diff options
22 files changed, 0 insertions, 1957 deletions
diff --git a/sci-visualization/opendx-samples/ChangeLog b/sci-visualization/opendx-samples/ChangeLog
deleted file mode 100644
index f0cdfe6a2..000000000
--- a/sci-visualization/opendx-samples/ChangeLog
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-# ChangeLog for sci-visualization/opendx-samples
-# Copyright 1999-2009 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sci-visualization/opendx-samples/ChangeLog,v 1.8 2008/01/21 16:27:07 spock Exp $
-*opendx-samples-4.4.0-r1 (11 May 2009)
- 11 May 2009; François Bissey <f.r.bissey@massey.ac.nz>
- +opendx-samples-4.4.0-r1.ebuild,
- +files/opendx-samples-4.4.0-install.patch,
- +files/opendx-samples-4.4.0-nojava.patch, +metadata.xml:
- initial import in the science overlay. Release needed to match the new
- file location in opendx-4.4.4-r2. Got rid of the ugly installation hack
- in favor of a (big) patch.
-*opendx-samples-4.4.0 (21 Jan 2008)
- 21 Jan 2008; Michał Januszewski <spock@gentoo.org>
- +opendx-samples-4.4.0.ebuild:
- Version bump.
- 22 Feb 2007; Markus Ullmann <jokey@gentoo.org> ChangeLog:
- Redigest for Manifest2
- 22 Apr 2006; Mark Loeser <halcy0n@gentoo.org> opendx-samples-4.3.2.ebuild:
- Stable on x86; bug #129411
- 10 Apr 2006; Stephanie Lockwood-Childs <wormo@gentoo.org>
- opendx-samples-4.3.2.ebuild:
- stable on ppc (bug #129411)
- 09 Apr 2006; Marcus D. Hanwell <cryos@gentoo.org>
- opendx-samples-4.3.2.ebuild:
- Stable on amd64.
- 29 Jan 2006; Marcus D. Hanwell <cryos@gentoo.org>
- opendx-samples-4.3.2.ebuild:
- Fix broken DEPEND from the move, bug 120870.
- 29 Jan 2006; Marcus D. Hanwell <cryos@gentoo.org> +metadata.xml,
- +opendx-samples-4.3.2.ebuild:
- Moved from media-gfx/opendx-samples to sci-visualization/opendx-samples.
- 15 Jan 2006; Marcus D. Hanwell <cryos@gentoo.org>
- opendx-samples-4.3.2.ebuild:
- Marked ~amd64, bug 118683.
- 20 Aug 2005; Michael Hanselmann <hansmi@gentoo.org>
- opendx-samples-4.3.2.ebuild:
- Added to ~ppc (#101951).
-*opendx-samples-4.3.2 (08 Aug 2005)
- 08 Aug 2005; Patrick Kursawe <phosphan@gentoo.org>
- +opendx-samples-4.3.2.ebuild:
- Initial import, mainly provided in bug #22217 and demanded again in #54047.
diff --git a/sci-visualization/opendx-samples/Manifest b/sci-visualization/opendx-samples/Manifest
deleted file mode 100644
index 80f1f50bf..000000000
--- a/sci-visualization/opendx-samples/Manifest
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-AUX opendx-samples-4.4.0-install.patch 28807 RMD160 f46ede3e551d02738fcac8f027658a026409a251 SHA1 3e0b1ee5d8149f8a088a93a927197b58324ff1b0 SHA256 5a89c8eb378998b46dd1d1000bd2246d4802b95467a1472484ed805b7e7eda82
-AUX opendx-samples-4.4.0-nojava.patch 1744 RMD160 ee0b9eb8e24166c8012406f3dc6487eda6cf61b9 SHA1 83b67669460c4bf3f26f2902203b16e12e0b544d SHA256 c69345e77d3698719e315deeae68d3c033ed7f085c1785f573d4c66046a526ef
-DIST dxsamples-4.4.0.tar.gz 7791659 RMD160 3d5f09c48452374ec25099bd7a894859fe34fba9 SHA1 24a8981312c3a2564623acb85538d9935e5c2469 SHA256 ec2277facc8cf0f095a7fc4cb58391e053d5fd26c90d4711c927d2897dc455d9
-EBUILD opendx-samples-4.4.0-r1.ebuild 981 RMD160 5b9ad9ef5e84b228f484075b1952e84efe96e777 SHA1 05b77ca50130ee5d056ef32c6df7dee5529c53e3 SHA256 1144d2c0855c5e790f3361245dc8e2beba11bf77c3fa99978bea476140fcc973
-MISC ChangeLog 1942 RMD160 5983812639a0f202f882a58ab24ba67cf1d1f443 SHA1 4ba4319271134fe383b09bfa0510cd22e7414fc4 SHA256 de014562cc8e2458acceb9c86cd9094685685d096d18960f92140d29847df2fb
-MISC metadata.xml 156 RMD160 dc078172bfebcb25d69bdf8731714f9cce9d3e36 SHA1 da2b240a255820145b7c83a5c48e45b96b7e9ee6 SHA256 5d22100902db7507a5b5493dd4a66cdb08025faf80a2c0b75e6392315c47f900
diff --git a/sci-visualization/opendx-samples/files/opendx-samples-4.4.0-install.patch b/sci-visualization/opendx-samples/files/opendx-samples-4.4.0-install.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 833a6faf6..000000000
--- a/sci-visualization/opendx-samples/files/opendx-samples-4.4.0-install.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,515 +0,0 @@
---- dxsamples-4.4.0/supervise/simpledemo/Makefile.am.r 2003-06-19 16:55:12.000000000 +0200
-+++ dxsamples-4.4.0/supervise/simpledemo/Makefile.am 2006-09-03 01:38:54.000000000 +0200
-@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
- SUBDIRS = interactors
--datadir = $(prefix)/dx/samples/supervise/simpledemo
-+datadir = @libdir@/dx/samples/supervise/simpledemo
- data_DATA = README demo demo.cfg demo.net
- EXTRA_DIST = $(data_DATA)
---- dxsamples-4.4.0/supervise/simpledemo/interactors/Makefile.am.r 2000-02-14 23:27:50.000000000 +0100
-+++ dxsamples-4.4.0/supervise/simpledemo/interactors/Makefile.am 2006-09-03 01:38:54.000000000 +0200
-@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
- ## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in
--datadir = $(prefix)/dx/samples/supervise/simpledemo/interactors
-+datadir = @libdir@/dx/samples/supervise/simpledemo/interactors
- data_DATA = Makefile_alphax Makefile_hp700 Makefile_ibm6000 Makefile_sgi Makefile_solaris interactors.c module_make Makefile
- EXTRA_DIST = $(data_DATA)
---- dxsamples-4.4.0/supervise/interactors/Makefile.am.r 2003-06-19 16:53:34.000000000 +0200
-+++ dxsamples-4.4.0/supervise/interactors/Makefile.am 2006-09-03 01:38:54.000000000 +0200
-@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
- ## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in
--datadir = $(prefix)/dx/samples/supervise/interactors
-+datadir = @libdir@/dx/samples/supervise/interactors
- data_DATA = Makefile_alphax Makefile_aviion Makefile_hp700 Makefile_ibm6000 Makefile_sgi Makefile_solaris Makefile_sun4 README myinteractors.c module_make Makefile
---- dxsamples-4.4.0/supervise/mediumdemo/Makefile.am.r 2003-06-19 16:54:13.000000000 +0200
-+++ dxsamples-4.4.0/supervise/mediumdemo/Makefile.am 2006-09-03 01:38:54.000000000 +0200
-@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
- SUBDIRS = interactors
--datadir = $(prefix)/dx/samples/supervise/mediumdemo
-+datadir = @libdir@/dx/samples/supervise/mediumdemo
- data_DATA = README demo
- EXTRA_DIST = $(data_DATA)
---- dxsamples-4.4.0/supervise/mediumdemo/interactors/Makefile.am.r 2000-02-01 21:33:38.000000000 +0100
-+++ dxsamples-4.4.0/supervise/mediumdemo/interactors/Makefile.am 2006-09-03 01:38:54.000000000 +0200
-@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
- ## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in
--datadir = $(prefix)/dx/samples/supervise/mediumdemo/interactors
-+datadir = @libdir@/dx/samples/supervise/mediumdemo/interactors
- data_DATA = Makefile_alphax Makefile_hp700 Makefile_ibm6000 Makefile_sgi Makefile_solaris interactors.c module_make Makefile
---- dxsamples-4.4.0/supervise/imagedemo/Makefile.am.r 2003-06-19 16:51:48.000000000 +0200
-+++ dxsamples-4.4.0/supervise/imagedemo/Makefile.am 2006-09-03 01:38:54.000000000 +0200
-@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
- ## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in
--datadir = $(prefix)/dx/samples/supervise/imagedemo
-+datadir = @libdir@/dx/samples/supervise/imagedemo
- data_DATA = README demo demo.cfg demo.net demo1 demo1.cfg demo1.net
- EXTRA_DIST = $(data_DATA)
---- dxsamples-4.4.0/supervise/complexdemo/Makefile.am.r 2003-06-19 16:50:04.000000000 +0200
-+++ dxsamples-4.4.0/supervise/complexdemo/Makefile.am 2006-09-03 01:38:54.000000000 +0200
-@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
- SUBDIRS = data interactors nets
--datadir = $(prefix)/dx/samples/supervise/complexdemo
-+datadir = @libdir@/dx/samples/supervise/complexdemo
- data_DATA = README demo
- EXTRA_DIST = $(data_DATA)
---- dxsamples-4.4.0/supervise/complexdemo/data/Makefile.am.r 1999-05-06 00:02:17.000000000 +0200
-+++ dxsamples-4.4.0/supervise/complexdemo/data/Makefile.am 2006-09-03 01:38:54.000000000 +0200
-@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
- ## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in
--datadir = $(prefix)/dx/samples/supervise/complexdemo/data
-+datadir = @libdir@/dx/samples/supervise/complexdemo/data
- data_DATA = frags.dx
- EXTRA_DIST = $(data_DATA)
---- dxsamples-4.4.0/supervise/complexdemo/nets/Makefile.am.r 1999-05-06 00:02:17.000000000 +0200
-+++ dxsamples-4.4.0/supervise/complexdemo/nets/Makefile.am 2006-09-03 01:38:54.000000000 +0200
-@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
- ## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in
--datadir = $(prefix)/dx/samples/supervise/complexdemo/nets
-+datadir = @libdir@/dx/samples/supervise/complexdemo/nets
- data_DATA = ShowSelected.net hiliteObject.net peruDX.cfg peruDX.net
- EXTRA_DIST = $(data_DATA)
---- dxsamples-4.4.0/supervise/complexdemo/interactors/Makefile.am.r 2000-02-01 21:33:35.000000000 +0100
-+++ dxsamples-4.4.0/supervise/complexdemo/interactors/Makefile.am 2006-09-03 01:38:54.000000000 +0200
-@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
- ## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in
--datadir = $(prefix)/dx/samples/supervise/complexdemo/interactors
-+datadir = @libdir@/dx/samples/supervise/complexdemo/interactors
- data_DATA = Makefile_alphax Makefile_hp700 Makefile_ibm6000 Makefile_sgi Makefile_solaris interactors.c module_make Makefile
---- dxsamples-4.4.0/data/Makefile.am.r 2003-06-19 07:09:12.000000000 +0200
-+++ dxsamples-4.4.0/data/Makefile.am 2006-09-03 01:38:54.000000000 +0200
-@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
- ## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in
--datadir = $(prefix)/dx/samples/data
-+datadir = @libdir@/dx/samples/data
--data_DATA = 2D2ormorevarnotseries.data 2D2ormorevarnotseries.general 3D2ormorevarnotseries.data 3D2ormorevarnotseries.general CO2.general CO2.lis CO2fragment.lis FacesLoopsEdges.dx FacesLoopsEdges_hole.dx MOS_key.txt MOS_lookup.txt MOS_state_order.txt MOS_states.dx MOS_zips.dx MRI.data Polylines.dx ROM_ozone.dx README background.tiff block_example.data block_example.general blue_yellow.cm categorical.data categorical.data1 census.general census.spreadsheet census.tab census_normalized.dx cloudwater.dx colo_elev.general colorado.tiff colorado_elev.vit cyan_red.cm cylinder.rgb cylinder.size cylinder.tiff datadepconnections.dx datawithattribute.dx deformedregular.dx dx_logo.gif dx_logo2.tif dx_logo.tiff external.data externalfilter externalfilter.c externalfilter_alphax externalfilter_hp700 externalfilter_ibm6000 externalfilter_sgi externalfilter_solaris fontlayout.dx general.exampledata general.exampleheader griddeddata.data grocery.txt group.dx head_slice.dx heat.cm homeown.txt hyper.dx image.dx image.general imide.rgb imide.size imide_potential.dx invalid_field.bin invalid_field.dx irregirreg2.bin irregirreg2.dx irregular.dx labelled_series.dx labels.dx magnetism.dx majority.data mixed_freq.cm mri.general multigrid1.dx multigrid2.dx multigrid3.dx npp.dx oriented_labels.dx pos_conn.data product1.dx product2.dx rain.cm rainwater.dx record_datafile record_deformed record_deformed.general record_depconnections record_depconnections.general record_multiscalar record_multiscalar.general record_multiscalardepconn record_multiscalardepconn.general record_multiscalarmixed record_multiscalarmixed.general record_scalar record_scalar.general record_scalarvector1 record_scalarvector1.general record_scalarvector2 record_scalarvector2.general record_scattered.general record_series record_series.general record_vectordata1 record_vectordata1.general record_vectordata2 record_vectordata2.general record_withheader record_withheader.general regseries.dx regular.dx regularskewed.dx salesdata.data salesdata.txt sampletext.dx segmented_black-red.cm segmented_green-white.cm segmented_high-freq.cm segmented_hue.cm segmented_low-freq.cm series.dx seriesdata.dx solid.dx southeastern_topo.dx spreadsheet_2var spreadsheet_2var.general spreadsheet_deformed spreadsheet_deformed.general spreadsheet_layout.general spreadsheet_scattered.general spreadsheet_series.general storm_data.dx temp_wind.general temp_wind.lis temperature.dx test.hdf topo_one_deg.dx topography_km-gray.cm topography_km.cm topography_m-gray.cm topography_m.cm velocity.dx violet_to_white.cm watermolecule.dx wind.dx windbarbs.dx windbarbsdata.dx zipcode.data
-+data_DATA = 2D2ormorevarnotseries.data 2D2ormorevarnotseries.general 3D2ormorevarnotseries.data 3D2ormorevarnotseries.general CO2.general CO2.lis CO2fragment.lis FacesLoopsEdges.dx FacesLoopsEdges_hole.dx MOS_key.txt MOS_lookup.txt MOS_state_order.txt MOS_states.dx MOS_zips.dx MRI.data Polylines.dx ROM_ozone.dx README background.tiff block_example.data block_example.general blue_yellow.cm categorical.data categorical.data1 census.general census.spreadsheet census.tab census_normalized.dx cloudwater.dx colo_elev.general colorado.tiff colorado_elev.vit cyan_red.cm cylinder.rgb cylinder.size cylinder.tiff datadepconnections.dx datawithattribute.dx deformedregular.dx dx_logo.gif dx_logo2.tif dx_logo.tiff external.data externalfilter.c fontlayout.dx general.exampledata general.exampleheader griddeddata.data grocery.txt group.dx head_slice.dx heat.cm homeown.txt hyper.dx image.dx image.general imide.rgb imide.size imide_potential.dx invalid_field.bin invalid_field.dx irregirreg2.bin irregirreg2.dx irregular.dx labelled_series.dx labels.dx magnetism.dx majority.data mixed_freq.cm mri.general multigrid1.dx multigrid2.dx multigrid3.dx npp.dx oriented_labels.dx pos_conn.data product1.dx product2.dx rain.cm rainwater.dx record_datafile record_deformed record_deformed.general record_depconnections record_depconnections.general record_multiscalar record_multiscalar.general record_multiscalardepconn record_multiscalardepconn.general record_multiscalarmixed record_multiscalarmixed.general record_scalar record_scalar.general record_scalarvector1 record_scalarvector1.general record_scalarvector2 record_scalarvector2.general record_scattered.general record_series record_series.general record_vectordata1 record_vectordata1.general record_vectordata2 record_vectordata2.general record_withheader record_withheader.general regseries.dx regular.dx regularskewed.dx salesdata.data salesdata.txt sampletext.dx segmented_black-red.cm segmented_green-white.cm segmented_high-freq.cm segmented_hue.cm segmented_low-freq.cm series.dx seriesdata.dx solid.dx southeastern_topo.dx spreadsheet_2var spreadsheet_2var.general spreadsheet_deformed spreadsheet_deformed.general spreadsheet_layout.general spreadsheet_scattered.general spreadsheet_series.general storm_data.dx temp_wind.general temp_wind.lis temperature.dx test.hdf topo_one_deg.dx topography_km-gray.cm topography_km.cm topography_m-gray.cm topography_m.cm velocity.dx violet_to_white.cm watermolecule.dx wind.dx windbarbs.dx windbarbsdata.dx zipcode.data
- EXTRA_DIST = $(data_DATA)
---- dxsamples-4.4.0/programs/SIMPLE/Makefile.am.r 2004-04-26 23:43:18.000000000 +0200
-+++ dxsamples-4.4.0/programs/SIMPLE/Makefile.am 2006-09-03 01:38:54.000000000 +0200
-@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
- ## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in
--sampleprogdir = $(prefix)/dx/samples/programs/SIMPLE
-+sampleprogdir = $(DESTDIR)@libdir@/dx/samples/programs/SIMPLE
- Arrange.cfg\
---- dxsamples-4.4.0/programs/SCATTERED/Makefile.am.r 2002-04-30 20:53:08.000000000 +0200
-+++ dxsamples-4.4.0/programs/SCATTERED/Makefile.am 2006-09-03 01:38:54.000000000 +0200
-@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
- ## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in
--sampleprogdir = $(prefix)/dx/samples/programs/SCATTERED
-+sampleprogdir = $(DESTDIR)@libdir@/dx/samples/programs/SCATTERED
- AnnotationGlyphs.cfg\
---- dxsamples-4.4.0/programs/Makefile.am.r 2004-04-26 23:42:18.000000000 +0200
-+++ dxsamples-4.4.0/programs/Makefile.am 2006-09-03 01:38:54.000000000 +0200
-@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
--datadir = $(prefix)/dx/samples/programs
-+datadir = @libdir@/dx/samples/programs
- data_DATA = $(DATA1) $(DATA2)
---- dxsamples-4.4.0/programs/DATA_DRIVEN_INTERACTORS/Makefile.am.r 2002-04-30 20:53:22.000000000 +0200
-+++ dxsamples-4.4.0/programs/DATA_DRIVEN_INTERACTORS/Makefile.am 2006-09-03 01:38:54.000000000 +0200
-@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
- ## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in
--sampleprogdir = $(prefix)/dx/samples/programs/DATA_DRIVEN_INTERACTORS
-+sampleprogdir = $(DESTDIR)@libdir@/dx/samples/programs/DATA_DRIVEN_INTERACTORS
- DataDrivenInteractors.cfg\
---- dxsamples-4.4.0/programs/LOOPING/Makefile.am.r 2002-04-30 20:53:17.000000000 +0200
-+++ dxsamples-4.4.0/programs/LOOPING/Makefile.am 2006-09-03 01:38:54.000000000 +0200
-@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
- ## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in
--sampleprogdir = $(prefix)/dx/samples/programs/LOOPING
-+sampleprogdir = $(DESTDIR)@libdir@/dx/samples/programs/LOOPING
- Accumulate.cfg\
---- dxsamples-4.4.0/programs/CATEGORICAL/Makefile.am.r 2002-04-30 20:53:24.000000000 +0200
-+++ dxsamples-4.4.0/programs/CATEGORICAL/Makefile.am 2006-09-03 01:38:54.000000000 +0200
-@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
- ## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in
--sampleprogdir = $(prefix)/dx/samples/programs/CATEGORICAL
-+sampleprogdir = $(DESTDIR)@libdir@/dx/samples/programs/CATEGORICAL
- Categorical.cfg\
---- dxsamples-4.4.0/programs/SUPERVISE/Makefile.am.r 2002-04-30 20:53:01.000000000 +0200
-+++ dxsamples-4.4.0/programs/SUPERVISE/Makefile.am 2006-09-03 01:38:54.000000000 +0200
-@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
- ## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in
--sampleprogdir = $(prefix)/dx/samples/programs/SUPERVISE
-+sampleprogdir = $(DESTDIR)@libdir@/dx/samples/programs/SUPERVISE
- Image_wo_UI.cfg\
---- dxsamples-4.4.0/programs/PROBES/Makefile.am.r 2002-04-30 20:53:11.000000000 +0200
-+++ dxsamples-4.4.0/programs/PROBES/Makefile.am 2006-09-03 01:38:54.000000000 +0200
-@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
- ## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in
--sampleprogdir = $(prefix)/dx/samples/programs/PROBES
-+sampleprogdir = $(DESTDIR)@libdir@/dx/samples/programs/PROBES
- PlotLine2.cfg\
---- dxsamples-4.4.0/programs/ANNOTATION/Makefile.am.r 2002-04-30 20:53:25.000000000 +0200
-+++ dxsamples-4.4.0/programs/ANNOTATION/Makefile.am 2006-09-03 01:38:54.000000000 +0200
-@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
- ## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in
--sampleprogdir = $(prefix)/dx/samples/programs/ANNOTATION
-+sampleprogdir = $(DESTDIR)@libdir@/dx/samples/programs/ANNOTATION
- AnnotationGlyphs.cfg\
---- dxsamples-4.4.0/programs/3D_DATA/Makefile.am.r 2002-04-30 20:53:26.000000000 +0200
-+++ dxsamples-4.4.0/programs/3D_DATA/Makefile.am 2006-09-03 01:38:54.000000000 +0200
-@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
- ## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in
--sampleprogdir = $(prefix)/dx/samples/programs/3D_DATA
-+sampleprogdir = $(DESTDIR)@libdir@/dx/samples/programs/3D_DATA
- AnnotationGlyphs.cfg\
---- dxsamples-4.4.0/programs/IMAGE_PROCESSING/Makefile.am.r 2002-04-30 20:53:20.000000000 +0200
-+++ dxsamples-4.4.0/programs/IMAGE_PROCESSING/Makefile.am 2006-09-03 01:38:54.000000000 +0200
-@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
- ## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in
--sampleprogdir = $(prefix)/dx/samples/programs/IMAGE_PROCESSING
-+sampleprogdir = $(DESTDIR)@libdir@/dx/samples/programs/IMAGE_PROCESSING
- FFT.cfg\
---- dxsamples-4.4.0/programs/DEBUGGING/Makefile.am.r 2002-04-30 20:53:21.000000000 +0200
-+++ dxsamples-4.4.0/programs/DEBUGGING/Makefile.am 2006-09-03 01:38:54.000000000 +0200
-@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
- ## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in
--sampleprogdir = $(prefix)/dx/samples/programs/DEBUGGING
-+sampleprogdir = $(DESTDIR)@libdir@/dx/samples/programs/DEBUGGING
- Verify.cfg\
---- dxsamples-4.4.0/programs/COLORMAP_EDITOR/Makefile.am.r 2002-04-30 20:53:23.000000000 +0200
-+++ dxsamples-4.4.0/programs/COLORMAP_EDITOR/Makefile.am 2006-09-03 01:38:54.000000000 +0200
-@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
- ## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in
--sampleprogdir = $(prefix)/dx/samples/programs/COLORMAP_EDITOR
-+sampleprogdir = $(DESTDIR)@libdir@/dx/samples/programs/COLORMAP_EDITOR
- DataDrivenInteractors.cfg\
---- dxsamples-4.4.0/programs/COMPUTE/Makefile.am.r 2002-04-30 20:53:23.000000000 +0200
-+++ dxsamples-4.4.0/programs/COMPUTE/Makefile.am 2006-09-03 01:38:54.000000000 +0200
-@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
- ## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in
--sampleprogdir = $(prefix)/dx/samples/programs/COMPUTE
-+sampleprogdir = $(DESTDIR)@libdir@/dx/samples/programs/COMPUTE
- Bounce.cfg\
---- dxsamples-4.4.0/programs/RENDERING/Makefile.am.r 2002-04-30 20:53:10.000000000 +0200
-+++ dxsamples-4.4.0/programs/RENDERING/Makefile.am 2006-09-03 01:38:54.000000000 +0200
-@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
- ## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in
--sampleprogdir = $(prefix)/dx/samples/programs/RENDERING
-+sampleprogdir = $(DESTDIR)@libdir@/dx/samples/programs/RENDERING
- FatLines.cfg\
---- dxsamples-4.4.0/programs/2D_DATA/Makefile.am.r 2002-04-30 20:53:26.000000000 +0200
-+++ dxsamples-4.4.0/programs/2D_DATA/Makefile.am 2006-09-03 01:38:54.000000000 +0200
-@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
- ## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in
--sampleprogdir = $(prefix)/dx/samples/programs/2D_DATA
-+sampleprogdir = $(DESTDIR)@libdir@/dx/samples/programs/2D_DATA
- AlternateVisualizations.cfg\
---- dxsamples-4.4.0/programs/MISC/Makefile.am.r 2002-04-30 20:53:13.000000000 +0200
-+++ dxsamples-4.4.0/programs/MISC/Makefile.am 2006-09-03 01:38:54.000000000 +0200
-@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
- ## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in
--sampleprogdir = $(prefix)/dx/samples/programs/MISC
-+sampleprogdir = $(DESTDIR)@libdir@/dx/samples/programs/MISC
- CensusData.cfg\
---- dxsamples-4.4.0/programs/SEQUENCER/Makefile.am.r 2002-04-30 20:53:07.000000000 +0200
-+++ dxsamples-4.4.0/programs/SEQUENCER/Makefile.am 2006-09-03 01:38:54.000000000 +0200
-@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
- ## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in
--sampleprogdir = $(prefix)/dx/samples/programs/SEQUENCER
-+sampleprogdir = $(DESTDIR)@libdir@/dx/samples/programs/SEQUENCER
- ContoursAndCaption.cfg\
---- dxsamples-4.4.0/programs/PLOTTING/Makefile.am.r 2002-04-30 20:53:12.000000000 +0200
-+++ dxsamples-4.4.0/programs/PLOTTING/Makefile.am 2006-09-03 01:38:54.000000000 +0200
-@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
- ## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in
--sampleprogdir = $(prefix)/dx/samples/programs/PLOTTING
-+sampleprogdir = $(DESTDIR)@libdir@/dx/samples/programs/PLOTTING
- Categorical.cfg\
---- dxsamples-4.4.0/programs/DISTRIBUTED_PROCESSING/Makefile.am.r 2002-04-30 20:53:20.000000000 +0200
-+++ dxsamples-4.4.0/programs/DISTRIBUTED_PROCESSING/Makefile.am 2006-09-03 01:38:54.000000000 +0200
-@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
- ## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in
--sampleprogdir = $(prefix)/dx/samples/programs/DISTRIBUTED_PROCESSING
-+sampleprogdir = $(DESTDIR)@libdir@/dx/samples/programs/DISTRIBUTED_PROCESSING
- Distributed.cfg\
---- dxsamples-4.4.0/programs/INTERFACE_CONTROL/Makefile.am.r 2002-04-30 20:53:18.000000000 +0200
-+++ dxsamples-4.4.0/programs/INTERFACE_CONTROL/Makefile.am 2006-09-03 01:38:54.000000000 +0200
-@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
- ## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in
--sampleprogdir = $(prefix)/dx/samples/programs/INTERFACE_CONTROL
-+sampleprogdir = $(DESTDIR)@libdir@/dx/samples/programs/INTERFACE_CONTROL
- DialogStyle.cfg\
---- dxsamples-4.4.0/programs/IMPORTING/Makefile.am.r 2002-04-30 20:53:19.000000000 +0200
-+++ dxsamples-4.4.0/programs/IMPORTING/Makefile.am 2006-09-03 01:38:54.000000000 +0200
-@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
- ## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in
--sampleprogdir = $(prefix)/dx/samples/programs/IMPORTING
-+sampleprogdir = $(DESTDIR)@libdir@/dx/samples/programs/IMPORTING
- Categorical.cfg\
---- dxsamples-4.4.0/dxlink/Makefile.am.r 2003-10-20 05:28:44.000000000 +0200
-+++ dxsamples-4.4.0/dxlink/Makefile.am 2006-09-03 01:38:54.000000000 +0200
-@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
- ## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in
--datadir = $(prefix)/dx/samples/dxlink
-+datadir = @libdir@/dx/samples/dxlink
- data_DATA = CensusData150.rgb CensusData150.size Imide_potential150.rgb \
- Imide_potential150.size Makefile_alphax Makefile_aviion Makefile_hp700 \
---- dxsamples-4.4.0/scripts/Makefile.am.r 2003-06-19 16:58:07.000000000 +0200
-+++ dxsamples-4.4.0/scripts/Makefile.am 2006-09-03 01:38:54.000000000 +0200
-@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
- ## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in
--datadir = $(prefix)/dx/samples/scripts
-+datadir = @libdir@/dx/samples/scripts
- data_DATA = AmbientLight Append Arrange Attribute AutoAxes AutoCamera AutoColor \
- AutoGlyph AutoGrayScale Band Camera Caption ClipBox ClipPlane Collect \
---- dxsamples-4.4.0/stereo/src/Makefile.am.r 2005-02-01 07:20:27.000000000 +0100
-+++ dxsamples-4.4.0/stereo/src/Makefile.am 2006-09-03 01:38:54.000000000 +0200
-@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
- ## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in
--datadir = $(prefix)/dx/samples/stereo/src
-+datadir = @libdir@/dx/samples/stereo/src
- data_DATA = mymodes.c mycams.c
---- dxsamples-4.4.0/stereo/Makefile.am.r 2001-06-21 23:30:41.000000000 +0200
-+++ dxsamples-4.4.0/stereo/Makefile.am 2006-09-03 01:38:54.000000000 +0200
-@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
- SUBDIRS = src
--datadir = $(prefix)/dx/samples/stereo
-+datadir = @libdir@/dx/samples/stereo
- data_DATA = StereoMacro.net StereoState.net TestStereo.cfg TestStereo.net stereo.html
---- dxsamples-4.4.0/user/Makefile.am.r 2003-06-19 07:09:14.000000000 +0200
-+++ dxsamples-4.4.0/user/Makefile.am 2006-09-03 01:38:54.000000000 +0200
-@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
- ## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in
--datadir = $(prefix)/dx/samples/user
-+datadir = @libdir@/dx/samples/user
- data_DATA = Makefile_inboard_alphax Makefile_inboard_aviion Makefile_inboard_hp700 Makefile_inboard_ibm6000 Makefile_inboard_ibmpvs Makefile_inboard_intelnt Makefile_inboard_sgi Makefile_inboard_solaris Makefile_inboard_sun4 Makefile_intelnt Makefile_loadable_alphax Makefile_loadable_hp700 Makefile_loadable_ibm6000 Makefile_loadable_intelnt Makefile_loadable_sgi Makefile_loadable_solaris Makefile_os2 Makefile_outboard_alphax Makefile_outboard_aviion Makefile_outboard_hp700 Makefile_outboard_ibm6000 Makefile_outboard_ibmpvs Makefile_outboard_intelnt Makefile_outboard_sgi Makefile_outboard_solaris Makefile_outboard_sun4 README add.c hello.c hello_loadable.mdf makex.c user_inboard.mdf user_loadable.mdf user_outboard.mdf
- EXTRA_DIST = $(data_DATA)
---- dxsamples-4.4.0/program_guide/Makefile.am.r 2005-02-01 07:19:50.000000000 +0100
-+++ dxsamples-4.4.0/program_guide/Makefile.am 2006-09-03 01:38:54.000000000 +0200
-@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
- ## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in
--datadir = $(prefix)/dx/samples/program_guide
-+datadir = @libdir@/dx/samples/program_guide
- data_DATA = README add.c add.cfg add.mb add.mdf add.net add2.c add2.cfg \
- add2.mb add2.mdf add2.net add2_invalid.cfg add2_invalid.net \
---- dxsamples-4.4.0/macros/Makefile.am.r 1999-05-06 00:02:05.000000000 +0200
-+++ dxsamples-4.4.0/macros/Makefile.am 2006-09-03 01:38:54.000000000 +0200
-@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
- ## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in
--datadir = $(prefix)/dx/samples/macros
-+datadir = @libdir@/dx/samples/macros
- data_DATA = ArrangeMemberMacro.net AutoScaleMacro.net BandColorsMacro.net BarChartMacro.net CappedIsoMacro.net ClipSurfaceMacro.net ClipVolumeMacro.net ConvertColorNameListMacro.net DrapeMacro.net ExportVRML.net FactorialMacro.net FormatListMacro.net GetCategoricalLabelsMacro.net GetEventsMacro.net Image2Macro.net InsetImageMacro.net InterpolateCameraMacro.net InterpolatePositionsMacro.net KeyFrameCameraMacro.net MOS_statesMacro.net Make3DFieldMacro.net MakeLineMacro.net MapOnStatesMacro.net MatteMacro.net PickPlotMacro.net UnsquishGlyphMacro.net WindBarbsMacro.net
- EXTRA_DIST = $(data_DATA)
---- dxsamples-4.4.0/tutorial/Makefile.am.r 1999-05-06 00:02:19.000000000 +0200
-+++ dxsamples-4.4.0/tutorial/Makefile.am 2006-09-03 01:38:54.000000000 +0200
-@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
- ## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in
--datadir = $(prefix)/dx/samples/tutorial
-+datadir = @libdir@/dx/samples/tutorial
- data_DATA = Animate.cfg Animate.net AutoColor.cfg AutoColor.net AutoColor2D.cfg AutoColor2D.net AutoGlyph2DScalar.cfg AutoGlyph2DScalar.net AutoGlyph2DVector.cfg AutoGlyph2DVector.net AutoGlyph3DScalar.cfg AutoGlyph3DScalar.net AutoGlyph3DVector.cfg AutoGlyph3DVector.net Caption.cfg Caption.net Color2D.cfg Color2D.net Compute.cfg Compute.net Connect.cfg Connect.net DataDrivenColormap.cfg DataDrivenColormap.net DataDrivenScalar.cfg DataDrivenScalar.net DataDrivenSelector.cfg DataDrivenSelector.net DataDrivenSequencer.cfg DataDrivenSequencer.net ImageProcessing.cfg ImageProcessing.net Isosurface2D.cfg Isosurface2D.net Isosurface3D.cfg Isosurface3D.net Map.cfg Map.net MapToPlane.cfg MapToPlane.net Plot.cfg Plot.net Regrid.cfg Regrid.net RubberSheet.cfg RubberSheet.net SampleMacro.net Slab.cfg Slab.net Streamlines2D.cfg Streamlines2D.net Streamlines3D.cfg Streamlines3D.net Switch.cfg Switch.net UseSampleMacro.cfg UseSampleMacro.net VolumeRendering.cfg VolumeRendering.net WarpedGrid.cfg WarpedGrid.net batch_script example.general example1.cfg example1.net external.data spreadsheet.data view_isosurfaces.cfg view_isosurfaces.net
- EXTRA_DIST = $(data_DATA)
---- dxsamples-4.4.0/outboard/Makefile.am.r 2004-05-25 00:21:27.000000000 +0200
-+++ dxsamples-4.4.0/outboard/Makefile.am 2006-09-03 01:38:54.000000000 +0200
-@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
- ## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in
--datadir = $(prefix)/dx/samples/outboard
-+datadir = @libdir@/dx/samples/outboard
- data_DATA = Makefile_alphax Makefile_aviion Makefile_hp700 Makefile_ibm6000 Makefile_ibmpvs Makefile_intelnt Makefile_linux Makefile_os2 Makefile_sgi Makefile_solaris Makefile_sun4 README async.c async.mdf dummy.c hello.c hello.mdf makedata my_simulation.c socket.c watchfile.c watchfile.mdf watchsocket.c watchsocket.cfg watchsocket.mdf watchsocket.net
- EXTRA_DIST = $(data_DATA)
---- dxsamples-4.4.0/callmodule/Makefile.am.r 2005-02-01 07:19:17.000000000 +0100
-+++ dxsamples-4.4.0/callmodule/Makefile.am 2006-09-03 01:38:54.000000000 +0200
-@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
- ## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in
--datadir = $(prefix)/dx/samples/callmodule
-+datadir = @libdir@/dx/samples/callmodule
- data_DATA = README Simple.c ThunderStreamlines.c renderimage.c xapp_supervise.c
---- dxsamples-4.4.0/util/Makefile.am.r 2002-11-11 05:55:54.000000000 +0100
-+++ dxsamples-4.4.0/util/Makefile.am 2006-09-03 01:38:54.000000000 +0200
-@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
- SUBDIRS = dxf fluent mpeg plot3d biorad-pic
--datadir = $(prefix)/dx/samples/util
-+datadir = @libdir@/dx/samples/util
- data_DATA = Makefile.sample
- EXTRA_DIST = $(data_DATA)
---- dxsamples-4.4.0/util/fluent/Makefile.am.r 1999-05-06 00:02:21.000000000 +0200
-+++ dxsamples-4.4.0/util/fluent/Makefile.am 2006-09-03 01:38:54.000000000 +0200
-@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
- ## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in
--datadir = $(prefix)/dx/samples/util/fluent
-+datadir = @libdir@/dx/samples/util/fluent
- data_DATA = Fluent2DX.c README
- EXTRA_DIST = $(data_DATA)
---- dxsamples-4.4.0/util/dxf/Makefile.am.r 1999-05-06 00:02:21.000000000 +0200
-+++ dxsamples-4.4.0/util/dxf/Makefile.am 2006-09-03 01:38:54.000000000 +0200
-@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
- ## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in
--datadir = $(prefix)/dx/samples/util/dxf
-+datadir = @libdir@/dx/samples/util/dxf
- data_DATA = MANIFEST Makefile.sample README balloon.dxf colors.c common.c dx.c dxf.c dxf.h dxf_r12.txt entity.c entity.h header.c ignored.c output_funcs.c read.c snag_funcs.c table.c tree.c x29.dxf
- EXTRA_DIST = $(data_DATA)
---- dxsamples-4.4.0/util/plot3d/Makefile.am.r 1999-05-06 00:02:21.000000000 +0200
-+++ dxsamples-4.4.0/util/plot3d/Makefile.am 2006-09-03 01:38:54.000000000 +0200
-@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
- ## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in
--datadir = $(prefix)/dx/samples/util/plot3d
-+datadir = @libdir@/dx/samples/util/plot3d
- data_DATA = Plot3DtoDX.c README
- EXTRA_DIST = $(data_DATA)
---- dxsamples-4.4.0/util/biorad-pic/Makefile.am.r 2002-11-11 05:55:35.000000000 +0100
-+++ dxsamples-4.4.0/util/biorad-pic/Makefile.am 2006-09-03 01:38:54.000000000 +0200
-@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
- ## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in
--datadir = $(prefix)/dx/samples/util/biorad-pic
-+datadir = @libdir@/dx/samples/util/biorad-pic
- data_DATA = PIC2dx.c README
- EXTRA_DIST = $(data_DATA)
---- dxsamples-4.4.0/util/mpeg/Makefile.am.r 1999-05-06 00:02:21.000000000 +0200
-+++ dxsamples-4.4.0/util/mpeg/Makefile.am 2006-09-03 01:38:54.000000000 +0200
-@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
- ## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in
--datadir = $(prefix)/dx/samples/util/mpeg
-+datadir = @libdir@/dx/samples/util/mpeg
- data_DATA = README default.param write_yuv.cfg write_yuv.net
- EXTRA_DIST = $(data_DATA)
diff --git a/sci-visualization/opendx-samples/files/opendx-samples-4.4.0-nojava.patch b/sci-visualization/opendx-samples/files/opendx-samples-4.4.0-nojava.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 984f84a10..000000000
--- a/sci-visualization/opendx-samples/files/opendx-samples-4.4.0-nojava.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
---- dxsamples-4.4.0/Makefile.am.nojava 2002-01-28 21:53:08.000000000 +0100
-+++ dxsamples-4.4.0/Makefile.am 2006-09-03 01:40:26.000000000 +0200
-@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
- ## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in
--SUBDIRS = callmodule data dxlink java macros \
-+SUBDIRS = callmodule data dxlink macros \
- outboard program_guide programs scripts \
- supervise tutorial user util stereo
---- dxsamples-4.4.0/configure.ac-orig 2009-05-03 14:30:59.000000000 +1200
-+++ dxsamples-4.4.0/configure.ac 2009-05-03 14:31:44.000000000 +1200
-@@ -25,11 +25,6 @@ AC_SUBST(RTL_LIBS)
- SHELL=/bin/sh
-- [ --with-javadx enable JAVADX (default is yes)],
-- [with_javadx=$withval],
-- [with_javadx='yes'])
- if test -z "$LN_S" ; then
-@@ -40,25 +35,8 @@ DX_GET_PREFIX
--if test "with_javadx" != 'no' ; then
-- failed=0;
-- passed=0;
-- DX_PROG_JAVAC(passed=`expr $passed + 1`,failed=`expr $failed + 1`)
-- DX_PROG_JAR(passed=`expr $passed + 1`,failed=`expr $failed + 1`)
-- if test $failed -eq 0 ; then
-- DX_JAVADX_SETUP(passed=`expr $passed + 1`,failed=`expr $failed + 1`)
-- if test $failed -eq 0 ; then
-- fi
-- fi
- AC_OUTPUT( Makefile callmodule/Makefile callmodule/localmk \
- data/Makefile dxlink/Makefile dxlink/dxlink_make \
-- java/samples/Makefile java/Makefile java/userdata/Makefile \
-- java/usermacros/Makefile java/nets/Makefile java/makes/Makefile \
- macros/Makefile outboard/Makefile \
- program_guide/Makefile program_guide/localmk program_guide/guidemake \
- programs/2D_DATA/Makefile programs/3D_DATA/Makefile \
diff --git a/sci-visualization/opendx-samples/metadata.xml b/sci-visualization/opendx-samples/metadata.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index b229aec85..000000000
--- a/sci-visualization/opendx-samples/metadata.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "http://www.gentoo.org/dtd/metadata.dtd">
diff --git a/sci-visualization/opendx-samples/opendx-samples-4.4.0-r1.ebuild b/sci-visualization/opendx-samples/opendx-samples-4.4.0-r1.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index ab905cdd0..000000000
--- a/sci-visualization/opendx-samples/opendx-samples-4.4.0-r1.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2009 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: $
-inherit eutils multilib autotools
-DESCRIPTION="Samples for IBM Data Explorer"
-KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~ppc ~x86"
-src_prepare() {
- epatch "${FILESDIR}/${P}-nojava.patch"
-# absolutely no javadx for now
- epatch "${FILESDIR}/${P}-install.patch"
- eautoreconf
-src_configure() {
- econf "--libdir=/usr/$(get_libdir)"
-src_install() {
- emake DESTDIR="${D}" install || die
-pkg_postinst() {
- elog "This version of the opendx-samples ebuild is still under development."
- elog "suggestions, comments and offer of help welcome"
- elog "post a message in gentoo-science or pop up on irc on #gentoo-science"
diff --git a/sci-visualization/opendx/ChangeLog b/sci-visualization/opendx/ChangeLog
deleted file mode 100644
index 7c1468dbe..000000000
--- a/sci-visualization/opendx/ChangeLog
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,164 +0,0 @@
-# ChangeLog for sci-visualization/opendx
-# Copyright 1999-2009 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sci-visualization/opendx/ChangeLog,v 1.15 2008/09/14 11:25:38 spock Exp $
- 14 Jun 2009; François Bissey <f.r.bissey@massey.ac.nz>
- opendx-4.4.4-r2.ebuild, +files/opendx-4.4.4-szip.patch:
- Patch configure.ac to make szip a proper configure option
- 12 May 2009; François Bissey <f.r.bissey@massey.ac.nz>
- files/opendx-4.4.4-concurrent-make-fix.patch:
- make sure the concurent make fix _always_ works.
-*opendx-4.4.4-r2 (11 May 2009)
- 11 May 2009; François Bissey <f.r.bissey@massey.ac.nz>
- opendx-4.4.4-r1.ebuild, +opendx-4.4.4-r2.ebuild,
- +files/opendx-4.4.4-install.patch, +files/opendx-4.4.4-xdg.patch:
- small clean up in opendx-4.4.4-r1, in r2 new layout for the installation
- and replaced call to netscape/lynx etc... with xdg-open
- 19 Apr 2009; François Bissey <f.r.bissey@massey.ac.nz>
- +files/opendx-4.4.4-dx-errno.patch,
- +files/opendx-4.4.4-gcc43-fedora.patch, +files/opendx-4.4.4-open.patch,
- -files/dx-errno.patch, -files/dx-gcc43-fedora.patch, -files/dx-open.patch,
- opendx-4.4.4-r1.ebuild:
- rename patches to something nicer. some cleaning of the ebuild structure.
- introduce the smp keyword and simplify greatly the associated logic.
-*opendx-4.4.4-r1 (17 Apr 2009)
- 17 Apr 2009; François Bissey <f.r.bissey@massey.ac.nz>
- +files/20-opendx-revdep, +files/opendx-4.3.2-sys.h.patch,
- +files/opendx-4.4.4-concurrent-make-fix.patch,
- +files/opendx-4.4.4-libtool.patch, +files/dx-errno.patch,
- +files/dx-gcc43-fedora.patch, +files/dx-open.patch,
- +files/opendx-compressed-man.patch, +metadata.xml,
- +opendx-4.4.4-r1.ebuild:
- Initial import in the overlay from the main tree. *port to EAPI2 *updated
- gcc43 patch to upstream/fedora level *added an upstream patch to fix bug
- #261438 *added a fedora patch to solve a problem dx use all CPU after
- exiting *updated the source url to a working one
- 14 Sep 2008; Michał Januszewski <spock@gentoo.org>
- +files/opendx-4.4.4-concurrent-make-fix.patch, opendx-4.4.4.ebuild:
- Fix concurrent make (bug #230535).
- 06 Aug 2008; Ulrich Mueller <ulm@gentoo.org> metadata.xml:
- Add USE flag description to metadata wrt GLEP 56.
- 29 Jun 2008; Markus Dittrich <markusle@gentoo.org>
- +files/opendx-4.4.4-libtool.patch, opendx-4.4.4.ebuild:
- Added libtool-2.2* compatibility patch (fixes bug #229901).
- 18 May 2008; Michał Januszewski <spock@gentoo.org>
- +files/opendx-4.4.4-gcc43.patch, opendx-4.4.4.ebuild:
- Add a patch to allow compilation with GCC 4.3.
- 05 Apr 2008; Markus Dittrich <markusle@gentoo.org> opendx-4.3.2-r1.ebuild,
- opendx-4.4.4.ebuild:
- Need to call linux-info_pkg_setup to pick up the correct environment
- variables (fixed bug #216243).
- 26 Mar 2008; Markus Dittrich <markusle@gentoo.org> opendx-4.3.2-r1.ebuild,
- opendx-4.4.4.ebuild:
- Added check for imagemagick's hdri useflag which breaks compilation
- (see bug #214058).
- 28 Feb 2008; Markus Dittrich <markusle@gentoo.org>
- +files/20-opendx-revdep, opendx-4.3.2-r1.ebuild, opendx-4.4.4.ebuild:
- Added file to make revdep-rebuild aware of opendx binary paths
- (see bug #211553).
-*opendx-4.4.4 (21 Jan 2008)
- 21 Jan 2008; Michał Januszewski <spock@gentoo.org>
- +files/opendx-compressed-man.patch, +opendx-4.4.4.ebuild:
- Version bump.
- 22 Jul 2007; Donnie Berkholz <dberkholz@gentoo.org>;
- opendx-4.3.2-r1.ebuild:
- Drop virtual/x11 references.
- 19 Jul 2007; Jeff Gardner <je_fro@gentoo.org>
- +files/opendx-4.3.2-sys.h.patch, -files/opendx-sys.h.patch,
- opendx-4.3.2-r1.ebuild:
- Fix patch name.
- 19 Jul 2007; Jeff Gardner <je_fro@gentoo.org> +files/opendx-sys.h.patch,
- opendx-4.3.2-r1.ebuild:
- Add patch to fix compilation with >=linux headers-2.6.19. See bug 185828.
- 22 Feb 2007; Markus Ullmann <jokey@gentoo.org> ChangeLog:
- Redigest for Manifest2
- 09 Apr 2006; Marcus D. Hanwell <cryos@gentoo.org> -opendx-4.3.2.ebuild:
- Prune old version.
- 29 Jan 2006; Marcus D. Hanwell <cryos@gentoo.org> +metadata.xml,
- +opendx-4.3.2.ebuild, +opendx-4.3.2-r1.ebuild:
- Moved from media-gfx/opendx to sci-visualization/opendx.
- 26 Jan 2006; Karol Wojtaszek <sekretarz@gentoo.org>
- opendx-4.3.2-r1.ebuild:
- Stable on amd64, bug #118683
- 14 Dec 2005; Donnie Berkholz <spyderous@gentoo.org>;
- opendx-4.3.2-r1.ebuild:
- Add modular X dependencies.
- 28 Aug 2005; Simon Stelling <blubb@gentoo.org> ChangeLog:
- added ~amd64 keyword
- 20 Aug 2005; Michael Hanselmann <hansmi@gentoo.org>
- opendx-4.3.2-r1.ebuild:
- Stable on ppc (bug #101923).
- 25 Jul 2005; Donnie Berkholz <spyderous@gentoo.org>;
- opendx-4.3.2-r1.ebuild:
- Stable on x86.
- 25 Jul 2005; Donnie Berkholz <spyderous@gentoo.org>;
- opendx-4.3.2-r1.ebuild:
- Update to use linux-info.eclass and to check for SMP properly.
- 24 May 2005; Donnie Berkholz <spyderous@gentoo.org>;
- opendx-4.3.2-r1.ebuild:
- (#82672) Filter -finline-functions and -O3.
- 28 Dec 2004; Olivier Fisette <ribosome@gentoo.org> :
- Dependency update: dev-libs/szip -> sci-libs/szip.
- 28 Dec 2004; Olivier Fisette <ribosome@gentoo.org> :
- Dependency update: dev-libs/szip -> sci-libs/szip.
- 28 Dec 2004; Olivier Fisette <ribosome@gentoo.org> opendx-4.3.2-r1.ebuild:
- Dependency update: dev-libs/szip -> sci-libs/szip.
- 28 Dec 2004; Olivier Fisette <ribosome@gentoo.org> opendx-4.3.2.ebuild:
- Dependency update: dev-libs/szip -> sci-libs/szip.
- 28 Dec 2004; Olivier Fisette <ribosome@gentoo.org> opendx-4.3.2-r1.ebuild:
- Dependency update: dev-libs/hdf -> sci-libs/hdf.
- 28 Dec 2004; Olivier Fisette <ribosome@gentoo.org> opendx-4.3.2.ebuild:
- Dependency update: dev-libs/hdf -> sci-libs/hdf.
-*opendx-4.3.2-r1 (24 May 2004)
- 24 May 2004; Patrick Kursawe <phosphan@gentoo.org> opendx-4.3.2-r1.ebuild:
- Making szip dependency optional
- 16 Mar 2004; Patrick Kursawe <phosphan@gentoo.org> opendx-4.3.2.ebuild:
- Fixing bug #44727 by adding szip as dependency.
- 15 Mar 2004; David Holm <dholm@gentoo.org> opendx-4.3.2.ebuild:
- Added to ~ppc.
-*opendx-4.3.2 (14 Mar 2004)
- 14 Mar 2004; Donnie Berkholz <spyderous@gentoo.org>; metadata.xml,
- opendx-4.3.2.ebuild:
- Initial commit to close #22217. Ebuild by myself and Patrick Kursawe
- <phosphan@gentoo.org>.
diff --git a/sci-visualization/opendx/Manifest b/sci-visualization/opendx/Manifest
deleted file mode 100644
index e49a49180..000000000
--- a/sci-visualization/opendx/Manifest
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-AUX 20-opendx-revdep 44 RMD160 9b68b96b8f513a78a51249c7705d93d665bb3d2b SHA1 9389ea70249fe8149a33944a07466dddc9c1ae8d SHA256 fa96c22f9e7870a60c27c02cceb6bb3782d40c07ac53f19d7be7941a12347a01
-AUX opendx-4.3.2-sys.h.patch 1200 RMD160 f3658ac7fd0582b69ab32df5cc23d77f8d5364c8 SHA1 b4eed91d8ad2df57241a74d4ef8452ad0d171296 SHA256 919299f0fbb6e9891a8792641ea58720ae6bb95d4ffc3f6a20cae7b8e2d1729b
-AUX opendx-4.4.4-concurrent-make-fix.patch 2388 RMD160 b30b7aa12a3d8c36b90e7d0fd4eb653a828203ee SHA1 786d37fda67bc4cb0ef96f2fbaac927123432658 SHA256 7ce46d4fe5dda470d4a165409de8c69c1bcda1a065ecf782dbe8e1b28ee88dcf
-AUX opendx-4.4.4-dx-errno.patch 340 RMD160 39928c8d031394cf59dd6dd06d25f26cd56482b7 SHA1 7be653fb8303a49a5788dee27323192c2127d199 SHA256 046fdd113d0c3c48b2c0efabe11423539e0ab8b0d567df2acfff93f5864ea7e4
-AUX opendx-4.4.4-gcc43-fedora.patch 13310 RMD160 b98f8034d26db8440be8c8e02a06aaf24fb7030a SHA1 513a64535c04da9ab65db6b89318002171ef2e4c SHA256 8ca2296f7c36f0dd7dbaf185b3fdf68ea40a09695aaca6c0f65d3970286d225d
-AUX opendx-4.4.4-install.patch 11982 RMD160 2136aca79e909dc28cc18c6fd821014e777c96ea SHA1 7a86aec33dc1d23ab9700dcd6f8cb9d7d08c512d SHA256 75f9ee934b19f9f67fdbfd16b9d52fb692bb4db3d1a1fc8cc666c7ac5c5e447f
-AUX opendx-4.4.4-libtool.patch 319 RMD160 2b501064b72e84f791ee3c3b3ac3bd83d6fd0de7 SHA1 6548dae81cb9fdf83f2a0a1095851ef40578de0e SHA256 1bde8364f7a40322f9812f0fbb0403ab8f52f946318bd548e7fa63dd887c291f
-AUX opendx-4.4.4-open.patch 1671 RMD160 9c4ba9d2735049c841c32ab2efa2d778ce80044a SHA1 f59ba51b5e301f4bf20512835adadd3c65f2fd29 SHA256 0b0cbc06ecc8e44d32f16000c6ee2c09b70b7cfbf44ee71a50165dad19314403
-AUX opendx-4.4.4-szip.patch 1482 RMD160 67bef3dade274ac78011bc23913dd8b7724ee13d SHA1 edfb38bb5c73d340716dc6e8ccd01eea0ee5de1a SHA256 c330e0fc642d4f5004fd3173532e2f7223499dc612be298a53b41f423b021a23
-AUX opendx-4.4.4-xdg.patch 785 RMD160 ee1a8bce4a352c7bf3335f5e13bd81664f3fd7c3 SHA1 001cb1ee444631926b43857aac137ce2d9336ba2 SHA256 93e50b0da16f3d28c016fa95ee49530322e83f8527b45abd7415bb14365600c1
-AUX opendx-compressed-man.patch 496 RMD160 670de4ea728a3f9b5c02f7950ce88c58d1073a7b SHA1 56dd8a6d9710264ae3b45358ad2eb48ad00d6d98 SHA256 2877bd95b592548c1a0a532b49131b84f5ab1077714ef16d768f3e33f50d6aab
-DIST dx-4.4.4.tar.gz 9676049 RMD160 db4cff78c9712a6e1e19265b0f42fdb87ab5ff7b SHA1 c8e4d72d169675c66acd2135599b211d80810f76 SHA256 a9915e17d49c5499edd3df69ffeac0b7ba24f8b38ddf7509712b48eb3c21f1ff
-EBUILD opendx-4.4.4-r1.ebuild 2403 RMD160 b3949b577be1888d71ea220e111da11fe59fa4d2 SHA1 6392a006d33e9205fbed11408a458c97c1a37360 SHA256 788ab5b20cd81b19b4c34cce650dac91a4eff4ea12a31b750cae08d527716203
-EBUILD opendx-4.4.4-r2.ebuild 2349 RMD160 c41235566ae47fe6d9617b8f8ce4dcf92cb4c9df SHA1 c1ef20ad2a60e2121cd400886239c9ecfc208df3 SHA256 6624f2e8169e4cecc5373be1449130a42c7ec3597ef1f9facc7096aa87996d1d
-MISC ChangeLog 6270 RMD160 186702f315f64b27d685b4186ef19d8b3e3f5a00 SHA1 59d356e5e22e987907129f6c6a0575affdda75b1 SHA256 41c2438f61abb39ef9715845fad8340f548c3c01f44e364442282f53afa83033
-MISC metadata.xml 361 RMD160 404d4eb0602277959498f65685d76eb4350a470d SHA1 f683e24f437dc6a5254d2d4c814c48cfd7d3740e SHA256 1be0f8158e35295c498714d8ad1b780a6fc749bee37bdbb13ad9eb163bbf38f0
diff --git a/sci-visualization/opendx/files/20-opendx-revdep b/sci-visualization/opendx/files/20-opendx-revdep
deleted file mode 100644
index f1d735116..000000000
--- a/sci-visualization/opendx/files/20-opendx-revdep
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-SEARCH_DIRS="/usr/dx/bin /usr/dx/bin_linux"
diff --git a/sci-visualization/opendx/files/opendx-4.3.2-sys.h.patch b/sci-visualization/opendx/files/opendx-4.3.2-sys.h.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 93bf18efb..000000000
--- a/sci-visualization/opendx/files/opendx-4.3.2-sys.h.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-diff -aurN dx-4.3.2-orig/configure.ac dx-4.3.2/configure.ac
---- dx-4.3.2-orig/configure.ac 2007-07-19 00:59:55.000000000 -0500
-+++ dx-4.3.2/configure.ac 2007-07-19 01:02:34.000000000 -0500
-@@ -1004,7 +1004,7 @@
- Xm/ScrolledWP.h Xm/SelectioB.h Xm/SeparatoG.h Xm/SeparatoGP.h Xm/Separator.h \
- Xm/Text.h Xm/TextF.h Xm/ToggleB.h Xm/ToggleBG.h Xm/Xm.h Xm/XmP.h Xm/XmStrDefs.h \
- gl.h gl/device.h gl/gl.h invent.h iop/afb.h iop/mov.h iop/pfs.h license.h \
-- linux/kernel.h linux/sys.h math.h mingw32/dir.h mon.h net/if_arp.h net/route.h \
-+ linux/kernel.h math.h mingw32/dir.h mon.h net/if_arp.h net/route.h \
- os2.h setjmp.h starbase.c.h stddef.h stdio.h synch.h sys/access.h \
- sys/ipc.h sys/m88kbcs.h sys/mman.h sys/mode.h sys/pstat.h sys/resource.h \
- sys/svs.h sys/sysconfig.h sys/syslimits.h sys/sysmacros.h ulocks.h x11/xlibxtra.h \
-diff -aurN dx-4.3.2-orig/src/exec/libdx/memory.c dx-4.3.2/src/exec/libdx/memory.c
---- dx-4.3.2-orig/src/exec/libdx/memory.c 2007-07-19 00:59:54.000000000 -0500
-+++ dx-4.3.2/src/exec/libdx/memory.c 2007-07-19 01:01:57.000000000 -0500
-@@ -66,7 +66,6 @@
- #if linux
- #include <linux/kernel.h>
--#include <linux/sys.h>
- #include <sys/sysinfo.h>
- #endif
diff --git a/sci-visualization/opendx/files/opendx-4.4.4-concurrent-make-fix.patch b/sci-visualization/opendx/files/opendx-4.4.4-concurrent-make-fix.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index ba2c9c8c4..000000000
--- a/sci-visualization/opendx/files/opendx-4.4.4-concurrent-make-fix.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-diff -Nuarp dx-4.4.4-orig/src/exec/dxmods/local.mk dx-4.4.4/src/exec/dxmods/local.mk
---- dx-4.4.4-orig/src/exec/dxmods/local.mk 2008-09-11 22:31:38.000000000 +0200
-+++ dx-4.4.4/src/exec/dxmods/local.mk 2008-09-11 22:33:44.000000000 +0200
-@@ -14,15 +14,15 @@ user.c: dx.mdf
- dxcm.mdf: ${srcdir}/dxmdf.src
- -rm -f dxcm.mdf
-- cp ${srcdir}/dxmdf.src tmp.c
-- $(CPP) $(INCLUDES) $(MDF) $(DEFS) tmp.c > dxcm.mdf
-- -rm -f tmp.c
-+ cp ${srcdir}/dxmdf.src tmp-dxcm.c
-+ $(CPP) $(INCLUDES) $(MDF) $(DEFS) tmp-dxcm.c > dxcm.mdf
-+ -rm -f tmp-dxcm.c
- dx.mdf: ${srcdir}/dxmdf.src
- echo MYINC: $(MYINC)
- -rm -f dx.mdf
-- cp ${srcdir}/dxmdf.src tmp.c
-+ cp ${srcdir}/dxmdf.src tmp-dx.c
- @echo '/^ *$$/{' > stripl.sed
- @echo 'N' >> stripl.sed
- @echo '/^ *\\n *$$/D' >> stripl.sed
-@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ dx.mdf: ${srcdir}/dxmdf.src
- cat dx.mdf |sed '/^#/d' > tmp.mdf
- cat tmp.mdf |sed -f stripl.sed > dx.mdf
- @rm -f stripl.sed tmp.mdf
-- -rm -f tmp.c
-+ -rm -f tmp-dx.c
- .y.h:
- $(YACC) $(YFLAGS) -d ${srcdir}/$*.y
-diff -Nuarp dx-4.4.4-orig/src/exec/dxmods/local.mk dx-4.4.4/src/exec/dxmods/local.mk
---- dx-4.4.4-orig/src/exec/dxmods/local.mk.in 2008-09-11 22:31:38.000000000 +0200
-+++ dx-4.4.4/src/exec/dxmods/local.mk.in 2008-09-11 22:33:44.000000000 +0200
-@@ -14,15 +14,15 @@ user.c: dx.mdf
- dxcm.mdf: ${srcdir}/dxmdf.src
- -rm -f dxcm.mdf
-- cp ${srcdir}/dxmdf.src tmp.c
-- $(CPP) $(INCLUDES) $(MDF) $(DEFS) tmp.c > dxcm.mdf
-- -rm -f tmp.c
-+ cp ${srcdir}/dxmdf.src tmp-dxcm.c
-+ $(CPP) $(INCLUDES) $(MDF) $(DEFS) tmp-dxcm.c > dxcm.mdf
-+ -rm -f tmp-dxcm.c
- dx.mdf: ${srcdir}/dxmdf.src
- echo MYINC: $(MYINC)
- -rm -f dx.mdf
-- cp ${srcdir}/dxmdf.src tmp.c
-+ cp ${srcdir}/dxmdf.src tmp-dx.c
- @echo '/^ *$$/{' > stripl.sed
- @echo 'N' >> stripl.sed
- @echo '/^ *\\n *$$/D' >> stripl.sed
-@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ dx.mdf: ${srcdir}/dxmdf.src
- cat dx.mdf |sed '/^#/d' > tmp.mdf
- cat tmp.mdf |sed -f stripl.sed > dx.mdf
- @rm -f stripl.sed tmp.mdf
-- -rm -f tmp.c
-+ -rm -f tmp-dx.c
- .y.h:
- $(YACC) $(YFLAGS) -d ${srcdir}/$*.y
diff --git a/sci-visualization/opendx/files/opendx-4.4.4-dx-errno.patch b/sci-visualization/opendx/files/opendx-4.4.4-dx-errno.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 70c1b28f0..000000000
--- a/sci-visualization/opendx/files/opendx-4.4.4-dx-errno.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-diff -up dx-4.4.4/src/exec/dpexec/lex.c.errno dx-4.4.4/src/exec/dpexec/lex.c
---- dx-4.4.4/src/exec/dpexec/lex.c.errno 2006-01-09 23:57:34.000000000 +0100
-+++ dx-4.4.4/src/exec/dpexec/lex.c 2009-01-26 19:16:20.000000000 +0100
-@@ -504,6 +504,7 @@ int yylex(YYSTYPE *lvalp)
- for (;;)
- {
- yyleng = 0;
-+ errno = 0;
- c = input();
diff --git a/sci-visualization/opendx/files/opendx-4.4.4-gcc43-fedora.patch b/sci-visualization/opendx/files/opendx-4.4.4-gcc43-fedora.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 64a3d91fe..000000000
--- a/sci-visualization/opendx/files/opendx-4.4.4-gcc43-fedora.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,315 +0,0 @@
-diff -up dx-4.4.4/src/uipp/startup/StartupApplication.C.gcc43 dx-4.4.4/src/uipp/startup/StartupApplication.C
---- dx-4.4.4/src/uipp/startup/StartupApplication.C.gcc43 2005-11-10 20:48:22.000000000 +0100
-+++ dx-4.4.4/src/uipp/startup/StartupApplication.C 2008-01-07 21:55:03.000000000 +0100
-@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ InitializeSignals(void)
- #endif
- }
--boolean StartupApplication::initialize(unsigned int* argcp,
-+boolean StartupApplication::initialize(int* argcp,
- char** argv)
- {
- ASSERT(argcp);
-diff -up dx-4.4.4/src/uipp/startup/StartupApplication.h.gcc43 dx-4.4.4/src/uipp/startup/StartupApplication.h
---- dx-4.4.4/src/uipp/startup/StartupApplication.h.gcc43 2003-09-20 07:33:56.000000000 +0200
-+++ dx-4.4.4/src/uipp/startup/StartupApplication.h 2008-01-07 21:50:47.000000000 +0100
-@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ class StartupApplication : public IBMApp
- // Overrides the Application class version:
- // Initializes Xt Intrinsics with option list (switches).
- //
-- virtual boolean initialize(unsigned int* argcp, char**argv);
-+ virtual boolean initialize(int* argcp, char**argv);
- CommandScope *commandScope; // command scope
-diff -up dx-4.4.4/src/uipp/startup/Main.C.gcc43 dx-4.4.4/src/uipp/startup/Main.C
---- dx-4.4.4/src/uipp/startup/Main.C.gcc43 2000-05-16 20:53:07.000000000 +0200
-+++ dx-4.4.4/src/uipp/startup/Main.C 2008-01-07 19:57:58.000000000 +0100
-@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
- extern "C" void HCLXmInit();
- #endif
--int main(unsigned int argc,
-+int main( int argc,
- char** argv)
- {
- #if defined(HAVE_HCLXMINIT)
-diff -up dx-4.4.4/src/uipp/base/Application.C.gcc43 dx-4.4.4/src/uipp/base/Application.C
---- dx-4.4.4/src/uipp/base/Application.C.gcc43 2005-11-09 19:56:17.000000000 +0100
-+++ dx-4.4.4/src/uipp/base/Application.C 2008-01-07 22:39:15.000000000 +0100
-@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ void Application::installDefaultResource
- //this->setDefaultResources(baseWidget, Application::DefaultResources);
- }
--boolean Application::initializeWindowSystem(unsigned int *argcp, char **argv)
-+boolean Application::initializeWindowSystem(int *argcp, char **argv)
- {
- //
-@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ boolean Application::initializeWindowSys
- NULL, // command line options table
- 0, // number of entries in options table
- #if XtSpecificationRelease > 4
-- (int*)argcp,
-+ argcp,
- #else
- argcp,
- #endif
-@@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ boolean Application::initializeWindowSys
- return TRUE;
- }
--void Application::parseCommand(unsigned int* argcp, char** argv,
-+void Application::parseCommand(int* argcp, char** argv,
- XrmOptionDescList optlist, int optlistsize)
- {
- char res_file[256];
-@@ -280,7 +280,7 @@ void Application::parseCommand(unsigned
- //
- }
--boolean Application::initialize(unsigned int* argcp, char** argv)
-+boolean Application::initialize(int* argcp, char** argv)
- {
- //
- // Initialize the window system if not done already.
-diff -up dx-4.4.4/src/uipp/base/Application.h.gcc43 dx-4.4.4/src/uipp/base/Application.h
---- dx-4.4.4/src/uipp/base/Application.h.gcc43 2005-11-09 19:26:29.000000000 +0100
-+++ dx-4.4.4/src/uipp/base/Application.h 2008-01-07 21:49:49.000000000 +0100
-@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ class Application : public UIComponent,
- //
- // The main program needs to access protected member functions.
- //
-- friend int main(unsigned int argc,
-+ friend int main( int argc,
- char** argv);
-@@ -71,9 +71,9 @@ class Application : public UIComponent,
- //
- // Initialize the window system.
- //
-- virtual boolean initializeWindowSystem(unsigned int *argcp, char **argv);
-+ virtual boolean initializeWindowSystem(int *argcp, char **argv);
-- virtual void parseCommand(unsigned int* argcp, char** argv,
-+ virtual void parseCommand(int* argcp, char** argv,
- XrmOptionDescList optlist, int optlistsize);
- //
-@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ class Application : public UIComponent,
- // Initializes any Application specfic state. This routine should
- // be called by main() or subclasses only.
- //
-- virtual boolean initialize(unsigned int* argcp, char** argv);
-+ virtual boolean initialize(int* argcp, char** argv);
- //
- // Allow others to access our event processing mechanism
-diff -up dx-4.4.4/src/uipp/base/IBMApplication.C.gcc43 dx-4.4.4/src/uipp/base/IBMApplication.C
---- dx-4.4.4/src/uipp/base/IBMApplication.C.gcc43 2004-04-02 22:32:43.000000000 +0200
-+++ dx-4.4.4/src/uipp/base/IBMApplication.C 2008-01-07 21:53:29.000000000 +0100
-@@ -349,7 +349,7 @@ int status;
- }
--boolean IBMApplication::initializeWindowSystem(unsigned int *argcp, char **argv)
-+boolean IBMApplication::initializeWindowSystem(int *argcp, char **argv)
- {
- if (!this->Application::initializeWindowSystem(argcp, argv))
-@@ -375,7 +375,7 @@ boolean IBMApplication::initializeWindow
- return TRUE;
- }
--boolean IBMApplication::initialize(unsigned int* argcp,
-+boolean IBMApplication::initialize(int* argcp,
- char** argv)
- {
- if (!this->Application::initialize(argcp,argv))
-diff -up dx-4.4.4/src/uipp/base/IBMApplication.h.gcc43 dx-4.4.4/src/uipp/base/IBMApplication.h
---- dx-4.4.4/src/uipp/base/IBMApplication.h.gcc43 2003-09-20 07:35:22.000000000 +0200
-+++ dx-4.4.4/src/uipp/base/IBMApplication.h 2008-01-07 21:50:19.000000000 +0100
-@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ class IBMApplication : public Applicatio
- //
- // Initialize the window system.
- //
-- virtual boolean initializeWindowSystem(unsigned int *argcp, char **argv);
-+ virtual boolean initializeWindowSystem(int *argcp, char **argv);
- //
- // Protected member data:
-@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ class IBMApplication : public Applicatio
- HelpWin *helpWindow;
-- boolean initialize(unsigned int* argcp, char** argv);
-+ boolean initialize(int* argcp, char** argv);
- //
- // Load application specific action routines
-diff -up dx-4.4.4/src/uipp/tutor/TutorApplication.h.gcc43 dx-4.4.4/src/uipp/tutor/TutorApplication.h
---- dx-4.4.4/src/uipp/tutor/TutorApplication.h.gcc43 1999-05-10 17:46:30.000000000 +0200
-+++ dx-4.4.4/src/uipp/tutor/TutorApplication.h 2008-01-07 21:49:29.000000000 +0100
-@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ class TutorApplication : public IBMAppli
- // Overrides the Application class version:
- // Initializes Xt Intrinsics with option list (switches).
- //
-- virtual boolean initialize(unsigned int* argcp,
-+ virtual boolean initialize(int* argcp,
- char** argv);
- //
-diff -up dx-4.4.4/src/uipp/tutor/Main.C.gcc43 dx-4.4.4/src/uipp/tutor/Main.C
---- dx-4.4.4/src/uipp/tutor/Main.C.gcc43 2000-05-16 20:53:15.000000000 +0200
-+++ dx-4.4.4/src/uipp/tutor/Main.C 2008-01-07 19:57:39.000000000 +0100
-@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ extern "C" void HCLXmInit();
- //
- const char *AssertMsgString = "Internal error detected at \"%s\":%d.\n";
--int main(unsigned int argc,
-+int main( int argc,
- char** argv)
- {
- #if defined(HAVE_HCLXMINIT)
-diff -up dx-4.4.4/src/uipp/tutor/TutorApplication.C.gcc43 dx-4.4.4/src/uipp/tutor/TutorApplication.C
---- dx-4.4.4/src/uipp/tutor/TutorApplication.C.gcc43 2006-05-08 18:20:14.000000000 +0200
-+++ dx-4.4.4/src/uipp/tutor/TutorApplication.C 2008-01-07 21:56:09.000000000 +0100
-@@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ InitializeSignals(void)
- #endif
- }
--boolean TutorApplication::initialize(unsigned int* argcp,
-+boolean TutorApplication::initialize(int* argcp,
- char** argv)
- {
- ASSERT(argcp);
-diff -up dx-4.4.4/src/uipp/widgets/MultiText.h.gcc43 dx-4.4.4/src/uipp/widgets/MultiText.h
---- dx-4.4.4/src/uipp/widgets/MultiText.h.gcc43 2006-01-03 01:12:34.000000000 +0100
-+++ dx-4.4.4/src/uipp/widgets/MultiText.h 2008-01-07 19:06:27.000000000 +0100
-@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ typedef struct _XmMultiTextClassRec* XmM
- #define XmNsmoothScroll "smoothScroll"
- #define XmNwaitCursorCount "waitCursorCount"
--#if !(defined(_Xm_h) || defined(XM_H))
-+#if !(defined(_Xm_h) || defined(XM_H) || defined(_XM_XM_H))
- #define XmNmarginHeight "marginHeight"
- #define XmNmarginWidth "marginWidth"
- #define XmNwordWrap "wordWrap"
-@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ typedef struct _XmMultiTextClassRec* XmM
- #define XmCSmoothScroll "SmoothScroll"
- #define XmCWaitCursorCount "WaitCursorCount"
--#if !(defined(_Xm_h) || defined(XM_H))
-+#if !(defined(_Xm_h) || defined(XM_H) || defined(_XM_XM_H))
- #define XmCMarginHeight "MarginHeight"
- #define XmCMarginWidth "MarginWidth"
- #define XmCWordWrap "WordWrap"
-diff -up dx-4.4.4/src/uipp/dxui/Main.C.gcc43 dx-4.4.4/src/uipp/dxui/Main.C
---- dx-4.4.4/src/uipp/dxui/Main.C.gcc43 2005-12-07 18:50:53.000000000 +0100
-+++ dx-4.4.4/src/uipp/dxui/Main.C 2008-01-07 19:57:21.000000000 +0100
-@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ extern unsigned long _etext;
- //
- const char *AssertMsgString = "Internal error detected at \"%s\":%d.\n";
--int main(unsigned int argc,
-+int main( int argc,
- char** argv)
- {
- #if defined(HAVE_HCLXMINIT)
-diff -up dx-4.4.4/src/uipp/prompter/GARApplication.h.gcc43 dx-4.4.4/src/uipp/prompter/GARApplication.h
---- dx-4.4.4/src/uipp/prompter/GARApplication.h.gcc43 2003-09-20 07:33:21.000000000 +0200
-+++ dx-4.4.4/src/uipp/prompter/GARApplication.h 2008-01-07 21:49:05.000000000 +0100
-@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ class GARApplication : public IBMApplica
- // Overrides the Application class version:
- // Initializes Xt Intrinsics with option list (switches).
- //
-- virtual boolean initialize(unsigned int* argcp,
-+ virtual boolean initialize(int* argcp,
- char** argv);
- CommandScope *commandScope; // command scope
-diff -up dx-4.4.4/src/uipp/prompter/Main.C.gcc43 dx-4.4.4/src/uipp/prompter/Main.C
---- dx-4.4.4/src/uipp/prompter/Main.C.gcc43 2000-05-16 20:52:59.000000000 +0200
-+++ dx-4.4.4/src/uipp/prompter/Main.C 2008-01-07 19:57:01.000000000 +0100
-@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ extern "C" void HCLXmInit();
- #endif
--int main(unsigned int argc,
-+int main( int argc,
- char** argv)
- {
- #if defined(HAVE_HCLXMINIT)
-diff -up dx-4.4.4/src/uipp/prompter/GARApplication.C.gcc43 dx-4.4.4/src/uipp/prompter/GARApplication.C
---- dx-4.4.4/src/uipp/prompter/GARApplication.C.gcc43 2006-05-08 18:20:13.000000000 +0200
-+++ dx-4.4.4/src/uipp/prompter/GARApplication.C 2008-01-07 21:54:28.000000000 +0100
-@@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ InitializeSignals(void)
- }
- }
--boolean GARApplication::initialize(unsigned int* argcp,
-+boolean GARApplication::initialize(int* argcp,
- char** argv)
- {
- ASSERT(argcp);
-diff -up dx-4.4.4/src/uipp/dxuilib/DXApplication.h.gcc43 dx-4.4.4/src/uipp/dxuilib/DXApplication.h
---- dx-4.4.4/src/uipp/dxuilib/DXApplication.h.gcc43 2006-05-08 18:20:10.000000000 +0200
-+++ dx-4.4.4/src/uipp/dxuilib/DXApplication.h 2008-01-07 21:14:12.000000000 +0100
-@@ -372,7 +372,7 @@ class DXApplication : public IBMApplicat
- // Overrides the Application class version:
- // Initializes Xt Intrinsics with option list (switches).
- //
-- virtual boolean initialize(unsigned int* argcp,
-+ virtual boolean initialize(int* argcp,
- char** argv);
- //
-diff -up dx-4.4.4/src/uipp/dxuilib/DXApplication.C.gcc43 dx-4.4.4/src/uipp/dxuilib/DXApplication.C
---- dx-4.4.4/src/uipp/dxuilib/DXApplication.C.gcc43 2006-06-22 21:45:34.000000000 +0200
-+++ dx-4.4.4/src/uipp/dxuilib/DXApplication.C 2008-01-07 21:32:56.000000000 +0100
-@@ -2248,7 +2248,7 @@ void DXApplication::installDefaultResour
- this->setDefaultResources(baseWidget, _defaultDXResources);
- this->IBMApplication::installDefaultResources(baseWidget);
- }
--boolean DXApplication::initialize(unsigned int* argcp,
-+boolean DXApplication::initialize(int* argcp,
- char** argv)
- {
- boolean wasSetBusy = FALSE;
-diff -up dx-4.4.4/src/uipp/mb/Main.C.gcc43 dx-4.4.4/src/uipp/mb/Main.C
---- dx-4.4.4/src/uipp/mb/Main.C.gcc43 2000-05-20 19:49:40.000000000 +0200
-+++ dx-4.4.4/src/uipp/mb/Main.C 2008-01-07 19:56:41.000000000 +0100
-@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ extern "C" void HCLXmInit();
- //
- const char *AssertMsgString = "Internal error detected at \"%s\":%d.\n";
--int main(unsigned int argc,
-+int main( int argc,
- char** argv)
- {
- #if defined(HAVE_HCLXMINIT)
-diff -up dx-4.4.4/src/uipp/mb/MBApplication.C.gcc43 dx-4.4.4/src/uipp/mb/MBApplication.C
---- dx-4.4.4/src/uipp/mb/MBApplication.C.gcc43 2006-05-08 18:20:13.000000000 +0200
-+++ dx-4.4.4/src/uipp/mb/MBApplication.C 2008-01-07 21:51:15.000000000 +0100
-@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ InitializeSignals(void)
- #endif
- }
--boolean MBApplication::initialize(unsigned int* argcp,
-+boolean MBApplication::initialize(int* argcp,
- char** argv)
- {
- ASSERT(argcp);
-diff -up dx-4.4.4/src/uipp/mb/MBApplication.h.gcc43 dx-4.4.4/src/uipp/mb/MBApplication.h
---- dx-4.4.4/src/uipp/mb/MBApplication.h.gcc43 1999-05-10 17:46:25.000000000 +0200
-+++ dx-4.4.4/src/uipp/mb/MBApplication.h 2008-01-07 21:48:38.000000000 +0100
-@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ class MBApplication : public IBMApplicat
- // Overrides the Application class version:
- // Initializes Xt Intrinsics with option list (switches).
- //
-- virtual boolean initialize(unsigned int* argcp,
-+ virtual boolean initialize(int* argcp,
- char** argv);
- static MBResource resource;
diff --git a/sci-visualization/opendx/files/opendx-4.4.4-install.patch b/sci-visualization/opendx/files/opendx-4.4.4-install.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 342f6f88b..000000000
--- a/sci-visualization/opendx/files/opendx-4.4.4-install.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,330 +0,0 @@
-diff -up dx-4.4.4/bin/dx.in.r dx-4.4.4/bin/dx.in
---- dx-4.4.4/bin/dx.in.r 2004-05-31 18:12:05.000000000 +0200
-+++ dx-4.4.4/bin/dx.in 2009-01-26 23:57:11.000000000 +0100
-@@ -60,14 +60,7 @@ exit 1
- #
- longhelp() {
--if test -f "$dxroot/man/catl/dx.l" ; then
-- more "$dxroot/man/catl/dx.l"
-- echo "cannot find $dxroot/man/catl/dx.l"
-- echo "set the DXROOT environment variable to the root of the"
-- echo "dx installation tree and try again."
--exit 1
-+man dx
- cat << EOFlonghelp
- command line parameters:
-@@ -286,7 +279,7 @@ fi
- if [ -z "$DXROOT" ]; then
-- prefix=@prefix@
-+ prefix=@libdir@
- DXROOT=$prefix/dx
- fi
- export DXROOT
-@@ -507,7 +507,7 @@ export DXARCH
- # default to running locally, from @prefix@/dx
- exhost=$thishost
- startup=1 # run the startup window by default
-diff -up dx-4.4.4/bin/Makefile.am.r dx-4.4.4/bin/Makefile.am
---- dx-4.4.4/bin/Makefile.am.r 2003-07-12 02:11:37.000000000 +0200
-+++ dx-4.4.4/bin/Makefile.am 2009-01-26 23:57:11.000000000 +0100
-@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
- ## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in
--dxbindir = $(prefix)/dx/bin
-+dxbindir = $(libdir)/dx/bin
- bindir = $(prefix)/bin
- EXTRA_SCRIPTS = mdf2c dx
-diff -up dx-4.4.4/bin/mdf2c.in.r dx-4.4.4/bin/mdf2c.in
---- dx-4.4.4/bin/mdf2c.in.r 1999-12-14 05:13:04.000000000 +0100
-+++ dx-4.4.4/bin/mdf2c.in 2009-01-26 23:57:11.000000000 +0100
-@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
- #!/bin/sh
- # Configure is looking for the following line
- DFLTROOT=$prefix/dx
-diff -up dx-4.4.4/doc/Makefile.am.r dx-4.4.4/doc/Makefile.am
---- dx-4.4.4/doc/Makefile.am.r 1999-04-05 13:57:03.000000000 +0200
-+++ dx-4.4.4/doc/Makefile.am 2009-01-26 23:57:11.000000000 +0100
-@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
- ## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in
--docdir = $(prefix)/dx/doc
-+docdir = $(datadir)/dx/doc
- doc_DATA = \
-diff -up dx-4.4.4/fonts/Makefile.am.r dx-4.4.4/fonts/Makefile.am
---- dx-4.4.4/fonts/Makefile.am.r 2003-07-12 02:11:37.000000000 +0200
-+++ dx-4.4.4/fonts/Makefile.am 2009-01-26 23:57:11.000000000 +0100
-@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
- ## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in
--fontdir = $(prefix)/dx/fonts
-+fontdir = $(libdir)/dx/fonts
- font_DATA = \
- README area.dx cyril_d.dx \
-diff -up dx-4.4.4/help/Makefile.am.r dx-4.4.4/help/Makefile.am
---- dx-4.4.4/help/Makefile.am.r 2003-07-12 02:11:37.000000000 +0200
-+++ dx-4.4.4/help/Makefile.am 2009-01-26 23:57:11.000000000 +0100
-@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
- ## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in
--helpdir = $(prefix)/dx/help
-+helpdir = $(libdir)/dx/help
- EXTRA_DIST = $(helpfiles1) $(helpfiles2) $(helpfiles3) $(helpfiles4) $(helpfiles5) \
- $(helpfiles6) $(helpfiles7) $(helpfiles8) $(helpfiles9) $(helpfiles10) \
-diff -up dx-4.4.4/html/images/Makefile.am.r dx-4.4.4/html/images/Makefile.am
---- dx-4.4.4/html/images/Makefile.am.r 2002-04-01 10:51:13.000000000 +0200
-+++ dx-4.4.4/html/images/Makefile.am 2009-01-26 23:57:11.000000000 +0100
-@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
--imagesdir = $(prefix)/dx/html/images
-+imagesdir = $(libdir)/dx/html/images
- images1 = \
- 3dcurs.gif adctlpt.gif arch.gif autoax.gif autoexp.gif \
-diff -up dx-4.4.4/html/Makefile.am.r dx-4.4.4/html/Makefile.am
---- dx-4.4.4/html/Makefile.am.r 2003-07-12 02:11:39.000000000 +0200
-+++ dx-4.4.4/html/Makefile.am 2009-01-26 23:57:11.000000000 +0100
-@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
- ## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in
--htmldir = $(prefix)/dx/html
-+htmldir = $(libdir)/dx/html
- SUBDIRS = pages images
-diff -up dx-4.4.4/html/pages/Makefile.am.r dx-4.4.4/html/pages/Makefile.am
---- dx-4.4.4/html/pages/Makefile.am.r 2002-06-20 06:38:03.000000000 +0200
-+++ dx-4.4.4/html/pages/Makefile.am 2009-01-26 23:57:11.000000000 +0100
-@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
--pagesdir = $(prefix)/dx/html/pages
-+pagesdir = $(libdir)/dx/html/pages
- pages1 = \
- insgu002.htm insgu003.htm insgu004.htm insgu005.htm insgu006.htm \
-diff -up dx-4.4.4/include/dx/Makefile.am.r dx-4.4.4/include/dx/Makefile.am
---- dx-4.4.4/include/dx/Makefile.am.r 1999-05-26 01:35:16.000000000 +0200
-+++ dx-4.4.4/include/dx/Makefile.am 2009-01-26 23:57:11.000000000 +0100
-@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
- ## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in
--dxincdir = $(prefix)/dx/include/dx
-+dxincdir = $(prefix)/include/dx
- dxinc_HEADERS = \
- UserInteractors.h advanced.h arch.h array.h arrayhandles.h \
-diff -up dx-4.4.4/include/Makefile.am.r dx-4.4.4/include/Makefile.am
---- dx-4.4.4/include/Makefile.am.r 2006-04-09 05:44:49.000000000 +0200
-+++ dx-4.4.4/include/Makefile.am 2009-01-26 23:57:11.000000000 +0100
-@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
--dxincdir = $(prefix)/dx/include
-+dxincdir = $(prefix)/include
- SUBDIRS = dx
- dxinc_HEADERS = dxl.h dxstereo.h
- nodist_dxinc_HEADERS = dxconfig.h
-diff -up dx-4.4.4/lib/Makefile.am.r dx-4.4.4/lib/Makefile.am
---- dx-4.4.4/lib/Makefile.am.r 2003-08-22 01:22:13.000000000 +0200
-+++ dx-4.4.4/lib/Makefile.am 2009-01-26 23:57:11.000000000 +0100
-@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
--libsdir = $(prefix)/dx/lib
-+libsdir = $(libdir)/dx/lib
- libs_DATA = colors.txt dxexec.def dxexec.exp dxexec.imp dxexec.ifs \
- dxfSaveCurrentImage.net dxrc mdf2c.awk messages outboard.c
-diff -up dx-4.4.4/man/Makefile.am.r dx-4.4.4/man/Makefile.am
---- dx-4.4.4/man/Makefile.am.r 1999-04-03 18:31:28.000000000 +0200
-+++ dx-4.4.4/man/Makefile.am 2009-01-26 23:57:11.000000000 +0100
-@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
- ## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in
--SUBDIRS = manl catl
-+SUBDIRS = manl
-diff -up dx-4.4.4/man/manl/Makefile.am.r dx-4.4.4/man/manl/Makefile.am
---- dx-4.4.4/man/manl/Makefile.am.r 2002-05-20 06:47:06.000000000 +0200
-+++ dx-4.4.4/man/manl/Makefile.am 2009-01-26 23:57:11.000000000 +0100
-@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
- ## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in
--mandir = $(prefix)/dx/man
-+mandir = $(prefix)/man
- man_MANS = dx.l
- EXTRA_DIST = $(man_MANS)
-diff -up dx-4.4.4/src/exec/dxexec/Makefile.am.r dx-4.4.4/src/exec/dxexec/Makefile.am
---- dx-4.4.4/src/exec/dxexec/Makefile.am.r 2006-01-11 17:24:39.000000000 +0100
-+++ dx-4.4.4/src/exec/dxexec/Makefile.am 2009-01-26 23:57:11.000000000 +0100
-@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ noinst_LTLIBRARIES = libDXEXEC.la
- libDXEXEC_la_SOURCES = main.c
--bindir = $(prefix)/dx/bin_@ARCH@
-+bindir = $(libdir)/dx/bin_@ARCH@
- bin_PROGRAMS = dxexec
- dxexec_LDADD = ../dpexec/libDPEXEC.la ../dxmods/libDXMODS.la ../dxmods/user.lo \
-diff -up dx-4.4.4/src/exec/dxmods/Makefile.am.r dx-4.4.4/src/exec/dxmods/Makefile.am
---- dx-4.4.4/src/exec/dxmods/Makefile.am.r 2003-08-19 00:51:10.000000000 +0200
-+++ dx-4.4.4/src/exec/dxmods/Makefile.am 2009-01-26 23:57:11.000000000 +0100
-@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
- ## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in
- INCLUDES = -I${top_srcdir}/include -I${srcdir}/../dpexec -I$(BUILDBASE)/include -D@ARCH@
--dxmdfdir = $(prefix)/dx/lib
-+dxmdfdir = $(libdir)/dx/lib
- noinst_LTLIBRARIES = libDXMODS.la libusercm.la libuser.la libDXMODSN.la
- SUFFIXES = .c .y .c .s .h .o
-@@ -13,6 +14,8 @@ DISTCLEANFILES = dx.mdf dxcm.mdf user.c
- dxmdf_DATA = dx.mdf
-+user.c: dx.mdf
- _complex.o: _compparse.h
- HEADERS1 = \
-diff -up dx-4.4.4/src/exec/libdx/Makefile.am.r dx-4.4.4/src/exec/libdx/Makefile.am
---- dx-4.4.4/src/exec/libdx/Makefile.am.r 2006-03-27 20:56:53.000000000 +0200
-+++ dx-4.4.4/src/exec/libdx/Makefile.am 2009-01-26 23:57:11.000000000 +0100
- #INCLUDES = -I../../../include -D@ARCH@
- INCLUDES = -I${top_srcdir}/include -D@ARCH@
--dxlibdir = $(prefix)/dx/lib_@ARCH@
-+dxlibdir = $(libdir)/dx/lib_@ARCH@
- noinst_LTLIBRARIES = libLIBDX.la libcallm.la libmem.la
- #dxlib_LIBRARIES = libDXlite.a
-diff -up dx-4.4.4/src/exec/Makefile.am.r dx-4.4.4/src/exec/Makefile.am
---- dx-4.4.4/src/exec/Makefile.am.r 2003-09-17 00:40:40.000000000 +0200
-+++ dx-4.4.4/src/exec/Makefile.am 2009-01-26 23:57:11.000000000 +0100
-@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
- SUBDIRS = libdx dxmods hwrender dpexec dxexec
--dxlibdir = $(prefix)/dx/lib_@ARCH@
-+dxlibdir = $(libdir)/dx/lib_@ARCH@
-diff -up dx-4.4.4/src/misc/Makefile.am.r dx-4.4.4/src/misc/Makefile.am
---- dx-4.4.4/src/misc/Makefile.am.r 2003-07-12 02:12:13.000000000 +0200
-+++ dx-4.4.4/src/misc/Makefile.am 2009-01-26 23:57:11.000000000 +0100
-@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ INCLUDES = -I${top_srcdir}/include -D@AR
- dxbindir = $(prefix)/bin
- noinst_PROGRAMS = dxlocal
--archmakdir = $(prefix)/dx/lib_$(ARCH)
-+archmakdir = $(libdir)/dx/lib_$(ARCH)
- archmak_DATA = arch.mak
- dxlocal_SOURCES = dx.c utils.c
-@@ -15,5 +15,5 @@ install-exec-local:
- if test ! -z "@INSTALL_BIN_PROGRAM@" ; then \
- $(mkinstalldirs) $(prefix)/bin ; \
- $(INSTALL) dxlocal@EXEEXT@ \
-- $(prefix)/dx/bin_$(ARCH)/@INSTALL_BIN_PROGRAM@@EXEEXT@ ; \
-+ $(libdir)/dx/bin_$(ARCH)/@INSTALL_BIN_PROGRAM@@EXEEXT@ ; \
- fi
-diff -up dx-4.4.4/src/uipp/dxl/Makefile.am.r dx-4.4.4/src/uipp/dxl/Makefile.am
---- dx-4.4.4/src/uipp/dxl/Makefile.am.r 2003-07-12 02:12:16.000000000 +0200
-+++ dx-4.4.4/src/uipp/dxl/Makefile.am 2009-01-26 23:57:11.000000000 +0100
- INCLUDES = -I${top_srcdir}/include -D@ARCH@
--dxlibdir = $(prefix)/dx/lib_@ARCH@
-+dxlibdir = $(libdir)/dx/lib_@ARCH@
- noinst_HEADERS = \
- dxlP.h \
-diff -up dx-4.4.4/src/uipp/dxui/Makefile.am.r dx-4.4.4/src/uipp/dxui/Makefile.am
---- dx-4.4.4/src/uipp/dxui/Makefile.am.r 2003-07-12 02:12:17.000000000 +0200
-+++ dx-4.4.4/src/uipp/dxui/Makefile.am 2009-01-26 23:57:11.000000000 +0100
-@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
- INCLUDES = -I${srcdir}/../base -I${top_srcdir}/include -I${srcdir}/../dxuilib -D@ARCH@
--dxbindir = $(prefix)/dx/bin_@ARCH@
-+dxbindir = $(libdir)/dx/bin_@ARCH@
- dxbin_PROGRAMS = dxui
-diff -up dx-4.4.4/src/uipp/mb/Makefile.am.r dx-4.4.4/src/uipp/mb/Makefile.am
---- dx-4.4.4/src/uipp/mb/Makefile.am.r 2003-08-20 16:21:33.000000000 +0200
-+++ dx-4.4.4/src/uipp/mb/Makefile.am 2009-01-26 23:57:11.000000000 +0100
-@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
- INCLUDES = -I${top_srcdir}/include -I${srcdir}/../base -I${srcdir}/../widgets -D@ARCH@
--dxbindir = $(prefix)/dx/bin_@ARCH@
-+dxbindir = $(libdir)/dx/bin_@ARCH@
- dxbin_PROGRAMS = builder
-diff -up dx-4.4.4/src/uipp/prompter/Makefile.am.r dx-4.4.4/src/uipp/prompter/Makefile.am
---- dx-4.4.4/src/uipp/prompter/Makefile.am.r 2003-11-04 05:20:14.000000000 +0100
-+++ dx-4.4.4/src/uipp/prompter/Makefile.am 2009-01-26 23:57:11.000000000 +0100
-@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
- INCLUDES = -I${srcdir}/../base -I${top_srcdir}/include -D@ARCH@
--dxbindir = $(prefix)/dx/bin_@ARCH@
-+dxbindir = $(libdir)/dx/bin_@ARCH@
- dxbin_PROGRAMS = prompter
-diff -up dx-4.4.4/src/uipp/startup/Makefile.am.r dx-4.4.4/src/uipp/startup/Makefile.am
---- dx-4.4.4/src/uipp/startup/Makefile.am.r 2003-07-12 02:12:29.000000000 +0200
-+++ dx-4.4.4/src/uipp/startup/Makefile.am 2009-01-26 23:57:11.000000000 +0100
-@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
- INCLUDES = -I${top_srcdir}/include -I${srcdir}/../base -D@ARCH@
--dxbindir = $(prefix)/dx/bin_@ARCH@
-+dxbindir = $(libdir)/dx/bin_@ARCH@
- dxbin_PROGRAMS = startupui
-diff -up dx-4.4.4/src/uipp/tutor/Makefile.am.r dx-4.4.4/src/uipp/tutor/Makefile.am
---- dx-4.4.4/src/uipp/tutor/Makefile.am.r 2003-07-12 02:12:29.000000000 +0200
-+++ dx-4.4.4/src/uipp/tutor/Makefile.am 2009-01-26 23:57:11.000000000 +0100
-@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
- INCLUDES = -I${top_srcdir}/include -I${srcdir}/../base -D@ARCH@
--dxbindir = $(prefix)/dx/bin_@ARCH@
-+dxbindir = $(libdir)/dx/bin_@ARCH@
- dxbin_PROGRAMS = tutor
-diff -up dx-4.4.4/src/uipp/ui/Makefile.am.r dx-4.4.4/src/uipp/ui/Makefile.am
---- dx-4.4.4/src/uipp/ui/Makefile.am.r 2001-04-12 16:29:02.000000000 +0200
-+++ dx-4.4.4/src/uipp/ui/Makefile.am 2009-01-26 23:57:11.000000000 +0100
-@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
- ## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in
--uidatadir = $(prefix)/dx/ui
-+uidatadir = $(libdir)/dx/ui
- DATA1 = \
- icon50.dat icon50.xpm logo.dat logo.xpm ui.mdf Basic2D.cfg Basic2D.net \
diff --git a/sci-visualization/opendx/files/opendx-4.4.4-libtool.patch b/sci-visualization/opendx/files/opendx-4.4.4-libtool.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 2a5aad6d4..000000000
--- a/sci-visualization/opendx/files/opendx-4.4.4-libtool.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-diff -Naur dx-4.4.4/configure.ac dx-4.4.4.new/configure.ac
---- dx-4.4.4/configure.ac 2006-08-21 17:56:08.000000000 -0400
-+++ dx-4.4.4.new/configure.ac 2008-06-29 07:31:08.000000000 -0400
-@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
- VERSION_STRING="04.4.4000"
diff --git a/sci-visualization/opendx/files/opendx-4.4.4-open.patch b/sci-visualization/opendx/files/opendx-4.4.4-open.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index b62ebd094..000000000
--- a/sci-visualization/opendx/files/opendx-4.4.4-open.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-diff -up dx-4.4.4/src/exec/libdx/fileio.c.open dx-4.4.4/src/exec/libdx/fileio.c
---- dx-4.4.4/src/exec/libdx/fileio.c.open 2006-01-05 23:55:47.000000000 +0100
-+++ dx-4.4.4/src/exec/libdx/fileio.c 2008-09-24 19:16:30.000000000 +0200
-@@ -263,7 +263,7 @@ Error _dxffile_open(char *name, int rw)
- case 2:/* read/write */
- fd = open(name, O_RDWR);
- if (fd < 0) {
-- fd = open(name, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT);
-+ fd = open(name, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR);
- if (fd < 0) {
- "can't open/create file '%s'", name);
-diff -up dx-4.4.4/src/exec/libdx/plock.c.open dx-4.4.4/src/exec/libdx/plock.c
---- dx-4.4.4/src/exec/libdx/plock.c.open 2002-07-17 06:48:18.000000000 +0200
-+++ dx-4.4.4/src/exec/libdx/plock.c 2008-09-24 19:16:30.000000000 +0200
-@@ -37,7 +37,8 @@ struct seminfo *__buf; /* buffer fo
-+#define OPEN_FLAGS (O_CREAT)
- #define IS_MINE(a) (locks->_owner[a] == getpid())
- #define SET_OWNER(a) (locks->_owner[a] = getpid())
- #define CLEAR_OWNER(a) (locks->_owner[a] = 0)
-@@ -268,7 +269,7 @@ PLockInit()
- if (stat(LOCKFILE, &statbuf))
- {
-- int fd = open(LOCKFILE, OPEN_FLAGS);
-+ int fd = open(LOCKFILE, OPEN_FLAGS, OPEN_MODE);
- if (fd < 0)
- {
- fprintf(stderr, "initLocks: error accessing locks shared block: open\n");
diff --git a/sci-visualization/opendx/files/opendx-4.4.4-szip.patch b/sci-visualization/opendx/files/opendx-4.4.4-szip.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 5e63d4e6b..000000000
--- a/sci-visualization/opendx/files/opendx-4.4.4-szip.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
---- configure.ac.orig 2009-06-14 22:10:24.000000000 +1200
-+++ configure.ac 2009-06-14 22:26:29.000000000 +1200
-@@ -148,6 +148,12 @@ AC_ARG_WITH(netcdf,
- [with_netcdf=$withval],
- [with_netcdf='yes'])
-+# Enable szip.
-+ [ --with-szlib Use szlib library for external szlib I/O (default is yes)],
-+ [with_szlib=$withval],
-+ [with_szlib='yes'])
- # Enable 64-bit arenas, if supported
- AC_ARG_WITH(large-arenas,
- [ --with-large-arenas enable 64-bit arenas, when available (default is no)],
-@@ -790,6 +796,39 @@ fi
- #
-+# Check for szlib
-+if test "$with_szlib" != 'no'
-+ AS_MESSAGE([checking for szlib ......])
-+ failed=0;
-+ passed=0;
-+ AC_CHECK_HEADERS(szlib.h, passed=`expr $passed + 1`,failed=`expr $failed + 1`)
-+ AC_CHECK_LIB(sz, SZ_BufftoBuffCompress,passed=`expr $passed + 1`,failed=`expr $failed + 1`,)
-+ AC_MSG_CHECKING(if szlib package is complete)
-+ if test $passed -gt 0
-+ then
-+ if test $failed -gt 0
-+ then
-+ AC_MSG_RESULT(no -- some components failed test)
-+ have_szlib='no (failed tests)'
-+ else
-+ LIB_SZLIB='-lsz'
-+ FMT_LIBS="$FMT_LIBS libsz.a"
-+ AC_DEFINE(HAVE_LIBSZIP, 1, [Define to 1 if you have the SZLIB libraries])
-+ have_szlib='yes'
-+ fi
-+ else
-+ fi
- # Check for IMAGEMAGICK
- #
- have_magick='no'
diff --git a/sci-visualization/opendx/files/opendx-4.4.4-xdg.patch b/sci-visualization/opendx/files/opendx-4.4.4-xdg.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index c5b38f274..000000000
--- a/sci-visualization/opendx/files/opendx-4.4.4-xdg.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-diff -up bin/url_handler.sh.orig bin/url_handler.sh
---- bin/url_handler.sh.orig 2009-05-02 23:21:08.000000000 +1200
-+++ bin/url_handler.sh 2009-05-02 23:24:25.000000000 +1200
-@@ -27,21 +27,7 @@ case $method in
- mailto) mutt `echo "$url" | sed 's;^[^:]*:\(.*\);\1;'`
- ;;
-- *) use_xbrowser=n
-- case "$DISPLAY" in
-- :0) use_xbrowser=y
-- ;;
-- :0.*) use_xbrowser=y
-- ;;
-- unix:0.*) use_xbrowser=y
-- ;;
-- esac
-- if [ $use_xbrowser = n ]; then
-- lynx "$url"
-- else
-- netscape -remote "openURL($url)" 2> /dev/null || \
-- (netscape "$url" &)
-- fi
-+ *) xdg-open "$url"
- ;;
- esac
diff --git a/sci-visualization/opendx/files/opendx-compressed-man.patch b/sci-visualization/opendx/files/opendx-compressed-man.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index c7535ccb5..000000000
--- a/sci-visualization/opendx/files/opendx-compressed-man.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-diff -Naurp dx-4.4.4-orig/bin/dx.in dx-4.4.4/bin/dx.in
---- dx-4.4.4-orig/bin/dx.in 2008-01-21 17:04:51.000000000 +0100
-+++ dx-4.4.4/bin/dx.in 2008-01-21 17:05:14.000000000 +0100
-@@ -60,8 +60,8 @@ exit 1
- #
- longhelp() {
--if test -f "$dxroot/man/catl/dx.l" ; then
-- more "$dxroot/man/catl/dx.l"
-+if test -f "$dxroot"/man/catl/dx.l* ; then
-+ man "$dxroot"/man/catl/dx.l*
- else
- echo "cannot find $dxroot/man/catl/dx.l"
- echo "set the DXROOT environment variable to the root of the"
diff --git a/sci-visualization/opendx/metadata.xml b/sci-visualization/opendx/metadata.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 016c1159b..000000000
--- a/sci-visualization/opendx/metadata.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "http://www.gentoo.org/dtd/metadata.dtd">
- <flag name='cdf'>Add support for <pkg>sci-libs/cdf</pkg> data exchange
- format</flag>
- <flag name='hdf'>Add support for the Hierarchical Data Format
- (<pkg>sci-libs/hdf</pkg>)</flag>
diff --git a/sci-visualization/opendx/opendx-4.4.4-r1.ebuild b/sci-visualization/opendx/opendx-4.4.4-r1.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index c87e01a3b..000000000
--- a/sci-visualization/opendx/opendx-4.4.4-r1.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2009 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: $
-# Set SMP="no" to force disable of SMP compilation.
-# Set SMP="yes" to force enable of SMP compilation.
-# Otherwise it will be autodetected from /usr/src/linux.
-inherit eutils flag-o-matic autotools
-DESCRIPTION="A 3D data visualization tool"
-KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~ppc ~x86"
-IUSE="hdf cdf netcdf tiff imagemagick szip smp"
- x11-libs/libXi
- x11-libs/libXp
- x11-libs/libXpm
- x11-libs/openmotif
- szip? ( sci-libs/szip )
- hdf? ( sci-libs/hdf )
- cdf? ( sci-libs/cdf )
- netcdf? ( sci-libs/netcdf )
- tiff? ( media-libs/tiff )
- imagemagick? ( >=media-gfx/imagemagick-5.3.4[-hdri] )"
-# waiting on bug #36349 for media-libs/jasper in imagemagick
-src_prepare() {
- epatch "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-4.3.2-sys.h.patch"
- epatch "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-compressed-man.patch"
- epatch "${FILESDIR}/${P}-gcc43-fedora.patch"
- epatch "${FILESDIR}/${P}-dx-errno.patch"
- epatch "${FILESDIR}/${P}-libtool.patch"
- epatch "${FILESDIR}/${P}-concurrent-make-fix.patch"
- epatch "${FILESDIR}/${P}-open.patch"
- eautoreconf
-src_configure() {
- # check flag filtering
- # with gcc 3.3.2 I had an infinite loop on src/exec/libdx/zclipQ.c
- append-flags -fno-strength-reduce
- # (#82672)
- filter-flags -finline-functions
- replace-flags -O3 -O2
- # opendx uses this variable
- local GENTOOARCH="${ARCH}"
- unset ARCH
- local morelibs=""
- use szip && morelibs="-lsz"
- econf LIBS="${morelibs}" \
- "--with-x" \
- $(use_with cdf) \
- $(use_with netcdf) \
- $(use_with hdf) \
- $(use_with tiff) \
- $(use_with imagemagick magick) \
- $(use_enable smp smp-linux)
-# javadx is currently broken. we may try to fix it someday.
-src_compile() {
- local GENTOOARCH="${ARCH}"
- unset ARCH
- emake || die
-src_install() {
- emake DESTDIR="${D}" install || die
- # inform revdep-rebuild about binary locations
- insinto /etc/revdep-rebuild
- doins "${FILESDIR}"/20-${PN}-revdep
-pkg_postinst() {
- elog "This version of the opendx ebuild is still under development."
- elog "suggestions, comments and offer of help welcome"
- elog "post a message in gentoo-science or pop up on irc on #gentoo-science"
diff --git a/sci-visualization/opendx/opendx-4.4.4-r2.ebuild b/sci-visualization/opendx/opendx-4.4.4-r2.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 39acb57ca..000000000
--- a/sci-visualization/opendx/opendx-4.4.4-r2.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2009 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: $
-inherit eutils flag-o-matic autotools multilib
-DESCRIPTION="A 3D data visualization tool"
-KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~ppc ~x86"
-IUSE="hdf cdf netcdf tiff imagemagick szip smp"
- x11-libs/libXi
- x11-libs/libXp
- x11-libs/libXpm
- x11-libs/openmotif
- szip? ( sci-libs/szip )
- hdf? ( sci-libs/hdf )
- cdf? ( sci-libs/cdf )
- netcdf? ( sci-libs/netcdf )
- tiff? ( media-libs/tiff )
- imagemagick? ( >=media-gfx/imagemagick-5.3.4[-hdri] )"
-# waiting on bug #36349 for media-libs/jasper in imagemagick
-src_prepare() {
- epatch "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-4.3.2-sys.h.patch"
- epatch "${FILESDIR}/${P}-install.patch"
- epatch "${FILESDIR}/${P}-xdg.patch"
- epatch "${FILESDIR}/${P}-gcc43-fedora.patch"
- epatch "${FILESDIR}/${P}-dx-errno.patch"
- epatch "${FILESDIR}/${P}-libtool.patch"
- epatch "${FILESDIR}/${P}-concurrent-make-fix.patch"
- epatch "${FILESDIR}/${P}-open.patch"
- epatch "${FILESDIR}/${P}-szip.patch"
- eautoreconf
-src_configure() {
- # check flag filtering
- # with gcc 3.3.2 I had an infinite loop on src/exec/libdx/zclipQ.c
- append-flags -fno-strength-reduce
- # (#82672)
- filter-flags -finline-functions
- replace-flags -O3 -O2
- # opendx uses this variable
- local GENTOOARCH="${ARCH}"
- unset ARCH
- econf \
- "--libdir=/usr/$(get_libdir)" \
- "--with-x" \
- "--without-javadx" \
- $(use_with szip szlib) \
- $(use_with cdf) \
- $(use_with netcdf) \
- $(use_with hdf) \
- $(use_with tiff) \
- $(use_with imagemagick magick) \
- $(use_enable smp smp-linux)
-# javadx is currently broken. we may try to fix it someday.
-src_compile() {
- local GENTOOARCH="${ARCH}"
- unset ARCH
- emake || die
-src_install() {
- emake DESTDIR="${D}" install || die
- newicon "src/uipp/ui/icon50.xpm" "${PN}.xpm"
- make_desktop_entry dx "openDX" "${PN}.xpm" "DataVisualization;Education;Science;"
-pkg_postinst() {
- elog "This version of the opendx ebuild is still under development."
- elog "suggestions, comments and offer of help welcome"
- elog "post a message in gentoo-science or pop up on irc on #gentoo-science"