/* Please use git log for copyright holder and year information This file is part of libbash. libbash is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. libbash is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with libbash. If not, see . */ tree grammar libbashWalker; options { language = C; tokenVocab = libbash; ASTLabelType = pANTLR3_BASE_TREE; } @includes{ #include #include #include #include class interpreter; void set_interpreter(interpreter* w); } @postinclude{ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "builtins/builtin_exceptions.h" #include "core/bash_ast.h" #include "core/bash_condition.h" #include "core/interpreter.h" #include "cppbash_builtin.h" } @members{ static __thread interpreter* walker = 0; void set_interpreter(interpreter* w) { walker = w; } namespace { void set_index(const std::string& name, unsigned& index, int value) { if(value < 0) throw libbash::illegal_argument_exception((boost::format("Array index is less than 0: \%s[\%d]") \% name \% value).str()); index = value; } // skip to next tree void seek_to_next_tree(plibbashWalker ctx) { // Current depth of the tree we are traversing int depth = 1; // The beginning should always be ROOT DOWN ANY_TOKEN // So we start from LA(4) int index = 4; for(; depth != 0; ++index) { // Go one level done if we encounter DOWN if(LA(index) == DOWN) ++depth; // Go one level up if we encounter UP. When depth==0, we finishe one node else if(LA(index) == UP) --depth; } // Seek to the correct offset and consume. SEEK(INDEX() + index - 2); CONSUME(); } void skip_next_token_or_tree(plibbashWalker ctx) { if(LA(2) != DOWN) SEEK(INDEX() + 1); else seek_to_next_tree(ctx); } // The method is used to append a pattern with another one. Because it's not allowed to append an empty pattern, // we need the argument 'do_append' to indicate whether the pattern is empty. 'do_append' will be set to true after // the first assignment. void append(boost::xpressive::sregex& pattern, const boost::xpressive::sregex& new_pattern, bool& do_append) { using namespace boost::xpressive; if(do_append) { pattern = sregex(pattern >> new_pattern); } else { pattern = new_pattern; do_append = true; } } bool match(const std::string& target, const boost::xpressive::sregex& pattern) { return boost::xpressive::regex_match(target, pattern); } /// \brief parse the text value of a tree to long /// \param the target tree /// \return the parsed value long parse_integer(ANTLR3_BASE_TREE* tree) { return tree->getText(tree)->toInt32(tree->getText(tree)); } /// \brief a helper function that get the string value /// of the given pANTLR3_BASE_TREE node. /// \param the target tree node /// \return the value of node->text std::string get_string(pANTLR3_BASE_TREE node) { pANTLR3_COMMON_TOKEN token = node->getToken(node); // The tree walker may send null pointer here, so return an empty // string if that's the case. if(!token->start) return ""; // Use reinterpret_cast here because we have to cast C code. // The real type here is int64_t which is used as a pointer. // token->stop - token->start + 1 should be bigger than 0. return std::string(reinterpret_cast(token->start), boost::numeric_cast(token->stop - token->start + 1)); } std::string get_single_quoted_string(pANTLR3_BASE_TREE node) { pANTLR3_COMMON_TOKEN token = node->getToken(node); return std::string(reinterpret_cast(token->start + 1), boost::numeric_cast(token->stop - token->start - 1)); } char get_char(pANTLR3_BASE_TREE node) { return *reinterpret_cast(node->getToken(node)->start); } bool is_number(const std::string& target) { return isdigit(target[0]); } } } start: list EOF; list: ^(LIST (logic_command_list)+); variable_definitions @declarations { bool local = false; } :^(VARIABLE_DEFINITIONS (LOCAL { local = true; })? var_def[local]*); name_base returns[std::string libbash_value] :NAME { $libbash_value = get_string($NAME); } |LETTER { $libbash_value = get_string($LETTER); } |'_' { $libbash_value="_"; }; name returns[std::string libbash_value, unsigned index] @init { $index = 0; } :^(libbash_name=name_base value=arithmetics) { set_index(libbash_name, $index, value); $libbash_value = libbash_name; } |libbash_name=name_base { $libbash_value = libbash_name; }; num returns[std::string libbash_value] options{ k=1; } :DIGIT { $libbash_value = get_string($DIGIT); } |NUMBER { $libbash_value = get_string($NUMBER); }; var_def[bool local] @declarations { std::map values; unsigned index = 0; } :^(EQUALS name string_expr?) { if(local) walker->define_local($name.libbash_value, $string_expr.libbash_value, false, $name.index); else walker->set_value($name.libbash_value, $string_expr.libbash_value, $name.index); } |^(EQUALS libbash_name=name_base ^(ARRAY ( (expr=string_expr |^(EQUALS value=arithmetics { set_index(libbash_name, index, value); } expr=string_expr)) { values[index++] = expr.libbash_value; })* )){ if(local) walker->define_local(libbash_name, values); else walker->define(libbash_name, values); }; string_expr returns[std::string libbash_value, bool quoted] @init { $quoted = true; bool is_raw_string = true; std::vector brace_expansion_base{""}; std::vector brace_expansion_elements; } @after { if(!is_raw_string && brace_expansion_base.size() > 1) throw libbash::unsupported_exception("We only support brace expansion in raw string for now"); $libbash_value = boost::algorithm::join(brace_expansion_base, " "); } :^(STRING ( string_part { for(auto iter = brace_expansion_base.begin(); iter != brace_expansion_base.end(); ++iter) *iter += $string_part.libbash_value; $quoted = $string_part.quoted; if(is_raw_string) is_raw_string = $string_part.is_raw_string; } |(BRACE_EXP) => ^(BRACE_EXP brace_expansion[brace_expansion_elements]) { auto group_number = brace_expansion_elements.size(); auto group_size = brace_expansion_base.size(); std::vector expanded_values; expanded_values.reserve(group_number * group_size); for(auto iter = brace_expansion_base.begin(); iter != brace_expansion_base.end(); ++iter) for(std::vector::size_type i = 0u; i != group_number; ++i) expanded_values.push_back(*iter + brace_expansion_elements[i \% group_number]); brace_expansion_base.swap(expanded_values); brace_expansion_elements.clear(); } )*); brace_expansion[std::vector& elements] :(string_expr{ $elements.push_back($string_expr.libbash_value); })+; string_part returns[std::string libbash_value, bool quoted, bool is_raw_string] @init { $quoted = false; $is_raw_string = true; } :(DOUBLE_QUOTED_STRING) => ^(DOUBLE_QUOTED_STRING (libbash_string=double_quoted_string { $libbash_value += libbash_string; $quoted = true; })*) |(SINGLE_QUOTED_STRING) => ^(SINGLE_QUOTED_STRING node=SINGLE_QUOTED_STRING_TOKEN) { $libbash_value = get_single_quoted_string(node); } |(ARITHMETIC_EXPRESSION) => ^(ARITHMETIC_EXPRESSION value=arithmetics { $libbash_value = boost::lexical_cast(value); $is_raw_string = false; }) |(var_ref[false]) => libbash_string=var_ref[false] { $libbash_value = libbash_string; $is_raw_string = false; } |(COMMAND_SUB) => libbash_string=command_substitution { $libbash_value = libbash_string; $is_raw_string = false; } |(ANSI_C_QUOTING) => ^(ANSI_C_QUOTING node=SINGLE_QUOTED_STRING_TOKEN) { std::stringstream transformed; cppbash_builtin::transform_escapes(get_single_quoted_string(node), transformed, true); $libbash_value = transformed.str(); $quoted = true; } |(ESCAPED_CHAR) => ESCAPED_CHAR libbash_string=any_string { $libbash_value = "\\" + libbash_string; } |(libbash_string=any_string { $libbash_value = libbash_string; }); bash_pattern[boost::xpressive::sregex& pattern, bool greedy] @declarations { using namespace boost::xpressive; bool do_append = false; sregex pattern_list; auto check_extglob = [&]() { if(!walker->get_additional_option("extglob")) throw libbash::unsupported_exception("Entered extended pattern matching with extglob disabled"); }; } :^(STRING ( (EXTENDED_MATCH_AT_MOST_ONE) => ^(EXTENDED_MATCH_AT_MOST_ONE composite_pattern[pattern_list, $greedy]) { check_extglob(); if($greedy) append($pattern, !sregex(pattern_list), do_append); else append($pattern, -!sregex(pattern_list), do_append); } |(EXTENDED_MATCH_ANY) => ^(EXTENDED_MATCH_ANY composite_pattern[pattern_list, $greedy]) { check_extglob(); if($greedy) append($pattern, *sregex(pattern_list), do_append); else append($pattern, -*sregex(pattern_list), do_append); } |(EXTENDED_MATCH_AT_LEAST_ONE) => ^(EXTENDED_MATCH_AT_LEAST_ONE composite_pattern[pattern_list, $greedy]) { check_extglob(); if($greedy) append($pattern, +sregex(pattern_list), do_append); else append($pattern, -+sregex(pattern_list), do_append); } // We don't have to do anything for the following rule |(EXTENDED_MATCH_EXACTLY_ONE) => ^(EXTENDED_MATCH_EXACTLY_ONE composite_pattern[pattern_list, $greedy]) { check_extglob(); append($pattern, pattern_list, do_append); } |(EXTENDED_MATCH_NONE) => ^(EXTENDED_MATCH_NONE composite_pattern[pattern_list, $greedy]) { check_extglob(); throw libbash::unsupported_exception("!(blah) is not supported for now"); } |basic_pattern[$pattern, $greedy, do_append])+); composite_pattern[boost::xpressive::sregex& pattern_list, bool greedy] @declarations { using namespace boost::xpressive; bool do_append = false; bool do_sub_append = false; sregex sub_pattern; } :(^(BRANCH (basic_pattern[sub_pattern, $greedy, do_sub_append])+ { if(do_append) { $pattern_list = sregex($pattern_list | sub_pattern); } else { $pattern_list = sub_pattern; do_append = true; } do_sub_append = false; } ))+; basic_pattern[boost::xpressive::sregex& pattern, bool greedy, bool& do_append] @declarations { using namespace boost::xpressive; bool negation; std::string pattern_str; } :(MATCH_ALL) => MATCH_ALL { if($greedy) append($pattern, *_, do_append); else append($pattern, -*_, do_append); } |(MATCH_ONE) => MATCH_ONE { append($pattern, _, do_append); } |(MATCH_ANY_EXCEPT|MATCH_ANY) => ^((MATCH_ANY_EXCEPT { negation = true; } | MATCH_ANY { negation = false; }) ((CHARACTER_CLASS) => ^(CHARACTER_CLASS n=NAME) { std::string class_name = get_string(n); if(class_name == "word") pattern_str += "A-Za-z0-9_"; else if(class_name == "ascii") pattern_str += "\\x00-\\x7F"; else pattern_str += "[:" + class_name + ":]"; } |s=string_part { pattern_str += s.libbash_value; })+) { if(negation) pattern_str = "[^" + pattern_str + "]"; else pattern_str = "[" + pattern_str + "]"; append($pattern, sregex::compile(pattern_str), do_append); } |string_part { append($pattern, as_xpr($string_part.libbash_value), do_append); }; //double quoted string rule, allows expansions double_quoted_string returns[std::string libbash_value] :(var_ref[true]) => libbash_string=var_ref[true] { $libbash_value = libbash_string; } |(ARITHMETIC_EXPRESSION) => ^(ARITHMETIC_EXPRESSION value=arithmetics) { $libbash_value = boost::lexical_cast(value); } |(COMMAND_SUB) => libbash_string=command_substitution { $libbash_value = libbash_string; } |libbash_string=any_string { $libbash_value = libbash_string; }; any_string returns[std::string libbash_value] options {backtrack = true;} @declarations { pANTLR3_BASE_TREE any_token; } :ESC_RPAREN { $libbash_value = ")"; } |ESC_LPAREN { $libbash_value = "("; } |ESC_DOLLAR { $libbash_value = "$"; } |ESC_GT { $libbash_value = ">"; } |ESC_LT { $libbash_value = "<"; } |ESC_TICK { $libbash_value = "`"; } |any_token=. { $libbash_value = get_string(any_token); }; //Allowable variable names in the variable expansion var_name returns[std::string libbash_value, unsigned index] @init { $var_name.index = 0; } :libbash_string=num { $index = boost::lexical_cast(libbash_string); $libbash_value = ($index != 0 ? "*" : "0"); } |name { $libbash_value = $name.libbash_value; $index = $name.index; } |^(VAR_REF libbash_string=var_name_for_bang) { $libbash_value = walker->resolve(libbash_string); } |^(VAR_REF POUND) { // for ${!#} int index = walker->get_array_length("*"); $libbash_value = (index != 0 ? "*" : "0"); } |MINUS { $libbash_value = "-"; }; var_name_for_bang returns[std::string libbash_value] :libbash_string=num { $libbash_value = libbash_string; } |name { $libbash_value = $name.libbash_value; }; array_name returns[std::string libbash_value] :^(ARRAY name (AT|TIMES)) { $libbash_value = $name.libbash_value; } // We do not care the difference between TIMES and AT for now |TIMES { $libbash_value = "*"; } |AT { $libbash_value = "*"; }; // Now the rule will call back to parser and perform the expansions raw_string returns[std::string libbash_value] @declarations { std::string str; } :(^(STRING EMPTY_EXPANSION_VALUE)) => ^(STRING EMPTY_EXPANSION_VALUE) |^(STRING (libbash_string=any_string { str += libbash_string; })+) { bash_ast ast(std::stringstream(str), &bash_ast::parser_all_expansions); libbash_value = ast.interpret_with(*walker, &bash_ast::walker_string_expr); }; var_expansion returns[std::string libbash_value] @declarations { using namespace boost::xpressive; sregex replace_pattern; bool greedy; } :^(USE_DEFAULT_WHEN_UNSET_OR_NULL var_name libbash_word=raw_string) { libbash_value = walker->do_default_expansion(walker->is_unset_or_null($var_name.libbash_value, $var_name.index), $var_name.libbash_value, libbash_word, $var_name.index); } |^(USE_DEFAULT_WHEN_UNSET var_name libbash_word=raw_string) { libbash_value = walker->do_default_expansion(walker->is_unset($var_name.libbash_value), $var_name.libbash_value, libbash_word, $var_name.index); } |^(ASSIGN_DEFAULT_WHEN_UNSET_OR_NULL var_name libbash_word=raw_string) { libbash_value = walker->do_assign_expansion(walker->is_unset_or_null($var_name.libbash_value, $var_name.index), $var_name.libbash_value, libbash_word, $var_name.index); } |^(ASSIGN_DEFAULT_WHEN_UNSET var_name libbash_word=raw_string) { libbash_value = walker->do_assign_expansion(walker->is_unset($var_name.libbash_value), $var_name.libbash_value, libbash_word, $var_name.index); } |^(USE_ALTERNATE_WHEN_UNSET_OR_NULL var_name libbash_word=raw_string) { libbash_value = walker->do_alternate_expansion(walker->is_unset_or_null($var_name.libbash_value, $var_name.index), libbash_word); } |^(USE_ALTERNATE_WHEN_UNSET var_name libbash_word=raw_string) { libbash_value = walker->do_alternate_expansion(walker->is_unset($var_name.libbash_value), libbash_word); } |(^(OFFSET array_name ^(OFFSET arithmetics) ^(OFFSET arithmetics))) => ^(OFFSET libbash_name=array_name ^(OFFSET offset=arithmetics) ^(OFFSET length=arithmetics)) { libbash_value = walker->do_subarray_expansion(libbash_name, offset, length); } |(^(OFFSET array_name ^(OFFSET offset=arithmetics))) => ^(OFFSET libbash_name=array_name ^(OFFSET offset=arithmetics)) { libbash_value = walker->do_subarray_expansion(libbash_name, offset); } |(^(OFFSET var_name ^(OFFSET arithmetics) ^(OFFSET arithmetics))) => ^(OFFSET var_name ^(OFFSET offset=arithmetics) ^(OFFSET length=arithmetics)) { libbash_value = walker->do_substring_expansion($var_name.libbash_value, offset, length, $var_name.index); } |^(OFFSET var_name ^(OFFSET offset=arithmetics)) { libbash_value = walker->do_substring_expansion($var_name.libbash_value, offset, $var_name.index); } |^(POUND( var_name { libbash_value = boost::lexical_cast(walker->get_length($var_name.libbash_value, $var_name.index)); } |^(libbash_name=name_base ARRAY_SIZE) { libbash_value = boost::lexical_cast(walker->get_array_length(libbash_name)); } )) |^(REPLACE_ALL var_name bash_pattern[replace_pattern, true] (libbash_word=raw_string)?) { libbash_value = walker->do_replace_expansion($var_name.libbash_value, std::bind(&interpreter::replace_all, std::placeholders::_1, replace_pattern, libbash_word), $var_name.index); } |^(REPLACE_AT_END var_name bash_pattern[replace_pattern, true] (libbash_word=raw_string)?) { replace_pattern = sregex(replace_pattern >> eos); libbash_value = walker->do_replace_expansion($var_name.libbash_value, std::bind(&interpreter::replace_all, std::placeholders::_1, replace_pattern, libbash_word), $var_name.index); } |^(LAZY_REMOVE_AT_END var_name bash_pattern[replace_pattern, false] (libbash_word=raw_string)?) { replace_pattern = sregex(bos >> (s1=*_) >> replace_pattern >> eos); libbash_value = walker->do_replace_expansion($var_name.libbash_value, std::bind(&interpreter::lazy_remove_at_end, std::placeholders::_1, replace_pattern), $var_name.index); } |^((REPLACE_AT_START { greedy = true; }|LAZY_REMOVE_AT_START { greedy = false; }) var_name bash_pattern[replace_pattern, greedy] (libbash_word=raw_string)?) { replace_pattern = sregex(bos >> replace_pattern); libbash_value = walker->do_replace_expansion($var_name.libbash_value, std::bind(&interpreter::replace_all, std::placeholders::_1, replace_pattern, libbash_word), $var_name.index); } |^(REPLACE_FIRST var_name bash_pattern[replace_pattern, true] (libbash_word=raw_string)?) { libbash_value = walker->do_replace_expansion($var_name.libbash_value, std::bind(&interpreter::replace_first, std::placeholders::_1, replace_pattern, libbash_word), $var_name.index); }; word returns[std::string libbash_value] :(num) => libbash_string=num { $libbash_value = libbash_string; } |string_expr { $libbash_value = $string_expr.libbash_value; } |(VAR_REF) => libbash_string=var_ref[false] { $libbash_value = libbash_string; } |value=arithmetics { $libbash_value = boost::lexical_cast(value); }; //variable reference var_ref [bool double_quoted] returns[std::string libbash_value] :^(VAR_REF var_name) { $libbash_value = walker->resolve($var_name.libbash_value, $var_name.index); } |^(VAR_REF libbash_string=array_name) { walker->get_all_elements_IFS_joined(libbash_string, $libbash_value); } |^(VAR_REF POUND) { $libbash_value = boost::lexical_cast(walker->get_array_length("*")); } |^(VAR_REF QMARK) { $libbash_value = boost::lexical_cast(walker->get_status()); } |^(VAR_REF BANG) { std::cerr << "$! has not been implemented yet" << std::endl; } |^(VAR_REF libbash_string=var_expansion) { $libbash_value = libbash_string; }; command :^(COMMAND command_atom); command_atom :variable_definitions |function_definition |simple_command |compound_command; simple_command @declarations { std::vector libbash_args; bool split; } :string_expr{ split = ($string_expr.libbash_value != "local" && $string_expr.libbash_value != "export"); } (argument[libbash_args, split])* execute_command[$string_expr.libbash_value, libbash_args]; execute_command[std::string& name, std::vector& libbash_args] @declarations { std::unique_ptr current_scope; std::unique_ptr out; std::unique_ptr err; std::unique_ptr in; bool redirection = false; } @init { if(name != "local") current_scope.reset(new interpreter::local_scope(*walker)); } :var_def[true]* (redirect[out, err, in]{ redirection = true; })* { // Empty command, still need to run bash redirection if(name.empty()) name = ":"; if(walker->has_function(name)) { if(redirection) std::cerr << "We do not support redirection for function calls." << std::endl; ANTLR3_MARKER command_index = INDEX(); try { ANTLR3_MARKER current_index = INDEX(); // Calling functions may change current index walker->call(name, libbash_args); SEEK(current_index); } catch(return_exception& e) { SEEK(command_index); } } else if(cppbash_builtin::is_builtin(name)) { walker->set_status(walker->execute_builtin(name, libbash_args, out.get(), err.get(), in.get())); } else { walker->set_status(1); throw libbash::unsupported_exception(name + " is not supported yet"); } } (BANG { walker->set_status(!walker->get_status()); })?; redirect[std::unique_ptr& out, std::unique_ptr& err, std::unique_ptr& in] :^(REDIR LESS_THAN redirect_destination_input[in]) { std::cerr << "Redirection is not supported yet" << std::endl; } |^(REDIR GREATER_THAN redirect_destination_output[out]) |^(REDIR DIGIT LESS_THAN redirect_destination_input[in]) { std::cerr << "Redirection is not supported yet" << std::endl; } |^(REDIR DIGIT GREATER_THAN redirect_destination_output[out]) { std::cerr << "Redirection is not supported yet" << std::endl; }; redirect_operator :LESS_THAN |GREATER_THAN |FILE_DESCRIPTOR DIGIT redirect_operator; redirect_destination_output[std::unique_ptr& out] :string_expr { out.reset(new std::ofstream($string_expr.libbash_value, std::ofstream::trunc)); } |FILE_DESCRIPTOR DIGIT { std::cerr << "FILE_DESCRIPTOR redirection is not supported yet" << std::endl; } |FILE_DESCRIPTOR_MOVE DIGIT { std::cerr << "FILE_DESCRIPTOR_MOVE redirection is not supported yet" << std::endl; }; redirect_destination_input[std::unique_ptr& in] :string_expr { std::cerr << "Input redirection for file is not supported yet" << std::endl; } |FILE_DESCRIPTOR DIGIT { std::cerr << "FILE_DESCRIPTOR redirection is not supported yet" << std::endl; } |FILE_DESCRIPTOR_MOVE DIGIT { std::cerr << "FILE_DESCRIPTOR_MOVE redirection is not supported yet" << std::endl; }; argument[std::vector& args, bool split] : string_expr { if(!$string_expr.libbash_value.empty()) { if($string_expr.quoted || !split) args.push_back($string_expr.libbash_value); else walker->split_word($string_expr.libbash_value, args); } }; logic_command_list @declarations { bool logic_and; } :command |^((LOGICAND { logic_and = true; } | LOGICOR { logic_and = false; }) command { if(logic_and ? !walker->get_status() : walker->get_status()) command(ctx); else seek_to_next_tree(ctx); }); command_list: ^(LIST logic_command_list+); compound_command : ^(CURRENT_SHELL command_list) | ^(COMPOUND_COND cond_expr) | ^(ARITHMETIC_EXPRESSION arithmetics) | for_expr | while_expr | if_expr | case_expr; cond_expr :^(BUILTIN_TEST status=builtin_condition) { walker->set_status(!status); } |^(KEYWORD_TEST status=keyword_condition) { walker->set_status(!status); }; common_condition returns[bool status] @declarations { boost::xpressive::sregex pattern; } // -eq, -ne, -lt, -le, -gt, or -ge for arithmetic. -nt -ot -ef for files :^(NAME left_str=string_expr right_str=string_expr) { $status = internal::test_binary(get_string($NAME), left_str.libbash_value, right_str.libbash_value, *walker); } // -o for shell option, -z -n for string, -abcdefghkprstuwxOGLSN for files |^(op=LETTER string_expr) { $status = internal::test_unary(get_char(op), $string_expr.libbash_value); } |^(EQUALS left_str=string_expr right_str=string_expr) { $status = left_str.libbash_value == right_str.libbash_value; } // Greedy is meaningless as we need to match the whole string |^(MATCH_PATTERN left_str=string_expr bash_pattern[pattern, false]) { $status = match(left_str.libbash_value, pattern); } |^(NOT_EQUALS left_str=string_expr right_str=string_expr) { $status = left_str.libbash_value != right_str.libbash_value; } // Greedy is meaningless as we need to match the whole string |^(NOT_MATCH_PATTERN left_str=string_expr bash_pattern[pattern, false]) { $status = !match(left_str.libbash_value, pattern); } |^(LESS_THAN left_str=string_expr right_str=string_expr) { $status = left_str.libbash_value < right_str.libbash_value; } |^(GREATER_THAN left_str=string_expr right_str=string_expr) { $status = left_str.libbash_value > right_str.libbash_value; } |string_expr { $status = (!$string_expr.libbash_value.empty()); }; keyword_condition returns[bool status] :^(LOGICOR l=keyword_condition { if(l){ seek_to_next_tree(ctx); SEEK(INDEX() + 1); return true; } } r=keyword_condition) { $status= l || r; } |^(LOGICAND l=keyword_condition { if(!l){ seek_to_next_tree(ctx); SEEK(INDEX() + 1); return false; } } r=keyword_condition) { $status= l && r; } |^(NEGATION l=keyword_condition) { $status = !l; } |^(MATCH_REGULAR_EXPRESSION left_str=string_expr right_str=string_expr) { bash_ast ast(std::stringstream(right_str.libbash_value), &bash_ast::parser_all_expansions, false); std::string pattern = ast.interpret_with(*walker, &bash_ast::walker_string_expr); boost::xpressive::sregex re = boost::xpressive::sregex::compile(pattern); $status = boost::xpressive::regex_match(left_str.libbash_value, re); } |s=common_condition { $status = s; }; builtin_condition returns[bool status] :^(NEGATION l=builtin_condition) { $status = !l; } |^(BUILTIN_LOGIC_AND l=builtin_condition r=builtin_condition) { $status = l && r; } |^(BUILTIN_LOGIC_OR l=builtin_condition r=builtin_condition) { $status = l || r; } |s=builtin_condition_primary { $status = s; }; builtin_condition_primary returns[bool status] :^(ESC_LT l=string_expr r=string_expr) { $status = (l.libbash_value < r.libbash_value); } |^(ESC_GT l=string_expr r=string_expr) { $status = (l.libbash_value > r.libbash_value); } |s=common_condition { $status = s; }; for_expr @declarations { ANTLR3_MARKER commands_index; std::vector splitted_values; ANTLR3_MARKER condition_index; } :^(FOR libbash_string=name_base // Empty value as $@ is not supported currently (string_expr { // Word splitting happens here if($string_expr.quoted) splitted_values.push_back($string_expr.libbash_value); else walker->split_word($string_expr.libbash_value, splitted_values); } )+ { if(splitted_values.empty()) { //skip the body seek_to_next_tree(ctx); walker->set_status(0); } else { commands_index = INDEX(); for(auto iter = splitted_values.begin(); iter != splitted_values.end(); ++iter) { walker->set_value(libbash_string, *iter); try { command_list(ctx); } catch(continue_exception& e) { e.rethrow_unless_correct_frame(); } catch(break_exception& e) { e.rethrow_unless_correct_frame(); SEEK(commands_index); break; } SEEK(commands_index); } seek_to_next_tree(ctx); } }) |^(CFOR { // omit the first DOWN token for for_INIT SEEK(INDEX() + 1); if(LA(1) == FOR_INIT) for_initilization(ctx); condition_index = INDEX(); bool has_condition = (LA(1) == FOR_COND); if(has_condition) seek_to_next_tree(ctx); // before the body seek_to_next_tree(ctx); bool has_modification = (LA(1) == FOR_MOD); ANTLR3_MARKER modification_index = INDEX(); SEEK(condition_index); ANTLR3_MARKER command_index; while(!has_condition || for_condition(ctx)) { command_index = INDEX(); try { command_list(ctx); } catch(continue_exception& e) { e.rethrow_unless_correct_frame(); if(has_modification) { SEEK(modification_index); for_modification(ctx); } SEEK(condition_index); continue; } catch(break_exception& e) { e.rethrow_unless_correct_frame(); SEEK(command_index); break; } if(has_modification) for_modification(ctx); SEEK(condition_index); } // Get out of the loop // We are standing right after for_condition, we need to skip the command_list and optional for_modification seek_to_next_tree(ctx); if(LA(1) == FOR_MOD) seek_to_next_tree(ctx); // omit the last UP token SEEK(INDEX() + 1); }); for_initilization :^(FOR_INIT arithmetics); for_condition returns[long libbash_value] :^(FOR_COND condition=arithmetics) { libbash_value = condition; }; for_modification :^(FOR_MOD arithmetics); while_expr @declarations { ANTLR3_MARKER condition_index; ANTLR3_MARKER command_index; bool negate; } :^((WHILE { negate = false; } | UNTIL { negate = true; }) { // omit the first DOWN token SEEK(INDEX() + 1); condition_index = INDEX(); while(true) { command_list(ctx); if(walker->get_status() == (negate? 0 : 1)) break; command_index = INDEX(); try { command_list(ctx); } catch(continue_exception& e) { e.rethrow_unless_correct_frame(); SEEK(condition_index); continue; } catch(break_exception& e) { e.rethrow_unless_correct_frame(); SEEK(command_index); break; } SEEK(condition_index); } // Skip the body and get out seek_to_next_tree(ctx); // omit the last UP token SEEK(INDEX() + 1); }); if_expr @declarations { bool matched = false; } :^(IF_STATEMENT { // omit the first DOWN token SEEK(INDEX() + 1); while(LA(1) == IF) { if(matched) seek_to_next_tree(ctx); else matched = elif_expr(ctx); } if(LA(1) == ELSE) { if(matched == false) { // omit the ELSE DOWN tokens SEEK(INDEX() + 2); command_list(ctx); // omit the last UP token SEEK(INDEX() + 1); } else { seek_to_next_tree(ctx); } } // omit the last UP token SEEK(INDEX() + 1); }); elif_expr returns[bool matched] :^(IF { // omit the first DOWN token SEEK(INDEX() + 1); command_list(ctx); if(walker->get_status() == 0) { $matched=true; command_list(ctx); } else { $matched=false; seek_to_next_tree(ctx); } // omit the last UP token SEEK(INDEX() + 1); }); case_expr :^(CASE libbash_string=word (matched=case_clause[libbash_string]{ if(matched) { while(LA(1) == CASE_PATTERN) seek_to_next_tree(ctx); } })*); case_clause[const std::string& target] returns[bool matched] @declarations { boost::xpressive::sregex pattern; } :^(CASE_PATTERN composite_pattern[pattern, true] { if(match(target, pattern)) { if(LA(1) == CASE_COMMAND) { // omit CASE_COMMAND SEEK(INDEX() + 1); command_list(ctx); } $matched = true; } else { $matched = false; seek_to_next_tree(ctx); } }) |CASE_PATTERN; command_substitution returns[std::string libbash_value] @declarations { std::string subscript; std::stringstream out; } :^(COMMAND_SUB { walker->set_output_stream(&out); } (libbash_string=any_string { subscript += libbash_string; })+) { if(subscript[0] == '`') bash_ast(std::stringstream(subscript.substr(1, subscript.size() - 2))).interpret_with(*walker); else bash_ast(std::stringstream(subscript.substr(2, subscript.size() - 3))).interpret_with(*walker); walker->restore_output_stream(); $libbash_value = out.str(); walker->trim_trailing_eols($libbash_value); }; function_definition returns[int placeholder] @declarations { std::string function_name; } // We've already validated the function name in parser grammar so here we just use any_string to match the name. :^(FUNCTION ^(STRING (libbash_string=any_string { function_name += libbash_string; })+) { // Define the function with current index walker->define_function(function_name, INDEX()); // Skip the AST for function body seek_to_next_tree(ctx); }); // Only used in arithmetic expansion primary returns[std::string libbash_value, unsigned index] :(^(VAR_REF name)) => ^(VAR_REF name) { $libbash_value = $name.libbash_value; $index = $name.index; } |name { $libbash_value = $name.libbash_value; $index = $name.index; } // array[@] and array[*] is meaningless to arithmetic expansion so true/false are both ok. |^(VAR_REF libbash_string=var_ref[false]) { $libbash_value = libbash_string; $index = 0; }; // shell arithmetic // http://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/9699919799/utilities/V3_chap02.html#tag_18_06_04 // We need to branches here because we have to deal with the following two expressions: // (( a=123 )) // (( a=(b=123, 4) )) arithmetics returns[long value] :((ARITHMETIC) => result=arithmetic_part { $value = result; })+ |result=arithmetic { $value = result; }; arithmetic_part returns[long value] :^(ARITHMETIC result=arithmetics { $value = result; }); arithmetic returns[long value] :^(LOGICOR l=arithmetics { if(l) { skip_next_token_or_tree(ctx); $value = 1; } else { $value = (arithmetics(ctx) != 0); } }) |^(LOGICAND l=arithmetics { if(!l) { skip_next_token_or_tree(ctx); $value = 0; } else { $value = (arithmetics(ctx) != 0); } }) |^(PIPE l=arithmetics r=arithmetics) { $value = l | r; } |^(CARET l=arithmetics r=arithmetics) { $value = l ^ r; } |^(AMP l=arithmetics r=arithmetics) { $value = l & r; } |^(LEQ l=arithmetics r=arithmetics) { $value = l <= r; } |^(GEQ l=arithmetics r=arithmetics) { $value = l >= r; } |^(LESS_THAN l=arithmetics r=arithmetics) { $value = l < r; } |^(GREATER_THAN l=arithmetics r=arithmetics) { $value = l > r; } |^(NOT_EQUALS l=arithmetics r=arithmetics) { $value = l != r; } |^(EQUALS_TO l=arithmetics r=arithmetics) { $value = l == r; } |^(LSHIFT l=arithmetics r=arithmetics) { $value = l << r; } |^(RSHIFT l=arithmetics r=arithmetics) { $value = l >> r; } |^(PLUS l=arithmetics r=arithmetics) { $value = l + r; } |^(PLUS_SIGN l=arithmetics) { $value = l; } |^(MINUS l=arithmetics r=arithmetics) { $value = l - r; } |^(MINUS_SIGN l=arithmetics) { $value = -l; } |^(TIMES l=arithmetics r=arithmetics) { $value = l * r; } |^(SLASH l=arithmetics r=arithmetics) { $value = l / r; } |^(PCT l=arithmetics r=arithmetics) { $value = l \% r; } |^(EXP l=arithmetics r=arithmetics) { $value = 1; while(r--) $value *= l; } |^(BANG l=arithmetics) { $value = !l; } |^(TILDE l=arithmetics) { $value = ~l; } |^(ARITHMETIC_CONDITION cnd=arithmetics l=arithmetics r=arithmetics) { $value = (cnd ? l : r); } |primary { std::string primary_value(walker->resolve($primary.libbash_value, $primary.index)); $value = (primary_value.empty() ? 0 : walker->eval_arithmetic(primary_value)); } |^(PRE_INCR primary) { std::string primary_value(walker->resolve($primary.libbash_value, $primary.index)); if(is_number(primary_value)) $value = walker->set_value($primary.libbash_value, walker->resolve($primary.libbash_value, $primary.index) + 1, $primary.index); else $value = (primary_value.empty() ? 0 : walker->eval_arithmetic("++" + primary_value)); } |^(PRE_DECR primary) { std::string primary_value(walker->resolve($primary.libbash_value, $primary.index)); if(is_number(primary_value)) $value = walker->set_value($primary.libbash_value, walker->resolve($primary.libbash_value, $primary.index) - 1, $primary.index); else $value = (primary_value.empty() ? 0 : walker->eval_arithmetic("--" + primary_value)); } |^(POST_INCR primary) { std::string primary_value(walker->resolve($primary.libbash_value, $primary.index)); if(is_number(primary_value)) $value = walker->set_value($primary.libbash_value, walker->resolve($primary.libbash_value, $primary.index) + 1, $primary.index) - 1; else $value = (primary_value.empty() ? 0 : walker->eval_arithmetic(primary_value + "++")); } |^(POST_DECR primary) { std::string primary_value(walker->resolve($primary.libbash_value, $primary.index)); if(is_number(primary_value)) $value = walker->set_value($primary.libbash_value, walker->resolve($primary.libbash_value, $primary.index) - 1, $primary.index) + 1; else $value = (primary_value.empty() ? 0 : walker->eval_arithmetic(primary_value + "--")); } |^(EQUALS primary l=arithmetics) { $value = walker->set_value($primary.libbash_value, l, $primary.index); } |^(MUL_ASSIGN primary l=arithmetics) { $value = walker->set_value($primary.libbash_value, walker->resolve($primary.libbash_value, $primary.index) * l, $primary.index); } |^(DIVIDE_ASSIGN primary l=arithmetics) { $value = walker->set_value($primary.libbash_value, walker->resolve($primary.libbash_value, $primary.index) / l, $primary.index); } |^(MOD_ASSIGN primary l=arithmetics) { $value = walker->set_value($primary.libbash_value, walker->resolve($primary.libbash_value, $primary.index) \% l, $primary.index); } |^(PLUS_ASSIGN primary l=arithmetics) { $value = walker->set_value($primary.libbash_value, walker->resolve($primary.libbash_value, $primary.index) + l, $primary.index); } |^(MINUS_ASSIGN primary l=arithmetics) { $value = walker->set_value($primary.libbash_value, walker->resolve($primary.libbash_value, $primary.index) - l, $primary.index); } |^(LSHIFT_ASSIGN primary l=arithmetics) { $value = walker->set_value($primary.libbash_value, walker->resolve($primary.libbash_value, $primary.index) << l, $primary.index); } |^(RSHIFT_ASSIGN primary l=arithmetics) { $value = walker->set_value($primary.libbash_value, walker->resolve($primary.libbash_value, $primary.index) >> l, $primary.index); } |^(AND_ASSIGN primary l=arithmetics) { $value = walker->set_value($primary.libbash_value, walker->resolve($primary.libbash_value, $primary.index) & l, $primary.index); } |^(XOR_ASSIGN primary l=arithmetics) { $value = walker->set_value($primary.libbash_value, walker->resolve($primary.libbash_value, $primary.index) ^ l, $primary.index); } |^(OR_ASSIGN primary l=arithmetics) { $value = walker->set_value($primary.libbash_value, walker->resolve($primary.libbash_value, $primary.index) | l, $primary.index); } | NUMBER { $value = parse_integer($NUMBER);} | DIGIT { $value = parse_integer($DIGIT);} |^(ARITHMETIC_EXPRESSION l=arithmetics) { $value = l; } | ^(VAR_REF libbash_string = var_expansion) { $value = boost::lexical_cast(libbash_string); } ;