# Common - unify match behavior: - default \*foo\* - -e foo - -r (-R ?) regexp foo.\* - make default -e for apps like quse/qdepends/qlist? - env vars only get expanded once, so this fails:
we end up getting just:
`ACCEPT_LICENSE=" bar"` - tree\_get\_atoms should return atoms iso string set, needs a rewrite to use foreach\_pkg and get\_atom -- set is ready for storing objects now - parse package.accept\_keywords such that we can provide the latest "available" version like Portage - check timestamps in libq/tree for choosing which method to take: - ignore Packages when it is older than the last directory change - ignore metadata when ebuild is modified - add some method to skip these checks and assume everything is right - add interface to retrieve a list/set of atoms from a tree - pkg\_ctx for each found match, NULL otherwise - more efficient than traversing the entire tree every time (scandir or parsing Packages) - cached, such that repeated matches for the same thing are served off the cache (set), as frequently happens in dependency calculations - tree\_{open,close}\_cat can be made static afterwards # qmerge - dep resolver needs spanktastic love. - needs safe deleting (merge in place rather than unmerge;merge) - multiple binary repos (talk to zmedico) - handle compressed Packages file (talk to zmedico) - handle binary Packages file (talk to zmedico) - gpg sign the packages file (before compression) - binary vdb (sqlite) ... talk to zmedico - remote vdb - parallel fetch tbz2s - check order of pkg\_{pre,post}{inst,rm} during install, unmerge, and upgrade - env is not saved/restored between pkg\_{pre,post}inst (see portage and REPO\_LAYOUT\_CONF\_WARN) - support installing via path to tbz2 package - support TTL field in binpkgs file - merge duplicate atoms on the CLI (`qmerge -Uq nano nano nano`) - unmerging should clean out @world set - test should work on local vdb (so TRAVIS can test it too) - fixup lame misnaming of force\_download (--fetch/--force) actually not-forcing things - use xpak.h instead of shelling out to qxpak binary # qdepends - -v should lookup whether packages are installed for || cases/colouring # qpkg - add a verbose output that describes why a package is cleaned - newer binpkgs available - newer installed version available - integrate qxpak and qtbz2 with this package (the latter are confusing, and qpkg is doing parts of qtbz2's compose - share install\_mask code from qmerge to handle negatives from pkg\_install\_mask too # qgrep - make it use standard xarray instead of its own buf\_list # quse - make -v only print requested USE-flag when flags given - list each package only once (e.g. quse -e lz4) # qkeyword - drop -c argument? it can be fully expressed using -p cat/ - add mode to list which packages needs to be keyworded (deps), talk to Kent Fredric on details, 20191229000543.001631d9@katipo2.lan Re: [gentoo-dev] Keywordreqs and slacking arch team # qmanifest - use openat in most places - parse timestamps and print in local timezone - implement python module for gemato interface (to use with Portage) # qlop - guestimate runtime based on best-matching pkg (e.g. with gcc) - calculate or take some "smooth" factor just added on top of the guestimate alternative to current time jumping - multiple files support -- current opinion: don't do it - compressed file support, use guessing support from qmerge? # qfile - stop searching when absolute path argument was found?