/* * Copyright 2005-2018 Gentoo Foundation * Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 * * Copyright 2005-2010 Ned Ludd - * Copyright 2005-2014 Mike Frysinger - * Copyright 2005 Petteri Räty - */ #ifdef APPLET_qgrep #define QGREP_FLAGS "IiHNclLexJEsS:B:A:" COMMON_FLAGS static struct option const qgrep_long_opts[] = { {"invert-match", no_argument, NULL, 'I'}, {"ignore-case", no_argument, NULL, 'i'}, {"with-filename", no_argument, NULL, 'H'}, {"with-name", no_argument, NULL, 'N'}, {"count", no_argument, NULL, 'c'}, {"list", no_argument, NULL, 'l'}, {"invert-list", no_argument, NULL, 'L'}, {"regexp", no_argument, NULL, 'e'}, {"extended", no_argument, NULL, 'x'}, {"installed", no_argument, NULL, 'J'}, {"eclass", no_argument, NULL, 'E'}, {"skip-comments", no_argument, NULL, 's'}, {"skip", a_argument, NULL, 'S'}, {"before", a_argument, NULL, 'B'}, {"after", a_argument, NULL, 'A'}, COMMON_LONG_OPTS }; static const char * const qgrep_opts_help[] = { "Select non-matching lines", "Ignore case distinctions", "Print the filename for each match", "Print the package or eclass name for each match", "Only print a count of matching lines per FILE", "Only print FILE names containing matches", "Only print FILE names containing no match", "Use PATTERN as a regular expression", "Use PATTERN as an extended regular expression", "Search in installed ebuilds instead of the tree", "Search in eclasses instead of ebuilds", "Skip comments lines", "Skip lines matching ", "Print lines of leading context", "Print lines of trailing context", COMMON_OPTS_HELP }; #define qgrep_usage(ret) usage(ret, QGREP_FLAGS, qgrep_long_opts, qgrep_opts_help, NULL, lookup_applet_idx("qgrep")) static char qgrep_name_match(const char* name, const int argc, depend_atom** argv) { depend_atom* atom; int i; if ((atom = atom_explode(name)) == NULL) return 0; for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) { if (argv[i] == NULL) continue; if (atom->CATEGORY && argv[i]->CATEGORY && *(argv[i]->CATEGORY) && strcmp(atom->CATEGORY, argv[i]->CATEGORY)) continue; if (atom->PN && argv[i]->PN && *(argv[i]->PN) && strcmp(atom->PN, argv[i]->PN)) continue; if (atom->PVR && argv[i]->PVR && *(argv[i]->PVR) && strcmp(atom->PVR, argv[i]->PVR)) continue; atom_implode(atom); return 1; } atom_implode(atom); return 0; } /* Circular list of line buffers for --before */ typedef struct qgrep_buf { char valid; /* 1 when the line should be included in * a leading context, and 0 when it has already * been displayed, or is from a previous file. */ char buf[BUFSIZ]; struct qgrep_buf *next; } qgrep_buf_t; /* Allocate buffers in a circular list. * must be at least 1. */ static qgrep_buf_t * qgrep_buf_list_alloc(const char length) { char i; qgrep_buf_t *head, *current; current = head = xmalloc(sizeof(qgrep_buf_t)); for (i = 1; i < length; i++) { current->next = xmalloc(sizeof(qgrep_buf_t)); current = current->next; } current->next = head; return head; } /* Free a circular buffers list. */ static void qgrep_buf_list_free(qgrep_buf_t *head) { qgrep_buf_t *current, *next; next = head; do { current = next; next = current->next; free(current); } while (next != head); } /* Set valid=0 in the whole list. */ static void qgrep_buf_list_invalidate(qgrep_buf_t *head) { qgrep_buf_t *current; current = head; do { current->valid = 0; current = current->next; } while (current != head); } /* Type for the str(case)str search functions */ typedef char *(*QGREP_STR_FUNC) (const char *, const char *); /* Display a buffer, with an optionnal prefix. */ static void qgrep_print_line(qgrep_buf_t *current, const char *label, const int line_number, const char zig, const regex_t* preg, const QGREP_STR_FUNC searchfunc, const char* searchstr) { char *p = current->buf; /* Print line prefix, when in verbose mode */ if (label != NULL) { printf("%s", label); if (line_number > 0) printf(":%d", line_number); putchar(zig); } if (preg != NULL) { /* Iteration over regexp matches, for color output. * First regexec is a normal one, and then loop with * REG_NOTBOL to not match "^pattern" anymore. */ regmatch_t match; int regexec_flags = 0; while ((*p != '\0') && !regexec(preg, p, 1, &match, regexec_flags)) { if (match.rm_so > 0) printf("%.*s", (int)match.rm_so, p); if (match.rm_eo > match.rm_so) { printf("%s%.*s%s", RED, (int)(match.rm_eo - match.rm_so), p + match.rm_so, NORM); p += match.rm_eo; } else { p += match.rm_eo; putchar(*p++); } regexec_flags = REG_NOTBOL; } } else if (searchfunc != NULL && searchstr != NULL) { /* Iteration over substring matches, for color output. */ char *q; int searchlen = strlen(searchstr); while (searchlen && ((q = searchfunc(p, searchstr)) != NULL)) { if (p < q) printf("%.*s", (int)(q - p), p); printf("%s%.*s%s", RED, searchlen, q, NORM); p = q + searchlen; } } /* No color output (for context lines, or trailing portion * of matching lines). */ printf("%s\n", p); /* Once a line has been displayed, it is not valid anymore */ current->valid = 0; } #define qgrep_print_context_line(buf, label, lineno) \ qgrep_print_line(buf, label, lineno, '-', NULL, NULL, NULL) #define qgrep_print_matching_line_nocolor(buf, label, lineno) \ qgrep_print_line(buf, label, lineno, ':', NULL, NULL, NULL) #define qgrep_print_matching_line_regcolor(buf, label, lineno, preg) \ qgrep_print_line(buf, label, lineno, ':', preg, NULL, NULL) #define qgrep_print_matching_line_strcolor(buf, label, lineno, searchfunc, searchstr) \ qgrep_print_line(buf, label, lineno, ':', NULL, searchfunc, searchstr) /* Display a leading context (valid lines of the buffers list, but the matching one). */ static void qgrep_print_before_context(qgrep_buf_t *current, const char num_lines_before, const char *label, const int match_line_number) { int line_number; line_number = match_line_number - num_lines_before; while ((current = current->next) && (line_number < match_line_number)) { if (current->valid) qgrep_print_context_line(current, label, line_number); line_number++; } } /* Yield the path of one of the installed ebuilds (from VDB). */ static char * get_next_installed_ebuild(char *ebuild_path, DIR *vdb_dir, struct dirent **cat_dirent_pt, DIR **cat_dir_pt) { struct dirent *pkg_dirent = NULL; if (*cat_dirent_pt == NULL || *cat_dir_pt == NULL) goto get_next_category; get_next_ebuild_from_category: if ((pkg_dirent = readdir(*cat_dir_pt)) == NULL) goto get_next_category; if (pkg_dirent->d_name[0] == '.') goto get_next_ebuild_from_category; snprintf(ebuild_path, _Q_PATH_MAX, "%s/%s/%s.ebuild", (*cat_dirent_pt)->d_name, pkg_dirent->d_name, pkg_dirent->d_name); return ebuild_path; get_next_category: if (*cat_dir_pt != NULL) closedir(*cat_dir_pt); *cat_dirent_pt = q_vdb_get_next_dir(vdb_dir); if (*cat_dirent_pt == NULL) return NULL; if ((*cat_dir_pt = opendir((*cat_dirent_pt)->d_name)) == NULL) goto get_next_category; goto get_next_ebuild_from_category; } int qgrep_main(int argc, char **argv) { int i; int count = 0; char *p; char do_count, do_regex, do_eclass, do_installed, do_list; char show_filename, skip_comments, invert_list, show_name; char per_file_output; FILE *fp = NULL; DIR *eclass_dir = NULL; DIR *vdb_dir = NULL; DIR *cat_dir = NULL; struct dirent *dentry = NULL; char ebuild[_Q_PATH_MAX]; char name[_Q_PATH_MAX]; char *label; int reflags = 0; char invert_match = 0; regex_t preg, skip_preg; char *skip_pattern = NULL; depend_atom** include_atoms = NULL; unsigned long int context_optarg; char num_lines_before = 0; char num_lines_after = 0; qgrep_buf_t *buf_list; int need_separator = 0; char status = 1; QGREP_STR_FUNC strfunc = strstr; do_count = do_regex = do_eclass = do_installed = do_list = 0; show_filename = skip_comments = invert_list = show_name = 0; while ((i = GETOPT_LONG(QGREP, qgrep, "")) != -1) { switch (i) { case 'I': invert_match = 1; break; case 'i': strfunc = strcasestr; reflags |= REG_ICASE; break; case 'c': do_count = 1; break; case 'l': do_list = 1; break; case 'L': do_list = invert_list = 1; break; case 'e': do_regex = 1; break; case 'x': do_regex = 1; reflags |= REG_EXTENDED; break; case 'J': do_installed = 1; break; case 'E': do_eclass = 1; break; case 'H': show_filename = 1; break; case 'N': show_name = 1; break; case 's': skip_comments = 1; break; case 'S': skip_pattern = optarg; break; case 'B': case 'A': errno = 0; context_optarg = strtol(optarg, &p, 10); if (errno != 0) errp("%s: not a valid integer", optarg); else if (p == optarg || *p != '\0') err("%s: not a valid integer", optarg); if (context_optarg > 254) err("%s: silly value!", optarg); if (i == 'B') num_lines_before = context_optarg; else num_lines_after = context_optarg; break; COMMON_GETOPTS_CASES(qgrep) } } if (argc == optind) qgrep_usage(EXIT_FAILURE); if (do_list && do_count) { warn("%s and --count are incompatible options. The former wins.", (invert_list ? "--invert-list" : "--list")); do_count = 0; } if (show_name && show_filename) { warn("--with-name and --with-filename are incompatible options. The former wins."); show_filename = 0; } if (do_list && num_lines_before) { warn("%s and --before are incompatible options. The former wins.", (invert_list ? "--invert-list" : "--list")); num_lines_before = 0; } if (do_list && num_lines_after) { warn("%s and --after are incompatible options. The former wins.", (invert_list ? "--invert-list" : "--list")); num_lines_after = 0; } if (do_count && num_lines_before) { warn("--count and --before are incompatible options. The former wins."); num_lines_before = 0; } if (do_count && num_lines_after) { warn("--count and --after are incompatible options. The former wins."); num_lines_after = 0; } if (do_installed && do_eclass) { warn("--installed and --eclass are incompatible options. The former wins."); do_eclass = 0; } /* do we report results once per file or per line ? */ per_file_output = do_count || (do_list && (!verbose || invert_list)); /* label for prefixing matching lines or listing matching files */ label = (show_name ? name : ((verbose || show_filename || do_list) ? ebuild : NULL)); if (argc > (optind + 1)) { include_atoms = xcalloc(sizeof(depend_atom*), (argc - optind - 1)); for (i = (optind + 1); i < argc; i++) if ((include_atoms[i - optind - 1] = atom_explode(argv[i])) == NULL) warn("%s: invalid atom, will be ignored", argv[i]); } /* pre-compile regexps once for all */ if (do_regex) { if (invert_match || *RED == '\0') reflags |= REG_NOSUB; xregcomp(&preg, argv[optind], reflags); reflags |= REG_NOSUB; if (skip_pattern) xregcomp(&skip_preg, skip_pattern, reflags); } /* allocate a circular buffers list for --before */ buf_list = qgrep_buf_list_alloc(num_lines_before + 1); size_t n; char *overlay; array_for_each(overlays, n, overlay) { /* go look either in ebuilds or eclasses or VDB */ if (!do_eclass && !do_installed) { fp = fopen(initialize_flat(overlay, CACHE_EBUILD, false), "re"); if (fp == NULL) continue; xchdir(overlay); } else if (do_eclass) { xchdir(overlay); if ((eclass_dir = opendir("eclass")) == NULL) { if (errno != ENOENT) warnp("opendir(\"%s/eclass\") failed", overlay); continue; } } else { /* if (do_install) */ char buf[_Q_PATH_MAX]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/%s", portroot, portvdb); xchdir(buf); if ((vdb_dir = opendir(".")) == NULL) errp("could not opendir(%s/%s) for ROOT/VDB", portroot, portvdb); } /* iteration is either over ebuilds or eclasses */ while (do_eclass ? ((dentry = readdir(eclass_dir)) && snprintf(ebuild, sizeof(ebuild), "eclass/%s", dentry->d_name)) : (do_installed ? (get_next_installed_ebuild(ebuild, vdb_dir, &dentry, &cat_dir) != NULL) : (fgets(ebuild, sizeof(ebuild), fp) != NULL))) { FILE *newfp; /* filter badly named files, prepare eclass or package name, etc. */ if (do_eclass) { if ((p = strrchr(ebuild, '.')) == NULL) continue; if (strcmp(p, ".eclass")) continue; if (show_name || (include_atoms != NULL)) { /* cut ".eclass" */ *p = '\0'; /* and skip "eclass/" */ snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "%s", ebuild + 7); /* restore the filepath */ *p = '.'; } } else { if ((p = strchr(ebuild, '\n')) != NULL) *p = '\0'; if (show_name || (include_atoms != NULL)) { /* cut ".ebuild" */ if (p == NULL) p = ebuild + strlen(ebuild); *(p-7) = '\0'; /* cut "/foo/" from "cat/foo/foo-x.y" */ if ((p = strchr(ebuild, '/')) == NULL) continue; *(p++) = '\0'; /* find head of the ebuild basename */ if ((p = strchr(p, '/')) == NULL) continue; /* find start of the pkg name */ snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "%s/%s", ebuild, (p+1)); /* restore the filepath */ *p = '/'; *(p + strlen(p)) = '.'; ebuild[strlen(ebuild)] = '/'; } } /* filter the files we grep when there are extra args */ if (include_atoms != NULL) if (!qgrep_name_match(name, (argc - optind - 1), include_atoms)) continue; if ((newfp = fopen(ebuild, "r")) != NULL) { int lineno = 0; char remaining_after_context = 0; count = 0; /* if there have been some matches already, then a separator will be needed */ need_separator = (!status) && (num_lines_before || num_lines_after); /* whatever is in the circular buffers list is no more a valid context */ qgrep_buf_list_invalidate(buf_list); /* reading a new line always happen in the next buffer of the list */ while ((buf_list = buf_list->next) && (fgets(buf_list->buf, sizeof(buf_list->buf), newfp)) != NULL) { lineno++; buf_list->valid = 1; /* cleanup EOL */ if ((p = strrchr(buf_list->buf, '\n')) != NULL) *p = 0; if ((p = strrchr(buf_list->buf, '\r')) != NULL) *p = 0; if (skip_comments) { /* reject comments line ("^[ \t]*#") */ p = buf_list->buf; while (*p == ' ' || *p == '\t') p++; if (*p == '#') goto print_after_context; } if (skip_pattern) { /* reject some other lines which match an optional pattern */ if (!do_regex) { if (strfunc(buf_list->buf, skip_pattern) != NULL) goto print_after_context; } else { if (regexec(&skip_preg, buf_list->buf, 0, NULL, 0) == 0) goto print_after_context; } } /* four ways to match a line (with/without inversion and regexp) */ if (!invert_match) { if (do_regex == 0) { if (strfunc(buf_list->buf, argv[optind]) == NULL) goto print_after_context; } else { if (regexec(&preg, buf_list->buf, 0, NULL, 0) != 0) goto print_after_context; } } else { if (do_regex == 0) { if (strfunc(buf_list->buf, argv[optind]) != NULL) goto print_after_context; } else { if (regexec(&preg, buf_list->buf, 0, NULL, 0) == 0) goto print_after_context; } } count++; status = 0; /* got a match, exit status should be 0 */ if (per_file_output) continue; /* matching files are listed out of this loop */ if ((need_separator > 0) && (num_lines_before || num_lines_after)) printf("--\n"); /* "need_separator" is not a flag, but a counter, so that * adjacent contextes are not separated */ need_separator = 0 - num_lines_before; if (!do_list) { /* print the leading context */ qgrep_print_before_context(buf_list, num_lines_before, label, ((verbose > 1) ? lineno : -1)); /* print matching line */ if (invert_match || *RED == '\0') qgrep_print_matching_line_nocolor(buf_list, label, ((verbose > 1) ? lineno : -1)); else if (do_regex) qgrep_print_matching_line_regcolor(buf_list, label, ((verbose > 1) ? lineno : -1), &preg); else qgrep_print_matching_line_strcolor(buf_list, label, ((verbose > 1) ? lineno : -1), strfunc, argv[optind]); } else { /* in verbose do_list mode, list the file once per match */ printf("%s", label); if (verbose > 1) printf(":%d", lineno); putchar('\n'); } /* init count down of trailing context lines */ remaining_after_context = num_lines_after; continue; print_after_context: /* print some trailing context lines when needed */ if (!remaining_after_context) { if (!status) /* we're getting closer to the need of a separator between * current match block and the next one */ ++need_separator; } else { qgrep_print_context_line(buf_list, label, ((verbose > 1) ? lineno : -1)); --remaining_after_context; } } fclose(newfp); if (!per_file_output) continue; /* matches were already displayed, line per line */ if (do_count && count) { if (label != NULL) /* -c without -v/-N/-H only outputs * the matches count of the file */ printf("%s:", label); printf("%d\n", count); } else if ((count && !invert_list) || (!count && invert_list)) printf("%s\n", label); /* do_list == 1, or we wouldn't be here */ } } if (do_eclass) closedir(eclass_dir); else if (!do_installed) fclose(fp); if (do_installed) break; } if (do_regex) regfree(&preg); if (do_regex && skip_pattern) regfree(&skip_preg); if (include_atoms != NULL) { for (i = 0; i < (argc - optind - 1); i++) if (include_atoms[i] != NULL) atom_implode(include_atoms[i]); free(include_atoms); } qgrep_buf_list_free(buf_list); return status; } #else DEFINE_APPLET_STUB(qgrep) #endif