diff options
authorPavel Denisov <pavel.a.denisov@gmail.com>2015-02-28 15:26:08 -0400
committerPavel Denisov <pavel.a.denisov@gmail.com>2015-02-28 15:26:08 -0400
commit9f412ecfb867c63bf2b22c5649173226278a2ded (patch)
tree713d65e29085b83f2019321a9d66097e068b7e28 /sci-misc/openfst
parentprofiles/categories cleanup: remove stray sys-process category (diff)
sci-misc/openfst: version bump
Package-Manager: portage-2.2.17
Diffstat (limited to 'sci-misc/openfst')
4 files changed, 296 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/sci-misc/openfst/ChangeLog b/sci-misc/openfst/ChangeLog
index 47bb94e86..4278e322a 100644
--- a/sci-misc/openfst/ChangeLog
+++ b/sci-misc/openfst/ChangeLog
@@ -1,7 +1,13 @@
# ChangeLog for sci-misc/openfst
-# Copyright 1999-2014 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
+# Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
# $Header: $
+*openfst-1.4.1 (28 Feb 2015)
+ 28 Feb 2015; Pavel Denisov <pavel.a.denisov@gmail.com> +openfst-1.4.1.ebuild,
+ +files/kaldi-openfst-1.4.1.patch:
+ Version bump.
12 Nov 2014; Justin Lecher <jlec@gentoo.org> -openfst-1.2.7.ebuild:
Drop old
diff --git a/sci-misc/openfst/Manifest b/sci-misc/openfst/Manifest
index ad46d23ff..7312addb8 100644
--- a/sci-misc/openfst/Manifest
+++ b/sci-misc/openfst/Manifest
@@ -1 +1,2 @@
DIST openfst-1.3.4.tar.gz 769158 SHA256 e95fa96674e1c9d6866bbf79b9cd755c5121ad165b76224c7c6bbfa139399a61 SHA512 6ed87cbb949776b8702545a51d129e03f33428369b20255d637191e054ce04e529969aef49549b098b144cfde45cd9b741e6cba6680f815c04ad5717fdb0cbd9 WHIRLPOOL 593fd22668044f9ec8df70c274ee910f9da85a48fcd33c73993e54afd21298208d69804342b4e3a5d36e59aa92e853e84d95d1623c3708e7e1fc70e42916949f
+DIST openfst-1.4.1.tar.gz 824020 SHA256 e671bf6bd4425a1fed4e7543a024201b74869bfdd029bdf9d10c53a3c2818277 SHA512 8cb3b3e83155d1b2bd0075bab4fcf5d7160b427af87a2c03217a614a9dd1f9d7d1a67d404d897ad8659532686a7ad2fd20270de7cf838c6f38d4ae807369c51f WHIRLPOOL b9ae3562e2c7b2d651852d35e56ed7e678a990b46c7f720ac3a8e80cc7edee786bff3e1ab34aa6d5e9d33ec0821dbff8d6a5b6ea97c32ced40474891bfe4a4a3
diff --git a/sci-misc/openfst/files/kaldi-openfst-1.4.1.patch b/sci-misc/openfst/files/kaldi-openfst-1.4.1.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..140ea4e24
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sci-misc/openfst/files/kaldi-openfst-1.4.1.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,269 @@
+diff -crB openfst-1.4.1.orig/src/include/fst/lock.h openfst-1.4.1/src/include/fst/lock.h
+*** openfst-1.4.1.orig/src/include/fst/lock.h 2012-04-25 19:43:47.000000000 -0400
+--- openfst-1.4.1/src/include/fst/lock.h 2015-02-28 14:12:29.009385600 -0400
+*** 78,85 ****
+ RefCounter() : count_(1) {}
+ int count() const { return count_; }
+! int Incr() const { return ++count_; }
+! int Decr() const { return --count_; }
+ private:
+ mutable int count_;
+--- 78,93 ----
+ RefCounter() : count_(1) {}
+ int count() const { return count_; }
+! // below lines are modifications of openfst for multi-thrads support,
+! // from tools/extras/openfst_gcc41up.patch, applied by tools/Makefile,
+! // applicable to gcc 4.1 or above
+! // int Incr() const { return ++count_; }
+! // int Decr() const { return --count_; }
+! int Incr() const { return __sync_add_and_fetch(&count_, 1); }
+! int Decr() const { return __sync_sub_and_fetch(&count_, 1); }
+! // end modifications
+ private:
+ mutable int count_;
+diff -crB openfst-1.4.1.orig/src/include/fst/minimize.h openfst-1.4.1/src/include/fst/minimize.h
+*** openfst-1.4.1.orig/src/include/fst/minimize.h 2014-04-29 18:15:17.000000000 -0400
+--- openfst-1.4.1/src/include/fst/minimize.h 2015-02-28 14:11:39.270566070 -0400
+*** 134,140 ****
+ typedef typename A::Weight Weight;
+ typedef ReverseArc<A> RevA;
+! CyclicMinimizer(const ExpandedFst<A>& fst) {
+ Initialize(fst);
+ Compute(fst);
+ }
+--- 134,147 ----
+ typedef typename A::Weight Weight;
+ typedef ReverseArc<A> RevA;
+! CyclicMinimizer(const ExpandedFst<A>& fst):
+! // tell the Partition data-member to expect multiple repeated
+! // calls to SplitOn with the same element if we are non-deterministic.
+! P_(fst.Properties(kIDeterministic, true) == 0) {
+! if(fst.Properties(kIDeterministic, true) == 0)
+! CHECK(Weight::Properties() & kIdempotent); // this minimization
+! // algorithm for non-deterministic FSTs can only work with idempotent
+! // semirings.
+ Initialize(fst);
+ Compute(fst);
+ }
+*** 315,321 ****
+ typedef typename A::StateId ClassId;
+ typedef typename A::Weight Weight;
+! AcyclicMinimizer(const ExpandedFst<A>& fst) {
+ Initialize(fst);
+ Refine(fst);
+ }
+--- 322,334 ----
+ typedef typename A::StateId ClassId;
+ typedef typename A::Weight Weight;
+! AcyclicMinimizer(const ExpandedFst<A>& fst):
+! // tell the Partition data-member to expect multiple repeated
+! // calls to SplitOn with the same element if we are non-deterministic.
+! partition_(fst.Properties(kIDeterministic, true) == 0) {
+! if(fst.Properties(kIDeterministic, true) == 0)
+! CHECK(Weight::Properties() & kIdempotent); // minimization for
+! // non-deterministic FSTs can only work with idempotent semirings.
+ Initialize(fst);
+ Refine(fst);
+ }
+*** 531,543 ****
+ void Minimize(MutableFst<A>* fst,
+ MutableFst<A>* sfst = 0,
+ float delta = kDelta) {
+! uint64 props = fst->Properties(kAcceptor | kIDeterministic|
+! kWeighted | kUnweighted, true);
+! if (!(props & kIDeterministic)) {
+! FSTERROR() << "FST is not deterministic";
+! fst->SetProperties(kError, kError);
+! return;
+! }
+ if (!(props & kAcceptor)) { // weighted transducer
+ VectorFst< GallicArc<A, GALLIC_LEFT> > gfst;
+--- 544,550 ----
+ void Minimize(MutableFst<A>* fst,
+ MutableFst<A>* sfst = 0,
+ float delta = kDelta) {
+! uint64 props = fst->Properties(kAcceptor | kWeighted | kUnweighted, true);
+ if (!(props & kAcceptor)) { // weighted transducer
+ VectorFst< GallicArc<A, GALLIC_LEFT> > gfst;
+diff -crB openfst-1.4.1.orig/src/include/fst/partition.h openfst-1.4.1/src/include/fst/partition.h
+*** openfst-1.4.1.orig/src/include/fst/partition.h 2014-04-29 18:15:17.000000000 -0400
+--- openfst-1.4.1/src/include/fst/partition.h 2015-02-28 14:11:39.271566087 -0400
+*** 43,50 ****
+ friend class PartitionIterator<T>;
+ struct Element {
+! Element() : value(0), next(0), prev(0) {}
+! Element(T v) : value(v), next(0), prev(0) {}
+ T value;
+ Element* next;
+--- 43,50 ----
+ friend class PartitionIterator<T>;
+ struct Element {
+! Element() : value(0), next(0), prev(0) {}
+! Element(T v) : value(v), next(0), prev(0) {}
+ T value;
+ Element* next;
+*** 52,60 ****
+ };
+ public:
+! Partition() {}
+! Partition(T num_states) {
+ Initialize(num_states);
+ }
+--- 52,62 ----
+ };
+ public:
+! Partition(bool allow_repeated_split):
+! allow_repeated_split_(allow_repeated_split) {}
+! Partition(bool allow_repeated_split, T num_states):
+! allow_repeated_split_(allow_repeated_split) {
+ Initialize(num_states);
+ }
+*** 137,152 ****
+ if (class_size_[class_id] == 1) return;
+ // first time class is split
+! if (split_size_[class_id] == 0)
+ visited_classes_.push_back(class_id);
+ // increment size of split (set of element at head of chain)
+ split_size_[class_id]++;
+ // update split point
+! if (class_split_[class_id] == 0)
+! class_split_[class_id] = classes_[class_id];
+! if (class_split_[class_id] == elements_[element_id])
+ class_split_[class_id] = elements_[element_id]->next;
+ // move to head of chain in same class
+--- 139,154 ----
+ if (class_size_[class_id] == 1) return;
+ // first time class is split
+! if (split_size_[class_id] == 0) {
+ visited_classes_.push_back(class_id);
+! class_split_[class_id] = classes_[class_id];
+! }
+ // increment size of split (set of element at head of chain)
+ split_size_[class_id]++;
+ // update split point
+! if (class_split_[class_id] != 0
+! && class_split_[class_id] == elements_[element_id])
+ class_split_[class_id] = elements_[element_id]->next;
+ // move to head of chain in same class
+*** 157,165 ****
+ // class indices of the newly created class. Returns the new_class id
+ // or -1 if no new class was created.
+ T SplitRefine(T class_id) {
+ // only split if necessary
+! if (class_size_[class_id] == split_size_[class_id]) {
+! class_split_[class_id] = 0;
+ split_size_[class_id] = 0;
+ return -1;
+ } else {
+--- 159,169 ----
+ // class indices of the newly created class. Returns the new_class id
+ // or -1 if no new class was created.
+ T SplitRefine(T class_id) {
++ Element* split_el = class_split_[class_id];
+ // only split if necessary
+! //if (class_size_[class_id] == split_size_[class_id]) {
+! if(split_el == NULL) { // we split on everything...
+ split_size_[class_id] = 0;
+ return -1;
+ } else {
+*** 163,180 ****
+ split_size_[class_id] = 0;
+ return -1;
+ } else {
+ T new_class = AddClass();
+ size_t remainder = class_size_[class_id] - split_size_[class_id];
+ if (remainder < split_size_[class_id]) { // add smaller
+- Element* split_el = class_split_[class_id];
+ classes_[new_class] = split_el;
+- class_size_[class_id] = split_size_[class_id];
+- class_size_[new_class] = remainder;
+ split_el->prev->next = 0;
+ split_el->prev = 0;
+ } else {
+- Element* split_el = class_split_[class_id];
+ classes_[new_class] = classes_[class_id];
+ class_size_[class_id] = remainder;
+ class_size_[new_class] = split_size_[class_id];
+--- 167,189 ----
+ split_size_[class_id] = 0;
+ return -1;
+ } else {
+ T new_class = AddClass();
++ if(allow_repeated_split_) { // split_size_ is possibly
++ // inaccurate, so work it out exactly.
++ size_t split_count; Element *e;
++ for(split_count=0,e=classes_[class_id];
++ e != split_el; split_count++, e=e->next);
++ split_size_[class_id] = split_count;
++ }
+ size_t remainder = class_size_[class_id] - split_size_[class_id];
+ if (remainder < split_size_[class_id]) { // add smaller
+ classes_[new_class] = split_el;
+ split_el->prev->next = 0;
+ split_el->prev = 0;
++ class_size_[class_id] = split_size_[class_id];
++ class_size_[new_class] = remainder;
+ } else {
+ classes_[new_class] = classes_[class_id];
+ class_size_[class_id] = remainder;
+ class_size_[new_class] = split_size_[class_id];
+*** 245,254 ****
+--- 254,269 ----
+ vector<T> class_size_;
+ // size of split for each class
++ // in the nondeterministic case, split_size_ is actually an upper
++ // bound on the size of split for each class.
+ vector<T> split_size_;
+ // set of visited classes to be used in split refine
+ vector<T> visited_classes_;
++ // true if input fst was deterministic: we can make
++ // certain assumptions in this case that speed up the algorithm.
++ bool allow_repeated_split_;
+ };
diff --git a/sci-misc/openfst/openfst-1.4.1.ebuild b/sci-misc/openfst/openfst-1.4.1.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a3eb530d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sci-misc/openfst/openfst-1.4.1.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: $
+inherit eutils
+DESCRIPTION="Finite State Transducer tools by Google et al."
+KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
+src_prepare() {
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}/kaldi-${P}.patch"