# This file is used for keeping the new mirrors.xml file
# element: mirrors
# description: A set of mirrorgroups
# example:
# ...
# ...
namespace a = "http://relaxng.org/ns/compatibility/annotations/1.0"
mirrors = element mirrors { attlist.mirrors, mirrorgroup* }
attlist.mirrors &= empty
# element: mirrorgroup
# description: Group mirrors by region and country.
# example:
# ...
# ...
# OSU Open Source Lab
# http://gentoo.osuosl.org/
# ftp://gentoo.osuosl.org/
mirror = element mirror { attlist.mirror, name, uri+ }
attlist.mirror &=
attribute city { text }?,
attribute coordinates { text }?,
attribute gentoo-bug { text }?
# element: name
# description: Name of the mirror
# note: Do not include a country and protocol pair, "(USA/http)" as they will
# be built by the XSL.
# example: OSU Open Source Lab
name = element name { attlist.name, text }
attlist.name &= empty
# element: uri
# description: A Uniform Resource Locator for a given mirror
# example: http://gentoo.osuosl.org/
uri = element uri { attlist.uri, text }
attlist.uri &=
[ a:defaultValue = "y" ] attribute ipv4 { "Y" | "y" | "N" | "n" }?,
[ a:defaultValue = "n" ] attribute ipv6 { "Y" | "y" | "N" | "n" }?,
[ a:defaultValue = "n" ] attribute partial { "Y" | "y" | "N" | "n" }?,
[ a:defaultValue = "http" ]
attribute protocol { "http" | "ftp" | "rsync" }?
start = mirrors