# Copyright 1999-2013 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE DIRECTLY! CREATE A COPY AND MODIFY THAT INSTEAD! ## Network settings # MAC address # # You can generate a new one with this command: # # echo "52:54:00:$(dd if=/dev/urandom bs=512 count=1 2>/dev/null | md5sum | sed 's/^\(..\)\(..\)\(..\).*$/\1:\2:\3/')" # MACADDR=52:54:00:10:34:35 # NIC type. # # Allowed: # nat - Automatic qemu NAT network. # br - Bridged network. Requires 'net.br0' service up and running. # none - No network. # # Defaults to 'nat'. # #NIC_TYPE=br # NIC model. # # See qemu documentation. # # Defaults to 'virtio'. # #NIC_MODEL= ## Storage settings # Disk image DISKIMAGE=/mnt/kvm/gentoo64.qcow2 # Drive model. # # See qemu documentation. # # Defaults to 'virtio'. # #DRIVE_MODEL= ## General settings # RAM memory allocated for the virtual machine # # Defaults to 512M # #MEMORY=1G # Processor cores allocated for the virtual machine. # # Defaults to 1 core # #SMP=2 # Foreground settings # # Allowed: # vnc=:24 - Runs VNC at :24 # sdl=:0 - Runs SDL in X.org server running at :0 # none - Disables foreground # # Defaults to 'none'. # FOREGROUND="vnc=:24" # Low privilege user that runs the virtual machine. # # Defaults to 'nobody'. #DROP_USER= # Timeout - How many seconds to wait before trying to hard-kill the virtual # machine. # # Defaults to 300 seconds. # #TIMEOUT=60 # Any other qemu options you may want to use OTHER_ARGS="-boot order=cd -cdrom /mnt/archive/gentoo.iso"