#!/usr/bin/env python import os import sys from distutils.core import setup, Command from distutils.dir_util import copy_tree # this affects the names of all the directories we do stuff with sys.path.insert(0, './') from layman.version import VERSION # leave rsync and tar commented out since they are part of system set # make them installed by default SELECTABLE = { 'bazaar': 'bzr', 'cvs': 'cvs', 'darcs': 'darcs', 'git': 'git', 'g-sorcery': 'g_sorcery', 'mercurial': 'mercurial', #'rsync': 'rsync', 'squashfs': 'squashfs', 'subversion': 'svn', #'tar': 'tar', } use_defaults = ' '.join(list(SELECTABLE)) DB_PLUGINS = { 'sqlite': 'layman.db_modules.sqlite_db' } SYNC_PLUGINS = { 'sync-plugin-portage': 'portage.sync.modules.laymansync', } use_defaults += ' ' + ' '.join(list(DB_PLUGINS)) # get the USE from the environment, default to all selectable modules # split them so we don't get substring matches USE = os.environ.get("USE", use_defaults).split() modules = [ 'layman.overlays.modules.rsync', 'layman.overlays.modules.stub', 'layman.overlays.modules.tar', ] for mod in sorted(SELECTABLE): if mod in USE: modules.append('layman.overlays.modules.%s' % SELECTABLE[mod]) for plugin in sorted(DB_PLUGINS): if plugin in USE: modules.append(DB_PLUGINS[plugin]) for plugin in sorted(SYNC_PLUGINS): if plugin in USE: modules.append(SYNC_PLUGINS[plugin]) class setup_plugins(Command): """ Perform moves for the plugins into base namespace so they can be installed. """ user_options = [ ] def initialize_options(self): self.build_base = None def finalize_options(self): self.set_undefined_options('build', ('build_base', 'build_base')) def run(self): for plugin in sorted(SYNC_PLUGINS): if plugin in USE: source = os.path.join('pm_plugins', SYNC_PLUGINS[plugin].split('.')[0]) target = SYNC_PLUGINS[plugin].split('.')[0] copy_tree(source, target) setup( name = 'layman', version = VERSION, description = 'Python script for retrieving gentoo overlays', author = 'Brian Dolbec, Gunnar Wrobel (original author retired)', author_email = 'dolsen@gentoo', url = 'http://layman.sourceforge.net/, ' +\ 'http://git.overlays.gentoo.org/gitweb/?p=proj/layman.git;a=summary', packages = ['layman', 'layman.config_modules', 'layman.config_modules.makeconf', 'layman.config_modules.reposconf', 'layman.db_modules', 'layman.db_modules.json_db', 'layman.db_modules.xml_db', 'layman.overlays', 'layman.overlays.modules', ] + modules, scripts = ['bin/layman', 'bin/layman-overlay-maker', 'bin/layman-mounter', 'bin/layman-updater'], cmdclass = { 'setup_plugins': setup_plugins, }, license = 'GPL', )