## Mutt e-mail client ####################################### ## ## The role for using the mutt application. ## ## ## ## The role associated with the user domain. ## ## ## ## ## The user domain. ## ## # interface(`mutt_role',` gen_require(` type mutt_t, mutt_exec_t, mutt_home_t, mutt_conf_t, mutt_etc_t; type mutt_tmp_t; ') role $1 types mutt_t; domtrans_pattern($2, mutt_exec_t, mutt_t) allow $2 mutt_t:process { ptrace signal_perms }; manage_dirs_pattern($2, mutt_home_t, mutt_home_t) manage_files_pattern($2, mutt_home_t, mutt_home_t) manage_dirs_pattern($2, mutt_conf_t, mutt_conf_t) manage_files_pattern($2, mutt_conf_t, mutt_conf_t) relabel_dirs_pattern($2, mutt_home_t, mutt_home_t) relabel_files_pattern($2, mutt_home_t, mutt_home_t) relabel_dirs_pattern($2, mutt_conf_t, mutt_conf_t) relabel_files_pattern($2, mutt_conf_t, mutt_conf_t) relabel_dirs_pattern($2, mutt_tmp_t, mutt_tmp_t) relabel_files_pattern($2, mutt_tmp_t, mutt_tmp_t) ps_process_pattern($2, mutt_t) ') ####################################### ## ## Allow other domains to read mutt's home files ## ## ## ## The domain that is allowed read access to the mutt_home_t files ## ## # interface(`mutt_read_home_files',` gen_require(` type mutt_home_t; ') read_files_pattern($1, mutt_home_t, mutt_home_t) ') ####################################### ## ## Allow other domains to read mutt's temporary files ## ## ## ## The domain that is allowed read access to the temporary files ## ## # interface(`mutt_read_tmp_files',` gen_require(` type mutt_tmp_t; ') read_files_pattern($1, mutt_tmp_t, mutt_tmp_t) ') ####################################### ## ## Allow other domains to handle mutt's temporary files (used for instance ## for e-mail drafts) ## ## ## ## The domain that is allowed read/write access to the temporary files ## ## # interface(`mutt_rw_tmp_files',` gen_require(` type mutt_tmp_t; ') # The use of rw_files_pattern here is not needed, since this incurs the open privilege as well allow $1 mutt_tmp_t:dir search_dir_perms; allow $1 mutt_tmp_t:file { read write }; files_search_tmp($1) ')