# ChangeLog for dev-java/gluegen # Copyright 1999-2014 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2 # $Header: $ *gluegen-2.1.4 (12 Feb 2014) 12 Feb 2014; Guillaume Horel +files/2.1.4-dont-copy-jars.patch, +files/2.1.4-dont-strip.patch, +files/2.1.4-dont-test-archive.patch, +gluegen-2.1.4.ebuild, -files/2.1.4_rc1-dont-copy-jars.patch, -files/2.1.4_rc1-dont-strip.patch, -files/2.1.4_rc1-dont-test-archive.patch, -gluegen-2.1.4_rc1.ebuild: dev-java/gluegen: dev-java/gluegen version bump 04 Jan 2014; Johann Schmitz +files/2.1.4_p1-dont-test-archive.patch: Don't test the zip archive (thus avoid dep to 7z) *gluegen-2.1.4_p1 (04 Jan 2014) 04 Jan 2014; Johann Schmitz +files/2.1.4_p1-dont-copy-jars.patch, +files/2.1.4_p1-dont-strip.patch, +gluegen-2.1.4_p1.ebuild: Updated and polished ebuild for gluegen (dep of jogl) as per #171. Someone needs to burrow in the cpptasks stuff to get the user's LDFLAGS passed before this ebuild can be added to the tree. 03 Mar 2013; Justin Lecher gluegen-2.0_rc8.ebuild, metadata.xml: Keyworded for ~x86 *gluegen-2.0_rc8 (03 Feb 2013) 03 Feb 2013; Guillaume Horel +gluegen-2.0_rc8.ebuild: import gluegen:2 from the java-overlay *gluegen-1_p20080421 (29 May 2012) 29 May 2012; Sébastien Fabbro +gluegen-1_p20080421.ebuild, -gluegen-20080421.ebuild: sync version with java-overlay 17 May 2012; Justin Lecher gluegen-20080421.ebuild, metadata.xml: Fix repoman warning about position off EAPI 17 May 2012; Justin Lecher gluegen-20080421.ebuild, metadata.xml: Fix repoman warning about position off EAPI *gluegen-20080421 (14 May 2012) 14 May 2012; Sébastien Fabbro +gluegen-20080421.ebuild, +metadata.xml: import from the java overlay