diff options
2 files changed, 91 insertions, 99 deletions
diff --git a/layman/db.py b/layman/db.py
index add8fa1..ba7399c 100644
--- a/layman/db.py
+++ b/layman/db.py
@@ -107,52 +107,7 @@ class DB(DbBase):
def add(self, overlay):
Add an overlay to the local list of overlays.
- >>> import tempfile
- >>> tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="laymantmp_")
- >>> write = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'installed.xml')
- >>> write2 = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'make.conf')
- >>> here = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
- >>> from layman.config import OptionConfig
- >>> myoptions = {'installed' :
- ... here + '/tests/testfiles/global-overlays.xml',
- ... 'local_list': here + '/tests/testfiles/overlays.xml',
- ... 'make_conf' : write2,
- ... 'nocheck' : 'yes',
- ... 'storage' : tmpdir}
- >>> config = OptionConfig(myoptions)
- >>> config.set_option('quietness', 3)
- >>> a = DB(config)
- >>> config.set_option('installed', write)
- >>> b = DB(config)
- >>> config['output'].set_colorize(False)
- >>> m = MakeConf(config, b.overlays)
- >>> m.path = write2
- >>> success = m.write()
- >>> success
- True
- # Commented out since it needs network access:
- # >>> b.add(a.select('wrobel-stable')) #doctest: +ELLIPSIS
- # * Running command "/usr/bin/rsync -rlptDvz --progress --delete --delete-after --timeout=180 --exclude="distfiles/*" --exclude="local/*" --exclude="packages/*" "rsync://gunnarwrobel.de/wrobel-stable/*" "/tmp/file.../wrobel-stable""...
- # >>> c = DbBase([write, ], dict())
- # >>> c.overlays.keys()
- # ['wrobel-stable']
- # >>> m = MakeConf(config, b.overlays)
- # >>> [i.name for i in m.overlays] #doctest: +ELLIPSIS
- # ['wrobel-stable']
- # >>> os.unlink(write)
- >>> os.unlink(write2)
- >>> import shutil
- >>> shutil.rmtree(tmpdir)
if overlay.name not in self.overlays.keys():
if not self._check_official(overlay):
return False
@@ -188,61 +143,8 @@ class DB(DbBase):
def delete(self, overlay):
- Add an overlay to the local list of overlays.
- >>> import tempfile
- >>> tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="laymantmp_")
- >>> write = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'installed.xml')
- >>> write2 = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'make.conf')
- >>> here = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
- >>> from layman.config import OptionConfig
- >>> myoptions = {'installed' :
- ... here + '/tests/testfiles/global-overlays.xml',
- ... 'local_list': here + '/tests/testfiles/overlays.xml',
- ... 'make_conf' : write2,
- ... 'nocheck' : 'yes',
- ... 'storage' : tmpdir}
- >>> config = OptionConfig(myoptions)
- >>> config.set_option('quietness', 3)
- >>> a = DB(config)
- >>> config.set_option('installed', write)
- >>> b = DB(config)
- >>> config['output'].set_colorize(False)
- >>> m = MakeConf(config, b.overlays)
- >>> m.path = here + '/tests/testfiles/make.conf'
- >>> m.read()
- True
- >>> m.path = write2
- >>> m.write()
- True
- # >>> b.add(a.select('wrobel-stable')) #doctest: +ELLIPSIS
- # * Running command "/usr/bin/rsync -rlptDvz --progress --delete --delete-after --timeout=180 --exclude="distfiles/*" --exclude="local/*" --exclude="packages/*" "rsync://gunnarwrobel.de/wrobel-stable/*" "/tmp/file.../wrobel-stable""...
- # >>> b.add(a.select('wrobel')) #doctest: +ELLIPSIS
- # * Running command "/usr/bin/svn co "https://overlays.gentoo.org/svn/dev/wrobel/" "/tmp/file.../wrobel""...
- # >>> c = DbBase([write, ], dict())
- # >>> c.overlays.keys()
- # ['wrobel', 'wrobel-stable']
- # >>> b.delete(b.select('wrobel'))
- # >>> c = DbBase([write, ], dict())
- # >>> c.overlays.keys()
- # ['wrobel-stable']
- # >>> m = MakeConf(config, b.overlays)
- # >>> [i.name for i in m.overlays] #doctest: +ELLIPSIS
- # ['wrobel-stable']
- # >>> os.unlink(write)
- >>> os.unlink(write2)
- >>> import shutil
- >>> shutil.rmtree(tmpdir)
+ Delete an overlay from the local list of overlays.
if overlay.name in self.overlays.keys():
repo_ok = self.repo_conf.delete(overlay)
diff --git a/layman/tests/external.py b/layman/tests/external.py
index 713923b..f8bcc8c 100755
--- a/layman/tests/external.py
+++ b/layman/tests/external.py
@@ -118,6 +118,96 @@ class AddDeleteEnableDisableFromConf(unittest.TestCase):
+class AddDeleteDB(unittest.TestCase):
+ def test(self):
+ repo_name = 'tar_test_overlay'
+ temp_dir_path = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='laymantmp_')
+ db_file = os.path.join(temp_dir_path, 'installed.xml')
+ make_conf = os.path.join(temp_dir_path, 'make.conf')
+ repo_conf = os.path.join(temp_dir_path, 'repos.conf')
+ tar_source_path = os.path.join(HERE, 'testfiles', 'layman-test.tar.bz2')
+ (_, temp_tarball_path) = tempfile.mkstemp()
+ shutil.copyfile(tar_source_path, temp_tarball_path)
+ # Write overlay collection XML
+ xml_text = '''\
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<repositories xmlns="" version="1.0">
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>%(repo_name)s</name>
+ <description>XXXXXXXXXXX</description>
+ <owner>
+ <email>foo@example.org</email>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="tar">file://%(temp_tarball_url)s</source>
+ </repo>
+ '''\
+ % {
+ 'temp_tarball_url': urllib.pathname2url(temp_tarball_path),
+ 'repo_name': repo_name
+ }
+ (fd, temp_xml_path) = tempfile.mkstemp()
+ my_opts = {'installed' : temp_xml_path,
+ 'conf_type' : ['make.conf', 'repos.conf'],
+ 'nocheck' : 'yes',
+ 'make_conf' : make_conf,
+ 'repos_conf' : repo_conf,
+ 'storage' : temp_dir_path,
+ 'check_official': False}
+ with os.fdopen(fd, 'w') as f:
+ f.write(xml_text)
+ with fileopen(make_conf, 'w') as f:
+ with fileopen(repo_conf, 'w') as f:
+ f.write('')
+ config = OptionConfig(options=my_opts)
+ config.set_option('quietness', 3)
+ a = DB(config)
+ config.set_option('installed', db_file)
+ # Add an overlay to a fresh DB file.
+ b = DB(config)
+ b.add(a.select(repo_name))
+ # Make sure it's actually installed.
+ specific_overlay_path = os.path.join(temp_dir_path, repo_name)
+ self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(specific_overlay_path))
+ # Check the DbBase to ensure that it's reading the installed.xml.
+ c = DbBase(config, paths=[db_file,])
+ self.assertEqual(list(c.overlays), ['tar_test_overlay'])
+ # Make sure the configs have been written to correctly.
+ conf = RepoConfManager(config, b.overlays)
+ self.assertEqual(list(conf.overlays), ['tar_test_overlay'])
+ # Delete the overlay from the second DB.
+ b.delete(b.select(repo_name))
+ self.assertEqual(b.overlays, {})
+ # Ensure the installed.xml has been cleaned properly.
+ c = DbBase(config, paths=[db_file,])
+ self.assertEqual(c.overlays, {})
+ conf = RepoConfManager(config, b.overlays)
+ self.assertEqual(conf.overlays, {})
+ # Clean up.
+ os.unlink(temp_xml_path)
+ os.unlink(temp_tarball_path)
+ shutil.rmtree(temp_dir_path)
# Tests archive overlay types (squashfs, tar)
# http://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=304547
class ArchiveAddRemoveSync(unittest.TestCase):