# ChangeLog for dev-perl/TryCatch # Copyright 1999-2010 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2 # $Header: $ *TryCatch-1.003000 (29 Oct 2010) 29 Oct 2010; Kent Fredric +TryCatch-1.003000.ebuild: Bump. WORKS ON 5.12! *TryCatch-1.002000-r1 (14 Aug 2010) 14 Aug 2010; Kent Fredric +files/0001-Change-how-wantarray-is-tweaked-to-work-better-with-.patch, +TryCatch-1.002000-r1.ebuild: Added patched version to get closer to upstream for perl-5.12 users. Presenty its kinda broken on 5.12, but this makes it less broken, and most tests pass. It appears to only lack support for a few syntax checking nicities. However, its unofficial hackery, so its unsupported, and thus unkeyworded. If you unmask it, expect it to fail tests. =). *TryCatch-1.002000 (14 Sep 2009) 14 Sep 2009; Kent Fredric +TryCatch-1.002000.ebuild: Bumped *TryCatch-1.001001 (20 Aug 2009) 20 Aug 2009; Kent Fredric +TryCatch-1.001001.ebuild, +metadata.xml: Added