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Diffstat (limited to 'sci-mathematics/octave/ChangeLog')
1 files changed, 268 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sci-mathematics/octave/ChangeLog b/sci-mathematics/octave/ChangeLog
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+# ChangeLog for sci-mathematics/octave
+# Copyright 2002-2006 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sci-mathematics/octave/ChangeLog,v 1.24 2006/01/30 10:06:57 robbat2 Exp $
+*octave-2.1.72 (31 Jan 2006)
+ 31 Jan 2006; Lucas Chiesa <lucas.chiesa@gmail.com> octave-2.1.72.ebuild:
+ Version bump. Thanks Sebastian Schubert <sebastian-schubert@gmx.de>.
+ Bug #120976.
+ 30 Jan 2006; Robin H. Johnson <robbat2@gentoo.org> Manifest:
+ Manifest fix.
+ 29 Jan 2006; Marcus D. Hanwell <cryos@gentoo.org> octave-2.1.71-r2.ebuild:
+ Dependency update: media-gfx/gnuplot -> sci-visualization/gnuplot.
+ 29 Jan 2006; Marcus D. Hanwell <cryos@gentoo.org> octave-2.1.71-r1.ebuild:
+ Dependency update: media-gfx/gnuplot -> sci-visualization/gnuplot.
+ 29 Jan 2006; Marcus D. Hanwell <cryos@gentoo.org> octave-2.1.57-r1.ebuild:
+ Dependency update: media-gfx/gnuplot -> sci-visualization/gnuplot.
+ 29 Jan 2006; Marcus D. Hanwell <cryos@gentoo.org> octave-2.1.71.ebuild:
+ Dependency update: media-gfx/gnuplot -> sci-visualization/gnuplot.
+ 29 Jan 2006; Marcus D. Hanwell <cryos@gentoo.org> octave-2.1.69.ebuild:
+ Dependency update: media-gfx/gnuplot -> sci-visualization/gnuplot.
+ 16 Nov 2005; Ferris McCormick <fmccor@gentoo.org> octave-2.1.71-r2.ebuild:
+ (Re)add ~sparc keyword after having changed sparc's default virtual for
+ mpi to lam-mpi. With this change, octave builds on sparc with USE=mpi,
+ and it runs the mini-test suggested by the ebuild installation. This
+ closes Bug #108955 for sparc.
+*octave-2.1.71-r2 (16 Nov 2005)
+ 16 Nov 2005; Markus Dittrich <markusle@gentoo.org>
+ +octave-2.1.71-r2.ebuild:
+ Implemented proper compilation when using MPI. This fixes bug #108955.
+*octave-2.1.71-r1 (13 Nov 2005)
+ 13 Nov 2005; Olivier Fisette <ribosome@gentoo.org>
+ +octave-2.1.71-r1.ebuild:
+ Migrated to fortran.eclass (bug #65950).
+ 22 Oct 2005; Marcus D. Hanwell <cryos@gentoo.org> octave-2.1.71.ebuild:
+ Allow the use of gfortran too for gcc4, closes bug 108781.
+ 17 Sep 2005; Aron Griffis <agriffis@gentoo.org> octave-2.1.69.ebuild:
+ Mark 2.1.69 stable on alpha
+ 06 Sep 2005; Danny van Dyk <kugelfang@gentoo.org> octave-2.1.69.ebuild:
+ Fixed USE=mpi handling.
+*octave-2.1.71 (21 Aug 2005)
+ 21 Aug 2005; Olivier Fisette <ribosome@gentoo.org> octave-2.1.69.ebuild,
+ +octave-2.1.71.ebuild:
+ New version (fixes bug #99481), along with a sed trick to remove Portage
+ paths in ls-R files (fixes bug #92565). Thanks to Colin Macdonald
+ <cbm@sfu.ca>.
+ 14 Aug 2005; Michael Hanselmann <hansmi@gentoo.org> octave-2.1.69.ebuild:
+ Stable on ppc.
+ 26 Jun 2005; Olivier Fisette <ribosome@gentoo.org> octave-2.1.69.ebuild:
+ Stable x86 and amd64.
+ 26 Jun 2005; Olivier Fisette <ribosome@gentoo.org> -files/filebuf.diff,
+ -files/kill-dvips.diff, -octave-2.1.64.ebuild:
+ Removed obsolete version and unused patches.
+ 10 Jun 2005; Patrick Kursawe <phosphan@gentoo.org> octave-2.1.57-r1.ebuild,
+ octave-2.1.64.ebuild, octave-2.1.69.ebuild:
+ Adding library directory to LDPATH
+ 04 Jun 2005; Olivier Fisette <ribosome@gentoo.org>
+ octave-2.1.57-r1.ebuild, octave-2.1.64.ebuild, octave-2.1.69.ebuild:
+ Added warning about agressive CFLAGS. (See bug #76067.)
+ 04 Jun 2005; Olivier Fisette <ribosome@gentoo.org>
+ -octave-2.1.36-r1.ebuild, -octave-2.1.50.ebuild, -octave-2.1.57.ebuild:
+ Removed obsolete versions. Fixed header.
+*octave-2.1.69 (21 Apr 2005)
+ 21 Apr 2005; Marcus D. Hanwell <cryos@gentoo.org> +octave-2.1.69.ebuild:
+ Version bump, closes bug 89397.
+ 18 Apr 2005; Joseph Jezak <josejx@gentoo.org> octave-2.1.57-r1.ebuild:
+ Marked ppc stable.
+ 29 Dec 2004; Ciaran McCreesh <ciaranm@gentoo.org> :
+ Change encoding to UTF-8 for GLEP 31 compliance
+*octave-2.1.64 (28 Dec 2004)
+ 28 Dec 2004; Olivier Fisette <ribosome@gentoo.org> +metadata.xml,
+ +files/filebuf.diff, +files/kill-dvips.diff, +octave-2.1.36-r1.ebuild,
+ +octave-2.1.50.ebuild, +octave-2.1.57-r1.ebuild, +octave-2.1.57.ebuild,
+ +octave-2.1.64.ebuild:
+ Moved from app-sci/octave to sci-mathematics/octave.
+ 19 Dec 2004; Bryan Østergaard <kloeri@gentoo.org>
+ octave-2.1.57-r1.ebuild:
+ Stable on alpha.
+ 15 Dec 2004; Patrick Kursawe <phosphan@gentoo.org> octave-2.1.64.ebuild:
+ Latest version does not like texi2html-1.70 (bug #74307)
+*octave-2.1.64 (07 Dec 2004)
+ 07 Dec 2004; Patrick Kursawe <phosphan@gentoo.org> +octave-2.1.64.ebuild:
+ Version bump
+ 30 Nov 2004; Patrick Kursawe <phosphan@gentoo.org> octave-2.1.50.ebuild:
+ Adding fortran compiler check from newest version to .50 because of bug #66193.
+ 04 Oct 2004; Patrick Kursawe <phosphan@gentoo.org> octave-2.1.57-r1.ebuild:
+ Adding proper quotes to LDFLAGS, fixing bug #66111
+ 01 Oct 2004; Danny van Dyk <kugelfang@gentoo.org> octave-2.1.57-r1.ebuild:
+ Switched on blas use-flag as all arches have at least blas-atlas in testing
+ now.
+ 01 Jul 2004; Jeremy Huddleston <eradicator@gentoo.org>
+ octave-2.1.36-r1.ebuild, octave-2.1.50.ebuild, octave-2.1.57-r1.ebuild,
+ octave-2.1.57.ebuild:
+ virtual/glibc -> virtual/libc
+ 15 Jun 2004; Michael Sterrett <mr_bones_@gentoo.org>
+ octave-2.1.36-r1.ebuild, octave-2.1.50.ebuild, octave-2.1.57.ebuild:
+ PROVIDE is for virtuals
+ 06 Jun 2004; Danny van Dyk <kugelfang@gentoo.org> octave-2.1.57-r1.ebuild:
+ Marked stable on amd64.
+ 27 May 2004; Patrick Kursawe <phosphan@gentoo.org> octave-2.1.57-r1.ebuild:
+ Fixed typo about g77/f77 USE flag, bug #51858
+ 15 May 2004; Danny van Dyk <kugelfang@gentoo.org> octave-2.1.57-r1.ebuild:
+ Now checking on both g77 and ifc Fortran compilers. Moved check routine to
+ pkg_setup.
+ 12 May 2004; Danny van Dyk <kugelfang@gentoo.org> octave-2.1.57-r1.ebuild:
+ The ebuild checks now if g77 has been compiled. If not, a warning is shown.
+ However, the compilation process proceeds, in case that a different compiler
+ than g77 shall be used. Fixes BUG #50777.
+*octave-2.1.57-r1 (10 May 2004)
+ 10 May 2004; Patrick Kursawe <phosphan@gentoo.org> octave-2.1.57-r1.ebuild:
+ Installs emacs related files if emacs is in USE now
+ 09 May 2004; Danny van Dyk <kugelfang@gentoo.org> octave-2.1.57.ebuild:
+ Added local useflag "blas" to make ebuild depend on virtual/blas.
+ 05 May 2004; Bryan Østergaard <kloeri@gentoo.org> octave-2.1.57.ebuild:
+ Stable on alpha.
+ 21 Apr 2004; Patrick Kursawe <phosphan@gentoo.org> octave-2.1.36-r1.ebuild:
+ replaced another patch by epatch
+ 19 Apr 2004; Patrick Kursawe <phosphan@gentoo.org> octave-2.0.17-r2.ebuild,
+ octave-2.1.49.ebuild, octave-2.1.50.ebuild:
+ Cleanup, added IUSE.
+ 30 Mar 2004; Patrick Kursawe <phosphan@gentoo.org> octave-2.1.57.ebuild:
+ Adding one of the mirrors to SRC_URI
+*octave-2.1.57 (23 Mar 2004)
+ 23 Mar 2004; Patrick Kursawe <phosphan@gentoo.org> octave-2.1.57.ebuild:
+ Version bump.
+*octave-2.1.50 (07 Jan 2003)
+ 07 Jan 2003; George Shapovalov <george@gentoo.org> octave-2.1.50.ebuild :
+ new version
+ now supports hdf5 for real. Also added mpi use flag.
+ 31 Dec 2003; Mamoru KOMACHI <usata@gentoo.org> octave-2.0.17-r2.ebuild,
+ octave-2.1.36-r1.ebuild, octave-2.1.49.ebuild:
+ Changed app-text/tetex to virtual/tetex
+ 16 Sep 2003; Seemant Kulleen <seemant@gentoo.org> octave-2.0.17-r2.ebuild,
+ octave-2.1.36-r1.ebuild, octave-2.1.49.ebuild:
+ filter out -ffast-math, as it causes segfaults. Thanks to: Jani Kotakoski
+ <jkkoski@iki.fi> in bug #28809
+ 28 Aug 2003; Jason Wever <weeve@gentoo.org> octave-2.1.49.ebuild:
+ Added ~sparc to keywords to fix bug 27486.
+*octave-2.1.49 (09 Jun 2003)
+ 09 Jun 2003; George Shapovalov <george@gentoo.org> octave-2.1.49.ebuild :
+ new version,
+ ebuild now uses additional "static readline hdf5 zlib" use flags, hdf5 is local for now.
+ Also the patch and PROVIDE are no longer necessary.
+ Thanks to Shaun Cloherty <s.cloherty@gsbme.unsw.edu.au> for submission
+ 29 Mar 2003; George Shapovalov <george@gentoo.org> octave-2.0.17-r2.ebuild :
+ some clean-ups:
+ removed virtual/glibc from DEPEND, as it is quite populated anyway,
+ removed PROVIDE, as nothing depends on octave and its been quite some time since it was moved from dev-lang
+ Also corrected default-1.0/packages profile entry, to pick up latest release in 2.0* series.
+ 23 Feb 2003; George Shapovalov <george@gentoo.org> octave-2.0.17-r2.ebuild :
+ looks like tetex is not an optional but required dependency for 2.0.17,
+ added app-text/tetex to DEPEND (#7277)
+ 02 Feb 2003; George Shapovalov <george@gentoo.org> octave-2.1.40.ebuild, octave-2.1.36-r1.ebuild :
+ fixed tetex optional dependency typo. Thanks to Daniel Karlsson <d.k@home.se> (#14685) for reporting this.
+*octave-2.1.40 (13 Dec 2002)
+ 10 Feb 2003; Peter Johanson <latexer@gentoo.org> octave-2.1.40.ebuild :
+ Added ~alpha to KEYWORDS.
+ 13 Dec 2002; George Shapovalov <george@gentoo.org> octave-2.1.40.ebuild, files/digest-octave-2.1.40 :
+ new version
+*octave-2.0.17-r2 (09 Apr 2003)
+ 02 Jul 2003; Daniel Ahlberg <aliz@gentoo.org> :
+ Added missing changelog entry.
+*octave-2.0.17-r1 (13 Jul 2002)
+ 25 Oct 2002; George Shapovalov <george@gentoo.org> octave-2.0.17-r1.ebuild, files/digest-octave-2.0.17-r1 :
+ fix for sandbox violation
+*octave-2.1.36-r1 (01 Oct 02)
+ 01 Oct 2002; Matthew Turk <satai@gentoo.org> :
+ Closing bug 8486 by ripping out all references to dvips. DVIPS generates
+ fonts on the fly, which causes massive sandbox failures. Instead, we leave
+ docs in DVI format if USE=tetex, which are then installed uncompressed into
+ /usr/share/doc/octave-2.1.36-r1 .
+*octave-2.1.36 (15 Jul 2002)
+ 19 Sep 2002; Owen Stampflee <owen@gentoo.org> :
+ Added PPC to KEYWORDS.
+ 15 Jul 2002; Nick Hadaway <raker@gentoo.org>
+ octave-2.1.36.ebuild, files/digest-octave-2.1.36, files/filebuf.diff :
+ Updated to latest "unstable" version. Included a patch to compile
+ properly with gcc-3.x. After fixing the problem I found RedHat's
+ patch posted to the bug report. And theirs was cleaner than mine.
+ Closes bug #4933
+*octave-2.0.17 (13 Jul 2002)
+ 03 Sep 2002; Nick Hadaway <raker@gentoo.org> octave-2.0.17.ebuild :
+ Changed to econf. Changed from emake to make to alleviate build
+ problems.
+ 13 Jul 2002; Nick Hadaway <raker@gentoo.org> octave-2.0.17.ebuild :
+ Updated to latest stable version. The "unstable" version is on it's way.
+*octave-2.0.16 (19 Feb 2002)
+ 19 Feb 2002; T.Neidt <tod@gentoo.org> ChangeLog, octave-2.0.16.ebuild :
+ Initial commit. GNU Octave is a high-level language, primarily intended
+ for numerical computations. It is mostly compatible with Matlab.