#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ################################################################################# # POLYMERAZE XML UTILITIES ################################################################################# # File: xml.py # # Utilities to deal with xml nodes. # # Copyright: # (c) 2005 - 2008 Gunnar Wrobel # (c) 2009 Sebastian Pipping # (c) 2009 Christian Groschupp # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # # Author(s): # Gunnar Wrobel # Sebastian Pipping # Christian Groschupp # '''Utility functions to deal with xml nodes. ''' from __future__ import unicode_literals __version__ = '$Id: utils.py 236 2006-09-05 20:39:37Z wrobel $' #=============================================================================== # # Dependencies # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- import codecs import copy import locale import os import re import subprocess import sys import types from layman.output import Message if sys.hexversion >= 0x30200f0: STR = str else: STR = basestring #=============================================================================== # # Helper functions # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def encoder(text, _encoding_): return codecs.encode(text, _encoding_, 'replace') def decode_selection(selection): '''utility function to decode a list of strings accoring to the filesystem encoding ''' # fix None passed in, return an empty list selection = selection or [] enc = sys.getfilesystemencoding() if enc is not None: return [encoder(i, enc) for i in selection] return selection def get_encoding(output): if hasattr(output, 'encoding') \ and output.encoding != None: return output.encoding else: encoding = locale.getpreferredencoding() # Make sure that python knows the encoding. Bug 350156 try: # We don't care about what is returned, we just want to # verify that we can find a codec. codecs.lookup(encoding) except LookupError: # Python does not know the encoding, so use utf-8. encoding = 'utf_8' return encoding def get_ans(msg, color='green'): ''' Handles yes/no input @params msg: message prompt for user @rtype boolean: reflects whether the user answered yes or no. ''' ans = get_input(msg, color=color).lower() while ans not in ('y', 'yes', 'n', 'no'): ans = get_input('Please respond with [y/n]: ', color='yellow').lower() return ans in ('y', 'yes') def get_input(msg, color='green', output=None): ''' py2, py3 compatibility function to obtain user input. @params msg: message prompt for user @rtype str: input from user ''' if not output: output = Message() try: value = raw_input(' %s %s' % (output.color_func(color, '*'), msg)) except NameError: value = input(' %s %s' % (output.color_func(color, '*'), msg)) return value def pad(string, length): '''Pad a string with spaces.''' if len(string) <= length: return string + ' ' * (length - len(string)) else: return string[:length - 3] + '...' def terminal_width(): '''Determine width of terminal window.''' try: width = int(os.environ['COLUMNS']) if width > 0: return width except: pass try: import struct, fcntl, termios query = struct.pack('HHHH', 0, 0, 0, 0) response = fcntl.ioctl(1, termios.TIOCGWINSZ, query) width = struct.unpack('HHHH', response)[1] if width > 0: return width except: pass return 80 # From # BEGIN def indent(elem, level=0): i = "\n" + level*" " if len(elem): if not elem.text or not elem.text.strip(): elem.text = i + " " if not elem.tail or not elem.tail.strip(): elem.tail = i for elem in elem: indent(elem, level+1) if not elem.tail or not elem.tail.strip(): elem.tail = i else: if level and (not elem.tail or not elem.tail.strip()): elem.tail = i # END def path(path_elements): ''' Concatenate a path from several elements. ''' pathname = '' if isinstance(path_elements, STR): path_elements = [path_elements] # Concatenate elements and separate with / for i in path_elements: pathname += i + '/' # Replace multiple consecutive slashes pathname = re.compile('/+').sub('/', pathname) # Remove the final / if there is one if pathname and pathname[-1] == '/': pathname = pathname[:-1] return pathname def reload_config(config): ''' Rereads the layman config. @params config: layman.config object. ''' defaults = config.get_defaults() defaults['config'] = defaults['config'] \ % {'configdir': defaults['configdir']} config.update_defaults({'config': defaults['config']}) config.read_config(defaults) def resolve_command(command, output): if os.path.isabs(command): if not os.path.exists(command): output('Program "%s" not found' % command) return ('File', None) return ('File', command) else: kind = 'Command' env_path = os.environ['PATH'] for d in env_path.split(os.pathsep): f = os.path.join(d, command) if os.path.exists(f): return ('Command', f) output('Cound not resolve command ' +\ '"%s" based on PATH "%s"' % (command, env_path)) return ('Command', None) def run_command(config, command, args, **kwargs): output = config['output'] output.debug("Utils.run_command(): " + command, 6) file_to_run = resolve_command(command, output.error)[1] args = [file_to_run] + args assert('pwd' not in kwargs) # Bug detector output.debug("OverlaySource.run_command(): cleared 'assert'", 7) cwd = kwargs.get('cwd', None) env = None env_updates = None if 'env' in kwargs: # Build actual env from surrounding plus updates env_updates = kwargs['env'] env = copy.copy(os.environ) env.update(env_updates) command_repr = ' '.join(args) if env_updates is not None: command_repr = '%s %s' % (' '.join('%s=%s' % (k, v) for (k, v) in sorted(env_updates.items())), command_repr) if cwd is not None: command_repr = '( cd %s && %s )' % (cwd, command_repr) cmd = kwargs.get('cmd', '') output.info('Running %s... # %s' % (cmd, command_repr), 2) if config['quiet']: input_source = subprocess.PIPE output_target = open('/dev/null', 'w') else: # Re-use parent file descriptors input_source = None output_target = None proc = subprocess.Popen(args, stdin=input_source, stdout=output_target, stderr=config['stderr'], cwd=cwd, env=env) if config['quiet']: # Make child non-interactive proc.stdin.close() try: result = proc.wait() except KeyboardInterrupt: output.info('Interrupted manually', 2) result = 1 except Exception as err: output.error( 'Unknown exception running command: %s' % command_repr) output.error('Original error was: %s' % str(err)) result = 1 if config['quiet']: output_target.close() if result: output.info('Failure result returned from %s' % cmd , 2) return result def verify_overlay_src(current_src, remote_srcs): ''' Verifies that the src-url of the overlay in that database is in the set of reported src_urls by the remote database. @param current_src: current source URL. @param remote_srcs: set of available sources reported by remote database. @rtype tuple: returns tuple of set/str of source(s), and boolean reflecting whether current_src is valid or not. ''' if current_src not in remote_srcs: # return remote_srcs and boolean # stating that it's not valid. return remote_srcs, False return current_src, True def delete_empty_directory(mdir, output=None): # test for a usable output parameter, # and make it usable if not if output is None: output = Message() if os.path.exists(mdir) and not os.listdir(mdir): # Check for sufficient privileges if os.access(mdir, os.W_OK): output.info('Deleting _empty_ directory "%s"' % mdir, 2) try: os.rmdir(mdir) except OSError as error: output.warn(str(error)) else: output.warn('Insufficient permissions to delete _empty_ folder "%s".' % mdir) import getpass if getpass.getuser() != 'root': output.warn('Hint: You are not root.') def create_overlay_dict(**kwargs): """Creates a complete empty reository definition. Then fills it with values passed in """ result = { 'name': '', 'owner': [], 'homepage': '', 'irc': '', 'description': [], 'feed': [], 'source': [('','','')], 'priority': 50, 'quality': 'experimental', 'status': '', 'official': False, 'supported': False, } for key in kwargs: result[key] = kwargs[key] return result