#!/usr/bin/env perl eval 'echo "Called with something not perl"' && exit 1 # Non-Perl protection. if 0; use 5.14.2; use strict; use warnings; use FindBin; use lib "$FindBin::Bin/lib"; use env::gentoo::perl_experimental; use utf8; use Data::Dump qw( pp ); my $env = env::gentoo::perl_experimental->new(); my $flags; my $singleflags; @ARGV = grep { defined } map { $_ =~ /^--(.+)/ ? do { $flags->{$1}++; undef } : do { $_ =~ /^-(\w+)/ ? do { $singleflags->{$1}++; undef } : do { $_ } } } @ARGV; for my $k ( keys %{$flags} ) { if ( $k =~ /^([^=]+)=(.*$)/ ) { $flags->{$1} = $2; } } if ( $flags->{help} or $singleflags->{h} ) { print help(); exit 0; } # FILENAME: show_deptree.pl # CREATED: 25/10/11 12:15:51 by Kent Fredric (kentnl) # ABSTRACT: show the metadata harvested for a given packages install tree. # usage: # # gen_ebuild.pl DOY/Moose-2.0301-TRIAL # sub help { return <<'EOF'; gen_ebuild.pl USAGE: gen_ebuild.pl DOY/Moose-2.0301-TRIAL exports: WWW_MECH_DEBUG=1 for basic internal http tracing WWW_MECH_DEBUG=2 for full response content output WWW_MECH_NOCACHE=1 to disable caching parameters: --debug=1 Verbose tracing. --debug=2 Even More verbose tracing. --dumphandler Print the full resolution map EOF } my ($release) = shift(@ARGV); *STDOUT->binmode(':utf8'); *STDERR->binmode(':utf8'); require deptools; my ($release_info) = deptools::get_deps($release); if ( not $release_info ) { die "Cannot find $release on MetaCPAN"; } my $dep_phases = deptools::get_dep_phases($release); pp( $dep_phases->{phases} ); #warn "Found $#{$dep_phases} phases"; my @queue; for my $module ( keys %{ $dep_phases->{modules} } ) { for my $declaration ( @{ $dep_phases->{modules}->{$module} } ) { if ( $declaration->[3] eq 'recommends' ) { warn "skipped dep on recommended module $module"; next; } if ( $declaration->[3] eq 'suggests' ) { warn "skipped dep on suggested module $module"; next; } push @queue, [ $module, $declaration ]; } } my @squeue = sort { $a->[1]->[2] cmp $b->[1]->[2] or $a->[1]->[3] cmp $b->[1]->[3] or $a->[0] cmp $b->[0] } @queue; require dep::handler::bashcode; my $handler; my $hc = 'dep::handler::stdout::simple'; if ( defined $flags->{debug} ) { if ( $flags->{debug} eq "1" ) { $hc = 'dep::handler::stdout::terse'; } elsif ( $flags->{debug} eq "2" ) { $hc = 'dep::handler::stdout'; } else { $hc = 'dep::handler::stdout::terse'; } } require Class::Load; Class::Load::load_class($hc); $handler = $hc->new(); my $handler2 = dep::handler::bashcode->new( debug => 1, debug_handler => $handler, ); for my $qi (@squeue) { deptools::dispatch_dependency_handler( $release, @{$qi}, $handler2 ); } my $depends = []; my $rdepends = []; require POSIX; my $year = POSIX::strftime( '%Y', gmtime ); my $path = deptools::gentooize_pkg( $release_info->{distribution} ); require Gentoo::PerlMod::Version; my $version = Gentoo::PerlMod::Version::gentooize_version( $release_info->{version}, { lax => 1 } ); $env->root->subdir($path)->mkpath; my $file = $env->root->subdir($path)->file( $release_info->{distribution} . '-' . $version . '.ebuild' ); my ($fh) = $file->openw; say "Writing $file"; $fh->say("# Copyright 1999-$year Gentoo Foundation"); $fh->say("# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2"); $fh->say("# \$Header: \$"); $fh->say("EAPI=5"); $fh->say( "MODULE_AUTHOR=" . $release_info->{author} ); $fh->say( "MODULE_VERSION=" . $release_info->{version} ); $fh->say('inherit perl-module'); $fh->say(''); if ( not defined $release_info->{abstract} ) { $fh->say( 'DESCRIPTION=\'' . $release_info->{distribution} . '\'' ); warn "Missing an ABSTRACT"; } else { my $abstract = $release_info->{abstract}; $abstract =~ s/'/'\\''/g; # ' => '\'' $fh->say( 'DESCRIPTION=\'' . $abstract . '\'' ); } my $lics = []; my $licmap = { perl_5 => [qw( Artistic GPL-2 )], apache_2_0 => [qw( Apache-2.0 )], artistic_1 => [qw( Artistic )], mit => [qw( MIT )], lgpl_2_1 => [qw( LGPL-2.1 )], artistic_2 => [qw( Artistic-2 )], gpl_3 => [qw( GPL-3 )], bsd => [qw( BSD )], }; my $oddlic = { open_source => sub { warn "\n \e[31m*\e[0m User defined license in the metadata is 'open_source', which could mean any of: gpl, lgpl or mozilla. Please check Makefile/Build.PL" . "\n This is due to: https://metacpan.org/source/DAGOLDEN/CPAN-Meta-2.120921/lib/CPAN/Meta/Converter.pm#L155\n"; }, }; if ( not ref $release_info->{license} ) { $release_info->{license} = [ $release_info->{license} ]; } for my $lic ( @{ $release_info->{license} } ) { if ( exists $licmap->{$lic} ) { push @$lics, @{ $licmap->{$lic} }; } elsif ( exists $oddlic->{$lic} ) { $oddlic->{$lic}->(); } else { warn "No Gentoo maping listed for $lic license type"; } } if ( scalar @$lics == 1 ) { $fh->say( 'LICENSE=" ' . $lics->[0] . '"' ); } elsif ( scalar @$lics > 1 ) { if ( not ( $lics->[0] eq 'Artistic' && $lics->[1] eq 'GPL-2' ) ) { $fh->say( 'LICENSE=" || ( ' . ( join q{ }, @$lics ) . ' )"' ); } } else { $fh->say('LICENSE=""'); } $fh->say('SLOT="0"'); $fh->say('KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"'); if ( $handler2->has_tdeps ) { $fh->say('IUSE="test"'); } else { $fh->say('IUSE=""'); } if ( $flags->{dumphandler} ) { pp($handler2); } if ( $handler2->has_cdeps ) { my @lines; for my $dep ( @{ $handler2->cdeps } ) { push @lines, '# ' . $dep->{dep}; if ( not defined $dep->{install} ) { push @lines, '#echo unresolved'; warn "cdep " . $dep->{dep} . " was not resolved to a dependency"; } else { push @lines, 'echo ' . $dep->{install}; } } push @{$depends}, '$(perl_meta_configure)'; $fh->say( gen_func( 'perl_meta_configure', @lines ) ); } if ( $handler2->has_bdeps ) { my @lines; for my $dep ( @{ $handler2->bdeps } ) { push @lines, '# ' . $dep->{dep}; if ( not defined $dep->{install} ) { push @lines, '#echo unresolved'; warn "bdep " . $dep->{dep} . " was not resolved to a dependency"; } else { push @lines, 'echo ' . $dep->{install}; } } $fh->say( gen_func( 'perl_meta_build', @lines ) ); push @{$depends}, '$(perl_meta_build)'; } if ( $handler2->has_rdeps ) { my @lines; for my $dep ( @{ $handler2->rdeps } ) { push @lines, '# ' . $dep->{dep}; if ( not defined $dep->{install} ) { push @lines, '#echo unresolved'; warn "rdep: " . $dep->{dep} . " was not resolved to a dependency"; } else { push @lines, 'echo ' . $dep->{install}; } } $fh->say( gen_func( 'perl_meta_runtime', @lines ) ); push @{$depends}, '$(perl_meta_runtime)'; push @{$rdepends}, '$(perl_meta_runtime)'; } if ( $handler2->has_tdeps ) { my @lines; for my $dep ( @{ $handler2->tdeps } ) { push @lines, '# ' . $dep->{dep}; if ( not defined $dep->{install} ) { push @lines, '#echo unresolved'; warn "tdep: " . $dep->{dep} . " was not resolved to a dependency"; } else { push @lines, 'echo ' . $dep->{install}; } } $fh->say( gen_func( 'perl_meta_test', @lines ) ); push @{$depends}, 'test? ( $(perl_meta_test) )'; } $fh->say( "DEPEND=\"\n" . ( join qq{\n}, map { "\t$_" } @{$depends} ) . "\n\"" ); $fh->say( "RDEPEND=\"\n" . ( join qq{\n}, map { "\t$_" } @{$rdepends} ) . "\n\"" ); #say pp( \%modules,);# { pretty => 1 } ); exit 1; sub gen_func { my ( $name, @body ) = @_; return join( qq{\n}, $name . '() {', ( map { "\t" . $_ } @body ), '}' ); }