diff options
authorAaron W. Swenson <titanofold@gentoo.org>2011-03-19 13:46:49 -0400
committerAaron W. Swenson <titanofold@gentoo.org>2011-03-19 13:46:49 -0400
commit5990d205c9628bdad70f3338105a7084b30f2044 (patch)
parentInitial commit. README describes repository layout. (diff)
Initial commit of the 1.0 series of postgresql.eselect. A module that manages
symbolic links on a user's machine to libraries and binaries.
1 files changed, 296 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/postgresql.eselect b/postgresql.eselect
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7805d34
--- /dev/null
+++ b/postgresql.eselect
@@ -0,0 +1,296 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2008 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Id: $
+inherit config multilib output package-manager path-manipulation
+DESCRIPTION="Manage active PostgreSQL client applications and libraries"
+SVN_DATE='$Date: $'
+# Global Data
+if [ -r ${E_PATH}/active -a -n ${E_PATH}/active ] ; then
+ ACTIVE_SLOT=$(<${E_PATH}/active)
+ ACTIVE_SLOT="(none)"
+if [[ ${LIB_LIST} =~ .*lib64.* && "$(ls -d ${B_PATH}/lib64/postgresql-*/lib)" != "" ]] ; then
+ LIBDIR="lib64"
+elif [[ ${LIB_LIST} =~ .*lib32.* && "$(ls -d ${B_PATH}/lib32/postgresql-*/lib)" != "" ]] ; then
+ LIBDIR="lib32"
+ LIBDIR="lib"
+### Linker Function ###
+# Takes three arguments:
+# - Full source path (e.g. /usr/lib/postgresql-9.0/lib/lib*.{a,so})
+# - Full target directory path (e.g. /usr/bin)
+# - Suffix (Optional) (e.g 84 to make /usr/bin/psql84)
+linker() {
+ local source_dir=$1
+ local target_dir=$2
+ local suffix=$3
+ local link_source
+ for link_source in $(eval ls ${source_dir} 2> /dev/null) ; do
+ local link_target="${target_dir%/}/$(basename ${link_source})${suffix}"
+ # For good measure, remove target before creating the symlink
+ [ -h ${link_target} ] && rm -f ${link_target}
+ [ -e ${link_target} ] && die -q "The target '${link_target}' still exists and could not be removed!"
+ ln -s ${link_source} ${link_target} || die -q "Unable to create link!"
+ echo ${link_target} >> ${E_PATH}/active.links${suffix}
+ done
+### Unlinker Function ###
+# Takes one argument:
+# - Full path to active links file (e.g. /etc/eselect/postgresql/active.links)
+unlinker() {
+ local active_link_file=$1
+ if [ -r ${active_link_file} ] ; then
+ local active_links=($(<${active_link_file}))
+ for (( i=0; $i < ${#active_links[@]}; i++ )) ; do
+ [ -h ${active_links[$i]} ] && rm -f ${active_links[$i]}
+ [ -e ${active_links[$i]} ] && die -q "The target '${active_links[$i]}' still exists and could not be removed!"
+ done
+ rm -f ${active_link_file}
+ fi
+### Get Slots Function ###
+# Find all available slots in the preferred LIBDIR and return them.
+get_slots() {
+ echo $(ls -dv ${B_PATH}/${LIBDIR}/postgresql-* 2> /dev/null | sed -re 's#^.+-##')
+### List Action ###
+describe_list() {
+ echo "List available PostgreSQL slots."
+do_list() {
+ write_list_start "Available PostgreSQL Slots"
+ if $(is_output_mode brief) ; then
+ echo $(get_slots)
+ else
+ for slot in $(get_slots) ; do
+ local postgres_ebuilds=""
+ for src in ${E_PATH}/slots/${slot}/{server,service,base,docs} ; do
+ [ -r ${src} ] && source ${src}
+ done
+ case "${slot}" in
+ "${ACTIVE_SLOT}" ) write_kv_list_entry "$(highlight_marker ${slot})" "${postgres_ebuilds//postgresql-/}";;
+ * ) write_kv_list_entry "${slot}" "${postgres_ebuilds//postgresql-/}";;
+ esac
+ done
+ [ -z "${postgres_ebuilds}" ] && write_warning_msg "No slots available."
+ fi
+### Show Action ###
+describe_show() {
+ echo "Show which slot is currently active."
+do_show() {
+ echo ${ACTIVE_SLOT}
+### Show Service Action ###
+# Here for backwards compatibility with ebuilds
+describe_show-service() {
+ echo "Deprecated. For ebuild use; returns no useful information."
+do_show-service() {
+ echo 1
+### Set Action ###
+describe_set() {
+ echo "Create symbolic links for PostgreSQL libraries and applications."
+do_set() {
+ local SLOT=$1
+ if [ ! -d ${B_PATH}/${LIBDIR}/postgresql-${SLOT} ] ; then
+ die -q "Not a valid slot."
+ fi
+ echo -e "\033[1mSetting ${SLOT} as the default installation...\033[0m"
+ # Remove the active links to start a fresh list
+ printf "\tRemoving old links..."
+ unlinker ${E_PATH}/active.links
+ echo "Done!"
+ printf "\tGenerating new links..."
+ # Sources and targets for header files
+ sources=(
+ ${B_PATH}/include/postgresql-${SLOT}
+ ${B_PATH}/include/postgresql-${SLOT}/libpq-fe.h
+ ${B_PATH}/include/postgresql-${SLOT}/pg_config_manual.h
+ ${B_PATH}/include/postgresql-${SLOT}/libpq
+ ${B_PATH}/include/postgresql-${SLOT}/postgres_ext.h
+ )
+ targets=(
+ ${B_PATH}/include/postgresql
+ ${B_PATH}/include/libpq-fe.h
+ ${B_PATH}/include/pg_config_manual.h
+ ${B_PATH}/include/libpq
+ ${B_PATH}/include/postgres_ext.h
+ )
+ # The linker function cannot accomadate this special purpose.
+ for (( i=0; $i < ${#sources[@]}; i++ )) ; do
+ # Remove target before creating the symlink
+ rm -f ${targets[$i]}
+ # Check if link_target still exists
+ [ -e ${targets[$i]} ] && die -q "The target '${targets[$i]}' exists and could not be removed!"
+ ln -s ${sources[$i]} ${targets[$i]} || die -q "Unable to create link!"
+ echo ${targets[$i]} >> ${E_PATH}/active.links
+ done
+ # Link modules to /usr/lib{,lib32,lib64}/
+ for x in ${LIB_LIST} ; do
+ if [ -d ${B_PATH}/${x}/postgresql-${SLOT}/lib ] ; then
+ # 'linker' function doesn't work for linking directories.
+ # Default lib path
+ ln -s ${B_PATH}/${x}/postgresql-${SLOT}/lib ${B_PATH}/${x}/postgresql
+ echo ${B_PATH}/${x}/postgresql >> ${E_PATH}/active.links
+ # Linker works for files
+ linker "${B_PATH}/${x}/postgresql-${SLOT}/lib/lib*.{a,so}" "${B_PATH}/${x}"
+ fi
+ done
+ # Link binaries to /usr/bin/
+ linker "${B_PATH}/${LIBDIR}/postgresql-${SLOT}/bin/*" "${B_PATH}/bin"
+ # Default share path
+ ln -s ${B_PATH}/share/postgresql-${SLOT} ${B_PATH}/share/postgresql
+ echo ${B_PATH}/share/postgresql >> ${E_PATH}/active.links
+ echo ${SLOT} > ${E_PATH}/active
+ echo "Done!"
+ echo -e "\033[1mSetting default successful!\033[0m"
+### Unset Action ###
+describe_unset() {
+ echo "Remove symbolic links."
+do_unset() {
+ local SLOT=$1
+ if [ "${SLOT}" = "${ACTIVE_SLOT}" ] ; then
+ echo -e "\033[1mUnsetting ${SLOT} as the default installation...\033[0m"
+ unlinker ${E_PATH}/active.links
+ rm -f ${E_PATH}/active
+ echo -e "\033[1mDone!\033[0m"
+ else
+ echo "Inactive slot selected. No work to do."
+ fi
+### Reset Action ###
+describe_reset() {
+ echo "Recreate symbolic links for currently active slot."
+do_reset() {
+ [ "${ACTIVE_SLOT}" = "(none)" ] && die -q "No active slot to reset. Set a slot."
+ do_unset ${ACTIVE_SLOT}
+ do_set ${ACTIVE_SLOT}
+### Update Action ###
+describe_update() {
+ echo "Refreshes all symbolic links managed by this module"
+do_update() {
+ # Check for files managed by postgresql.eselect before 1.0
+ [ -h /etc/eselect/postgresql/active ] && ACTIVE_SLOT="$(basename $(canonicalise /etc/eselect/postgesql/active))"
+ # Remove service file outright.
+ [ -h /etc/eselect/postgresql/service ] && rm -f /etc/eselect/postgresql/service
+ local slots=($(get_slots))
+ local index=${#slots[@]}
+ # In case all slots have been unmerged
+ if [ ${index} -eq 0 ] ; then
+ write_warning_msg "No slots found!"
+ write_warning_msg "Removing files (Control-C to abort) in..."
+ i=6
+ while [ $[i--] -gt 0 ] ; do
+ printf " $i"
+ sleep 1
+ done
+ for sym_links in ${E_PATH}/active.links* ; do
+ unlinker ${sym_links}
+ done
+ rm -f ${E_PATH}/active
+ rm -f ${ENV_FILE}
+ do_action env update &> /dev/null
+ echo "Done!"
+ return 0
+ fi
+ # Reset, otherwise set the highest slot available.
+ if [[ ${slots[@]} =~ ${ACTIVE_SLOT} ]] ; then
+ do_reset
+ else
+ # Default to the highest slot available.
+ # best_version doesn't work here as pkg_postrm runs before the world
+ # file is updated, thereby returning a false positive.
+ do_set ${slots[$index-1]}
+ # Remove active file because it isn't set by a user.
+ rm -f ${E_PATH}/active
+ fi
+ # Clean out the cruft
+ printf "Removing old links..."
+ for sym_links in ${E_PATH}/active.links?* ; do
+ unlinker ${sym_links}
+ done
+ echo "Done!"
+ # Update paths to libs and docs
+ local ldpath
+ for x in ${LIB_LIST} ; do
+ ldpath+="${B_PATH}/${x}/postgresql:"
+ done
+ ldpath="${ldpath%:}"
+ local manpath="${B_PATH}/share/postgresql/"
+ while [ $[--index] -gt -1 ] ; do
+ echo -e "\n\033[1mGenerating symbolic links for ${slots[$index]} applications...\033[0m"
+ for x in ${LIB_LIST} ; do
+ local lib_path="${B_PATH}/${x}/postgresql-${slots[$index]}/lib/"
+ [ -d ${lib_path} ] && ldpath+=":${lib_path}"
+ done
+ local share_path="${B_PATH}/share/postgresql-${slots[$index]}/"
+ [ -d ${share_path} ] && manpath+=":${share_path}"
+ linker "${B_PATH}/${LIBDIR}/postgresql-${slots[$index]}/bin/*" "${B_PATH}/bin" "${slots[$index]//.}"
+ echo -e "\033[1mDone!\033[0m"
+ done
+ # Remove bad environment files that have been generated by the ebuilds
+ rm -f ${ENV_FILE}-*
+ store_config ${ENV_FILE} LDPATH "${ldpath}"
+ store_config ${ENV_FILE} MANPATH "${manpath}"
+ do_action env update &> /dev/null