* What's about "align_to_scf" ? This is important if you want to see the real traces within the contig editor from STADEN at a given position. Note: there are no information given within the ACE assembly to recalculate the trace position backward from assembly. STADEN "trev" will access/open traces as given from "sequencer machine" and Roche assembly give you only the complete assembly information. This is the problem ! Are you firm with gap4 ? The program "trev" is automatically called within "gap4". And you start this with: -> open gap4 database --> open contig editor, select contig ---> double-click on one letter will open this trace at this position and set cursor to exact this position ! double-click on the consensus line will open all traces at this position ! You can also see the "slack" by enable/disable "show cutoff"; Example ? Try this very simple test data and verify this letter by letter: % align_to_scf -f test.qry -o test.aln --- test.qry --- >F0FH8BE01EUM6Y <- name of read from sff archive ATGCATCATG-ATGC <- fasta sequence of this read from ace file ATGCATGCATGCATGC <- fasta sequence of this read from sff trace file And you should get this output "test.aln" ( see also CAF format description ) : >F0FH8BE01EUM6Y Align_to_SCF 1 6 1 6 Align_to_SCF 7 10 8 11 Align_to_SCF 12 15 13 16