diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'pym/gentoolkit/eclean/search.py')
1 files changed, 520 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/pym/gentoolkit/eclean/search.py b/pym/gentoolkit/eclean/search.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4c5b0ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pym/gentoolkit/eclean/search.py
@@ -0,0 +1,520 @@
+# Copyright 2003-2010 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+from __future__ import print_function
+import re
+import stat
+import sys
+import portage
+from portage import os
+import gentoolkit
+import gentoolkit.pprinter as pp
+from gentoolkit.eclean.exclude import (exclDictMatchCP, exclDictExpand,
+ exclDictExpandPkgname, exclMatchFilename)
+#from gentoolkit.package import Package
+from gentoolkit.helpers import walk
+# Misc. shortcuts to some portage stuff:
+port_settings = portage.settings
+pkgdir = port_settings["PKGDIR"]
+err = sys.stderr
+deprecated_message=""""Deprecation Warning: Installed package: %s
+ Is no longer in the tree or an installed overlay"""
+DEPRECATED = pp.warn(deprecated_message)
+debug_modules = []
+def dprint(module, message):
+ if module in debug_modules:
+ print(message)
+def get_distdir():
+ """Returns DISTDIR if sane, else barfs."""
+ d = portage.settings["DISTDIR"]
+ if not os.path.isdir(d):
+ e = pp.error("%s does not appear to be a directory.\n" % d)
+ e += pp.error("Please set DISTDIR to a sane value.\n")
+ e += pp.error("(Check your /etc/make.conf and environment).")
+ print( e, file=sys.stderr)
+ exit(1)
+ return d
+distdir = get_distdir()
+class DistfilesSearch(object):
+ """
+ @param output: verbose output method or (lambda x: None) to turn off
+ @param vardb: defaults to portage.db[portage.root]["vartree"].dbapi
+ is overridden for testing.
+ @param portdb: defaults to portage.portdb and is overriden for testing.
+ def __init__(self,
+ output,
+ portdb=portage.portdb,
+ vardb=portage.db[portage.root]["vartree"].dbapi,
+ ):
+ self.vardb =vardb
+ self.portdb = portdb
+ self.output = output
+ def findDistfiles(self,
+ exclude={},
+ destructive=False,
+ fetch_restricted=False,
+ package_names=False,
+ time_limit=0,
+ size_limit=0,
+ _distdir=distdir,
+ deprecate=False
+ ):
+ """Find all obsolete distfiles.
+ XXX: what about cvs ebuilds?
+ I should install some to see where it goes...
+ @param exclude: an exclusion dict as defined in
+ exclude.parseExcludeFile class.
+ @param destructive: boolean, defaults to False
+ @param fetch_restricted: boolean, defaults to False
+ @param package_names: boolean, defaults to False.
+ @param time_limit: integer time value as returned by parseTime()
+ @param size_limit: integer value of max. file size to keep or 0 to ignore.
+ @param _distdir: path to the distfiles dir being checked, defaults to portage.
+ @param deprecate: bool to control checking the clean dict. files for exclusion
+ @rtype: dict
+ @return dict. of package files to clean i.e. {'cat/pkg-ver.tbz2': [filename],}
+ """
+ clean_me = {}
+ pkgs = {}
+ saved = {}
+ deprecated = {}
+ installed_included = False
+ # create a big CPV->SRC_URI dict of packages
+ # whose distfiles should be kept
+ if (not destructive) or fetch_restricted:
+ self.output("...non-destructive type search")
+ # TODO fix fetch_restricted to save the installed packges filenames while processing
+ pkgs, _deprecated = self._non_destructive(destructive, fetch_restricted, exclude=exclude)
+ deprecated.update(_deprecated)
+ installed_included = True
+ if destructive:
+ self.output("...destructive type search: %d packages already found" %len(pkgs))
+ pkgs, _deprecated = self._destructive(package_names,
+ exclude, pkgs, installed_included)
+ deprecated.update(_deprecated)
+ # gather the files to be cleaned
+ self.output("...checking limits for %d ebuild sources"
+ %len(pkgs))
+ clean_me = self._check_limits(_distdir,
+ size_limit, time_limit, exclude)
+ # remove any protected files from the list
+ self.output("...removing protected sources from %s candidates to clean"
+ %len(clean_me))
+ clean_me = self._remove_protected(pkgs, clean_me)
+ if not deprecate and len(exclude) and len(clean_me):
+ self.output("...checking final for exclusion from " +\
+ "%s remaining candidates to clean" %len(clean_me))
+ clean_me, saved = self._check_excludes(exclude, clean_me)
+ return clean_me, saved, deprecated
+####################### begin _check_limits code block
+ def _check_limits(self,
+ _distdir,
+ size_limit,
+ time_limit,
+ exclude,
+ clean_me={}
+ ):
+ """Checks files if they exceed size and/or time_limits, etc.
+ """
+ checks = [self._isreg_limit_]
+ if size_limit:
+ checks.append(self._size_limit_)
+ self.size_limit = size_limit
+ else:
+ self.output(" - skipping size limit check")
+ if time_limit:
+ checks.append(self._time_limit_)
+ self.time_limit = time_limit
+ else:
+ self.output(" - skipping time limit check")
+ if 'filenames' in exclude:
+ checks.append(self._filenames_limit_)
+ self.exclude = exclude
+ else:
+ self.output(" - skipping exclude filenames check")
+ max_index = len(checks)
+ for file in os.listdir(_distdir):
+ filepath = os.path.join(_distdir, file)
+ try:
+ file_stat = os.stat(filepath)
+ except:
+ continue
+ _index = 0
+ next = True
+ skip_file = False
+ while _index<max_index and next:
+ next, skip_file = checks[_index](file_stat, file)
+ _index +=1
+ if skip_file:
+ continue
+ # this is a candidate for cleaning
+ #print( "Adding file to clean_list:", file)
+ clean_me[file]=[filepath]
+ return clean_me
+ def _isreg_limit_(self, file_stat, file):
+ """check if file is a regular file."""
+ is_reg_file = stat.S_ISREG(file_stat[stat.ST_MODE])
+ return is_reg_file, not is_reg_file
+ def _size_limit_(self, file_stat, file):
+ """checks if the file size exceeds the size_limit"""
+ if (file_stat[stat.ST_SIZE] >= self.size_limit):
+ #print( "size match ", file, file_stat[stat.ST_SIZE])
+ return False, True
+ return True, False
+ def _time_limit_(self, file_stat, file):
+ """checks if the file exceeds the time_limit"""
+ if (file_stat[stat.ST_MTIME] >= self.time_limit):
+ #print( "time match ", file, file_stat[stat.ST_MTIME])
+ return False, True
+ return True,False
+ def _filenames_limit_(self, file_stat, file):
+ """checks if the file matches an exclusion file listing"""
+ # Try to match file name directly
+ if file in self.exclude['filenames']:
+ return False, True
+ # See if file matches via regular expression matching
+ else:
+ file_match = False
+ for file_entry in self.exclude['filenames']:
+ if self.exclude['filenames'][file_entry].match(file):
+ file_match = True
+ break
+ if file_match:
+ return False, True
+ return True, False
+####################### end _check_limits code block
+ def _remove_protected(self,
+ pkgs,
+ clean_me
+ ):
+ """Remove files owned by some protected packages.
+ @returns packages to clean
+ @rtype: dictionary
+ """
+ # this regexp extracts files names from SRC_URI. It is not very precise,
+ # but we don't care (may return empty strings, etc.), since it is fast.
+ file_regexp = re.compile(r'([a-zA-Z0-9_,\.\-\+\~]*)[\s\)]')
+ for cpv in pkgs:
+ for file in file_regexp.findall(pkgs[cpv]+"\n"):
+ if file in clean_me:
+ del clean_me[file]
+ # no need to waste IO time if there is nothing left to clean
+ if not len(clean_me):
+ return clean_me
+ return clean_me
+ def _non_destructive(self,
+ destructive,
+ fetch_restricted,
+ pkgs_ = {},
+ exclude={}
+ ):
+ """performs the non-destructive checks
+ @param destructive: boolean
+ @param pkgs_: starting dictionary to add to
+ defaults to {}.
+ @returns packages and thier SRC_URI's: {cpv: src_uri,}
+ @rtype: dictionary
+ """
+ pkgs = pkgs_.copy()
+ deprecated = {}
+ # the following code block was split to optimize for speed
+ # list all CPV from portree (yeah, that takes time...)
+ self.output(" - getting complete ebuild list")
+ cpvs = set(self.portdb.cpv_all())
+ # now add any installed cpv's that are not in the tree or overlays
+ installed_cpvs = self.vardb.cpv_all()
+ cpvs.update(installed_cpvs)
+ if fetch_restricted and destructive:
+ self.output(" - getting source file names " +
+ "for %d installed ebuilds" %len(installed_cpvs))
+ pkgs, _deprecated = self._unrestricted(pkgs, installed_cpvs)
+ deprecated.update(_deprecated)
+ # remove the installed cpvs then check the remaining for fetch restiction
+ cpvs.difference_update(installed_cpvs)
+ self.output(" - getting fetch-restricted source file names " +
+ "for %d remaining ebuilds" %len(cpvs))
+ pkgs, _deprecated = self._fetch_restricted(destructive, pkgs, cpvs)
+ deprecated.update(_deprecated)
+ else:
+ self.output(" - getting source file names " +
+ "for %d ebuilds" %len(cpvs))
+ pkgs, _deprecated = self._unrestricted(pkgs, cpvs)
+ deprecated.update(_deprecated)
+ return pkgs, deprecated
+ def _fetch_restricted(self, destructive, pkgs_, cpvs):
+ """perform fetch restricted non-destructive source
+ filename lookups
+ @param destructive: boolean
+ @param pkgs_: starting dictionary to add to
+ @param cpvs: set of (cat/pkg-ver, ...) identifiers
+ @return a new pkg dictionary
+ @rtype: dictionary
+ """
+ pkgs = pkgs_.copy()
+ deprecated = {}
+ for cpv in cpvs:
+ # get SRC_URI and RESTRICT from aux_get
+ try: # main portdb
+ (src_uri,restrict) = \
+ self.portdb.aux_get(cpv,["SRC_URI","RESTRICT"])
+ # keep fetch-restricted check
+ # inside try so it is bypassed on KeyError
+ if 'fetch' in restrict:
+ pkgs[cpv] = src_uri
+ except KeyError:
+ try: # installed vardb
+ (src_uri,restrict) = \
+ self.vardb.aux_get(cpv,["SRC_URI","RESTRICT"])
+ deprecated[cpv] = src_uri
+ self.output(DEPRECATED %cpv)
+ # keep fetch-restricted check
+ # inside try so it is bypassed on KeyError
+ if 'fetch' in restrict:
+ pkgs[cpv] = src_uri
+ except KeyError:
+ self.output(" - Key Error looking up: " + cpv)
+ return pkgs, deprecated
+ def _unrestricted(self, pkgs_, cpvs):
+ """Perform unrestricted source filenames lookups
+ @param pkgs_: starting packages dictionary
+ @param cpvs: set of (cat/pkg-ver, ...) identifiers
+ @return a new pkg dictionary
+ @rtype: dictionary
+ """
+ pkgs = pkgs_.copy()
+ deprecated = {}
+ for cpv in cpvs:
+ # get SRC_URI from aux_get
+ try:
+ pkgs[cpv] = self.portdb.aux_get(cpv,["SRC_URI"])[0]
+ except KeyError:
+ try: # installed vardb
+ pkgs[cpv] = self.vardb.aux_get(cpv,["SRC_URI"])[0]
+ deprecated[cpv] = pkgs[cpv]
+ self.output(DEPRECATED %cpv)
+ except KeyError:
+ self.output(" - Key Error looking up: " + cpv)
+ return pkgs, deprecated
+ def _destructive(self,
+ package_names,
+ exclude,
+ pkgs_={},
+ installed_included=False
+ ):
+ """Builds on pkgs according to input options
+ @param package_names: boolean
+ @param exclude: an exclusion dict as defined in
+ exclude.parseExcludeFile class.
+ @param pkgs: starting dictionary to add to
+ defaults to {}.
+ @param installed_included: bool. pkgs already
+ has the installed cpv's added.
+ @returns pkgs: {cpv: src_uri,}
+ """
+ pkgs = pkgs_.copy()
+ deprecated = {}
+ pkgset = set()
+ if not installed_included:
+ if not package_names:
+ # list all installed CPV's from vartree
+ #print( "_destructive: getting vardb.cpv_all")
+ pkgset.update(self.vardb.cpv_all())
+ self.output(" - processing %s installed ebuilds" % len(pkgset))
+ elif package_names:
+ # list all CPV's from portree for CP's in vartree
+ #print( "_destructive: getting vardb.cp_all")
+ cps = self.vardb.cp_all()
+ self.output(" - processing %s installed packages" % len(cps))
+ for package in cps:
+ pkgset.update(self.portdb.cp_list(package))
+ self.output(" - processing excluded")
+ excludes = self._get_excludes(exclude)
+ excludes_length = len(excludes)
+ pkgset.update(excludes)
+ pkgs_done = set(list(pkgs))
+ pkgset.difference_update(pkgs_done)
+ self.output(
+ " - (%d of %d total) additional excluded packages to get source filenames for"
+ %(len(pkgset), excludes_length))
+ #self.output(" - processing %d ebuilds for filenames" %len(pkgset))
+ pkgs, _deprecated = self._unrestricted(pkgs, pkgset)
+ deprecated.update(_deprecated)
+ #self.output(" - done...")
+ return pkgs, deprecated
+ def _get_excludes(self, exclude):
+ """Expands the exclude dictionary into a set of
+ CPV's
+ @param exclude: dictionary of exclusion categories,
+ packages to exclude from the cleaning
+ @rtype: set
+ @return set of package cpv's
+ """
+ pkgset = set()
+ for cp in exclDictExpand(exclude):
+ # add packages from the exclude file
+ pkgset.update(self.portdb.cp_list(cp))
+ return pkgset
+ def _check_excludes(self, exclude, clean_me):
+ """Performs a last minute check on remaining filenames
+ to see if they should be protected. Since if the pkg-version
+ was deprecated it would not have been matched to a
+ source filename and removed.
+ @param exclude: an exclusion dictionary
+ @param clean_me: the list of filenames for cleaning
+ @rtype: dict of packages to clean
+ """
+ saved = {}
+ pn_excludes = exclDictExpandPkgname(exclude)
+ dprint("excludes", "_check_excludes: made it here ;)")
+ if not pn_excludes:
+ return clean_me, saved
+ dprint("excludes", pn_excludes)
+ for key in list(clean_me):
+ if exclMatchFilename(pn_excludes, key):
+ saved[key] = clean_me[key]
+ del clean_me[key]
+ self.output(" ...Saved excluded package filename: " + key)
+ return clean_me, saved
+def findPackages(
+ options,
+ exclude={},
+ destructive=False,
+ time_limit=0,
+ package_names=False,
+ pkgdir=None,
+ port_dbapi=portage.db[portage.root]["porttree"].dbapi,
+ var_dbapi=portage.db[portage.root]["vartree"].dbapi
+ ):
+ """Find all obsolete binary packages.
+ XXX: packages are found only by symlinks.
+ Maybe i should also return .tbz2 files from All/ that have
+ no corresponding symlinks.
+ @param options: dict of options determined at runtime
+ @param exclude: an exclusion dict as defined in
+ exclude.parseExcludeFile class.
+ @param destructive: boolean, defaults to False
+ @param time_limit: integer time value as returned by parseTime()
+ @param package_names: boolean, defaults to False.
+ used only if destructive=True
+ @param pkgdir: path to the binary package dir being checked
+ @param port_dbapi: defaults to portage.db[portage.root]["porttree"].dbapi
+ can be overridden for tests.
+ @param var_dbapi: defaults to portage.db[portage.root]["vartree"].dbapi
+ can be overridden for tests.
+ @rtype: dict
+ @return clean_me i.e. {'cat/pkg-ver.tbz2': [filepath],}
+ """
+ clean_me = {}
+ # create a full package dictionary
+ # now do an access test, os.walk does not error for "no read permission"
+ try:
+ test = os.listdir(pkgdir)
+ del test
+ except EnvironmentError as er:
+ print( pp.error("Error accessing PKGDIR." ), file=sys.stderr)
+ print( pp.error("(Check your /etc/make.conf and environment)."), file=sys.stderr)
+ print( pp.error("Error: %s" %str(er)), file=sys.stderr)
+ exit(1)
+ for root, dirs, files in walk(pkgdir):
+ if root[-3:] == 'All':
+ continue
+ for file in files:
+ if not file[-5:] == ".tbz2":
+ # ignore non-tbz2 files
+ continue
+ path = os.path.join(root, file)
+ category = os.path.split(root)[-1]
+ cpv = category+"/"+file[:-5]
+ st = os.lstat(path)
+ if time_limit and (st[stat.ST_MTIME] >= time_limit):
+ # time-limit exclusion
+ continue
+ # dict is cpv->[files] (2 files in general, because of symlink)
+ clean_me[cpv] = [path]
+ #if os.path.islink(path):
+ if stat.S_ISLNK(st[stat.ST_MODE]):
+ clean_me[cpv].append(os.path.realpath(path))
+ # keep only obsolete ones
+ if destructive:
+ dbapi = var_dbapi
+ if package_names:
+ cp_all = dict.fromkeys(dbapi.cp_all())
+ else:
+ cp_all = {}
+ else:
+ dbapi = port_dbapi
+ cp_all = {}
+ for cpv in list(clean_me):
+ if exclDictMatchCP(exclude,portage.cpv_getkey(cpv)):
+ # exclusion because of the exclude file
+ del clean_me[cpv]
+ continue
+ if dbapi.cpv_exists(cpv):
+ # exclusion because pkg still exists (in porttree or vartree)
+ del clean_me[cpv]
+ continue
+ if portage.cpv_getkey(cpv) in cp_all:
+ # exlusion because of --package-names
+ del clean_me[cpv]
+ return clean_me