# ChangeLog for sci-biology/seaview # Copyright 1999-2012 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2 # $Header: $ 30 Jan 2012; Martin Mokrejs ChangeLog: and the path to the helpfile was corrected in the Makefile to match intended location specified in ebuild *seaview-4.3.3 (30 Jan 2012) 30 Jan 2012; Martin Mokrejs +seaview-4.3.3.ebuild, +metadata.xml: version bump; add missing symlink so that the C++ header can be found; remove calll to xft-config and use pkg-config instead; set our Gentoo FLTK path (not include path) to /usr/include/fltk-1 so that svg.o gets included during linking, otherwise we get undefined reference to svg_tree_save(FD_nj_plot*)