Python Code Guidelines ---------------------- These are a few guidelines to stick to when modifying or adding code to Gentoolkit. These guidelines do not apply to pym/gentoolkit/test/*. First, read Python's PEP 8: Next, read Portage's DEVELOPING file. Next, read Portage's Docstring specs: (Portage DEVELOPING overrides PEP 8, so we use tabs instead of spaces.) Here are a few clarifications and changes to the above: Line-Wrapping ------------- - Do NOT space out to an opening paren (etc). Different tab settings make this difficult to read: BAD: foo = get_foo(keyword1=default, keyword2=default, ...) OK: foo = get_foo(keyword1=default, keyword2=default, keyword3=default, keyword4=default, ...) OK: foo = get_foo( keyword1=default, keyword2=default, ... ) - Preferred line length is 80 characters with a tab length of 4 characters. - "The preferred way of wrapping long lines is by using Python's implied line continuation inside parentheses, brackets and braces" rather than using '\' (PEP 8). Even better than that is pre-defining a snippet of the long line in a variable. So: BAD: (too long) self._descriptions = [e.text for e in self._xml_tree.findall("longdescription")] OK: self._descriptions = \ [e.text for e in self._xml_tree.findall("longdescription")] OK: self._descriptions = [ e.text for e in self._xml_tree.findall("longdescription") ] OK: (easiest to read and test) long_descriptions = self._xml_tree.findall("longdescription") self._descriptions = [e.text for e in long_descriptions] Imports: -------- Same as PEP 8 and Portage's DEVELOPING spec, but make sure to split python default libraries, Gentoo system libraries (like portage) and lastly local modules (gentoolkit), so: GOOD: import os import re import portage from portage.versions import catpkgsplit, pkgcmp from gentoolkit import CONFIG from gentoolkit import pprinter as pp ... Exceptions: ----------- Always raise exceptions and catch them at the last possible moment. This allows API consumers to catch them and decide what to do with them. Do not print an error to stderr from inside a consumable. Never "print" an error string, always write it to stderr. Lastly, if an error is fatal (should be raised all the way up), try to make sure it is an errors.Gentoolkit* error. That allows API consumers to catch all fatal errors with: except 'gentoolkit.errors.GentoolkitException'. See bin/equery to see how we catch those exceptions before they hit the user. BAD: try: result = tree.aux_get(str(self.cpv), [var]) except KeyError: sys.stderr.write("aux_get returned unexpected results") BETTER: # This line raises KeyError if self.cpv not found: result = tree.aux_get(str(self.cpv), [var]) BEST: try: result = tree.aux_get(str(self.cpv), [var]) except KeyError: err = "aux_get returned unexpected results" raise errors.GentoolkitFatalError(err) Docstrings: ----------- Follow this example for any complicated function or method. Don't worry about docstring for private methods (like _foo) or methods like __this__. It's definitely OK to write docstrings for these methods as well if there's something tricky about them, though. def graph_reverse_depends(...): # A ONE-LINE sentence describing the function in simplest terms: """Graph direct reverse dependencies for self. # An optional second paragraph to give more detailed information. # Sometimes an 'Example usage' here can be worth more than a lengthy # description. Examples should be an ACTUAL interpreter session: Example usage: >>> from gentoolkit.dependencies import Dependencies >>> ffmpeg = Dependencies('media-video/ffmpeg-0.5_p20373') >>> # I only care about installed packages that depend on me: ... from gentoolkit.helpers import get_installed_cpvs >>> # I want to pass in a sorted list. We can pass strings or ... # Package or Atom types, so I'll use Package to sort: ... from gentoolkit.package import Package >>> installed = sorted(Package(x) for x in get_installed_cpvs()) >>> deptree = ffmpeg.graph_reverse_depends( ... only_direct=False, # Include indirect revdeps ... pkgset=installed) # from installed pkgset >>> len(deptree) 44 # Lastly use epydoc's special fields to document further. # See: @type pkgset: iterable @keyword pkgset: sorted pkg cpv strings or anything sublassing L{gentoolkit.cpv.CPV} to use for calculate our revdep graph. @type max_depth: int @keyword max_depth: Maximum depth to recurse if only_direct=False. -1 means no maximum depth; 0 is the same as only_direct=True; >0 means recurse only this many times; @type only_direct: bool @keyword only_direct: to recurse or not to recurse @type printer_fn: callable @keyword printer_fn: If None, no effect. If set, it will be applied to each L{gentoolkit.atom.Atom} object as it is added to the results. @rtype: list @return: L{gentoolkit.dependencies.Dependencies} objects """ Other concerns: --------------- - Choose names which are full, clear words (not necessary in small loops). - It is NEVER necessary to prefix names with "my". It adds no useful information. - Comment and document in simple, unambiguous and non-repetitive English. - When adding a TODO, FIXME or XXX comment, please date it and add your name so that other devs know who to ask about the proposed change. - Be careful of spelling.