _libs_to_check = %s" % str(_libs_to_check))
- if settings['USE_TMP_FILES'] \
- and check_temp_files(settings['DEFAULT_TMP_DIR'], logger=logger):
- libraries, la_libraries, libraries_links, binaries = read_cache(
- settings['DEFAULT_TMP_DIR'])
- assigned, orphaned = analyse(
- settings=settings,
- logger=logger,
- libraries=libraries,
- la_libraries=la_libraries,
- libraries_links=libraries_links,
- binaries=binaries,
- _libs_to_check=_libs_to_check)
- else:
- assigned, orphaned = analyse(settings, logger, _libs_to_check=_libs_to_check)
- if not assigned and not orphaned:
- logger.warning('\n' + bold('Your system is consistent'))
- # return the correct exit code
- return 0
- elif orphaned:
- # blank line for beter visibility of the following lines
- logger.warning('')
- if settings['library']:
- logger.warning(red(' !!! Dependant orphaned files: ') +
- bold('No installed package was found for the following:'))
- else:
- logger.warning(red(' !!! Broken orphaned files: ') +
- bold('No installed package was found for the following:'))
- for filename in orphaned:
- logger.warning(red('\t* ') + filename)
- success = rebuild(logger, assigned, settings)
- logger.debug("rebuild return code = %i" %success)
- return success
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main(parse_options())
+ """Main program operation method....
+ @param settings: dict. defaults to settings.DEFAULTS
+ @param logger: python logging module defaults to init_logger(settings)
+ @return boolean success/failure
+ """
+ if settings is None:
+ print("NO Input settings, using defaults...")
+ settings = DEFAULTS.copy()
+ if logger is None:
+ logger = init_logger(settings)
+ _libs_to_check = settings["library"]
+ if not settings["stdout"].isatty() or settings["nocolor"]:
+ nocolor()
+ logger.warning(blue(" * ") + yellow("This is the new python coded version"))
+ logger.warning(blue(" * ") + yellow("Please report any bugs found using it."))
+ logger.warning(
+ blue(" * ")
+ + yellow(
+ "The original revdep-rebuild script is " "installed as revdep-rebuild.sh"
+ )
+ )
+ logger.warning(
+ blue(" * ") + yellow("Please file bugs at: " "https://bugs.gentoo.org/")
+ )
+ if os.getuid() != 0 and not settings["PRETEND"]:
+ logger.warning(
+ blue(" * ")
+ + yellow("You are not root, adding --pretend to portage options")
+ )
+ settings["PRETEND"] = True
+ logger.debug("\tmain(), _libs_to_check = %s" % str(_libs_to_check))
+ if settings["USE_TMP_FILES"] and check_temp_files(
+ settings["DEFAULT_TMP_DIR"], logger=logger
+ ):
+ libraries, la_libraries, libraries_links, binaries = read_cache(
+ settings["DEFAULT_TMP_DIR"]
+ )
+ assigned, orphaned = analyse(
+ settings=settings,
+ logger=logger,
+ libraries=libraries,
+ la_libraries=la_libraries,
+ libraries_links=libraries_links,
+ binaries=binaries,
+ _libs_to_check=_libs_to_check,
+ )
+ else:
+ assigned, orphaned = analyse(settings, logger, _libs_to_check=_libs_to_check)
+ if not assigned and not orphaned:
+ logger.warning("\n" + bold("Your system is consistent"))
+ # return the correct exit code
+ return 0
+ elif orphaned:
+ # blank line for beter visibility of the following lines
+ logger.warning("")
+ if settings["library"]:
+ logger.warning(
+ red(" !!! Dependant orphaned files: ")
+ + bold("No installed package was found for the following:")
+ )
+ else:
+ logger.warning(
+ red(" !!! Broken orphaned files: ")
+ + bold("No installed package was found for the following:")
+ )
+ for filename in orphaned:
+ logger.warning(red("\t* ") + filename)
+ success = rebuild(logger, assigned, settings)
+ logger.debug("rebuild return code = %i" % success)
+ return success
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main(parse_options())
diff --git a/pym/gentoolkit/revdep_rebuild/runner.py b/pym/gentoolkit/revdep_rebuild/runner.py
index 24411a5..06b3968 100644
--- a/pym/gentoolkit/revdep_rebuild/runner.py
+++ b/pym/gentoolkit/revdep_rebuild/runner.py
@@ -1,69 +1,62 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import threading
import subprocess
class ProcessRunner(threading.Thread):
- '''
+ """
ProcessRunner is class designed to run arbitrary command
- in background (separate thread). It's replacement for old
+ in background (separate thread). It's replacement for old
stuff.call_program function.
When called program is finished, its output can be accessed
through .stdout and .stderr fields
- '''
+ """
def __init__(self, args, autorun=True):
- '''
+ """
@param args - program name and its arguments
@param autorun - if True, then automatically starts new thread
- '''
+ """
self.args = args
self.lock = threading.Lock()
- self.stdout = ''
- self.stderr = ''
+ self.stdout = ""
+ self.stderr = ""
if autorun:
def run(self):
- subp = subprocess.Popen(self.args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, \
- stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
+ subp = subprocess.Popen(
+ self.args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE
+ )
self.stdout, self.stderr = subp.communicate()
def is_ready(self):
- ''' Checks whether current command is finished '''
+ """Checks whether current command is finished"""
return not self.lock.locked()
def wait(self):
- ''' Waits until called program finishes '''
+ """Waits until called program finishes"""
class ScanRunner(threading.Thread):
- '''
- ScanRunner is a class for calling scanelf in separate
+ """
+ ScanRunner is a class for calling scanelf in separate
thread, so several instances could be called at a time,
and then all results could be consolidated.
Consolidated output is available through .out
- '''
+ """
def __init__(self, params, files, max_args, autorun=True):
- '''
+ """
@param params is list of parameters that should be passed into scanelf app.
@param files list of files to scan.
@param max_args number of files to process at once
@@ -71,44 +64,42 @@ class ScanRunner(threading.Thread):
When files count is greater CMD_MAX_ARGS, then scanelf will be called
several times.
- '''
+ """
self.params = params
self.files = files
self.max_args = max_args
self.out = []
self.lock = threading.Lock()
if autorun:
def run(self):
process_pool = []
for i in range(0, len(self.files), self.max_args):
- process_pool.append(ProcessRunner(['scanelf'] + self.params + self.files[i:i+self.max_args]))
+ process_pool.append(
+ ProcessRunner(
+ ["scanelf"] + self.params + self.files[i : i + self.max_args]
+ )
+ )
while process_pool:
p = process_pool.pop()
- self.out += p.stdout.strip().split('\n')
+ self.out += p.stdout.strip().split("\n")
def is_ready(self):
- ''' Checks whether scanning is finished '''
+ """Checks whether scanning is finished"""
return not self.lock.locked()
def wait(self):
- ''' Waits until all scanning instances are finished '''
+ """Waits until all scanning instances are finished"""
- \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pym/gentoolkit/revdep_rebuild/settings.py b/pym/gentoolkit/revdep_rebuild/settings.py
index c8d77bc..2a880fd 100644
--- a/pym/gentoolkit/revdep_rebuild/settings.py
+++ b/pym/gentoolkit/revdep_rebuild/settings.py
@@ -14,150 +14,173 @@ from portage import _encodings, _unicode_encode
portage_root = str(portage.root)
- 'DEFAULT_LD_FILE': os.path.join(portage_root, 'etc/ld.so.conf'),
- 'DEFAULT_ENV_FILE': os.path.join(portage_root, 'etc/profile.env'),
- 'REVDEP_CONFDIR': os.path.join(portage_root, 'etc/revdep-rebuild/'),
- 'PKG_DIR': os.path.join(portage_root, 'var/db/pkg/'),
- 'DEFAULT_TMP_DIR': os.path.join(portage_root, '/tmp/revdep-rebuild' if os.getgid() else '/var/cache/revdep-rebuild'), #cache default location
- # number of maximum allowed files to be parsed at once
- 'CMD_MAX_ARGS': 1000,
- 'PRETEND': False, #pretend only
- 'EXACT': False, #exact package version
- #if program should use temporary files from previous run
- 'USE_TMP_FILES': True,
- 'quiet': False,
- 'nocolor': False,
- 'library': set(),
- 'no-progress': False,
- 'debug': False,
- 'no-ld-path': False,
- 'no-order': False,
- 'pass_through_options': [],
- 'stdout': sys.stdout,
- 'stdin': sys.stdin,
- 'stderr': sys.stderr
- }
+ "DEFAULT_LD_FILE": os.path.join(portage_root, "etc/ld.so.conf"),
+ "DEFAULT_ENV_FILE": os.path.join(portage_root, "etc/profile.env"),
+ "REVDEP_CONFDIR": os.path.join(portage_root, "etc/revdep-rebuild/"),
+ "PKG_DIR": os.path.join(portage_root, "var/db/pkg/"),
+ "DEFAULT_TMP_DIR": os.path.join(
+ portage_root,
+ "/tmp/revdep-rebuild" if os.getgid() else "/var/cache/revdep-rebuild",
+ ), # cache default location
+ # number of maximum allowed files to be parsed at once
+ "CMD_MAX_ARGS": 1000,
+ "PRETEND": False, # pretend only
+ "EXACT": False, # exact package version
+ # if program should use temporary files from previous run
+ "USE_TMP_FILES": True,
+ "quiet": False,
+ "nocolor": False,
+ "library": set(),
+ "no-progress": False,
+ "debug": False,
+ "no-ld-path": False,
+ "no-order": False,
+ "pass_through_options": [],
+ "stdout": sys.stdout,
+ "stdin": sys.stdin,
+ "stderr": sys.stderr,
def parse_options():
- """Parses the command line options an sets settings accordingly"""
- # TODO: Verify: options: no-ld-path, no-order, no-progress
- #are not appliable
- from .rebuild import VERSION, APP_NAME
- settings = DEFAULTS.copy()
- parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
- description='Broken reverse dependency rebuilder, python implementation.',
- epilog='Calls emerge, options after -- are ignored by %s '
- 'and passed directly to emerge.' % APP_NAME,
- add_help=False
- )
- parser.add_argument('-h', '--help',
- action='help',
- help='Print this usage and exit')
- parser.add_argument('-V', '--version',
- action='version',
- help='Show version informations',
- version='%(prog)s ' + VERSION)
- parser.add_argument('-i', '--ignore',
- action='store_true',
- help='Ignore temporary files from previous runs '
- '(also won\'t create any)')
- parser.add_argument('-L', '--library',
- action='append',
- help='Unconditionally emerge existing packages that use '
- 'the library with NAME. NAME can be a full path, full '
- 'or partial name')
- parser.add_argument('-l', '--no-ld-path',
- action='store_true',
- help='Do not set LD_LIBRARY_PATH')
- parser.add_argument('-o', '--no-order',
- action='store_true',
- help='Do not check the build order '
- '(Saves time, but may cause breakage.)')
- parser.add_argument('-p', '--pretend',
- action='store_true',
- help='Do a trial run without actually emerging anything '
- '(also passed to emerge command)')
- parser.add_argument('-C', '--nocolor',
- action='store_true',
- help='Turn off colored output')
- parser.add_argument('-q', '--quiet',
- action='store_true',
- help='Be less verbose (also passed to emerge command)')
- parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose',
- action='store_true',
- help='Be more verbose (also passed to emerge command)')
- parser.add_argument('-d', '--debug',
- action='store_true',
- help='Print debug informations')
- parser.add_argument('portage_options', nargs='*')
- args = parser.parse_args()
- settings['VERBOSITY'] = 3 if args.debug else 2 if args.verbose else 0 if args.quiet else 1
- settings['quiet'] = args.quiet
- settings['PRETEND'] = args.pretend
- settings['nocolor'] = args.nocolor
- if args.library:
- settings['library'] = set(settings['library']) | set(args.library)
- settings['USE_TMP_FILES'] = not args.ignore
- settings['pass_through_options'] = list(settings['pass_through_options']) + args.portage_options
- return settings
+ """Parses the command line options an sets settings accordingly"""
+ # TODO: Verify: options: no-ld-path, no-order, no-progress
+ # are not appliable
+ from .rebuild import VERSION, APP_NAME
+ settings = DEFAULTS.copy()
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
+ description="Broken reverse dependency rebuilder, python implementation.",
+ epilog="Calls emerge, options after -- are ignored by %s "
+ "and passed directly to emerge." % APP_NAME,
+ add_help=False,
+ )
+ parser.add_argument("-h", "--help", action="help", help="Print this usage and exit")
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "-V",
+ "--version",
+ action="version",
+ help="Show version information",
+ version="%(prog)s " + VERSION,
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "-i",
+ "--ignore",
+ action="store_true",
+ help="Ignore temporary files from previous runs " "(also won't create any)",
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "-L",
+ "--library",
+ action="append",
+ help="Unconditionally emerge existing packages that use "
+ "the library with NAME. NAME can be a full path, full "
+ "or partial name",
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "-l", "--no-ld-path", action="store_true", help="Do not set LD_LIBRARY_PATH"
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "-o",
+ "--no-order",
+ action="store_true",
+ help="Do not check the build order " "(Saves time, but may cause breakage.)",
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "-p",
+ "--pretend",
+ action="store_true",
+ help="Do a trial run without actually emerging anything "
+ "(also passed to emerge command)",
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "-C", "--nocolor", action="store_true", help="Turn off colored output"
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "-q",
+ "--quiet",
+ action="store_true",
+ help="Be less verbose (also passed to emerge command)",
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "-v",
+ "--verbose",
+ action="store_true",
+ help="Be more verbose (also passed to emerge command)",
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "-d", "--debug", action="store_true", help="Print debug information"
+ )
+ parser.add_argument("portage_options", nargs="*")
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ settings["VERBOSITY"] = (
+ 3 if args.debug else 2 if args.verbose else 0 if args.quiet else 1
+ )
+ settings["quiet"] = args.quiet
+ settings["PRETEND"] = args.pretend
+ settings["nocolor"] = args.nocolor
+ if args.library:
+ settings["library"] = set(settings["library"]) | set(args.library)
+ settings["USE_TMP_FILES"] = not args.ignore
+ settings["pass_through_options"] = (
+ list(settings["pass_through_options"]) + args.portage_options
+ )
+ return settings
def _parse_dirs_to_set(dir_str):
- '''Changes space-delimited directory list into set with them
- '''
- _ret = set()
- for search in dir_str.split():
- if search == '-*':
- break
- _ret.update(glob.glob(search))
- return _ret
+ """Changes space-delimited directory list into set with them"""
+ _ret = set()
+ for search in dir_str.split():
+ if search == "-*":
+ break
+ _ret.update(glob.glob(search))
+ return _ret
def parse_revdep_config(revdep_confdir):
- ''' Parses all files under and returns
- tuple of: (masked_dirs, masked_files, search_dirs)'''
- search_dirs = os.environ.get('SEARCH_DIRS', '')
- masked_dirs = os.environ.get('SEARCH_DIRS_MASK', '')
- masked_files = os.environ.get('LD_LIBRARY_MASK', '')
- for _file in os.listdir(revdep_confdir):
- for line in open(_unicode_encode(os.path.join(revdep_confdir, _file),
- encoding=_encodings['fs']), encoding=_encodings['content']):
- line = line.strip()
- #first check for comment, we do not want to regex all lines
- if not line.startswith('#'):
- match = re.match(r'LD_LIBRARY_MASK=\"([^"]+)"', line)
- if match is not None:
- masked_files += ' ' + match.group(1)
- continue
- match = re.match(r'SEARCH_DIRS_MASK=\"([^"]+)"', line)
- if match is not None:
- masked_dirs += ' ' + match.group(1)
- continue
- match = re.match(r'SEARCH_DIRS="([^"]+)"', line)
- if match is not None:
- search_dirs += ' ' + match.group(1)
- continue
- masked_files = set(masked_files.split(' '))
- masked_dirs = _parse_dirs_to_set(masked_dirs)
- search_dirs = _parse_dirs_to_set(search_dirs)
- return (masked_dirs, masked_files, search_dirs)
+ """Parses all files under and returns
+ tuple of: (masked_dirs, masked_files, search_dirs)"""
+ search_dirs = os.environ.get("SEARCH_DIRS", "")
+ masked_dirs = os.environ.get("SEARCH_DIRS_MASK", "")
+ masked_files = os.environ.get("LD_LIBRARY_MASK", "")
+ for _file in os.listdir(revdep_confdir):
+ for line in open(
+ _unicode_encode(
+ os.path.join(revdep_confdir, _file), encoding=_encodings["fs"]
+ ),
+ encoding=_encodings["content"],
+ ):
+ line = line.strip()
+ # first check for comment, we do not want to regex all lines
+ if not line.startswith("#"):
+ match = re.match(r'LD_LIBRARY_MASK=\"([^"]+)"', line)
+ if match is not None:
+ masked_files += " " + match.group(1)
+ continue
+ match = re.match(r'SEARCH_DIRS_MASK=\"([^"]+)"', line)
+ if match is not None:
+ masked_dirs += " " + match.group(1)
+ continue
+ match = re.match(r'SEARCH_DIRS="([^"]+)"', line)
+ if match is not None:
+ search_dirs += " " + match.group(1)
+ continue
+ masked_files = set(masked_files.split(" "))
+ masked_dirs = _parse_dirs_to_set(masked_dirs)
+ search_dirs = _parse_dirs_to_set(search_dirs)
+ return (masked_dirs, masked_files, search_dirs)
diff --git a/pym/gentoolkit/revdep_rebuild/stuff.py b/pym/gentoolkit/revdep_rebuild/stuff.py
index 432dc8f..eee90c8 100644
--- a/pym/gentoolkit/revdep_rebuild/stuff.py
+++ b/pym/gentoolkit/revdep_rebuild/stuff.py
@@ -11,95 +11,103 @@ from portage.output import green, red
# util. functions
def call_program(args):
- ''' Calls program with specified parameters
- and returns the stdout as a str object.
+ """Calls program with specified parameters
+ and returns the stdout as a str object.
- @param, args: arument list to pass to subprocess
- @return str
- '''
- args = [arg if isinstance(arg, bytes) else arg.encode('utf-8') for arg in args]
- subp = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
- stdout, stderr = subp.communicate()
- stdout = stdout.decode('utf-8')
- return stdout
+ @param, args: arument list to pass to subprocess
+ @return str
+ """
+ args = [arg if isinstance(arg, bytes) else arg.encode("utf-8") for arg in args]
+ subp = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
+ stdout, stderr = subp.communicate()
+ stdout = stdout.decode("utf-8")
+ return stdout
def scan(params, files, max_args, logger):
- ''' Calls scanelf with given params and files to scan.
- @param params is list of parameters that should
- be passed into scanelf app.
- @param files list of files to scan.
- @param max_args number of files to process at once
- When files count is greater CMD_MAX_ARGS, it'll be divided
- into several parts
- @return scanelf output (joined if was called several times)
- '''
- logger.debug("\tscan(), scanelf params = %s, # files: %d" % (params, len(files)))
- # change it to a sorted list for group processing
- _files = sorted(files)
- out = []
- for i in range(0, len(_files), max_args):
- output = call_program(
- ['scanelf'] + params + _files[i:i+max_args]).strip().split('\n')
- output = [x for x in output if x != '']
- if output:
- out.extend(output)
- logger.debug("\tscan(), final output length: %d" % len(out))
- return out
+ """Calls scanelf with given params and files to scan.
+ @param params is list of parameters that should
+ be passed into scanelf app.
+ @param files list of files to scan.
+ @param max_args number of files to process at once
+ When files count is greater CMD_MAX_ARGS, it'll be divided
+ into several parts
+ @return scanelf output (joined if was called several times)
+ """
+ logger.debug("\tscan(), scanelf params = %s, # files: %d" % (params, len(files)))
+ # change it to a sorted list for group processing
+ _files = sorted(files)
+ out = []
+ for i in range(0, len(_files), max_args):
+ output = (
+ call_program(["scanelf"] + params + _files[i : i + max_args])
+ .strip()
+ .split("\n")
+ )
+ output = [x for x in output if x != ""]
+ if output:
+ out.extend(output)
+ logger.debug("\tscan(), final output length: %d" % len(out))
+ return out
def get_masking_status(ebuild):
- """returns the masking status of an ebuild
+ """returns the masking status of an ebuild
- @param ebuild: str
- @return list
- """
- try:
- status = portage.getmaskingstatus(ebuild)
- except KeyError:
- status = ['unavailable']
- return status
+ @param ebuild: str
+ @return list
+ """
+ try:
+ status = portage.getmaskingstatus(ebuild)
+ except KeyError:
+ status = ["unavailable"]
+ return status
def _match_str_in_list(lst, stri):
- """
- @param lst: list
- @param stri: string
- @return boolean or list menber that matches stri.endswith(member)
- """
- for item in lst:
- if stri.endswith(item):
- return item
- return False
+ """
+ @param lst: list
+ @param stri: string
+ @return boolean or list menber that matches stri.endswith(member)
+ """
+ for item in lst:
+ if stri.endswith(item):
+ return item
+ return False
def filter_masked(assigned, logger):
- '''Filter out masked pkgs/ebuilds'''
- def is_masked(ebuild):
- if get_masking_status(ebuild):
- logger.warning(' !!! ' + red('All ebuilds that could satisfy: ') +
- green(ebuild) + red(' have been masked'))
- return True
- return False
- has_masked = False
- tmp = []
- for ebuild in assigned:
- if not is_masked(ebuild):
- tmp.append(ebuild)
- else:
- has_masked = True
- if has_masked:
- logger.info('\t' + red('* ') +
- 'Unmask all ebuild(s) listed above and call revdep-rebuild '
- 'again or manually emerge given packages.')
- return tmp
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- print("There is nothing to run here.")
+ """Filter out masked pkgs/ebuilds"""
+ def is_masked(ebuild):
+ if get_masking_status(ebuild):
+ logger.warning(
+ " !!! "
+ + red("All ebuilds that could satisfy: ")
+ + green(ebuild)
+ + red(" have been masked")
+ )
+ return True
+ return False
+ has_masked = False
+ tmp = []
+ for ebuild in assigned:
+ if not is_masked(ebuild):
+ tmp.append(ebuild)
+ else:
+ has_masked = True
+ if has_masked:
+ logger.info(
+ "\t"
+ + red("* ")
+ + "Unmask all ebuild(s) listed above and call revdep-rebuild "
+ "again or manually emerge given packages."
+ )
+ return tmp
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ print("There is nothing to run here.")
diff --git a/pym/gentoolkit/sets.py b/pym/gentoolkit/sets.py
index d130603..31c0df5 100644
--- a/pym/gentoolkit/sets.py
+++ b/pym/gentoolkit/sets.py
@@ -4,54 +4,61 @@
"""Provides access to Portage sets api"""
-__docformat__ = 'epytext'
+__docformat__ = "epytext"
import portage
- # Per commit 25d8427b3b29cbcee97279186983dae818495f8f in portage,
- # portage.sets is renamed to portage._sets.
- import portage._sets
- _sets_available = True
- SETPREFIX = portage._sets.SETPREFIX
+ # Per commit 25d8427b3b29cbcee97279186983dae818495f8f in portage,
+ # portage.sets is renamed to portage._sets.
+ import portage._sets
+ _sets_available = True
+ SETPREFIX = portage._sets.SETPREFIX
except ImportError:
- _sets_available = False
+ _sets_available = False
from gentoolkit import errors
from gentoolkit.atom import Atom
_set_config = None
def _init_set_config():
- global _set_config
- if _set_config is None:
- _set_config = portage._sets.load_default_config(
- portage.settings, portage.db[portage.root])
+ global _set_config
+ if _set_config is None:
+ _set_config = portage._sets.load_default_config(
+ portage.settings, portage.db[portage.root]
+ )
def get_available_sets():
- """Returns all available sets."""
+ """Returns all available sets."""
+ if _sets_available:
+ _init_set_config()
+ return _set_config.getSets()
+ return {}
- if _sets_available:
- _init_set_config()
- return _set_config.getSets()
- return {}
def get_set_atoms(setname):
- """Return atoms belonging to the given set
- @type setname: string
- @param setname: Name of the set
- @rtype list
- @return: List of atoms in the given set
- """
- if _sets_available:
- _init_set_config()
- try:
- return set([Atom(str(x))
- for x in _set_config.getSetAtoms(setname)])
- except portage._sets.PackageSetNotFound:
- raise errors.GentoolkitSetNotFound(setname)
- raise errors.GentoolkitSetNotFound(setname)
+ """Return atoms belonging to the given set
+ @type setname: string
+ @param setname: Name of the set
+ @rtype list
+ @return: List of atoms in the given set
+ """
+ if _sets_available:
+ _init_set_config()
+ try:
+ return {Atom(str(x)) for x in _set_config.getSetAtoms(setname)}
+ except portage._sets.PackageSetNotFound:
+ raise errors.GentoolkitSetNotFound(setname)
+ raise errors.GentoolkitSetNotFound(setname)
# vim: set ts=4 sw=4 tw=79:
diff --git a/pym/gentoolkit/test/eclean/creator.py b/pym/gentoolkit/test/eclean/creator.py
index da5123e..795d2ba 100644
--- a/pym/gentoolkit/test/eclean/creator.py
+++ b/pym/gentoolkit/test/eclean/creator.py
@@ -12,211 +12,242 @@ import random
import gentoolkit.pprinter as pp
from portage import _encodings, _unicode_encode
-__version__= "0.0.1"
+__version__ = "0.0.1"
__author__ = "Brian Dolbec"
__email__ = "brian.dolbec@gmail.com"
-dir_mode = int('0774', 8)
-file_mode = int('0644', 8)
+dir_mode = int("0774", 8)
+file_mode = int("0644", 8)
def make_dir(path):
- """create the directory at path
+ """create the directory at path
- @param path: full pathname to create
- capable of multiple intermediate directory creations.
- Will Error and exit if the target dir already exits"""
- try:
- os.makedirs(path, dir_mode)
- except EnvironmentError as er:
- print( pp.error("Error creating path:%s" %path), file=sys.stderr)
- print( pp.error("Error: %s" %str(er), file=sys.stderr))
- sys.exit(1)
+ @param path: full pathname to create
+ capable of multiple intermediate directory creations.
+ Will Error and exit if the target dir already exits"""
+ try:
+ os.makedirs(path, dir_mode)
+ except OSError as er:
+ print(pp.error("Error creating path:%s" % path), file=sys.stderr)
+ print(pp.error("Error: %s" % str(er), file=sys.stderr))
+ sys.exit(1)
def make_dist(path, files, clean_dict=None):
- """Creates a small fake distfiles/binpkg directory @path populated
- with generated files of small random sizes using real names from
- the files list. udates the clean_dict with fullpathname.
- @param path: the path to create the distfiles directory
- @param files: list of file names to populate "path" with
- @param clean_dict: dict of {file-key:[path/file-key,],}
- that will be updated with full file-path-names
- """
- make_dir(path)
- for file_ in files:
- size = random.randint(1000,5000)
- data = "0" * size
- filepath = os.path.join(path, file_)
- with open(_unicode_encode(filepath, encoding=_encodings['fs']), 'w', file_mode,
- encoding=_encodings['content']) as new_file:
- new_file.write(data)
- if file_ not in clean_dict:
- # it is included in a multifile target
- continue
- elif clean_dict[file_] == []:
- clean_dict[file_] = filepath
- else:
- file_list = clean_dict[file_]
- for key in range(len(file_list)):
- file_list[key] = os.path.join(path, file_list[key])
+ """Creates a small fake distfiles/binpkg directory @path populated
+ with generated files of small random sizes using real names from
+ the files list. udates the clean_dict with fullpathname.
+ @param path: the path to create the distfiles directory
+ @param files: list of file names to populate "path" with
+ @param clean_dict: dict of {file-key:[path/file-key,],}
+ that will be updated with full file-path-names
+ """
+ make_dir(path)
+ for file_ in files:
+ size = random.randint(1000, 5000)
+ data = "0" * size
+ filepath = os.path.join(path, file_)
+ with open(
+ _unicode_encode(filepath, encoding=_encodings["fs"]),
+ "w",
+ file_mode,
+ encoding=_encodings["content"],
+ ) as new_file:
+ new_file.write(data)
+ if file_ not in clean_dict:
+ # it is included in a multifile target
+ continue
+ elif clean_dict[file_] == []:
+ clean_dict[file_] = filepath
+ else:
+ file_list = clean_dict[file_]
+ for key in range(len(file_list)):
+ file_list[key] = os.path.join(path, file_list[key])
def make_pkgs(path, files_dict, clean_dict):
- """Create a small fake packages directory and call make_dist() to
- create and populate the category dir & package files
- @param path: the path to create the packages directory
- @param files_dict: dictionary of {cat: [pkg1, pkg2,...]}
- """
- make_dir(path)
- for cat in files_dict.keys():
- make_dist(os.path.join(path,cat),
- files_dict[cat],
- clean_dict)
- # cp the Packages index file to path
- source = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'Packages')
- shutil.copy2(source, path)
+ """Create a small fake packages directory and call make_dist() to
+ create and populate the category dir & package files
+ @param path: the path to create the packages directory
+ @param files_dict: dictionary of {cat: [pkg1, pkg2,...]}
+ """
+ make_dir(path)
+ for cat in files_dict.keys():
+ make_dist(os.path.join(path, cat), files_dict[cat], clean_dict)
+ # cp the Packages index file to path
+ source = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "Packages")
+ shutil.copy2(source, path)
def make_symlinks(path, links, targets):
- """Create some symlinks at path
+ """Create some symlinks at path
- @param path: the location to create the symlinks at
- @param links: list of links to create
- @param targets: list of targets to create links for,
- and need to be in the same index order as links
- """
- for i in range(len(links)):
- os.symlink(os.path.join(path,targets[i]),
- os.path.join(path, links[i]))
+ @param path: the location to create the symlinks at
+ @param links: list of links to create
+ @param targets: list of targets to create links for,
+ and need to be in the same index order as links
+ """
+ for i in range(len(links)):
+ os.symlink(os.path.join(path, targets[i]), os.path.join(path, links[i]))
class TestDirCreation:
- distfile_list = ['ExtUtils-ParseXS-2.22.tar.gz',
- 'xorg-server-1.5.3.tar.bz2',
- 'portage-utils-0.2.1.tar.bz2',
- 'sysvinit_2.87dsf.orig.tar.gz',
- 'sysvinit-2.86.tar.gz',
- 'ExtUtils-ParseXS-2.20.tar.gz',
- 'libisofs-0.6.22.tar.gz',
- 'pixman-0.16.0.tar.bz2',
- 'libburn-0.7.2.pl01.tar.gz',
- 'libisofs-0.6.24.tar.gz',
- 'xorg-server-1.5.3-gentoo-patches-08.tar.bz2',
- 'ExtUtils-ParseXS-2.200401.tar.gz',
- 'sysvinit-2.87-patches-2.tar.bz2',
- 'sysvinit-2.86-kexec.patch',
- 'Module-Build-0.3601.tar.gz',
- 'libisofs-0.6.20.tar.gz',
- 'xine-lib-1.1.17.tar.bz2',
- 'pixman-0.14.0.tar.bz2',
- 'Archive-Tar-1.52.tar.gz',
- 'libburn-0.6.8.pl00.tar.gz',
- 'libexif-0.6.17.tar.bz2',
- 'portage-utils-0.3.tar.bz2',
- 'xine-lib-1.1.15-textrel-fix.patch',
- 'Module-Build-0.34.tar.gz',
- 'Archive-Tar-1.54.tar.gz',
- 'pixman-0.16.2.tar.bz2',
- 'libburn-0.7.4.pl00.tar.gz ',
- 'Module-Build-0.340201.tar.gz',
- 'pixman-0.17.2.tar.bz2',
- 'util-macros-1.3.0.tar.bz2',
- 'Module-Build-0.35.tar.gz',
- 'libburn-0.7.2.pl00.tar.gz',
- 'util-macros-1.4.1.tar.bz2',
- 'xine-lib-',
- 'sysvinit-2.86-extra.patch',
- 'libburn-0.7.0.pl00.tar.gz',
- 'ExtUtils-ParseXS-2.21.tar.gz',
- 'libexif-0.6.19.tar.bz2',
- 'sysvinit-2.87-patches-1.tar.bz2',
+ distfile_list = [
+ "ExtUtils-ParseXS-2.22.tar.gz",
+ "xorg-server-1.5.3.tar.bz2",
+ "portage-utils-0.2.1.tar.bz2",
+ "sysvinit_2.87dsf.orig.tar.gz",
+ "sysvinit-2.86.tar.gz",
+ "ExtUtils-ParseXS-2.20.tar.gz",
+ "libisofs-0.6.22.tar.gz",
+ "pixman-0.16.0.tar.bz2",
+ "libburn-0.7.2.pl01.tar.gz",
+ "libisofs-0.6.24.tar.gz",
+ "xorg-server-1.5.3-gentoo-patches-08.tar.bz2",
+ "ExtUtils-ParseXS-2.200401.tar.gz",
+ "sysvinit-2.87-patches-2.tar.bz2",
+ "sysvinit-2.86-kexec.patch",
+ "Module-Build-0.3601.tar.gz",
+ "libisofs-0.6.20.tar.gz",
+ "xine-lib-1.1.17.tar.bz2",
+ "pixman-0.14.0.tar.bz2",
+ "Archive-Tar-1.52.tar.gz",
+ "libburn-0.6.8.pl00.tar.gz",
+ "libexif-0.6.17.tar.bz2",
+ "portage-utils-0.3.tar.bz2",
+ "xine-lib-1.1.15-textrel-fix.patch",
+ "Module-Build-0.34.tar.gz",
+ "Archive-Tar-1.54.tar.gz",
+ "pixman-0.16.2.tar.bz2",
+ "libburn-0.7.4.pl00.tar.gz ",
+ "Module-Build-0.340201.tar.gz",
+ "pixman-0.17.2.tar.bz2",
+ "util-macros-1.3.0.tar.bz2",
+ "Module-Build-0.35.tar.gz",
+ "libburn-0.7.2.pl00.tar.gz",
+ "util-macros-1.4.1.tar.bz2",
+ "xine-lib-",
+ "sysvinit-2.86-extra.patch",
+ "libburn-0.7.0.pl00.tar.gz",
+ "ExtUtils-ParseXS-2.21.tar.gz",
+ "libexif-0.6.19.tar.bz2",
+ "sysvinit-2.87-patches-1.tar.bz2",
# now a base pkg with 2 additional symlink targets
- 'symlink-test-1.2.3.tar.bz2',
- 'target-1',
- 'target-2'
- ]
+ "symlink-test-1.2.3.tar.bz2",
+ "target-1",
+ "target-2",
+ ]
- distfile_symlink = ['symlink-test-1.2.3-symlink1',
- 'symlink-test-1.2.3-symlink2']
+ distfile_symlink = ["symlink-test-1.2.3-symlink1", "symlink-test-1.2.3-symlink2"]
dist_clean = {
- 'Archive-Tar-1.52.tar.gz': [],
- 'ExtUtils-ParseXS-2.20.tar.gz': [],
- 'ExtUtils-ParseXS-2.200401.tar.gz': [],
- 'ExtUtils-ParseXS-2.21.tar.gz': [],
- 'Module-Build-0.34.tar.gz': [],
- 'Module-Build-0.340201.tar.gz': [],
- 'Module-Build-0.35.tar.gz': [],
- 'libburn-0.6.8.pl00.tar.gz': [],
- 'libburn-0.7.0.pl00.tar.gz': [],
- 'libburn-0.7.2.pl00.tar.gz': [],
- 'libburn-0.7.2.pl01.tar.gz': [],
- 'libexif-0.6.17.tar.bz2': [],
- 'libisofs-0.6.20.tar.gz': [],
- 'libisofs-0.6.22.tar.gz': [],
- 'pixman-0.14.0.tar.bz2': [],
- 'pixman-0.16.0.tar.bz2': [],
- 'pixman-0.16.2.tar.bz2': [],
- 'portage-utils-0.2.1.tar.bz2': [],
- 'sysvinit-2.86.tar.gz': ['sysvinit-2.86.tar.gz',
- 'sysvinit-2.86-kexec.patch', 'sysvinit-2.86-extra.patch'],
- 'util-macros-1.3.0.tar.bz2': [],
- 'xine-lib-1.1.15-textrel-fix.patch': [],
- 'xine-lib-': [],
- 'xorg-server-1.5.3.tar.bz2': ['xorg-server-1.5.3.tar.bz2',
- 'xorg-server-1.5.3-gentoo-patches-08.tar.bz2'],
- 'symlink-test-1.2.3.tar.bz2': distfile_symlink
+ "Archive-Tar-1.52.tar.gz": [],
+ "ExtUtils-ParseXS-2.20.tar.gz": [],
+ "ExtUtils-ParseXS-2.200401.tar.gz": [],
+ "ExtUtils-ParseXS-2.21.tar.gz": [],
+ "Module-Build-0.34.tar.gz": [],
+ "Module-Build-0.340201.tar.gz": [],
+ "Module-Build-0.35.tar.gz": [],
+ "libburn-0.6.8.pl00.tar.gz": [],
+ "libburn-0.7.0.pl00.tar.gz": [],
+ "libburn-0.7.2.pl00.tar.gz": [],
+ "libburn-0.7.2.pl01.tar.gz": [],
+ "libexif-0.6.17.tar.bz2": [],
+ "libisofs-0.6.20.tar.gz": [],
+ "libisofs-0.6.22.tar.gz": [],
+ "pixman-0.14.0.tar.bz2": [],
+ "pixman-0.16.0.tar.bz2": [],
+ "pixman-0.16.2.tar.bz2": [],
+ "portage-utils-0.2.1.tar.bz2": [],
+ "sysvinit-2.86.tar.gz": [
+ "sysvinit-2.86.tar.gz",
+ "sysvinit-2.86-kexec.patch",
+ "sysvinit-2.86-extra.patch",
+ ],
+ "util-macros-1.3.0.tar.bz2": [],
+ "xine-lib-1.1.15-textrel-fix.patch": [],
+ "xine-lib-": [],
+ "xorg-server-1.5.3.tar.bz2": [
+ "xorg-server-1.5.3.tar.bz2",
+ "xorg-server-1.5.3-gentoo-patches-08.tar.bz2",
+ ],
+ "symlink-test-1.2.3.tar.bz2": distfile_symlink,
package_dict = {
- 'app-arch': ['p7zip-4.65.tbz2', 'p7zip-4.57.tbz2',
- 'file-roller-2.26.3.tbz2', 'tar-1.20.tbz2',
- 'p7zip-4.58.tbz2', 'file-roller-2.28.2.tbz2',
- 'file-roller-2.24.3.tbz2', 'gzip-1.4.tbz2', 'rar-3.9.0.tbz2',
- 'bzip2-1.0.5-r1.tbz2', 'cpio-2.10.tbz2', 'tar-1.21-r1.tbz2',
- 'cpio-2.10-r1.tbz2', 'file-roller-2.28.1.tbz2', 'cpio-2.9-r2.tbz2',
- 'tar-1.22.tbz2', 'cpio-2.9-r3.tbz2'],
- 'app-editors': ['nano-2.2.0.tbz2', 'nano-2.1.10.tbz2',
- 'nano-2.0.9.tbz2', 'nano-2.2.2.tbz2'],
- 'app-portage': ['layman-1.3.0_rc1-r3.tbz2', 'layman-1.2.6.tbz2',
- 'portage-utils-0.3.1.tbz2', 'layman-1.3.0.tbz2',
- 'layman-1.2.4-r3.tbz2', 'layman-1.2.3.tbz2',
- 'layman-1.3.0_rc1.tbz2'],
- 'sys-apps': ['shadow-', 'shadow-',
- 'openrc-0.6.0-r1.tbz2', 'shadow-',
- 'shadow-']
- }
+ "app-arch": [
+ "p7zip-4.65.tbz2",
+ "p7zip-4.57.tbz2",
+ "file-roller-2.26.3.tbz2",
+ "tar-1.20.tbz2",
+ "p7zip-4.58.tbz2",
+ "file-roller-2.28.2.tbz2",
+ "file-roller-2.24.3.tbz2",
+ "gzip-1.4.tbz2",
+ "rar-3.9.0.tbz2",
+ "bzip2-1.0.5-r1.tbz2",
+ "cpio-2.10.tbz2",
+ "tar-1.21-r1.tbz2",
+ "cpio-2.10-r1.tbz2",
+ "file-roller-2.28.1.tbz2",
+ "cpio-2.9-r2.tbz2",
+ "tar-1.22.tbz2",
+ "cpio-2.9-r3.tbz2",
+ ],
+ "app-editors": [
+ "nano-2.2.0.tbz2",
+ "nano-2.1.10.tbz2",
+ "nano-2.0.9.tbz2",
+ "nano-2.2.2.tbz2",
+ ],
+ "app-portage": [
+ "layman-1.3.0_rc1-r3.tbz2",
+ "layman-1.2.6.tbz2",
+ "portage-utils-0.3.1.tbz2",
+ "layman-1.3.0.tbz2",
+ "layman-1.2.4-r3.tbz2",
+ "layman-1.2.3.tbz2",
+ "layman-1.3.0_rc1.tbz2",
+ ],
+ "sys-apps": [
+ "shadow-",
+ "shadow-",
+ "openrc-0.6.0-r1.tbz2",
+ "shadow-",
+ "shadow-",
+ ],
+ }
pkg_clean = {
- 'app-arch/p7zip-4.57.tbz2': [],
- 'app-arch/file-roller-2.26.3.tbz2': [],
- 'app-arch/tar-1.20.tbz2': [],
- 'app-arch/p7zip-4.58.tbz2': [],
- 'app-arch/file-roller-2.28.2.tbz2': [],
- 'app-arch/file-roller-2.24.3.tbz2': [],
- 'app-arch/bzip2-1.0.5-r1.tbz2': [],
- 'app-arch/cpio-2.10.tbz2': [],
- 'app-arch/tar-1.21-r1.tbz2': [],
- 'app-arch/cpio-2.9-r2.tbz2': [],
- 'app-arch/cpio-2.9-r3.tbz2': [],
- 'app-editors/nano-2.2.0.tbz2': [],
- 'app-editors/nano-2.1.10.tbz2': [],
- 'app-editors/nano-2.0.9.tbz2': [],
- 'app-portage/layman-1.3.0_rc1-r3.tbz2': [],
- 'app-portage/layman-1.2.6.tbz2': [],
- 'app-portage/layman-1.2.4-r3.tbz2': [],
- 'app-portage/layman-1.2.3.tbz2': [],
- 'app-portage/layman-1.3.0_rc1.tbz2': [],
- 'sys-apps/shadow-': [],
- 'sys-apps/shadow-': [],
- 'sys-apps/shadow-': [],
- }
+ "app-arch/p7zip-4.57.tbz2": [],
+ "app-arch/file-roller-2.26.3.tbz2": [],
+ "app-arch/tar-1.20.tbz2": [],
+ "app-arch/p7zip-4.58.tbz2": [],
+ "app-arch/file-roller-2.28.2.tbz2": [],
+ "app-arch/file-roller-2.24.3.tbz2": [],
+ "app-arch/bzip2-1.0.5-r1.tbz2": [],
+ "app-arch/cpio-2.10.tbz2": [],
+ "app-arch/tar-1.21-r1.tbz2": [],
+ "app-arch/cpio-2.9-r2.tbz2": [],
+ "app-arch/cpio-2.9-r3.tbz2": [],
+ "app-editors/nano-2.2.0.tbz2": [],
+ "app-editors/nano-2.1.10.tbz2": [],
+ "app-editors/nano-2.0.9.tbz2": [],
+ "app-portage/layman-1.3.0_rc1-r3.tbz2": [],
+ "app-portage/layman-1.2.6.tbz2": [],
+ "app-portage/layman-1.2.4-r3.tbz2": [],
+ "app-portage/layman-1.2.3.tbz2": [],
+ "app-portage/layman-1.3.0_rc1.tbz2": [],
+ "sys-apps/shadow-": [],
+ "sys-apps/shadow-": [],
+ "sys-apps/shadow-": [],
+ }
def __init__(self, options):
@@ -226,12 +257,13 @@ class TestDirCreation:
self.options = options
self.targets_init = False
# create distfiles dir and populate it
- make_dist(self.options['target_path'], self.distfile_list, self.dist_clean)
+ make_dist(self.options["target_path"], self.distfile_list, self.dist_clean)
# add some symlinks to it
- path = os.path.join(self.options['target_path'], 'distfiles')
- make_symlinks(path, self.distfile_symlink,
- self.dist_clean['symlink-test-1.2.3.tar.bz2'])
+ path = os.path.join(self.options["target_path"], "distfiles")
+ make_symlinks(
+ path, self.distfile_symlink, self.dist_clean["symlink-test-1.2.3.tar.bz2"]
+ )
# create the packages dir and populate it
- path = os.path.join(self.options['target_path'], 'packages')
+ path = os.path.join(self.options["target_path"], "packages")
make_pkgs(path, self.package_dict, self.pkg_clean)
self.targets_init = True
diff --git a/pym/gentoolkit/test/eclean/distsupport.py b/pym/gentoolkit/test/eclean/distsupport.py
index da7cdbb..9ea0c8d 100644
--- a/pym/gentoolkit/test/eclean/distsupport.py
+++ b/pym/gentoolkit/test/eclean/distsupport.py
@@ -14,452 +14,507 @@ import portage
dir_mode = 0o774
CPVS = [
- 'sys-auth/consolekit-0.4.1',
- 'sys-apps/devicekit-power-014',
- 'media-libs/sdl-pango-0.1.2',
- 'sys-apps/help2man-1.37.1',
- 'app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-baselibs-20100220'
- ]
+ "sys-auth/consolekit-0.4.1",
+ "sys-apps/devicekit-power-014",
+ "media-libs/sdl-pango-0.1.2",
+ "sys-apps/help2man-1.37.1",
+ "app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-baselibs-20100220",
- 'sys-apps/devicekit-power-014': {
- 'SRC_URI':'http://hal.freedesktop.org/releases/DeviceKit-power-014.tar.gz',
- "RESTRICT": ''},
- 'sys-apps/help2man-1.37.1': {
- "SRC_URI": 'mirror://gnu/help2man/help2man-1.37.1.tar.gz',
- "RESTRICT": ''},
- 'sys-auth/consolekit-0.4.1': {
- "SRC_URI": 'http://www.freedesktop.org/software/ConsoleKit/dist/ConsoleKit-0.4.1.tar.bz2',
- "RESTRICT": ''},
- 'app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-baselibs-20100220': {
- "SRC_URI": 'mirror://gentoo/emul-linux-x86-baselibs-20100220.tar.gz',
- "RESTRICT": 'strip'},
- 'media-libs/sdl-pango-0.1.2': {
- "SRC_URI": 'mirror://sourceforge/sdlpango/SDL_Pango-0.1.2.tar.gz http://zarb.org/~gc/t/SDL_Pango-0.1.2-API-adds.patch',
- "RESTRICT": ''},
- 'x11-base/xorg-server-1.6.5-r1': {
- "SRC_URI": 'http://xorg.freedesktop.org/releases/individual/xserver/xorg-server-1.6.5.tar.bz2 mirror://gentoo/xorg-server-1.6.5-gentoo-patches-01.tar.bz2',
- "RESTRICT": ''},
- 'perl-core/ExtUtils-ParseXS-2.20.0401': {
- "SRC_URI": 'mirror://cpan/authors/id/D/DA/DAGOLDEN//ExtUtils-ParseXS-2.200401.tar.gz',
- "RESTRICT": ''},
- 'x11-misc/util-macros-1.3.0': {
- "SRC_URI": 'http://xorg.freedesktop.org/releases/individual/util/util-macros-1.3.0.tar.bz2',
- "RESTRICT": ''},
- 'x11-base/xorg-server-1.7.5': {
- "SRC_URI": 'http://xorg.freedesktop.org/releases/individual/xserver/xorg-server-1.7.5.tar.bz2',
- "RESTRICT": ''},
- 'app-portage/portage-utils-0.3.1': {
- "SRC_URI": 'mirror://gentoo/portage-utils-0.3.1.tar.bz2',
- "RESTRICT": ''},
- 'x11-misc/util-macros-1.5.0': {
- "SRC_URI": 'http://xorg.freedesktop.org/releases/individual/util/util-macros-1.5.0.tar.bz2',
- "RESTRICT": ''},
- 'perl-core/Module-Build-0.35': {
- "SRC_URI": 'mirror://cpan/authors/id/D/DA/DAGOLDEN//Module-Build-0.35.tar.gz',
- "RESTRICT": ''},
- 'perl-core/ExtUtils-ParseXS-2.22.02': {
- "SRC_URI": 'mirror://cpan/authors/id/D/DA/DAGOLDEN//ExtUtils-ParseXS-2.2202.tar.gz',
- "RESTRICT": ''},
- 'perl-core/ExtUtils-ParseXS-2.22.03': {
- "SRC_URI": 'mirror://cpan/authors/id/D/DA/DAGOLDEN//ExtUtils-ParseXS-2.2203.tar.gz',
- "RESTRICT": ''},
- 'perl-core/ExtUtils-ParseXS-2.22.01': {
- "SRC_URI": 'mirror://cpan/authors/id/D/DA/DAGOLDEN//ExtUtils-ParseXS-2.2201.tar.gz',
- "RESTRICT": ''},
- 'perl-core/Archive-Tar-1.38': {
- "SRC_URI": 'mirror://cpan/authors/id/K/KA/KANE/Archive-Tar-1.38.tar.gz',
- "RESTRICT": ''},
- 'perl-core/Archive-Tar-1.58': {
- "SRC_URI": 'mirror://cpan/authors/id/B/BI/BINGOS//Archive-Tar-1.58.tar.gz',
- "RESTRICT": ''},
- 'perl-core/Archive-Tar-1.54': {
- "SRC_URI": 'mirror://cpan/authors/id/B/BI/BINGOS//Archive-Tar-1.54.tar.gz',
- "RESTRICT": ''},
- 'perl-core/Archive-Tar-1.56': {
- "SRC_URI": 'mirror://cpan/authors/id/B/BI/BINGOS//Archive-Tar-1.56.tar.gz',
- "RESTRICT": ''},
- 'app-portage/portage-utils-0.2.1': {
- "SRC_URI": 'mirror://gentoo/portage-utils-0.2.1.tar.bz2',
- "RESTRICT": ''},
- 'dev-libs/libisofs-0.6.20-r1': {
- "SRC_URI": 'http://files.libburnia-project.org/releases/libisofs-0.6.20.tar.gz',
- "RESTRICT": ''},
- 'perl-core/ExtUtils-ParseXS-2.22.02-r1': {
- "SRC_URI": 'mirror://cpan/authors/id/D/DA/DAGOLDEN//ExtUtils-ParseXS-2.2202.tar.gz',
- "RESTRICT": ''},
- 'x11-misc/util-macros-1.6.0': {
- "SRC_URI": 'http://xorg.freedesktop.org/releases/individual/util/util-macros-1.6.0.tar.bz2',
- "RESTRICT": ''},
- 'x11-libs/pixman-0.16.0': {
- "SRC_URI": 'http://xorg.freedesktop.org/releases/individual/lib/pixman-0.16.0.tar.bz2',
- "RESTRICT": ''},
- 'x11-libs/pixman-0.16.4': {
- "SRC_URI": 'http://xorg.freedesktop.org/releases/individual/lib/pixman-0.16.4.tar.bz2',
- "RESTRICT": ''},
- 'x11-libs/pixman-0.17.4': {
- "SRC_URI": 'http://xorg.freedesktop.org/releases/individual/lib/pixman-0.17.4.tar.bz2',
- "RESTRICT": ''},
- 'x11-libs/pixman-0.17.2': {
- "SRC_URI": 'http://xorg.freedesktop.org/releases/individual/lib/pixman-0.17.2.tar.bz2',
- "RESTRICT": ''},
- 'dev-libs/libburn-0.7.6-r1': {
- "SRC_URI": 'http://files.libburnia-project.org/releases/libburn-0.7.6.pl00.tar.gz',
- "RESTRICT": ''},
- 'dev-libs/libburn-0.7.0': {
- "SRC_URI": 'http://files.libburnia-project.org/releases/libburn-0.7.0.pl00.tar.gz',
- "RESTRICT": ''},
- 'perl-core/Module-Build-0.34.0201': {
- "SRC_URI": 'mirror://cpan/authors/id/D/DA/DAGOLDEN//Module-Build-0.340201.tar.gz',
- "RESTRICT": ''},
- 'dev-libs/libburn-0.6.8': {
- "SRC_URI": 'http://files.libburnia-project.org/releases/libburn-0.6.8.pl00.tar.gz',
- "RESTRICT": ''},
- 'dev-libs/libburn-0.7.4': {
- "SRC_URI": 'http://files.libburnia-project.org/releases/libburn-0.7.4.pl00.tar.gz',
- "RESTRICT": ''},
- 'perl-core/Module-Build-0.36.03': {
- "SRC_URI": 'mirror://cpan/authors/id/D/DA/DAGOLDEN//Module-Build-0.3603.tar.gz',
- "RESTRICT": ''},
- 'perl-core/Module-Build-0.36.01': {
- "SRC_URI": 'mirror://cpan/authors/id/D/DA/DAGOLDEN//Module-Build-0.3601.tar.gz',
- "RESTRICT": ''},
- 'x11-base/xorg-server-1.5.3-r6': {
- "SRC_URI": 'http://xorg.freedesktop.org/releases/individual/xserver/xorg-server-1.5.3.tar.bz2 mirror://gentoo/xorg-server-1.5.3-gentoo-patches-08.tar.bz2',
- "RESTRICT": ''},
- 'dev-libs/libisofs-0.6.28': {
- "SRC_URI": 'http://files.libburnia-project.org/releases/libisofs-0.6.28.tar.gz',
- "RESTRICT": ''},
- 'media-libs/xine-lib-1.1.17': {
- "SRC_URI": 'mirror://sourceforge/xine/xine-lib-1.1.17.tar.bz2 mirror://gentoo/xine-lib-1.1.15-textrel-fix.patch',
- "RESTRICT": ''},
- 'media-libs/xine-lib-1.1.18': {
- "SRC_URI": 'mirror://sourceforge/xine/xine-lib-1.1.18.tar.xz mirror://gentoo/xine-lib-1.1.15-textrel-fix.patch mirror://gentoo/xine-lib-1.1.18-compat.c.tbz2',
- "RESTRICT": ''},
- 'perl-core/ExtUtils-ParseXS-2.22': {
- "SRC_URI": 'mirror://cpan/authors/id/D/DA/DAGOLDEN//ExtUtils-ParseXS-2.22.tar.gz',
- "RESTRICT": ''},
- 'perl-core/ExtUtils-ParseXS-2.21': {
- "SRC_URI": 'mirror://cpan/authors/id/D/DA/DAGOLDEN//ExtUtils-ParseXS-2.21.tar.gz',
- "RESTRICT": ''},
- 'x11-base/xorg-server-': {
- "SRC_URI": 'http://xorg.freedesktop.org/releases/individual/xserver/xorg-server-',
- "RESTRICT": ''},
- 'dev-libs/libisofs-0.6.24': {
- "SRC_URI": 'http://files.libburnia-project.org/releases/libisofs-0.6.24.tar.gz',
- "RESTRICT": ''},
- 'dev-libs/libisofs-0.6.26': {
- "SRC_URI": 'http://files.libburnia-project.org/releases/libisofs-0.6.26.tar.gz',
- "RESTRICT": ''},
- 'app-portage/gentoolkit-0.3.0_rc8-r1': {
- "SRC_URI": 'mirror://gentoo/gentoolkit-0.3.0_rc8.tar.gz http://dev.gentoo.org/~fuzzyray/distfiles/gentoolkit-0.3.0_rc8.tar.gz',
- "RESTRICT": ''},
- 'app-portage/gentoolkit-': {
- "SRC_URI": 'mirror://gentoo/gentoolkit- http://dev.gentoo.org/~fuzzyray/distfiles/gentoolkit-',
- "RESTRICT": ''},
- 'app-portage/eix-0.20.2': {
- "SRC_URI": 'mirror://berlios/eix/eix-0.20.2.tar.xz',
- "RESTRICT": ''},
- 'app-portage/gentoolkit-': {
- "SRC_URI": 'mirror://gentoo/gentoolkit- http://dev.gentoo.org/~fuzzyray/distfiles/gentoolkit-',
- "RESTRICT": ''},
- 'app-portage/gentoolkit-0.3.0_rc8': {
- "SRC_URI": 'mirror://gentoo/gentoolkit-0.3.0_rc8.tar.gz http://dev.gentoo.org/~fuzzyray/distfiles/gentoolkit-0.3.0_rc8.tar.gz',
- "RESTRICT": ''},
- 'app-portage/gentoolkit-': {
- "SRC_URI": 'mirror://gentoo/gentoolkit- http://dev.gentoo.org/~fuzzyray/distfiles/gentoolkit-',
- "RESTRICT": ''},
- 'app-portage/layman-1.3.0-r1': {
- "SRC_URI": 'mirror://sourceforge/layman/layman-1.3.0.tar.gz',
- "RESTRICT": ''},
- 'app-portage/gentoolkit-0.3.0_rc7': {
- "SRC_URI": 'mirror://gentoo/gentoolkit-0.3.0_rc7.tar.gz http://dev.gentoo.org/~fuzzyray/distfiles/gentoolkit-0.3.0_rc7.tar.gz',
- "RESTRICT": ''},
- 'app-portage/layman-1.3.0': {
- "SRC_URI": 'mirror://sourceforge/layman/layman-1.3.0.tar.gz',
- "RESTRICT": ''},
- 'app-portage/layman-1.3.1': {
- "SRC_URI": 'mirror://sourceforge/layman/layman-1.3.1.tar.gz',
- "RESTRICT": ''},
- 'app-portage/layman-1.2.6': {
- "SRC_URI": 'mirror://sourceforge/layman/layman-1.2.6.tar.gz',
- "RESTRICT": ''},
- 'app-portage/layman-9999': {
- "SRC_URI": '',
- "RESTRICT": ''},
- 'app-portage/layman-1.2.5': {
- "SRC_URI": 'mirror://sourceforge/layman/layman-1.2.5.tar.gz',
- "RESTRICT": ''},
- 'app-portage/layman-1.3.0_rc1-r3': {
- "SRC_URI": 'mirror://sourceforge/layman/layman-1.3.0_rc1.tar.gz',
- "RESTRICT": ''},
- 'app-portage/gentoolkit-0.3.0_rc9': {
- "SRC_URI": 'mirror://gentoo/gentoolkit-0.3.0_rc9.tar.gz http://dev.gentoo.org/~fuzzyray/distfiles/gentoolkit-0.3.0_rc9.tar.gz',
- "RESTRICT": ''},
- 'app-portage/eix-0.20.1': {
- "SRC_URI": 'mirror://sourceforge/eix/eix-0.20.1.tar.xz',
- "RESTRICT": ''},
- 'app-portage/eix-0.19.2': {
- "SRC_URI": 'mirror://sourceforge/eix/eix-0.19.2.tar.xz',
- "RESTRICT": ''},
- 'app-portage/layman-1.3.2-r1': {
- "SRC_URI": 'mirror://sourceforge/layman/layman-1.3.2.tar.gz',
- "RESTRICT": ''},
+ "sys-apps/devicekit-power-014": {
+ "SRC_URI": "http://hal.freedesktop.org/releases/DeviceKit-power-014.tar.gz",
+ "RESTRICT": "",
+ },
+ "sys-apps/help2man-1.37.1": {
+ "SRC_URI": "mirror://gnu/help2man/help2man-1.37.1.tar.gz",
+ "RESTRICT": "",
+ },
+ "sys-auth/consolekit-0.4.1": {
+ "SRC_URI": "http://www.freedesktop.org/software/ConsoleKit/dist/ConsoleKit-0.4.1.tar.bz2",
+ "RESTRICT": "",
+ },
+ "app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-baselibs-20100220": {
+ "SRC_URI": "mirror://gentoo/emul-linux-x86-baselibs-20100220.tar.gz",
+ "RESTRICT": "strip",
+ },
+ "media-libs/sdl-pango-0.1.2": {
+ "SRC_URI": "mirror://sourceforge/sdlpango/SDL_Pango-0.1.2.tar.gz http://zarb.org/~gc/t/SDL_Pango-0.1.2-API-adds.patch",
+ "RESTRICT": "",
+ },
+ "x11-base/xorg-server-1.6.5-r1": {
+ "SRC_URI": "http://xorg.freedesktop.org/releases/individual/xserver/xorg-server-1.6.5.tar.bz2 mirror://gentoo/xorg-server-1.6.5-gentoo-patches-01.tar.bz2",
+ "RESTRICT": "",
+ },
+ "perl-core/ExtUtils-ParseXS-2.20.0401": {
+ "SRC_URI": "mirror://cpan/authors/id/D/DA/DAGOLDEN//ExtUtils-ParseXS-2.200401.tar.gz",
+ "RESTRICT": "",
+ },
+ "x11-misc/util-macros-1.3.0": {
+ "SRC_URI": "http://xorg.freedesktop.org/releases/individual/util/util-macros-1.3.0.tar.bz2",
+ "RESTRICT": "",
+ },
+ "x11-base/xorg-server-1.7.5": {
+ "SRC_URI": "http://xorg.freedesktop.org/releases/individual/xserver/xorg-server-1.7.5.tar.bz2",
+ "RESTRICT": "",
+ },
+ "app-portage/portage-utils-0.3.1": {
+ "SRC_URI": "mirror://gentoo/portage-utils-0.3.1.tar.bz2",
+ "RESTRICT": "",
+ },
+ "x11-misc/util-macros-1.5.0": {
+ "SRC_URI": "http://xorg.freedesktop.org/releases/individual/util/util-macros-1.5.0.tar.bz2",
+ "RESTRICT": "",
+ },
+ "perl-core/Module-Build-0.35": {
+ "SRC_URI": "mirror://cpan/authors/id/D/DA/DAGOLDEN//Module-Build-0.35.tar.gz",
+ "RESTRICT": "",
+ },
+ "perl-core/ExtUtils-ParseXS-2.22.02": {
+ "SRC_URI": "mirror://cpan/authors/id/D/DA/DAGOLDEN//ExtUtils-ParseXS-2.2202.tar.gz",
+ "RESTRICT": "",
+ },
+ "perl-core/ExtUtils-ParseXS-2.22.03": {
+ "SRC_URI": "mirror://cpan/authors/id/D/DA/DAGOLDEN//ExtUtils-ParseXS-2.2203.tar.gz",
+ "RESTRICT": "",
+ },
+ "perl-core/ExtUtils-ParseXS-2.22.01": {
+ "SRC_URI": "mirror://cpan/authors/id/D/DA/DAGOLDEN//ExtUtils-ParseXS-2.2201.tar.gz",
+ "RESTRICT": "",
+ },
+ "perl-core/Archive-Tar-1.38": {
+ "SRC_URI": "mirror://cpan/authors/id/K/KA/KANE/Archive-Tar-1.38.tar.gz",
+ "RESTRICT": "",
+ },
+ "perl-core/Archive-Tar-1.58": {
+ "SRC_URI": "mirror://cpan/authors/id/B/BI/BINGOS//Archive-Tar-1.58.tar.gz",
+ "RESTRICT": "",
+ },
+ "perl-core/Archive-Tar-1.54": {
+ "SRC_URI": "mirror://cpan/authors/id/B/BI/BINGOS//Archive-Tar-1.54.tar.gz",
+ "RESTRICT": "",
+ },
+ "perl-core/Archive-Tar-1.56": {
+ "SRC_URI": "mirror://cpan/authors/id/B/BI/BINGOS//Archive-Tar-1.56.tar.gz",
+ "RESTRICT": "",
+ },
+ "app-portage/portage-utils-0.2.1": {
+ "SRC_URI": "mirror://gentoo/portage-utils-0.2.1.tar.bz2",
+ "RESTRICT": "",
+ },
+ "dev-libs/libisofs-0.6.20-r1": {
+ "SRC_URI": "http://files.libburnia-project.org/releases/libisofs-0.6.20.tar.gz",
+ "RESTRICT": "",
+ },
+ "perl-core/ExtUtils-ParseXS-2.22.02-r1": {
+ "SRC_URI": "mirror://cpan/authors/id/D/DA/DAGOLDEN//ExtUtils-ParseXS-2.2202.tar.gz",
+ "RESTRICT": "",
+ },
+ "x11-misc/util-macros-1.6.0": {
+ "SRC_URI": "http://xorg.freedesktop.org/releases/individual/util/util-macros-1.6.0.tar.bz2",
+ "RESTRICT": "",
+ },
+ "x11-libs/pixman-0.16.0": {
+ "SRC_URI": "http://xorg.freedesktop.org/releases/individual/lib/pixman-0.16.0.tar.bz2",
+ "RESTRICT": "",
+ },
+ "x11-libs/pixman-0.16.4": {
+ "SRC_URI": "http://xorg.freedesktop.org/releases/individual/lib/pixman-0.16.4.tar.bz2",
+ "RESTRICT": "",
+ },
+ "x11-libs/pixman-0.17.4": {
+ "SRC_URI": "http://xorg.freedesktop.org/releases/individual/lib/pixman-0.17.4.tar.bz2",
+ "RESTRICT": "",
+ },
+ "x11-libs/pixman-0.17.2": {
+ "SRC_URI": "http://xorg.freedesktop.org/releases/individual/lib/pixman-0.17.2.tar.bz2",
+ "RESTRICT": "",
+ },
+ "dev-libs/libburn-0.7.6-r1": {
+ "SRC_URI": "http://files.libburnia-project.org/releases/libburn-0.7.6.pl00.tar.gz",
+ "RESTRICT": "",
+ },
+ "dev-libs/libburn-0.7.0": {
+ "SRC_URI": "http://files.libburnia-project.org/releases/libburn-0.7.0.pl00.tar.gz",
+ "RESTRICT": "",
+ },
+ "perl-core/Module-Build-0.34.0201": {
+ "SRC_URI": "mirror://cpan/authors/id/D/DA/DAGOLDEN//Module-Build-0.340201.tar.gz",
+ "RESTRICT": "",
+ },
+ "dev-libs/libburn-0.6.8": {
+ "SRC_URI": "http://files.libburnia-project.org/releases/libburn-0.6.8.pl00.tar.gz",
+ "RESTRICT": "",
+ },
+ "dev-libs/libburn-0.7.4": {
+ "SRC_URI": "http://files.libburnia-project.org/releases/libburn-0.7.4.pl00.tar.gz",
+ "RESTRICT": "",
+ },
+ "perl-core/Module-Build-0.36.03": {
+ "SRC_URI": "mirror://cpan/authors/id/D/DA/DAGOLDEN//Module-Build-0.3603.tar.gz",
+ "RESTRICT": "",
+ },
+ "perl-core/Module-Build-0.36.01": {
+ "SRC_URI": "mirror://cpan/authors/id/D/DA/DAGOLDEN//Module-Build-0.3601.tar.gz",
+ "RESTRICT": "",
+ },
+ "x11-base/xorg-server-1.5.3-r6": {
+ "SRC_URI": "http://xorg.freedesktop.org/releases/individual/xserver/xorg-server-1.5.3.tar.bz2 mirror://gentoo/xorg-server-1.5.3-gentoo-patches-08.tar.bz2",
+ "RESTRICT": "",
+ },
+ "dev-libs/libisofs-0.6.28": {
+ "SRC_URI": "http://files.libburnia-project.org/releases/libisofs-0.6.28.tar.gz",
+ "RESTRICT": "",
+ },
+ "media-libs/xine-lib-1.1.17": {
+ "SRC_URI": "mirror://sourceforge/xine/xine-lib-1.1.17.tar.bz2 mirror://gentoo/xine-lib-1.1.15-textrel-fix.patch",
+ "RESTRICT": "",
+ },
+ "media-libs/xine-lib-1.1.18": {
+ "SRC_URI": "mirror://sourceforge/xine/xine-lib-1.1.18.tar.xz mirror://gentoo/xine-lib-1.1.15-textrel-fix.patch mirror://gentoo/xine-lib-1.1.18-compat.c.tbz2",
+ "RESTRICT": "",
+ },
+ "perl-core/ExtUtils-ParseXS-2.22": {
+ "SRC_URI": "mirror://cpan/authors/id/D/DA/DAGOLDEN//ExtUtils-ParseXS-2.22.tar.gz",
+ "RESTRICT": "",
+ },
+ "perl-core/ExtUtils-ParseXS-2.21": {
+ "SRC_URI": "mirror://cpan/authors/id/D/DA/DAGOLDEN//ExtUtils-ParseXS-2.21.tar.gz",
+ "RESTRICT": "",
+ },
+ "x11-base/xorg-server-": {
+ "SRC_URI": "http://xorg.freedesktop.org/releases/individual/xserver/xorg-server-",
+ "RESTRICT": "",
+ },
+ "dev-libs/libisofs-0.6.24": {
+ "SRC_URI": "http://files.libburnia-project.org/releases/libisofs-0.6.24.tar.gz",
+ "RESTRICT": "",
+ },
+ "dev-libs/libisofs-0.6.26": {
+ "SRC_URI": "http://files.libburnia-project.org/releases/libisofs-0.6.26.tar.gz",
+ "RESTRICT": "",
+ },
+ "app-portage/gentoolkit-0.3.0_rc8-r1": {
+ "SRC_URI": "mirror://gentoo/gentoolkit-0.3.0_rc8.tar.gz http://dev.gentoo.org/~fuzzyray/distfiles/gentoolkit-0.3.0_rc8.tar.gz",
+ "RESTRICT": "",
+ },
+ "app-portage/gentoolkit-": {
+ "SRC_URI": "mirror://gentoo/gentoolkit- http://dev.gentoo.org/~fuzzyray/distfiles/gentoolkit-",
+ "RESTRICT": "",
+ },
+ "app-portage/eix-0.20.2": {
+ "SRC_URI": "mirror://berlios/eix/eix-0.20.2.tar.xz",
+ "RESTRICT": "",
+ },
+ "app-portage/gentoolkit-": {
+ "SRC_URI": "mirror://gentoo/gentoolkit- http://dev.gentoo.org/~fuzzyray/distfiles/gentoolkit-",
+ "RESTRICT": "",
+ },
+ "app-portage/gentoolkit-0.3.0_rc8": {
+ "SRC_URI": "mirror://gentoo/gentoolkit-0.3.0_rc8.tar.gz http://dev.gentoo.org/~fuzzyray/distfiles/gentoolkit-0.3.0_rc8.tar.gz",
+ "RESTRICT": "",
+ },
+ "app-portage/gentoolkit-": {
+ "SRC_URI": "mirror://gentoo/gentoolkit- http://dev.gentoo.org/~fuzzyray/distfiles/gentoolkit-",
+ "RESTRICT": "",
+ },
+ "app-portage/layman-1.3.0-r1": {
+ "SRC_URI": "mirror://sourceforge/layman/layman-1.3.0.tar.gz",
+ "RESTRICT": "",
+ },
+ "app-portage/gentoolkit-0.3.0_rc7": {
+ "SRC_URI": "mirror://gentoo/gentoolkit-0.3.0_rc7.tar.gz http://dev.gentoo.org/~fuzzyray/distfiles/gentoolkit-0.3.0_rc7.tar.gz",
+ "RESTRICT": "",
+ },
+ "app-portage/layman-1.3.0": {
+ "SRC_URI": "mirror://sourceforge/layman/layman-1.3.0.tar.gz",
+ "RESTRICT": "",
+ },
+ "app-portage/layman-1.3.1": {
+ "SRC_URI": "mirror://sourceforge/layman/layman-1.3.1.tar.gz",
+ "RESTRICT": "",
+ },
+ "app-portage/layman-1.2.6": {
+ "SRC_URI": "mirror://sourceforge/layman/layman-1.2.6.tar.gz",
+ "RESTRICT": "",
+ },
+ "app-portage/layman-9999": {"SRC_URI": "", "RESTRICT": ""},
+ "app-portage/layman-1.2.5": {
+ "SRC_URI": "mirror://sourceforge/layman/layman-1.2.5.tar.gz",
+ "RESTRICT": "",
+ },
+ "app-portage/layman-1.3.0_rc1-r3": {
+ "SRC_URI": "mirror://sourceforge/layman/layman-1.3.0_rc1.tar.gz",
+ "RESTRICT": "",
+ },
+ "app-portage/gentoolkit-0.3.0_rc9": {
+ "SRC_URI": "mirror://gentoo/gentoolkit-0.3.0_rc9.tar.gz http://dev.gentoo.org/~fuzzyray/distfiles/gentoolkit-0.3.0_rc9.tar.gz",
+ "RESTRICT": "",
+ },
+ "app-portage/eix-0.20.1": {
+ "SRC_URI": "mirror://sourceforge/eix/eix-0.20.1.tar.xz",
+ "RESTRICT": "",
+ },
+ "app-portage/eix-0.19.2": {
+ "SRC_URI": "mirror://sourceforge/eix/eix-0.19.2.tar.xz",
+ "RESTRICT": "",
+ },
+ "app-portage/layman-1.3.2-r1": {
+ "SRC_URI": "mirror://sourceforge/layman/layman-1.3.2.tar.gz",
+ "RESTRICT": "",
+ },
PKGS = {
- 'app-portage/layman-1.3.2-r1': 'mirror://sourceforge/layman/layman-1.3.2.tar.gz',
- 'app-portage/eix-0.20.1': 'mirror://sourceforge/eix/eix-0.20.1.tar.xz',
- 'app-portage/eix-0.19.2': 'mirror://sourceforge/eix/eix-0.19.2.tar.xz',
- 'app-portage/gentoolkit-0.3.0_rc9': 'mirror://gentoo/gentoolkit-0.3.0_rc9.tar.gz http://dev.gentoo.org/~fuzzyray/distfiles/gentoolkit-0.3.0_rc9.tar.gz',
- 'app-portage/gentoolkit-': 'mirror://gentoo/gentoolkit- http://dev.gentoo.org/~fuzzyray/distfiles/gentoolkit-',
- 'media-libs/xine-lib-1.1.18': 'mirror://sourceforge/xine/xine-lib-1.1.18.tar.xz mirror://gentoo/xine-lib-1.1.15-textrel-fix.patch mirror://gentoo/xine-lib-1.1.18-compat.c.tbz2',
- 'perl-core/ExtUtils-ParseXS-2.21': 'mirror://cpan/authors/id/D/DA/DAGOLDEN//ExtUtils-ParseXS-2.21.tar.gz',
- 'dev-libs/libisofs-0.6.24': 'http://files.libburnia-project.org/releases/libisofs-0.6.24.tar.gz',
- }
+ "app-portage/layman-1.3.2-r1": "mirror://sourceforge/layman/layman-1.3.2.tar.gz",
+ "app-portage/eix-0.20.1": "mirror://sourceforge/eix/eix-0.20.1.tar.xz",
+ "app-portage/eix-0.19.2": "mirror://sourceforge/eix/eix-0.19.2.tar.xz",
+ "app-portage/gentoolkit-0.3.0_rc9": "mirror://gentoo/gentoolkit-0.3.0_rc9.tar.gz http://dev.gentoo.org/~fuzzyray/distfiles/gentoolkit-0.3.0_rc9.tar.gz",
+ "app-portage/gentoolkit-": "mirror://gentoo/gentoolkit- http://dev.gentoo.org/~fuzzyray/distfiles/gentoolkit-",
+ "media-libs/xine-lib-1.1.18": "mirror://sourceforge/xine/xine-lib-1.1.18.tar.xz mirror://gentoo/xine-lib-1.1.15-textrel-fix.patch mirror://gentoo/xine-lib-1.1.18-compat.c.tbz2",
+ "perl-core/ExtUtils-ParseXS-2.21": "mirror://cpan/authors/id/D/DA/DAGOLDEN//ExtUtils-ParseXS-2.21.tar.gz",
+ "dev-libs/libisofs-0.6.24": "http://files.libburnia-project.org/releases/libisofs-0.6.24.tar.gz",
- 'layman-1.3.2.tar.gz': '/path/to/some/where/layman-1.3.2.tar.gz',
- 'layman-1.2.5.tar.gz': '/path/to/some/where/layman-1.2.5.tar.gz',
- 'eix-0.20.1.tar.xz': '/path/to/some/where/eix-0.20.1.tar.xz',
- 'gentoolkit-0.3.0_rc9.tar.gz': '/path/to/some/where/gentoolkit-0.3.0_rc9.tar.gz',
- 'xine-lib-1.1.18.tar.xz': '/path/to/some/where/xine-lib-1.1.18.tar.xz',
- 'xine-lib-1.1.15-textrel-fix.patch': '/path/to/some/where/xine-lib-1.1.15-textrel-fix.patch',
- 'xine-lib-1.1.18-compat.c.tbz2': '/path/to/some/where/xine-lib-1.1.18-compat.c.tbz2',
- 'ExtUtils-ParseXS-2.21.tar.gz': '/path/to/some/where/ExtUtils-ParseXS-2.21.tar.gz',
- 'libisofs-0.6.24.tar.gz': '/path/to/some/where/libisofs-0.6.24.tar.gz'
- }
+ "layman-1.3.2.tar.gz": "/path/to/some/where/layman-1.3.2.tar.gz",
+ "layman-1.2.5.tar.gz": "/path/to/some/where/layman-1.2.5.tar.gz",
+ "eix-0.20.1.tar.xz": "/path/to/some/where/eix-0.20.1.tar.xz",
+ "gentoolkit-0.3.0_rc9.tar.gz": "/path/to/some/where/gentoolkit-0.3.0_rc9.tar.gz",
+ "xine-lib-1.1.18.tar.xz": "/path/to/some/where/xine-lib-1.1.18.tar.xz",
+ "xine-lib-1.1.15-textrel-fix.patch": "/path/to/some/where/xine-lib-1.1.15-textrel-fix.patch",
+ "xine-lib-1.1.18-compat.c.tbz2": "/path/to/some/where/xine-lib-1.1.18-compat.c.tbz2",
+ "ExtUtils-ParseXS-2.21.tar.gz": "/path/to/some/where/ExtUtils-ParseXS-2.21.tar.gz",
+ "libisofs-0.6.24.tar.gz": "/path/to/some/where/libisofs-0.6.24.tar.gz",
CPVS2 = [
- 'app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-baselibs-20100220',
- 'app-portage/eix-0.19.2', 'app-portage/eix-0.20.1',
- 'app-portage/eix-0.20.2',
- 'app-portage/gentoolkit-',
- 'app-portage/gentoolkit-',
- 'app-portage/gentoolkit-',
- 'app-portage/gentoolkit-0.3.0_rc7',
- 'app-portage/gentoolkit-0.3.0_rc8',
- 'app-portage/gentoolkit-0.3.0_rc8-r1',
- 'app-portage/gentoolkit-0.3.0_rc9',
- 'app-portage/layman-1.2.5',
- 'app-portage/layman-1.2.6',
- 'app-portage/layman-1.3.0',
- 'app-portage/layman-1.3.0-r1',
- 'app-portage/layman-1.3.0_rc1-r3',
- 'app-portage/layman-1.3.1',
- 'app-portage/layman-1.3.2-r1',
- 'app-portage/layman-9999',
- 'app-portage/portage-utils-0.2.1',
- 'app-portage/portage-utils-0.3.1',
- 'dev-libs/libburn-0.6.8',
- 'dev-libs/libburn-0.7.0',
- 'dev-libs/libburn-0.7.4',
- 'dev-libs/libburn-0.7.6-r1',
- 'dev-libs/libisofs-0.6.20-r1',
- 'dev-libs/libisofs-0.6.24',
- 'dev-libs/libisofs-0.6.26',
- 'dev-libs/libisofs-0.6.28',
- 'media-libs/sdl-pango-0.1.2',
- 'media-libs/xine-lib-1.1.17',
- 'media-libs/xine-lib-1.1.18',
- 'perl-core/Archive-Tar-1.38',
- 'perl-core/Archive-Tar-1.54',
- 'perl-core/Archive-Tar-1.56',
- 'perl-core/Archive-Tar-1.58',
- 'perl-core/ExtUtils-ParseXS-2.20.0401',
- 'perl-core/ExtUtils-ParseXS-2.21',
- 'perl-core/ExtUtils-ParseXS-2.22',
- 'perl-core/ExtUtils-ParseXS-2.22.01',
- 'perl-core/ExtUtils-ParseXS-2.22.02',
- 'perl-core/ExtUtils-ParseXS-2.22.02-r1',
- 'perl-core/ExtUtils-ParseXS-2.22.03',
- 'perl-core/Module-Build-0.34.0201',
- 'perl-core/Module-Build-0.35',
- 'perl-core/Module-Build-0.36.01',
- 'perl-core/Module-Build-0.36.03',
- 'sys-apps/devicekit-power-014',
- 'sys-apps/help2man-1.37.1',
- 'sys-auth/consolekit-0.4.1',
- 'x11-base/xorg-server-1.5.3-r6',
- 'x11-base/xorg-server-1.6.5-r1',
- 'x11-base/xorg-server-1.7.5',
- 'x11-base/xorg-server-',
- 'x11-libs/pixman-0.16.0',
- 'x11-libs/pixman-0.16.4',
- 'x11-libs/pixman-0.17.2',
- 'x11-libs/pixman-0.17.4',
- 'x11-misc/util-macros-1.3.0',
- 'x11-misc/util-macros-1.5.0',
- 'x11-misc/util-macros-1.6.0'
- ]
+ "app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-baselibs-20100220",
+ "app-portage/eix-0.19.2",
+ "app-portage/eix-0.20.1",
+ "app-portage/eix-0.20.2",
+ "app-portage/gentoolkit-",
+ "app-portage/gentoolkit-",
+ "app-portage/gentoolkit-",
+ "app-portage/gentoolkit-0.3.0_rc7",
+ "app-portage/gentoolkit-0.3.0_rc8",
+ "app-portage/gentoolkit-0.3.0_rc8-r1",
+ "app-portage/gentoolkit-0.3.0_rc9",
+ "app-portage/layman-1.2.5",
+ "app-portage/layman-1.2.6",
+ "app-portage/layman-1.3.0",
+ "app-portage/layman-1.3.0-r1",
+ "app-portage/layman-1.3.0_rc1-r3",
+ "app-portage/layman-1.3.1",
+ "app-portage/layman-1.3.2-r1",
+ "app-portage/layman-9999",
+ "app-portage/portage-utils-0.2.1",
+ "app-portage/portage-utils-0.3.1",
+ "dev-libs/libburn-0.6.8",
+ "dev-libs/libburn-0.7.0",
+ "dev-libs/libburn-0.7.4",
+ "dev-libs/libburn-0.7.6-r1",
+ "dev-libs/libisofs-0.6.20-r1",
+ "dev-libs/libisofs-0.6.24",
+ "dev-libs/libisofs-0.6.26",
+ "dev-libs/libisofs-0.6.28",
+ "media-libs/sdl-pango-0.1.2",
+ "media-libs/xine-lib-1.1.17",
+ "media-libs/xine-lib-1.1.18",
+ "perl-core/Archive-Tar-1.38",
+ "perl-core/Archive-Tar-1.54",
+ "perl-core/Archive-Tar-1.56",
+ "perl-core/Archive-Tar-1.58",
+ "perl-core/ExtUtils-ParseXS-2.20.0401",
+ "perl-core/ExtUtils-ParseXS-2.21",
+ "perl-core/ExtUtils-ParseXS-2.22",
+ "perl-core/ExtUtils-ParseXS-2.22.01",
+ "perl-core/ExtUtils-ParseXS-2.22.02",
+ "perl-core/ExtUtils-ParseXS-2.22.02-r1",
+ "perl-core/ExtUtils-ParseXS-2.22.03",
+ "perl-core/Module-Build-0.34.0201",
+ "perl-core/Module-Build-0.35",
+ "perl-core/Module-Build-0.36.01",
+ "perl-core/Module-Build-0.36.03",
+ "sys-apps/devicekit-power-014",
+ "sys-apps/help2man-1.37.1",
+ "sys-auth/consolekit-0.4.1",
+ "x11-base/xorg-server-1.5.3-r6",
+ "x11-base/xorg-server-1.6.5-r1",
+ "x11-base/xorg-server-1.7.5",
+ "x11-base/xorg-server-",
+ "x11-libs/pixman-0.16.0",
+ "x11-libs/pixman-0.16.4",
+ "x11-libs/pixman-0.17.2",
+ "x11-libs/pixman-0.17.4",
+ "x11-misc/util-macros-1.3.0",
+ "x11-misc/util-macros-1.5.0",
+ "x11-misc/util-macros-1.6.0",
- 'DeviceKit-power-014.tar.gz',
- 'help2man-1.37.1.tar.gz',
- 'ConsoleKit-0.4.1.tar.bz2',
- 'emul-linux-x86-baselibs-20100220.tar.gz',
- 'SDL_Pango-0.1.2.tar.gz',
- 'SDL_Pango-0.1.2-API-adds.patch'
- ]
+ "DeviceKit-power-014.tar.gz",
+ "help2man-1.37.1.tar.gz",
+ "ConsoleKit-0.4.1.tar.bz2",
+ "emul-linux-x86-baselibs-20100220.tar.gz",
+ "SDL_Pango-0.1.2.tar.gz",
+ "SDL_Pango-0.1.2-API-adds.patch",
CPVS3 = [
- 'x11-base/xorg-server-1.7.5',
- 'x11-misc/util-macros-1.6.0',
- 'x11-libs/pixman-0.16.4',
- #'dev-libs/libisofs-0.6.28',
- #'perl-core/Module-Build-0.36.03',
- #'perl-core/ExtUtils-ParseXS-2.22.02-r1',
- #'perl-core/Archive-Tar-1.56',
- #'app-portage/gentoolkit-0.3.0_rc8-r1',
- #'app-portage/layman-1.3.1',
- #'app-portage/eix-0.20.1',
- ]
-Exclude= {'packages': {
- 'media-libs/sdl-pango': None,
- },
- 'anti-packages': {'app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-baselibs': None},
- 'categories': {'app-portage': None,
- 'app-portage/gentoolkit': None
- },
- 'filenames': {'sys-auth/consolekit-0.4.1': re.compile(r'sys-auth/consolekit-0\.4\.1')
- }
- }
+ "x11-base/xorg-server-1.7.5",
+ "x11-misc/util-macros-1.6.0",
+ "x11-libs/pixman-0.16.4",
+ # 'dev-libs/libisofs-0.6.28',
+ # 'perl-core/Module-Build-0.36.03',
+ # 'perl-core/ExtUtils-ParseXS-2.22.02-r1',
+ # 'perl-core/Archive-Tar-1.56',
+ # 'app-portage/gentoolkit-0.3.0_rc8-r1',
+ # 'app-portage/layman-1.3.1',
+ # 'app-portage/eix-0.20.1',
+Exclude = {
+ "packages": {
+ "media-libs/sdl-pango": None,
+ },
+ "anti-packages": {"app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-baselibs": None},
+ "categories": {"app-portage": None, "app-portage/gentoolkit": None},
+ "filenames": {
+ "sys-auth/consolekit-0.4.1": re.compile(r"sys-auth/consolekit-0\.4\.1")
+ },
def get_props(cpvs):
- props = {}
- for cpv in cpvs:
- props[cpv] = PROPS[cpv].copy()
- return props
+ props = {}
+ for cpv in cpvs:
+ props[cpv] = PROPS[cpv].copy()
+ return props
class Dbapi:
- """Fake portage dbapi class used to return
- pre-determined test data in place of a live system
- @param cp_all: list of cat/pkg's to use for testing
- eg: ['app-portage/gentoolkit', 'app-portage/porthole',...]
- @param cpv_all: list of cat/pkg-ver's to use for testing.
- @param props: dictionary of ebuild properties to use for testing.
- eg: {'cpv': {"SRC_URI": 'http://...', "RESTRICT": restriction},}
- @param cp_list: ?????????
- """
- def __init__(self, cp_all=None, cpv_all=None, props=None,
- cp_list=None, name=None):
- self._cp_all = cp_all
- self._cpv_all = cpv_all
- self._props = props
- self._cp_list = cp_list
- self.name = name
- #print(self.name, "DBAPI: cpv_all=")
- #print(self._cpv_all)
- #print(self.name, "DBAPI: props=")
- #print(self._props)
- def cp_all(self):
- return self._cp_all[:]
- def cp_list(self, package):
- #print(self._cp_list)
- if self._cp_list is None or self._cp_list==[]:
- cplist = []
- for cpv in self._cpv_all:
- parts = portage.catpkgsplit(cpv)
- cp='/'.join(parts[:2])
- if cp == package:
- cplist.append(cpv)
- #print("package = %s, cplist = %s" %(package, cplist))
- return cplist
- else:
- return self._cp_list
- def cpv_all(self):
- #print(self.name, type(self._cpv_all), self._cpv_all)
- return self._cpv_all
- def cpv_exists(self, cpv):
- return cpv in self._cpv_all
- def aux_get(self, cpv, prop_list):
- """only need stubs for ["SRC_URI","RESTRICT"]
- """
- #print("FAKE DBAPI", cpv, prop_list)
- props = []
- for prop in prop_list:
- if cpv in self._props:
- props.append(self._props[cpv][prop])
- else:
- raise KeyError(self.name)
- #print(self.name, "DBAPI", cpv, props)
- return props
+ """Fake portage dbapi class used to return
+ pre-determined test data in place of a live system
+ @param cp_all: list of cat/pkg's to use for testing
+ eg: ['app-portage/gentoolkit', 'app-portage/porthole',...]
+ @param cpv_all: list of cat/pkg-ver's to use for testing.
+ @param props: dictionary of ebuild properties to use for testing.
+ eg: {'cpv': {"SRC_URI": 'http://...', "RESTRICT": restriction},}
+ @param cp_list: ?????????
+ """
+ def __init__(self, cp_all=None, cpv_all=None, props=None, cp_list=None, name=None):
+ self._cp_all = cp_all
+ self._cpv_all = cpv_all
+ self._props = props
+ self._cp_list = cp_list
+ self.name = name
+ # print(self.name, "DBAPI: cpv_all=")
+ # print(self._cpv_all)
+ # print(self.name, "DBAPI: props=")
+ # print(self._props)
+ def cp_all(self):
+ return self._cp_all[:]
+ def cp_list(self, package):
+ # print(self._cp_list)
+ if self._cp_list is None or self._cp_list == []:
+ cplist = []
+ for cpv in self._cpv_all:
+ parts = portage.catpkgsplit(cpv)
+ cp = "/".join(parts[:2])
+ if cp == package:
+ cplist.append(cpv)
+ # print("package = %s, cplist = %s" %(package, cplist))
+ return cplist
+ else:
+ return self._cp_list
+ def cpv_all(self):
+ # print(self.name, type(self._cpv_all), self._cpv_all)
+ return self._cpv_all
+ def cpv_exists(self, cpv):
+ return cpv in self._cpv_all
+ def aux_get(self, cpv, prop_list):
+ """only need stubs for ["SRC_URI","RESTRICT"]"""
+ # print("FAKE DBAPI", cpv, prop_list)
+ props = []
+ for prop in prop_list:
+ if cpv in self._props:
+ props.append(self._props[cpv][prop])
+ else:
+ raise KeyError(self.name)
+ # print(self.name, "DBAPI", cpv, props)
+ return props
class OutputSimulator:
- """Simple output accumulator used for testing.
- Simulates eclean.output.OutputControl class """
+ """Simple output accumulator used for testing.
+ Simulates eclean.output.OutputControl class"""
- def __init__(self, callback):
- self.callback = callback
+ def __init__(self, callback):
+ self.callback = callback
- def set_data(self, data):
- """sets the data for the progress_controller to return
- for the test being performed"""
- self.data = data
+ def set_data(self, data):
+ """sets the data for the progress_controller to return
+ for the test being performed"""
+ self.data = data
- def einfo(self, message=""):
- self.callback('einfo', message)
+ def einfo(self, message=""):
+ self.callback("einfo", message)
- def eprompt(self, message):
- self.callback('eprompt', message)
+ def eprompt(self, message):
+ self.callback("eprompt", message)
- def prettySize(self, size, justify=False, color=None):
- self.callback('prettySize', size)
+ def prettySize(self, size, justify=False, color=None):
+ self.callback("prettySize", size)
- def yesNoAllPrompt(self, message="Dummy"):
- self.callback('yesNoAllPrompt', message)
+ def yesNoAllPrompt(self, message="Dummy"):
+ self.callback("yesNoAllPrompt", message)
- def progress_controller(self, size, key, clean_list, file_type):
- self.callback('progress_controller', self.data)
- return self.data
+ def progress_controller(self, size, key, clean_list, file_type):
+ self.callback("progress_controller", self.data)
+ return self.data
- def total(self, mode, size, num_files, verb, action):
- pass
+ def total(self, mode, size, num_files, verb, action):
+ pass
- def list_pkgs(self, pkgs):
- self.callback('list_pkgs', pkgs)
+ def list_pkgs(self, pkgs):
+ self.callback("list_pkgs", pkgs)
class TestDisfiles:
- def setUp(self):
- # create the dist dir
- self.tmpdir = mkdtemp()
- #print("New tmpdir =", self.tmpdir)
- os.chmod(self.tmpdir, dir_mode)
- self.workdir = os.path.join(self.tmpdir, 'distfiles')
- dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
- file = os.path.join(dir,"testdistfiles.tar.gz")
- command = "tar -xpf %s -C %s" %(file, self.tmpdir)
- subprocess.call(command, shell=True)
- # create a symlink as part of the test files
- #print()
- self.target_symlink = "symlink-1.0.0.tar.gz"
- os.symlink(file, os.path.join(self.workdir, self.target_symlink))
- self.files = FILES[:]
- self.files.append(self.target_symlink)
- self.test_filepaths = []
- for file in self.files:
- self.test_filepaths.append(os.path.join(self.workdir, file))
- def tearDown(self):
- for file in self.test_filepaths:
- os.unlink(file)
- #print("deleting workdir =", self.workdir)
- os.rmdir(self.workdir)
- #print("deleting tmpdir =", self.tmpdir)
- os.rmdir(self.tmpdir)
+ def setUp(self):
+ # create the dist dir
+ self.tmpdir = mkdtemp()
+ # print("New tmpdir =", self.tmpdir)
+ os.chmod(self.tmpdir, dir_mode)
+ self.workdir = os.path.join(self.tmpdir, "distfiles")
+ dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
+ file = os.path.join(dir, "testdistfiles.tar.gz")
+ command = f"tar -xpf {file} -C {self.tmpdir}"
+ subprocess.call(command, shell=True)
+ # create a symlink as part of the test files
+ # print()
+ self.target_symlink = "symlink-1.0.0.tar.gz"
+ os.symlink(file, os.path.join(self.workdir, self.target_symlink))
+ self.files = FILES[:]
+ self.files.append(self.target_symlink)
+ self.test_filepaths = []
+ for file in self.files:
+ self.test_filepaths.append(os.path.join(self.workdir, file))
+ def tearDown(self):
+ for file in self.test_filepaths:
+ os.unlink(file)
+ # print("deleting workdir =", self.workdir)
+ os.rmdir(self.workdir)
+ # print("deleting tmpdir =", self.tmpdir)
+ os.rmdir(self.tmpdir)
diff --git a/pym/gentoolkit/test/eclean/meson.build b/pym/gentoolkit/test/eclean/meson.build
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fa1390b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pym/gentoolkit/test/eclean/meson.build
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+ [
+ '__init__.py',
+ 'creator.py',
+ 'distsupport.py',
+ 'test_clean.py',
+ 'test_search.py',
+ ],
+ subdir : 'gentoolkit/test/eclean'
+ [
+ 'Packages',
+ 'distfiles.exclude',
+ 'testdistfiles.tar.gz',
+ ],
+ preserve_path: true,
+ install_dir : py.get_install_dir() / 'gentoolkit' / 'test' / 'eclean'
diff --git a/pym/gentoolkit/test/eclean/test_clean.py b/pym/gentoolkit/test/eclean/test_clean.py
index 2f50e27..a2519d2 100755
--- a/pym/gentoolkit/test/eclean/test_clean.py
+++ b/pym/gentoolkit/test/eclean/test_clean.py
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
# Copyright 2010 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-__version__= "0.0.1"
+__version__ = "0.0.1"
__author__ = "Brian Dolbec"
__email__ = "brian.dolbec@gmail.com"
@@ -87,7 +87,6 @@ __email__ = "brian.dolbec@gmail.com"
# data = controller.gathered_data
# def useage():
# """output run options"""
# print("Useage: test_clean [OPTONS] path=test-dir")
@@ -125,7 +124,6 @@ __email__ = "brian.dolbec@gmail.com"
# sys.exit(1)
# def main(cmdline=False):
# """parse options and run the tests"""
@@ -141,5 +139,3 @@ __email__ = "brian.dolbec@gmail.com"
# print("Aborted.")
# sys.exit(130)
# sys.exit(0)
diff --git a/pym/gentoolkit/test/eclean/test_search.py b/pym/gentoolkit/test/eclean/test_search.py
index 5a20e38..0bbad46 100755
--- a/pym/gentoolkit/test/eclean/test_search.py
+++ b/pym/gentoolkit/test/eclean/test_search.py
@@ -12,612 +12,832 @@ import re
import os
from gentoolkit.test.eclean.distsupport import (
- FILES, TestDisfiles, OutputSimulator, Dbapi, CPVS, CPVS2, CPVS3, PROPS,
- PKGS, CLEAN_ME, get_props)
+ TestDisfiles,
+ OutputSimulator,
+ Dbapi,
+ CPVS2,
+ CPVS3,
+ get_props,
import gentoolkit.eclean.search as search
from gentoolkit.eclean.search import DistfilesSearch
+from gentoolkit.eclean.search import _deps_equal
from gentoolkit.eclean.exclude import parseExcludeFile
+from portage.dep import Atom
"""Tests for eclean's distfiles search functions."""
class DistLimits(DistfilesSearch):
- """subclass the DistfilesSearch class in order to override a number of
- functions to isolate & test"""
+ """subclass the DistfilesSearch class in order to override a number of
+ functions to isolate & test"""
- def __init__(self,
- output=lambda x: None,
- portdb=None,
- vardb=None,
- ):
- DistfilesSearch.__init__(self, output, portdb, vardb)
- self.data = None
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ output=lambda x: None,
+ portdb=None,
+ vardb=None,
+ ):
+ DistfilesSearch.__init__(self, output, portdb, vardb)
+ self.data = None
- def set_data(self, data):
- """sets the data for the functions to return for
- the test being performed"""
- self.data = data
+ def set_data(self, data):
+ """sets the data for the functions to return for
+ the test being performed"""
+ self.data = data
class TestCheckLimits(unittest.TestCase):
- """Test the eclean.search.DistfilesSearch._check_limits() group.
- it will test [ _get_default_checks(), _check_limits(),
- _isreg_check_(), _size_check_(), _time_check_(), _filenames_check_()]
- """
- test_excludes = {
- 'blank': {},
- 'filenames': {
- 'filenames': {'help2man-1.37.1.tar.gz': re.compile(r'help2man-1\.37\.1\.tar\.gz')}
- }
- }
- def setUp(self):
- self.testdata = [
- # test is_reg_limit alone, will give a base clean_me
- { 'test': 'is_reg_limit',
- 'params': (0, 0, self.test_excludes['blank']),
- 'results': FILES[:],
- 'output': [" - skipping size limit check",
- " - skipping time limit check",
- " - skipping exclude filenames check"
- ]
- },
- # test size_limit trip
- { 'test': 'size_limit',
- 'params': (1024000, 0, self.test_excludes['blank']),
- 'results': FILES[:3] + FILES[4:],
- 'output': [
- " - skipping time limit check",
- " - skipping exclude filenames check"
- ]
- },
- # test time_limit trip
- { 'test': 'time_limit',
- 'params': (0,1112671872, self.test_excludes['blank']),
- 'results': [FILES[4]], # + FILES[5:],
- 'output': [" - skipping size limit check",
- " - skipping exclude filenames check"
- ]
- },
- # test filenames_limit trip
- { 'test': 'filenames_limit',
- 'params': (0, 0, self.test_excludes['filenames']),
- 'results': FILES[:1] + FILES[2:],
- 'output': [" - skipping size limit check",
- " - skipping time limit check",
- ]
- }
- ]
- self.testwork = TestDisfiles()
- self.testwork.setUp()
- self.workdir = self.testwork.workdir
- self.target_class = DistLimits() #DistCheckLimits()
- self.output = OutputSimulator(self.callback)
- self.target_class.output = self.output
- self.callback_data = []
- self.test_index = 0
- def tearDown(self):
- self.testwork.tearDown()
- #pass
- def get_test(self, num):
- return self.testdata[num]
- def callback(self, id, data):
- self.callback_data.append(data)
- def set_limits(self, test):
- limit = {}
- #set is_reg always to testdata[0]
- t1 = self.testdata[0]
- limit[t1['test']] = {}
- name = test['test']
- limit[name] = {}
- limits = test['limits']
- for i in range(6):
- file = self.testwork.files[i]
- limits = test['limits']
- limit[t1['test']][file] = t1['limits'][i]
- if name != t1['test']:
- limit[name][file] = limits[i]
- return limit
- def test_check_limits(self):
- """Testing DistfilesSearch._check_limits()"""
- # pass in output=self.output.einfo
- self.target_class.output = self.output.einfo
- run_callbacks = []
- run_results = []
- print()
- # run the tests
- for i in range(4):
- clean_me = {}
- test = self.get_test(i)
- #print("test =", test['test'])
- if not test:
- print("Error getting test data for index:", i)
- #self.target_class.set_data(self.set_limits(test))
- size_chk, time_chk, exclude = test["params"]
- checks = self.target_class._get_default_checks(size_chk, time_chk, exclude, False)
- clean_me = self.target_class._check_limits(self.workdir, checks, clean_me)
- results = sorted(clean_me)
- run_results.append(results)
- self.callback_data.sort()
- run_callbacks.append(self.callback_data)
- self.callback_data = []
- results = None
- # check results
- for i in range(4):
- test = self.get_test(i)
- print("test =", test['test'])
- if not test:
- print("Error getting test data for index:", i)
- test['results'].sort()
- #print("actual=", run_results[i])
- #print("should-be=", test['results'])
- self.assertEqual(run_results[i], test["results"],
- "/ntest_check_limits, test# %d, test=%s, diff=%s"
- %(i, test['test'], str(set(run_results[i]).difference(test['results'])))
- )
- test['output'].sort()
- self.assertEqual(run_callbacks[i], test['output'])
+ """Test the eclean.search.DistfilesSearch._check_limits() group.
+ it will test [ _get_default_checks(), _check_limits(),
+ _isreg_check_(), _size_check_(), _time_check_(), _filenames_check_()]
+ """
+ test_excludes = {
+ "blank": {},
+ "filenames": {
+ "filenames": {
+ "help2man-1.37.1.tar.gz": re.compile(r"help2man-1\.37\.1\.tar\.gz")
+ }
+ },
+ }
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.testdata = [
+ # test is_reg_limit alone, will give a base clean_me
+ {
+ "test": "is_reg_limit",
+ "params": (0, 0, self.test_excludes["blank"]),
+ "results": FILES[:],
+ "output": [
+ " - skipping size limit check",
+ " - skipping time limit check",
+ " - skipping exclude filenames check",
+ ],
+ },
+ # test size_limit trip
+ {
+ "test": "size_limit",
+ "params": (1024000, 0, self.test_excludes["blank"]),
+ "results": FILES[:3] + FILES[4:],
+ "output": [
+ " - skipping time limit check",
+ " - skipping exclude filenames check",
+ ],
+ },
+ # test time_limit trip
+ {
+ "test": "time_limit",
+ "params": (0, 1112671872, self.test_excludes["blank"]),
+ "results": [FILES[4]], # + FILES[5:],
+ "output": [
+ " - skipping size limit check",
+ " - skipping exclude filenames check",
+ ],
+ },
+ # test filenames_limit trip
+ {
+ "test": "filenames_limit",
+ "params": (0, 0, self.test_excludes["filenames"]),
+ "results": FILES[:1] + FILES[2:],
+ "output": [
+ " - skipping size limit check",
+ " - skipping time limit check",
+ ],
+ },
+ ]
+ self.testwork = TestDisfiles()
+ self.testwork.setUp()
+ self.workdir = self.testwork.workdir
+ self.target_class = DistLimits() # DistCheckLimits()
+ self.output = OutputSimulator(self.callback)
+ self.target_class.output = self.output
+ self.callback_data = []
+ self.test_index = 0
+ def tearDown(self):
+ self.testwork.tearDown()
+ # pass
+ def get_test(self, num):
+ return self.testdata[num]
+ def callback(self, id, data):
+ self.callback_data.append(data)
+ def set_limits(self, test):
+ limit = {}
+ # set is_reg always to testdata[0]
+ t1 = self.testdata[0]
+ limit[t1["test"]] = {}
+ name = test["test"]
+ limit[name] = {}
+ limits = test["limits"]
+ for i in range(6):
+ file = self.testwork.files[i]
+ limits = test["limits"]
+ limit[t1["test"]][file] = t1["limits"][i]
+ if name != t1["test"]:
+ limit[name][file] = limits[i]
+ return limit
+ def test_check_limits(self):
+ """Testing DistfilesSearch._check_limits()"""
+ # pass in output=self.output.einfo
+ self.target_class.output = self.output.einfo
+ run_callbacks = []
+ run_results = []
+ print()
+ # run the tests
+ for i in range(4):
+ clean_me = {}
+ test = self.get_test(i)
+ # print("test =", test['test'])
+ if not test:
+ print("Error getting test data for index:", i)
+ # self.target_class.set_data(self.set_limits(test))
+ size_chk, time_chk, exclude = test["params"]
+ checks = self.target_class._get_default_checks(
+ size_chk, time_chk, exclude, False
+ )
+ clean_me = self.target_class._check_limits(self.workdir, checks, clean_me)
+ results = sorted(clean_me)
+ run_results.append(results)
+ self.callback_data.sort()
+ run_callbacks.append(self.callback_data)
+ self.callback_data = []
+ results = None
+ # check results
+ for i in range(4):
+ test = self.get_test(i)
+ print("test =", test["test"])
+ if not test:
+ print("Error getting test data for index:", i)
+ test["results"].sort()
+ # print("actual=", run_results[i])
+ # print("should-be=", test['results'])
+ self.assertEqual(
+ run_results[i],
+ test["results"],
+ "/ntest_check_limits, test# %d, test=%s, diff=%s"
+ % (
+ i,
+ test["test"],
+ str(set(run_results[i]).difference(test["results"])),
+ ),
+ )
+ test["output"].sort()
+ self.assertEqual(run_callbacks[i], test["output"])
class TestFetchRestricted(unittest.TestCase):
- """Tests eclean.search.DistfilesSearch._fetch_restricted and _unrestricted
- functions
- """
- def setUp(self):
- self.vardb = Dbapi(cp_all=[], cpv_all=CPVS,
- props=PROPS, cp_list=[], name="FAKE VARDB")
- self.portdb = Dbapi(cp_all=[], cpv_all=CPVS[:4],
- props=get_props(CPVS[:4]), cp_list=[], name="FAKE PORTDB")
- # set a fetch restricted pkg
- self.portdb._props[CPVS[0]]["RESTRICT"] = 'fetch'
- self.callback_data = []
- self.output = self.output = OutputSimulator(self.callback)
- self.target_class = DistfilesSearch(self.output.einfo, self.portdb, self.vardb)
- self.target_class.portdb = self.portdb
- self.target_class.portdb = self.portdb
- self.results = {}
- self.testdata = {
- 'fetch_restricted1':{
- 'deprecated':
- {'app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-baselibs-20100220': 'mirror://gentoo/emul-linux-x86-baselibs-20100220.tar.gz'
- },
- 'pkgs':
- {'sys-auth/consolekit-0.4.1': 'http://www.freedesktop.org/software/ConsoleKit/dist/ConsoleKit-0.4.1.tar.bz2'
- },
- 'output': [
- '!!! "Deprecation Warning: Installed package: app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-baselibs-20100220\n\tIs no longer in the tree or an installed overlay\n'
- ]
- },
- 'fetch_restricted2':{
- 'deprecated':
- {'app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-baselibs-20100220': 'mirror://gentoo/emul-linux-x86-baselibs-20100220.tar.gz'
- },
- 'pkgs':
- {'sys-auth/consolekit-0.4.1': 'http://www.freedesktop.org/software/ConsoleKit/dist/ConsoleKit-0.4.1.tar.bz2'
- },
- 'output': [
- '!!! "Deprecation Warning: Installed package: app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-baselibs-20100220\n\tIs no longer in the tree or an installed overlay\n',
- ' - Key Error looking up: app-portage/deprecated-pkg-1.0.0'
- ]
- },
- 'unrestricted1':{
- 'deprecated':{
- 'app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-baselibs-20100220': 'mirror://gentoo/emul-linux-x86-baselibs-20100220.tar.gz'
- },
- 'pkgs': {
- 'sys-apps/devicekit-power-014': 'http://hal.freedesktop.org/releases/DeviceKit-power-014.tar.gz',
- 'sys-apps/help2man-1.37.1': 'mirror://gnu/help2man/help2man-1.37.1.tar.gz',
- 'sys-auth/consolekit-0.4.1': 'http://www.freedesktop.org/software/ConsoleKit/dist/ConsoleKit-0.4.1.tar.bz2',
- 'app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-baselibs-20100220': 'mirror://gentoo/emul-linux-x86-baselibs-20100220.tar.gz',
- 'media-libs/sdl-pango-0.1.2': 'mirror://sourceforge/sdlpango/SDL_Pango-0.1.2.tar.gz http://zarb.org/~gc/t/SDL_Pango-0.1.2-API-adds.patch'
- },
- 'output': [
- '!!! "Deprecation Warning: Installed package: app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-baselibs-20100220\n\tIs no longer in the tree or an installed overlay\n',
- ]
- },
- 'unrestricted2':{
- 'deprecated':{
- 'app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-baselibs-20100220': 'mirror://gentoo/emul-linux-x86-baselibs-20100220.tar.gz'
- },
- 'pkgs': {
- 'sys-apps/devicekit-power-014': 'http://hal.freedesktop.org/releases/DeviceKit-power-014.tar.gz',
- 'sys-apps/help2man-1.37.1': 'mirror://gnu/help2man/help2man-1.37.1.tar.gz',
- 'sys-auth/consolekit-0.4.1': 'http://www.freedesktop.org/software/ConsoleKit/dist/ConsoleKit-0.4.1.tar.bz2',
- 'app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-baselibs-20100220': 'mirror://gentoo/emul-linux-x86-baselibs-20100220.tar.gz',
- 'media-libs/sdl-pango-0.1.2': 'mirror://sourceforge/sdlpango/SDL_Pango-0.1.2.tar.gz http://zarb.org/~gc/t/SDL_Pango-0.1.2-API-adds.patch'
- },
- 'output': [
- '!!! "Deprecation Warning: Installed package: app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-baselibs-20100220\n\tIs no longer in the tree or an installed overlay\n',
- ' - Key Error looking up: app-portage/deprecated-pkg-1.0.0'
- ]
- }
- }
- def callback(self, id, data):
- self.callback_data.append(data)
- def test__fetch_restricted(self):
- self.results = {}
- pkgs, deprecated = self.target_class._fetch_restricted(None, CPVS)
- self.record_results('fetch_restricted1', pkgs, deprecated)
- self.callback_data = []
- cpvs = CPVS[:]
- cpvs.append('app-portage/deprecated-pkg-1.0.0')
- pkgs, deprecated = self.target_class._fetch_restricted(None, cpvs)
- self.record_results('fetch_restricted2', pkgs, deprecated)
- self.check_results("test_fetch_restricted")
- def test_unrestricted(self):
- self.results = {}
- pkgs, deprecated = self.target_class._unrestricted(None, CPVS)
- self.record_results('unrestricted1', pkgs, deprecated)
- self.callback_data = []
- cpvs = CPVS[:]
- cpvs.append('app-portage/deprecated-pkg-1.0.0')
- pkgs, deprecated = self.target_class._unrestricted(None, cpvs)
- self.record_results('unrestricted2', pkgs, deprecated)
- self.check_results("test_unrestricted")
- def check_results(self, test_name):
- print("\nChecking results for %s,............" %test_name)
- for key in sorted(self.results):
- testdata = self.testdata[key]
- results = self.results[key]
- for item in sorted(testdata):
- if sorted(results[item]) == sorted(testdata[item]):
- test = "OK"
- else:
- test = "FAILED"
- print("comparing %s, %s" %(key, item), test)
- self.assertEqual(sorted(testdata[item]), sorted(results[item]),
- "\n%s: %s %s data does not match\nresult=" %(test_name, key, item) +\
- str(results[item]) + "\ntestdata=" + str(testdata[item]))
- def record_results(self, test, pkgs, deprecated):
- self.results[test] = {'pkgs': pkgs,
- 'deprecated': deprecated,
- 'output': self.callback_data
- }
- def tearDown(self):
- del self.portdb, self.vardb
+ """Tests eclean.search.DistfilesSearch._fetch_restricted and _unrestricted
+ functions
+ """
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.vardb = Dbapi(
+ cp_all=[], cpv_all=CPVS, props=PROPS, cp_list=[], name="FAKE VARDB"
+ )
+ self.portdb = Dbapi(
+ cp_all=[],
+ cpv_all=CPVS[:4],
+ props=get_props(CPVS[:4]),
+ cp_list=[],
+ name="FAKE PORTDB",
+ )
+ # set a fetch restricted pkg
+ self.portdb._props[CPVS[0]]["RESTRICT"] = "fetch"
+ self.callback_data = []
+ self.output = self.output = OutputSimulator(self.callback)
+ self.target_class = DistfilesSearch(self.output.einfo, self.portdb, self.vardb)
+ self.target_class.portdb = self.portdb
+ self.target_class.portdb = self.portdb
+ self.results = {}
+ self.testdata = {
+ "fetch_restricted1": {
+ "deprecated": {
+ "app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-baselibs-20100220": "mirror://gentoo/emul-linux-x86-baselibs-20100220.tar.gz"
+ },
+ "pkgs": {
+ "sys-auth/consolekit-0.4.1": "http://www.freedesktop.org/software/ConsoleKit/dist/ConsoleKit-0.4.1.tar.bz2"
+ },
+ "output": [
+ '!!! "Deprecation Warning: Installed package: app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-baselibs-20100220\n\tIs no longer in the tree or an installed overlay\n'
+ ],
+ },
+ "fetch_restricted2": {
+ "deprecated": {
+ "app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-baselibs-20100220": "mirror://gentoo/emul-linux-x86-baselibs-20100220.tar.gz"
+ },
+ "pkgs": {
+ "sys-auth/consolekit-0.4.1": "http://www.freedesktop.org/software/ConsoleKit/dist/ConsoleKit-0.4.1.tar.bz2"
+ },
+ "output": [
+ '!!! "Deprecation Warning: Installed package: app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-baselibs-20100220\n\tIs no longer in the tree or an installed overlay\n',
+ " - Key Error looking up: app-portage/deprecated-pkg-1.0.0",
+ ],
+ },
+ "unrestricted1": {
+ "deprecated": {
+ "app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-baselibs-20100220": "mirror://gentoo/emul-linux-x86-baselibs-20100220.tar.gz"
+ },
+ "pkgs": {
+ "sys-apps/devicekit-power-014": "http://hal.freedesktop.org/releases/DeviceKit-power-014.tar.gz",
+ "sys-apps/help2man-1.37.1": "mirror://gnu/help2man/help2man-1.37.1.tar.gz",
+ "sys-auth/consolekit-0.4.1": "http://www.freedesktop.org/software/ConsoleKit/dist/ConsoleKit-0.4.1.tar.bz2",
+ "app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-baselibs-20100220": "mirror://gentoo/emul-linux-x86-baselibs-20100220.tar.gz",
+ "media-libs/sdl-pango-0.1.2": "mirror://sourceforge/sdlpango/SDL_Pango-0.1.2.tar.gz http://zarb.org/~gc/t/SDL_Pango-0.1.2-API-adds.patch",
+ },
+ "output": [
+ '!!! "Deprecation Warning: Installed package: app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-baselibs-20100220\n\tIs no longer in the tree or an installed overlay\n',
+ ],
+ },
+ "unrestricted2": {
+ "deprecated": {
+ "app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-baselibs-20100220": "mirror://gentoo/emul-linux-x86-baselibs-20100220.tar.gz"
+ },
+ "pkgs": {
+ "sys-apps/devicekit-power-014": "http://hal.freedesktop.org/releases/DeviceKit-power-014.tar.gz",
+ "sys-apps/help2man-1.37.1": "mirror://gnu/help2man/help2man-1.37.1.tar.gz",
+ "sys-auth/consolekit-0.4.1": "http://www.freedesktop.org/software/ConsoleKit/dist/ConsoleKit-0.4.1.tar.bz2",
+ "app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-baselibs-20100220": "mirror://gentoo/emul-linux-x86-baselibs-20100220.tar.gz",
+ "media-libs/sdl-pango-0.1.2": "mirror://sourceforge/sdlpango/SDL_Pango-0.1.2.tar.gz http://zarb.org/~gc/t/SDL_Pango-0.1.2-API-adds.patch",
+ },
+ "output": [
+ '!!! "Deprecation Warning: Installed package: app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-baselibs-20100220\n\tIs no longer in the tree or an installed overlay\n',
+ " - Key Error looking up: app-portage/deprecated-pkg-1.0.0",
+ ],
+ },
+ }
+ def callback(self, id, data):
+ self.callback_data.append(data)
+ def test__fetch_restricted(self):
+ self.results = {}
+ pkgs, deprecated = self.target_class._fetch_restricted(None, CPVS)
+ self.record_results("fetch_restricted1", pkgs, deprecated)
+ self.callback_data = []
+ cpvs = CPVS[:]
+ cpvs.append("app-portage/deprecated-pkg-1.0.0")
+ pkgs, deprecated = self.target_class._fetch_restricted(None, cpvs)
+ self.record_results("fetch_restricted2", pkgs, deprecated)
+ self.check_results("test_fetch_restricted")
+ def test_unrestricted(self):
+ self.results = {}
+ pkgs, deprecated = self.target_class._unrestricted(None, CPVS)
+ self.record_results("unrestricted1", pkgs, deprecated)
+ self.callback_data = []
+ cpvs = CPVS[:]
+ cpvs.append("app-portage/deprecated-pkg-1.0.0")
+ pkgs, deprecated = self.target_class._unrestricted(None, cpvs)
+ self.record_results("unrestricted2", pkgs, deprecated)
+ self.check_results("test_unrestricted")
+ def check_results(self, test_name):
+ print("\nChecking results for %s,............" % test_name)
+ for key in sorted(self.results):
+ testdata = self.testdata[key]
+ results = self.results[key]
+ for item in sorted(testdata):
+ if sorted(results[item]) == sorted(testdata[item]):
+ test = "OK"
+ else:
+ test = "FAILED"
+ print(f"comparing {key}, {item}", test)
+ self.assertEqual(
+ sorted(testdata[item]),
+ sorted(results[item]),
+ "\n{}: {} {} data does not match\nresult=".format(
+ test_name, key, item
+ )
+ + str(results[item])
+ + "\ntestdata="
+ + str(testdata[item]),
+ )
+ def record_results(self, test, pkgs, deprecated):
+ self.results[test] = {
+ "pkgs": pkgs,
+ "deprecated": deprecated,
+ "output": self.callback_data,
+ }
+ def tearDown(self):
+ del self.portdb, self.vardb
class TestNonDestructive(unittest.TestCase):
- """Tests eclean.search.DistfilesSearch._non_destructive and _destructive
- functions, with addition useage tests of fetch_restricted() and _unrestricted()
- """
- def setUp(self):
- self.vardb = Dbapi(cp_all=[], cpv_all=CPVS,
- props=PROPS, cp_list=[], name="FAKE VARDB")
- self.portdb = Dbapi(cp_all=[], cpv_all=CPVS[:4],
- props=get_props(CPVS[:4]), cp_list=[], name="FAKE PORTDB")
- print(self.portdb)
- # set a fetch restricted pkg
- self.portdb._props[CPVS[0]]["RESTRICT"] = 'fetch'
- self.callback_data = []
- self.output = OutputSimulator(self.callback)
- self.target_class = DistfilesSearch(self.output.einfo, self.portdb, self.vardb)
- search.exclDictExpand = self.exclDictExpand
- self.exclude = parseExcludeFile(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), 'distfiles.exclude'), self.output.einfo)
- #print(self.callback_data)
- #print(self.exclude)
- self.callback_data = []
- self.results = {}
- self.testdata = {
- 'non_destructive1':{
- 'deprecated':
- {'app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-baselibs-20100220': 'mirror://gentoo/emul-linux-x86-baselibs-20100220.tar.gz'
- },
- 'pkgs': {
- 'sys-auth/consolekit-0.4.1': 'http://www.freedesktop.org/software/ConsoleKit/dist/ConsoleKit-0.4.1.tar.bz2',
- 'sys-apps/help2man-1.37.1': 'mirror://gnu/help2man/help2man-1.37.1.tar.gz',
- 'sys-apps/devicekit-power-014': 'http://hal.freedesktop.org/releases/DeviceKit-power-014.tar.gz',
- 'app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-baselibs-20100220': 'mirror://gentoo/emul-linux-x86-baselibs-20100220.tar.gz',
- 'media-libs/sdl-pango-0.1.2': 'mirror://sourceforge/sdlpango/SDL_Pango-0.1.2.tar.gz http://zarb.org/~gc/t/SDL_Pango-0.1.2-API-adds.patch'
- },
- 'output': [
- ' - getting complete ebuild list',
- ' - getting source file names for 5 ebuilds',
- '!!! "Deprecation Warning: Installed package: app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-baselibs-20100220\n\tIs no longer in the tree or an installed overlay\n'
- ]
- },
- 'non_destructive2':{
- 'deprecated': {
- },
- 'pkgs': {
- 'sys-apps/devicekit-power-014': 'http://hal.freedesktop.org/releases/DeviceKit-power-014.tar.gz',
- 'sys-auth/consolekit-0.4.1': 'http://www.freedesktop.org/software/ConsoleKit/dist/ConsoleKit-0.4.1.tar.bz2',
- 'media-libs/sdl-pango-0.1.2': 'mirror://sourceforge/sdlpango/SDL_Pango-0.1.2.tar.gz http://zarb.org/~gc/t/SDL_Pango-0.1.2-API-adds.patch'
- },
- 'output': [
- ' - getting complete ebuild list',
- ' - getting source file names for 3 installed ebuilds',
- ' - getting fetch-restricted source file names for 2 remaining ebuilds'
- ]
- },
- 'non_destructive3':{
- 'deprecated':{
- },
- 'pkgs': {
- 'sys-apps/devicekit-power-014': 'http://hal.freedesktop.org/releases/DeviceKit-power-014.tar.gz',
- 'sys-auth/consolekit-0.4.1': 'http://www.freedesktop.org/software/ConsoleKit/dist/ConsoleKit-0.4.1.tar.bz2',
- 'app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-baselibs-20100220': 'mirror://gentoo/emul-linux-x86-baselibs-20100220.tar.gz',
- },
- 'output': [
- ' - getting complete ebuild list',
- ' - getting source file names for 2 installed ebuilds',
- ' - getting fetch-restricted source file names for 3 remaining ebuilds'
- ]
- },
- 'destructive1':{
- 'deprecated':{
- 'app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-baselibs-20100220': 'mirror://gentoo/emul-linux-x86-baselibs-20100220.tar.gz'
- },
- 'pkgs': {
- 'sys-apps/devicekit-power-014': 'http://hal.freedesktop.org/releases/DeviceKit-power-014.tar.gz',
- 'sys-apps/help2man-1.37.1': 'mirror://gnu/help2man/help2man-1.37.1.tar.gz',
- 'sys-auth/consolekit-0.4.1': 'http://www.freedesktop.org/software/ConsoleKit/dist/ConsoleKit-0.4.1.tar.bz2',
- 'app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-baselibs-20100220': 'mirror://gentoo/emul-linux-x86-baselibs-20100220.tar.gz',
- 'media-libs/sdl-pango-0.1.2': 'mirror://sourceforge/sdlpango/SDL_Pango-0.1.2.tar.gz http://zarb.org/~gc/t/SDL_Pango-0.1.2-API-adds.patch'
- },
- 'output': [
- ' - processing 5 installed ebuilds', ' - processing excluded',
- ' - (5 of 0 total) additional excluded packages to get source filenames for',
- '!!! "Deprecation Warning: Installed package: app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-baselibs-20100220\n\tIs no longer in the tree or an installed overlay\n'
- ]
- },
- 'destructive2':{
- 'deprecated':{
- },
- 'pkgs': {
- },
- 'output': [
- ' - processing 0 installed packages',
- ' - processing excluded', ' - (0 of 0 total) additional excluded packages to get source filenames for'
- ]
- },
- 'destructive3':{
- 'deprecated':{
- },
- 'pkgs': {
- 'app-portage/gentoolkit-0.3.0_rc8-r1': 'mirror://gentoo/gentoolkit-0.3.0_rc8.tar.gz http://dev.gentoo.org/~fuzzyray/distfiles/gentoolkit-0.3.0_rc8.tar.gz',
- 'sys-apps/devicekit-power-014': 'http://hal.freedesktop.org/releases/DeviceKit-power-014.tar.gz',
- 'app-portage/gentoolkit-0.3.0_rc8': 'mirror://gentoo/gentoolkit-0.3.0_rc8.tar.gz http://dev.gentoo.org/~fuzzyray/distfiles/gentoolkit-0.3.0_rc8.tar.gz',
- 'app-portage/gentoolkit-': 'mirror://gentoo/gentoolkit- http://dev.gentoo.org/~fuzzyray/distfiles/gentoolkit-',
- 'app-portage/gentoolkit-0.3.0_rc7': 'mirror://gentoo/gentoolkit-0.3.0_rc7.tar.gz http://dev.gentoo.org/~fuzzyray/distfiles/gentoolkit-0.3.0_rc7.tar.gz',
- 'app-portage/gentoolkit-': 'mirror://gentoo/gentoolkit- http://dev.gentoo.org/~fuzzyray/distfiles/gentoolkit-',
- 'app-portage/eix-0.19.2': 'mirror://sourceforge/eix/eix-0.19.2.tar.xz',
- 'app-portage/gentoolkit-': 'mirror://gentoo/gentoolkit- http://dev.gentoo.org/~fuzzyray/distfiles/gentoolkit-',
- 'app-portage/gentoolkit-0.3.0_rc9': 'mirror://gentoo/gentoolkit-0.3.0_rc9.tar.gz http://dev.gentoo.org/~fuzzyray/distfiles/gentoolkit-0.3.0_rc9.tar.gz',
- 'app-portage/eix-0.20.1': 'mirror://sourceforge/eix/eix-0.20.1.tar.xz',
- 'app-portage/eix-0.20.2': 'mirror://berlios/eix/eix-0.20.2.tar.xz'
- },
- 'output': [
- ' - processing excluded',
- ' - (10 of 10 total) additional excluded packages to get source filenames for'
- ]
- },
- 'destructive4':{
- 'deprecated':{
- },
- 'pkgs': {
- 'sys-auth/consolekit-0.4.1':
- 'http://www.freedesktop.org/software/ConsoleKit/dist/ConsoleKit-0.4.1.tar.bz2',
- 'sys-apps/devicekit-power-014':
- 'http://hal.freedesktop.org/releases/DeviceKit-power-014.tar.gz',
- 'media-libs/sdl-pango-0.1.2':
- 'mirror://sourceforge/sdlpango/SDL_Pango-0.1.2.tar.gz http://zarb.org/~gc/t/SDL_Pango-0.1.2-API-adds.patch'
- },
- 'output': [
- ' - processing 3 installed ebuilds',
- ' - processing excluded',
- ' - (3 of 0 total) additional excluded packages to get source filenames for'
- ]
- },
- 'destructive5':{
- 'deprecated':{
- },
- 'pkgs': {
- 'x11-base/xorg-server-1.7.5': 'http://xorg.freedesktop.org/releases/individual/xserver/xorg-server-1.7.5.tar.bz2',
- 'app-portage/gentoolkit-0.3.0_rc8-r1': 'mirror://gentoo/gentoolkit-0.3.0_rc8.tar.gz http://dev.gentoo.org/~fuzzyray/distfiles/gentoolkit-0.3.0_rc8.tar.gz',
- 'sys-apps/devicekit-power-014': 'http://hal.freedesktop.org/releases/DeviceKit-power-014.tar.gz',
- 'x11-misc/util-macros-1.6.0': 'http://xorg.freedesktop.org/releases/individual/util/util-macros-1.6.0.tar.bz2',
- 'app-portage/eix-0.19.2': 'mirror://sourceforge/eix/eix-0.19.2.tar.xz',
- 'app-portage/gentoolkit-0.3.0_rc8': 'mirror://gentoo/gentoolkit-0.3.0_rc8.tar.gz http://dev.gentoo.org/~fuzzyray/distfiles/gentoolkit-0.3.0_rc8.tar.gz',
- 'app-portage/gentoolkit-': 'mirror://gentoo/gentoolkit- http://dev.gentoo.org/~fuzzyray/distfiles/gentoolkit-',
- 'app-portage/gentoolkit-0.3.0_rc7': 'mirror://gentoo/gentoolkit-0.3.0_rc7.tar.gz http://dev.gentoo.org/~fuzzyray/distfiles/gentoolkit-0.3.0_rc7.tar.gz',
- 'sys-auth/consolekit-0.4.1': 'http://www.freedesktop.org/software/ConsoleKit/dist/ConsoleKit-0.4.1.tar.bz2',
- 'app-portage/gentoolkit-': 'mirror://gentoo/gentoolkit- http://dev.gentoo.org/~fuzzyray/distfiles/gentoolkit-',
- 'media-libs/sdl-pango-0.1.2': 'mirror://sourceforge/sdlpango/SDL_Pango-0.1.2.tar.gz http://zarb.org/~gc/t/SDL_Pango-0.1.2-API-adds.patch',
- 'x11-libs/pixman-0.16.4': 'http://xorg.freedesktop.org/releases/individual/lib/pixman-0.16.4.tar.bz2',
- 'app-portage/gentoolkit-': 'mirror://gentoo/gentoolkit- http://dev.gentoo.org/~fuzzyray/distfiles/gentoolkit-',
- 'app-portage/gentoolkit-0.3.0_rc9': 'mirror://gentoo/gentoolkit-0.3.0_rc9.tar.gz http://dev.gentoo.org/~fuzzyray/distfiles/gentoolkit-0.3.0_rc9.tar.gz',
- 'app-portage/eix-0.20.1': 'mirror://sourceforge/eix/eix-0.20.1.tar.xz',
- 'app-portage/eix-0.20.2': 'mirror://berlios/eix/eix-0.20.2.tar.xz'
- },
- 'output': [
- ' - processing 6 installed ebuilds',
- ' - processing excluded',
- ' - (16 of 10 total) additional excluded packages to get source filenames for'
- ]
- }
- }
- def callback(self, id, data):
- self.callback_data.append(data)
- def exclDictExpand(self, exclude):
- #print("Using Fake Testing exclDictExpand()")
- return [
- #'app-portage/layman',
- 'app-portage/eix',
- 'app-portage/gentoolkit',
- #app-portage/portage-utils',
- ]
- def test_non_destructive(self):
- self.results = {}
- pkgs, deprecated = self.target_class._non_destructive(destructive=False,
- fetch_restricted=False, pkgs_=None)
- self.record_results('non_destructive1', pkgs, deprecated)
- pkgs = None
- deprecated = None
- self.callback_data = []
- self.vardb._cpv_all=CPVS[:3]
- self.vardb._props=get_props(CPVS[:3])
- self.portdb._cpv_all=CPVS[:]
- self.portdb._props=get_props(CPVS)
- self.target_class.installed_cpvs = None
- pkgs, deprecated = self.target_class._non_destructive(destructive=True,
- fetch_restricted=True, pkgs_=None)
- self.record_results('non_destructive2', pkgs, deprecated)
- pkgs = None
- deprecated = None
- self.callback_data = []
- self.vardb._cpv_all=CPVS[:2]
- self.vardb._props=get_props(CPVS[:2])
- self.portdb._cpv_all=CPVS[:]
- self.portdb._props=get_props(CPVS)
- # set a fetch restricted pkg
- self.portdb._props[CPVS[4]]["RESTRICT"] = 'fetch'
- pkgs = {'sys-apps/devicekit-power-014': 'http://hal.freedesktop.org/releases/DeviceKit-power-014.tar.gz'}
- pkgs, deprecated = self.target_class._non_destructive(destructive=True,
- fetch_restricted=True, pkgs_=pkgs)
- self.record_results('non_destructive3', pkgs, deprecated)
- self.check_results("test_non_destructive")
- def check_results(self, test_name):
- print("\nChecking results for %s,............" %test_name)
- for key in sorted(self.results):
- testdata = self.testdata[key]
- results = self.results[key]
- for item in sorted(testdata):
- if sorted(results[item]) == sorted(testdata[item]):
- test = "OK"
- else:
- test = "FAILED"
- print("comparing %s, %s..." %(key, item), test)
- if test == "FAILED":
- print("", sorted(results[item]), "\n", sorted(testdata[item]))
- self.assertEqual(sorted(testdata[item]), sorted(results[item]),
- "\n%s: %s, %s data does not match\n"
- %(test_name, key, item) + \
- "result=" + str(results[item]) + "\ntestdata=" + str(testdata[item])
- )
- def record_results(self, test, pkgs, deprecated):
- self.results[test] = {'pkgs': pkgs,
- 'deprecated': deprecated,
- 'output': self.callback_data
- }
- def test_destructive(self):
- self.results = {}
- pkgs, deprecated = self.target_class._destructive(package_names=False,
- exclude={}, pkgs_=None, installed_included=False )
- self.record_results('destructive1', pkgs, deprecated)
- self.callback_data = []
- self.vardb._cpv_all=CPVS[:3]
- self.vardb._props=get_props(CPVS[:3])
- self.portdb._cpv_all=CPVS[:]
- self.portdb._props=get_props(CPVS)
- pkgs, deprecated = self.target_class._destructive(package_names=True,
- exclude={}, pkgs_=None, installed_included=False )
- self.record_results('destructive2', pkgs, deprecated)
- self.callback_data = []
- cpvs = CPVS[2:4]
- cpvs.extend(CPVS3)
- self.vardb._cpv_all=sorted(cpvs)
- self.vardb._props= PROPS.update(get_props(CPVS3))
- self.portdb._cpv_all=sorted(CPVS + CPVS2)
- self.portdb._props=get_props(CPVS+CPVS2)
- # set a fetch restricted pkg
- self.portdb._props[CPVS[4]]["RESTRICT"] = 'fetch'
- pkgs = {'sys-apps/devicekit-power-014': 'http://hal.freedesktop.org/releases/DeviceKit-power-014.tar.gz'}
- pkgs, deprecated = self.target_class._destructive(package_names=True,
- exclude={}, pkgs_=pkgs, installed_included=True )
- self.record_results('destructive3', pkgs, deprecated)
- self.callback_data = []
- self.vardb._cpv_all=CPVS[:3]
- self.vardb._props=get_props(CPVS[:3])
- self.portdb._cpv_all=CPVS[:]
- self.portdb._props=get_props(CPVS)
- pkgs, deprecated = self.target_class._destructive(package_names=False,
- exclude=self.exclude, pkgs_=None, installed_included=False )
- self.record_results('destructive4', pkgs, deprecated)
- self.check_results("test_destructive")
- self.callback_data = []
- self.vardb._cpv_all=CPVS[:3]
- self.vardb._cpv_all.extend(CPVS3)
- self.vardb._props=get_props(self.vardb._cpv_all)
- self.portdb._cpv_all=CPVS2
- #self.portdb._cpv_all.extend(CPVS2)
- self.portdb._props=PROPS
- pkgs, deprecated = self.target_class._destructive(package_names=False,
- exclude=self.exclude, pkgs_=None, installed_included=False )
- self.record_results('destructive5', pkgs, deprecated)
- self.check_results("test_destructive")
- def tearDown(self):
- del self.portdb, self.vardb
+ """Tests eclean.search.DistfilesSearch._non_destructive and _destructive
+ functions, with addition useage tests of fetch_restricted() and _unrestricted()
+ """
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.vardb = Dbapi(
+ cp_all=[], cpv_all=CPVS, props=PROPS, cp_list=[], name="FAKE VARDB"
+ )
+ self.portdb = Dbapi(
+ cp_all=[],
+ cpv_all=CPVS[:4],
+ props=get_props(CPVS[:4]),
+ cp_list=[],
+ name="FAKE PORTDB",
+ )
+ print(self.portdb)
+ # set a fetch restricted pkg
+ self.portdb._props[CPVS[0]]["RESTRICT"] = "fetch"
+ self.callback_data = []
+ self.output = OutputSimulator(self.callback)
+ self.target_class = DistfilesSearch(self.output.einfo, self.portdb, self.vardb)
+ search.exclDictExpand = self.exclDictExpand
+ self.exclude = parseExcludeFile(
+ os.path.join(
+ os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), "distfiles.exclude"
+ ),
+ self.output.einfo,
+ )
+ # print(self.callback_data)
+ # print(self.exclude)
+ self.callback_data = []
+ self.results = {}
+ self.testdata = {
+ "non_destructive1": {
+ "deprecated": {
+ "app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-baselibs-20100220": "mirror://gentoo/emul-linux-x86-baselibs-20100220.tar.gz"
+ },
+ "pkgs": {
+ "sys-auth/consolekit-0.4.1": "http://www.freedesktop.org/software/ConsoleKit/dist/ConsoleKit-0.4.1.tar.bz2",
+ "sys-apps/help2man-1.37.1": "mirror://gnu/help2man/help2man-1.37.1.tar.gz",
+ "sys-apps/devicekit-power-014": "http://hal.freedesktop.org/releases/DeviceKit-power-014.tar.gz",
+ "app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-baselibs-20100220": "mirror://gentoo/emul-linux-x86-baselibs-20100220.tar.gz",
+ "media-libs/sdl-pango-0.1.2": "mirror://sourceforge/sdlpango/SDL_Pango-0.1.2.tar.gz http://zarb.org/~gc/t/SDL_Pango-0.1.2-API-adds.patch",
+ },
+ "output": [
+ " - getting complete ebuild list",
+ " - getting source file names for 5 ebuilds",
+ '!!! "Deprecation Warning: Installed package: app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-baselibs-20100220\n\tIs no longer in the tree or an installed overlay\n',
+ ],
+ },
+ "non_destructive2": {
+ "deprecated": {},
+ "pkgs": {
+ "sys-apps/devicekit-power-014": "http://hal.freedesktop.org/releases/DeviceKit-power-014.tar.gz",
+ "sys-auth/consolekit-0.4.1": "http://www.freedesktop.org/software/ConsoleKit/dist/ConsoleKit-0.4.1.tar.bz2",
+ "media-libs/sdl-pango-0.1.2": "mirror://sourceforge/sdlpango/SDL_Pango-0.1.2.tar.gz http://zarb.org/~gc/t/SDL_Pango-0.1.2-API-adds.patch",
+ },
+ "output": [
+ " - getting complete ebuild list",
+ " - getting source file names for 3 installed ebuilds",
+ " - getting fetch-restricted source file names for 2 remaining ebuilds",
+ ],
+ },
+ "non_destructive3": {
+ "deprecated": {},
+ "pkgs": {
+ "sys-apps/devicekit-power-014": "http://hal.freedesktop.org/releases/DeviceKit-power-014.tar.gz",
+ "sys-auth/consolekit-0.4.1": "http://www.freedesktop.org/software/ConsoleKit/dist/ConsoleKit-0.4.1.tar.bz2",
+ "app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-baselibs-20100220": "mirror://gentoo/emul-linux-x86-baselibs-20100220.tar.gz",
+ },
+ "output": [
+ " - getting complete ebuild list",
+ " - getting source file names for 2 installed ebuilds",
+ " - getting fetch-restricted source file names for 3 remaining ebuilds",
+ ],
+ },
+ "destructive1": {
+ "deprecated": {
+ "app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-baselibs-20100220": "mirror://gentoo/emul-linux-x86-baselibs-20100220.tar.gz"
+ },
+ "pkgs": {
+ "sys-apps/devicekit-power-014": "http://hal.freedesktop.org/releases/DeviceKit-power-014.tar.gz",
+ "sys-apps/help2man-1.37.1": "mirror://gnu/help2man/help2man-1.37.1.tar.gz",
+ "sys-auth/consolekit-0.4.1": "http://www.freedesktop.org/software/ConsoleKit/dist/ConsoleKit-0.4.1.tar.bz2",
+ "app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-baselibs-20100220": "mirror://gentoo/emul-linux-x86-baselibs-20100220.tar.gz",
+ "media-libs/sdl-pango-0.1.2": "mirror://sourceforge/sdlpango/SDL_Pango-0.1.2.tar.gz http://zarb.org/~gc/t/SDL_Pango-0.1.2-API-adds.patch",
+ },
+ "output": [
+ " - processing 5 installed ebuilds",
+ " - processing excluded",
+ " - (5 of 0 total) additional excluded packages to get source filenames for",
+ '!!! "Deprecation Warning: Installed package: app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-baselibs-20100220\n\tIs no longer in the tree or an installed overlay\n',
+ ],
+ },
+ "destructive2": {
+ "deprecated": {},
+ "pkgs": {},
+ "output": [
+ " - processing 0 installed packages",
+ " - processing excluded",
+ " - (0 of 0 total) additional excluded packages to get source filenames for",
+ ],
+ },
+ "destructive3": {
+ "deprecated": {},
+ "pkgs": {
+ "app-portage/gentoolkit-0.3.0_rc8-r1": "mirror://gentoo/gentoolkit-0.3.0_rc8.tar.gz http://dev.gentoo.org/~fuzzyray/distfiles/gentoolkit-0.3.0_rc8.tar.gz",
+ "sys-apps/devicekit-power-014": "http://hal.freedesktop.org/releases/DeviceKit-power-014.tar.gz",
+ "app-portage/gentoolkit-0.3.0_rc8": "mirror://gentoo/gentoolkit-0.3.0_rc8.tar.gz http://dev.gentoo.org/~fuzzyray/distfiles/gentoolkit-0.3.0_rc8.tar.gz",
+ "app-portage/gentoolkit-": "mirror://gentoo/gentoolkit- http://dev.gentoo.org/~fuzzyray/distfiles/gentoolkit-",
+ "app-portage/gentoolkit-0.3.0_rc7": "mirror://gentoo/gentoolkit-0.3.0_rc7.tar.gz http://dev.gentoo.org/~fuzzyray/distfiles/gentoolkit-0.3.0_rc7.tar.gz",
+ "app-portage/gentoolkit-": "mirror://gentoo/gentoolkit- http://dev.gentoo.org/~fuzzyray/distfiles/gentoolkit-",
+ "app-portage/eix-0.19.2": "mirror://sourceforge/eix/eix-0.19.2.tar.xz",
+ "app-portage/gentoolkit-": "mirror://gentoo/gentoolkit- http://dev.gentoo.org/~fuzzyray/distfiles/gentoolkit-",
+ "app-portage/gentoolkit-0.3.0_rc9": "mirror://gentoo/gentoolkit-0.3.0_rc9.tar.gz http://dev.gentoo.org/~fuzzyray/distfiles/gentoolkit-0.3.0_rc9.tar.gz",
+ "app-portage/eix-0.20.1": "mirror://sourceforge/eix/eix-0.20.1.tar.xz",
+ "app-portage/eix-0.20.2": "mirror://berlios/eix/eix-0.20.2.tar.xz",
+ },
+ "output": [
+ " - processing excluded",
+ " - (10 of 10 total) additional excluded packages to get source filenames for",
+ ],
+ },
+ "destructive4": {
+ "deprecated": {},
+ "pkgs": {
+ "sys-auth/consolekit-0.4.1": "http://www.freedesktop.org/software/ConsoleKit/dist/ConsoleKit-0.4.1.tar.bz2",
+ "sys-apps/devicekit-power-014": "http://hal.freedesktop.org/releases/DeviceKit-power-014.tar.gz",
+ "media-libs/sdl-pango-0.1.2": "mirror://sourceforge/sdlpango/SDL_Pango-0.1.2.tar.gz http://zarb.org/~gc/t/SDL_Pango-0.1.2-API-adds.patch",
+ },
+ "output": [
+ " - processing 3 installed ebuilds",
+ " - processing excluded",
+ " - (3 of 0 total) additional excluded packages to get source filenames for",
+ ],
+ },
+ "destructive5": {
+ "deprecated": {},
+ "pkgs": {
+ "x11-base/xorg-server-1.7.5": "http://xorg.freedesktop.org/releases/individual/xserver/xorg-server-1.7.5.tar.bz2",
+ "app-portage/gentoolkit-0.3.0_rc8-r1": "mirror://gentoo/gentoolkit-0.3.0_rc8.tar.gz http://dev.gentoo.org/~fuzzyray/distfiles/gentoolkit-0.3.0_rc8.tar.gz",
+ "sys-apps/devicekit-power-014": "http://hal.freedesktop.org/releases/DeviceKit-power-014.tar.gz",
+ "x11-misc/util-macros-1.6.0": "http://xorg.freedesktop.org/releases/individual/util/util-macros-1.6.0.tar.bz2",
+ "app-portage/eix-0.19.2": "mirror://sourceforge/eix/eix-0.19.2.tar.xz",
+ "app-portage/gentoolkit-0.3.0_rc8": "mirror://gentoo/gentoolkit-0.3.0_rc8.tar.gz http://dev.gentoo.org/~fuzzyray/distfiles/gentoolkit-0.3.0_rc8.tar.gz",
+ "app-portage/gentoolkit-": "mirror://gentoo/gentoolkit- http://dev.gentoo.org/~fuzzyray/distfiles/gentoolkit-",
+ "app-portage/gentoolkit-0.3.0_rc7": "mirror://gentoo/gentoolkit-0.3.0_rc7.tar.gz http://dev.gentoo.org/~fuzzyray/distfiles/gentoolkit-0.3.0_rc7.tar.gz",
+ "sys-auth/consolekit-0.4.1": "http://www.freedesktop.org/software/ConsoleKit/dist/ConsoleKit-0.4.1.tar.bz2",
+ "app-portage/gentoolkit-": "mirror://gentoo/gentoolkit- http://dev.gentoo.org/~fuzzyray/distfiles/gentoolkit-",
+ "media-libs/sdl-pango-0.1.2": "mirror://sourceforge/sdlpango/SDL_Pango-0.1.2.tar.gz http://zarb.org/~gc/t/SDL_Pango-0.1.2-API-adds.patch",
+ "x11-libs/pixman-0.16.4": "http://xorg.freedesktop.org/releases/individual/lib/pixman-0.16.4.tar.bz2",
+ "app-portage/gentoolkit-": "mirror://gentoo/gentoolkit- http://dev.gentoo.org/~fuzzyray/distfiles/gentoolkit-",
+ "app-portage/gentoolkit-0.3.0_rc9": "mirror://gentoo/gentoolkit-0.3.0_rc9.tar.gz http://dev.gentoo.org/~fuzzyray/distfiles/gentoolkit-0.3.0_rc9.tar.gz",
+ "app-portage/eix-0.20.1": "mirror://sourceforge/eix/eix-0.20.1.tar.xz",
+ "app-portage/eix-0.20.2": "mirror://berlios/eix/eix-0.20.2.tar.xz",
+ },
+ "output": [
+ " - processing 6 installed ebuilds",
+ " - processing excluded",
+ " - (16 of 10 total) additional excluded packages to get source filenames for",
+ ],
+ },
+ }
+ def callback(self, id, data):
+ self.callback_data.append(data)
+ def exclDictExpand(self, exclude):
+ # print("Using Fake Testing exclDictExpand()")
+ return [
+ # 'app-portage/layman',
+ "app-portage/eix",
+ "app-portage/gentoolkit",
+ # app-portage/portage-utils',
+ ]
+ def test_non_destructive(self):
+ self.results = {}
+ pkgs, deprecated = self.target_class._non_destructive(
+ destructive=False, fetch_restricted=False, pkgs_=None
+ )
+ self.record_results("non_destructive1", pkgs, deprecated)
+ pkgs = None
+ deprecated = None
+ self.callback_data = []
+ self.vardb._cpv_all = CPVS[:3]
+ self.vardb._props = get_props(CPVS[:3])
+ self.portdb._cpv_all = CPVS[:]
+ self.portdb._props = get_props(CPVS)
+ self.target_class.installed_cpvs = None
+ pkgs, deprecated = self.target_class._non_destructive(
+ destructive=True, fetch_restricted=True, pkgs_=None
+ )
+ self.record_results("non_destructive2", pkgs, deprecated)
+ pkgs = None
+ deprecated = None
+ self.callback_data = []
+ self.vardb._cpv_all = CPVS[:2]
+ self.vardb._props = get_props(CPVS[:2])
+ self.portdb._cpv_all = CPVS[:]
+ self.portdb._props = get_props(CPVS)
+ # set a fetch restricted pkg
+ self.portdb._props[CPVS[4]]["RESTRICT"] = "fetch"
+ pkgs = {
+ "sys-apps/devicekit-power-014": "http://hal.freedesktop.org/releases/DeviceKit-power-014.tar.gz"
+ }
+ pkgs, deprecated = self.target_class._non_destructive(
+ destructive=True, fetch_restricted=True, pkgs_=pkgs
+ )
+ self.record_results("non_destructive3", pkgs, deprecated)
+ self.check_results("test_non_destructive")
+ def check_results(self, test_name):
+ print("\nChecking results for %s,............" % test_name)
+ for key in sorted(self.results):
+ testdata = self.testdata[key]
+ results = self.results[key]
+ for item in sorted(testdata):
+ if sorted(results[item]) == sorted(testdata[item]):
+ test = "OK"
+ else:
+ test = "FAILED"
+ print(f"comparing {key}, {item}...", test)
+ if test == "FAILED":
+ print("", sorted(results[item]), "\n", sorted(testdata[item]))
+ self.assertEqual(
+ sorted(testdata[item]),
+ sorted(results[item]),
+ f"\n{test_name}: {key}, {item} data does not match\n"
+ + "result="
+ + str(results[item])
+ + "\ntestdata="
+ + str(testdata[item]),
+ )
+ def record_results(self, test, pkgs, deprecated):
+ self.results[test] = {
+ "pkgs": pkgs,
+ "deprecated": deprecated,
+ "output": self.callback_data,
+ }
+ def test_destructive(self):
+ self.results = {}
+ pkgs, deprecated = self.target_class._destructive(
+ package_names=False, exclude={}, pkgs_=None, installed_included=False
+ )
+ self.record_results("destructive1", pkgs, deprecated)
+ self.callback_data = []
+ self.vardb._cpv_all = CPVS[:3]
+ self.vardb._props = get_props(CPVS[:3])
+ self.portdb._cpv_all = CPVS[:]
+ self.portdb._props = get_props(CPVS)
+ pkgs, deprecated = self.target_class._destructive(
+ package_names=True, exclude={}, pkgs_=None, installed_included=False
+ )
+ self.record_results("destructive2", pkgs, deprecated)
+ self.callback_data = []
+ cpvs = CPVS[2:4]
+ cpvs.extend(CPVS3)
+ self.vardb._cpv_all = sorted(cpvs)
+ self.vardb._props = PROPS.update(get_props(CPVS3))
+ self.portdb._cpv_all = sorted(CPVS + CPVS2)
+ self.portdb._props = get_props(CPVS + CPVS2)
+ # set a fetch restricted pkg
+ self.portdb._props[CPVS[4]]["RESTRICT"] = "fetch"
+ pkgs = {
+ "sys-apps/devicekit-power-014": "http://hal.freedesktop.org/releases/DeviceKit-power-014.tar.gz"
+ }
+ pkgs, deprecated = self.target_class._destructive(
+ package_names=True, exclude={}, pkgs_=pkgs, installed_included=True
+ )
+ self.record_results("destructive3", pkgs, deprecated)
+ self.callback_data = []
+ self.vardb._cpv_all = CPVS[:3]
+ self.vardb._props = get_props(CPVS[:3])
+ self.portdb._cpv_all = CPVS[:]
+ self.portdb._props = get_props(CPVS)
+ pkgs, deprecated = self.target_class._destructive(
+ package_names=False,
+ exclude=self.exclude,
+ pkgs_=None,
+ installed_included=False,
+ )
+ self.record_results("destructive4", pkgs, deprecated)
+ self.check_results("test_destructive")
+ self.callback_data = []
+ self.vardb._cpv_all = CPVS[:3]
+ self.vardb._cpv_all.extend(CPVS3)
+ self.vardb._props = get_props(self.vardb._cpv_all)
+ self.portdb._cpv_all = CPVS2
+ # self.portdb._cpv_all.extend(CPVS2)
+ self.portdb._props = PROPS
+ pkgs, deprecated = self.target_class._destructive(
+ package_names=False,
+ exclude=self.exclude,
+ pkgs_=None,
+ installed_included=False,
+ )
+ self.record_results("destructive5", pkgs, deprecated)
+ self.check_results("test_destructive")
+ def tearDown(self):
+ del self.portdb, self.vardb
class TestRemoveProtected(unittest.TestCase):
- """tests the eclean.search.DistfilesSearch._remove_protected()
- """
+ """tests the eclean.search.DistfilesSearch._remove_protected()"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.target_class = DistfilesSearch(lambda x: None)
+ self.results = {
+ "layman-1.2.5.tar.gz": "/path/to/some/where/layman-1.2.5.tar.gz"
+ }
+ def test_remove_protected(self):
+ results = self.target_class._remove_protected(PKGS, CLEAN_ME)
+ self.assertEqual(
+ results,
+ self.results,
+ "\ntest_remove_protected: data does not match\nresult="
+ + str(results)
+ + "\ntestdata="
+ + str(self.results),
+ )
+class TestDepsEqual(unittest.TestCase):
+ def test_deps_equal(self):
+ # def _deps_equal(deps_a, eapi_a, deps_b, eapi_b, libc_deps, uselist=None, cpv=None):
+ all_tests = [
+ # 1 equal
+ (
+ "x11-misc/xdg-user-dirs-gtk-0.11",
+ {
+ "deps_a": "dev-libs/glib:2 >=x11-libs/gtk+-3.5.1:3 >=x11-misc/xdg-user-dirs-0.14",
+ "eapi_a": "8",
+ "deps_b": "dev-libs/glib:2 >=x11-libs/gtk+-3.5.1:3 >=x11-misc/xdg-user-dirs-0.14",
+ "eapi_b": "8",
+ "libc_deps": {Atom("sys-libs/glibc:2.2")},
+ "uselist": frozenset(
+ {
+ "elibc_glibc",
+ "amd64",
+ "abi_x86_64",
+ "kernel_linux",
+ "userland_GNU",
+ }
+ ),
+ },
+ True,
+ ),
+ # 2 ebuild different gtk+ dep
+ (
+ "x11-misc/xdg-user-dirs-gtk-0.11",
+ {
+ "deps_a": "dev-libs/glib:2 >=x11-libs/gtk+-3.5.1:3 >=x11-misc/xdg-user-dirs-0.14",
+ "eapi_a": "8",
+ "deps_b": "dev-libs/glib:2 >=x11-libs/gtk+-3.5.2:3 >=x11-misc/xdg-user-dirs-0.14",
+ "eapi_b": "8",
+ "libc_deps": {Atom("sys-libs/glibc:2.2")},
+ "uselist": frozenset(
+ {
+ "elibc_glibc",
+ "amd64",
+ "abi_x86_64",
+ "kernel_linux",
+ "userland_GNU",
+ }
+ ),
+ },
+ False,
+ ),
+ # 3 different eapi, but is not currently tested
+ (
+ "x11-misc/xdg-user-dirs-gtk-0.11",
+ {
+ "deps_a": "dev-libs/glib:2 >=x11-libs/gtk+-3.5.1:3 >=x11-misc/xdg-user-dirs-0.14",
+ "eapi_a": "7",
+ "deps_b": "dev-libs/glib:2 >=x11-libs/gtk+-3.5.1:3 >=x11-misc/xdg-user-dirs-0.14",
+ "eapi_b": "8",
+ "libc_deps": {Atom("sys-libs/glibc:2.2")},
+ "uselist": frozenset(
+ {
+ "elibc_glibc",
+ "amd64",
+ "abi_x86_64",
+ "kernel_linux",
+ "userland_GNU",
+ }
+ ),
+ },
+ True,
+ ),
+ # 4 valid/False
+ (
+ "x11-misc/xdg-user-dirs-0.18",
+ {
+ "deps_a": "dev-libs/glib:2 >=x11-libs/gtk+-3.5.1:3 >=x11-misc/xdg-user-dirs-0.14",
+ "eapi_a": "8",
+ "deps_b": "gtk? ( x11-misc/xdg-user-dirs-gtk )",
+ "eapi_b": "8",
+ "libc_deps": {Atom("sys-libs/glibc:2.2")},
+ "uselist": frozenset(
+ {
+ "elibc_glibc",
+ "amd64",
+ "abi_x86_64",
+ "kernel_linux",
+ "userland_GNU",
+ }
+ ),
+ },
+ False,
+ ),
+ # 5 ebuild InvalidDependString
+ (
+ "x11-misc/xdg-user-dirs-0.18",
+ {
+ "deps_a": "dev-libs/glib:2 >=x11-libs/gtk+-3.5.1:3 >=x11-misc/xdg-user-dirs-0.14",
+ "eapi_a": "8",
+ "deps_b": "gtk? ( )",
+ "eapi_b": "8",
+ "libc_deps": {Atom("sys-libs/glibc:2.2")},
+ "uselist": frozenset(
+ {
+ "elibc_glibc",
+ "amd64",
+ "abi_x86_64",
+ "kernel_linux",
+ "userland_GNU",
+ }
+ ),
+ },
+ True,
+ ),
+ # 6 binpkg InvalidDependString
+ (
+ "x11-misc/xdg-user-dirs-0.18",
+ {
+ "deps_a": "gtk? ( )",
+ "eapi_a": "8",
+ "deps_b": "gtk? ( x11-misc/xdg-user-dirs-gtk )",
+ "eapi_b": "8",
+ "libc_deps": {Atom("sys-libs/glibc:2.2")},
+ "uselist": frozenset(
+ {
+ "elibc_glibc",
+ "amd64",
+ "abi_x86_64",
+ "kernel_linux",
+ "userland_GNU",
+ }
+ ),
+ },
+ False,
+ ),
+ ]
+ x = 1
+ for test in all_tests:
+ cpv = test[0]
+ data = test[1]
+ # print(x, cpv) # for debug testing
+ self.assertEqual(
+ _deps_equal(
+ data["deps_a"],
+ data["eapi_a"],
+ data["deps_b"],
+ data["eapi_b"],
+ data["libc_deps"],
+ data["uselist"],
+ cpv,
+ ),
+ test[2],
+ )
+ x += 1
+ # print("####################") # for debug testing
- def setUp(self):
- self.target_class = DistfilesSearch(lambda x: None)
- self.results = {'layman-1.2.5.tar.gz': '/path/to/some/where/layman-1.2.5.tar.gz'}
- def test_remove_protected(self):
- results = self.target_class._remove_protected(PKGS, CLEAN_ME)
- self.assertEqual(results, self.results,
- "\ntest_remove_protected: data does not match\nresult=" +\
- str(results) + "\ntestdata=" + str(self.results))
+def test_main():
+ suite = unittest.TestLoader()
+ suite.loadTestsFromTestCase(TestCheckLimits)
+ suite.loadTestsFromTestCase(TestFetchRestricted)
+ suite.loadTestsFromTestCase(TestNonDestructive)
+ suite.loadTestsFromTestCase(TestRemoveProtected)
+ suite.loadTestsFromTestCase(TestDepsEqual)
+ unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=2).run(suite)
-def test_main():
- suite = unittest.TestLoader()
- suite.loadTestsFromTestCase(TestCheckLimits)
- suite.loadTestsFromTestCase(TestFetchRestricted)
- suite.loadTestsFromTestCase(TestNonDestructive)
- suite.loadTestsFromTestCase(TestRemoveProtected)
- unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=2).run(suite)
test_main.__test__ = False
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- test_main()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ test_main()
diff --git a/pym/gentoolkit/test/equery/meson.build b/pym/gentoolkit/test/equery/meson.build
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..02a0df2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pym/gentoolkit/test/equery/meson.build
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+ [
+ '__init__.py',
+ 'test_init.py',
+ ],
+ subdir : 'gentoolkit/test/equery'
diff --git a/pym/gentoolkit/test/equery/test_init.py b/pym/gentoolkit/test/equery/test_init.py
index 075f653..c97c0fd 100644
--- a/pym/gentoolkit/test/equery/test_init.py
+++ b/pym/gentoolkit/test/equery/test_init.py
@@ -2,48 +2,47 @@ import unittest
from gentoolkit import equery
-class TestEqueryInit(unittest.TestCase):
- def setUp(self):
- pass
- def tearDown(self):
- pass
- def test_expand_module_name(self):
- # Test that module names are properly expanded
- name_map = {
- 'a': 'has',
- 'b': 'belongs',
- 'c': 'changes',
- 'k': 'check',
- 'd': 'depends',
- 'g': 'depgraph',
- 'f': 'files',
- 'h': 'hasuse',
- 'y': 'keywords',
- 'l': 'list_',
- 'm': 'meta',
- 's': 'size',
- 'u': 'uses',
- 'w': 'which'
- }
- self.assertEqual(equery.NAME_MAP, name_map)
- for short_name, long_name in zip(name_map, name_map.values()):
- self.assertEqual(equery.expand_module_name(short_name),
- long_name)
- self.assertEqual(equery.expand_module_name(long_name),
- long_name)
- unused_keys = set(map(chr, range(0, 256))).difference(name_map.keys())
- for key in unused_keys:
- self.assertRaises(KeyError, equery.expand_module_name, key)
+class TestEqueryInit(unittest.TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def test_expand_module_name(self):
+ # Test that module names are properly expanded
+ name_map = {
+ "a": "has",
+ "b": "belongs",
+ "k": "check",
+ "d": "depends",
+ "g": "depgraph",
+ "f": "files",
+ "h": "hasuse",
+ "y": "keywords",
+ "l": "list_",
+ "m": "meta",
+ "s": "size",
+ "u": "uses",
+ "w": "which",
+ }
+ self.assertEqual(equery.NAME_MAP, name_map)
+ for short_name, long_name in zip(name_map, name_map.values()):
+ self.assertEqual(equery.expand_module_name(short_name), long_name)
+ self.assertEqual(equery.expand_module_name(long_name), long_name)
+ unused_keys = set(map(chr, range(0, 256))).difference(name_map.keys())
+ for key in unused_keys:
+ self.assertRaises(KeyError, equery.expand_module_name, key)
def test_main():
- suite = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(TestEqueryInit)
- unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=2).run(suite)
+ suite = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(TestEqueryInit)
+ unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=2).run(suite)
test_main.__test__ = False
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- test_main()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ test_main()
diff --git a/pym/gentoolkit/test/meson.build b/pym/gentoolkit/test/meson.build
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2d8c0e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pym/gentoolkit/test/meson.build
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+ [
+ '__init__.py',
+ 'test_atom.py',
+ 'test_cpv.py',
+ 'test_helpers.py',
+ 'test_keyword.py',
+ 'test_profile.py',
+ 'test_query.py',
+ 'test_syntax.py',
+ ],
+ subdir : 'gentoolkit/test'
diff --git a/pym/gentoolkit/test/test_atom.py b/pym/gentoolkit/test/test_atom.py
index 6df52a9..a96b8a2 100644
--- a/pym/gentoolkit/test/test_atom.py
+++ b/pym/gentoolkit/test/test_atom.py
@@ -10,132 +10,138 @@ from gentoolkit.cpv import CPV
"""Atom test suite (verbatim) from pkgcore."""
-class TestGentoolkitAtom(unittest.TestCase):
- def assertEqual2(self, o1, o2):
- # logic bugs hidden behind short circuiting comparisons for metadata
- # is why we test the comparison *both* ways.
- self.assertEqual(o1, o2)
- self.assertEqual(o2, o1)
- def assertNotEqual2(self, o1, o2):
- # is why we test the comparison *both* ways.
- self.assertNotEqual(o1, o2)
- self.assertNotEqual(o2, o1)
- def test_comparison(self):
- self.assertEqual2(Atom('cat/pkg'), Atom('cat/pkg'))
- self.assertNotEqual2(Atom('cat/pkg'), Atom('cat/pkgb'))
- self.assertNotEqual2(Atom('cata/pkg'), Atom('cat/pkg'))
- self.assertNotEqual2(Atom('cat/pkg'), Atom('!cat/pkg'))
- self.assertEqual2(Atom('!cat/pkg'), Atom('!cat/pkg'))
- self.assertNotEqual2(Atom('=cat/pkg-0.1:0'),
- Atom('=cat/pkg-0.1'))
- self.assertNotEqual2(Atom('=cat/pkg-1[foon]'),
- Atom('=cat/pkg-1'))
- self.assertEqual2(Atom('=cat/pkg-0'), Atom('=cat/pkg-0'))
- self.assertNotEqual2(Atom('<cat/pkg-2'), Atom('>cat/pkg-2'))
- self.assertNotEqual2(Atom('=cat/pkg-2*'), Atom('=cat/pkg-2'))
- # Portage Atom doesn't have 'negate_version' capability
- #self.assertNotEqual2(Atom('=cat/pkg-2', True), Atom('=cat/pkg-2'))
- # use...
- self.assertNotEqual2(Atom('cat/pkg[foo]'), Atom('cat/pkg'))
- self.assertNotEqual2(Atom('cat/pkg[foo]'),
- Atom('cat/pkg[-foo]'))
- self.assertEqual2(Atom('cat/pkg[foo,-bar]'),
- Atom('cat/pkg[-bar,foo]'))
- # repoid not supported by Portage Atom yet
- ## repoid
- #self.assertEqual2(Atom('cat/pkg::a'), Atom('cat/pkg::a'))
- #self.assertNotEqual2(Atom('cat/pkg::a'), Atom('cat/pkg::b'))
- #self.assertNotEqual2(Atom('cat/pkg::a'), Atom('cat/pkg'))
- # slots.
- self.assertNotEqual2(Atom('cat/pkg:1'), Atom('cat/pkg'))
- self.assertEqual2(Atom('cat/pkg:2'), Atom('cat/pkg:2'))
- # http://dev.gentoo.org/~tanderson/pms/eapi-2-approved/pms.html#x1-190002.1.2
- self.assertEqual2(Atom('cat/pkg:AZaz09+_.-'), Atom('cat/pkg:AZaz09+_.-'))
- for lesser, greater in (('0.1', '1'), ('1', '1-r1'), ('1.1', '1.2')):
- self.assertTrue(Atom('=d/b-%s' % lesser) <
- Atom('=d/b-%s' % greater),
- msg="d/b-%s < d/b-%s" % (lesser, greater))
- self.assertFalse(Atom('=d/b-%s' % lesser) >
- Atom('=d/b-%s' % greater),
- msg="!: d/b-%s < d/b-%s" % (lesser, greater))
- self.assertTrue(Atom('=d/b-%s' % greater) >
- Atom('=d/b-%s' % lesser),
- msg="d/b-%s > d/b-%s" % (greater, lesser))
- self.assertFalse(Atom('=d/b-%s' % greater) <
- Atom('=d/b-%s' % lesser),
- msg="!: d/b-%s > d/b-%s" % (greater, lesser))
- #self.assertTrue(Atom("!!=d/b-1", eapi=2) > Atom("!=d/b-1"))
- self.assertTrue(Atom("!=d/b-1") < Atom("!!=d/b-1"))
- self.assertEqual(Atom("!=d/b-1"), Atom("!=d/b-1"))
- def test_intersects(self):
- for this, that, result in [
- ('cat/pkg', 'pkg/cat', False),
- ('cat/pkg', 'cat/pkg', True),
- ('cat/pkg:1', 'cat/pkg:1', True),
- ('cat/pkg:1', 'cat/pkg:2', False),
- ('cat/pkg:1', 'cat/pkg[foo]', True),
- ('cat/pkg[foo]', 'cat/pkg[-bar]', True),
- ('cat/pkg[foo]', 'cat/pkg[-foo]', False),
- ('>cat/pkg-3', '>cat/pkg-1', True),
- ('>cat/pkg-3', '<cat/pkg-3', False),
- ('>=cat/pkg-3', '<cat/pkg-3', False),
- ('>cat/pkg-2', '=cat/pkg-2*', True),
- # Portage vercmp disagrees with this one:
- #('<cat/pkg-2_alpha1', '=cat/pkg-2*', True),
- ('=cat/pkg-2', '=cat/pkg-2', True),
- ('=cat/pkg-3', '=cat/pkg-2', False),
- ('=cat/pkg-2', '>cat/pkg-2', False),
- ('=cat/pkg-2', '>=cat/pkg-2', True),
- ('~cat/pkg-2', '~cat/pkg-2', True),
- ('~cat/pkg-2', '~cat/pkg-2.1', False),
- ('=cat/pkg-2*', '=cat/pkg-2.3*', True),
- ('>cat/pkg-2.4', '=cat/pkg-2*', True),
- ('<cat/pkg-2.4', '=cat/pkg-2*', True),
- ('<cat/pkg-1', '=cat/pkg-2*', False),
- ('~cat/pkg-2', '>cat/pkg-2-r1', True),
- ('~cat/pkg-2', '<=cat/pkg-2', True),
- ('=cat/pkg-2-r2*', '<=cat/pkg-2-r20', True),
- ('=cat/pkg-2-r2*', '<cat/pkg-2-r20', True),
- ('=cat/pkg-2-r2*', '<=cat/pkg-2-r2', True),
- ('~cat/pkg-2', '<cat/pkg-2', False),
- ('=cat/pkg-1-r10*', '~cat/pkg-1', True),
- ('=cat/pkg-1-r1*', '<cat/pkg-1-r1', False),
- ('=cat/pkg-1*', '>cat/pkg-2', False),
- ('>=cat/pkg-8.4', '=cat/pkg-8.3.4*', False),
- ('cat/pkg::gentoo', 'cat/pkg', True),
- ('cat/pkg::gentoo', 'cat/pkg::foo', False),
- ('=sys-devel/gcc-4.1.1-r3', '=sys-devel/gcc-3.3*', False),
- ('=sys-libs/db-4*', '~sys-libs/db-4.3.29', True),
- ]:
- this_atom = Atom(this)
- that_atom = Atom(that)
- self.assertEqual(
- result, this_atom.intersects(that_atom),
- '%s intersecting %s should be %s' % (this, that, result))
- self.assertEqual(
- result, that_atom.intersects(this_atom),
- '%s intersecting %s should be %s' % (that, this, result))
- def test_intersects_nameonly(self):
- atom = Atom('cat/pkg')
- self.assertTrue(atom.intersects(CPV('pkg')))
- self.assertFalse(atom.intersects(CPV('other')))
- self.assertFalse(atom.intersects(CPV('dkg')))
+class TestGentoolkitAtom(unittest.TestCase):
+ def assertEqual2(self, o1, o2):
+ # logic bugs hidden behind short circuiting comparisons for metadata
+ # is why we test the comparison *both* ways.
+ self.assertEqual(o1, o2)
+ self.assertEqual(o2, o1)
+ def assertNotEqual2(self, o1, o2):
+ # is why we test the comparison *both* ways.
+ self.assertNotEqual(o1, o2)
+ self.assertNotEqual(o2, o1)
+ def test_comparison(self):
+ self.assertEqual2(Atom("cat/pkg"), Atom("cat/pkg"))
+ self.assertNotEqual2(Atom("cat/pkg"), Atom("cat/pkgb"))
+ self.assertNotEqual2(Atom("cata/pkg"), Atom("cat/pkg"))
+ self.assertNotEqual2(Atom("cat/pkg"), Atom("!cat/pkg"))
+ self.assertEqual2(Atom("!cat/pkg"), Atom("!cat/pkg"))
+ self.assertNotEqual2(Atom("=cat/pkg-0.1:0"), Atom("=cat/pkg-0.1"))
+ self.assertNotEqual2(Atom("=cat/pkg-1[foon]"), Atom("=cat/pkg-1"))
+ self.assertEqual2(Atom("=cat/pkg-0"), Atom("=cat/pkg-0"))
+ self.assertNotEqual2(Atom("<cat/pkg-2"), Atom(">cat/pkg-2"))
+ self.assertNotEqual2(Atom("=cat/pkg-2*"), Atom("=cat/pkg-2"))
+ # Portage Atom doesn't have 'negate_version' capability
+ # self.assertNotEqual2(Atom('=cat/pkg-2', True), Atom('=cat/pkg-2'))
+ # use...
+ self.assertNotEqual2(Atom("cat/pkg[foo]"), Atom("cat/pkg"))
+ self.assertNotEqual2(Atom("cat/pkg[foo]"), Atom("cat/pkg[-foo]"))
+ self.assertEqual2(Atom("cat/pkg[foo,-bar]"), Atom("cat/pkg[-bar,foo]"))
+ # repoid not supported by Portage Atom yet
+ # repoid
+ # self.assertEqual2(Atom('cat/pkg::a'), Atom('cat/pkg::a'))
+ # self.assertNotEqual2(Atom('cat/pkg::a'), Atom('cat/pkg::b'))
+ # self.assertNotEqual2(Atom('cat/pkg::a'), Atom('cat/pkg'))
+ # slots.
+ self.assertNotEqual2(Atom("cat/pkg:1"), Atom("cat/pkg"))
+ self.assertEqual2(Atom("cat/pkg:2"), Atom("cat/pkg:2"))
+ # http://dev.gentoo.org/~tanderson/pms/eapi-2-approved/pms.html#x1-190002.1.2
+ self.assertEqual2(Atom("cat/pkg:AZaz09+_.-"), Atom("cat/pkg:AZaz09+_.-"))
+ for lesser, greater in (("0.1", "1"), ("1", "1-r1"), ("1.1", "1.2")):
+ self.assertTrue(
+ Atom("=d/b-%s" % lesser) < Atom("=d/b-%s" % greater),
+ msg=f"d/b-{lesser} < d/b-{greater}",
+ )
+ self.assertFalse(
+ Atom("=d/b-%s" % lesser) > Atom("=d/b-%s" % greater),
+ msg=f"!: d/b-{lesser} < d/b-{greater}",
+ )
+ self.assertTrue(
+ Atom("=d/b-%s" % greater) > Atom("=d/b-%s" % lesser),
+ msg=f"d/b-{greater} > d/b-{lesser}",
+ )
+ self.assertFalse(
+ Atom("=d/b-%s" % greater) < Atom("=d/b-%s" % lesser),
+ msg=f"!: d/b-{greater} > d/b-{lesser}",
+ )
+ # self.assertTrue(Atom("!!=d/b-1", eapi=2) > Atom("!=d/b-1"))
+ self.assertTrue(Atom("!=d/b-1") < Atom("!!=d/b-1"))
+ self.assertEqual(Atom("!=d/b-1"), Atom("!=d/b-1"))
+ def test_intersects(self):
+ for this, that, result in [
+ ("cat/pkg", "pkg/cat", False),
+ ("cat/pkg", "cat/pkg", True),
+ ("cat/pkg:1", "cat/pkg:1", True),
+ ("cat/pkg:1", "cat/pkg:2", False),
+ ("cat/pkg:1", "cat/pkg[foo]", True),
+ ("cat/pkg[foo]", "cat/pkg[-bar]", True),
+ ("cat/pkg[foo]", "cat/pkg[-foo]", False),
+ (">cat/pkg-3", ">cat/pkg-1", True),
+ (">cat/pkg-3", "<cat/pkg-3", False),
+ (">=cat/pkg-3", "<cat/pkg-3", False),
+ (">cat/pkg-2", "=cat/pkg-2*", True),
+ # Portage vercmp disagrees with this one:
+ # ('<cat/pkg-2_alpha1', '=cat/pkg-2*', True),
+ ("=cat/pkg-2", "=cat/pkg-2", True),
+ ("=cat/pkg-3", "=cat/pkg-2", False),
+ ("=cat/pkg-2", ">cat/pkg-2", False),
+ ("=cat/pkg-2", ">=cat/pkg-2", True),
+ ("~cat/pkg-2", "~cat/pkg-2", True),
+ ("~cat/pkg-2", "~cat/pkg-2.1", False),
+ ("=cat/pkg-2*", "=cat/pkg-2.3*", True),
+ (">cat/pkg-2.4", "=cat/pkg-2*", True),
+ ("<cat/pkg-2.4", "=cat/pkg-2*", True),
+ ("<cat/pkg-1", "=cat/pkg-2*", False),
+ ("~cat/pkg-2", ">cat/pkg-2-r1", True),
+ ("~cat/pkg-2", "<=cat/pkg-2", True),
+ ("=cat/pkg-2-r2*", "<=cat/pkg-2-r20", True),
+ ("=cat/pkg-2-r2*", "<cat/pkg-2-r20", True),
+ ("=cat/pkg-2-r2*", "<=cat/pkg-2-r2", True),
+ ("~cat/pkg-2", "<cat/pkg-2", False),
+ ("=cat/pkg-1-r10*", "~cat/pkg-1", True),
+ ("=cat/pkg-1-r1*", "<cat/pkg-1-r1", False),
+ ("=cat/pkg-1*", ">cat/pkg-2", False),
+ (">=cat/pkg-8.4", "=cat/pkg-8.3.4*", False),
+ ("cat/pkg::gentoo", "cat/pkg", True),
+ ("cat/pkg::gentoo", "cat/pkg::foo", False),
+ ("=sys-devel/gcc-4.1.1-r3", "=sys-devel/gcc-3.3*", False),
+ ("=sys-libs/db-4*", "~sys-libs/db-4.3.29", True),
+ ]:
+ this_atom = Atom(this)
+ that_atom = Atom(that)
+ self.assertEqual(
+ result,
+ this_atom.intersects(that_atom),
+ f"{this} intersecting {that} should be {result}",
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(
+ result,
+ that_atom.intersects(this_atom),
+ f"{that} intersecting {this} should be {result}",
+ )
+ def test_intersects_nameonly(self):
+ atom = Atom("cat/pkg")
+ self.assertTrue(atom.intersects(CPV("pkg")))
+ self.assertFalse(atom.intersects(CPV("other")))
+ self.assertFalse(atom.intersects(CPV("dkg")))
def test_main():
- suite = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(TestGentoolkitAtom)
- unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=2).run(suite)
+ suite = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(TestGentoolkitAtom)
+ unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=2).run(suite)
test_main.__test__ = False
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- test_main()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ test_main()
diff --git a/pym/gentoolkit/test/test_cpv.py b/pym/gentoolkit/test/test_cpv.py
index 92ffba5..c45e37a 100644
--- a/pym/gentoolkit/test/test_cpv.py
+++ b/pym/gentoolkit/test/test_cpv.py
@@ -8,117 +8,132 @@ import unittest
from gentoolkit.cpv import CPV, compare_strs
-class TestGentoolkitCPV(unittest.TestCase):
- def assertEqual2(self, o1, o2):
- # logic bugs hidden behind short circuiting comparisons for metadata
- # is why we test the comparison *both* ways.
- self.assertEqual(o1, o2)
- self.assertEqual(o2, o1)
+class TestGentoolkitCPV(unittest.TestCase):
+ def assertEqual2(self, o1, o2):
+ # logic bugs hidden behind short circuiting comparisons for metadata
+ # is why we test the comparison *both* ways.
+ self.assertEqual(o1, o2)
+ self.assertEqual(o2, o1)
- def assertNotEqual2(self, o1, o2):
- # is why we test the comparison *both* ways.
- self.assertNotEqual(o1, o2)
- self.assertNotEqual(o2, o1)
+ def assertNotEqual2(self, o1, o2):
+ # is why we test the comparison *both* ways.
+ self.assertNotEqual(o1, o2)
+ self.assertNotEqual(o2, o1)
- def test_comparison(self):
- self.assertEqual2(CPV('pkg'), CPV('pkg'))
- self.assertNotEqual2(CPV('pkg'), CPV('pkg1'))
- self.assertEqual2(CPV('cat/pkg'), CPV('cat/pkg'))
- self.assertNotEqual2(CPV('cat/pkg'), CPV('cat/pkgb'))
- self.assertNotEqual2(CPV('cata/pkg'), CPV('cat/pkg'))
- self.assertEqual2(CPV('cat/pkg-0.1'), CPV('cat/pkg-0.1'))
- self.assertNotEqual2(CPV('cat/pkg-1.0'), CPV('cat/pkg-1'))
- self.assertEqual2(CPV('cat/pkg-0'), CPV('cat/pkg-0'))
- self.assertEqual2(CPV('cat/pkg-1-r1'), CPV('cat/pkg-1-r1'))
- self.assertNotEqual2(CPV('cat/pkg-2-r1'), CPV('cat/pkg-2-r10'))
- self.assertEqual2(CPV('cat/pkg-1_rc2'), CPV('cat/pkg-1_rc2'))
- self.assertNotEqual2(CPV('cat/pkg-2_rc2-r1'), CPV('cat/pkg-2_rc1-r1'))
+ def test_comparison(self):
+ self.assertEqual2(CPV("pkg"), CPV("pkg"))
+ self.assertNotEqual2(CPV("pkg"), CPV("pkg1"))
+ self.assertEqual2(CPV("cat/pkg"), CPV("cat/pkg"))
+ self.assertNotEqual2(CPV("cat/pkg"), CPV("cat/pkgb"))
+ self.assertNotEqual2(CPV("cata/pkg"), CPV("cat/pkg"))
+ self.assertEqual2(CPV("cat/pkg-0.1"), CPV("cat/pkg-0.1"))
+ self.assertNotEqual2(CPV("cat/pkg-1.0"), CPV("cat/pkg-1"))
+ self.assertEqual2(CPV("cat/pkg-0"), CPV("cat/pkg-0"))
+ self.assertEqual2(CPV("cat/pkg-1-r1"), CPV("cat/pkg-1-r1"))
+ self.assertNotEqual2(CPV("cat/pkg-2-r1"), CPV("cat/pkg-2-r10"))
+ self.assertEqual2(CPV("cat/pkg-1_rc2"), CPV("cat/pkg-1_rc2"))
+ self.assertNotEqual2(CPV("cat/pkg-2_rc2-r1"), CPV("cat/pkg-2_rc1-r1"))
- def test_compare_strs(self):
- # Test ordering of package strings, Portage has test for vercmp,
- # so just do the rest
- version_tests = [
- # different categories
- ('sys-apps/portage-', 'sys-auth/pambase-20080318'),
- # different package names
- ('sys-apps/pkgcore-', 'sys-apps/portage-'),
- # different package versions
- ('sys-apps/portage-', 'sys-apps/portage-2.2_rc25')
- ]
- # Check less than
- for vt in version_tests:
- self.assertTrue(compare_strs(vt[0], vt[1]) == -1)
- # Check greater than
- for vt in version_tests:
- self.assertTrue(compare_strs(vt[1], vt[0]) == 1)
- # Check equal
- vt = ('sys-auth/pambase-20080318', 'sys-auth/pambase-20080318')
- self.assertTrue(compare_strs(vt[0], vt[1]) == 0)
+ def test_compare_strs(self):
+ # Test ordering of package strings, Portage has test for vercmp,
+ # so just do the rest
+ version_tests = [
+ # different categories
+ ("sys-apps/portage-", "sys-auth/pambase-20080318"),
+ # different package names
+ ("sys-apps/pkgcore-", "sys-apps/portage-"),
+ # different package versions
+ ("sys-apps/portage-", "sys-apps/portage-2.2_rc25"),
+ ]
+ # Check less than
+ for vt in version_tests:
+ self.assertTrue(compare_strs(vt[0], vt[1]) == -1)
+ # Check greater than
+ for vt in version_tests:
+ self.assertTrue(compare_strs(vt[1], vt[0]) == 1)
+ # Check equal
+ vt = ("sys-auth/pambase-20080318", "sys-auth/pambase-20080318")
+ self.assertTrue(compare_strs(vt[0], vt[1]) == 0)
- def test_chunk_splitting(self):
- all_tests = [
- # simple
- ('sys-apps/portage-2.2', {
- 'category': 'sys-apps',
- 'name': 'portage',
- 'cp': 'sys-apps/portage',
- 'version': '2.2',
- 'revision': '',
- 'fullversion': '2.2'
- }),
- # with rc
- ('sys-apps/portage-2.2_rc10', {
- 'category': 'sys-apps',
- 'name': 'portage',
- 'cp': 'sys-apps/portage',
- 'version': '2.2_rc10',
- 'revision': '',
- 'fullversion': '2.2_rc10'
- }),
- # with revision
- ('sys-apps/portage-2.2_rc10-r1', {
- 'category': 'sys-apps',
- 'name': 'portage',
- 'cp': 'sys-apps/portage',
- 'version': '2.2_rc10',
- 'revision': 'r1',
- 'fullversion': '2.2_rc10-r1'
- }),
- # with dash (-) in name (Bug #316961)
- ('c-portage', {
- 'category': '',
- 'name': 'c-portage',
- 'cp': 'c-portage',
- 'version': '',
- 'revision': '',
- 'fullversion': ''
- }),
- # with dash (-) in name (Bug #316961)
- ('sys-apps/c-portage-2.2_rc10-r1', {
- 'category': 'sys-apps',
- 'name': 'c-portage',
- 'cp': 'sys-apps/c-portage',
- 'version': '2.2_rc10',
- 'revision': 'r1',
- 'fullversion': '2.2_rc10-r1'
- }),
- ]
+ def test_chunk_splitting(self):
+ all_tests = [
+ # simple
+ (
+ "sys-apps/portage-2.2",
+ {
+ "category": "sys-apps",
+ "name": "portage",
+ "cp": "sys-apps/portage",
+ "version": "2.2",
+ "revision": "",
+ "fullversion": "2.2",
+ },
+ ),
+ # with rc
+ (
+ "sys-apps/portage-2.2_rc10",
+ {
+ "category": "sys-apps",
+ "name": "portage",
+ "cp": "sys-apps/portage",
+ "version": "2.2_rc10",
+ "revision": "",
+ "fullversion": "2.2_rc10",
+ },
+ ),
+ # with revision
+ (
+ "sys-apps/portage-2.2_rc10-r1",
+ {
+ "category": "sys-apps",
+ "name": "portage",
+ "cp": "sys-apps/portage",
+ "version": "2.2_rc10",
+ "revision": "r1",
+ "fullversion": "2.2_rc10-r1",
+ },
+ ),
+ # with dash (-) in name (Bug #316961)
+ (
+ "c-portage",
+ {
+ "category": "",
+ "name": "c-portage",
+ "cp": "c-portage",
+ "version": "",
+ "revision": "",
+ "fullversion": "",
+ },
+ ),
+ # with dash (-) in name (Bug #316961)
+ (
+ "sys-apps/c-portage-2.2_rc10-r1",
+ {
+ "category": "sys-apps",
+ "name": "c-portage",
+ "cp": "sys-apps/c-portage",
+ "version": "2.2_rc10",
+ "revision": "r1",
+ "fullversion": "2.2_rc10-r1",
+ },
+ ),
+ ]
- for test in all_tests:
- cpv = CPV(test[0])
- keys = ('category', 'name', 'cp', 'version', 'revision', 'fullversion')
- for k in keys:
- self.assertEqual(
- getattr(cpv, k), test[1][k]
- )
+ for test in all_tests:
+ cpv = CPV(test[0])
+ keys = ("category", "name", "cp", "version", "revision", "fullversion")
+ for k in keys:
+ self.assertEqual(getattr(cpv, k), test[1][k])
def test_main():
- suite = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(TestGentoolkitCPV)
- unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=2).run(suite)
+ suite = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(TestGentoolkitCPV)
+ unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=2).run(suite)
test_main.__test__ = False
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- test_main()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ test_main()
diff --git a/pym/gentoolkit/test/test_dependencies.py b/pym/gentoolkit/test/test_dependencies.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..48e9507
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pym/gentoolkit/test/test_dependencies.py
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+import portage
+from typing import List, Dict, Optional
+from pytest import MonkeyPatch
+from gentoolkit.dependencies import Dependencies
+def is_cp_in_cpv(cp: str, cpv: str) -> bool:
+ other_cp, _, _ = portage.pkgsplit(cpv)
+ return cp == other_cp
+def environment(
+ self: Dependencies,
+ env_vars: List[str],
+ fake_depends: Dict[str, Optional[Dict[str, str]]],
+ fake_pkgs: List[str],
+) -> List[str]:
+ metadata = None
+ for pkg in fake_pkgs:
+ if is_cp_in_cpv(self.cp, pkg):
+ if (metadata := fake_depends[pkg]) is not None:
+ break
+ else:
+ return [""]
+ results = list()
+ for env_var in env_vars:
+ try:
+ value = metadata[env_var]
+ except KeyError:
+ value = ""
+ results.append(value)
+ return results
+def test_basic_revdeps(monkeypatch: MonkeyPatch) -> None:
+ fake_depends = {
+ "app-misc/root-1.0": None,
+ "app-misc/a-1.0": {"DEPEND": "app-misc/root"},
+ "app-misc/b-1.0": {"DEPEND": "app-misc/a"},
+ "app-misc/c-1.0": {"DEPEND": "app-misc/b"},
+ "app-misc/d-1.0": None,
+ }
+ fake_pkgs = list(fake_depends.keys())
+ def e(self, env_vars):
+ return environment(self, env_vars, fake_depends, fake_pkgs)
+ monkeypatch.setattr(Dependencies, "environment", e)
+ # confirm that monkeypatch is working as expected
+ assert Dependencies("app-misc/root").environment(["DEPEND"]) == [""]
+ assert Dependencies("app-misc/a").environment(["DEPEND"]) == ["app-misc/root"]
+ assert Dependencies("app-misc/b").environment(["DEPEND"]) == ["app-misc/a"]
+ assert Dependencies("app-misc/c").environment(["DEPEND"]) == ["app-misc/b"]
+ assert Dependencies("app-misc/d").environment(["DEPEND"]) == [""]
+ assert sorted(
+ pkg.cpv
+ for pkg in Dependencies("app-misc/root").graph_reverse_depends(pkgset=fake_pkgs)
+ ) == ["app-misc/a-1.0"]
+ assert sorted(
+ pkg.cpv
+ for pkg in Dependencies("app-misc/root").graph_reverse_depends(
+ pkgset=fake_pkgs, only_direct=False
+ )
+ ) == [
+ "app-misc/a-1.0",
+ "app-misc/b-1.0",
+ "app-misc/c-1.0",
+ ]
diff --git a/pym/gentoolkit/test/test_helpers.py b/pym/gentoolkit/test/test_helpers.py
index 734539c..e92568d 100644
--- a/pym/gentoolkit/test/test_helpers.py
+++ b/pym/gentoolkit/test/test_helpers.py
@@ -6,118 +6,72 @@ from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile, mktemp
from gentoolkit import helpers
-class TestChangeLog(unittest.TestCase):
- def setUp(self):
- pass
- def tearDown(self):
- pass
-# Commented out for being useless
-# def test_split_changelog(self):
-# changelog = """
-# *portage- (20 Dec 2008)
-# 20 Dec 2008; Zac Medico <zmedico@gentoo.org> +portage-
-# bump. This fixes bug #251591 (repoman inherit.autotools false
-# positives) and bug #251616 (performance issue in build log search regex
-# makes emerge appear to hang). Bug #216231 tracks all bugs fixed since
-# 2.1.4.x.
-# 20 Dec 2008; Zac Medico <zmedico@gentoo.org> -portage-2.1.6.ebuild,
-# -portage-, -portage-2.2_rc17.ebuild:
-# Remove old versions.
-# *portage- (12 Dec 2008)
-# 12 Dec 2008; Zac Medico <zmedico@gentoo.org> +portage-
-# bump. This fixes bug #250148 (emerge hangs with selinux if ebuild
-# spawns a daemon), bug #250166 (trigger download when generating manifest
-# if file size differs from existing entry), and bug #250212 (new repoman
-# upstream.workaround category for emake -j1 warnings). Bug #216231 tracks
-# all bugs fixed since 2.1.4.x.
-# *portage-2.1.6 (07 Dec 2008)
-# 07 Dec 2008; Zac Medico <zmedico@gentoo.org> +portage-2.1.6.ebuild:
-# 2.1.6 final release. This fixes bug #249586. Bug #216231 tracks all bugs
-# fixed since 2.1.4.x.
-# 07 Dec 2008; Zac Medico <zmedico@gentoo.org> -portage-2.1.6_rc1.ebuild,
-# -portage-2.1.6_rc2.ebuild, -portage-2.1.6_rc3.ebuild,
-# -portage-2.2_rc16.ebuild:
-# Remove old versions.
-# """
class TestFileOwner(unittest.TestCase):
- def setUp(self):
- pass
- def tearDown(self):
- pass
- def test_expand_abspaths(self):
- expand_abspaths = helpers.FileOwner.expand_abspaths
- initial_file_list = ['foo0', '/foo1', '~/foo2', './foo3']
- # This function should only effect foo3, and not ordering:
- final_file_list = [
- 'foo0',
- '/foo1',
- '~/foo2',
- os.path.join(os.getcwd(), os.path.normpath(initial_file_list[3]))
- ]
- self.assertEqual(expand_abspaths(initial_file_list), final_file_list)
- def test_extend_realpaths(self):
- extend_realpaths = helpers.FileOwner.extend_realpaths
- # Test that symlinks's realpaths are extended
- f1 = NamedTemporaryFile(prefix='equeryunittest')
- f2 = NamedTemporaryFile(prefix='equeryunittest')
- f3 = NamedTemporaryFile(prefix='equeryunittest')
- with warnings.catch_warnings():
- warnings.simplefilter("ignore")
- sym1 = mktemp()
- os.symlink(f1.name, sym1)
- sym2 = mktemp()
- os.symlink(f3.name, sym2)
- # We've created 3 files and 2 symlinks for testing. We're going to pass
- # in only the first two files and both symlinks. sym1 points to f1.
- # Since f1 is already in the list, sym1's realpath should not be added.
- # sym2 points to f3, but f3's not in our list, so sym2's realpath
- # should be added to the list.
- p = [f1.name, f2.name, sym1, sym2]
- p_xr = extend_realpaths(p)
- self.assertEqual(p_xr[0], f1.name)
- self.assertEqual(p_xr[1], f2.name)
- self.assertEqual(p_xr[2], sym1)
- self.assertEqual(p_xr[3], sym2)
- self.assertEqual(p_xr[4], f3.name)
- # Clean up
- os.unlink(sym1)
- os.unlink(sym2)
- # Make sure we raise an exception if we don't get acceptable input
- self.assertRaises(AttributeError, extend_realpaths, 'str')
- self.assertRaises(AttributeError, extend_realpaths, set())
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def test_expand_abspaths(self):
+ expand_abspaths = helpers.FileOwner.expand_abspaths
+ initial_file_list = ["foo0", "/foo1", "~/foo2", "./foo3"]
+ # This function should only effect foo3, and not ordering:
+ final_file_list = [
+ "foo0",
+ "/foo1",
+ "~/foo2",
+ os.path.join(os.getcwd(), os.path.normpath(initial_file_list[3])),
+ ]
+ self.assertEqual(expand_abspaths(initial_file_list), final_file_list)
+ def test_extend_realpaths(self):
+ extend_realpaths = helpers.FileOwner.extend_realpaths
+ # Test that symlinks's realpaths are extended
+ f1 = NamedTemporaryFile(prefix="equeryunittest")
+ f2 = NamedTemporaryFile(prefix="equeryunittest")
+ f3 = NamedTemporaryFile(prefix="equeryunittest")
+ with warnings.catch_warnings():
+ warnings.simplefilter("ignore")
+ sym1 = mktemp()
+ os.symlink(f1.name, sym1)
+ sym2 = mktemp()
+ os.symlink(f3.name, sym2)
+ # We've created 3 files and 2 symlinks for testing. We're going to pass
+ # in only the first two files and both symlinks. sym1 points to f1.
+ # Since f1 is already in the list, sym1's realpath should not be added.
+ # sym2 points to f3, but f3's not in our list, so sym2's realpath
+ # should be added to the list.
+ p = [f1.name, f2.name, sym1, sym2]
+ p_xr = extend_realpaths(p)
+ self.assertEqual(p_xr[0], f1.name)
+ self.assertEqual(p_xr[1], f2.name)
+ self.assertEqual(p_xr[2], sym1)
+ self.assertEqual(p_xr[3], sym2)
+ self.assertEqual(p_xr[4], f3.name)
+ # Clean up
+ os.unlink(sym1)
+ os.unlink(sym2)
+ # Make sure we raise an exception if we don't get acceptable input
+ self.assertRaises(AttributeError, extend_realpaths, "str")
+ self.assertRaises(AttributeError, extend_realpaths, set())
def test_main():
- suite = unittest.TestLoader()
- suite.loadTestsFromTestCase(TestChangeLog)
- suite.loadTestsFromTestCase(TestFileOwner)
- unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=2).run(suite)
+ suite = unittest.TestLoader()
+ suite.loadTestsFromTestCase(TestFileOwner)
+ unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=2).run(suite)
test_main.__test__ = False
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- test_main()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ test_main()
diff --git a/pym/gentoolkit/test/test_keyword.py b/pym/gentoolkit/test/test_keyword.py
index 8ba5e30..5ded638 100644
--- a/pym/gentoolkit/test/test_keyword.py
+++ b/pym/gentoolkit/test/test_keyword.py
@@ -2,49 +2,62 @@ import unittest
from gentoolkit import keyword
-class TestGentoolkitKeyword(unittest.TestCase):
- def test_compare_strs(self):
- compare_strs = keyword.compare_strs
- # Test ordering of keyword strings
- version_tests = [
- # different archs
- ('amd64', 'x86'),
- # stable vs. unstable
- ('amd64-linux', '~amd64-linux'),
- # different OSes
- ('~x86-linux', '~x86-solaris'),
- # OS vs. no OS
- ('x86', '~amd64-linux')
- ]
- # Check less than
- for vt in version_tests:
- self.assertTrue(compare_strs(vt[0], vt[1]) == -1)
- # Check greater than
- for vt in version_tests:
- self.assertTrue(compare_strs(vt[1], vt[0]) == 1)
- # Check equal
- vt = ('~amd64-linux', '~amd64-linux')
- self.assertTrue(compare_strs(vt[0], vt[1]) == 0)
- kwds_presort = [
- '~amd64', '~amd64-linux', '~ppc', '~ppc-macos', '~x86',
- '~x86-linux', '~x86-macos', '~x86-solaris'
- ]
- kwds_postsort = [
- '~amd64', '~ppc', '~x86', '~amd64-linux', '~x86-linux',
- '~ppc-macos', '~x86-macos', '~x86-solaris'
- ]
- self.assertEqual(sorted(kwds_presort, key = keyword.Keyword), kwds_postsort)
+class TestGentoolkitKeyword(unittest.TestCase):
+ def test_compare_strs(self):
+ compare_strs = keyword.compare_strs
+ # Test ordering of keyword strings
+ version_tests = [
+ # different archs
+ ("amd64", "x86"),
+ # stable vs. unstable
+ ("amd64-linux", "~amd64-linux"),
+ # different OSes
+ ("~x86-linux", "~x86-solaris"),
+ # OS vs. no OS
+ ("x86", "~amd64-linux"),
+ ]
+ # Check less than
+ for vt in version_tests:
+ self.assertTrue(compare_strs(vt[0], vt[1]) == -1)
+ # Check greater than
+ for vt in version_tests:
+ self.assertTrue(compare_strs(vt[1], vt[0]) == 1)
+ # Check equal
+ vt = ("~amd64-linux", "~amd64-linux")
+ self.assertTrue(compare_strs(vt[0], vt[1]) == 0)
+ kwds_presort = [
+ "~amd64",
+ "~amd64-linux",
+ "~ppc",
+ "~ppc-macos",
+ "~x86",
+ "~x86-linux",
+ "~x86-macos",
+ "~x86-solaris",
+ ]
+ kwds_postsort = [
+ "~amd64",
+ "~ppc",
+ "~x86",
+ "~amd64-linux",
+ "~x86-linux",
+ "~ppc-macos",
+ "~x86-macos",
+ "~x86-solaris",
+ ]
+ self.assertEqual(sorted(kwds_presort, key=keyword.Keyword), kwds_postsort)
def test_main():
- suite = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(
- TestGentoolkitKeyword)
- unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=2).run(suite)
+ suite = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(TestGentoolkitKeyword)
+ unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=2).run(suite)
test_main.__test__ = False
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- test_main()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ test_main()
diff --git a/pym/gentoolkit/test/test_profile.py b/pym/gentoolkit/test/test_profile.py
index f91de6d..04d4d7b 100644
--- a/pym/gentoolkit/test/test_profile.py
+++ b/pym/gentoolkit/test/test_profile.py
@@ -10,52 +10,52 @@ import unittest
from gentoolkit.profile import load_profile_data
-TESTDIR = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../ekeyword/tests')
+TESTDIR = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "../ekeyword/tests")
class TestLoadProfileData(unittest.TestCase):
- """Tests for load_profile_data"""
- def _test(self, subdir):
- portdir = os.path.join(TESTDIR, 'profiles', subdir)
- return load_profile_data(portdir=portdir)
- def testLoadBoth(self):
- """Test loading both arch.list and profiles.desc"""
- ret = self._test('both')
- self.assertIn('arm', ret)
- self.assertEqual(ret['arm'], ('stable', 'arch'))
- self.assertIn('arm64', ret)
- self.assertEqual(ret['arm64'], ('exp', 'arch'))
- def testLoadArchOnly(self):
- """Test loading only arch.list"""
- ret = self._test('arch-only')
- self.assertIn('arm', ret)
- self.assertEqual(ret['arm'], (None, 'arch'))
- self.assertIn('x86-solaris', ret)
- def testLoadProfilesOnly(self):
- """Test loading only profiles.desc"""
- ret = self._test('profiles-only')
- self.assertIn('arm', ret)
- self.assertEqual(ret['arm'], ('stable', 'arch'))
- self.assertIn('arm64', ret)
- self.assertEqual(ret['arm64'], ('exp', 'arch'))
- def testLoadArchesDesc(self):
- """Test loading arch.list, arches.desc and profiles.desc"""
- ret = self._test('arches-desc')
- self.assertIn('arm', ret)
- self.assertEqual(ret['arm'], ('stable', 'arch'))
- self.assertIn('arm64', ret)
- self.assertEqual(ret['arm64'], ('exp', 'arch'))
- self.assertIn('alpha', ret)
- self.assertEqual(ret['alpha'], ('stable', '~arch'))
- self.assertIn('sparc-fbsd', ret)
- self.assertEqual(ret['sparc-fbsd'], ('exp', '~arch'))
- def testLoadNone(self):
- """Test running when neither files exists"""
- ret = self._test('none')
- self.assertEqual(ret, {})
+ """Tests for load_profile_data"""
+ def _test(self, subdir):
+ portdir = os.path.join(TESTDIR, "profiles", subdir)
+ return load_profile_data(portdir=portdir)
+ def testLoadBoth(self):
+ """Test loading both arch.list and profiles.desc"""
+ ret = self._test("both")
+ self.assertIn("arm", ret)
+ self.assertEqual(ret["arm"], ("stable", "arch"))
+ self.assertIn("arm64", ret)
+ self.assertEqual(ret["arm64"], ("exp", "arch"))
+ def testLoadArchOnly(self):
+ """Test loading only arch.list"""
+ ret = self._test("arch-only")
+ self.assertIn("arm", ret)
+ self.assertEqual(ret["arm"], (None, "arch"))
+ self.assertIn("x86-solaris", ret)
+ def testLoadProfilesOnly(self):
+ """Test loading only profiles.desc"""
+ ret = self._test("profiles-only")
+ self.assertIn("arm", ret)
+ self.assertEqual(ret["arm"], ("stable", "arch"))
+ self.assertIn("arm64", ret)
+ self.assertEqual(ret["arm64"], ("exp", "arch"))
+ def testLoadArchesDesc(self):
+ """Test loading arch.list, arches.desc and profiles.desc"""
+ ret = self._test("arches-desc")
+ self.assertIn("arm", ret)
+ self.assertEqual(ret["arm"], ("stable", "arch"))
+ self.assertIn("arm64", ret)
+ self.assertEqual(ret["arm64"], ("exp", "arch"))
+ self.assertIn("alpha", ret)
+ self.assertEqual(ret["alpha"], ("stable", "~arch"))
+ self.assertIn("sparc-fbsd", ret)
+ self.assertEqual(ret["sparc-fbsd"], ("exp", "~arch"))
+ def testLoadNone(self):
+ """Test running when neither files exists"""
+ ret = self._test("none")
+ self.assertEqual(ret, {})
diff --git a/pym/gentoolkit/test/test_query.py b/pym/gentoolkit/test/test_query.py
index 8eb0159..6b8cf14 100644
--- a/pym/gentoolkit/test/test_query.py
+++ b/pym/gentoolkit/test/test_query.py
@@ -5,99 +5,96 @@ from gentoolkit import errors
class TestQuery(unittest.TestCase):
- def setUp(self):
- pass
- def tearDown(self):
- pass
- def test_init(self):
- # valid queries must have at least one ascii letter or digit or
- # '*'
- invalid_queries = [
- '',
- '/',
- ]
- for q in invalid_queries:
- self.assertRaises(errors.GentoolkitInvalidPackage,
- query.Query, q
- )
- q1 = query.Query('gentoolkit')
- q1_tests = [
- (q1.query, 'gentoolkit'),
- (q1.is_regex, False),
- (q1.repo_filter, None),
- (q1.query_type, "simple")
- ]
- for t in q1_tests:
- self.assertEqual(t[0], t[1])
- q2 = query.Query('gentoolkit-.*', is_regex=True)
- q2_tests = [
- (q2.query, 'gentoolkit-.*'),
- (q2.is_regex, True),
- (q2.repo_filter, None),
- (q2.query_type, "complex")
- ]
- for t in q2_tests:
- self.assertEqual(t[0], t[1])
- q3 = query.Query('*::gentoo')
- q3_tests = [
- (q3.query, '*'),
- (q3.is_regex, False),
- (q3.repo_filter, 'gentoo'),
- (q3.query_type, "complex")
- ]
- for t in q3_tests:
- self.assertEqual(t[0], t[1])
- q4 = query.Query('gcc:4.3')
- q4_tests = [
- (q4.query, 'gcc:4.3'),
- (q4.is_regex, False),
- (q4.repo_filter, None),
- (q4.query_type, "simple")
- ]
- for t in q4_tests:
- self.assertEqual(t[0], t[1])
- q5 = query.Query('@system')
- q5_tests = [
- (q5.query, '@system'),
- (q5.is_regex, False),
- (q5.repo_filter, None),
- (q5.query_type, "set")
- ]
- for t in q5_tests:
- self.assertEqual(t[0], t[1])
- def test_uses_globbing(self):
- globbing_tests = [
- ('sys-apps/portage-', False),
- ('>=sys-apps/portage-', False),
- ('<=sys-apps/portage-', False),
- ('~sys-apps/portage-', False),
- ('=sys-apps/portage-2*', False),
- ('sys-*/*-', True),
- ('sys-app?/portage-', True),
- ('sys-apps/[bp]ortage-', True),
- ('sys-apps/[!p]ortage*', True)
- ]
- for gt in globbing_tests:
- self.assertTrue(
- query.Query(gt[0]).uses_globbing() == gt[1]
- )
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def test_init(self):
+ # valid queries must have at least one ascii letter or digit or
+ # '*'
+ invalid_queries = [
+ "",
+ "/",
+ ]
+ for q in invalid_queries:
+ self.assertRaises(errors.GentoolkitInvalidPackage, query.Query, q)
+ q1 = query.Query("gentoolkit")
+ q1_tests = [
+ (q1.query, "gentoolkit"),
+ (q1.is_regex, False),
+ (q1.repo_filter, None),
+ (q1.query_type, "simple"),
+ ]
+ for t in q1_tests:
+ self.assertEqual(t[0], t[1])
+ q2 = query.Query("gentoolkit-.*", is_regex=True)
+ q2_tests = [
+ (q2.query, "gentoolkit-.*"),
+ (q2.is_regex, True),
+ (q2.repo_filter, None),
+ (q2.query_type, "complex"),
+ ]
+ for t in q2_tests:
+ self.assertEqual(t[0], t[1])
+ q3 = query.Query("*::gentoo")
+ q3_tests = [
+ (q3.query, "*"),
+ (q3.is_regex, False),
+ (q3.repo_filter, "gentoo"),
+ (q3.query_type, "complex"),
+ ]
+ for t in q3_tests:
+ self.assertEqual(t[0], t[1])
+ q4 = query.Query("gcc:4.3")
+ q4_tests = [
+ (q4.query, "gcc:4.3"),
+ (q4.is_regex, False),
+ (q4.repo_filter, None),
+ (q4.query_type, "simple"),
+ ]
+ for t in q4_tests:
+ self.assertEqual(t[0], t[1])
+ q5 = query.Query("@system")
+ q5_tests = [
+ (q5.query, "@system"),
+ (q5.is_regex, False),
+ (q5.repo_filter, None),
+ (q5.query_type, "set"),
+ ]
+ for t in q5_tests:
+ self.assertEqual(t[0], t[1])
+ def test_uses_globbing(self):
+ globbing_tests = [
+ ("sys-apps/portage-", False),
+ (">=sys-apps/portage-", False),
+ ("<=sys-apps/portage-", False),
+ ("~sys-apps/portage-", False),
+ ("=sys-apps/portage-2*", False),
+ ("sys-*/*-", True),
+ ("sys-app?/portage-", True),
+ ("sys-apps/[bp]ortage-", True),
+ ("sys-apps/[!p]ortage*", True),
+ ]
+ for gt in globbing_tests:
+ self.assertTrue(query.Query(gt[0]).uses_globbing() == gt[1])
def test_main():
- suite = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(TestQuery)
- unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=2).run(suite)
+ suite = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(TestQuery)
+ unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=2).run(suite)
test_main.__test__ = False
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- test_main()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ test_main()
diff --git a/pym/gentoolkit/test/test_syntax.py b/pym/gentoolkit/test/test_syntax.py
index 7a990ca..525bcc1 100644
--- a/pym/gentoolkit/test/test_syntax.py
+++ b/pym/gentoolkit/test/test_syntax.py
@@ -2,36 +2,36 @@ import unittest
import py_compile
import os
osp = os.path
"""Does a basic syntax check by compiling all modules. From Portage."""
pym_dirs = os.walk(osp.dirname(osp.dirname(osp.dirname(__file__))))
-blacklist_dirs = frozenset(('.svn', 'test'))
+blacklist_dirs = frozenset((".svn", "test"))
-class TestForSyntaxErrors(unittest.TestCase):
- def test_compileability(self):
- compileables = []
- for thisdir, subdirs, files in pym_dirs:
- if os.path.basename(thisdir) in blacklist_dirs:
- continue
- compileables.extend([
- osp.join(thisdir, f)
- for f in files
- if osp.splitext(f)[1] == '.py'
- ])
+class TestForSyntaxErrors(unittest.TestCase):
+ def test_compileability(self):
+ compileables = []
+ for thisdir, subdirs, files in pym_dirs:
+ if os.path.basename(thisdir) in blacklist_dirs:
+ continue
+ compileables.extend(
+ [osp.join(thisdir, f) for f in files if osp.splitext(f)[1] == ".py"]
+ )
- for c in compileables:
- py_compile.compile(c, doraise=True)
+ for c in compileables:
+ py_compile.compile(c, doraise=True)
def test_main():
- suite = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(
- TestForSyntaxErrors)
- unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=2).run(suite)
+ suite = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(TestForSyntaxErrors)
+ unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=2).run(suite)
test_main.__test__ = False
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- test_main()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ test_main()
diff --git a/pym/gentoolkit/textwrap_.py b/pym/gentoolkit/textwrap_.py
index 07c0831..dbacfec 100644
--- a/pym/gentoolkit/textwrap_.py
+++ b/pym/gentoolkit/textwrap_.py
@@ -5,95 +5,96 @@ prevent the splitting of ANSI colors as well as package names and versions."""
import re
import textwrap
class TextWrapper(textwrap.TextWrapper):
- """Ignore ANSI escape codes while wrapping text"""
- def _split(self, text):
- """_split(text : string) -> [string]
- Split the text to wrap into indivisible chunks.
- """
- # Only split on whitespace to avoid mangling ANSI escape codes or
- # package names.
- wordsep_re = re.compile(r'(\s+)')
- chunks = wordsep_re.split(text)
- chunks = [x for x in chunks if x is not None]
- return chunks
- def _wrap_chunks(self, chunks):
- """_wrap_chunks(chunks : [string]) -> [string]
- Wrap a sequence of text chunks and return a list of lines of
- length 'self.width' or less. (If 'break_long_words' is false,
- some lines may be longer than this.) Chunks correspond roughly
- to words and the whitespace between them: each chunk is
- indivisible (modulo 'break_long_words'), but a line break can
- come between any two chunks. Chunks should not have internal
- whitespace; ie. a chunk is either all whitespace or a "word".
- Whitespace chunks will be removed from the beginning and end of
- lines, but apart from that whitespace is preserved.
- """
- lines = []
- if self.width <= 0:
- raise ValueError("invalid width %r (must be > 0)" % self.width)
- # Arrange in reverse order so items can be efficiently popped
- # from a stack of chunks.
- chunks.reverse()
- # Regex to strip ANSI escape codes. It's only used for the
- # length calculations of indent and each chuck.
- ansi_re = re.compile(r'\x1b\[[0-9;]*m')
- while chunks:
- # Start the list of chunks that will make up the current line.
- # cur_len is just the length of all the chunks in cur_line.
- cur_line = []
- cur_len = 0
- # Figure out which static string will prefix this line.
- if lines:
- indent = self.subsequent_indent
- else:
- indent = self.initial_indent
- # Maximum width for this line. Ingore ANSI escape codes.
- width = self.width - len(re.sub(ansi_re, '', indent))
- # First chunk on line is whitespace -- drop it, unless this
- # is the very beginning of the text (ie. no lines started yet).
- if chunks[-1].strip() == '' and lines:
- del chunks[-1]
- while chunks:
- # Ignore ANSI escape codes.
- chunk_len = len(re.sub(ansi_re, '', chunks[-1]))
- # Can at least squeeze this chunk onto the current line.
- if cur_len + chunk_len <= width:
- cur_line.append(chunks.pop())
- cur_len += chunk_len
- # Nope, this line is full.
- else:
- break
- # The current line is full, and the next chunk is too big to
- # fit on *any* line (not just this one).
- # Ignore ANSI escape codes.
- if chunks and len(re.sub(ansi_re, '', chunks[-1])) > width:
- self._handle_long_word(chunks, cur_line, cur_len, width)
- # If the last chunk on this line is all whitespace, drop it.
- if cur_line and cur_line[-1].strip() == '':
- del cur_line[-1]
- # Convert current line back to a string and store it in list
- # of all lines (return value).
- if cur_line:
- lines.append(indent + ''.join(cur_line))
- return lines
+ """Ignore ANSI escape codes while wrapping text"""
+ def _split(self, text):
+ """_split(text : string) -> [string]
+ Split the text to wrap into indivisible chunks.
+ """
+ # Only split on whitespace to avoid mangling ANSI escape codes or
+ # package names.
+ wordsep_re = re.compile(r"(\s+)")
+ chunks = wordsep_re.split(text)
+ chunks = [x for x in chunks if x is not None]
+ return chunks
+ def _wrap_chunks(self, chunks):
+ """_wrap_chunks(chunks : [string]) -> [string]
+ Wrap a sequence of text chunks and return a list of lines of
+ length 'self.width' or less. (If 'break_long_words' is false,
+ some lines may be longer than this.) Chunks correspond roughly
+ to words and the whitespace between them: each chunk is
+ indivisible (modulo 'break_long_words'), but a line break can
+ come between any two chunks. Chunks should not have internal
+ whitespace; ie. a chunk is either all whitespace or a "word".
+ Whitespace chunks will be removed from the beginning and end of
+ lines, but apart from that whitespace is preserved.
+ """
+ lines = []
+ if self.width <= 0:
+ raise ValueError("invalid width %r (must be > 0)" % self.width)
+ # Arrange in reverse order so items can be efficiently popped
+ # from a stack of chunks.
+ chunks.reverse()
+ # Regex to strip ANSI escape codes. It's only used for the
+ # length calculations of indent and each chuck.
+ ansi_re = re.compile(r"\x1b\[[0-9;]*m")
+ while chunks:
+ # Start the list of chunks that will make up the current line.
+ # cur_len is just the length of all the chunks in cur_line.
+ cur_line = []
+ cur_len = 0
+ # Figure out which static string will prefix this line.
+ if lines:
+ indent = self.subsequent_indent
+ else:
+ indent = self.initial_indent
+ # Maximum width for this line. Ingore ANSI escape codes.
+ width = self.width - len(re.sub(ansi_re, "", indent))
+ # First chunk on line is whitespace -- drop it, unless this
+ # is the very beginning of the text (ie. no lines started yet).
+ if chunks[-1].strip() == "" and lines:
+ del chunks[-1]
+ while chunks:
+ # Ignore ANSI escape codes.
+ chunk_len = len(re.sub(ansi_re, "", chunks[-1]))
+ # Can at least squeeze this chunk onto the current line.
+ if cur_len + chunk_len <= width:
+ cur_line.append(chunks.pop())
+ cur_len += chunk_len
+ # Nope, this line is full.
+ else:
+ break
+ # The current line is full, and the next chunk is too big to
+ # fit on *any* line (not just this one).
+ # Ignore ANSI escape codes.
+ if chunks and len(re.sub(ansi_re, "", chunks[-1])) > width:
+ self._handle_long_word(chunks, cur_line, cur_len, width)
+ # If the last chunk on this line is all whitespace, drop it.
+ if cur_line and cur_line[-1].strip() == "":
+ del cur_line[-1]
+ # Convert current line back to a string and store it in list
+ # of all lines (return value).
+ if cur_line:
+ lines.append(indent + "".join(cur_line))
+ return lines
# vim: set ts=4 sw=4 tw=79:
diff --git a/pym/gentoolkit/versionmatch.py b/pym/gentoolkit/versionmatch.py
index 9287c13..c93297b 100644
--- a/pym/gentoolkit/versionmatch.py
+++ b/pym/gentoolkit/versionmatch.py
@@ -21,112 +21,109 @@ from gentoolkit.cpv import CPV
# Classes
# =======
class VersionMatch:
- """Gentoo version comparison object from pkgcore.ebuild.atom_restricts.
- Any overriding of this class *must* maintain numerical order of
- self.vals, see intersect for reason why. vals also must be a tuple.
- """
- _convert_op2int = {(-1,):"<", (-1, 0): "<=", (0,):"=",
- (0, 1):">=", (1,):">"}
- _convert_int2op = dict([(v, k) for k, v in _convert_op2int.items()])
- def __init__(self, cpv, op='='):
- """Initialize a VersionMatch instance.
- @type cpv: L{gentoolkit.cpv.CPV}
- @param cpv: cpv object
- @type op: str
- @keyword op: operator
- """
- if not isinstance(cpv, (CPV, self.__class__)):
- err = "cpv must be a gentoolkit.cpv.CPV "
- err += "or gentoolkit.versionmatch.VersionMatch instance"
- raise ValueError(err)
- self.cpv = cpv
- self.operator = op
- self.version = cpv.version
- self.revision = cpv.revision
- self.fullversion = cpv.fullversion
- if self.operator != "~" and self.operator not in self._convert_int2op:
- raise errors.GentoolkitInvalidVersion(
- "invalid operator '%s'" % self.operator)
- if self.operator == "~":
- if not self.version:
- raise errors.GentoolkitInvalidVersion(
- "for ~ op, ver must be specified")
- self.droprevision = True
- self.values = (0,)
- else:
- self.droprevision = False
- self.values = self._convert_int2op[self.operator]
- def match(self, other):
- """See whether a passed in VersionMatch or CPV instance matches self.
- Example usage:
- >>> from gentoolkit.versionmatch import VersionMatch
- >>> from gentoolkit.cpv import CPV
- >>> VersionMatch(CPV('foo/bar-1.5'), op='>').match(
- ... VersionMatch(CPV('foo/bar-2.0')))
- True
- @type other: gentoolkit.versionmatch.VersionMatch OR
- gentoolkit.cpv.CPV
- @param other: version to compare with self's version
- @rtype: bool
- """
- if self.droprevision:
- ver1, ver2 = self.version, other.version
- else:
- ver1, ver2 = self.fullversion, other.fullversion
- return vercmp(ver2, ver1) in self.values
- def __str__(self):
- operator = self._convert_op2int[self.values]
- if self.droprevision or not self.revision:
- return "ver %s %s" % (operator, self.version)
- return "ver-rev %s %s-%s" % (
- operator, self.version, self.revision
- )
- def __repr__(self):
- return "<%s %r>" % (self.__class__.__name__, str(self))
- @staticmethod
- def _convert_ops(inst):
- if inst.droprevision:
- return inst.values
- return tuple(sorted(set((-1, 0, 1)).difference(inst.values)))
- def __eq__(self, other):
- if self is other:
- return True
- if isinstance(other, self.__class__):
- if (self.droprevision != other.droprevision or
- self.version != other.version or
- self.revision != other.revision):
- return False
- return self._convert_ops(self) == self._convert_ops(other)
- return False
- def __ne__(self, other):
- return not self == other
- def __hash__(self):
- return hash((
- self.droprevision,
- self.version,
- self.revision,
- self.values
- ))
+ """Gentoo version comparison object from pkgcore.ebuild.atom_restricts.
+ Any overriding of this class *must* maintain numerical order of
+ self.vals, see intersect for reason why. vals also must be a tuple.
+ """
+ _convert_op2int = {(-1,): "<", (-1, 0): "<=", (0,): "=", (0, 1): ">=", (1,): ">"}
+ _convert_int2op = {v: k for k, v in _convert_op2int.items()}
+ def __init__(self, cpv, op="="):
+ """Initialize a VersionMatch instance.
+ @type cpv: L{gentoolkit.cpv.CPV}
+ @param cpv: cpv object
+ @type op: str
+ @keyword op: operator
+ """
+ if not isinstance(cpv, (CPV, self.__class__)):
+ err = "cpv must be a gentoolkit.cpv.CPV "
+ err += "or gentoolkit.versionmatch.VersionMatch instance"
+ raise ValueError(err)
+ self.cpv = cpv
+ self.operator = op
+ self.version = cpv.version
+ self.revision = cpv.revision
+ self.fullversion = cpv.fullversion
+ if self.operator != "~" and self.operator not in self._convert_int2op:
+ raise errors.GentoolkitInvalidVersion(
+ "invalid operator '%s'" % self.operator
+ )
+ if self.operator == "~":
+ if not self.version:
+ raise errors.GentoolkitInvalidVersion("for ~ op, ver must be specified")
+ self.droprevision = True
+ self.values = (0,)
+ else:
+ self.droprevision = False
+ self.values = self._convert_int2op[self.operator]
+ def match(self, other):
+ """See whether a passed in VersionMatch or CPV instance matches self.
+ Example usage:
+ >>> from gentoolkit.versionmatch import VersionMatch
+ >>> from gentoolkit.cpv import CPV
+ >>> VersionMatch(CPV('foo/bar-1.5'), op='>').match(
+ ... VersionMatch(CPV('foo/bar-2.0')))
+ True
+ @type other: gentoolkit.versionmatch.VersionMatch OR
+ gentoolkit.cpv.CPV
+ @param other: version to compare with self's version
+ @rtype: bool
+ """
+ if self.droprevision:
+ ver1, ver2 = self.version, other.version
+ else:
+ ver1, ver2 = self.fullversion, other.fullversion
+ return vercmp(ver2, ver1) in self.values
+ def __str__(self):
+ operator = self._convert_op2int[self.values]
+ if self.droprevision or not self.revision:
+ return f"ver {operator} {self.version}"
+ return f"ver-rev {operator} {self.version}-{self.revision}"
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return f"<{self.__class__.__name__} {str(self)!r}>"
+ @staticmethod
+ def _convert_ops(inst):
+ if inst.droprevision:
+ return inst.values
+ return tuple(sorted({-1, 0, 1}.difference(inst.values)))
+ def __eq__(self, other):
+ if self is other:
+ return True
+ if isinstance(other, self.__class__):
+ if (
+ self.droprevision != other.droprevision
+ or self.version != other.version
+ or self.revision != other.revision
+ ):
+ return False
+ return self._convert_ops(self) == self._convert_ops(other)
+ return False
+ def __ne__(self, other):
+ return not self == other
+ def __hash__(self):
+ return hash((self.droprevision, self.version, self.revision, self.values))
# vim: set ts=4 sw=4 tw=79:
diff --git a/pym/meson.build b/pym/meson.build
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9b1b354
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pym/meson.build
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/pyproject.toml b/pyproject.toml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fae23b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyproject.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+name = 'gentoolkit'
+dynamic = ['version']
+description = 'Collection of administration scripts for Gentoo'
+readme = 'README.md'
+requires-python = '>=3.9'
+license = {file = "COPYING"}
+authors = [
+ {name = 'Gentoo Portage tools team', email = 'tools-portage@gentoo.org'},
+build-backend = 'mesonpy'
+requires = ['meson-python']
+setup = ['-Dsystem-wide=false']
diff --git a/setup.py b/setup.py
deleted file mode 100755
index a9cd80c..0000000
--- a/setup.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,153 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-import re
-import sys
-import subprocess
-from distutils import core
-from distutils.cmd import Command
-from glob import glob
-import os
-import io
-sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), 'pym'))
-if ( len(sys.argv) > 2 ) and ( sys.argv[1] == "set_version" ):
- __version__ = sys.argv[2]
- __version__ = os.getenv('VERSION', default=os.getenv('PVR', default='9999'))
-cwd = os.getcwd()
-# Load EPREFIX from Portage, fall back to the empty string if it fails
- from portage.const import EPREFIX
-except ImportError:
-# Bash files that need `VERSION=""` subbed, relative to this dir:
-bash_scripts = [(os.path.join(cwd, path), 'VERSION=') for path in (
- 'bin/ebump',
- 'bin/euse',
- 'bin/revdep-rebuild.sh'
-# Python files that need `__version__ = ""` subbed, relative to this dir:
-python_scripts = [(os.path.join(cwd, path), '__version__ = ') for path in (
- 'bin/eclean',
- 'bin/eclean-dist',
- 'bin/eclean-pkg',
- 'bin/epkginfo',
- 'pym/gentoolkit/eclean/cli.py',
- 'pym/gentoolkit/enalyze/__init__.py',
- 'pym/gentoolkit/ekeyword/ekeyword.py',
- 'pym/gentoolkit/equery/__init__.py',
- 'pym/gentoolkit/eshowkw/__init__.py',
- 'pym/gentoolkit/imlate/imlate.py',
- 'pym/gentoolkit/revdep_rebuild/__init__.py'
-manpages = [(os.path.join(cwd, path[0]), path[1]) for path in (
- ('man/ebump.1', 'EBUMP'),
- ('man/eclean.1', 'ECLEAN'),
- ('man/enalyze.1', 'ENALYZE'),
- ('man/epkginfo.1', 'EPKGINFO'),
- ('man/equery.1', 'EQUERY'),
- ('man/eread.1', 'EREAD'),
- ('man/eshowkw.1', 'ESHOWKW'),
- ('man/euse.1', 'EUSE'),
- ('man/imlate.1', 'IMLATE'),
- ('man/revdep-rebuild.1', 'REVDEP-REBUILD'),
-class set_version(core.Command):
- """Set python __version__ and bash VERSION to our __version__."""
- description = "hardcode scripts' version using VERSION from environment"
- user_options = [] # [(long_name, short_name, desc),]
- def initialize_options (self):
- pass
- def finalize_options (self):
- pass
- def run(self):
- ver = 'git' if __version__ == '9999' else __version__
- print("Setting version to %s" % ver)
- def sub(files, pattern):
- for f in files:
- updated_file = []
- with io.open(f[0], 'r', 1, 'utf_8') as s:
- for line in s:
- newline = re.sub(pattern %f[1], '"%s"' % ver, line, 1)
- updated_file.append(newline)
- with io.open(f[0], 'w', 1, 'utf_8') as s:
- s.writelines(updated_file)
- quote = r'[\'"]{1}'
- bash_re = r'(?<=%s)' + quote + '[^\'"]*' + quote
- sub(bash_scripts, bash_re)
- python_re = r'(?<=^%s)' + quote + '[^\'"]*' + quote
- sub(python_scripts, python_re)
- man_re = r'(?<=^.TH "%s" "[0-9]" )' + quote + '[^\'"]*' + quote
- sub(manpages, man_re)
-class TestCommand(Command):
- user_options = []
- def initialize_options(self):
- pass
- def finalize_options(self):
- pass
- def run(self):
- args = [sys.executable, '-m', 'unittest', 'discover', 'pym']
- raise SystemExit(subprocess.call(args))
-packages = [
- str('.'.join(root.split(os.sep)[1:]))
- for root, dirs, files in os.walk('pym/gentoolkit')
- if '__init__.py' in files
-test_data = {
- 'gentoolkit': [
- 'test/eclean/Packages',
- 'test/eclean/testdistfiles.tar.gz',
- 'test/eclean/distfiles.exclude'
- ]
- name='gentoolkit',
- version=__version__,
- description='Set of tools that work with and enhance portage.',
- author='',
- author_email='',
- maintainer='Gentoo Portage Tools Team',
- maintainer_email='tools-portage@gentoo.org',
- url='http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/portage/tools/index.xml',
- download_url='http://distfiles.gentoo.org/distfiles/gentoolkit-%s.tar.gz'\
- % __version__,
- package_dir={'': 'pym'},
- packages=packages,
- package_data = test_data,
- scripts=(glob('bin/*')),
- data_files=(
- (os.path.join(os.sep, EPREFIX.lstrip(os.sep), 'etc/env.d'), ['data/99gentoolkit-env']),
- (os.path.join(os.sep, EPREFIX.lstrip(os.sep), 'etc/revdep-rebuild'), ['data/revdep-rebuild/99revdep-rebuild']),
- (os.path.join(os.sep, EPREFIX.lstrip(os.sep), 'etc/eclean'), glob('data/eclean/*')),
- (os.path.join(os.sep, EPREFIX.lstrip(os.sep), 'usr/share/man/man1'), glob('man/*')),
- (os.path.join(os.sep, EPREFIX.lstrip(os.sep), 'usr/lib/tmpfiles.d'), ['data/tmpfiles.d/revdep-rebuild.conf']),
- ),
- cmdclass={
- 'test': TestCommand,
- 'set_version': set_version,
- },
-# vim: set ts=4 sw=4 tw=79:
diff --git a/tox.ini b/tox.ini
index dcaedad..b34c6dc 100644
--- a/tox.ini
+++ b/tox.ini
@@ -1,17 +1,16 @@
-envlist = py36,py37,py38,pypy3,flake8
-skip_missing_interpreters = True
+envlist = py{39,310,311,312,313}-test,pypy3-test,flake8
+skipsdist = True
-commands =
- python setup.py test
sitepackages = True
deps =
- flake8
+ test: pytest
+allowlist_externals =
+ pytest
commands =
- python -m flake8 pym
+ pylint: pylint pym
+ test: pytest -vv -ra -l -o console_output_style=count {posargs}
# We initially start small, but we probably want to expand that list with time.