use strict; use warnings; # FILENAME: # CREATED: 25/10/11 00:29:25 by Kent Fredric (kentnl) # ABSTRACT: A thin shim wrapper for metacpan::api with caching. # package metacpan; use File::Spec; use Sub::Exporter -setup => { exports => ['mcpan'], }; my $mcpan; sub mcpan { $mcpan ||= do { require CHI; my $cache = CHI->new( driver => 'File', root_dir => File::Spec->catdir( File::Spec->tmpdir, 'gentoo-metacpan-cache' ), ); require WWW::Mechanize::Cached; my $mech; if ( defined $ENV{WWW_MECH_NOCACHE} ) { $mech = LWP::UserAgent->new(); } else { $mech = WWW::Mechanize::Cached->new( cache => $cache, timeout => 20000, autocheck => 1, ); } if ( defined $ENV{WWW_MECH_DEBUG} ) { $mech->add_handler("request_send", sub { warn shift->dump ; return }); $mech->add_handler("response_done", sub { warn shift->dump ; return }); } require HTTP::Tiny::Mech; my $tinymech = HTTP::Tiny::Mech->new( mechua => $mech ); require MetaCPAN::API; MetaCPAN::API->new( ua => $tinymech ); } } # # ->find_dist_all( $module::name , \%opts ) # returns an array of results. # # $opts{notrim} = 1 to skip the postprocessing filter that eliminates false matches. # # $opts{mangle} = sub { # my $query = shift; # # You can optionally do this to modify the query before it is performed. # }; # # Array items are each a subset of a 'file' entry which contains information # about the distribution that file was in. # # each 'file' entry will have at least one 'file.module' entry that conforms to # # == $module::name && module.authorized == true && module.indexed == true # # Essentially returning exactly what CPAN does. # sub find_dist_all { my ( $class, $module, $opts ) = @_; my @wanted_terms = ( { term => { 'file.module.authorized' => 1 } }, { term => { 'file.module.indexed' => 1 } }, { term => { '' => $module } }, ); my @unwanted_terms = ( { terms => { 'file.distribution' => [qw( libwww-perl HTTP-Message )] } } ); my $simple_filter = { bool => { must => [@wanted_terms] } }; my $nested_filer = { nested => { path => 'file.module', query => { bool => { must => [@wanted_terms] } }, } }; my $query_nondirs = { term => { directory => 0 } }; my $fields = [ 'status', 'date', 'author', 'maturity', 'indexed', 'documentation', 'id', '_source.module', 'authorized', 'release_id', 'version', 'name', 'release', 'path', 'version_numified', '_source.stat', 'distribution', 'level', 'sloc', 'abstract', 'slop', 'mime' ]; my $q = { query => $query_nondirs, filter => $simple_filter, fields => $fields, sort => { '' => 'desc' }, size => 9999, }; if ( $opts->{mangle} ) { $opts->{mangle}->( $q, ); } my $results = mcpan->post( "file/_search" => $q ); if ( not $opts->{notrim} ) { $results->{hits}->{hits} = [ grep { _skip_result( $_, $module ) } @{ $results->{hits}->{hits} } ]; } return map { $_->{fields} } @{ $results->{hits}->{hits} }; } # ->find_dist_simple( $module::name , \%opts ) # returns an array of results. # # A convenience wrapper around find_dist_all # # Adds 3 records not already in metacpan to the result for conveninece. # # $record{mod_path} = "AUTHOR/Release-Name-1.2.3-TRIAL/lib/path/to/" # $record{mod} = [ "path::to::module" , "1.9.9" ] # # $record{as_string} = "path::to::module 1.9.9 in AUTHOR/Release-Name-1.2.3-TRIAL/lib/path/to/" # # sub find_dist_simple { my ( $class, $module, $opts ) = @_; return map { my $i = $_; my ( $j ) = grep { $_->{name} eq $module } @{ $i->{'_source.module'} }; my $x = { %{$i}, mod_path => ( sprintf q{%s/%s/%s}, $i->{author}, $i->{release}, $i->{path} ), mod => [ $j->{name}, $j->{version} ], }; $x->{as_string} = $j->{name} . ' ' . ($j->{version}//'') . ' in ' . $x->{mod_path}; $x; } $class->find_dist_all( $module, $opts ); } sub _skip_result { my ( $result, $module ) = @_; return 1 if not $result->{fields}; return 1 if not $result->{fields}->{'_source.module'}; for my $package ( @{ $result->{fields}->{'_source.module'} } ) { return if $package->{name} eq $module and ( ( not $package->{authorized} ) or ( not $package->{indexed} ) ); } return 1; } # # ->find_release( 'DOY' , 'Moose-2.0301-TRIAL' ) # # Returns the content of a /release/ entry matching that criteria. # # Will return an array just in case there's more than one, but its not likely. # sub find_release { my ( $class, $author, $distrelease , $opts ) = @_ ; my @terms = ( { term => { author => $author } }, { term => { name => $distrelease } }, ); my $filter = { filter => { and => [ @terms ]}}; my $q = { explain => 1, query => { constant_score => $filter }, }; my @query = ( "release/_search" => $q ); if ( $opts->{mangle} ) { $opts->{mangle}->( $q, ); } my $results = mcpan->post(@query); return map { $_->{_source} } @{ $results->{hits}->{hits} }; } 1;