# This file is deprecated as per GLEP 56 in favor of metadata.xml. Please add # your descriptions to your package's metadata.xml ONLY. # * generated automatically using egencache * dev-java/hdf-java:hdf - Add support for the Hierarchical Data Format v.4 (sci-libs/hdf) dev-lang/icc:eclipse - Install the dev-util/eclipse-sdk plugins dev-lang/idb:eclipse - Install the dev-util/eclipse-sdk plugins dev-lang/path64:debugger - Build PathDB dev-lang/path64:native - Use EKOPath/Path64 for bootstraping dev-libs/intel-common:compiler - Install the libraries needed for the icc and ifort compilers dev-ml/mlgmpidl:mpfr - add support for mpfr, the library for multiple-precision floating-point computations with exact rounding dev-python/cvxopt:glpk - Use GNU Linear Programming Kit dev-python/ffnet:matplotlib - Use matplotlib for drawing media-gfx/brlcad:benchmarks - Run benchmarks during test phase (need test option enabled) net-misc/dhcp:client - Install the dhclient program net-misc/dhcp:infiniband - Enable ipoib support net-misc/dhcp:server - Install the dhcpd and dhcrelay programs sci-astronomy/psfex:plplot - Build with sci-libs/plplot to allow diagnostic plots during processing sci-biology/estscan:intel - Use intel compiler sci-chemistry/avogadro:glsl - Enable glsl features via GLEW. sci-chemistry/gromacs:double-precision - More precise calculations at the expense of speed sci-chemistry/gromacs:fkernels - Enable building of Fortran Kernels for platforms that dont have assembly loops sci-chemistry/gromacs:single-precision - Single precision version of gromacs (default) sci-chemistry/jmol:client-only - Install the viewer only, no applet files for httpd sci-chemistry/pymol:apbs - Pymol supprt for sci-chemistry/apbs sci-chemistry/pymol:numpy - Enable numpy support for Pymol sci-chemistry/pymol:vmd - Builds molfile plugin support sci-chemistry/pymol:web - Install Pymodule needed for web app support sci-chemistry/rosetta:boinc - compile rosetta as a rosetta@home client sci-chemistry/rosetta:boost - compile rosetta with boost supported code sci-chemistry/votca-csg:boost - Compile against external boost headers from dev-libs/boost sci-chemistry/votca-csg:extras - Pull in extra applications from dev-libs/boost sci-chemistry/votca-csg:gromacs - Add support for gromacs file formats through sci-chemistry/gromacs sci-electronics/player:boost - Automatically generated description for boost sci-electronics/player:festival - Automatically generated description for festival sci-electronics/player:openssl - Automatically generated description for openssl sci-electronics/player:sphinx2 - Automatically generated description for sphinx2 sci-geosciences/libtcd:non-commercial - Allows the use of a tide constituent database that is available for non-commercial use only. sci-geosciences/qgis:grass - Add support for sci-geosciences/grass sci-geosciences/xtide:non-commercial - Allows the use of a tide constituent database that is available for non-commercial use only. sci-libs/atlas:xblas - Build LAPACK with extra precision (needs sci-libs/xblas) sci-libs/bigdft:cuda - Add cuda support sci-libs/calculix-ccx:arpack - Add sparse eigen value support via sci-libs/arpack sci-libs/factory:singular - Enable support for sci-mathematics/singular sci-libs/fox:dom - Automatically generated description for dom sci-libs/fox:fast - Automatically generated description for fast sci-libs/fox:sax - Automatically generated description for sax sci-libs/fox:wcml - Automatically generated description for wcml sci-libs/fox:wxml - Automatically generated description for wxml sci-libs/gmsh:cgns - Enables cgns output support sci-libs/gmsh:chaco - Enables chaco partitioner support sci-libs/gmsh:med - Enables med support sci-libs/gmsh:metis - Enables metis support sci-libs/gmsh:netgen - Enable 3D Frontal triangulation using netgen lib sci-libs/gmsh:opencascade - Enable OpenCASCADE support sci-libs/gmsh:petsc - Enable sci-mathematics/petsc support sci-libs/gmsh:taucs - Enable sci-libs/taucs support sci-libs/gmsh:tetgen - Enable 3D delauny triangulation using tetgen lib sci-libs/libcmatrix:atlas - Use of atlas blas implementation sci-libs/libfac:singular - Automatically generated description for singular sci-libs/lwpr:octave - Add sci-mathematics/octave support sci-libs/oasa:cairo - Add support for Cairo graphics library using dev-python/pycairo sci-libs/openblas:dynamic - Build dynamic architecture detection at run time (for multi targets) sci-libs/openblas:incblas - Build the CBLAS interface sci-libs/openblas:int64 - Build the 64 bits integer library sci-libs/openmm:cuda - Build Cuda lib sci-libs/openmm:opencl - Build OpenCL lib sci-libs/pagmo:kepler - Automatically generated description for kepler sci-libs/pagmo:nlopt - Automatically generated description for nlopt sci-libs/votca-tools:boost - Compile against external boost headers (dev-libs/boost) sci-libs/xdrfile:dmalloc - Enable use of Debug Malloc sci-mathematics/Macaulay2:optimization - Accept upstream's choices for -O option, i.e. -O3 almost everywhere. sci-mathematics/algae:intel - Use icc as c compiler sci-mathematics/apron:ppl - Enable optional interface to the Parma Polyhedra Library sci-mathematics/dolfin:cgal - Adds support for geometric algorithms with sci-mathematics/cgal sci-mathematics/dolfin:cholmod - Adds support for sparse Cholesky factorization with sci-libs/cholmod sci-mathematics/dolfin:parmetis - Adds support for parallel graph partitioning with sci-libs/parmetis sci-mathematics/dolfin:scotch - Adds support for graph partitioning with sci-libs/scotch sci-mathematics/dolfin:umfpack - Adds support for sparse solving with sci-libs/umfpack sci-mathematics/frama-c:apron - ?apron? sci-mathematics/frama-c:gtk - ?gtk? sci-mathematics/frama-c:why - ?why? sci-mathematics/gambit:X - Enable gui support using wxWidgets. sci-mathematics/gap:xtom - Automatically generated description for xtom sci-mathematics/giac:fltk - ?fltk? sci-mathematics/netgen:opencascade - Enable OpenCASCADE support sci-mathematics/petsc:complex-scalars - Make scalars complex sci-mathematics/petsc:hypre - Use HYPRE (sci-mathematics/hypre) for preconditioning sci-mathematics/petsc:metis - Use METIS (sci-libs/parmetis) for partitioning sci-mathematics/polybori:sage - Replace the standard python interface by sage's python interface for easy integration in sage. sci-mathematics/scilab:gui - Build the Java base graphical interface sci-mathematics/scilab:matio - Enable support for MATLAB file through sci-libs/matio sci-mathematics/scilab:umfpack - Adds support for sparse solving with sci-libs/umfpack sci-mathematics/scilab:xcos - Enable building hybrid dynamic systems modeler and simulator Xcos sci-mathematics/why:apron - ?apron? sci-mathematics/why:coq - ?coq? sci-mathematics/why:gappa - ?gappa? sci-mathematics/why:gtk - ?gtk? sci-mathematics/why:jessie - ?jessie? sci-mathematics/why:pff - ?pff? sci-misc/hfst:openfst - Add optional support for openfst backend library (sci-misc/openfst) sci-misc/hfst:sfst - Add optional support for sfst backend library (sci-misc/sfst) sci-misc/nco:ncap2 - Build next generation netcdf arithmetic processor (needs dev-java/antlr) sci-misc/nco:udunits - Add sci-libs/udunits files support sci-misc/opennlp-tools:models - Automatically generated description for models sci-misc/salome-kernel:numpy - Enable support for dev-python/numpy sci-misc/salome-med:metis - Add support for metis sci-misc/salome-med:scotch - Add support for scotch sci-physics/abinit:cuda - Enable support for nVidia CUDA sci-physics/abinit:fox - Enable support for FoX Fortran XML library sci-physics/abinit:vdwxc - Activate van der Waals exchange-correlation sci-physics/atompaw:libxc - Use libxc for something sci-physics/elk:libxc - Use sci-libs/libxc library of exchange-correlation functionals by ETSF. sci-physics/espresso:examples - Installs the examples sci-physics/espresso:packages - Installs extra subpackages sci-physics/fastjet:allcxxplugins - Build all C++ plugins. sci-physics/fastjet:allplugins - Build all standard plugins. sci-physics/fastjet:cgal - Use sci-mathematics/cgal instead of bundled algorithms. sci-physics/root:clarens - Buld the Clarens and PEAC plug-ins, to use in a GRID enabled analysis. sci-physics/root:fits - Support for images and data from FITS files with sci-libs/cfitsio sci-physics/root:llvm - Build the new cling interactive interpreter based on sys-devel/llvm sci-physics/root:math - Build all math related libraries plugins, needs sci-libs/gsl sci-physics/root:pythia6 - Builds the interface to Pythia-6 (sci-physics/pythia) high energy physics generation events library sci-physics/root:pythia8 - Builds the interface to Pythia-8 (sci-physics/pythia) high energy physics generation events library sci-physics/root:reflex - Builds the reflection database for the C++ interpretor sci-physics/root:xrootd - Build the xrootd low latency file server sci-visualization/gnuplot:gd - Add support for media-libs/gd. Needed for GIF, JPEG, and PNG image output. sci-visualization/gnuplot:qt4 - Build Qt4 terminal sci-visualization/gnuplot:thin-splines - Enable thin plate splines sci-visualization/nodemon:pbs - Enable support for the Portable Batch System. sci-visualization/paraview:adaptive - Enable the adaptive paraview application sci-visualization/paraview:cg - Add support for nvidia's cg shaders sci-visualization/paraview:coprocessing - Enable the coprocessing infrastructure which is mainly useful in the context of clusters sci-visualization/paraview:gui - Build paraview's gui not just the server sci-visualization/paraview:mysql - Build support for MySQL data item in the XDMF format sci-visualization/paraview:nvcontrol - Add NVCONTROL support for OpenGL options sci-visualization/paraview:plugins - Build and install additional plugins sci-visualization/paraview:streaming - Enable streaming paraview application sci-visualization/paraview:webkit - Built support for qt-webkit in vtk sci-visualization/v_sim:abinit - Add support for ABINIT file formats sci-physics/abinit sci-visualization/v_sim:cube - Add support plug-in support for Cube files (densities and structures) sci-visualization/v_sim:openbabel - Add support for ABINIT file formats sci-chemistry/openbabel sci-visualization/v_sim:xsf - plug-in support for files that follow the XCrysDen format for structural positions and densities sys-cluster/condor:classads - Enable the Condor's classified advertisement language sys-cluster/condor:drmaa - Enable the Distributed Resource Management Application API sys-cluster/condor:gcb - Enable condor to communicate over firewall/NAT sys-cluster/condor:kbdd - Enable the Condor Keyboard Daemon to monitor logged in X users for activity sys-cluster/mpich2:mpi-threads - Enable MPI_THREAD_MULTIPLE sys-cluster/mpich2:romio - Build the ROMIO MPI-IO component sys-cluster/mvapich2:large-cluster - Automatically generated description for large-cluster sys-cluster/mvapich2:medium-cluster - Automatically generated description for medium-cluster sys-cluster/mvapich2:romio - Automatically generated description for romio sys-cluster/openmpi:heterogeneous - Enable features required for heterogeneous platform support sys-cluster/openmpi:infiniband - Enable infiniband support sys-cluster/openmpi:mpi-threads - Enable MPI_THREAD_MULTIPLE sys-cluster/openmpi:pbs - Add support for the Portable Batch System (PBS) sys-cluster/openmpi:romio - Build the ROMIO MPI-IO component sys-cluster/openmpi:vt - Enable bundled VampirTrace support sys-fs/ocfs2-tools:external - Enable external locking virtual/mpi:romio - Enable romio, a high-performance portable MPI-IO