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Diffstat (limited to 'sci-libs/levmar/levmar-2.5/lmbleic_core.c')
1 files changed, 506 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sci-libs/levmar/levmar-2.5/lmbleic_core.c b/sci-libs/levmar/levmar-2.5/lmbleic_core.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7ff1d34d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sci-libs/levmar/levmar-2.5/lmbleic_core.c
@@ -0,0 +1,506 @@
+// Levenberg - Marquardt non-linear minimization algorithm
+// Copyright (C) 2009 Manolis Lourakis (lourakis at ics forth gr)
+// Institute of Computer Science, Foundation for Research & Technology - Hellas
+// Heraklion, Crete, Greece.
+// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+// (at your option) any later version.
+// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+#ifndef LM_REAL // not included by lmbleic.c
+#error This file should not be compiled directly!
+/* precision-specific definitions */
+#define LMBLEIC_DATA LM_ADD_PREFIX(lmbleic_data)
+#define LMBLEIC_ELIM LM_ADD_PREFIX(lmbleic_elim)
+#define LMBLEIC_FUNC LM_ADD_PREFIX(lmbleic_func)
+#define LMBLEIC_JACF LM_ADD_PREFIX(lmbleic_jacf)
+#define LEVMAR_BLEIC_DER LM_ADD_PREFIX(levmar_bleic_der)
+#define LEVMAR_BLEIC_DIF LM_ADD_PREFIX(levmar_bleic_dif)
+#define LEVMAR_BLIC_DER LM_ADD_PREFIX(levmar_blic_der)
+#define LEVMAR_BLIC_DIF LM_ADD_PREFIX(levmar_blic_dif)
+#define LEVMAR_LEIC_DER LM_ADD_PREFIX(levmar_leic_der)
+#define LEVMAR_LEIC_DIF LM_ADD_PREFIX(levmar_leic_dif)
+#define LEVMAR_LIC_DER LM_ADD_PREFIX(levmar_lic_der)
+#define LEVMAR_LIC_DIF LM_ADD_PREFIX(levmar_lic_dif)
+#define LEVMAR_BLEC_DER LM_ADD_PREFIX(levmar_blec_der)
+#define LEVMAR_BLEC_DIF LM_ADD_PREFIX(levmar_blec_dif)
+#define LEVMAR_TRANS_MAT_MAT_MULT LM_ADD_PREFIX(levmar_trans_mat_mat_mult)
+#define LEVMAR_COVAR LM_ADD_PREFIX(levmar_covar)
+#define LEVMAR_FDIF_FORW_JAC_APPROX LM_ADD_PREFIX(levmar_fdif_forw_jac_approx)
+ LM_REAL *jac;
+ int nineqcnstr; // #inequality constraints
+ void (*func)(LM_REAL *p, LM_REAL *hx, int m, int n, void *adata);
+ void (*jacf)(LM_REAL *p, LM_REAL *jac, int m, int n, void *adata);
+ void *adata;
+/* wrapper ensuring that the user-supplied function is called with the right number of variables (i.e. m) */
+static void LMBLEIC_FUNC(LM_REAL *pext, LM_REAL *hx, int mm, int n, void *adata)
+struct LMBLEIC_DATA *data=(struct LMBLEIC_DATA *)adata;
+int m;
+ m=mm-data->nineqcnstr;
+ (*(data->func))(pext, hx, m, n, data->adata);
+/* wrapper for computing the Jacobian at pext. The Jacobian is nxmm */
+static void LMBLEIC_JACF(LM_REAL *pext, LM_REAL *jacext, int mm, int n, void *adata)
+struct LMBLEIC_DATA *data=(struct LMBLEIC_DATA *)adata;
+int m;
+register int i, j;
+LM_REAL *jac, *jacim, *jacextimm;
+ m=mm-data->nineqcnstr;
+ jac=data->jac;
+ (*(data->jacf))(pext, jac, m, n, data->adata);
+ for(i=0; i<n; ++i){
+ jacextimm=jacext+i*mm;
+ jacim=jac+i*m;
+ for(j=0; j<m; ++j)
+ jacextimm[j]=jacim[j]; //jacext[i*mm+j]=jac[i*m+j];
+ for(j=m; j<mm; ++j)
+ jacextimm[j]=0.0; //jacext[i*mm+j]=0.0;
+ }
+ * This function is similar to LEVMAR_DER except that the minimization is
+ * performed subject to the box constraints lb[i]<=p[i]<=ub[i], the linear
+ * equation constraints A*p=b, A being k1xm, b k1x1, and the linear inequality
+ * constraints C*p>=d, C being k2xm, d k2x1.
+ *
+ * The inequalities are converted to equations by introducing surplus variables,
+ * i.e. c^T*p >= d becomes c^T*p - y = d, with y>=0. To transform all inequalities
+ * to equations, a total of k2 surplus variables are introduced; a problem with only
+ * box and linear constraints results then and is solved with LEVMAR_BLEC_DER()
+ * Note that opposite direction inequalities should be converted to the desired
+ * direction by negating, i.e. c^T*p <= d becomes -c^T*p >= -d
+ *
+ * This function requires an analytic Jacobian. In case the latter is unavailable,
+ * use LEVMAR_BLEIC_DIF() bellow
+ *
+ */
+ void (*func)(LM_REAL *p, LM_REAL *hx, int m, int n, void *adata), /* functional relation describing measurements. A p \in R^m yields a \hat{x} \in R^n */
+ void (*jacf)(LM_REAL *p, LM_REAL *j, int m, int n, void *adata), /* function to evaluate the Jacobian \part x / \part p */
+ LM_REAL *p, /* I/O: initial parameter estimates. On output has the estimated solution */
+ LM_REAL *x, /* I: measurement vector. NULL implies a zero vector */
+ int m, /* I: parameter vector dimension (i.e. #unknowns) */
+ int n, /* I: measurement vector dimension */
+ LM_REAL *lb, /* I: vector of lower bounds. If NULL, no lower bounds apply */
+ LM_REAL *ub, /* I: vector of upper bounds. If NULL, no upper bounds apply */
+ LM_REAL *A, /* I: equality constraints matrix, k1xm. If NULL, no linear equation constraints apply */
+ LM_REAL *b, /* I: right hand constraints vector, k1x1 */
+ int k1, /* I: number of constraints (i.e. A's #rows) */
+ LM_REAL *C, /* I: inequality constraints matrix, k2xm */
+ LM_REAL *d, /* I: right hand constraints vector, k2x1 */
+ int k2, /* I: number of inequality constraints (i.e. C's #rows) */
+ int itmax, /* I: maximum number of iterations */
+ LM_REAL opts[4], /* I: minim. options [\mu, \epsilon1, \epsilon2, \epsilon3]. Respectively the scale factor for initial \mu,
+ * stopping thresholds for ||J^T e||_inf, ||Dp||_2 and ||e||_2. Set to NULL for defaults to be used
+ */
+ /* O: information regarding the minimization. Set to NULL if don't care
+ * info[0]= ||e||_2 at initial p.
+ * info[1-4]=[ ||e||_2, ||J^T e||_inf, ||Dp||_2, mu/max[J^T J]_ii ], all computed at estimated p.
+ * info[5]= # iterations,
+ * info[6]=reason for terminating: 1 - stopped by small gradient J^T e
+ * 2 - stopped by small Dp
+ * 3 - stopped by itmax
+ * 4 - singular matrix. Restart from current p with increased mu
+ * 5 - no further error reduction is possible. Restart with increased mu
+ * 6 - stopped by small ||e||_2
+ * 7 - stopped by invalid (i.e. NaN or Inf) "func" values. This is a user error
+ * info[7]= # function evaluations
+ * info[8]= # Jacobian evaluations
+ * info[9]= # linear systems solved, i.e. # attempts for reducing error
+ */
+ LM_REAL *work, /* working memory at least LM_BLEIC_DER_WORKSZ() reals large, allocated if NULL */
+ LM_REAL *covar, /* O: Covariance matrix corresponding to LS solution; mxm. Set to NULL if not needed. */
+ void *adata) /* pointer to possibly additional data, passed uninterpreted to func & jacf.
+ * Set to NULL if not needed
+ */
+ struct LMBLEIC_DATA data;
+ LM_REAL *ptr, *pext, *Aext, *bext, *covext; /* corresponding to p, A, b, covar for the full set of variables;
+ pext=[p, surplus], pext is mm, Aext is (k1+k2)xmm, bext (k1+k2), covext is mmxmm
+ */
+ LM_REAL *lbext, *ubext; // corresponding to lb, ub for the full set of variables
+ int mm, ret, k12;
+ register int i, j, ii;
+ register LM_REAL tmp;
+ LM_REAL locinfo[LM_INFO_SZ];
+ if(!jacf){
+ fprintf(stderr, RCAT("No function specified for computing the Jacobian in ", LEVMAR_BLEIC_DER)
+ RCAT("().\nIf no such function is available, use ", LEVMAR_BLEIC_DIF) RCAT("() rather than ", LEVMAR_BLEIC_DER) "()\n");
+ return LM_ERROR;
+ }
+ if(!C || !d){
+ fprintf(stderr, RCAT(LCAT(LEVMAR_BLEIC_DER, "(): missing inequality constraints, use "), LEVMAR_BLEC_DER) "() in this case!\n");
+ return LM_ERROR;
+ }
+ if(!A || !b) k1=0; // sanity check
+ mm=m+k2;
+ if(n<m-k1){
+ fprintf(stderr, LCAT(LEVMAR_BLEIC_DER, "(): cannot solve a problem with fewer measurements + equality constraints [%d + %d] than unknowns [%d]\n"), n, k1, m);
+ return LM_ERROR;
+ }
+ k12=k1+k2;
+ ptr=(LM_REAL *)malloc((3*mm + k12*mm + k12 + n*m + (covar? mm*mm : 0))*sizeof(LM_REAL));
+ if(!ptr){
+ fprintf(stderr, LCAT(LEVMAR_BLEIC_DER, "(): memory allocation request failed\n"));
+ return LM_ERROR;
+ }
+ pext=ptr;
+ lbext=pext+mm;
+ ubext=lbext+mm;
+ Aext=ubext+mm;
+ bext=Aext+k12*mm;
+ data.jac=bext+k12;
+ covext=covar? data.jac+n*m : NULL;
+ data.nineqcnstr=k2;
+ data.func=func;
+ data.jacf=jacf;
+ data.adata=adata;
+ /* compute y s.t. C*p - y=d, i.e. y=C*p-d.
+ * y is stored in the last k2 elements of pext
+ */
+ for(i=0; i<k2; ++i){
+ for(j=0, tmp=0.0; j<m; ++j)
+ tmp+=C[i*m+j]*p[j];
+ pext[j=i+m]=tmp-d[i];
+ /* surplus variables must be >=0 */
+ lbext[j]=0.0;
+ ubext[j]=LM_REAL_MAX;
+ }
+ /* set the first m elements of pext equal to p */
+ for(i=0; i<m; ++i){
+ pext[i]=p[i];
+ lbext[i]=lb? lb[i] : LM_REAL_MIN;
+ ubext[i]=ub? ub[i] : LM_REAL_MAX;
+ }
+ /* setup the constraints matrix */
+ /* original linear equation constraints */
+ for(i=0; i<k1; ++i){
+ for(j=0; j<m; ++j)
+ Aext[i*mm+j]=A[i*m+j];
+ for(j=m; j<mm; ++j)
+ Aext[i*mm+j]=0.0;
+ bext[i]=b[i];
+ }
+ /* linear equation constraints resulting from surplus variables */
+ for(i=0, ii=k1; i<k2; ++i, ++ii){
+ for(j=0; j<m; ++j)
+ Aext[ii*mm+j]=C[i*m+j];
+ for(j=m; j<mm; ++j)
+ Aext[ii*mm+j]=0.0;
+ Aext[ii*mm+m+i]=-1.0;
+ bext[ii]=d[i];
+ }
+ if(!info) info=locinfo; /* make sure that LEVMAR_BLEC_DER() is called with non-null info */
+ /* note that the default weights for the penalty terms are being used below */
+ ret=LEVMAR_BLEC_DER(LMBLEIC_FUNC, LMBLEIC_JACF, pext, x, mm, n, lbext, ubext, Aext, bext, k12, NULL, itmax, opts, info, work, covext, (void *)&data);
+ /* copy back the minimizer */
+ for(i=0; i<m; ++i)
+ p[i]=pext[i];
+#if 0
+printf("Surplus variables for the minimizer:\n");
+for(i=m; i<mm; ++i)
+ printf("%g ", pext[i]);
+ if(covar){
+ for(i=0; i<m; ++i){
+ for(j=0; j<m; ++j)
+ covar[i*m+j]=covext[i*mm+j];
+ }
+ }
+ free(ptr);
+ return ret;
+/* Similar to the LEVMAR_BLEIC_DER() function above, except that the Jacobian is approximated
+ * with the aid of finite differences (forward or central, see the comment for the opts argument)
+ */
+ void (*func)(LM_REAL *p, LM_REAL *hx, int m, int n, void *adata), /* functional relation describing measurements. A p \in R^m yields a \hat{x} \in R^n */
+ LM_REAL *p, /* I/O: initial parameter estimates. On output has the estimated solution */
+ LM_REAL *x, /* I: measurement vector. NULL implies a zero vector */
+ int m, /* I: parameter vector dimension (i.e. #unknowns) */
+ int n, /* I: measurement vector dimension */
+ LM_REAL *lb, /* I: vector of lower bounds. If NULL, no lower bounds apply */
+ LM_REAL *ub, /* I: vector of upper bounds. If NULL, no upper bounds apply */
+ LM_REAL *A, /* I: equality constraints matrix, k1xm. If NULL, no linear equation constraints apply */
+ LM_REAL *b, /* I: right hand constraints vector, k1x1 */
+ int k1, /* I: number of constraints (i.e. A's #rows) */
+ LM_REAL *C, /* I: inequality constraints matrix, k2xm */
+ LM_REAL *d, /* I: right hand constraints vector, k2x1 */
+ int k2, /* I: number of inequality constraints (i.e. C's #rows) */
+ int itmax, /* I: maximum number of iterations */
+ LM_REAL opts[5], /* I: opts[0-3] = minim. options [\mu, \epsilon1, \epsilon2, \epsilon3, \delta]. Respectively the
+ * scale factor for initial \mu, stopping thresholds for ||J^T e||_inf, ||Dp||_2 and ||e||_2 and
+ * the step used in difference approximation to the Jacobian. Set to NULL for defaults to be used.
+ * If \delta<0, the Jacobian is approximated with central differences which are more accurate
+ * (but slower!) compared to the forward differences employed by default.
+ */
+ /* O: information regarding the minimization. Set to NULL if don't care
+ * info[0]= ||e||_2 at initial p.
+ * info[1-4]=[ ||e||_2, ||J^T e||_inf, ||Dp||_2, mu/max[J^T J]_ii ], all computed at estimated p.
+ * info[5]= # iterations,
+ * info[6]=reason for terminating: 1 - stopped by small gradient J^T e
+ * 2 - stopped by small Dp
+ * 3 - stopped by itmax
+ * 4 - singular matrix. Restart from current p with increased mu
+ * 5 - no further error reduction is possible. Restart with increased mu
+ * 6 - stopped by small ||e||_2
+ * 7 - stopped by invalid (i.e. NaN or Inf) "func" values. This is a user error
+ * info[7]= # function evaluations
+ * info[8]= # Jacobian evaluations
+ * info[9]= # linear systems solved, i.e. # attempts for reducing error
+ */
+ LM_REAL *work, /* working memory at least LM_BLEIC_DIF_WORKSZ() reals large, allocated if NULL */
+ LM_REAL *covar, /* O: Covariance matrix corresponding to LS solution; mxm. Set to NULL if not needed. */
+ void *adata) /* pointer to possibly additional data, passed uninterpreted to func.
+ * Set to NULL if not needed
+ */
+ struct LMBLEIC_DATA data;
+ LM_REAL *ptr, *pext, *Aext, *bext, *covext; /* corresponding to p, A, b, covar for the full set of variables;
+ pext=[p, surplus], pext is mm, Aext is (k1+k2)xmm, bext (k1+k2), covext is mmxmm
+ */
+ LM_REAL *lbext, *ubext; // corresponding to lb, ub for the full set of variables
+ int mm, ret, k12;
+ register int i, j, ii;
+ register LM_REAL tmp;
+ LM_REAL locinfo[LM_INFO_SZ];
+ if(!C || !d){
+ fprintf(stderr, RCAT(LCAT(LEVMAR_BLEIC_DIF, "(): missing inequality constraints, use "), LEVMAR_BLEC_DIF) "() in this case!\n");
+ return LM_ERROR;
+ }
+ if(!A || !b) k1=0; // sanity check
+ mm=m+k2;
+ if(n<m-k1){
+ fprintf(stderr, LCAT(LEVMAR_BLEIC_DIF, "(): cannot solve a problem with fewer measurements + equality constraints [%d + %d] than unknowns [%d]\n"), n, k1, m);
+ return LM_ERROR;
+ }
+ k12=k1+k2;
+ ptr=(LM_REAL *)malloc((3*mm + k12*mm + k12 + (covar? mm*mm : 0))*sizeof(LM_REAL));
+ if(!ptr){
+ fprintf(stderr, LCAT(LEVMAR_BLEIC_DIF, "(): memory allocation request failed\n"));
+ return LM_ERROR;
+ }
+ pext=ptr;
+ lbext=pext+mm;
+ ubext=lbext+mm;
+ Aext=ubext+mm;
+ bext=Aext+k12*mm;
+ data.jac=NULL;
+ covext=covar? bext+k12 : NULL;
+ data.nineqcnstr=k2;
+ data.func=func;
+ data.jacf=NULL;
+ data.adata=adata;
+ /* compute y s.t. C*p - y=d, i.e. y=C*p-d.
+ * y is stored in the last k2 elements of pext
+ */
+ for(i=0; i<k2; ++i){
+ for(j=0, tmp=0.0; j<m; ++j)
+ tmp+=C[i*m+j]*p[j];
+ pext[j=i+m]=tmp-d[i];
+ /* surplus variables must be >=0 */
+ lbext[j]=0.0;
+ ubext[j]=LM_REAL_MAX;
+ }
+ /* set the first m elements of pext equal to p */
+ for(i=0; i<m; ++i){
+ pext[i]=p[i];
+ lbext[i]=lb? lb[i] : LM_REAL_MIN;
+ ubext[i]=ub? ub[i] : LM_REAL_MAX;
+ }
+ /* setup the constraints matrix */
+ /* original linear equation constraints */
+ for(i=0; i<k1; ++i){
+ for(j=0; j<m; ++j)
+ Aext[i*mm+j]=A[i*m+j];
+ for(j=m; j<mm; ++j)
+ Aext[i*mm+j]=0.0;
+ bext[i]=b[i];
+ }
+ /* linear equation constraints resulting from surplus variables */
+ for(i=0, ii=k1; i<k2; ++i, ++ii){
+ for(j=0; j<m; ++j)
+ Aext[ii*mm+j]=C[i*m+j];
+ for(j=m; j<mm; ++j)
+ Aext[ii*mm+j]=0.0;
+ Aext[ii*mm+m+i]=-1.0;
+ bext[ii]=d[i];
+ }
+ if(!info) info=locinfo; /* make sure that LEVMAR_BLEC_DIF() is called with non-null info */
+ /* note that the default weights for the penalty terms are being used below */
+ ret=LEVMAR_BLEC_DIF(LMBLEIC_FUNC, pext, x, mm, n, lbext, ubext, Aext, bext, k12, NULL, itmax, opts, info, work, covext, (void *)&data);
+ /* copy back the minimizer */
+ for(i=0; i<m; ++i)
+ p[i]=pext[i];
+#if 0
+printf("Surplus variables for the minimizer:\n");
+for(i=m; i<mm; ++i)
+ printf("%g ", pext[i]);
+ if(covar){
+ for(i=0; i<m; ++i){
+ for(j=0; j<m; ++j)
+ covar[i*m+j]=covext[i*mm+j];
+ }
+ }
+ free(ptr);
+ return ret;
+/* convenience wrappers to LEVMAR_BLEIC_DER/LEVMAR_BLEIC_DIF */
+/* box & linear inequality constraints */
+ void (*func)(LM_REAL *p, LM_REAL *hx, int m, int n, void *adata),
+ void (*jacf)(LM_REAL *p, LM_REAL *j, int m, int n, void *adata),
+ LM_REAL *p, LM_REAL *x, int m, int n,
+ LM_REAL *lb, LM_REAL *ub,
+ LM_REAL *C, LM_REAL *d, int k2,
+ int itmax, LM_REAL opts[4], LM_REAL info[LM_INFO_SZ], LM_REAL *work, LM_REAL *covar, void *adata)
+ return LEVMAR_BLEIC_DER(func, jacf, p, x, m, n, lb, ub, NULL, NULL, 0, C, d, k2, itmax, opts, info, work, covar, adata);
+ void (*func)(LM_REAL *p, LM_REAL *hx, int m, int n, void *adata),
+ LM_REAL *p, LM_REAL *x, int m, int n,
+ LM_REAL *lb, LM_REAL *ub,
+ LM_REAL *C, LM_REAL *d, int k2,
+ int itmax, LM_REAL opts[5], LM_REAL info[LM_INFO_SZ], LM_REAL *work, LM_REAL *covar, void *adata)
+ return LEVMAR_BLEIC_DIF(func, p, x, m, n, lb, ub, NULL, NULL, 0, C, d, k2, itmax, opts, info, work, covar, adata);
+/* linear equation & inequality constraints */
+ void (*func)(LM_REAL *p, LM_REAL *hx, int m, int n, void *adata),
+ void (*jacf)(LM_REAL *p, LM_REAL *j, int m, int n, void *adata),
+ LM_REAL *p, LM_REAL *x, int m, int n,
+ LM_REAL *A, LM_REAL *b, int k1,
+ LM_REAL *C, LM_REAL *d, int k2,
+ int itmax, LM_REAL opts[4], LM_REAL info[LM_INFO_SZ], LM_REAL *work, LM_REAL *covar, void *adata)
+ return LEVMAR_BLEIC_DER(func, jacf, p, x, m, n, NULL, NULL, A, b, k1, C, d, k2, itmax, opts, info, work, covar, adata);
+ void (*func)(LM_REAL *p, LM_REAL *hx, int m, int n, void *adata),
+ LM_REAL *p, LM_REAL *x, int m, int n,
+ LM_REAL *A, LM_REAL *b, int k1,
+ LM_REAL *C, LM_REAL *d, int k2,
+ int itmax, LM_REAL opts[5], LM_REAL info[LM_INFO_SZ], LM_REAL *work, LM_REAL *covar, void *adata)
+ return LEVMAR_BLEIC_DIF(func, p, x, m, n, NULL, NULL, A, b, k1, C, d, k2, itmax, opts, info, work, covar, adata);
+/* linear inequality constraints */
+ void (*func)(LM_REAL *p, LM_REAL *hx, int m, int n, void *adata),
+ void (*jacf)(LM_REAL *p, LM_REAL *j, int m, int n, void *adata),
+ LM_REAL *p, LM_REAL *x, int m, int n,
+ LM_REAL *C, LM_REAL *d, int k2,
+ int itmax, LM_REAL opts[4], LM_REAL info[LM_INFO_SZ], LM_REAL *work, LM_REAL *covar, void *adata)
+ return LEVMAR_BLEIC_DER(func, jacf, p, x, m, n, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, C, d, k2, itmax, opts, info, work, covar, adata);
+ void (*func)(LM_REAL *p, LM_REAL *hx, int m, int n, void *adata),
+ LM_REAL *p, LM_REAL *x, int m, int n,
+ LM_REAL *C, LM_REAL *d, int k2,
+ int itmax, LM_REAL opts[5], LM_REAL info[LM_INFO_SZ], LM_REAL *work, LM_REAL *covar, void *adata)
+ return LEVMAR_BLEIC_DIF(func, p, x, m, n, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, C, d, k2, itmax, opts, info, work, covar, adata);