====== README ====== :Last update: $Date: 2008-02-10 07:51:13 +0100 (So, 10 Feb 2008) $ :Revision: $Revision: 28 $ :Contact: p@rdus.de About ----- Overlord is the Gentoo overlay manager and allows to integrate experimental software packages into the main distribution. It can also be used as a manager for version control repositories. Overlord originated from another app called Layman. Links ----- Primary project web site: - http:// Project site on Gentoo: - http:// Bug tracker: - http://bugs.gentoo.org Wiki: - http://gentoo-wiki.com/Portage_Overlay_Listing#Layman Combined RSS feed: - http://www.google.com/reader/shared/user/02645926629531261525/label/%5Bproject%5D%20layman File description ---------------- AUTHORS : The developers of this project ChangeLog : A detailed change log CHANGES : A summary of the project changes COPYING : Licensing information HACKING : Developers notes for the project INSTALL : Installation instructions MANIFEST.in : The listing of files that get included into the python package. README : This file. RELEASE_NOTES: Release notes for the latest version TODO : Task list for the project