diff options
authorbicatali <bicatali@32389bae-6d03-0410-99cf-db05cde120eb>2008-03-17 16:21:32 +0000
committerbicatali <bicatali@32389bae-6d03-0410-99cf-db05cde120eb>2008-03-17 16:21:32 +0000
commit76ffb781ed7a917f23b67454e9f950e5e3b83527 (patch)
tree94fa8e1ddc7cb9ef80b78ea7896a5845f074f95b /sci-misc/brlcad
parentmove stuff to root (diff)
moved overlay to new directory
git-svn-id: http://overlays.gentoo.org/svn/proj/science/overlay@979 32389bae-6d03-0410-99cf-db05cde120eb
Diffstat (limited to 'sci-misc/brlcad')
5 files changed, 177 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sci-misc/brlcad/ChangeLog b/sci-misc/brlcad/ChangeLog
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8e4ff5800
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sci-misc/brlcad/ChangeLog
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+# ChangeLog for sci-libs/plplot
+# Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
+# $Header: $
+ 19 Dec 2007; Sébastien Fabbro <bicatali@gentoo.org>
+ -files/brlcad-7.6.6-gentoo.diff, +files/brlcad-tcltk-man_install.patch,
+ -files/tcl.m4, -brlcad-7.6.6.ebuild, +brlcad-7.10.4.ebuild:
+ Version bump
+ 26 January 2006; Lucas Chiesa <lucas.chiesa@gmail.com> brlcad-7.6.6.ebuild:
+ Added brlcad-7.6.6-gentoo.diff which replaces the entire test for
+ tcl/tk/itcl/iwidgets in configure.ac. It needs some more work.
+*brlcad-7.6.6 (19 January 2006)
+ 19 January 2006; Marcus D. Hanwell <cryos@gentoo.org>
+ +brlcad-7.6.6.ebuild:
+ Initial import into the science overlay, bug 77197.
diff --git a/sci-misc/brlcad/Manifest b/sci-misc/brlcad/Manifest
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..589d4ec25
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sci-misc/brlcad/Manifest
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+AUX brlcad-tcltk-man_install.patch 2560 RMD160 52f5671634926b91457ebb7299dee443c1ae3529 SHA1 5b0494880c1e2e484a39790c60bdb44b239b71e2 SHA256 486216c6ec99544101be44450a4d2443ab379d828e5c5c9842d165e0fbe6482d
+DIST brlcad-7.10.4.tar.bz2 22974894 RMD160 a3e13793f96b41e8fa48107e76b6697393559478 SHA1 e8ac7ae38dae0208ea92f66e84a9779a5fc3c568 SHA256 302c40ae3eb54aab4bdf1018effd5b63c3212b1c580edb4340559c4545ccfded
+EBUILD brlcad-7.10.4.ebuild 2167 RMD160 52a358cc82ca83db771abbead038051c23c2349b SHA1 c596fee925cc15d07a150426f4d5a2fdc06ae63c SHA256 076ac0e78752801b5d8620654f4e802825d97f80aa166cd41679f8c0fe075e64
+MISC ChangeLog 703 RMD160 17c5b6c55019f9a3cefff975987344840e6560ae SHA1 aab5b9579597c37a7e5ad381381258c4fc815fa1 SHA256 65ae20b9fa408bc48d225546ec03729d454e69c31093daf522fd7ad99ce4f80c
+MISC metadata.xml 993 RMD160 2d5c3e246d2a1ce29f86d2de3e7e1ee1edfc6439 SHA1 a1388baccc66f393c78915d72f2a96a4bcb92156 SHA256 b3dd606feb759dba2840423c656bb78dfd324dd2e95f1def30a8340c090b8c19
diff --git a/sci-misc/brlcad/brlcad-7.10.4.ebuild b/sci-misc/brlcad/brlcad-7.10.4.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..043f80bd2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sci-misc/brlcad/brlcad-7.10.4.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: $
+inherit eutils multilib
+DESCRIPTION="Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG) solid modeling system"
+KEYWORDS="~x86 ~amd64"
+IUSE="debug examples"
+ media-libs/urt
+ >=sci-libs/tnt-3
+ sci-libs/jama"
+# >=dev-lang/tcl-8.5
+# >=dev-lang/tk-8.5
+# dev-tcltk/blt
+# dev-tcltk/tkimg"
+src_unpack() {
+ unpack ${A}
+ cd "${S}"
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}"/brlcad-tcltk-man_install.patch
+src_compile() {
+ # add these two when tcl/tk >=8.5 and others are workable alternative
+ # together with adding them in DEPEND
+ # --disable-itcl-build \
+ # --disable-iwidgets-install \
+ # --disable-tcl-build \
+ # --disable-tk-build \
+ # --disable-tkimg-build \
+ # --disable-blt-build \
+ # use configure and not econf to put all stuff in $INSTALLDIR
+ ./configure \
+ --prefix=${BRLCAD_DIR} \
+ --disable-regex-build \
+ --disable-termlib-build \
+ --disable-png-build \
+ --disable-zlib-build \
+ --disable-urt-build \
+ --disable-jove-build \
+ --disable-adrt-build \
+ --disable-tnt-build \
+ $(use_enable examples models) \
+ $(use_enable debug) \
+ $(use_enable debug runtime-debug) \
+ $(use_enable debug verbose) \
+ $(use_enable debug warnings) \
+ $(use_enable debug progress) \
+ || die "econf failed"
+ emake || die "emake failed"
+src_install() {
+ emake DESTDIR="${D}" install || die "emake install failed"
+ cat <<-EOF > 99brlcad
+ doenvd 99brlcad || die "doenvd failed"
+ dodoc README NEWS TODO AUTHORS HACKING ChangeLog || die "dodoc failed"
+pkg_postinst() {
+ einfo "The standard starting point for BRL-CAD is the mged"
+ einfo "command. Examples are available in ${BRLCAD_DIR}/db."
+ einfo "To run an example, try:"
+ einfo "${BRLCAD_DIR}/bin/mged ${BRLCAD_DIR}/db/havoc.g"
+ einfo "In the mged terminal window, type 'draw havoc' to see"
+ einfo "the wireframe in the visualization window."
diff --git a/sci-misc/brlcad/files/brlcad-tcltk-man_install.patch b/sci-misc/brlcad/files/brlcad-tcltk-man_install.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7a61d103c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sci-misc/brlcad/files/brlcad-tcltk-man_install.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+diff -ur brlcad-7.10.2.orig/src/other/tcl/unix/Makefile.in brlcad-7.10.2/src/other/tcl/unix/Makefile.in
+--- brlcad-7.10.2.orig/src/other/tcl/unix/Makefile.in 2007-09-16 21:03:57.000000000 -0400
++++ brlcad-7.10.2/src/other/tcl/unix/Makefile.in 2007-09-16 21:06:36.000000000 -0400
+@@ -839,17 +839,17 @@
+ done;
+ @echo "Installing and cross-linking top-level (.1) docs";
+ @for i in $(TOP_DIR)/doc/*.1; do \
+- $(UNIX_DIR)/installManPage $(MAN_FLAGS) $$i $(MAN1_INSTALL_DIR); \
++ [ ! -e $(TOP_DIR)/doc/$$i ] || $(UNIX_DIR)/installManPage $(MAN_FLAGS) $(TOP_DIR)/doc/$$i $(MAN1_INSTALL_DIR); \
+ done
+ @echo "Installing and cross-linking C API (.3) docs";
+ @for i in $(TOP_DIR)/doc/*.3; do \
+- $(UNIX_DIR)/installManPage $(MAN_FLAGS) $$i $(MAN3_INSTALL_DIR); \
++ [ ! -e $(TOP_DIR)/doc/$$i ] || $(UNIX_DIR)/installManPage $(MAN_FLAGS) $(TOP_DIR)/doc/$$i $(MAN3_INSTALL_DIR); \
+ done
+ @echo "Installing and cross-linking command (.n) docs";
+ @for i in $(TOP_DIR)/doc/*.n; do \
+- $(UNIX_DIR)/installManPage $(MAN_FLAGS) $$i $(MANN_INSTALL_DIR); \
++ [ ! -e $(TOP_DIR)/doc/$$i ] || $(UNIX_DIR)/installManPage $(MAN_FLAGS) $(TOP_DIR)/doc/$$i $(MANN_INSTALL_DIR); \
+ done
+ # Optional target to install private headers
+diff -ur brlcad-7.10.2.orig/src/other/tk/unix/Makefile.in brlcad-7.10.2/src/other/tk/unix/Makefile.in
+--- brlcad-7.10.2.orig/src/other/tk/unix/Makefile.in 2007-09-16 21:03:59.000000000 -0400
++++ brlcad-7.10.2/src/other/tk/unix/Makefile.in 2007-09-16 21:08:06.000000000 -0400
+@@ -824,18 +824,18 @@
+ done;
+ @echo "Installing and cross-linking top-level (.1) docs";
+ @for i in $(TOP_DIR)/doc/*.1; do \
+- $(UNIX_DIR)/installManPage $(MAN_FLAGS) $$i $(MAN1_INSTALL_DIR); \
++ [ ! -e $(TOP_DIR)/doc/$$i ] || $(UNIX_DIR)/installManPage $(MAN_FLAGS) $(TOP_DIR)/doc/$$i $(MAN1_INSTALL_DIR); \
+ done
+ @echo "Installing and cross-linking C API (.3) docs";
+ @for i in $(TOP_DIR)/doc/*.3; do \
+- $(UNIX_DIR)/installManPage $(MAN_FLAGS) $$i $(MAN3_INSTALL_DIR); \
++ [ ! -e $(TOP_DIR)/doc/$$i ] || $(UNIX_DIR)/installManPage $(MAN_FLAGS) $(TOP_DIR)/doc/$$i $(MAN3_INSTALL_DIR); \
+ done
+ @echo "Installing and cross-linking command (.n) docs";
+ @for i in $(TOP_DIR)/doc/*.n; do \
+ if [ "ttk_dialog.n" = `basename $$i` ] ; then continue ; fi ; \
+- $(UNIX_DIR)/installManPage $(MAN_FLAGS) $$i $(MANN_INSTALL_DIR); \
++ [ ! -e $(TOP_DIR)/doc/$$i ] || $(UNIX_DIR)/installManPage $(MAN_FLAGS) $(TOP_DIR)/doc/$$i $(MANN_INSTALL_DIR); \
+ done
+ # Optional target to install private headers
diff --git a/sci-misc/brlcad/metadata.xml b/sci-misc/brlcad/metadata.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ce48108a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sci-misc/brlcad/metadata.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "http://www.gentoo.org/dtd/metadata.dtd">
+<longdescription lang="en">
+BRL-CAD is a Combinatorial/Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG)
+solid modeling system that includes an interactive geometry editor,
+ray-tracing support for rendering and geometric analysis,
+network-distributed framebuffer support, image and signal-processing
+tools, and an embedded scripting language.
+The package is a collection of over 400 tools and utilities. Included
+is support for various geometric data format conversions, image and
+signal processing capabilities, ray-tracing based lighting models,
+network distributed ray-tracing, parallel ray-tracing, animation
+capabilities, data compression, image handling, and interactive 3-D
+geometric editing, and also an implementation of Weiler's n-Manifold
+Geometry (NMG) data structures for surface-based solid models and
+photon mapping.