diff options
authorVlastimil Babka <>2006-09-07 23:21:16 +0000
committerVlastimil Babka <>2006-09-07 23:21:16 +0000
commit0eb22580c1fb7232a0d36953e7f2c6f67c7205f8 (patch)
parentAdded apt (annotation processing tool) into run-java-tool's symlinks. (diff)
Added -d (--with-dependencies) trigger for --library and --classpath calls.
svn path=/projects/java-config-2/trunk/; revision=2709
2 files changed, 94 insertions, 35 deletions
diff --git a/src/java-config-2 b/src/java-config-2
index 319fc1d..175e3d4 100755
--- a/src/java-config-2
+++ b/src/java-config-2
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ from commands import getoutput
from optparse import OptionParser, make_option
+from sets import Set
def version(option, opt, value, parser):
printer._print("%H%BJava Configuration Utility %GVersion " + str(__version__))
@@ -69,17 +70,31 @@ def java_version(option, opt, value, parser):
except PermissionError:
fatalError("The java executable was not found in the Java path")
-def classpath(option, opt, value, parser):
+def query_pkg_path(option, opt, value, parser, query):
packages = value.split(',')
- classpath = manager.build_classpath(packages)
+ path = Set()
+ missing_deps = Set()
+ if not parser.values.with_deps:
+ path = manager.build_path(packages, query)
+ else:
+ path = manager.build_dep_path(packages, query, missing_deps)
+ printer._print(':'.join(path))
- printer._print(':'.join(classpath))
+ error = False
if len(packages) > 0:
for package in packages:
printer._printError("Package %s was not found!" % package)
- sys.exit(1)
+ error = True
+ if len(missing_deps) > 0:
+ for dep in missing_deps:
+ printer._printError("Dependency package %s was not found!" % dep)
+ error = True
+ if error:
+ sys.exit(1)
def get_env(option, opt, value, parser):
@@ -227,15 +242,6 @@ def clean_user_classpath(option, opt, value, parser):
-def library(option, opt, value, parser):
- packages = value.split(',')
- library = manager.query_packages(packages, "LIBRARY_PATH")
- for package in packages:
- printer._printError("Package %s was not found!" % package)
- printer._print(':'.join(library))
def select_vm(option, opt, value, parser):
vm = manager.get_vm(value)
if vm:
@@ -273,6 +279,7 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
options_list = [
make_option ("-V", "--version", action="callback", callback=version, help="Print version information"),
make_option ("-n", "--nocolor", action="callback", callback=nocolor, help="Disable color output"),
+ make_option ("" , "--select-vm", action="callback", callback=select_vm, help="Use this vm instead of the active vm when returning information", type="string", dest="vm"),
make_option ("-J", "--java", action="callback", callback=java, help="Print the location of the java executable"),
make_option ("-c", "--javac", action="callback", callback=javac, help="Print the location of the javac executable"),
make_option ("-j", "--jar", action="callback", callback=jar, help="Print the location of the jar executable"),
@@ -281,22 +288,22 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
make_option ("-r", "--runtime", action="callback", callback=runtime, help="Print the runtime classpathh"),
make_option ("-f", "--show-active-vm", action="callback", callback=show_active_vm, help="Print the active Virtual Machine"),
make_option ("-v", "--java-version", action="callback", callback=java_version, help="Print version information for the active VM"),
- make_option ("-p", "--classpath", action="callback", callback=classpath, help="Print entries in the environment classpath", type="string", dest="package(s)"),
make_option ("-g", "--get-env", action="callback", callback=get_env, help="Print an environment variable from the active VM", type="string", dest="var"),
+ make_option ("-P", "--print", action="callback", callback=print_environment, help="Print the environment for the specified VM", type="string", dest="vm"),
make_option ("-e", "--exec_cmd", action="callback", callback=exec_cmd, help="Execute something which is in JAVA_HOME", type="string", dest="command"),
- make_option ("-l", "--list-available-packages", action="callback", callback=list_available_packages, help="List all available packages on the system."),
make_option ("-L", "--list-available-vms", action="callback", callback=list_available_vms, help="List available Java Virtual Machines"),
- make_option ("-P", "--print", action="callback", callback=print_environment, help="Print the environment for the specified VM", type="string", dest="vm"),
make_option ("-S", "--set-system-vm", action="callback", callback=set_system_vm, help="Set the default Java VM for the system", type="string", dest="vm"),
make_option ("-s", "--set-user-vm", action="callback", callback=set_user_vm, help="Set the default Java VM for the user", type="string", dest="vm"),
- make_option ("-A", "--set-system-classpath", action="callback", callback=set_system_classpath, help="(Deprecated) Set the system classpath to include the libraries", type="string", dest="package(s)" ),
- make_option ("-B", "--append-system-classpath", action="callback", callback=append_system_classpath, help="(Deprecated) Append the libraries to the system classpath", type="string", dest="package(s)"),
+ make_option ("-l", "--list-available-packages", action="callback", callback=list_available_packages, help="List all available packages on the system."),
+ make_option ("-d", "--with-dependencies", action="store_true", help="Include package dependencies in --classpath and --library calls", default=False, dest="with_deps"),
+ make_option ("-p", "--classpath", action="callback", callback=query_pkg_path, help="Print entries in the environment classpath for these packages", type="string", dest="package(s)", callback_args = ("CLASSPATH",)),
+ make_option ("-i", "--library", action="callback", callback=query_pkg_path, help="Print java library paths for these packages", type="string", dest="package(s)", callback_args = ("LIBRARY_PATH",)),
+ make_option ("-A", "--set-system-classpath", action="callback", callback=set_system_classpath, help="(Deprecated) Set the system classpath to include the libraries", type="string", dest="package(s)" ),
+ make_option ("-B", "--append-system-classpath", action="callback", callback=append_system_classpath, help="(Deprecated) Append the libraries to the system classpath", type="string", dest="package(s)"),
make_option ("-X", "--clean-system-classpath", action="callback", callback=clean_system_classpath, help="(Deprecated) Clean the current system classpath"),
- make_option ("-a", "--set-user-classpath", action="callback", callback=set_user_classpath, help="(Deprecated) Set the user classpath to include the libraries", type="string", dest="package(s)"),
- make_option ("-b", "--append-user-classpath", action="callback", callback=append_user_classpath, help="(Deprecated) Append the libraries to the user classpath", type="string", dest="package(s)"),
- make_option ("-x", "--clean-user-classpath", action="callback", callback=clean_user_classpath, help="(Deprecated) Clean the current user classpath"),
- make_option ("" , "--select-vm", action="callback", callback=select_vm, help="Use this vm when returning information not the active vm", type="string", dest="vm"),
- make_option ("-i", "--library", action="callback", callback=library, help="Print java library paths for these packages", type="string", dest="package(s)")
+ make_option ("-a", "--set-user-classpath", action="callback", callback=set_user_classpath, help="(Deprecated) Set the user classpath to include the libraries", type="string", dest="package(s)"),
+ make_option ("-b", "--append-user-classpath", action="callback", callback=append_user_classpath, help="(Deprecated) Append the libraries to the user classpath", type="string", dest="package(s)"),
+ make_option ("-x", "--clean-user-classpath", action="callback", callback=clean_user_classpath, help="(Deprecated) Clean the current user classpath")
parser = OptionParser(usage, options_list)
diff --git a/src/java_config/ b/src/java_config/
index 0da079a..5d8107a 100644
--- a/src/java_config/
+++ b/src/java_config/
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ class EnvironmentManager:
def load_vms(self):
"""Load all the vm files, and check for correctness"""
self.virtual_machines = {}
if os.path.isdir(self.vms_path):
count = 1
filelist = os.listdir(self.vms_path)
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ class EnvironmentManager:
self.virtual_machines[count] = vm
count += 1
def load_packages(self):
self.packages = {}
self.virtuals = {}
@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ class EnvironmentManager:
return all_pkg[pkgname]
return None
def get_packages(self):
if self.packages is None:
@@ -240,14 +240,66 @@ class EnvironmentManager:
except IOError:
raise PermissionError
+ def add_path_elements(self, elements, path):
+ if elements:
+ for p in elements.split(':'):
+ if p != '':
+ path.add(p)
+ def build_path(self, pkgs, query):
+ path = Set()
+ for lpath in self.query_packages(pkgs, query):
+ self.add_path_elements(lpath, path)
+ return path
def build_classpath(self, pkgs):
- classpath = Set()
- for lcp in self.query_packages(pkgs, "CLASSPATH"):
- for cp in lcp.split(':'):
- if cp != '':
- classpath.add(cp)
+ return self.build_path(pkgs, "CLASSPATH")
- return classpath
+ def add_dep_classpath(self, pkg, dep, classpath):
+ pkg_cp = pkg.classpath()
+ if pkg_cp:
+ if not dep or len(dep) == 1:
+ self.add_path_elements(pkg_cp, classpath)
+ else:
+ for cp in pkg_cp.split(':'):
+ if basename(cp) == dep[0]:
+ classpath.add(cp)
+ def build_dep_path(self, pkgs, query, missing_deps):
+ path = Set()
+ unresolved = Set()
+ resolved = Set()
+ for p in pkgs[:]:
+ pkg = self.get_package(p)
+ if pkg:
+ pkgs.remove(p)
+ lpath = pkg.query(query)
+ self.add_path_elements(lpath, path)
+ unresolved.add(pkg)
+ while len(unresolved) > 0:
+ pkg = unresolved.pop()
+ resolved.add(pkg)
+ if query != "CLASSPATH":
+ lpath = pkg.query(query)
+ self.add_path_elements(lpath, path)
+ for dep in pkg.deps():
+ p = self.get_package(dep[-1])
+ if p:
+ if p not in resolved:
+ unresolved.add(p)
+ if query == "CLASSPATH":
+ self.add_dep_classpath(p, dep, path)
+ else:
+ missing_deps.add(dep[-1])
+ return path
def set_classpath(self, targets, pkgs):
classpath = self.build_classpath(pkgs)
@@ -285,7 +337,7 @@ class EnvironmentManager:
for target in targets:
for cp in self.get_old_classpath(target).split(':'):
self.write_classpath(targets, classpath)
@@ -300,7 +352,7 @@ class EnvironmentManager:
stream = open(target['file'], 'w')
except IOError:
raise PermissionError
stream.write(target['format'] % ("CLASSPATH", ':'.join(classpath)))
@@ -308,7 +360,7 @@ class EnvironmentManager:
for virtual in virtuals.split():
if not self.get_virtuals().has_key(virtual):
return False
return True
# Singleton hack