diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'sci-libs/ccp4-libs/ccp4-libs-6.1.2.ebuild')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 210 deletions
diff --git a/sci-libs/ccp4-libs/ccp4-libs-6.1.2.ebuild b/sci-libs/ccp4-libs/ccp4-libs-6.1.2.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 7191ff805..000000000
--- a/sci-libs/ccp4-libs/ccp4-libs-6.1.2.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,210 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2009 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: $
-inherit fortran eutils gnuconfig toolchain-funcs
-FORTRAN="g77 gfortran ifc"
-# Here's a little scriptlet to generate this list from the provided
-# index.patches file
-# i=1; while read -a line; do [[ ${line//#} != ${line} ]] && continue;
-# echo "PATCH${i}=( ${line[1]}"; echo "${line[0]} )"; (( i++ )); done <
-# index.patches
-#PATCH1=( src/topp_
-#topp.f-r1.16.2.5-r1.16.2.6.diff )
-#PATCH2=( .
-#configure-r1.372.2.18-r1.372.2.19.diff )
-DESCRIPTION="Protein X-ray crystallography toolkit"
-# patch tarball from upstream
- [[ -n ${UPDATE} ]] && SRC_URI="${SRC_URI} ${SRC}/${PV}/updates/${P}-src-patch-${UPDATE}.tar.gz"
-# patches created by us
- [[ -n ${PATCHDATE} ]] && SRC_URI="${SRC_URI} http://dev.gentooexperimental.org/~jlec/science-dist/${PV}-${PATCHDATE}-updates.patch.bz2"
-for i in $(seq $PATCH_TOT); do
- NAME="PATCH${i}[1]"
- ${SRC}/${PV}/patches/${!NAME}"
-KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
- app-shells/tcsh
- !<sci-chemistry/ccp4-6.0.99
- =sci-libs/fftw-2*
- sci-libs/mmdb
- sci-libs/monomer-db
- virtual/lapack
- virtual/blas"
-src_unpack() {
- unpack ${A}
- cd "${S}"
- einfo "Applying upstream patches ..."
- for patch in $(seq $PATCH_TOT); do
- base="PATCH${patch}"
- dir=$(eval echo \${${base}[0]})
- p=$(eval echo \${${base}[1]})
- pushd "${dir}" >& /dev/null
- ccp_patch "${DISTDIR}/${p}"
- popd >& /dev/null
- done
- einfo "Done."
- echo
- [[ -n ${PATCHDATE} ]] && epatch "${WORKDIR}"/${PV}-${PATCHDATE}-updates.patch
- einfo "Applying Gentoo patches ..."
- # it tries to create libdir, bindir etc on live system in configure
- ccp_patch "${FILESDIR}"/${PV}-dont-make-dirs-in-configure.patch
- # gerror_ gets defined twice on ppc if you're using gfortran/g95
- ccp_patch "${FILESDIR}"/6.0.2-ppc-double-define-gerror.patch
- # make creation of libccif.so smooth
- ccp_patch "${FILESDIR}"/${PV}-ccif-shared.patch
- # lets try to build libmmdb seperatly
- ccp_patch "${FILESDIR}"/${PV}-dont-build-mmdb.patch
- einfo "Done." # done applying Gentoo patches
- echo
- gnuconfig_update
-src_compile() {
- # Build system is broken if we set LDFLAGS
- userldflags="${LDFLAGS}"
- unset LDFLAGS
- # GENTOO_OSNAME can be one of:
- # irix irix64 sunos sunos64 aix hpux osf1 linux freebsd
- # linux_compaq_compilers linux_intel_compilers generic Darwin
- # ia64_linux_intel Darwin_ibm_compilers linux_ibm_compilers
- if [[ "${FORTRANC}" = "ifc" ]]; then
- if use ia64; then
- GENTOO_OSNAME="ia64_linux_intel"
- else
- # Should be valid for x86, maybe amd64
- GENTOO_OSNAME="linux_intel_compilers"
- fi
- else
- # Should be valid for x86 and amd64, at least
- fi
- # Sets up env
- ln -s \
- ccp4.setup-bash \
- "${S}"/include/ccp4.setup
- # We agree to the license by emerging this, set in LICENSE
- sed -i \
- -e "s~^\(^agreed=\).*~\1yes~g" \
- "${S}"/configure
- # Fix up variables -- need to reset CCP4_MASTER at install-time
- sed -i \
- -e "s~^\(setenv CCP4_MASTER.*\)/.*~\1"${WORKDIR}"~g" \
- -e "s~^\(setenv CCP4I_TCLTK.*\)/usr/local/bin~\1/usr/bin~g" \
- "${S}"/include/ccp4.setup*
- # Set up variables for build
- source "${S}"/include/ccp4.setup
- export CC=$(tc-getCC)
- export CXX=$(tc-getCXX)
- export COPTIM=${CFLAGS}
- # Default to -O2 if FFLAGS is unset
- export FC=${FORTRANC}
- export FOPTIM=${FFLAGS:- -O2}
-# export CCP4_SCR="${T}"
- # Fix linking
-# $(tc-getCC) ${userldflags} -shared -Wl,-soname,libmmdb.so -o libmmdb.so \${MMDBOBJS} $(gcc-config -L | awk -F: '{for(i=1; i<=NF; i++) printf " -L%s", $i}') -lm -lstdc++ && \
- export SHARE_LIB="\
- $(tc-getCC) ${userldflags} -shared -Wl,-soname,libccp4c.so -o libccp4c.so \${CORELIBOBJS} \${CGENERALOBJS} \${CUCOBJS} \${CMTZOBJS} \${CMAPOBJS} \${CSYMOBJS} -L.. -lccif $(gcc-config -L | awk -F: '{for(i=1; i<=NF; i++) printf " -L%s", $i}') -lm && \
- ${FORTRANC} ${userldflags} -shared -Wl,-soname,libccp4f.so -o libccp4f.so \${FORTRANLOBJS} \${FINTERFACEOBJS} -L.. -lccif -L. -lccp4c -lmmdb $(gcc-config -L | awk -F: '{for(i=1; i<=NF; i++) printf " -L%s", $i}') -lstdc++ -lgfortran -lm"
- # Can't use econf, configure rejects unknown options like --prefix
- ./configure \
- --onlylibs \
- --with-shared-libs \
- --with-fftw=/usr \
- --with-warnings \
- --disable-cctbx \
- --disable-clipper \
- --tmpdir="${TMPDIR}" \
- ${GENTOO_OSNAME} || die "econf failed"
- emake -j1 onlylib || die "emake failed"
-src_install() {
- # Set up variables for build
- source "${S}"/include/ccp4.setup
- einstall || die "install failed"
- # Libs
- for file in "${S}"/lib/*; do
- if [[ -d ${file} ]]; then
- continue
- elif [[ -x ${file} ]]; then
- dolib.so ${file} || die
- else
- insinto /usr/$(get_libdir)
- doins ${file} || die
- fi
- done
- # Bins
- dobin bin/{automask,diff2jpeg,diffdump,printpeaks} || die
- newbin bin/superpose superpose-ccp4 || die
- # Fix libdir in all *.la files
- sed -i \
- -e "s:^\(libdir=\).*:\1\'/usr/$(get_libdir)\':g" \
- "${D}"/usr/$(get_libdir)/*.la
- # Data
- insinto /usr/share/ccp4/data/
- doins -r "${S}"/lib/data/{*.PARM,*.prt,*.lib,*.dic,*.idl,*.cif,*.resource,*.york,*.hist,fraglib,reference_structures} || die
- dodoc "${S}"/lib/data/*.doc
- newdoc "${S}"/lib/data/README DATA-README
- # Include files
- insinto /usr/include
- for i in ccp4; do
- doins -r "${S}"/include/${i} || die
- done
-# Epatch wrapper for bulk patching
-ccp_patch() {
- EPATCH_SINGLE_MSG=" ${1##*/} ..." epatch ${1}