# ChangeLog for sys-fs/ltspfs # Copyright 1999-2008 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2 # $Header: $ *ltspfs-0.5.13 (28-09-2009) 28-09-2009; Wim Muskee wimmuskee@gmail.com ltspfs-0.5.13.ebuild: Initial import. *ltspfs-9999 (08 04 2008) 09 08 2009; Wim Muskee wimmuskee@gmail.com ltspfs-9999.ebuild: Improved doc and examples install. 08 08 2009; Wim Muskee wimmuskee@gmail.com ltspfs-9999.ebuild: Removed EBZR_BRANCH declaration, added src_prepare for eautoreconf. 08 04 2008; Johnny Robeson johnny@localmomentum.net ltspfs-9999.ebuild: Initial import.