Usage: equery command where is one of -q, --quiet - minimal output -C, --nocolor - turn off colours -h, --help - this help screen -V, --version - display version info where command(short) is one of belongs(b) files... - list all packages owning files... changes(c) - not implemented yet check(k) pkgspec - check MD5sums and timestamps of pkgspec's files depends(d) pkgspec - list all direct dependencies matching pkgspec depgraph(g) pkgspec - display a dependency tree for pkgspec files(f) pkgspec - list files owned by pkgspec glsa(a) - not implemented yet hasuses(h) pkgspec - list all packages with useflag list(l) pkgspec - list all packages matching pkgspec size(s) pkgspec - print size of files contained in package pkgspec stats(t) - not implemented yet uses(u) pkgspec - display USE flags for pkgspec which(w) pkgspec - print full path to ebuild for package pkgspec